Cure for thrush one tablet name. List of pills for candidiasis. Epigen Intim is the best natural remedy for thrush


One of the frequent infectious diseases today is candidiasis. It is caused by pathogenic fungi in the presence of favorable conditions for reproduction. It is important to know what remedies for thrush exist that are inexpensive and effective in order to start the fight against the disease in time when the first symptoms appear. In addition, for successful therapy, it is useful to study in more detail the features and causes of the development of the disease.

General information about thrush

The disease is caused by a fungus of the genus Candida. Thrush (candidiasis) occurs in patients of all ages. The causative agent of infection is a member of the microflora of the oral cavity and large intestine and does not harm health in small quantities. A sharp reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms begins under the influence of certain factors. To prevent the development of candidiasis, it is worth knowing the causes of the appearance of pathology.

Among the factors provoking thrush, it is worth noting the following:

  1. Weak immunity.
  2. Violation of metabolism (metabolic processes in the body).
  3. Treatment with antibiotics.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. The body of pregnant women (especially in the 3rd trimester).
  6. The body of newborn babies (a child can become infected with candidiasis during childbirth or during feeding).

Thrush symptoms

After infection with candidiasis, signs of the disease appear almost immediately. The main symptoms of a fungal infection are listed below:

  • burning sensation in the vagina in women;
  • pain during intercourse and urination;
  • curdled discharge in women;
  • plaque on the penis of white color in men.

Treatment of thrush

The disease is very unpleasant and dangerous, therefore, a set of measures is recommended to combat it. Even the best remedy from thrush is not able to permanently destroy microorganisms and prevent recurrence of the disease, without additional measures. Therapy for candidiasis should include the following steps:

  1. Identification of the causative agent of infection, determination of the susceptibility of the microorganism to a particular drug.
  2. Restoration of acidity and internal microflora of the body.
  3. Strengthening immunity.
  4. Therapy of concomitant hormonal disorders.
  5. Rejection of bad habits.
  6. Treatment of genital infections (if any).


Most of the patients and patients, when symptoms of candidiasis are detected, prefer to fight the disease with pills. Among the advantages of this form of drugs, it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Rapid effect of therapy.
  2. Oral drugs destroy fungal cells not only in the focus of infection, but also throughout the patient's body.
  3. A mild form of candidiasis can be cured with antifungal tablets, without the use of ointments or suppositories.

Tablet preparations for thrush are made on the basis of various components that affect fungal cells and stop the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. The rate of their assimilation is different, so the tablets are taken in different dosages. All medicines for candidiasis contain one of the active ingredients:

  1. Fluconazole. The component is part of such tablets as Mikomax, Diflucan, Flucostat. Apply drugs with fluconazole 150 mg once. As a rule, the dose is enough for a complete recovery.
  2. Natamycin- a component of Pimafucin antifungal tablets. Medicines based on this substance are prescribed in a course for several days. The patient should take 1 tablet per day.
  3. Nystatin is part of the tablets of the same name. Medicines based on this component are taken 4 times every day, 1 pc. The course of therapy is calculated individually, up to 14 days.
  4. Miconazole- the active ingredient in Mikatin, Miconazole, Funginazole. Therapy with tablets based on this substance is 3 days, 1 pc. per day.
  5. Ketoconazole component of the drug of the same name and Nizoral tablets. Every day they take medicines with this substance, 1-2 pcs. The course of treatment is calculated individually up to 5 days.

Popular thrush pills for women

An effective drug for systemic therapy of diseases caused by pathogenic fungi is Nizoral. It is produced on the basis of ketoconazole, a substance with a pronounced mycostatic and antifungal effect. Tablets affect the composition of the cell membranes of infectious agents, which leads to their death. The drug enters the bloodstream, so it quickly spreads throughout the body. Due to this, you can take pills, regardless of the location of the infection. The course of treatment with Nizoral is at least 5 days.

The advantages of the drug:

  • does not enter the general circulation;
  • regulates the composition of the microflora of the vagina;
  • fights different types of pathogenic fungi;
  • effective for infections of varying severity.


  • causes an allergy in patients with hypersensitivity to components;
  • contraindicated in pregnancy, diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • can provoke violations of the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, blood clotting.

Fluconazole - strong inexpensive capsules based on the component of the same name. After taking the medicine, it prevents the growth and reproduction of candidiasis pathogens. Mild forms of fungal infections are eliminated by these capsules after applying 1 pc. (150 mg). If the disease progressed to chronic form, the treatment regimen is determined by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body of a particular patient.

The advantages of the drug:

  • low cost;
  • rapid absorption of components into the blood;
  • active destruction of infectious agents;
  • rapid normalization of mucosal microflora;


  1. Capsules are contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, kidney and liver diseases.
  2. The components of the drug can affect the work of the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Against the background of therapy, the development of allergies is possible.
  4. Exceeding the recommended dose can cause mental disorders, hallucinations.

Mikosist is another well-known medicine for oral administration against candidiasis. The drug is produced in Hungary on the basis of fluconazole, it has a pronounced antifungal effect. Before using the tablets, it is important to study the contraindications, which the drug has a lot of. The treatment regimen is determined by the doctor after complete examination female patients.

The advantages of the drug:

  • fast action;
  • active destruction different types infectious agents;
  • prevention of recurrence of the disease.


  1. Tablets are not prescribed for breastfeeding, pregnancy.
  2. The active substances of Mycosyst can adversely affect the functioning of the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The patient may develop an allergy to the components of the drug.
  4. Exceeding the dose provokes mental disorders.
  5. The medicine is not suitable for patients with impaired renal function, liver.

Clotrimazole - intravaginal tablets for thrush. The tool is made on the basis of the component of the same name, it is active against yeast-like fungi and other pathogens of genital infections. Each tablet contains 100 mg of clotrimazole. The agent acts on pathogenic microorganisms, prevents them from developing and multiplying. The course of application of tablets is calculated individually from 6 to 14 days.

The main advantages of Clotrimazole:

  • rapid excretion of potassium from the body;
  • active destruction of cells of pathogenic microbes and nucleic acids;
  • fight against inflammatory processes in the body.


  1. Tablets are not prescribed for people with hypersensitivity to the main or additional components.
  2. The drug is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, during lactation.
  3. You can not use the drug to treat children under 16 years of age.

Pimafucin is a drug for thrush with a pronounced fungicidal effect. The main component of the drug is natamycin. The tool has a wide spectrum of action, has a minimum number of contraindications, is not absorbed into the general bloodstream from the stomach. Pimafucin destroys the pathogens of candidiasis by acting on their cell membrane. The treatment regimen and dosage of the drug are set by the doctor.

The benefits of the drug:

  • a small number of contraindications;
  • effectiveness against different forms candidiasis;
  • treatment of concomitant bacterial pathologies;
  • few side effects;
  • pills are not addictive;
  • effectiveness in the chronic form of candidiasis;
  • the possibility of therapy during pregnancy, lactation.


  • incompatibility of Pimafucin with alcohol;
  • you can not drink tablets with other antibacterial agents;
  • in the first days of treatment, there may be violations of the gastrointestinal tract.


In addition to systemic drugs with antifungal action, for the treatment of thrush, women are often prescribed candles for candidiasis. This form of medicine has its advantages:

  1. Suppositories are easy to use.
  2. The form is suitable for the treatment of thrush with deep localization in the vagina.
  3. There is a remedy in the form of suppositories for the prevention of infection (Ginezol).
  4. Most drugs are made on the basis of several components, which increases their effectiveness.

In addition to the visible advantages, this form has significant disadvantages:

  1. Candles act inside the body, not suitable for external use.
  2. Do not use this form of medicine during menstruation.
  3. As a rule, candles are part of complex therapy due to the inability to cure thrush alone.
  4. To achieve the desired result, patients must strictly adhere to the treatment regimen.

Local therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system not only allows you to destroy pathogens, but also inevitably leads to an imbalance in the beneficial microflora of the vagina and a decrease in local immunity. If you do not make a quick recovery of lactoflora, activation of conditionally pathogenic microflora is possible, which will lead to an exacerbation of thrush or bacterial infections. For the same reason, antifungal therapy for vaginal candidiasis may not be effective enough. Therefore, after the first stage of treatment aimed at eradicating the infection, it is important to carry out the second stage - to restore the balance of beneficial microflora with the help of Lactoginal capsules. It is the only registered in the territory Russian Federation tribiotic drug. Laktozhinal quickly restores pH, vaginal microflora and protects against re-exacerbation of bacterial vaginosis and thrush for a long time. Two-stage therapy has recently become the gold standard for the treatment of conditions accompanied by pathological discharge. Many experts believe that only this method can provide a pronounced and long-term therapeutic effect, strengthen local immunity, which serves as a prevention of subsequent exacerbations.

Effective candles in the treatment of thrush

Inexpensive but effective remedy from candidiasis Livarol has mass positive feedback. The drug is suitable only for those patients who first encountered thrush. With frequent use of Livarol, infectious agents become resistant to its action. Suppositories based on ketoconazole are produced. After entering the body, the drug disrupts metabolic processes in the cells of yeast fungi, streptococci, dermatophytes, which leads to their death.

Advantages of Livarol:

  • effective elimination of symptoms of acute candidiasis;
  • a combination of antifungal and antibacterial action (in the absence of an antibiotic in the composition);
  • effectiveness in the prevention of chronic forms of the disease;
  • uniform distribution of the active substance along the walls of the vagina, normalization of microflora.


  • you can not use candles in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • the drug can provoke irritation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • low efficiency with repeated use.

Nystatin- an inexpensive remedy for thrush with a pronounced antifungal effect. Applies to initial stages candidiasis, is ineffective against pathogenic bacteria. A medicine is produced based on the polyene antibiotic levorin. The component is able to destroy the cells of the fungus and slow down their reproduction. Nystatin suppositories are prescribed to patients for the treatment of various forms of candidiasis or for the prevention of infection.

Advantages of the drug:

  • pronounced antifungal action;
  • efficiency even with re-infection;
  • elimination of unpleasant symptoms after the first day of therapy;
  • relatively low toxicity.


  • the medicine is not prescribed during pregnancy, violations of the liver;
  • suppositories can cause chills or dysbacteriosis;
  • lack of effectiveness of therapy for bacterial infection.

Polygynax- a drug with a combined action in the form of vaginal suppositories. The tool is considered effective due to the content of several active substances: neomycin sulfate, nystatin, polymexin. The components act on the cells of pathogenic fungi and bacteria, prevent the development and spread of infection. The drug is prescribed for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs: vulvovaginitis, fungal vaginitis and others.

Advantages of the tool:

  • easily tolerated;
  • suitable for prevention and treatment;
  • does not affect the microflora, is not active against lactobacilli;
  • quickly relieves the symptoms of the disease;
  • stabilizes trophic processes in the mucosa.


  • high price;
  • the possibility of developing irritation, burning;
  • the appearance of greasy stains on linen during therapy;
  • allergy in patients with hypersensitivity to components.

Terzhinan- a remedy for the treatment of gynecological pathologies of local application. To date, the drug has no structural analogues. Terzhinan contains neomycin, prednisolone, ternidazole, nystatin. Due to the powerful active ingredients, the remedy effectively fights infections of various etiologies. Candles are prescribed to patients with inflammatory processes in the vagina, vaginitis caused by bacteria, pathogenic fungi.

Advantages of the drug:

  • a wide range of activities;
  • rapid elimination of thrush of any severity;
  • normalization of the pH balance in the vagina;
  • mucosal restoration;
  • no side symptoms.


  • high price;
  • the possibility of developing allergies;
  • the possibility of a negative effect of the components of the drug on the fetus in pregnant women.

Ointments for thrush

It is difficult to choose a drug for the treatment of candidiasis on your own. When symptoms appear, be sure to contact a specialist and identify the causative agent of the infection. In addition to tablets and suppositories, patients may be prescribed remedies for thrush in the form of ointments. This option is used as part of complex therapy in conjunction with antifungal tablets. Ointments well relieve redness and itching in the focus of the disease.

Some of the benefits of this form include:

  • the possibility of using for external treatment of candidiasis of the genital organs, both in women and men;
  • low price of drugs compared to drugs in the form of suppositories or tablets;
  • rapid elimination of symptoms of infection, reduction of pain;
  • ease of use;
  • a small number of contraindications and side effects.

Disadvantages of antifungal ointments:

  • lack of effect with deep lesions (appendages or uterus of the patient);
  • a small amount of active ingredients in the composition;
  • duration of treatment.

The most famous antifungal agents in the form of ointments are the following drugs:

  • Ketoconazole;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Pimafucin;
  • Nystatin.

Folk remedies for thrush

Except medications you can fight candidiasis in men and women with the help of folk recipes. Home remedies are no less effective in solving this delicate problem, they relieve the symptoms of infection well, and help reduce the number of recurrences of pathology in the chronic form. As a rule, infusions, decoctions of herbs, douching or a special diet are used. Folk recipes must be combined with drug therapy.

Among the home methods of treating thrush, it is worth highlighting douching. The following medicinal fees apply for the procedure:

  1. Sage leaves - 20 g, rosemary - 20 g, oak bark - 40 g. Pour the herbs with water (3 l), boil for half an hour. Strain the finished broth, use for douching in the morning and evening until complete recovery.
  2. 3 art. l. St. John's wort pour 2 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes. Strain the resulting broth, use for douching 2 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks.
  3. Connect 3 parts of oak bark and 2 parts of linden flowers. Take 4 tbsp. l. collection, pour boiling water in an amount of 250 ml. Insist 15 minutes. Use the douche in the morning and evening as needed.

In addition to douching, you can try herbal decoctions. To make an infusion, take 2 tsp. collection, pour water, boil for 15 minutes. Leave the decoction for 12 hours, after which they drink 1/2 cup in the morning on an empty stomach. For preparation, you can use the following medicinal plants:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • eucalyptus;
  • yarrow;
  • juniper.


The cost of drugs for the treatment of candidiasis depends on the manufacturer, form of release, outlet. Below is a table with prices for medicines in Moscow:



Do not use the information posted on the site without first consulting with your doctor!

The medical portal site reveals the secrets of the fight against candidiasis - a group of diseases that cause microscopic yeast-like fungi from the genus Candida. Thrush is popularly called one of the forms of the disease - the defeat of visible mucous membranes (for example, thrush of the mouth or the sexual form of the disease). This name was based on characteristic symptom- mucosal formation white plaque like curdled milk.

The site contains materials on the clinical picture, diagnosis, therapy and prevention of candida infection in adults and children. All articles are written by practitioners with extensive experience in treatment various forms this ailment. It contains everything that doctors want, but do not have time to tell at the reception, as well as answers to many delicate questions that patients are embarrassed to ask in person.

The materials are presented in a simple, accessible language and are intended for readers without medical training.

And to make it easier for you to find the information you are interested in, we have grouped the topics into categories:

General articles about thrush

Culture results of bacterial materials containing Candida

With causative agents of candidiasis, each person contacts daily. Let's say more - Candida fungi constantly live on the skin and mucous membranes of most of us. For some reason, some get sick, while others do not. Of those people who get sick, some get rid of the infection relatively easily, while others cannot be cured for years. Why this happens and what determines the course of the disease - read in this section.

Here you will find answers to questions:

  • What organs does Candida fungus affect, except for the mucous membranes of the genitals.

Thrush in women

Thrush in women

Both women and men suffer from sexual candidiasis, but 90% of those suffering from this disease with bright clinical manifestations- representatives of the weaker sex. Why candida fungi attack more often female body, as beautiful half humanity to resist them and how to escape, if the symptoms of thrush have already made themselves felt - you will learn from this section.

You will also learn from it:

Thrush during pregnancy

While waiting for the baby, any infections are dangerous, but as it were future mom she did not take care of herself, she does not always succeed in avoiding sexual candidiasis. Why is this happening? What is the peculiarity of the course and treatment of thrush in pregnant women? Can the disease be passed on to a child? Answers to questions are collected in this section.

In it you will find information:

  • About the differences clinical picture and therapeutic tactics for candidiasis in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.
  • About how genital candidiasis affects the course of childbirth and the postpartum period.
  • Can chronic sexual candidiasis cause infertility.
  • Is the disease of genital thrush in a pregnant woman an indication for caesarean section.

Candidiasis in children

Any infectious diseases in children proceed differently than in adults. And candidiasis is no exception. Many babies get sick with it in the first weeks after birth, but some mothers take it calmly, while others panic and insist on the immediate hospitalization of the child. Which of them is right and what is the peculiarity of the course of candidal infection in childhood read in this section.

  • What is the danger of candidiasis for children under one year old.
  • How to treat oral thrush in infants.
  • What organs can suffer from candidal infection in children, except for the mucous membrane of the tongue and gums.
  • What drugs are used to treat thrush in childhood.
  • How to feed infants with oral thrush.

Thrush in men

Men are not used to giving in to diseases, but thrush can become a real test of character for them - her symptoms are so painful. Candidiasis does not often affect men, but on those whose body could not withstand the onslaught of infection, it can be said to “come off in full” ... Read about the features of the clinical picture and the course of candidiasis in a strong half of humanity in this section.

Click on photo to enlarge

It also contains information on:

  • Is it possible for a man suffering from genital candidiasis to have sex.
  • Can thrush cause male infertility and cause problems with potency.
  • How do men get sexual candidiasis.
  • What are the differences in the use of anti-candida drugs in women and men.

Medications for the treatment of thrush

The most important information about any disease - how to recover from it. This section contains truthful information about medications against various forms of candidiasis. However, here you will not find ready-made recipes for self-treatment, since with a candidal infection it does more harm than good. Taking a medicine without a prescription from a specialist, you greatly increase the risk of the disease becoming chronic, which is very difficult to cure.

Preparations for the treatment of thrush. Click on photo to enlarge

Here you will find answers to questions:

Traditional medicine against thrush

Cases of curing candidal infection with folk remedies alone official medicine unknown, but this does not mean that you have to give them up. The ancient herbalists who saved our great-grandmothers keep a lot of healthy recipes. Let be folk remedies do not completely relieve the disease, but help strengthen the immune system and eliminate the painful symptoms that cause so much anxiety with thrush.

  • About common mistakes in the use of home remedies that lead to serious consequences.
  • About why douching with soda gives only a temporary effect and provokes relapses of thrush.
  • About which category of patients folk remedies are strictly contraindicated.

Let infections bypass you and your loved ones!

Thrush (or vaginal candidiasis) is a common female disease that every woman has encountered at least once in her life. The disease is caused by an overgrowth of a yeast called candida albicans, which are found naturally in all people in the body. An excessive increase in the fungus in the vagina provokes the appearance of a strong thrush.

According to studies, about 75% of women suffered from a fungal infection. And half of them had severe thrush more than once.

Risk factors

Thrush, also known as vaginal candidiasis, - it is an inflammation of the vaginal tissue. The vaginal environment can change due to several factors that increase the risk of infection:

  • Infection often occurs after treatment with oral antibiotics. They kill the protective bacteria, thereby allowing the fungus to survive and multiply.
  • Fluctuations in hormonal levels can occur during menopause or menstrual periods.
  • In some cases, women experience severe thrush after ovulation. This is due to a surge in the hormone progesterone, which rises after ovulation. It is necessary for the development and attachment of the fetal egg to the uterus. In the absence of pregnancy, with the onset of menstruation, the hormonal background returns to normal.
  • Taking oral contraceptives can also change the microflora of the vagina and lead to the spread of a fungal infection.
  • Diseases that suppress the immune system, such as HIV or AIDS, can also be risk factors.


Why does severe thrush occur in women? There are a number of provoking factors due to which this disease occurs:

Regardless of the causes of severe thrush, it is necessary to visit your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


The most common and first symptom of a fungal infection is a change in the nature of the discharge. They become white, the consistency changes to curdled. The smell, as such, is usually absent. Due to strong secretions with thrush, itching, burning, irritation and redness of the genital organs appear. In addition, a woman may experience discomfort or pain during urination, as well as during and after sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of severe thrush are similar to those of other diseases. These include sexually transmitted infections and diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, or trichomoniasis.

It is believed that thrush is not contagious. But sometimes the infection can be passed to a partner through sexual intercourse. If a partner develops symptoms, a doctor should be contacted to decide on the most effective treatment.


The effectiveness of treatment lies in the correct diagnosis, as well as the exclusion of infections and diseases similar in symptoms.

Diagnosis of severe thrush is as follows:

  • examination by a gynecologist using special mirrors,
  • swab taking,
  • examination of urine and blood,
  • consultation of other specialists, if necessary.

Treatment Methods

What to do with a strong thrush? Vaginal suppositories, creams, or tablets are commonly used to treat a fungal infection. Also, in addition to medications, it is recommended to maintain a low-calorie diet, personal hygiene.

There are many drugs for the treatment of severe thrush. All of them are divided into groups depending on the active substance in the composition. The main ones include:

  1. Polyenes. Medicines of this group of natural origin. They can be used to prevent yeast infections. An example medicines this group is "Nystatin".
  2. Triazoles. By suppressing the reproduction and spread of a fungal infection, drugs are suitable for the treatment of chronic thrush. Antifungal drugs are often prescribed by doctors. These include Diflucan and Flucostat.
  3. Imidazoles. The components of drugs of this group penetrate into the deep layers of tissues, have a disinfecting effect. Such drugs, for example "Clotrimazole", are used in the treatment of often recurrent forms of thrush.
  4. Macrolides. Medicines a wide range actions. Low toxicity, which allows them to be taken in childhood, as well as during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Such a drug is Pimafucin.


The most famous and quite effective pills for thrush for women is Flucostat. The main active ingredient of the antifungal agent is fluconazole. The drug comes in the form of capsules and is taken orally. With a very strong thrush, treatment takes a couple of days, with mild no acute forms ah enough 2 capsules. The cost varies from 250 to 600 rubles, depending on the dosage.

The advantages of using Flucostat include:

  • treatment on any day of the cycle;
  • taking during or after a meal;
  • compatibility with other drugs, for example birth control pills;
  • short course of treatment.


Another type of effective thrush pills for women is Diflucan. Ease of use lies in its single use. This antifungal agent is available in the form of capsules, a solution for intravenous administration and powder for suspension preparation. The active substance of the drug is fluconazole. With a strong thrush, a single dose of Diflucan is effective.

In general, the drug is well tolerated, but sometimes there may be side effects, such as the:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • stool disorder;
  • skin rash;
  • stomach ache.

Contraindications include:

    hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;

    dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

1 tablet "Diflucan" costs about 400 rubles.


The drug is available in the form of a cream, suppositories and tablets. The tableting form of "Pimafucin" is recommended for the treatment of acute forms of thrush. Active ingredient is natamycin. Tablets should be taken 1 to 4 times a day for a week. The drug is not contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


"Nystatin" is one of the inexpensive pills for thrush for women, men and even children. In addition to the tablet form, the drug is available in the form of suppositories, creams and drops for the treatment of thrush in infants. active ingredient drug is nystatin. The course of treatment averages 7-14 days. Symptoms may disappear after a few days, which is not an indication to stop taking the drug. The price of "Nystatin" in tablet form varies from 43 to 144 rubles, depending on the number of tablets.


The drug also applies to women. The active ingredient is clotrimazole. Apart from vaginal tablets, the drug is available in the form of suppositories, cream, gel, spray. The gel and spray is commonly used against a fungal infection of the skin. For the treatment of severe thrush, it is recommended to use a cream, suppositories or tablets. The course is about 6 days. "Clotrimazole" in the form of vaginal tablets or suppositories is injected deep into the vagina 1 time per day. The external genital organs, if necessary, are treated with a cream. Contraindications to taking the drug are:

  • pregnancy up to 12 weeks,
  • hypersensitivity to clotrimazole,
  • open wounds.

The cost of "Clotrimazole" in a pharmacy starts at 29 rubles, depending on the form of release.


Lomexin is a relatively new drug used to treat severe thrush. The active substance is fenticonazole nitrate. Release form of the drug: vaginal capsules and cream. Treatment with capsules takes 2-3 days depending on the dosage (600 or 1000 mg). The cream must be used until the symptoms disappear completely. The drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The effect of the components of "Lomexin" on the fetus and child has not been studied. The price varies from 490 to 650 rubles.


A broad-spectrum antifungal agent is also used to treat severe thrush. The active substance is itraconazole. "Irunin" is available in the form of vaginal tablets and suppositories. For the treatment of severe thrush, the drug must be injected deep into the vagina once before bedtime. The course of application of an antifungal agent is from 7 to 14 days. The drug is prohibited for use up to 12 weeks of pregnancy and in childhood.

The cost of the antifungal agent "Irunin" averages about 400 rubles.


Another type of drug for the treatment of severe thrush is the Polygynax vaginal capsules. The drug belongs to the combined antibiotics. "Polygynax" has an antibacterial, bactericidal and antifungal effect. Due to the content of nystatin, neomycin sulfate and polymexin, the drug is contraindicated for use in the first trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Also, the limitations include individual intolerance to the components. The course of treatment is 12 days. For prophylactic use - 6 days. Capsules are administered intravaginally at bedtime once.

The cost of the drug "Polygynax" varies depending on the number of capsules in the package, on average it ranges from 350 to 620 rubles.


The drug belongs to the antifungal agents of the combined type. "Terzhinan" has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiprotozoal effects due to the content a large number active components. They are ternidazole, nystatin, neomycin, prednisolone. The course of treatment is an average of 10 days. The drug must be used strictly according to the instructions. To do this, the vaginal tablet is first dipped in water for 20-30 seconds. After that "Terzhinan" is injected deep into the vagina. The procedure must be carried out daily in the evening before going to bed.

Contraindications to the use of "Terzhinan" are individual intolerance to the components of the drug, the first trimester of pregnancy and lactation. The price for "Terzhinan" is quite high, averaging 500 rubles.

Prevention measures

More than 75% of all women suffer from a vaginal fungal infection during their lifetime. With incorrect diagnosis and, accordingly, incorrect treatment, relapses often occur.

Antibiotic treatment, hormonal changes, and chronic diseases that weaken the immune system are typical causes of severe thrush. Symptoms range from mild vaginal itching or burning to severe itching, swelling and irritation. Also, the main symptoms include the appearance of white curdled discharge.

  1. Some doctors recommend adding yogurt or cranberry juice to your diet to help restore a normal vaginal environment. In this case, the normal microflora will not contribute to the spread of fungal infection.
  2. It is also recommended to refrain from wearing synthetic underwear and tight clothing. It is preferable to use cotton fabrics.
  3. The use of feminine hygiene products, vaginal deodorants and sprays should be avoided as they can cause recurrent irritation of the vaginal tissues.
  4. Using white non-deodorized toilet paper will also help prevent severe thrush.
  5. Proper hygiene.

Thrush in women is a violation of the acid-base balance of the external genital organs, which leads to an increased growth of bacteria of the Candida family. Many women use more antifungal drugs, the effect of which is noticeable for a short time.

The prevalence of genital candidiasis among women is growing by leaps and bounds. Most likely, this is due to a change in the lifestyle, quality of nutrition and the immune status of a woman. So let's talk about drug treatment and ways to fight the disease.

What is dangerous thrush

Thrush or genital candidiasis- This is a condition that is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the internal genital organs. Often the disease is chronic and difficult to treat, but recently the pharmaceutical world has been filled with a huge amount of the strongest medicines for thrush for women. Why is fungal inflammation so difficult to treat, and the female half of the population of our planet still suffers from it?

Any long-term infection causes a change in the structure of the mucous membrane. Over time, in 1-5% of cases of thrush, the disease may end cancer. Of course, there is no direct connection between thrush and oncology, but the disease cannot be excluded as a risk factor.

Conditions that provoke genital candidiasis (thrush)

  • Voltage drop immune system(viral disease)
  • Taking an antibiotic
  • Hypothermia (working in cold conditions)
  • Taking combined oral contraceptives
  • Taking steroid hormones

Conditions in which thrush is the norm

  • Pregnancy (there are signs of thrush, but they are not pronounced)
  • Oncological pathology
  • Insufficiency in the diet of protein foods and polyunsaturated fats

To say that the above states do not require medical intervention it is forbidden. It means that specifically to treat this pathology in the presence of some states it does not make sense. By getting rid of the original cause of thrush, its symptoms will also go away.

When to treat thrush and how

The traditional treatment of thrush with tablets is prescribed only if there are some symptoms that indicate the severity of the condition.

Symptoms of the disease

  • White or milky discharge
  • Allocations periodically acquire a curdled character
  • Itching and others discomfort in the vaginal area
  • Bad smell of sweat

Approximate treatment regimen with tablets

  • Fluconazole 150 mg - once
  • Hilak Forte 30 drops 3 times a day - 10 days

The cost of this scheme is about 600-700 rubles.

Important! During pregnancy, the regimen with fluconazole is prohibited!

Tablets for the treatment of thrush in women

  • Nystatin 1 tablet 3 times a day for 10-14 days (average cost 50-100 rubles)
  • Diflucan (fluconazole) 1 tablet for each case of the disease (cost 550 rubles)
  • Pimafucin 1 tablet 4 times a day for 6-7 days (cost 250 rubles)

In some cases, treatment with tablets alone is not enough and local medicines are prescribed. medicines.

Topical remedies for genital candidiasis

  • Clotrimazole 1 vaginal tablet at night for 6 days or 1 tablet 2 times a day - 3 days (50 rubles)
  • Livarol 1 suppository at night - 10 days (250 rubles)
  • Candid-B6 1 vaginal tablet at night - 10 days (100 rubles)
  • Terzhinan 1 vaginal tablet - 10 days

It should be noted that taking antifungal drugs too often dangerous to the liver. If you are forced to take such medicines for more than 10 days, you must additionally take a hepatoprotector that will protect liver cells from toxic action drugs.

Thrush often tends to become chronic, so its treatment should be short and effective. This disease does not pose a particular danger, but its consequences can affect both the possibility of pregnancy and the general health of the woman's urinary-genital system. Treatment of candidiasis with pills in women is the most common way, but do not forget that self-medication can lead to the development of toxic (drug) hepatitis and allergic reactions.

Prevention methods

  • Use only special hygiene products (intimate soap)
  • Doing healthy lifestyle life and proper nutrition(for the purpose of correcting metabolism)
  • Reception of 150 mg of fluconazole 1 time in 4-6 months + vitamin C 500 mg for 7-14 days (in the presence of chronic candidiasis)
  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene
  • Treatment chronic diseases that cause a decrease in the reactivity of the immune system (chronic tonsillitis, rhinitis, bronchitis)

Often, method 1 is ineffective, so it is best to use all methods at the same time.

Adults, regardless of gender and age, often face a delicate problem - thrush. Pathology is characterized by a number of unpleasant symptoms. Tablets from thrush will help fight such discomfort. Pharmaceutics offers a wide range of these drugs.

Candida fungus, which provokes this pathology, affects the mucous membranes, genitals, epidermis and oral cavity. Moreover, women are more susceptible to this disease due to their anatomical features. At the first symptoms of the disease, it is important to start healing in a timely manner. The main manifestations of vaginal candidiasis are as follows:

  • burning of the organs of the genitourinary sphere;
  • swelling and discoloration of the vulva;
  • curdled discharge;
  • painful urination;
  • pain during sex.

Treatment is carried out through:

  1. Imidazoles. These medicines are disinfected by penetrating the mucosa, which makes it possible to use them with regular exacerbation of fungal infections.
  2. Polyenes. Their action is directed exclusively at this pathogen, they destroy its cell membrane. Recommended for prevention.
  3. Triazoles help to suppress the growth and active reproduction of the fungus. The drugs are slowly excreted. In this regard, this group of medicines is valuable in the treatment of a protracted form of the disease.
  4. Macrolides are low toxic, which is very valuable in the treatment.

Severe pathologies are treated by specialists combination drugs with the inclusion in the scheme of two or more antibiotics characterized by an anti-inflammatory effect - Terzhinan and Prednisolone.

The effect of drugs for candidiasis

  • do not allow inflammation to spread;
  • relieve swelling;
  • eliminate itching and burning;
  • restore the balance of beneficial microflora;
  • increase local immunity.

Before you make recreational activities, be sure to visit the clinic. Only a specialist is able to choose effective therapy for a particular patient.

When are pills for candidiasis prescribed to women

Drugs are prescribed under all sorts of circumstances. Pathology develops intensively with weakened immunity. For this reason, it is important not only to take medicines for the fungus, but to drink medicines to increase overall defenses.

Often this ailment can be cured with medicines for external use. But if the phase is too advanced, it is required to use tablets. They actively suppress the fungus, stop inflammation.

The price of pills for thrush in women

Often a woman, trying to get rid of candidiasis on her own, turns to pharmacies, where she is offered expensive drugs. However, there are very inexpensive analogues for candidiasis, which are not inferior in their effectiveness to advertising medicines. Prices for drugs of the same group may be different. It has to do with the manufacturer.

How to choose pills for thrush in women

Self-treatment of the disease is fraught with complications. It is not recommended to carry out treatment with medicines that are advised by friends, advertised from the TV screen and other media. Only a gynecologist prescribes the necessary medicine based on the following data:

  • gynecological examination;
  • questioning the patient;
  • laboratory research;
  • bacterial seeding;
  • PCR diagnostics.

Only through the aforementioned actions can a high efficiency of therapy be achieved.

List of the best and effective pills for thrush


This is an inexpensive antibacterial agent that is effective for any variant of candidiasis. It is used to eliminate and prevent the disease. Restrictions:

  • period of pregnancy, lactation;
  • pathology of the pancreas and liver in the acute stage;
  • allergy;
  • ulcer;
  • inflammation of the pancreas in the acute phase of development.


The drug is prescribed in situations with any variant of invasive candida fungal infection, even for prevention. In the presence of a primary lesion, doctors recommend taking 1 tablet once. At chronic course pathology, it is enough to drink a pill no more than once every 4 months. The duration of treatment is 4-12 months. The price of the drug varies in the range of 40-200 rubles.


An effective antimycotic drug containing natamycin. The cost of the medicine is 490-520 rubles. The drug is recommended for any fungal infections. The medication has no contraindications. Tablets to drink four times a day for a little thing. The course is 8 days. Advantage: fungi are not able to develop protection for the remedy.


The medicine is presented in capsules, used for thrush of the mouth and genital organs. The price is within - 350-370 rubles. The drug has contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • concomitant use of medications that affect the rhythm of the heart.

Itraconazole should be taken daily as a tablet for 3 days.


Itraconazole anticandida drug. Recommended for vulvovaginal candidiasis. The drug costs 370-420 rubles. The concomitant use of medications with the following action is contraindicated:

  • sedative;
  • laxative;
  • strengthening the heart.

It is forbidden to use the medication for liver diseases, heart failure, pregnancy and lactation. The drug is recommended to drink after a meal twice a day. With oral lesions of candidiasis - 0.1 g of the drug daily for 2 weeks.


A drug from a cheap category with an excellent effect. The cost of the medicine is 30-50 rubles. Has a minimal list of restrictions. Use vaginal tablets twice a day, after wetting them in warm water, then inserting deep into the vagina. Treatment is carried out for 3 days.


Contains fluconazole. The medicine is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Price - 900-950 rubles. It is recommended to drink 1 capsule once.


Antifungal agent (analogue of Diflucan with Fluconazole). Presented in the form of tablets and capsules to eliminate candida and restore the balance of beneficial vaginal microflora. The cost of the drug is 350-400 rubles. In case of primary infection, drink 1 tablet once. Contraindications:

  • intolerance to glucose, lactose or galactose;
  • poor kidney and liver function;
  • galactosemia;
  • alcohol addiction.


A popular remedy that treats a chronic form of candidiasis of the mouth, vagina, epidermis. The cost is 500-600 rubles. Drink 2 tablets daily at meal times for a week. The drug is prohibited during lactation and pregnancy, liver pathologies.


This antifungal medication helps to quickly eliminate mucosal candidiasis. The cost is 300-550 rubles. It is forbidden to use with a lack of lactase, breastfeeding. When carrying a fetus, a medication is prescribed with caution. To cure thrush, you should drink 150 mg of the drug at a time.


Inexpensive analogue of Nizoral. Available in tablets. The cost is 210-240 rubles. Contraindicated in pregnant women, in situations with liver pathologies, lactating women.


An antifungal agent available in the form of oral and vaginal tablets. The cost is 90-100 rubles. Contraindicated in pancreatitis, acute pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, liver or kidney failure.


Has the form of vaginal suppositories. It is required to enter one suppository daily for 3-4 days. To prevent relapse, therapy should be organized in parallel with the partner. The cost of 5 suppositories is 480 rubles.


It is a polyene antibiotic that fights the Candida fungus. Practically does not linger in the gastrointestinal tract, tablets are allowed for use by children, sometimes during pregnancy. When taken, side effects sometimes develop.


Available as candles. With candidiasis, 1 suppository should be inserted daily into the vagina for 6–10 days. When used, barrier contraceptives should be used. The cost of packing candles is 300 rubles.


vaginal tablets. Administer 1 tablet daily for 10-15 days. the cost of packaging is 320 rubles.


The drug disrupts the membrane metabolism of the fungus, causing its death.

Able to provoke undesirable effects in the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system. Drink 2 tablets daily for 3 days.


An effective drug that treats candidiasis in a day. The suppository should be inserted deep into the vagina. Enhances the effect of lubricating the genitals with the cream of the same name. Sometimes there is severe itching, but it quickly passes.


The drug is available as a solution, spray or ointment. Douching should be done with the solution. The cream is safe during pregnancy and lactation.

Apply daily for 5-7 days. Sometimes there is a burning sensation, but it quickly passes.


Capsules, syrup and infusion solution. Capsules are taken once, the solution is administered through a dropper, the syrup is drunk at 50 mg for 5-7 days. It is undesirable to use with kidney or liver problems.

Epigen intimate

Available as a spray or gel. The first option is used intravaginally for 5-7 days, and the second is used daily when washing. When symptoms of intolerance appear, you need to stop using the remedy.


Candles and solution. The first ones are used for 8-10 days, and the second ones are used for irrigation of the genitals.