Latest generation anti-herpes tablets and their analogues. Herpes zoster. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, antibiotic drugs Herpes zoster treatment in adults drugs course

The pathology develops as a result of activation of the third type of herpes virus against the background of weakened immunity. Most often, herpes zoster affects older people in the autumn-winter period. For adults, treatment is prescribed by a dermatologist, who also determines the type and dosage of medications. The disease can be primary in nature or diagnosed after chickenpox.

The type of drug is determined by the severity of symptoms and the nature of the disease, as well as the presence/absence of the patient’s susceptibility to the drug. Before the appointment, the patient must be interviewed about allergic reactions and the types of medications that he takes on an ongoing basis. For example, when used in parallel contraception the effectiveness of antibiotics decreases.


Since the activation of the virus most often occurs against the background of weakening protective forces body, The doctor must prescribe medications that strengthen the immune system. These are interferon-based drugs:

  • Arbidol;
  • Viferon;
  • Cycloferon.

They stimulate the process of synthesis of immune cells (leukocytes) and macrophages - cellular units that capture and digest foreign bodies.

Medicines prevent development acute form chronic pathologies, which can be provoked by the causative agent of lichen. In addition, these drugs cope well with general weakness, as well as with intoxication.

The therapy complex may include Isoprinosine, which helps increase the body's resistance to pathogenic agents and restore the functionality of immune cells.

Immunomodulators are not prescribed to patients suffering from autoimmune pathologies (glomerulonephritis, rheumatoid arthritis), since such drugs can increase the symptoms of the underlying disease. Defender cells begin to work even more actively, acting to the detriment of the body.


Painkillers are a mandatory element of complex treatment, since the disease occurs with severe pain. You may need to take ganglion blockers, one of which is Oxycodone.

It is extremely important to relieve pain at the very beginning, because increased pain can cause Negative consequences, up to fainting and convulsions. This condition is especially dangerous for women during pregnancy, as the likelihood of miscarriage increases.

Pain syndrome is relieved with the following medications:

  • Analgin;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac.

If the effect from the use of analgesics does not occur or it is there, but small, the affected areas are injected with novocaine (2%), that is, a novocaine blockade is performed.

In severe cases, Diazepam is used - anticonvulsant. If necessary, your doctor may prescribe antidepressants.

Analgesics have an irritating effect on the walls of the stomach, so their use should be stopped as soon as the intensity of the pain decreases. Otherwise, the development of a stomach ulcer or gastritis cannot be ruled out.

External preparations

To dry lichen rashes, aniline dyes Fukartsin and brilliant green are used.

Although in Lately Opponents of this method have appeared, who claim that skin irritation with alcohol preparations can harm the patient. But still, most doctors use organic dyes when treating herpes zoster in adults, since over several decades they have proven to be highly effective. And complications in the form of painful neuralgia are much less common in such cases.

The spots are smeared with brilliant green 2 times a day, and after it has completely dried, a special antiviral ointment is applied.

The following ointments are considered the most effective:

  • Acyclovir. Inhibits the virus and promotes its death. The ointment is available in two forms: for treating the skin - 5%, for mucous membranes - 3%. The product is applied in a thin layer 3-6 times a day, treatment lasts 1-1.5 weeks. The course must be completed, otherwise the virus will return.
  • Zovirax. A foreign drug that acts similarly to Acyclovir. The affected areas are lubricated for 4-6 days.
  • Herpferon. An effective combination medicine that includes Interfern, Acyclovir and Lidocaine. Activates the process of absorption of harmful microorganisms by immune cells, relieves pain and suppresses the reproduction of the virus. The ointment is applied to the affected skin 3-6 times a day with an interval of at least four hours. In adults, recovery occurs in approximately 7-10 days.
  • Penciclovir and its derivatives - Fenistil-Pentsivir, Penciclovir-Fitovit, Vectavir. These drugs are considered the best in the line of drugs prescribed for the treatment of herpes zoster. Active substance easily penetrates the affected tissue, blocks the development of the virus, and causes its death. However, the effect of these drugs does not apply to healthy cells. Penciclovir and its derivatives have a number of contraindications, so prior consultation with a specialist is required.
  • Hyporamine ointment. A medicine obtained from the leaf extract of sea buckthorn. Has an antiviral effect. Treatment is carried out 4-6 times/day. The duration of the treatment course is from five to ten days. Ringworm that occurs with complications is treated for three weeks. The ointment effectively copes with the virus and is used as an immunostimulating and immunomodulating agent. Safe for pregnant and lactating women.

Using complex treatment, you can achieve the desired result quite quickly - the rashes dry out, and after a while the crusts fall off on their own. Under no circumstances should they be removed by force - this can lead to complications.

Herpes zoster is dangerous for both adults and children. Those who have already had chickenpox have immunity to the herpes virus, so be wary reinfection they shouldn't. But in this case, the risk of activating one’s own virus, which remains in the body, increases. For everyone else, herpes zoster is contagious. But after infection, chickenpox will develop, and not primary shingles.

You can become infected through close contact (kissing, hugging), through common household items, and also through airborne droplets. A pregnant woman passes the virus to her fetus through the placenta.


  1. Shingles infection, affecting the nervous system.
  2. The disease develops against a background of weakened immunity and most often affects people over 50 years of age.
  3. The treatment is complex. Includes taking antiviral and painkillers, immunomodulators, antibiotics, as well as the use of external topical agents (solutions, ointments).
  4. Herpes zoster is contagious, so you should avoid contact with a sick person, as well as follow others. precautionary measures.
  5. In case of infection, immediately contact a specialist for diagnosis and treatment.

Many patients who suffer from lichen or have just discovered the symptoms of this disease are wondering: how to cure this disease, what drugs exist for the treatment of each type, what is their cost and what is the best remedy?

Before studying information about medications, you should visit a dermatologist. He will prescribe the dosage and determine the treatment regimen. But before using any product, you must carefully read the instructions for it, find out patient reviews and evaluate its effectiveness.

In some cases, information and short description many medications, in this case a list of the most effective tablets from deprivation for all people, some of them are suitable for pregnant women and children. They destroy diseases from the inside; they are recommended to be included in the complex treatment of dermatological diseases.

What is Lichen?

Ringworm is a collection of several types of skin lesions. It can appear due to heredity, due to viruses, fungi or pathological bacteria getting on the skin. Depending on the type, the course of the disease varies. At pityriasis rosea the patient is not bothered by complications, it often proceeds easily and does not even require treatment. Some species are very dangerous, and it is strictly not recommended to leave them without treatment.

With this disease, patients experience the appearance of skin rashes, peeling, hair loss in the affected areas, pain, itching, burning, and changes in skin color in the areas of the disease.

If any of these symptoms appear, you should consult a dermatologist. It must be prescribed by a doctor; only after consultation with him is it permissible to buy remedies or use traditional methods.

Medicines also vary depending on the type of infection. For example, pityriasis is treated with ointments, solutions, while pink and ringworm should be treated comprehensively. Complex treatment includes ointments, gels, solutions, traditional methods It is recommended to follow a hypoallergenic diet, take antihistamines, take measures to strengthen the immune system, and take vitamins.

The principle of action of tablets against lichen

The main thing is to determine the type of disease. Depending on the type, agents are used either for external use, such as against pityriasis versicolor, which is treated with ointments and solutions, or for internal use.

Tablets for all types of lichen work according to different principles.

First of all, the active components of the listed products disrupt the production of sterols - substances that are necessary for fungi. Without a particularly important sterol - ergosterol - the cell membrane of fungal cells is destroyed. Because of this, the fungus does not receive enough nutrients, stops developing, and therefore multiplying, and therefore soon dies.

Other drugs reduce immunity. In some cases, immunity aggressively affects not only the virus, but also the patient’s own tissues.

Others act on the histamine receptors that do the work external manifestation symptoms of various skin diseases and allergic reaction.

Tablets for shingles


It has a negative effect on the herpes zoster virus and reduces the effectiveness of the viruses that infect the patient. It is prescribed by doctors in case of chronic dermatological disease and for preventive purposes.

According to the instructions, take 1 gram three times a day for a week. If the medicine does not have a therapeutic effect, the attending physician prescribes others.

From side effects Patients report headaches and nausea.

The average cost is 1000 rubles for 10 pieces.


Penciclovir for oral administration is active against viruses. Used in cases of complications and chronic course infections, used for a long time. It is quickly absorbed and reaches its maximum effect after 45 minutes. It does not accumulate in the body and is eliminated immediately. In case of complications of the disease, the attending physician increases the dosage and gradually reduces it. In case of kidney diseases, you should consult your doctor, as the treatment regimen will change in this case.

The average price of Famvir lichen tablets is 1,400 rubles.


Penetrates directly into affected cells, reduces the proliferation activity of viral cells, and suppresses DNA activity.

Effective against primary and secondary infections. Used for preventive purposes, in case of relapse of the disease, suitable for patients with good immunity.

The maximum effect is observed after two hours. Penetrates well into cells. It is excreted by the liver, practically no side effects are observed, and occasionally patients feel worse.

Price – from 40 rubles.


The manufacturer claims that it improves immunity and destroys viruses in the body. This remedy treats herpes and measles. The maximum concentration is observed two hours after administration. Excreted through the kidneys.

The drug cannot be used when hypersensitivity to its components.

Cost – from 600 rubles.


Has an antiviral effect. It is widely used for preventive purposes, used to relieve symptoms during complications, prevents the spread of disease, and is effective against genital herpes.

People with diseased kidneys and liver should take Metisone with caution. Causes nausea and dizziness; it is not recommended to take on an empty stomach.


Used against genital herpes. The effect is manifested in the healing of affected areas and acceleration of the regeneration process.

Do not use in children under 12 years of age or in patients with individual intolerance to valacylovir or acyclovir. Use by pregnant women is allowed, but only under medical supervision.

Pityriasis versicolor tablets


Reduces the activity of fungal infection. The principle of action is that it reduces the production of sterols necessary for the fungus, as a result of which the cell membrane of the fungal cells is destroyed, it does not develop, does not reproduce, and its vital processes stop. At the same time, Fluconazole does not have a negative effect on the patient’s body, so side effects are rare.

Use 2 capsules of 150 mg once a week, the course is two weeks. In severe cases, it must be applied within three weeks.

It is also used to treat fungus on the mucous membranes and in the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes doctors prescribe Fluconazole to patients with oncology, in whom it predicts the development of candidiasis.

The average price is 80 rubles.


Antibiotic against fungus, used for fungal infections of the skin and oral cavity. Used as a prophylactic agent to protect against the recurrence of symptoms, it must be used under strict medical supervision, and be sure to strictly follow the treatment regimen and time of use. Among the side effects, patients note the appearance of pain in the abdomen, indigestion - nausea, diarrhea, and also causes allergies in some patients. It should not be used if you are hypersensitive to the main and auxiliary components.

Swallow with water. Repeat the course of treatment if the disease returns after a while.

The dosage is up to three million units. for an adult patient, the duration of therapy lasts up to two weeks.

If the type of fungus is one of those that cannot be treated with this medication, then it is not used.

Price – from 40 rub.


These pityriasis versicolor tablets are used against most types of fungal infections and act on the principle of destroying the cell membrane of the fungus. According to studies, all types of fungi with which patients used this remedy were destroyed by the drug Pimafucin. At the beginning of the course of treatment with this drug, patients experience an allergic reaction in the form of nausea, then these side effects disappear and the composition is perceived normally.

Depending on the location of the fungus, the duration of treatment varies. You should take one piece a day four times a day. If the disease is at a severe stage, then it can be increased.

No overdoses have been recorded; it can be used by everyone, regardless of age. These ringworm tablets are suitable for a child.

Price – 250 rub.


The main component is itraconazole. Treats many types of fungus and disrupts the production of ergosterol.

Contraindicated in case of intolerance to the components of the composition, pregnant women, use with caution in children, people with heart disease and liver disease.

Sometimes causes nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, dizziness.

Price – from 360 rub.


Medicine with itraconazole. It has a wide spectrum of action and a pronounced antifungal effect. Acts against dermatophytes. Stops the production of ergosterol.

Contraindicated in people with allergies to itraconazole and heart failure, pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children under three years of age.

Average price – 450 rubles.


The main component is terbinafine. Stops the development and activity of the fungus. Effective against dermatophytes and mold fungi.

Contraindicated for patients with individual intolerance to the composition, pregnant women, lactating women and children. Not recommended for those with kidney and liver diseases.

Pityriasis rosea tablets


These modern pityriasis rosea tablets for people penetrate the skin well. It quickly and reliably relieves symptoms of the disease, eliminates redness, itching, peeling, and also relieves allergic reaction. The maximum concentration is observed after 120 minutes. If you take this remedy often, the patient's immune defense against certain viruses is strengthened. The drug protects the patient from the development of diseases.

The product contains cetirizine dihydrochloride, cellulose, lactose, magnesium stearate and other components.

If the disease is at the first stage of development, then 1 piece daily is enough, then the dosage is increased. From side effects Indigestion and headaches may be noted. If you stop taking the drug for a short time, the side effects go away.

Price – 55 rub.


The drug acts in such a way that the patient’s body stops reacting strongly to irritants. The maximum concentration of the drug is observed after six hours. The more product is used, the stronger its effect, this should be taken into account when taking it. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and recommendations of the doctor, as there are contraindications and many cases of overdose are known.

It is eliminated from the body quite quickly. Causes side effects such as indigestion (diarrhea), drowsiness, and abdominal pain.

Tablets for ringworm


Tablets are often used by dermatologists to treat many types of fungus, ringworm in adults, children on the head and other localizations. It destroys the cell walls of the fungus, so fungal infection genus dermatophyte stops developing and reproducing. The effect becomes noticeable a couple of weeks after the start of the course of therapy. During treatment, it is recommended to get tested for fungus more often. The dosage should be determined by the attending physician.

The drug is contraindicated for patients who have individual intolerance to penicillin. Also, when taking it, a slow reaction is observed in patients, so during the course of treatment, drivers should refrain from driving.

Price – from 200 rub.


Widely used against most types of fungal infections. Negatively affects the reproduction process of fungi of such species as dermatophytes and molds. It also destroys cell membrane fungal cells, as a result of which the process of obtaining nutrients is disrupted, development, reproduction and all life activities are stopped, the fungus dies.

Lamisil is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as it can enter the child's body. It is also not recommended to take Lamisil if you have diseased kidneys or liver. Side effects occur very rarely and go away immediately.

Tablets for lichen planus


Reduces the body's immune defense, relieves inflammation. Immediately after administration, the active component enters the bloodstream and begins to act. It takes a very long time to appear.

Suppresses the development process infectious organisms. It is mainly used against malaria. Lowering the immune system is one way to help cure the disease, as the immune system can react against its own body.

Plaquenil is contraindicated in patients with individual intolerance to the composition or hypersensitivity to it, as well as in pregnant women. When taken, it can cause vision impairment, but if you stop using the medicine, vision is restored. It is recommended to use Plaquenil only under the supervision of a physician.


These lichen ruber tablets for humans also reduce immune defenses. This is necessary so that your own tissues do not seem foreign to the immune system. Sometimes this is why the disease progresses, so immunosuppressive action is important in some cases. Chloroquine is used in cases where other drugs do not have a therapeutic effect when used.

Tablets for scaly lichen


You can use it regardless of the time of day or food intake. The dosage is 500 mg. In severe cases, the duration of therapy can last up to a year. Basically, treatment for each location of the disease lasts for six months.

The drug has a pronounced antifungal effect, is an antibiotic, like others, it destroys the cell membrane of the pathological cell and prevents the infection from multiplying. Side effects include nausea. Contraindicated in patients with individual intolerance to the composition, which results in an allergic reaction.

Herpes zoster (according to ICD 10) is a viral infectious disease. When it occurs, it is accompanied by pain and looks like a rash. Mostly occurs in older people, in autumn and winter. The cause and causative agent is the chickenpox virus - herpes zoster.

At a young age, when the body encounters chickenpox, it does not disappear after treatment, but goes into a latent state and hides in nerve cells posterior horns spinal cord, ganglia autonomic nervous system, cranial nerves. The dorsal roots are damaged.

In this article, we will look at shingles and its treatment in adults using effective medications and ointments at home.


Infection is possible from a person who has herpes zoster or chickenpox. The routes of transmission of the virus are airborne droplets, contact, and the transplacental route is also possible. The virus is neurodermatotropic, that is, it can infect cells of the nervous system and skin epithelium. Initially or after chickenpox, the virus penetrates through the skin and mucous membranes, then through the circulatory and lymphatic systems into the intervertebral nodes and dorsal roots of the spinal cord, where it can long time remain in a latent state, like the related herpes simplex virus.

Activation of the infection occurs when the immunological resistance of the body decreases. Most common reasons onset of the disease:

  • taking drugs that reduce immunity;
  • chronic stress and exhausting work;
  • local hypothermia;
  • oncological diseases (lymphogranulomatosis, malignant tumors);
  • consequences of radiation therapy;
  • patients with HIV infection in the stage of transition to acquired syndrome immune deficiency(AIDS);
  • organ and bone marrow transplantation.

Predisposing factors:

  • persons over 55 years of age;
  • pregnant women;
  • after long-term treatment with antibiotics, cytostatics, glucocorticosteroids.

An obligatory component of the activation of infection is a kind of viral ganglioneuritis with damage to the intervertebral ganglia (or ganglia of the cranial nerves) and damage to the dorsal roots. The virus can involve the autonomic ganglia in the process and cause meningoencephalitis. Internal organs may also be affected. Thus, in the picture of herpes zoster, in contrast to chickenpox, mainly the neurotropic properties of the virus come to the fore.

Is shingles contagious?

People who have not previously had chickenpox, especially children, can get it after contact with someone who has shingles.

Symptoms of herpes zoster

Rashes and the presence of pain are the main symptoms of herpes zoster (see photo). When the disease occurs, the patient always experiences pain, the intensity of which ranges from barely perceptible to excruciating, debilitating pain, which stops for a short period under the influence of drugs. Most often, pain appears in the area of ​​skin rashes corresponding to the affected nerves. The intensity of the pain does not always correspond to the severity of the skin rash.

Prodromal period with herpes zoster it has its own special color. The main symptoms during this period: weakness, malaise, low-grade fever bodies, headache, tingling, itching and burning in areas of future rashes (dermatome). Prodrome lasts from 2 days to a week or more.

Rash with herpes zoster:

  • 1st period. The appearance of redness (erythema) in the area of ​​future rashes. Erythematous spots are swollen, round in shape, with raised edges. If you run your finger over such a spot, you can feel the roughness, which consists of many tiny papules. However this symptom often absent.
  • 2nd period. After 1 - 2 days and in the next 3 - 4 days, the papules turn into vesicles - bubbles filled with clear liquid. Bubbles come in different sizes, can be located separately, or less often merge with each other.
  • 3rd period. After 5 - 7 days from the moment the first vesicles appear, pustulization begins, when the transparent contents of the vesicles become purulent. The pustules open quickly. In their place, crusts form. If the patient has significant immunodeficiency, new rashes appear during this period.
  • 4th period. At the 4th week, the crusts disappear. In their place, peeling and pigmentation of varying degrees of severity and color appear. Pigmentation may remain for a long time. Skin rashes are located in areas corresponding to the innervation of the craniospinal ganglia.

Most often, herpes zoster affects the skin of the torso, and a little less often - the extremities. The rashes are accompanied by pain, which is often girdling in nature. The rash is localized on one side.

After the exacerbation ceases, 10-20% of patients develop postherpetic neuralgia, in which pain persists for a long time - from several months to several years. Pain is associated with viruses affecting the intervertebral ganglia of the cranial spinal nerves and dorsal roots of the spinal cord. A severe course of the disease is recorded when the spinal cord, brain, and its membranes are damaged. When the autonomic ganglia are damaged, the function is impaired internal organs.

Pain with herpes zoster is a painful manifestation of the disease. Sleep is disturbed, appetite is lost, weight loss, development chronic fatigue, depression appears. All this leads the patient to social isolation.

Atypical forms

There are forms of herpes zoster, in which the symptoms may be atypical for this disease. These include:

  • Abortive form - occurs without severe pain, inflamed spots appear on the skin, but a rash does not form. Treatment is quick and without complications;
  • Hemorrhagic - this form is characterized by blistering rashes filled with blood. In the affected area of ​​the epidermis, sensitivity decreases, numbness and tingling occurs, the skin is very itchy;
  • Bullous form - clinical manifestations this form appears as large bubbles with jagged edges;
  • Gangrenous (necrotic) - in place of the papules, purulent ulcers are formed, covered with a black scab. Deep tissue damage occurs, necrotic processes develop upon attachment bacterial infection;
  • Generalized (disseminated) form - occurs in patients with immunodeficiency and oncological diseases. In this form of the disease, the rash covers the entire body on both sides, affecting the mucous membranes, internal organs and brain.

About 40% of cancer patients lymphatic system suffer from a generalized form of the disease, in 10% of cases they develop meningoencephalitis, hepatitis, viral pneumonia and other serious complications.

With any form of this disease, damage to the ganglia of the autonomic nervous system can occur, which can cause atypical symptoms:

  • bowel dysfunction;
  • urinary retention;
  • chilliness of the limbs;
  • pronounced venous pattern;
  • drooping eyelids;
  • sunken eyeball;
  • constriction of the pupil.


The answer to the question of how to treat herpes zoster is determined by the attending physician. In medicine, an algorithm is used that allows one to identify characteristic changes in a disease and carry out differential diagnosis with diseases of internal organs (angina pectoris, pleurisy, etc.) and others infectious pathologies(erysipelas, herpes types 1 and 2, eczema, etc.).

For all patients, the examination is carried out as follows:

  1. Careful collection of complaints and history of symptoms. The doctor must establish that a person has had chickenpox in childhood, since only in this case is the patient likely to develop shingles. In addition, it is necessary to determine how long ago the rash appeared and the characteristics of its localization on the skin.
  2. During clinical and biochemical blood tests, signs of inflammatory changes are noted: an increase in the number of lymphocytes, an increase in the concentration of C-reactive protein and fibrinogen.
  3. In severe diagnostic cases, when it is not possible to immediately make a diagnosis of herpes zoster, i.e. herpes zoster, doctors use molecular analysis methods: polymerase chain reaction, immunofluorescent methods, etc.

Additional diagnostic procedures are used to detect pathology in children in infancy, in immunodeficiency states, as well as in atypical forms infections that make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.

It should be noted that only a doctor should deal with diagnostic issues, since if the disease is incorrectly identified, an ineffective treatment for herpes zoster may be prescribed.

How and with what to treat herpes zoster

In the treatment of herpes zoster in adults, several points must be taken into account:

  • severity of pain syndrome;
  • number of rashes and their prevalence;
  • presence or absence of complications;
  • body temperature;
  • duration of rashes.

Most cases of shingles resolve on their own, even without treatment. However effective treatment exists and can significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease, as well as prevent complications.

The goals of treatment for Herpes zoster are:

  1. Speed ​​up recovery;
  2. Reduce pain;
  3. Prevent complications;
  4. Reduce the likelihood of developing postherpetic neuralgia.

To treat herpes zoster, several groups of drugs are used:

  • pathogenetic drugs;
  • painkillers;
  • antipyretic medications;
  • antihistamines.

Antiviral drugs are the basis for the treatment of herpes zoster in adults; they should be started from the appearance of the first signs of the disease, which will significantly accelerate the healing of skin lesions and reduce the incidence of postherpetic neuritis.

Herpes zoster treatment in adults: tablets and ointments

To relieve pain and discomfort Your doctor may prescribe pain relievers such as Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Naproxen, or Lidocaine gel. If the pain is more intense, then strong painkillers such as Gabapentin and Oxycodone will be prescribed along with antiviral drugs. It is also possible to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (see list of all NSAID injections for back pain).

To treat shingles in adults, a doctor may prescribe antiherpetic drugs in injections, tablets, creams or ointments:

  • Acyclovir preparations - Acyclovir, Zovirax, Virolex.
  • Valacyclovir preparations - Valciclovir, Valtrex. Acyclovir ester, which is transformed after absorption into acyclovir.
  • Penciclovir drugs - in the form of triphosphate, penciclovir also blocks the synthesis of viral deoxyribonucleic acid.
  • Famciclovir drugs. A prodrug that is converted to penciclovir in liver cells

Antiviral therapy is necessary because without adequate treatment herpes zoster can cause complications, and antiherpetic treatment helps fast healing ulcers, reduces pain syndrome and improves general state. Both the dosage and course of therapy are determined by a specialist, taking into account the individual course of the inflammatory process, concomitant diseases and on average lasts no more than 10 days.

Enough in 2019 effective drug Antiviral cream Epigen, which contains glycyrrhizic acid, is considered to treat herpes. It has local anti-inflammatory, antiviral, immunomodulatory, antipruritic effects.

In the gangrenous form, when a bacterial infection occurs, antibiotics are prescribed wide range actions. Also, if necessary, a specialist can prescribe immunomodulators, such as Cycloferon, Genferon, physiotherapy and vitamin therapy.

There are also several opposing opinions regarding the treatment of rashes. One thing is that you can use brilliant green - a solution of brilliant green, boric acid - Castellani liquid, fucorcin, a strong solution of potassium permanganate. All of these products have a drying effect and should be used with caution to avoid the formation of burns, which worsens the condition of the skin. Another opinion is that you should not treat rashes with these agents, but rather use antiviral, antiherpetic creams, ointments, and sprays.

Corticosteroid medications should not be used, either orally or in the form of creams and ointments, as this will only worsen the situation. Hormonal agents have a suppressive effect on the immune system, which must itself cope with viral agents.

Treatment of postherpetic neuralgia with chronic pain in older people is not always successful, because antiviral drugs turn out to be powerless. Neurologists can prescribe plasmapheresis, acupuncture, physiotherapy, tricyclic antidepressants, Pregabalin, Gabapentin.

Vitamins and diet

  • dairy products (milk, kefir, butter, cottage cheese);
  • vegetables (beets, broccoli, carrots, eggplants, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, peppers, onions);
  • white meat;
  • seafood (salmon, pike perch, herring);
  • nuts (peanuts, pistachios, almonds, walnuts, cashews);
  • fruits (grapes, apricots, apples, kiwis, plums, citrus fruits);
  • cereals (oatmeal, wheat, barley);
  • legumes (peas, beans);
  • green tea, tea with rosehip or raspberry.

Also, for shingles, it is recommended to take the following vitamins to strengthen the immune system:

  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin C.

These vitamins, being antioxidants, reduce the ability of cells to respond to inflammation and also help increase the body's defenses.

  • B vitamins.

Vitamins from this group improve epithelial regeneration, participate in the formation of antibodies, as well as in all metabolic processes.

It should also be taken into account that during treatment, a patient with herpes zoster is recommended to have a gentle diet rich in nutrients, vitamins and microelements. It is recommended to boil or steam food, and you should also reduce the consumption of salty, fatty and fried foods.

What else can I do for treatment at home?

When treating shingles at home, it is important to pay attention to the treatment of the rash. However, the use of ointments is not recommended. Must be applied antiseptics in liquid form. Chlorhexedine is best suited for this. It can be used in any period of the disease. The product does not cause any discomfort.

In addition to treating rashes, we must not forget about personal hygiene measures. It is necessary to take a shower daily. However, it should not be used on affected areas of the body. detergents and a washcloth. It is better to simply wash the affected areas running water room temperature. It is not recommended to use cold or hot water.

Healing of herpes zoster in humans and its treatment medications will not be effective without choosing the right clothes. It is best to choose natural materials - cotton or linen. Do not wear tight or tight-fitting underwear - it can cause irritation and lead to the appearance of blisters on adjacent areas of the skin.

Which doctor should I contact?

Since shingles is a manifestation of exacerbation herpetic infection, if it occurs, you can contact an infectious disease specialist. In addition, a dermatologist will help with treatment. If complications develop, the patient is consulted by a neurologist or ophthalmologist.

Consequences and complications

At a young age, a person who is faced with herpes zoster most often will not experience any consequences or complications of the disease. It will end with complete recovery for the patient and the disappearance of all symptoms.

However, if the functioning of the immune system is impaired, then serious health problems may develop:

  • Meningoencephalitis is another possible complication herpes zoster. If the patient does not die as a result of meningoencephalitis, then he becomes disabled.
  • There is a possibility of developing dysfunction duodenum, abdominal muscles, genitourinary system(sphincter Bladder), lungs (attachment of pneumonia).
  • The disease can affect the functioning of the spinal cord and brain, since the virus has the ability to actively multiply there. If a transition occurs to brain tissue, they are subject to destruction, which can lead to paralysis of the lower and lower limbs. upper limbs, paralysis facial nerve. In addition, there is a threat of respiratory failure and death of the patient.
  • If the virus affects the organs of vision, neuritis may develop optic nerve. This threatens the formation of glaucoma, damage to the cornea and complete blindness of the patient.
  • If the disease is accompanied by a bacterial infection, the person’s condition worsens and the recovery process is significantly delayed.

As a rule, complications occur only in people with weakened immune systems. If the disease occurs in mild form, then it does not threaten relapses and passes quickly.


It has been proposed against the occurrence of the disease live vaccine, known as Zostavax.

This vaccine rarely causes side effects but is contraindicated in immunocompromised patients and may not be effective in patients taking antiviral drugs active against Varicella zoster virus. From an economic point of view, it is advisable to use it for patients over 60 years of age.

A Cochrane Library systematic review of eight randomized placebo-controlled trials that included 52,269 participants found that the Zostavax vaccine in older adults prevented one episode of herpes zoster in every 70 people vaccinated, meaning it was effective in reducing the risk of herpes zoster by almost 50%. Side effects Vaccine-related infections were primarily mild to moderate injection site symptoms.

The Varicella Zoster viral particle appears on the skin in the form of a rash when chicken pox or herpes. Also, this virus becomes the culprit of the appearance of shingles. You can recover from the disease only by destroying all pathogenic bacteria. There are a huge number of medications in the pharmacy that can overcome this disease, but the selection should be done exclusively by a dermatologist.


When herpes zoster appears, the patient complains not only of numerous rashes, but also of sharp pains and general deterioration in health. This disease is more severe than herpes. Often the focus of inflammation can grow and spread to other organs, causing a threat to life. Tablets for shingles will help in this situation.

Important! Treatment is aimed at stopping the occurrence of pain, as well as eliminating the herpes virus, preventing consequences and strengthening the immune system. For this purpose they are used different groups medicines.

Usage medicines, first of all, is aimed at preventing the functioning of the viral particle. It is impossible to completely remove it from the body, but there are drugs that contain acyclovir. They are used both locally and internally. Therapy should be aimed at eliminating symptoms and preventing further complications.

Important! For young people, when shingles occurs, you can get by local ointments, gels and sprays.

Who needs drug treatment:

  • people over 50 years old;
  • the appearance of a rash on sensitive areas of the body (eyelids, external genitalia, arms, legs);
  • with severe pain.

For those who suffer from numerous rashes, you can drink the following remedies:

  1. Acyclovir. The action of this drug is to block processes at the cellular level. The duration of treatment for lichen is 10 days. Use can be both local and internal. Acyclovir is available in different forms: cream, ointment, tablets, drops. They begin to be used at the initial manifestations of herpes zoster. The drug has an analogue – Valaciclovir. Its advantage lies in its irregular use. By using these tools, you can prevent negative consequences. For example, complications such as intercostal neuralgia, blurred vision, and paralysis can be avoided.
  2. Famvir, Fenistil Pentsivir. Two substances, where the first is used internally and the second for topical use. The active component remains in the human body for a long time. Treatment time is no more than 7 days. The dose is prescribed by a dermatologist.
  3. Panavir is a powerful antiviral agent that promotes rapid healing, elimination of the inflammatory process and signs of the disease. Can be purchased in the form of a solution or gel. If a solution is purchased, it is designed for one injection, which is repeated after a month. The gel is applied to the sore spot for 7 days. For children, women, during pregnancy and lactation, the drug should not be taken.

If some medicine does not work, you should consult a dermatologist about replacing it with an analogue.


Since the immune defense is greatly weakened, it is necessary to take medications aimed at strengthening it:

  • Cycloferon;
  • Viferon;
  • Arbidol.

The drugs are made from interferons, which allows the body to fight the disease itself.

Appointed when severe pain, which are difficult to tolerate. Such drugs can be used topically and orally. To relieve signs of itching and pain, apply:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs: Aspirin, Ibuprofen;
  • antidepressants;
  • strong painkillers: Nise, Ketorolac;
  • narcotic analgesics: Tramadol;
  • ointments for local application: Mataren plus;
  • steroid ointments: Prednisolone.

Important! You should be extremely careful with steroid ointments and visit a dermatologist regularly when using them.

Antibacterial drugs

To prevent the spread of herpes zoster, you must take a course antibacterial therapy. These can be ointments, tablets, tinctures that have disinfecting and antibacterial properties. The most common include:

  • brilliant green;
  • Fukortsin;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • decoction of chamomile or calendula;
  • Zovirax;
  • Herpferon.

If an infectious infection has affected the body, then serious antibiotics from the tetracycline and metacycline group are needed. They prevent shingles from developing further.


Homeopathic medicines are considered the most criticized. This is due to the fact that these drugs have not undergone clinical trials and their effectiveness has not been proven. When they are taken, self-regulation processes begin and the disease stops.

They consist of natural ingredients, so they do not have numerous adverse reactions. For many people this is the best salvation.

It is impossible to prescribe treatment for herpes zoster on your own. When the first signs appear, you should first go to a dermatologist, conduct a diagnosis, and only after the results of clinical studies can you prescribe therapeutic procedures.

The dosage of the drug is calculated based on his state of health, weight, age, and the nature of the rash. Young people tolerate the disease quite quickly and easily, and treatment consists only of using gels, antiseptics, and analgesics. It is imperative to prescribe medications to strengthen the immune system. Elderly people with HIV necessarily require systemic therapy.

When a dermatologist has prescribed such treatment, the patient can be treated at home. But in cases of eye damage, it must be treated in a hospital. Gentle therapy should be prescribed to women during pregnancy, lactation, and young children.

When to go to the doctor

Choice medicines should be done only after doctor's orders. Sometimes it happens that the therapy prescribed by the dermatologist does not help, and deterioration appears, then it makes sense to go to the hospital. What complications may arise:

  • peripheral nerve palsy;
  • pathologies of the kidneys, respiratory and digestive systems;
  • blurred vision;
  • the appearance of ulcers in the injured area;
  • encephalitis.

To recover from such consequences, you need to be hospitalized; you cannot recover on your own. The appearance of complications with age and weakened immune system increases.

To treat herpes infections, medications are used that are classified by action (antiviral agents, immunomodulators and interferon drugs) and active substance. Herpes pills fight the virus inside the body and block its activity.

Benefits of medicines in tablets

WITH complete instructions medications can be found in the package insert included in each package.

The most budget-friendly anti-herpes option is cheap tablets (price from 27 rubles). Active ingredient: Aciclovir.

The medicine is taken regardless of food, antiviral agent You can drink it while eating with a glass of water. Exact dosage calculated based on the patient’s age, weight and body surface area.

Virus type How to use
1 type For adults:

· in case of normal immune status, 1 g 5 divided into 5 doses (at night - break) for 5 days;

· in case of immunodeficiency and dysfunction of intestinal absorption, the dosage is increased to 0.4 g.

· for the prevention of relapses: 0.8 g 2 divided into 2 doses with an interval of 12 hours, or 0.2 g 4 times a day, the duration of the course depends on the period of infection.

For children over 3 years of age: the dosage is similar to the treatment regimen for adult patients.

Type 3 For adults:

· daily dosage 1 g is divided into 5 doses, the course of treatment is from 7 to 10 days;

· 3-6 years: 0.4 g divided into 2 doses, course of treatment 5 days;

· from 6 years: 0.8 g divided into 4 doses, course of treatment for 5 days.

4 type

(damage to lymph nodes, spleen, liver and nasopharynx)

The treatment regimen is selected individually.
5 type

(the central nervous system, eyes, spleen, liver and pancreas are affected)

The treatment regimen is selected individually

The drug has the most powerful antiviral activity against HSV-1, then in descending order: HSV-2, Varicella zoster virus, and.

A complete analogue of the drug Acyclovir is Zovirax, the treatment regimen is identical.

Acyclovir - used to treat 5 types of herpes

A modern Swiss drug of a new generation is one of the most expensive medicines (from 1,400 rubles). Active ingredient: Famciclovir.

The tablets are taken orally, be sure to take with plenty of water and do not chew. During antiviral therapy with Famvir, you do not need to adhere to a diet.

Virus strain Instructions for use
Herpes simplex type 1

(for primary infection, exacerbation and relapse)

· twice a day, 0.5 g – course 7 days;

With normal immunity:

· for relapses, 0.25 g - 2 doses.

Herpes simplex type 2

(from genital herpes during primary infection, exacerbation and relapse)

For immunodeficiency states (IDS):

· twice a day, 0.5 g – course 7 days.

With normal immunity:

· three times a day, 0.25 g – 5 days;

· for exacerbation, 0.125 g 2 times a day – 5 days;

· in case of relapse, 0.25 g – 2 doses.

Varicella Zoster – type 3 With a body weight of 15-20 kg - 50 mg/kg divided into 4 doses:

· adults – 6-8 pcs. in a day;

· children: 0.5 tablets per 5 kg of body per day.

Duration of therapy is 5-10 days, until complete cure.

In the asymptomatic period, to reduce the number of relapses - 1 tablet twice a day, duration of therapy - 30 days.

Contraindicated for use by children under 3 years of age.

Isoprinosine - normalizes deficiency and impairment of cellular immunity

The immunomodulator is used as monotherapy for the prevention of herpetic infections of the nasal and labial zone, for the treatment of herpes on the lips and nose - used in combination with other drugs (price from 755 rubles). Active ingredient: azoximer bromide

Prohibited for use by children under 3 years of age.

All tablets have special instructions in use, which are important to pay attention to, these include pregnancy and lactation, kidney and liver dysfunction. The immune status is also important, the number of relapses of herpes per year with drug treatment. In many cases, the selection of dosage and medications is individual - do not neglect your health and seek help from specialists.

Polyoxidonium - main actions are immunomodulatory and detoxifying