Vitamin A injections. Vitamin A in ampoules for the perfection of your hair. Recipes for vitamin A products at home

Hair is constantly exposed to external factors. To maintain them in normal condition, vitamins are used. Vitamins A and B are often used in ampoules, which are added to masks. Such products can improve the condition and normalize hair growth.

Benefits and importance of vitamins B and A for hair

Vitamins are necessary for the entire body, including hair. A person does not always get nutrients from food, especially since modern ecology and lifestyle should be taken into account. Other factors also have a negative effect on curls: the use of a hair dryer, curling iron, and harmful cosmetics.

With the help of vitamins you can maintain your condition and appearance curls:

  • Vitamin A necessary to strengthen hair follicles, eliminating fragility and dryness. It is used for skin regeneration and protection against dermatological diseases.
  • IN 1 protects strands from stress and its consequences.
  • AT 2 serves as protection for disruption of the natural balance.
  • AT 3 responsible for pigment. Violations lead to gray hair.
  • AT 8 with E perform deceleration.
  • AT 6 reduces the risk of dandruff.
  • AT 9 necessary for cell renewal and stimulation of hair growth.
  • AT 12 eliminates dandruff and improves hair growth with B9.

Prices of various companies for vitamins B and A:

  • The BIOMATRIX company produces vitamins B and A in ampoules. The package contains 10 pcs. The average cost of medicines is 540 rubles.
  • The KLAPP brand produces hair vitamins. average price drugs is 1200 rubles.
  • The French company BeautyMed produces vitamins in capsules. Their average cost is 3,000 rubles.

How to properly use vitamins B and A for hair

Almost all products can be purchased at pharmacies. They are usually presented in ampoules in the form of an aqueous or oily solution. The drugs are very useful, although their cost is quite affordable, especially when compared with other drugs.

Before using any vitamin supplements, you should consult your doctor. This will allow you to find out if there is any individual intolerance to the components of the medicine.

Ampoules for improving hair growth are not used in pure form, as it may cause allergies. They are diluted with natural remedies hair care, and general . You just need to add a few drops to your shampoo or conditioner, which will improve hair growth. Only add vitamins before, since they are destroyed due to the influence of air.

It is more effective to use vitamins in homemade masks. Thanks to natural ingredients, hair growth accelerates and its structure improves.

Masks based on vitamins A and B in ampoules for hair

Vitamins work better with additional components. Based on them, therapeutic masks are obtained:

  • You need to mix vitamin E, A and B3(1 tsp each), and also linseed oil(2 tbsp.), Eleutherococcus tincture (1 tsp.), yolk. The components are thoroughly mixed, and then the product can be applied to the head for 1 hour. After this you need to wash your hair warm water.
  • You will need castor oil and(1 tablespoon each), vitamin E and (1/3 spoon). Mix everything until smooth and then apply for an hour. Rinse off with warm water and shampoo.
  • You will need chamomile, linden(1 tbsp each). The components are poured with boiling water (1 cup). Then vitamins B1, B12, E and A (a few drops each) and rye bread are added to the mixture. After leaving for 15 minutes, the product can be used.
  • The yolk must be mixed with honey(2 tbsp) and 1 ampoule of vitamin. The product is rubbed into the roots and then washed off. It can be used for all hair types.
  • You will need almond oil, ylang-ylang(1 tbsp each), burdock oil (2 tbsp), rose oil (1 tsp), vitamin capsule. The components are mixed, and this product is used to treat all types of hair.

All vitamin masks are designed to improve hair growth. After regular treatments they become stronger and shiny.

Night mask recipes

Regular masks are used quickly, usually before washing your hair. But you can use products that are left overnight. Their action is no less useful, so you can perform them regularly.

In the morning you need to wash your hair with warm water:

  • There is a recipe for a strengthening mask with ginger. The product improves hair growth. To prepare it, you will need grated ginger and jojoba oil (1 tablespoon each), as well as an ampoule of vitamin. The mask is applied to the roots and along the entire length with massage movements. If you are not allergic to the product, then it can remain until the morning, when you need to wash it off with warm water and shampoo.
  • To prepare a healing mask you will need olive oil And lemon juice in an amount of 1:1, as well as an ampoule of vitamin. The product is rubbed into the roots, and then the hair should be wrapped in polyethylene and a scarf. In the morning you need to wash your hair and rinse with oak broth.
  • Help restore hair effective means based on natural ingredients. Vitamins A and E should be mixed with castor, burdock, peach oil and jojoba. The components need to be mixed and heated, because this way they will have a better effect on the structure of the curls. You need to insulate your head and apply a mask at night. In the morning, wash off as usual.

Retinol acetate: instructions for use and reviews

Latin name: Retinol acetate

ATX code: A11CA01

Active substance: retinol

Manufacturer: Polysintez (Russia), Pharmaceutical Factory of St. Petersburg, OJSC (Russia), Marbiopharm, OJSC (Russia)

Updating the description and photo: 13.08.2019

Retinol acetate – vitamin A.

Release form and composition

Dosage forms of Retinol acetate:

  • drops for oral and external use 3.44% and 8.6%: oily liquid from dark yellow to light yellow color with a transparent structure, without rancid odor (10, 15, 30, 50 ml in dark glass bottles or 10, 30 or 50 ml in bottles with a dropper cap, 1 bottle in a cardboard box);
  • solution for oral and external use, oily 3.44% and 8.6%: transparent dark yellow to light yellow oily liquid without rancid odor (10, 15, 30, 50 or 100 ml each in dark glass bottles or 10 ml in a dropper bottle, 1 bottle in a cardboard pack; 10 ml (3.4% solution) in a polymer bottle, 1 bottle in a cardboard pack);
  • capsules: yellow, spherical, free of mechanical impurities and streaks; the contents of the capsules are an oily liquid from light yellow to dark yellow in color, there is no rancidity in the odor (10 pcs. in a blister pack, 1-3 or 5 packs in a cardboard pack; 25 or 50 pcs. in dark glass jars , 1 can in a cardboard box).

1 ml of drops for oral and external use 3.44% and 8.6% contains:

  • active substance: retinol acetate (including butylated hydroxytoluene and peanut oil) 100,000 International Units (IU) and 250,000 IU, respectively;
  • auxiliary components: butylated hydroxyanisole, sunflower oil (refined deodorized sunflower oil).

1 ml of solution for oral and external use, oily 3.44% and 8.6%, contains:

  • active ingredient: retinol acetate 100,000 IU (34.4 mg) and 250,000 IU, respectively;
  • auxiliary components: frozen, refined, deodorized sunflower oil, grade P.

1 capsule contains:

  • active substance: retinol acetate solution for oral and external use, oily 8.6% – 0.132 ml (33,000 IU);
  • auxiliary components: refined deodorized sunflower oil;
  • shell composition: glycerin (glycerol), methyl parahydroxybenzoate (nipagin), gelatin, quinoline yellow dye (E-104).

Pharmacological properties


Retinol acetate, vitamin A – an essential component for normal functioning retina eyes, which binds to the opsin pigment to form the visual purple rhodopsin, which provides visual adaptation in the dark. Vitamin A is also involved in the processes of bone growth, embryonic development, regulation of division, differentiation of the epithelium (stimulates the reproduction of epithelial cells, rejuvenates the cell population, suppresses keratinization processes), and ensures normal reproductive function. Vitamin A is a cofactor in various biochemical processes.


Vitamin A is quickly absorbed from the duodenum, jejunum and other organs gastrointestinal tract in the presence bile acids, proteins, fats and pancreatic lipase. Normally, less than 5% is bound to plasma proteins. At excessive consumption food with vitamin A and overfilling of the liver depot, the connection with lipoproteins can be up to 65%. Hyperlipoproteinemia may also increase the amount of vitamin A bound to lipoproteins. Vitamin A, released from the liver depot, forms a complex with retinol-binding protein, in the form of which it is found in the blood. Small amounts pass through the placenta and into breast milk. The equivalent of the two-year requirement of an adult is deposited in the liver, and in small quantities in the kidneys and lungs. Mobilization from the depot requires the presence of zinc-containing substances.

Vitamin A is metabolized in the liver. It is excreted by the kidneys, and the unabsorbed part is excreted through the rectum.

Indications for use

The use of Retinol acetate is indicated for vitamin A deficiency, hypovitaminosis and as part of complex therapy:

  • eye pathologies: hemeralopia, retinitis pigmentosa, xerophthalmia, eczematous eyelid lesions, keratomalacia with concomitant vitamin A deficiency;
  • diseases and skin lesions: ulcers, ichthyosis, psoriasis, hyperkeratosis, tylotic (callous, horny) eczema, subacute and acute stages of eczema, neurodermatitis, burns, frostbite, erosion, cracks, wounds.

In addition, oil solution for oral and external use and Retinol acetate capsules are used as part of complex therapy:

  • seborrheic dermatitis, skin tuberculosis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, erosive gastroduodenitis;
  • colds and infectious-inflammatory diseases (including chronic forms) diseases (including measles, dysentery, tracheitis, influenza, bronchitis).

Also, Retinol acetate capsules are taken in the treatment of liver cirrhosis, and drops are prescribed as part of the complex therapy of atopic dermatitis.


  • spicy inflammatory diseases skin;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • hypervitaminosis A;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • pregnancy period;
  • age up to 7 years;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

With caution, only after consulting your doctor, you can use Retinol acetate for liver cirrhosis, alcoholism, viral hepatitis, renal failure, in old age.

In addition, caution should be exercised when prescribing solution and capsules to patients with heart failure II and III degree, with nephritis.

Instructions for use of Retinol acetate: method and dosage

The use of Retinol acetate is carried out only under the supervision of a physician.

Drops for oral and external use 3.44% and 8.6%

Drops are taken orally after meals, 10-15 minutes later.

  • mild and moderate degree of vitamin deficiency: adults - 11.35 mg (33,000 IU), which corresponds to 0.33 ml drops with a concentration of 3.44% (13 drops from an eye dropper or 10 drops from a dropper cap) or 0.13 ml 8.6% of the drug (5 drops from an eye dropper or 4 drops from a dropper cap) per day;
  • eye diseases: adults - 17.2-34.4 mg (50,000-100,000 IU), which corresponds to 0.5-1 ml drops with a concentration of 3.44% (20-40 drops from an eye pipette or 14-28 – from a dropper cap) or 0.2-0.4 ml with a concentration of 8.6% (8-16 drops from an eye dropper or 6-8 from a dropper cap) per day; children (taking into account age) - 0.34-1.72 mg (1000-5000 IU), which corresponds to 0.01-0.05 ml of the drug 3.44% (1-2 drops from an eye pipette or 1 drop from dropper caps) or 0.004-0.02 ml of the drug with a concentration of 8.6% (1 drop from an eye pipette or from a dropper cap) per day;
  • skin pathologies: adults - 17.2-34.4 mg (50,000-100,000 IU), which corresponds to 0.5-1 ml of 3.44% of the drug (20-40 drops from an eye pipette or 14-28 from dropper caps) or 0.2-0.4 ml drops of 8.6% (8-16 drops from an eye dropper or 6-8 from a dropper cap) per day; children - 1.72-6.88 mg (5000-20,000 IU), which corresponds to 0.05-0.2 ml drops of 3.44% (2-8 drops from an eye dropper or 2-6 drops from a cap droppers) or 0.02-0.08 ml of the drug with a concentration of 8.6% (1-4 drops from an eye dropper or 1-2 drops from a dropper cap) per day.

The doctor determines the duration of treatment individually.

When treating ulcers, burns and frostbite, it is recommended to simultaneously treat skin lesions with an oil solution of Retinol acetate. To do this, apply the drug to the previously cleaned surface of the lesion 5-6 times a day and cover it with gauze. The frequency of lubrication as epithelization and scarring progress is reduced to 1 time per day.

Solution for oral and external use, oily 3.44% and 8.6%

Retinol acetate solution is taken orally, 10-15 minutes after meals (early morning or late evening).

  • mild and moderate severity of vitamin deficiency: adults - up to 33,000 IU, children over 7 years old - 5,000 IU per day;
  • eye diseases: adults – 50,000-100,000 IU per day with simultaneous intake of 20 mg of riboflavin;
  • skin pathologies: adults - 50,000-100,000 ME, children - from 5,000 to 20,000 ME per day. In the treatment of burns, frostbite and ulcers, in addition to oral administration, local applications with the drug are prescribed, which are applied to cleansed affected areas 5-6 times a day. acute period condition, then as healing progresses, the frequency of procedures is reduced.

A single dose should not exceed 50,000 IU for adults, 5,000 IU for children, 100,000 IU and 20,000 IU daily, respectively.


Retinol acetate capsules are taken orally after meals late in the evening or early in the morning.

  • vitamin deficiency of mild and moderate severity: 1 pc. (33,000 IU) per day;
  • eye pathologies: adults – 3 pcs. (100,000 IU) per day in combination with 20 mg of riboflavin;
  • skin diseases: adults – 3 pcs. (100,000 ME) per day.

The maximum daily dose for adults is 100,000 IU.

Side effects

During therapy with Retinol acetate, the development of hypervitaminosis A and allergic reactions is possible; with prolonged use, the risk of intoxication increases.

Symptoms of hypervitaminosis A:

  • adults: drowsiness, headache, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, facial flushing, gait disturbance, pain in the bones of the lower extremities;
  • children: skin rashes, fever, vomiting, drowsiness, sweating.


In case of acute overdose in adults, after 6 hours the following symptoms of hypervitaminosis A develop: lethargy, drowsiness, dizziness, double vision, nausea, vomiting, severe headache, irritability, diarrhea, bleeding gums, dryness and the appearance of ulcers on the oral mucosa, peeling lips, skin (especially palms), increased intracranial pressure, confusion.

Symptoms of chronic intoxication: bone pain, loss of appetite, dry oral mucosa, cracked and dry skin, vomiting, gastralgia, increased fatigue, hyperthermia, asthenia, strong pain in the abdomen, headaches, pollakiuria, nocturia, polyuria, photosensitivity, irritability, the appearance of yellow-orange spots on the palms, soles, in areas of the nasolabial triangle, hair loss, convulsions, hepatotoxic phenomena, oligomenorrhea, portal hypertension, intraocular hypertension, hemolytic anemia, the appearance of changes on bone radiographs.

Acute hypervitaminosis in children is characterized by excitement, anxiety, insomnia during the first day, drowsiness, signs of suffocation, vomiting, fever up to 39 ºC, protrusion of the large fontanel.

Treatment: drug withdrawal and symptomatic therapy.

special instructions

Retinol acetate should not be used in combination with other multivitamin preparations containing vitamin A to prevent hypervitaminosis.

For adults, the daily requirement of retinol is 0.9 mg, for children – 0.4-1 mg.

For nursing women and children living in the Far North, it is recommended to increase the dose by 50%.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

According to the instructions, Retinol acetate is contraindicated for use during pregnancy.

Use in childhood

Retinol acetate is contraindicated for use in patients under 7 years of age. When treating children over 7 years of age, the drug should be used with caution.

For impaired renal function

In case of renal failure, the drug should be used with caution.

For liver dysfunction

In case of liver cirrhosis, Retinol acetate should be used with caution.

Use in old age

When treating elderly patients, the drug should be used with caution.

Drug interactions

With simultaneous use of Retinol acetate:

  • oral contraceptives - help increase the level of vitamin A concentration in the blood plasma;
  • glucocorticosteroids, salicylates - reduce the risk of unwanted effects;
  • colestipol, cholestyramine, neomycin, mineral oils - reduce the absorption of the drug (it may be necessary to increase the dose of retinol acetate);
  • isotretinoin – increases the risk of toxic effects;
  • calcium preparations – reduce their therapeutic effect, causing the risk of developing hypercalcemia;
  • vitamin E – causes a decrease in the deposition in the liver and use of vitamin A, the toxicity of the drug and its absorption, administration high doses Vitamin E may reduce vitamin A reserves in the body.


Analogs of Retinol Acetate are: Retinol Palmitate, Retinol Acetate solution in oil, Retinol, Vitamin A.

Terms and conditions of storage

Keep away from children.

Store at temperatures: drops and solution – up to 10 °C, capsules – up to 25 °C, in a place protected from light, protect capsules from moisture.

Shelf life: drops – 3 years; solution and capsules – 2 years.

Retinol acetate is a synthetically produced vitamin A. Everyone knows about its benefits for vision, but many have no idea about its other benefits. pharmacological effects. This compound is indispensable for the beauty of the skin, normal hair growth, nails, health of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and digestive tract.

In conditions of its shortage (which is observed among the majority of residents of the middle zone), it appears chronic fatigue and immunodeficiency. To compensate for the deficiency of essential substances, they resort to the use of their pharmaceutical analogues, which are commercially available (without a prescription).

More details about retinol acetate: what vitamin it is, what it is needed for and its sources, in the video:

What does the drug contain?

The main active component of all drugs is retinol acetate. The pharmaceutical industry produces it in both liquid and solid form. Manufacturers offer us three options:

  1. Drops come in concentrations active substance 3.44% and 8.6%. They can be consumed internally or used externally. Butylated hydroxyanisole and oil are used as additional components. It is a yellowish liquid with a greasy consistency.
  2. A solution of retinol acetate in sunflower oil. Liquid oil solution with a concentration of 100,000 and 250,000 IU per milliliter.
  3. Gelatin capsules, film-coated tablets. For ease of administration, the active ingredient in an amount of 0.15 ml is enclosed in a shell of gelatin, glycerin and starch.

Retinol acetate solution is sold in darkened bottles of 10 and 50 ml, as it is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation.


Pharmacodynamics: how it affects the body

Retinol accelerates the formation of rhodopsin in the cells of the retina, the visual pigment. Its presence provides a person with normal twilight vision. Its deficiency leads to the development of hemeralopia, popularly called “night blindness.”

Another important function of vitamin A is participation in the process of epithelization (the formation and growth of cells in the outer layer of the skin and mucous membranes). Thus, constant renewal of the epithelium is maintained, its regeneration in case of damage. Hypovitaminosis from the skin is manifested by dermatitis, dryness and peeling of the skin. Due to disruption of the renewal process of the epithelium of the gastrointestinal mucosa, stomatitis, gastritis, and digestive disorders develop.

Vitamin A has an immunostimulating effect. There is evidence of its participation in the synthesis of sex hormones, regulation of reproductive functions and regulation of pigment metabolism.

Pharmacokinetics: metabolism of drug components

This is a fat-soluble substance. It is absorbed only in the presence of fats. Therefore, all forms of the drug include sunflower oil. The product is absorbed into duodenum into the blood, where it is transported in free form or bound to proteins to target cells.

Vitamin A can accumulate in liver cells, where it is metabolized after use and excreted by the kidneys in the urine. Can penetrate the placental barrier and into breast milk during feeding.

When to use retinol acetate

Vitamin A can be either part of a general strengthening therapy or an independent remedy. Indications for use:

  • deficiency (hypo- and avitaminosis A) - diagnosis is established based on symptoms and biochemical blood test;
  • xerophthalmia - dry eye syndrome;
  • keratoses and keratitis - pathologies of the cornea;
  • hemeralopia - decreased visual acuity in low light conditions;
  • retinitis - inflammation of the retina;
  • inflammatory lesions of the eyelids (blepharitis)
  • conjunctivitis;
  • skin diseases (ulcers, furunculosis, dermatitis, dry skin, injuries, burns, frostbite, etc.);
  • in dentistry it is used to eliminate stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa);
  • atopic (allergic) dermatitis;
  • gastritis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • chronic laryngitis, bronchitis, bronchoadenitis, etc.

Vitamin A is a complete medicine only in the case of hypovitaminosis A. For other diseases, it is part of a complex treatment prescribed by a doctor.


It is worth knowing not only what retinol acetate is used for, but also in what cases it is contraindicated.

There are a number of situations in which retinol acetate is dangerous to health:

  • hypervitaminosis A;
  • individual intolerance to one of the components of the product;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • inflammatory skin diseases in the acute stage;
  • pancreatitis;
  • stage of exacerbation of hepatitis;
  • insufficiency of urinary system functions;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Retinol acetate should not be given to children under 7 years of age. To avoid toxic effects on the body, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting to take vitamins.

Directions for use of various forms of the drug

To know how to take retinol acetate, you need to determine the safe amount of retinol. When calculating the daily dose of the substance, take into account that the maximum safe daily dosage of retinol acetate for an adult is 90,000-100,000 IU, for children - 16,000-20,000 IU.

Instructions for use of retinol acetate have specific features for each form of the drug.

Retinol acetate solution oily 3.44%

Retinol acetate (vitamin A oil solution) is also recommended to be consumed 1-2 times a day after the main meal. The maximum therapeutic dose for people over 18 years of age is 8-10 drops, for children - 2. Dosages are indicated for a solution with an active substance concentration of 3.44. If a drug with a concentration of 8.6% is used, the number of drops is halved:

  • adults with hypovitaminosis 8 drops per day, children - 1;
  • in ophthalmology for adults, 10-20 drops, recommended to be combined with the use of vitamin B2;
  • in dermatology and dentistry for adults - 10-20 drops, for children - 1-4 drops.

To wipe the skin and mucous membranes, a solution of retinol acetate in sunflower oil is used in the same way as drops for external use.


The drops have an oily consistency, which provides active substance sufficient absorption. Retinol acetate solution for oral administration in the form of drops. The optimal time to take it is after a meal. It comes in 3.44% and 8.6% concentrations. For convenience, it is produced in bottles with dropper stoppers. Recommended dosages:

  • to eliminate the manifestations of vitamin A deficiency, it is recommended that adults take 8 drops of a 3.44% solution (4 drops of 8.6%);
  • at skin diseases, dry eye syndrome, keratoses, hemeralopia, the daily dose of the drug is 13-25 drops 3.44% (6-12 drops 8.6%);
  • Children over 7 years of age are prescribed 1-2 drops of a 3.44% solution orally.

In order to accelerate skin regeneration after burns, wounds, frostbite, the affected areas of the skin (previously cleaned and degreased) are wiped with a solution of retinol acetate. Next, apply an aseptic bandage. You need to lubricate the skin with vitamin A 4-6 times a day, gradually reducing the number of daily procedures to one as it heals.

Retinol acetate, capsules

Modern pharmaceutical industry offers forms that are more convenient to accept. Retinol acetate in capsules or coated tablets can only be used by adults, since one capsule contains more active substance than can be consumed by a child at one time. Recommended doses:

  • for hypovitaminosis, 1 capsule once a day;
  • at eye diseases 1 capsule 3 times a day after meals, plus 20 g of vitamin B2;
  • for the treatment of skin diseases, 1 capsule 3 times a day after meals.

Instructions for use of the retinol drug indicate the maximum permissible daily dose of vitamin A is 100,000 IU, which corresponds to 3 capsules.

Dangers of Overdose

If exceeded permissible dosages and impaired elimination of substances from the body (kidney disease), the following symptoms are observed:

  • dizziness, weakness, confusion, acute headache;
  • severe diarrhea that leads to dehydration;
  • skin rashes all over the body with itching and peeling;
  • minor hemorrhages under the skin;
  • increase in blood clotting time.

Long-term vitamin A poisoning (hypervitaminosis) is manifested by weakness, sleep disturbances, severe headaches, blurred and double vision, a feeling of a veil before the eyes, dyspeptic disorders, soreness of muscles and bones when pressure is applied to them.

If signs of overdose appear, you must immediately stop taking vitamin preparations and seek medical help.

Abuse of alcoholic beverages and smoking sharply reduces the absorption of retinol preparations.

There are precautions for use during pregnancy, kidney disease, children and the elderly.

For pregnant and nursing mothers

The substance is contraindicated at all stages of pregnancy. It should not be taken while breastfeeding.

You can plan a new pregnancy at least six months after stopping taking retinol acetate. This is done to prevent the toxic effects of excess vitamin A.

For children

Retinol acetate for children from 7 years of age is approved for use under the supervision of a physician with strict adherence to dosages.

For kidney diseases

For nephritis, the drug is used with caution according to doctor's indications. It is recommended to take blood and urine tests every 2-4 weeks to monitor the functions of the urinary system and big picture blood.

For liver diseases

Contraindicated in acute hepatitis, cholelithiasis. In chronic processes (liver cirrhosis), use with caution and regularly monitor blood tests.

For the elderly

The need for this substance in older people decreases, and metabolism and kidney function also worsen. Therefore, to avoid intoxication, doses are reduced by half and used only as directed by a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

Taking nutritional supplements with retinol acetate, you need to remember what a dangerous vitamin it is. It cannot be taken simultaneously with vitamin A complexes, as this leads to an overdose.

In combination with antibiotics of the tetracycline group (Doxycycline, Metacycline, Glycocycline, Oletetrin, etc.) it causes an increase in intracranial pressure. With prolonged use, the development of hydrocephalus is possible.

It is not recommended to take it orally with drugs that reduce the absorption of fats in the intestine (Cholestyramine, Colestipol, Colextran). The interval between taking retinol and bile acid sequestrants should be at least 4-6 hours.

Glucocorticosteroids (Dexamethasone, Corticosterone, etc.) increase the risk of side effects: headache, nausea, fever, drowsiness, muscle pain.

Retinol acetate reduces the effectiveness of calcium supplements.

Vitamin E reduces the ability of retinol to accumulate in the liver and thereby reduces it toxic effect on the body.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of drops is 3 years, retinol acetate oil solution and capsules are 2 years.

Retinol breaks down quickly when high temperatures and under the influence of sunlight. It should be stored out of the reach of children, at a temperature of up to 10 degrees (capsules up to 25 degrees). Keep away from direct sunlight.

  • In what cases is vitamin A usually taken and what important nuances may not be found in the instructions for its use;
  • What forms of vitamin A preparations are commercially available today and which one to prefer in your case;
  • How to take medications correctly (including capsules when used for cosmetic purposes);
  • Names of vitamin A preparations;
  • And also what can lead to ignoring contraindications to taking appropriate medications and how you can be poisoned by vitamin A out of ignorance.

If you are going to use vitamin A for certain purposes, then first of all you need to understand that this substance, despite its enormous benefits for the body (at normal dosages), if the instructions for use are not followed, it can cause significant harm to health. Therefore, before taking the appropriate drug orally, injecting it intramuscularly, or even simply adding it to a face mask, it is first useful to consider a number of important nuances– and not only contraindications, but also some other points, which we will consider further.

But first, let's remember, so to speak, the basic properties of vitamin A (retinol) and its effect on the human body. The most important functions retinols are:

  • maintaining the functioning of the visual system (the visual pigment rhodopsin is synthesized in the body only in the presence of vitamin A);
  • providing an anti-cancer effect ( healthy man does not feel this effect - free radicals, including those constantly formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and oxygen, simply bind and no longer manifest themselves. However, if there were no such protection, problems would not be long in coming);
  • stimulation immune system;
  • stimulation of tissue regeneration processes;
  • as well as ensuring the synthesis of a number of hormones.

Accordingly, vitamin A is used as part of medicines and therapeutic complexes for:

  • eye diseases - keratitis, conjunctivitis, twilight blindness, near and far vision disorders, xerophthalmia;
  • skin diseases - eczema, allergic dermatoses, dry skin, ichthyosis, keratoderma, urticaria, furunculosis, seizures;
  • baldness, hair growth disorders and early graying;
  • nail diseases;
  • inflammatory processes various localizations;
  • thrush, edema and some diseases of the mucous membranes;
  • pneumonia;
  • immunodeficiencies and seasonal weakening of immunity;
  • peptic ulcers organs of the digestive tract (gastritis, duodenitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis);
  • liver inflammation of various etiologies;
  • various infectious diseases;
  • treatment of skin damage - ulcers, frostbite, burns, open wounds;
  • anemia.

In addition, vitamin A is widely used in cosmetology to improve the condition of skin and hair, to inhibit the processes of general aging of the body and normalize metabolism.

Meanwhile, retinol preparations also have serious contraindications, so vitamin A must be taken in each specific case in strict accordance with the instructions for use and the doctor’s instructions.

On a note

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble substance, and therefore is usually sold in the form of oil solutions. The only exceptions are multivitamin complexes in the form of dragees and powders. The instructions for them are quite simple, but this does not negate the seriousness of the approach when choosing any of them.

Forms of release of preparations with vitamin A

Vitamin A for therapeutic and prophylactic use is available in the form of:

  • oil solutions for intramuscular injections;
  • oil solutions for oral or external use;
  • capsules, which are sometimes also called tablets film-coated(inside them there is again an oil solution of retinol acetate or palmitate);
  • and, as noted above, as a component of multivitamin complexes in the most various forms- dragees, powders, syrups, capsules.

It should be borne in mind that in most cases the therapeutic effect will be much more pronounced if you take an oil solution of retinol orally (or inject it intramuscularly) than if used externally. The fact is that external use of vitamin A allows the beneficial substance to act only on the outer layers of the skin, and at the same time retinol is absorbed in extremely low quantities. Often, when applied externally, there is a visible improvement in the condition skin

It is observed not even due to vitamin A, but due to the softening of the skin with oil in which retinol is dissolved.

Capsules with an oil solution are taken orally, and usually the beneficial substance from them is absorbed well. In the case of injections, the bioavailability of retinol is even higher.

In accordance with the instructions, vitamin A capsules should be taken during or after meals - the gelatin shell of the capsule dissolves quite quickly with gastric juice.

On a note

In multivitamin complexes, it is often not vitamin A itself that is used, but the so-called provitamin A - beta-carotene (sometimes written “beta-carotene”). Beta-carotene, even in the case of significant overdoses, does not have such a strong toxic effect on the body as in the case of retinol acetate or retinol palmitate.

Rules for using vitamin A in capsules

Vitamin A capsules are usually taken to treat diseases of the digestive tract, visual system, and also to correct skeletal development in children. Such treatment is always extended over time and therefore loading doses typical for retinol injections are not needed here.

The number of vitamin A capsules that should be taken per day depends significantly on the clinical case and the concentration of retinol in the oil solution enclosed in the capsules. For example, in different vitamin A preparations, capsules contain from 3300 IU to 100,000 IU at daily norm about 5000 IU for an adult, 8000 IU for pregnant and lactating women and 650 IU for children under 1 year of age.

Doctors sometimes recommend taking capsules with a high content of vitamin A to treat serious delays in skeletal development and skin diseases.

Today it has become very popular to use vitamin A in capsules externally - to care for the skin of the face, head, and to improve the condition of hair and nails. Manufacturers of the drugs do not give instructions for this use of vitamin A, but folk craftsmen usually act like this: they puncture the capsules, add the contents to shampoos and masks, and then apply them to the corresponding area of ​​the body.

On a note

Some vitamin A capsules contain cod oil, a rich natural source of retinol. And although the advantage of such drugs is their naturalness, nevertheless, in the event of an overdose, vitamin A poisoning will be no less pronounced than in the case of taking synthetic analogues.

The most well-known capsule preparations with vitamin A are the following:

Instructions for using a particular vitamin A product may vary slightly.

On a note

Aevit vitamins are also very popular today for skin and hair care - this drug is also produced in capsules, but in addition to retinol it also contains vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant.

Vitamin A solution in ampoules

Vitamin A in ampoules, as in the case of capsules, can be used in different ways:

  • first of all, the instructions for such drugs imply their use in the form of injections (for rapid administration of large doses as a therapeutic measure);
  • you can also take the contents of ampoules internally - to prevent hypovitaminosis and treat diseases that require the use of retinol (however, in such cases, the use of capsules is more convenient);
  • and finally, you can use the contents of the ampoules externally - to treat skin, wounds, and hair.

Ampoules, like capsules, also contain an oil solution of vitamin A, and therefore the areas of its application do not differ significantly from those for capsulated preparations. Retinol in ampoules is prescribed for:

  • serious hypovitaminosis and vitamin A deficiency. In these cases, 33,000 IU is prescribed for adults and up to 5,000 IU for children;
  • skin diseases - here adults are prescribed up to 100,000 IU per day, children - up to 5000 IU;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • malabsorption (loss of nutrients entering the digestive tract);
  • diarrhea;
  • weakened immunity;
  • stress;
  • multiple pregnancy.

In case of external use, the contents of the ampoule are usually treated with the skin of the face or the solution is applied to the hair (as part of shampoos and masks). Some recipes involve including the drug in face masks, homemade creams and lotions.

How to inject vitamin A intramuscularly?

Intramuscular injections of vitamin A are prescribed for serious illnesses eyes, dermatoses, disorders of the cardiovascular system.

In the case when injections are made independently, it is important to follow the instructions as closely as possible: before the procedure, the solution in the ampoule must be heated to body temperature, then break off the tip of the ampoule (sometimes a special ampoule knife is required for this), draw the solution into a syringe and squeeze out the bubbles from the syringe air. After this, the tip of the needle is inserted into the femoral or gluteal muscle, which has been previously wiped with an alcohol wipe, and the solution is slowly squeezed out of the syringe.

Intravenous administration of vitamin A is unacceptable, since the entry of the oil base into the blood can lead to very adverse consequences!

The most popular vitamin A preparations in ampoules are:

It should be understood that if you, for example, simply have dry skin, or brittle hair, then you should absolutely not prescribe vitamin A injections on your own. Not only may the cause of the problems not be a lack of retinol, but there is also a high risk of making a mistake with the dosage.

On a note

An example of an overdose of vitamin A is severe poisoning by the liver of a polar bear, sometimes observed in people in the Arctic. One gram of such liver contains as much retinol as a person consumes in almost a month. Even 50 grams of polar bear liver causes very severe poisoning, and in some cases can lead to human death.

Vitamin A oil solution

Oil solutions of vitamin A are available with different retinol contents: there are preparations containing 100,000 IU (3.44%) and 200,000 IU (6.88%) retinol in 1 ml. As a rule, such drugs are used for oral administration.

Accept oil solutions Vitamin A should be taken as directed by your doctor on a case-by-case basis. Such solutions are used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for preventive purposes.

Multivitamins with retinol

Most multivitamin preparations contain vitamin A in one form or another (either retinol itself or its predecessor, beta-carotene, which was already mentioned above).

Examples of multivitamin preparations:

  • various complexes Alphabet, Duovit, Complivit, Vitrum, Multi-Tabs, Merz, Centrum - designed for comprehensive support of the patient’s body at any age;
  • Separately, we can highlight the drugs Alphabet Cosmetic, Complivit Radiance, Vitrum Beauty and the whole line of Lady's Formula products - designed to support the skin, hair and overall beauty of women;
  • You can also note two-vitamin complexes - the drugs Aevit and Vitae, aimed primarily at supporting the immune system.

When taking any multivitamin complex, you should remember that in order to compensate for the lack of vitamin A, you can easily get an excess of another component of the drug. Despite the seeming harmlessness of these “vitamins,” they have their own contraindications, so do not forget to look at the instructions.

Contraindications and dangers of taking vitamin A

The main danger of consuming large doses of vitamin A is intoxication of the body, that is, in essence, poisoning. When consuming more than 4,000 IU daily over six months, chronic poisoning can develop, and when consuming more than 250,000 - 500,000 IU at a time, severe poisoning can occur. acute intoxication with paralysis, vomiting and convulsions.

Chronic intoxication is characterized by headaches, nausea, vomiting, digestive disorders, and joint pain.

Contraindications to the use of vitamin A are active allergic reactions and hypothyroidism. Also, you should not take retinol preparations together with retinoids, since the combination of these substances enhances the toxic effect.

This is interesting

In addition to the liver of the polar bear, the liver of sharks, walruses and some other animals also contains huge amounts of vitamin A. Rare cases of fatal poisoning of people with retinol are associated with the accidental consumption of these foods.

Consumption of large doses of vitamin A during pregnancy can lead to disturbances in the development of the fetus and birth defects skeleton of a child. Therefore, before starting to use retinol preparations, pregnant women always need to consult a doctor.

Be healthy!

An interesting video about the importance of vitamin A for vision and skin, and how it can be dangerous...

And some more interesting information about vitamin A

Modern synthetic nutrition and a busy lifestyle require the artificial introduction of vitamins into the body, the supply of which must be replenished daily. People actively take advantage of this, buying vitamin-mineral complexes in the off-season or during serious loads, when the body is working “to the limit”, when it has exhausted its main reserves. One of the leading positions among drugs is occupied by B vitamins. In the pharmacy chain they are sold in the form of capsules, tablets and ampoules. Vitamin B is most often used in ampoules. It is well absorbed, and the desired result is quickly achieved: the deficiency of this important component is eliminated.

Group “B” unites 8 main compounds, each of which is needed by the body: it is integrated into the course of metabolism and plays an important role in it. From this group, the composition in injections usually includes B1, B6 and B12, but other combinations are possible: it all depends on the indications for use and the needs of the body.

If there is a deficiency of B vitamins, injections are convenient to use; they contain a complete set of necessary compounds in the required concentration and ratio. Recommended

  • in stressful situations and psycho-emotional stress;
  • for diseases of the nervous system;
  • skin problems;
  • in case of malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • to strengthen blood vessels and heart;
  • with a protracted, sluggish disease;
  • during mental and physical stress;
  • with anemia associated with a lack of hemoglobin.
Contraindications to the use of vitamins of this group are only individual intolerance and possible manifestations allergies in case of overdose. During pregnancy and lactation, it is important to consult a doctor, who usually prescribes the drug in small doses or selects an alternative. Not used to treat children under 12 years of age.

Pharmacy chains offer different versions of the medicine in ampoules. If the purchase of a product occurs without specific recommendations from a doctor (which is extremely undesirable and dangerous), then knowing the name of the drug and its mechanism of action, the question of the need for its use is decided. Instructions for using vitamin B in ampoules help you understand medicinal properties and dosage.

Pyridoxine or vitamin B6

  • normalizes protein metabolism;
  • enhances muscle tone;
  • stops the development of anemia by increasing the amount of hemoglobin;
  • lowers blood glucose levels.

The dosage of pyridoxine depends on the complexity of the disease and the nature of its course, medical history, general well-being. According to the instructions, the minimum dosage of pyridoxine is 0.5 ml-1 ml n 10. The injection is well tolerated. Sometimes there may be a slight numbness in the limbs, which goes away after some time.

Thiamine or vitamin B1

Thiamine injections are necessary for people suffering from gastrointestinal pathologies. It is useful for skin diseases, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Prescribed for alcoholism. Injections are allowed during pregnancy and lactation. Its impact is related to:

  • with increased enzymatic activity;
  • control over the breakdown of carbohydrates;
  • metabolism of lipids and proteins;
  • protecting cells from toxic products and free radicals;
  • rapid interaction of nerve cells during the transmission of impulses.

The vitamin is otherwise called thiamine hydrochloride (thiamine chloride). The injections are administered over the course of a month. A 2-week course is provided for children. Daily dose fluctuates between 25-50 ml.

Thiamine injections can reduce levels blood pressure and cause manifestations in the form of skin rash or itching. Exceeding the recommended dose leads to headaches, sleep problems, and heart rhythm disturbances.


The ampoules contain a “triad” of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 and lidocaine, intended to relieve pain. Used for diseases of the musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous system. 2 ml of the drug is administered per day, injections are given for 2 weeks, after which they switch to taking tablets.


The ampoules include a complex of vitamins, including: thiamine, pyridoxine, cyanocobolamin, pantothenic and nicotinic acid. The drug is intended for people with a deficiency of essential components due to refined nutrition or a strict diet. It is recommended for problems with eyes and skin. Doses and number of injections depend on the specific disease and the stage of its development.


Includes three main vitamin components: pyridoxine, thiamine, cyanocobalamin (B1+B6+B12). Used in complex treatment neuralgia, sciatica, plexopathy, radicular syndrome, prosoparesis.

Neurobion is placed intramuscularly, inserting a needle deep under the skin. One ampoule is needed per day (see dosage). If the disease is not advanced and proceeds in a mild manner, then 2-3 ampoules per week are enough. The duration of the course of injections lasts until the symptoms go away. This is not the main, but an auxiliary method of treatment.

Vitamins in ampoules cannot be used “at your own peril and risk.” These are not dietary supplements, but medicines, the wrong dosage of which threatens side effects. A deficiency of vitamins is bad, but an excess also poses a health hazard. Before use, medical consultation is important.

Compligram B

The medicine is used for intramuscular injections and includes neurotropic B vitamins in ampoules: B1+B6+B12 and lidocaine, which reduces pain when the solution is administered. It is effective for various health problems, but is more often used in the treatment of pathologies associated with nervous system. An individual application regimen allows you to achieve maximum results. The dosage and duration of treatment depends on the specific disease and the complexity of its course.


A medication in ampoules, rich in three-in-one vitamins: traditional B1, B6 and B12 in combination with lidocaine. It is an anesthetic that reduces pain during an injection. intramuscular injection. Injections with Combilipen are widely used in the treatment of neurological pathologies.

If the disease is severe, then up to 2 ml per day is needed (the number of ampoules is related to the dosage) for a week. Then the course becomes more gentle: over 2 weeks, vitamins are administered 2-3 times a week.

The use of B vitamins in ampoules does not have a worthy alternative in the treatment of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, which has been proven by clinical studies. The injections are being studied in tandem with other agents in the treatment of epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease.

When choosing a specific vitamin preparation, they usually tend to buy expensive, imported products (Neurobion, Beviplex, Milgamma). Domestic medicines are created based on international quality standards and are much cheaper (Vitagamma, Trigamma, Compligam, Combilipen). Our B vitamins in ampoules are no worse than foreign analogues in quality, but differ favorably in price.

How to inject B vitamins correctly

B vitamins in injections are successfully used to saturate the body with vitamins during fortification. For this purpose, a specific treatment regimen has been developed. Give 10 injections, using each vitamin separately. For 10 days, B12 is administered daily, and B1 and B6 are alternated every other day. For the next 10 days, B12 is replaced by vitamin B2 with riboflavin, and B1 and B6 continue to be injected alternately. The general course of fortification is 20 days.

Special complexes in ampoules are saturated with vitamins introduced in certain proportions. This makes the task easier, allowing you to give one-time injections without alternating drugs: one injection is administered every three days (Milgama, Ambene, Beplex). For a specific disease, the scheme is different: in addition to B vitamins, other medications are prescribed in ampoules or tablets. The schedule of vitamin injections for fortification or treatment is prescribed by the doctor.

An intramuscular injection is placed in the inner thigh ( top part buttocks). A subcutaneous injection is given with a syringe into the inner part of the forearm. At each stage of the procedure, it is important to maintain sterility so as not to introduce an infection with vitamins. How to inject vitamins: sequence of actions:

  1. Wipe the intended injection site with a disinfectant solution. They use alcohol, chlorhexidine, belacept and others.
  2. Before injection, open the ampoule and inject the vitamin solution into a disposable syringe.
  3. Remove air bubbles from the syringe by holding it perpendicular and slightly lifting the plunger. Droplets of medicine should appear on the needle.
  4. Place the syringe aside, while the needle remains sterile and does not touch other surfaces.
  5. At intramuscular injection the needle is inserted perpendicular to the skin area and vitamins are slowly poured in, immersing the needle 2/3 into the body.
  6. With a subcutaneous injection, the skin is folded with the fingertips and only then the needle is inserted parallel to the forearm. Remove without removing the fold.
  7. The puncture site is disinfected by holding a sterile swab on the skin area for some time.
Injections with B vitamins are painful, so the solution is administered slowly, gradually. If severe pain occurs, there is a high probability that the needle has entered the nerve plexus. It is better to remove it and repeat the procedure.

There are recommendations on which vitamins are best injected together and which ones should not be combined. The ready-made complex of B vitamins in ampoules is beyond doubt: pharmacists have already thought through the necessary combinations and ratios. But when introducing each drug separately, it is worth paying attention to a number of points:

  • You cannot simultaneously administer an injection with B12 and vitamin C, since ascorbic acid negates the effect of cyanocobalamin; the interval between injections is at least 2 hours;
  • vitamin B12 enhances allergic reactions caused by thiamine: when taken simultaneously, this phenomenon is pronounced;
  • B1 and B6 are incompatible, they are given alternately every other day, without mixing the contents of the ampoules;
  • a joint injection with B6 and B12 is neutralized, it is better to alternate them, administering them at intervals of a day;
  • B2 is destroyed under the influence of B12 and B1;
  • B12 contains cobalt ion, which minimizes the effects of other "besheks".
You cannot mix all the vitamins in “one bottle” yourself, since the effect of such a cocktail is difficult to predict.

If there is a need to inject B vitamins for prophylaxis, then take the medicine from different ampoules with syringes and place it in the right and left buttocks. Knowing which B vitamins are injected at the same time, you can avoid the undesirable consequences of “homemade DIY”. For injections it is better to use ready-made combination drugs, where the ampoules contain adjusted ratios of drugs.

How many times a year can you inject B vitamins?

It is better to inject injections from different ampoules with vitamins separately. If the doctor recommended an integrated approach and several “besheks”, then three injections a day (morning, lunch and evening) will restore the necessary vitamin balance. Another scheme: administering injections alternately every other day. The course of treatment for adults lasts a month, for children it is no more than 2 weeks. For preventive purposes, vitamin ampoules should be purchased and the medicine should be injected once every six months or once a year.

Incompetent sources provide information that pyridoxine can be drunk directly from ampoules. This is a dangerous misconception. Ampoules with vitamin B6 must be supplied through the blood. When taken orally, the solution burns the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and causes unexpected allergic reactions.

Vitamin B in ampoules in cosmetology

Women add B vitamins in ampoules to their usual facial care products. They are convenient for home use, affordable and easy to use. It is enough to add a few drops of the “vitamin of youth” to the mask, and the skin will react with a new shade and velvety texture.

Why are B vitamins in ampoules needed for facial skin care? They serve:

  • prevention of age-related changes;
  • restore the structure of the epidermis;
  • rejuvenate the appearance.

It is difficult to answer the question of which vitamin revitalizes the skin. B vitamins for the face act comprehensively. Each contributes to the sculpted oval of the face and the matte appearance of the skin, helping a woman delay aging for several years. Thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, and cyanocobalamin work to restore the epidermis. Regular use of vitamins in ampoules for the face in combination with folic acid renew the epidermis.

You shouldn’t expect a stunning effect from a “vitamin cocktail”. But regularly introducing individual or complex products into everyday creams is really useful. Over time, the “bashki” bring the desired result.

Pyridoxine helps with brittle and split ends. It helps restore curls when they fall out, fights seborrhea and oily scalp. To care for your hair, it is enough to introduce the “bashka” into everyday shampoos and conditioners, balms, and hair masks. In case of hair loss, when “hair is coming out”, B6 is added to masks every other day. When the curls look dull and unkempt - 2 times a week.

B vitamins are important modern people. Poor ecology, refined food, ill-considered lifestyle, and the rhythm of everyday worries force the body to work to the limit. Vitamins are involved in metabolism every day, so their preventive administration once a year or as needed during illness will maintain strength and allow the body to partially recover.