Brown spot on the tongue: causes, description with photos, possible diseases and treatment. Spots on the tongue as an indicator of disorders in the body Why black spots appear on the tongue

Quite often, the resulting spots on the tongue do not cause any alarm in a person. However, you need to be aware that such a process may indicate serious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

The spots themselves may have different shape and size. In addition, they also differ in color shades.

Depending on their color, we can make an assumption about a hidden disease. In order to prevent the development of unpleasant symptoms of the disease, it is very important to promptly address the problem.

About the problem seriously

Most often, spots on the tongue portend the presence of a certain disease or malfunction. human body.

For effective treatment illness, first of all, you need to find out what reasons could provoke this process. The variety of spots, which is quite extensive, is also important.

During regular examination of the oral cavity, it is necessary Special attention devote to the language. When complete absence diseases, the tongue should have a pinkish color along with a slight whitish coating.

In that situation, if there is a suspicion of a disease, the tongue may become covered and spots of different colors begin to form on its surface.

In most cases, it can be caused by improper oral hygiene. In such situations, all that is required is to pay attention not only to the teeth, but also to the tongue itself.

If the problem lies in poor nutrition, then it’s quite easy to get rid of such plaque.

If you find spots on your tongue, you should analyze everything. Perhaps such a symptom indicates a serious illness. In order to eliminate the risk of complications, it is important to seek medical help in a timely manner.

Classification of possible causes

As is known, tongue spots can have different kind and shape. In addition, in each case they acquire different shades, which play a decisive role in making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment.

Among the factors that provoke the development of the disorder, the following should be noted:

Localization and color picture

As mentioned above, spots can take on a variety of color shades. It is believed that the darker the color of the resulting spot, the greater risk exists for human health. In addition, the texture and location of the spot on the tongue can indicate the severity of the suspected disease.

Localization and possible problem:

  • if darkening on the tip, then it is necessary to take care of the health of the heart and blood vessels;
  • spot in the area that is immediately after the tip talks about lung problems;
  • spots in the center warn of problems with the spleen;
  • presence of stains in the area after the middle tongue indicates kidney disease;
  • spots that are located closer to the root, warn about a malfunction of the intestines;
  • if stains are found from the side, then it is necessary to check the condition of the liver and gall bladder.

If the spots are located on the side of the tongue, as in the photo, pay attention to the liver

Different colors - different problems

In addition, the following features of the appearance of stains should be taken into account.

The formation of white spots on the tongue may indicate the following pathological processes in the human body:

When is it detected on the tongue? brown spot, there is a possibility of developing such ailments:

  • food poisoning or dysbacteriosis is very often accompanied by browning of the tongue;
  • improper use of medications;
  • diseases of the lungs, liver or intestines;
  • Addison's disease;
  • onset of diabetic coma;
  • mycosis;
  • fungal infection of the mucous membranes.

Dark spots, even black, indicate the following diseases:

  • alkaline-acid imbalance due to lack of intake fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • prolonged course of colds and increased body temperature;
  • development of chromogenic fungus in the oral cavity;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract intestinal tract;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the gallbladder.

Red spots on the tongue become a precursor to the development of such diseases:

  • development allergic reaction for food or medicine;
  • ringworm or viral disease;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the stomach;
  • disease of the circulatory system.

The appearance of any of the pathologies can lead to serious consequences for human health. In order to begin effective treatment, it is very important to establish the cause that could affect the formation of spots on the tongue.

Types of stains

Spots on the tongue can be quite varied and manifest themselves as follows:

Associated symptoms

In addition to detecting spots in the oral cavity, the following signs of disease may be observed:

Set of measures

If there are spots on the tongue, treatment may include both the use of medicinal methods and traditional medicine.

Drug treatment will consist of drawing up a special diet for the patient, careful oral care (brushing teeth and tongue), and rinsing.

The doctor can also make an appointment antifungal drugs and antibiotics.

Most often it includes the following steps:

  1. Thorough treatment of the affected areas of the tongue with antiseptic drugs.
  2. Application antiviral drugs, and, if necessary, antibiotics.
  3. Use of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  4. If the reason for the formation of spots lies in an allergic reaction, then it will be necessary to identify what caused such a reaction in the body (medicines or products).
  5. To prescribe effective treatment, a laboratory blood test for the Wasserman reaction is required.
  6. If there is a change in the integrity or deformation of the dental plates, you must seek help from a dentist.

For rinsing the mouth, the following are most often prescribed:

  • weak solution of manganese;
  • furatsilin solution;
  • herbal decoctions based on chamomile, calendula, sage.

The duration of drug treatment depends on the severity of the disease. If the disease lasts for a long time and in case of major complications, it may be necessary to surgical intervention. It is usually advisable to use it in case of blackening of the tongue.

Traditional methods of treatment involve the use of the following infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants:

  • an infusion based on oregano, plantain and yarrow, this drink is drunk three times a day, 100 grams;
  • jelly made from flax seeds;
  • decoction for rinsing from oak bark;
  • An excellent mouth rinse comes in the form of regular hydrogen peroxide.

Danger of pathology

The greatest danger to human health are blue, purple and black spots.

Of course, in practice they do not occur so often, but the degree of color intensity indicates that the problem continues for a fairly long period of time. That is why in such cases it is very important not to postpone a visit to the doctor.

Preventive actions

The surest way to avoid such trouble is to follow the following rules:

In most cases, staining does not pose a threat to human life. But in order to eliminate the risk of developing severe complications, it is best not to ignore the symptoms that appear, but to seek urgent medical help.

People often ignore spots that appear on the tongue. And they take a lot of risks. After all, unusual pigmentation in the oral cavity poses a hidden threat. Of course, it may simply be a reaction to an external stimulus, but sometimes in this way the body gives a sign that something is wrong.

Reasons for appearance

The main factors that provoke the appearance of pigmentation:

  • allergies to oral hygiene products;
  • irritating foods;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • bite;
  • wearing braces;
  • dehydration.

Such spots on the tongue appear and disappear in the absence of negative effects on the mucous membrane. The situation with pigmentation that arose as a consequence of developing pathological process. The color, shape and location of the rash helps in making a diagnosis.

Possible diseases

The most common pathologies are:

  1. Glossitis. Inflammation of the tongue caused by bacterial or viral infection. It manifests itself in the form of swelling of the organ, the appearance of plaque and irregularly shaped spots on it. Salivation is impaired, a repulsive odor and ulcers appear. There are several types of glossitis, each of which has specific symptoms. To eliminate the disease, antiseptic rinses and applications are used. To heal ulcers, gels are applied to accelerate tissue regeneration. Depending on the pathogen, antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal agents are prescribed.
  2. Scarlet fever. Infectious disease caused by streptococcus. It begins with the appearance of fever, malaise, and headaches. Appears on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity small rash. It spreads to the groin, bends of the limbs, and sides of the torso. After a couple of days, granular growths appear on the tongue, and the organ acquires a crimson color. A constant companion of scarlet fever is tonsillitis. Treatment is usually carried out on an outpatient basis with antibiotics, infusion therapy, and vitamins. Patients are shown special food and bed rest.
  3. Measles. An infectious viral disease that affects the respiratory system, mouth, and eyes. A highly contagious disease that often leads to death. Characterized by a sharp increase in temperature and other signs of a cold. Then conjunctivitis occurs, red and white spots appear on the tongue, palate, and inner surface of the cheeks. The rash then spreads to the entire body. A cure for measles has not yet been invented. Symptomatic treatment is used. Vitamin A supplementation is recommended to reduce the risk of death.
  4. STD. Venereal diseases can also affect the oral mucosa if infection occurs during oral sex. A rash and sores appear on the membranes, which can spread significantly. A purulent plaque forms there. Often such symptoms are combined with rashes on the genitals. Patients are prescribed antibiotics and antiseptics for local use.
  5. Lichen planus. Skin fungal disease. Sometimes it affects the oral mucosa. It is characterized by the appearance of numerous grayish nodules that merge together and resemble a cobweb in outline. Depending on the features clinical picture and types of the disease, antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs, immunity boosters, and corticosteroids are prescribed.
  6. Tongue cancer. Malignant neoplasm in epithelial and mucosal tissues. The main cause is smoking. Oncology can also be caused by injuries, herpes and the human papillomavirus. The tumor first appears as whitish plaques, lumps and red spots on the sides of the tongue. Then pain appears, salivation increases, and the submandibular lymph nodes enlarge. Part of the organ becomes numb, its surface bleeds. Ulcers, growths and cracks may appear. Combination cancer therapy. It includes chemotherapy, radiation and surgery up to complete removal organ.
  7. Leukoplakia. Thickening and keratinization of the epithelium. Occurs due to mechanical damage, chemical poisoning, bad work Gastrointestinal tract. White or gray areas appear in the oral cavity, the consistency of which resembles tissue paper. The formation of cracks, erosions, and warts is possible. For mild cases of the disease, epithelializing agents, anesthetics, and antiseptics are prescribed. In severe cases, surgery is indicated.
  8. Aphthous stomatitis. Inflammation of the oral cavity, characterized by the appearance of yellow or white spots surrounded by a red rim. Patients feel unwell, their body temperature rises and nearby The lymph nodes. For treatment, antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity is performed and symptomatic treatment is prescribed. During the recovery process, it is important to eat right and strengthen your immune system.

Gastrointestinal diseases and of cardio-vascular system. In the first case, the pigmentation is shaped like a map of the continents, and in the second, blue spots are formed.

The localization of the rash also says a lot about the source of the pathology. So, if a spot appears on the very tip of the tongue, there is some problem in the heart and blood vessels. Pigmentation located close to the edge is a sign of lung pathology. The affected center of the organ indicates a malfunction of the spleen. A little further is the kidney zone. Signs of intestinal dysfunction appear at the root of the tongue. Rashes on the side parts indicate pathologies of the liver and gall bladder.

Spots on tongue photo

What to do?

First of all, you should contact your dentist or therapist. The doctor will prescribe treatment or refer you to a specialized specialist. If it turns out that everything is in order with your health, you should follow preventive measures to prevent the problem from returning:

  • choose quality toothpaste and rinsing agents;
  • do not eat rough foods too often, as well as sour, salty, spicy foods;
  • give up cigarettes and alcohol;
  • normalize water balance;
  • when wearing braces, follow all the rules for their use and regularly visit the dentist;
  • strengthen the immune system.

Spots on the tongue are not such a harmless phenomenon. Their appearance should definitely alert you. A lot dangerous diseases lies behind pigmentation in the oral cavity.

The healthy color of the tongue is pink, free of foreign deposits and inclusions. But often, for a number of reasons, the organ changes color, and sometimes even becomes black.

Varieties of black coating on the tongue

Until recently, the discovery of a black coating on the tongue was perceived as infection with cholera. This disease is a thing of the past, but the symptom appears in people with enviable regularity. The causes of this phenomenon are varied, as are the symptoms.

Black plaque may appear on the following parts of the tongue:

  • tip;
  • root;
  • On the sides;
  • on the middle part (in the middle).

The plaque can be uniform, equally colored over the entire area of ​​the organ, or appears in the form of “ripples”, giving the tongue a spotty appearance. Sometimes it only has one or two dark spots, located in certain places. Experts also diagnose a general darkening of the organ, when its entire mass becomes gray, as if dirty in appearance.

Often, a dark coating on the tongue is combined with other signs of an existing disease, including heartburn, bitter taste in the mouth, ulcers and ulcers and many other symptoms.

In adults and children, language can acquire black spots - specks, randomly distributed over the entire surface of the mucous membrane. These small black dots can signal fungal and other pathologies of the body and are often accompanied by damage to the gums or the entire oral cavity.

Banal reasons for plaque on the tongue

Before you worry and look for the reasons for the appearance of a black tongue, the symptoms of which disease are present, you should carefully examine the oral cavity. You should also remember whether you used coloring products, such as:

  • blueberry;
  • red wine;
  • mulberry;
  • food with dark dyes;
  • lollipops, etc.

Often a black tongue is observed after taking activated carbon tablets, and in this case there is definitely no need to panic. You should perform high-quality oral hygiene, and you can forget about the problem.

Simple and common, but more serious causes of organ darkening include: alcohol abuse. They not only stain the tongue, but also provide the body with chronic intoxication, disrupting metabolism and slowing down the rate of elimination of toxins.

Gray plaque with black streaks may be a consequence poor hygiene oral cavity, in which case the symptom is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Another popular reason why there is a black coating on the tongue is active growth of mold fungi after taking antibiotics. When local immunity is weakened, these microorganisms colonize the mucous membrane and give it a dark tint.

Gastrointestinal diseases and black tongue

Blackening of the mucous membrane of the tongue in children is almost always associated with pathologies digestive system. In adults, the incidence of such problems in the presence of black plaque below, and yet diseases Gastrointestinal tract occupy leading positions. The symptom is more common in people who abuse fast food, baked goods, carbohydrate foods, food with an abundance of preservatives, dyes, etc. harmful additives. Such a “diet” leads to metabolic disorders, and the tongue serves as an indicator of general ill-being.

At Crohn's disease tongue turns black, since an increase in melanin production occurs in the body due to suppression of the adrenal glands. Diseases of the gallbladder, stomach, duodenum also cause changes in the oral cavity, and only their treatment will help get rid of the scourge.

Signs of the main pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by the appearance of a dark coating on the tongue, are shown in the table.

Inflammatory pathologies of the oral cavity

Pharyngitis or chronic tonsillitis in the acute stage, they can also lead to the appearance of a black “sediment” on the tongue. Its distinctive feature is its presence after waking up and its almost complete disappearance after eating or hygienic cleaning.

Sometimes a black coating appears on the tonsils and tongue in combination with an increase in body temperature. Such symptoms are characteristic of tonsillitis (acute tonsillitis). Sore throat does not occur without a sore throat, so making a diagnosis in such a situation is quite simple. When the disease will pass, unpleasant manifestations from the tongue will also disappear.

Sometimes black spots form after suffering from the flu - this is how glossitis, or inflammation of the tongue, occurs.

Oddly enough, sometimes a black tongue means development Oral candidiasis, or thrush. Usually this pathology manifests itself as white curdled masses localized in the mouth, but advanced stages cause darkening of plaque. The disease is accompanied by bad breath, burning, tingling, and tissue swelling.

Other causes of black plaque

The appearance of this symptom cannot be ignored - it often means big health problems. For example, the body may suffer from acidosis - a buildup of toxins and a shift in the acid-base balance towards oxidation. This condition can be caused by long-term infections, intestinal disorders, and starvation diets.

Others possible reasons the pathologies are as follows:

  1. Lead poisoning. Acute lead intoxication almost always manifests itself as changes in the oral cavity.
  2. Inflammatory and chronic diseases lungs, bronchi. Some bacteria cause the tongue to turn a frightening shade; after recovery, the color returns to normal.
  3. Taking certain hormonal medications. Canceling medications helps the unpleasant color of the mucous membrane disappear.
  4. HIV and other severe types of immunodeficiency. With such pathologies, there is sometimes a black-gray plaque in the mouth.
  5. Dehydration. At acute form lack of fluid in the body, the tongue may change color to dark.
  6. Infants sometimes develop a dark coating after the introduction of the first complementary foods, if until that moment the baby was fed only breast milk - as a reaction to a new product. There is also a separate pathology - “black hairy tongue”, in which papillary outgrowths grow on the organ, become dark and hard. The exact reasons are not clear, but the disease most often appears in smokers.

    Diagnosis of pathology

    Dark plaque is not a specific disease, but a symptom, so it is important to see a doctor to find the cause. It’s better to start by going to a therapist, who will prescribe a number of necessary tests, but only appearance oral cavity and additional signs can suggest a diagnosis. For example, if plaque appears in the form of dots, this is a sign of a fungal infection or damage to the gastrointestinal tract; large spots of plaque signal pathologies of the gallbladder and pancreas.

    The examination program for such a problem is as follows:

Doctors call the tongue the mirror of the body, because it is this organ that reacts very sensitively to all changes occurring in our body. Therefore, when a black coating appears on the tongue, it’s time to sound the alarm. Why do black spots appear on the mucous membrane, how dangerous is it and how to treat such a pathology? You will find answers to these questions in today's article.

Causes of dark and black plaque

If a dark coating (even a black tint) has formed on the tongue, then the following diseases may be its causes:

  • dysfunction of the gallbladder and pancreas (usually a bitter taste in the mouth),
  • significant dehydration of the body,
  • acidosis is a violation of the acid-base balance in the body, in which the level of acidity increases (for example, with excessive consumption sweets, flour and refusal of foods of plant origin),
  • the presence of chromogenic fungal infections of the oral cavity (as a rule, they are accompanied by darkening of the tooth enamel),
  • consumption of food containing natural dyes (mulberry, blueberry, bird cherry, Activated carbon etc.) or artificial (all kinds of candies, confectionery, etc.),
  • chronic intoxication of the body, when the level of toxins in the blood increases (when working in hazardous industries, living in environmentally unfavorable areas, as well as when the functions of the excretory system are impaired),
  • infectious diseases of the oral cavity and pathologies of the ENT organs, for example, sore throat,
  • alcoholism or systemic drug addiction,
  • chemical poisoning (including gaseous substances),
  • Crohn's disease,
  • excess level of melanin in mucous membranes,
  • in infancy – complementary foods introduced too early, when the child’s body is not yet ready to digest regular food,
  • unbalanced, carbohydrate-deficient diets, causing disturbance metabolism or gastrointestinal functions.

Of course, black deposits do not form in all of the listed situations, but mainly in combination (for example, in cases of serious and advanced diseases, with a simultaneous strong decrease in immunity).

What plaque might look like

Depending on the location, plaques are divided into several types. It can be evenly distributed over the entire surface, can be concentrated in only one place (at the root, in the middle, on the side or at the tip), and can appear in the form of black dots. In addition, even the tongue itself can change color to gray or even black.

Interesting! A hundred years ago, darkening of the mucous membrane was clearly interpreted as a symptom of cholera. Modern medicine identifies at least 20 diseases that can provoke the formation of such plaque. Therefore, much attention is paid to diagnosis.

Additional symptoms for making an accurate diagnosis

In diagnosing diseases that cause blackening of the mucous membrane, other symptoms are also important. They allow you to more accurately determine the factor causing this pathology.

  • the shade of the mucous membrane of the tongue itself: it can range from yellow-gray to black with a blue or green tint, it can have a brown color,
  • localization of plaque: for example, large black spot in the center of the tongue or at its root indicates gastrointestinal problems or complications after infectious lesions. Small black dots indicate fungal infections or chemical poisoning,
  • mobility of the substrate (how easily it is removed from the surface of the organ),
  • change in the relief of the back (formation of folds, growths, etc.),
  • the presence of ulcers, abscesses or erosive lesions on all oral mucous membranes,
  • presence of bad breath,
  • the presence of a foreign taste: for example, bitterness indicates problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, a metallic taste indicates lead vapor poisoning, and sour taste indicates a fungal infection.

What does a black spot on the tongue mean?

If a dark spot appears on the mucous membrane and it gradually increases in size, then you should immediately consult a doctor. This symptom may indicate serious disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, seasonal exacerbation chronic diseases or about respiratory complications, about infectious lesions of various organs of our body (most often the genitourinary system).

In addition, such plaque can develop due to prolonged use of antibiotics. In this case, immunity decreases and the body can no longer control the population of bacteria and fungi.

What do black dots on the tongue mean?

One of the most common reasons the appearance of such points – development fungal disease, including candidiasis (thrush). In the most vulnerable places colonies of fungi grow on the mucous membrane, which become visible to the naked eye. A healthy body, as a rule, copes with harmful inhabitants, but if the immune system is weakened, the defense fails.

Remember! If treatment for a fungal infection is not started in time, it can provoke glossodynia - pathological growth and swelling of the lingual papillae, which increase in length, causing the feeling that hair is growing on the tongue.

Another one bad reason the appearance of black spots – lead poisoning (Remak syndrome). As a rule, in this case, dark blue or black spots appear not only on the tongue, but also on the gums (in the form of a border) - due to the deposition of lead salts in the tissues.

Black tongue in Crohn's disease

Sometimes it happens that it is not the mucous membrane that darkens, but the organ itself. In this case, the tongue does not change shape and size, but darkens from the center to the edges. This indicates inflammatory processes in the digestive organs (most often in small intestine) – Crohn's disease. Today science cannot answer what is the cause of this pathology, but several prerequisites stand out: the presence autoimmune diseases and dysfunction of the adrenal glands. As a result, due to hormonal deficiency, the level of melanin in the skin and mucous membranes increases, causing the integument to darken.

Black plaque in children

In most cases, a black or bluish coating on a child’s tongue is the result of eating a product with a dye, such as blueberries or chokeberry. In very young children, the changed color of the mucous membrane may be due to oxidation if the baby licked some kind of iron object. Therefore, first of all, it is worth finding out what the child played with and what if in the last 5-6 hours.

If the coloration of the mucous membrane is not associated with food intake, then you should contact your dentist or pediatrician (especially if the plaque does not go away for more than 48 hours). The reasons for changes in the color of the surface of the tongue in children may be inflammatory or degenerative phenomena in the body, the consequences of a previous sore throat, in which the mucous membrane of the pharynx often suffers due to irrigation with antibacterial drugs.

If this symptom is added to an increase in temperature, loss of stool, nausea, vomiting, weakness, insomnia, then we are most likely talking about inflammation of the digestive system or an infectious lesion.

Diagnosis of diseases with black plaque

In order to identify the real reason the occurrence of pathology, the doctor must conduct an examination, which usually includes:

  • general blood test (to identify inflammatory process and bacterial infections),
  • bacterial culture from the oral cavity (to identify the type of fungal infection),
  • biochemical blood test (to identify malfunctions of the hepatobiliary system and the functioning of the pancreas),
  • coprogram, fecal occult blood test (to identify intestinal diseases),
  • FGS, colonoscopy (to clarify the diagnosis in case of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract).

How to get rid of the problem

Treatment tactics depend on the factor that caused this condition. For example, Crohn's disease is treated comprehensively. The patient is prescribed hormone therapy to balance hormonal levels, antibacterial drugs for the treatment of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and drugs that enhance immunity.

Important! If you find dark plaque on your tongue, you do not need to self-medicate, because this pathology may be a symptom of a serious illness. Local treatment will not help, but will only worsen the situation. Therefore, when plaque appears on the mucous membrane, you should immediately contact a dentist or therapist so that they can prescribe a primary diagnosis and refer the patient to a specialist to establish a diagnosis.

Fungal infections are treated with antifungal drugs (local or general action).

Diseases of the digestive organs that cause a dark coating on the tongue are treated in accordance with the diagnosis; the tactics are chosen by a gastroenterologist. Often together with drug therapy a diet is prescribed or the diet is adjusted.

If the cause is chemical poisoning or intoxication, then the source of the toxins is determined (lead poisoning can be caused by fillings with a high content of this metal), detoxification measures and elimination of side effects are prescribed.

If no diseases were found during the examination, then it is generally accepted that dark plaque is a consequence of a malfunction in metabolism, and this problem is solved by adjusting the diet and drinking plenty of water (at least 2 liters of water per day for an adult).

If the cause of plaque formation lies in improper or insufficient oral hygiene, then the patient is advised to clean the tongue with a special soft brush with light movements, from the root of the tongue to its tip. In particularly advanced cases, dentists advise wiping the mucous membrane with a 5% solution of resorcinol or salicylic alcohol.

How is prevention carried out?

As such, there are no precautions for the appearance of plaque, because in most cases it is a symptom of another disease. And therefore we should talk about the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, monitoring the dynamics of hormonal levels, and preventing chemical intoxication of the body.

It would be useful to support the immune system so that the body itself copes with fungal and mold colonies and quickly recovers from viral respiratory infections.

One should not allow unbalanced diets (especially carbohydrate-deficient ones), fasting, excessive physical activity and stress, as all this affects metabolism and maintaining acid-base balance.

You should also avoid uncontrolled use of antibiotics (especially wide range actions), since they inhibit the healthy flora of the body, provoking the development of bacteria and fungi. It is important to maintain water balance in the body and prevent dehydration, as this leads to drying out of the mucous membrane, and it is unable to perform a protective function.

In this article we will look at what a brown spot on the tongue means.

Language is a kind of indicator of the state of the human body. The appearance of brown or other colored spots on it often causes confusion among most people, but this phenomenon is by no means rare.

Dark spots on the tongue can appear in adults and children; their color can vary from dark brown to light gray.

Brown spots on the tongue of an adult can be located on the side or upper surface, can have a lumpy structure, and affect other areas of the oral cavity, lips, and sometimes the face. They can appear at the most various reasons.

Spots on the tongue can be permanent, appear once and then disappear on their own, or be periodic. Sometimes they are accompanied by discomfort or pain. In such a case, there is a possibility of developing tongue cancer or a serious infection.

Causes of a brown spot on the tongue

If multiple or single, small or large dots appear on the surface of the tongue, you need to think about the reasons for their occurrence. There is no need to worry prematurely, since in many cases such spots do not cause harm, however, the provoking factors should still be clarified in order to exclude possible complications.


Brown spots on the tongue of an adult may occur due to hyperpigmentation. This happens due to the high concentration of melanin in the body. It is this substance that colors hair, eyes, and skin. If the tissues of the tongue accumulate a large number of melanin, harmless dark spots begin to appear. Hyperpigmentation of the tongue is caused by melanocytes - pigment cells.

However, sometimes brown spots on the tip of the tongue, caused by hyperpigmentation, are evidence of the development of melanoma, a type of cancer. Typically, melanoma develops under exposure to UV rays from the sun. The risk group includes people over 40 years of age, in particular women. As a rule, melanomas are brown or black in color, however, they can also be purple, red, or pink.

A photo of a brown spot on the tongue is presented.

Traditional medicine involves removing pigmentation using a laser. IN folk medicine Rosehip, aloe vera, cucumber, lemon, and potato juices are used to lighten darkened tongue and skin.

Melanin production is reduced by hydroquinone. It contains calcium, kojic and azelaic acid, cucumbers, soy milk.

The appearance of brown spots on the tongue during pregnancy

In some cases, spots occur in women taking contraceptives, which provoke hormonal changes and affect the activity of the endocrine system. This also happens during pregnancy.

What other possible causes of brown spots on the tongue in adults?

Oral fibroma

Fibroma is a benign tumor that has the shape of a polyp or dome, that is, it is a formation that resembles a hard, smooth round lump, which with its base or stem is attached to the tissues of the oral cavity. They look like moles and freckles and may have a dark color. Fibroma can occur for various reasons, for example, due to irritation caused by exposure to dental devices, piercings, and teeth.

Therapy for such a tumor can only be surgical; however, surgery does not guarantee that the tumor will not reappear in the same place. Treatment should not be neglected, since fibroids can multiply and grow. In addition, you should avoid damaging the tongue, particularly in the area where the fibroid was previously located. Injury can trigger its growth again.

Oral cancer

Tongue melanoma is a less common type of oral cancer. Brown spots on the tongue caused by oral cancer are extremely rare. You can assume the occurrence of cancer if its appearance is accompanied by other symptoms - difficulty moving the jaw when talking, swallowing, bleeding wounds on the face, neck, mouth, hoarseness, chronic soreness in the throat.

In this case, you should not give in to panic; cancerous tumors can be treated with chemical medications, radiation, which destroys carcinogenic cells, as well as through surgery aimed at removing the tumor.

Tongue piercing

In some cases, pigmentation disappears in the tongue piercing area, leaving only dark-colored spots. They can occur not only due to bleeding that occurs during the puncture, but due to the presence of jewelry in the oral cavity.

If an infection occurs during the piercing, it should be treated in a timely manner. In addition, it is important to perform all necessary postoperative manipulations and use only gold or titanium jewelry, as they are the least allergenic.

Black hairy tongue

What does it mean if a brown hairy spot appears on the tongue? This phenomenon can be caused by smoking, drinking alcohol, poor oral hygiene, and excessive use of antibiotic medications. Such spots appear due to the proliferation of papillae on the tongue.

Science has not fully elucidated the exact causes of brown spots on the tongue, however, as practice shows, the problem disappears over time if the patient carefully monitors oral hygiene and stops smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

They can be lightened or given pink color by eating mints or using mouthwash.

In addition, the phenomenon of a black hairy tongue may be due to the development of candidiasis in the mouth. It is important to ensure that the diagnosis is correct and then begin treatment for such spots by using antifungal agents. medicines.

Tongue injuries

As a result of injury to the tongue, dark red or dark brown blisters may appear on it. They have this color because there is blood inside.

Dark spots can occur due to trauma to the tongue, especially if it results in sores. For example, due to piercings, dental intervention, tongue biting.

What else can cause a brown spot on the tongue?

Allergic manifestations and the result of exposure to certain medications

Certain things can cause stains in the mouth: chemical substances, for example, bismuth. In addition, some medications that are allergens can cause tongue spotting.

To solve this problem, it is important to prevent contact with the allergen, take antihistamines, and continue therapy if the spots do not disappear.


Some cancer patients develop brown spots on the tongue while undergoing chemotherapy. Similar spots can also appear under the nails. Moreover, the phenomenon can be observed both during the course of chemotherapy and after its completion.


One of the causes of dark spots on the tongue is anemia. Dark areas can be scattered or grouped on the tongue. However, the most classic symptom of this pathology is pallor of the tongue.

Sexually transmitted diseases

It is known that white and sometimes dark spots and wounds can appear on the tongue, lips, mouth and other parts of the body with some sexually transmitted diseases, for example, with genital warts or HIV. Before assuming infection with such diseases, other symptoms should be identified that will confirm the diagnosis. If it is absent, then the reason for the appearance of the spots lies, most likely, in something else.

Other diseases

Brown spots on the tongue may be hereditary in nature, may occur due to dysbacteriosis, the development of Peutz-Jeghertz syndrome, Laugier-Hunziker syndrome, insufficiency of the adrenal cortex, insufficient individual hygiene of the oral cavity, enlargement blood vessels, especially those located under the tongue.

In childhood

A brown spot on a child’s tongue can occur as a result of an allergic reaction, oral candidiasis (as a rule, candidiasis causes white spots, but sometimes they can be dark), the use of antibiotic medications during therapy, or deposits that have accumulated as a result of breastfeeding.


If a person develops dark brown spots on the tongue, it is important to consult a doctor and be examined for oncological pathology, since timely therapy in this case will solve the problem. Temporary stains, in particular those resulting from chemical exposure, can be eliminated through proper oral hygiene.

Oral hygiene involves carefully cleaning the deposits on the tongue with a soft brush. In addition, it is important to eat healthy whole foods, fruits, and vegetables.

Many pathologies accompanied by this symptom respond well to therapy medications, vitamin complexes.

Treatment of the surface of the tongue can be carried out using effective resorption medications - “Imudon”, “Lizobakt”. You can also make mouth baths based on decoctions medicinal herbs(chamomile, sage) or antiseptic solutions pharmaceutical origin (“Miramistin”, “Chlorhexidine”).

If spots on the tongue are caused by a fungal infection, the patient is prescribed bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, and probiotics to normalize the microflora. In addition, the use of antifungal drugs is indicated - Livarol, Fluconazole, Nystatin, Diflucan. Antiseptic solutions are used for local treatment of the oral cavity.

In some cases, experts recommend treating the mouth with liquid nitrogen. Such a procedure should be carried out exclusively in conditions medical institution and only under the supervision of a doctor. Self-treatment with nitrogen is unacceptable. It is worth noting that in the field of dentistry, a similar method of therapeutic influence wide application Have not found.

In cases where conservative therapy in the form of medication does not bring the required result, experts recommend surgical intervention.

You can also remove such stains by sucking on a small piece of pineapple, then holding it on the root of your tongue for 40 seconds and chewing for 8 minutes. This should be done twice a day for 14 days.


The first and main preventive rule is compliance with individual oral hygiene standards. To clean the tongue, you should use special devices, for example, scrapers. It is also important to eat right, saturate your diet with foods rich in iron. You should stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

It is necessary to visit the dentist in a timely manner if suspicious symptoms appear, to eliminate dental diseases, and to remove tartar.

It is important to remember that such a phenomenon as brown spots on the tongue is not only unaesthetic, but it may indicate the development of probable serious illnesses, which can only be identified by a qualified specialist.

We looked at why a brown spot may appear on the tongue.