Scaly blepharitis: symptoms and proper treatment. Scaly blepharitis Seborrheic blepharitis symptoms

Scaly blepharitis is one of the most common types of blepharitis (inflammation of the edges of the eyelids). This disease brings great discomfort, greatly reduces the quality of life of patients, and negatively affects vision. This pathology does not depend on age and gender.

In addition to this variety, there are other types of blepharitis: allergic, tick-borne and others. They differ in the causes that provoke the development of the disease, symptoms and, of course, treatment. It is the scaly form of blepharitis that will be discussed in this article.

Reasons for the development of the disease

As a rule, scaly blepharitis accompanies the course of seborrheic dermatitis, which affects the areas behind the ears, nasolabial folds and the scalp. Factors that provoke the disease may include:

  • chronic diseases or eye defects;
  • avitaminosis;
  • violation of personal hygiene rules;
  • decreased immunity;
  • chronic diseases (diabetes, anemia, gastrointestinal diseases);
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun, wind, dusty air;
  • transferred infectious diseases eye.


As a rule, seborrheic blepharitis affects both eyes at the same time. At the initial stage, the disease appears along the edge of the eyelid at the roots of the eyelashes. The skin is covered with grayish-brown scales, similar to dandruff. If you remove them yourself, which is strictly prohibited, a thinned, reddened, inflamed area of ​​skin will appear. The edges of the eyelids thicken. Self-removal scales can lead to the formation of ulcers and erosions in the affected areas.

Patients complain of itching, pain, lacrimation, eyelash sticking, photophobia, and foreign body sensation. Blinking is difficult due to swelling of the eyelid, which worsens in the evening. The eyes get tired much faster, and a feeling of dryness appears.

Wearing lenses during illness causes eye irritation and burning. Without treatment, the disease lasts for years and is complicated by eyelash loss, conjunctivitis, and dysfunction. sebaceous glands. In chronic conditions, the eyelid becomes flattened, which prevents it from completely adhering to the eye and leads to dryness of the mucous membrane.


Patients with this pathology are observed by an ophthalmologist. The diagnosis is made after examining the eyelids using a slit lamp - biomicroscopy. Sometimes, to confirm the diagnosis, tissue scrapings are performed for laboratory testing.


Like any disease, seborrheic blepharitis is easier to treat in the early stages. But even in this case it will be quite long. You need to start by eliminating possible reasons diseases: cure for seborrheic dermatitis, chronic infections and diseases, vitamin deficiency, strengthening the immune system, systematic adherence to personal hygiene.

During the height of the disease, you should temporarily stop wearing contact lenses, giving preference to glasses. Also, women are not recommended to use cosmetics (eye shadow, mascara), as this can aggravate inflammatory process.

Scaly blepharitis itself is treated locally. Before starting the procedure, you need to wash your face running water. Apply to the eyelash edge fish fat or syntomycin to soften the scales. Gauze or a cotton pad is moistened in these solutions and applied to the eyelids for 10 minutes. Next, the affected areas are treated with an antiseptic solution, after which an ointment with an antibiotic or sulfonamides is applied. Sometimes doctors prescribe ointments based on hydrocortisone, which have an additional anti-inflammatory effect.

A solution of sulfacyl sodium, dexamethasone, sulfapyridazine sodium, zinc sulfate, prednisolone or hydrocortisone emulsion is instilled into the eyes. To eliminate dry eye syndrome, artificial tears or ophtagel are used. Compresses made from a solution of chamomile or calendula have a good anti-inflammatory effect.

If the disease is severe, difficult to treat, or if complications occur, surgical treatment may be required.

Scaly blepharitis brings a lot of discomfort and significantly reduces the quality of life. When initial symptoms you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist. Inaction or self-medication with folk remedies can lead to sad consequences: transition of the process to a chronic form, deterioration of vision, and the occurrence of complications. It must be remembered that only an ophthalmologist can accurately establish the diagnosis and select the optimal medical supplies. Although the treatment of seborrheic blepharitis is long-term, after a few weeks improvements and signs of stabilization of the process will become noticeable. The eyes are an important and priceless organ, treat them with care.

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Blepharitis, which means “eyelid” in translation, is a common eye diseases with localization of the inflammatory process on the edges of the eyelids in the ciliary zone. The pathology occurs over a long period of time, is chronic and recurrent in nature, is difficult to treat, and sometimes provokes vision loss.

A large group of diseases called blepharitis manifests itself in the same clinical picture.

Blepharitis can occur as a result of diseases occurring in the body that are not related to the eyes, as well as due to a reduced level of its protective forces.

It is important to know! Inflammation of the eyelids and their changes are called nosology. It occurs on both sides and is observed in most cases in older people. It is characterized by severe visual discomfort, itching, redness, and the infection is not transmitted from person to person.

Causes of blepharitis

The causes of blepharitis are numerous and are presented in the list below:

  • Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses caused by viral and bacterial infections.
  • Pathologies of the oral cavity and throat of bacterial origin.
  • Helminthiasis.
  • Visual impairment that was not corrected in time. For example, in the absence of glasses, farsighted people experience tension in the eye muscles; a feeling of discomfort causes a person to rub their eyes and thereby introduce an infection from dirty hands. This is how blepharitis occurs
  • Increased sensitivity to irritants such as exhaust gases, dust, dirt, cosmetics, pollen, etc. This type of blepharitis is complicated by the occurrence of conjunctivitis, and the disease is called “blepharoconjunctivitis.”
  • Constant contact with toxic fumes, chemicals getting into the eyes or eyelids as a result of lack of protective equipment under unfavorable human working conditions.
  • Types and symptoms of blepharitis

    The disease is usually considered according to clinical types, each of which is characterized by its own symptoms.

    Blepharitis occurs:

    Simple or scaly. It causes thickening of the eyelids, the appearance of hyperemia, and areas of the epithelium with an excessive number of scaly formations. After a night's sleep, the eyelashes stick together due to the secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands. Trying to remove the scales yourself does not lead to anything, since they have a high adhesion density. IN dark time days, the itching intensifies. The eyes get tired quickly under artificial light. Hypersensitivity to irritants such as dust, heat, wind, and bright light also appears.

    Seborrheic. Appears along with seborrheic eczema of the scalp, eyebrows, and sternum. This type of blepharitis is regarded as an uncomplicated form. The edges of the eyelids are strewn with tiny gray scales. They can be easily removed without damaging the skin. Sometimes there is loss of eyelashes. The main signs are yellowish crusts and profuse lacrimation. In severe cases, the eyelid may turn out. In the absence of medical care, swelling of the eyelids reaches such limits that the eyelids do not adhere to the eyeball.

    Ulcerative. Often this blepharitis is provoked by a chronic course staphylococcal infection. Ulcers of the bulbs form and pus accumulates. Healed ulcers leave behind scars. Advanced forms of the disease provoke eyelash rashes and the appearance of wrinkles on the front eyelid. The patient is in constant nervous tension, his eyes are prone to fatigue. Scarring causes the eyelashes to stop growing. Urgently needed health care, since without it the eye is likely to melt.

    Meibomiev. When it occurs, secretory metabolism is disrupted. The contents are poorly excreted due to hypersecretion of the cartilaginous glands of the eyelid. His top part along the eyelash growth line are covered with small, half-transparent bubbles that arise due to inflamed meibomian glands. When you try to remove the bubbles, small pinpoint scars form in their place. Thickness and redness of the extreme part of the eyelid, profuse lacrimation, and oily discharge when pressing on the cartilage are recorded. The eyelids look shiny, as if oiled.

    Allergic. Occurs when a person is prone to allergies. With this type of blepharitis, there is swelling of the eyelids on both sides, dark skin color appears on the eyelids, called “allergic bruising”, increased lacrimation, photophobia, pain, stinging and itching in the eyes are felt. Allergic blepharitis occurs not only from pollen, cosmetics and other irritants, but also from medicines, among which are long-term ointments and eye drops.

    Chronic. Characterized by a long course and relapses. The disease is most often provoked by Staphylococcus aureus. The main signs are decreased performance, deterioration of general condition, loss of visual clarity.

    Symptoms of blepharitis should be identified early stage to avoid concomitant complications of the disease: glaucoma, cataracts.

    Blepharitis can be judged by the primary general symptoms:

    • swollen eyelids;
    • sticking of the eyes after waking up in the morning;
    • redness;
    • unbearable itching;
    • feeling of “sand” in the eyes;
    • the appearance of barley;
    • thickening of eyelashes.

    Secondary signs of pathology with impaired blood supply are:

    • photophobia;
    • objects appearing double;
    • swelling;
    • prominent foaming secretion in the corners of the eyes;
    • falling out eyelashes;
    • profuse tears;
    • accumulation of inflammatory crusts.

    In the morning hours, the patient's symptoms are clearly expressed in a large accumulation of pus, gluing the eyelids. The only way to help open the eyelids is by rinsing.

    Blepharitis quite often acts as a concomitant pathology of dry eye syndrome, in which tear fluid is not produced. The inability to lubricate leads to blepharoconjunctivitis, accompanied by bacterial/viral infections.

    Blepharitis varies according to its anatomical characteristics:

    • anterior marginal (extends to the edge of the eyelashes);
    • posterior (inflammation of the meibomian glands occurs in the depths of the eyelids);
    • angular (the corners of the eyes become inflamed).

    Anterior and posterior forms of pathology have differences in clinical symptoms. In the first case, in the morning there is abundant discharge in the corners of the eyes, movements of the eyeballs are caused by severe pain. The inflammatory process occurs together with the attached staphylococcus, causing a bacterial infection that causes fever and copious discharge from the eyes.

    Impaired functions of the sweat and lacrimal glands lead to the occurrence of posterior marginal blapharitis. There is no liquid secretion or discharge of immunocomponents, thereby creating a favorable environment for bacteria that join the inflammatory process. The following diseases are associated with the posterior form: rosacea, acne, seborrhea.

    Blepharitis disrupts the growth of eyelashes, provokes conjunctivitis, keratitis, since there is no mucus and adequate blood flow.

    Diagnosis of blepharitis

    The degree of the disease is determined during examination of the patient, the diagnosis is also confirmed and clarified based on voiced complaints, laboratory tests and visual assessment of the patient's condition. Based on the pathological course and symptomatic picture of blepharitis, an ophthalmologist can determine the type of disease.

    Diagnosis involves visual acuity, biomicroscopy of the eye, indicating the conditions of the eyelid edge, cornea, eyeball etc.

    By scraping the cornea, the nature of blepharitis is determined: viral or bacterial in origin. Collection procedure biological material required for the study, is painless and is carried out using a special stick from the edge of the cornea. Also, the doctor, using a dye solution dripped into the patient’s eyes, examines the eye cornea and determines the parameters necessary for making a diagnosis.

    To confirm demodectic blepharitis, eyelashes are examined under a microscope for the presence of demodex mites.

    The infectious type is determined by taking a smear from the conjunctiva for bacterial culture.

    Allergic - requires consultation with an allergist-immunologist with mandatory allergy tests.

    At chronic form with hypertrophied edges of the eyelids, by biopsy, tissue histology, it is necessary to make sure that there is no cancer of the sebaceous glands, as well as squamous cell and basal cell oncology.

    Treatment of blepharitis

    Blepharitis is difficult to cure and requires a long period of time. Therapy is carried out using an integrated approach using medications and hygiene procedures carried out daily.

    Treatment of blepharitis is carried out taking into account its occurrence, development, type and is based on three important principles:

    1. Using warm compresses to improve fluid outflow from the inflamed area. Herbal remedies are used, napkins heated to a warm temperature, towels applied to the eyelids. It is recommended to do compresses three times a day to obtain positive effectiveness.
    2. Mandatory cleansing of the eyelids with a few drops of shampoo for children, which does not sting the eyes, dissolved in water. The mixture helps eliminate desquamated epithelium, crusts, and dirt. Rinse carefully so as not to put pressure on the eyelids or irritate the mucous membrane.
    3. Application to the edge of the eyelids in case of bacterial infection of targeted ointments. Bacteria are fought with tetracycline, erythromycin, bacitracin eye ointments, indicated for use by an ophthalmologist.

    The main principle of blepharitis therapy is eyelid hygiene. Dust particles are the main provoking factors of bacterial, tick-borne, and viral infections. To prevent relapses, it is necessary to cleanse the eyelids every day, rinsing them with fortified infusions or solutions with immunostimulating properties.

    The demodectic form of blepharitis requires the use of “Blefarogel No. 2”, “Ivermectin”, which can eliminate ticks. Often a missing result from eyelash analysis using a microscope is the reason for treatment failure. Therefore, the diagnostic method must necessarily include examination of biological material from eyelashes under a microscope.

    Allergic - hydrocortisone ointment. Antiseptics are also used: Miramistin, calendula infusion. Eye drops are represented by the popular “Macritrol”, “Tobradex” and a number of others that act against microbes and inflammation.

    Physiotherapeutic procedures using special devices will help improve blood circulation in the eyes and surrounding areas. For example, the “Sidorenko Glasses” device with a pneumomassage effect on the processes of microcirculation and recovery in affected areas.

    The use of vitamin and mineral preparations (for example, “Lutein Complex” - eye drops) is designed to strengthen the immune system. In the case when blepharitis occurs against the background of other pathologies, it is necessary not only to eliminate its symptoms, but also to treat the underlying disease. When the disease develops in combination with influenza, colds, and other infections, blepharitis is treated with Actipol, Ophthalmoferon, Poludan - drugs whose action is aimed at fighting viruses. These drops as preventive measures necessary for patients with symptoms of chronic blepharitis in the spring and winter.

    Sofradex and Dexamethasone ointments, which have anti-inflammatory and hormonal effects, are not suitable for the treatment of viral blepharitis. Activation of a herpes infection, replication (introduction of viruses into cells susceptible to them, “copying” of proteins, genetic material of cells, collection and release of offspring capable of infecting) of influenza pathogens may occur due to blockade of mediators of the inflammatory process.

    Long-term chronic blepharitis requires treatment with Tetracycline, which inhibits the growth of microorganisms as a result of their reproduction, preventing various complications. The drug also reduces the volume of fluid secretions produced by the sebaceous and sweat glands during inflammation.

    The pathogenetic link of blepharitis is dysfunction of the lacrimal gland, as a result of which tears are not secreted due to the dry environment. The ophthalmologist normalizes pathological process, prescribing the use of “artificial tears” to prevent the formation of the tear film. At the very beginning, the drops are taken hourly, followed by a reduction in dosage. If the effectiveness of the drug is low, it is required surgical intervention, blocking the nasolacrimal duct.

    Complex treatment, unfortunately, does not lead to a final cure for blepharitis. Drug therapy suppresses the progression of pathology. During the course of treatment, women should prohibit themselves from using cosmetics not only for the eyes, but also for the face in order to prevent intoxication, allergic inflammation of the eyelids.

    It is important to know! The diet should be designed so that there is a large supply of vitamins and proteins to the body. Combination diabetes mellitus with blepharitis puts forward very strict requirements for the diet.

    Treatment of blepharitis with folk remedies

    Using baths with herbal remedies, compresses with infusions of calendula, chamomile, and sage are recommended not only by folk medicine, but also by traditional medicine.

    All solutions have the same preparation scheme:

    • take a tablespoon of raw materials, dry and crushed;
    • pour boiling water (200 ml);
    • strained;
    • infused for two hours;
    • cools;
    • top up with boiled water to a volume of 250 ml;
    • a little infusion is poured into a measuring cup, the vessel is applied to the eye, turned over, the eye is “washed” in the solution for 5-7 minutes.

    You can use the same solution for a compress by moistening a sterile napkin with it and applying it to the eye for a quarter of an hour. It is enough to do 2-3 procedures per day in this way.

    Ginseng, echinacea, and eleutherococcus in the form of tinctures will help to activate local protection (increase immunity), preventing the inflammatory process on the eyelids.

    Dill (fresh or dry) is also used in the form of an infusion. A tablespoon of herb is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 60 minutes. The product is filtered, cooled to room temperature, used as eye lotions.

    Clover inflorescences are finely chopped, placed on cheesecloth, and the juice is squeezed out. It is used once a day as eye drops (three drops).

    Rose oil is used to lubricate the affected eyelids.

    You can also use a long-proven remedy traditional medicine: strong brewed green and black tea, mixed from equal parts. Dry grape wine (one small spoon) is added to the mixture. Eyes are washed with this product.

    It is necessary to take daily walks, as fresh air improves blood supply to the upper part of the face.

    Prevention of blepharitis

    First of all, you need to follow hygienic rules: do not use foreign/not fresh towels or handkerchiefs to wipe your face, do not touch your eyes with your hands, which are the habitat of various pathogenic microbes.

    With demodectic blepharitis, the patient should use a separate towel, hanging away from everyone else. His pillow should not “move” from one family member to another; this must be carefully monitored. The patient himself must consciously approach the issue of preventing infection of his family members, observing in practice the rules of hygiene close to the quarantine order.

    Preventive measures for blepharitis include mandatory treatment of chronic infections, avoiding contact with allergic substances, timely treatment of disorders of the sebaceous glands, maintaining visual hygiene, and improving sanitary standards at work and at home.

    Ophthalmologists know why blepharitis develops, the symptoms and treatment of which have a number of features. It causes the edge of the eyelids to become inflamed. The most common cause is infection. In the absence of proper treatment, this pathology can lead to the development of keratitis, impaired eyelash growth, the formation of abscesses and other complications.

    • burning;
    • redness of the eyelid;
    • lacrimation;
    • presence of scales;
    • eyelash loss;
    • eye fatigue;
    • Availability .

    Hyperemia may be the only symptom. It is observed in a simple form of blepharitis. The following factors contribute to the appearance of symptoms of inflammation:

    • allergic reactions;
    • ingress of dust and other particles;
    • use of cosmetics;
    • demodicosis;
    • autoimmune disorders;
    • penetration of infection;
    • refractive error;
    • contact dermatitis;

    Seborrheic blepharitis is characterized by specific symptoms. In such people, scales can be found along the edge of the eyelids white, resembling large dandruff. Peeling of the skin is detected. Additional symptoms include itching, a gritty feeling in the eyes, burning and a feeling of heaviness that occurs after sleep. A man rubs his affected eye, but it doesn't help.

    Scaly blepharitis is characterized by mild redness of the edges of the eyelids. General state patients is not disturbed. There is no fever. The edge of the eyelid in such people is thickened. In patients, seborrhea is detected on the scalp. This is a condition in which the function of the sebaceous glands is disrupted and crusts that resemble dandruff form.

    Ulcerative blepharitis of the eyelids is characterized by the presence yellowish color sores. Then scars appear. They cause disruption of eyelash growth. This condition is called trichiasis. Sometimes eyelashes actively fall out. Their color may change. Chronic blepharitis infectious nature It is characterized by severe hyperemia, pain, which is well relieved by NSAIDs, and itching.

    When examining patients, an increase in local temperature is detected. Rosacea-blepharitis is separately identified. In such people, gray-red nodules appear in the area of ​​​​the edge of the eyelids. Ulcers are also identified. When the conjunctiva is involved in the process, symptoms such as discharge from the eye, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids, burning, itching and photophobia are observed.

    Signs of allergic blepharitis

    Allergic eye blepharitis is often diagnosed. It develops in children and adults. Known following reasons its development:

    • instilling medications into the eyes;
    • use of cosmetics;
    • contact with pollen or dust;
    • exposure to microbes.

    Allergies to pet fur and certain foods often develop. Inflammation occurs upon repeated contact with the irritant. It is based on the binding of allergens to immunoglobulins. The process may involve the borders of eyelash growth, meibomian glands and the corners of the eye.

    Chronic blepharitis of an allergic nature is asymptomatic. In an acute reaction, the following signs are observed:

    • redness of the eyelids in both eyes;
    • swelling;
    • severe itching;
    • burning sensation;
    • fear of bright light;
    • lacrimation.

    Such people feel better in the dark. The swelling of the eyelids is total. This often leads to complete closure of the palpebral fissure and the inability to see objects. If a person has allergic blepharitis, then severe itching is always a concern. A person scratches the skin, which leads to infection. Photophobia and lacrimation are caused by irritation of the eye.

    Acute allergic blepharitis is characterized by a violent, sudden onset. If left untreated, a person may develop a cosmetic defect in the form of eyelash loss and thinning. Both eyes are involved in the process at the same time. Chronic blepharitis has an undulating course with pronounced seasonality. Exacerbations occur in spring and summer.

    Symptoms of demodectic blepharitis

    • sticking of eyelashes;
    • rapid visual fatigue;
    • eyelid hyperemia;
    • redness.

    Fatigue is caused by inflammation of the eyelash follicles. A person is bothered by pain even when focusing his gaze for a short time. This may lead to decreased visual acuity. Unlike seborrheic blepharitis, there is no dandruff with this pathology. A specific symptom is sticking of eyelashes. The reason is the inflammatory process.

    Along with general clinical manifestations With demodicosis, the following symptoms are possible:

    • acne;
    • increased skin oiliness;
    • redness of the skin.

    Ticks cause the development of persistent chronic blepharitis. A cured person can get sick again. Medicines can eliminate the symptoms of inflammation.

    Treatment methods for patients

    Before treating blepharitis, other diseases must be ruled out. The following studies are being carried out:

    • bacteriological analysis;
    • general blood analysis;
    • determination of immunoglobulins in the blood;
    • examination of feces for helminths;
    • allergy tests;
    • ophthalmoscopy;
    • skiascopy;
    • biomicroscopy;
    • microscopy of eyelashes for the presence of mites.

    With eyelid hypertrophy, it is necessary to exclude malignant diseases (cancer). For this, a biopsy is performed. The treatment regimen is determined by the attending physician. You need to know not only what blepharitis is, but also how to get rid of it. General aspects of therapy are:

    • thorough hygiene care behind the centuries;
    • cleansing the skin of scales and purulent secretions using tampons;
    • instillation of anti-inflammatory drops;
    • massage.

    A simple form of blepharitis requires the use of antiseptics, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Every day, the eyelids must be wiped with a swab moistened with saline solution or Furacilin. They have an antiseptic effect. Ointments based on hydrocortisone and dexamethasone are widely used. They need to treat the edges of inflamed eyelids.

    Ancillary treatment methods include eyelid massage. It is effective for blepharoconjunctivitis and stagnation of meibomian gland secretions. The massage is organized after preliminary anesthesia using a special glass rod. Not everyone knows how to treat ulcerative blepharitis.

    Therapy in this case pursues the following objectives:

    • softening the crusts and then removing them;
    • destruction of microbes;
    • normalization of metabolism.

    Pathological formations are removed using tweezers from the inflamed edge of the eyelid after preliminary application of Vaseline ointment. To suppress bacterial activity, ointments based on erythromycin and tetracycline are used. The treatment regimen for blepharitis of the eyelids of infectious etiology often includes Dex-Gentamicin ointment or drops.

    This is a complex drug. It is not suitable for treating children, pregnant women and people who wear contact lenses. The medicine is contraindicated for viral and fungal eye infections, hypersensitivity, glaucoma and corneal damage. The dosage and duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. To normalize metabolism in the tissues of the eyelid, it is recommended to make lotions with zinc sulfate.

    Treatment of seborrheic blepharitis

    If a person is diagnosed with scaly blepharitis, then the following treatment recommendations must be followed:

    • wash your eyelids;
    • remove scales;
    • use products in the form of ointments based on corticosteroids;
    • make lotions.

    An important aspect of therapy is ensuring proper eyelid hygiene. For seborrheic blepharitis, treatment involves the use of a slightly alkaline solution. 2% sodium bicarbonate works well. You need to remove scales at least 3 times a day. It's better to do this more often. Squamous blepharitis is treated with corticosteroid ointments.

    Liniment based on hydrocortisone has an excellent effect. Lotions are included in the treatment regimen for patients. For them, zinc sulfate is used. This form inflammation of the eyelids occurs in chronic form for months and even years. Prescribed according to indications antibacterial agents in the form of ointments. They need to treat the edges of the affected eyelids.

    Treatment of allergic blepharitis

    Treatment of blepharitis at home is carried out only in the absence of complications. At allergic form inflammation is necessary:

    • stop contact with the potential allergen;
    • take antihistamines;
    • carry out external treatment.

    Such people often need the help of a dermatologist and allergist. It is important to identify the potential irritant. If it is animal fur, then you need to limit contact with pets as much as possible. If you are allergic to waste products of ticks, bedbugs and house dust you need to treat bedding and clothing, and also regularly carry out wet cleaning at home.

    If the cause of the development of blepharitis is due to harmful production factors, then you need to wear protective glasses or a mask. Women definitely need to give up makeup. It is recommended for all patients with allergic blepharitis:

    • during active flowering of plants, go outside less often, avoid public gardens and parks;
    • follow a hypoallergenic diet;
    • wear sunglasses;
    • avoid bright light;
    • use vacuum cleaners with modern filters;
    • wipe your eyes with chamomile decoction;
    • do not use contact lenses.

    Antihistamines are prescribed (Zodak, Zyrtec, Tavegil, Clemastine, Cetirizine, Cetrin). They eliminate itching and burning. Allergodil or Lecrolin drops are prescribed. They are contraindicated in children under 4 years of age and people with hypersensitivity to the medicine. For isolated blepharitis, hydrocortisone ointment is indicated. The treatment regimen often includes antibacterial agents (Tobrex, Normax).

    Prognosis and methods of prevention

    The prognosis for inflammation of the eyelid margin is most often favorable. Timely and correct treatment helps preserve vision. If you contact a doctor late or ignore symptoms, the following complications are possible:

    • barley formation;
    • chalazion;
    • eyelid deformation;
    • damage to the conjunctiva;
    • trichiasis;
    • keratitis;
    • decreased vision function.

    In this case, surgery may be required. Conservative therapy is ineffective. Vein plastic surgery, volvulus correction, or chalazion removal are performed. Specific prevention of blepharitis has not been developed. This pathology can be warned. To avoid scaly or any other blepharitis, you must adhere to the following rules:

    Thus, blepharitis is a very common pathology. For itching, redness and swelling of the eyelids, you should visit an ophthalmologist. Self-medication can be harmful and lead to complications.


    Hello again, dear readers! Today we will continue to talk about blepharitis and the features of its treatment. As you already know, this eye pathology is accompanied by inflammation of the edges of the eyelids and is characterized by chronic course, that is, the disease recurs from time to time.

    One of the most common types is scaly blepharitis, which is also called seborrheic. This form of the disease affects not only the eyelids, but also often affects scalp heads.

    At the same time, treatment of scaly blepharitis lasts quite a long time and consists of a set of measures, which I will tell you about now.

    Scaly blepharitis usually does not cause significant discomfort, so it is considered one of the simplest types of the disease. However, in the absence of proper treatment, it can progress to more complex shape, and this is fraught with serious consequences.

    This is why it is so important to diagnose and begin to treat seborrheic blepharitis in a timely manner.

    By what signs can the disease be recognized?

    The development of scaly blepharitis is indicated by the formation of small gray-brown scales along the edges of the eyelids, reminiscent of dandruff. Such scales must be removed very carefully so as not to damage the inflamed and flattened areas of the skin located underneath them.

    This external sign, by which scaly blepharitis can be identified, is not the only one. Other symptoms also signal a disease of the visual organs, namely:

    • emergence painful sensations when looking at bright light sources;
    • increased tearfulness;
    • increasing itching of the eyelids;
    • excessive swelling of the eyelids;
    • dry eyes.

    Stages of treatment for scaly blepharitis

    To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is strongly recommended to begin treatment for scaly blepharitis no later than 2-3 days after you notice the first symptoms of the disease.

    Primary Goal therapeutic measures is to eliminate the cause that provoked the inflammatory process. To do this, a thorough diagnosis of the whole body is carried out, since scaly blepharitis could begin due to infectious processes in the body.

    It is very important to correctly identify the causative agent of the disease and eliminate it.

    The following stages of treatment for seborrheic blepharitis are distinguished:

    • Toilet the edges of the eyelids. Synthomycin emulsion (1%) or fish oil is applied to the ciliary edge of the eyelids.
    • Irrigation of the eyelids with antiseptic preparations (Sodium Sulfacyl, essential alcohol or brilliant green) and application of an ointment containing sulfanilamide or an antibiotic (ointment based on tetracycline or dibiomycin, Chloramphenicol) to the damaged eyelash edges.

    If necessary, the ophthalmologist prescribes additional medications (hydrocortisone ointment in combination with an antibiotic).

    • Instillation of drops. After treating the eyelids and applying the ointment, medicinal solutions (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Tsipromed, Prenacid drops) are instilled into the conjunctival sac.
    • The use of compresses made from herbal infusions that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
    • Performing eyelid massage. Massaging the inflamed eyelids allows you to eliminate stagnation of secretions, reduce swelling of the eyelids and improve blood flow.

    Secrets of traditional medicine

    As complex therapy Scaly blepharitis is welcome. For cooking effective medicine caraway seeds and eyebright are poured into 250 ml of purified water and cooked for about 40 minutes over low heat.

    The resulting solution is infused for 24 hours, after which it should be filtered and used for its intended purpose in the form of drops (at the rate of 4-5 drops in each eye). The duration of treatment is 3 weeks.

    You can also mix 1 tbsp. l. chamomile with 1 tbsp. l. calendula flowers. Pour 250 ml of water over the herbs and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. This decoction is intended for internal use.

    When it cools down, take 1/3 cup up to 3 times a day for a month. A decoction of celandine and thyme is also used for oral administration. Herbs taken in equal proportions should be poured with a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew for 45 minutes. Strain the tincture and consume it 3-5 times daily.

    Blepharitis is a disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the eyelids. The risk group includes men and women from 30 to 50 years old, but the disease also manifests itself in children. This disease is one of the most common eye diseases and most often affects both eyes simultaneously.

    There are several types of the disease (demodex, meibomian, etc.), among them scaly or seborrheic blepharitis.

    Seborrheic blepharitis or seborrhea is the most severe form of the disease. It is especially dangerous due to the various complications that it causes if treatment is started. The main damage occurs on the eyelids. The disease often manifests itself in the form of graying or complete loss of eyelashes. In some cases, blepharitis spreads to the eye organ itself, hair or skin. Characteristic feature, which gives the name to this variety, is the peeling off of the epidermal scales at the base of the eyelashes. At the same time, the edge of the eyelid thickens and becomes hyperermic.


    Characteristic symptom The disease is the formation of scales on the eyelids. Externally, the particles resemble dandruff and have a gray tint. In terms of composition, scales are cells that have died from the epidermis. It is difficult to remove such particles, as they adhere tightly to the skin. If this is successful, you may notice severe redness underneath, which eventually spreads to the entire surface of the eyelids. As the disease progresses, they thicken quite noticeably. At the same time, general eye fatigue increases, and hypersensitivity to wind, light and dust is observed.

    This disease also has general symptoms, manifested in all subtypes of the disease. First of all, it is dry eyes and swelling of the eyelids. Patients constantly complain about foreign bodies in the eyes, although they are not there. After waking up, the eyelashes stick together tightly, making it difficult to open the eyes. There is also one characteristic feature like a burning sensation.

    Seborrheic blepharitis or seborrhea is the most severe form of the disease, dangerous due to various complications in the advanced form of the disease.


    The cause of the disease may be the following:

    • anemia;
    • avitaminosis;
    • work involving exposure to dust;
    • decline in immunity;
    • infection with demodex and staphylococcus;
    • conjunctivitis;
    • eye diseases;
    • problems with digestive system;
    • diseases of the oral cavity of an infectious nature.


    For seborrheic blepharitis, treatment must be complex and most often takes a long time. The goal of therapy is to cure dermatitis, strengthen general immunity, get rid of infection, as well as normalize nutrition and improve living conditions.

    Gentamicin is prescribed for seborrheic blepharitis.

    As a means local treatment drops and medicinal ointments are used. To soften the affected edges of the eyelids, use a solution of Syntomycin or fish oil. The treatment also includes the application of an antiseptic, and then a medicinal ointment is applied.

    Among the products recommended for use are: Gentamicin, Fucidin, tetracycline and hydrocortisone ointments, as well as a number of others. The main treatments include zinc sulfate, Prednisolone and Desonide. Solutions of agents are instilled into the conjunctival cavity. Good efficiency demonstrates such a remedy as a compress from calendula infusion. There are also highly specialized solutions, for example, blefarogel. It should be immediately noted that the process of treating seborrhea is long, patients will notice the first results in a few weeks, but in general, therapy can take a year.

    Hygienic procedures should be carried out according to the following scheme: a gauze swab is moistened in a solution medicine, after which they apply it to the eyelids for a few minutes. This helps soften adhered particles. At the next stage, the second tampon is moistened with a solution of calendula and chamomile, after which it is used to carefully remove the dead epidermis with movements from side to side. In this case, wiping eyelashes vertically is strictly prohibited. After such treatment, all that remains is to irrigate the edges of the eyelids with medicinal and antiseptic preparations.

    Blepharogel is one of the common medications for the treatment of blepharitis.

    Traditional methods

    Folk remedies are popular and help to quickly cure scaly blepharitis. Various remedies and decoctions based on thyme, calendula, dill, bay leaf, clover and chamomile have a significant anti-inflammatory effect and can help in the fight against this disease. Most often, tampons are impregnated with decoctions instead of classical medications. They are also used to wash the eyes.

    An alternative homemade option is aloe juice. It is squeezed out and lubricated on the affected areas. Used for treatment and such folk recipe: Basil is ground into a paste, which is applied to the affected area. You can lubricate sore spots with olive and almond oils. It remains to be reminded: how exactly to treat squamous blepharitis is up to the doctor to decide; do not self-medicate.

    Scaly blepharitis in children

    Treatment of blepharitis in a child is carried out in the same way as in adults. At the slightest sign of illness, the child should be shown to a doctor; under no circumstances should the disease be allowed to progress. Moreover, scaly blepharitis can lead to deterioration of vision in children.

    Scaly blepharitis is an extremely unpleasant disease that negatively affects appearance person. It is important to remember that preventing this disease is much easier than treating it later. Prevention methods are as simple as they are effective: do not rub your eyes with dirty hands, a handkerchief or someone else’s towel. Protect your eyes from dirt, dust and external damage.

    Jul 26, 2017 Anastasia Tabalina