How long will the pupils be dilated after the drops. Why do children's optometrists bury drops before the examination? Features of use and dosage

Drops are used to dilate the pupils, as a rule, for diagnostic purposes, in which it is possible to fully examine the condition of the visual organs. The use of such medications for examining the fundus is required by prescription, since medications have a number of undesirable reactions. Eye examination in children is also possible with the use of drugs, after which the pupils become large.

Why are they appointed?

In medicine, drops that cause pupil dilation are known as mydriatics. A similar remedy is dripped in 2 cases:

  • For the purpose of performing diagnostic procedures. With large pupils, it is easier for a specialist to examine vascular and other eye structures. When checking vision, in particular, blood vessels in the eyes, the name of the drugs is selected exclusively by an ophthalmologist. Often the ophthalmologist uses mydriatic drops for ophthalmoscopy. Since the procedure involves the impact on the visual organs of the light beam, which causes narrowing. So that constricting pupils are not observed during the manipulation, the doctor instills vasodilators.
  • With complex drug therapy. If the patient has an ophthalmic disease, then eye drops are prescribed to dilate the pupil. The drugs help to enlarge the eye structures and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

The drug, from which the pupils dilate, is recommended for inflammatory reactions, spasm of accommodation, clouding of the lens and amblyopia

Types of medicines

Drops that increase pupils are usually divided into several types, which are presented in the table:

Popular drugs: list

The tool has many contraindications.

There are different drops for dilating the pupils, so to select the optimal remedy, you must first consult with your doctor. Self-treatment can provoke serious complications, against which it is not possible to achieve a decrease in the pupil and visual impairment is observed. There are such popular drugs with the help of which the pupil is enlarged:

  • "Atropine". Drops refers to old medicines that have been used for more than a century. Recently, the drug is rarely prescribed due to the toxic effect and other adverse reactions. Often the effect of the medicine does not go away even after a week.
  • "Irifrin". After instillation of the drug to expand the pupil is often carried out diagnostic procedure. Also, the drug is used for medicinal purposes. They are instilled exclusively as directed by a doctor, since side effects from the cardiovascular system are observed.
  • "Midriacil". The drug is produced under other trade names- "Midrum" and "Topikamid". It is used, as a rule, to study the fundus, since the effect persists for 3 hours.
  • "Mezaton". It is required to instill drops into the eyes as prescribed by the doctor, since the drug is effective, while it has many contraindications.
  • "Cyclomed". Expands the pupil for half a day, after which the patient narrows it. It is recommended to use for pregnant women and children, as it has fewer adverse reactions.

Mechanism and time of action

The dilation of the pupil contributes to a more accurate diagnosis.

Different drops to dilate the pupils act in different ways. There are some medications that are used solely for diagnostic purposes that have a short-term effect. Thanks to such drugs, the organ is enlarged immediately before the diagnostic manipulation, after which the effect persists for 3 hours. The patient does not need to take any narrowing agents, since the expansion will soon pass on its own and the visual organ will return to normal.

The duration of action of therapeutic drops that dilate the pupils is different, it can last up to 24 hours or more.

After the patient has dripped the agent into the eye, it spreads to all tissues, as a result of which the size of the pupil changes. Even the local use of the drug does not protect against the penetration of active components into the systemic circulation. Metabolic processes after the application of drops to dilate the pupil are fixed in the liver, while the decay products leave the body through the urinary system.

Features of use and dosage

Vasoconstrictive eye drops must be used in the dosage strictly prescribed by the doctor in order to avoid negative consequences. The table shows the recommended doses for different medicines:

Due to the toxic effect on the body, some drugs are contraindicated in pregnant women.

Women in position are treated with caution. To narrow the pupils or dilate them, it is necessary to carefully select drugs so as not to harm the development of a growing fetus. During pregnancy, an examination of the visual organs is often performed for the timely detection of ophthalmic ailments that can worsen during labor. A woman carrying a baby is allowed practically all the same medicines as for ordinary patients. In special cases, the dosage and number of instillations may be adjusted.

To examine the fundus, ophthalmologists need to dilate the pupil. In everyday life, the size of the pupil varies depending on the intensity of the light. This part of the eye acts as a kind of automatic diaphragm, in bright light it decreases, in weak light it increases.

Mobility is provided by the radial and circular muscles, the tone of which depends on the reaction of the muscle nerves. When the nerves are stimulated, the circular muscle contracts - the pupil narrows. When the excitation is weakened, the muscle relaxes - it expands.

Why should the pupil be dilated?

It is necessary to artificially expand the pupil to diagnose the condition of the retina and fundus, as well as to treat certain eye diseases. Through the extended sash you can see initial stages many serious illnesses not only eyes, but general condition the whole organism.

Without using drops to dilate the pupil, it is almost impossible to examine the fundus. In some cases, drops are instilled not to increase the diameter, but to relieve the tension of the accommodative muscle in order to accurately determine the degree of myopia or hyperopia.

The effect of eye drops to dilate the pupil

Forcibly expanding the pupil can be done in two ways: artificially excite the sympathetic nerve or immobilize the oculomotor nerve. For this purpose, special eye drops belonging to the group of mydriatics are used. The effect of eye drops lasts for several hours, then gradually the pupil returns to normal. It has been observed that people with light color eye action of eye drops acts a little longer.

In ophthalmology, the following mydriatics are used: Atropine, Hyoscyamine, Scopolamine, Homatropine, Ephedrine, Midriacil, Plattifilin, Irifrin, Phenylephrine, Tropicamide, Cyclomed, Midrum.

Short-term paralysis occurs when exposed to these eye drops. circular muscle, and the pupil expands as much as possible. The relaxed muscle moves to the junction of the cornea into the protein coat. Intraocular pressure rises.

Mydriatics disturb the accommodation of the eyes. The relaxed ciliary muscle stretches the lens somewhat, its curvature decreases. In this regard, for several days the eyes clearly see only those objects that are located at a far distance, and the contours of closely spaced objects are blurred. This effect lasts 3-4 days. Then visual acuity returns.

Most pupil dilation eye drops have vegetable origin:

  1. Atropine, Hyoscyamine and "Scopolamine" is obtained from plants of the nightshade family (belladonna, dope, belladonna, scopolia);
  2. "Platifillin" is synthesized from a rhomboid or broad-leaved cross, belonging to the Compositae family;
  3. Ephedrine is a drug derived from various kinds ephedra. It is used in the form of ephedrine hydrochloride.

Drugs that contract the radial muscle include eye drops "Irifrin" and "Phenylephrine". When it is necessary to remove the spasm of accommodation, the pupil is dilated with "Tropicamida", "Cyclomeda", "Midrum".

The use of certain drugs

Of all the drugs "Atropine" until recently very widely used in ophthalmology. These drops have mass side effects. The main disadvantage of this drug is the duration of action. The pupil does not return to normal for three to ten days.

Contraindications for the use of atropine:

  • Glaucoma and suspicion of it;
  • Hypersensitivity;
  • Spike of the iris.

The usual dosage of atropine: 1 drop every 5-6 hours.

Side effects when using "Atropine":

  • Violation of accommodation (the ability to clearly see objects at different distances from the eyes);
  • Increased intraocular pressure;
  • Puffiness of the eyelids;
  • Allergic reactions in the form of itching and burning of the eyes.

If "Atropine" is chosen as a midritik, then throughout the entire time of its use, strict control by an ophthalmologist should be carried out. You should carefully adhere to the prescribed dosage, remembering that the drug is unsafe if the rules of administration are violated.

"Scopolamine" and "Platifillin" in terms of their therapeutic actions and chemical composition close to Atropine. The expansion of the pupils occurs due to a short-term paralysis of accommodation. Contraindications and side effects the same as in "Atropine".

To date, less toxic and safe drugs are used in ophthalmology for short-term pupil dilation. These drugs include "Irifrin". The expansion effect of this drug is achieved by active substance phenylephrine, which promotes normal outflow eye fluid and a decrease in intraocular pressure.

Irifrin has side effects that are extremely rare, but you should be aware of them:

  • redness of the eyelids;
  • itching and burning in the eyes;
  • tearing;
  • deterioration of vision.

In practice, Midrum eye drops are usually well tolerated, as well as their analogue Midriacil. When using these drops, the dilating effect is achieved a few minutes after instillation, and the constriction of the pupils occurs after two hours. The main functions of the eye are restored quite quickly, allowing you to start working immediately after the procedure.

The most fast-acting drugs include "Appamid plus". The composition includes tropicamide and phenylephrine hydrochloride.

The effect of instillation of this drug begins a few minutes after application. Depending on the concentration, the state of expansion lasts about two hours. This drug is not recommended for children and the elderly.

Contraindications for use are the following systemic diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • various arrhythmias;
  • diabetes;
  • angina.

efficient modern means are Tropicamide eye drops. The drug quickly and briefly expands the pupil. The action begins 3-7 minutes after a single injection into the conjunctival sac.

To carefully diagnose the organs of vision, special drops are used - to dilate the pupils. These drugs are called mydriatics and their use is necessary condition for the diagnosis of most ocular pathologies.

In addition to the diagnostic value with the help of drops, some symptoms of diseases of the organs of vision can also be eliminated. In the article, we will consider the features of drops for dilating pupils, find out in which cases they can be used, find out if the drugs have side effects, and give a list of the most popular mydriatic drugs.

Appointment of drops and duration of exposure

So, in ophthalmology, mydriatic drops are usually used to solve two problems:

  • for diagnostics;
  • for treatment.

As for the first point - diagnostics, it is almost impossible to conduct a more or less reliable and thorough examination of the fundus without a qualitative and sufficiently long dilation of the pupils.

Midriatics are needed when diagnostic tests all diseases of the retina, as well as to detect visual acuity.

In diagnostic medicine, drops of this category are mainly used:

  • for the study of pathologies of the retina;
  • analysis of the state of the lens, determining the degree of its transparency;
  • studies of the vessels of the organs of vision;
  • optic nerve;
  • if it is necessary to detect detachment, dystrophy, other pathologies of the visual organs.

Find out what retinal angiopathy looks like in a child.

Additionally, you can go if the diagnosed person is going to drive. Drops are also needed to determine the level of visual impairment, the degree of myopia or hyperopia. In relation to young children, drops with the effect of dilating the pupils are necessary to determine such an indicator as refraction. To correctly select glasses with the right amount of diopters, the use of these drops is also useful.

In therapy, drops that dilate the pupils are used in the case of the following diseases:

  • iritis;
  • amblyopia;
  • iridocyclitis;
  • false myopia.

More, looks like amblyopia high degree in children, you can look at.

As for the time of exposure, mydriatic drops can dilate the pupils both for several hours and for a week. It all depends on the purpose: sometimes a short time is enough for an examination, but a long-term effect is necessary for treatment.

On the video - drops to dilate the pupils:

However, we note that long-acting drops usually have more contraindications, side effects, and cause more severe discomfort than "short-term" drugs. Among the most common discomfort signs include tearing in bright sunlight or artificial lighting. The average duration of exposure to drops is from three to four hours.

Any eye drops should only be given medical worker: self-activity is not allowed here. An illiterate choice of a remedy and its improper use can lead to serious consequences, complications, up to intoxication of the body.


Mydriatic drops fall into two categories:

  • straight;
  • indirect.

Direct acting drugs contract the radial muscles of the eyes. This includes drugs such as Phenylephrine and. Drops of direct action have a noticeable dilating effect on the pupil.

Drops indirect action affect the circular eye muscle, reduce the intensity of its contractions. These drugs simultaneously dilate the pupils and adjust the focus of vision. This includes such means as, Cyclomed, Midrum. When using "indirect" drops, a short-term loss of the ability to see usually occurs: immediately after instillation. After a few minutes, vision is restored.

All drops differ in the time of their exposure, but those drugs that are used exclusively for diagnostic purposes have the same duration: less than usual. This is due to the fact that several hours are enough to conduct a qualitative examination.

Interesting: mydriatic drops have a longer duration of exposure when the iris is light.

Find out why the size of the pupils is different and why such a manifestation is dangerous.

Overview of drugs - names and descriptions

Consider the most commonly used drops in modern ophthalmology for pupil dilation.

Atropine - how to instill in order to be examined by an ophthalmologist

The medicine contains a substance that was used several centuries ago by ladies trying to draw attention to men. This component of the drops makes the look languid and expressive - which, in fact, the ladies wanted. Modern women they do not set themselves such a goal, and use Atropine exclusively for medicinal purposes.

Cost from 15 rubles.

The effect of the drug is due to a powerful plant alkaloid - atropine sulfate. This substance leads to temporary paralysis of the oculomotor nerve, due to which, in fact, the pupil dilates. The drug is useful in the study, it can also be used in the treatment of uevitis.

Note that now this medicine is used less and less, as new, safer drugs with similar action. The fact is that Atropine is toxic, leading to a temporary deterioration in vision and discomfort.

The exposure time of the drug is very long - it can expand the pupils for a week, or even 10 days. It is not recommended to use this remedy without permission, without medical prescription.

The drug Midriacil for the eyes (Midrium, Topikamid) - how it works, whether it dilates the pupils

The tool begins to act quickly (literally 15 minutes after instillation), and dilates the pupils for several hours. As a rule, exposure is enough for three hours, no more. Due to the short exposure time, the side effects of the drug are minimal. The medicine can be used for diagnostic and therapeutic treatment of children.

Midriacil is used before fundus examinations for the purpose of diagnosis, for the treatment of certain diseases, for assessing refraction, during operations on eye retina or lens. Caution should be used this drug in the presence of inflammatory processes of the organs of vision, as well as in high pressure intraocular fluid.

Price from 350 r.

How to drip Irifrin to increase pupils to check vision

The tool has a short duration of exposure, can be used for both diagnosis and therapy (with increased intraocular pressure).

You can not use Irifrin if the child is not yet 12 years old, the drug is also prohibited for the treatment of older people with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

The action of the drug Cyclomed

It belongs to one of the most popular midriatics today. The tool has a long-lasting effect - 6-12 hours. It has a safe composition, and can be used even by women during the period of bearing a child, feeding. The drug can be useful both for diagnostic purposes and in the treatment of diseases (uevitis, keratitis, scleritis). In addition, it is often used during eye operations, in particular, when removing cataracts.

As for children, Cyclomed can be used when the child is over three years old. But for treatment and diagnosis eye diseases in elderly people, the drug should not be used. In addition, the use of Cyclomed is prohibited if there are diseases such as intestinal obstruction and prostate adenoma.

Interesting information on the topic! Find out how cataract phacoemulsification works and how effective it is this procedure.

Eye remedy Mezaton, which temporarily dilates the pupil

The tool is dripped to increase the pupils of the eyes. It has a number of contraindications: pregnancy, pancreatitis, atherosclerosis, hepatitis, lactation.

Cost from 90 rubles.

Attention: with existing glaucoma, the use of any mydriatic drops is prohibited.

How to drip Appamid plus to dilate pupils

As a rule, when diagnosing eye diseases in children, the volume of the drug is reduced, and the drug lasts only an hour. For adults - at least two hours. Due to the short duration of exposure to the drug, it is usually used only for the purpose of diagnosis, it is not used for treatment.

Side effects

Note that when mydriatics are instilled into the eyes, the components of the drugs enter the bloodstream, after which they spread throughout the body. That is why after the use of funds, a whole “bouquet” of all kinds of side effects can be observed. Consider the most common of the "side effects".

  • defect of visibility in the form of bifurcation of objects, things;
  • blurred vision;
  • increased intraocular fluid pressure;
  • redness of the conjunctiva of the eye, eyelids, cornea;
  • photophobia and pain, burning;
  • thirst combined with difficulty urinating;
  • irritability, nervous anxiety;
  • heat.

If, after instillation of the drug, you feel one or more of the listed symptoms, you should seek medical help as soon as possible. You will probably need symptomatic treatment, as well as reassignment of the drug.

If an overdose of mydriatics is allowed during instillation, the following symptoms are likely to develop:

  • dry skin, mucous membranes;
  • eating disorders;
  • speech behavior defects;
  • tachycardia;

In this case, the usual side effects are exacerbated.

If the excess dose of drops was very serious, perhaps even a coma due to paralysis of the respiratory center.

We learned what mydriatic drops are and what they are used for. As you can see, the use of these medicines irreplaceable both in the diagnosis of eye diseases and in the treatment. Be sure to visit a doctor if you have any vision problems, and follow the instructions for using the prescribed drops.

When checking vision in children and adults, ophthalmologists use various techniques to accurately determine the diagnosis. Using an ophthalmoscope, the doctor can assess the condition of the lens, vitreous body and the retina of the eye. This device makes it possible to look inside the pupil and identify the beginning of unwanted changes. But, not always the ophthalmoscope allows you to examine the structure of the eye. When a light beam is directed at the pupil, which must be used for a detailed examination of the organ, the eye narrows reflexively and the doctor is unable to establish an accurate diagnosis. In this case, special drops come to the rescue, dilating the pupils.

Features of drops

After instillation into the eye, the drug enters the eye muscles that control the pupil. There is an expansion of the pupil, due to the binding of receptors. Due to the action of the drops, the prescriptions for some time lose their ability to control the visual system, do not perceive commands from the optic nerve and relax. The duration of their action depends on what components are part of the drops. Usually the effect of relaxation of receptors lasts from 2-4 hours to 2 days. Immediately after instillation, the doctor suggests the patient to sit for 20-30 minutes and wait for the greatest effect to appear.

Impact on children

Performing eye examinations on children younger age, ophthalmologists almost always instill relaxing drops in the eyes. Why are they doing that? The fact is that it is more difficult to check the state of the visual system in a child than in an adult. Therefore, in order to avoid mistakes, the doctor initially performs this manipulation, facilitating the diagnostic process.

For younger children, this examination option does not cause much discomfort. Schoolchildren suffering from farsightedness are another matter. After instillation of drops, this category of patients notes some discomfort when considering objects located nearby.

Side effects

After applying the drops, in most cases there is a short-term burning sensation of the eyes. But do not be afraid of this manifestation, this effect is normal. Recently, ophthalmologists are increasingly resorting to the use of Tropicamide. These drops are safe and do not cause side effects.

At the end

A thorough eye examination requires special attention. If it is necessary to accurately diagnose the condition of the eye system, doctors must instill special drops in the eyes. Modern drugs do not cause side effects, do not affect the visual perception of the world. This is a qualitative way to quickly identify the cause of any ophthalmic disease. Answering the question: why do doctors instill drops in the eyes during examination, now every patient knows that this is a necessary procedure to diagnose the condition of the pupil.

To diagnose some ophthalmic problems, doctors need to see what is impossible without artificial pupil dilation. This can only be done with special medications. Drops allow to achieve maximum mydriasis. Preparations of this category are used in the process of examining children and adults. Let us consider in more detail which drops are used for diagnostics. various diseases eye.

When are pupil dilation drops needed?

The size of the pupil is constantly changing and depends on the lighting. Through this small hole, using a special tool - an ophthalmoscope - an ophthalmologist can look inside the eye and identify pathology. However, some difficulties may arise during the examination. The light that the device emits causes, which greatly complicates the diagnostic process. In order to avoid such difficulties, experts use drops that dilate the pupil.

Drugs that can increase the diameter of the pupil are called mydriatics. The main task of such funds is to relax some of the eye muscles. Indications for use are pathologies such as retinal detachment, dystrophic changes. Mydriatics help in assessing the state of the vessels of the retina, lens, and optic nerve.

Drops can also be prescribed for medicinal purposes. For example, with a medication, it will help eliminate tension in the eye muscle. Eye drops are used inflammatory processes organs of vision during surgery.

When determining refraction in young children, it is important that the lens is immobilized. Mydriatics also help to achieve this effect. You can not do without such drugs in the process of diagnosing astigmatism and farsightedness.

Effective and safe drops

Pupil-dilating ophthalmic preparations are distinguished depending on the mechanism of action. Some drops - direct mydriatics - can cause contraction of the muscle responsible for pupil enlargement. These drops include "Irifrin", "Phenylephrine".

The second group of drugs is called indirect mydriatics. They relax the muscle responsible for pupillary constriction. These drops have a similar effect on another muscle that adjusts the focus. They can be used for medicinal purposes. Among these drugs are eye drops "Tropikamid", "Midrum", "Midriacil".

Drops "Atropine"

Until recently, this drug was used in ophthalmic practice everywhere. However, today it is gradually being replaced due to a long therapeutic effect, many contraindications and frequent cases of adverse reactions. The active component of eye drops - atropine sulfate - is of plant origin (alkaloid). The substance dilates the pupil and increases intraocular pressure. Due to this, vision develops and somewhat worsens at a short distance.

"Atropine" - drops that dilate the pupil are rarely used for severe diseases of the cardiovascular, urinary and digestive systems. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation and some pathologies of an ophthalmic nature.

The maximum effect is observed 30-40 minutes after instillation of drops and it persists for several days. If the effect of the drug does not stop for 7-10 days, this is referred to as side effects. The medicine can also provoke dizziness, tachycardia, flushing skin century.

Means "Tropikamid": instructions for use

The drug belongs to mydriatics and affects the ciliary muscle of the eye, which is responsible for changing the diameter of the pupil, as well as the sphincter receptors of the iris of the visual organ. As a result of the therapeutic action, a short-term expansion of the pupil occurs, and its narrowing is prevented.

The drug is available only in the form of a solution for instillation into the eyes. The active ingredient of the drug is tropicamide. 1 ml of drops may contain 5 or 10 mg of the active substance. The therapeutic effect after applying the drops occurs after 5-10 minutes.

How long do the drops that expand the pupil, "Tropikamid" work? The duration of the therapeutic effect depends on the concentration of the active ingredient. When using a 1% solution, the effect persists for 60 minutes. This concentration is usually used to diagnose ophthalmic pathologies in children. Adult patients are prescribed Tropicamide drops in the form of a 2% solution. In this case, the effect of the drug lasts at least 2 hours.

Application rules

According to the annotation, the drug can be used in the following cases:

  • in the diagnosis of the lens;
  • in the study of the fundus;
  • to measure refraction;
  • in the process of surgical intervention on the retina, lens;
  • as part of complex therapy in the treatment of eye diseases;
  • to prevent inflammation after surgery.

The concentration of the drug is selected depending on the required speed of the therapeutic effect and on the purpose of the application. The drug "Tropikamid" instructions for use are recommended to be instilled with a dropper, which is equipped with a bottle, or use a pipette. The drug should enter the lower part of the conjunctival sac.

The maximum expansion of the pupil can be achieved by instilling a 1% solution of 1 drop into each eye. If a drug with a lower concentration of the active substance is used, it is necessary to drip one drop at a time first and repeat the manipulation after 5 minutes.

"Tropikamid" for children

Drops that expand the pupil can be used for even newborn babies. Only 0.5% solution is allowed to be used. To prevent the occurrence of side effects, experts recommend diluting drops with saline in a 1: 1 ratio immediately before use.

In rare cases, the drug can cause local side effects: photophobia, burning, decreased visual acuity, short-term increase in intraocular pressure.