Sea buckthorn oil storage instructions. Sea buckthorn oil - application, instructions, benefits and harms. Candles with sea buckthorn oil: instructions for use


When choosing a drug, it is important to pay attention to its safety. Sea buckthorn oil- a unique product that is useful for different body systems due to the huge amount of medicinal properties. However, before using it, you should familiarize yourself with the composition, properties and instructions for using the product, depending on the specific problem.

What is sea buckthorn oil

This remedy is a therapeutic and dietary product that is made from sea buckthorn berries.. It is used in medicine and cosmetology to solve various problems. Treatment with sea buckthorn oil gives good results due to the properties of its constituent components. It is allowed to use the product in cooking for salads or baking.


The benefits of sea buckthorn oil for the body are explained by its rich composition. The product contains vitamins, trace elements, minerals. In total, it has more than 190 useful substances:

  • vitamins: A, groups B, C, K, D, E, P;
  • trace elements: copper, selenium, manganese, iron;
  • valuable fatty acids: omega-3, 6, 7, 9;
  • terpenes;
  • carotenoids;
  • phenols;
  • amino acids;
  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • polyphenols.

Below is the composition of sea buckthorn oil in the form of a table, which indicates the content of the main components:

Medicinal properties

This drug belongs to plant origin, has anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antiseptic effect. Healing properties The product is explained by the presence of useful trace elements in the composition:

  1. Due to B vitamins intake this drug helps maintain health nervous system and muscles, has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, improves the condition of hair and nails.
  2. Thanks to vitamin A, the drug heals wounds on the skin, is used for inflammatory diseases eye.
  3. Due to vitamin F, the process of cell regeneration is triggered in case of skin damage.
  4. Thanks to vitamin K, the product helps to eliminate swelling.
  5. A high concentration of vitamin E helps maintain hormone levels, moisturizes the skin, and slows down aging.
  6. Due to vitamin C, the process of collagen formation is activated, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, immunity is increased.

What does sea buckthorn oil treat?

This is natural remedy widely used in complex therapy and for the prevention of various diseases. The effectiveness of the drug has been proven in the following cases:

  1. With liver diseases, stomach ulcers, gastritis, chronic inflammation of the intestines, pancreatitis, the agent provides an anti-inflammatory, enveloping effect.
  2. Oil microclysters help normalize metabolic processes, cleanse the intestines, so they are often prescribed for obesity or diabetes.
  3. For external use, the remedy is used in the treatment of diaper rash in newborns.
  4. At oncological diseases skin, esophagus, stomach, the drug is used to prevent the development of cancer cells.
  5. The drug is used to prevent ischemia of the heart, atherosclerosis. In addition, the drug is effective in hypertension, helps to expand blood vessels, normalize blood circulation.
  6. Ophthalmologists prescribe this medicine for cataracts, circulatory disorders of the central vision and retina, and glaucoma.
  7. Otolaryngologists use this natural preparation to treat tonsillitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis and laryngitis.
  8. Dentists recommend this medicine for stomatitis, pulpitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease.
  9. With the help of this drug, skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, burns, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, phlegmon, bedsores, dandruff, boils are treated.
  10. In gynecology, this drug is used to treat cervical erosion, colpitis.
  11. For the prevention of viral and colds, it is useful to take this medicine inside.
  12. Candles and microclysters with sea buckthorn oil are effective for internal and external hemorrhoids.
  13. Often the remedy is used in combination with others for radiation injuries, after operations, serious illnesses to restore the body.

Instructions for use of sea buckthorn oil

Methods of treatment with this natural preparation differ depending on the diagnosis, the age of the patient and other factors. Besides, great importance has a drug release form. Below are different ways treatment with this remedy:

  1. Sea buckthorn is taken orally 3 times a day, 1 tsp. The course of treatment can last up to 30 days. 1 tsp. Every day they drink oil 1 time for preventive purposes up to 60 days in a row.
  2. The remedy in the form of capsules is taken according to the instructions, no more than 8 pcs. for the reception.
  3. Candles for the treatment of rectal fissures, erosions, hemorrhoids, proctitis are taken according to the instructions in accordance with the doctor's recommendations.
  4. For inhalation, the drug is used in the treatment of sinusitis, bronchitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  5. For the treatment of cervical erosion, it is recommended to use tampons in the vagina.
  6. Microclysters are prescribed for complex treatment intestines.
  7. For the treatment of acne on the face, masks from oil mixtures are used.
  8. Compresses and oil dressings are applied to the affected areas of the skin with open wounds, injuries, burns.

For the stomach

  1. Drink oil 1 tablespoon 3 times daily.
  2. It is important to take the medicine on an empty stomach in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening - 30 minutes before meals.
  3. Course duration - no more than 30 days.

In gynecology

The product has been widely used in gynecology. With the help of sea buckthorn medicine, women manage to get rid of various diseases of the vaginal cavity: inflammatory and infectious, genital organs. The drug is used for the manufacture of medicinal tampons. They clean and disinfect the vaginal cavity well. Before the introduction, it is recommended to douche with chamomile infusion.

Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor according to the following scheme:

  1. Tampons with sea buckthorn oil are inserted into the vagina for 16-20 hours. It is optimal to conduct a session at night.
  2. Repeat the procedure 1 time per day.
  3. The course of treatment is up to 14 days.

In dentistry

For the treatment of stomatitis, periodontal disease, pulpitis and other diseases of the oral cavity, sea buckthorn medicine is used according to the following scheme:

  1. Means lubricate problem areas or make lotions.
  2. Leave the drug for at least 5-10 minutes on the sores.
  3. After the session, it is not recommended to drink, eat for 30-60 minutes.

For eyes

This tool has proven itself in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases. Especially effective drug considered for rosacea-keratitis, trachoma, burns eyeball, conjunctivitis. Depending on the specific ailment, the agent is instilled with drops every 3 hours or smeared with sea buckthorn ointment with a concentration of 10-20%. The therapy helps eliminate concomitant infections, relieve pain, and eliminate the fear of light. The duration of treatment is determined individually by the doctor..

For the treatment of wounds

Skin damage, frostbite, burns, superficial wounds, bedsores are treated according to the following scheme:

  1. Treat the affected area with furatsilin.
  2. A compress with sea buckthorn medicine is applied to the wound or oil is rubbed into the skin.
  3. Change bandages or apply daily.
  4. The course is continued until complete recovery.

For the liver

Clinical trials have found that sea buckthorn normalizes the level bile acid and liver enzymes in serum. In addition, orange berry oil helps protect the liver from toxins and harmful chemical substances. Take the drug to maintain the liver inside, 1 tsp. three times a day. The course of therapy is up to 4 weeks. If necessary, you can repeat the course after 1-1.5 months.

For babies

With the help of sea buckthorn oil, you can solve many problems in babies up to 1 year old. The tool helps to fight diaper rash, thrush, soreness during teething. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you need to lubricate redness on the skin, gums or oral cavity of the crumbs with oil 2-3 times a day until complete recovery. However, do not abuse this remedy, so as not to provoke irritation or allergies.

For skin diseases

With the help of healing sea buckthorn oil, skin diseases such as eczema, ulcerative lupus, neurodermatitis, lichen scaly, etc. can be treated. The scheme is as follows:

  1. An ointment is prepared with a sea buckthorn oil concentration of not more than 5% based on chicken fat or baby cream.
  2. Apply the resulting composition to the affected skin 2 times a day.
  3. Repeat the procedure until complete recovery.

Sea buckthorn oil contraindications

Before using this product for treatment, you should familiarize yourself with its contraindications. These include the following:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • cholecystitis;
  • acute diseases of the pancreas;
  • hepatitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • treatment with anticoagulants, antiplatelet drugs (Diclofenac, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Heparin, etc.).

Sea buckthorn oil price

The cost of this drug depends on the form of release, packaging and manufacturer. You can buy a product in Moscow and St. Petersburg at the prices shown in the table below:


Sea buckthorn oil is a herbal preparation obtained from sea buckthorn fruits. It can be used to heal the most various diseases. What exactly? Let's find out.

Release form, composition, pharmacological action

Oil owes its effective effect on the body to its composition. One of the active active ingredients Sea buckthorn oils are carotenoids - precursors of vitamin A.

It is the presence of carotenoids in the preparation that is the reason for such a rich yellow-orange color of the oil.

Carotenoids significantly reduce the effect of carcinogenic factors, strengthen the immune system, have a beneficial effect on inflammatory processes and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, the product contains a large number of other useful substances:

  1. Amino acids;
  2. Flavonoids;
  3. organic acids;
  4. vitamins;
  5. Saturated fats;
  6. Tannins;
  7. Macro- and microelements.

Sea buckthorn oil is usually available in dark or orange glass bottles. The standard volume of the drug is 20, 50 or 100 ml. In this case, the oil has the appearance of an oily yellow-orange liquid with a pleasant, unobtrusive odor.

Sometimes you can find it in the form of capsules of 200, 300, 700 or 1350 mg. In this case, the oil is inside red or dark red spherical gelatin capsules. The smell and taste of the drug resembles the smell and taste of sea buckthorn berries. In proctology, rectal suppositories are used that contain sea buckthorn oil.

The product has pronounced antiseptic, antioxidant and antibacterial properties, soothes inflammatory processes, accelerates the healing of various skin lesions, actively nourishes cells, has choleretic action, reduces the harmful effects of toxins on the body, protects cell walls from various injuries, has a tonic effect, lowers cholesterol and lipid levels in the blood, provides the body with vitamins K, E, A.

Indications for use

The doctor may prescribe to the patient the intake of sea buckthorn oil in one form or another in case of the following diseases:

  1. burns;
  2. Damage to the skin and mucous membranes;
  3. bedsores;
  4. Radiation exposure of the skin;
  5. Stomach ulcer;
  6. Oncological diseases;
  7. Ophthalmic diseases;
  8. Haemorrhoids;
  9. Fissures in the rectum;
  10. Pharyngitis, laryngitis;
  11. Atherosclerosis;
  12. Cervical erosion;
  13. Colpitis;
  14. Gastritis;
  15. Ulcerative colitis;
  16. Proctitis;
  17. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  18. Endocervicitis.

Instructions for using sea buckthorn oil for adults and children

Depending on the purpose for which the medicine from sea buckthorn is used, it is applied internally, externally and topically.
Externally, the drug is used for various skin lesions (burns, wounds, scratches, bedsores). In this case, it is necessary to apply oil dressings.

To do this, the damaged area must be cleaned of dirt and dead tissue, and then apply sea buckthorn oil to the skin. Cotton wool should be applied on top, and then a gauze bandage should be applied to the skin. You need to change the bandage every 2 days.

Inside the oil should be taken in the case when the patient has a stomach ulcer and duodenum, as well as diseases of the esophagus and other organs digestive system. In order for the patient's condition to improve, it is necessary to take sea buckthorn oil 2 or 3 times a day, one teaspoon each day. It is necessary to continue treatment for 3-4 weeks.

If the doctor prescribes topical application of sea buckthorn oil, then the patient should use tampons soaked in sea buckthorn oil.
Such tampons are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids (5-7 procedures), rectal fissures (5-7 procedures), colpitis (10-15 procedures), cervical erosion (8-12 procedures), endocervicitis.

In gynecological diseases, tampons are inserted into the vagina to treat the vaginal area and cervical canal with oil. If the patient suffers from proctological diseases, then the cotton swab is abundantly moistened with sea buckthorn oil, after which they are carefully lubricated hemorrhoids and anus.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe oil enemas: the patient makes a preliminary cleansing enema, after which the oil is injected into the rectum using microenemas.

The regenerative abilities of the oil determine its use during the recovery period after diseases such as sinusitis, tonsillitis, keratitis, blepharitis, pharyngitis. For a speedy recovery, the patient needs to moisten a cotton swab with sea buckthorn oil, and then lubricate the affected areas with it: tonsils after pharyngitis or nasal openings after sinusitis. Usually 10 procedures are enough, but sometimes the doctor may extend the treatment.

Another indication for the local use of sea buckthorn oil is visual impairment and respiratory disease, but in these cases, oil treatment is carried out in medical institutions under the supervision of a physician.

Candles with sea buckthorn oil: instructions for use

In order for candles with sea buckthorn oil to bring the maximum benefit to the patient, you need to know how to use them correctly. The candles themselves Orange color and the smell characteristic of sea buckthorn preparations, dosage - 500 mg. In the treatment of gynecological and proctological problems, vaginal and rectal suppositories are used, respectively.

In gynecology, suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of diseases such as:

  1. Cervical erosion;
  2. Dysplasia of the cervix;
  3. Colpitis;
  4. Inflammation of the pelvic organs.

Candles must be inserted into the vagina once a day at night, before going to bed. It is better and more convenient to do this in a prone position. The course of treatment lasts from 2 to 4 weeks.
During this time, the patient is advised to avoid sexual intercourse.
Such suppositories in proctology are prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Haemorrhoids;
  2. Fissures of the rectum;
  3. rectal ulcers;
  4. Proctitis;
  5. Paraproctitis.

Before taking the medicine, the patient must empty the intestines. After that, the candle must be carefully and deeply inserted into anus. Treatment should last at least 2 weeks, only a doctor should prolong the course of treatment.

The dosage depends on the age of the patient:

  1. Children under 6 years old - 1 suppository once a day;
  2. Children from 6 to 14 years old - 1 suppository 1 or 2 times a day;
  3. Children from 14 years old and adults - 1 suppository 2 times a day.

Candles should not be used if the patient suffers from hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Another contraindication is diarrhea.

As a side effect from the use of sea buckthorn candles, a burning sensation may be felt, and sometimes diarrhea appears. The occurrence of allergic reactions is also not excluded.

The use of oil in capsules

Sea buckthorn oil capsules are used for internal use with such diseases:

  1. Gastric ulcer (6-8 capsules before each meal);
  2. Gastritis (4-6 capsules before each meal);
  3. Atherosclerosis (4-6 capsules per day);
  4. Diabetes;
  5. Hypertension (4-6 capsules per day);
  6. Proctological diseases;
  7. Gynecological diseases;
  8. Avitaminosis (2-3 capsules per day);
  9. Oncological diseases;
  10. Angina (8-10 capsules per day);
  11. Weakened immunity (2-3 capsules per day on an empty stomach);
  12. Prevention various diseases(2-3 capsules per day, children - 1 capsule in the morning).

The advantage of capsules is that they last much longer. Besides, exact dosage makes them much more convenient to use, and the absence of an unpleasant taste allows them to be given to children.

Use during pregnancy and after childbirth

Many medications in the list of contraindications often have the item "pregnancy or breastfeeding". Sea buckthorn oil due to a small list of contraindications and a wide range applications can be taken by expectant and nursing mothers.

Preparations containing this remedy do not have any negative effect on either the health of the pregnant woman or the development of the child.

Candles with sea buckthorn oil become a real salvation during pregnancy and in postpartum period. Many women at this time are faced with such a delicate problem as hemorrhoids.

This disease can manifest itself both before and after childbirth. Many drugs can adversely affect the health of a pregnant woman, so their use at any time is contraindicated. Candles help relieve pain and accelerate the regenerative processes of the rectal mucosa.

After childbirth, women often complain of pain in the pelvic area. Vaginal suppositories containing sea buckthorn oil, relieve pain, prevent the development of inflammatory processes, accelerate the healing of injuries sustained during childbirth.

In addition, the remedy is also used to treat other diseases, if future mother due to an interesting situation, it is not possible to take conventional drugs. Regarding the treatment of diseases with sea buckthorn oil, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor.

Contraindications, side effects, overdose

Sea buckthorn oil has gained popularity due to the fact that it does almost no harm to the body, but there are still some contraindications for use. These include:

  1. Hypersensitivity or allergy;
  2. Cholelithiasis;
  3. Inflammatory processes in the liver, pancreas, gallbladder;
  4. Cholecystitis;
  5. pancreatitis;
  6. Hepatitis;
  7. Diarrhea (with rectal administration).

Sometimes when taking drugs with this remedy, you may experience some side effects, namely:

  1. allergic reactions;
  2. Burning, swelling, itching when applied externally;
  3. Feeling of bitterness in the mouth;
  4. Diarrhea.

Cases of overdose are extremely rare. If too much oil is ingested, the patient develops symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, headache, diarrhea, convulsions, rash.

Special instructions and interaction with other drugs, price

Treatment with sea buckthorn oil preparations should be prescribed by a doctor and carried out under his supervision. Taking the medicine does not affect the reaction rate and the level of concentration of the patient's attention, therefore it is not prohibited even if the patient is engaged in hazardous activities.

Sea buckthorn oil does not interact with other medicines, but it is also better to discuss this point with your doctor.

The drug is quite inexpensive. A bottle of oil with a capacity of 50 ml can be purchased at a pharmacy for about 30 rubles, with a capacity of 100 ml - 60-100 rubles. A package of capsules (100 pieces) can be found at a price of 80 rubles, and candles will cost you 100 rubles and more.

In the middle of the 20th century, the industrial pharmacological production of sea buckthorn oil began in the USSR. Today, the "sea buckthorn boom", which, for example, was observed in the 70-80s of the twentieth century, has subsided a bit. In those days, this remedy was a scarce medicine. You can buy it in a pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription. Read more about the application and read our other article.

Features of sea buckthorn oil

In a pharmacy, you can buy sea buckthorn oil in bottles with a volume of 20, 50 and 100 ml. It is recommended to store it at a temperature not higher than +10°C and protect from direct sunlight.

What's in the chemical composition

The preparation contains:

  • fatty oil;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins A, C, E, F, P, B;
  • phytoncides;
  • coumarins;
  • trace elements;
  • pectins.

Sea buckthorn contains a high concentration of carotenoids. It is thanks to these substances that it is so valued in medicine.

What are the pharmacological properties

Instructions for the use of sea buckthorn oil indicate: the drug belongs to the group of agents that affect the processes of tissue metabolism. It is also referred to as a multivitamin preparation of plant origin. But the spectrum pharmacological action this medicinal product much wider. What are beneficial features sea ​​buckthorn oil?

  • Epithelializing.
  • Bactericidal.
  • Laxative.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Regenerating.
  • Wound healing.
  • Tonic.
  • Fortifying.

Indications for use

Sea buckthorn oil is taken orally, and is also widely used externally. Under what diagnoses and symptoms does this medicine give a good therapeutic effect?

  • Diseases of the digestive tract. The tool has anti-inflammatory, enveloping properties. Therefore, it is often prescribed in gastroenterology: for stomach ulcers, chronic inflammation of the intestines, pancreas (pancreatitis), gastritis with low acidity.
  • Sea buckthorn oil for weight loss. The tool normalizes metabolic processes, cleanses the intestines well, acts as a mild laxative. It is prescribed for obesity, diabetes.
  • Sea buckthorn oil for newborns. Only external use is allowed. From the first days of life, the product can be used to care for the delicate skin of an infant. They treat diaper rash, lubricate wounds on the mucous membrane of the mouth, gums during teething. A local allergic reaction is possible with an overdose and frequent use.
  • Antitumor agent. Sea buckthorn has been proven to stop the growth of malignant cells and is considered a powerful natural antioxidant. It is prescribed for oncological diseases of the stomach, esophagus, skin. But this remedy is considered effective on early stage illness.
  • The cardiovascular system. It is useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis, cardiac ischemia, for removing excess cholesterol, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels. Oil also helps with hypertension, dilates blood vessels, normalizes blood circulation.
  • Vision benefits. Vitamins, organic acids and trace elements normalize the work optic nerves and retina, improve blood circulation, reduce intraocular pressure, relieve inflammation. With cataracts, glaucoma, circulatory disorders of the retina and central vision, you can take the medicine inside. Outwardly, they are treated with eyelids in inflammatory processes. You can find information that in a diluted form, the drug is dripped into the eyes. You can't self-medicate! Only an ophthalmologist can recommend such a treatment or refute it.
  • Outdoor use. The tool is widely used in otolaryngology. They are treated with tonsillitis, otitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis. In dentistry - stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, pulpitis, used after tooth extraction. It is also an indispensable drug for the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, burns (thermal and radiation), phlegmon, non-healing wounds, boils, bedsores. The drug leads to rapid healing tissue with a burn without scarring. In addition, sea buckthorn oil is good for hair and face.
  • Immunostimulating agent. It is useful to drink for the prevention of colds, viral diseases, to strengthen defensive forces organism. Often it is included in rehabilitation therapy after radiation, serious illnesses, and operations. This is the first remedy for a lack of vitamins.

How to apply

Exist various methods use of sea buckthorn oil. Dosage, course of treatment, method of administration depend on the diagnosis, stage of the disease, age of the patient.

  • How to drink sea buckthorn oil? 1 tsp. 3 times a day. The course of treatment can last from 10 to 30 days. For prevention, they drink 1 tsp. once a day. Preventive reception can be carried out no more than 2 times a year and no more than 2 months. It is recommended to drink oil before meals. The pediatric dosage is determined by the doctor. Also in the pharmacy you can buy sea buckthorn oil in capsules, which belongs to the group of dietary supplements. Adults can drink 8 capsules at a single dose.
  • Candles with sea buckthorn oil. Means for external use. Assign for hemorrhoids, fissures, proctitis, ulcers, erosions of the rectum.
  • Inhalations. The oil is used for inhalation procedures for diseases of the upper respiratory tract - tonsillitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, sinusitis and other diseases.
  • Tampons. Widely used in gynecology, in the first place - with erosion of the cervix.
  • Microclysters. Assign for diseases of the rectum. Used in combination with medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Compresses and bandages. Apply to the affected areas of the skin.

Side effects

With an overdose, prolonged use, individual intolerance, such side effects:

  • digestive disorders: heartburn, nausea, diarrhea;
  • allergies in the form of itching, burning, urticaria, swelling;
  • when inhaled, bronchospasm.

What are the contraindications of the drug? Sharp forms pancreatitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis. At chronic diseases gallbladder and pancreas before taking the drug, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required. Individual intolerance and allergy to carotenoids are also possible. The drug is not recommended for chronic diarrhea, gastritis with high acidity, hypotension.

Features of the use of sea buckthorn oil

Today, sea buckthorn oil is produced by many domestic pharmacological manufacturers. You need to pay attention to the certification of this drug, buy it only in a pharmacy. You can also make your own oil.


How to cook sea buckthorn oil at home from pomace? First you need to get the cake. For this:

  • you should skip the berries through a juicer;
  • from the resulting juice you can make syrup or jam;
  • Cake rich in fatty oil and carotenoids is used to make oil.


  1. Dry the pulp for 24 hours.
  2. Grind it into powder.
  3. Pour into a jar, pour olive oil heated on a steam bath.
  4. Insist 3 weeks in a dark place.

Strain before use, pour into a dark glass dish, store in the refrigerator.


Based on sea buckthorn oil, creams for various skin types, face and hair masks, shampoos, lip balms, massage and aromatherapy products are produced. Why is sea buckthorn so popular in cosmetology?

  • The oil contains vitamins A, E, C, microelements and organic acids, useful for hair growth and facial skin.
  • Improves metabolism, lipid, acid-base balance of the skin.
  • Promotes rapid tissue regeneration, does not leave scars after traumatic skin damage, burns.
  • Acts as an antiseptic for acne, pimples.
  • Acts as an anti-aging agent, stimulates collagen synthesis, improves skin elasticity, smoothes wrinkles.
  • Whitens the skin, eliminates defects - freckles, age spots.
  • Softens and protects the skin during the cold season, prevents drying, peeling of the skin during the heating season.
  • Strengthens and nourishes eyelashes and nails.
  • Strengthens hair follicles, helps with hair loss, effective for seborrhea.

Precautionary measures

  • What if, during cosmetic procedures, sea buckthorn oil gets into the eye? There is nothing wrong with this, you just need to rinse your eyes thoroughly with clean running water. With redness, prolonged burning sensation, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist.
  • Can it be applied in pure form? Beauticians still recommend diluting the oil so as not to cause skin sensitivity to the drug. It should also be remembered that under prolonged exposure to carotenoids, the protective properties of the skin are weakened. During treatment, direct exposure to ultraviolet rays on the body should be avoided.


Sea buckthorn oil in gynecology - effective remedy, which is more often prescribed for such gynecological diagnoses:

  • cervical erosion;
  • colpitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina);
  • endocervicitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal).

How is the treatment carried out?

  • In complex therapy with other drugs.
  • The walls of the vagina are treated with oil.
  • Tampons are laid at night, pressing against the erosive surface during cervical erosion.
  • A variant of tampons can be vaginal suppositories.
  • With colpitis, the course of treatment is at least 10 procedures.
  • With erosion and endocervicitis - at least 8 procedures.
  • Often a second course of treatment is prescribed after a month.

You can also take the remedy inside to strengthen the body's defenses. After all, many gynecological diagnoses are associated with a condition immune system women. Lot positive feedback about the treatment with oil of erosion of the cervix at an early stage. However, it is required to undergo a gynecological examination, pass the necessary tests to determine the cause and stage of erosion.

Widespread use of sea buckthorn oil in folk and traditional medicine due to its bactericidal, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, multivitamin, antioxidant action. This tool is often used in gynecology, dentistry, dermatology, otolaryngology.

  • Dermatotropic agents
  • Regenerants and reparants
  • Composition and form of release

    in orange glass bottles of 20, 50 and 100 ml; in a pack of cardboard 1 bottle.

    in plastic jars of 100 pcs. (200 mg); in a pack of cardboard 1 bank; in blister packs 10 pcs.; in a carton pack 1 or 5 (200 mg) packs.

    Description of the dosage form

    Oily solution for oral and external use- oily orange-red liquid with a characteristic odor. Gelatin capsules- cherry-colored gelatin capsules, spherical in shape, filled with an orange-red oily liquid with a characteristic smell and taste inherent in sea buckthorn fruits.

    pharmachologic effect

    Pharmacological effect - replenishing vitamin deficiency, regenerating, anti-inflammatory.


    A herbal remedy, a source of vitamins A, E, K, stimulates reparative processes in the skin and mucous membranes, accelerates their epithelization, inhibits the activity of gastric proteases, has anti-inflammatory, tonic, antioxidant and cytoprotective effects. Due to the presence of fat-soluble bioantioxidants, it reduces free radical processes and protects cell membranes from damage; lowers cholesterol and lipid levels in the blood.

    Indications for Sea Buckthorn Oil

    radiation injuries and burns of the skin and mucous membranes; colpitis, endocervicitis, cervical erosion; peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, hyperacid gastritis, chronic colitis, nonspecific ulcerative colitis(as part of combination therapy); acute and chronic erosive and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa, periodontal disease; atrophic pharyngitis, laryngitis; hemorrhoids, anal fissures, proctitis; prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis; oncological diseases; to increase the body's resistance to harmful environmental factors environment; decreased vision.


    hypersensitivity. For oral supplementation: acute inflammatory processes in the gallbladder, liver, pancreas; cholelithiasis.

    Side effects

    When used locally- Burning sensation when applied to a burnt surface. When taken orally- bitterness in the mouth, diarrhea. For both methods of application- possible allergic reactions.

    Dosage and administration

    Topically, inside, rectally, inhalation. locally in the form of oil dressings every other day (before the appearance of granulations), initially clearing the affected area of ​​granulations. with erosion of the cervix, abundantly moistened tampons (5-10 ml per tampon) are pressed tightly against the eroded surface, changing them daily. The course of treatment of colpitis - 10-15 procedures, endocervicitis and erosion - 8-12 procedures. If necessary, repeat the course in 4-6 weeks. In diseases of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and periodontium, they are used in the form of applications or turundas moistened with oil, the course of treatment is 10-15 procedures. inside, before meals, 1 teaspoon or 8 capsules 2-3 times a day. At peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals and 1 teaspoon at night, before bedtime. With duodenal ulcer, the dose of oil is gradually increased to 1 dess. spoon. When significantly hyperacidity gastric juice, a dose of oil is proposed to be washed down with alkaline mineral water without gas. The course of treatment is 25-30 days. As a tonic - 2-3 teaspoons a day before meals. rectally, in the form of microclysters, after emptying the intestines, they are injected deep into the anus. Adults and children over 14 years old - 0.5 g 2 times a day, the course of treatment is 10-15 days. Children under 6 years old - 0.5 g 1 time per day; 6-14 years - 0.5 g 1-2 times a day; course of treatment - 14 days or more. If necessary, repeat the course after 4-6 weeks. inhalation, 15 minutes daily, for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the course of treatment is 8-10 procedures.

    Active substance


    Pharmacological groups

    Nosological classification (ICD-10)

    Composition and form of release

    in orange glass bottles of 20, 50 and 100 ml; in a pack of cardboard 1 bottle.

    in plastic jars of 100 pcs. (200 mg); in a pack of cardboard 1 bank; in blister packs 10 pcs.; in a carton pack 1 or 5 (200 mg) packs.

    Description of the dosage form

    Oily solution for oral and external use- oily orange-red liquid with a characteristic odor.

    Gelatin capsules- cherry-colored gelatin capsules, spherical in shape, filled with an orange-red oily liquid with a characteristic smell and taste inherent in sea buckthorn fruits.

    pharmachologic effect

    pharmachologic effect- replenishing vitamin deficiency, anti-inflammatory, regenerating.


    A herbal remedy, a source of vitamins A, E, K, stimulates reparative processes in the skin and mucous membranes, accelerates their epithelization, inhibits the activity of gastric proteases, has anti-inflammatory, tonic, antioxidant and cytoprotective effects. Due to the presence of fat-soluble bioantioxidants, it reduces free radical processes and protects cell membranes from damage; lowers cholesterol and lipid levels in the blood.

    Indications for Sea Buckthorn Oil

    radiation injuries and burns of the skin and mucous membranes;

    colpitis, endocervicitis, cervical erosion;

    peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, hyperacid gastritis, chronic colitis, ulcerative colitis (as part of combination therapy);

    acute and chronic erosive and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa, periodontium;

    atrophic pharyngitis, laryngitis;

    hemorrhoids, anal fissures, proctitis;

    prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis;

    oncological diseases;

    to increase the body's resistance to harmful environmental factors;

    reduced vision.



    For oral supplementation:

    acute inflammatory processes in the gallbladder, liver, pancreas;


    Side effects

    At topical application - Burning sensation when applied to a burnt surface.

    When taken orally- bitterness in the mouth, diarrhea.

    For both methods of application- Allergic reactions are possible.

    Dosage and administration

    Topically, inside, rectally, inhalation. locally in the form of oil dressings every other day (until granulations appear), having previously cleared the affected area of ​​granulations.

    In gynecology, it is used for lubrication or on tampons: for colpitis and endocervicitis, the walls of the vagina are lubricated, having previously cleaned them with cotton balls; with erosion of the cervix, abundantly moistened tampons (5-10 ml per tampon) are pressed tightly against the eroded surface, changing them daily. The course of treatment of colpitis - 10-15 procedures, endocervicitis and erosion - 8-12 procedures. If necessary, repeat the course in 4-6 weeks. In diseases of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and periodontium, it is used in the form of applications or turundas moistened with oil, the course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

    inside, before meals, 1 teaspoon or 8 capsules 2-3 times a day. With peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals and 1 teaspoon at night, before bedtime. With duodenal ulcer, the dose of oil is gradually increased to 1 dess. spoon. With a significantly increased acidity of gastric juice, it is recommended to drink a dose of oil with alkaline mineral water without gas. The course of treatment is 25-30 days. As a tonic - 2-3 teaspoons a day on an empty stomach.

    rectally, in the form of microclysters, after emptying the intestines, they are injected deep into the anus. Adults and children over 14 years old - 0.5 g 2 times a day, the course of treatment is 10-15 days. Children under 6 years old - 0.5 g 1 time per day; 6-14 years - 0.5 g 1-2 times a day; course of treatment - 14 days or more. If necessary, repeat the course in 4-6 weeks.

    inhalation, 15 minutes daily, for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the course of treatment is 8-10 procedures.


    CJSC "Altaivitaminy", Russia.

    Storage conditions of the drug Sea buckthorn oil

    In a place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 15 ° C. Do not freeze.

    Keep out of the reach of children.

    Shelf life of the drug Sea buckthorn oil

    1 year 6 months

    Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.