The best composition for the treatment of bronchitis in children. Medicine. Health. The course of bronchitis in children of different ages

Bronchitis is a disease in which inflammation of the bronchi develops, leading to a severe, intractable cough. In case of illness, the inflammatory process affects the mucous membrane of the bronchi, which begins the active production of mucous secretion, which is sputum released when coughing. If there is no proper treatment, the inflammatory process begins to affect the tissues located under the mucous membrane, which is why the cough gradually becomes chronic and the functioning of the bronchi worsens. The disease can be classified as seasonal, since the majority of bronchitis is diagnosed in the cold season, when the human body is actively attacked by various viruses. The child's body, due to the fact that the immune system is not yet fully formed, unable to fully protect itself from the pathogens of influenza, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. As a result, when the virus penetrates the bronchi, inflammation very often develops. There are often cases when a child suffers only from bronchitis and is not susceptible to flu and colds, this is explained by the fact that his body is quite well protected from viruses and does not allow them to pass beyond the bronchi.

In order for a child to fully recover from bronchitis and not encounter complications, it is imperative to provide him with bed rest and full therapy using medications prescribed by a doctor. In addition, you need to add to traditional medicine also various home remedies for treating bronchitis.

What causes bronchitis in children?

There are many reasons for the occurrence of bronchitis, and therefore this disease occurs very often in children. Provocateurs inflammatory process are viruses, bacteria and, less commonly, fungi. When they penetrate the body and the immune response is weak, bronchitis begins to develop. In the event that there are also conditions predisposing to the disease, it will not bypass the child. The following negative factors contribute to bronchitis:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases in the nasopharynx;
  • adenoids;
  • congestive processes in the lungs;
  • decline in immunity (both general and local);
  • prolonged stay in a room with heavy dust content;
  • hypothermia;
  • prolonged inhalation of cold damp air;
  • avitaminosis.

In addition, bronchitis in children can also be observed when visiting child care institutions resumes after a break of more than 1 month. This is due to the fact that in such a situation the body has already lost the habit of constantly defending itself against various infections and, when faced with them, must get used to this process again. Those children whose parents drink in their presence are also at risk for bronchitis. tobacco products. Inhalation of tobacco smoke dissolved in the air is nothing more than passive smoking, which has a detrimental effect on the child’s delicate bronchi. It is important for adults to remember that smoking in a room where a child is present is strictly prohibited.

Symptoms of bronchitis in children

In children, bronchitis most often first manifests itself as common cold or acute respiratory infections. On the first day of illness, a cough is most often not observed and the sick baby suffers only from a runny nose and general weakness. The next day the following symptoms occur:

  • hysterical dry cough;
  • vomiting caused by a coughing attack;
  • constant thirst;
  • severe weakness;
  • body temperature increased to 39 degrees;
  • chest pain;
  • wheezing;
  • dyspnea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • tearfulness.

Recipe for the occasion::

Sputum when coughing begins to disappear from the 3rd–4th day of illness. Depending on what type it has, the form of the disease is determined. If the mucus discharge is clear, we are talking about acute bronchitis. If there are purulent or bloody inclusions in the sputum, this is a signal of chronic bronchitis.

What complications of bronchitis can occur?

If for some reason parents delay visiting a doctor and do not provide their child with full assistance, expecting that the disease will go away on its own, a high risk that a young patient will experience serious complications that often require treatment in a hospital. The mildest consequence of bronchitis can be called its transition to chronic form. Much more dangerous complications are:

  • pneumonia;
  • broncholitis;
  • broncho-obstructive syndrome;
  • emphysema;
  • pulmonary failure;
  • heart failure;
  • bronchial asthma.

In rare cases, if there is a significant accumulation of pus in the bronchi, it may spread through the bloodstream throughout the body, which will cause sepsis (blood poisoning) - the most serious complication that very easily leads to the death of the patient even with the best medical care. .

Recipes for traditional medicine for bronchitis in children

Folk remedies can be used in the treatment of children only in consultation with the attending physician. Self-prescribe medications to a small patient traditional medicine This is possible only if there is complete confidence that they are compatible with the main therapy and do not cause an allergic reaction in the child.

  • A medicine made from milk, onions and honey works well against bronchitis in children. To obtain it, you first need to take 1 glass of milk and heat it, almost bringing it to a boil. Then, after removing the milk from the heat, dissolve 1 tablespoon of linden honey in it and add 2 tablespoons of pulp from onions. Leave the preparation to infuse until it cools down to warm state. After this, the infusion is filtered and given to the child to drink in full before bedtime. The course of treatment is 10 days. Drinking this drink allows you to relieve coughing attacks and restore normal night sleep. If a child has an allergic reaction to honey, it can be replaced with raspberry jam or (even worse) granulated sugar.
  • Lemon with honey also helps relieve a child from bronchitis. In order to prepare such a medicine, you need to take 50 g of linden or sweet clover honey and mix it with 3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. After dissolving the honey in the juice, the resulting syrup is given to the patient to drink, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. The last dose of medication should be immediately before bedtime. The course of treatment with this drug is 10–14 days, depending on the speed of the patient’s recovery.
  • A medicine made from peppermint, milk and honey will also be useful for bronchitis. Pour a glass of milk into a small enamel pan, add 1 tablespoon of mint (both dry and fresh) and 1 tablespoon of honey. After placing the container with the composition on low heat, bring the medicine to a boil and immediately strain it. After cooling the drug to a warm state, give it to the child to drink before bed. As a result, coughing attacks will significantly weaken and will not interfere with sleep. This drink is given to the patient until complete recovery.
  • A potato compress is a very effective medicine. For this, several potato tubers, peeled, are boiled until fully cooked. During this time, make a paste from 1 small onion and 5 cloves of garlic. After draining the water from the potatoes, they are pounded until puree is obtained and mixed with the prepared vegetable mush. Next, the resulting mass, having cooled slightly so as not to cause a burn, is laid on the child’s chest and covered with a cotton cloth. The patient is covered with a warm blanket and left to lie with a compress for 30–40 minutes. If the temperature of the compress is too high for the child, it should be removed immediately. It is unacceptable to force a baby to endure a burning sensation, as this can lead to severe burns.
  • If a sick child does not have an allergic reaction to ginger, then an excellent medicine against bronchitis can be prepared from it. To obtain it, finely grated ginger root is poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:5 and mixed well. After this, honey is dissolved in the preparation in the following proportion: 1 tablespoon per 100 ml of liquid. A little cinnamon is also added to the composition. Infuse this remedy for 10 minutes and strain. The child is given 1/4 cup of this medicine 4 times a day. The course of treatment with this drink is at least 10 days.
  • Linden blossom should not be ignored when treating bronchitis in children. In order to carry out therapy, you need to take 1 tablespoon of dried medicinal raw materials and pour 1 glass of boiling water. The medicine must be infused for 60 minutes in a thermos. After straining it, the child should be given 1/2 glass to drink in the morning and evening. The use of this drug should last 10 days.
  • Garlic juice can provide invaluable assistance in the treatment of bronchitis in children. In order to prepare the product, you need to squeeze the juice from 1 clove of garlic and mix it with 50 ml of warm green tea. This drink should be given to the child to drink 4 times a day after meals. For each serving, the juice should be squeezed out immediately before preparation. The course of treatment with garlic is 7 days. This medicine should not be used to treat children under 3 years of age.
  • Carrot juice is ideal for relieving coughing attacks due to bronchitis. To alleviate the condition of a small patient, you need to give him to drink in the morning and evening 1/2 cup of freshly squeezed carrot juice, in which 1 teaspoon of linden honey is dissolved. This treatment allows you to get rid of pathogens and significantly strengthen the child’s immunity. This therapy must be carried out for 10 days.
  • Fir essential oil is very helpful in fighting bronchitis. In order to use this substance to treat a small patient, you should light an aroma lamp in the room where he sleeps, immediately before the child goes to bed, to which 15 drops of oil have been added, and leave it for 20 minutes. The door should be closed during this treatment of the room in order to medicinal substances, released from the oil during evaporation, did not evaporate. As a result, for a long time, the child will receive passive inhalation during sleep, which will relieve inflammation in the shortest possible time.
  • Dead bees can be used to treat bronchitis in children. In order to prepare the composition, you need to take 2 tablespoons of crushed dead meat and add 2 glasses of water. After this, the composition is put on fire and brought to a boil. Next, after boiling the medicine for 20 minutes, remove it from the heat and, pouring it into a thermos, leave for 3 hours. After straining the decoction, the child is given 1 teaspoon to drink it before bedtime for 10 days. If a patient has an allergic reaction to bee products, there is a risk that death will cause an allergy.

Prevention of bronchitis

Prevention of bronchitis can significantly reduce the risk of this disease in a child. In addition, the disease prevention measures listed below also help reduce the child’s incidence of influenza, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. To prevent the disease you need:

  • avoiding hypothermia;
  • avoiding overheating;
  • systematic hardening with maximum early age;
  • good nutrition;
  • taking formulations to strengthen the immune system in autumn and spring;
  • maintaining normal air humidity in the room where the child spends a lot of time;
  • providing daily walks in the fresh air for at least 1 hour a day;
  • ensuring proper sleep (especially important if the child attends school, when sleep may be disturbed due to workload during the first period after the holidays);
  • timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • timely treatment of adenoids;
  • taking a course of vitamins in spring and autumn.

Compliance preventive measures helps eliminate disease-provoking factors and strengthen the immune system. The more careful parents are about the health of their child, the lower the likelihood that he will develop bronchitis.

Being a mother is the greatest happiness for every woman. Children make life brighter, more joyful, time passes so quickly and easily with them. A real disaster for any mother is the illness of her child; even a common cold causes a lot of anxiety and inconvenience. With the onset of cold weather, the number of illnesses among children increases sharply. The most common diseases during the cold season are: acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. One of the main consequences of these diseases is bronchitis.

What kind of disease is bronchitis?

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, accompanied by the formation of sputum. Bronchitis can be infectious and allergic in nature. Infectious bronchitis is a consequence of a cold or flu. Allergic bronchitis occurs due to irritation of the lung tissue by harmful substances (aerosols, exhaust gases, tobacco smoke, etc.). According to duration, bronchitis is divided into:

  • spicy, lasting from 2 to 3 weeks;
  • recurrent(recurrent) when a child gets bronchitis from three times in year;
  • chronic, when bronchitis lasts for 3 months or longer and is observed once a year or more often for 2 years.

Depending on the reasons that provoke the development of bronchitis, there are:

  • viral bronchitis when the disease is caused by various viruses;
  • bacterial bronchitis - in this case, the disease is provoked by bacteria staphylo-, strepto-, pneumococci, as well as chlamydia and Haemophilus influenzae.
  • allergic bronchitis - Compared to other types of bronchitis, the symptoms of allergic bronchitis occur in a milder form, the attack of the disease is mitigated after the elimination of the allergen - the factor that provokes the allergic reaction. But the signs are similar - cough, difficulty breathing, lacrimation, laryngitis and tracheitis are often observed.
Figure 1. Sectional view of the lumen of the bronchus during bronchitis.

Deserves special attention obstructive bronchitis when bronchial obstruction occurs. Obstruction can be caused by a combination of the following factors: discharge of difficult-to-discharge sputum, naturally narrow bronchial lumen, bronchospasm (additional narrowing of the bronchial lumen). As a result of obstructive bronchitis, the passage of air into the lungs becomes difficult. If obstructive bronchitis is a frequent occurrence, this should be a reason to suspect the presence of bronchial asthma.

Figure 2. Bronchial obstruction.

Symptoms of bronchitis in children

The main symptoms that define bronchitis include:

  • runny nose and frequent cough;
  • high temperature (up to 38-39⁰С);
  • breathing is accompanied by wheezing;
  • cough is accompanied by specific sounds (gurgling, whistling cough);
  • general weakness, loss of appetite.

To diagnose a cough, you need to consult a pediatrician. The doctor will perform auscultation (listening) and percussion (tapping with fingers) of the lungs. This is done to assess the condition of the lung tissue. If necessary, an X-ray of the lungs is performed to exclude suspicion of pneumonia, as well as a blood test to determine the nature of the disease. With recurrent and chronic cough A sputum sample may be taken to rule out the allergic nature of the cough.

Treatment of bronchitis

You need to know that self-medication in case of bronchitis is fraught with worsening of the condition, therefore, to objectively assess the nature and nature of bronchitis, you must show the child to a doctor. The doctor, depending on the nature of the disease, will prescribe appropriate treatment. For bacterial bronchitis, antibiotics are prescribed; for viral bronchitis, antiviral and immunostimulating drugs are prescribed. In addition, to improve sputum discharge, bronchodilators and mucolytics are prescribed, and antipyretics are prescribed to reduce temperature. If the disease is accompanied by difficulty breathing, the use of bronchodilators or inhalation using a nebulizer is prescribed.

Allergic bronchitis is treated after identifying and eliminating the allergen - a substance or object, causing disease. Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed for treatment. If the allergic nature of bronchitis is not identified in time, the disease will develop into bronchial asthma.

If the baby’s condition worsens, symptoms of intoxication appear and the high temperature does not decrease, then a decision on hospitalization is appropriate.

In addition to taking medications, to speed up the child’s recovery, it is recommended to ensure that the patient drinks plenty of fluids and ensure that the air in the house is sufficiently humidified - for this, you can purchase an air humidifier at a home appliance store or you can carry out wet cleaning more often.

For an additional therapeutic effect for bronchitis in a child, you can turn to traditional medicine. Traditional treatment It is advisable to carry out bronchitis in children with the consent of the attending physician. Follow the link to see what treatment methods for bronchitis are recommended by the most famous doctor in Russia, Elena Malysheva:

Traditional medicine contains knowledge about diseases, as well as effective methods their treatments, accumulated by generations over centuries. After all, before there were no pills or hospitals, and people had to look for solutions to treat diseases among available funds.

Treatment of bronchitis folk recipes in children, it can help alleviate the symptoms of diseases, strengthen the body’s defenses and promote a speedy recovery.

People's “helpers” in the fight against childhood bronchitis

In traditional medicine recipes, the following products are most effective in the fight against bronchitis:

  • onion and garlic - they have excellent antimicrobial properties due to the content of special substances - phytoncides;
  • honey - due to the high content of microelements, biological enzymes and other useful substances honey has a good antiviral, antifungal and tonic effect; in the treatment of bronchitis, it helps soften cough, strengthen the body’s natural resistance to viruses and infections, and remove harmful toxins;
  • lemon - it contains vitamin C; in the treatment of bronchitis it has an anti-inflammatory, antitoxic and tonic effect.
  • figs - rich in vitamins and microelements, has antiviral, expectorant, diuretic and laxative effects;
  • radish - contains vitamins, microelements, organic acids, essential oils, glucosides, mineral salts, and has phytoncidal and bactericidal properties;
  • propolis it includes about 300 various connections- these are flavonoids, terpenic acids, organic acids, and essential oils, which together have antimicrobial, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • horseradish- rich in organic acids, essential oils, fatty acids and antioxidants, has antimicrobial, bactericidal, hematopoietic, diuretic and choleretic effect on the body;
  • mustard powder- used as a warming agent to improve sputum discharge;
  • badger fat- contains easily digestible vitamins, fatty and organic acids, citamines, various microelements, which reduce the inflammatory process in chronic bronchitis, increase the effectiveness of drug therapy, and provide an expectorant effect;
  • quail eggs— rich in vitamins and valuable microelements, they help a weakened body regain strength after a long illness;
  • potato - Potatoes do not have any specific properties, but are often used for inhalation and for making compresses;
  • chamomile flowers - Chamomile decoction increases sweating and eliminates harmful toxic substances;
  • liquorice root- rich content nutrients, vitamins, as well as glycyrrizzic and glycyrretic acids have a softening effect and eliminates cough;
  • coltsfoot- a decoction prepared from the leaves of this plant has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect;
  • Linden blossom - Linden flowers contain ascorbic acid (vitamin C), various flavonoids, talicin, carotene, glirrizin, due to which the area of ​​influence of linden blossom decoction on the body is very large: reduction of elevated temperature, removal of toxins, analgesic effect;
  • raspberries - infusions of raspberry leaves have antitoxic, antiseptic, expectorant and hemostatic properties;
  • peppermint - menthol content in peppermint leaves, ascorbic acid, tannins and carotene provides an analgesic, vasodilating and restorative effect;
  • cinnamon - the valuable biochemical composition of cinnamon powder provides antimicrobial, mucolytic and tonic effects;
  • ginger— the rich composition of ginger promotes a speedy recovery due to its expectorant, bactericidal, choleretic and tonic properties;
  • royal jelly - the high biological value of this product in the treatment of bronchitis has a general strengthening, antiviral, regenerative effect;
  • milk - contains vitamins, important microelements, amino acids, different kinds fatty acid. Accelerates recovery after illness.

If pills and medicines often put additional stress on the liver and kidneys, then treatment folk remedies, with the correct combination of active ingredients, no harm to the work internal organs does not deliver.

Recipes for easing cough

  1. Boil a glass of milk, pour into a mug, add a tablespoon of honey, grate half a medium or one small onion, add the resulting slurry to the milk, cool everything until warm, then strain the milk. It is recommended to drink the finished product in small sips and always warm.
  2. Take a black radish, wash it, remove the top, put it aside. Using a spoon or knife, carefully make a depression on top, removing some of the pulp from the middle of the radish. Ideally, you should get something like a vessel in which you need to put 2-3 tablespoons of honey. Cover our vessel with a lid from the top of the root vegetable and set aside for 12 hours. The released radish juice in combination with honey gives a good softening effect. Children should be given this remedy one teaspoon before main meals.
  3. Three tablespoons lemon juice mix with 50 grams of honey, mix well. Give a sick child one tablespoon before bedtime.
  4. Pour a glass of milk into a small saucepan, add honey and finely chopped peppermint leaves (you can also use dry mint leaves). Boil the mixture, strain and cool. Take the resulting drink before bed.
  5. Grind 50 grams of dried licorice root in a coffee grinder, pour the resulting powder into a small container, pour boiling water in the ratio: one part powder to three parts boiling water. Let it brew for several hours. The resulting infusion should be taken one tablespoon 2-3 times a day.
  6. Boil potatoes, peel. Grate the onion and garlic. Make a puree from hot potatoes, add onions and garlic to it, and form a flat cake from the resulting pulp. Lubricate the child's chest with any vegetable oil, then distribute the resulting cake on the patient’s chest. Cover the child with a woolen towel so that the area of ​​the body from the chin to the hips is under the blanket. The child should lie still for at least half an hour.

Recipes to increase sweating and improve phlegm removal

  1. In a medium-sized saucepan, boil the potatoes in their jackets. Roll a large piece of thick paper (several layers of newspaper will do) into a cone, the diameter of the base should be equal to the diameter of the pan in which the potatoes are boiled. Cut off the sharp tip of the cone. After the potatoes are cooked, remove them from the stove and pour them into boiling water with the potatoes. baking soda and immediately cover the pan with a paper cap, then let the child breathe in the steam through the hole in the cone. Such inhalation should be carried out when there are signs of difficult to clear sputum and at normal body temperature.
  2. Grate the ginger root, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:5, add honey and cinnamon powder. Let the resulting mixture brew for 10 minutes, then strain the broth through a strainer and give it to the child to drink.
  3. Pour boiling water over raspberry, coltsfoot and linden blossom leaves. For 100 grams of dried plants, you need to take 2 liters of boiling water. Leave the mixture to infuse for 20 minutes. Strain the resulting infusion and take half a glass every 2 hours throughout the day. The infusion should be warm before use.
  4. Per region chest Apply badger fat generously to the child’s back. Wrap the child in a woolen blanket and lay him on the bed. Cover the child with another thick blanket on top. Let the child sweat well.

Traditional medicine is very effective for prevention purposes. In general, to prevent any disease, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. Children's immunity is formed during a period of active growth, so it is important to take measures to strengthen it. You need to try to ensure that your child spends time in the fresh air more often, regardless of weather conditions. You can teach your child to harden. It is necessary to ensure that the child receives a sufficient amount of vitamins from food for normal height. To strengthen your immune system you can take:

  • Tea with lemon;
  • badger fat;
  • royal jelly;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • propolis tincture;
  • goat milk;
  • fish fat.

You can also additionally take your child to a swimming pool, sauna, bathhouse so that the child gets used to different environmental conditions.

When a child is sick, it is always accompanied by anxiety: why did he get sick, what did he get sick with, what will happen now... It is important to understand that any baby has a very close psychophysical connection with his mother, so when the mother is very worried about something, the child may unconsciously or at the subconscious level experience similar feelings. And almost always this unawareness manifests itself in the form of illness. Therefore, all mothers need to think deeply: are daily worries and concerns about the health of their beloved child worth it? The well-being of children directly depends on how parents, and especially mothers, perceive this world. If you live every day with joy, enjoying even the queues in front of the cash registers or standing in traffic jams, the child will also learn to take life with ease and then any illness will not cause much harm to his health.

Last article updated: 05/03/2018

Respiratory diseases are quite common in children. Of all respiratory diseases in childhood, 50% is acute bronchitis. Bronchitis is manifested by inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, which occurs for various reasons. The peak of bronchitis falls in the spring-autumn and winter seasons, which is directly related to weather conditions and outbreaks of acute respiratory viral infections at this time. A child of any age can get bronchitis. Children at an early age (from birth to 3 years) get sick much more often. The main manifestations of bronchitis are cough (dry or wet), fever and wheezing in the bronchi.

Local pediatrician

  1. Acute simple bronchitis.
  2. Acute obstructive bronchitis.
  3. Bronchiolitis.
  4. Recurrent obstructive bronchitis.
  5. Chronical bronchitis.
  6. Allergic bronchitis.

According to the duration of the disease, bronchitis is divided into acute, recurrent and chronic.

Causes of bronchitis in children

Depending on the cause, viral, bacterial and allergic bronchitis is divided.

Among the viruses, the culprits of bronchitis are most often parainfluenza virus, influenza virus, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, and mycoplasma.

Among the bacterial pathogens are staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, and hemophilus influenzae. Bronchitis of a bacterial nature often occurs in children with chronic infection in the nasopharynx (adenoiditis, tonsillitis). However, most often the cause is opportunistic bacteria (autoflora) when the excretory and protective function of the inner lining of the bronchi is disrupted due to an acute respiratory infection.

These bacteria constantly circulate in the human body, but do not cause disease in a healthy state.

Allergic bronchitis occurs when inhaling various allergens - chemicals (detergents and perfumes), house dust, natural components (plant pollen), wool and waste products of domestic animals.

Predisposing factors in the development of bronchitis are considered to be hypothermia or sudden overheating, polluted air and passive smoking. These factors are relevant for children living in big cities.

Acute simple bronchitis

Acute bronchitis in children, as a separate disease, is rare; it usually manifests itself against the background of ARVI symptoms.

Viruses attach to the inner lining of the bronchi, penetrate inside, multiply and damage it, inhibiting the protective properties of the bronchi and creating favorable conditions for bacteria to develop inflammation.

How does acute bronchitis manifest?

Usually, before the signs of bronchitis, there is an increase in body temperature, a headache and throat begins to ache, general weakness, runny nose, coughing, sore throat appear, and sometimes the voice may become hoarse, soreness and pain in the chest.

Cough is the leading symptom of bronchitis. At the beginning of the disease it is a dry cough; on days 4–8 it softens and becomes moist. It happens that children complain about discomfort or chest tenderness that gets worse when you cough. These are signs of tracheobronchitis.

Children differ from adults in that they usually swallow mucus rather than spit. Therefore, it is quite difficult to determine whether it is mucous or purulent. Usually, by the second week of illness, the cough becomes moist and the body temperature drops.

For the most part, acute bronchitis is benign and recovery occurs within two weeks.

Protracted bronchitis is bronchitis whose treatment lasts more than three weeks.

How to treat acute bronchitis and cough in children?

  1. Bed rest is recommended for the entire period of fever and for 2-3 days after it decreases.
  2. Plenty of warm drinks are recommended.
  3. Nutrition and diet for bronchitis must be complete, balanced, and enriched with vitamins.
  4. Thorough wet cleaning and ventilation of the room should be carried out.
  5. Antiviral drugs (Arbidol, Anaferon, Viferon) are prescribed by a doctor. Their use is effective only when started no later than 2 days from the onset of the disease.
  6. For fever above 38.5 degrees Celsius, antipyretic drugs are prescribed in age-specific dosages (Nurofen, Efferalgan, Tsefekon).
  7. Expectorants and mucolytics are prescribed to make sputum less thick and facilitate its elimination (ACC, Ambroxol, Herbion, Ascoril). This is the main element of treatment.
  8. Antitussive drugs (Sinekod) are prescribed only for obsessive, painful cough.
  9. Antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs are prescribed only to children with severe signs of allergies.
  10. Alkaline inhalations (with the addition of soda or mineral water) are recommended.
  11. Physiotherapy for acute bronchitis in a clinic is rarely prescribed. In the hospital, at the height of the disease, ultraviolet radiation and UHF are prescribed to the chest. After the exacerbation subsides, diadynamic currents (DDT) and electrophoresis are prescribed.

Antibiotics are not commonly prescribed for treatment acute bronchitis.

Prescription of antibiotics is indicated:

  • children under one year old with moderate and severe disease;
  • if the temperature is above 38.5˚Ϲ lasts 3 days.

The bacterial drug is taken strictly following the doctor’s prescriptions and age-specific dosages.

Caring for a child with bronchitis

A sick child needs the care and concern of loving relatives who are ready to unquestioningly carry out the doctor’s orders and provide the necessary conditions for recovery.

After an exacerbation it is useful at least once a year rehabilitation treatment in a sanatorium in your region.

Outside of exacerbation in summer, resort treatment in sanatoriums on the southern coast (Crimea, Anapa) is useful.

During the period of remission it is also important to follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Provide a hypoallergenic environment at home.
  2. Do therapeutic exercises and massage. Children can participate in physical education lessons as part of a preparatory group.
  3. Identify and treat foci of chronic infection.
  4. Herbal medicine and immunomodulator courses.
  5. Morning exercises, hardening, going out into nature on weekends, preferably outside the city.

At proper treatment Most patients get better or get sick much less often. In some children, the disease develops into allergic obstructive bronchitis or.

Aspiration bronchitis

This type of bronchitis develops due to fluid entering the respiratory passages. This occurs when swallowing is impaired in premature babies and children with birth trauma, as well as when congenital defects development of the esophagus (narrowing of the esophagus, esophagotracheal fistulas).

Factors indicating aspiration bronchitis:

  1. Bronchitis during the neonatal period.
  2. Coughing attacks, wheezing. They occur during feeding or when changing body position.
  3. Milk pours out through the nose.
  4. An exacerbation begins without signs of acute respiratory viral infection with normal body temperature.
  5. Swallowing disorders, neurological disorders in children with repeated bronchitis.

Treatment of aspiration bronchitis is to eliminate the cause of fluid entering the lumen of the child’s respiratory passages.

Recurrent obstructive bronchitis

This is bronchitis, which periodically recurs against the background of ARVI in children under 3 years of age. In some children it is the onset of bronchial asthma.

The main factor in the development of recurrent obstructive bronchitis (ROB) is bronchial hyperreactivity as a result of inflammation.

Inflammation is caused by:

  • infectious factors (chlamydia, mycoplasma);
  • non-infectious factors (passive smoking, physical activity).

The main links of the development mechanism include a number of factors:

  1. Bronchospasm is a narrowing of the bronchi as a result of contraction of the muscles of the bronchi under the influence of an irritant.
  2. Thickening of the inner lining of the bronchi due to edema.
  3. Increased secretion of bronchial mucus and impaired secretion.
  4. Partial or complete blockage of the bronchus with viscous mucus.

Predisposing factors for the development of ROB:

  • maternal smoking during pregnancy and passive smoking;
  • previous bronchiolitis;
  • neuroses and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

An exacerbation develops during acute respiratory viral infection and is manifested by symptoms of obstructive bronchitis. The infection can be present in the body for several weeks and months and become more active during ARVI, manifesting itself as bronchial obstruction.

Treatment of a patient during an exacerbation is similar to the treatment of acute obstructive bronchitis.

During the period of remission, preventive anti-relapse treatment is prescribed. For this purpose, aerosol inhalations are used (Fenoterol, Berodual, Seretide). If the exacerbation is caused physical factors(cold air, physical activity) are prescribed Intal, Tailed.

Allergic bronchitis

In children, it begins as a consequence of the inflammatory process in the bronchus when exposed to a variety of allergens. Allergens irritate the inner surface of the bronchi when inhaling, and a cough appears. This cough is called.

Allergists believe that allergic diseases cannot be cured completely, but it is possible to identify and, if possible, eliminate the allergen from the child’s environment, reduce the number of exacerbations and achieve a fairly long-term remission.

Causes leading to the development of allergic bronchitis

The leading cause of development is the entry of allergens into the child’s body through breathing.

The most common allergens:

  • pollen of wild and indoor plants;
  • hair and other particles of pets (feathers, food, excretions);
  • chemicals used in everyday life (detergents, cosmetics, perfumes);
  • house and book dust;
  • medicines.


Allergic bronchitis manifests itself:

  • persistent, paroxysmal, predominantly (at first it is, as a rule, dry, later it turns into wet);
  • difficulty breathing or shortness of breath;
  • dry, wet or wheezing wheezing, which the doctor hears during auscultation;
  • deterioration of condition and well-being when an allergen enters the body.

Symptoms of bronchitis may be combined with other symptoms allergic diseases(nasal congestion, watery eyes and redness of the eyes, skin rashes).

Differences between allergic bronchitis and bronchial asthma:

  1. Wheezing is heard when inhaling.
  2. Bronchitis is not characterized by asthma attacks.

How to treat allergic bronchitis?

  1. The main thing is to identify and eliminate exposure to the allergen.
  2. Antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil). They can be taken in tablet form or given as injections. Eliminate or reduce the manifestations of allergies.
  3. Expectorants (Bromhexine, Pertussin, Mucaltin, herbal teas). Helps remove mucus.
  4. Bronchodilators (Intal, Salbutamol). Eliminate bronchospasm, thereby making breathing easier.
  5. In some cases, courses of inhaled glucocorticoids (Flixotide, Seretide) are prescribed. Eliminate inflammation and allergies.
  6. ASIT. This is a specific immunotherapy that reduces the child’s sensitivity to allergens.

For the health of the child, it is important to promptly identify and eliminate the allergen from the environment, as well as to properly treat the baby, following the recommendations of the allergist.

Diagnosis of bronchitis in children

If there are complaints of coughing or difficulty breathing, the child is examined by a pediatrician. The doctor performs auscultation of the lungs, determining the presence and nature of wheezing.

After examination, if necessary, the following is prescribed:

  • general blood analysis. Inflammatory changes are determined in it;
  • lungs. An enhanced pulmonary pattern is visible;
  • sputum culture to determine the pathogen;
  • bronchoscopy.

Based on the results of the examination, a conclusion is drawn, a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed at home or, if necessary, in a hospital.

Why is bronchitis dangerous in children?

If proper treatment is started on time, bronchitis does not pose a danger to children, and children recover after a few weeks.

However, in young children, due to the peculiarities of the respiratory tract, there is a risk of acute bronchitis becoming obstructive, as well as the risk of developing bronchiolitis and pneumonia (pneumonia).

In young children obstructive bronchitis Bronchial blockage may occur and the child may suffocate.

With bronchiolitis, the danger lies in the development of apnea (stopping breathing), lack of emergency assistance leads to the death of the child.

In a child prone to allergies, recurrent obstructive bronchitis can develop into bronchial asthma.

How to quickly cure bronchitis in a child?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to quickly cure bronchitis. This disease does not go away on its own. Parents will have to try to cure the child. With simple bronchitis without complications, recovery occurs after two weeks. Exacerbations of recurrent bronchitis can last even longer - up to 2 - 3 months.

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How to treat bronchitis in children at home is a pressing issue, since this disease is one of the most common pathologies of the human respiratory system, which occurs in all age groups.

If bronchitis is suspected in a child, treatment may require, in addition to physical diagnosis, laboratory test blood, sputum, x-ray diagnostics, bronchoscopy.

How to treat bronchitis in children at home

Treatment of bronchitis is usually carried out at home, and only if the disease is severe and/or with complications - in a hospital. Medicines should be given to a child only after consultation with the attending physician.

Self-administration of any antitussives is strictly prohibited - in some cases they can cause serious harm.

The prescription of certain medications for children depends on the cause of the disease and existing clinical signs. Antibacterial drugs used only if the causative agent of bronchitis is bacteria (or when a secondary bacterial infection is attached).

To facilitate the discharge of sputum, the child may be prescribed expectorants and mucolytic drugs. Self-administration of any antitussives is strictly prohibited - in some cases they can cause serious harm.

For prolonged bronchitis, children can undergo drainage, vibration, acupressure, cupping massage, as well as therapeutic massage with honey. It is recommended to do a massage in the morning before breakfast.

The therapeutic effect of mustard plasters for bronchitis is disputed by experts; in any case, they should not be used in children under 5 years of age.

It is recommended to adhere to bed rest and drink plenty of fluids; it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room in which the patient is located, and carry out wet cleaning in it daily.

Physiotherapeutic procedures for bronchitis in children can include electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, and ultraviolet irradiation. Physiotherapy is indicated at the recovery stage, only after the acute process has subsided.

How to treat bronchitis and cough in children at home using folk remedies

With the permission of a doctor, the main treatment of bronchitis can be supplemented with folk remedies.

Mixtures for oral use based on honey are widely used. So, you can prepare products from honey and freshly squeezed juice from vegetables (beets, carrots), viburnum, radish juice; freshly prepared applesauce mixed with honey has immunostimulating properties. Children with bronchitis are often given boiled milk with the addition of sage and honey.

It is believed that black radish juice with honey will help quickly cure bronchitis in a child. It is prepared as follows: wash the black radish thoroughly with a brush, but do not peel it. Cut off the top, carefully use a knife to make a hole in which to put a teaspoon of honey, and cover with the top. After some time, the honey will mix with the released radish juice; take 2 tablespoons before meals and before bed.

Decoctions of sage, peppermint, linden, ginger, elderberry, violet, as well as breast tea are popular. Children with bronchitis are recommended to drink tea with raspberries (dried, ground with sugar or raspberry jam), after drinking which they should wear woolen socks and a warm sweater. It is beneficial to consume figs boiled in milk, as well as warm whey. Cabbage and lingonberry juice have an expectorant effect.

You can prepare a remedy from peppermint (3 teaspoons) and wheatgrass (5 teaspoons), which are poured into 600 ml of water, brought to a boil and allowed to cool. Strain the finished product and drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day before meals.

The therapeutic effect of mustard plasters for bronchitis is disputed by experts; in any case, they should not be used in children under 5 years of age.

For bronchitis and cough in children, you can use a remedy made from onions and garlic. To do this, chop 1 small onion and 3 cloves of garlic, add 1 glass of milk to the mixture, bring to a boil and cook until the garlic and onion soften. After this, the product is removed from the heat, allowed to cool and filtered. You can add honey to the mixture. The product is taken 0.5 tablespoon every hour throughout the day.

An effective product based on propolis. To prepare it, grate 50 g of pre-frozen propolis, add 300 g of melted butter, keep the mixture in a water bath for 20 minutes, allow to cool, filter through 2 layers of gauze and consume a teaspoon with warmed milk 30 minutes before meals. .

According to patient parents' reviews childhood you can get rid of a lingering cough due to bronchitis using a remedy made from 1 part of crushed aloe leaves, melted pork and badger fat (1 part each), 2 parts of honey and 1 part of chocolate. All ingredients are placed in a saucepan, heated to a temperature of 35-40 ° C, mixing thoroughly. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. For chronic bronchitis, the drug is used for prevention purposes in spring and autumn.

You can treat bronchitis and cough with an infusion of licorice root and pine buds. The ingredients are mixed in a 1:1 ratio, after which a tablespoon of the resulting mixture is poured into a glass of water, brought to a boil and left to cool. Take the infusion 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

For bronchitis, compresses made from grated horseradish or boiled potatoes, to which you can add a few drops of iodine, olive, flaxseed or sunflower oil, help.

You can use a chest compress made of honey, dry mustard and flour mixed in equal parts.

Treatment of bronchitis is usually carried out at home, and only if the disease is severe and/or with complications - in a hospital.

In addition, you can lubricate the baby’s chest with honey and place a cloth soaked in vodka on top (vodka should be diluted with water in a ratio of 3:1). It is convenient to put the compress on at night, firmly fixing it on the body.

Causes and risk factors for developing bronchitis in children

Bronchitis is inflammatory disease bronchial mucosa.

There are primary and secondary bronchitis. With primary bronchitis, the pathological process begins to develop directly in the bronchi. With secondary bronchitis, the disease occurs against the background of another pathology (influenza, heart disease, chronic diseases respiratory system etc.). Typically, inflammation begins in the nasopharynx and then moves to the bronchi, i.e., bronchitis is often a complication of an acute respiratory infection.

In addition, bronchitis is divided into acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis usually has an infectious (viral, less often bacterial) etiology. Bronchitis caused by microscopic fungi is rare; it develops in children with significantly weakened immunity - in premature babies, as well as in weakened babies who have been treated with antibiotics for a long time.

Chronic bronchitis develops with improper therapy (or lack of treatment) acute form as a result of prolonged residence of an infectious agent in respiratory tract.

Risk factors for the development of bronchitis in children include exposure to unfavorable environmental factors, frequent stress, hypothermia, prolonged exposure to damp and/or dusty rooms, exposure to tobacco smoke, dust, allergens in the respiratory tract, chemical substances, lack of oxygen in the inhaled air, previous surgical operations.

Hot steam inhalations Not recommended for children; aerosol inhalers can be used, as well as inhalation with a nebulizer.

Signs of bronchitis in children

In acute bronchitis, children experience a sore throat, nasal discharge, headache, cough (at the beginning of the disease, dry and then wet), increased body temperature (usually up to 37.5-38 ° C), lethargy, and loss of appetite. In the absence of complications and with properly selected treatment, recovery usually occurs within 1.5-2 weeks.

Chronic bronchitis is accompanied by disturbances in the secretory, protective and cleansing functions of the bronchi and has a long course. In this case, the body temperature, as a rule, does not rise, or rises slightly during exacerbations. Exacerbations chronic bronchitis usually develop in winter and off-season.

Based on the type of inflammatory process and the nature of the sputum, bronchitis is divided into the following forms:

  • catarrhal – with increased mucus production in the bronchi;
  • mucopurulent – ​​with the release of mucopurulent sputum;
  • purulent – ​​characterized by the production of purulent sputum;
  • fibrinous - very thick sputum due to increased fibrin secretion;
  • hemorrhagic - there is an admixture of blood in the sputum due to hemorrhage in the bronchial mucosa.

When small caliber bronchi are blocked, patients complain of difficulty breathing.

Based on functional characteristics, bronchitis is classified into non-obstructive and obstructive. With non-obstructive (simple) bronchitis, increased secretion of mucus is observed in the bronchi of medium and large caliber. The main symptom of non-obstructive bronchitis is a chesty cough with discharge large quantity sputum. With obstructive bronchitis, the child experiences shortness of breath, wheezing, and increasing weakness. At the initial stage of the disease, changes are reversible, with progression pathological process Qualitative changes may occur in the bronchi, which in the absence of treatment become irreversible.

The chronic form of bronchitis develops with improper treatment of the acute form as a result of prolonged residence of the infectious agent in the respiratory tract.

Against the background of bronchitis in children, especially in the case of improper treatment of the disease, pneumonia, emphysema, bronchial asthma, heart pathologies, etc. can develop.


In order to prevent the development of bronchitis in children, it is recommended to carry out influenza vaccination, a balanced diet, strengthen the immune system, and regular physical exercise, observing personal hygiene rules, teaching children to breathe only through the nose, avoiding physical and mental stress, timely treatment of acute respiratory diseases.


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Bronchitis occurs when the lining of the bronchi becomes inflamed, caused by viruses or bacteria. In infants - as a complication of ARVI or upper respiratory tract diseases. It manifests itself primarily as a cough - first dry, then wet.

A pediatrician should make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. What does it consist of, and how else can parents help their child?

Features of the treatment of bronchitis in infants

In young children (up to one year old), bronchitis is dangerous because it can quickly turn from acute to chronic and even complicated by pneumonia.

The most dangerous form of bronchitis in infants is bronchiolitis - spread of inflammation to the small bronchi due to viral infection . The baby's condition worsens sharply, his shortness of breath increases and cyanosis occurs.

Under no circumstances should you hesitate to call a doctor if the baby is less than a year old or has a fever (above 38 degrees), shortness of breath, bluish lips and nails, or a strong nonproductive cough. In such a situation, immediate hospitalization is necessary.

Before the ambulance arrives, parents' help will consist of relieving cold symptoms

  1. It is necessary to create optimal temperature and humidity using heaters and humidifiers, ventilate the room by going with the child to another room.
  2. If the temperature is low and there are no allergic reactions, make breathing easier crumbs can be lubricated with warming creams and ointments.
  3. To soften a cough, you can hold your baby in your arms over the steam. from a container with a hot, weak salt solution (but this is only if the child does not have a fever!).
  4. Let your baby drink as much as possible to avoid dehydration. . When weaning from the breast or bottle, drink pure water from a teaspoon - little by little, but often.

At the hospital, the child will be prescribed a number of medications and procedures.

  • Inhalation and oxygen breathing to get rid of signs of respiratory failure.
  • Preparations with interferon.
  • Antihistamines to relieve swelling and avoid allergic reactions to medications.
  • Rehydrants for dehydration.
  • Antibiotics - only if there is a need for them. Usually Augmentin, Sumamed, Amoxiclav, Macropen, Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone are prescribed.

How to treat acute bronchitis in children after one year?

Severe forms of the disease will also require hospitalization. Children older than one year can be treated outpatiently for mild forms of the disease, following the regimen and doctor’s recommendations.

To successfully overcome the disease, you will need to take a number of necessary measures

  • Neutralize the cause of infection - viruses, bacteria or allergens.
  • Relieve puffiness respiratory tract.
  • Reduce the viscosity of sputum for its better recovery.
  • Relieve dry hacking cough .

Parents should know what can and should be done at home

  1. The basis of treatment for bronchitis is to adhere to bed rest, and drink plenty of warm drinks every 30-40 minutes (teas, fruit drinks, herbal decoctions, boiled milk with honey and butter, Borjomi, rosehip infusion).
  2. The room where the baby is located must be warm (20-220 C), but well ventilated. To maintain the required humidity of 70%, it is necessary to carry out frequent wet cleaning without chlorine-containing products, use a humidifier or wet towels on radiators. Eliminate passive smoking. Continue walking only after the fever has subsided; you can also “walk” at home, wrapping your baby in a blanket, sitting by an open window or vent for 10-15 minutes.
  3. All medications are assigned exclusively individually.
  4. Additional events (distracting and calming) can be used only in the absence of contraindications and discomfort in the baby. A good help in treatment will be effleurage massage and baths with decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs (in the absence of fever). Again, all this is done only in the absence high temperature and on the recommendation of a doctor!
  5. During illness it is recommended adhere to a strict dairy-vegetable fortified hypoallergenic diet. Meals are fractional, food should have enough calories.

What will the doctor prescribe?

  1. Medicines that relieve wet cough (may be prescribed, but not required)
  • Mucolytics to thin mucus— Ambroxol (Fervex, Lazolvan), Acetylcysteine, Bromhexine; mandatory when prescribing antibiotics.
  • Expectorants for removing sputum from the bronchi- Pertussin, Mucaltin, herbal products (use marshmallow, anise, elecampane, thermopsis, licorice, plantain). It is not prescribed to infants due to the possibility of a gag reflex and increased coughing.

2. Remedies for dry skin nonproductive cough : Stoptussin, Sinekod.

3. If necessary, antibiotics with wide range actions . They are prescribed with caution in cases of suspected bacterial origin of the infection and in children under six months of age - to prevent pneumonia. In other cases, according to the famous pediatrician E. Komarovsky, they do not reduce, but increase the risk of various complications - allergies, dysbacteriosis and the formation of resistance of microorganisms to the drug.

4. Paracetamol syrups that reduce inflammation and fever - at elevated temperatures.

5. Drugs to enhance immunity and fight viruses - vitamin C, echinacea, Bronchomunal, Aflubin, Umkalor, Anaferon, products with interferon.

Pharmacy medications should be given on a schedule at the same time of day. You should not mix several medications - keep a diary and note the intake of all medications.

  • Carrying out inhalations using specially designed devices - steam, oil inhaler or nebulizer. For the procedures, saline solution, mineral water, soda solution, and essential oils are used.
  • Steaming the legs and rubbing them with warming ointments - if there is no fever or allergies.
  • Warm compresses with sunflower oil on the back and right side of the chest. Placed in the evening when there is no temperature.
  • Vibration chest massage . It is prescribed when a wet cough appears; it is not used in the acute period of the disease or during fever. The child is placed on his tummy so that his head is lower than his legs. The skin is stroked and then beaten from bottom to top towards the spine for 8-10 minutes. After the procedure, the child must clear his throat, so massage should not be given to very young children.
  • Turn babies from one side to the other more often - this will cause sputum movement and a reflex cough.
  • Breathing exercises : “Blow up the balloons” and “Blow out the candles.”

Obstructive bronchitis in young children, what to do?

If, during bronchitis, a significant accumulation of mucus causes blockage of the bronchi, the cough becomes hoarse, and breathing “whistles,” then the child’s condition is already quite serious and requires urgent treatment.

The primary task is to restore bronchial patency

1. Try to calm yourself and calm your baby , since when excited, respiratory failure intensifies. Age-appropriate sedatives can be used.

2. Do not refuse hospitalization, the hospital will help your child!

  • Will do inhalation using a nebulizer or ultrasonic inhaler Obstruction is effectively and quickly relieved with a mixture of salbutamol and glucocorticoid hormones. It is possible to use mineral water, alkaline soda solution, essential oils and medicinal herbs(if there is no allergy), drugs to thin the sputum. Up to 2 years of age, inhalations are used only in cases where the child is not afraid of the device, does not cry or escape from his hands.
  • They will let you “breathe” with humidified oxygen.
  • In case of severe dehydration and intoxication will prescribe infusion therapy with intravenous administration bronchodilators.
  • Will carry out medical therapy according to the basic scheme with the use of antibiotics, expectorants, antihistamines, antipyretics, immunostimulating and antiviral drugs, physiotherapy and vibration massage.

Important! Antibiotics are prescribed only for bacterial infections. In case of obstruction due to allergies or a virus, the use of antibiotics is contraindicated.

Regime, hygiene, diet, drinking plenty of fluids and additional actions of parents - breathing exercises, vibration massage to facilitate the passage of mucus, compresses are the same as for acute bronchitis.

Additional postural massage - tapping the child's back in the morning - will be useful. The baby is placed on his tummy (the head should be lower than the legs) and tapped with the ribs of the palms cupped for about 10 minutes. Then the child needs to cough.

Besides, You are allowed to walk for an hour a day, dressing for the weather , away from roads (so as not to breathe dust and exhaust fumes) and places where many children play (so as not to provoke excessive excitement).

Folk remedies for treating bronchitis in children

You can apply rubbing with baked onions and bear or badger fat , cabbage-honey cakes, steam the legs with mustard or infusions of sage, chamomile, St. John's wort, mint in water at a temperature not exceeding 40⁰C.

Prohibited methods of treatment for bronchitis in children under 2 years of age

Bronchitis in children under 2 years of age requires parents to take a balanced and responsible approach to treatment. It should be remembered that some actions can lead to a sharp deterioration in the child’s condition.

What not to do?

  1. Unauthorized changes in medication dosages and carry out treatment longer than prescribed.
  2. Use untested “folk remedies” , especially for infants and children with a tendency to allergic reactions. External products are tested by applying with a cotton swab or disk on the skin behind the ear or in the elbow, internal ones - on the tip of a teaspoon. In case of any negative reactions in a child, it is prohibited to use the product during the day.
  3. Bathing baby in the bath . The respiratory muscles in children are immature, and the process of coughing is difficult. When steaming, clots of sputum in the bronchi “swell” even more and it becomes much more difficult to cough them up - the baby wheezes and suffocates, choking on liquid.
  4. Contraindicated at elevated body temperature wrapping, rubbing with ointments with a warming effect and baths. Such procedures increase fever and can be harmful.
  5. Carry out physiotherapeutic procedures V acute period diseases.
  6. Use rubbing any warming ointment or balm, inhalation with essential oil and other products with pungent odors, apply mustard plasters. In children under 2 years of age they can lead to allergic reactions and bronchospasm.
  7. Give your child up to one year of age expectorants . These drugs dilute mucus, but act only in the upper respiratory tract, not reaching the bronchi. The baby's larynx and nose are further clogged, making it even more difficult for him to breathe.
  8. Give codeine-containing medications to infants.
  9. enjoy medicines in the form of aerosols - this can lead to spasm glottis, the baby will begin to choke.

Timely treatment will definitely give quick results, and the baby will delight you with good health and cute pranks.