What does the number of leukocytes in the blood indicate? The norm and reasons for deviation from it. What does an increased level of leukocytes mean in a blood test? High level of leukocytes

In a therapist’s office, you can often hear the phrase that leukocytes in the blood are elevated. After the verdict about leukocytosis is announced, the patient is given a bunch of directions for additional examination. What is this - a verdict or ordinary reinsurance? How dangerous is leukocytosis and how to treat it?

What are leukocytes needed for and how does leukemia differ from leukocytosis?

The released elements also become a kind of signal, calling for reinforcement from fresh forces to the site of inflammation. White cells circulating in the peripheral blood can freely penetrate through the capillary walls and follow into the intercellular space to fight the enemy that has penetrated from the outside, and the accumulation of pus in the tissues is nothing more than dead leukocytes.

A high level of leukocytes indicates inflammatory reactions in the body, and if the excess is significantly higher than normal, then it indicates the possible development of tumor processes. If a high concentration of leukocytes in the blood is not associated with oncology, then the condition is usually called leukocytosis. Both red cells and leukocytes in the blood are increased with dehydration and blood loss. When malignancy is confirmed, an increased level of leukocytes in the blood indicates a number of serious diseases with the general name leukemia.

WBC analysis

What is WBC? You can determine whether your white blood cell count is high using a test called general analysis blood. WBC is the number on the test printout that indicates the total white blood cell count.

The norm for adults is considered to be 4-9x10 9 /l, for children the acceptable threshold is 17x10 9 /l, depending on age.

To find out which types of leukocytes there was an increase in WBC (there are 5 in total - lympho- and monocytes, neutro-, baso-, and eosinophils), in a blood test the number of white cells is examined in expanded form - according to the leukocyte formula. Such a detailed study makes it possible to diagnose wide range diseases if there is an increase in leukocytes in the blood. WBC standards for adults by cell type:

  • band neutrophils 0.04-0.3x10 9 /l or 1-6% of the total mass of leukocytes;
  • segmented neutrophils 2-5.5x10 9 /l or 47-72%;
  • basophils up to 0.065x10 9 /l or no more than 1%;
  • eosinophils 0.02-03x10 9 /l or 0.5-5%;
  • monocytes 0.09-0.6x10 9 /l or 3-11%;
  • lymphocytes 1.2-3x10 9 /l or 19-37%.

Causes of leukocytosis

If the level of leukocyte cells is high and there are no symptoms of the disease, it is advisable to repeat the blood test after 3-5 days. If leukocytosis was preceded by an acute inflammatory disease, the period may be increased. Before taking the test, you should never eat food, so best time for control blood sampling - in the morning.

On the previous day, it is also necessary to refrain from spicy and fatty foods, alcohol, and it is better to stop smoking a few hours before donating blood for analysis. It is advisable not to expose yourself to emotional and physical stress. Such precautions are designed to find and establish the exact cause of the increase in white blood cells without likely distorting the test results. The causes of leukocytosis can be physiological, not related to pathologies, or indicating the presence of diseases.

Physiological reasons

If there are elevated leukocytes in the blood, what does this mean? Most often, this is a good sign, meaning that the body is protecting itself from anything that can create an imbalance in its smooth functioning.

Also, the level of white cells begins to increase when compensation mechanisms are turned on - for example, when the ambient temperature fluctuates, physical and emotional stress.

It may slightly exceed the norm in the evening and after eating. In women, the level of leukocytes is increased before the onset of menstruation, in the second half of pregnancy and after childbirth. Such abnormalities are known as physiological leukocytosis. What to do, is it necessary to take measures if there is a physiological increase in the number of leukocytes? No, this is a normal reaction of the body and the blood picture stabilizes after a short time.


If elevated white blood cells in the blood are not associated with physiological characteristics, or the number of leukocytes in the blood is much higher than normal, then for preliminary conclusions on the leukogram they look at which cells have begun to increase, how severe the deviation is and how large their number is. Depending on which leukocytes are elevated, it is possible following reasons leukocytosis:

If a blood test shows leukocytosis, then it is better not to independently search for something that may not be there. It is wiser and calmer to entrust the interpretation of the results to a doctor. This is initially done by a therapist who prescribes comprehensive examination and establishes a preliminary diagnosis. Leukocytosis cannot be treated - because This is not a disease, but a consequence. With the elimination of the cause of the growth of leukocyte cells, blood counts return to normal values.

Leukocytes are blood cells. These are the so-called white blood cells, which are responsible for immunity. They are the ones who fight infections, bacteria, and inflammation. Leukocytosis is the answer to the question “why are leukocytes in the blood elevated?” This is a scientific diagnosis of the phenomenon. It may indicate very serious health problems. Analysis for the number of leukocytes is one of the main ones in examinations. By the way, at least high level leukocytes and talks about diseases, you shouldn’t be afraid. It is much worse when these cells are less than normal.

What kind of disease is this

Leukocytosis is a fairly serious disease. You shouldn't neglect his numbers. It can indicate many diseases. This disease is divided into two types:

  • Benign;
  • Malignant.

Benign is always a symptom of a disease not directly related to blood and blood formation. We will talk about them below.

Malignant leukocytosis is most often a symptom oncological diseases blood. It may accompany a diagnosis such as leukemia. In this case, there are so many leukocytes in the blood that they affect healthy organs and tissues, thereby causing metastases. Elevated white blood cells are also associated with other bone marrow cancers. Oncology associated with blood and bone marrow is one of the most dangerous. It is quite difficult to treat. So after a general blood test, which revealed elevated leukocytes, you should immediately rule out this disease.

Malignant leukocytosis may also indicate an exacerbation of autoimmune diseases. These ailments are characterized by the fact that the immune system attacks itself, healthy organs. Namely, leukocytes are assistants to the body’s defense system.

Possible symptoms

Leukocytosis is a rather insidious disease. She very rarely shows herself. Usually its symptoms are disguised as symptoms of other diseases. But there is a trick here - it was these ailments that caused leukocytosis. What you should pay attention to:

  1. Constant weakness, fatigue, lack of strength;
  2. Dizziness and fainting;
  3. Unexplained bleeding, bruising;
  4. Loss of appetite, and then weight;
  5. A sharp decrease in visual acuity;
  6. Breathing problems;
  7. Too strong;
  8. Unexplained fever;
  9. Unexplained pain in the limbs;
  10. Enlarged lymph nodes, liver, spleen.

Of course, the symptoms are quite general. They talk about so many diseases that even a few pages are not enough to list them. But they are important signals that say something is wrong with the body. In case of these manifestations, a blood test is done first. It will reveal an increase in the level of leukocytes. Don’t neglect these symptoms and blame everything on fatigue. And delay in this case can cost your life.

Causes of leukocytosis

Leukocytosis can indicate many diseases. This is due to the fact that blood is one of the first to react to any changes in the body. As mentioned above, it is only a symptom of the disease. What can cause increased level leukocytes:

  • Infection is the main cause of benign leukocytosis;
  • Inflammation of organs;
  • Injury;
  • Seasonal allergy attack;
  • Improper nutrition, which does not bring the body nutrients and vitamins;
  • Stress, neuroses;
  • Too much physical activity.

An elevated white blood cell count may also be side effect from taking some medicines. Their number returns to normal almost immediately after treatment with such drugs is completed.

Leukocytosis often occurs during. Not every female body can immediately adapt to a new condition. Sometimes, on early stages the immune system begins to fight the fetus. In this case, it is better to take action immediately. This condition threatens miscarriage. White blood cells in pregnant women are checked frequently, so any changes will raise suspicions with the doctor.

What are the dangers of leukocytosis?

It is important to understand that leukocytosis is a symptom. It should not be confused with a disease. And if you don’t get rid of it in time, it can cause an exacerbation or development into a more serious form of the disease that caused an increase in the level of these blood cells etz in the body.

It is worth noting that leukocytosis can be physiological. This is the case when leukocytes are not associated with any disease. But even in such a situation, their level must be reduced. Otherwise it threatens the development autoimmune diseases and allergies. Leukocytosis that is not diagnosed in time and, therefore, not treated can lead to chronic depression, lethargy, and lack of physical activity.

If we are talking about malignant leukocytosis, then neglected treatment usually costs a life. After all, it is this type of disease that speaks of the most serious diseases. Oncology is perfectly treatable at the first stage. Symptoms of leukocytosis, including malignant ones, are described above. If you find them in yourself, then immediately consult a doctor. Then the treatment will be fast, effective and will not cause multiple inconveniences.

Treatment methods

Leukocytosis in any case requires treatment. But not every type of it is necessarily associated with a hospital and medications. Sometimes, to normalize the level of leukocytes in the blood, it is enough to introduce into your life a properly balanced diet, moderate healthy physical activity and eliminate stress levels. These changes, by the way, will affect not only the indicators of blood cells, but also general condition body.

In cases where leukocytosis is caused by a disease, direct treatment is prescribed. Doctors may prescribe various medications:

  1. Anti-inflammatory;
  2. Antibacterial;
  3. Drugs that reduce acid levels in urine.

In especially severe cases, the leukophoresis procedure is used. It consists in the fact that the blood is driven through a special apparatus that separates leukocytes from all the blood and sifts them out. Blood that has already been cleared of white cells is returned to the body. Leukocytosis can help a person detect a fairly serious disease. Therefore, after a general blood test, which showed a high level of white cells, it is worth looking for a reason that will answer the question “Why are leukocytes in the blood elevated.”

Video: types of leukocytes and their functions

In this video, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you what an increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood means:

Leukocytes are protective white blood cells responsible for protecting the body from external and non-external pathogenic microorganisms. As a rule, they are located and originate in lymph nodes, bone marrow and spleen. There are different types of leukocytes functioning in the human body, which differ in structure, purpose and appearance.

What are leukocytes needed for, their norm

An indefinite part of white cells catch and break down foreign bacteria, while others form antibodies and enzymes. All types of white blood cells promote dynamic movement and have the ability to roll over the walls of capillaries and make their way into the intercellular space, where they break down foreign microparticles.

The lifespan of white bodies is 3-12 days. These white cells usually die in the spleen, liver and in places where the inflammatory process occurs.

Peripheral blood leukocytes are divided into two classifications:

  1. Granulocytes or granular white blood bodies - there is a large segmented nucleus and special granules in the cytoplasm. Characterized by neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils;
  2. Agranulocytes or non-granular white blood cells are cells with a simple, non-segmented nucleus and without any peculiar granularity. They are divided into lymphocytes and monocytes depending on their ability to perceive dyes.

Today, one of the most reliable and accurate ways to diagnose pathologies in the body is a blood test. To check your leukocyte count, you should take a general blood test.

The leukocyte count in children is determined by age. For adult women and men, the norm is the same and is 4-9 x 10 9 / liter.

Table 1. Level of leukocytes in the blood depending on the age of the person.

The normal leukocyte blood composition in an adult is:

  • neutrophils 40 – 75%,
  • eosinophils 0.5 – 5%,
  • basophils 0–1%,
  • lymphocytes 20 – 45%,
  • monocytes 3 – 11%.

Elevated leukocytes in the blood - what does this mean?

Let's find out why leukocytes in the blood are elevated and what are the causes of leukocytosis.

Leukocytosis is a change in the cellular structure of the blood with an increased number of white blood particles.

Leukocytosis is divided into two types:

  • reactive, in other words short-term, in turn it represents a response to any infection;
  • Leukocytosis in leukemia is a disorder of the hematopoietic system.

Typically, the white blood cell count changes throughout the day. Sometimes the indicator may exceed the norm, but you should not be afraid of this. This leukocytosis is called physiological.

Factors in this may include physical activity, prolonged exposure to the sun, smoking, and even eating. That is why you should take the test strictly on an empty stomach and preferably in the morning.

An “interesting position” (pregnancy) is also the cause of physiological leukocytosis in the fair sex. Leukocytosis is recorded in severe stressful situations, immoderate physical activity and taking certain medications.

This is explained by the fact that during this period of time, leukocytes accumulate in the mucous membrane uterine lining and in most cases occurs in the second trimester. In this case, the contractile function of the reproductive organ is stimulated, which blocks the penetration of infection to the child.

An increased level of leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy indicates problems in the woman’s body that can harm the fetus. In the presence of various types of inflammatory processes in the body, with tissue damage and burns, and even thrush.

The causes of pathological leukocytosis may be disorders respiratory tract, meningitis, contusion, tissue damage, bacterial infections, inflammatory, viral and purulent infections. Less common causes are cancer, permanent renal failure, myocardial infarction, and blood loss.

Leukocytosis (increased levels of white blood cells in the blood) is not a disease and therefore does not have its own proper symptoms. But its manifestations are other ailments that cause an increase in the number of white blood cells.

This may include a combination of symptoms inflammatory diseases such as increased body temperature, exhaustion, apathy, frequent hematomas and bruises, dizziness, fainting, increased sweating, loss of appetite, vision damage, sudden weight loss, as well as pain in abdominal cavity and limbs.

Characteristics of increased leukocytes in children

Children's leukocytosis is significantly different from leukocytosis in adults and is defined somewhat differently. At an immature age, the number of white particles in the blood changes quite quickly. But you should always control the quantity so as not to miss anything.

Leukocytosis factors

With influenza, severe leukocytosis manifests itself and with appropriate treatment, exacerbations can be avoided. There are also short-term increases in leukocytes in the blood, which appear due to stress.

In this situation, leukocytosis is reactive and, when the root causes are destroyed, dissipates on its own. Hereditary predisposition, abnormal nutrition and infections also affect the number of leukocytes in the child’s body.

Typical symptoms in children: short temper, nervousness, loss of appetite, lethargy, twitchiness, impotence of the body, weight loss and elevated body temperature.

If subsequent examination reveals that the child’s leukocytosis is due to physiological sources, then there is no need to worry. If the root causes of the increase in leukocytes are more serious illnesses, then it is necessary to urgently and urgently conduct a special examination and prescribe therapy.

Recognition and treatment of leukocytosis

Basically, leukocytosis is established on the basis of laboratory blood tests: detailed or general analysis.

In most cases, with physiological leukocytosis there is no need for treatment. It is advisable to wait some time and re-take the tests to confirm.

How to normalize the number of leukocytes? In cases where there are no obvious reasons, it is necessary to focus on the diet and go on a therapeutic diet.

Leukocytosis caused by medication should be regulated through the correct selection of medications to treat the concomitant illness.

But with pathological leukocytosis, you should go to a therapist. The method of therapy directly depends on the disease itself, which caused leukocytosis. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed.

There is also a procedure by which white blood cells are removed and removed from the blood, then the purified blood is reinfused back into the patient. This procedure is called leukapheresis and is intended in exceptional cases.

Timely and regular blood tests, as well as periodic examinations by therapists and doctors, serve as prevention against leukocytosis.

And in addition to the article - a video with Dr. Komarovsky about what an increased level of white blood cells means.

Leukocytes are white blood cells that are able to neutralize the negative effects of foreign cells on the body. Their content in the blood may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process, or about various pathologies, in which the obtained indicators differ significantly from the norm. Why there is an increase in leukocytes, what indicators are considered deviations from the norm, and how to deal with this, we will analyze further.

Normal values

When conducting laboratory analysis blood, it is important to take into account not only the average volume of leukocytes, but also their proportional content. The fact is that leukocytes are a group of blood cells that are similar in their functions, but different in reaction speed and direction. Therefore, it is important to identify not only the indicator that determines their quantity, but also their qualitative composition. Sometimes the level of cells is in, and upon a more detailed study of them, it turns out that there is pathology and deviations in their synthesis, in which only certain leukocytes are produced.

In an adult healthy, capable person, the general norm is considered to be the number of leukocytes in the blood in the range from 4 to 9×/l. IN childhood Minor deviations of 10-15% can be considered normal, which indicates the functioning of the body’s natural defenses against bacteria and viruses. Also, an increased level is considered normal for, which also indicates an increase in the level of the body’s defense and does not carry a pathological load.

If we consider the qualitative composition of leukocytes, then The following percentages are considered norms:

  • neutophils – 50-75% (most of total mass leukocytes);
  • lymphocytes – 25-40%;
  • monocytes – 3-5%;
  • eosinophils – no more than 4%;
  • basophils – less than 1%.

By determining the qualitative ratio, it is possible to identify the patient’s infection or the presence of fungal infections in the body that do not appear externally. Certain cells are activated and produced more actively than others when infected with bacteria, fungi, viruses or microbes. This biological feature allows us to assume and identify the real reason human diseases.

Elevated white blood cells occur when their levels exceed the upper limit of normal by 45-65% or more.

The most dangerous situations are when the excess reaches more than 300%. In this case, a special blood filtration procedure is required, otherwise there will be no casualties.

A disease in which white blood cells are elevated is called leukocytosis. Highlight two degrees of disease, which are characterized by high indicators:

  1. Absolute– deviations are observed only with a significant increase in the upper limit of the norm, and other indicators are within the acceptable range.
  2. Relative– the overall level of leukocytes is normal, but there are deviations in the qualitative composition, which may indicate the presence of intoxication, dehydration and burns.

Usually, the presence of a serious disease in the body is indicated not only by an increased level of leukocytes, but also by exceeding the norms of all indicators. In some cases, to confirm the diagnosis, the patient is asked to take a blood test again, since the composition of the blood (qualitative and quantitative) depends entirely on factors such as:

  • satiety of the body;
  • vigor and good sleep;
  • absence alcohol intoxication, which in itself indicates the presence of intoxication and an increase in leukocytes;
  • absence of menstruation in women;
  • psycho-emotional stability.

The performance is also affected by the use of certain drugs (especially the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which can accumulate in the blood and give false results, artificially increasing the indicators.

The danger of the disease is that it long time It is hidden, that is, there are no outward symptoms of the disease. Only with active progression does a person feel chronic fatigue, lack of appetite and loss of strength.

If not treated promptly, leukocytosis can cause death.


Among the reasons that can provoke increased leukocytes in the blood, highlight:

Physiological– are not associated with the presence of a disease, they arise as a result of natural physiological processes, as a response to an irritant. This includes such manifestations as:

  • prolonged exposure to the open sun, as a result of which heat stroke develops, which is characterized by an increase in leukocyte cells as a natural protective reaction;
  • strong physical activity that provokes muscle fiber injuries;
  • change of geographical place of residence, as well as the process of acclimatization;
  • strong tanning, resulting in increased skin pigmentation;
  • lack of normal nutrition or starvation;
  • disturbance of sleep and rest patterns;
  • the body’s reaction to the introduction of new complementary foods (in children), as well as eating exotic fruits and vegetables that do not have enzymes for digestion (in adults);
  • frequent stress and psycho-emotional stress;
  • if blood is taken from women during menstruation or a few days before it begins;
  • transfusion of donor blood, which the body does not accept well.

Physiological factors also include the systematic use of medications that artificially increase the level of leukocytes.

These include NSAIDs, aspirin and diuretics.

– talk about the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, which is characteristic of the following diseases:

  • ARI and acute respiratory viral infections: influenza, colds, chickenpox, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • severe intoxication of the body as a result of poisoning with chemical reagents, heavy metal vapors and household chemicals;
  • large blood loss;
  • Availability allergic reaction, as well as genetic predisposition to its manifestations;
  • the presence of cancer, including blood cancer, in which the synthesis of leukocytes by the bone marrow is impaired;
  • otitis and sinusitis, which arose as a complication against the background of progressive acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • dysfunction of the liver: last stage cirrhosis, which is characterized by complete or partial destruction of organ tissue;
  • renal failure;
  • removal of part or all of the spleen - a natural filter, without which an increase in the level of white blood cells is common.

If we consider relative leukocytosis, then an increase in individual microelements may indicate the following reasons:

  • increased neutrophils - characteristic of severe intoxication, cardiac and anaphylactic shock;
  • lymphocytes are increased - if the value exceeds the norm by 5-6 times, it means there is latent tuberculosis or whooping cough;
  • increased monocytes and basophils - this indicates serious infectious lesions internal organs, advantage of chronic stages;
  • a high level of eosinophils indicates the presence of an allergic reaction, as well as helminthic infestations and scarlet fever.


Treatment directly depends on what reason led to the increase in the number of leukocytes. Conventionally, doctors divide leukocytosis into two groups: the causes of which lie in the bone marrow (autoimmune diseases, oncology) and when natural defense reactions are activated (acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, etc.). If in the first case it concerns a complex area and involves conducting restraining therapy and bone marrow transplantation, then in the second case it is possible to normalize the leukocyte level if the inflammatory process that caused it is cured.

In cases where the level of leukocytes is catastrophically high, and this threatens a person’s life, leukopheresis is performed. This procedure involves artificial filtration of human blood, trapping and retaining leukocytes, bringing their overall level in the body to the maximum permissible.

In emergency situations, reasons elevated white blood cells in which there are problems with the bone marrow, donor cells are transplanted. The procedure is extremely expensive, but allows you to get 75 out of 100% of a complete recovery.


It is impossible to completely prevent the development of leukocytosis, but doctors say that its occurrence largely depends on three components: lifestyle, nutrition and psychological health. Therefore, the following will help reduce the risks of increasing the leukocyte count: preventive measures:

  1. Stop drinking alcohol (especially women), as well as smoking.
  2. Eat a balanced diet, eating enough vegetables and fruits.
  3. Reduce consumption of sugary carbonated drinks, fast food and other junk food: smoked sausage, sausages, mayonnaise, canned food, pates.
  4. Limit stressful situations, and also fully relax after work, not sitting at the computer, but walking in the park in the fresh air.
  5. Avoid excessive physical activity, as it leads to injury to muscle tissue, which is accompanied by pain.
  6. Do not self-medicate, turning to a specialist every time you become ill.

The most accurate and complete way to prevent the development of leukocytosis is a routine medical examination, where a detailed blood test is mandatory. It should be done at least once a year, which will help avoid complications and promptly signal the need to take appropriate measures.

Thus, an increased content of leukocytes is quite adequate response of the body to a stimulus, which is a foreign pathogenic cell that has penetrated inside.

However, if leukocytes are exceeded 2-3 times the established norm, such a pathology requires medical correction and searching for the cause. In 95% of cases, leukocytosis is not pathological, but occurs as a concomitant component in the presence of an inflammatory process. Treatment depends entirely on the cause of the disease, so may include both drug therapy, as well as more radical methods: leukopheresis and bone marrow transplantation.

Various things happen in the human body chemical processes. One of the most important and complex is hematopoiesis...

The body is blood. It is formed by plasma (a liquid medium) and cells suspended in it. These formed elements are represented by leukocytes, platelets, and erythrocytes.

The meaning of white blood cells

White cells are an important part immune system, so they are able to go beyond the blood flow and penetrate into the tissues themselves. Leukocytes take part in immune reactions by synthesizing T cells that recognize foreign substances. With the production of B cells, the body receives antibodies that absorb bacteria.

An increase in leukocytes in the blood is usually referred to as leukocytosis. Such conditions lead to a variety of health problems. A general analysis helps to identify pathology. The normal parameters vary depending on a whole range of factors, such as a person’s age and laboratory examination techniques. On average, there should be from four to nine thousand blood cells per 1 μl of plasma, otherwise an increase in leukocytes in the blood can be diagnosed.

What are white blood cells?

Leukocytes are blood cells that do not have a specific color. They are formed and mature in the red bone marrow. In terms of their external outlines, they resemble a ball with a core located inside.

Cells are divided into group II: agranulocytes, granulocytes, which depends on their structure. Each category is represented by specific types of bodies that carry out their own functions. The role of white blood cells is to protect the body from bacteria, viruses and anything foreign. It is these cells that synthesize antibodies that absorb harmful microorganisms. An increase in white blood cells in the blood in most cases is caused by the body's normal reaction to foreign cells.

Causes of the disease

It is necessary to understand that the white blood cell count is a constantly changing value. The result of the analysis is influenced by the person’s condition, his health, and purely physiological factors: a certain diet, emotional stress, physical fatigue, temperature fluctuations.

Why does elevation occur in children?

In childhood, including infancy, an increase in leukocytes in the blood does not have any symptoms. Pathology is often detected accidentally as a result of laboratory analysis. If blood cells are elevated in newborns under five days of age, this may be a sign of congenital leukemia, as inflammation is unlikely to occur. This is very rare disease, which accompanies defects in the intrauterine development of the baby (Down's disease, heart defects, body abnormalities).

In children over one year old, the reasons for the increase in leukocytes may be as follows:

  • infections;
  • excessive emotional stress;
  • frequent high physical activity;
  • incorrect diet.

The causes of childhood leukocytosis can be simple outdoor games, running, and physical activity. A high cell content performs a metabolic function, so such indicators are usually not considered a warning sign.

Why does it increase in adults?

As a rule, an increase in leukocytes in the blood is observed in pregnant women, who often have weakened immunity and destabilized hormonal levels. Lead to an increase in cell levels viral infections, stress, severe anxiety, inflammation, even scratches. Some clinical pictures allow the diagnosis of physiological increases in levels caused by toxicosis. During delivery, increased white blood cells stimulate uterine contractions and prevent infection from entering the body.

In the male body, leukocytosis is often caused by inflammatory processes localized in the pelvic area, with kidney diseases, Bladder. An increase in leukocytes in the blood, the reasons for which are increased physical activity, poor lifestyle, and taking certain pharmacological agents, is most often diagnosed. In addition, people who have had their spleen removed are susceptible to pathology. The leukocyte formula in men is stable if he is not addicted to gluttony and is not forced to perform heavy muscular activity.

IN female body An increase in leukocytes in the blood, the causes of which are the characteristics of the cycle, is especially common. Other physiological factors leading to pathology: regular taking too cold or hot baths, unbalanced diet. Often the disease is caused by sexually transmitted infections, weak immunity, bacterial and viral lesions, burns, tumors, and arthritis.

The main factors in the development of leukocytosis

The main reasons leading to such conditions, regardless of gender, are listed below.

  1. Acute infectious diseases, flu, ARVI. Immunocompetent cells always react to invasion, resulting in an increased level of leukocytes in the blood.
  2. Inflammatory diseases in chronic form. The disease can be localized in any organ. Leukocytosis is not as pronounced because the body fights the process less actively.
  3. Tissue damage due to trauma. The increased content of leukocytes in the blood is caused by the body’s protective reaction to damage to the epidermis.
  4. Dietary leukocytosis. After a good meal, the body activates a protective function, in which protective cells accumulate in the layers of the intestine. That is why tests are always taken on an empty stomach.
  5. Allergic exacerbations. The body is in constant struggle, so the level of blood cells always increases. The same applies to various autoimmune diseases - with them, leukocytes in the blood are always elevated.
  6. The reasons for elevated white blood cells may lie in severe pain and emotional impact. Our immune cells do not remain indifferent to pain, mental, emotional and physical stress.
  7. Absorption into the blood of certain pharmacological agents that are perceived by the body as foreign. Due to this factor, leukocytes in the blood are often elevated.
  8. The causes of elevated white blood cells may be disorders of the bone marrow - the worst growth factor for blood cells. Then this is not just a reaction of the body, but a specific disease.

Treatment of the disease

Correction of the condition is carried out only when the cause that caused the increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood is reliably established. A qualified doctor makes a final assessment of the situation and prescribes appropriate treatment. If doctors suspect the pathological nature of the development of the disease, a full diagnosis is prescribed.

According to statistics, an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood indicates ongoing inflammation or infection, so treatment includes antibiotics. Once the infection is cleared, cell levels return to normal. The drug itself is selected by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the disease, characteristics pathological process, contraindications and risks. In some cases, antacids, corticosteroids are prescribed to effective removal negative manifestations.

Therapeutic measures are being implemented to support the activity of the digestive tract, kidneys, liver, and heart. According to indications, leukapheresis is performed, in which the bloodstream is cleared of excess white blood cells. Such methods are especially effective if there is a slight increase in white blood cells.

If the disease is caused by physiological factors, that is, it is temporary, or it was not possible to establish visible causes, it is recommended to pay attention to the principles of nutrition, reduce protein consumption, that is, adhere to a therapeutic diet. If leukocytes increase due to pharmacological drugs, treatment must be adjusted to select medications that are more acceptable to the patient.

All measures are prescribed by a hematologist specializing in lesions circulatory system and blood diseases. It will reliably reveal why leukocytes in the blood are elevated.

Causes of leukocytosis and diagnosis of diseases

Blood cell subsets may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  • Neutrophilic leukocytosis. The absolute number of neutrophils is exceeded. It tells the story of development bacterial infection, about old or long-term inflammatory process. Indirectly - about bone marrow oncology.
  • Basophilic leukocytosis. Occurs in response to allergic irritants. Normally, basophils increase during pregnancy. Also, the indicators are exceeded in patients with disorders of the digestive tract, thyroid gland, spleen.
  • Lymphocytic. Occurs in diseases such as chickenpox, measles, rubella, hepatitis C, tuberculosis, and influenza.
  • Eosinophilic leukocytosis. The process is characteristic of allergies and sometimes becomes an indicator of developing inflammation.
  • Monocytic. Indirectly indicates oncology, sluggish tuberculosis, early stages of recovery.

Instead of completion

The causes and treatment of high levels of leukocytes in the blood is an area that requires qualified medical participation. To control the condition own body, it is recommended to take it at least twice a year full analysis blood, sometimes pass full medical examination. Timely identification of a pathological process or deviation will allow all therapeutic measures to be carried out in a timely manner. The likelihood of curing any disease that is under early stage, close to 99%.