Preparing a figure for the summer or how to refuse harmful products. How to give up junk food? How to give up junk food and lose weight

24 Mar 0 3821

Tatyana Dzutseva: Spring has begun, we are increasingly approaching the mirror, critically looking at ourselves, and we understand that from Monday it is time to finish with all the sweets and bakery products. But someone forgets about it right away, someone, maybe, starts "new life", but it also ends quickly.

I have written many times in the section "Beauty and health" that last year I lost weight with the help of proper nutrition for two sizes. The basis of my diet was vegetables and proteins, as well as vegetable oils, cereals, cottage cheese and dried fruits. And at the same time - the rejection of all harmful products. Recently I received this letter: Tanya, once again I wanted to say a HUGE thank you to you and your blog. After all, thanks to your advice (heading "Beauty and Health"), I lost weight by 9 kg in a month and a half. I propose today to continue the conversation about healthy eating.

Talk about:

  • What foods are harmful?
  • Why are they harmful?
  • Why is it so hard to give them up?

When I made the decision to start eating right “from Monday”, the wild resistance had already begun three days before this very Monday. My mood is starting to deteriorate.

In my head all the time there was a thought: - Well, what kind of life will this be? No favorite junk food. Sometimes for breakfast and lunch I ate cake and coffee, and something tasty and fatty - late for dinner. And of course, any snacks at any time: chocolate, sweets, cake, cookies, seeds.

I was not ready for the schedule and eating by the hour, as I was used to indulging myself in everything. The first two weeks were the most difficult, because I did not see any results.

Naturally, I was tormented by doubts - you limit yourself in everything, but centimeters do not go away. Only in the third week, the hips began to decrease by half a centimeter in three days. Since I sew a lot, it's not the weight that matters to me, but the size.

It is important to measure yourself or weigh yourself only in the morning.

Do not do this all the time, especially in the evening, at least for the first two weeks. The weight will hold on and your motivation will drop.

On strict healthy nutrition I was 1.5 months. The result is minus two sizes. I lost weight from 48 to 44. I was so pleased with the results, to be honest, I didn’t count, so I slowly started eating a lot of unnecessary things again. Over the course of the year, I got better. And since all summer dresses were sewn under size 44, then again this year I decided to switch to a slender diet.

And what I want to tell you, the inclusion was without resistance, no sabotage and no bad mood. I realized that this is a purely psychological aspect.

I don’t feel any hunger this year, and last year I couldn’t wait for the next meal. A year ago, this food even irritated me a little, but today I feel like the mistress of the situation.

I realized that with all these tastes I painted my life. Not just talk with a friend, but also eat a lot of sweets. Not just watch TV, but drink tea with condensed milk, cake, cookies and chocolate, plus nibble seeds.

There are foods that are hard to give up.

My top bad foods:

1) Sweets, chocolate cakes, sweets.

2) Cookies, bread, baguettes, pies. You can leave only whole grain bread. The only negative is that it is difficult to buy, so you can do without it. For example, eating cereals and sprouted wheat.

3) Coffee, coffee with sugar, coffee with cream. It's a myth that coffee invigorates. The excitement doesn't last long. Coffee is a very big psychological habit that increases problems. Invigorating cold breakfast. For example, a salad of raw carrots and raw beets with sesame seeds, naturally without sugar, plus low-fat cottage cheese with low-fat yogurt. Also sugar free.

This breakfast does not look as luxurious as COFFEE and ham with different cheeses. But it is worth trying, and you will feel lightness, mobility, the whole body after such a breakfast welcomes you and thanks you.

4) Fried food

5) Red meat and sausages, ham.

6) All products with "E": ketchups, mayonnaises, canned food, chips, crackers

7) Alcohol. All the talk about the benefits of red wine is just talk. This is the same addiction only to red wine.

With the help of all this junk food, we do not nourish ourselves, but calm ourselves. we maintain a good mood. We eat the lack of close relationships, feelings of anxiety, feelings of insecurity, loneliness, our lack of fulfillment, sweeten our lives. But is it possible to change your life with the help of junk food? To make it high-quality, protected, realized, bright? Unlikely.

Not realizing this, we get addicted to bright tastes and products, getting a temporary effect, and we get used to seizing our feelings and problems and not noticing. As a result, these products become unsafe not only for health, but also for the psyche. We get used to solving our problems in this way, or rather to forget about them for a while.

And we get reverse effect: eating and drinking, we forget about our problems, but then they are exposed with renewed vigor. And we sit down to eat "delicious" again.

If you really want to consciously start eating healthy foods, then you need to ask yourself:

  • What do you need?
  • What are you missing?
  • What upsets and stresses you?

And understand that food is not a solution to problems, but an escape. And you, an adult woman, are able to pull yourself together and not be led by self-pity.

For example, sugary foods are digested quickly, raising blood glucose levels, but levels fall just as quickly. And the problem comes up again Bad mood. And then the extra weight and dissatisfaction with yourself.

“Refined sugar is not a food, but a drug. It has no nutritional value, just empty calories. It can dangerously change brain chemistry and become narcotic substance for many people". Robin Norwood.

And from a purely practical point of view, 100 gr. sugar contains 400 calories. For comparison, 100 gr. cucumber contains 15 calories.

Some nutritionists advise replacing sweets with fruits., bananas, apples, honey or fructose. Offer to snack between meals. Do you believe that you can eat half a banana (by the way, this fruit has a high glycemic index) and forget about food? Me not. It becomes a new habit of chewing something.

Or a spoonful of honey a day. When I replaced sweets with honey, I ate jars of honey. And what happens is that you, replacing, still continue to depend. Only from fruits, eating their problems with them. Although fruits do not do well with this.

Therefore, if you decide to build weight now, then no snacks, honey, and fruits. And if you really eat fruits, then only as a separate meal. When fruit becomes a separate meal, and not a snack, then there is no need for them at all.

No one will save you better than water during an attack of psychological hunger., between meals and the desire to grab something. But this habit of drinking water instead of something to eat is built in for a long time. You have to be conscious and suffer a little and even force yourself.

Yes, and when you start eating the right and healthy foods, the craving for harmful itself gradually disappears.

The most malicious sweet tooth can afford black bitter chocolate. Just bitter or dark chocolate will not work. The bar should say 75% cocoa. Or higher. But 75% is enough. Once I bought myself 98% cocoa, it was impossible to eat, just pressed cocoa. After lunch and dinner, you can eat one slice. Then you will understand what it is to have fun.

Sometimes, in order to start changing her life, a woman just needs to give up jeans and black and switch to feminine dresses and skirts.

Avoiding harmful, depressing foods will also increase happiness and joy in your life. New opportunities and new channels of enjoyment will open up, not only from food. Change your diet and you will change your life!

  • Proper nutrition will help you avoid unpleasant strict diets and the gym if you do not like this kind of exercise.
  • You will be able to maintain the weight at a certain level, without the subsequent rapid set.
  • You will learn to listen to the needs of your body, its desires, and not close its mouth by immoderate absorption of unnecessary food.
  • You will never experience unpleasant discomfort and heaviness in the stomach after eating.
  • You will become more conscious, lettuce from fresh vegetables not interested in eating in front of the computer and TV. It should be eaten on a beautiful plate, preferably with a knife and fork.
  • Learn not to eat problems, but to enjoy food.
  • Your sense of smell will be sharpened, and taste habits will diversify.
  • If you learn to eat right, then you will control the intake of harmful foods, and not they you.
  • You will enjoy looking at yourself in the mirror. I will never believe that you can accept and love yourself with 2-5 extra SIZES. Rather, you can give up on yourself, but not fall in love. Love begins with a conscious relationship with your body.
  • You will get rid of addiction to junk food, which means you will become free and happy no matter the circumstances. From whether there is something “delicious” for the evening or not.

Last year, before agreeing to proper nutrition, I rummaged through the entire Internet, read a sea of ​​​​books, Russian and foreign nutritionists. Something hooked me at Mantignac, something at Ducane. But most of all I was convinced by Tatyana Malakhova. Many thanks to her for this.

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Bee Wilson is a nutritionist and author of several books including First Bite: How We Learn To Eat (Basic Books, 2015); Sandwich: A Global History (Reaktion Books, 2010); "Consider The Fork: A History Of How We Cook And Eat" (Basic Books, 2012).

We are accustomed to perceive our taste preferences as an integral part of ourselves. Sometimes we make friends through a shared fondness for liquorice or Chinese cuisine. Or we are looking for a couple in social networks with the status of "vegan". But are gastronomic tastes really our personal choice?

children of the corn

I knew a boy who ate nothing but corn flakes. No matter what time it was, he replaced every meal with a bowl of cereal with milk. My parents were seriously concerned about this obsession, and my sister and I studied the gastronomic phenomenon with sincere curiosity. We've been theorizing about how this weird corn fetish came about. It seemed that the love of corn flakes was part of his character, if not completely inherent in him at the genetic level. And nothing can be done about it.

Pizza or herring?

Indeed, our taste preferences are largely influenced by genes (especially bitter and salty tastes), where we live, and family. If you want to know what your colleague likes, ask where his parents or he is from. An Italian cannot live without pasta and pizza. Norwegian - without salted fish. Natives of North Africa who moved to France cannot imagine life without mint tea.

And vice versa - often we do not like certain products just because in our childhood for some reason they were not. If that little cornflake lover lived in a country where corn doesn't grow, he'd have to choose a different food obsession.

“Why does homemade food seem the most delicious? Since childhood, we are emotionally attached to certain aromas and tastes. Whether it's grandma's pie or mom's soup."

Love for three oranges

Another reason for our love for certain products is the diet of expectant mothers during pregnancy. Psychobiologists Julie Mennella and Gary Beauchamp of the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia found that women who drank regularly during the last trimester of pregnancy carrot juice, children from birth adored carrots. The same results were obtained by Mennella and Beauchamp in mothers who ate a lot of garlic or oranges.

Taste of childhood

Why is homemade food the most delicious? Since childhood, we are emotionally attached to certain aromas and tastes. Whether it's grandma's pie or mom's soup. We can learn to love even unpleasant things if we have positive childhood memories associated with them.

It is these memories that prevent us from changing our eating habits. We understand that it is healthier to eat a portion of fruits and vegetables every day. But how hard it is to refuse ice cream or chips! After all, in childhood they brought so much joy! It is necessary to remove chocolate from the diet, it immediately seems that something important is missing. But toddlers who haven't been given chocolate will easily go without sweets into adulthood. They did not know this taste and cannot miss it.

“The best way to change your diet is to move to another country. We all noticed that on vacation we enjoy eating new dishes for ourselves. ”

Matter of habit

It turns out that the choice of your favorite cuisine is determined by genes, parents, childhood memories, place of birth, but not by ourselves? At the same time, taste preferences can change dramatically over the course of a lifetime. Man is omnivorous, which means he is able to discover new foods and tastes. Everyone starts their life with milk, but not everyone drinks it every day. As children, we often do not like olives and only with age are able to appreciate their salty taste. Most of us, during our lives, begin to love something that we have not eaten before.

If you want to lose weight, move!

How then to change your diet to a healthier one? The best way- gradually include new foods in the diet, experiment with spices - they will give "fresh" dishes a new taste.

Learn new recipes. There are thousands of dishes in the world that you have never tried, which means that there is a chance that you will love them. It is known that you can give up salt and sugar in a few weeks. It is only necessary to gradually reduce their number.

Gradually deny yourself a morning bun and dessert after dinner. Allow yourself sweets on certain days, for example, twice a week. Don't beat yourself up if you break. Stock up on patience. Find an alternative to daily sweets - replace them with dates, raisins.

But the best way to change the diet is to move to another country. We all noticed that on vacation we enjoy trying new dishes. People who lived in other countries are returning with new culinary preferences. This means that we are capable of a complete reboot. And you can learn to eat steamed vegetables, herbs, fish and meat at any age.

Nutritionists have long drawn our attention to the fact that cravings for junk food are more dependent on the habits of our brain than on the habits of the body. Sometimes the flavorings generously supplied by such attractive hazards are addictive, but not to such an extent that it cannot be eliminated by an effort of will. Let's try to train the will and the brain?

1. Read labels

A working way to buy less junk food is to be aware of what we get with it. And this does not mean that you need to completely abandon, for example, cookies. After all, spending a little more time near the shelf in the store to read the composition, you can find a product that will have less sugar, there will be no harmful preservatives and additives.

By reading the label, you will learn about the amount of sugar, the presence of flavor enhancers and unnecessary additives.

Pay attention not to the name of the product, but to the ingredients. For example, dumplings may be called "Beef", but there will be 20% beef. Check out the chocolate: if sugar comes first on the list, and then vegetable fats come, then it’s anything but chocolate.

Even if you are not ready to immediately give up not quite healthy food, you can always choose products that are less harmful in composition.

2. Follow the 5 Ingredients Rule

Finding less than 5 ingredients on a package of sausage is difficult these days, but possible. Please note: if you see more than 5 items on simple products (dairy, pastries, juices), this is an alarming indicator.

Many additives are used to improve the consistency, thicken, increase the weight of the product, and extend the shelf life.

It is worth knowing that:

Manufacturers also use natural analogues of chemical preservatives, look for them on packages: citric acid, honey, salt, vinegar. Is pectin added instead of gelatin in sweets? Fine, it is considered more useful, it is not without reason that this ingredient is used in eco-products. The E marking on products is alarming, but it must be borne in mind that not all “e-cooks” are harmful. For example, E260 is just acetic acid, E500- baking soda.For example, riboflavin E101, pectin E300, vitamin C E440 - the composition of an ordinary apple. The addition of E250, or sodium nitrite, in the composition of the sausage indicates that the product is protected from the formidable botulinum toxin. Only this substance can resist him. Sodium nitrite is found in large quantities in spinach.

3. Take pictures of food

Visualization helps you control your diet This is why nutritionists advise keeping a food diary. If you are in the mood for weight loss or a healthy diet, then you will no longer be able to eat a cake and quickly forget about it. The diary will not forget, but the photo will remind.

The amount of food eaten per day, you can "totalize" in the evening, and this will help you adjust your diet and get rid of extra pounds faster.

4. Replace a harmful product with a useful alternative

Who will voluntarily replace a cheeseburger with a carrot?! At first, the prospect of substituting one meal for another does not inspire enthusiasm. Until you notice that your well-being is improving, and the weight is coming off. Such a replacement will sweeten the bitterness of parting and will allow you not to change eating habits drastically and cardinally. Popular alternatives that get used to quickly are:

milk chocolate - dark chocolate; chips - popcorn without butter; french fries - baked potatoes; ice cream - frozen yogurt; sweets for tea - dried fruits; cookies - whole grain bread.

5. Diversify your diet

A well-known fact: the craving for harmful substances is due to a lack of useful elements in the body. This is easy to notice in the summer: during the ripening period of your favorite berries, you are no longer drawn to sweets, right?

If you are irresistibly drawn to eat something fatty, there is not enough calcium in the body and fat soluble vitamins- add dairy products, cheeses, broccoli to the diet. Craving for flour indicates a lack of nitrogen and fats, eat more legumes, meat and nuts. Unbearably craving sweets, especially chocolate? There is not enough magnesium in the body - seeds, nuts, buckwheat make up for its deficiency. Are you craving coffee? The body needs phosphorus and sulfur - cranberries and seeds contain them. If ice cream is your passion, try adding rabbit, chicken and turkey meat to your diet - you lack calcium and tryptophan.

6. Add More Colored Foods

Research has shown that the red color of food makes it more attractive and tasty from the point of view of our brain. We tend to consider red food more nutritious and tasty, while green food, on the contrary, is not very attractive, “immature”.

Have you noticed that junk food often does not have a special color? Baking, chips, cookies, fast food the brain perceives as one. We eat "beige food" and do not monitor saturation, the body requires more and more.

Add “colors” to the plate, and the process of saturation will go completely differently - a bright banana and a red apple can work wonders.

7. Experiment with new flavors

Many harmful foods are bright flavors: spices, sweeteners, flavor enhancers, salt. The best way to pamper your receptors is to do some experimenting. Add new dishes to the diet, play with spices and seasonings, mixing them. There are thousands of dishes in the world that you have not tried.

For example, hummus can perfectly replace a purchased meat pate with stabilizers and flavor enhancers, and a familiar dish to which you add aromatic herbs will “play” in a completely different way.

8. Avoid extreme hunger

If you are used to snacking on fast carbohydrates (sweets, chips, ice cream, buns, fast food), then your blood sugar levels are constantly jumping. When sugar drops too low, there is again a strong desire to eat something unhealthy. and it is difficult to get out of this vicious circle.

Do not allow severe hunger, and as a “prevention”, drive it away with healthy snacks, preferably protein ones. They give a feeling of satiety for a long time and do not allow blood sugar levels to change so dramatically. These are yogurts, cheeses, nuts, pumpkin seeds, chicken fillet pieces, green smoothies, eggs.

Have you managed to overcome the addiction to harmful goodies?

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Nutritionists have long drawn our attention to the fact that cravings for junk food are more dependent on the habits of our brain than on the habits of the body. Sometimes the flavorings generously supplied by such attractive hazards are addictive, but not to such an extent that it cannot be eliminated by an effort of will. Let's try to train the will and the brain?

We are in website We decided to collect working tips that will help us figure out what we buy in the store and approach the choice more consciously.

1. Read labels

A working way to buy less junk food is to be aware of what we get with it. And this does not mean that you need to completely abandon, for example, cookies. After all, spending a little more time near the shelf in the store to read the composition, you can find a product that will have less sugar, there will be no harmful preservatives and additives.

Finding less than 5 ingredients on a package of sausage is difficult these days, but possible. Please note: if you see more than 5 items on simple products (dairy, pastries, juices), this is an alarming indicator.

Many additives are used to improve the consistency, thicken, increase the weight of the product, and extend the shelf life.

It is worth knowing that:

  • Manufacturers also use natural analogues of chemical preservatives, look for them on packages: citric acid, honey, salt, vinegar.
  • Is pectin added to sweets instead of gelatin? Great, it is considered more useful, it is not without reason that this ingredient is used in eco-products.
  • The E label on products is worrisome, but keep in mind that not all E's are bad. For example, E260 is just acetic acid, E500 is baking soda.
  • For example, riboflavin E101, pectin E300, ascorbic acid E440 are the composition of an ordinary apple.
  • The addition of E250, or sodium nitrite, in the composition of the sausage suggests that the product is protected from the formidable botulinum toxin. Only this substance can resist him. Sodium nitrite is found in large quantities in spinach.

3. Take pictures of food

Visualization helps you control your diet, which is why nutritionists advise keeping a food diary. If you are in the mood for weight loss or a healthy diet, then you will no longer be able to eat a cake and quickly forget about it. The diary will not forget, but the photo will remind.

The amount of food eaten per day, you can "totalize" in the evening, and this will help you adjust your diet and get rid of extra pounds faster.

4. Replace a harmful product with a useful alternative

Who will voluntarily replace a cheeseburger with a carrot?! At first, the prospect of substituting one meal for another does not inspire enthusiasm. Until you notice that your well-being is improving, and the weight is coming off. Such a replacement will sweeten the bitterness of parting and will allow you not to change eating habits drastically and cardinally. Popular alternatives that get used to quickly are:

  • milk chocolate - dark chocolate;
  • chips - popcorn without oil;
  • french fries - baked potatoes;
  • ice cream - frozen yogurt;
  • sweets for tea - dried fruits;
  • cookies - whole grain bread.

5. Diversify your diet

A well-known fact: the craving for harmful substances is due to a lack of useful elements in the body. This is easy to notice in the summer: during the ripening period of your favorite berries, you are no longer drawn to sweets, right?

  • If you are irresistibly drawn to eat something fatty, the body lacks calcium and fat-soluble vitamins - add dairy products, cheeses, broccoli to your diet.
  • Craving for flour indicates a lack of nitrogen and fat, eat more legumes, meat and nuts.
  • Unbearably craving sweets, especially chocolate? The body lacks magnesium - seeds, nuts, buckwheat make up for its deficiency.
  • Are you craving coffee? The body needs phosphorus and sulfur - they contain cranberries and seeds.
  • If your passion is ice cream, try adding rabbit, chicken and turkey meat to your diet - you lack calcium and tryptophan.

6. Add More Colored Foods

Research has shown that the red color of food makes it more attractive and tasty from the point of view of our brain. We tend to consider red food more nutritious and tasty, while green food, on the contrary, is not very attractive, “immature”.

Have you noticed that junk food often does not have a special color? Baking, chips, cookies, fast food the brain perceives as one. We eat "beige food" and do not monitor saturation, the body requires more and more.

  • September 13, 2018
  • Psychology of Personality
  • Rosalia Rayson

Now every second person can confess his love for junk food. The cult of food is present in almost all Russian families Soviet period. Now we can buy products at any time of the day. And empty shelves in supermarkets are rare.

Why are so many people so used to consuming a lot of junk food? Why do so few people think about their health and switch to proper nutrition? Let's study this question. We offer you to finally figure out how to give up junk food forever and change your lifestyle.

healthy eating

Recently, the media, doctors and nutritionists, as if by agreement, do not promote diets, namely healthy lifestyle life, which includes proper nutrition. What it is?

Proper nutrition (or PP) is a set of rules, following which you can dramatically improve your health, change your figure and change your life for the better. To do this, you will have to give up many bad habits: snacking at night, drinking alcohol, overeating, eating fatty foods.

Is it possible to lose weight on PP?

The goal of proper nutrition is not loss excess weight. Weight loss is just a bonus, which, of course, cannot but please the adherents of the PP. But it is worth warning: you can easily and quickly lose extra pounds, but with one condition. If you perceive healthy eating not as a diet, but as a way of life. You will be able to observe improvements in figure or health only if you always eat according to certain rules. Don't think it's temporary. Take care of yourself and your body will thank you.

Eliminate junk food

How to give up junk food? We will help the transition to a healthy diet. This is not a diet, this is a complete diet, which includes quite tasty dishes that can saturate and improve mood. With this way of life, you will definitely forget about your favorite junk food.

Why do you crave junk food?

There are several reasons. Let's look at some:

  1. It's all about food signals. We can be provoked by any fragrant smell, famous logo, which causes us associations and reflexes. For example, if we see a yellow M on a red background, we immediately imagine a delicious cheeseburger and fries served with Cola. Food cues are hard to control and even harder to ignore. This is how we are, unfortunately. And marketers and advertisers are mostly to blame for this. After all, it is they who impose all these associations on us.
  2. When we are hungry, a special hormone stimulates the brain, which is why we feel a certain signal that makes us want to eat. But scientists have found the following: the brain responds faster to signals that are associated with unhealthy food.
  3. You set your own boundaries. Forbidden fruit is always sweet. Scientists and doctors have long denied the benefits of diets for the body. After all, they with a probability of 70% will lead to weight gain (moreover, in double volume). Also, 95% of girls who have ever tried to restrict themselves in food, have brought themselves to an eating disorder. This is mental illness that will stay with you for the rest of your life. And you cannot solve this problem on your own. Only with the help of experts in the field of eating behavior.

Unfortunately, sometimes we ourselves bring ourselves to such a state when, apart from junk food, we don’t want anything at all. We should learn to listen to our body and start eating mindfully. How to give up junk food? Learn the Basics healthy eating and follow that lifestyle.

What is junk food?

First, let's figure out what exactly will have to be abandoned. So, below is a list of the most unhealthy foods:

  • Confectionery and sugar.
  • Fast food.
  • Any flour pastries, bakery products.
  • Sweet soda.
  • Canned food and marinades.
  • Fatty food.
  • Fried food.
  • Smoked products.
  • Sausages.
  • Fatty dairy products.
  • Fatty cheeses.
  • Mayonnaises, ketchups and other sauces.
  • Alcohol.
  • Shop semi-finished products.

Eliminate the above products from your diet, and then the result will not be long in coming.

What then is possible?

Consider what will help us make a balanced diet, which includes only high-quality and healthy products for the body.

What do we mean by a balanced diet? Your nutrition can be called complete if you consume the required amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates during the day.

Consider a list of healthy foods.


Healthy protein foods are:

  • Any river and sea fish, such as sea bass, pink salmon, pollock, hake, trout, tuna, perch, dorado, salmon.
  • Seafood like shrimp, mussels and squid.
  • Chicken and quail eggs.
  • Chicken, rabbit, turkey meat, lean pork. Also beef and veal.

Milk products

What dairy products can be consumed?

  • Low fat milk.
  • Cottage cheese semi-fat (5%) or fat-free.
  • Kefir.
  • Natural yoghurts without additives.
  • Cheeses: brynza, feta, Adygeisky, Suluguni, Poshekhonsky and all other low-fat cheeses.

Cereals and cereals

What can be cooked as a side dish for meat?

  • Oatmeal.
  • Brown rice.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Durum wheat pasta.
  • Millet.
  • Rye flakes.
  • Bulgur.

What vegetables and fruits are considered the most useful?

  • Apples.
  • Pears.
  • Peaches.
  • Plums.
  • Nectarines.
  • Apricots.
  • All citrus.
  • Kiwi.
  • A pineapple.
  • Currants, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries and other berries.
  • Broccoli.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Any cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli, white cabbage, sea).
  • Zucchini.
  • Eggplant.
  • Pepper.
  • Green salad.
  • Spinach.
  • Garlic.
  • Asparagus.

Healthy eating rules

We have considered an incomplete list of products that can replace the most unhealthy food. Now let's go directly to the rules of the PP.

By following these rules, you can activate your metabolic processes, improve digestion and improve well-being.

Follow the diet

The optimal number of meals is 5 during the day:

  • At 8 am - a hearty breakfast.
  • The second light breakfast is at 11 am.
  • Full lunch - at 2 pm.
  • At 17:00 - a small snack.
  • At 8 pm - a light dinner.

You need to eat with breaks of 3-4 hours. Do not eat 3 hours before bedtime. If you are very hungry, it is better to drink a glass of low-fat kefir or eat natural yogurt without additives.

Proper heat treatment

Everything is preserved in food beneficial features only with minimal heat treatment. That is why it is preferable to boil, stew or bake. You can also steam food.

Avoid frying with a large number oils. Fried food is bad for our body. It contains a lot of trans fats, cholesterol, which increase the risk of vascular and oncological diseases.

Size matters

We mean portion of dishes. If you think that you will eat 500 g of meat and 500 g of salad at a time and at the same time help your body, you are mistaken.

  • Protein food should fit the size of the palm.
  • Fruits, vegetables and salads should be fist-sized.
  • A portion of carbohydrate food (garnish, cereals) is equal to one palm.
  • How to determine the amount of fat on a plate? Use two finger joints.

It is unlikely that every housewife has a kitchen scale with which you can accurately determine the weight of the product and dish. It is for this reason that we have provided you with recommendations that will help you calculate portions.

Stop Overeating

Control not only the quality of food consumed, but also its quantity. If you are on the verge of a breakdown, then you will have to have a frank conversation with yourself. Ask yourself the following questions, answering which you can prevent overeating:

  1. Will this food benefit my body?
  2. Will I feel shame later if I do eat this dish?
  3. Even if this food does not benefit me, can it be tasty enough for me to try it without regret?

You must answer honestly. You should not be influenced by any other factors. Do not fall for the persuasion of your friends, acquaintances and parents. Take responsibility for your body. It's up to you to decide whether to stay young, beautiful and a healthy person as long as possible or not.

Moreover, continue to communicate with your body even in the process of eating a meal. Watch yourself. As soon as you realize that a feeling of fullness has come to you, ask yourself questions again:

  1. Am I still hungry?
  2. Am I really still enjoying the dish and fully tasting it?
  3. Should I eat another piece?
  4. If I eat a little more, will I overeat? Will I feel heavy?

In general, the idea is simple and understandable. The point is to take complete control of your eating behavior.

Keep a food diary

In order not to take a step back and not turn off the path, write down everything you ate. Get more organized. Mark the time, count the amount of BJU and calories. Keep track of energy and nutritional value dishes.

Diet variety

In order not to go back to erratic eating and food that is harmful to the liver, stomach, heart and other organs, your diet must be varied. Who would like to eat cheesecakes for breakfast 7 days a week, boiled chicken breast for lunch and vegetable salad for dinner? Such a meager diet will definitely lead to a breakdown. It is obvious why you want to eat something from the list of prohibited foods.

So, how to give up junk food once and for all? Diversify your diet in the following ways:

  • Add new dishes from time to time. Learn interesting, original recipes and implement them in your kitchen.
  • Prepare sauces at home, add them to dishes.
  • Try to diversify your diet with vegetables. Cook and serve them with various cereals and meats.
  • Use spices and seasonings when baking and cooking.
  • Buy different vegetable oils: olive, sunflower, linseed, cedar.
  • Try new exotic fruits, vegetables and meats. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Sooner or later we get used to food, it becomes boring. If we do not add new dishes to the diet, this will adversely affect our body. We deprive it of the opportunity to function normally and receive a full range of nutrients and minerals. Give your body everything it needs. Diversify your meals, it's easy.

Using the microwave correctly

Unfortunately, not all foods and dishes can be heated in a microwave oven. What this is fraught with and why it is better to refuse to use the microwave in some cases, we will find out right now.

  1. Celery is a very useful plant that has a negative calorie content. It contains a lot of nitrates, but they generally do not affect our body in any way when consuming a vegetable in its natural form. But if celery is heated in the microwave, harmless nitrates turn into dangerous carcinogenic nitrites.
  2. Mushrooms are a food that is rich in protein. But if they are heated, they begin to change their structure. Therefore, the use of dishes with mushrooms that have undergone heat treatment threatens with bloating, the occurrence pain and gravity.
  3. Everyone knows that chicken eggs are an ideal source of protein. Therefore, with this product the same story as with mushrooms. Natural protein is undesirable to warm up.
  4. Chicken meat contains a lot of protein. It also becomes dangerous when re-heated. And chicken turns into the most unhealthy food product.
  5. Potatoes are made up of starch. When we heat this product for the first time, the starch breaks down into compounds that are harmless to the body. But if you heat the potatoes a second time, then these very compounds already become dangerous. Eating such foods can lead to gastritis and ulcers.

Is it safe to heat food in the microwave? Probably not. Just follow the advice we have given you. Be aware of which foods can be reheated and which ones should not.

Water is our friend

We advise you to buy a liter bottle (put next to you on the table), a half-liter (you can take it with you to work or training) and a small one (300 ml to carry in a backpack or purse). So you get used to drinking your water norm per day. In just two weeks you will feel lightness in your body, your mood will improve. Also, water consumption has a beneficial effect on the condition skin. Drinking 2 liters of fluid a day, you get rid of acne and oily skin.

If you play sports or lead an active lifestyle, you should drink more than two liters of water.

By the way, you should disperse the work of your body by drinking a glass of water after waking up. Two hundred milliliters will be enough.

You need to start taking care of your health as early as possible. Good luck with catering! Believe in yourself.