How to relieve tooth pain at home. How to cure toothache at home. Relief of toothache in children and expectant mothers

Toothache is one of the most unpredictable and can reach such intensity that a person forgets about everything in the world. When it is not possible to get to the dentist, and the pain is unbearable, folk remedies will help to reduce or completely eliminate discomfort.

Why does a tooth hurt?

Teeth can hurt for various reasons, and they are not always related to dentistry.

The main dental ones are the presence of:

  • deep carious lesions of tooth tissues, which have not yet begun to be treated - appear when cold, hot, sweet food gets into the carious holes, after brushing the teeth;
  • periodontitis - inflammation of the tissues around the tooth root, every day, after eating, the pain intensifies;
  • periodontitis - inflammation of the tissues of the apex of the tooth, pulsating in nature, appearing after pressure on the gum and tooth;
  • gingivitis - inflammation of the gums;
  • tooth injuries (cracks, chips, bruises);
  • pulpitis – inflammation of the soft part of the tooth; in the acute phase, the pain becomes attack-like, often at night with a return to the temporal part or ear;
  • hypersensitivity of dental tissue - occurs against the background of thinning enamel, pain appears after or during eating too hot/cold food.

But there are also non-dental causes of toothache: migraine ( headache feels like a toothache), some heart diseases, otitis (ear inflammation), ethmoiditis (inflammation of the ethmoid sinus mucosa), sinusitis, neuralgia trigeminal nerve. Therefore, a visit to the dentist is mandatory; only the doctor will be able to determine whether the patient’s pain truly relates to problems in the oral cavity.


How to remove toothache

Taking medications with an analgesic effect is the most fast decision problems, they cannot cure, but they can temporarily relieve pain with their help. Depending on your individual sensitivity to the components of this series of medications, you can choose:

  • Nimesulide, Nise, Aponil;
  • Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Abalgin;
  • Analgin, Baralgin, Tempalgin, Dexalgin 25;
  • No-shpa, Papaverine;
  • Ketanov, Ketorolac, Ketorol.

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Each group uses a different active substance, so you need to independently observe the effect of the drug to understand how much it helps. Even a remedy such as Diclofenac or regular Aspirin is suitable for some, and there are people with resistant nervous system to any painkillers.


But there are a number of contraindications for taking painkillers: hypertension, peptic ulcer, liver and kidney dysfunction, pregnancy, lactation period. Also, long-term use of analgesics causes the body to become accustomed to them and the dose will need to be increased each time to achieve the expected effect, and this is fraught with health problems.

For such cases, safe and effective traditional methods, which, even if they cannot completely stop painful sensations, will help to significantly reduce them.

Recipes for removing toothache without pills

What to do when you can’t stand it?

  • Cotton swab with Valocordin. It is applied to the painful tooth and held until the pain subsides.
  • Relieving pain with lard. A small piece of fresh, unsalted lard is applied to the sore tooth. Through 10-20 minutes painful sensations will disappear.

  • Carnation. One of the most quick ways alleviate the condition. Several pieces are crushed, mixed with vegetable oil and applied to the tooth. You can rub clove oil on the affected tooth or dissolve a few drops of it in warm water and rinse your mouth.
  • A small slice of raw potato or beetroot applied to the tooth will help relieve the pain.
  • If the tooth is hypersensitive, you need to make a paste of salt and black pepper. Lubricate the tooth with it for a couple of days, but not more than once a day.

  • Garlic. A clove of fresh garlic is cut in half and applied through gauze to the wrist (in the place where the pulse is felt) opposite side where tooth pain is felt. Wrap it with a bandage or fix it with an adhesive plaster. Already in 10-15 minutes the pain will begin to disappear.
  • Ice. By applying a piece of ice to the disturbing area or forehead, you can “freeze” it for a while, this will dull the acute pain. Just under no circumstances touch the tooth itself. Since it is unknown why he got sick, an attack can be provoked even more severely.
  • Iodine mesh on the outside of the cheek in the area where the tooth hurts.
  • Potassium permanganate solution. It is used as a rinse, the procedure is repeated until the pain begins to subside. The liquid should not have a dark purple tint - the oral mucosa can get burned at such a strong concentration. Swallowing the solution is also prohibited.
  • Sea salt with iodine. In a glass of water, dilute a tablespoon of regular sea salt (without additives or dyes) and add 3-5 drops of iodine. Rinse your mouth with this mixture several times; if the pain does not decrease, the concentration is increased.
  • Asafoetida or stinking ferula (spice, dried resin). A pinch of spice is mixed with lemon juice, heat it up, soak a cotton swab in the solution and apply it to the tooth. To instantly stop the pain, asafoetida is fried in oil and placed in the mouth. This is a very ancient recipe of Iranians and Afghanis.
  • Table salt and soda. Dissolve 1 teaspoon in a glass warm water. Rinsing is done for now sharp pain not decrease.
  • Apple cider vinegar lotions. A swab soaked in vinegar is applied to the diseased tooth. Important! The vinegar should be natural and you can keep such a compress for no longer 3 minutes.
  • Rinsing the area of ​​the painful tooth with a strong alcoholic drink will temporarily relieve pain.
  • Fresh leaves and roots of plantain. They need to be chewed and moved to the area of ​​pain. Hold until the toothache subsides.
  • Vanilla extract. A swab is moistened with it and applied to the tooth.

  • Aloe and Kalanchoe. The lower leaf of any plant that you have at home is finely crushed and applied to the tooth and gum. These flowerpots very quickly help reduce discomfort and stop the inflammatory process.
  • Rinse with infusion of sage, calendula, St. John's wort, oak bark and chamomile. To prepare, you need to take 1 tbsp. spoon of herbs, pour boiling water and let stand 1-2 hours. Use warm.
  • Infusion of dried pumpkin tails. For a glass of boiling water you need to take 1 tbsp. spoon of chopped tails and keep in a closed enamel container for an hour. After this, strain the infusion and use it to make baths for a sore tooth or simply rinse your mouth.
  • Applying a tincture of calamus root to a sore tooth. This method is already 5-10 minutes will help completely remove the pain. But such a remedy should already be prepared at home. Preparation: chopped calamus roots are filled to the top with 70% alcohol and infused in a dark place. 10 days, after which the medicine can be used. A cotton swab is moistened in the tincture and applied to the sore tooth, without touching the gums until the pain subsides.

Important! Before using any product, you need to make sure that onion is not an allergen for the body, especially for children and pregnant women.



It happens that there are no available remedies for relieving toothaches at all (business trip, trip, outdoor recreation). In such a situation, severe pain can be relieved by self-massage of certain areas that are responsible for impulses coming from the damaged tooth.

The following actions can help numb the pain:

  • massaging the earlobe on the side of the diseased tooth will help relieve pain;
  • strong pressure on the place located between the phalanges of the thumb and index finger for 6-8 minutes or an ice cube placed there and massage with it;
  • rubbing the area between the lower jaw on the side of pain and the cheekbone.

What not to do if you have a toothache

  • It is forbidden to apply heat to the painful area, warm it up with heating pads or compresses, even if this helps to dull the pain.
  • If there is a feeling that the pain intensifies under the influence of air inhaled through the mouth, try not to open it.
  • If you have an incorrect bite, trying not to close your jaw can cause even more severe attacks of pain.
  • Do not take any antibiotics until you see the dentist. Such drugs are prescribed only for certain diseases and are taken according to a regimen.

Unconventional ways to relieve toothache

If there are no ingredients to relieve pain, a magnet will help. It needs to be applied to the cheek, on the side where the pain is. After 30-40 minutes it will completely relieve discomfort.

Homeopathic medicines. Arnica will eliminate pain from mechanical damage to the jaw, and after tooth extraction, it will stop bleeding and speed up wound healing. Aconite - will help eliminate toothaches during ARVI.

If the filling material falls out and the pain associated with it, you can dull it using propolis. The product is placed into the hole formed; it has good analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Shilajit solution (1 tablet per glass of warm water). A cotton swab is moistened in it and applied to the tooth for 15-20 minutes. When the pain has disappeared, the tampon is removed, but you should not eat, drink or smoke for half an hour.

By using warm, strong, black, unsweetened tea for rinsing, you can temporarily drown out the discomfort. Rinsing should be repeated until the pain subsides.

On a note

Calm down toothache, both with and without tablets at home, it is possible, but the effect will be short-lived, because the problem that caused the discomfort will not disappear anywhere. If examination and treatment are not carried out quickly, the pain will return, the disease will worsen, and the consequences can be dangerous to health.


Each of us is familiar with acute toothache. The reasons for it are different: it is pulpitis, which is a consequence of advanced caries, and enamel cracks, and incorrectly placed fillings, and much more. Of course, the first thing you need to do when it appears is to visit a doctor. Moreover, this needs to be done as soon as possible. And in order to wait until morning, you can alleviate your condition with the help of improvised means. What and how to relieve acute toothache will be discussed together. This is what our article will be devoted to.

How to alleviate your condition and relieve acute tooth pain

Toothache can make you forget about everything, the discomfort and unpleasant sensations can be so strong. It usually intensifies at night, making sleep restless, or even impossible.

How to relieve acute toothache

Understanding the causes of toothache and doing everything to eliminate it is the prerogative of a dentist. But there are general recommendations , which you need to adhere to if it takes you by surprise:

  1. Completely eliminate the presence of food residues in the mouth, since they can provoke pain. For this you can use frequent rinsing with a soda-salt solution and, if necessary, dental floss.
  2. Avoid warming the area where the toothache is located.. AND dry heat, and warm compresses will only strengthen it.
  3. Avoid bed rest. A bad tooth is not a reason to go to bed. After all, in a horizontal position, pressure on the periodontal tissues increases, which greatly increases the discomfort.
  4. Avoid getting food on the sore tooth. The easiest option is to chew only with the teeth that are on the other side of the mouth.
  5. Try to distract yourself. An interesting activity or a huge amount of work will help you forget about the discomfort in your mouth, the main thing is to really get carried away.
  6. Don't delay visiting the dentist. Only a specialist can relieve you of acute pain. All other methods, which will be discussed below, can only stop it temporarily, dulling the discomfort.

How to reduce and relieve toothache at home using home medicine kit products can be found in the next section of our article.

Medication methods for relieving toothache

Modern pharmacological developments and achievements of the pharmaceutical industry have made it possible to create a number of painkillers wide range actions that help with toothache.

Toothache medications

The most gentle of them will be:

  • Nurofen and other pharmacies drugs based on ibuprofen;
  • Spasmalgon, its active ingredient is analgin. It is contraindicated in children under 6 years of age;
  • Askofen, which is not recommended for children under 15 years of age, since it is based on an “explosive mixture” - aspirin, caffeine and paracetamol;
  • Baralgin- another drug created on the basis of analgin. It can be given to children with caution.

If all of the above drugs did not bring the desired effect, need to bring in the “heavy artillery”, that is, powerful painkillers, the use of which requires consultation with a doctor. This:

  • Pentalgin;
  • Ketanov;
  • Ketorol;
  • Nimesulide.

There are a number of contraindications to taking these drugs, in particular pregnancy and breastfeeding, childhood. They are allowed to be taken only when the toothache is no longer unbearable.

A fairly simple way to relieve acute toothache is to use classic painkillers that have been used in dentistry for many years. Namely - novocaine and lidocaine. There are two ways to do this. Either moisten a cotton swab and place it on the sore tooth, or try to inject their solution into the base of the tooth. This will relieve pain for at least 6 hours.

It should be noted that all of the above drugs only stop pain impulses; they do not treat the diseased tooth itself. Therefore, a visit to the dentist cannot be avoided.

Traditional medicine methods for relieving toothache

The reference book also recommends what to do in case of acute toothache traditional medicine, which contains several recipes for its self-relief. Moreover, many of them are quite effective, because just 50 years ago, a visit to the dentist was a serious ordeal, and people suffered from bad teeth before. Some of them will seem incredible to you, but all methods are good for relieving acute pain. Let's look at the most popular of them:

Traditional medicine methods are very effective in relieving toothache, but you should not delay visiting a doctor. Otherwise, you may miss the onset of serious complications that may require the help of a surgeon.

Massage as a way to relieve toothache at home

When we experience pain in damaged teeth, many of us immediately turn to the home medicine cabinet and begin to swallow painkillers, which provide only a temporary effect. All this puts a lot of stress on all organs of our body, especially the liver. Therefore, if the pain is moderate, You can try a Japanese massage. The following elements of his techniques will be especially effective:

  • Massage the area of ​​the hand between the thumb and index finger with a piece of ice;
  • Press intensely with three fingers of each hand on the temporal areas;
  • Massage carotid artery, kneading it towards the diseased tooth;
  • Press on the cheek in the area of ​​the diseased tooth with three fingers;
  • Massage the nasolabial cavity intensively.

Surprisingly, these Japanese massage methods work. They can be safely adopted by those people who constantly put off visiting the dentist.

Relief of toothache in children and expectant mothers

Unfortunately, children are not immune from acute toothache. Baby teeth are short-lived and highly susceptible to caries, which in children younger age characterized by rapid currents. In a matter of days, caries can completely destroy baby tooth and affect the pulp, which causes incredible suffering to the baby.

Toothache in children

Toothache also affects pregnant women. This happens especially often when the fetus begins to develop bone and the beginnings of teeth. Most of the methods listed in the previous sections are contraindicated for both children and expectant mothers. Can save them:

  • Lubricating the cheek in the area of ​​the diseased tooth with an “asterisk”;
  • Clove oil on a sore tooth;
  • Frequent rinsing with soda and salt, sage, chamomile;
  • A slice of lard applied to the gum.

Regardless of how effective your chosen pain relief method turns out to be, a visit to the dentist should be immediate and urgent. This will help you save a bad tooth and get rid of noticeable discomfort that occurs at the most inopportune time.

The discussion of the age-old topic “how to relieve toothache at home” is prompted by two facts: the exorbitant, sometimes even terrifying, dislike of dentists and the unbearable nature of toothache. And in such cases, the main thing is not to overdo it: neither with painkillers nor with home remedies.

After all, the main cause of toothache is pulpitis (inflammation of the neurovascular plexus due to deep caries). In such a situation, the anesthetic should have a quick, fairly strong effect and not have serious negative consequences.

Toothache medications - pros and cons

Which tablets to choose and how to take correctly for tooth pain

The easiest way is to take a painkiller pill. Let's consider the most effective drugs, eliminating toothache:

  • Novocaine, Lidocaine

Used as a local anesthetic, these drugs can be used when a toothache occurs. The liquid from the opened ampoule is poured onto a cotton swab and applied to the diseased tooth. At the same time, lidocaine gives a more pronounced analgesic effect. When using these drugs, you should take into account possible intolerance: do not get carried away if you have not previously tested for sensitivity to each of the drugs.

The analgesic effect does not last as long, and repeated use can affect the heart (especially in the elderly and heart patients).

  • Analgin, Tempalgin

Widely used since Soviet times, Analgin has its pros and cons. The medicine is cheap, but most often it fails to cope with severe pain. In addition, the mass side effects forced many countries around the world to abandon it. Therefore, using analgin for toothache at home is advisable only in the absence of other drugs. In addition, the drug applied to the tooth actively destroys the enamel.

It is best to replace the drug with Tempalgin: it contains the same metamizole, but the analgesic effect is longer. The combined drugs Maxigan, Baralgin, Trigan, Spazgan have a more pronounced antispasmodic effect (used for abdominal colic, spasms Bladder etc.). Their use for toothache is questionable, but in the absence of other remedies, these tablets can be taken.

  • Aspirin

America's favorite Aspirin tablet can help relieve toothache. However, this drug belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and therefore has a strong irritant effect on the stomach.

Aspirin should be taken only after meals, it works faster effervescent tablets. You should not get carried away with this remedy - swallowing one tablet after another: negative consequences from its use in the form of stomach pain are almost guaranteed.

  • Ibuprofen

The drug, also belonging to the NSAID group, has many more expensive analogues- Nurofen, Mig-400, Faspik, Bolinet. The analgesic effect occurs 15 minutes after taking a dose of 400 mg, but when severe pain You can take up to 4 Ibuprofen tablets (800 mg) at once. You can take no more than 2400 mg per day!

Ibuprofen, of course, will help you survive until you see the dentist, but its regular use is fraught with negative consequences. In addition, this drug for people over 40 years of age is recommended only in a single dosage and is contraindicated for hypertensive patients.

  • Diclofenac

Everyone knows about the use of Diclofenac for radiculitis and joint pain. However, this remedy can also relieve toothache. Only in this case it is better to use combination drugs, which also includes paracetamol, which enhances the effect of the main substance - Dolaren, Panoxen. Weight side effects, like all NSAIDs, somewhat limits the duration of use and clarifies the range of contraindications (stomach ulcer, internal bleeding, severe hypertension, etc.).

  • Ketorolac

One of the NSAIDs that has the most pronounced analgesic effect. More expensive drugs based on Ketorolac: Ketanov, Ketorol, Toradol, 3 tablets per day are acceptable. For a quick onset of effect, the tablet must be taken with plenty of water.

  • Nimesulide

Potent NSAID drug, the analgesic effect lasts up to 8 hours. The usual dose is 100 mg twice a day, the maximum is 400 mg. Trade names - Nimesulide (the cheapest), Nimesil, Sigan, Nise, Kokstral.

  • Dexalgin

A highly effective pain reliever. Contraindications and the list of negative effects are due to Dexalgin’s belonging to the NSAID group. You can take 1/2 tablet. every 4 hours or a whole every 8 hours.

A maximum of 3 tablets can be used per day. (75 mg). Use with caution in smokers, diabetics, people over 65 years of age, and patients with cardiac ischemia. Contraindicated under 18 years of age.

  • Naproxen

To relieve toothache, drugs containing naproxen sodium salt are more suitable: the analgesic effect occurs faster. Use 1-1.5 tablets. at a dose of 500 mg twice a day, the maximum dosage per day is 3 tablets.

However, even to relieve intense pain in a tooth, 1 tablet is usually enough. in a day. Allowed for children from 1 year old in accordance with age dosages. Other trade names- Aksen Fort, Nalgezin.

What to do if there are no drugs at hand?

There are times when neither a pharmacy nor basic tablets such as Analgin and Aspirin are at hand. In such cases, you can only rely on available home remedies. How to relieve toothache without pills at home? The following can help you with this:

  1. Ice applied through the tissue to the cheek on the sore side will ease the pain somewhat. Keep the ice on for only a few minutes.
  2. Rinse - fill your mouth with water and keep it on the sore side. The water should not be too cold, the best option is room temperature. When the water warms up in your mouth, spit it out and take in a new portion. This measure will provide only some relief, while helping to wash away food debris from the carious cavity, which can cause pain. The best effect will be achieved if half a teaspoon is dissolved in a glass of water. salt. Rinsing with chamomile, a strong infusion of sage, eucalyptus, mint will ease the situation if the pain in the tooth is not so intense and is associated with inflammation of the gums or hypersensitivity enamels.
  3. Rinsing with alcohol will provide minor local anesthesia. You should not apply alcohol on a cotton swab to a sore tooth and swallow every portion of alcohol when rinsing. Only strong and not sweet alcohol is used - vodka, cognac.
  4. Cloves - most acceptable home remedy. IN best case scenario use clove oil: rub into a sore spot or dissolve 5-6 drops in a glass of water and rinse. You can grind 2 pieces into powder. cloves, mix with any vegetable oil and apply to the tooth.
  5. Plantain will help relieve toothache while hiking. You should chew the leaf thoroughly and move the pulp to the sore tooth. Washed and crushed plantain root can relieve toothache within 30 minutes.
  6. Propolis - rinse your mouth with propolis tincture diluted with water. A piece of propolis applied to a tooth will only cause a burn.
  7. Impact on special points. Massaging on the hand on the affected side of the interdigital space between the thumb and index finger will help relieve and even eliminate pain. You can also place an ice cube in this place. Other points on which pressure will help get rid of tooth pain are the nasolabial fold (press with a nail until pain appears, if the front teeth hurt), the junction of the cheekbone and lower jaw on the affected side, the skin at the edge of the nail plate on the index finger (press with the nail until pain).
Important! Home remedies can relieve only minor toothache. When the pulp is inflamed (the nerve in the tooth hurts), these remedies are ineffective.

What should you not do when your tooth hurts?

When dealing with toothache, the main thing is not to overdo it. Some measures can only strengthen pain syndrome or cause irreparable harm to the body.

  • Uncontrolled use of painkillers, especially the use of various drugs from the NSAID group, significantly increases the risk of side effects: from stomach pain to increased blood pressure and bleeding. When using painkillers, be sure to follow the instructions: age-related doses, contraindications, etc.
  • Applying garlic, onions, or tampons with apple cider vinegar will only cause a burn to the mucous membrane. Such aggressive methods can only increase the pain, so carefully choose folk remedies for tooth pain.
  • Hot water will dilate the capillaries and only increase the pain. You should also not use heating pads or wrap a scarf around your cheek.
  • You can't clench your jaw. Excessive pressure increases pain. Inhaling air can also increase the pain, especially in winter.
  • Antibiotics should be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Only the doctor will determine the need for antibiotic therapy, select the drug, select the appropriate dose and duration of the course.

What to do in special cases, because everyone wants to get rid of pain quickly?

  • First, if pain allows, you should brush your teeth or, at a minimum, carefully remove food debris from the hole in the tooth using a toothpick. With minor caries, these measures can already eliminate the pain.
  • A tooth hurts from hot food - this is a sign of enamel sensitivity. In this case, use toothpastes with fluoride. However, going to the dentist should not be postponed: no painful procedures he will not carry out a procedure (a procedure for removing tartar is possible), but will prescribe procedures that strengthen the tooth enamel and suppress its sensitivity.
  • A pregnant woman has a toothache - taking pills without a doctor’s prescription, especially before 12 weeks, is fraught with the most disastrous consequences: from the threat of miscarriage to fetal development abnormalities. Let's take Paracetamol, or, as a last resort, take a painkiller once in a minimal dose.
  • How long does pain last after wisdom tooth removal? If the removal of a wisdom tooth was simple, then the pain goes away within a day. If the gums are cut and removed piece by piece, the pain from the wisdom tooth lasts 3-5 days, a maximum of a week. However, if the pain gradually intensifies, the temperature rises, or the socket bleeds, you should immediately consult a dentist.

Why should you go to the doctor? Maybe let it hurt?

Pain relief is only a temporary measure. The appearance of pain indicates pathological process(caries, pulpitis, periodontal disease, trivial trauma, etc.). Without proper treatment, the disease will only get worse, and the pain most often becomes more intense. In addition, the formation of a cyst or suppuration of the periodontal tissues is possible.

The appearance of complications requires more radical treatment, which is often accompanied by tooth extraction. Don't be afraid of dental offices: modern technologies They allow you to treat a damaged tooth in one procedure, while the patient feels absolutely no pain.

Toothache is rightfully considered one of the most painful sensations; it can be pulsating, aching or cutting. There are many ways to get rid of it, the main thing is to know when and what means are best to calm it down.

First aid for acute toothache

Considering that toothache can occur at any time, for example, while relaxing in nature, far from the civilized world, you should remember the algorithm of actions that can significantly reduce the pain syndrome.

It consists of:

For information! Do not apply hot lotions or compresses to a sore tooth, otherwise the inflammatory process will only intensify and worsen general health sick. Use by yourself antibacterial drugs also not recommended, since they can change the overall clinical picture and symptoms that make it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis.

The most powerful drugs for relieving acute toothache

The table shows the names and descriptions:

Drug name Description and Application
The drug allows not only to eliminate severe pain, but also associated manifestations, including inflammatory lesions of the gums. This effect is due to the presence of codeine in its composition - active substance. The recommended dose at one time is one piece, but not more than six per day. The drug is contraindicated in patients with disorders of the liver and kidneys, hypertension, and Crohn's disease. The painkiller is available for both the adult population and young patients in appropriate forms: tablets, syrups, suppositories.


This is an effective, potent drug characterized by a pronounced antipyretic effect. The pain begins to disappear 15-20 minutes after taking the medication and does not return within 4 hours. Restrictions on its use apply to pregnant women (in the first trimester) and children under 15 years of age. The drug is able to relieve the inflammatory process at the site of the lesion.


The drug is different from other drugs similar action is characterized by low cost. It is used if the pain is mild and aching in nature. It is not recommended to crush the tablet and place it directly on the affected tooth, so as not to damage it. tooth enamel. In accordance with the instructions, the optimal rate for adults is 1 tablet three times a day, for patients under 14 years of age it is allowed to use the drug in the amount of ½ tablet twice a day, and for children over 14 years old - 1 tablet 2-3 times a day with equal interval between medication doses. Contraindications include liver and kidney disease in the patient, as well as low blood pressure.
The drug is in demand among consumers because it contains the active component - nimesulide. Thanks to the strong action of this component, the medication copes well with acute toothache and relieves it for 3-4 hours. The drug belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that inhibit the synthesis of substances that provoke pain and inflammation. Pregnant women should not take the pills.
The drug is positioned as a fairly strong pain reliever, the main component of which is ketorolac, a substance with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. This ingredient helps cope with severe pain. Daily norm The medication is 3 tablets, divided into three doses and washed down with a glass of water. The interval between doses should be 4 hours. If you do not drink liquid immediately after taking the tablet, the effect will be slightly later. It is not recommended to take the medicine for pregnant women, nursing mothers, persons with individual intolerance to certain components of the drug, as well as those suffering from liver and kidney diseases.


The drug is effective for mild and moderate dentalgia, helping to significantly reduce severe pain. Metamizole sodium, the main component of the drug, is able to block the formation of prostaglandins. The medication reduces pain well, but its anti-inflammatory properties are somewhat less pronounced. The total number of tablets per day is 4 pieces, a maximum of 6 pieces is allowed. Patients with certain blood diseases, disorders of the liver and kidneys should not take the tablets.


The active ingredient of this medication is para-acetylaminophenol, which is not inferior in its effectiveness to Nise. The drug copes well with reducing painful manifestations in the affected tooth and quickly reduces high temperature bodies. After preliminary consultation with a doctor, tablets are given to young patients in the presence of acute toothache. The moderate dosage of the medicine is 4 g during the day, divided into 4 doses.
The drug contains paracetamol and ibuprofen, which very quickly relieve pain without causing negative consequences for the body. It can be used even if children have toothache. The maximum daily dose of the drug is 4 tablets for the adult population.


A drug from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which has a pronounced antipyretic and analgesic effect. The medicine is intended for symptomatic therapy mild to moderate pain. The dosage of the drug depends on the type and intensity pain manifestations, in most cases it is 1 tablet (25 mg) every eight hours. The daily norm is no more than 75 mg. The drug is contraindicated in persons with bronchial asthma, peptic ulcers stomach, severe heart failure, allergies to certain components, disorders of the liver and kidneys.


The medicine is characterized by a strong analgesic and antispasmodic effect. For adults, the optimal dosage of the drug is 1-2 tablets at a time, but not more than 6 tablets per day. It is not recommended to use medication to reduce toothache for persons with tachycardia, glaucoma, hypotension, intestinal obstruction, renal or liver failure.

Pharmacy products

To reduce pain, you need to soak a cotton swab with medicine and insert it into carious cavity

On the pharmaceutical market you can purchase special dental drops that help reduce the severity of toothache, but this is a temporary measure.

This is an alternative solution to tablet analgesics.

These pharmacological agents are used topically, directly on the affected tooth, while tablets have an effect on the entire body. Dental drops can be used even by children over 12 years of age.

Despite the variety, all the drops presented in the pharmacy have the same composition (peppermint oil, valerian tincture, racemic camphor) and are in almost the same price segment.

To reduce pain, you need to soak a cotton swab with medicine and insert it into the carious cavity; the procedure lasts 5-10 minutes.

It is recommended to rinse the mouth to reduce pain with a soda solution, saline solution (1 teaspoon of sea salt per 1 glass of water) or a decoction of chamomile, which is prepared from 1 tbsp. l phyto-raw materials and one glass of water.

A good result is achieved by using 3% hydrogen peroxide, adding ½ tbsp to one glass of water. l. pharmaceutical product.

Injections for unbearable pain

Injections are indeed one of the most effective means to remove inflammatory processes in affected teeth. Thanks to such manipulations, the medicinal drug enters the bloodstream faster.

A mixture of aspirin, diphenhydramine, and analgin is very popular, since such an injection can instantly alleviate the patient’s condition. An injection using ketanov has a fairly good result.

Traditional methods

Considering that traditional methods are less dangerous for the body, unlike medications, but this is provided that the use is carried out in moderation.

The following options are considered the most effective: folk recipes that will help relieve severe pain at home:

Unconventional methods at home

In the absence of painkillers, you can do acupressure.

There are three points that you can use to relieve toothache at home yourself:

What methods are suitable?

For pregnant

It is very difficult for pregnant women to find suitable pills that are safe for their unborn baby.

For pregnant women, it is very difficult to choose suitable pills that are safe for the unborn baby.

Of those allowed during pregnancy medicines You can use No-shpa, Spasmalgon, Paracetamol.

From folk remedies For acute pain, clove powder is suitable, which is placed on the gum near the affected tooth, a mixture of fresh aloe and colanchoe juice, taken in equal proportions.

When breastfeeding

For breastfeeding women pharmacological agents for acute pain, lidocaine and ultracaine are the most suitable. The medicine is used in the form of injections. After the injections, it is better not to feed the baby for 2 hours.

To relieve severe pain

If the tooth is very seriously bothering you, then to alleviate the condition and relieve pain, you need to rinse your mouth with a soda solution with added iodine and take a painkiller (Nise, Ketanov, Baralgin).

Traditional methods may not provide the desired result; this will require the use of potent agents.


Cause aching pain may be contained in the gum tissue, in the pulp that fills the tooth cavity, in the periosteum of the jaw.

The choice of medications will depend on the intensity of pain:

  • moderate pain is reduced by Spazmalgon, Nurafen, Askofen, Beralgin;
  • acute pain syndrome is relieved by Pentalgin, Nimesulide, Ketarol, Ketanov.

Acute toothache causes a lot of trouble, but if you know how to eliminate it, you can quickly remove it. The main thing is to follow the recommendations specified in the instructions for medications and prepare decoctions according to recipes.

When we start having attacks of toothache, we can’t think about anything else other than getting rid of it. Pain happens different types: permanent, increasing, pulsating. A toothache can strike at one moment and ruin your mood for the whole day. Therefore, you need to know some techniques that will help soothe toothache at home.

How to quickly relieve toothache?

Tooth pain begins suddenly, regardless of the time of day and is asymptomatic. Sometimes it happens that a tooth hurts from dentistry, for example, at the dacha. And you don’t have the opportunity to urgently see a dentist. What to do in such cases?

The easiest way to relieve pain is to use medications. If your teeth hurt during lunch, then you should refuse to eat, brush your teeth thoroughly and rinse your mouth. Then you need to take a painkiller tablet: Nurofen, Analgin, Ketanov.

If you don’t have a first aid kit with the necessary supplies near you, then try to find a cotton swab and dip it in Valocordin or alcohol - make a compress on the painful area. Try to rinse your mouth with a solution of salt or soda as often as possible. Please note that the water must be boiled and warm. You can add a couple of drops of iodine to your rinse.

These techniques relieve toothache for a short time. But what to do if the pharmacy is far away and the home medicine cabinet is empty? Traditional methods come to the rescue.

Home techniques

How to soothe toothache at home? Using ingredients found in your home, you can make preparations to relieve toothache. The most effective and simplest methods to relieve pain are:

  • If your tooth hurts badly, salt and pepper will help you. Combine two types of spices in a one to one ratio and add some water to them. This product is applied to the problem tooth as a paste. Leave the product on for ten minutes, then rinse your mouth.
  • Potato. Cut a potato wheel and apply it to the sore tooth. Keep the potato compress until the painful symptoms disappear.
  • Garlic. Has antibiotic actions. It perfectly fights pathogenic microbes. Rub the garlic with salt and garlic. Apply the resulting paste to the tooth. Sometimes you can simply chew a clove of garlic on the side of the jaw where the source of pain is located.
  • Onion. Everyone has long known healing properties onion, which has antimicrobial effect. As soon as you feel pain, apply a piece of onion to the sore spot. This will help relieve toothache.
  • Warm water with salt. The simplest remedy for toothache. Take a glass of warm water and add a spoonful of salt. Rinse your mouth with the solution as often as possible.
  • Soak the cotton wool in apple cider vinegar and apply to the sore tooth.
  • An alcoholic drink such as vodka or cognac can relieve pain. Just rinse your mouth with a glass of drink.
  • Chamomile will help relieve toothache. It is used for rinsing and compresses. An analogue could be calendula or a drug called Rotokan. The latter is infused with alcohol.

Alternative medicine

There is a technique for toothache in which certain points on the body are massaged. To relieve tooth pain, take ice and rub it between your index finger and thumb.

You can relieve aching sensations with essential oils. The esters of clove, lemon balm, lavender and fir are suitable for this. St. John's wort oil is a very good pain reliever.

You can numb your tooth as follows:

  • apply a little oil to a piece of gauze;
  • apply the tampon to the sore spot.

If the condition allows you to keep your teeth clenched, then a tampon is placed directly on the surface of the tooth and the jaws are clenched. Keep the tampon in your mouth until you feel better.

Those who trust Chinese medicine and know how to find acupuncture points on the skin, acupressure will help. It is better to do it not with your fingers, but with a piece of ice.

The point for dental pain relief is on the back of the hand. Mentally extend your thumb and index finger to your wrist and massage the area where they intersect with a piece of ice, pressing with moderate force.

The pain subsides after approximately 10 minutes of massaging the indicated point. Even a child can be relieved with this method, since acupuncture is considered a fairly safe method.

Acupuncture should not be used against toothache only by pregnant women - it is believed that stimulating this point speeds up labor.

During acupuncture, you need to press points located on the side of the body opposite from the diseased tooth.

The next point, massage of which will help if a tooth hurts, is located near the earlobe between the lower jaw and cheekbone. It is massaged with the thumb and index finger.

Many people prefer homeopathic medicines; they are made exclusively from natural ingredients and have no serious contraindications. Let's highlight the most effective and popular means:

  1. Aconite – copes well with all types of pain. It relieves tooth pain caused by the ARVI virus.
  2. Arnica. Arnica oil is an excellent remedy. Cope with toothache caused by jaw injury. It also helps speed up the healing of gums and wounds after tooth amputation.
  3. Coffea is a medicine that eliminates toothache, which is provoked by the nervous system. Has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Suitable for pregnant women.

Preventing toothache

It is worth noting that if you neglect dental care, you will develop big risk the occurrence of serious dental diseases with complications.

If a tooth has been hurting for a long time, there is more than one rule that will help stop the development of pain:

  • Perform thorough oral hygiene as often as possible. Rinse your mouth. At the same time, you should not diligently clean the sore area so as not to injure it. Leave the sore spot alone, and never pick at the sore tooth with a toothpick. Try not to touch it with your tongue.
  • Do not chew food on the side of the jaw where the pain is located.
  • Do not heat the sore spot. Heat increases blood circulation, and the pain becomes more severe. In addition, there is a possibility that the tooth hurts due to gum disease, which is accompanied by the presence of an abscess; a warm compress can cause it to rupture and spread the infection throughout the oral cavity.
  • Lie down as little as possible. Despite everything, the supine position of the body is fraught with acceleration of blood circulation in the oral cavity, which leads to increased pressure on the teeth. This becomes a source of increased pain.
  • Try to distract yourself, even though it’s not easy. Do what you love, watch an interesting movie, call your friends for a chat. The more thoughts you have about pain in your head, the more intense the pain feels.

Important! Visit your dentist as soon as possible. Self-medication is strictly prohibited; all methods for home use are designed only to relieve pain while waiting for help from a doctor. Only a dentist can relieve pain by diagnosing the oral cavity with subsequent treatment procedures.

Instant methods for toothache

How to soothe toothache if it occurs suddenly? There are a few ways to make things momentarily easier. In addition to all the methods that were listed earlier, there are such useful techniques as:

  • Rinse with baking soda.
  • Sometimes the following happens: in the presence of dental pathology associated with malocclusion, the pain intensifies if you keep your mouth closed. In such an unusual situation, try to keep your mouth slightly open.
  • Never use antibiotics unless prescribed by your doctor. It is very dangerous. Such drugs are used only according to strict instructions, based on the dentist’s opinion. In other cases, they have a harmful effect and are fraught with many side effects.
  • You can start massaging the hand that corresponds to the side of the jaw where the pain occurs. This method helps in situations where you do not know how to relieve toothache. Pay special attention to the area between your fingers.


There are several types of drugs:

  1. Non-narcotic drugs. Suitable for mild pain. Aspirin, analgin and others.
  2. Non-narcotic drugs of enhanced action. Suitable for moderate pain. Ibuprofen, nurofen. Such drugs have a number of side effects, carefully study the instructions and draw the right conclusions. Do not take more than two tablets of this group per day.
  3. Narcotic group of medications. These are drugs such as: morphine, fetanyl and others. There is no need to use such drugs even with severe pain. They have an impact on the psyche, especially avoid using them if you are going to the dentist while driving.
  4. Antispasmodic drugs and agents. Drotaverine and No-shpa. They relieve muscle spasms. They are not often used for tooth pain, but in some cases they are effective. But sometimes the tooth may begin to hurt more.

Additional funds

The following drugs complement the list of pain relievers:

  1. Actasulide. Copes with inflammation and pain. It has contraindications for problems with the intestines and stomach.
  2. Grippstad. Active substances this drug ensure its long-lasting effect.

Pain relief in children and pregnant women

What to do if a child or pregnant woman has a toothache? After all, most of these categories of people are contraindicated medicinal drugs. Children's teeth are susceptible to caries more often than adults, because their enamel is less durable.

Pregnant women experience tooth pain no less often. Especially during the formation of tooth buds in the unborn baby.

  1. Apply “Star” balm to the cheek on the side where the source of pain is located.
  2. Applying clove oil to a sore tooth.
  3. Regular rinsing using traditional medicine methods.

Important! Children and pregnant women are strictly prohibited from using powerful painkillers and antibiotics. Use only traditional methods and immediately contact your dentist for help.

Caries in very young children is associated with illnesses of the mother at various stages of pregnancy or poor quality nutrition.

In addition, a child's baby teeth are encased in thinner enamel, which allows tooth decay to develop faster than it does in adults.

Often, a child’s caries affects not one tooth, but several located nearby. This leads to pulpitis or periodontitis, and the teeth have to be removed.

A child’s primary molars erupt by the age of 5-6 years. Within a few years, caries may appear on them due to the fact that the enamel on newly erupted baby teeth is often covered with cracks, and infection quickly spreads to them.

Caries on baby teeth develops at a fantastic rate, so even with the slightest pain, you should not anesthetize the child, but take him to pediatric dentist- after all, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow it may be too late, and the tooth will have to be removed.

It is clear that each of the above methods only helps to relieve pain slightly; you should not hope that if the pain has become weaker, then the problem has been eliminated. Only a qualified specialist can determine the source of pain and completely get rid of it.

Self-medication may only seem successful from the outside, but one day a new wave of inflammation will occur, which will be impossible to stop. You can relieve pain at home, but you should not get carried away. Do not put off visiting the dentist, because the disease can be much more serious than it seems at first glance.

Video: How to relieve toothache