What is Viprosal ointment used for? Detailed instructions for using viprosal. Pharmacological group and action

Pain in muscles and joints is caused by a number of various external and internal factors. We are talking about both complex inflammatory processes localized in the human body and age-related degenerative changes. Be that as it may, in 99% of cases, ailments of the musculoskeletal system and muscles are accompanied by severe pain.

Muscle tissue in human body is formed by protein, both animal and plant. The lion's share of it is concentrated in meat, nuts, legumes, eggs, fish and dairy products.

The main task for the patient is to eliminate painful symptoms that reduce the quality of Everyday life. Viprosal ointment, instructions for use of which are presented below, is an effective analgesic and local irritant prescribed for problems with the musculoskeletal system. The material below is devoted to this medication.

Many patients have a natural question: what is Viprosal used for? According to the official annotation, liniment is effective for diseases of the peripheral nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Its main purpose is the symptomatic relief of pain.

The key component of the ointment is an extract of viper venom on a multifaceted protein basis with targeted enzymatic action.

Pharmacological group and action

The drug in question is a representative of the clinical-pharmacological group of analgesic and locally irritating medications. Viprosal, an ointment based on snake venom, quickly relieves pain attacks.

The mechanism of action of the drug in question is as follows:
  • blocking the cyclooxygenase process (localized in the central nervous system);
  • preventing the formation of prostaglandins and free radicals;
  • leveling the sensitivity level of thalamic centers;
  • relief of the centers of formation of painful sensations by influencing thalamic foci.

The active ingredients of liniment are characterized by a local and targeted warming effect and an analgesic effect. Painful sensations disappears 30 minutes after application medicinal composition. The therapeutic effect lasts for the next 120 minutes.

Release form and composition

Viprosal B ointment with viper venom has a medium thick white consistency. The medicine is packaged in 50 and 30 gram metal tubes. The secondary packaging is cardboard packs, complete with an annotation insert.

Viprosal B ointment contains a number of ingredients (per 1 g of product):
  • viper venom extract – element concentration does not exceed 0.05 HONEY;
  • gum turpentine;
  • camphor;
  • salicylic acid (has a keratolytic effect).

Minor components are represented by a number of components, the main purpose of which is to enhance the effect of the main substances.

Instructions for use

According to official instructions Viprosal cream is prescribed to be applied to previously prepared and cleansed skin. The composition is evenly distributed over the affected area in a thin layer. Light rubbing is allowed, but only into painful skin segments and areas of the body.

Before directly treating the skin, wipe it with a moistened gauze bandage. The composition is applied either with sterile gloves, or upon completion of the procedure itself, you must thoroughly wash your hands under running water to avoid contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes. A one-time treatment involves the use of up to 10 g of medication.

The duration of treatment is determined individually, on average 10 days.

Indications and contraindications

The drug in question is prescribed for symptomatic treatment pain, characteristic of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Liniment is advisable to use for the following diagnoses:
  • inflammation nerve endings in the spine;
  • hematomas due to bruises;
  • injuries and damage localized in the lower back, back;
  • neuralgia;
  • arthritis of various etiologies, accompanied by severe pain;
  • sciatica
  • muscle pain.

Relief in the patient's condition is observed within 10-20 minutes after treatment of the problem area of ​​the skin. Removed first inflammatory process, pain is relieved.

Contraindications to prescribing the medication:
  • allergic reactions accompanied by the release of pus;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • the patient has an elevated temperature;
  • tuberculosis lesions of the skin;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • vascular spasms;
  • problems with cerebral or heart blood flow;
  • chronic exhaustion of the body;
  • breastfeeding, childbearing.

If these problems occur, you should stop using the drug.

Directions for use and doses

Before using Viprosal, it is important to consult a doctor. Only a specialist will determine the optimal dosage of the composition and prescribe a suitable treatment regimen. The skin is pre-treated with a gauze bandage soaked in cold water.

Recommended doses:
  • ointment is applied once a day, 2-10 g, based on the affected area;
  • for extensive problems, the use of 5-20 g is allowed, the frequency of treatment is 2 times a day.

Side effects and special instructions

With dosed application of Viprosal B ointment with poison, no pronounced side effects not fixed. As an exception, manifestations of individual allergic reactions.

Side effects:

The listed clinical symptoms allergic etiology. They pass unilaterally and do not require treatment with medications. Most side effects are allergic and therefore disappear after discontinuation of the medication.

Pregnancy and lactation

Doctors do not recommend using Viprosal ointment during pregnancy. Despite the fact that the components of the composition are absorbed into the main bloodstream in minimal concentrations, there remains a high risk that the medication will cross the placental barrier. The mechanism of influence of the ingredients on the fetal body has not been described.

With natural breastfeeding The use of the medicinal composition is prohibited. If course therapy is required, it is important to temporarily stop breastfeeding.

Use in childhood

The drug Viprosal is contraindicated for children. The decision on the advisability of applying the medication to childhood is taken by the attending physician on an individual basis. The expected benefit from treatment should be many times greater than possible harm.


The use of Viprosal ointment in large dosages, without taking into account the recommendations of the attending physician, may cause individual allergic reactions and local irritation. Similar reactions are observed upon contact medicinal substance with mucous membranes.

If liniment penetrates the body (by accidental ingestion), there is a high risk of developing severe diarrhea and vomiting. In this case, lavage of the intestines and stomach is indicated. Applying the medication to large quantities is fraught with a large number of associated complications.

Individual manifestations in case of overdose:
  • dizziness;
  • pain localized in the abdomen;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • migraines, headaches.

In the event of pharmaceutical poisoning, it is important to promptly seek medical attention. medical care.


Experts emphasize that the drug Viprosal has a number of analogues, more “famous” and even cheaper. Doctors identify several pharmacological products with a similar mechanism of action and similar composition.
The following medications deserve special attention:

Each of the listed drugs has certain restrictions on their intended use and method of use. Before application, it is important to carefully study the annotation and instructions for use.

Apizartron ointment is a drug wide range actions, as it eliminates pain, relieves inflammation and has a pronounced antibacterial effect. This is an ointment based on bee venom. Obtaining the expected result when using the medicine depends on the correct prescription and compliance with the indicated dosages.

In contact with

Composition and pharmacological effects

The composition of the drug Apizartron is based on a combination of active substances and components auxiliary:

  • methyl salicylate in an amount of 10 mg;
  • bee venom 3 mg;
  • allyl isothiocyanate 1 mg;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • stearyl alcohol;
  • petrolatum;
  • purified water.

The drug is presented in the form of an ointment yellow color dense consistency, packaged in aluminum tubes weighing 20 and 50 grams.

Manufacturer of Apizartron - German pharmaceutical company Salutas Pharma.

The active components of the composition ensure the effectiveness of the ointment:

  • the content of bee venom promotes b rapid pain relief and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the affected area;
  • mustard seed extract (allyl isothiocyanate) warms well skin, relaxes inflammation and restores blood circulation at the site of injury;
  • Methyl salicylate is a non-steroidal substance that blocks the production of prostaglandins and prevents the further development of inflammation.

Purpose and contraindications

Apizartron ointment has a fairly wide range of uses in the treatment of various inflammations.

Indications for use:

  • inflammation of the peripheral nervous system (sciatica, neuritis, lower back pain, neuralgic manifestations);
  • pain in the muscles, which are caused by increased trauma and damage to soft tissues;
  • warming up the muscles before intense sports activities or physical activity;
  • tendon rupture, which is accompanied severe pain and swelling at the site of injury;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, bursitis).

The ointment has virtually no side effects. In rare cases possible manifestations of allergies as skin itching and urticaria.

When using the medicine directly, you should also pay attention to contraindications:

  • serious impairment of kidney function;
  • individual intolerance to the main components of the composition;
  • tumors at the site of application of the drug;
  • open wounds on the skin;
  • with arthrosis in the acute stage;
  • inhibition of blood circulation;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy period;
  • breast-feeding;
  • age category of children under 6 years old;
  • mental disorders.

Instructions for use of Apizartron involve local application of ointment. The dosage is not strictly regulated. A sufficient amount of the medicine is rubbed in with light massage movements until the skin turns red.

This symptom is the beginning of the action of the medicine and provides a warming effect, necessary for various injuries and sprains.

To obtain the proper result, it is necessary to maintain the warming effect by wrapping the inflamed area of ​​the body and applying an appropriate compress.

The procedures are performed 2-3 times a day until the unpleasant symptoms completely disappear. The maximum duration of treatment should be no more than 10 days.

In case of an overdose of the ointment, severe irritation on the skin is observed. Required immediate cessation of use ointments and rinsing the affected area with warm, purified water.

If the ointment enters the body internally, it is necessary symptomatic therapy in the form of gastric lavage and taking enterosorbent drugs (Sorbex, sodium sulfate, activated carbon).

Combined use of ointment with anticoagulants and Methotrexate increases the degree of exposure to the drugs. Therefore, the combination with other drugs when applying Apizartron is best agreed with your doctor.

The drug is commercially available and does not require a medical prescription. Shelf life – 3 years from the date of production. After the expiration of time, use is strictly prohibited. Storage conditions at a temperature of 20–26 degrees in a dry, dark place out of reach of children.

When using the medicine, you need to pay attention to the features of using the ointment:

  • eliminating the possibility of long-term use if kidney function is impaired;
  • prohibition of contact of the ointment with open wounds on the skin and eyes;
  • applying the medicine to irritated skin;
  • Thorough hand washing after direct application of the drug.

Apizartron is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as its effects may negatively affect general state baby. Therefore, during this period, the doctor should prescribe safer analogues of the drug.

Apizartron or Viprosal

Both drugs have similar effects on the human body. It is impossible to say for sure which is better, Apizartron or its analogue Viprosal.

When considering the question of which drug to choose, it is impossible to immediately give a definitive answer, since the scope of application of both ointments has some differences.

Apizartron is prescribed for various myalgic and neuralgic pains. The purpose of Viprosal is to treat and restore diseases caused by degenerative damage in bone and cartilage tissue.

The choice of the appropriate drug should be based on the diagnosis obtained under the supervision of the attending physician, who has carefully studied the existing clinical picture.

Apizartron is one of the effective means for arthrosis to restore a damaged joint. The drug has a combined effect. Natural bee venom combined with a non-steroid provides quick withdrawal inflammation, pain relief and simultaneous warming.

The ointment is in demand among consumers, as most people confirm its effectiveness in the treatment of arthrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Doctors recommend applying the medicine 2 times a day in a thin layer to the injury site or using it for applying warm compresses for the night.


Apizartron analogues are presented in a wide range, so if necessary, you can easily select similar substitutes presented in the list below:

Important! Long-term use of Apizartron is excluded, since the ointment contains a component of hormonal origin that can cause a number of side effects and contraindications.

In contact with

An excellent remedy from the subgroup of locally irritating drugs for the treatment of arthrosis and osteochondrosis is “Viprosal B” with viper venom. It is able to quickly eliminate pain.

The mechanism of action of the ointment is based on heating the tissues and suppressing pain impulses in the area. Its components penetrate deeply - directly to the site of inflammation in the joints, so the relief of well-being lasts for a long time. The product with snake venom, despite the menacing name, is safe - the list of contraindications is minimal.

General characteristics of Viprosal

Viprosal has pronounced local irritant properties due to its complex composition. It is customary to use the ointment for anti-inflammatory and analgesic purposes. It is intended for external use only.

On the pharmacy shelf, the product is presented in aluminum tubes, inside of which there is a homogeneous mass with a yellowish tint and a pronounced turpentine odor. The volume of the tube is different - 30 g or 50 g. Less often you can find 75 g of medicine in the pharmacy. Inside the package there is detailed instructions by application.

Apart from the ointment form, the manufacturer did not present any other options for releasing the medication. Therefore, you should not look for Viprosal tablets or injections in the pharmacy chain.

When is the drug used?

Since “Viprosal B” with viper venom tends to have a local deep irritating effect on the joint area, while simultaneously promoting pain relief, the main indications for use will be as follows:

  • arthritis and arthrosis - of different etiologies, from degenerative to infectious processes in joint tissues;
  • inflammatory lesions in the area of ​​the nerve roots spinal column– up to attacks of lumbago;
  • muscle pain in the area of ​​joints and muscles caused by injuries - sprains or bruises, dislocations;
  • cupping pain syndrome for neuralgia.

Athletes resort to Viprosal ointment to ease their well-being after excessive physical exertion.

It is possible to use the product for severe injuries or pain in the joints due to rheumatoid exacerbations, sciatica.

In some cases, the drug may be present in complex therapy myalgia of unknown etiology, for example, psychogenic in nature - as a distracting medicine. All prescriptions and indications should be considered exclusively by a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable, since complications of both local and general nature are possible.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

The drug’s belonging to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory subgroup of drugs determines its pharmacological effects. Thus, after applying “Viprosal” to the integumentary tissue over the lesion in the joint, the active components begin to have a warming and also analgesic effect.


The components of the medicine penetrate deep into the tissues and irritate the receptors in them - blood flow to this place increases. Against this background, the elimination of toxins and metabolic products improves, cell nutrition increases, and swelling decreases. Additionally, an antiseptic effect is observed due to the presence of salicylic acid in the composition of the medication. Turpentine oil, also present in the drug, reduces the severity of pain in the joint.


For Viprosal it is inherent high degree absorption - directly from the site of application to the lesion. pharmachologic effect begins within a few minutes after the product hits the skin.

The first signs of drug effects on tissues are a slight tingling or burning sensation, and then a feeling of local warmth.

After 20–30 minutes, the severity of pain in the joint decreases significantly. In general, the therapeutic effect lasts about 2–3 hours.

Instructions and rules for use

The manufacturer of the drug "Viprosal" indicates in the instructions for use that dosage form intended for external application. The painful area is pre-rinsed warm water- this way the components can penetrate deeper. Then the required volume of ointment is squeezed out of the tube and a thin layer is rubbed into the skin with massage movements. The product is not applied to healthy areas.

It is recommended to wear medical gloves to protect your fingers from the action of ointment substances on them. A small amount of the product is sufficient - no more than 5-10 g to achieve a therapeutic effect. The frequency of use for diseases of the musculoskeletal system is twice a day. In order to enhance the penetration of the ointment into the tissue, it is recommended to additionally wrap the joint with a warm scarf.

The total duration of the course of therapy is 10–14 days. If you need to extend the time period, you should consult your doctor.

Special instructions for use:

  • the ointment is applied only to the skin, externally;
  • contact with mucous membranes or eyes must be avoided;
  • After each use of the medicine, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  • If the skin is highly susceptible to irritating drugs, it is recommended to first conduct an allergy test - apply to a small area and analyze the reaction to the drug.

Contraindications for Viprosal

Not all people will be helped by Viprosal. Its use is prohibited in the following cases:

  • individual hyperreaction to ointment components;
  • allergic rashes on the skin at the site of intended application of the product;
  • pustular lesions on joints and tissues;
  • open wound defects;
  • burn/frostbite zones;
  • dermatoses – psoriasis or atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis/eczema;
  • tendency to vasospasms;
  • hyperthermia due to viral infection;
  • tuberculosis in any form;
  • local circulatory failure;
  • severe damage to the liver/glomeruli of the kidneys.

In addition to all of the above, it is also prohibited to apply the drug “Viprosal” to joints during pregnancy, since particles of the drug can penetrate into the systemic bloodstream, and from there to the baby. The list of contraindications includes lactation - during breastfeeding, the components of the medicine can enter the baby's body with mother's milk and have a toxic effect.

It is not fully understood how Viprosal interacts with other medicines. However, to prevent allergic reactions, it is not recommended to apply the ointment simultaneously with other locally irritating agents, just as its use with preparations containing ethyl alcohol is not recommended. It is better not to combine the ointment with alcohol consumption, both internally and externally.

There are no known cases of drug overdose if treatment is carried out according to the recommendations of a specialist.

Very rarely recorded side effects on the body: excessive redness of the skin, itching and rashes like urticaria.

Useful properties of the drug

The generally accepted understanding of an ointment is that it is a substance that is uniform in consistency and quickly penetrates inside from the skin surface. "Viprosal" is designed in this convenient form to be applied directly to the lesion.

Several components exhibit activity in the drug:

  • dry viper venom - a neurotropic toxin in small doses, in addition to the local irritant effect of the drug, helps reduce the intensity of pain;
  • gum turpentine - like turpentine oil, it has antiseptic, as well as bactericidal and warming properties;
  • salicylic acid is an active non-steroidal anti-inflammatory component that creates a distracting effect on the joints.

In complex with drug interactions exhibits many beneficial properties with body tissues:

  • significantly reduces pain;
  • reduces the area of ​​inflammation;
  • increases blood flow;
  • accelerates regeneration processes;
  • reduces tissue swelling;
  • increases joint mobility.

The ointment helps "Viprosal" against many inflammatory and degenerative changes in joints with dysfunction of movement in them.

According to reviews, the product copes well with pain on its own, but is also suitable for therapy with other medications.

Where and at what price is Viprosal sold?

In the pharmacy chain, Viprosal is dispensed to the buyer even without presenting a prescription from a doctor - it is enough to explain for what purpose the medication is being purchased. However, the buyer needs to know that the drug has a certain list of indications, as well as contraindications for use - they are described in detail in the instructions supplied with the package.

What attracts buyers is the democratic price of Viprosal at the pharmacy - for a 30 g tube you need to pay 190-220 rubles, while a 50 g medicine will be more expensive - 270-320 rubles. The cost of a 75 g package is 440–460 rubles.

For those who do not want to spend either their time or additional money on visiting pharmacies, the solution seems to be to place an order to purchase the medicine on the Internet. It is enough to go to the official website of the manufacturer-supplier of the ointment and familiarize yourself with all the information provided about the drug.

Online shopping medicines very convenient, and more affordable.

However, scammers are also not asleep - you won’t surprise anyone with counterfeit drugs from online pharmacies. Therefore, you need to be especially careful and not make purchases on dubious sites.

Expiration dates and storage conditions

To achieve maximum effect, Viprosal ointment must be stored correctly. The manufacturer indicates in the instructions that the packaging should not come into contact with direct sun rays and also avoid freezing the medication. Therefore, the optimal storage conditions for the drug “Viprosal” are on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Immediately before applying it to the skin, remove it from the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature for heating. After use, put it back on the shelf in the refrigerator. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the medicine does not fall into the hands of children.

The shelf life of an unopened tube of ointment is 2.5–3 years. If the seal of the package is already broken, the product cannot be stored for long. After the expiration date of the medicine - they are printed on the seam of the tube - the ointment is prohibited from being used, as there is a high risk of negative health consequences.

Drugs similar to Viprosal

Absolutely identical in composition, as well as pharmacological properties there are no analogues for Viprosal. Row pharmaceuticals Partially share the drug with its therapeutic effects. Popular ointment substitutes:

  • "Nizer";
  • "Dimexide" gel;
  • "Alorom";
  • "Capsicam";
  • "Bengay" ointment;
  • "Biofreeze".

However, each of the listed substitutes has its own list of restrictions on use, as well as application features. Therefore, it is not recommended to resort to their help without consulting a doctor.

Anti-inflammatory creams and gels are most widely used in sports, where there is always a risk of bruises, sprains, injuries and damage (including internal ones). In strength sports - bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting, arm wrestling, kettlebell lifting - their significance is even higher than “on average”, because Working with weights poses an even greater risk of injury. The shoulder, elbow, and knee joints are particularly affected.

There are a lot of different anti-inflammatory gels and ointments: DICLAC, Diclofinac, Dolobene, Viprosal, Apizartron, Virapin, Fastum, Glucosamine/Chondroitin, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Picaryl-liniment, Neo-capsiderm, Percluson, Pulmotin, Raymon-gel, Myoton, Nise- gel, Lidocaine, Ketonal... Let's look at these and other drugs in more detail (we won't dwell on the analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties - all gels and ointments have them, let's agree that if this is the main effect, put a dash).

Table of anti-inflammatory creams/gels

Name of gels/ointments Active ingredient Action Scope of application
Analgos vasodilators increased blood flow, accelerated metabolism, vasodilation muscle and joint pain, muscle and ligament injuries
Anesthetic fluid menthol, anesthesin, novocaine, alcohol - bruises, sprains of the bursa-ligamentous apparatus
Apizartron apitoxin (bee venom), mustard and essential oil, methyl salicylate increased elasticity connective tissue, activation of metabolism, decreased muscle tone, increased blood flow, decreased pain bruises
Ben-Gay methyl salicylate, menthol -
Bom Benguet methyl salicylate, menthol, petroleum jelly - muscle pain, fatigue after exercise
Bystrumgel ketoprofen - inflammation and injury to muscles, ligaments, joints, bruises, damage to the knee menix, lumbago
Venoruton-gel rutoside cooling, relieving the feeling of muscle tension acute injuries, bruises, swelling
Vesima plant extracts - injuries and various diseases
Vipratox methyl salicylate, camphor, snake venoms - myositis, hyperatritis, bruises, damage to the bursa-ligamentous apparatus
Viprosal viper poison, camphor, salicylic acid, fir oil, paraffin, glycerin - myositis
Virapin bee venom - bruises, myositis
Voltaren®Emulgel diclofenac - lesions of synovial membranes, tendons, all soft tissue diseases associated with overload, dislocations, sprains, damage to the capsular ligamentous apparatus of joints
Gevkamen menthol, clove, mustard, eucalyptus oils extension blood vessels, increased blood flow in the skin and subcutaneous layers myalgia and arthralgia
Hemorides adrenaline, camphor, menthol, procaine - haemorrhoids
Heparin ointment heparin sodium or heparoid dilates blood vessels swelling, inflammation
Heparoid heparoid, heparin dilates blood vessels bruises and inflammations
Gymnastogal hydroxine, methoxybenzyl, methyltrans, amide nonyl acid, nicotinic acid benzyl ester warms bruises, sprains of the bursa-ligamentous apparatus, lumbago, myositis
Glucosamine/Chondroitin glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates connective tissue nutrition damage and injury to tendons and ligaments
DICLAC diclofenac sodium - lumbago, inflammatory diseases joints
Diclofinac diclofenac sodium - similarly
Dolbene dimethyl sulfoxide, dexpanthenol, heparin anti-exudative effect, regeneration of damaged tissues, normalization of metabolic processes hematomas, inflammation of tendons, soft tissues, muscles, ligaments, tendon sheaths after bruises, compression, grass, periarthritis, tennis elbow (shoulder epicondylitis), bursitis
Ibuprofen ibuprofen decrease in fever inflammation in the musculoskeletal system
Indovazin indomethacin and troxevasin reducing capillary permeability, improving circulation in damaged tissues, reducing post-traumatic edema
Indomethacin indomethacin - traumatic hematomas
Camphocin methyl salicylate, salicylic acid, turpentine, castor oil - -
Capsitrine 20% ammonium solution, 60% ethanol, tinctures of capsicum and St. John's wort - -
Capsoderm capsacin, camphor hypermia lumbago, myotises, sprains, muscle pain, bursitis
Pepper-camphor liniment tincture of camphor and capsicum alcohol - bruises, lumbago, myositis
Liniment compound pepper Capsicum tincture, ethyl alcohol, green soap - bruises, lumbago, myositis
Mellivenon bee venom, chloroform strong heating, tissue hyperemia lumbago, myositis, muscle pain, periatritis
Menovazin menthol, anesthesin, novocaine and ethyl alcohol - myalgia and artlargia
Menthol ointment menthol, methyl salicylate, yellow wax, lonaline anhydrous - bruises, lumbago, myositis
Methyl salicylate methyl salicylate - lumbago, myositis
Myoton medicinal oils and plants increasing blood flow, relieving muscle fatigue, warming up inflammation, tendon and muscle injuries
Navtalgin analgin, naftalan oil, mixture of fatty acids of sperm whale oil, methyl salicylate - muscle pain, inflammation
Nise-gel potassium phosphate, nimesulide, propylene glycol, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, thimerosal, isopropanol, carbomer-940, macrogol, butylated hydroxyanisole inflammation and inflammatory damage to tendons and ligaments, lumbago, muscle pain
Neo-capsiderm camphor and various oils - lumbago, bruises, sprains
Nikoven heparinoid, benzylnicotine - hematomas, bruises, sprains
Nicoflex capsacin, ethyl glycol salicylate, ethyl nicotinate, lavender oil - bruises, cramps, muscle pain
Picaryl-liniment benzylnicotine, chloroform - ligament and tendon injuries, myositis, lumbago
Reonevrol methyl salicylate, camphor - myositis
Reparil-gel heparin, horse chestnut, salicylic acids cooling, removing excess water, reducing swelling inflammation and swelling
Richtofit-sport oils and plant extracts acceleration of regeneration, muscle relaxation bruises, myositis, sprains
Sanitas methyl salicylate, petroleum jelly or lard, camphor, eucalyptus or lemon balm oil - myositis
Fastum ketoprofen - damage to ligaments, joints, tendons, muscles

The properties of all ointments are determined by the active components included in their composition. For example, bee and snake venoms, pepper extract and, to a lesser extent, methyl salicylate make the ointment warming. Such ointments are used a few days after injury, because The damaged area cannot be heated at this time. They can be used before training or competitions, but their use slows down tissue regeneration, so no pain, no gain.

Cooling ointments only create a cooling sensation. This effect is achieved due to methanol, analgesics, essential oils, alcohol and anticoagulants. They should be used immediately after injury. As a rule, such gels and ointments are not rubbed in, but are simply applied to the damaged area and left to await complete absorption.

Almost all gels and ointments contain one or more of the following components in varying concentrations:

  • diclofenac
  • ibuprofen
  • indomethacin
  • ketoprofen
  • Methyl salicylate.

When choosing a specific gel, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that its composition can cause an allergic reaction.

Viprosal is an ointment for external use with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The ointment is white in color and contains salicylic acid, snake venom (common viper), turpentine (turpentine) and racemic camphor. The drug has a pronounced healing, irritating, analgesic and absorbable effect, dilates blood vessels, which stimulates blood circulation, improves cellular nutrition and increases tissue trophism. Snake venom contains amino acids, fats, enzymes, proteins, minerals, toxins, pigments, histamine, phospholipase, peptides, lecithinase, hyaluronidase, which improve capillary permeability and affect coagulation. It inhibits the conduction of nerve impulses and has an analgesic effect on nervous system. Salicylic acid has a keratolytic and disinfectant effect, turpentine has an antiseptic effect, and camphor has an analgesic effect. The ointment is rubbed once a day into painful areas for 2-3 minutes. The course of treatment is 5-10 days. The drug is prescribed for neuralgia, radiculitis, myalgia, sciatica, lumbago, rheumatic pain, arthralgia and inflammatory-degenerative diseases of the joints.

Viprosal B: analogues

Viprosal B can be replaced with Viprosal ointment with the same active ingredients, but instead of the poison of the viper’s glands, it contains the poison of the viper. Salvisar is an analogue of Viprosal ointment for external use, which contains viper venom, salicylic acid, turpentine and camphor. This drug is produced by a Russian manufacturer. Alvipsal and Nizhvisal B ointments have the same composition, which are used for neuralgia, arthritis, rheumatic pain, and myositis. According to the mechanism of action, analogues of Viprosal B are: Sanitas, Boromenthol, Diclogen, Apifor, Artrin, Finalgon, Capsicam, Nayatox, Carmolis, Mataren plus and others.