Anticonvulsants. List of anticonvulsants for epilepsy. The main side effects are

Probably everyone at least once in his life experienced what a cramp is. These are involuntary brain symptoms that can lead to impaired consciousness, emotional disturbances, or strong fibers in the arms or legs.

If you have seizures quite often, then this is the reason why you urgently need to see a doctor. They can signal serious illnesses not only in the nervous system, but also in other organs. After the examination, the doctor will definitely prescribe the appropriate treatment, which will include anticonvulsants, in order to reduce the frequency of seizures.

Causes of convulsive conditions

Seizures can appear in a person in different periods life, to the most common reasons such conditions include:

In order to get rid of such problems, it is necessary to accurately determine their cause, because in each case, anticonvulsants are prescribed individually.

Varieties of seizures

It is possible to classify convulsive conditions:

1. Generalized convulsions. They most often capture the entire body, as, for example, during epileptic seizures.

  • clonic. There is a change in muscle tension, twitching is observed.
  • tonic. Spasm of muscle fibers.
  • Tonic-clonic. Mixed convulsions, which are characterized by both alternating involuntary twitching and spasm.

2. Local. Seen in certain muscles, such as calf cramps.

Generalized seizures are more serious because they affect the entire body. They may be accompanied by loss of consciousness.

Any convulsive conditions have a cause that must be identified in order to prescribe adequate treatment.

Epilepsy, its causes and symptoms

This disease nervous system, it is characterized by sudden, during which convulsions cover the entire body of the patient. If a person is diagnosed correctly, then it is possible, using new generation anticonvulsants, to achieve good results.

The main causes of epilepsy include:

  • Damage to brain neurons.
  • pathology during pregnancy.
  • Birth trauma.
  • hereditary factor.
  • Circulatory disorders in brain structures Oh.
  • Oxygen starvation of the brain.
  • Viral infections.

Many doctors still cannot speak with high accuracy about the causes of this disease in each individual person.

The most common and striking symptom of this disease are convulsive seizures. They happen periodically and always start suddenly. During an attack, the patient does not react at all to external stimuli, after it ends, the person usually feels weak, but the attack itself does not remember.

The seizure may not cover the entire body, then the patient simply loses consciousness, or spasms of the facial muscles and illogical, same-type movements are observed.

Epilepsy can be diagnosed only after a thorough examination. If you appoint a timely and proper treatment, then in most cases it is possible to avoid attacks, and the quality of life of a person improves significantly.

Epilepsy treatment

Most patients with a diagnosis of "epilepsy" are on the path to recovery if the correct treatment is prescribed, and the patient and his family members take an active part in this process.

During treatment, it is very important not only to prescribe anticonvulsants (for epilepsy), but to solve a number of problems:

  1. Find out the causes of seizures.
  2. If possible, exclude the influence of those factors that can become provocateurs of seizures.
  3. Make a correct diagnosis of the type of epilepsy.
  4. Prescribe appropriate treatment medicines. It can also be inpatient care.
  5. Pay great attention to rest social problems, employment of patients.

Among the main principles of treatment of epilepsy are:

  • Selection of a medicine that will correspond to the type of seizure. Anticonvulsants are prescribed (such drugs help to eliminate or alleviate seizures).
  • It is desirable to use monotherapy, that is, to use one drug for convulsive conditions.
  • Use of physiotherapy treatment.


The following classification can be given, which is used for medicines from convulsions.

  1. Benzodiazepines. This group includes: "Diazepam", "Clonazepam", "Dormicum" and others. These drugs are used to relieve an attack and to prevent it.
  2. Valproates. Anticonvulsant drugs of this group interfere with the conduction of a nerve impulse, so there are fewer seizures. These include: "Acediprol", "Apilepsin" and many others.
  3. "Lamotrigine". It is usually used in complex therapy epilepsy until the patient's condition is normal.
  4. Hydantoin derivatives. This includes "Difenin", it reduces the excitability of nerve cells. It has an anticonvulsant effect.
  5. Succinoids. In their action, they are similar to the drug of the previous group.
  6. Derivatives of oxazolidinedione. This is "Trimetin", which is ineffective for complex and extensive convulsions, and can be useful for local ones.
  7. Iminostilbenes. This includes "Finlepsin", it does not allow the reproduction of repeated action potentials, which are precisely the basis of convulsive activity.
  8. Anticonvulsants of the barbiturate group belong to the older generation of drugs. Compared to modern drugs, they are already ineffective, so they are used less and less. In addition, with prolonged use, they are addictive.

Any anticonvulsant drugs for epilepsy should be prescribed by a doctor. Only in this case can we guarantee effective treatment. It is worth considering that if they are abruptly canceled, the condition may worsen, so the doctor selects the dosage for the entire course of treatment.

Treatment of convulsive conditions in children

Convulsions in childhood occur more frequently than in adults. This can be caused by many things, ranging from brain disorders to the usual high fever during a viral infection.

Predisposition of children early age to frequent convulsions can be explained by the immaturity of brain structures. At the first symptoms of an attack, it is necessary to take all necessary measures to stop it, otherwise irreversible changes in the central nervous system are possible.

According to the degree of danger, anticonvulsant drugs for children can be divided into two groups:

  1. Drugs that practically do not depress breathing. These include benzodiazepines: Droperidol, Lidocaine.
  2. Respiratory depressants. These are barbiturates, "Magnesium sulfate".

If you have diagnosed a seizure in your child, then you should not wait for its recurrence, but you must urgently consult a doctor. With solitary convulsions during high temperature next time you should not wait for the thermometer to rise above 38 degrees, bring it down earlier and do not provoke an attack.

If such conditions are observed in a child often, then he will be prescribed treatment. Any anticonvulsant is used strictly in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. In young children, Phenobarbital is most often used in treatment.

It not only prevents the appearance of convulsions, but also calms the nervous system and has a slight hypnotic effect.

Doctors often prescribe one anticonvulsant for children in the treatment of such conditions - this is a mixture of Sereysky and its varieties. It consists of: luminal, caffeine and papaverine. In combination, they relieve spasms well and improve the nutrition of nerve cells.

Muscle spasm in the legs

If an epileptic seizure, which is accompanied by convulsions, is a relatively infrequent phenomenon, since the percentage of such patients is relatively small, then almost every person probably experienced a sharp spasm in the legs. It appears at a time when the muscle stops contracting. Most often, this phenomenon can be observed in calf muscle. This spasm usually lasts for several minutes. After its completion, pain may disappear without a trace, and in some cases, pain in the muscle can be felt for several more days.

Often such attacks occur at night, some remember the sensations when in the water while swimming in the sea. In this case, it is desirable that someone be nearby and provide assistance.

If this happens to you quite often, then you should not dismiss this problem, but you should consult a doctor.

Causes of leg cramps

If we talk about the reasons that can provoke the development sharp spasm muscles in the leg, the following can be noted:

  1. Idiopathic Occurs for an unknown reason, most often at night, especially in the elderly. Athletes are aware of such problems. According to scientists, this occurs when the muscle is already in a contracted state, and the nervous system sends another impulse to contract to it. If you periodically train your muscles and perform stretching exercises, you can reduce the number of such attacks or eliminate them altogether.
  2. Another group of seizures can signal a number of problems in the body:
  • Dehydration.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Flat feet.
  • Overweight.
  • Lack of calcium and magnesium.
  • Nervous tension.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Imbalance of potassium and sodium in the blood.
  • Narrowing of the leg arteries, which is often seen in smokers.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Hypothermia of the legs.
  • Lack of vitamins of group B, lack of vitamins D, E.

As you can see, there are many reasons why leg cramps can bother you and make your life difficult.

First aid and treatment of leg cramps

When a person reduces his leg or arm, the primary task is to remove this attack as soon as possible. What can be recommended to do so that the spasm stops?

  • Stand on the leg that has cramped, only holding on to the chair. Although this action is painful, it is considered quite effective.
  • You can put your foot under hot water, if there is such a possibility.
  • Sharply press on the middle of the muscle.
  • Do self-massage, starting from the ankle to the thigh.
  • Grasp with both hands and pull up and towards you.
  • Try to pinch yourself for a spasmodic place several times.
  • Advice from athletes is to prick a muscle with a pin.

After you manage to relieve painful muscle spasm, it is advisable not to delay a visit to the doctor, especially if you are often visited by convulsions. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account established causes such a state.

There are several ways to deal with this problem:

  • Medical treatment.
  • Using folk remedies.
  • Special gymnastics.

If speak about drug treatment, then the best anticonvulsants for the legs are Orthocalcium + Magnesium and Ortho Taurine Ergo.

The first medicine saturates the body with magnesium, as well as other minerals and vitamins, without which normal muscle function is impossible. Sometimes after the first application, the effect is noticeable, but most often it is necessary to undergo a monthly course of treatment with this drug.

"Ortho Taurine Ergo" is even more effective, it is prescribed even for epileptic seizures. He, like all anticonvulsants (anticonvulsant drugs), relieves an attack. Its action is enhanced by the presence of vitamins E, B, zinc and lipoic acid.

Doctors often prescribe new generation anticonvulsant drugs for the legs because they not only help relieve spasm quickly, but also reduce mental and physical fatigue.

An even greater effect will be achieved if these two drugs: Orthocalcium + Magnesium and Ortho Taurine Ergo are taken together. Spasms will disturb less and less, and the treatment will go faster.

Gymnastics can positively influence the speed of treatment and ego efficiency. Some exercises (best performed in the morning) will help your muscles bounce back faster:

  1. Standing near a chair, place your feet crosswise and lean on the outside. After a few seconds, take a starting position.
  2. Sitting on a chair, bend your fingers with all your might, and then straighten them.
  3. From a standing position, rise on your toes so that your heels are off the floor, and then drop sharply.
  4. Before going to bed, you can perform rotational movements with your feet, as well as flexion and extension of your toes.

Capabilities traditional medicine also not to be discounted. Doctors offer following tips for leg cramps:

  1. Rub lemon juice into the skin every morning and evening. It is not worth wiping, it is necessary for it to be absorbed by itself.
  2. Laurel oil helps a lot. You can prepare it in the following way: 50 grams of a leaf should be poured with 250 ml of vegetable oil and left for two weeks in a dark place. After filtering, it is necessary to smear them with places where cramps most often reduce.
  3. Mix celandine juice and petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1: 2, rub hands or feet with this mixture, where spasms occur.

Any disease requires an integrated approach. Seizures are no exception. Treatment will be more effective if drugs, folk remedies and exercise are used together.

Prevention of convulsive conditions

If the cause of seizures is epilepsy, then this requires serious treatment. Only regular intake of medications and the implementation of all the recommendations of doctors will help to avoid periodic convulsive seizures.

With frequent muscle spasms in the arms or legs, the following recommendations can be advised:

  1. Build a diet so that it contains a sufficient amount of all the necessary minerals and vitamins.
  2. In winter, you can replenish the supply of elements by taking synthetic vitamins and biological supplements.
  3. You need to drink about 2 liters of water per day.
  4. You need to limit your sugar intake.
  5. Do not get carried away with caffeine, it can wash out calcium from bones.
  6. If you play sports, then you need to properly distribute the load.
  7. Do not go into too cold water when relaxing at sea.
  8. When sitting in a chair, never put your legs under you, especially both at the same time.

If, nevertheless, prevention did not help you, and convulsions occur, then you should consult a doctor. Do not buy anticonvulsants without prescriptions, otherwise you can only harm yourself even more.


This group of drugs is used to stop or prevent seizures of a different nature. Seizure drugs include a list of medications that are usually used when a person has epilepsy and is called antiepileptic drugs.

The action of anticonvulsants

During an attack, a person experiences not only muscle spasms, but also pain due to them. The action of anticonvulsants is aimed at eliminating these manifestations, stopping the attack so that it does not go from pain to epileptic, convulsive phenomena. A nerve impulse is activated along with a specific group of neurons in the same way as it occurs when transmitted from motor-type neurons from the cerebral cortex.

Anticonvulsant tablets should eliminate pain, muscle spasms without depression of the central nervous system. Such medicines are selected individually, the degree of complexity of the pathology is taken into account. Depending on this, medications can be used for a certain period or for life, if a genetic or chronic form illness.

Groups of anticonvulsants

To prevent epileptic seizures, convulsions, doctors have developed different means, which differ in the principle of operation. The doctor should prescribe specific anticonvulsants based on the nature of the origin of the seizures. The following groups of anticonvulsants are distinguished:



Barbiturates and derivatives

Phenobarbital, Benzamyl, Benzoylbarbamyl, Benzonal, Benzobamyl.

They are aimed at inhibition of neurons of the epileptic focus. As a rule, it has an indiscriminate inhibitory effect on the central nervous system.


Rivotril, Clonazepam, Ictorivil, Antelepsin, Ravatril, Klonopin, Ictoril.

These medications turn out the activity of inhibitory neurons by acting on GABA receptors.


Carbamazepine, Zeptol, Finlepsin, Amizepine, Tegretol.

They have a restrictive effect on the propagation of electrical potential through neurons.

Sodium valproate and derivatives

Acediprol, Epilim, Sodium Valproate, Apilepsin, Valparin, Diplexil, Convulex.

They have a sedative, tranquilizing effect, improve the emotional background of the patient.


Ethosuximide, Pufemid, Ronton, Succimal, Etimal, Suxilep, Pycnolepsin,

Valparin, Difenin, Xanax, Keppra, Actinerval;

Appointed for the treatment of absences, the tablets are a calcium channel blocker. Eliminate muscle spasms in neuralgia.

Anticonvulsants for epilepsy

Some funds are dispensed without a prescription, some only with it. Any pills for epilepsy should only be prescribed by a doctor to avoid side effects and not cause complications. It is important to go to the hospital in a timely manner, fast diagnostics increase the chances of remission, the duration of the medication. Popular anticonvulsants for epilepsy are listed below:

  1. Feniton. Tablets belong to the hydantoin group, used to slightly slow down the reaction nerve endings. It helps to stabilize neuronal membranes. It is prescribed, as a rule, for patients who suffer from frequent convulsions.
  2. Phenobarbital. Included in the list of barbiturates, it is actively used for therapy in the first stages, to maintain remission. The drug has a calming mild effect, which is not always enough during epilepsy, so it is often prescribed together with other drugs.
  3. Lamotrigine. It is considered one of the most powerful antiepileptic drugs. A properly scheduled course of treatment can stabilize the entire functioning of the nervous system without disturbing the release of amino acids.
  4. Benzobamyl. it medicine has low toxicity, mild action, so it can be prescribed to a child who suffers from seizures. The remedy is contraindicated for people with pathologies of the heart, kidneys, liver.
  5. sodium valproate. It is an antiepileptic drug, prescribed for behavioral disorders. It has a number of serious side effects: the appearance of a rash, deterioration in clarity of consciousness, decreased blood clotting, obesity, poor blood circulation.
  6. primidon. It is an antiepileptic drug used in severe epilepsy attacks. The drug has a powerful inhibitory effect on damaged neurons, which helps to stop seizures. You can take this anticonvulsant only after consulting a doctor.

Anticonvulsants for neuralgia

it is recommended to start treatment as early as possible, for this you need to contact a specialist after the first symptoms of the disease. Therapy is based on a whole range of medications to eliminate the causes and signs of nerve damage. Anticonvulsants play a leading role in treatment. They are needed to prevent seizures of epilepsy, convulsions. The following anticonvulsants are used for neuralgia:

  1. Clonazepam. It is a derivative of benzodiazepine, differs in that it has an anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, sedative effect. Mechanism of action active substance helps to improve sleep, relax muscles. It is not recommended to use without a doctor's prescription, even according to the instructions.
  2. Carbamazepine. According to the classification, the drug belongs to iminostilbenes. It has a pronounced anticonvulsant, moderate antidepressant effect, normalizes the emotional background. Helps to significantly reduce pain in case of neuralgia. The antiepileptic drug acts quickly, but the course will always be long, because due to the premature withdrawal of the drug, the pain may return.
  3. Phenobarbital. It belongs to the group of barbiturates, which act as a sedative in the treatment of neuralgia, sleeping pills. This anticonvulsant is prescribed in small doses, it should be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription, because the side effects of anticonvulsants are contraindicated in a number of other diseases.

Anticonvulsants for children

The choice in this case falls on medications that should significantly reduce the excitability of the central nervous system. Many drugs of this type can be dangerous for the baby because they depress breathing. Anticonvulsants for children are divided into two groups according to the degree of danger to the child:

  • Drugs that have little effect on breathing: lidocaine, benzodiazepines, hydroxybutyrates, fentanyl, droperidol.
  • More dangerous substances that have a depressing effect: barbiturates, chloral hydrate, magnesium sulfate.

When choosing a medicine for babies, the features of the pharmacology of the drug are very important, adults are less susceptible to side effects than a child. The list of fixed assets that are used in the treatment of children includes the following medicines:

  1. Droperidol, Fentanyl- have an effective effect on the hippocampus, from which the seizure signal comes, but the composition does not contain morphine, which in infants under 1 year old can cause breathing problems. This problem can be eliminated with the help of nalorphine.
  2. Benzodiazepines- as a rule, sibazon is used, which may have the name diazepam or seduxen. Intravenous administration the drug is stopped by convulsions within 5 minutes, respiratory depression can be observed with large doses of the drug. The situation can be corrected by the introduction of physostigmine intramuscularly.
  3. Lidocaine. The tool is able to almost immediately suppress any type of convulsions in babies, if done intravenous injection. In therapy, as a rule, a loading dose is first administered, then droppers are used.
  4. Phenobarbital. It is used for prevention and treatment. It is prescribed, as a rule, for weak attacks, because the result from the application develops 4-6 hours. The main plus of the drug is that the action in children can last up to 2 days. Good results are observed when taken simultaneously with sibazon.
  5. Hexenal. A strong drug, but it has a depressant effect on breathing, which greatly limits its use in children.

New generation anticonvulsants

When choosing a medication, the doctor must necessarily take into account the origin of the pathology. Anticonvulsants of the new generation are aimed at solving a wider range of causes, causing a minimum number of side effects. Development is ongoing, so over time there are more and more modern facilities, which cannot be bought in the online store or ordered home. Of the modern options, such effective antiepileptic drugs of the new generation are distinguished:

  1. Difenin- indicated for severe seizures, neuralgia trigeminal nerve.
  2. Zarontin (aka Suxilep). A tool that has proven to be highly effective, treatment must be carried out continuously.
  3. Keppra contains the substance Levetiracetam, the mechanism of its effect on the body is not fully understood. Experts suggest that the drug affects the glycine and gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors. Confirmed positive effect in the treatment of generalized epileptic seizures and partial seizures with Keppra.
  4. Ospolot- a new generation anticonvulsant, the effect of the active substance has not been fully studied. The use of the drug in partial epileptic seizures is justified. The doctor prescribes daily dose, which should be divided into 2-3 doses.
  5. Petnidan– active active substance called ethosuximide, highly effective in the treatment of absence seizures. Be sure to coordinate with your doctor.

Side effects of anticonvulsants

Most anticonvulsants are available on prescription and are not available commercially. This is due to the large number and high risk manifestations of side effects with an overdose of medications. The doctor can choose the right drug, based on the results of the tests, it is not recommended to buy medicines on your own. The most common side effects of anticonvulsants in violation of the rules of admission are:

  • uncertainty when walking;
  • dizziness;
  • vomiting, drowsiness, nausea;
  • double vision;
  • respiratory depression;
  • allergic reactions(rash, deterioration of hematopoiesis, liver failure).

The price of anticonvulsants

Most medicines can be found in the catalog on pharmacy websites, but for some groups of drugs you will need a doctor's prescription. The cost of medicines may vary depending on the manufacturer, place of sale. The estimated price for anticonvulsants in the Moscow region is as follows.

Anticonvulsant drugs are used as a means to eliminate pain symptoms and muscle spasms, preventing the transition from a state of pain attacks to convulsive and.

The activation of a nerve impulse simultaneously by a group of certain neurons is similar to the signal given by motor-type neurons in the cerebral cortex. In the event of a lesion of this type, the nerve endings do not appear in tics or convulsions, but cause bouts of pain.

The purpose of the use of anticonvulsants is to eliminate pain or muscle spasms without provoking oppression of the central nervous system. Depending on the complexity of the disease, these drugs can be used from several years to lifelong use in severe chronic or genetic forms diseases.

Attacks of convulsive activity are associated with an increase in the degree of excitation of nerve endings in the brain, usually localized in certain areas of its structure and diagnosed upon the onset of a condition characteristic of the onset.

The cause of seizures can be a deficiency in the body of essential chemical elements, such as magnesium or potassium, pinching of a muscle nerve in the canal, or a sharp prolonged exposure to cold. Deficiency of potassium, calcium or magnesium provokes failures in the transmission of signals to the muscles from the brain, as evidenced by the occurrence of spasms.

AT initial stage manifestation of the development of a disease of a neurological type consists in local painful sensations, emanating from the area of ​​​​the affected nerve cells and manifested by bouts of pain of varying strength and nature of manifestation. With the course of the disease due to the development inflammatory processes or muscle spasms in the area of ​​pinched nerve endings, the strength of the attacks increases.

In the case of an early appeal to a specialist, a complex of drugs is used for therapy, eliminating the causes and signs of damage to the nerve endings. Self-diagnosis and treatment does not allow choosing from a wide range of anticonvulsant drugs the most suitable for relieving pain symptoms and eliminating the cause of discomfort.

Most of the drugs used in the treatment of seizures have combined effects, and have many contraindications, on the basis of which, the unauthorized appointment and use of these drugs can pose a danger to the patient's health.

When observed by a specialist, he evaluates the work of the prescribed drug according to its effectiveness and diagnoses the absence pathological changes after taking it based on the results of blood tests.

Fundamentals of anticonvulsant therapy

Part complex treatment with convulsive manifestations, there are groups of drugs of various principles of action, including:

Some of the prescribed drugs have the effect of inhibiting the development or preventing the occurrence of allergic-type reactions.

The main groups of anticonvulsants

Anticonvulsants are divided into several groups, a list of which is offered below.


Iminostilbenes are characterized by an anticonvulsant effect, after their use, pain symptoms are eliminated and mood is improved. The drugs in this group include:

  • Tegretol;
  • Amizepine;
  • Zeptol.

Sodium valproate and derivatives

Valproates, used as anticonvulsants and as iminostilbenes, help to improve the emotional background of the patient.

In addition, when using these drugs, tranquilizing, sedative and muscle relaxant effects are noted. The drugs in this group include:

  • Acediprol;
  • sodium valproate;
  • Valparin;
  • Convulex;
  • Epilim;
  • Apilepsin;
  • Diplexil.


Barbiturates, characterized by a sedative effect, help reduce blood pressure. blood pressure and have hypnotic effect. Among these drugs, the most commonly used are:

  • Benzobamyl;
  • Benzamyl;
  • Benzoylbarbamyl;
  • Benzoal.


Anticonvulsants based on benzodiazepine have a pronounced effect, they are used in the event of the appearance of convulsive conditions in epilepsy and prolonged attacks of neuralgic disorders.

These drugs are characterized by sedative and muscle relaxant effects, with their use, normalization of sleep is noted.

Among these drugs:

  • Antilepsin;
  • Klonopin;
  • Ictoril;
  • Ravatril;
  • Ravotril;
  • Rivotril;
  • Ictorivil.


Anticonvulsants of this group are used to eliminate spasms of the muscles of individual organs with neuralgia. When using drugs in this group, sleep disturbances or nausea are possible.

Among the most used means are known:

  • Pufemid;
  • Suxilep;
  • Succimal;
  • Ronton;
  • Etimal;
  • Ethosuximide;
  • Pycnolepsin.

Anticonvulsants used for leg cramps:

  • Valparin;
  • Xanax;
  • Difenin;
  • Antinerval;

Hitting the nine convulsive "gates"

The main anticonvulsants that are most often used for epilepsy are seizures and neuralgia of various origins:

Practical experience of consumers

What is the situation with anticonvulsant therapy in practice? This can be judged by the reviews of patients and doctors.

I take Carbamazepine as a replacement for Finlepsin, since the foreign analogue is more expensive, and the domestic drug is excellent for therapy with my illness.

Since I tried both drugs, I can say that both drugs are highly effective, but a significant difference in cost is a significant disadvantage of a foreign remedy.


After several years of taking Finlepsin, on the advice of a doctor, I changed it to Retard, since the specialist believes that this drug is more suitable for me. I had no complaints while taking Finlepsin, however, in Retard, in addition to similar action there is a sedative effect.

In addition, the drug is characterized by great ease of use, since, compared with analogues, it must be taken not three times a day, but once.


The drug Voltaren helps with pain syndromes of moderate severity. It is good to use it as an addition to the main treatment.


Time to collect stones

A distinctive feature of anticonvulsants is the impossibility of a quick end of their intake. With a noticeable effect from the action of the drug, the term for canceling its use is up to six months, during which there is a gradual decrease in the rate of taking the drug.

According to the popular opinion of doctors, the most effective drug for the treatment of seizure activity is carbamazepine.

Less effective are drugs such as Lorazepam, Phenytoin, Seduxen, Clonazepam, Dormicum and valporic acid, arranged in order of decreasing therapeutic effect.

It remains to be added that it is impossible to obtain anticonvulsants without prescriptions, which is good, since it is very dangerous to take them irresponsibly.

Anticonvulsants for epilepsy are essential. Medicines prevent death, recurrence of epileptic seizures.

For the treatment of pathology, drugs of the group of tranquilizers, anticonvulsants are selected. The choice of drugs in children and adults is different. Read the details in the article.

Anticonvulsants for epilepsy: a list

List of common anticonvulsants for epilepsy:

  1. Beclamid;
  2. Carbamazepine;
  3. Phenobarbital;
  4. Primidon;
  5. Clonazepam;
  6. Phenytoin;
  7. Valproate.

When using the described drugs, various types of epilepsy are stopped - temporal, focal, cryptogenic, idiopathic. When prescribing tablets, you need to be careful about complications, since drugs often provide adverse reactions.

Medicines for minor seizures:

  1. Trimethadone;
  2. Ethosuximide.

The rationality of prescribing these tablets in children has been confirmed by clinical experiments, since they form a smaller number of adverse reactions.

Due to the high toxicity, scientists are constantly looking for new tools, since the use of common groups is limited by a number of reasons:

  • The need for long-term use;
  • Extensive spread of epileptic seizures;
  • The need to treat concomitant neurological and mental diseases;
  • An increase in the incidence of the disease in the elderly.

Most of the medical costs are for the treatment of cases of the disease with relapses. Such patients get used to drugs that are used for several years. The disease progresses against the background of taking pills, injections.

With resistance to therapy, a whole bunch of dangerous concomitant complications arise - depression, stroke, mental retardation.

The main task of the competent prescription of anticonvulsants for epilepsy is the choice of the optimal dose that allows controlling the disease, but leading to minimal side effects.

Bioavailability is individual for each person, the duration of therapy varies - these factors play a significant role in choosing therapy tactics. A gradual increase in the number of remissions saves additional funds by reducing the number of bed days. An increase in the frequency of outpatient doses allows you to optimally select the dosage of antiepileptic drugs.

Anticonvulsants for epilepsy - generic or natural

Treatment of epilepsy with drugs is long, so the price of the drug plays a significant role. Registration of generics requires the determination of bioavailability when compared with original drugs. Antiepileptic drugs are prescribed to reduce the number of relapses, reduce the severity of pathological seizures.

There are a number of European studies indicating the occurrence of epileptic seizures with the use of synthetic drugs that include a similar substrate as with the use of a natural analogue. The effect appears due to the different bioavailability of generics and natural analogues. The mechanism of metabolism, catabolism of many synthetic drugs is not well understood, so this choice is not always rational.

How to cure epilepsy and can it be done

Treatment of epilepsy with anticonvulsants in children is carried out by a group of valproates, the availability of which reaches 100%. Clinical practice shows the effectiveness of the use of this group in a child with tonic-clonic, myoclonic convulsions. In infants, valproate is used to treat generalized forms accompanied by secondary seizures.

List of antiepileptic valproates:

  1. Depakine;
  2. Convulex;
  3. Apilepsin;
  4. Ethosuximide;
  5. Phenytoin;
  6. cabamazepine;
  7. Encorate;
  8. Valparin XP.

When choosing the right drug, it is necessary to take into account all clinical symptoms to conduct a thorough diagnosis of the patient's condition.

Before treating epileptic seizures in children, certain principles must be observed:

  • food regimen;
  • Drug treatment with anticonvulsants;
  • Psychotherapeutic methods;
  • Neurosurgical operations.

When prescribing a drug for a child, toxicity should be assessed. To reduce the number of negative effects, you need to start therapy with a minimum dosage. A gradual increase in concentration is carried out until the seizures stop. If the remedy does not help, a gradual cancellation is required. The described concept of "monotherapy" is common throughout the world. European doctors are based on reducing the toxicity of drugs for children.

Researchers different countries of the world describe the errors of this scheme, but alternative methods are not indicated. Errors in the use of several drugs are also described in the literature. There are many more side effects with polytherapy.

When prescribing several anticonvulsants in low doses, the toxicity of each agent is summed up separately. With this approach, the anticonvulsant activity of the agent is not achieved, but toxicity sharply increases.

Polytherapy with multiple drugs leads to an increase in seizures, since primary cause difficult to diagnose. It is impossible to ignore the intellectual problems that arise with an increase in the blood of tranquilizers, antidepressant drugs.

In most cases, the true cause of the disease cannot be established, therefore, therapy cannot be directed solely to the focus of hyperexcitation. Removal of increased excitability of brain tissue chemical compounds leads to a short-term effect.

Studies have been conducted on the use of polytherapy in epilepsy. Experiments have revealed the best scheme combined therapy of the disease:

  • Sequential dose changes throughout the week;
  • Mandatory control of laboratory parameters every 3 days;
  • If the cessation of seizures is achieved, the remedy that led to the restoration of the condition should be chosen. It should be prescribed at a dose that has stabilized the patient's condition;
  • Continuous monitoring of blood valproate levels. concentration adequately reflects the body's response to medical measures. Drug intoxication is often observed in children, so the level of toxins should be constantly monitored;
  • In the treatment of anticonvulsants, the development of hematological pathology, impaired liver function is possible. A biochemical blood test allows you to study the level of cholestasis. Enzymes AlAt, AsAt reflect the degree of damage to hepatocytes. US doctors talk about the need to control all biochemical parameters, since the treatment with anticonvulsants can lead to pathology of many internal organs;
  • Antiepileptic drugs are discontinued gradually. A sharp rejection of barbiturates is especially dangerous. In a group of patients, the abolition of these drugs causes the formation of status epilepticus - a series of loss of consciousness, muscle cramps.

What to do if you get sunburn

Obviously, drug therapy for epilepsy should be selected individually by a psychiatrist.

Epilepsy pills: list, prescription scheme

List of epilepsy pills:

  1. Phenytoin;
  2. Topiramate;
  3. Vigabatrin;
  4. Valproic acid;
  5. Benzobarbital;
  6. Acetazolamide;
  7. Clonazepam;
  8. midazolam;
  9. Difenin;
  10. Nitrazepam.

The most common epilepsy pills in Russian Federation are members of the valproic acid group.

List of drugs in this group:

  • Convulex;
  • Convulsofin;
  • Depakine-chrono;
  • Tegretol;
  • Finlepsin retard;
  • Pagluferal;
  • Luminal.

When using dormicum and seduxen (diazepam), a minimal number of side effects can be traced.

Treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies - patient reviews

To prevent seizures, reduce the number of relapses, folk remedies are recommended:

  1. The use of raw onion juice leads to a decrease in the number of repeated convulsions, but only when properly combined with antiepileptic tablets;
  2. Valerian officinalis, when used at night, calms the activity of the brain tissue, so the number of relapses decreases. The effectiveness of this drug is quite low, so it is recommended to use valerian only as an adjunct to therapy. For medicinal purposes at home, you can boil the roots in water for 15 minutes;
  3. Motherwort tincture is used in 2 teaspoons of crushed raw materials after insisting on an alcohol solution;
  4. Pour 2 tablespoons of raw materials for a duration of 2 hours. For the treatment of epilepsy, it is recommended to use 500 ml of tincture immediately after meals. Purpose - for the treatment of insomnia;
  5. May lily of the valley is used as a decoction. For treatment, the appointment of 15 grams of flowers dissolved in 200 ml of boiled water is recommended. We recommend the use of a decoction of 2 teaspoons;
  6. Soft bedstraw tincture is recommended for use in 2 tablespoons. Infuse should be 2 tablespoons of herbs per liter of boiled water. Treatment requires the use of half a glass 4 times a day;
  7. Adonis (Spring Adonis) is taken simultaneously with codeine and bromine. For treatment, it is required to prepare the following composition - 6 grams of grass are poured with boiling water. After straining, 3 tablespoons are used;
  8. White mistletoe is prepared by 15 grams of fruits and branches by dissolving in 200 ml of boiled water. For treatment, it is recommended to take a tablespoon three times a day;
  9. Stone oil includes more than 70 useful substances. The tool has an immunomodulatory, antispasmodic effect. The Siberian recipe involves diluting 3 grams of stone oil in 2 liters of water. Duration of therapy - 1 month;
  10. Maryin root is used for paralysis, neurasthenia, epileptic convulsions. To prepare the medicine, you should insist 3 tablespoons of the plant in half a liter of alcohol for a week. Use three times a day for a teaspoon;
  11. The smell of myrrh resin has a regenerative effect on the brain. For treatment, you need to place the resin in the room where the person stays. Duration of therapy - 1.5 months;
  12. Skvortsov's drink is a unique drug that has a patent. The drug is used to restore the balance of the nervous system, improve conductivity, normalize memory, increase efficiency, improve vision and smell, restore the functioning of the cardiac system.

Diet features are a large number of fats, so the menu is not recommended for people with severe obesity. The ketogenic diet is not prescribed for kidney or liver failure, chronic diseases parenchymal organs.

Diet therapy is not used for patients with atherosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The ketogenic diet plan:

  • A large number of fiber (cereal products, bran);
  • Take meals no later than 3 hours before bedtime;
  • fluid restriction;
  • Fats - no restrictions.

Sample ketogenic diet menu for adults:

  1. Salad with cottage cheese and carrots;
  2. Borscht with meatballs;
  3. Big orange;
  4. Fish fillet with lemon;
  5. Kissel with breadcrumbs;
  6. Vermicelli soup with meat;
  7. Chicken roll with egg;
  8. Fruit salad with yogurt;
  9. Tea with crackers and milk;
  10. Cabbage rolls;
  11. A cheese sandwich.

The ketogenic diet in children contains a similar menu, but is prescribed without special restrictions, since atherosclerosis does not occur in children, acquired heart defects are quite rare.

Anticonvulsants for neuralgia are very popular in medicine. First of all, they decide main question- eliminate the processes that provoke bouts of the body. But they can also have an analgesic, sedative and sometimes even hypnotic effect.

Anticonvulsants are a group of drugs that help relieve muscle spasms. Their mechanism lies in the fact that the transmission of impulses from the brain to departments in the central nervous system is stopped. Such drugs have a fairly large list of side effects and contraindications, and therefore can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

Depending on the type of disease, anticonvulsants for neuralgia can be used only for a certain period of time or, conversely, throughout life to maintain necessary conditions the vital activity of the organism.

So, for example, antiepileptic tablets for trigeminal neuralgia can be prescribed for a single dose in order to relax the facial muscles. While, with diagnosed epilepsy, it may be necessary to take pills on an ongoing basis.

The main goal of taking anticonvulsants for neuralgia is to get rid of muscle spasms.

Anticonvulsants can have the following mechanisms of action on the body:

  • Stimulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors. Thus, the frequency of production of impulses by neurons decreases, and the process of inhibition improves;
  • Slowing down the process of transmission of impulses between neurons due to the arrest of the functions of potassium and sodium channels in the region of nerve cells;
  • Decreased activity or complete blocking of glutamate receptors. In this regard, the number of electrical impulses in neurons decreases.

Despite the different mechanism of action of the drugs, their main goal is to rid the patient of involuntary muscle spasms.

The main groups of anticonvulsants

Anticonvulsants may be prescribed for various types diseases, whether it is trigeminal neuralgia or sciatic nerve sciatica. But at the same time, it is important that the drug is selected by the doctor on the basis of the examination.

The classification of anticonvulsants used in neuralgia is as follows:

  • Valproates. Can be used orally and intravenously. They stimulate the processes of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the brain. Prohibited in the presence of hepatitis, porphyria and pregnancy;
  • Barbiturates. Their action is based on reducing the degree of excitability of the brain and providing a calming effect on the central nervous system. Often used as anesthetics. Their disadvantage is the possibility of addiction of the body and the need for this reason to increase the dose taken;
  • Iminoctilbenes. Carry out the synthesis of antipsychotic substances and analgesics. Calm the nervous system;
  • Benzodiazepines. Once in the body, they have a calming and hypnotic effect. They have a direct effect on the central nervous system, like tranquilizers;
  • Succinimides. They have the ability to reduce the sensitivity of the central nervous system to incoming convulsive impulses from the brain.

It is a known fact that taking any anticonvulsant drug will have a greater effect with the additional use of centrally acting muscle relaxants. But they, like anticonvulsant epileptic drugs without prescriptions, are not released, which means they require a doctor's prescription.

List of drugs

Medicines aimed at eliminating muscle spasms during a neuralgic attack are presented in a wide variety.

The most commonly used of these are:

  • Carbamazepine. Belongs to the group of iminostilbenes. In addition to inhibiting the process of seizures in the body, it acts as an antidepressant. Significantly reduces pain syndrome. But this process takes a little time, since the drug is cumulative and the effect can occur in 2-3 days. As a rule, the course of treatment is long-term. In some cases, the patient may experience dizziness and drowsiness;
  • Clonazepam. This drug is a benzodiazepine derivative. Its reception helps to relax muscles, calm the nervous system, and as a result, normalize sleep. It is especially relevant for neuralgia, characterized by increased muscle tone. A side effect can be increased irritability, lethargy and depression;
  • Phenobarbital. The drug is part of the barbiturate group. It also has a sedative, calming effect on a sick body and is often used as sleeping pills. It is taken in small doses and requires gradual discontinuation. May cause high blood pressure and respiratory failure;
  • Phenytoin. Enough strong drug, the action of which is aimed at inhibiting the receptors of the nervous system, as well as at stabilizing the state of cell membranes. Side effects include bouts of vomiting, nausea, dizziness, and tremors throughout the body;
  • Sodium volproate. It has wide range actions. It is often used not only for neuralgia, but also for existing epilepsy. The drug normalizes mental condition the patient, calming him and relieving him of the state of anxiety. In some cases, when it is taken, indigestion may occur.

The presented list is far from the entire range of anticonvulsant drugs available today. But as you can see, each of them has its pros and cons, and therefore it is important to initially carry out the correct selection of medicines.