Rapid wound healing - how to smear and how to speed it up. Wound healing after surgery, drugs, nutritional rules How to spread a wound to heal faster

Everyone needs to know how to quickly heal a wound. No one is immune from accidental injury, but even minor damage can lead to fatal consequences.

Classification of skin lesions

The skin can be damaged as a result of mechanical impact on it. A scratch or abrasion is a slight, shallow violation of the integrity of the epidermis ( upper layer). Most often, abrasions appear as a result of a fall or a strong blow. The area of ​​damage to the upper layer is large.

Note! Abrasions and scratches are not considered wounds.

If the skin is so damaged that the edges wound surface dispersed, such an injury is called a wound. Allocate the following types wounds.

Gunshot wound. Appears when a person's body is hit by a bullet or a fragment of a military weapon. A damaging element can damage not only the dermis, but also muscles, internal organs, and the skeleton.


  • tangents;
  • through;
  • blind wounds.

The tissue around the affected area dies off very quickly. Often, these injuries are instantly fatal.

Bite wound. It is formed as a result of a bite of an animal or a person. A distinctive feature of such a wound is visible traces of teeth. As you know, the mouth is not the cleanest place, and if prophylaxis is not carried out in time, a bitten wound becomes a source dangerous disease(tetanus).

The animal can infect a person with rabies, which is difficult to treat and often causes death.

Sometimes a bite only damages the top layer of the skin. But the powerful jaw of the animal can bite through the bone. In especially severe cases, doctors have no choice but to amputate the patient's limbs.

Laceration. Usually such an injury is the result of an accident or a car accident. Mainly damaged:

  • blood vessels;
  • nerve fibers.

The wound surface is usually contaminated.

A lacerated wound is characterized by:

  • severe pain;
  • profuse bleeding;
  • the presence of hematomas;
  • uneven place of rupture;
  • bone fractures.

Chopped wounds. They appear after interaction with a sharp object: a shovel, an ax, a saber, etc. They can cause disability, because the damage is very deep, affecting large areas.

Such wounds are more prone to infection and suppuration than others. They heal for a long time and leave behind well-marked traces.

Scalped wound. In most cases, this is the result of:

  • ignoring safety regulations;
  • improper handling of large mechanisms;
  • traffic accidents.

This injury is characterized by detachment of a large area of ​​the skin. As in the previous case, the likelihood of complications (suppuration, cosmetic defects) is high.

  • Incised wound. The name speaks for itself - a sharp flat object causes such damage. The wound heals quickly, as it is shallow and the edges are matched without much effort.

But if pathogens enter the wound, complications may develop.

  • Bruised wound. It is applied with a blunt object: a bottle, a brick, etc. As a rule, the injury itself is not deep, but internal organs can be affected. For example, hitting the head with a bottle is traumatic. And if the blow fell on the stomach, then a hollow internal organ may be damaged.
  • Stab wound. It occurs due to the penetration of something sharp into the body. The diameter of the wound is small, but it can be quite deep. Therefore, for a stab wound, damage internal organs is not uncommon.

Wounds are also divided into:


Receive them on time surgical intervention. Such injuries are considered “clean” because they were born in sterile conditions.


These are traumas in which inflammatory process:

· the area around the injury becomes hot;



microbially contaminated

In this case, there are no signs of infection, but there are traces of the tool with which the wound was inflicted: a garden shovel, glass, clothing remnants, etc. It does not always become inflamed. This group includes gunshot, lacerated wounds.


It is impossible not to notice such wounds - the inflammatory process, as they say, on, areas of dead tissue are visible, pus is separated.

There are other classifications:

  • by the amount of damage;
  • by the nature of the injury;
  • depending on the location of the injury;
  • by type of healing.

Basic principles of rapid wound healing

Help for fast wound healing

The wound will heal quickly if the first aid is given correctly. First of all, the wound must be washed, then disinfected, after which it is required to apply a sterile bandage. By doing this, you reduce the likelihood of the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body, bring recovery closer.

Important! Large, deep wounds should be shown to a specialist. Usually these wounds are closed with stitches.

Stitched injuries need to be treated antiseptic solution- brilliant green, iodine or ordinary alcohol.

Sometimes the damaged surface becomes inflamed a few days after the injury. In this case, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor. The surgeon will treat the edges with a special antiseptic, vaccinate against dangerous diseases, and instruct how to handle the wound.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Dry them.
  3. Treat with an antiseptic.
  4. Disinfect tools.
  5. Use only sterile material.

Important! Each procedure should begin with washing the wound.

Drugs that can accelerate healing are selected depending on the type of injury. For example, it is not recommended to use for the healing of weeping, wet wounds. Because the film that forms after applying the product prevents the wound from drying out.

On the face

Damage skin on the face is not easy to treat. The point is this:

  • Blood vessels are located in close proximity to the upper layer of the skin. This can cause severe bleeding that is difficult to stop.
  • Through facial expressions, a person expresses his feelings, but experiences them every second. It turns out that the muscles on the face are constantly moving, thereby slowing down the fusion of tissues - the edges of the wound surface often diverge.
  • The face is an open part of the body, so pathological microorganisms can easily penetrate the human body. Help to avoid this antibacterial drugs operating locally.
  • Puffiness, which is usually the result of any injury, spoils the appearance of a person and prevents a speedy recovery.

At the same time, wounds on the face heal faster than on other parts of the body. , of which there are a lot, enrich the skin with oxygen. Accordingly, they contribute to the rapid regeneration of cells.

Complicated injuries need to be treated within the walls of the hospital.

On the body

It is advisable to treat injuries, especially large ones, in the emergency room.

The patient is hospitalized with:

  • penetrating wounds;
  • open fractures;
  • damage to internal organs;
  • deep wounds.

The wound is sutured during the first day after the injury, and provided that there are no inflammatory processes.

The surgeon carefully cleans the wound, rinses it, removes foreign bodies relieves blood clots. If the edges are in good contact, the wound is clean, and the infection has not made its way inside, then in a week the patient will see a scar.

Wounds on the body that have not been sewn up within 24 hours are stale, overgrown through suppuration or under a scab. These wounds require more time and attention to heal. In addition to damage, body temperature may increase, tests show an increase in leukocytes and ESR.

Wounds on children's skin

Children lead a more active lifestyle, so they get injured more often than adults. Special attention should be treated if the wound:

  • obtained as a result of interaction with animals;
  • inflamed;
  • blushed;
  • festered;
  • swollen;
  • causes unbearable pain to the child;
  • heavily polluted.

As mentioned above, bite wounds can be harmful to a child's health. Especially if bitten by a homeless or wild animal. In this case, you must immediately show the baby to the doctor, administer the vaccine.

Note! So that complex wounds (deep cuts, a large affected area) require immediate surgical intervention.

Ordinary abrasions resulting from a fall are washed with soapy water. For the same purpose, you can purchase a special spray (spray with thermal water) in a pharmacy. Then the wound is dried, blotted with a clean napkin or cotton cloth.

After washing, you need to treat the wounded surface with a disinfectant. It is desirable that the drug used:

  • did not hurt the child;
  • could be applied without touching the wound.

This will help the wound heal as quickly as possible.

There is no consensus on whether to cover the wound with a bandage. Some parents believe that microbes do not get into a closed wound and so it heals faster. Others are sure that an open wound will dry out and fall off faster.

Important! If a seemingly healing wound worries the child, or parents think that not everything is in order with the damage, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Effective ointments for regeneration

Allocate the following means for quick healing:

A drug that accelerates the healing of the wound surface should be in the home medicine cabinet of every person.

The most popular drugs:

  1. - acts as an antibacterial and disinfectant;
  2. Solcoseryl is a regenerating and drying ointment that promotes the formation of new cells, prevents the wound from getting wet, and is effective for the treatment of postoperative injuries;
  3. Baneocin - actively fights bacterial infections;
  4. Contractubex - a regenerating agent that prevents the formation of rough scars, cannot be used for treatment festering wounds;
  5. Dexpanthenol is a healing agent for wet wounds.

Contraindications for healing

Important! There are certain processing rules. It is strictly prohibited:

  • wash wounds (not to be confused with a scratch or abrasion) with tap water;
  • allow the antiseptic to penetrate deep into the wound;
  • to set broken bones on their own;
  • touch the organs that become visible as a result of injury;
  • impose medicinal products for complex wounds
  • remove foreign objects from the damaged surface;
  • if it is impossible to exclude an injury to the abdomen, then it is better not to drink the patient.

Acute and chronic wounds. Reasons why wounds do not heal

Reasons for slow wound healing

Injuries resulting from cuts or surgery are called acute. As a rule, they heal within a week if the therapy is carried out properly.

But it also happens that wounds do not heal for a long time, even if the treatment is chosen correctly. To get rid of such an injury, you need to find out the cause of non-healing.

The most common causes of delayed wound healing are:

  1. Most often, chronic wounds appear in the elderly. Firstly, with age, the process of cell regeneration is disrupted, respectively, tissues are restored very slowly. Secondly, not all old people can regularly carry out hygiene procedures, which is extremely necessary for injuries. Thirdly, by old age a person “acquires” various diseases.
  2. The body was struck. It is difficult not to notice the inflammatory process (increased body temperature, strong pain, separation of pus, etc.).
  3. Wounds received after tooth extraction may not heal for a long time. This happens when the gum, bone is injured, or an inflammatory process begins.
  4. Diabetes. In patients with endocrine system disease, blood circulation is impaired. As a result, the cells are malnourished and the immune system is weakened. A tiny scratch can make a huge wound.
  5. Vitamin deficiencies also affect the healing process.

If several weeks have passed since the injury occurred, and you observe it on your body, consult your doctor immediately.

Note! The sooner a person begins to deal with damage, the sooner he will recover.

Physiotherapy for fast wound healing

You can get rid of damage to the skin with the help of physiotherapy procedures:

  • direct exposure to the wound with ultraviolet rays;
  • apply low-frequency or high-frequency magnetotherapy;
  • infrared laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis with an anesthetic, vitamins, iodine, dimexide, etc.;
  • local darsonvalization;
  • massotherapy;
  • paraffin therapy;
  • ultrasound and others.

How to speed up wound healing?

Helps speed up the healing of proper nutrition. The diet should include as much protein as possible. Because meat products contain the substance carnosine. This substance affects the process of wound healing.

You need to eat food rich in vitamins. At this time, the body requires vitamin C, E, B. In parallel, it is allowed to take vitamin complex bought at a pharmacy.

In conclusion, we note that appropriate care will help heal the wound as soon as possible. It is necessary to be attentive not only to complex wounds, but also to small scratches. And then it will be possible to avoid adverse consequences.

Minor domestic injuries haunt us every day. Have you washed a scratching cat, accidentally brushed against the edge of a baking sheet when taking a cookie out of the oven, or maybe you tried to cut an onion as fast as a cooking show host?

It is annoying to wait until scratches and wounds heal, constantly clinging to clothes with an almost fallen off crust ... If you know some secrets, you can speed up wound healing almost twice and at the same time not remember your bad experience, looking at "battle scars". Let's talk about some of them.

Health care

Children so often "please" us with scratches, cuts, burns and other "gifts", but at the same time they do not want to put up with restrictions and antiseptic dressings. Diaper dermatitis, burns, boils, various skin irritations heal well when using the ointments described below. Adults will also be pleased. However, do not forget that, first of all, the surgeon should examine the skin lesions and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Ointments based on dexpanthenol (Bepanthen, D-panthenol) improve metabolism in skin tissues and accelerate the healing process. Such drugs are suitable even for infants, and therefore they should be kept in your first aid kit.

Cream "Rescuer" - one of the options for a first-aid kit. Helps to get rid of traces faster mosquito bites, small abrasions, bruises, chapped lips and other consequences of outdoor activities. In addition to dexpanthenol, this cream contains pine resin, milk lipids and colloidal silver - your skin will definitely appreciate such a combined treatment.

The composition of the balm "Rescuer Forte" is even more diverse, it has been added sea ​​buckthorn oil, propolis, various essential oils and vitamin E. If you start using it immediately after an injury, then even quite serious burns, lacerations, frostbite heal without scarring.

In addition to ointments and creams, you can also find products such as milk thistle oil or the well-known sea buckthorn oil. They have a powerful epithelizing and healing effect. Of course, you can’t apply them to open wounds, only to those already healing, but with the help of these oils, the skin will become “like new” much faster.

Folk methods

Folk methods of healing wounds and scratches also deserve attention. Sometimes they are able to help without the cost of medicines and are always at hand.

For the purpose of quick healing, an aloe leaf cut in half is tied to wounds, scratches, minor burns, blisters and calluses. This plant is known for its powerful ability to stimulate tissue regeneration. For treatment, a sheet divided in half is conveniently attached to the wound with a patch and kept for at least four hours. Then you can repeat the same with a fresh leaf.

Oddly enough, but the most popular remedy from our childhood - attaching a plantain leaf to a wound - really helps. Especially if you are in nature and there is nothing at hand. Naturally, the leaves must be rinsed with clean water and not collected on a busy highway. Several plantain leaves need to be kneaded and the resulting slurry bandaged to the wound. It must also be pre-cleaned. This dressing should be changed every three hours.

You can tie whole leaves to corns and corns and forget about them for 12 hours. The property of plantain to stop blood and disinfect wounds will be necessary for a person in difficult campaigns and the conquest of nature for a long time to come.

Minor and minor scratches, abrasions on the skin will heal without a trace if treated with fresh beet juice. A small piece of raw beets is rubbed on a fine grater and tied to the wound for 15-20 minutes. Then the bandage is removed. Beetroot juice is a natural stimulant, it activates the healing processes in the skin.

There is an opinion among the people that a fresh wound should be allowed to be licked by a dog, since its saliva has a bactericidal effect. We would not advise you to take risks, even if the pet is healthy and vaccinated. The composition of the microflora in the oral cavity of a dog is an unpredictable thing.

Indeed, dog saliva contains lysozyme, a substance that kills many types of bacteria. But this has a very indirect relation to wound healing, it will be more reliable to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide. And constant licking only prevents the wound from healing.

Peeing on a wound is also not the best best advice. Unlike dog saliva human body do not contain anything useful. In a healthy body, it is practically sterile, but how to check this in a particular person? Are you sure your body is completely healthy? Then, as a first aid in the thicket of forests, you can try to wash the thus contaminated wound. But try better to get boiled water or hydrogen peroxide. Urine definitely has nothing to do with the rapid healing of cuts and injuries.

Wound healing after surgery is the most important physiological process, the success of which determines the rate of recovery of the patient and his future health. After all, sometimes even after a successful surgical intervention during the rehabilitation period, complications arise that are associated precisely with the imperfection of caring for the wound.

How does a wound heal after surgery?

The first and most important thing that the surgeon does to speed up the healing of the wound after the operation is to bring its edges together with the help of suture material. In other words, stitches. Thanks to natural regeneration processes, over time, the wound grows together and becomes covered with new tissues.

If you delve into biology, you can distinguish three sequential healing processes.

The first is epithelization. The resulting squamous epithelial cells cover the most affected areas (with the deepest tissue damage).

The second process is convergence or contraction of the wound, when the edges are connected to each other, completely hiding the exposed mucosa. And then the third, final mechanism of postoperative wound healing occurs - this is collagenization, when collagen fibers cover the delicate skin of the wound, providing it with strong protection.

Important! If a person is healthy, then everything happens quickly and efficiently. A weakened or diseased organism sometimes does not have enough biological capabilities for this, therefore, it is necessary to select special auxiliary preparations for wound healing and take care of it more carefully.

Preparations for wound healing after surgery

From a person's first aid kit, it can sometimes be determined that he has recently undergone surgery. Because in this case, not only patches and bandages appear at his home, but also all kinds of solutions, gels and ointments for healing. Some were advised by a doctor, others were recommended by a neighbor or colleague, others were bought as a result of advice from Internet forums. And often half of the acquired is wasted, because the choice of the drug largely depends on the type of wound and the stage of its treatment.

External preparations

A good outdoor product should have the following properties:

  • disinfectant (does not allow the formation of harmful microbes and destroys old ones);
  • anti-inflammatory (stops and prevents inflammatory processes);
  • anesthetic (relieves pain);
  • regenerating (promotes speedy healing).

But it is not necessary to buy 4 different drugs in order to quickly heal the wound. Modern means usually have two, three, or even all four properties, which makes them convenient to use. So, how to speed up wound healing after surgery.

Primary processing

Care of the wound and the skin around the wound should be regular. The frequency of making dressings or simply applying an external agent not under a bandage is determined by the attending physician. But before using the gel or ointment, the wound must be treated with an antiseptic, which will cleanse it of dirt and particles of dead skin, preparing the tissues for the main healing agent.

Of these antiseptics, you can use the "good old" penny remedies: hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate solution, furatsilin, chlorhexidine. Depending on the specifics of the wound and its location, the doctor will recommend which drug is best suited.

The main tool for rapid wound healing

It can be an ointment or a gel. They differ not only in their consistency, but also in their purpose. The ointment is applied to dry wounds that tighten and tear, and therefore do not heal. And the gel is better suited for weeping wounds, because it does not form a film and allows the skin to breathe.

Salicylic ointment

An ointment with antibacterial properties known since Soviet times. It is applied under a sterile bandage after pre-treatment of the wound with peroxide. You can buy salicylic ointment for only 20-30 rubles (25 g).

Despite the fact that this is an ointment, it dries up weeping wounds well and heals them. Contains zinc - a useful mineral that promotes cell division and skin regeneration.

Previously, zinc ointment was produced in dark glass jars. Today you can buy it in tubes, for 30-40 rubles per 30 g.


A popular antibiotic ointment that can draw pus and other dirt out of the wound. It also has regenerating properties. Must have in the surgical department of any hospital. It is relatively inexpensive: 120-130 rubles for 40 g.


It is also a fairly well-known external wound healing agent used in pregnant women and children. It has bactericidal, regenerating and anesthetic properties. It costs 100-110 rubles for 30 g.

A modern remedy based on calf's blood extract. It heals well and is usually used in cases where cheap drugs do not help. Available in the form of ointment and gel. The approximate cost of a 20-gram tube is 280-300 rubles.


Or its analogue - Sulfargin. This is an ointment with silver extract, which perfectly disinfects the wound in addition to its healing and regenerating properties. Especially good for purulent postoperative wounds. For 40 g you will have to pay 350-370 rubles.

In addition to gels and ointments, another type of external preparations is actively used today - powders (powders). They are ideal for weeping postoperative wounds, because they have not only healing, but also absorbent properties - they absorb excess moisture. This, for example, Ambulance, Baneocin. Of the powder preparations of the Soviet era, many remember Streptocide. You can buy tablets and crush them, or immediately purchase a package of powder for 30-40 rubles for 2 g.

Oral preparations

The human body is a whole. And in order for the postoperative wound to heal faster, it is not enough just to smear it with a good remedy. You also need to help yourself from the inside, strengthening the immune system and creating all the conditions for quick healing. Vitamin-mineral complexes will help with this, in which the percentage of vitamins A and C, as well as zinc and omega-3 fatty acids, should be increased.

Nutrition for rapid wound healing after surgery

Instead of vitamin and mineral complexes (or at the same time with them), you can just eat right. A balanced diet also has a positive effect on recovery after surgery, in general, and on wound healing, in particular. And it also implies the presence of the previously listed components in the products. We concretize.

If the products listed above contribute to the speedy regeneration of the skin, then seasonings can be added to dishes to disinfect it from the inside. Turmeric, ginger, cloves, and even regular black or red pepper have antibacterial properties and help speed up wound healing.

Wound care rules

In order for the wound to heal faster, complete sterility must be observed. Even the simplest abrasion requires compliance with this condition, not to mention a complex open postoperative wound. Therefore, the hands of the person who will carry out the treatment should be washed with soap or wiped with alcohol. In the room where fresh wounds are treated, everything should also be sterile. Therefore, dressings in hospitals are done in dressing rooms, in which quartzization is periodically carried out. At home, you can use a portable quartz lamp.

Treatment of a postoperative wound begins with its cleansing. Peroxide, a pink solution of potassium permanganate or chlorhexidine should be poured over the wound or wiped with a sterile bandage soaked in one of the products.

Attention! When treating postoperative wounds, it is not recommended to use cotton pads and sticks. First, they are non-sterile. Secondly, the villi can remain inside the wound and provoke suppuration.

After treatment, the wound should dry out a little. If necessary, you can speed up the process with a sterile bandage. Then you can take an ointment or gel and apply the product according to the instructions, with or without a bandage.

At the next dressing, remove the old bandage carefully so as not to damage the tissue. If the bandage is dry, it must be soaked by watering with chlorhexidine, for example. Plain water is not recommended.

No matter how severe and deep the wound after the operation, if the medical prescriptions and recommendations are followed, it will heal faster and without complications in the form of infection, suppuration or severe twitching pains. It will also be important to choose good remedy to heal scars when the wound is completely healed.

The face for many, especially for women, is a symbol of beauty and attractiveness, on which mood and mood depend. general well-being. Therefore, even the slightest injury to the skin of this area gives a person great anxiety. We will tell you how to quickly heal injuries and not leave scars that disfigure the most noticeable part of a person.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

The total work experience is more than 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitology, in 1997 he completed residency in the specialty "Traumatology and Orthopedics" at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after I.I. N.N. Prifova.

The face, as an open part of the body, is quite often injured. Moreover, the impact on the skin is not only external, but also under the influence of internal processes. Let's take a closer look at these options:

  • abrasions. Them distinguishing feature- violation of the integrity of the most superficial areas of the skin. Bleeding usually does not happen at all, or it is insignificant. Abrasions cause trouble due to pain syndrome(the skin on the face is well innervated) and cosmetic problems.
  • Cuts. Injury with a sharp object, the danger of which depends on the location and depth. Bleeding can be quite strong, sometimes nerves are damaged, which leads to a violation of facial expressions. The treatment of such wounds should be entrusted to a specialist to prevent irreparable consequences and complications.
  • Ragged wounds. Occur as a result of car accidents, animal bites. Characterized by a massive rupture of soft tissues with damage not only to the skin, but also to the muscles, profuse bleeding. Deep wounds are dangerous due to the addition of a secondary infection and the development of purulent complications.
  • self-injury. This group is conditionally distinguished due to the fact that a person often damages the skin of the face as a result of improper care: wounds after acne (squeezing), burns from low-quality cosmetics, and others.

Most facial injuries require a visit to a doctor, as this area of ​​the body has its own characteristics that affect healing and the possibility of cosmetic complications.

Features of damage to the face

The treatment of even superficial abrasions on the face is very different from the healing of wounds in other areas of the body. This is due to the anatomical features:

  • Enhanced blood supply. Facial tissues are literally permeated with small blood vessels. As a result, even a small injury causes severe bleeding. There is a positive point in this - the better the blood circulation, the faster the wound heals.
  • Prolonged and extensive swelling. Swelling of tissues is due to their impregnation with blood plasma. On the face at the expense a large number capillaries, this symptom is maximum, spreads to neighboring areas and persists for more long time.
  • Mimic muscles. One of the successful conditions for tissue regeneration is their complete immobility. This is difficult to achieve on the face, since when talking or emotions, an automatic contraction of facial muscles occurs. The edges of the wound diverge, healing is inhibited. That is why, when traumatizing the face, doctors recommend applying cosmetic sutures even to small cuts.
  • Pain . There are many on the face structural elements: small bones, mimic muscles, teeth. All of them have good innervation, so the slightest injury leads to severe pain.

The described features have a positive consequence - wounds on the face usually heal faster than in other areas of the body and are less likely to become infected.

Suturing in this place can be postponed up to 36 hours (in other places this period is limited to a day).

Principles of treatment

The body's ability to heal itself is enormous. Wounds on the face in the absence of infection have a favorable prognosis for healing. It is important to correctly process them in the first hours and then follow medical recommendations. The following approaches are used for treatment.


The following recommendations will help speed up the recovery process without consequences:

  • Before starting treatment, you need stop the bleeding. To do this, apply a sterile gauze bandage to the damaged area. If bleeding persists for several minutes, see a doctor immediately, as deep vessels may be affected.
  • Antiseptic treatment. This compulsory procedure for all injuries. associated with skin damage. But traditional remedies (alcohol, iodine) on the face can cause a burn. Therefore, they are recommended to be diluted with water. Solutions of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and furacilin are safe for disinfecting wounds on the face.
  • For cuts on the cheek or around the mouth, it is best to suture immediately. These places are constantly in motion (talking, eating), so the edges of the wound will constantly diverge, and as a result, a visible scar may form.
  • If the face is not just torn skin, but a deeper wound, immediately follows see a surgeon. He will professionally treat the surface and give recommendations for further treatment.
  • In order for the wound to heal without a scar, it is necessary to shorten the period of tissue regeneration as much as possible. For this there are special ointments and creams:

"Healer", "Astroderm", "Actovegin", "Levomekol", "Bepanten", "D-Panthenol", "Sinyakoff", cream "911", "Xeroform" and many others. Before using them, you need to consult a doctor, as each remedy has its own characteristics and contraindications.

  • The right choice of dosage form. This is a fundamental point. If the wound is weeping, exudate is released from it, a solution or jelly should be applied, only after drying, treatment with oil-based ointments is indicated.
  • To improve performance immune system the patient is prescribed multivitamin course. If infection is suspected, antibiotics are recommended. a wide range actions.

IMPORTANT! The peculiarity of the use of external medicines should be discussed with your doctor.

Some are effective from the first hours after the injury, others should be used at the final stages of treatment. It has been proven that hydrogen peroxide is justified only in the treatment of deep open wounds; with minor damage, the agent causes only an unjustified skin burn.

Folk remedies

There are many in nature natural remedies helping at home to cope with wounds. We list the most effective and proven:

  • Aloe. The juice of this plant is natural antibiotic, has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces swelling. It is squeezed out of the lower, "oldest" leaves, moistened with a gauze cloth and applied to the wound for several minutes 2-3 times a day.
  • Plantain. Wound healing with leaves has been known for a long time. For the face, you need to make a gruel: the plantain is scrolled through a meat grinder and mixed with petroleum jelly (1: 5 ratio). It turns out an ointment convenient for application, which is used to treat wounds several times a day.
  • Kalanchoe. The action and method of application are similar to aloe.
  • Horsetail. The grass is dried or bought at a pharmacy, crushed into powder and sprinkled on the damaged areas.
  • Calendula. An ointment is prepared, 10 g of crushed calendula are mixed with petroleum jelly or butter (1: 5).

Usually wounds on the face have a favorable prognosis and heal within 7-10 days. If use folk remedies does not give an effect for a long time, the wound does not heal during this time, you need to consult a doctor to correct the treatment.

Peculiarities of treatment in children

It is especially difficult for young patients to endure facial injury due to pain and other unpleasant symptoms. They cannot spare damage, so the edges of the wound diverge much more often than in adults.

In case of facial injuries in children, you should urgently go to the emergency room, where cosmetic self-absorbable sutures will be applied to the child for any incisions.

This will shorten the recovery time and reduce the incidence of complications.


With an unfavorable course, wounds on the face can leave unpleasant consequences:

  • Suppuration. Often this complication is the result of improper treatment. A wound, even the smallest one, must be regularly treated with antiseptics. Deep incisions must be sutured. If the recommendations of doctors are violated, long-term non-healing wounds on the face become infected with bacteria, and the process becomes purulent.
  • Scars. The formation of connective tissue at the site of injury is a natural regeneration process. On the face, it delivers a lot of cosmetic problems. The more extensive the damage and the longer the recovery period, the more visible the scars will be. To eliminate them, there conservative ways(absorbable creams) and surgical (plastic).
  • injury facial nerve . This is a more serious consequence, which, unfortunately, is much more difficult to fix. Symptoms depend on the site of damage and are expressed in the loss of sensation and movement of individual parts of the face.

Wounds on the face are always unpleasant. In this case, more than ever, it is important to follow all the recommendations of doctors. It's best to ignore it in the first place. appearance, if necessary, suture and regularly treat the damage than subsequently treat complications for a long time.

How to quickly treat wounds and abrasions on the face. First aid

If you immediately treat the wound correctly and treat it correctly, then recovery will go quickly: you need to do this as quickly as possible, but carefully, without touching the wound itself, but removing all dead tissue and dirt from it.

Pharmaceutical wound healing

Eplan quickly cleans wounds from infection, and at the same time does not create a barrier for oxygen to enter them; There are no toxins, hormones or antibiotics in it. It is produced in the form of a solution, liniment and cream.

Around the same time, the Swiss company Nycomed created a drug based on an extract of the blood of dairy calves - Solcoseryl. produced in the form of ointment and jelly (its analogue is Actovegin, and it is also available in such forms), and perfectly heals any wounds. It can be used both at the initial stages - in the form of a jelly, and during the period of wound granulation - in the form of an ointment.

Solcoseryl protects the wound, prevents microbes from penetrating, accelerates metabolism and regeneration processes, and even anesthetizes - you need to use it 2-3 times a day, and healing will go quickly and without complications.

If you immediately lubricate a fresh abrasion with clean resin-resin of pine, spruce, fir, it will heal very quickly.

For the treatment of abscesses, ulcers, cuts, abrasions, boils, an ointment is prepared from spruce resin, sunflower oil, honey and wax. The ingredients are taken equally, melted in a water bath, mixed and used to lubricate sore spots.

For long-term non-healing wounds, there is one more effective remedy- ointment from burdock and celandine. The crushed roots of celandine and burdock (20 and 30 g each) are poured into 100 ml of sunflower oil and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes, removed, filtered, cooled and lubricated with sore spots several times a day - after a week, the wounds usually heal.

Propolis has long been known for its healing properties - with it, you can also prepare a homemade ointment for healing wounds. You can take any fat base - vegetable or butter, fish or pork fat (5 parts), bring it to a boil in a saucepan and add chopped propolis (1 part). Continue to cook for half an hour, stirring occasionally, at 80°C, then strain through cheesecloth, cool and use. You can store the ointment in the refrigerator for a whole year.

Of course, you should consult a doctor, and with sufficiently deep wounds or cuts, it is necessary to do this - it is better if a specialist provides first aid, and if necessary, he will suture and teach them how to process them.

If it is not possible to immediately consult a doctor, it is necessary to treat the skin around the wound with the antiseptic that is at hand: brilliant green, iodine, etc. and apply a sterile temporary bandage, but at least 2 hours later it is necessary to make a dressing according to all the rules. In order for the wound to heal quickly and correctly, it must be treated, and for this you need to have everything you need at home: bandages, tools - scissors and tweezers treated with alcohol; solutions of antiseptics and drugs that heal wounds.

The main properties of such products are the absence of toxic components, the ability to stimulate the processes of cell regeneration and collagen formation, and quickly deliver oxygen and glucose to cells. If the wound is wet, the ointment is not used - the agent should be in the form of a jelly: it does not stop healing, while the ointment with fatty components forms a film, preventing the liquid from being released from the damaged surface.

Jelly is replaced with ointment when the wound gradually turns dry - it is better to take one drug, but in different dosage form. Now the wound needs a protective film, under which it will heal better without being exposed to the external environment - here you can even remove the bandage. If you can’t remove it completely yet, you can apply it not immediately after treatment, but after 2-3 hours, and gradually increase this time - so the tissues will still heal faster.

Means for healing can be pharmacy or folk - in any case, they should be prescribed by a doctor.

Folk remedies are used on a par with pharmacy ones, if the doctor recommends, or when the wounds are small and not serious.

Rose oil can also be made at home: pour olive oil(1 cup) fresh petals of garden roses (2 cups), close the dishes tightly and put in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Periodically, the mass is stirred, then filtered and used.

Poorly healing wounds and ulcers are sprinkled with willow bark powder.- you can buy it in a phytopharmacy. Willow has hemostatic, antiseptic and wound healing properties; you can take the powder and inside, especially at temperature and fever - 1 g after meals, 3 times a day.

Wound healing is accelerated not only due to local effects - it is very important what our entire body feeds on. For example, the drug Oxyprolan can be used both externally, in the form of a cream, and inside, in the form of a dietary supplement - it also stimulates the production of collagen and accelerates the regeneration processes in tissues.

Wound healing. Means for rapid healing of wounds

It is unlikely that anyone wants to receive injuries and wounds on purpose, but many people receive them. The risk group includes athletes, people of certain professions, hyperactive children and adolescents; besides - unfortunately - the cause of injuries often becomes a banal non-compliance with the rules of life safety. But here we will not talk about how to avoid injuries and wounds, but about how to heal them faster if they have already appeared.

Bandaging wounds should be 1-2 times a day; dry and wet wounds are treated with different means.

If the wound needs to be washed, use a solution of furacilin, hydrogen peroxide or other aqueous solutions antiseptics; if the wound is inflamed, you should immediately consult a doctor, if not, continue the usual treatment in stages, using wound healing agents.

From pharmaceutical products preparations with vitamins or provitamins are often used: for example, retinol acetate or dexpanthenol - provitamin B5. These products come in the form of ointments, creams or lotions, but not in the form of jelly, so they are not suitable for treating wet wounds.

Preparations with methyluracil have an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulate cellular immunity, so wounds heal quickly, but only dry wounds can be treated with them - they are also not available in the form of jelly.

In the 90s, Moscow began to produce a drug called by many doctors universal - Eplun. This remedy treats dermatitis, burns, ulcers, radiation injuries, has pronounced regenerative properties and heals wounds - it is produced by Oberon CJSC. First of all, the drug actively destroys microbes and increases the activity of phagocytes, so they can treat fresh wounds, but it cannot be applied to bleeding wounds - it is an anticoagulant, and it can reduce clotting.

Folk remedies for wound healing

It happens that the wound is small, but does not heal for a long time, and may even fester - the resin-resin of coniferous trees will help to cure it. It is better to collect resin in late spring - early summer, from even, strong mature trees - no need to make incisions. The collected resin is melted and mixed 1:1 with pure butter - it is better to cook it yourself: beat 0.5 liters of fresh and fat village milk in a blender and collect the butter. The resulting mixture is applied to the wound 2 times a day - in a few days it is delayed.

Homemade wound balm with juniper tar, turpentine (100 g each), egg yolks and rose oil (1 tbsp). The oil is rubbed with two fresh yolks, and then purified turpentine is gradually added, 1 tsp each. with constant stirring - otherwise the mixture will curdle. Then tar is added and everything is thoroughly mixed. The resulting balm is carefully poured over the wounds, picking it up with a teaspoon.

Apply compresses with tincture of nettle leaves to fresh wounds.. Loosely place fresh leaves in a 0.5 liter bottle or jar almost to the top, pour 70% alcohol and put in the sun for a week. Strain the resulting tincture and wash the wounds with it before applying a bandage.

Nettle contains many substances that have hemostatic, wound healing and analgesic effects, so you can pour wounds with fresh juice or apply napkins soaked in juice to them.

Yarrow has similar properties: it promotes blood clotting, destroys microbes, relieves inflammation and pain - you can also pour wounds with its juice, or apply a bandage with fresh grass crushed into gruel.

In addition, the diet should be rich in natural lean protein and vitamins: fresh fermented milk products, meat and fish, fruits and vegetables.

  • Pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry grass cudweed with a swamp glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey To stir thoroughly. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
  • Mix the crushed root of the legume legume herb with vegetable oil, lamb or lard in equal proportions. Used as an ointment for wound healing.
  • Apply a bandage of garlic mixed with honey to wounds from a dog bite. There is a quick cure.
  • Take 40-50 g of crushed rhizomes bought from a pharmacy, pour 0.5 liters of water, boil for 20 minutes, strain, use for lotions, compresses, bruises, bleeding abrasions. Promotes resorption of hemorrhages (bruises). The plant is poisonous. Do not use inside!
  • Wounds of the perineum and anus have a certain specificity - due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of this area, they are constantly bacterially contaminated. Ensuring the aseptic condition of these wounds due to the connection with the anal canal is impossible. It is also impossible to create rest due to the constant function of the muscles. In addition, frequent recurrences of the fistula of the rectum, cicatricial tissue changes, repeated operations slow down the healing process even more and maintain a state of chronic infection. In some cases, propolis is the only drug for treatment.

  • Prepare a 20% propolis extract, and then dilute it with 10% castor oil. Dressings are carried out once a day from the 1st-2nd day after the operation and after infection of the wounds.
  • What else will help to quickly heal the wound?

    Anti-inflammatory aloe juice can be used as a lotion on wounds of various etiologies. Aloe will quickly kill germs and help in the regeneration of new cells needed for wound healing.

    Few people know that grape leaves also have antibacterial properties and the ability to stop bleeding. Crush or grind grape leaves with a blender until smooth. Apply this medicinal gruel to the sore spot and keep it for several hours two to three times a day. The course of treatment with grape leaves continues until complete recovery.

    Blueberry leaves have been used to treat skin damage since ancient times. A slurry of crushed leaves of this magical berry helps a person recover in record time. Apply a bandage from this slurry for a while, and after a few days there will be no trace of the wound.

    Known fact: onions have bactericidal properties. Try to use onion with a cut or wound, the formation of pus on an old wound. You can make a lotion from onion juice by grinding it to the state of gruel. The onion will destroy the pathogenic bacteria and the cut will heal very quickly. With the help of onions, purulent abscesses can be treated.

    Crushed buckwheat leaves have medicinal properties. They contribute to the rapid healing of purulent wounds and cuts. Compresses from buckwheat leaves must be applied until complete recovery.

    The roots of sweet clover contribute to the softening of a purulent wound. Crush the leaves of this plant and make a compress for several hours, after which the treatment can be continued with antibacterial lotions.


    Wounds- damage to the skin and tissues with the appearance of pain and bleeding. Wounds there are chopped, bruised, chipped, cut, torn, bitten, gunshot.

    When healing shallow wounds they must be washed with a disinfectant solution or boiled water, the skin around the wound should be washed with soap, the edges of the wound should be lubricated with an alcohol solution of iodine, alcohol or any alcohol tincture.


    For the treatment of wounds and their healing take 75 g of fresh burdock roots, pour 200 ml of vegetable oil (olive or sunflower), leave for a day, boil for 15-20 minutes on low heat, strain. Keep refrigerated. Lubricate the wounds with the resulting ointment 2 times a day. At the same time, drink a decoction of the root (1. 20), 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

  • Mash fresh celandine leaves and apply to the wound. If there are no fresh ones, you can use dry leaves by steaming them and bandaging them to the sore spot.
  • Grind 30 g of burdock roots and 20 g of celandine roots, pour a mixture of 100 ml of sunflower oil, boil for 15 minutes on low heat, strain. Lubricate non-healing wounds 2-3 times a day for at least a week.
  • Pour 50 g of crushed eucalyptus leaves with 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook for 3-5 minutes. Cool, strain, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Apply in the form of lotions and baths.
  • For poorly healing ulcers, liquid honey or Konkov's ointment is used, the basis of which is honey, taken in equal amounts with spermaceti. Another combination is also possible: honey, spermaceti and 10-20% calendula ointment, taken in equal amounts. Honey ointments are in some cases used in preparation for extensive plastic surgery.
  • In the treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds after surgical treatment dermoid cysts, fecal fistulas, it is recommended to use dressings with an ointment containing 30% propolis. Pre-do antiseptic cleaning of the wound with draining the secret. The dressings are then changed daily. As a result of such treatment, pain disappears faster and wounds epithelialize.
  • Swamp cranberries will help heal wounds due to its bactericidal properties. Gruel from crushed berries, or juice should be used as healing compresses on wounds. Cranberry has long been considered a natural antibiotic that promotes a quick recovery without the intervention of traditional medicine.

    To heal wounds quickly, you can collect lilac leaves. Lilac also has healing properties, which has been known for a long time. The leaves are crushed in a mixer to a state of homogeneous gruel. Then the juice is squeezed out from the gruel of lilac leaves and applied to the affected area several times a day. Important point- Lilac leaves must be fresh.

    Often, when injured, bacteria enter the bloodstream, which lead to the formation of pus. Lotions from sauerkraut will help remove pus and frozen blood. folk recipe will help to heal the wound very quickly, thanks to the bactericidal properties of cabbage. You can also wash the wound and get rid of dirt with the help of brine, which also has healing properties.

    Plum leaves can perfectly cure festering wounds. Grind them to a pulp, apply a compress to an open wound, and your condition will improve in a matter of hours. Before use, raw materials for lotions must be steamed.

    In folk medicine, there is a wonderful recipe that uses ordinary carrots, available to anyone. Lotions from grated carrots or crushed leaves will help heal festering wounds.

    Wormwood juice can be used for compresses in the treatment of purulent wounds. Wormwood has cleansing and bactericidal properties that will help in wound healing.

    Healing of postoperative sutures

    During any surgical operation, even the most harmless, regardless of the method of the operation, traumatic damage to nearby tissues occurs. Therefore, attention should be directed, first of all, to preventing the development of infection and accelerating regeneration processes. And in general, wound healing depends on the overall resistance of the body and on the skin itself.

    The healing of postoperative sutures by primary intention is characterized by the fusion of the edges of the wound without visible intermediate tissue (through the connective tissue organization of the wound channel and its epithelization). Healing by primary intention becomes possible under certain conditions: a small area of ​​damage, tight contact of the wound edges, preservation of their viability, absence of foci of necrosis and hematoma, relative asepsis of the wound. Of all the means of processing postoperative sutures, the most powerful are the good old ones, proven for hundreds of years, iodine and potassium permanganate. They haven't come up with anything stronger yet. More expensive than them - thousands of funds, but more effective - nothing! So don't worry, everything will heal, you just need patience, strict adherence to all doctor's advice, hygiene, good nutrition and good rest. Well proven ointment-contrubex. But you need to start smearing (approximately) weeks 2 after the wound has healed. Smear for at least a month and at least 2 times a day (rubbing into the scar until it dries). The start date for the use of contractubex must be agreed with the doctor, in many cases it is already prescribed for a p / o wound, before the sutures are removed. This is a remedy for the formation of keloid scars. and in two weeks one may already be formed. So this issue should be discussed with the attending physician. Dermatix Ultra is a good remedy for scars. Also, the healing of postoperative sutures occurs well with dimexide. It is used on the skin, in the form of applications and irrigations (washings). In a solution of the required concentration, gauze wipes are moistened and applied to the affected areas for 20-30 minutes. A polyethylene film and cotton or linen fabric are applied over the napkin. Duration of applications - 10-15 days. In skin plastic surgery, dressings with a 10-20% solution are used on transplanted skin auto- and homografts immediately after surgery and in the following days of the postoperative period until the graft is firmly engrafted. Ointment - in the form of rubbing 2-3 times a day. The seam from which the suture material has not yet been removed (silk, lavsan and you py) is called the emerging postoperative scar. The seam, which is a day, is called postoperative wound. A rough postoperative scar (purple, protruding above the surface of the skin) is a keloid scar.

    The healing of postoperative sutures includes three main processes

    1. Formation of collagen (connective tissue) by fibroblasts. During wound healing, fibroblasts are activated by macrophages. Fibroblasts proliferate and migrate to the site of injury, binding to fibrillar structures through fibronectin. At the same time, they intensively synthesize substances of the extracellular matrix, incl. collagens. Collagens ensure the elimination of a tissue defect and the strength of the emerging scar. 2. Epithelialization of the wound occurs as epithelial cells migrate from the edges of the wound to its surface. Completed epithelialization of the wound defect creates a barrier to microorganisms. but. Fresh clean wounds have low resistance to infection. By day 5, an uncomplicated wound regains resistance to infection. If this did not happen, then a situation is possible when the seam has parted after the operation. b. Migration of the epithelium from the edges of the wound cannot ensure the healing of large wound areas, this may require skin grafting. 3. Reduction of wound surfaces and wound closure provides the effect of tissue contraction, to a certain extent due to the contraction of myofibroblasts.

    Alternative methods of healing postoperative sutures

    Take two cups of dried crushed Sophora japonica and mix with two cups goose fat. If there is no goose fat, then take badger fat. Warm this composition in a water bath for two hours. And for three days, for two hours each time, heat this composition. And on the fourth day, the composition must be brought to a boil, and then removed from the heat. Mix well and pour into a glass bowl. Maybe in ceramic. Put a layer of ointment on the bandage and apply to the scars. Do these procedures daily until the scars heal. Livestock tincture has a good healing effect. For its preparation, the roots of this plant are taken, carefully twisted in a meat grinder and poured with alcohol and water, in equal amounts. Better to keep alcohol solution, but in order not to get a skin burn, use a water tincture after the operation. The treatment of scars with oils proved to be good: rosehip, corn and sea buckthorn. For their preparation, four hundred grams of sunflower oil and one hundred grams of beeswax are taken. Mix well and cook over low heat for ten minutes. After complete cooling, the agent is applied to a piece of gauze or bandage and applied to the sore spot. From treatment with ointment, the scar heals much faster than from herbal treatment.

    Healing of perineal sutures

    Sea buckthorn oil helped a lot to heal the seam from the episiotomy. Or as an option - the pharmacy sells sea buckthorn-calendula throat spray - the same wonderful healing and antibacterial effect.

    Factors affecting the healing of postoperative wounds

    1. Age. Younger patients heal faster than older ones. 2. Body weight. In obese patients, wound closure is significantly more difficult due to excess adipose tissue. Adipose tissue is more susceptible to traumatic injury and infection due to a relatively poor blood supply. 3. Power status. The body's needs for energy and plastic material increase significantly, malnutrition affects the quality and speed of reparative processes in the wound. 4. Dehydration. With a lack of fluid in the body, electrolyte imbalance can develop, which negatively affects the function of the heart and kidneys, intracellular metabolism, blood oxygenation and hormonal status. Which can inhibit the healing of postoperative sutures over time. 5. The state of blood supply in the wound area is essential for the rate of its healing; wounds in areas with a lot of blood vessels (such as the face) heal faster. 6. Immune status. Since immune responses are designed to protect the patient from infection, immunodeficiency of any kind worsens the prognosis of surgery (for example, people infected with the human immunodeficiency virus [HIV], who have recently received chemotherapy or long-term corticosteroid treatment in high doses). For such a contingent, the purulent nature of the flow of the wound surface is characteristic. Then the treatment of purulent wounds for them becomes the most relevant. 7. chronic diseases. For example, endocrine disorders and diabetes always lead to a slow wound process and often to the development postoperative complications. 8. Sufficient supply of oxygen to tissues - necessary condition wound healing. but. Fibroblasts need oxygen to synthesize collagen, and phagocytes need it to engulf and destroy bacteria. b. Any process that interferes with the access of oxygen or other nutrients disrupts healing (eg, hypoxemia, hypotension, vascular insufficiency tissue ischemia due to overtightened sutures). in. Radiation therapy causes obliteration of small vessels of the dermis, which leads to local ischemia and slows down wound healing. 9. Anti-inflammatory medicines(eg, steroids, NSAIDs) slow down wound healing in the first few days, but have little effect on healing later. 10. Secondary infection and suppuration is one of the most common causes deterioration of the wound condition and a significant delay in healing.

    Wound healing, folk remedies

    Probably, no one is immune from getting various wounds, abrasions, cuts. Especially unpleasant in this regard are lacerations. Such, as a rule, are bad and heal for a very long time. Fortunately, traditional medicine knows several proven ways to speed up the healing process of a wound with the help of the most common herbs and vegetables.

    I would like to note that the recipes listed below are suitable for treating ordinary, fresh wounds. If the wound is old and is already starting to fester, there are other methods of treatment for them, which I will tell you about in the near future.

    If you are injured, then treatment should begin on the same day. And in no case do not delay. ethnoscience offers the following options.

    Blueberry infusion

    We take blueberry leaves, pour them with boiling water, cover, and let it brew for 40 minutes. The infusion needs a strong one, so we do not regret the leaves. It is used as a compress for superficial wound treatment.

    We rub the carrots on a fine grater. Apply firmly to the wound. From above, cover it all with foil and bandage it or seal it with a band-aid. Leave for 1.5-2 hours. You can apply 2-3 times a day, carrots are always only fresh.

    Accelerate wound healing and ordinary red beet leaves. To do this, you need to take a few young leaves, mash them well until juice is formed. And tie to the wound for 1.5-2 hours. Then we take a break for 2-3 hours and you can repeat the procedure.

    magical way

    Well, in the end, a very interesting and very old method. He, of course, is not available to everyone, and magic is already working here. For wound healing:

    Rinse the wound with clean running water.

    Treat with medical alcohol.

    We cut a ripe ear of wheat with a straw 7-10 cm (the length of the straw from the ear)

    Gently run the end of the ear over the wound three times, criss-cross

    Do the procedure three times a day for 3 days

    Each time you use a new spikelet, the old one absorbs your disease and can no longer be used.

    This method is very effective in the treatment of any, both old and new wounds. It also helps stop bleeding.