Antimycotic drugs. Review of antifungal drugs of the main groups. Drugs for the treatment of mycoses

Antifungal medicines Medicines in the form of tablets and capsules

Indications for use

Treatment of mycoses with antifungal drugs in broad-spectrum tablets is indicated for:

  • The course of an unspecified infection (the symptomatology of the disease is identical with a fungal infection, but it is impossible to establish the strain of the pathogen in the laboratory);
  • Mixed fungal infection;
  • A large area of ​​fungal skin lesions with the formation of ulcers, abscesses, exfoliation;
  • Frequent relapses of the fungus of the extremities (onychomycosis, ringworm, candidiasis);
  • The absence of a positive trend of recovery with local therapy of the fungus;
  • Chronic (seasonal) exacerbation of a fungal infection;
  • The development of the fungus against the background of immunodeficiency (HIV, AIDS);
  • Leishmaniasis;
  • High risk of fungal infection as a preventive measure if one of the family members is sick.

Classification of antimycotics

Pills for fungal infections are conditionally divided into two types, containing:

  • natural ingredients;
  • Chemical synthesized elements.

More sparing for the body tablets of the first type, the second - provides high resistance to the fungus.

Depending on the degree of activity and clinical application tablet preparations for fungus are classified into the following groups.


Includes antibiotic tablets of natural origin with an antimycotic spectrum of action against yeast (Candida), yeast-like, mold (Aspergillus) fungi, cryptococci, sporotrixes, dermatomycetes, pseudoallesheria boydi.

The active substance of drugs for the fungus:

  • Nystatin;
  • Levorinum;
  • Natamycin;
  • Neomycin;
  • Amphotericin.

The main components of the tablets bind the sterols of the membranes of spore cells, which leads to the inhibition of the vital activity of fungi.


The azole synthetic series of tablets is active against yeast (candida), mold (aspergillus) fungi, dermatomycetes, sporotrixes, boydi pseudoallecheria, dimorphic (histoplasma) fungi, dermatomycetes, blastomycetes, cryptococci, coccidioids.

Active substance antifungal tablets:

  • Ketoconazole;
  • Itraconazole;
  • Fluconazole.


Synthetic antimycotics in tablets have a depressing effect on yeast (candida, chromomycosis), mold (aspergillus), dimorphic (histoplasma) fungi, blastomycetes, sporotrixes, cryptococci.

The active substance of allylamine preparations - terbinafine, in the first minutes of entering the body, inhibits the division of fungal cells and destroys them from the inside.

The broad spectrum of action of antifungal tablets (capsules) can be explained by the negative impact of their components not only on the fungal infection caused by various pathogens, but also on the reproduction of the simplest microorganisms - amoebae, trichomonas, trypanosomes, leishmania.

Fungicidal substances of antifungal agents with proven effectiveness are included in the composition of combined antiseptic, bactericidal preparations, despite the fact that they tend to enhance or inhibit the effect of other drugs.

Contraindications for use

Systemic drugs against the fungus in tablet form are characterized by the following contraindications:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation;
  • Restriction of children's age;
  • Diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system;
  • Diabetes;
  • Allergy to the constituent components of the tablets.

Rules for the use of fungicidal tablets

The effectiveness of the therapy of mycoses with broad-spectrum antifungal agents is determined by:

  • Determination of the causative agent - a strain of the fungus;
  • A doctor's prescription for permission to use a certain type of pill;
  • Compliance with the regimen of administration (regularity, dose, time interval, duration of the treatment course);
  • Taking medication with food, drinking plenty of fluids.

Used in the treatment of fungal infections, antifungal antibiotics in tablets (capsules), characterized by fungicidal and fungistatic effects, are relatively toxic. There is no other alternative to these drugs, so they should be used with extreme caution.

Even if you follow the instructions for taking antifungal agents, you may experience adverse reactions:

  • dizziness;
  • Violations of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Increased excitability;
  • Active reproduction of the fungus instead of oppression;
  • Allergic reaction.

Reception of tablet antifungal agents is incompatible with the use of alcohol-containing products.

Medical treatment of mycoses

The group of antifungal antibiotics in tablets (capsules) on the domestic pharmaceutical market is represented mainly by original drugs, whose name is identical to the active substance. Designed for the treatment of adults and children.


Commercial name Pimafucin. The most affordable drug (360 rubles for 1 pack of 20 pcs.). Prescribed for intestinal candidiasis. The therapeutic course lasts no more than one week. The dose is determined depending on the age of the patient.


An antifungal drug from a number of available ones (550 rubles for 1 pack of 20 pcs.). It is prescribed mainly for candidiasis. The course of treatment with tablets does not exceed two weeks. The dosage is determined by the age scale. It is used in the treatment of mycoses and in their prevention.


Belongs to the group of expensive antifungal drugs(700-900 rubles for 1 pack. 25 pcs.). The drug is prescribed for oral administration with candidiasis in order to prevent the disease, as well as with severe symptoms of sexual candidiasis and intestinal candidiasis. The course of treatment with tablets is from 15 days to three months. Dose the medicine depending on the age of the patient and the severity of the course of the disease.


The active substance is amphotericin B. The most expensive polyene (5600 rubles for 1 pack of 20 pcs.). The drug is prescribed for severe mycoses (trichosporosis, histoplasmosis, penicilliosis, aspergillosis, sporotrichosis, pheogyphomycosis, blastomycosis, paracoccidioidomycosis). The course of treatment of the fungus - from two weeks to a year. The dosage is prescribed by age.


The active ingredient is ketoconazole. The cost of the drug is 1260 rubles per 1 pack. 30 pcs. Tablets are prescribed for the diagnosis of chromomycosis, blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, paracoccidioidomycosis, also for mycosis of the hands and feet in cases of dermatosis and skin candidiasis, when local therapy is powerless. The dosage is prescribed depending on the patient's body weight and age. The duration of the therapeutic course with tablets is up to six months or more.


The active ingredient is itraconazole. Price 1 pack antifungal capsules 14 pcs. - 3000 rubles. Tablets are prescribed for yeast and dermatophyte onychomycosis of the nails, skin candidiasis, an unspecified strain of the fungus, histoplasmosis, sporotrichosis, blastomycosis, pityriasis versicolor. Tablets are taken in courses, the duration of one is one to three weeks. The number of courses depends on the complexity of the course of the disease and can exceed six months. The dosage and regularity of taking the drug is determined depending on the age of the patient.


The active substance is fluconazole. 1 pack 14 pcs. costs at least 2000 rubles. Assign capsules from the fungus of the nails, feet, hands, torso, unspecified, chronic mycosis, candidiasis of varying complexity, cryptococcosis, epidermophytosis. The course of treatment of the fungus with this drug is four to eight weeks. The dose is determined depending on the age of the patient.


The active substance is terbinafine. Price 1 pack 14 pcs. tablets 1600 rubles. The drug is prescribed for nail mycosis, onychomycosis, skin candidiasis of the trunk and nails, fungus of the scalp. Depending on the degree of fungal infection, the course of treatment with tablets can last from one to three months. The dose of the drug is calculated according to the age of the patient.

Antimycotic analogues

The price of original antimycotics significantly exceeds the cost of analogues. The table shows samples of inexpensive, but effective antifungal tablets.

Analog drugprice, rub.Expensive original (active ingredient)







Diflucan (fluconazole)400



Griseofulvin is assigned to a separate group of low-cost antifungal drugs intended for the treatment of severe mycoses. A pack of tablets (20 pcs.) Costs 240 rubles. Griseofulvin therapy is effective in the diagnosis of epidermophytosis, dermatosis, trichophytosis, microsporia of hair, nails. The course of treatment of an advanced fungus with these tablets is two to four months.

Antifungal drugs are available in pharmacies without a prescription, but it is not recommended to use them without a prescription from a dermatologist.

At the moment, about five hundred varieties of representatives of the kingdom of fungi are known, but not all of them are dangerous, some representatives are conditionally pathogenic.

The pathogenicity of fungi is determined by their ability to affect the tissues of the organ and cause them structural changes cell wall and metabolic processes. At the same time, the pathological fungal flora is able to synthesize individual toxic compounds, among which are:

  • aflatoxins;
  • phallotoxins;
  • various proteo- and lipolytic enzymes.

All of these chemical compounds contribute to the destruction of tissue and cellular components of the affected tissue or organ.

What is this article about?

Mechanisms of action of antimycotic agents

The development of pathogenic flora and its damage to the body is observed with a decrease in protective functions. A fungal infection most often damages the skin, nail plates and, in rare cases, the hairline and internal organs organism.

The advanced form of mycotic infection is much more difficult to treat than the disease on initial stage development. For this reason, pathology should be detected in a timely manner and adequate therapeutic measures should be taken.

Antimycotics are prescribed depending on:

  1. Localization of the affected area.
  2. type of pathology.
  3. The spectrum of action of an antifungal agent.
  4. Features of the pharmacokinetics and toxicity of the drug.

Depending on the affected area, fungi are divided into:

  • affecting the upper layer of the skin without the development of inflammatory processes;
  • damaging the stratum corneum and provoking the appearance inflammatory process in the underlying layers of the skin;
  • damaging skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle structures, bones and internal organs.

The most common is the development of fungal infections belonging to the first two groups of diseases. Such ailments are keratomycosis, dermatomycosis and subcutaneous mycoses.

The main active components of antimycotic drugs.

Means with a wide spectrum of action have a fungistatic and fungicidal effect. Due to the presence of these properties, drugs contribute to the creation of conditions in the body for the destruction of fungal pathogens.

As a result of the fungistatic effect of antimycotics, the processes that ensure the reproduction of the pathogen in the body are suppressed.

The active components of systemic antifungal agents, entering the bloodstream, are carried throughout the body and destroy fungal spores. The active components of such drugs are in the human body for a long period of time, and the metabolic products of the active component are excreted mainly through the excretory system in the urine.

Each group of antifungal drugs has an individual mechanism of action, which is due to the difference in the set of active active ingredients.

Antimycotic drugs can be classified according to chemical composition, features of the spectrum of activity, pharmacological properties and clinical use.

The following main groups of drugs are distinguished:

  1. Preparations containing ketoconazole in their composition.
  2. Means with itraconazole.
  3. Medicines containing fluconazole.
  4. Medicines with terbinafine.
  5. Pharmaceutical preparations with griseofulvin.

When using any antimycotic, it is required to strictly follow the instructions for use and the recommendations of the attending physician, which is associated with the presence of high toxicity of drugs not only in relation to pathogenic fungal flora, but also to the body as a whole. When carrying out therapeutic measures, it is prohibited to interrupt the ongoing therapy without receiving instructions from the attending physician.

Reception of antifungal drugs is carried out at the same time with a meal and at the same time, they should be washed down with a sufficient amount of water.

If the patient has reduced acidity, then he is forbidden to take funds belonging to the group of azoles.

If you can’t do without the use of drugs in this group, then in parallel with them, you need to take oxidizing liquids, for example, orange juice.

Classification of antifungal compounds

For treatment various kinds fungal infection, drugs belonging to different pharmacological groups are used. In the case of a running form, systemic antimycotics are used to carry out therapeutic measures.

Before prescribing a medication belonging to a particular group for antifungal measures, the doctor conducts an examination to identify the type of fungus that has affected the patient's body, and only after its exact determination is an antifungal composition prescribed for treatment.

To determine the pathogen, a microscopic examination of the biomaterial obtained in the lesion is carried out. Such biological material can be a smear of the mucous throat, scales of the skin taken in the infectious focus, etc. After receiving the results of the examination, the doctor selects the composition and its appropriate dosage, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body.

At present, there are several pharmacological groups antifungal agents:

  • polyenes;
  • azoles;
  • allylamines.

Each of these pharmaceutical groups has its own characteristics of application and pharmacological properties, due to the main active ingredient used.

Characteristics of the azole group

The azole group is a large variety of medicines designed to combat fungal infections. This category of medicines includes both systemic and local agents.

Azoles are characterized by the presence of a fungistatic property, which is associated with the ability to inhibit cytochrome P-45 dependent demethylase, which catalyses the process of converting lanosterol to ergosterol, which is the main component of the cell membrane.

Topical formulations are capable of exerting a fungicidal effect.

The most common systemic drugs are:

  1. Fulconazole.
  2. Itraconazole.

Azolami local application are:

  • Bifonazole;
  • Isoconazole;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Miconazole;
  • Oxyconazole;
  • Econazole.

It should be noted that after the synthesis of Intraconazole, a new generation drug, Ketoconazole has lost its significance as a component used for the treatment of fungal pathologies, due to its high toxicity. At the moment, this medication is more often used for local therapy.

When using systemic azoles, the patient may experience the following adverse reactions:

  1. Pain in the abdomen.
  2. Appetite disorders.
  3. Feelings of nausea and urge to vomit.
  4. Diarrhea or constipation.
  5. Headaches.
  6. Vertigo.
  7. Drowsiness and visual disturbances
  8. Tremors and convulsions.
  9. Allergies in the form of itching, dermatitis.
  10. thrombocytopenia.

In the case of using formulations for therapeutic measures at the local level, the following side effects may develop:

  • itching;
  • burning sensations;
  • hyperemia;
  • swelling of the mucosa.

The indication for the use of Intraconazole is the presence of ringworm and pityriasis versicolor. Candidiasis of the esophagus, skin and mucous membranes, nails, vulvovaginitis, cryptococcosis, chromomycosis and endemic mycoses. In addition, the medication is used to prevent mycoses in AIDS.

Fluconazole is used to treat invasive candidiasis, condidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes, ringworm, pityriasis versicolor and some other pathologies.

Ketoconazole is prescribed in the treatment of skin candidiasis, pityriasis versicolor. Dermatomycosis and other ailments.

Azoles for topical use are prescribed for the treatment of dermatomycosis, pityriasis versicolor and erythrasma. The appointment of this group of drugs for the treatment of onychomycosis is ineffective.

Polyene antifungals

Polyenes are natural antimycotics. This type of antifungal drugs include Nystatin, Levorin, Natamycin, and Amphotericin B.

The first three drugs are prescribed both internally and externally, and the last drug of this group has found application in the treatment of severe systemic infections with fungal flora.

The effect on the body depends on the dosage used and can be manifested by fungistatic and fungicidal effects. This effect of the funds is due to the ability of the drug to bind to ergosterol, which is part of the cell membrane of the fungal cell.

When taking polyenes, the following undesirable reactions may develop:

  1. Pain in the abdomen.
  2. Feeling of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
  3. Allergy in the form of a rash, itching and burning.

Polyenes are used to treat skin candidiasis, severe forms systemic mycoses, endemic fungal infections.

A contraindication to the use of this type of medication is an allergic reaction to the components, disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver, and the presence of diabetes mellitus. All these contraindications are relative, so the use of drugs can be carried out according to health indications.

The main characteristic of allylamines

Allylamines are synthetic anti-fungal agents. Pharmaceutical preparations are used to combat onychomycosis, fungus of hair, skin and for the treatment of lichen.

Allylamines are characterized by the presence of a wide spectrum of action. The active components of this group are capable of destructively affecting the structures of the shell of spores of a pathogenic fungus.

When using a low dosage of medicines of this variety, it is possible to treat infections of dimorphic and mold fungi.

The list of drugs of this variety includes:

  • Terbizil;
  • Lamisil;
  • Exiter.

In the process of use, allylamines have a fungicidal effect, which is associated with a violation of the reactions of ergosterol synthesis. Preparations containing allylamines are able to block the early stages of biosynthesis processes by blocking squalene epoxidase.

When using medicines of this variety, the following undesirable and adverse reactions may occur in a patient:

  1. Pain in the abdomen.
  2. Change in appetite.
  3. Nausea and vomiting.
  4. Diarrhea.
  5. Loss of sense of taste.
  6. Headaches and dizziness.
  7. Allergy, manifested in the form of a rash, urticaria and exfoliative dermatitis.

In addition, the development of neutropenia and pancytopenia, an increase in transaminase activity and the development of liver failure are possible.

What medicines to use for a fungal infection?

Choice medicinal product for the treatment of a fungus, it is carried out by the attending physician only after examining the patient and establishing an accurate diagnosis. The physician takes into account clinical picture diseases and individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Unauthorized appointment and completion of antimycotic therapy is strictly prohibited. It is also forbidden to replace one composition prescribed by the attending physician with another remedy, even if the medication is an analogue of the medicine that was prescribed by the doctor.

Antimycotics for body skin

Dermatomycosis is one of the most common mycotic diseases. It can affect the skin of the body in the head, arms, legs and abdomen.

A huge number of various medicines have been developed to combat this pathology. The most common and popular are Nystatin, Fluconazole, Itraconazole, Clotrimazole and Ketoconazole.

Nystatin is used in medical practice not only for the treatment of a fungal infection of the skin, it has proven itself well when prescribed to cure candidiasis of the vagina, oral cavity and intestines.

Fluconazole is used in the detection of candidiasis of various organs. This medication belongs to the second generation of antimycotics, when it is prescribed, a negative effect on the functioning of the liver is possible, but after the end of antifungal therapy, the liver is able to restore its functionality in full.

Itraconazole is intended for oral administration, is available in the form of capsules and is used to treat skin mycosis, candidiasis and onychomycosis. In some cases, its use is recommended as an effective prophylactic drug against mycotic infection if a person has AIDS.

Clotrimazole can be prescribed during activities aimed at curing the fungus, lichen and trichomoniasis. This composition has a high degree efficiency at a relatively low cost.

Antifungal medicines for candidiasis and nail fungus

If signs of candidiasis are detected, the attending physician recommends the use of topical preparations. If there is acute form a fungal infection is prescribed medication with a wide spectrum of effects.

For this purpose, such medicines are used. Like Pumafucin, Clotrimazole and Diflucan. All of these drugs have a high degree of effectiveness in the fight against mycotic infection.

If nail fungus is detected at the initial stage, the dermatologist recommends treatment with solutions, ointments, special varnishes and gels.

If the lesion of the plate is registered on most of it, then you should pay attention to medications in tablet form and having wide range actions. Choosing the right medicinal composition handled by the attending physician. He makes his choice on the basis of the distribution and stage of development of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the human body.

The most effective drugs in the fight against onychomycosis are fluconazole, ketoconazole, itraconazole, flucostat and terbinafine.

General recommendations when using antifungal formulations

Any kind of mycotic infection is serious illness requiring a systematic and integrated approach to the implementation of therapeutic measures.

Specialists in the field of medicine do not recommend self-administration of antimycotics for the treatment of an infectious disease, this is due to the fact that most drugs can have a negative toxic effect on the patient's body.

In addition, almost all antimycotics are capable of provoking the appearance of a whole range of side and negative effects in the body.

Selection medicines for treatment and determination of their dosage should be carried out by the doctor who diagnosed the pathology in accordance with the characteristics of the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the body of the patient infected with a fungal infection.

When choosing a drug for therapeutic measures, it should not be based only on patient reviews about it, the use of any antimycotic drug is allowed only after consultation with the attending physician, and the treatment itself must be carried out with strict adherence to the instructions for use and doctor's recommendations.

Antifungal drugs (antimycotics) are a group of specially created agents that are highly active against pathogenic fungi.

At the same time, both natural components and their chemical analogues are used in the preparations.

The main thing in the article

Depending on the needs of the patient and his disease, broad-spectrum antifungal drugs are used, as well as for the skin, legs, and nails. Special funds are issued for children and pregnant women.

The material provides an overview of these tools, their varieties and distinctive features.

Antifungal drugs: main forms and types

Antifungal agents have a different chemical structure, purpose, and, depending on this, a different dosage form.

Broad-spectrum antifungal drugs have the most extensive spectrum of effects on various fungal infections.

AT last years the need to prescribe specific antifungal agents has increased significantly, since the increase in fungal infections is often associated with the use of powerful antibiotics by patients.

There is also a growing number of patients with disorders in immune system, new forms of severe fungal infections are developing.

Topical preparations are widely used, which are effective in the very initial stage of the disease. If you miss the moment and forget about the disease, then only broad-spectrum antifungal drugs will help in the future.

Depending on their purpose and dosage form, the most common forms of antifungal drugs can be distinguished: antifungal ointments, antifungal drugs for nails and skin, ointments for feet from fungus, etc.

One of the most popular forms are anti-fungal drugs in tablets. However, due to the presence of features of use and contraindications, such funds should be prescribed under the supervision of the attending physician.

Another form that is effective when present skin fungus- ointments, which are also available and varied for the patient.

Imagine short review such drugs.

Antifungal ointments

This form of antifungal drugs is very popular, because it allows you to achieve a quick result in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms.

At the moment, the pharmacy assortment includes more than 200 drugs, however, they should be used after complete examination patient.

It is prescribed when the disease is detected on her early stage, then it will show high efficiency. If the disease is advanced, then antifungal ointment for nails is used in combination with other antifungal drugs - with pills, physiotherapy, etc.

A remedy for skin fungus is used, depending on the location of the lesion, for example, Terbinafine cream for nail fungus and a suitable tablet preparation.

There are targeted ointments - a cream for nail fungus, for the scalp, for feet, for intimate zone and etc.

In order to choose the right drug, you should initially consult a doctor who will examine the site of the lesion and prescribe the necessary tests.

After that, it is determined which microorganisms provoke the skin fungus:



yeast-like fungi



In this case, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the action of the drug, as well as the process of infection development.

Antifungal agents of the Polyene group

Polyenes are broad-spectrum antifungals. These include drugs such as levorin, nystatin, amotericin B, natamycin.

Nystatin is an antibiotic against fungi of the Polyene group, which is highly active against Candida fungi.

Indications for use: (intestines, skin, oral cavity, pharynx). It is also used for prophylactic purposes after surgery and with long-term use of certain antibiotics.

: abdominal pain, vomiting, allergies, diarrhea, chills.

pros: low cost.

Levorin - pills for skin fungus, especially active against protozoa (amoebae, Trichomonas, Leishmania), as well as Candida albicans.

Indications for use: various candidiasis. It is often used as part of complex therapy for gastrointestinal candidiasis, candidiasis, prostatic hypertrophy, etc.

Features and side effects : allergies, vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite. Do not use during pregnancy, liver or kidney failure, ulcers, pancreatitis.

Natamycin (Pimafucin) is a polyene antibiotic that has a fungicidal effect. Pathogenic and mold fungi are sensitive to the main substance, including Candida, Fusarium, Cephalosporium, Penicillium.

Antifungal drugs internal use. They do not have a systemic effect, since the drug shell acts only in the intestinal lumen.

Indications for use: candidiasis (vaginal, intestinal, etc.), for patients after therapy with cytostatics, antibiotics, corticosteroids, etc.

Features and side effects: Can be used by pregnant women, sometimes vomiting and nausea may occur.

Antifungal drugs from the Azole group

Antifungal drugs in tablets

This group includes . It is used as an antifungal agent for nails, skin, and mucous membranes.

Among the drugs can be distinguished fluconazole, ketoconazole. Fluconazole (analogues of Diflucan, Diflazon, Mycosist, Flucostat, etc.).

Indications for use:

  • genital candidiasis;
  • systemic fungal infections of Cryptococcus in skin and lung infections, meningitis and sepsis;
  • generalized candidiasis that affects the genitourinary and respiratory organs;
  • candidiasis of the mucous membranes of the pharynx, esophagus, mouth;
  • mycosis of the skin, feet, nails (treatment of nail fungus with fluconazole);
  • endermic mycoses, histoplasmosis, etc.

Side effects: leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, allergies, vomiting, flatulence, nausea, convulsions, skin itching, effect on heart rate. Azole tablets should not be taken by pregnant women. When taking the tablet, you should drink plenty of water.

Ketoconazole (analogues of Mycozoral, Fungavis, Nizoral).

Indications for use: various infectious diseases mucous membranes, skin, which are caused by dermatophytes and yeast fungi. Often given when local treatment in the presence of a severe lesion, bites, etc. was ineffective, as well as with resistance to other means. Relapses of vaginal candidiasis, folliculitis, dermatophytosis.

Side effects and features: headache, nausea, drowsiness, abdominal pain, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, oligospermia, allergies, urticaria.

Allylamine antifungal drugs

Another group of synthetic agents, indications for the use of which are various diseases nails, hair and nails, lichen.

A broad-spectrum antifungal agent of this group Terbinafine(analogues Terbizil, Bramisil, Exitern and others).

It is effective in cases where the infection is widespread, with mycosis of the nails, legs, torso, scalp.

Side effects: skin reactions, rashes, taste disturbances, headache, nausea, loss of reaction.

anti-allergy tablets. The patient has the opportunity to choose antifungal ointments that are inexpensive but effective, since each drug has analogues with the same spectrum of action, in tablets or in the form of an ointment.

Antifungal drugs for nails

An antifungal nail drug is intended for the treatment of fungal nail infections or onychomycosis. Nail lesions can be an independent disease or be part of systemic diseases.

An antifungal agent for nails must be chosen taking into account the specifics of the disease, since the penetration of drugs into the nail plate is difficult.

Consider the main dosage forms that are used to treat nail fungus.

Drugs for the treatment of toenail fungus: dosage forms

Modern drugs for the treatment of toenail fungus are available in different forms:

  1. Topical agents (cream for toenail fungus, ointment, gel, varnish, spray).
  2. Systemic drugs (capsules and tablets for the treatment of toenail fungus).

Ointment, gel, cream for nail fungus

These funds should be used when the disease is still at an early stage and its effect on the body is still minimal. Therefore, the sooner you start treatment, the better the result will be.

You can choose an ointment for the treatment of toenail fungus yourself, but it is better to first consult with a doctor who has determined its cause and pathogen.

Currently, antifungal drugs for nails from the group of allylamines and azoles are used:

  • the group of allylamines includes: Mikonorm cream, Exoderil cream, Termikon cream, Lamisil cream, Terbizil cream, Atifin cream, etc.;
  • azoles include: Zalain cream, Bifosin, Candide ointment, Mycospor in solution, Clotrimazole, Nizoral, Mifungar, etc.

Also among inexpensive, but effective means against the fungus, Nogtimycin can be isolated for the treatment of nail fungus.

Gel, ointment or cream from the fungus should be applied to cleansed skin once a day. The time of application of the drug, as a rule, does not exceed 10 days. Apply ointment or cream to both the affected part of the nail and around it.

On the legs it has been used more and more recently. This is due to the fact that the structure of the nail plate does not in all cases allow sprays or creams to penetrate into it, so patients may experience relapses of the disease.

Such remedies for the treatment of toenail fungus, like varnishes, act on the nail plate in several directions and, in general, their mechanism of action differs from other drugs.

Benefits of nail fungus nail polish

  • contain drying agents, for example, oils, alcohol, etc.;
  • the agent, due to its liquid state, can penetrate deep into the nail, affecting all its layers;
  • when the varnish hardens, an environment is formed that does not allow air to pass through, as a result of which the fungus gradually dies;
  • varnish components destroy the fungus itself and the enzymes that it produces;
  • reinfection excluded, since a protective film forms on the nail.

You can name the following antifungal agents for toenails in the form of varnish: Nail Expert, Mikozan, Belvedere, Batrafen, Lotseril, Demikten, etc.

Sprays, drops and solution against nail fungus.

Antifungal agents of this dosage form are also effective both when used independently and as a component of complex therapy.

It is necessary to apply sprays and solutions 1-2 times a day so as to moisturize the affected areas well. The nail and the skin around it must be cleaned.

Means for the treatment of nail fungus in the form of drops: Candide, Exoderil, Mycospor, Clotrimazole.

Sprays against nail fungus: Terbiks, Lamitel, Bifosin, Thermicon, Lamisil.

Tablets for the treatment of nail fungus are also used in systemic therapy and have a long course of use - up to six months. These funds include: Diflucan, Nizoral, Lamikon, Orungal, Fungavis, etc.

Antifungal foot products

Fungal diseases of the feet can affect not only the nails, as we mentioned above, but also the skin of the feet (mycosis), which causes severe discomfort for the patient.

The danger of fungal infections is that they are contagious, and the disease itself, without treatment, inevitably progresses, affecting not only the feet, but also neighboring tissues.

In this regard, various remedies for foot fungus are very popular today. When choosing antifungal ointments for the feet or a cream for the fungus on the feet, the patient must know exactly which fungus caused the disease, for which he needs to undergo a preliminary examination.

Local preparations, such as foot fungus cream, are used at the initial stage of the disease, but if it is, then you will have to undergo a course of systemic treatment.

What are antifungal drugs for the feet

  • antifungal ointments are inexpensive but effective for the feet. It is advisable to use them when the skin of the feet is damaged, and the fungus has affected 2-3 nails. Active substances as part of creams and ointments, they can suppress the further spread of the fungus. For example, Nomidol cream for fungus, Tinedol cream for fungus on the legs, as well as Nizoral and Clotrimazole. These drugs are suitable for many types of fungus and are used no more than 2-3 times a day;
  • sprays and drops for feet. The mechanism of action of these drugs is similar to other antifungal agents, however, they have a different method of application. The advantage of sprays is that they are easier to apply than a cream or ointment, but the components in their composition are just as effective. For example, this is a Mycospor solution. It is distributed in a thin layer on the affected skin at bedtime. The course of treatment with such a spray is up to 3 weeks. Spray Lamisil is used for 7-10 days 1-2 times a day;
  • if the disease has managed to spread to the nails, then it is necessary to use special remedies for the treatment of toenail fungus. In the treatment of nail fungus, the most effective drugs are nail polishes, which we talked about in the previous part of the article;
  • fungus pills. If the disease is in an advanced form, then one cream for foot fungus will no longer help the patient, therapy should be comprehensive. Only in this case, the external and internal effects on pathogens will work effectively, and the patient will get rid of the disease. Among the well-known reliable drugs are Flucostat and Nizoradl.

Antifungal drugs for the skin

The most common treatment for fungus are antifungal ointments for the skin. It is skin preparations that can most often be found on the pharmacy counter.

Consider the principles of action of popular drugs.

  1. Clotrimazole - ointment for the skin. Means in the composition of the drug destroy the cell walls in fungal microorganisms.
  2. Terbizil - is an ointment for fungal diseases, the basis of which is the substance terbinafine. The ointment affects the production of sterol in fungal cells.
  3. Exoderil is an effective and reliable remedy that helps with many skin diseases, ahead of many analogues. Affordable price makes it popular with patients.
  4. Fundizol - a remedy for fungus on the skin of the body, which acts on fungi different types. It can be used on the arms, on the head and on the back.

Separately isolated antifungal. Since this area is the most delicate and sensitive, you need to choose a special remedy for the treatment of the fungus.

Effective in this direction are:

  1. Nystatin is an ointment that is suitable for the mucous skin of the inguinal zone. The course of treatment with ointment is 9 days, the drug is especially effective against candidal fungi;
  2. Pimafucin is based on the substance Natamycin. The course of treatment is about a month, and the drug should be applied approximately 3-4 times a day to the affected areas of the mucosa.

A specific drug should be prescribed by a dermatovenereologist. He will spend necessary examinations and determine the type of pathogen of the fungus on one or another part of the skin (dermatophytes, trichotons, epidermorphites, yeast-like fungi).

Also, before choosing a cream for skin fungus on the body, you need to take into account the presence of possible contraindications, determine the spectrum of antifungal activity of the drug, as well as the duration of the lesion.

Often creams and ointments alone are not enough, so local therapy combined with taking tablets against the fungus, as well as with special solutions, for example, the treatment of nail fungus with iodinol is also often practiced.

Some means are used traditional medicine- hydrogen peroxide, tar soap etc.

Shampoo for scalp fungus

Consider popular and effective drugs that will help get rid of the manifestations of the fungus on the scalp.

  • Keto Plus. The drug fights fungal infection and is applied twice a week for one month.

The action of the shampoo is based on ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione. These components eliminate itching of the scalp, as well as peeling, normalize the sebaceous glands.

  • Mycozoral. This tool is also created on the basis of ketoconazole, therefore, it fights the main symptoms of the fungus - itching, peeling, and also stops the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. To cure the fungus, it is necessary to apply shampoo from the fungus of the skin 2-3 times a week.
  • Another shampoo based on ketoconazole is Nizoral. It has a pleasant texture and a specific smell. You need to apply to the affected areas, hold on them for 5 minutes, then rinse gently.

Note that the above drugs should not be taken by nursing mothers and pregnant women.

  • Sebozol. One of the best shampoos for scalp fungus. It can be used daily and is safe for children and women. The drug is applied to the affected areas twice a week, aged, then washed off. It is also based on ketoconazole 1%. Has a favorable price.

For the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis and lichen, shampoos from the fungus of the scalp, such as Sulsena, Perkhotal, are used.

Many shampoos can also be used for inguinal epidermophytosis, in which case the ointment from the body skin fungus will act more effectively.

Antifungal drugs for pregnant women and children

Many antifungal drugs are toxic, so for use in pediatric practice special preparations are provided.

AT childhood various fungal infections are possible, among which lichen, aspergillosis, candidiasis, histoplasmosis, trichophytosis, dermatophytosis and others can be distinguished.

The doctor should select antifungal drugs, taking into account the type and stage of the disease, the state of health of the child, as well as possible side effects that may occur in a child.

Consider the varieties and features of the use of antifungal drugs for children. Topical preparations.

These include antifungal ointments for the skin of the body, suspensions, lotions, powders, shampoos, aerosols, nail polishes.

Features of local preparations:

  • are produced on the basis of allylamine, imidazole, triazole and affect the cytoplasmic membrane of the fungus wall, destroying its structure and normal functioning;
  • local preparations are effective for multi-colored lichen, candidiasis, dermatophytosis. Antifungal drugs for candidiasis, for example, are represented by a variety of gels and ointments;
  • natamycin suspensions are often used in ophthalmic practice and are approved for children;
  • conventional topical preparations do not cope well with nail fungus, so it is better to use a special antifungal nail polish.

Systemic antifungal drugs. These are drugs such as, for example, tablets for the treatment of nail fungus. It is advisable to use them when the disease is in advanced form, and local remedies alone cannot defeat it.

They are used orally, so the doctor should follow the selection of the remedy and the appointment of its dosage.

Contraindications for children:

  1. many drugs cause allergies in children, it is important to register cases of child intolerance to certain drugs;
  2. Amphotericin is used with caution because it is very toxic and dangerous to children;
  3. especially carefully, antifungal drugs must be selected for children with impaired kidneys, liver, and also with diabetes;
  4. it is necessary to pay attention to the age restrictions that are presented in the instructions for the drugs. For example, Terbizil tablets can be prescribed to children from two years old, in the form of an ointment - from any age.

Treatment of nail fungus during pregnancy

Fungal infections are less common in women than in men, but they often get nail fungus in nail salons, swimming pools and saunas, and shoe stores.

Treatment of nail fungus during pregnancy should be immediate. Since systemic treatment of the fungus is contraindicated during this period, it must be cured at the initial stage of the disease, when local remedies can cope with it.

In addition, pregnancy affects female body from different sides - her hair, nails and teeth are weakening. Therefore, untimely treatment threatens with complications, as well as frequent relapses of the disease.

The presence of nail fungus is easy to identify - it always manifests itself as a change normal color and structure of the nail. Often the nails crumble, thicken, pits and furrows appear on them.

First of all, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis, according to the results of which the doctor will prescribe the most appropriate treatment for the pregnant woman:

  • Surgical treatment of the fungus during pregnancy is the most harmless solution. During the operation, the infected parts of the nails are removed or they are polished to remove the fungus.
  • Antifungal ointments for the skin of the body have no contraindications during pregnancy, however, it is worth discussing with the doctor the most suitable means and period of treatment. For this purpose, most of the drugs discussed above are suitable during pregnancy.

Tablets for the treatment of toenail fungus during pregnancy should not be taken.

The best option is to prevent the development of the fungus during pregnancy. This can be done based on our recommendations.

  1. wash your feet thoroughly and dry them well;
  2. walk only in your shoes, especially in public places;
  3. you need to pay attention to the selection of shoes - it should be well ventilated, fit in size, models should be chosen from natural materials;
  4. socks and tights should be made from natural materials and changed daily;
  5. during pregnancy, women's immunity is weakened, so you need to strengthen it, and the fungus will not take root.

It is important to understand that the fungus does not go away on its own, and its treatment can become lengthy and costly.

Throat antifungals

Pharyngomycosis or fungal diseases of the throat occur due to exposure to pathogenic fungi - Candida, leptotrichosis, Actinomyces.

The most susceptible to such fungi are people with hormonal disruptions, diabetes, immune system disorders, endocrine disorders, vitamin deficiency. Aggressive substances (alcohol, tobacco, hot), foreign bodies can also provoke a fungus.

Antifungal preparations for the throat are represented by various means of local action - these are rinse solutions, sprays, throat lozenges. If the fungus arose against the background of an infection, then the treatment is accompanied by the use of antibacterial drugs.

In the presence of avitaminosis are prescribed essential vitamins, intestinal dysbiosis is corrected.

Physiotherapy means, such as ultraviolet, electrophoresis, laser, are also appropriate.

In the presence of candidiasis, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet, exclude traumatic foods, hard, as well as sweets, white bread.

Help in the fight against a fungus of the throat will be provided by some traditional medicine - inhalation with essential oils, rinsing the mouth with herbs (string, St. John's wort, chamomile, celandine), lubricating the pharyngeal mucosa with sea buckthorn oil.

It is important to remember that antifungal drugs for the throat should be selected by a doctor who will evaluate the symptoms, the severity of the disease and its causative agent. Levorin, Clotrimazole, Fluconazole are recognized as one of the effective means.


Lives inside and on the human body a large number of fungi that can infect the body during a decrease in immunity. A fungal infection often affects the skin and nail plates, less often the hair growth zone and internal organs of a person. The advanced form of the disease is difficult to cure, so it is important to start therapy on time.

Antimycotics - what is it

These drugs in tablets are used for systemic therapy of fungal pathologies, together with local drugs. The action of antimycotics is antibacterial - it is aimed at eliminating pathogenic bacteria and stopping the process of their reproduction. Each broad-spectrum antifungal drug has its own contraindications and dosage. Antimycotics are a class of different chemical compounds, which have specific activity against pathogens of fungal diseases. Tablets are divided into 2 types:

  • natural origin;
  • developed by chemical synthesis.

As infections have increased, the need for antifungal and anti-yeast creams, ointments, solutions and tablets has increased significantly. One of the reasons was the use of strong antibiotics for the treatment of other diseases, which disrupt the intestinal microflora and reduce the protective functions of the body. In addition to this classification, depending on the chemical structure, zone of activity, clinical application in various forms of mycoses, broad-spectrum antifungal drugs are divided into several types.

Active ingredient of antifungal drugs

Broad-spectrum agents have fungistatic and fungicidal effects. Thanks to this, antifungal tablet preparations are able to create suitable conditions for the destruction of fungal spores. Due to the fungistatic action of antimycotics, the process of reproduction of pathogenic bacteria throughout the body is suppressed (fungi live in all body fluids).

The active substance contained in the capsules, when it enters the gastrointestinal tract, is absorbed directly into the blood and spreads with it throughout the body, destroying fungal spores. The active ingredient remains in the body for a long time, and then excreted in the urine. Each group of antimycotic tablets has an individual mechanism of action, which is due to the set of active ingredients:

  • preparations with ketoconazole stop the synthesis of the constituent substances of the cell membrane of the fungus;
  • agents with itraconazole inhibit the formation of ergosterol, an important component of the fungal cell;
  • tablets with fluconazole inhibit the synthesis of fungal spores, eliminate existing ones;
  • preparations with terbinafine block the synthesis of ergosterol at an early stage;
  • means with griseofulvin prevent the division of fungal cells.

How to take pills correctly

Patients who are prescribed antifungal drugs in broad-spectrum tablets must strictly follow the treatment regimen. It is forbidden to interrupt therapy on your own or skip taking another capsule - this doubles the risk of a relapse of the disease. In addition, in order to maximize effective treatment, broad-spectrum tablets should be taken at the same time. If for some reason the next dose of the drug was missed, you need to take the drug as soon as possible (do not double the dose).

Antifungal drugs should be taken with food and drink plenty of water. The patient with low acidity it is forbidden to take broad-spectrum antifungal tablets of the azole group. If such drugs have been prescribed to the patient, they should be washed down with oxidizing liquids (orange juice, etc.). Pregnant and lactating girls are prohibited from taking antifungal tablets of the azole group.

Classification of antifungal drugs

Modern medicine isolates about half a thousand different fungi that can provoke mild and severe mycoses in humans. Fungal pathologies are divided into:

  • superficial (affect nails, hair, skin);
  • internal (harm to organs and systems).

For the treatment of fungal infections, antifungal drugs in broad-spectrum tablets or local antimycotics are used. Before prescribing means for oral administration, the doctor determines the type of fungus that has affected the human body. Based on the analyzes (smear of the mucous throat, removal of skin scales, etc.) effective drug and set the appropriate dosage.

Azole group

These antifungal drugs are among the synthetic antimycotics. Azoles are effective against several types of lichen, nail fungus, skin, hairline, intimate and other candidiasis. Tablets of this group have a fungistatic effect and are very effective against the Candida pathogen. Azole names:

  • Ketoconazole(analogues are Mycozoral, Fungavis, Oronazol);
  • (analogues: Diflucan, Mikomax, Flucostat);
  • (its analogues: Orungal, Orunit, Irunin, etc.).

Polyene antifungals

This group of antifungal agents has the widest possible spectrum of action. Polyenes are active mainly against candidiasis, but some members of the group effectively eliminate other protozoa, including Trichomonas. Polyene preparations do not act on dermatomycete fungi and pseudo-allescheria. Assign the intake of these tablets for the treatment of candidiasis of the skin, mucous membranes (stomatitis, thrush, etc.), the digestive tract. Antifungal drugs in broad-spectrum tablets of the polyene group are:

Allylamine group

These are synthetic antifungal agents that are necessary for the treatment of fungal pathologies of the nails (onychomycosis), hair, skin, and lichen. Allylamines have a wide spectrum of activity and actively destroy the shells of fungal spores. In a low dosage, the tablets act on dimorphic and mold fungi. Allylamines include:

  • Terbizil;
  • Lamisil;
  • Exiter.

What pills to drink from the fungus

The choice of drugs for the fungus is carried out exclusively by a doctor who takes into account the clinical picture of the disease and the general health of a woman or man. Unauthorized completion of therapy or replacement of antifungal drugs in broad-spectrum tablets with other medicines is prohibited. Below is a rating of effective antimycotic agents for the treatment of different types of mycoses.

Antifungal drugs for the skin of the body

Dermatomycosis is a frequently diagnosed disease that affects the skin of the head, legs, arms, abdomen, and other parts of the body. There are many antifungal drugs aimed at eliminating skin mycosis, among them the best are:

  1. Nystatin. The drug is used to treat not only skin fungus, but also candidiasis of the vagina, oral cavity, and intestines. The drug is taken 3-4 times a day, 1 tablet. The doctor selects the dosage for the child individually.
  2. Fluconazole. It is prescribed for candidiasis of various organs, including skin covering. The second generation antimycotic has a negative effect on the liver, but after the completion of treatment, the organ is restored. The daily recommended dosage is 150 mg weekly (in total, it is taken 2-3 times). Learn more, .
  3. Itraconazole. Capsules are prescribed for the treatment of skin mycoses, with candidiasis, onychomycosis. The drug is suitable for the prevention of these pathologies in people with HIV. The recommended daily amount of a broad-spectrum agent is 200 mg (the course lasts a week).
  4. . It can be used for the treatment of fungus, lichen, trichomoniasis. These are inexpensive but effective pills drink according to the doctor's prescription, individually selecting the dosage. The course of treatment is at least a week.
  5. Ketoconazole. Pills found wide application for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis and ringworm. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. The doctor prescribes Ketoconazole at a dosage of 200 mg per day, determining the duration of administration individually for each patient.

Tablets for candidiasis

Having diagnosed mild degree thrush, the doctor prescribes local tablets. For the treatment of an acute form of candidiasis, a wide spectrum of drugs is required. Treatment lasts an average of 2 weeks. As a rule, a gynecologist for the treatment of thrush prescribes one of the following remedies:

  1. . Due to the mild action, the drug can be used even during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Pimafucin does not provoke allergic reactions and is well tolerated. Thrush tablets contain natamycin and are non-toxic.
  2. clotrimazole. Effective for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, but not suitable for oral use during pregnancy or lactation.
  3. Diflucan. As a rule, a single dose of an antifungal drug is enough to treat thrush. Duflocan contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, chronic pathologies kidneys and liver.

Antimycotics for nail fungus

The initial stage of development of onychomycosis is successfully treated local funds: solutions, ointments, special varnishes, gels. If the disease has affected most of the nail plate, broad-spectrum tablets are indispensable. The doctor selects the appropriate medication, based on the degree of the disease. The most effective antifungal drugs for toenails are:

  1. Fluconazole (price - 25-50 rubles);
  2. Ketoconazole or (about 500 rubles);
  3. Itraconazole (2500 rubles);
  4. Flucostat (about 200 rubles);
  5. Terbinafine (until 2000).

Video: how to treat mycoses

Itraconazole (Orungal)

Rp: Orungali 0,1 D. t. d. N. 15 in caps.

S. After mealno1-2 caps per day for 3 weeks.

Active substance- itraconazole - a triazole derivative; has a wide spectrum of antifungal activity

actions. It is effective against dermatophytes, yeasts and yeast-like fungi (including cryptococci and candida), aspergillus, histoplasma, etc. Clinical results of treatment become apparent 2-4 weeks after stopping therapy.

Indications: fungal infections of the skin, external ear, onychomycosis, systemic mycoses (including systemic aspergillosis, candidiasis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, sporotrichosis, blastomycosis, paracoccidioidomycosis).

Side effects: dyspeptic disorders, headache, dizziness, allergic reactions.

Contraindicated simultaneous administration of terfenadine, astemizole, quinidine and a number of other drugs, with hypersensitivity.

Ketoconazole (Oronazol, Nizoral)

Rp: Tab. Oronaioli 0.2D.t.d. No. 20

S. 1 tab 1 time per day.

Active substance- ketoconazole, has fungicidal and fungistatic activity against dermatophytes, yeast fungi, dimorphic and eumycetes, less active against Aspergillus.

Indications: chronic candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes with the ineffectiveness of local treatment.

Side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, paresthesia, thrombocytopenia, reversible gynecoma-

| stia, oligospermia, allergic reactions.


Fluconazole (Medoflucan, Diflucan)

Rp: Caps. Diflucani 0.05 (0.1; 0.15; 0.2)D.t.d. No. 7(14; 28)

S. 1 capsule per day for 7-14 days.

Rp: Sol. Diflucani 0,2% - 50,0 (100,0; 200,0) ml

Active substance- fluconazole is a representative of the class of triazole antifungal agents, a powerful selective inhibitor of sterol synthesis in the fungal cell. Well absorbed after oral administration. Effective in cryptococcosis (including cryptococcal meningitis), systemic candidiasis, candidiasis of the mucous membranes, in the prevention of fungal infections in patients with reduced immunity (including AIDS patients). Application is also indicated for skin mycoses, onychomycosis, deep endemic mycoses, including coccidioidomycosis, sporotrichosis and histoplasmosis in patients with normal immunity. Diflucan is generally well tolerated.

Side effects: dyspeptic disorders, skin rash, headache, hypersensitivity to the drug, liver damage, alopecia, leukopenia.

Contraindicated simultaneous reception of triphenadine, with hypersensitivity, during pregnancy, lactation.

6.2. Topical antifungals

Bifonazole (Mycospor)

Rp: Ung. mycospori 1%-15,0

D. S. Apply to affected areas 1 time per day.

Active substance- bifonazole - a derivative of imidazole, has a wide spectrum of antifungal activity, is active against dermatophytes, yeasts, molds and other fungi.

Indications: superficial skin candidiasis, otomy-goats.

Side effects: burning, allergic reactions. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to bifonazole, lanolin, pregnancy, lactation.

Dequalinium chloride (Dekamin, Laripront)

Rp: Decamini 0,00015 D. t. d. N. 20

S. 1-2 caramelsnodtongue or cheek, hold until full dis-suction, take every 3-5 hours.

D. t. d. N. S. For intravenous injections of 100-200 ml 1 time per day (with cryptococcus-

cobalt meningitis).

Active substance- dekamin has a local anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and fungicidal effect, especially in relation to Candida albicans, with candidal stomatitis, with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and pharynx (tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, glossitis, aphthous ulcers), also causes a hemostatic and mucolytic effect.

Indications: fungal tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis, glossitis, aphthous ulcers.

side effects there are usually no effects.

Contraindications: increased sensitivity.

Ketoconazole (Nizoral)Rp: Cream Nizorali 15,0

D. S. The cream is applied once a day for 10 days.

Rep: Tab. Nizorali 0,2

D.t.d. No. 10(30)

S. 1 tabIonce a day.

Has fungicidal and fungistatic activity against dermatophytes, yeast fungi (Candi- da, Cryptococcus), dimorphic and eumycetes, less active in relation to Aspergillus.

Indications: locally - otomycosis caused by sensitive flora; general treatment- systemic fungal infections (systemic candidiasis), chronic candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes with the ineffectiveness of local treatment.

Side effects: with systemic use - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, paresthesia, thrombocytopenia, reversible gynecomastia, oligospermia, allergic reactions.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, severe liver dysfunction.

clotrimazole(Kandibene, Kanesten, Candide)

Rp: Ung. Clotrimazoli 1,0% - 20,0 (Sol. Clotrimazoli 1,0% - 15,0 ml)

D. S. Apply to affected areas 2-3 times a day.The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks (after the disappearance of clinical symptomsmov 4 more days).

Has a wide spectrum of action, effective against dermatophytes, molds and yeasts, fungi of the genus Candida, as well as streptococci, staphylococci, trichomonas.

Indications: infections caused by dermatophytes, molds and yeast fungi; otitis externa and otitis media, management of postoperative cavities of the middle ear.

Side effects: hypersensitivity to components, burning and peeling of the skin.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, [trimester of pregnancy, lactation.


Rp: Ung. Mycosoloni 15,0

D. S. Apply to the affected area 1-2 times a day,the course of treatment is usually 2-5 weeks.

Active ingredients- mycosolone - active against dermatophytes and yeast fungi (Candida), as well as against gram-positive bacteria; ointment-predone - a derivative of prednisolone, which has anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative and antipruritic action.

Indications: mycoses of the external and middle ear, accompanied by superinfection caused by gram-positive flora.

Side effects: when used in recommended doses, side effects were not detected.

Contraindications: skin tuberculosis, viral skin diseases, skin tumors.


Rp: Ung. Mykoseptini 30,0

D. S

Compound: undecylenic acid; and the zinc salt of undecylenic acid. It has a fungistatic effect on dermatophytes, it has no effect on yeast fungi.

Indications: prevention and treatment of dermatomycosis of the upper respiratory tract (otitis externa and otitis media).

Side effects: allergic reactions are possible. Contraindications: increased sensitivity.

Naftifin (Exoderil)

Rp: Sol. Exoderili 1,0% - 10,0 ml

D. S. Apply to the affected surface 1 time per day fornie 2-4 weeks.

Rp: Cream Exoderil 1,0% - 15,0(30,0)

D. S. Apply to the affected surface 1-2 times a daywithin 4 weeks.

It has a fungicidal effect against dermatophytes and molds, fungicidal or fungistatic effect on pathogens of sporotrichosis and yeast, depending on the specific strain. It has antibacterial activity against a number of gram-negative and gram-positive pathogens. The drug also exhibits anti-inflammatory and antipruritic action.

Indications: various fungal skin lesions, including the external auditory canal.

Side effects- in rare cases, dryness and redness, burning sensation.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to knaftifine, propylene glycol, benzyl alcohol.

Terbinafine (Lamisil)Rp: Ung. Lamisil 15,0

D. S. Apply to affected areas 1-2 times a day.

Rep: Tab. Lamizili 0.125 (0.250)

D.t.d. N.14(N28)

S. Acceptno250 mg 1 time per day.

Active substance- terbinafine from the group of allylamines, has a wide spectrum of antifungal activity. In low concentrations, it has a fungicidal effect against dermatophytes, mold fungi. The action on yeast fungi can be fungicidal and fungistatic, depending on the species.

Indications: candidiasis of the skin, mucous membranes of the ENT organs.

Adverse reactions: possible irritation at the site of application of the cream.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to cterbinafine.

Chlornitrophenol (Nitrofungin)

Rp: Sol. Nitrofungini 1,0% - 25,0 ml

D. S. Lubricate the affected areas 2-3 times a day.

Effective against causative agents of dermatomycosis, acts fungistatically; other ingredients: triethylene glycol, ethyl alcohol 50% - have an antiseptic and drying effect.

Indications: dermatomycosis, candidiasis, mycosis of the external auditory canal.

Side effects: possible local irritation, photosensitivity.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity.

Econazole (Ecodax, Ekalin)Rp: Cream « Ecodax» 10.0

D. S. Apply to the affected areas in a thin layer 2-3 timesin a day.

Active substance- econazole, effective against Trichophyton, microsporum, Candida albicans and some gram-positive bacteria. Causes the death of fungi within 3-5 days, promotes rapid regression of burning sensation from the skin.

Indications: fungal skin lesions, otomycosis caused by pathogens sensitive to the drug.

Side effect: rarely burning.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug.