Staged treatment program for giardiasis First stage (preparatory) Characteristics of the stage. Treatment of giardiasis Contraindications and side effects

Treatment of giardiasis is a rather complex and time-consuming process. This disease cannot be cured on your own, but only with the help of a specialist in these pathologies. Which doctor treats giardiasis? In children, this is a pediatrician or pediatric gastroenterologist. For adults – a gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist. All of the listed specialists can be found at the nearest clinic, medical center or hospital, where they will provide you with all the necessary assistance.

In addition to the standard, medicinal method of treatment, in the future you may need the help of a homeopath and herbalist, who will promote a speedy recovery and strengthen the body.

Where to treat giardiasis?

Regarding the treatment of giardiasis, you can contact public and private medical institutions, where specialists, gastroenterologists and infectious disease specialists, provide consultations. For children, this could be a children's clinic, a children's infectious diseases department, or a pediatric department. Adult patients should go to an adult clinic, gastroenterology department, infectious diseases department or hospital, private general clinic or gastroenterology center.

In every home or educational institution(school or preschool education), where a person with giardiasis is found, anti-epidemic measures are required, which are organized by the local representative of the sanitary-epidemiological station (SES).

Modern treatment of giardiasis

Modern treatment of giardiasis consists of a whole range of medications, procedures and measures. It is difficult to cure this disease, so it is unacceptable to practice on your own. therapeutic methods: The treatment regimen should only be determined by a specialist.

It is more logical and effective to begin therapeutic measures at the time of exacerbation of the disease, especially with the development of dyspeptic disorders.

For successful treatment of giardiasis, diet correction is an important element. Patients, especially in childhood, you should definitely include in your diet dishes with a sufficient content of pectin - a natural enterosorbent. Such dishes include liquid rice porridge with water, applesauce, and blueberry jelly. After two days, the patient is transferred to a more expanded diet. At first, the exception is products that create a positive environment in the intestines for the life of Giardia. The main part of such products are simple sugars: muffins, sweets, bakery products, as well as noodles, sausage, and whole milk. Rice and buckwheat cooked in water, fermented milk products, compotes, baked apples, berries, vegetables, sunflower oil, and dried fruits are allowed.

An important role in the treatment of giardiasis is played by the stabilization of the microflora in the intestines, which, as a rule, is disrupted during the disease. In order to eliminate dysbiosis, it is recommended to use fermented milk products, as well as some probiotic preparations: yogurt, lactobacterin, bifinorm, lactofiltrum, probifor, etc.

Drugs for the treatment of giardiasis

  • Nifuratel (Makmiror) is a nitrofuran drug that is very successful, as it absolutely meets all the requirements listed above. Has an extended range of antimicrobial and antiprotozoal effects. Nifuratel is quickly absorbed, its maximum amount in the blood is observed 2 hours after consumption. Excretion is carried out through the urinary system. In the treatment of giardiasis, the drug is prescribed:
    • for an adult patient, 0.4 g up to 3 times a day for a week;
    • child – 15 mg per kilogram of weight, twice a day for a week.

Nifuratel is less toxic than other nitrofuran drugs. It is not a teratogen or carcinogen, which is quite suitable for therapy in childhood and during pregnancy.

  • Metronidazole (Trichopol) is a selectively toxic drug for anaerobic infection, has mutagenic activity, as well as the ability to enhance the effect radiation therapy in the treatment of oncology. The tablets have a bitter taste and are perfectly absorbed when taken orally. The maximum amount of the drug in the blood is observed 3 hours after administration. Metronidazole enters all tissues and environments of the body, including vaginal secretions, semen, and salivary secretions. Passes through the blood-brain barrier, is excreted in milk during lactation, and overcomes the placental barrier. For these reasons this drug not prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug is excreted through the kidneys. Experts use two main options for taking Metronidazole:
    • 0.4 g three times a day for 5 days;
    • 0.5 g for adults and 5 mg/kg for children three times a day for 10 days.

During the course of treatment, alcohol intake is contraindicated.

IN Lately doctors often use newer medications to treat giardiasis - these are drugs that inhibit benzimidazole tubulin: pyrantel, albendazole, etc. Such drugs are safer than the previously listed nitroimidazoles. However, at the moment there is a clear and effective scheme Treatment with such drugs has not yet been developed, so therapy with these drugs must be long-term or periodically repeated.

Giardiasis treatment regimen

The treatment regimen for giardiasis consists of three stages.

Stage I – elimination of internal intoxication and stimulation of intestinal enzymatic function, strengthening the immune system. Conditions: adherence to certain nutritional principles, as well as the prescription of the following medications:

  • choleretic agents - eliminate congestion in the gallbladder (cholekinetic drugs: magnesium sulfate, xylitol, sorbitol, etc.);
  • antispasmodics – relieve spasms of the bile ducts;
  • sorbent preparations – Activated carbon, smecta, polysorb, bigignin, etc.;
  • enzyme agents - panzinorm (multienzyme), festal, creon, etc.
  • Metronidazole (Trichopolum);
  • Tinidazole – 2 g at a time;
  • Furazolidone;
  • Macmiror – nitrofuran series of drugs;
  • Ornidazole;
  • Delagil (Chloroquine) 0.25 g three times a day;
  • Paromomycin - aminoglycoside, 25 mg per kilogram, divided into three doses per day.

Stage III – strengthening the immune defense and further preventing the development of giardiasis infection in the intestines. The conditions for this stage are: proper nutrition with primary consumption of vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as fermented milk products. It is recommended to drink tea based on birch buds for a month. To eliminate dysbiosis and strengthen the immune system, enzyme preparations and probiotics are prescribed: lactobacterin, mezim, pancreazym, bificol, lacto-mun, etc.

Treatment course for giardiasis

The course of treatment for giardiasis is usually long.

The first stage usually lasts from 2 weeks to 1 month.

The second stage can last 5-7 days, but in most cases, a week or 10 days after the end of stage II, it is repeated again in order to confidently avoid relapses of the disease in the future. Sometimes it is possible to prescribe stage II three times, with an interval of 7-10 days. To maximize the effectiveness of such treatment, each course of the second stage is recommended to be carried out with various medications.

Stage III does not have a strictly designated duration and can last quite a long time - as long as the body requires it. At least a month and a half after the end of treatment, the patient should be observed by the treating doctor in order to remain confident that the disease has been completely cured and that there are no relapses of the disease. The prognosis for giardiasis with adequate treatment is positive.

Choleretic for giardiasis

Choleretic for giardiasis can be prescribed along with other necessary drugs. This is done in order to eliminate as quickly as possible inflammatory process in the gallbladder, as well as reduce congestion in it. For therapeutic purposes, cholekinetic drugs are predominantly prescribed to dilate the bile ducts and facilitate the flow of bile. Cholekinetics are a series of antispasmodic drugs that relax the valve of the gallbladder and pancreas, which promotes the release of bile into the intestinal cavity. Such cholekinetic drugs include atropine sulfate, papaverine, magnesium sulfate, etc.

By the way, a similar effect can be caused by consuming mineral waters: “Essentuki No. 17 and No. 4”, as well as other medicinal waters containing sulfatanions. Such waters are consumed half an hour before meals, 100-150 ml up to 4 times a day.

In addition, in order to tone the biliary tract, cholespasmolytic agents are prescribed, such as drotaverine, platiphylline, barberry-based products, etc. Valerian root also has a similar effect.

Chophytol for giardiasis

Hofitol is herbal remedy based on artichoke. This medication is able to restore damaged liver cells and has a choleretic and diuretic effect. Reduces the level of urea in the bloodstream, stabilizes lipid metabolism and the amount of cholesterol. Can be used with other medications to reduce toxic damage to the body. Helps remove heavy metal salts, nitrates and other toxins.

Hofitol has direct indications for use in giardiasis, if the patient does not suffer from calculous cholecystitis, acute hepatitis and lack of bile duct patency.

Hofitol for giardiasis is used as follows:

  • 1-2 tablets each. three times a day, for a month;
  • 5 ml of syrup three times a day for 3 weeks;
  • 1-2 ampoules of Hofitol intramuscularly, once a day, for 7-14 days.

Hofitol is allowed to be used during pregnancy, but only with permission and under the supervision of a doctor.

Similar replacements for the medication can be considered Artichoke extract and medicine Holebil.

Allohol for giardiasis

Allochol is a choleretic medication that enhances bile production. Allochol, like other choleretic drugs, is actively used for giardiasis. This medication affects liver secretion, stimulates motility and enzymatic activity digestive system, has a slight laxative effect. The medication contains garlic, which reduces fermentation processes in the intestines and relieves bloating.

For giardiasis, Allochol is taken orally, 3 times a day, 2 tablets, immediately after meals. Children under 7 years of age take 1 tablet, then the dosage corresponds to that in adults. The course of treatment with Allochol continues for a month, after which they take a break of 3 months and repeat the therapy (if necessary).

Allochol is approved for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug is not prescribed if there is obstruction of the bile ducts, if stones are found in the cavity of the gallbladder, or if there is an acute inflammatory process in the liver and pancreas.

Antibiotics for giardiasis

For giardiasis, complex therapy is prescribed. The correct selection of treatment methods guarantees a favorable result, meanwhile, violation of the treatment regimen can lead the disease to a more severe, chronic course.

Intestinal lamblia can have two forms. The body moves from one to another. The second category includes giardiasis trophozoite. This form is considered active and viable. Trophozoites actively develop and grow, multiply in the intestinal area - they usually occupy a place in the duodenum. If unfavorable conditions are created for them, they turn into cysts. Under a microscope, trophozoites look like pear-shaped microorganisms. A disk can be seen on one of the surfaces. It is this structure that allows it to be firmly fixed on the inner wall of the intestine.

The first signs will be noticeable 1-3 weeks after Giardia enters the human body. At this stage the patient complains of the following:

  1. 1. Diarrhea, that is, frequent liquid feces. They have a pronounced pungent odor. A characteristic difference between diarrhea due to Giardia cysts is that the stool does not contain blood clots or mucus (usually this is typical for such infectious disease digestive system, such as dysentery).
  2. 2. Painful sensations in the abdominal area. They almost always appear with diarrhea. Intensity painful sensations ranges from mild with aching character to strong contractions. Pain is usually felt in places where the intestines are projected onto the front side of the abdomen. As a rule, discomfort is felt in the upper part of this zone.
  3. 3. Flatulence. The development of this disease is characterized by disruption of digestive processes. Moreover, the normal intestinal microflora also changes, which leads to intensive formation of gases. Flatulence with giardiasis is not the only symptom, but manifests itself along with diarrhea and other unpleasant sensations.

Concerning common symptoms, then they will be as follows:

  1. 1. Feeling of weakness, weakness, lethargy.
  2. 2. Problems with sleep, constant drowsiness.
  3. 3. A person gets tired quickly and cannot fully rest.
  4. 4. Neuropsychiatric type disorders. For example, this applies to dizziness and headaches. Attention and memory deteriorate.

Due to the fact that problems arise with the absorption of beneficial microelements, the following complications arise:

  1. 1. Anemia - the number of red blood cells decreases. This is due to a lack of B vitamins in the body, which take an active part in metabolic processes and in the formation of blood cells.
  2. 2. Weight loss. A person quickly begins to lose weight.
  3. 3. The immune system weakens, the body’s ability to resist negative effects deteriorates. environment. In the future, the risk of developing various diseases, especially infectious ones, increases.

Additional signs

As for allergic manifestations, they will be as follows:

  1. 1. Skin rash in the form small dots. Usually, giardiasis causes urticaria. It is represented by small bubbles with transparent contents. Strophulus may also develop - this is a separate type of urticaria, when the blisters transform into brownish nodules. There is a risk of developing eczema and neurodermatitis.
  2. 2. Itching sensation on the skin, nose and anus.
  3. 3. Bronchial asthma, rhinitis and other respiratory problems.
  4. 4. Conjunctivitis - inflammatory processes on the mucous layer of the eyes.

Diagnostic measures

Several methods are used to determine giardiasis. The main one is the detection of cysts in feces, in the contents of duodenum or by biopsy of the small intestine.

Immunological diagnostics are also used. This method is based on the fact that antibodies appear in the patient’s blood, which help the human body fight pathogens. If the patient has IgM antibodies, this indicates that the disease is now in the acute phase. If IgG antibodies are detected, this indicates that pathological processes became chronic. If both antibodies are detected, this indicates that the patient is now experiencing an exacerbation period chronic disease. But this method does not always give accurate results, since antibodies can remain in the blood for a long time.

In addition, the effectiveness of therapy depends on a number of measures that the patient must comply with. It is necessary not only drug treatment, but also diet, compliance with hygiene standards. This will prevent re-infection (which is often observed in patients), and also improve the condition of the digestive tract.

  1. 1. Drug treatment of giardiasis in adults. Are used various drugs. Trichopolum is usually prescribed. It is also known as Metronidazole. The effect of this medication is associated with the inhibition of the vital functions of not only Giardia, but also any microorganisms from the class of protozoa. In addition, the medicine affects some pathogenic bacteria, which often cause concomitant inflammation in giardiasis. The product has anti-inflammatory properties, improves the patient's condition and accelerates the recovery process. The course lasts approximately 1-1.5 weeks. Giardiasis can be treated with Ornidazole (known as Tiberal) and Tinidazole (Fazizhin). You only need to take these medications once. In addition, Furazolidone is prescribed. It has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. All these drugs should be used only under the supervision of a doctor, as they cause serious complications. As for children, some drugs are not recommended for use, as they have side effects that will harm the growing body. On the second day of therapy, the child’s condition may sharply worsen. This is explained by the fact that Giardia die in large numbers. Sometimes there is a parallel infection with a fungal infection or bacteria. In this case, additional antimycotic or antibacterial therapy. After treatment is completed, the child develops immunity against Giardia, but it is unstable, so secondary infection is possible. As for pregnant women who have become infected with Giardia, they will have to abstain from treatment during pregnancy. But a medicine has been developed that can be used regardless of how far along a woman’s pregnancy is - Enterofuril. No negative effect of this drug on the child has been identified. This drug is not absorbed through the walls of the digestive organs, so the likelihood of an allergic reaction is minimized. In addition, the normal intestinal microflora is not disrupted.
  2. 2. Hygiene. Treatment of giardiasis in adults and children requires compliance with hygiene rules. You should always wash your hands after going outside, after visiting the toilet, and especially before eating. Water needs to be boiled and disinfected. Periodically wet cleaning of the premises is required. Bed linen and towels need to be changed more often. Vegetables and fruits should always be washed.

Effective diet

Giardiasis requires proper nutrition. It is recommended to switch to foods that are considered easily digestible. For example, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, and sour cream are suitable dairy products. Very healthy food plant origin, as it contains many minerals and vitamins. For example, you need to eat more cabbage, potatoes, onions, beets, and tomatoes. Citrus fruits, apples, berries, pears, etc. are perfect fruits.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of foods that are difficult and take a long time to digest. For example, this applies to fatty and fried, overly spicy, salty and spicy dishes, especially if they are prepared from meat. You need to give up lard and fatty pork.

When a diet is prescribed for giardiasis, disorders in the functioning of the digestive tract are taken into account.

At acute course In case of illness, it is recommended to consume products that are crushed; it is best to grind them. It is allowed to increase the volume of dishes. If the course of the disease is chronic, then the prescriptions will be the same, but it is also allowed to add meat and other foods with a large amount of proteins (cheese, eggs) to the diet.

Drug therapy

Treatment of giardiasis with medications includes several main stages.

  1. 1. Enterosorbents. Lactrofiltrum, Enterosgel, Smecta are suitable. They do not affect Giardia themselves, but create poor conditions for their reproduction. They remove bacteria, toxic substances, cholesterol, allergens, bilirubin and other compounds. Some drugs create good conditions so that beneficial bacteria multiply - these are lacto- and bifidobacteria.
  2. 2. Medicines with lactulose. For example, Duphalac is suitable. It is usually used for constipation.
  3. 3. Agents that affect the process of bile production. For spasms, No-spa, Gimecromon, Mebeverine are usually used. Domperidone and magnesium sulfate solution are used to reduce the activity of the gallbladder.
  4. 4. Medicines from the enzymatic group. Used when necessary. Creon and Pancreatin are usually prescribed.
  5. 5. Hepatoprotectors. Also sometimes used. Silymarin and Ursosan are suitable. They improve the functioning of the liver and protect the organ from toxins.

The choice of a drug with antigiardiasis properties depends on the age of the patient and the course itself. Typically, Tinidazole or Ornidazole is used in the first course. For the second course, Albendazole or Macmiror are used.

In addition to drugs with anti-giardiasis properties, those that can reduce the manifestation of an allergic reaction are also used. For example, Zyrtec and Telfast are suitable. To improve the tolerability of therapy, Wobenzym is prescribed - this is a drug with immunostimulating properties. It also has an enzymatic, anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effect.

The third phase is the finishing phase. At this time, the following medications are prescribed:

  1. 1. To restore normal intestinal microflora. For example, Probifor, Lactobacterin, Enterol, etc. are suitable.
  2. 2. To replenish reserves of useful microelements and vitamin compounds. Complex drugs are usually used. For example, Vitrum, Alphabet, Stimbifid, etc.
  3. 3. To strengthen the immune system. As a rule, agents with immunostimulating properties are used. Lykopid, Polyoxidonium, etc. are suitable. It is imperative to establish proper nutrition.

Prevention measures

Giardia is very dangerous for the human body, since its presence leads to the development of pathologies. Must be taken preventive measures to prevent infection. Prevention is as follows:

If you do not follow these rules, the likelihood of infection is very high. By the way, this figure is much higher in children than in adults. Various complications subsequently develop.

First of all it suffers the immune system, since the body does not receive enough vitamins and microelements, which leads to its weakening. Because of this, a person can become infected with a viral or bacterial infection.

Another complication is diseases of an allergic nature. For example, this applies bronchial asthma. It is very common among people with giardiasis. But even when such a disease can be cured, allergic disease quite often preserved, although it clinical picture will be less pronounced.

Traditional medicine recipes

You can also get rid of Giardia at home. Medicines do not always guarantee 100% effectiveness. To achieve good results in therapy, an integrated approach is required. In addition, drugs can cause various complications, as they are highly toxic to the kidneys and liver. Traditional medicine can be used as an auxiliary treatment.

Since giardiasis affects children three times more often than adults, some experts believe that with age the body develops a kind of immunity to this disease.

Symptoms of acute giardiasis

The disease begins with severe diarrhea. In this case, the feces do not contain any blood or mucus, which happens when food poisoning or dysentery. But in the feces of a person suffering from giardiasis there is a large amount of fat. This is due to the fact that Giardia prevents the absorption of dietary fats, which are excreted from the body along with feces.

Other symptoms:

  • abdominal cramps;
  • gases;
  • decreased appetite;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • mild fever.

If adequate medical measures are not taken in the acute stage of the disease, the disease will take a chronic form.

Signs of chronic giardiasis:

  1. Constant flatulence;
  2. Pain around and above the navel;
  3. Loose stools;
  4. Appetite is reduced;
  5. Nausea;
  6. Vomit;
  7. On the tongue white coating;
  8. Pain in the epigastric region;
  9. The liver is enlarged;
  10. Allergic rash;
  11. Asthmatic manifestations;
  12. Cough without sputum;
  13. Arrhythmia;
  14. Constant colds;
  15. Dry skin and hair.

Treatment of giardiasis

It happens that in the first days after the start of treatment, the patient’s condition worsens - this is the body’s reaction to penetration into the blood large quantity toxins and allergens.

In addition to drug therapy, the patient needs: semi-bed rest, a gentle diet and plenty of fluids (water, tinctures of choleretic herbs, green tea).


With opisthorchiasis, the following organs are affected:


Pancreatic ducts;

Bile ducts of the liver.

The disease begins after eating contaminated fish.

Symptoms of opisthorchiasis

The symptoms are mild, and people attribute rare cases of malaise to anything other than opisthorchiasis. However, this disease is insidious and, if you do not get rid of it in time, most likely, opisthorchiasis will be complicated by either liver cancer or pancreatic cancer.

Treatment of opisthorchiasis

Opisthorchiasis is treated with praziquantel. This anthelmintic, having a wide spectrum of action. The daily dose is from forty to seventy-five milligrams per kilogram of body weight. Taken in two or three doses.

Sometimes hormones are required.

Prevention of giardiasis and opisthorchiasis

Prevention of giardiasis and opisthorchiasis consists in following generally accepted rules, namely:

1. Never drink raw water.

2. Wash your hands after:

  • going to the toilet;
  • work on the ground;
  • games or just contact with animals;
  • changing diapers;

3. When swimming in open water, keep your mouth closed.

4. Wash foodstuffs thoroughly.

Reviews about the treatment of giardiasis with tanaxol

shell. Any damaging or irritating factor in small intestine causes accelerated motor activity of its contents. Hence, such symptoms of giardiasis as frequent, unshaped chair, enteritis and dysbacteriosis.

How to treat? I was treated as follows:

1. The main treatment is a drug based on herbal components Russian production tanaxol, reviews of which I heard from a doctor friend. Tanaxol can be purchased through an Argo representative office in any city. Not knowing this, I first tried to find this remedy in city pharmacies, but to no avail. I found it only in a local pharmacy at one of the city diagnostic centers, but it was more expensive there. At this diagnostic center, I also heard at a doctor’s appointment that tanaxol is used in the treatment of giardiasis in children. As a result, I bought it at the Argo representative office. It's inexpensive. The composition of this plant-based product is simple and clear.

Tanaxol contains five components: extracts of tansy flowers, hill solyanka, yarrow, and wormwood. Tansy in nature poisonous plant and in sufficient dosage it is, of course, poisonous to humans. I think that’s why the course of treatment is carried out periodically and is limited to one week. But tanaxol contains tansy in the optimal dosage and the harm from it is much less than from standardly prescribed modern medications such as Tiberal, Tinidazole and Intetrix. In addition to tansy, the composition also includes herbs that promote liver health and normalize bile secretion. gallbladder, as well as improving the condition of everything gastrointestinal tract. Also in the description of this dietary supplement it is mentioned that it can be used for gastritis with low acidity.

2. While taking tanaxol, it is necessary to significantly limit the consumption of sugar and light carbohydrates, starch. You need to eat meat, and not its substitutes in the form of sausages. There is very little meat in sausage, but there is a lot of nutrition for lamblia. By the way, I read that in ancient times in Rus' it was believed that one of the signs and symptoms of giardiasis in children was refusal to eat meat.

3. It is necessary to take choleretic herbal mixtures (although they are also present in this remedy), as well as medications that relieve spasms bile ducts(dicitel, duspatalin, odeston, no-shpa). Proven over many years of use since Soviet times, it has proven itself well as a choleretic agent. choleretic collection 3 in filter bags. It also contains tansy. The collection is usually available at any pharmacy and is inexpensive.

4. Alcohol. Giardia "loves" alcohol. You should not think that by drinking alcohol you can remove them and cure giardiasis. Alcohol, especially beer, is a breeding ground for them and pathogenic flora. Also, alcohol puts a strain on the liver, thereby worsening its function, especially during the period when you are taking tanaxol. On the contrary, this creates good conditions for the reproduction of Giardia.

This is what the result of successful treatment of giardiasis looks like. The image shows the result of a serological test of blood serum (blood is taken from a vein) to determine the indicators of antibodies to Giardia antigens (total and quantitative), as well as to opisthorchis antigens (IgG, qualitative). The results are completely negative, even without any quantitative titers. To enlarge the scanned image above, you need to double-click on it.

Previous comments:


How much does this tanaxol cost? How many packages are needed for one course?


I bought tanaxol several years ago for about 150 rubles. It's probably more expensive now. Two packs were enough for the course.


Giardia can be cured with tanaxol alone, i.e. without taking toxic antiprotozoal drugs?


Can. I described above how I treated giardiasis. Only in combination with general recommendations(limiting sugar, light carbohydrates), normalizing the functioning of the gallbladder and others outlined in the article. It is necessary to create conditions in the body under which reproduction and reproduction of Giardia becomes impossible. If tanaxol is not available, then you can use choleretic collection 3. It also contains tansy and choleretic components.


I have heard from many people that aspen bark helps very well against Giardia, but they don’t know exactly how to prepare it. Tell me, please, is there a real recipe with this bark? Thank you!


To eliminate giardiasis, a decoction of May aspen bark is also used. To prepare a decoction of the bark, take 50 grams of it in crushed form and add 0.5 liters of water at normal temperature. This composition is brought to a boil, then simmered over low heat for 10 minutes. After boiling for ten minutes, the composition is removed from the heat, wrapped and left to cool for three to four hours. The resulting decoction is taken on an empty stomach (empty stomach) in one or two sips, depending on individual tolerance, four to five times a day. In order to improve liver activity and increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to take Kholmovaya Solyanka while taking a decoction of May aspen.

Tincture of aspen bark. For two weeks, 50 grams of crushed aspen bark are infused in 500 grams of alcohol. During the infusion period, the infusion must be shaken periodically. After filtering the remaining bark, the resulting tincture is diluted with a small amount of water and taken three to four times a day before meals. The course of treatment for giardiasis is carried out for three weeks, then it can be repeated after a month. This remedy is also used in the treatment of opisthorchiasis. There is also a recipe for a product made from linden ash.



An unimportant healer if you have to give her money for a whole year for tinctures prepared for some reason with vodka, and not, as expected, with alcohol. Apparently it’s profitable to siphon money out of a person for a whole year. In fact, there is no point in fighting Giardia cysts; they survive even in chlorinated water. In a healthy body, they transit through the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment of giardiasis is based on suppressing the ability of Giardia to reproduce, limiting their diet, fighting reinfestation (wash your hands after using the toilet to avoid re-entering the body of cysts) and normalizing the function of the gallbladder. When bile secretion is normalized, they do not survive in the body or, at least, do not cause significant harm to it. If you don’t want to use “chemical” drugs, take tanaxol for a couple of weeks. From chemicals Tiberal is effective; like tanaxol, it covers Giardia at every stage of their vegetative propagation cycle.

Hello! My husband and I are sick with giardiasis. They prescribed Tiberal and took an unlimited amount of it, despite the toxicity. Then we took Nemazol in a course as written in the anatomy for the drug. There is no effect. Were treated folk remedies the effect, or rather its absence, is the same. Help. Please advise the most effective remedy. Thanks in advance!


I had the same thing, about this in the article above. Try tanaxol, but pharmacies don’t have it, look for it on the Internet. If it is not available in your city, then at any pharmacy you can buy choleretic collection No. 3, it also contains tansy and choleretic herbs. During the course of treatment, you should limit your intake of sugar and light carbohydrates.


I also took a stool test 2 times and both times Giardia was detected! I was prescribed Macmiror, Duspatalin, Allohol! After the course of treatment they told me to take Tanaxol! I still don’t understand when it’s better to take Tanaxol, in combination with all medications or after treatment?


Although the instructions for the product indicate that it should be taken as part of complex treatment medications, the instructions of your attending physician still have priority. He has more information about the specific course of your disease. In your case - after.


I've been drinking Macmiror for five days, two more to go. Next, according to the treatment regimen, enterol - 8 days, in parallel with these two medications, take Hofitol for the whole month. Is there any point in taking additional choleretic infusions? The Internet advises drinking an infusion of birch buds for 2-3 weeks.

P.S. Now many laboratories do stool analysis using the PCR method, it is the most effective and can “calculate” Giardia the first time. And those taking it may not even know what method is used to perform the analysis.



I took tanaxol according to the following scheme: tanaxol - 7 days, on the 8th day blind tube, until the 15th day Litovit and again blind tube. Then, until the 23rd day, Litovit and choleretic collection No. 3 are used again. On the 5th day after taking thanaxol I had diarrhea and vomiting at the same time, I have never felt so bad in my life. I completed the entire course, took tests, found cysts again, went to an infectious disease specialist, she prescribed nemozol in complex therapy in 3 stages. I haven’t started treatment yet, but I think it will be more effective, since I’ve talked with different infectious disease specialists and they all unanimously say that lambia cannot be removed with dietary supplements...


Please report the result. Although, since the name is not indicated, it will be difficult to figure it out. How long after taking tanaxol did you get tested again?


After the examination, the diagnoses were made: chronic cholecystitis, JVP, dysbacteriosis. Treatment with drugs was prescribed: ursosan, dicytel, colebacteriophage, duphalac, bifiform. I would say there is almost no improvement, there is also pain and constipation. I just don't know what to do anymore. All my internal problems are reflected in the condition of the skin of my face, chest and forearm, all sorts of pimples and sores appear. I didn’t take a test for Giardia, I wasn’t even offered to do one. Maybe this infection gives such a reaction to the body? And what if you don’t go to the doctor to get tested, but take tanaxol yourself? I am 28 years old.


Such skin manifestations can be a consequence of both giardiasis and intestinal disorders, including dysbiosis. You can take tanaxol on your own, but it is advisable to take a stool test for the presence of cysts and an ELISA blood test for antibodies to Giardia before doing so. It is necessary to take tests in order not to waste time and effort on treating a non-existent disease, and also to evaluate the result when it is carried out. After passing the test, the course of treatment for giardiasis must be carried out in conjunction with the doctor’s prescription and with its approval. Please read the information about the connection between gallbladder dysfunction and dysbiosis.

The first stage (2-4 weeks) is preparatory, in which it is necessary to eliminate excess biologically active substances, detoxify, eliminate the phenomena of cholestasis and motor-evacuation disorders of the digestive tract, provide a hepatoprotective effect and improve the immune defense mechanisms of the macroorganism. This is achieved by following certain recommendations for rational nutrition, the use of enterosorbents (bran, coals, polyphepan, smecta, lactrofiltrum, etc.), choleretics, chokinetics and antispasmodics (ziflan, no-shpa, ursosan, halidor, sorbitol solution 10%, cholenzyme, lyobil, allohol, flamin, odeston, etc. .), digestive enzymes (Mezim Forte, Pancreatin, Festal), hepatoprotectors (Ziflan, Ursosan, Essentiale Forte, Heptral, etc.), laxatives (solution magnesium sulfate, caffeol, lactulose).

An indispensable condition of the preparatory stage is to ensure the rhythmic passage of intestinal contents and bile secretion. This is important, since a high concentration of bile itself has a detrimental effect on many protozoa; restored peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract reduces intoxication that occurs when the patient is constipated.

An important role in the preparation and treatment of protooses, especially giardiasis, is played by dietary measures, restriction of intake simple carbohydrates for food. Against the background of an inflammatory process in the intestines, especially in children early age, the syndrome of secondary lactase deficiency and celiac disease develops - from erased to pronounced forms. The result of this is the formation of a large number of intermediate sugars in the lumen of the patient’s intestines, creating a nutrient medium for protozoa and opportunistic flora, which proliferate abundantly, intensifying the inflammatory process. It is impossible to break this vicious circle without prescribing a lactose-free and gluten-free diet for at least 3-6 months. At the same time, whole milk is excluded from the child’s diet or replaced with soy (soyal, prosoyal, nutrisoya, etc.), low-lactose (AL 110) mixtures, hydrolysates cow's milk(alfare, nutrimig, etc.), sharply limit or exclude products containing gluten (baked goods and pasta, all cereals except rice, buckwheat and corn). Sour drinks are recommended (cranberry, lingonberry fruit drinks if tolerated, kefir), vegetable side dishes for meat (N.F. Chernova, I.A. Plotnikova, N.P. Toropova, et al., 2001).

When preparing for specific treatment of children suffering from atopic dermatitis due to giardiasis, attention should be paid to detoxification. When carrying out detoxification, both enterosorbents (Table 1) and infusion therapy are used, and in the treatment of helminthiasis it is preferable to use hemodez, 5% glucose solution, saline solution.

A drug

Form, dose, course of treatment


Tablets, three to four times a day

Activated carbon SKN

Granules: children under 7 years old - 5 g three times a day, over 7 years old - 7-8 g each. Course of treatment - 3-15 days


Powder, 20-30 g/day, in three doses, dissolving in 100 ml of water. Course of treatment - 3-15 days


Powder, 3 g three times a day (3 packets per day). Course of treatment - 3-5 days

Enterokat M

Granules, 5-10 g three to four times daily. Course of treatment - 7 days


The granules are moistened and washed down with water. 0.5-1 g/kg per day. Course of treatment - 14-21 days

Alsorb (calcium alginate)

Powder: children from 1 to 6 years old - 0.5-1.5 g, 6-14 years old - 1-3 g three to four times a day. Course of treatment - 14-21 days


50-100 mg/kg per day, dissolved in water, in three doses, no more than 5-10 g per day

The rice sorption technique involves using about 2.5 kg of regular rice. Pour two tablespoons of rice in the evening cold water. In the morning, rinse the rice with cold water and pour in approximately 0.6 liters of boiling water, boil for 2 minutes. Drain the water over the edge of the pan; Pour 0.6 liters of boiling water a second time and boil for 2 minutes. Drain the water and pour 0.6 liters of boiling water for the third time, boil for 2 minutes, then drain the rice in a colander. Place the hot rice into a bowl (cup). Eat on an empty stomach, chewing slowly (a feeling of cleansing the mucous membranes of the cheeks and gums), then do not drink (!) or eat food (!) for 4 hours. Course 45 days. Mark the last day on the calendar and repeat (second course) after 6 months. Also carry out rice sorption for 45 days, mark the last day on the calendar. The third course will be held in a year. After morning rice, eat as usual, alcohol should be excluded (adults). Since sorption involves the removal of some microelements (K, Mg, Fe, etc.) and enzymes, it is necessary to take multivitamins with microelements, according to indications - mezim forte, festal, , .

It is advisable to prescribe Macmiror for the rehabilitation of giardiasis after the 3-4th week of rice sorption or against the background of it. In this case, the first dose of Macmiror should be taken after a regular breakfast (at 11-12 o’clock), and not in the morning.

Macmiror (nifuratel) - a derivative of 5-nitrofuran - has recently been increasingly used for the treatment of giardiasis in children and adults, since it fully complies with the high requirements for effectiveness and safety imposed on such drugs. Unlike other nitrofuran derivatives, nifuratel contains a thioester group (SCH), which significantly expands the spectrum of antimicrobial and antiprotozoal action of the drug and increases its effectiveness. The drug is rapidly absorbed, reaching maximum plasma concentration within 2 hours. It is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys. The mechanism of action of nifuratel is to block a number of enzyme chains and inhibit protein synthesis in ribosomes at the earliest stages of translation (unlike other antibacterial agents, acting on protein synthesis). This feature of its mechanism of action prevents the emergence of resistant strains of microorganisms and the development of cross-resistance to antibiotics. The bioavailability of the drug exceeds 95%, the therapeutic concentration is maintained for 8-10 hours.

For the treatment of giardiasis it is prescribed: for adults - 400 mg 2-3 times a day for 7 days, for children - at a rate of 15 mg/kg body weight 2 times a day for 5-7 days.

Nifuratel is low toxic, has no teratogenic and carcinogenic effects, which allows it to be used to treat children and pregnant women. As side effects, in rare cases, a feeling of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract and, rarely, allergic rashes may be noted. The incidence of side effects does not exceed 2%. The effectiveness in the treatment of giardiasis is 96-98%. If the drug turns out to be ineffective, then a repeat course may be prescribed after 2-3 weeks. Carrying out re-treatment at the same dosage provides almost 100% effectiveness.

Metronidazole - Metronidazolum (syn. Flagyl, Trichopol, Efloran, Clont, Motronil, etc.) is selectively toxic to anaerobic microorganisms, inhibiting DNA. It is mutagenic and can potentiate the effects of penetrating radiation on tumor cells. The drug has a bitter taste and is well absorbed when administered orally. Absorption is almost completely completed in the small intestine, with only a small amount reaching the large intestine. The maximum concentration of the drug is created in the blood after 3 hours. Bioavailability is 100%, plasma half-life is 8-10 hours. About 10% of the drug binds to plasma proteins. Metronidazole penetrates well into tissues and body fluids, including vaginal secretions, seminal fluid, saliva, penetrates the blood-brain barrier, creating therapeutic concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid, is secreted in significant quantities in breast milk, passes through the placenta, so women during pregnancy and lactation should be prescribed it is not allowed. The drug is excreted mainly by the kidneys, as well as with bile and feces, with 15-58% of the substance excreted unchanged, and the rest in the form of metabolites.

For giardiasis, two main regimens for the use of metronidazole are known: 1) prescribed at a dose of 400 mg 3 times a day for 5 days; 2) is used for 10 days, with the daily dose for adults being 500 mg, for children - at the rate of 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight 3 times a day (the maximum daily dose for children under 10 years is 300 mg).

The most common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, anorexia, pain in the abdomen, and a metallic taste in the mouth. Less pronounced are headaches, dizziness, numbness of the extremities, pain in the joints, muscles, urticarial rash, itching and redness of the skin, and the development of stomatitis, gingivitis, and cystitis is possible. A rare complication is the development of peripheral neuropathy and epileptic seizures. Taking metronidazole can provoke the development of teturam-like reactions in people who drink alcohol. The incidence of certain side effects when treating giardiasis with metronidazole is 15-30%.

The drug should not be prescribed to patients with hypersensitivity to this substance, as well as pregnant women and during lactation (if treatment is necessary, the mother of the child is transferred to artificial feeding). During treatment with metronidazole, you should not drink alcohol.

Niridazole - Niridazolum (syn. Ambilhar), when administered orally, is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract within several hours and is quickly metabolized in the liver, but remains in the blood for a sufficient time in the form of metabolites, excreted from the body by the kidneys and with feces. Urine turns dark brown or even black and acquires an unpleasant odor. The release of colored urine begins on average 3 hours after taking the drug and lasts 24-36 hours.

Ornidazole (Tiberal) is a drug similar to metronidazole. Its high concentration in the blood plasma is created within 1-2 hours after oral administration. 85% of the drug is excreted within the first 5 days after administration (63% in urine and 22% in feces, 4% is excreted unchanged by the kidneys). The drug is compatible with alcohol intake and has no teratogenic effect. Adults and children weighing more than 35 kg - 3 tablets once in the evening. For children weighing up to 35 kg, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 40 mg/kg body weight once. Side effects occur in approximately 15% of patients. Neurotoxicity is noted, manifested in the form of dizziness and myalgia, and sometimes nausea and vomiting develop. In children, it is possible to divide the daily dose into 2-3 doses, which reduces the risk of side effects (N.P. Toropova et al., 2002). Contraindications: individual sensitivity to the drug, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Tinidazole (syn. Tinidazolum Fasigin, Tricanics, Tridasol) is an imidazole derivative that is structurally similar to metronidazole. It binds poorly to plasma proteins and is therefore present in the blood 88% in a free state, providing high activity. Adults are prescribed either a rather long course - 0.15 g 2 times a day for 7 days, or use a short one-day treatment regimen: 50 mg/kg 1 time a day. In general, tinidazole is slightly better tolerated than metronidazole, but has similar side effects. A slight and reversible increase in the concentration of liver enzymes and bilirubin in the blood, as well as transient leukopenia and neuropenia, are possible. In some patients with giardiasis, after treatment there is a slight increase in the number of eosinophils compared to the original. Contraindications to taking the drug are pregnancy and lactation, severe nervous diseases, such as epilepsy and neuritis. Tinidazole is not recommended for the treatment of children under 5 years of age.

Furazolidonum - Furazolidonum is taken orally after meals. Adults are prescribed 0.1 g 4 times a day, children - at the rate of 10 mg/kg body weight, daily dose given in 3^1 doses. The course of treatment is 7 days. Nausea and vomiting occur relatively often, and appetite decreases. In some cases, they develop allergic reactions in the form of skin lesions. To reduce them, they are prescribed antihistamines, calcium chloride, B vitamins. In case of severe side effects, the drug is discontinued. It should be noted that furazolidone is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor and precautions must be taken.

IN last years Benzimidazole tubulin inhibitors (albendazole, pyrantel, etc.) have become widespread in the treatment of giardiasis in humans (and animals). These drugs are much safer than traditionally used nitroimidazoles (metronidazole, niridazole) and are convenient for mass use. However, to date, the exact regimens for taking these drugs have not been worked out, and their use must be repeated.

Albendazole and its metabolites penetrate into different areas of Giardia trophozoites. A comparative study of the sensitivity to metronidazole and albendazole of 11 Giardia isolates taken from patients previously treated with metronidazole, carried out on a newborn mouse model, showed that all isolates were clinically resistant to metronidazole, while sensitivity to albendazole remained. Albendazole may be a promising drug for the treatment of giardiasis, especially in combination with helminthiases at a dose of 400 mg once a day for 5 days. However, the use of this drug for the treatment of giardiasis requires further study.

Pirantel. Treatment of mixed infestations (ascariasis + giardiasis, enterobiasis + giardiasis) with pyrantel in children showed that this drug was also effective for the treatment of giardiasis, which allows us to continue attempts to simultaneously treat these common infestations with a proven and low-toxic drug.

Along with specific treatment, a diet containing enterosorbents (viscous porridge, dried fruits, baked apples etc.), the consumption of sucrose, animal fats, strong broths, spicy and salty foods is limited. Modern enteric and gas sorbents are prescribed. For malabsorption syndrome, enzyme replacement therapy is indicated. If intestinal dysbiosis is detected, appropriate therapy is carried out according to individual schemes. A complex of vitamins is prescribed.

The third stage (4-8-10 weeks) is restorative, when, against the background of the ongoing elimination of biologically active substances and detoxification, the immune defense is increased, the function of the liver, pancreas and other organs and systems is restored. This stage involves following recommendations on a balanced diet, the use of enterosorbents, rice sorption, choleretic drugs, hepatoprotectors, immunomodulators and nonspecific protection agents - zinc preparations (zincteral, zinc sulfate).

Great importance is also attached to the diet and nature of nutrition, as mentioned above. Daily consumption of beet salads and decoction of beets, lingonberries, and cranberries is recommended; herbal medicine - taking a decoction of birch buds for 2-3 weeks, after a break - a 10-12-day course of bearberry decoction (according to the literature, this creates an environment conducive to the destruction of Giardia cysts).

Increasing immunity and creating conditions that inhibit the proliferation of Giardia in the intestines. In order to increase various parts of the immune system, you can use sodium nucleinate, 15% dimephosphone solution, diucifon (under the control of an immunogram). As a means of nonspecific protection, purified sulfur, 0.25% solution of zinc sulfate, pumpkin seed (75-100 g of purified seed 30 minutes before meals, once every 10-20 days) are recommended. The use of 20% alcohol extract of propolis, 5 drops twice a day for 2 months, is indicated.

The therapeutic effect is observed in 92-95% of patients. But at the same time, doctors often encounter repeated (up to 5-6 times over several years) isolation of Giardia from the same patient. It is believed that when Giardia is isolated up to 3 weeks after chemotherapy, we can talk about a relapse, and at a later date - about reinfection.

During the preparatory period for therapy, it is necessary to organize everyday life in such a way as to prevent reinvasion. It is for this reason that success is not always easy. Often it is necessary to repeat 2 and 3 courses of therapy. It is necessary to carefully collect anamnesis, assess the patient’s sanitary and hygienic level, living conditions, specific routes of infection, assess the severity of the invasion and choose the right treatment and rehabilitation tactics for a particular patient. Each patient is the one and only “variant of giardiasis.” 50% of success in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases is proper nutrition.

A positive solution to the problems of the preparatory period is the use of herbal bioactive additives. The most justified is the additional use of herbal dietary supplements and, which expand the range of products in terms of choice.

1 Week

1 tsp. 3 times a day

4 weeks

1 tsp. 3 times a day

Enterosor bent

4-5 days

In the evening at night 2 hours after eating

MONOTHERAPY for mild degree gravity. In case of severe invasion, combine with synthetic anti-giardiasis drugs.

Prevention. In every family or preschool where you are diagnosed with giardiasis, anti-epidemic measures must be taken. In addition, it is extremely important for the prevention of re-infestation to comply with all hygienic skills and first teach them to children.

What you need to remember is:

    Wash vegetables and fruits with a brush, rinse with boiled water.

    Teach your child hygiene skills as early as possible (shower daily, wash hands properly).

    Get animals only when the children in the house have mastered hygiene skills and do not have bad habits.

    Eradicate in time bad habits(biting nails, pencils, small toys, thumb sucking).

    Do not allow children and your close adults to eat on the street (pies, ice cream).

    Drink only boiled or filtered water.

    Do not swim in unknown bodies of water.

    Do not allow your child to play in sand or dirt unless you are sure it is safe.

    Treat the whole family or the entire children's team to avoid reinfestation.

Giardia takes root in the human small intestine. It is not necessary for a person to get sick after eating contaminated food. This requires certain conditions. For example:

  • more than 10 Giardia cysts enter the body;
  • reduced immunity;
  • large amounts of consumption of sweet and starchy foods;
  • presence of a decrease in the level of acidity of gastric contents.

Manifestation of giardiasis

The presence of giardiasis can be suspected after the following symptoms appear:

  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Gradual weight loss.
  • Anemia.
  • Allergic manifestations.

IN modern medicine Many anti-giardiasis drugs are used. These include Tanaxol.

Usually, after using this drug, nothing else is used to restore the body, but some, to be on the safe side, use oats to cleanse the liver, flax seeds to cleanse the intestines.

Composition of Tanaxol

  1. Yarrow herb extract. Accelerates the healing process of wounds, restores the gastric mucosa. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, hemostatic, antispasmodic effects.
  2. Elecampane root. It has a number of effective actions: antiprotozoal, antimicrobial, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory. Substances found in the root of elecampane activate all the necessary processes to combat Giardia. The intestinal microflora is restored. It is added not only to antiprotozoal drugs, but also to many others. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system etc.

The drug is available in granules of 30 and 150 g. Shelf life: 2 years. You can’t buy Tanaxol in all pharmacies; some are out of supply. It can also be purchased on specialized websites. The price will vary from 215 to 280 rubles. Tanaxol has no analogues, as it has unique properties.

Advice: it is better to buy the drug on the Internet, if you want to save money, pharmacies are most often just resellers of the drug.


The drug must be taken strictly according to the instructions. It is used for both treatment and prevention. The course of treatment can be repeated several times.

Treatment of Giardia in adults should be carried out with the following dosage: 2 grams (1 teaspoon) 2 times a day with meals. The course should last up to 4 weeks. With the doctor's permission, the course can be shortened to a week. To do this, you need to drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

The dosage for children will be different depending on age. The instructions contain a special table that shows the norm by year. It is better to consult a doctor before using the drug for children.


  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding period.
  • Diabetes.

Advice: if the drug was prescribed during breastfeeding, it should be stopped so that the substances do not pass into the baby through mother's milk.

Side effects

Since Tanaxol consists of natural ingredients, the only possible side effect there will be an allergic reaction of the body. It can manifest itself differently in each person, for example, it will be a rash or swelling.

At the first signs of giardiasis, you need to consult a doctor and get all tests done. Although tanaxol can be taken at home, it is still recommended to seek specialized help for a speedy recovery.


Six months ago I encountered a problem such as giardiasis. I did not go to the clinic. Before that, we went to nature, bought vegetables from the market, we, of course, took water, but you yourself understand the difference between running water and water from a bottle. Without bothering, I found this drug on the Internet, it was not scary to order, because it is, one might say, natural. Everything went away within 7 days, but for the purpose of prevention I drank it for another week. I'm happy with the result, and the price doesn't beat my pocket.

The product works great. Among all the dietary supplements we have tried, this is the most effective. It cleanses the body well of lamblia.

Nemozol for children: reviews from doctors and parents

Nemozol is prescribed for helminthiases such as strongyloidiasis, giardiasis, necatoriasis, enterobiasis, microsporidiosis, hookworm disease, trichuriasis, opisthorchiasis, toxocariasis, ascariasis, as well as mixed infestations. The undoubted advantages of this drug are its low price and high efficiency.

Doctors' reviews about the drug

Maryanina M.V., St. Petersburg: Taking Nemozol as an anthelmintic drug for children is recommended quite often. However, when prescribing it, age should be taken into account little patient, general state his well-being and health, the presence of diseases associated with the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. In case of problems with the functioning of the hematopoietic system, as well as in cases of damage to the retina of the eye, Nemozol is not prescribed. During the period of therapy, all dosages and timing of taking the drug should be observed, and the child’s condition should be monitored, since the drug can cause allergic reactions, in some cases quite serious. Therefore, treatment with nemozol should be carried out under strict medical and parental supervision.

Parents' reviews about the drug

Vseslava, Naberezhnye Chelny: The child is 3 years old. For the first time they brought their son to kindergarten about 2 months ago. Over the past few days, the child has become restless and easily excitable. At night he spins and turns, grinds his teeth, and sometimes wakes up in tears. The kindergarten teacher said that many parents complain about this behavior and advised him to treat the worms. We immediately contacted pediatrician. We were prescribed nemozol because ascaris was found in the stool. Already on the second day after taking the medicine, the child slept much more calmly. A week and a half later, the feces were retested. The test results were negative. So the drug helped us.

Antonina, Antonovka village: The child began to complain about itching and discomfort V anus. We decided to see a doctor because the symptoms did not disappear, but became more pronounced. Last time, for giardiasis (this time it was also diagnosed), we were prescribed the drug decaris, this time we were prescribed to take it again. But there was practically no improvement. Then the doctor advised me to buy nemozol, as it has a stronger effect. Improvements are obvious, as they say. We literally took 1 tablet and this is already the result. We recommend.

Olga, Sergiev Posad: When passing medical examination At school, my daughter was diagnosed with toxocariasis. The doctor recommended albendazole (also known as nemozol), which is relatively safe and inexpensive. The next day after taking the medicine, the child began to complain of slight dizziness. On the 4th day she broke out, had diarrhea, and her tummy was rumbling and swelling a lot. As a result, treatment with this drug had to be abandoned due to discovered hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Victor, Perm: My family and I went to the dacha during the summer holidays. A whole two weeks of relaxation, nature, barbecue. Upon arrival in the city, my son suddenly developed strange symptoms: itching in the anus and discomfort. At first he didn’t admit it - he was still a teenager. But, apparently, these feelings were so tormented that he asked to go with him to the hospital. We passed all kinds of tests and visited a proctologist. Nothing suspicious was found. They even did a coprogram, which showed muscle striations and the presence of iodophilic microorganisms in the feces. Ultrasound abdominal cavity also turned out to be normal. A few days later, the son said that he found a small worm (about 1 cm) in the feces. We immediately ran to the infectious disease specialist. As a result, enterobiasis was identified, which, as it turned out, is quite problematic to diagnose. They prescribed Nemozol, a tablet of which the son immediately took. Relief began within 3–4 days. After 3 weeks, I took another one as a preventive measure. No further manifestations of helminthiasis appeared. We did not find any disadvantages, such as side effects, when taking the drug.

Arina Aleksandrovna, Vladivostok: Our 4-year-old grandson contracted Botkin's disease (hepatitis A in scientific terms). Treatment took place in a hospital setting. When it was time to be discharged, pinworm eggs were found in stool tests. Treatment against worms was prescribed to everyone: the grandson, first of all, half a tablet of Nemozol, and all family members a whole tablet of the same medicine. I read that the product should not be taken by people with liver problems. But the attending physician convinced us that nemozol is not so dangerous for our grandson, since the treatment course includes tablets that restore liver cells and its proper functioning. The baby broke out with acne. It is difficult to attribute it to other reasons, because the child was in an individual box in the infectious diseases department. However, there was no itching. Most likely, it was the drug. Although he really helped his grandson.

Alevtina, Sverdlovsk: In the summer the family went to the sea. We arrived with ascariasis. Both we, the parents, and our daughter (12 years old) were prescribed albendazole (nemozol). Extracts, according to the instructions, one tablet. A week later the whole family went for repeat tests. The treatment turned out to be ineffective. I had to take 2 more tablets with three-week breaks. We had a lot of nerves, but even after 2 months, positive result treatment showed itself. No one had any unpleasant sensations during the action of the drug. So, although albendazole has not shown very high effectiveness, it is quite possible to take it. This applies to both parents and their children.

Valery, Magnitogorsk: At our one year old child Pinworm eggs were discovered. Nemozol was prescribed in a low dosage. A few hours after taking the pill, severe diarrhea appeared, and the color of the stool was very dark, almost black. The temperature immediately jumped to 38 degrees. The eldest daughter also took the medicine, but she did not develop any similar symptoms.

Zoya, St. Petersburg: We had it here slight shock: My son, who just started school, was found to have trematodes and nematodes. A whole treatment course was prescribed, which included taking albendazole (nemozole). The recovery was long and difficult, but we got through it all. Now my son runs to wash his hands 10 times a day, he’s afraid of catching something nasty again.

Maria, Smolensk: Many reviews write that when taking Nemozol, a lot of side effects occur. I want to say that in many cases the problem is not in the drug itself, but in the toxic substances that helminths secrete during their life and death. So it is better to consult highly qualified and experienced professionals before taking any anthelmintic. Based on my own experience, I can say that taking medications has a greater effect when combining tablets with taking various special dietary supplements and alternative medicine.

Tamara, Moscow: Periodically, the whole family gets tested for worms, since there is a whole zoo at home: 2 cats, a dog and a sea of ​​fish. The tests were always negative, but suddenly worms were discovered! Nemozol was prescribed to all family members. We, the parents, and the eldest son did not have any side effects, the youngest (3.5 years old) had one loose stool. Repeated tests did not reveal helminths.

Alevtina, Pyatigorsk: Reviews on the Internet about nemozol do not seem to be bad. The pharmacy also recommended this drug as a broad-spectrum anthelmintic. We decided to take the drug as a preventive measure for the whole family, since we spent all our holidays and holidays at the agro-estate of a local farmer. And the risk of infection was very high. We'll get tested in a couple of weeks. There you will see what's what.


Tinidazole drug: instructions for use and description

Everything about the drug: reviews, analogues, detailed application

Tinidazole is a medical drug with a powerful antibacterial effect. Previously, it was used only in gynecological practice. In modern medicine, its scope has expanded: it is prescribed to cure diseases that arise from the penetration of various simple anaerobic infections, including fungal ones, into the human body. The price of the drug is low - 20-40 rubles per package.

Tinidazole in pharmacies is usually dispensed with a doctor's prescription, because it has a number of serious contraindications and side effects.

What does it treat and when is it prescribed?

This drug is also used in the treatment of various other infections caused by anaerobic bacteria- amoebiosis, wound infection, peritonitis, sepsis, skin infections, pneumonia or lung abscess (combined with antibiotics), etc.

Tinidazole: instructions for use

The drug is available in the form of four tablets in a blister of 0.5 g each. Your doctor will usually give you recommendations on how to take tinidazole.

When infected with Trichomonas, adults take tablets in different versions:

  • simultaneously all four tablets (2 g) orally;
  • take 0.5 g in four doses every 15 minutes;
  • 0.15 g twice a day for a week.

During treatment, both sexual partners usually undergo therapy. For women, tinidazole suppositories are also available, which are used vaginally. Candles contain 0.5g active substance. Men are not prescribed suppositories.

For children, tablets are prescribed at the rate of 0.5-0.6 g per kg of weight.

When infected with Giardia, the drug is prescribed once (2 g) immediately, 4 tablets after breakfast at a time interval of 40-50 minutes, or 0.3 g is taken daily for the whole week. In case of severe disease, 6-7 courses of treatment are repeated.

Fungal diseases of the nails and feet are now very widespread.

Infection can occur when playing sports (in the locker room) through objects used by other people, when visiting a swimming pool, sauna or bathhouse. If a person also has endocrine diseases or those associated with metabolic disorders (diabetes, obesity, AIDS), loves high-calorie foods and sweets, then immunity decreases, but the process of reproduction of fungi that have entered the skin begins to accelerate.

Symptoms of onychomycosis (fungal infection of the nail plate) are changes in the color of the nail (gray or yellow-green), thickening or deformation.

If you suspect a fungus, first of all you need to consult a dermatologist to diagnose the cause of the disease. A fungal disease cannot go away on its own, since this microorganism has strong vitality.

The drug tinidazole, due to its complex action against harmful microorganisms, is often prescribed by dermatologists. Its effectiveness is due to its inhibitory effect on the DNA of bacteria and fungi, as well as high level absorption (absorption) into the human body.

Tinidazole can be taken orally on its own or used in combination treatment with other antifungal medications(for example, ointments). After taking the tablets, a positive change in the patient’s condition appears in the first hours. The effect of the drug lasts 4 days, then it is partially excreted with bile through the liver and kidneys.

For treatment fungal disease Tinidazole is prescribed to be taken orally once a day, 27 per day for an adult or child, no more than 0.75 g/kg based on body weight. The duration of the treatment course is determined by the doctor, based on the volume of the lesion, usually 1-4 weeks.

Tinidazole for giardiasis

When they find themselves in the comfortable conditions of the human large intestine, they “come to life” and begin to actively move and multiply. Children are especially often exposed to infection (in kindergarten or other groups).

From a large number of Giardia, all organs of the gastrointestinal tract are exposed to their destructive effects. Malabsorption occurs nutrients, the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems are also affected, and allergic and neurological symptoms are often present.

To accurately determine the disease, ultrasound of the liver and pancreas, blood tests and fecal examination for Giardia cysts are performed.

After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes tinidazole most often once (2 g) after breakfast 40-50 minutes later, or 0.3 g is taken daily for the whole week. In severe cases, 6-7 courses of treatment are repeated.

Contraindications and side effects

In some cases, the following side effects are observed when using tinidazole:

  • in the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, problems with stool;
  • neurological disorders - weakness, headache, decreased performance, in rare cases, coordination of movements is impaired, convulsions;
  • allergic skin rashes, itching.

Contraindications for taking the drug are:

  • first trimester of pregnancy, lactation;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • blood diseases;
  • individual intolerance to the drug or its components.

While taking the medication, you should refrain from driving vehicles and avoid activities that require increased concentration or rapid psychomotor reactions.

When taking this drug, dark urine coloration is often observed, therefore, with long-term use (more than 6 days), the doctor must monitor the patient’s blood condition.

Tinidazole and alcohol

Taking this medicine is strictly incompatible with drinking alcohol. One of the contraindications when using tinidazole is the inadmissibility of its use with a substance such as ethanol. Under the influence of the drug, there is a strong increase in ethanol exposure, and frightening unexpected reactions appear: difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, severe vomiting, which cannot be stopped.

A sharp decline is also possible blood pressure, the appearance of chills or a feeling of heat in the patient. All this occurs due to the strong accumulation of acetaldehyde during breakdown ethyl alcohol in the human body.

Tinidazole also has a significant effect on the liver. After just 2 hours the concentration medicinal product reaches a maximum in the liver, then processing occurs active substance within 14 hours, then it is excreted by the body in urine and feces.

Thus, the additional burden on internal organs also affects the consumption of alcohol and enhances its harmful effects on the body.

Tinidazole: consumer reviews

Irina, 23 years old

After the doctor diagnosed me with trichomoniasis, I had to be treated with tinidazole. I took all 4 tablets in the morning, after breakfast. Although I was warned in the instructions about side effects, but I didn’t expect this. Almost immediately I felt an unpleasant sensation in my mouth, and I felt bad all day: my head was spinning, my side hurt, and there was a taste of something nasty in my mouth. I didn’t go to work, I rested at home. Everything went away only the next day. But after taking the test, it turned out that my problem went away, and I am now healthy.

Oksana, 35 years old

Tinidazole -medicine, which helped my husband and I get rid of unpleasant intimate problems. When I found out at the pharmacy how much tinidazole costs, I was even surprised at how cheap it was. We took the medicine as a duo and had to abstain from marital relations for a whole month until we checked with a doctor and confirmed a complete cure for this problem.

Analogues of the drug

Analogs of this drug are:

  • Metronidazole is an antibiotic drug. Indications for use are similar to tinidazole, but the spectrum of action is expanded. Treatment with metronidazole is usually prescribed by a doctor, who decides which medication is best;
  • Hexicon is an antiseptic medicine containing chlorhexidine. It is also prescribed for the treatment of trichomoniasis or other diseases caused by bacterial infection. Usually comes in the form vaginal suppositories. Prescribed only for women;
  • Fazizhin is a medicine with antiprozoal and antibacterial effects. Available in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription.

Which is better: metronidazole or tinidazole?

Metronidazole contains the substance metrogyl, which has a pronounced antibacterial and antimicrobial effect in relation to anaerobic cocci, gram-negative fusobacteria, etc., reduces protozoal infectious processes.

Prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of the same diseases as tinidazole. Metronidazole tablets are taken twice a day, 0.25 g. The duration of administration is indicated by the attending physician.

Vaginal suppositories are also included in the standard course of treatment - 10 days, usually placed at night.

When comparing these two drugs, it is clear that their indications and therapeutic effectiveness are similar.

The differences in treatment are as follows:

  1. The drug tinidazole, when taken for a long time, has a strong effect on the blood and can cause bleeding. Metrogil has this adverse reaction No.
  2. The cost of Metronidazole is two times higher than tinidazole (60-70 rubles).
  3. Tinidazole has an effect on the patient's psychomotor abilities (this concerns the ability to drive a car). Therefore, it is better for such sick motorists to use metronidazole for treatment, which does not have such a side effect.
  4. Unlike tinidazole (available only in oral tablets), metronidazole has several dosage forms release: gel, tablets, suppositories, solution for intravenous administration, suspension (taken orally).
  5. Metronidazole (unlike tinidazole) is contraindicated in patients with leukopenia and pregnant women during all three trimesters.