Legalon or hofitol which is better. What hepatoprotectors of the new generation to take - a list of drugs. Medicines for children from three years


Therapy of liver diseases is to eliminate the causes of their occurrence, for example, the neutralization of toxins. However, there is a wide range of drugs, the action of which is aimed at protecting the cells of the body from destruction. What are hepatoprotectors for the liver? This is a special type of drug that stimulates the recovery process of hepatocytes and protects them from the harmful effects of various toxic substances, fatty, smoked foods, alcohol, chemical compounds and other poisons.

When are hepatoprotectors needed?

Russian pharmacies offer a wide range of drugs for liver cleansing, which are very popular. The cost of a therapeutic course is expensive for patients, although not everyone feels the result. Discussions about the feasibility and necessity of such treatment in medical circles have been going on for a long time, in our country a doctor can prescribe hepatoprotectors in such cases:

  • With viral hepatitis. Medicines are prescribed if antiviral drugs do not show the expected effect or antiviral therapy is not possible for any reason.
  • With cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcoholism. In this case, the main step towards recovery is the refusal to take alcohol, otherwise hepatoprotectors will be absolutely useless.
  • With fatty hepatosis (fatty liver). Hepatoprotectors are used as part of complex therapy, which includes: a diet low in fat, antidiabetic drugs, regular exercise.
  • After chemotherapy. Hepatoprotective agent helps to gradually restore the liver.
  • With toxic hepatitis (after taking antibiotics). Hepatoprotectors are effective in combination with other drugs for liver restoration, diet, and the rejection of bad habits.
  • Enlarged liver (hepatomegaly). For the rapid regeneration of organ cells and the normal functioning of the organ, hepatoprotectors are used.

Types of hepatoprotectors for the treatment and restoration of the liver

modern medicine uses the requirements for preparations for cleansing and restoring the organ, which were created back in the 70s of the last century, but the ideal medicine that would suit all patients has not been created. There is a large list of drugs for the liver, including herbal and animal products, dietary supplements, phospholipids, vitamins, synthetic drugs, amino acids. Which hepatoprotectors for liver restoration are suitable for a particular patient and the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Medicines of animal origin

Such funds are made from liver cells of a pig or cattle. Preparations for liver restoration effectively cleanse the gallbladder and biliary tract, have a hepatoprotective effect. They are prescribed for the treatment of cirrhosis, hepatitis, with alcoholic damage to the organ, liver failure. Tablets for the liver of animal origin are released strictly by prescription. These include:

  • "Sirepar";
  • "Hepatosan";
  • "Progepar";
  • "Gepadif".

Herbal hepatoprotectors

This group includes preparations based on oils of different seeds, artichoke leaves, extracts of licorice root, senna, chicory, St. John's wort, nightshade, etc. The active substances in plant hepatoprotectors for the liver may differ. A commonly used drug ingredient is silymarin, which is derived from milk thistle. The substance contains natural flavonoids: silidianin, silibinin, silicristin. Their hepatoprotective properties are due to the ability to accelerate the recovery of liver cells.

Homeopathic medicines include:

  • "Geparsil";
  • "Holenzim";
  • "Hepel";
  • "Galstena";
  • "Karsil";
  • "Silegon";
  • "Gepabene";
  • "Silimar";
  • "Liv-52".

Synthetic drugs

Treatment of the liver with drugs of synthetic origin is considered the most effective for biliary cirrhosis, cholesterol stones, reflux gastritis, organ damage by toxins. Hepatoprotectors based on uvsodeoxycholic acid help with the first stage of sclerosing cholangitis, viral hepatitis with various aggravating factors (childhood, pregnancy, oncological diseases). Synthetic medicine helps to reduce cholesterol, improves pancreatic and gastric secretion, activates the excretion of bile.

List of hepatoprotectors of synthetic nature:

  • "Antral";
  • "Ursosan";
  • "Aeschol";
  • "Rezodlut";
  • "Cryomelt";
  • "Urdoksa";
  • "Essliver".

Essential phospholipids

Liver cells have a phospholipid layer. The action of essential phospholipids is aimed at restoring the membrane of hepatocytes by direct incorporation into it. The importance of these components for liver health cannot be overstated. Essential phospholipids are widely used by modern Russian medicine, but rarely used outside the country. They can be prescribed to a child of any age, to women during pregnancy or lactation. Side effects are extremely rare. Among the hepatoprotectors of this group include:

  • "Phospholip";
  • "Hepaforte";
  • "Livolin";
  • "Essentiale";
  • "Enerliv";
  • "Rezalut".

Amino acids

Amino acids are necessary not only for sick people, but also for healthy people - this is the opinion of many doctors. healthy eating can saturate the body with the necessary amount of these substances, but with a deficiency of amino acids, their intake is mandatory. Amino acid hepatoprotectors are recommended for people with severe liver damage, but they have a less pronounced effect compared to other types of drugs to maintain the hematopoietic organ. Due to ademetionine, (the main active substance), providing for the possibility of negative consequences, amino acids are rarely prescribed.

This group of hepatoprotectors for the liver includes:

  • "Heptral";
  • "Methionine";
  • "Heptor".


Earlier treatment liver diseases consisted in taking vitamins, there were no other types of hepatoprotectors. In modern pharmacies, there are many vitamin products with different compositions, but not all of them are effective for restoring liver functions. Taking such drugs will not harm even a healthy body, but you should not expect a significant effect in the treatment of the organ. As a rule, the doctor prescribes a vitamin hepatoprotector in combination with other medicines.

Vitamin remedies for the treatment of liver diseases are:

  • "Supradin";
  • "Complivit";
  • "Undevit";
  • Vitrum.

Vitamin-like substances

Dietary supplements are rarely used as hepatoprotectors to cleanse and normalize the functioning of the liver, biliary tract, and gall sac, since they do not guarantee the expected therapeutic effect. Despite the doubtfulness of the effectiveness of dietary supplements, some manufacturers have recommended their drugs as effective hepatoprotectors. Among the total mass of bioadditives, it is worth highlighting:

  • "Ovesol";
  • "Dipana";
  • "Hypatrin";
  • "Milona-10";
  • "Hepatotransit".

List of the best new generation hepatoprotectors

The lining of the liver does not nerve endings, so a person cannot feel pain until it increases so as to put pressure on neighboring organs. Therefore, liver diseases are often discovered by chance, for example, during blood donation or ultrasound examination. Pathological processes are characterized by rapid, irreversible cell death. Hepatoprotectors of a new generation are necessary for the rapid regeneration of hepatocytes, the removal of poisons, and the prevention of tumor development.

The best hepatoprotectors with chemotherapy:

  • "Eslidin";
  • "Glycyrrhizin";
  • "Ursosan";
  • "Hepaliv";
  • "Liver Pro";
  • "Adementionine";
  • "Silymarin".

The best medicine for the liver with hepatitis is:

  • "Liv-52";
  • "Lohein";
  • "Tykveol";
  • "Katergen";
  • "Bondijar";
  • "Eplir".

Hepatoprotectors for children

The liver can work normally only if the membranes of its cells are not damaged. In cases where the membranes are clogged, the body does not cope with its duties, which causes the development of various diseases. Adults are more likely to encounter such problems, but liver diseases do not bypass children. How to treat a child's liver? Therapy of children with hepatoprotectors should be prescribed by a doctor and carried out under his supervision.

  • For newborns: Galstena, Hepel.
  • Toddlers from 3 years old:

    "Essentiale", "Duphalac".

  • Children over 4 years of age:

    "Antral", "Methionine", "Gepabene" and other preparations based on milk thistle.

  • From 5 to 12 years:

    Ursosan, Legalon, Karsil.

  • Teenagers over 12:


Where to buy and how much

Modern hepatoprotectors for the liver are represented by a large assortment, which often confuses people who come to the pharmacy. Even after carefully studying the characteristics of the drugs, it is difficult to decide which one is better. Only a doctor can choose an inexpensive and effective medicine, who will prescribe the necessary dosage and duration of the course of treatment.

Where are hepatoprotectors sold and how much do they cost in Moscow.

The liver is life important organ a person who is involved in the process of digestion, circulation and metabolism. The liver has a lot of functions, namely:

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    • Body detoxification. From the environment, a lot of harmful substances enter the human body: toxins, drugs, poor-quality food. The liver works intensively in the direction of neutralizing poisons and toxins, and does not allow them to enter the bloodstream and poison the entire body.
    • Removal from the body of toxic substances that are formed during digestion. For the human body, phenol, acetone, protein breakdown products and ketone compounds are destructive. The body is working on the rapid elimination of these substances, preventing them from manifesting their detrimental effect on human health.
  • Participation in the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Fat-soluble vitamins D, E and K, water-soluble vitamins B, C and PP are metabolized in the liver. A, B, C, D, E, K, PP, as well as trace elements of copper, iron and folic acid.
  • Hormonal functions. The liver takes an active part in the production of adrenal, thyroid and steroid hormones. The liver also regulates the amount of these hormones in the body and reduces their amount in excess.
  • Regulation of lipid, carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
  • Synthesis of immunoglobulins and antibodies for the immune system.
  • Regulation of blood coagulation due to the synthesis of plasma factors.
  • In fetal development and early childhood, the liver performs the functions of hematopoiesis.
  • In digestion, due to the work of the liver, bile and enzymes are produced, and fats are broken down.
  • Regulation of a constant volume of blood in the body and its redistribution if necessary (in case of blood loss or heart failure).

Thus, the liver is an organ that performs many functions in the human body. At the same time, a person will not even guess what a big role this organ plays in his life until any of its diseases occur. As a result of liver damage, a negative impact will be exerted on the entire human body. Therefore, it is very important if you suspect a liver disease in a timely manner to go to the hospital for help from a doctor. After conducting all the studies, the patient will be prescribed appropriate treatment. Hepatoprotectors play an important role in the treatment of liver diseases.

In what cases is it appropriate to take hepatoprotectors:

Most often, people who have suffered from the action of strong poisons and toxins, who have undergone diseases requiring long-term use of anti-inflammatory, antitumor, anti-tuberculosis drugs, antibiotics, oral contraceptives and others, turn to the hospital with complaints of liver dysfunction. Hepatitis (toxic, viral or alcoholic) causes a negative effect on liver function and the destruction of its cells.
Hepatoprotectors are prescribed by a doctor in complex therapy for the rapid and effective restoration of liver function in the following diseases:

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    • Alcoholic hepatitis, turning into cirrhosis of the liver. First of all, the patient must give up alcohol, the toxic substances of which caused the disease. With a complete rejection of alcohol and diet, hepatoprotectors will help restore damaged liver tissue. If the refusal of alcohol does not occur, then even the most modern hepatoprotectors will not help and further cell death will occur. You can not continue to lead a destructive lifestyle, hoping for the miraculous power of pills.
    • Fatty hepatosis of the liver. Most often, this liver disease is diagnosed in people suffering from obesity and diabetes. As in the case of alcohol, with this disease, one intake of hepatoprotectors will not be enough, iron will continue to accumulate fat cells. The disease can be defeated using an integrated approach. In addition to taking hepatoprotectors, a prerequisite is to follow a diet that will promote weight loss, increase physical activity, lower cholesterol levels, with diabetes- taking antidiabetic drugs. With an integrated approach, the cells will begin their recovery.
  • Drug or toxic hepatitis. After prolonged use medicines, which led to impaired liver function or during their administration, to prevent the onset of the disease, a prerequisite is the appointment of hepatoprotectors. They will perform the function of protecting liver cells and their recovery after the cessation of the adverse effects of medications.
  • Viral and, as a consequence, chronic hepatitis. If the liver is damaged by viral hepatitis A, B, C or D in combination with antiviral drugs hepatoprotectors are mandatory. Early treatment ensures a full recovery for the patient. However, if the treatment was not timely, then chronic hepatitis may develop, the treatment of which requires a responsible approach. So, to prevent exacerbations, it is necessary to adhere to a diet and, as directed by a doctor, drink hepatoprotectors several times a year.

Thus, the proven effectiveness of the use of hepatoprotectors for the prevention and treatment of liver diseases made it possible to single out these drugs in a separate group. However, it should be remembered that in order to get a positive effect from taking medication, it is necessary to prescribe it not to yourself, but to go to the hospital to receive qualified treatment.

Classification of hepatoprotectors:

Carrying out the classification of hepatoprotectors, it is customary to divide them into the following six types:

  • medicines made from animal liver cells;
  • medicine made from plant extracts;
  • essential phospholipids;
  • derivatives of amino acids;
  • bile acids;
  • homeopathic medicines and dietary supplements.

What type of hepatoprotectors you need is determined by the attending physician. The choice depends on the severity of the disease and the degree of damage to the liver cells.

Consider drugs, effective application proven positive feedback doctors and their patients.

Medicinal products of animal origin

Three drugs of animal origin are known on the pharmaceutical market: Sirepar, Hepatosan, Progepar. It is worth noting that they are very strong and can only be prescribed in medical institutions under the strict supervision of doctors. They are used in complex therapy for the treatment of severe liver diseases: cirrhosis and hepatitis of various etiologies (viral, toxic, fatty)

    • Sirepar. Solution for injection containing hydrolyzate of bovine liver extract with cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). The therapeutic effect is based on the properties of the drug to start the regenerative processes of the liver parenchyma. As a result, the development of fatty infiltration stops, the production of methionine and choline is regulated. Together with the action of vitamin B12, this drug restores the process of hematopoiesis, due to the maturation of red blood cells - erythrocytes.
  • Hepatosan. Available in the form of capsules that contain dried pig liver cells. Detoxification, adsorbing, protein-synthetic and membrane-stabilizing properties of hepatosan have been proven. The drug restores the functional activity of liver cells by removing toxins from the intestines and sorption of fatty acids.
  • Prohepar. It has a combined composition: bovine liver hydrolyzate, cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), L-cysteine, choline hydrotartrate, cysteine. Its action is aimed at preserving and restoring hepatocytes, restoring the destroyed part of the parenchyma, and preventing the development of connective tissue. The blood flow in the liver becomes better, the division and growth of its cells are stimulated, cell membranes are stabilized, and the work of the liver is restored.

Disadvantages of taking hepatoprotectors of animal origin:

  • Hepatoprotectors of animal origin can only be used to treat inactive forms of hepatitis. Otherwise, the manifestation of cytological, immunopathological and inflammatory syndromes may increase in patients.
  • According to how much the basis of such medicines is summally dried animal liver cells, a person may experience serious allergic reactions to the presence of foreign cells in the body. Before treatment with this type of hepatoprotectors, the doctor must check the patient's individual sensitivity to this drug.
  • Bovine liver hydrolyzate can carry a prion infection that can cause spongiform encephalopathy. For treatment, it is necessary to choose drugs that are licensed and have passed all the necessary laboratory tests.

Hepatoprotectors of plant origin

Plants that have proven effective in treating liver diseases are milk thistle, artichoke, and pumpkin seed oil.

Milk thistle was used for a long time for the treatment of liver diseases only by traditional healers, until in 1968 the Munich pharmacists studied the biological composition of the plant. It turned out that the fruits and seeds of milk thistle contain more than two hundred components, among them: flavolignans, silybin, quertecin, silydianin, copper, zinc, selenium, fat soluble vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and others. But the main component in the fight against liver diseases is silymarin. It has an anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antifibrotic (prevents the appearance of connective tissue in the liver) effect on the patient's body.

Consider how medicines that contain milk thistle, and, accordingly, silymarin, affect the liver:

  • In the liver cells, free radicals are neutralized, and the destruction of hepatocyte membranes is prevented.
  • Components of liver cells are preserved due to the synthesis of phospholipids and proteins, membrane stabilization.
  • Silymarin neutralizes the action of toxins and their components. It is an effective remedy even for the poison of the pale toadstool.
  • By synthesizing prostaglandins, milk thistle has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

On the pharmaceutical market, the list of well-known hepatoprotectors with milk thistle is made up of the following medicines: Silimar, Legalon, Karsil and Gepabene.

The disadvantage of these funds is that in acute hepatitis or severe alcoholic lesions, taking only these funds will not be enough.

The next plant that helps restore liver cells is the artichoke. Its composition is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fats, organic acids and vitamins C, P, B1, B2, B3. But for the treatment of the liver, cynarin and cynaridine are important components in the fight against free radicals. Thanks to them, the secretion of bile increases, there is an active production bile acids, restoration of damaged liver cells, the patient's condition becomes better.
Known hepatoprotectors listed by pharmacists the best drugs on the basis of the artichoke are: Hofitol and Cynarix.

Due to the strong choleretic effect, these medications should be taken with caution by people suffering from cholelithiasis and with cholestasis syndrome.

Medicines made from pumpkin seed oil provide improved liver function by restoring the structure of its cells. This positive property is explained by the fact that the oil contains vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids, which protect the gland from negative influences. Well-known hepatoprotectors containing pumpkin seed oil are Tykveol and Peponen, recommended for the prevention of exacerbations of chronic liver diseases, such as cirrhosis and hepatitis.

In addition to single-component hepatoprotectors containing one herbal component, multicomponent herbal preparations are very popular among doctors and patients. The list of such includes hepatoprotectors Liv-52, Dipana, Hepatrin, Ovesol. Plant components are selected in such a way as to have a regenerating, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory and protective effect on the liver.

Hepatoprotectors containing essential phospholipids

In any liver disease, damage to its membrane structures occurs. Therefore, drugs whose action is aimed at the restoration and regeneration of cell membranes are so interesting. Such functions are claimed for drugs that contain essential phospholipids.

Cell membranes in their structure are more than half composed of phospholipids, which are products of fat metabolism. Therefore, when the membrane structures are destroyed, it is so important to restore them with the help of preparations having a similar composition.

The list of essential phospholipids that have proven themselves in the treatment of liver diseases includes Essentiale forte and Essliver forte. These drugs are often prescribed by doctors for the treatment of fatty liver, alcoholic, toxic and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver.

The action of essential phospholipids is aimed at:

  • maintenance and prompt restoration of membrane structures;
  • neutralization of the toxic effect of intestinal poisons by protecting mitochondrial and microsomal enzymes.
  • providing an antifibrotic effect, prevents the appearance of connective tissue.

Liver treatment with amino acid derivatives

Amino acids are produced in the body of a healthy person and play an important role in his life. An amino acid, which is actively used to treat liver diseases, is found in drugs such as Heptral and Heptor. In both drugs, the active substance is ademetionine. It has detoxifying and restorative properties, and is also involved in the synthesis of phospholipids and other biologically active substances.

Doctors prescribe amino acids for the treatment of fatty liver, cirrhosis, various types of hepatitis. It has also been shown to have a powerful antidepressant effect. Already after two weeks of constant use of ademetionine, the patient feels much better, the pain in the right hypochondrium disappears, the feeling of weakness and fatigue decreases, and immunity increases.

Preparations containing bile acid

For effective treatment diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract, ursodeoxycholic acid, which belongs to bile acids, is used. It is important that these tablets are prescribed only by a doctor, as they can cause serious consequences during exacerbations of gallstone disease.

These drugs proved to be the most effective for the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis, alcoholic and toxic hepatitis, and gastritis.

List of hepatoprotectors that contain bile acids:

  • Urdox;
  • Ursosan;
  • Urosliv;
  • Ursodez;
  • Ursofalk;
  • Livodex.

Homeopathic preparations

If liver problems are not serious and the disease has just begun to manifest itself, then you can try homeopathic remedies for treatment. Among homeopaths, the following preparations are most widely used: Galstena (country of origin Austria) and Hapel (country of origin Germany). These drugs show a positive effect when taken for a sufficiently long time under the strict control of a homeopath.

The liver is an important gland with many functions. The parenchymal organ synthesizes various substances, participates in the processes of hematopoiesis, stores reserves of certain vitamins and energy substances, neutralizes and removes toxins. But alcohol abuse, long-term medication, malnutrition, stress and genetic diseases disrupt the functioning of the gland. To restore the functioning of the body, various drugs are used.

The best medicines for the liver are hepatoprotectors. Today, tools such as Liv 52 or Karsil are often used. To determine which is the best of these drugs, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the medicines.

Hepatoprotector is produced in the form of tablets. The leading components of the drug are plant extracts (chicory, yarrow, nightshade, cassia). Substances protect the membrane of the gland and contribute to its restoration.

This drug is used for violations of liver function:

  • Hepatitis
  • cirrhosis
  • Hepatosis
  • Cholecystitis.

Liv 53 tablets are taken orally 30 minutes before meals. For the purpose of prevention, the medicine is drunk twice a day, 2 pills.

In the treatment of children, the dosage does not change. If adult patients are being treated, then take up to 3 tablets three times a day.

After taking a hepatoprotector, it is possible to develop adverse reactions in the form of allergies and disorders of the digestive tract.

Contraindications to taking Liv 52 are blood diseases, hypersensitivity, pregnancy and lactation.

Dragees differ in plant composition. The main component of the hepatoprotector - milk thistle - has an antioxidant, detoxifying and regenerating effect.

It can be used to treat cirrhosis, with toxic lesions and chronic inflammation occurring in the liver.

Instructions for use:

  • 1 tablet three times a day.
  • The average therapy time is 30 days.

Possible side effects of Karsil are frequent urination, digestive disorders, shortness of breath, allergies, vestibular disorders. Contraindications - age up to 12 years, acute poisoning.


It is difficult to make a choice between Karsil and Liv 52. Both drugs are equally effective in protecting the liver from harmful substances.

But hepatoprotectors have some differences. So, the therapeutic effect of Liv 52 may decrease when it is joint application next to medications. The advantage of Karsil is that the tablets are combined with any medication.

However, Karsil increases the effectiveness of Diazepam. Therefore, before combining drugs, you need to consult with your doctor.

There are many analogues that can replace Liv 52 and Karsil. These are Maksar, Hofitol, Heptral, Legalon, Essentiale, Rezalyut, Gepabene, Ursofalk, Phosphogliv, Ursosan. To understand which of these hepatoprotectors is better, you need to compare them.

To find out which is better in the opinion of doctors Maksar or Heptral, you need to read the reviews of doctors. Opinions of hepatologists differ. The drug Maksar is a strong hepatoprotector, but it is not sold in pharmacy chains. You can order a medicine only on the Internet, which many doctors doubt about the therapeutic effect of the drug.

When choosing between Heptral or Essentiale, it is worth considering the fact that hepatoprotectors belong to different categories. The first remedy is used to treat severe liver disease. Due to the powerful effect of the drug, it is forbidden to use it under 18 years of age.

Essentiale has a milder effect. The main functions of the tablets are the restoration and maintenance of the gland. Therefore, the remedy can be prescribed from the age of three.

Doctors know that Heptral or Phosphogliv is better. Hepatologists prefer the latter drug, which not only restores hepatocytes, but also relieves inflammation. When choosing between Phosphogliv or Heptral, it is worth considering that the latter remedy has many more contraindications and adverse reactions.

Comparing Gepabene or Essentiale, doctors say that the latter drug is better. Essentiale has a much larger list of indications. In view of this, gastroenterologists consider the drug to be a more effective remedy than Gepabene.

Comparing Heptral or Ursosan, hepatologists pay attention to the fact that the drugs have different active ingredients - S-adenosylmethionine and ursodeoxycholic acid. The first drug is contraindicated in children, and the second can be taken from the age of three.

Phosphogliv or Karsil, which hepatologists know better. Doctors recommend choosing the first medicine. Phosphogliv effectively treats liver diseases, relieves inflammation, restores the organ and prevents the development of diseases in the future.

Rezalut or Heptral are also often compared. Both drugs are quite effective, so the choice should be made by the attending physician, based on the particular patient's body.

Ursosan or Essentiale: which is better to take? Most people with liver disease are convinced that ursodeoxycholic acid is much more effective than herbal ingredients. Therefore, patients prefer Ursosan, the price of which is much lower than on Essential.

Doctors do not know what is better than Legalon and Phosphogliv, since the drugs have almost the same effectiveness. In this regard, doctors often recommend taking these drugs alternately.

Hofitol and Karsil have a vegetable composition. But the artichoke-based drug has much more contraindications. The cost of drugs is approximately the same.

People suffering from cirrhosis or hepatosis, and their attending physicians, do not know what is better than Gepabene or Essentiale Forte. Both hepatoprotectors are effective and safe, which makes them one of the best tools in the fight against liver diseases.

Ursofalk and Heptral: which is better for the treatment of cirrhosis and severe gland pathologies? Reviews say that the first drug is much more effective, but it can only be taken for medical purposes. Heptral is a less effective remedy, and its cost is too high.

If we talk about what is better than Phosphogliv or Liv 52, then doctors pay attention to different groups drugs. The first remedy is an essential phospholipid, and the second is a plant hepatoprotector. In terms of effectiveness, Phosphogliv is considered stronger, which allows it to be used to treat advanced forms of hepatic diseases. Liv 52 is prescribed for mild disorders in the functioning of the gland. It is also used as a maintenance agent when taking toxic drugs.

Hepatoprotectors are a special group of drugs that have a stimulating effect on liver cells and help restore their structure, normalize the basic functions of the liver and protect hepatocytes from the pathogenic effects of such toxic substances as drugs, unhealthy and low-quality foods (fatty or fried foods, smoked meats, alcohol ), chemical substances and other damaging factors.

These medicines include:

There are three forms of release of the drug: capsules, oil and rectal suppositories. The main active ingredients in the composition of the drug are represented by a complex of carotenoids, phospholipids, tocopherols, polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Indications for the use of the drug Tykveol are:

    Liver diseases: cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty degeneration of liver cells, toxic liver damage.

    Diseases of the biliary tract and gallbladder: cholecystitis, cholestasis, biliary dyskinesia.

    Diseases of the stomach: gastritis.

    Intestinal diseases: hemorrhoids, colitis, enterocolitis.

    Diseases genitourinary system: , prostatic hyperplasia.

    Use Tykveol in complex treatment atherosclerosis.

The drug is produced by the Russian company "Eropa-Biopharm", which has been manufacturing this drug since 1994.

Tykveol capsules are taken half an hour before meals, 1-2 pieces, 3 times a day. Oil is taken 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day. Candles are inserted into the rectum 1 suppository, 1-3 times a day. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor, but it should not exceed 8 weeks.


    The drug is of natural origin, therefore it has a minimal negative effect on the body.

    Tykveol can be used in the complex treatment of various diseases, as well as for their prevention.

    The drug has no analogues among synthetic drugs.

    The cost of the drug is not high.

    The drug has passed many clinical trials in leading academies and institutes of the country.

    One teaspoon of Tykveol contains as many biologically active substances as 3 kg of raw pumpkin.

    The drug is a source of vitamin A, F, E.


    The drug has side effects. They can be expressed in dyspeptic disorders and diarrhea.

    The drug should not be taken in the presence of hypersensitivity to its components.

    For the treatment of various diseases, Tykveol can only be used in a complex scheme, and not as an independent drug.

Hepa-Merz is a drug for the treatment of liver diseases. It is able to remove intoxication from the body, lower the level of ammonia in the blood. The drug has an analgesic effect, normalizes metabolic processes, reduces asthenic and dyspeptic syndromes. The main effect of the drug is hepatoprotective. The base substance is ornithine aspartate.

Hepa-merz is available in the form of a mixture of granules, from which a solution must be prepared, as well as in the form of a concentrate, poured into 10 ml ampoules.

Hepa-merz is prescribed for acute and chronic, with hepatic encephalopathy, steatosis and steagepatitis.

Granules are diluted with water before use (1 sachet per 200 ml of liquid). Take the drug 3 times a day, after meals.

The solution is used for intravenous administration. Use 4 capsules per day. Maximum daily dose is 8 capsules.


    Quick withdrawal intoxication from the body with alcohol or drug poisoning.

    Possibility of treatment of viral, autoimmune and metabolic diseases of the liver.

    Restoration of liver cells with activation of the organ's own neutralizing cells.


    The high price of the drug.

    The presence of contraindications. In particular, the drug should not be used to treat pregnant and lactating women, in childhood, against the background of renal insufficiency.

    The drug has a number of side effects, including: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, muscle pain.

    The drug can provoke allergic reactions.

FanDetox "FanDetox"

FunDetox is an innovative product developed by Korean scientist Song Hye-bok to protect and restore liver cells from the toxic effects of harmful substances, alcohol and drugs, as well as low-quality food.

The main indications for the use of this drug are:

"FanDetox" is produced by the international company "Coral Club" (Coral Club), in the form of a powder in original foil stick packs that save long time all the properties of this innovative product. The contents of the stick pack are dissolved in 1/2 cup warm water, perhaps adding honey (to taste). The drink must be consumed immediately.

Dosage, frequency and duration of use of this drug depends on the type of course treatment:

    seasonal regeneration of the liver;

    treatment of fatty liver or correction of hyperlipidemia;

    intensive course on liver detoxification;

    anti-hangover (express) course.


    the product has a balanced qualitative composition and contains only natural plant extracts: goji berries, persimmons, mandarin peel, soy sprouts and buckwheat seeds, which are selected in balanced proportions and have an effective and rapid antitoxic effect based on the active breakdown of toxic products accumulated in hepatocytes;

    significantly increases the activity and level of the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme, which breaks down alcohol into safe components and ensures their excretion from the body with a decrease in hangover;

    normalizes the indicators of liver transaminases - specific proteins that are actively involved in metabolism;

    contributes to the prevention and inhibition of the development of other vessels and due to a stable decrease in triglyceride levels, accelerates the breakdown of low-density lipoproteins and leads to the normalization of total blood cholesterol levels.

3 super foods for the liver - on 1 channel:


At correct application does not have side effects, except for individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. Not applicable in childhood.

Liv 52 is a complex drug that incorporates extracts medicinal plants: common chicory, caper bark, black nightshade, basma mandura, western cassia, yarrow, officinalis emblica, Gallic tamarisk and other herbal ingredients.

This drug is used:

    at various types hepatitis (drug, toxic, infectious);

    with cirrhosis or fibrosis of the liver;

    with fatty hepatosis;

    with pathological processes in hepatocytes with a violation of the outflow of bile (, biliary dyskinesia, cholangitis) in adults and children (over 5 years old);

    with persistent disorders of appetite and exhaustion;

    to prevent the development and progression of alcoholic liver damage, diseases caused by exposure to chemical, radiation and / or medicinal factors on liver cells.

The main therapeutic effect of Liv 52 is considered to be a hepatoprotective effect on liver cells, based on the regeneration of damaged intracellular processes, protein synthesis, prevention and elimination of impaired liver functions as a result of the implementation of the healing properties of extracts from a mixture of medicinal plants.

Additional therapeutic effects of this drug are:




    stimulating (activates hematopoiesis and metabolism).

It also helps to accelerate the excretion of acetaldehyde and carbon tetrachloride (in chronic alcoholism with alcoholic liver damage), moderate diuretic and laxative effect, inhibits the progression of intracellular damage to hepatocytes during pre-cirrhotic processes.


    is a completely herbal preparation;

    does not affect the concentration of attention, as well as the ability to control vehicles;

    used in childhood (over 5 years);

    used to protect the liver if long-term use of hepatotoxic drugs is necessary: ​​anti-tuberculosis drugs, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory (antipyretic) drugs.


    possible development of allergic skin rash, angioedema) or dyspeptic (, epigastric pain, nausea) side effects;

    not applicable during pregnancy and lactation;

    used with caution in conjunction with antibiotics (tetracycline and doxycycline), ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory drugs;

    not intended for children under five years of age.

Heptral is a drug that has hepatoprotective properties with antidepressant activity. The main active ingredient of the drug is ademetionine. Additionally, Heptral has detoxifying, neuroprotective, antioxidant, regenerating and antifibrosing effects.

Due to the multiple positive effects associated with the activation of regenerative processes in liver cells and neurons in combination with the antidepressant activity of the drug, it is prescribed for diseases with the development of intrahepatic cholestasis with precirrhotic or cirrhotic restructuring of hepatocytes:

    with fatty degeneration of the liver;

    with various toxic liver lesions (alcoholic hepatosis, viral or drug-induced hepatitis, which has developed as a result of long-term use of anti-tuberculosis, antitumor or antiviral drugs, tricyclic antidepressants, antibiotics, oral contraceptives;

    with chronic hepatitis of various etiologies, cirrhosis or fibrosis of the liver.

    with severe intoxication drugs, alcohol, food or drugs.


    is the best drug for active pathological restructuring of liver cells in combination with other complex diseases: encephalopathy, degenerative processes of bones and (osterarthrosis);

    widely used for the treatment of withdrawal symptoms in chronic alcoholism or drug addiction;

    effective for life-threatening intoxications;

    is widely used for the treatment of cirrhosis and fibrosis of the liver or their prevention, as well as for diseases that are accompanied by persistent intracellular cholestasis.


    not used in children and adolescents (in patients under 18 years of age);

    It has a large number of side effects from various organs and systems:

  • rhythm disturbances, pain in the heart;

    severe spastic pain in the stomach, nausea, nausea, diarrhea, stomach or intestinal bleeding;

    pain in muscles and joints;

    flu-like syndrome, persistent asthenia.

    with extreme caution is prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy (only for health reasons, associated with a threat to life or health);

    due to possible dizziness, it is not recommended to drive vehicles or work with mechanisms.

Karsil is a drug from the group of medicines for restoring liver function or for preventing the development of pathological changes hepatic cells.

In its composition, it has an extract of milk thistle fruits (dry).


    the drug is indicated for the development of liver diseases (hepatitis, steatosis or cirrhosis) of various etiologies (viral, toxic, medicinal) in combination with weight loss or metabolic disorders;

    used to prevent liver damage, with long-term use of hepatotoxic drugs, occupational hazards, chronic alcoholism;

    is prescribed for children from 12 years old, adolescents and adult patients;

    well tolerated by patients side effects develop rarely or have a slight (transient) character.


    not used by pregnant women and during lactation;

    has a number of side effects (diarrhea, nausea, skin, vestibular disorders and alopecia);

    when taken simultaneously, it reduces the effectiveness of oral contraceptives;

    Karsil is prescribed with caution in diseases of the female genital area, which are accompanied by hormonal disorders: at , benign tumors() or malignant neoplasms(carcinoma of the uterus, breast or ovaries), as well as tumors of the prostate gland in men;

    the drug is not prescribed for celiac disease;

    not used simultaneously with diazepam, vinblastine, ketoconazole, alprazol and lovastatin (may enhance their therapeutic effect).

Essentiale forte has unique composition- essential phospholipids that integrate into the structure and have a restorative effect on liver cells, normalize lipid and protein metabolism, and also reduce the replacement of hepatocytes with connective tissue (in pre-cirrhotic conditions and in the initial stage of cirrhosis and fibrosis).


    the composition of the medicinal product includes only natural components;

    is the drug of choice for diseases that are accompanied by massive death of liver cells: autoimmune hepatitis, toxic hepatitis of various etiologies and viral attacks in chronic viral hepatitis B and C;

    has a number of extrahepatic positive effects

    well tolerated and used in adults, adolescents and children under 12 years of age, in younger children - for health reasons;

    not contraindicated in pregnancy and effective when expressed in the first half of pregnancy;

    applied as adjuvant therapy with and radiation sickness;

    used as a prophylactic for recurrent formation of gallstones;

    lowers cholesterol and blood coagulation system and is a good prophylactic for atherosclerosis, threat or;

    normalizes the secretion of digestive tract enzymes.


    is not prescribed in the presence of hypersensitivity to the active active substance (phosphatidylcholine) or auxiliary components of the drug;

    possible development of adverse reactions in the form of: allergic reactions, diarrhea, abdominal pain.

Esslial forte

Esslial forte is a combination of phospholipids that fully correspond to the phospholipids of the liver tissue, but surpass them in terms of their content of essential fatty acids. The incorporation of such phospholipids into damaged areas of liver cell membranes helps to restore their integrity and promotes regeneration. The product does not contain synthetic additives, dyes, does not cause allergic reactions.

Ovesol is an active complex food supplement from the Russian company Evalar with a specially selected herbal composition, which has detoxification, anti-inflammatory and reparative (restorative) effects. Additional actions of the drug are considered to be antispasmodic, choleretic and biliary actions.

The composition of Ovesol drops includes: oats (in the phase of milky ripeness), turmeric, volodushka, extracts of immortelle sandy and peppermint.


    all ingredients of the drug are natural, so Ovesol has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components;

    can be used during pregnancy and lactation under medical supervision;

    the composition of the drops includes alcohol (40% alcohol-water tincture), so the use of this drug is limited in young children.


    taking Ovesol reduces the effectiveness of contraceptives, so it is necessary to use additional contraceptives during the course of the drug;

    has an insufficient restorative effect on hepatic cells in progressive hepatic pathology.

Phosphogliv is an active combined hepatoprotector with effective antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. The composition of the drug includes phospholipids and sodium glycyrrhizinate (glycyrate).

Phospholipids are incorporated into the structure of damaged cell membranes of hepatic cells, restoring their structure and functioning of hepatocytes.

Glycyrate inhibits the reproduction of viruses, stimulates the production of interferons, natural lymphocytes - killers and phagocytes.


    the unique composition allows this drug to be widely used for the treatment of viral hepatitis, hepatosis and other pathological liver lesions (toxic, alcoholic and medicinal);

    used as auxiliary drugs for neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema;

    well tolerated by patients and has virtually no adverse reactions.


    Strongly increases pressure, if you have problems with pressure, it is better to refuse this drug.

    contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation and in children under 12 years of age;

    possible adverse reactions in the form of fluid retention in the body;

    given with caution to patients with portal hypertension;

    manifestation of allergic reactions (skin rash) is possible.

Ursofalk is a drug that has an active choleretic action, reducing the lithogenicity of bile, which contributes to the dissolution of cholesterol stones in gallbladder, moderate hepatoprotective effect. The main active ingredient of the drug is ursodeoxycholic acid.

The drug is taken under the obligatory dynamic control of the attending physician.


    has a choleretic, antispasmodic, hypolipidemic, hepatoprotective and moderate immunomodulatory effect, therefore it is the drug of choice:

    1. in the presence of cholesterol stones in the gallbladder;

      primary biliary cirrhosis of the liver;

      chronic hepatitis;

      fatty steatohepatitis (alcoholic or non-alcoholic);

      cystic fibrosis;

      biliary dyskinesia.

    promotes the dissolution of cholesterol stones (X-ray negative) in the gallbladder;

    activates immune system patient in combination with a lasting effect of restoration of damaged liver cells.


    the drug is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation;

    possible manifestation side effects: diarrhea, pain in the upper abdomen on the right, urticaria, calcification of gallstones;

    Ursofalk is contraindicated in X-ray positive gallstones, acute inflammatory diseases bile ducts, gallbladder and intestines, with severe violations of the function of the kidneys, pancreas and liver (in the stage of decompensation), empyema of the gallbladder or the absence of its normal functioning.

The drug Hafitol is a herbal medicine with active hepatoprotective and choleretic, as well as moderate diuretic effects reducing blood azotemia due to increased urea excretion. Medicinal action based on the therapeutic effects of fresh leaves dry extract (for tablets) and thick aqueous extract(for solution).


    the drug is used for the complex treatment of chronic acalculous cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, chronic hepatitis of various etiologies, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic intoxication, as well as for therapy (chronic and chronic);

    is prescribed as a component of complex therapy for atherosclerosis and obesity;

    Hofitol is a natural herbal preparation, well tolerated and practically has no contraindications (except for acute diseases of the liver and kidneys, obstruction of the bile ducts by stones);

    indicated for long-term use;

    used for early toxicosis and preeclampsia (under medical supervision);

    has no effect on the speed of psychomotor reactions and is not contraindicated for drivers of vehicles.


    the tablet form is not used in children under six years of age;

    possible adverse reactions in the form of diarrhea, headache, pruritus.

Gepabene is a combined herbal preparation, which has in its composition the fruits of milk thistle (dry extract) and herb fumes officinalis, providing:

    active restorative effect on hepatocytes damaged by the pathological process (with chronic hepatitis and toxic liver damage);

    normalizing the outflow of bile in biliary dyskinesia and in conditions after removal of the gallbladder.

Available in capsules.


    stabilizes the patient's condition after cholecystectomy;

    has a membrane-stabilizing effect and antioxidant effect when drug-induced hepatitis, occupational hazards, long-term use of hepatotoxic drugs (anti-tuberculosis, some types of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antitumor drugs);

    it is possible to use during pregnancy (under the supervision and prescription of the attending physician).


    not used in patients under 18 years of age;

    the drug is not prescribed for acute diseases biliary tract and liver;

    absolute contraindication to taking this drug is an individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Galstena is a homeopathic medicine in drops that has:

    mild and effective hepatoprotective action (restoration of damaged liver cells) as a result of a membrane-stabilizing effect and a decrease in intracellular edema;

    normalizes the functional activity of the liver;

    has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and choleretic effect;

    prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder.


    the drug consists only of natural plant components (extracts,);

    can be used at any age (even in newborns with prolonged jaundice, with congenital hepatitis, hepatosis);

    applicable at any age chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis, pancreatitis, acute and chronic diseases liver (hepatitis, hepatosis), biliary dyskinesia;

    during pregnancy, it can be prescribed under the supervision of the attending physician;

    the drug is effective for the speedy rehabilitation and restoration of liver function after surgery to remove the gallbladder (for the treatment of postcholecystectomy syndrome);

    indicated for long-term use, does not cause adverse reactions (possible development of diarrhea due to stimulation of the outflow of bile from the gallbladder);

    is prescribed to protect liver cells from damage during long-term use of hepatotoxic drugs (antibiotics, anticancer drugs, antiviral or anti-tuberculosis drugs).


    the drug is contraindicated in alcohol addiction and individual intolerance to the components of the drug;

    adverse reactions in the form of diarrhea and increased salivation.

Rezalut Pro is an effective complex hepatoprotector, which contains an extract of soy phospholipids, phosphoglycerides (mainly lipoic acid) and alpha-tocopherol. The restorative effect of the drug on the structure and functions of hepatocytes is to compensate for the lack of endogenous phospholipids with similar substances in chemical structure with simultaneous stabilization of cell membranes and subsequent regeneration of liver cells, as well as inhibition of collagen synthesis processes in the liver tissue. Additional effects This drug is considered to normalize lipid metabolism and reduce cholesterol levels.


    the drug is well tolerated by patients and is used for chronic hepatitis, hepatosis of various etiologies, fatty degeneration of the liver, cirrhosis and toxic lesions of the liver tissue;

    used in patients as part of complex therapy for hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels;

    the drug is effective in the complex treatment of psoriasis, neurodermatitis, as well as radiation syndrome.


    with caution is prescribed during pregnancy and lactation;

    not applicable to children under 12 years of age;

    contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the main or auxiliary ingredients of the drug, as well as peanuts and soy;

    possible manifestation of adverse reactions - diarrhea, petechial rash, uterine bleeding in the intermenstrual period;

    with caution is prescribed simultaneously with coumarin anticoagulants;

    the drug is absolutely contraindicated in the development of antiphospholipid syndrome.

Tsikvalon is a synthetic drug that has an active choleretic effect, normalizes the processes of bile formation and a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.


    Tsikvalon is an effective drug in the treatment of cholangitis, cholecystitis, cholecystohepatitis, cholelithiasis;

    used to prepare patients before duodenal sounding and other instrumental methods for diagnosing the gallbladder and liver;

    the drug normalizes all liver functions and thereby has an indirect hepatoprotective effect;

    before use medicinal product during pregnancy and lactation - it is necessary to consult a specialist and take the drug under his dynamic control.


The drug is contraindicated:

    with individual intolerance to the components of the drug;

    in acute hepatitis of various etiologies (infectious, medicinal, toxic);

    with cirrhosis of the liver;

    with the development of ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract (and);

    with obstructive jaundice.

When taking the drug, adverse reactions may develop in the form of discomfort in the right hypochondrium (in the projection of the liver and gallbladder), nausea.

Osalmid is an effective choleretic drug, which is caused by stimulating the formation and outflow of bile. Additionally, the drug has an antispasmodic and hypercholesterolemic effect with normalization of the level of bilirubin in the blood.


    the drug is widely used for the treatment of cholangitis, cholecystitis, cholecystohepatitis, cholelithiasis, and for preparing patients for duodenal sounding and other instrumental methods diagnosis of the gallbladder and liver;

    well tolerated by patients;

    the use of this drug during pregnancy and lactation is possible only after consulting a specialist.


The drug is contraindicated:

    with individual intolerance to the main and auxiliary ingredients of the drug;

    with acute hepatitis and hepatosis of various etiologies;

    with cirrhosis of the liver;

    with obstructive jaundice;

    with the development of ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract (stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer).

When taking the drug, the development of adverse reactions in the form of diarrhea, discomfort in the right hypochondrium, is possible.

Education: Diploma in the specialty "Medicine" received at the Russian State Medical University. N. I. Pirogova (2005). Postgraduate studies in the specialty "Gastroenterology" - educational and scientific medical center.

Treatment of liver pathology is not complete without prescribing drugs that ensure the restoration of damaged hepatocytes, the protection of viable cells, and the activation of lost functions.

Hepatoprotectors for the liver do not replace drugs. The list of drugs for liver therapy includes antibacterial, antiviral agents, hormones, complex vitamins, immunomodulators, homeopathic medicines.

It is difficult to determine the best of more than 200 drugs. We will only be based on proven facts from the database evidence-based medicine. It includes only those medicines that have been tested on a sufficient number of cases, have reliable results of effectiveness in comparison with a group of patients to whom they were not prescribed.

Who is shown hepatoprotectors?

Some people think that hepatoprotectors are necessary only for various diseases that occur with cell damage, but this is not so. They are most effective as a means of prevention.

Conditions for the need to support and protect liver cells arise:

  • in case of violation of the usual regimen and quality of nutrition on holidays, when it is impossible to avoid overeating tasty, but difficult for digestion food, drinking alcohol;
  • after acute infectious diseases and their treatment (ARVI, influenza, intestinal infections, food poisoning);
  • if you moved to another area where the ecology has changed, the quality of drinking water.

People over the age of 60 are especially in need of “covering” the liver. This is due to impaired adaptability of the body and low overall immunity.

Hepatoprotective drugs are necessarily included in the treatment regimen for acute and chronic liver diseases:

  • with inflammation (hepatitis) of viral origin, toxic, alcoholic, alimentary;
  • hepatoses caused by altered metabolic processes (fatty, cholestatic, pigmentary), which occur with diabetes mellitus, alcoholic hepatitis, impaired bile secretion, enzymatic hereditary pathologies bilirubin exchange;
  • at the stage of initial cirrhotic or fibrous changes in the liver tissue;
  • patients with liver damage caused by forced long-term use of drugs for systemic lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis, Wilson-Konovalov's disease, and tuberculosis;
  • in case of development of cardiac cirrhosis with decompensation of myocardial work.


There is no single classification of drugs from the list of hepatoprotectors. It is customary to divide them by origin and basic basis. The mechanism of action is often the same. AT pharmacological group includes products made from plant materials, animal liver, artificially synthesized, combined with multivitamins.

In form, they are represented by tablets, capsules, ampoules for injection, drops

Depending on the origin, 6 groups of hepatoprotectors are distinguished:

  • essential phospholipids;
  • preparations from the liver tissue of animals;
  • derivatives of amino acids;
  • medicinal bile acid protectors;
  • herbal remedies(collections of herbs, extracts of medicinal plants);
  • biologically active food supplements (BAA) and homeopathic preparations.

As a means for treatment, hepatoprotectors are used in Russia and the CIS countries. Doctors in Europe and the USA do not consider them medicines due to insufficient evidence base for their effectiveness. The situation even develops in such a way that the country produces the drug, but sends it not to its pharmacy chain, but to Russia and the CIS (like the French company Sanofi Essentiale).

Which medicines are best used in a particular case is decided by the attending physician. It is not recommended to choose drugs on your own. They have their own characteristics and optimal options for action. It is impossible to completely exclude the negative impact. We will consider examples of the most popular means, indications for their appointment, give opposing opinions for and against.

Essential phospholipids

Among researchers there is no consensus on the mechanism of action of drugs.


In accordance with the Instructions, we are invited to believe that the essential phospholipids obtained from soybeans coincide in composition with the components cell wall hepatocytes. Getting into the fatty layer of the wall of the damaged hepatocyte, they are able to restore the functions of cells, improve their functions.

It has been proven that in patients taking phospholipids: the energy costs of liver cells decrease, enzyme activity increases, the properties of produced bile improve, in the treatment of hepatitis C, the likelihood of an active response of the body to the administration of α-interferon increases. Most effective in injections.

To get the result, you need to take drugs of this type for six months or longer, they are not recognized by doctors in most countries


Studies have been published that refute the effect of phospholipids on liver function. The negative effect is to provoke inflammation when chronic forms hepatitis, which is associated with the lack of choleretic properties, stagnation of bile.

There is an opinion that the vitamins present in the composition cannot be taken at the same time, it is better to replace them individual drugs. Some authors are sure that the composition of the tablets reaches the liver in a very small dosage, since it is distributed throughout the body.

These "minuses" require a careful attitude to essential phospholipids in viral hepatitis, taking into account the compatibility of vitamins.

The main drugs of the group:

  • Essentiale N, Essentiale Forte N - contains only phospholipids;
  • Essliver Forte - includes phospholipids + vitamins of group B, E, PP;
  • Phosfonciale - the active ingredient is silymarin in combination with lipoid C;
  • Gepagard - phospholipids + vitamin E;
  • Phosphogliv - phospholipids in combination with the trisodium salt of glycyrrhizic acid;
  • Rezalut - phospholipids + triglycerides + glycerol + soybean oil + vitamin E.

The most expensive are Essentiale Forte N and Rezalut. In the Russian Federation, they are prescribed for fatty hepatosis, toxic hepatitis, toxicosis in pregnant women, before the upcoming operation on the biliary tract, cirrhosis of the liver, and metabolic disorders.

Animal Liver Remedies

By origin, two types of drugs are distinguished: Hepatosan - from pork liver, Sirepar - from the liver tissue of cattle. Contain cyanocobalamin, growth factor, amino acids in combination with low molecular weight metabolites.

Due to the significant number of negative aspects of exposure, drugs are not used for the purpose of prevention, only for treatment. They are prescribed for cirrhosis of the liver, fatty hepatosis, hepatitis, hepatomegaly.

Cause hypersensitivity in many patients


The instruction indicates pronounced antioxidant properties, the possibility of eliminating intoxication and stimulating the healing of parenchymal liver tissue. Progepar, which is part of the group, activates blood flow in the affected organ, blocks the formation of connective tissue (cirrhosis), accelerates the excretion of toxins with diuresis, and therefore improves all liver functions.


The effect of this group of hepatoprotectors on the liver and the body as a whole is the most controversial. Moreover, the safety of the proposed drugs has not been proven. Very high ability of drugs to cause allergic reaction. Therefore, the use in the acute phase of hepatitis is considered dangerous.

There is an opinion that pharmaceutical production does not exclude the risk of contracting a prion infection (small protein substrates similar in effect to viruses) with the development of incurable encephalopathy. The group also includes dietary supplements Hepatomin. Means are categorically contraindicated for children.

Hepatoprotectors from amino acids

Depending on the protein composition, there are means with:

  • ademetionine (representatives of Heptor and Heptral);
  • ornithoaspartate (Hepa-merz).


We know that amino acids are necessary for the body to synthesize all active substances, enzymes, including phospholipids. Through the formed compounds, they participate in the processes of regeneration of the liver tissue, relieve intoxication.

Heptral - has the ability to break down and remove accumulated fats, cleanses the liver, has antidepressant properties. Assign in the treatment of fatty hepatosis, hepatitis, withdrawal syndrome and depression in alcoholism, drug addiction.

Derivatives of ademetionine have an antioxidant effect, stimulate the production of bile and its secretion, protect nervous system, liver parenchyma from fibrosis. Hepa-Merz - effective for the removal of ammonia compounds from the blood, so the only indication is toxic hepatitis C kidney failure, hepatic coma.

The drug is effective for intravenous use, it is believed that the use in tablets is limited by low absorption in the digestive tract


Heptral, unlike other protectors, is registered, except for Russia, in Germany and Italy. Australians use it in veterinary practice. In other countries, it is listed as a dietary supplement with dubious properties. Hepa-merz does not give results in alcohol intoxication.

Bile acid drugs

The base substance of this group of protectors is ursodeoxycholic acid. Drugs (Ursosan, Ursofalk, Urdox, Exhol, Livodex, Ursodez, Choludexan, Urosliv) are widely used in the treatment of diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, cholelithiasis.

They have a choleretic and hypoglycemic effect, lower the concentration of cholesterol, are effective in congestion, and have a stimulating effect on the immune system. These medicines are indicated for biliary cirrhosis of the liver, biliary reflux gastritis, acute hepatitis in pregnant women, toxic effect alcohol and drugs.

The drug can lower blood glucose levels

Contraindications include: large calcium stones in bile ducts, acute inflammation of the intestine, severe violations of the pancreas. Preparations of this group are the most harmless to the human body. They are taken in courses depending on the condition of the patient.

Herbal preparations

The group of hepatoprotectors is an advanced folk treatment liver diseases, since the preparations are synthesized from well-known medicinal plants (milk thistle, artichoke, immortelle, bearberry, oats, mint). Their action comes slowly, long courses of treatment are required.

But they remain the best choice for prophylactic use. Milk thistle preparations contain active substance silymarin (Legalon, Karsil Forte, Karsil, Silymarin, Silibinin, Silimar). Oil, milk thistle capsules, meal are actively recommended.

A strong antioxidant effect, regeneration of cell membranes is known. Course treatment is carried out for 3 months. Negative information includes clinically unproven treatment of viral hepatitis and alcoholic liver damage, which classifies drugs in many countries as dietary supplements.

Artichoke preparations contain the active substance cymarin. It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties (for joint pain), cholesterol-lowering effect, diuretic effect. Representatives of the group - Hofitol, Cynarix, artichoke extract,

"Against" the use - the lack of clinical studies showing the results of treatment, contraindications for congestion in the biliary system, calculous process.

The drug has low toxicity, is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, cholecystitis

Dietary supplements and homeopathic medicines

The well-researched drugs with proven efficacy include:

  • Galstena - contains the active ingredients of milk thistle plants, dandelion root, May celandine in combination with phosphorus and sodium sulfate. It is prescribed by homeopaths in drops according to the scheme for the treatment of liver diseases both in acute and in chronic stage, with cholecystitis, pancreatitis.
  • Hepel - includes healing properties milk thistle, cinchona, nutmeg, celandine in combination with phosphorus and colocynth. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, choleretic and antidiarrheal properties. Recommended for toxic and inflammatory diseases of the liver, flatulence, loss of appetite, acne.

Means are used for prevention. official medicine homeopathic remedies are not recognized.

Of the dietary supplements, Liv 52 is most often used. Manufacturers promise an effect due to the total choleretic, restorative action and a moderate antioxidant effect. The drug is recommended for the treatment of children with hepatitis A, as a preventive measure.

Foreign studies have confirmed only a decrease in bilirubin in the blood and restoration of body weight. No effect was observed in alcoholic hepatitis. Some dietary supplements have been clinically tested and are successfully recommended in practical use. These include Hepatotransit, Milona 10, Hepatrin, Dipana, Ovesol.

Contains extracts of seven plants

Is it possible to protect the liver from alcohol with the help of hepatoprotectors?

There are adults who are sure that after taking "liver pills" you can drink alcohol-containing drinks in any quantity and not be afraid of cirrhosis. This is absolutely not true. Despite their name, hepatoprotectors act very slowly until the negative effect is fully removed.

They are not suitable for quick sobering up, do not guarantee the prevention of liver disease in alcoholism. It has been proven that in the initial stage of cirrhosis, when only a part of hepatocytes is damaged, it is possible to fully restore liver functions if alcohol is given up.

For this, in addition to suitable hepatoprotectors, use:

  • a strict diet with a restriction of fatty, fried, smoked foods, hot spices;
  • choleretic drugs;
  • pancreatic enzymes (it suffers from alcohol no less than the liver);
  • herbal teas;
  • drugs to improve kidney function.

You will have to go to the doctor and tell about the problem. The prescribed examination and the results will show the degree of dysfunction of the liver and other organs. It is impossible to choose medicines on your own, perhaps they are contraindicated in a particular case.

For those people who are engaged in "cleansing" the liver with the help of various drugs, it is desirable to take into account that the proven effectiveness of products from amino acids, ursodeoxycholic acid, based on silymarin.

For essential phospholipids in pharmacology, the mild wording "presumed effectiveness" is used. Action proven at intravenous administration. It is better not to spend the family budget on other hepatoprotectors.