Glycine: positive effect on the human body. Useful properties of “glycine”, composition, application What glycine can be obtained from

Glycine is a naturally occurring amino acid produced human body. Translated from Greek, the word “glycine” means sweet. This amino acid is responsible for mental activity, peace and tranquility. It is found in many foods.

With its deficiency, a person becomes distracted, nervous, forgetful, irritable, gets tired quickly, and cannot concentrate for a long time. To compensate for the lack of this substance, it was created pharmaceutical drug under the same name.

For those who are prone to insomnia, depression, and causeless anxiety, this remedy is simply necessary. Athletes who expend a lot of strength and energy during intense training in the gym constantly take it to replenish the amino acid content in the body.

Glycine is indispensable for elderly people and students whose nutrition leaves much to be desired.

Description of the drug Glycine, its formula and composition

In accordance with the instructions for use, the drug is prepared in the form of white tablets, the shape of which can be flat or plano-convex with a chamfer. Besides active substance(glycine - 0.1 g), the drug contains sodium stearate - 1 mg and water-soluble methylcellulose - 1 mg. The product is produced in various dosages - 150, 400 and 500 mg. The number of tablets per package is 50 pcs.

Chemical formula medication- NH2-CH2-COOH.

Why should you take Glycine?

The product allows you to cope with numerous health problems. It has a beneficial effect on the body and promotes:

The medicine reduces the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, including during menopause. Reduces nervous disorders after suffering a stroke and traumatic brain injury.

Indications for use

Glycine is present in various proteins and other compounds. Receptors for it exist in numerous areas of the brain. The peculiarity of the medication is that it is able to eliminate the symptoms of diseases of this organ.

Glycine is used for:

The tool is in demand among middle and high school students educational institutions, where available high load on brain activity, especially during exams and sessions.

In appropriate doses, the drug helps reduce blood sugar, normalizes liver function and improves metabolism.

Due to its antacid properties, it is equated to antimicrobial agents (antibiotics). Glycine’s ability to activate collagen production allows it to be widely used in cosmetology.

Contraindications and side effects

Glycine is a natural amino acid that is produced by our body, so it has almost no contraindications. It is good because it does not have a cumulative effect, it is quickly broken down and eliminated.

The drug is practically safe and can be prescribed to infants, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers without any problems.

Rarely, with long-term use of the medicine, a decrease in blood pressure, drowsiness, lethargy and weakness is observed, therefore, hypotensive patients should take it with caution. In isolated cases, the use of the medication leads to nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, stool loss or constipation.

When Glycine interacts with other medications, there is a weakened effect of antidepressants, anticonvulsants, sleeping pills and neuroleptics.

People with individual intolerance to the active substance and auxiliary components included in the medication should avoid using the drug.

How to determine whether Glycine can be consumed? If, after taking the pill, redness, itching or other symptoms of an allergic reaction appear on the body, the drug should not be used.

The product is a natural amino acid produced by the body, therefore it is absolutely safe for expectant mothers. Also, Glycine is not able to penetrate the placental barrier.

During pregnancy, changes occur in all systems female body, especially endocrine and immune. Because of this, the emotional state of the pregnant woman changes. She becomes restless, irritable, nervous and whiny.

The drug is indispensable for women who are in an interesting situation because it can reduce or completely eliminate all of the above symptoms.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the drug should be taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor, since during this period almost all organs of the unborn child are formed, and in the second and third trimester, Glycine is absolutely safe and can be safely used by a woman independently after consultation with a specialist.

The dosage for a pregnant woman is prescribed by a doctor. It depends on the disease present in the woman. For insomnia, take the medicine 1 tablet half an hour before going to bed.

The standard dose for a pregnant woman is one tablet (0.1 g) three times a day.

Glycine in sports

People involved in sports, especially bodybuilding, need constant use of Glycine, which is part of creatine, which is responsible for muscle function.

It is taken when the body experiences a strong need for an amino acid, and at the moment when it can best be absorbed by the athlete’s body, that is, 20 minutes before or during a meal, 20 minutes after the end of training and before, how to go to bed.

How to take Glycine, dosage

Glycine is taken sublingually, buccally (buccal) and by resorption. For children, the tablets are crushed into powder.

The dosage of the drug depends on the existing disease. Adults, with reduced brain performance and decreased nervous tension, prescribed 0.1 g 2 or 3 times a day.

If you have trouble falling asleep, take a tablet half an hour before bedtime.

In case of brain damage, the duration of treatment is from 2 to 4 weeks.

During a stroke - 10 tablets in the first 3-4 hours immediately after the onset of the disease. Over the next 5 days, also 10 tablets per day, then the dose is reduced to three tablets per day. Glycine therapy lasts 1 month.

For alcohol and drug addiction - three times 0.1 g three times a day.

Children under three years of age are prescribed 0.05 g twice or three times a day for one to two weeks. Next, the dosage is reduced to 0.05 g per day and taken, grinding the tablet into powder, for another week.

IN childhood from three years old, drink Glycine 0.1 g three times a day. The duration of treatment is 7-14 days. If necessary, the duration of therapy is increased to a month. You can continue treatment after a two-week break.

If the drug needs to be taken infant, it is prescribed to mothers.

Glycine overdose

The consequences of an overdose in adults are unlikely. Some experts believe that long-term use of the drug causes an imbalance in the processes of excitation and inhibition of nervous activity, and abrupt cessation of taking the drug can lead to disorder nervous system.

Glycine, overdose in children, may reduce arterial pressure, there is some chance of fainting, which is caused by decreased blood flow to the brain as pressure decreases.

In general, an overdose of the drug will not result in a child dangerous consequences, but it is still worth taking appropriate measures.

They are as follows:

Don't risk the lives of your children!

Is Glycine compatible with alcohol?

The drug is prescribed after heavy drinking. It helps neutralize the effects of alcohol, quickly remove it from the blood, and also cleanse the body of harmful toxins. Glycine will help get rid of a hangover, and if taken during a feast, one tablet per hour, it will protect brain cells from the destructive effects of alcohol.

It is worth remembering that an overdose of a medicinal substance during large quantities drinking alcohol can cause harm, which will manifest itself as a narcotic effect. At the same time, the state alcohol intoxication will intensify many times over. Symptoms may appear as if they were poisoned.

Glycine analogs

Products containing the amino acid glycine are produced by several manufacturers. These are drugs such as:

They differ from each other in the content of the active substance, auxiliary components and price.

Drug price

  • Glycine - inexpensive drug, accessible to every person. Its price in different regions ranges from 25 to 45 rubles.
  • Glycine-Forte costs a little more - from 60 to 120 rubles.

Glycine is an amino acid that has been converted to pharmaceutical form. It has a very wide spectrum of action in the human body, but most often it is used to restore and regulate a person’s psycho-emotional state. This drug is sold in every pharmacy, is relatively inexpensive and is available without a doctor’s prescription, but this does not mean that it can be used whenever and however you want, because the benefit of the glycine drug will only be if certain rules are followed.

Glycine - what is this substance?

Available in tablets and capsules, which must be sucked, has a sweetish aftertaste, and can sometimes have a bitter aftertaste. One tablet contains about 100 mg of aminoacetic acid and some Excipients: water-soluble methylcellulose and stearic acid.

The chemical properties of this acid are as follows: it is synthesized in the human body from carboxylic acids and ammonia, which is released as the final product of metabolic activity; may interact with heavy metals entering the body from drinking water or environment. From physical properties glycine can be called because it is a neurotransmitter of hormones, i.e. it inhibits the action of nerve synapses.

Glycine got its name because of its sweet taste, because glycys is translated from Greek as “sweet, sugary.”

Obtaining this amino acid in the laboratory does not pose any difficulties. Not long ago they learned how to synthesize artificial glycine. Manufacturers pharmacological agents, receiving aminoacetic acid and producing from it medicinal substances, state that these drugs are sedative tranquilizing antidepressants that reduce feelings of fear, anxiety, and psycho-emotional stress.

Aminoacetic acid in medicine

In medicine it is used as a nootropic drug, that is, a drug that has a specific effect on the higher mental functions of the brain and protects it from negative environmental influences.

The drug is actively used in the treatment of many diseases of various organ systems, but it should be noted that it has not only a positive effect on the body, but also a negative one if the rules of use are neglected.

Beneficial features:

  • normalization of metabolic processes in the body;
  • elimination of mental stress;
  • acceleration of the work of neural synapses;
  • reduces the risk of cerebral hemorrhage;
  • helps smooth out negative emotions towards the world and people;
  • improved brain function, increased concentration on assigned tasks and increased ability to work;
  • reduces the risk of diseases of the vegetative-vascular system;
  • reduction of fatigue;
  • improving mood, eliminating irritability and anxiety;
  • normalization of sleep, drowsiness and lethargy disappear during the daytime;
  • reducing the toxic effect on the body of various poisons and alcohol.

Despite its many benefits, glycine should only be consumed after consulting a doctor. After all, improper use of this drug can lead to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, impaired functioning gastrointestinal tract, drowsiness and dizziness, skin rash, breathing problems. Glycine is harmful only if it is not followed correct dosage and in combination with incompatible drugs. In order to prevent negative effects on the body, it is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Indications for use

Glycine has a complex effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system, the following indications for use are distinguished:

  • insomnia;
  • memory impairment;
  • recovery after surgery;
  • stress and psychological stress;
  • neuroinfection;
  • stroke;
  • ischemic diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • decline in performance;
  • deviation in the child's behavior.

The main function of aminoacetic acid is to stabilize human mental activity. Nervous overstrain is eliminated, the nervous activity of the body is normalized. The benefits of glycine are manifested in its calming, vasodilating, stress-suppressing effects, in addition, it also normalizes mental condition children, increases performance and prevents the development of overwork.

Rules of application

The daily norm of glycine for a person is 3-7 mg, of which a person receives 1.5 mg when good nutrition, and 3 mg is synthesized in the body. A lack of glycine in the body can lead to muscle cramps, dizziness, nausea, lethargy, weakness, apathy, irritation, tearfulness, and sleep disturbance. Therefore, if there is a lack of aminoacetic acid, doctors recommend taking the drug three times a day: one tablet under the tongue for an adult, and for children - half a tablet under the tongue twice a day. Should be taken for 3-4 weeks. During treatment, the dosage and timing are prescribed by the therapist.

Among nitrogen-containing organic substances there are compounds with dual functions. Particularly important of them are amino acids.

About 300 different amino acids are found in the cells and tissues of living organisms, but only 20 ( α-amino acids ) of them serve as units (monomers) from which peptides and proteins of all organisms are built (therefore they are called protein amino acids). The sequence of location of these amino acids in proteins is encoded in the nucleotide sequence of the corresponding genes. The remaining amino acids are found both in the form of free molecules and in bound form. Many of the amino acids are found only in certain organisms, and there are others that are found only in one of the great variety of described organisms. Most microorganisms and plants synthesize the amino acids they need; Animals and humans are not capable of producing the so-called essential amino acids obtained from food. Amino acids are involved in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, in the formation of compounds important for organisms (for example, purine and pyrimidine bases, which are an integral part of nucleic acids), they are part of hormones, vitamins, alkaloids, pigments, toxins, antibiotics, etc.; Some amino acids serve as intermediaries in the transmission of nerve impulses.

Amino acids- organic amphoteric compounds, which include carboxyl groups - COOH and amino groups -NH 2 .

Amino acids can be considered as carboxylic acids, in the molecules of which the hydrogen atom in the radical is replaced by an amino group.


Amino acids are classified according to their structural characteristics.

1. Depending on the relative position of the amino and carboxyl groups, amino acids are divided into α-, β-, γ-, δ-, ε- etc.

2.Depending on quantity functional groups distinguish between acidic, neutral and basic.

3. Based on the nature of the hydrocarbon radical, they distinguish aliphatic(fat), aromatic, sulfur-containing And heterocyclic amino acids. The above amino acids belong to the fatty series.

An example of an aromatic amino acid is para-aminobenzoic acid:

An example of a heterocyclic amino acid is tryptophan, an essential α-amino acid.


According to systematic nomenclature, the names of amino acids are formed from the names of the corresponding acids by adding the prefix amino and indicating the location of the amino group in relation to the carboxyl group. Numbering of the carbon chain from the carbon atom of the carboxyl group.

For example:

Another method of constructing the names of amino acids is also often used, according to which the prefix is ​​added to the trivial name of the carboxylic acid amino indicating the position of the amino group by a letter of the Greek alphabet.


For α-amino acidsR-CH(NH2)COOH

Which play an extremely important role in the life processes of animals and plants, trivial names are used.


Amino acid



Structure of the radical (R)





Ala (Ala)

CH 3 -



(CH 3) 2 CH -


Leu (Lei)

(CH 3) 2 CH – CH 2 -





Tyr (Shooting Range)

HO – C 6 H 4 – CH 2 -

Aspartic acid


HOOC – CH 2 -

Glutamic acid


HOOC – CH 2 – CH 2 -


Cys (Cis)

HS – CH 2 -


Asn (Asn)

O = C – CH 2 –

NH 2


Lys (Liz)

NH 2 – CH 2 - CH 2 – CH 2 -



C 6 H 5 – CH 2 -

If an amino acid molecule contains two amino groups, then the prefix is ​​used in its namediamino-, three NH 2 groups – triamino- etc.


The presence of two or three carboxyl groups is reflected in the name by the suffix –diovy or -triic acid:


1. Isomerism of the carbon skeleton

2. Isomerism of the position of functional groups

3. Optical isomerism

α-amino acids, except glycine NH 2 -CH 2 -COOH.


Amino acids are crystalline substances with high (above 250°C) melting points, which differ little among individual amino acids and are therefore uncharacteristic. Melting is accompanied by decomposition of the substance. Amino acids are highly soluble in water and insoluble in organic solvents, which makes them similar to inorganic compounds. Many amino acids have a sweet taste.


3. Microbiological synthesis. Microorganisms are known that during their life processes produce α - amino acids of proteins.


Amino acids are amphoteric organic compounds; they are characterized by acid-base properties.

I . General properties

1. Intramolecular neutralization → a bipolar zwitterion is formed:

Aqueous solutions are electrically conductive. These properties are explained by the fact that amino acid molecules exist in the form of internal salts, which are formed by the transfer of a proton from the carboxyl to the amino group:


Aqueous solutions of amino acids have a neutral, acidic or alkaline environment depending on the number of functional groups.


1) amino acids are widely distributed in nature;

2) amino acid molecules are the building blocks from which all plant and animal proteins are built; amino acids necessary for building body proteins are obtained by humans and animals as part of food proteins;

3) amino acids are prescribed for severe exhaustion, after severe operations;

4) they are used to feed the sick;

5) amino acids are necessary as remedy for some diseases (for example, glutamic acid is used for nervous diseases, histidine for stomach ulcers);

6) some amino acids are used in agriculture to feed animals, which has a positive effect on their growth;

7) have technical significance: aminocaproic and aminoenanthic acids form synthetic fibers - capron and enanth.


Occurrence in nature and biological role of amino acids

Finding in nature and the biological role of amino acids

Glycine is a popular over-the-counter drug that has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the brain. It is often prescribed to treat various disorders brain activity in adults and children. The beneficial properties of “Glycine” have been repeatedly confirmed in research, so the drug is often prescribed to improve metabolic processes in the brain.

Description of the medicine

Nervousness, increased excitability, a feeling of constant fatigue - symptoms that today occur in almost every person. Their appearance indicates a malfunction of the nervous system. To eliminate signs of stress and improve performance, it is necessary to eliminate the deficiency of nutrients in the body. The drug “Glycine” will help to cope with this task. The properties and use of the drug are described in detail in the instructions.

The main active component of the tablets is replaceable aminoacetic acid. This substance is also produced in the liver and can be ingested through food. However, if there is a shortage of it, it is indicated

Glycine tablets: beneficial properties

According to the instructions, the drug belongs to the group of psychoanaleptics and can have a positive effect on brain performance. In addition, aminoacetic acid penetrates the tissues of absolutely all organs. The therapeutic effect of the drug is based on starting the process of inhibition of the central nervous system. Thanks to this, it is possible to restore the correct functioning of the brain.

To improve your psycho-emotional state and eliminate anxiety, you can take Glycine. The composition (the properties of the drug depend on it) allows it to be classified as nootropics - drugs that activate brain activity. According to reviews, this group of medications has a positive effect on mental capacity and improves memory.

The beneficial properties of Glycine tablets also include:

  • normalization of sleep;
  • improved mood;
  • elimination of signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • reducing the toxic effect of alcohol on the central nervous system;
  • elimination of nervous overexcitation;
  • relief of muscle tone;
  • accelerating the recovery of brain function in ischemic stroke and traumatic brain injury.

Indications for use

Many years of experience in use speaks not only of the popularity, but also of the effectiveness of the drug. The properties of “Glycine” allow it to be used as a sedative or tranquilizing agent. The main indications for prescribing tablets are the following pathological conditions:

  • stress;
  • impaired concentration;
  • emotional instability;
  • decreased mental performance;
  • sleep disorders, insomnia;
  • the presence of consequences of ischemic stroke;
  • various forms of encephalopathies;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • traumatic brain injuries.

The properties of "Glycine" allow the use of tablets in the treatment of narcotic and alcohol addiction. The amino acid protects brain cells from the destructive effects of toxic substances, and also promotes withdrawal from binge drinking, relieving hangover syndrome and symptoms of intoxication.

Instructions for use

Adult patients can take the tablets buccally or sublingually. Many experts call the first option more effective. The dosage of the medication depends on the characteristics of the pathology.

To eliminate insomnia, you need to take 100 mg of aminoacetic acid 20 minutes before bedtime. If it is necessary to cope with disorders of the nervous system and improve performance, three tablets per day are prescribed. Maximum dose in this case - 300 mg.

The duration of treatment depends on the diagnosis and can range from 14 to 30 days. It is recommended to repeat the course of therapy 3-6 times throughout the year.

"Glycine" for children

Neurometabolic stimulant is often used in pediatric practice. Tablets based on aminoacetic acid are considered one of the safest in their category. The active component is found in all cells of the body and is therefore completely safe for children.

Pediatricians and neurologists use the beneficial properties of “Glycine” in tablets to eliminate symptoms of increased excitability, anxiety and attention deficit disorder in children of various age groups. The drug helps improve mental abilities and memory in school-age children. With the help of medication, it is possible to facilitate the child’s adaptation to society.

How to give the drug to a child?

For elimination increased tearfulness and sleep disorders in infants, it is recommended to first consult a doctor regarding the need to use this medicine. Otherwise, an unexpected reaction of the baby’s body to the active component of the drug may occur. The beneficial properties of “Glycine” can normalize the psycho-emotional state even in the youngest patients.

For children under one year of age, the drug is prescribed at a dosage of 25-50 mg per day. To give the tablet to a baby, it is first ground into powder, in which the pacifier is dipped or applied to the inner surface of the cheek. Children from one to three years old are advised to take the medicine 50 mg (half a tablet) up to three times a day. The duration of treatment is at least 2 weeks.

A child over three years old can be given a whole Glycine tablet 2-3 times a day. The course of therapy in this case is 7-14 days. It should be taken into account that medicine can be used to treat children only if there are certain indications.

Gross formula


Pharmacological group of the substance Glycine

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

CAS code


Characteristics of the substance Glycine

Nonessential amino acid. White crystalline powder, easily soluble in water.


pharmachologic effect- antiepileptic, nootropic, normalizing metabolic processes, anti-stress, sedative.

Easily penetrates into most biological fluids and tissues of the body, incl. into the brain. Rapidly destroyed in the liver by glycine oxidase.

It is an inhibitory neurotransmitter and a regulator of metabolic processes in the brain and spinal cord. Normalizes the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system, increases mental performance, eliminates depressive disorders, increased irritability. Glycine is effective as an adjuvant for epileptic seizures. Normalizes sleep. It has a multicomponent anti-ischemic effect: it activates the brake transmission, reduces the content of toxic products in the central nervous system (aldehydes, ketones, etc.) formed in cascade reactions during acute ischemia and regulates the tone of the sympathetic nervous system.

Nonconducting electricity The 1.5% solution is used exclusively in urological practice for transurethral instillation during transurethral resection of the prostate gland and other transurethral electrosurgical procedures (according to PDR Generics, 1997).

Use of the substance Glycine

Stressful conditions, psycho-emotional tension, increased excitability, emotional lability, neuroses, neurosis-like conditions, vegetative-vascular dystonia, consequences of neuroinfections and traumatic brain injury, various forms encephalopathies (perinatal and other forms), incl. alcoholic origin, sleep disturbance; spicy ischemic stroke. To increase mental performance, incl. teenagers with deviant forms behavior.



Side effects of the substance Glycine

Possible allergic reactions.


Reduces the severity of the toxic effects of anticonvulsants, neuroleptics, antidepressants.

Routes of administration

Inside(buccal or sublingual) .

Precautions for the substance Glycine

It should be borne in mind that during transurethral resection of the prostate gland, usually accompanied by local application of glycine, it can enter the systemic circulation and affect the condition of the cardiopulmonary system and kidneys, especially in patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Interactions with other active ingredients

Trade names

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