Effective treatment of VSD. Is it possible to cure VSD forever - methods of treating vegetative vascular dystonia. Problems in the genitourinary system

It is a fairly common disease among patients of all ages. Women suffer from the disorder several times more often. Symptoms in adults may appear suddenly, but often the disease progresses gradually without the person being aware of its development.

VSD is a disease that develops as a result of disruption of the autonomic nervous system. This system regulates metabolic processes and maintains the constancy of the internal environment, and also helps the body adapt to changes external factors.

As a result of many predisposing facts, a malfunction occurs in its work, accompanied by severe symptoms.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia: symptoms and treatment

Most probable reasons the disorders will be as follows:

  • Atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, provoking the deposition of cholesterol plaques on their walls and circulatory disorders.
  • Vascular diseases accompanied by impaired tone and changes in pressure inside the bloodstream.
  • Cardiac disorders, which in most cases are accompanied by tachycardia and other disorders.
  • Coronary heart disease, severe heart failure.
  • Obesity, a metabolic disorder that increases the load on everything internal organs.
  • Diseases thyroid gland.
  • Neurological disorders accompanied by disorders of the brain and spinal cord.
  • Tendency to allergic manifestations.
  • Professional activities associated with regular contact with harmful substances, toxins and poisons.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 1.
  • Avitaminosis, poor nutrition, causing a lack of necessary components.

Such factors can cause the development of VSD. They not only cause disease, but also aggravate the patient's condition.

Risk factors

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (symptoms in adults can manifest themselves differently) is considered a common disease, as it is diagnosed even in adolescents and young adults. The risk group includes patients with excess weight and weakened immunity, bad habits suffering from hypertension and alcoholism.

In addition, one of the factors is poor ecology, which provokes changes in the functioning of internal organs and systems. Patients with a hereditary predisposition to the disease are also at risk. They develop the disease several times more often than those who do not have relatives suffering from VSD.

Women of reproductive age are at risk because they often experience hormonal changes that provoke the disease. Experts believe that it is the imbalance of hormones that in most cases leads to the appearance of symptoms of the disorder. This also explains why the signs appear more often in women.

General symptoms

Dystonia manifests itself differently in each patient. But doctors point out several common symptoms, which are observed with varying degrees of intensity in all patients.

Sleep problems

Sleep disorders are observed in all patients with dystonia. However, they can manifest themselves in the form of insomnia or constant drowsiness. Such manifestations are associated with disruption of the autonomic system, which leads to changes in biological rhythms.

A patient with insomnia is unable to relax, so sleep is always short-lived and restless.

This leads to daytime sleepiness, attention disorder, memory impairment and decreased performance. With a long absence of normal sleep, psycho-emotional disorders develop; the patient’s nervous system cannot cope with the load, which leads to breakdowns.

Emotional instability

In most cases, this manifestation is also the result of insomnia. The patient's body is exhausted and weakened. A person constantly feels tired, so his mood suddenly and dramatically changes. After a short rest, the patient is peaceful and cheerful. After a while he becomes sad or even aggressive.

Such changes frighten the patient himself, but he is not able to control himself.

Change in skin color

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (symptoms in adults often appear suddenly) in most cases is accompanied by a change in skin color. The symptom is associated with a violation of vascular tone, which leads to a rapid flow of blood to the skin and the same rapid outflow.

In the first case, redness appears on the skin or all the integuments become red; in the second, the skin turns pale and is cold to the touch. It is worth noting that such changes are observed during emotional arousal or when performing heavy physical work.

Respiratory disorders

Shortness of breath or suffocation during VSD is associated with impaired innervation of organs respiratory system. Usually the patient does not have symptoms of any diseases, but under stress, overwork, or doing physical exercise, he notices the appearance of shortness of breath. In middle-aged and elderly patients, suffocation develops. Often the symptom is associated with cardiac disorders, which makes diagnosis difficult.

Reaction to weather

Since the autonomic nervous system is responsible for adapting the body to changes in environmental conditions, if its functioning is disrupted, the patient’s pronounced reaction to weather conditions is noted.

Increase or decrease in atmospheric pressure, rain, strong wind, heat or snowfall - any changes can cause deterioration of the condition, headache, weakness, lack of appetite, and decreased performance. Usually such people are called weather-dependent, but the reason lies precisely in a disorder of the autonomic nervous system.

Digestive disorders

Innervation and regulation of the functioning of the organs of the digestive system occurs through the autonomic nervous system. It is she who helps carry out all processes. In addition to headaches and other general symptoms, patients note indigestion.

Some report excessive appetite and indigestion, others report a lack of desire to eat food. The patient may develop gastritis, peptic ulcer and other diseases. Symptoms vary from person to person. It is possible to develop constipation or frequent loose stools, intestinal spasms, pain, and inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Problems in the genitourinary system

With VSD, there is an increase in urination and pain in the genital area, not associated with any diseases. This is also associated with impaired innervation of the pelvis. Women talk about failure menstrual cycle, decreased libido, lack of satisfaction during sexual intercourse. In men, potency is impaired and symptoms of prostate disease appear.

Specific symptoms

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is accompanied not only by general, but also by specific manifestations. Such symptoms in adults may be absent or bother the patient constantly.


Sympathoadrenal crises are often observed in patients with VSD. They are almost always accompanied by an increase in heart rate to 140-160 beats/min, as well as an increase in blood pressure. If the patient suffered from hypertension before the onset of signs of the disease, the numbers reach critical levels, which is dangerous for human life.

Sympathicotonia also manifests itself in the form of causeless anxiety, impaired intestinal motility, coldness in the extremities, and headache. The patient may talk about chills; when measuring body temperature, a significant increase is noted.

Some patients experience numbness in the extremities and headache. The crisis appears suddenly, and the symptoms also suddenly disappear. This condition develops from 1 to 3 times throughout the year, often accompanied by phobias that did not previously bother the person.


Vagoinsular crises are the opposite of the sympathicotonic state. Patients feel hot, body temperature remains normal or decreases, the skin becomes red, especially in the facial area. The patient notes increased sweating and excessive salivation, nausea, weakness and intestinal upset.

Heart rate decreases to 40 beats/min, blood pressure to 80/50 mm Hg. Art. The patient has an increased urge to defecate, which causes dehydration and weakness.

If symptoms persist for a long time, the patient’s condition worsens, the body becomes exhausted, and complications develop. Sometimes sympathoadrenal and vagotonic crises alternate, which only aggravates the patient’s condition. In some cases, the symptoms appear mixed. This complicates diagnosis and determination of treatment regimens.

Types of violations

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (symptoms in adults significantly weaken the body and provoke complications) can manifest themselves in different ways. Today there is no single and recognized classification of the condition, but experts identify several types, each of which has its own characteristics.

Asthenic type

This type of VSD is common. Doctors suggest that it is based on low oxygen consumption by tissues, which leads to disruption of all vital processes. The patient becomes weak, his activity decreases, his appetite worsens, weather conditions affect his general condition.

When trying to perform any physical work, the patient gets tired very quickly and becomes depressed because he feels his own weakness.

Respiratory type

The respiratory type of disease is based on mental disorders, causing a person to feel unpleasant symptoms that do not actually appear. Deterioration of the condition is observed with psycho-emotional arousal, severe stress or mental stress.

At the same time, the patient feels that there is not enough air in the room, he tries to go outside, and is unable to be in transport, especially in public transport. When normalizing emotional state all symptoms disappear.

Neurogastric type

This type of disease is often mistaken for a disorder of the digestive system. The patient actually experiences nausea, vomiting, constipation, decreased appetite, bloating and other unpleasant symptoms. However, the symptoms are directly related to a disorder of the autonomic nervous system, so diagnosis is often complicated.

Cardiovascular type

Dystonia manifests itself most often in this form. The patient is worried about pain in the heart area, increased heart rate, increased or decreased blood pressure. In most cases, a person believes that such manifestations are a sign of heart disease. However, during the examination, the specialist notes that the functions of the heart and coronary vessels are not impaired. With this type of VSD, the symptoms are not relieved by medications.

Cerebrovascular type

This type appears more often in adolescence. It is based on a lack of oxygen in brain tissue. Constantly dilated vessels do not allow blood to reach all areas of the brain, which leads to oxygen starvation.

Patients experience dizziness and headaches, blurred vision, darkening of the eyes with a sudden change in body position. Sometimes patients experience fainting when the amount of oxygen in the brain tissue decreases to critical levels.

Metabolic tissue syndrome

This syndrome develops as a result of obstruction of small vessels. In this case, the tissues do not receive enough blood and oxygen. Disturbances manifest themselves in the form of swelling of the extremities, numbness, and muscle pain. In some patients, the syndrome provokes a disorder motor activity when a person is simply unable to control his own legs.


Vegetative-vascular dystonia is not included in the international classification of diseases, since it is not recognized as a separate disease. Doctors regularly make a similar diagnosis, but the disease is considered simply a collection of certain symptoms that appear when the autonomic nervous system is disrupted. That is why there are no special devices for detecting VSD.

But doctors prescribe a whole range of examinations to the patient to identify the cause of the disorder.

Method Description
General inspection and surveyThe doctor examines the patient, interviews him, and identifies the most pronounced symptoms. After this, assesses the condition of the mucous membranes and skin, measures blood pressure and counts pulse
Clinical blood test, biochemical testsTest results allow you to evaluate the functioning of internal organs, it is especially important to examine the function of the heart
ECGA cardiogram is the most important diagnostic method; it is carried out primarily after blood tests; it helps to see any abnormalities.
UltrasoundPerformed in case of ineffectiveness of the ECG, it helps to see what the cardiograph cannot show
MRIThe technique is considered effective; it is not always carried out, but it allows one to detect deviations in the functioning of any organ.

In each case, the doctor individually prescribes the complex diagnostic studies which will allow you to make the diagnosis as accurately as possible.

First aid for exacerbation of VSD

With a sympathoadrenal or vagotonic crisis, the patient's condition greatly worsens. Which is dangerous not only for his health, but also for his life.

To prevent complications, it is necessary to provide first aid to the patient by performing the following steps:

In case of sympathoadrenal crisis, it is allowed to give the patient a sedative that he took before. Barboval, Valerian or another will do lung preparation actions. If a person has not taken medications before, it is worth waiting for a doctor.

With vagotonia, it is important to prevent a further decrease in blood pressure and the development of fainting. The best way the legs will be raised above head level. You can lie the patient down and place a bolster under his legs. This will allow blood to reach the brain. However, it is not recommended to give the patient any means to increase blood pressure. It is better to wait for the doctor to arrive.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adults

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (symptoms in adults often lead to unpleasant consequences) is completely curable in 90% of patients with medications, folk remedies and physiotherapy methods.

Tablets for vegetative-vascular dystonia in adults

Tablets help relieve unpleasant symptoms and, after completing the course, completely eliminate them.

Most effective medications will be the following:

  • Beta blockers (Metaprolol, Atenolol) help restore heart rhythm, eliminate tachycardia, and reduce myocardial oxygen demand. Prescribed in long courses, especially to patients suffering from heart disease and hypertension.
  • Plant-based sedatives (Persen, Novo-passit) are used to eliminate panic and other manifestations that accompany the patient during crises and at rest.
  • Tranquilizers, for example, Afobazole, are indicated for persistent sleep disturbances and the patient’s inability to concentrate on others and work. Medicines help restore psycho-emotional balance.
  • Antidepressants (Amitriptylinn, Sydnofen) are indicated for hypochondria, when the patient independently comes up with symptoms that are actually absent. They are also prescribed for apathy and depression.
  • Nootropic drugs (Piracetam, Cinnarizine) stimulate blood circulation in the brain, prevent memory loss, attention, headaches and other disorders.
  • Vascular medications (Cavinton, Pentoxifylline) are also aimed at stimulating blood circulation in the brain. Especially necessary for cerebrovascular dystonia.
  • Sleeping pills, for example, Donormil, are not used in the treatment of all patients, but are indicated in cases of persistent insomnia, when sedatives and antidepressants have not helped to cope with the problem.

Additionally, the course of treatment almost always includes B vitamins (Neurorubin, Milgamma, which help restore the conduction of nerve impulses and saturate the body with the necessary components. The dosage and duration of the course are determined individually.

Massage for vegetative-vascular dystonia for adults

A course of massage is quite often prescribed to patients with VSD. It is usually indicated for those patients who suffer from dystonia with low blood pressure. The course consists of 10-15 sessions of 25-40 minutes, which are carried out once every 2-3 days. Massage should only be performed by a certified specialist who will identify problem areas and will not cause harm to the patient.

If necessary, acupressure is performed and other techniques are used to achieve results. It is important to remember that this method is not used as the only treatment option. Usually the doctor combines drug therapy with a massage course.

Exercises for vegetative-vascular dystonia, alleviating the condition

Patients with VSD are not recommended to overload themselves with various heavy exercises. But regular exercise in the morning will help improve your general condition and alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

  • Head tilts while standing.
  • Tilts the torso to the sides, forward and backward.
  • Rotation of the head and torso clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Swing your legs while sitting or lying down.
  • Squats without lifting your heels off the floor.
  • Run in place.

It is recommended to perform each exercise for 20-30 seconds. This will warm up the muscles and stimulate blood circulation. Additionally, patients with VSD are recommended to swim, ride a bike, or simply walk 2-3 times a week for 20-40 minutes. It is important not to overwork and enjoy the exercise.

Traditional treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Traditional medicine recipes help restore vascular tone and prevent the progression of the disease. It is usually recommended to use medicinal herbs that are gentle on the body. An infusion based on mint and lemon balm is suitable for hypertensive patients with VSD.

It’s easy to prepare: for 500 ml of boiling water you will need 2 of each herb, the infusion time is 30 minutes. You can add a little honey to the finished and filtered product. Take the medicine 3 times, 150 ml for 2 weeks. Propolis alcohol tincture has unique medicinal properties. To prepare it you will need 20 g of propolis and 100 ml of alcohol or vodka.

Propolis is placed in alcohol, the container is left for 14 days to infuse. The finished product should be taken 15 drops 2 times a day for 2 weeks. Tea with viburnum has antihypertensive properties and has a beneficial effect on vascular tone.

It's easy to prepare: 1 tbsp. l. Mash the berries and add 2 tsp. Sahara. Pour 300 ml of boiling water over the mixture and leave for 20 minutes. After this, filter the composition and drink in small sips. Any of the recipes can provoke complications. Apply folk remedies permitted only after consulting a doctor.

Consequences of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adults

If the doctor’s recommendations are followed, the patient can be completely cured or minimize the number of attacks and the severity of symptoms. However, if left untreated, it is possible to develop vascular diseases, heart failure, coronary disease heart disease, tachycardia and angina.

Panic attacks can provoke neuroses and other disorders, the development of phobias, which is dangerous for the patient. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a common disease that occurs with varying degrees of intensity. Symptoms in adults appear in at different ages, but the patient always needs treatment.

Video about vegetative-vascular dystonia

“Live Healthy” about vegetative-vascular dystonia:

Vegetative-vascular crisis is based on a concentration in human body adrenaline, hormones and other substances. Moreover, depending on the individual characteristics and tolerance of the body, each person tolerates a crisis differently, with different levels sensitivity.

Heart pain with VSD

Sometimes the crisis itself is called a panic attack, which occurs suddenly and leaves negative consequences. There are three types of attack:

  • Easy. There are not many symptoms, and the crisis itself goes away in fifteen minutes
  • Average. The symptoms of such a crisis are pronounced and obvious, and the autonomic system is clearly disturbed. The crisis lasts up to an hour, and the weakness from it remains for a day
  • Strong. Manifests itself as several crises in a row with obvious symptoms. The autonomic system is severely disturbed. Attacks can last for several hours and leave a person feeling unwell for several days.

There are several basic rules of behavior during a vegetative-vascular crisis:

  1. First of all, take a horizontal, comfortable position and take a break from what you were doing before.
  2. Try to calm down and distract yourself from the problem that has affected your emotional state.
  3. Take a sedative orally plant origin: valerian or corvalol (modern pharmacies have many drugs)
  4. Measure your blood pressure and if it is low, drink coffee with a piece of chocolate (to increase blood pressure)

feeling unwell with VSD

People with vegetative-vascular dystonia are distinguished by lethargy, fussiness, or even vice versa, agitation. The symptoms of a suffering person are always easy to distinguish. His hands often tremble, he feels apathy and often falls into depressive states. Sweating is a visual sign of VSD. People suffering from VSD have wet palms, feet and often notice circles of moisture in the armpits.

Vegetovascular dystonia, or, as it is also called, neurocirculatory dystonia, is a pathology that is perceived as another disease. Vegetative-vascular dystonia can occur with symptoms of a gynecological, neurological, or any other disease. Thanks to the work of the autonomic system, the body is able to adapt to changes environment.

As a result of vegetative-vascular dystonia, an imbalance of the autonomic system occurs, which leads to changes in the functioning of one or another organ. The causes of the disease are considered to be heredity, constitutional features, frequent stress, environmental features, and family environment. People of all ages are prone to pathology.

In order to understand the nature of the origin of dysfunction, it is necessary to become familiar with the concept of the autonomic nervous system. The ANS is part of the nervous system, its department, which is responsible for the balance of the internal environment of the body, and also controls the functioning of the internal organs of a person, and in case of certain failures regulates their condition.

An important point is that the autonomic nervous system is autonomous, its activity is not controlled by the human consciousness. If the balance of the activity of internal organs is disturbed for any reason, various types of disorders arise. Doctors are increasingly confident that the disorder is a consequence of the modern fast pace of life and occurs in both children and adults in a ratio of approximately 30/70%.

The main reasons for the development of pathology

Disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic system can occur as a result of the following diseases:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • neurosis;
  • cystitis;
  • hypotension;
  • hypertension;
  • osteochondrosis cervical spine;
  • encephalopathy;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • heart disease;
  • colitis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • heart failure;
  • angina pectoris.

The pathological condition also develops with diseases of the thyroid gland, respiratory organs, and allergic reactions.

The development of vegetative-vascular dystonia is influenced by the following factors:

  • period of bearing a child;
  • menopause;
  • childbirth;
  • menstruation;
  • adolescent puberty;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • brain injuries;
  • constant fatigue;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • high physical activity;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • physical inactivity;
  • smoking;
  • lack of sleep;
  • improper and unbalanced diet;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • Availability chronic diseases (bronchial asthma, pancreatitis, ulcer);
  • hereditary predisposition.

In addition, vegetative-vascular dystonia often manifests itself against the background of changing climatic conditions and sudden changes in weather. Elderly age– another factor influencing the development of pathology, especially provokes the disease menopause in women.

Types of VSD

  • bradycardic;
  • cardialgic;
  • arrhythmic;
  • tachycardic.

Main types of VSD:

  1. Hypertensive (in short RVNS) is characterized by a sympathetic type of nervous system (sympathicotonia). A person feels a beating heart, fatigue, fear. Sleep disturbance is observed, strength is not fully restored.
  2. Hypotonic is characterized by a parasympathetic type of nervous system. The human body is full of energy, but it is impossible to use it. The result is hypotension and depression.
  3. Mixed is characterized by a conflict between para- and sympathetic autonomics. Vascular dystonia and surges in blood pressure are observed. Symptoms can vary from hypo- and hypertensive types.
  4. Cardiac is characterized by pain in the cardiac region. They do not have a specific character. With a full examination, the development of heart disease is excluded.

The vagotonic type is accompanied by disruptions in the functioning of the respiratory system. The person cannot take a deep breath, and there is a decrease in blood pressure. Attacks of VSD are divided by nature into mixed, sympathoadrenal or vagoinsular crises. Their light form accompanied by monosymptomatic signs. The duration of VSD attacks is 10-15 minutes.

VSD of the hypertensive type

The main symptom that accompanies vegetative-vascular syndrome of the hypotonic type is considered to be a decrease in blood pressure. As the disease worsens, crises appear. Patients complain of increased weakness, rapid heartbeat, panic, neurosis, shortness of breath, interruptions in cardiac activity, sweating, decreased blood pressure (BP), and fainting.

This form is characterized by increased blood pressure with periods of crises. Patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia experience rapid heartbeat, overexcitement, panic, hypertension, cold extremities, frequent periods of chills. During crises with vegetative-vascular dystonia, a sharp increase in blood pressure, trembling of the limbs, discomfort in the heart area, anxiety, sweating, loss of sensation in the limbs.

Doctors sometimes make a diagnosis of sympathicotonia, that is, the predominance of the sympathetic system over the parasympathetic. In other words, with vegetative-vascular disease, regulation between the centers that activate all organs and those that slow down their work is disrupted, and the amount of adrenaline in the blood increases.

If the parasympathetic system predominates over the sympathetic system, the patient is concerned about slow heart rate, sweating, polyuria, severe weakness, dizziness, and drowsiness.

When treating vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is important to take into account the form of the pathology and, based on the symptoms, select drugs and remedies.


Proper nutrition for vegetative-vascular dystonia in children and adults requires the exclusion of certain dishes and products from the diet. Basically it is food containing a large number of harmful cholesterol, which increases excitability and negatively affects the tone and structure of blood vessels.

Proper nutrition is based on the principles:

  • the diet contains many foods containing magnesium and potassium;
  • Products that stabilize blood pressure are required;
  • Liquid intake will help normalize the water-salt balance.

The basic principles when creating a menu and diet for people with VSD are the following:

  • food should be beneficial to the body.
  • food should be healthy.
  • It is necessary that with food intake, all the necessary beneficial elements for its functioning enter the body.

The diet for hypertensive type dystonia includes foods and dishes with reduced salt content. Allowed:

  • vegetable soups with cereals and soups not based on strong meat/fish broth with a minimum amount of extractive substances without adding spices and seasonings.
  • It is preferable to use whole grain bread or with bran, in small quantities - rye or wheat.
  • meat and poultry should be of low-fat varieties and are best consumed boiled and baked.

In the hypotonic form of VSD, vegetables and fruits should contain vitamin C and beta-carotene, it is recommended to rely on:

  • citrus fruits, bananas, pineapples. You can eat potatoes, semolina, and white flour bread.
  • to increase blood pressure you need to eat nuts, buckwheat, brains, liver, pomegranate.
  • Herring and cheeses can be introduced into the diet a couple of times a week, this will increase blood pressure.
  • Sweets, chocolate, coffee and cocoa have a good effect.
  • oatmeal and buckwheat, beans and onions, peas and eggplants, grapes, peaches, apricots, raisins and dried apricots.
  • From drinks, choose juices, compotes and jelly.
  • provide great benefits dairy products, chicken egg dishes, lean fish and meat.

How is vegetative-vascular dystonia treated in adults?

Treatments (drugs for the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia are quite varied) for this syndrome should not be avoided under any circumstances. In each specific case, it may vary depending on the severity of the manifestations, as well as on the reasons due to which the pathological condition developed, on the diseases against which the symptoms appeared.

Antidepressants and tranquilizers are often used in therapy. The dosage is determined by the doctor. Typically, the minimum period for taking such drugs is 6 months, although the effect may occur within two weeks. Tranquilizers are drugs that relieve anxiety. They are prescribed for at least a month. Such drugs include, for example, Afobazol.

If the patient has unstable blood pressure, he is prescribed antihypertensive drugs; for hypotension, caffeine and ginseng, B vitamins. If heart problems are pronounced, such as tachycardia, β-blockers are prescribed.

For venous insufficiency, headache, heaviness in the head, take Vasoket, Venoplant, Detralex for 1-2 months. For noise in the head, add Betaserc.

For asthenic syndrome, neuroprotectors, antioxidant complexes, as well as drugs that improve blood circulation are prescribed - Nootropil, Ildronate, Glycine.

Most medical centers, including narrowly focused ones, such as cardiology, offer their services for the treatment of illness. It must be remembered that only under the strict guidance of doctors should one get rid of the diagnosis of “vegetative-vascular dystonia”. Treatment in Novosibirsk is provided by the Serdechko network of cardiology clinics.

When starting treatment for dystonia, each patient must understand that he needs to adhere to all recommendations for maintaining sleep and rest patterns. You should urgently lighten your work, reduce your daily workload and physical activity, and follow a healthy diet.

diet for VSD

Diet for the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia:

  1. Avoid harmful drinks: brewed and instant coffee, strong tea, energy drinks
  2. Significantly reduce the consumption of table salt and modern seasonings in dishes throughout the day
  3. Eliminate canned food from your diet
  4. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables
  5. Limit your intake of sweets
  6. Don't drink alcohol
  7. Make sure you regularly get fiber, vitamins and minerals into your body

Treatment of dystonia can be either medicinal or folk. In most cases, doctors prescribe medicinal preparations and only after they do not have their effect, prescribe:

  • massage
  • psychotherapy
  • phototherapy
  • sea ​​baths
  • pine baths
  • hirudotherapy
  • therapeutic pressure chamber
  • abdominal decompression

doctor's prescription for VSD

The initial stage of VSD is characterized by insignificant intake of medications, the amount of which increases in accordance with the symptoms. Doctors prescribe:

  • vegetotropic drugs
  • heart medications
  • psychotropic medications
  • sedatives

How to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia?

If the above symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor - therapist or neurologist. The doctor will confirm the diagnosis, tell you more about this disease and explain how and how to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia.

VSD may not manifest itself for a long time, but under certain conditions it occurs again, bringing discomfort to my patients. During the appointment, I try to explain in detail how you can strengthen the vascular response to stress.

  • physical education at home or sports under the supervision of professional trainers are the most important helpers in the fight against dystonia;
  • normalization of sleep and wakefulness (sleep at least 8 hours);
  • diet: exclude provoking foods (coffee, alcohol, fried, fatty foods), add vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and potassium salts to the diet;
  • massage courses;
  • herbal medicine - the aromas of mint, apricot, almond, lavender have soothing properties;
  • psychotherapy (the psychosomatic model of dystonia was neither refuted nor confirmed);
  • Spa treatment.

If the condition does not improve, resort to drug treatment. Pharmacies offer a large selection of drugs that patients like to prescribe for themselves, without doctor’s recommendations, which always upsets me. Individually selected medicine Taking into account the nature of dystonia, it will definitely have an effect.

  • Antidepressants are the drugs of choice No. 1; they work great for VSD.
  • Nootropic drugs – improve energy metabolism in brain cells. Many patients buy drugs whose effectiveness has not been proven, for example, Eltacin (we often have disputes with them about the advisability of its use in vegetative crises). This dietary supplement contains the amino acids glycine, glutamic acid and cystine. In some cases, I consider it as a preventative measure.
  • Anxiolytics, or tranquilizers, act relaxingly, relieve feelings of fear, anxiety, anxiety, but have side effects– drowsiness, slow reactions, memory loss, etc. For patients with VSD without crises, I recommend taking Afobazole. "Phenozepam" is a stronger drug, so it is preferable to take it under the supervision of a physician.
  • I prescribe angioprotectors to normalize cerebral circulation.
  • Antioxidants improve stress resistance. I recommend Mexidol if the metabolic processes of the brain and blood circulation are disrupted. During my work, patients did not complain of side effects.

As a doctor, I am skeptical about homeopathic medicines - due to the lack of a sufficient number of studies that would show their effectiveness in VSD.

The main thing with VSD is prevention. You can forget about your ailments for a long time and live full life. If you strictly follow all the recommendations for combating dystonia, it will recede for many months and even years. If you still have questions regarding this syndrome, we recommend watching the video located below the link. Briefly, accessiblely and professionally about symptoms, diagnosis and treatment from the experts of our portal. Enjoy watching!

Doctor's advice: how to live with VSD and what you should limit yourself to

  1. Try to avoid stressful situations.
  2. If possible, normalize daytime activity and nighttime sleep.
  3. Exercise at least 2 times a week
  4. If you feel an attack approaching, try to relax, if possible, lie down. If the sensations intensify, consult your doctor; adjustments in treatment or recommendations may be necessary.
  5. If a consultation with a psychotherapist or psychiatrist is recommended, do not refuse, visit a doctor, in many cases it is this specialist will help you understand your conditions and prescribe effective treatment.

diet for VSD

Treatment of VSD in women and men should be comprehensive, aimed simultaneously at eliminating the underlying disease and relieving painful symptoms that significantly worsen a person’s quality of life. During treatment, the mechanisms of psycho-emotional regulation of the human condition are necessarily influenced.

If a person suffering from VSD has any neurotic disorders, then complex treatment should include psychotherapy using various techniques, for example, hypnosis, autogenic training, etc. In addition, it is recommended to widely use non-drug methods, allowing to normalize the psycho-emotional sphere, as well as strengthen normal stereotypes of nervous activity.

Drug therapy
  • Often used sedatives plant origin, sedatives and antidepressants
  • Vitamin-mineral complexes are very effective for vegetative-vascular dystonia. Treatment with tablets is carried out under the supervision of the attending physician.
  • He must select the dose himself and determine the regimen for taking the drugs. Self-medication is not acceptable!
Non-drug methods
  • work and rest schedule
  • good sleep
  • walks in the open air
  • moderate physical activity
  • proper nutrition
  • massage, acupuncture, water procedures, physiotherapy
  • one of the most effective methods

In addition to psychotherapy and non-drug methods, for the treatment of VSD, medications, normalizing mental activity and human condition.

ICD-10 code

IN official medicine The term “Vegetative-vascular dystonia” (VSD) has recently not been used; other names are used that most fully reveal the specifics of the disease.

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) includes:

  • disorders of the autonomic nervous system with code G90.9;
  • encephalopathy with code G93;
  • somatoform autonomic dysfunctions with code F45.3.

The latter are closer to the term “VSD”, which has lost its relevance. The similarity is due to the reversibility of the symptoms of the disease with the use of restorative procedures and psychotherapeutic techniques.

In the first and second cases, autonomic dysfunctions are also present, but they are more persistent and are one of the components of various chronic diseases of the body. The effect of treatment in these cases directly depends on the successful treatment of diseases of the internal organs; medications and tablets in such cases are a prerequisite for recovery.

Treatment of VSD in women

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in women is aimed at eliminating the main symptoms of the pathology, as well as its causes.

The choice of necessary therapy depends on many factors:

  • VSD type;
  • the main cause;
  • signs of disease;
  • the nature of the pathology;
  • degree of severity.

Typically treatment includes the following measures:

  • drug therapy;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • physiotherapy;
  • folk remedies;
  • dietary food.

Yoga, aerobics, swimming, breathing techniques, and acupuncture help well with pathological conditions.

In case of pathology, a consultation with a psychotherapist is often prescribed. Spa treatment is effective.

Treatment with folk remedies

To prepare an effective remedy, you will need to squeeze 200 ml each from lemon, radish, carrots and beets. Add 200 ml of honey and red wine to the liquid. Then squeeze the juice from 15 garlic cloves into the mixture. After mixing, the product is taken half an hour before meals, three times a day.

Valerian, motherwort, mint, and lemon balm have a calming effect. Infusions are prepared from St. John's wort, hops, hawthorn and other medicinal herbs. Chinese lemongrass and ginseng have a tonic effect. However, if you are diagnosed with RVNS, you should consult a doctor, as some herbs may be contraindicated.

In the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, decoctions and infusions from medicinal herbs. You just need to choose them taking into account the type of VSD.

So, for hypotensive type dystonia, the following plants will help:

  • ginseng;
  • Eleutherococcus;
  • Schisandra chinensis;
  • radiola pink;
  • immortelle;
  • juniper;
  • nettle;
  • dandelion.

These herbs have long been used in folk medicine to maintain vascular tone and eliminate weakness, fatigue and other symptoms characteristic of this type of VSD. Based on them, they make their own infusions or decoctions and take them strictly according to the recipe. Ready-made alcoholic infusions of tonic herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy.

For hypertensive type VSD, the following will come to the rescue:

  • mint;
  • valerian;
  • hawthorn;
  • viburnum;
  • Melissa;
  • chokeberry.

Medicinal products based on these herbs will have a calming effect and help cope with anxiety, pressure surges, and increased irritability.

When treating dystonia of the cardiac type, the choice should be made of hawthorn, hops, mint, peony, St. John's wort, valerian or rosemary. Herbs can be brewed and drunk like regular tea, or infused with alcohol and taken in a volume of 25 drops before meals, after dissolving them in a small amount of water.

Traditional medicine for VSD

Taking into account the patient’s condition, sedatives are selected for the treatment of VSD. Herbs with an antidepressant effect, as well as those that help get rid of agitation, anxiety or stress, will be useful.

Melissa has a pronounced effect on vegetative-vascular dystonia. In addition to the sedative effect, it has an antispasmodic and antidepressant effect. In the process of taking lemon balm tincture, heart function improves, stress is relieved, and perception of the world improves. You can use lemon balm both in the form of tea and in the form of infusion (decoction).

St. John's wort for vegetative-vascular diseases improves internal condition, relieves anxiety, normalizes sleep and increases tone. Use herbs in the form of infusions or teas. For ease of use, tablets containing St. John's wort extract or dry extract are suitable for busy patients.

Hops will help relieve heart pain in vegetative-vascular dystonia and will calm you down after a working day. Hawthorn will relieve palpitations, normalize blood pressure and calm the nerves.

With the help of mint, you will be able to relieve spasms from blood vessels, improve sleep, calm down and get rid of the tension that arises from vegetative-vascular syndrome. Valerian is used to normalize sleep and restore a normal psycho-emotional state.

All of the herbs listed are used for dystonia, both in pure form(infusions, tinctures, balms, tea, decoction), and in the form of tablet preparations sold in the pharmacy chain.

Some herbs are used depending on the blood pressure level. For the hypertensive type of vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is recommended to use plants such as rose hips, dioscorea, motherwort, hawthorn, cudweed, and sophora. In parallel with this, if you have vegetative-vascular syndrome, you need to diversify your diet with apples, pears, grapefruits, garlic, chocolate, and vegetables.

Avoid alcohol, caffeine, salt and fatty foods. Be sure to take a walk in the fresh air and choose simple fitness classes for yourself.

At hypotonic type For vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is recommended to use ginseng, propolis, eleutherococcus and other herbs that increase tone and also force receptors to respond correctly to environmental factors.

Traditional treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Dizziness, hand tremors, shortness of breath, pressure surges - such symptoms should seem to indicate some kind of serious illness. But, in some cases, it happens that no diseases are detected in the patient during a medical examination.

The whole point is that in this way the autonomic nervous system lets a person know about a failure in its work, which arose under the influence of many factors. In this case, doctors diagnose vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD) and prescribe supportive treatment.

However, the symptoms of VSD in adults are so varied that patients have to undergo almost all existing examination methods in order to exclude a particular disease.

Domestic medicine recognizes VSD as a nosological form of the disease, and considers vegetative-vascular dystonia a serious pathology. Dystonia has a wide range of causes, which is why doctors conduct a full examination if there are indicative symptoms.

Sometimes the examination shows an already advanced form of the disease when treatment is required. Symptoms of VSD in adults require immediate treatment, since the complication of the disease leads to serious consequences and causes an exacerbation of concomitant pathologies.

VSD is low activity blood vessels, caused by physiological compression of blood vessels by the cervical vertebrae. Because of this, the nutrition of brain tissue deteriorates, the functioning of the heart and the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are disrupted. It is against this background that many mental disorders develop.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a fairly common disease that is diagnosed in many children and adults. VSD can become the cause and catalyst of disorders of almost all important organs bodies that are controlled by the peripheral nervous system.

Patients have problems with work of cardio-vascular system, blood circulation is impaired, various mental disorders occur.

Somatoform autonomic dysfunction- another name for this disease. Symptoms of VSD in adults can be very diverse. Using this article, you can learn not only the most common signs of the disease, but also popular methods for solving this problem.

The term VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) is excluded from ICD-10, but is still present in the professional vocabulary of doctors who treat this syndrome. Symptoms in adults international classification are now characterized as somatoform autonomic dysfunction of the nervous system.

And this is only part of the disorders that are still characterized in medical practice as vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is treated by cardiologists, therapists and neurologists, but prescribed drugs and folk remedies are often powerless.

VSD is a polyetiological syndrome in which the symptoms in adults are almost identical (this gives clinicians grounds for combining them under a single term).

This happens because the prescription of drugs does not always take into account the origin of similar symptoms that have a secondary origin and relate to the most various disorders in organism.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is not treated in adults, will constantly remind itself. Of particular danger are crises that worsen a person’s quality of life. They affect his performance and can lead to fainting states. Therefore, you should not refuse the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

Therapy is selected on an individual basis. Preference is given to non-drug correction, which includes:

  • Compliance with the work and rest regime.
  • Physical education classes.
  • Refusal to lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Relief from anxiety and stress, a person’s stay in a calm home environment.
  • Attending psychological trainings.
  • Compliance with the principles of proper nutrition.
  • Preparing a balanced diet.
  • Taking therapeutic massage courses.

Electrophoresis with calcium, magnesium, aminophylline and other drugs has a good effect. They are selected depending on the type of dystonia and the prevalence of certain symptoms.

If it was not possible to cure VSD with the help of restorative therapy, then resort to traditional methods. Effective remedies are infusions and decoctions of herbs: valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort, motherwort. They are accepted as a whole.

The next step is to prescribe medications. Hard pills in the form of antidepressants and tranquilizers are not often used. Preparations of hopantenic and glutamic acid, Eltacin, Glycine have a good therapeutic effect. Most patients are advised to take vitamins, especially during the off-season, when exacerbations of crises occur.

It is imperative to get rid of diseases that can aggravate the course of VSD. These include hormonal imbalances, arrhythmias, anemia, etc. This is an important condition for a full recovery. All foci of chronic infection must be eliminated from the body.

If VSD is characterized by the development of severe crises, then sometimes it is impossible to do without intravenous administration medicines. Depending on the prevailing symptoms, tranquilizers, atropine, beta-blockers, etc. are used. The patient should visit the attending physician's office once every 6 months or more often, depending on the severity of VSD.

Prevention of dystonia consists of leading a healthy and measured lifestyle. It is important to follow routine rules and eliminate the effects of stress on the body. If all medical recommendations are followed, 90% of patients manage to get rid of the symptoms of VSD.

In most cases of vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is possible to normalize the patient’s condition with the help of physiotherapeutic measures, lifestyle correction, and elimination of factors that provoke VSD.

Medicines for the treatment of symptoms of VSD in adults are used only after a thorough examination according to indications. As a rule, tranquilizers and antidepressants are prescribed, as well as nootropic drugs and antihypertensive drugs to normalize blood pressure.

Assistance to patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia during sanatorium-resort treatment is carried out on the basis of the integrated use of natural healing resources, physiotherapeutic and medicinal methods. The most effective stay in sanatoriums is during the period of remission (weakening of symptoms) of the disease.

If a malfunction of the autonomic system occurs, you must first conduct a thorough examination of the entire body. If vegetative-vascular dystonia is suspected, attention is paid to the condition of the skin, blood vessels, capillaries, and the functioning of organs and systems. If there is a systolic murmur or significant surges in blood pressure, it is necessary to carry out additional examination for the presence of defects and associated pathologies.

For vegetative-vascular diseases, specialists prescribe such studies as ECG of the heart, MRI of the brain, radiography chest, FGS of the stomach and duodenum, as well as ultrasound of vital organs. Based on the results of the examination, as well as from ultrasound or radiography photos, the doctor assesses the condition, as well as the degree of changes in the body.

In order for the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia to give the desired result, lifestyle changes are required. The correct combination of work and rest regimes ensures the normal functioning of the autonomic system. An active lifestyle is encouraged, that is, morning jogging, swimming, fitness, aerobics, but all this is at the level of an amateur, not a professional.

Also, vegetative-vascular dystonia requires a change in diet. You need to sleep at least eight hours a day. It will be useful to visit a sanatorium or health resort with a neurological profile of patients. Doctors recommend periodically conducting a course of exercise therapy and massage. Hydrotherapy of all types has a pronounced effect.

How to cope with vegetative-vascular disease and what to do to improve the condition? You can get answers to these questions by watching the video. It describes in detail what VSD is and how to deal with it.

VSD and panic attacks - Causes and treatment

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is carried out mainly according to symptoms. It is impossible to say exactly what drugs will be prescribed for treatment; it depends on the characteristics of the case, they are selected only after examining the patient.

First of all, for vegetative-vascular dystonia, antidepressants and tranquilizers are prescribed. The dosage is selected based on the severity of symptoms. In addition to them, they are appointed antihypertensive drugs or, on the contrary, caffeine to raise blood pressure. B vitamins, ginseng and beta blockers are considered mandatory.

If venous insufficiency is observed, Vasoket and Detralex are prescribed. They relieve heaviness in the head, pain and throbbing. The course for vegetative-vascular dystonia should be long - at least a month.

If, with dystonia, the arteries are tense and the pressure is high, Cavinton, Oxybral, Sermion, Ginkgo Biloba or Memoplant are suitable. Betaserc will help get rid of noise, but afobazole will help relieve anxiety. Antidepressants must be taken for six months. Only then does a tangible effect appear.

A simple smile can activate the brain. Therefore, patients prone to vegetative-vascular dystonia should smile more often, and also simply enjoy life. A change in attitude towards the outside world significantly affects the patient’s condition. Only if a person takes charge of himself, that is, tries to find a way out of the problem himself, will he be able to get rid of the pathology, and the drugs will help him achieve the desired effect in a short time.

Treatment of VSD in adults and children in most cases will follow the same scenario. When treating vegetative vascular dystonia, non-drug methods of therapy are mainly used, but despite this, the patient must be under the supervision of a therapist, neurologist, endocrinologist or psychiatrist. It is completely possible to cure vegetative-vascular dystonia, but this process will take a long time.

General methods of treating autonomic disorders involve the following measures:

  • normalization of work and rest regimes;
  • elimination of psycho-emotional stimuli;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • rational and regular nutrition;
  • periodic sanitary-resort treatment of VSD.

Complications of vegetative-vascular dystonia

  • unexpected headache;
  • increased heart rate and pulse;
  • low-grade fever;
  • cardialgia;
  • pale skin or, conversely, redness of the face;
  • high blood pressure;
  • numbness and tremor of the hands and feet;
  • severe fear or anxiety;
  • chills.
  • fainting and dizziness;
  • decreased heart rate;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • increased sweating;
  • weakness;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • cardiac arrest;
  • lack of air;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • labored breathing.

Loose stools, increased gas formation, and rumbling in the stomach may occur. When the attack stops, a state of asthenia occurs. Mixed crises are much more common than individual species. The symptoms in this case are mixed.

Why is VSD dangerous? The prognosis for vegetative-vascular dystonia is unpredictable in most cases. Half of the patients with this disorder periodically experience vegetative-vascular crises - a special condition in which the symptoms of the disease are especially pronounced.

Crises with VSD usually appear with mental or physical stress, sudden climate change and some diseases in the acute stage. In adults, crises with vegetative-vascular dystonia occur in 50% of cases. Crises characteristic of VSD can be divided into sympathoadrenal, vagoinsular and mixed.

Sympathoadrenal crisis occurs due to a sharp release of adrenaline into the blood. This pathological condition begins with a severe headache, increased heart rate and a feeling of pain in the heart area. What else is dangerous about vegetative vascular dystonia? A patient in this condition may have excess normal indicators blood pressure, increased body temperature to subfebrile values ​​(37-37.50), chills and tremor - trembling of the limbs.

The symptoms of vagoinsular crisis are in many ways opposite to the sympathoadrenal effects. When it appears in patients, the release of insulin into the blood increases, as a result of which the level of glucose in the blood decreases (in patients diabetes mellitus such a decrease can reach hypoglycemic levels, i.e. life-threatening quantities).

Vagoinsular crisis is accompanied by cardiac arrest, dizziness, cardiac arrhythmias, difficulty breathing and asthma attacks; bradycardia and arterial hypotension. This pathology is characterized by complaints such as increased sweating, redness of the face, weakness and darkening of the eyes.

In mixed crises, both parts of the autonomic system are activated - in this case, the patient will experience symptoms of both sympathoadrenal and insular crises.

In order to prevent deterioration of the condition of internal organs during vegetative-vascular dystonia, in addition to normalizing your daily routine, follow all doctor’s recommendations. Pay close attention to VSD in children. They often develop diseases that negatively affect their general condition baby.

Prevention of VSD should begin as early as childhood. It is especially important to avoid stress and nervous overexcitation. When you are sick, you need to ensure the correct balance of work and rest. A child with vegetative-vascular dystonia should sleep at least eight hours a day. Sports clubs, dancing, running, swimming, skiing or cycling will bring benefits. Yoga, auto-training, breathing exercises are suitable.

The diet of patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia should include foods such as potatoes, cabbage, apricots, raisins, figs, prunes, beans, tomatoes, peas, dill. If you notice that when measuring the pulse at the wrist joint the blood vessels are tense, focus on buckwheat porridge, carrots, nuts, soybeans, and rose hips.

If our information helped you in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, or you have your own proven methods and recipes for eliminating this disease, share your feedback in the comments.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

If the signs of VSD are ignored, men and women can develop various undesirable complications. These consequences include:

  • transition pathological condition into a chronic form;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • increased heart rate;
  • weather dependence;
  • a sharp decrease or increase in pressure;
  • hypoxia;
  • hypertension;
  • ischemic disease.

The development of a stroke or heart attack can be life-threatening. These pathologies can lead to disability or death.

To prevent the occurrence of these undesirable consequences, it is important to promptly diagnose vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as the disease against which it arose, and begin immediate treatment.

With timely treatment, in most cases the prognosis is favorable. If you do not adhere to the specialist’s instructions, then the condition may worsen. This usually happens only 10 percent of the time.

WomenHealth Magazine, 07/09/2015

How to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia is one of the most frequent illnesses Today. There is an ambiguous attitude towards this disease among patients. Some consider it a disease that does not deserve attention, while others consider themselves seriously ill and require treatment that immediately eliminates all unpleasant symptoms. And the truth, as always, is in the middle.

What is vegetative-vascular dystonia and why does it begin?

The concept of “vegetative-vascular dystonia” (VSD) is collective; it includes dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system (VNS), which innervate internal organs and the walls of blood vessels, of different origins and manifestations. The ANS regulates the activity of the organs of the cardiovascular system, respiration, digestion, genitourinary organs, endocrine and immune systems, supports constant temperature bodies.

The ANS is divided into the sympathetic nervous system (SNS - it puts the work of internal organs in a state of combat readiness caused by stress) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS - it regulates the work of internal organs in a calm state). Normally, the entire ANS functions in a balanced manner. If a malfunction occurs in the functioning of the ANS, this always affects the condition of the internal organs. In this case, they talk about vegetative-vascular dystonia.

VSD can develop for various reasons, most often its symptoms are one of the manifestations of some other underlying disease. The cause of VSD may be: hereditary features of the structure and functioning of the ANS, neuroendocrine disorders (hormonal imbalances associated with puberty, menopause, and so on), glandular diseases internal secretion(for example, increased thyroid function), neuroses, the effects of stress, and so on. Sometimes VSD is a consequence of traumatic brain injuries, brain tumors, and strokes.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia manifests itself in the form of various symptoms– it all depends on which parts of the ANS predominate and which internal organs and systems are involved in the process.

Against the background of constant moderate manifestations, vegetative-vascular crises may develop. If the action of the SNS predominates, a sympathetic-adrenal crisis develops: severe agitation, anxiety, trembling throughout the body, high blood pressure, tachycardia, the skin becomes covered with red spots.

If the action of the PNS predominates, depression, melancholy, excessive salivation, nausea, sweating, flatulence, loose stool, frequent urination.

How to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia

Successful elimination of the symptoms of VSD is possible only after identifying and treating the underlying disease that is the cause of vegetative-vascular disorders. To eliminate various manifestations of VSD, symptomatic treatment is carried out.

Non-drug treatment plays a huge role in the treatment of VSD. This measured image life, healthy eating, physical activity appropriate to the patient’s age and condition, hardening procedures. Non-drug treatment also includes courses of psychotherapy, reflexology, sanatorium-resort treatment, which may include balneotherapy, mud therapy, hardware physiotherapy, spa therapy, and so on.

How to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia

In the treatment of VSD, medications related to different groups. Symptomatic drug therapy is prescribed strictly individually, depending on which organ dysfunction predominates.

For any manifestations of VSD, sedatives (calming - validol, valocordin, motherwort forte, valerian extract) drugs, nootropic drugs (having a positive effect on metabolic processes in brain tissue - piracetam, phenotropil) and drugs that improve cerebral circulation (vinpocetine) are prescribed. Adaptogens (extracts of eleutherococcus, lemongrass, ginseng) increase the body's resistance to any external influences, vitamin-mineral complexes improve metabolism, slightly increase blood pressure.

For high blood pressure and attacks of strong heartbeat, medications are prescribed that suppress the activity of the sympathetic part of the ANS (for example, atenolol), tranquilizers (seduxen), for heart rhythm disturbances - antiarrhythmic drugs (asparkam), for swelling - diuretics (furosemide, diacarb, infusion bear ears), with high anxiety, depression, sleep disorders - antipsychotics (Sonapax).

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia depends on the predominance of certain symptoms. Only a specialist can tell how and how to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Galina Romanenko

Vegetovascular dystonia can develop for many reasons. The most common ones include the following:

Hereditary predisposition. If either parent suffers from VSD, there is a high chance that the child will inherit the disorder.

Temporary hormonal imbalances or diseases of the endocrine system. Hormones take part in regulating the functions of the nervous system, and any changes in hormonal balance can lead to VSD. This explains why vegetative-vascular dystonia often debuts during puberty, during pregnancy or after childbirth, during menopause - natural hormonal changes provoke this disorder.

Excessive loads. This can be both mental and physical stress, which depletes the nervous system, including the autonomic department.

Not healthy image life. This can include bad habits (alcoholism, smoking), lack of a normal work and rest schedule, unbalanced diet, sedentary work that is not compensated physical activity, etc. Such circumstances force the autonomic nervous system to work “for wear and tear”, since it has to constantly maintain normal body functions against the backdrop of unfavorable conditions.

Chronic diseases. Any disease with a long course can lead to dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

The presence of any of the listed circumstances does not mean that VSD will necessarily develop. Often a provoking factor is required, which plays the role of a trigger. Thus, the likelihood of vegetative-vascular dystonia increases sharply with a sharp change in climate zone, after experiencing acute stress, and with an increase in body weight.

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia

The autonomic nervous system performs very important functions: maintains conditions for normal functioning of the body (body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, etc.), and “corrects” the functioning of the heart, vascular tone and other parameters when necessary. For example, it stimulates the secretion of sweat in hot weather to cool the body.

Vegetovascular dystonia is a condition in which almost all systems and organs are involved. This explains why the symptoms of VSD are so varied. But all manifestations of this condition can be divided into several categories:

Respiratory (breathing). The patient complains of rapid breathing, not associated with physical or emotional stress, a feeling of shortness of breath - the inability to take a deep breath. Episodes of excitement, fear, and anxiety can cause severe shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of oxygen.

Cardiac (heart). In this case, VSD manifests itself as rapid heartbeat, irregular heart rhythm (a feeling that the heart is stopping in the chest, after which it begins to beat very quickly), pain and a feeling of tightness in the chest.

Thermoregulatory. The main complaints are an unreasonable increase in body temperature, not associated with ARVI or other diseases, or a decrease in temperature.

Dysdynamic. Such manifestations of VSD consist of circulatory disorders. This may be a slowdown in blood circulation in tissues and/or negative changes in blood pressure - an increase or decrease in blood pressure.

Psychoneurological. This category of symptoms includes weather dependence, sleep disturbances (nighttime insomnia combined with daytime sleepiness), mood swings, apathy, irritability, unexplained anxiety attacks, and fatigue.

Gastrointestinal. Against the background of VSD, problems with digestive system: constipation, diarrhea or alternation of these conditions; heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, belching, flatulence.

Sexual. Decreased libido, lack of sexual arousal, or inability to achieve orgasm while remaining aroused.

The listed symptoms can be combined in various combinations, and the predominance of certain manifestations of VSD depends on the type of this disorder.

Classification of vegetative-vascular dystonia

In modern medicine, disorders of the autonomic nervous system are usually classified according to how this condition affects the heart and blood vessels, what type of autonomic disorders predominates and how pronounced the manifestations of VSD are.

Based on their effect on the cardiovascular system, there are several main types of VSD:

  • Hypertensive type. This type of VSD is characterized by episodes of increased blood pressure (systolic up to 140 mm Hg), which normalizes on its own after a short period of time. The patient also complains of frequent headaches, fatigue, and heavy heartbeat.
  • Hypotonic type. Arterial pressure is constantly reduced, or episodes of decreased blood pressure are observed. There is also severe fatigue, headache, and muscle aches.
  • Cardiac type. The patient is concerned about disturbances in the functioning of the heart: a sharp acceleration or deceleration of the heartbeat, pain behind the sternum, attacks of shortness of breath - the inability to take a deep or full breath and a feeling of lack of air.
  • Mixed type. With this type of VSD, changes in blood pressure are observed from high to low, and other symptoms can be combined in various combinations.

Based on how exactly the functions of the autonomic system are disrupted, the following types of VSD are distinguished:

  • Vagotonic type. This type of VSD is characterized by increased sweating, not associated with physical activity or high temperature environment, “marbled” skin, dizziness, tendency to edema, weight gain, heart pain, severe headache, shortness of breath. At infectious diseases, including ARVI, body temperature rises slightly, but remains elevated even some time after the other symptoms of the disease have disappeared.
  • Sympathicotonic type. With VSD of this type, the skin is dry and pale, sweat secretion is reduced. There are episodes of increased body temperature to high values ​​(up to 39.5 °C) during stress, ARVI, emotional stress. Body weight is usually low. Patients complain of dull, mild headaches, increased blood pressure, and rapid heartbeat.

According to the severity of VSD, it can be:

  • Mild degree. Regardless of the type of VSD, symptoms are mild, periods of exacerbation are short, and remission is long. Exacerbation occurs only after episodes of increased emotional and/or physical stress. The patient's quality of life is not affected.
  • Average. Periods of exacerbation are quite long, up to several weeks or even months. The manifestations of VSD are pronounced; during an exacerbation, the patient’s ability to work is significantly reduced, up to its complete loss during vascular crises.
  • Severe degree. With such a course, VSD imposes serious restrictions on daily life person, since the symptoms are present almost constantly, sometimes appearing more pronounced, sometimes decreasing slightly. During periods of the most pronounced manifestations of VSD, hospitalization and treatment in a hospital are often required due to persistent cardiac dysfunction and instability of blood pressure.

How to cure VSD. This question is asked by every person who has fallen ill with this insidious disease. It has many names: Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD), Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD), sometimes called neurosis, in ICD-10 it is designated by code F45.3. A person who is sick does not care what it is called, the main thing is how to cure it.

It took me exactly three years to recover. In this article, in the form of a diary, I will detail what symptoms I had and what I did to become healthy again.

Now that the disease is behind me, I see what caused it. You need to understand what caused VSD in order to prevent its occurrence in the future.

Oddly enough, the cause of my illness was a healthy lifestyle (HLS). I began to worship him too much, exploiting my body.

Friends, everything you learn here comes from my personal experience and my opinion about the treatment of VSD. My story is the naked truth and not everyone will like it.

There will be no information here on how to quickly get rid of VSD. I am not a storyteller and I will not deceive you. Here you won’t read about a life-saving pill. I don't know this one.

In order to cure VSD, your efforts and time are needed so that the body can restore itself after the illness. If you are not ready to work with yourself to cure yourself, and trust only allopathic medicine, then I cannot help you with this.

My story is for those who have been in the hands of modern medicine and have not received any real help. For those who have not given up and who are looking for ways to get rid of the disease.

I hope my experience will support you during a difficult period in your life and give you strength to get rid of the scourge called VSD.

Nothing in life foreshadowed trouble. I lived a healthy lifestyle, stopped drinking, normalized my weight and just got married. Everything went according to my life plan. I was not at all prepared for what would happen to me. There seemed to be no prerequisites for this.

Having arrived from the south from a honeymoon, my wife and I fell ill with some kind of viral infection. It was July, it was hot, and our temperature was 37.5. For the first time in my life I caught an infection in the summer; it was a novelty for me.

Just think, some kind of temperature, I didn’t feel it at all. I’ve been running for a year now, and I didn’t want to miss training because of some nonsense. Waiting for it to pass; training is no more important.

This southern infection was persistent; the temperature lasted for a month and a half. In order not to lose shape all this time I ran, ignoring it. At the end of August she was sleeping, and I even managed to set a personal record in a 10 km race. True, due to the strong physical activity I then left for two weeks.

Then some strange things started happening to my body. If before after running I felt a surge of energy that lasted a couple of days, now there was nothing but fatigue. So September passed, the “swallow” arrived in October.

It all started while I was sleeping. Waking up in the middle of the night, at first I did not understand what was happening to me. This was my first panic attack (PA), but I didn’t know it at the time. What I had to experience is difficult to put into words; probably something similar is experienced by a person before execution. The panic attack was severe, I did not know what to do or how to survive it. It seemed that the body was not mine and there was a strong desire to jump out of it.

During my entire illness I had three of them, all at night. Then I learned to deal with them. The worst thing is that this happened during sleep, when you are defenseless.

Panic attacks are not the worst thing that happens on VSD; they do not last long. The worst thing is that your health is constantly getting worse until it reaches the extreme point. Only then will the pendulum of the disease swing the opposite side and recovery will begin.

However, I was still very far from that. Everything was just beginning...

I slept on my side all my life, and only after losing weight did my body begin to roll over onto its back. I couldn’t fall asleep on my back, it always happened on my side, and I woke up on my back.

I woke up in a strange position - my body was lying on my back and my head was on its side. For some reason my head didn’t want to turn. I woke up in this position very often.

At VSD it played a cruel joke on me...

This happened a month later, in November, after the first panic attack. I woke up in the middle of the night with terrible dizziness, something I had never experienced before in my life. It seemed as if the brain was about to fly out of my head and away from my body. The feeling was simply terrible. Having not yet fully come to my senses, I managed to stop the dizziness by an effort of will. Opening my eyes, I again saw myself in a position with my head on my side and my body on my back. I don’t know how, but I managed to come to my senses and fall asleep. After this incident, dizziness began when turning my head.

In the morning I got on my bike and went to the sea. I had a planned workout - a 10 km run.

belief physical exercise at the beginning of the illness it was strong in me. At that time, I was doing: running, weights, doing pull-ups at home on the bar, doing abs, doing push-ups, and also doing hatha yoga exercises for two to three hours.

After my run, I sat down to breakfast with my favorite pasta and cheese. Having eaten half the usual portion, I was surprised to notice that the second half simply did not fit into me. From that time on, I lost my appetite, and every meal began to cause an exacerbation in the form of a deterioration in my condition and increased heart rate.

I still didn’t know what was happening to me; it seemed like a temporary body malfunction that should end soon. The temperature began to always stay at 37. At first I measured it, but then I gave it up. At night my face and neck began to sweat. I often woke up on wet pillow. But all these were trifles; the hardest thing lay ahead of me.

To speed up the recovery process from an unknown illness, I began to do more exercise, especially yoga. At first I thought it was helping, but that was a misconception. A week later, my health began to deteriorate.

The exercises only made things worse, and I gradually began to give them up. The first thing I stopped doing was hatha yoga. Various asanas and stretches caused aggravation.

I didn’t want to give up physical activity completely. I still had faith that she would be the one who would help me regain my health.

Then I had anxiety, it came from the solar plexus area. To get rid of it, I had to walk outside for a long time. Sometimes after three hours I was released. I remember one autumn evening I walked with this anxiety, not knowing how to get rid of it. And then the street lights were turned on, the alarm passed and I was released.

Often after this, in the evenings, I began to light a candle near me, its light somehow helped me.

If there is damage in the world, then this is probably how a person feels. With VSD, you begin to believe in anything, this state is so disgusting to life. But I still didn’t know the name of my “enemy,” it seemed like another week and everything would be the same.

I have been meditating for many years. Due to the onset of illness, I had to give up spiritual practice. If before, when I relaxed, I slowly sank into a trance, now I began to develop anxiety that did not allow me to relax. The more I relaxed, the stronger she became. The practice of meditation had to be stopped before remission began.

I started looking for information about my illness. Unfortunately, I was taken to the wrong place. The first thing that suited my case was vertebral artery syndrome (VAS). I began to look for any information and everything connected with it.

SPA is a consequence, not the main cause. My problem was VSD, but I didn't know it yet.

After the New Year, my heart suddenly began to hurt. A person who has been running for a year and a half! I just couldn't believe it. This finally pushed me to see a doctor.

The last time I was in the clinic was 15 years ago, when I received a complication from the flu in the form of a dull pain in my side. Medicine didn't help me then. I solved my problem myself when I lost excess weight. But now I had no choice, a healthy lifestyle did not help me and I did not know what was happening to me.

The doctor, after listening to my complaints, sent me for examination. There was everything there, from all sorts of blood tests to various examinations, including a CT scan to check the cervical spine.

As it turned out later, they were all unnecessary. Almost all tests were normal. But now I’m so smart. I didn’t know this then and believed that one more analysis, one more examination, and I would know the name of my “enemy”. Then the doctor will give me medicine and I will be healthy again, like before. Holy naivety...

Now that we live in the times of capitalism, there is a long queue for many examinations. In order for medicine to make money on us, you can get to the doctors without going through it, you just need to pay more. Since I was short on money, I had to wait in the general queue. To get a CT scan you had to wait three months. Only then should I be referred to the next doctor.

Wait three months when you get “sausage” every day! When you feel bad day and night. Waiting for an examination that I simply did not need. My intuition told me that this would do nothing.

The only medications I was prescribed were vitamins B and D. Also B12, a blood test showed that it was slightly below normal. That's all. Then wait for the examination and then I will be prescribed some kind of treatment.

“No, sorry,” I said to myself, “I need to heal myself somehow.” There was no desire to wait and suffer. Since I didn’t know my diagnosis, I had to act “blindly.”

Internet searches led me to the book « Your body is asking for water » . While practicing a healthy lifestyle, I drank very little liquid, only a liter a day, because I didn’t feel the need for it. After reading the book, I increased the amount of water to two liters.

This is the first technique that brought me at least some help. Unfortunately, water cannot cure VSD. It can only contribute to healing, and this is one of the factors. Water acts as a placebo. Every time there was an exacerbation, my body always wanted to drink more fluid.

At VSD, you begin to believe in all kinds of treatments, which specialists of all stripes readily use - you go to them yourself, no one forces you. One chiropractor was recommended to me. I decided to go, in the hope that it would help.

It would be better not to go, the butcher turned out to be the same. The whole method involved pressing hard on your back until you screamed in pain. If you endure it, it presses even harder. This is “progressive” treatment.

A couple of days later I decided to train with weights (16kg). First, I usually warmed up the muscles of one, holding it in two hands. Before I had time to lift it even twice, my vertebra was pinched in thoracic region. I had to forget about exercises with weights, push-ups and abs.

It’s good that the “handler” didn’t injure me too much; with VSD, this is easy to do. I later read about cases where people suffered severe exacerbations, even death. About the dangers of manual therapy -

In March I give up running completely. It was a hard decision because I was very addicted to it. Running regularly, I felt like I hadn’t felt in my twenties. But now it was not there, only fatigue. Every time after a run there was a feeling that the spine was “sagging”. I had to stretch him, which was never required before.

Then a new attack began, ten minutes after walking my back began to hurt. I read somewhere about impulse massage. I began to periodically tense my back muscles, then relax them, and so on throughout the entire walk. This distracted me for a while, but my back did not go away.

I read about the benefits of a contrast shower for restoring the body. I decided to try it. During the third procedure, the neck muscles became very sore and spasmed. If you touch it with your hands, it feels like armor. A contrast shower was not suitable for my VSD.

I still don't use it.

I found a good solution for spasming muscles. In the evenings, my wife and I watched the series « Stay alive » (USA) this film greatly distracted me from my painful state. I put an electric heating pad on the chair and a rubber one wrapped in a towel on my neck. The heat relaxed the muscles and relieved pain. After just half an hour of warming up, I began to feel that the disease was receding. Eating 2-3 oranges in the evening also helped me; my condition improved literally after 10 minutes. All this did not last long and did not always help. But these moments of health are needed for VSD.

The worst began later, when after the film I had to go to bed. It was as if I was descending from heaven to earth. Nervous system I started acting up, the alarm went off - I didn’t know how to survive the night. Lying in bed, I listened to myself, what other surprises to expect from my body. The hardest thing was to somehow fall asleep.

Finally I found out my diagnosis - VSD!

At the beginning of May, after doing pull-ups on the home horizontal bar, I again injured myself in the cervical spine.

At night I wake up with severe dizziness on my back with my head turned to the side. This causes me a new aggravation.

It was necessary to get rid of the head turned to the side. It took me a whole month to wean my body from turning over on the other side, not through my back, but through my stomach. Every time I woke up, I caught myself at the moment when my body wanted to turn and turned it through my stomach. This skill has stayed with me to this day.

The last thing I stop doing is pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

(If you have problems with the neck (dizziness or spasm), pull-ups should definitely be avoided)!

All the exercises that I did when I was healthy now only cause aggravation. All that remains is walking.

Finally, I find out the name of my “enemy”. It turns out that this three-letter word is VSD. Do you think I learned this from my doctor, who was simply annoying with his constant visits? No. Thanks to the Internet! Now I knew where to “dig” and where to look for answers to my questions about treatment and recovery.

Having learned that I have VSD, I discovered Strelnikova’s breathing exercises (DGS). I found comments online from people whom she helped with vegetative-vascular dystonia. I start training in mid-May. It was gymnastics that helped me the most. She greatly contributed to my recovery. During exercise, approximately 50 percent of the anxiety goes away and your well-being improves. When you finish the workout (it lasts about half an hour - you don’t have the strength for more), all the symptoms come back again. But these half an hour are worth a lot, you feel like a human again! I started doing DHS twice a day.

At first I studied with a video recording. I got so carried away during the first training session that I almost injured myself. When I was doing exercises for the neck, the cervical spine shifted to the side, and I automatically put it back in place with my hand. I never thought that this could happen, I didn’t even have time to get scared. Since then, I began to lock my neck with my hands and limited my range of movements.

Then I read that I was not alone, this happens to others too. During VSD, the muscles hold the spine very weakly. You need to be very careful not to injure yourself.

Sometimes, I had to cancel the DGS training due to strong heart palpitations and poor health. Then I went outside, walked for about half an hour, came home, went to bed unable to do anything. I lay there and listened to my heart beat. He often fell asleep for a short time, but always woke up in a broken state. This daytime rest lasted for about six months until the remission gained momentum.

Before the summer, I went to the sea a couple of times, on a bicycle. The journey took about half an hour there and back. After that my back hurt a lot. I had to sell the bike. The worst thing is when you have to give up simple basic things for which you are not healthy.

I can no longer sit on public transport; every slight shaking causes pain in my spine. I have to either stand, then I don’t feel the shaking, or strain my back muscles, catching the moments when the wheel hits something.

The “funny thing” is that my body became sensitive like the princess and the pea. I can't sleep on the bed anymore. At night I wake up and start tossing and turning, the bed seems so hard that I can’t relax and fall asleep. I solve this problem simply by folding four blankets in half and placing them under the sheet. After this you can sleep normally.

Having sorted out the bed, I had to solve a new problem. Now I can't sleep on my pillow. At night my neck starts to hurt. There are two orthopedic pillows at home, I’m trying to sleep on them. But they are even worse than the one I sleep on. The problem was solved by purchasing a small down and feather pillow.

(The main thing is, if there is a problem with the neck, the pillow should be such that the spine and neck are in line during sleep. The head should not be higher or lower than the spine).

At the end of May, it was finally my turn for a computed tomography (CT) scan. Three days in advance they called from the reception and warned that the price would be three times more expensive than it was when registering. It turns out that the country's budget has run out of money for the sick.

Hello capitalism, how we missed you.

At first I thought about refusing, but still decided to go. An x-ray showed that my cervical discs were not in very good condition. And the case is breathing exercises brought up sad thoughts.

I come to medical Center, I go up to the reception desk, pay, sit and wait. A man approaches the reception desk and asks about making an appointment for a CT scan. They start telling him that the CP is now mostly paid for by the state and they name the price that was originally mine too. He happily signs up. And what is it called?

One word - capitalism.

As summer approaches, my condition worsens even more. It would seem that summer is blooming all around, the sun, nature is coming to life and rejoicing. But I feel even worse.

Morning comes, and I don’t know what to do, how to live the day, I feel so bad. Then night comes, and again I don’t know how to survive it.

During the day I constantly feel anxious and depressed. I can't get rid of him in any way. At night, in addition to anxiety, I began to experience tachycardia, which prevents me from sleeping. For my heart, I began to brew and drink hawthorn fruits. Honestly, I don’t know if it was necessary to do this. But I needed to treat myself with at least something. The help was more like a placebo, but the more such placebos, the better the VSD. The main thing is that this does not cause aggravation.

My wife is pregnant and we will have a long-awaited child in the fall. But I'm starting to doubt that I'll live to see that day. I had to get so sick when I was about to become a father for the first time. What help can there be from a person who does not know how to get through the day?

Anxious and suicidal thoughts constantly creep into my head. I just can't get rid of them. It feels like my brain has been connected to the lower astral plane and everything negative there wants to settle in my head. After two weeks, negative thoughts go away on their own, as if someone turned them off.

I often dream that I am wandering around the cemetery, looking at the graves, trying to read the inscriptions on the monuments. One day, an ex-girlfriend comes to me in a dream and says that my father and mother live together in the spiritual world (in life they were divorced). I try to catch up with her to question her, but she eludes me...

My sleep becomes superficial, its usual depth disappears.

After receiving the results computed tomography family doctor refers me to a neurologist. After I contacted him four months ago. Our clinic sometimes sees a good specialist in this field. Everyone wants to get to him. I decided to sign up too. We have to wait almost two months...

In order to somehow reduce the waiting period, I am still trying to do something with my health. It's summer, it's sunny. I can’t stay at home for long; the walls make me feel sick. I’m going to nature, to the sea, since it’s nearby. I feel like a complete wreck, as if I’m over a hundred years old (may the centenarians forgive me). This feeling, along with anxiety, has not left me almost all summer.

I go to the sea like I’m going to hard labor. I find a secluded place and try to sunbathe. If before it was a pleasure, now it looks like torture. But I have to do something, I have to somehow get out of the disease. The first time I’m on the beach I can barely stand it for half an hour, on other days I try to be there for an hour. All the time, it seems when you are in the sun that you will stay here forever. I try to be closer to people, so that if anything happens, they can find me...

If I go near water, I feel even worse. It feels like your heart will fly out of your chest, it starts beating so hard. I can’t go further than my feet into the water.

New problems began with my spine. Having to give up the shoes I used to wear. Every step hurts your back. At sea I walk on loose sand, walking on hard sand is no longer for me. It’s the same with house slippers; it hurts to step on the floor.

I can’t buy “normal” shoes for the street anywhere. Everything I try on makes me feel like I’m walking barefoot on asphalt. The only thing I can wear are sneakers with treads, bought for running. So I wear them all the time.

I'm going to the dentist in June. The journey takes about forty minutes, but it becomes a real challenge. I feel so bad all the way that I want to call ambulance. People of retirement age are sitting nearby, I look at them and force myself to endure.

In the summer I find another way to improve my condition before bed is half a kilogram of strawberries. For some time this relieves the symptoms of VSD.

It's July, it's my wife's birthday, we're going to the sea. Health allows me to quickly plunge into the first time. I come out of the sea and for a whole minute I feel healthy. Unforgettable feelings! Then all the symptoms of VSD return again.

At the very end of July I began to see the first signs of remission. All the symptoms of VSD are still with me, but I am starting to experience less depression and anxiety. This gives me hope that recovery is due.

Some of the improvements in my condition are quite funny, I start sneezing and yawning! I can't remember that I had this for last year. Appetite appears. On the street, sometimes I feel as if my lungs are breathing again. All this lasts several days and instills confidence in regaining health.

Note. If you adhere to any diet during VSD, I advise you to read the material - "The energy body and our nutrition"(sections “To eat meat or not to eat” and “B12 and health physical body"). The first signs of remission began for me when I stopped dieting and restored the level of B12 in my body.

At the beginning of August I finally see a neurologist. Six months after the first visit to the doctor. The neurologist, an older woman, immediately diagnoses me after two minutes of my story about the disease. That’s what he says, you have VSD.

(This is why it is important to get to the right doctor in time to find out your correct diagnosis - vegetative-vascular dystonia, and not go to various and unnecessary examinations).

The most interesting thing was when she looked at the results of the CT scan. She said that the symptoms that I have cannot be due to the cervical spine.

Then she asked if I needed to be prescribed any medications, meaning antidepressants and tranquilizers. I refused because I saw what these pills do to a person.

I don’t want to be a hero and condemn anyone if the anxiety-depressive state dragged on for a long time. long time, then I would have to take these drugs.

I was prescribed B vitamins and ten ampoules of Actovegin and Cerebrolysin injections. I didn’t expect anything special from them, except maybe a placebo effect. However, the reality turned out to be completely different.

The first days nothing happened, then my remission that had begun began to disappear somewhere. What happened next was a complete surprise to me. On the fifth day after the injections, I woke up in the middle of the night with terrible tachycardia. The one I had before seemed simply “childish.” My heart wanted to jump out of my chest. I have never experienced anything like this in my life, even when I was running fast. It was necessary to call an ambulance. I've never had to do this for myself before. My pregnant wife was sleeping nearby; this would have been an unwanted stress for her. I lay there half the night and didn’t know what to do, then I passed out, and woke up in the morning.

Several days passed like this. During the day I was in an excited state, like after several cups of coffee. At night, the pounding in my chest kept me from sleeping. I lay there and thought that I needed to call an ambulance, but I endured and lived until the morning.

After the ninth injection it finally dawned on me who was to blame for the terrible exacerbation! I couldn't believe that these little ampoules did me so much harm.

These drugs (Actovegin and Cerebrolysin) are used even for children. Wikipedia says that one is made from calf blood, the other uses pig brain. Banned in the USA and Canada, but widely used in the post-Soviet space. Apparently, special people live here...

A few days after these “miracle” injections, I began to gradually recover. The family doctor was very surprised to learn what the neurologist prescribed for me when I came to him with my new exacerbation. He said that I should not have been given such injections. Modern medicine It’s like a lottery, you don’t know whether you’ll be lucky or not.

The neurologist told me that if my condition worsens, the family may admit me to the hospital. I'm interested in him about this. He says we'll think about it. Family doctors now have quotas; you have to be really bad to be admitted to a hospital. And here I am walking on my own two feet.

How grateful I am that I missed it because of the quotas! Then I had to read what was happening to our brother at the VSD in the hospital.

I come across information about horse balm. The product is widely advertised as natural and effective. I decide to try it for my neck. I buy German ointment to be sure of the quality of the product. On the third day, when I started applying it, my neck started to hurt a lot. At night, sweat pours down it in streams, the body expels everything foreign from itself. In the morning the pillow is all wet. The experiment with the ointment has to be stopped.

For the neck I find good remedy. This is iodine diluted half with lemon juice. In the evening I drip it onto cotton wool and rub it into my neck. This helps relieve pain. If you also use a warm heating pad, the effect becomes stronger.

In September, my family doctor goes on vacation, and, as luck would have it, my tachycardia worsens. Another doctor sees him instead. I go to see him, I can’t stand it anymore. I want to be prescribed pills so I can sleep at night. He easily prescribes two medications for my heart, which I tell him. For some reason, mine first wanted to refer me to a cardiologist so that he could prescribe them for me himself. To do this, you need to undergo a cardio test on a bicycle or Holter monitoring, but there is also a queue, you have to wait.

After a few days, the tachycardia at night goes away, arrhythmia begins, but I can already live with it. I save recipes for a rainy day. In my spare time, I read about how difficult it is to get off heart pills. All the symptoms come back when you stop taking the medication.

As a result, I never used the recipes. ().