Effective suppositories for thrush. Review of inexpensive drugs. We choose the right cheap and effective suppositories for thrush Suppositories for thrush

When candidiasis worsens, most women seek to purchase inexpensive but effective vaginal suppositories for thrush. A properly selected drug helps to quickly cope with fungi of the genus Candida. Let's figure out how to find out which cheap suppositories help best in treating thrush.

Suppositories for thrush - benefits of treatment with suppositories

Candidiasis can be treated using different dosage forms: tablets, cream, gel, suppositories. When choosing a drug, it is better to give preference to suppositories due to their safety and targeted effect on the fungus.

For women, suppositories are the most effective medicine in treating the disease for the following reasons:

  • the effect of the active components of the drug directly on the mycelium leads to a rapid radical cure. Reduction of disease symptoms and relief general condition occurs almost from the first day of therapy;
  • using suppositories for thrush for intravaginal administration does not cause irritation medicinal substances on organs gastrointestinal tract, liver and urinary system;
  • there are no side effects, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components;
  • affordable price of candles, which contain components that are aggressive towards fungus. A course of treatment costs at least 50 rubles;
  • Cheap and effective intravaginal suppositories for thrush not only quickly eliminate the manifestation of pathology, but also protect the uterus from infection with fungus.

Suppositories for candidiasis can also be of complex action. In this case, not only does it have an antifungal effect and relieve inflammation, but other pathogenic microorganisms can also be destroyed: protozoa, bacteria, viruses.

Basic principles of treatment

Due to the availability and low price of drugs, women often begin to self-medicate. However, without knowledge of the rules for treating pathology, even the best suppositories for thrush may not only not help, but also worsen the course of the disease.

To decide which suppositories for thrush and other drugs will be more effective, data is required laboratory research vaginal microflora, determining the degree of sensitivity of the pathogen to the active substances of various medicinal groups, as well as a study of the state of local immunity. Treatment should take into account all manifestations of the pathology, as well as prevent the development of all kinds of complications. Monotherapy with suppositories or ointments for candidiasis is often not enough.

To completely suppress the vital activity of the fungus and relieve the symptoms of the disease, comprehensive treatment is carried out, including:

  • local specific antifungal therapy. The doctor prescribes vaginal suppositories and ointments that have shown the greatest aggressiveness against the pathogen in the laboratory;
  • general systemic treatment is prescribed in advanced or severe cases. For this purpose, a medicine for thrush is used, produced in the form of tablets for oral administration, which has an antifungal effect on the entire body;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs. Candidiasis is always accompanied by an inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa (vaginitis) varying degrees expressiveness. To relieve symptoms of pathology such as redness and swelling, the doctor selects special suppositories for vaginitis;
  • immunomodulatory agents for intravaginal use increase local immunity, which allows the body to quickly recover normal microflora vagina;
  • drugs for correlating the qualitative and quantitative composition of intestinal microorganisms - symbiotics.

The most popular for the treatment of thrush are vaginal suppositories of combined action, which simultaneously treat inflammation, suppress the activity of fungi and increase the local defense response of the body.

Rules of application

To use suppositories against thrush with maximum effectiveness, you should handle them correctly and also skillfully insert them into the vagina.

It should be remembered that the formative substance of suppositories has low temperature melting, approximately equal to skin temperature. Therefore, in a hot room, vaginal capsules begin to soften and even the best suppositories for thrush become unusable. The optimal place to store this form of medication is a cool room or refrigerator door. Also, suppositories quickly melt from the warmth of your hands, so you should store medications for thrush in a package and remove 1 piece immediately before use.

How to use suppositories for thrush correctly? Throughout the entire therapy, the following recommendations of the doctor must be followed:

  • before each administration of suppositories, the external genitalia and perineal area should be washed;
  • The most effective result of treating candidiasis will be if the medicine is administered at night. When using the medicine during the day or morning, you should stay in bed for another 20 to 30 minutes. During this time, the suppository will melt and the medicine will penetrate all the folds of the vagina, destroying the fungus in them;
  • Suppositories should be inserted into the vagina while lying on your back;
  • Taking into account the fact that suppositories quickly melt in your hands, it is better to open the package immediately before administration;
  • When treating thrush, only one suppository is administered at a time. Using more suppositories does not affect the healing rate;
  • often use such medicinal drugs for the treatment of inflammation and thrush diseases accompanied by copious discharge. Therefore, it is better to use sanitary pads throughout the entire treatment period.

Also, do not forget that both sexual partners should undergo treatment at the same time.

For the entire period of treatment with suppositories for the disease, you should avoid underwear made from synthetic materials, as well as models such as thongs. At this time, it is better to give preference to slip models made from pure cotton. You should also avoid using scented pads, gels and liquid shower soap. For hygienic purposes, it is better to use baby soap during this period. It is very important to avoid unprotected sex.

Suppositories for thrush are perhaps the most convenient way to get rid of infection among the list of other remedies. But a wide variety of suppository preparations can confuse every woman. Let's try to figure out which suppositories for thrush are the best, how to use them correctly and what to do to avoid a recurrence of the disease.

The reproductive system in women, alas, is far from perfect, and the development of any disease genitourinary system poses a risk of infertility. The most dangerous disease counts fungal infection, medically called yeast-like candidiasis, popularly known as thrush.

Signs of candidiasis:

  • itching and burning in the vaginal area;
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • whitish or yellow cheesy discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse and urination.

The presence of at least one of the listed signs already informs the owner of possible inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. There is no point wasting time; you need to immediately begin treating thrush in order to quickly restore the affected microflora. To treat thrush, you can use gels, tablets, ointments, and vaginal or rectal suppositories. All drugs are aimed at eliminating yeast fungi, but the use of suppositories for thrush is still considered more effective.

Benefits of using candles:

  1. Thanks to deep penetration, suppositories almost immediately eliminate symptoms that are localized in depth female organs(discharge, itching).
  2. All vaginal suppositories for thrush contain antifungal components, which, when they enter the mucous membrane, instantly fight the infectious agent, while the active substances do not enter the human blood.
  3. Complete with antifungal suppositories, you can purchase suppositories to restore microflora, which are used after treatment of thrush.
  4. Some drugs can be used, for example, zalain, during pregnancy, lactation and when feeding a baby.
  5. All suppositories, regardless of brand, are easy to use.

The only disadvantages of using suppositories include the need to strictly follow the treatment regimen proposed by the manufacturer and use the medication correctly.

Rules for using suppositories for thrush:

  1. Initially, you should study the description of the use of the medication in the instructions for use, since many drugs are moistened with boiled water before the process.
  2. It is better to place a suppository in the vagina at night; before the procedure, you should wash yourself thoroughly.
  3. Suppositories should be administered with pre-washed hands with trimmed nails or using fingertips.
  4. You need to insert the drug in a lying position, pushing it as deep as possible into the vagina, after which it is not advisable to get up for 30 minutes, giving time for the medication to dissolve. It is recommended to use daily sterile pads during the treatment of thrush.
  5. Treatment with vaginal suppositories is incompatible with sex and alcohol. Moreover, both partners must be treated (for men, rectal medications are purchased), regardless of the absence of signs of infection in the partner.

The use of suppositories will eliminate the source of inflammation at the first, simple stage of candidiasis. In case of advanced disease, suppositories for thrush in women can also be used, but as one of the components complex therapy. The range of medications in the form of suppositories is huge, so we will look at suppositories for thrush in the table, where the list of names will go down from the best drugs to the less effective.

Effective suppositories against thrush for women

NameEffect of the drugPeculiaritiesWho shouldn'tMode of application
NystatinNystatin suppositories for thrush block the pathogen, preventing further growth of bacteria.They are not addictive, but are ineffective for the chronic type of disease.Pregnancy, gastrointestinal diseases.The drug is administered twice a day for 10-14 days.
LivarolLivarol contains an active component - ketoconazole, which inhibits yeast fungi in initial stage diseases. The medicine can also be used as a preventative and as a drug that restores microflora.May cause itching and irritation of the mucous membranes.First trimester of pregnancy, menstruation period, with caution during lactation.Livarol is used once a day (at night), the duration of treatment is 10 days.
PolygynaxPolygynax suppositories for thrush have a wide spectrum of action: vaginal candidiasis, vulvitis, cervical inflammation.Can be used during pregnancy, during menstruation and during breastfeeding. Individual intolerance to componentsDaily – 1 piece, course – 12 days.
TerzhinanAn effective remedy with antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects, the medicine also helps restore microflora.Terzhinan can be used during menstruation, pregnancy, and the prenatal period.None1 time - at night, moistening the suppository with water. The course of treatment is 10 days.
(single-use candles)
Zalain suppositories for thrush are a powerful, modern, broad-spectrum drug that eliminates fungus in one application, thanks to the presence of the active ingredient - sertaconazole.Can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.Once - before bedtime. If necessary, you can administer it again in a week.
HexiconHexicon candles contain powerful antiseptic– chlorhexidine bigluconate, which actively destroys all types of fungi.Can be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers.Hexicon should not be used during the menstrual period.Twice a day, course of treatment is 7-10 days.
McMirorAntifungal suppositories based on nitrofuran and nystatin, which gradually affect the cells of the fungus, destroying its integrity.It is allowed to use these suppositories for thrush during lactation and pregnancy.It is not advisable to use Macmiror suppositories during menstruation.1 suppository before bed for 8 days.
Klion-DKlion suppositories for thrush are especially effective for acute relapse of vaginal candidiasis. The active substance is metronidazole.Does not cause an imbalance of microflora - dysbacteriosis.II and III trimester of pregnancy, herpes, lactation, liver disease, diabetes.1 time - at night, treatment period - 7 days.
IodoxideAntiseptic vaginal suppositories with iodine and polyvinylpromidone, which have a strong bactericidal effect.Allowed for use during menstruation.Cannot be used during lactation, pregnancy, renal failure, diseases thyroid gland. In case of overdose, iodism may occur.1 time per day for a week.
ClotrimazoleA widely used drug because it is inexpensive.Can be used during feeding and by pregnant women, starting from the second trimester.Cannot be used during menstruation1 time per day, course – week.

How to restore beneficial microflora after a fungus

After a full course of treatment, thrush disappears, but the risk of relapse remains. In order to identify the level of dysbiosis, the attending physician, as a rule, examines a smear. The doctor also decides which suppositories can be purchased to restore the microflora, but the following drugs are usually prescribed:

  • Lactobacterin or Bifidumbacterin, which can quickly regulate the balance of all microorganisms.
  • Vaginorm S is a drug that normalizes the acid-base environment.
  • Ecofemin or Vagilak - contain plant components that accelerate the restoration of flora.

If you have time and desire, you can independently prepare vaginal suppositories for candidiasis, which at the same time “rehabilitate” the vaginal mucosa.

Homemade cocoa butter candles

Homemade cocoa - suppositories against thrush in women:

  1. Melt 40 ml in a water bath. cocoa butter
  2. Next, combine cocoa butter with butter tea tree(20 ml.), mix thoroughly.
  3. Next, pour the mixture of oils into disposable syringes (2 ml), from which the noses are first cut off.
  4. When the oil has hardened, squeeze thin capsules into prepared foil and put them in the refrigerator.

Although cocoa suppositories have been tested by many women over the years, it still does not hurt to consult a gynecologist before using them, so that unnecessary questions and problems do not arise later.

Popular questions and answers:

Is it possible to have sex while treating thrush with suppositories?

During treatment, it is strictly prohibited. In addition, the other partner should also join in the treatment.

How long does it take to treat thrush?

Depending on the chosen drug. For example, the drugs Terzhinan, Hexicon and Livarol will require at least 10 days for complete recovery, and Zalain will need to be administered once.

Can a virgin use suppositories against thrush for women, and which ones?

Virgins can use vaginal suppositories, but the drugs must be administered carefully using special applicators so as not to damage the hymen. Hexicon and Terzhinan are suitable for suppositories; after treatment, it is worth purchasing Vagilak to restore beneficial flora.

How much are good candles from candidiasis?

Alas, in modern world the cost of medicines depends not on the quality, but on the name of the medicine and the advertising policy of the brand. For ordinary thrush, not complicated by additional infections, both the budget drug Clotrimazole and the more expensive Terzhinan or Livarol suppositories will help. They differ only in the unpromoted brand and country of manufacture.

Is it possible to cure chronic thrush with suppositories only?

Suppositories for fungus will help only in the first stage, but the doctor will also prescribe them for complex treatment advanced disease.

It should be noted that this is a consequence self-treatment without medical supervision or ignoring symptoms. Self-medication provokes global destruction of the vaginal microflora; only the attending doctor will be able to see the true panorama of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Suppositories for thrush are an effective solution to an inconvenient problem. The effect of these drugs is due to the fact that active substance quickly penetrates the vaginal mucosa, and the causative agent of the disease is completely destroyed. Today, the medical industry produces various suppositories against thrush. It is necessary to consider what vaginal suppositories are available for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, what determines the peculiarities of their action and cases of prescription.

General instructions

Candles (suppositories) are a number of drugs that allow short terms cure thrush (candidiasis). for thrush in women, it is used intravaginally, in this way it is possible to destroy the causative agent of the disease and reduce the intensity inflammatory process. All suppositories for thrush, the list of which is presented in pharmacies, differ in their effectiveness and degree of impact on the fungus, but their action is aimed specifically at killing the microorganism, preferably in several sessions.

To provide the best effect, it is necessary that the active component be the most active against pathogens. To choose the most effective remedy, before starting treatment, you need to consult a specialist. He will conduct a bacteriological examination of vaginal smears. Based on the results, it will be possible to talk about the name of the drug against thrush.

It is very important to carefully choose a remedy for chronic thrush. In this case, the fungus has already acquired some resistance. So individual medications against such a fungus may be ineffective. Still there are on the market medications, which will be active against this type of candidiasis. In treatment, one should focus not on one’s own experience and the recommendations of friends who may have been helped by this or that remedy, but on the results of examinations.

So, which suppositories are best for thrush? If the pathology has just appeared and its symptoms are not too pronounced, then you can use effective suppositories Livarol, Clotrimazole, etc. The instructions for the use of such drugs indicate that medications help to quickly and thoroughly get rid of candidiasis.

With the help of modern drugs, even the most persistent type of illness can be cured. For this, Ketoconazole and other medications are used that are specially designed to affect the most resistant and aggressive strains of Candida fungi. Be careful: it is not recommended to use such suppositories yourself. Only a doctor can recommend them. Moreover, to prevent the development of dysbiosis, it is necessary to additionally treat with special medications. They contain substances that restore microflora.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of suppositories

The active components of such suppositories are active against large quantity fungi. They can also be effective against staphylococci, streptococci and other pathogenic microorganisms.

All active components of suppositories cope excellently with the manifestations of acute and recurrent types of vaginal candidiasis. Suppositories are mainly used intravaginally, although there are also dosage forms that can be administered into the rectum. At normal body temperature, they quickly dissolve in the body. After some time, a foam-like mass forms in the vagina or rectum. It distributes the active substance well throughout the mucous membrane.

Some suppositories may contain cetyl alcohol. In some cases, it can cause allergic diseases, so before each use of such drugs you should consult a gynecologist. In some cases, you should stop having sex. It is prohibited to use these medications during pregnancy.

Antifungal components disrupt the integrity of the pest's cell membrane. This process quickly leads to the death of the organism. The active component of the suppository is quickly eliminated from the body by the kidneys.

How to use suppositories

Some women believe that any antifungal drug and even an antibiotic will do for them. Their solution is simple - immediately go to the pharmacy, buy “some” remedy against candidiasis and start taking it, preferably in large doses, so that the pathology goes away “immediately”. This treatment of thrush does not lead to anything good, as it contributes to the transition of the disease to a chronic form. Some women even practice douching, which is very dangerous for such a disease.

So the best suppositories for thrush are those that have the maximum effect on the pathogen and do not disturb the beneficial microflora. And this is possible only after bacteriological culture of smears. This is why self-medication of vaginal candidiasis is extremely dangerous.

When using vaginal suppositories for thrush, a woman should ensure that her partner treats the same disease. Men also get thrush, but in most cases it occurs without symptoms. As a result, a representative of the stronger sex is a carrier of such a disease. During treatment, you must either refuse intimate contact or use condoms. Vaginal suppositories for candidiasis, it is administered deeply, at night (this improves the absorption of the active substance and the results of therapy).

There is no need to wear synthetic tight underwear during treatment. All sexual hygiene instructions must be carefully observed. Underwear should be changed daily. It is prohibited to use scented pads that contain added chemical substances. In such cases, even the most effective suppositories for thrush do not help.

Review of the best drugs against thrush

For today pharmaceutical industry produces a huge number of medications against candidiasis. Need to consider individual drugs for the treatment of the disease:

  1. Zalain. It is a derivative of imidazole and benzothiophene. Today there is no data on whether such a remedy is harmful to the fetus. The use of the drug in case of hypersensitivity is strictly contraindicated. May cause a burning sensation in the vagina. These candles are placed at night.
  2. Livarol (Ketoconazole) is an effective antifungal agent. Not used in the first trimester of pregnancy. May cause a rash and sometimes hives. The effect of using suppositories occurs almost immediately - they help with acute candidiasis. Long-term (more than 10 days) use of the drug is permissible only if chronic form diseases. It is better to light candles at night. The remedy can be effective in recurrent forms of candidiasis.
  3. Intraconazole is not used in the first trimester, in case of hypersensitivity, or during breastfeeding. Treatment with these suppositories is usually short-lived.
  4. Nystatin is one of the medications that can be used during pregnancy. Its only drawback is its rather high price. Very rarely, when using Nystatin, a rash, itchy skin, etc. occurs.
  5. Clotrimazole is a high-quality and effective remedy for women suffering from candidiasis. Contraindications are increased sensitivity and pregnancy in the first trimester. A candle can cause such side effects, such as burning in the vagina, itching, cystitis, pain during coitus. The medicine has one significant drawback - in the case of prolonged use, resistance (resistance) of fungi to the active component occurs.
  6. Miconazole is effective combination remedy against candidiasis. It should not be used during pregnancy and diabetes mellitus. Drinking alcohol is prohibited during therapy.
  7. Povidone iodine - suppositories containing iodoxine and povidone. Do not use for thyrotoxicosis or kidney disease. Use very carefully during breastfeeding. May cause allergies.
  8. Lomexin is an effective remedy against candidal vaginitis. In case of individual intolerance to the drug and during pregnancy, the use of such suppositories is prohibited.

Advantages and disadvantages of using suppositories

Drugs for the treatment of thrush, of course, have advantages. Among them are the following:

  1. If an active agent is injected into the place where fungi multiply, the result appears very quickly. This is especially true when using the newest drugs to treat candidiasis.
  2. There are drugs that can be used once. This reduces the likelihood of side effects.
  3. Suppositories for the treatment of this disease do not have a systemic effect. And this is much better than oral medications against vaginal candidiasis.

However, antifungal suppositories have certain disadvantages:

  1. They stain underwear and bed linen and limit sexual activity. Therefore, some patients do not want to use such medications.
  2. A good effect is achieved only if candidiasis has light form. Such suppositories are not enough to treat chronic thrush. They must be combined with systemic drugs. Moreover, it is necessary to repeat the course of treatment.
  3. Often, combined suppositories for the treatment of thrush in women can lead to vaginal dysbiosis. It requires further antibacterial treatment.

Use of suppositories during pregnancy

Thrush occurs very often during pregnancy. However, with such candidiasis, the use of certain drugs is contraindicated. However, the following medications are suitable to eliminate pathology during this period:

  1. Pimafucin suppositories (they contain the active substance pimafucin).
  2. McMiror - combination drug(with active ingredients nystatin and nifuratel).
  3. Clotrimazole (has reduced activity in the second or third trimester).
  4. A mixture of borax and glycerin.
  5. Ginofort.
  6. Terzhinan. According to some experts, the use of Terzhinan with prednisolone as an active substance is undesirable and is permissible only if the expected assessment of the positive effect on the body is higher than the possible risk of using such a drug.

Rectal suppositories

To treat thrush, your doctor may prescribe suppositories that are applied rectally. They help with intestinal or vaginal dysbiosis. They can be placed during pregnancy or during menstruation. Names of some remedies used in these cases:

  1. Viferon. This is a complex drug. The description of the drug suggests that the drug has antiviral, antiproliferative and immunostimulating effects. Indications for its use are infectious or inflammatory urogenital pathologies, prevention of intrauterine infection. They can treat vaginosis, herpes infection, chlamydia. Such suppositories can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. The duration of therapy in some cases is up to 2 weeks. During pregnancy, use is permissible only from 14 weeks.
  2. Nystatin for rectal use - effective remedy against an unpleasant disease. This name for suppositories for thrush is known to women suffering from recurrent candidiasis. The medicine is poorly absorbed, and most of it is excreted in feces. They can treat candidiasis of the vagina, skin, mouth, some internal organs. The medicine is also effective in preventing the development of such a disease in case of long-term use antibacterial drugs, especially tetracycline and penicillin series.

Pimafucin has wide range actions. The high sensitivity of fungi of the genus Candida to this drug has been proven. Suppositories can also be prescribed for the treatment of organ candidiasis digestive tract. Has a positive effect on pathogens of fungal pathologies. Such suppositories are usually placed at night.

General contraindications and side effects

All contraindications to the use of suppositories depend on what kind of active substance is in their composition. So, if a woman is diagnosed with candidiasis, vaginal suppositories are contraindicated during menstruation. Then you need to use rectal suppositories. A large number of such drugs may be prohibited during pregnancy in one trimester or another.

A serious contraindication to the use of vaginal suppositories during pregnancy is individual intolerance. If a woman is diagnosed with thrush, suppositories are selected only by a doctor based on a thorough examination. It is prohibited to use scented hygiene substances, which significantly worsen the symptoms of the disease.

Usually side effects correct use Vaginal suppositories occur quite rarely. This is due to the fact that suppositories are a local medicine. Side effects can be mainly in the form of itching, rash or flushing (that is, reminiscent of an allergic reaction).

Some types of such suppositories can cause more severe side effects:

  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • chills;
  • hyperthermia.

To eliminate unpleasant phenomena, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of the administered medication. After it is cancelled, all undesirable signs will go away on their own within 3 days. As a rule, symptomatic treatment is not recommended because the unpleasant condition resolves on its own.

During the use of these drugs, there were no cases of overdose, since their form, in principle, excludes this. However, if a woman uses suppositories in excessive dosages, her side effects may increase significantly. They disappear after adjusting the volume of the drug.

All suppositories for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis help quick deliverance from unwanted symptoms. In order to enhance the effect of active substances on the pathogen, doctors can prescribe vaginal ones. For such relief to be most effective, it is very important to use suppositories correctly and only as prescribed by a specialist, since self-medication during vaginal candidiasis is strictly contraindicated.

Candidiasis (thrush) is an infectious-inflammatory and fairly common disease caused by opportunistic microorganisms – yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

Suppositories against thrush occupy one of the leading places in the treatment of thrush in women. Taking into account the fact that treatment should combine both local therapy(ointments, suppositories), systemic use antifungal drugs– it is important to determine which forms of medicines are more effective and at the same time cheaper.

The best suppositories for thrush

The list of names of suppositories for thrush is quite wide, but among them it is worth paying attention to the best drugs according to reviews:

  1. – especially often prescribed to pregnant women, since the drug is harmless and does not cause side effects.
  2. – this drug is most often prescribed to a patient for whom thrush appears for the first time.
  3. – quickly relieves the symptoms of thrush, but during treatment you should not drink alcohol.
  4. Nistanine is a very effective and inexpensive suppository that copes well with the problem when the patient is diagnosed with chronic thrush, which recurs at times.
  5. Ginesol is more of an anti-relapse and preventative agent.
  6. Gyno-Travogen Ovulum is effective against both fungi and mixed infections, and this medicine is easily tolerated by patients.
  7. – has a wide spectrum of action, but during treatment you need to stop sexual activity.

As you can see, suppositories differ in terms of use and exposure time, therapeutic range and the presence of various active ingredients in their composition. The main active ingredients for thrush are: clotrimazole, isoconazole, natamycin and nystatin.

Pros and cons of using candles

Flaws :

  1. They act directly only when administered, that is, they cannot be used externally;
  2. Candidiasis suppositories cannot be used to treat thrush as part of monotherapy - a complex combination with other drugs - tablets and creams - is always necessary;
  3. It is necessary to strictly follow the treatment regimen to achieve a positive and desired result.

Advantages :

  1. When the drug is administered to a place where fungi actively multiply, the effect is local treatment appears much faster, especially when using modern effective drugs, such as Livarol or Zalain.
  2. Since systemic absorption of topical drugs is low, the incidence of side effects is significantly reduced, unlike oral therapy.
  3. Modern antifungal agents can be used once.

Choosing suppositories for thrush: cheap and effective

Which suppositories are best for thrush? There is one answer to this question - these are those drugs to which the candida fungus is sensitive based on the result of bacterial culture and determination of the resistance, resistance or sensitivity of the pathogen to a specific drug.

Because with chronic, often recurrent thrush in women, treatment may not be effective due to the development of drug resistance in fungal agents.

So, what kind of candles can you buy at the pharmacy? Here full list names:

  • Nystatin.
  • Ginesol.
  • Gyno-Dactanol.
  • Klion-D.
  • McMiror.
  • Gyno-Travogen Ovulum.
  • Pimafucin.
  • Terzhinan.

Below we will take a closer look at inexpensive, yet effective candles that cope with... Also leave your feedback in the comments so that you can choose the best drug together.


Effective against fungi, but not at all active against viruses and bacteria. Fungi from the genus Candida very rarely develop resistance to this drug, so Nystatin is the drug of choice in those patients whose thrush has entered the chronic phase, due to the resistance of the fungi to the drug.

There are practically no side effects. However, long-term use of the drug can lead to suppression of the activity of healthy microflora. In this case, after treatment for thrush, you will have to be treated for dysbiosis. Price 50 rub.

Pimafucin suppositories for thrush

Pimafucin is affordable and effective medicine, which has a pronounced antifungal effect and exhibits greatest activity against the causative agents of thrush - microscopic fungi of the genus Candida. The active component of the suppositories is the macrolide antibiotic natamycin. The mechanism of action of this substance is based on blocking the synthesis of sterols that are part of the cell membranes of the fungus.

When treating vaginal candidiasis, suppositories are administered into the genital tract once a day. Average duration The therapeutic course may vary within 3-6 days. Pimafucin is approved for use by nursing mothers and pregnant women: contraindications to the use of suppositories are intolerance to the components of the drug and the menstrual period. Price 500 rub.

This product is recommended for exacerbation of candidiasis and is also suitable for use during menstruation. Betadine is an antiseptic drug widely used to treat vaginal infections in obstetrics and gynecology. Povidone-iodine, which is part of it, has a powerful antimycotic effect. Price 390 rub.

The active ingredient in Livarol is ketoconazole. This drug, in addition to its antifungal effect, is active against certain types of staphylococci and streptococci. It is effective when candidiasis is accompanied by a bacterial infection.

When using Livarol suppositories, the following side effects are possible: redness of the vaginal mucosa, itching and burning, an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, nausea. Livarol is suitable for those patients who have developed thrush for the first time. It is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy; in the second and third it is used only as prescribed by a doctor, in rare cases. Price 480 rub.

Suppositories are effective not only in the fight against candidiasis, but also against other vaginal infections. However, these suppositories should be used with extreme caution, as they have many side effects. The product can be used for no more than 5 days; use by pregnant women is unacceptable. Price 400 rub.

A combination drug, a powerful antibiotic based on nystatin and neomycin.

Polizhinaks suppositories, like Terzhinan, are a very effective remedy in the fight against thrush, but they are not widely used because they cause disturbances in the natural microflora of the vagina, and also have a significant list of contraindications and side effects. Price 370 rub.

Suppositories for thrush for pregnant women

No medicine during a woman's pregnancy should be toxic, as this will affect the development of the fetus, so if itching and white discharge occurs, the doctor may prescribe to the expectant mother pimafucin suppositories or a drug called Terzhinan.

These medications are also used during breastfeeding; they are safe and do not cause allergies or dysbacteriosis.

Bottom line

Treatment with any of the above drug names can only be prescribed by a specialist, even if they have no contraindications or significant side effects.

Thrush is considered one of the most common fungal diseases of the genital organs. Unfortunately, it is rarely possible to get rid of it once and for all; in most cases, relapses occur and you have to be treated again. Very often, girls resort to the services of suppositories, which are characterized by rapid effectiveness due to the ability to quickly penetrate the mucous membranes. As always, first I would like to try the cheapest suppositories for thrush, since in some cases they contain the same active ingredient as the expensive ones.


Almost all inexpensive suppositories for thrush are in no way inferior in effectiveness to their expensive analogues, and in some cases may be even better, since expensive drugs are very often counterfeited. We bring to your attention the five most affordable rectal suppositories for candidiasis today:

  1. Nystatin. One of the cheapest and most effective drugs for the treatment of thrush that appears for the first time. The active substance is Nystatin, which is aimed at combating yeast-like fungi. The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor, but in many cases one package of 10 suppositories is sufficient. Very often, Nystatin suppositories are combined with taking one Fluconazole tablet. Price: from 80 rub. or 30 UAH.
  2. Betadine. Very often prescribed for acute or recurrent vaginal candidiasis. The active substance is povidone-iodine, which has a good antiseptic and antifungal effect. Recommended for use for many vaginal infections. The average course of treatment is 7 days (the drug is available in 7 and 14 suppositories in one pack). Contraindications – undesirable use during pregnancy and during allergic reactions for iodine Price: from 400 rub. or 110 UAH.
  3. Ketoconazole. Available in the form of suppositories in quantities of 5 or 10 pcs. in one package. Active ingredient – ​​Ketoconazole, which has a wide spectrum antifungal action. Prescribed for vaginal infections, chronic candidiasis. Use in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding is undesirable. The duration of the course of treatment ranges from 3-5 days. It is considered a cheaper analogue of Livarol, which has the same active substance, is produced by the Russian company Nizhpharm, but costs several times more (400-500 rubles). The price of Ketoconazole starts from 120 rubles or 70 hryvnia.
  4. . Despite the fact that the drug is actively advertised, its effectiveness and price remain at a decent level. The active ingredient is Natamycin, which has a detrimental effect on yeast fungi of the genus Candida and effectively combats various types vaginitis. One of the advantages is the possibility of use during pregnancy. Available in the form of suppositories in quantities of 3 and 6 pieces in one package. The price starts from 250 rubles or 80 hryvnia.
  5. Clotrimazole. Probably the most famous inexpensive candles for thrush. The active ingredient is Clotrimazole, aimed at combating yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Very often prescribed for vaginal infections, candidiasis and vulvovaginitis. Available in the form of candles in the amount of 6 pieces per package. The duration of the course of treatment is 4-6 days. Clotrimazole suppositories are very individual and require additional consultation with your doctor. Very often prescribed as an auxiliary or prophylactic agent in combination with Diflucan or Flucostat tablets. There is a lot of controversy about the effectiveness, since some gynecologists claim that the active substance Clotrimazole does not cope with chronic and acute forms vaginal candidiasis. Patients claim the opposite, not wanting to pay huge amounts of money for advertised drugs.

On a note! Whatever one may say, it’s unrealistic. Suppositories combine well with tablets. Good feedback received a combination of 2 capsules of Fluconazole (on the 1st and 7th days of treatment) + 7 days of Nystatin suppositories at night before bed.

Why do girls look for cheap suppositories for thrush and do not want to pay more, even when it’s not about money? It's all about the effectiveness of the drugs. It's a shame when you paid 4 times more, went through a full course of treatment and never recovered. Leave your feedback about use inexpensive candles against thrush in the comments.