Aching pain in the left mammary gland. Pain in the mammary gland is acute. How to relieve pain symptoms

Pain in one or both mammary glands (mastalgia) is one of the common complaints in women of any age, but young women with preserved menstrual function face this problem somewhat more often.

Diseases of the mammary glands are very diverse and are characterized by numerous clinical manifestations: pain, including when pressed, changes general view glands, shape or structure of glands (appearance of compactions, tumor-like formations in usually soft tissue).

Most women's concerns are related to the risk of developing breast cancer. But isolated pain is rarely a sign of this terrible disease, which is usually characterized by the concomitant presence of a tumor formation.
There are many reasons why breasts hurt.

Causes of pain in one or both mammary glands:

  • Hormonal changes during puberty (called puberty), as well as during pregnancy or menopause.
  • Premenstrual syndrome.
  • Mammary cancer.
  • Lactation.
  • Infectious diseases of the mammary glands (mastitis, mammary abscess).
  • Breast trauma, including surgical treatment.
  • Taking some medicines: estrogen-containing drugs, digoxin, methyldopa, spironolactone, oxymetholone and chlorpromazine.

Main clinical options:

1. Cyclic mastalgia- pain associated with menstrual cycle.
Cyclic pain most often occurs in the second phase of the cycle, immediately before menstruation and in its first days. Cyclic pain is most often associated with hormonal disorders.

This type of violation is characterized by:

The occurrence of cyclic mastalgia is associated with changes in hormonal levels. This type of disorder affects more than 2/3 of women, usually of young reproductive age, although similar complaints are known in postmenopausal women receiving replacement therapy hormonal drugs.
Non-cyclical pain
most often associated with injuries, tumors of the mammary glands.

2. Acyclic mastalgia- the occurrence of chest pain not associated with the menstrual cycle. This type of disorder usually affects women over 40 years of age.


  • The pain is often one-sided
  • Localization - mainly in the middle part of the mammary gland, around the nipple
  • Sharp, burning, cutting pain
  • Can be either periodic or constant

Contact your doctor if you find:

  • changes in the shape, size or asymmetry of the breast
  • lump of tissue in the breast or armpit
  • nipple retraction
  • nipple discharge

changes in the skin of the breast (redness, wrinkling, “orange” or “lemon peel” type)

If you have pain in the mammary gland, a medical examination is also necessary.! The examination should begin with a consultation with a mammologist or oncologist. Instrumental examination may include:

  • ultrasonography(ultrasound) of the mammary glands, liver, ovaries, thyroid gland, if necessary, other organs;
  • mammography (x-ray examination of the mammary glands);
  • puncture (if there is a tumor formation);
  • study of hormone levels (estrogens, progesterone, thyroid hormones).

If endocrine disorders are suspected, a consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist or endocrinologist is prescribed.
During the examination, the specific cause of pain in the mammary glands or the mechanism of development of this pain (increased estrogen levels, progesterone deficiency, etc.) can be identified, and therefore specific treatment can be prescribed.
To relieve or reduce pain, non-narcotic painkillers (analgin, diclofenac, etc.), drugs that reduce swelling (diuretics), and sedatives are usually used.

As such, pain in the mammary glands requires special treatment when:

  • Special treatment (tamoxifen, danazol, progestogel, etc.) is prescribed strictly individually.
    Nutritional supplements, containing herbs that have a diuretic effect, and also containing vitamins A and E, can reduce pain in the mammary glands to a certain extent. However, such treatment is symptomatic. It is often ineffective and the effect is temporary.

    What should a woman with mastalgia do?

    2. Annual consultation with a mammologist (a specialist in diseases of the mammary glands), gynecologist or oncologist - primarily for women over 35 years of age.

    3. Women over 35 years of age (especially those at risk of developing breast cancer) are recommended to undergo annual mammography - an X-ray method for examining the mammary glands. Mammography is one of the methods early diagnosis breast cancer.

    4. Other diagnostic methods include ultrasound, targeted biopsy of suspicious areas of breast tissue.

    In most women with mastalgia, breast examination and mammography results are normal. In this case, the diagnosis of breast cancer is unlikely and pain is most likely associated with changes in the mammary glands against the background of physiological hormonal fluctuations.


    In 60-80% of cases, pain in the mammary gland, in the absence of seals in its tissue, goes away on its own. But expressed painful sensations, which impede your daily activities, last more than a few days each month, or the presence of symptoms indicating an inflammatory process (fever, redness and swelling of the breast, pain when pressing) require treatment.

    To date, there is not enough scientific data on the effectiveness therapeutic measures at cyclic mastalgia. Wearing a suitable bra, a low-fat diet and limiting the diet of foods containing methylxanthines (for example, caffeine-containing products), and taking vitamins B and E are recommended. Although the effectiveness of dietary measures and taking vitamins remains unproven, cases of pain relief have been described in some women who adhere to these recommendations.

    If these measures are ineffective, consult a doctor, because... It may be necessary to prescribe oral contraceptives or danazol (an antigonadotropic drug) to correct hormonal imbalances. Avoid self-medication, including herbal preparations.

    The doctor prescribes special treatment (tamoxifen, danazol, progestogel, etc.) strictly individually. Dietary supplements containing diuretic herbs and vitamins A and E may help relieve breast pain to a certain extent. However, such treatment is symptomatic. It is often ineffective and the effect is temporary.

    Treatment acyclic mastalgia based on the treatment of the underlying disease. If the cause is not established, a treatment plan is used as for cyclic mastalgia.

    At identifying a cyst or tumors apply surgery, which can be supplemented with radiation or chemotherapy if the tumor is malignant.

    Treatment mastitis depending on the stage and severity of the process, it includes antibiotic therapy with/or without surgical opening of the inflammatory focus.

    Dear women, remember that your breasts can not only be a perfect creation of Nature, but also a source of health-related problems. Therefore, if pain appears and/or changes in the shape, size and consistency of the mammary glands, contact a specialist. This will help preserve your health, and in some cases, your life!

    You can also read about breast self-examination on our website.

Chest pain is a fairly common complaint for premenopausal women, but it is much less common in older women. If your chest hurts, there may be several reasons, and some of them pose a serious threat to life and health.

Types of pain

Basically, doctors distinguish between two types of chest pain:

Such pains are not pathological condition and on the eve of the onset of menstruation, many women are worried. There is no point in worrying about them and seeing a doctor every month.

  1. Non-cyclical. If the chest hurts without any system, then the pain is called non-cyclical. Most often it hurts not in both glands at once, but only in one. There are several reasons that provoke the development of this unpleasant syndrome.

Non-cyclical pain in the mammary gland is usually aching, but the pain can intensify in response to movements and touches to the chest, and sometimes it also hurts in the armpit area, thus limiting movements in the arm.

Common reasons

The reasons why one mammary gland is affected by pain are very diverse.

  • Mastitis. Mastitis is a process of inflammation that affects breast tissue. If this disease develops in postpartum period, then the first signs can be noticed already 3-4 days after birth. The breast becomes a place of stagnation of milk - this is why mastitis develops in women in labor.

This pathology occurs not only in women who have recently given birth and breastfeeding, but also in completely healthy ones. If a woman’s immunity is weakened, and chronic processes occur in the body, for example, sinusitis, then pathogenic microorganisms can enter the mammary gland.

  • Mastopathy. Mastopathy is another reason why one breast may hurt. This disease is characterized by the formation of benign neoplasms, which are represented by the proliferation of ducts inside the lobules, gland vesicles and the connective tissue itself.

As a result, some structures in the chest become excessively compressed while others expand too much, resulting in a feeling of soreness that can radiate to the armpit and limit the movement of the arm.

Mastopathy usually develops against the background of severe hormonal imbalances and is dangerous because benign neoplasms with an inattentive approach to treatment, they degenerate into malignant ones.

Fibroadenoma is closely related to the work of the hormonal glands, since if you conduct an examination the day before or during the menstrual cycle, you can notice a decrease in the size of the tumor.

  • Cancer. This pathology is especially dangerous and does not provoke pain if it is located on early stage- this is her main cunning.

As the tumor grows and spreads, it begins to affect the nerve endings, which leads to the development of pain in the gland affected by the tumor. Complaints describing pain may differ from patient to patient depending on the location of the tumor.

Untreated mastopathy, as well as late childbirth, contribute to the development of cancerous tumors in the mammary glands.

More rare causes

  • Fat necrosis. Why does fat necrosis develop in the mammary gland? The most common cause of this pathology is injuries in the mammary glands. Due to the similarity of symptoms, this pathology is often confused with cancer.
  • Cyst. If there is pain in the breast, then the development of a cyst may explain why this symptom appears. A cyst is a cavity made of connective tissue that is filled with fluid.

The reason why cystic formations form is still not fully known, although there are many assumptions. The most dangerous cyst in the mammary gland is that with the slightest injury there is a risk of damage to the walls, which is why the contents of the cyst spill into the surrounding tissue.

The pain in women with cysts is usually severe and cannot be ignored.

  • Incorrectly selected underwear. A bra that is the wrong size or made of synthetics is why the mammary gland often hurts.

This happens due to the fact that due to too dark tissue in the gland, stagnation occurs and proper blood circulation is blocked. If the harmful effects are not stopped in time, the mammary gland can become the site of the formation of malignant neoplasms.

Should I go to the doctors?

If you are worried about non-cyclical pain in one gland, then this is undoubtedly a reason to consult a doctor. In what cases is it immediately clear why it is necessary not to postpone a visit to a specialist?

  • The mammary gland has noticeably changed in size and shape, and asymmetry of the bust can be seen.
  • The nipple is changed: it can be retracted into the gland, or it can respond by releasing fluid to pressure.
  • When palpated, it is possible to detect a compaction in or around the gland.
  • There is pain when pressed.
  • The skin of the mammary gland or around it has undergone any noticeable changes: it has become rough, redness, and peeling have appeared.

It is necessary to carefully assess the condition of the bust and if suspicious symptoms appear, do not postpone a visit to a specialist so that the situation does not worsen.


Pain in one gland is not a symptom of any specific disease, which is why it is necessary to consult a specialist to understand the cause of the disease. The doctor, after listening to the complaints, evaluates:

  • Duration of pain.
  • Dependence of sensations on the menstrual cycle.
  • Localization of pain.
  • Are there any seals and where are they located relative to the site of pain?
  • Are there any changes in the nipple?
  • Could the changes in the glands be associated with taking hormonal medications?

After assessment general condition patient and breast examination, the doctor will have a rough idea of ​​what tests and diagnostic methods are best prescribed to confirm the suspected diagnosis. Also, after receiving the examination results, it will be possible to choose treatment tactics.

Most often, women complaining of pain in one breast are prescribed:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • X-ray chest.
  • Mammography.

In some cases, when diagnosis is difficult, they resort to repeating studies using contrast agents.


The choice of treatment method for pain that occurs in one breast depends on the specific disease that caused it.

Unsystematic treatment, based on a single symptom and not taking into account the diagnosis as a whole, may not only not relieve a woman of pain, but also aggravate the situation.

You can begin treatment only when an accurate diagnosis has been established and the doctor has chosen a treatment regimen. In some cases, therapy only involves taking medications to achieve a particular result, and sometimes you have to resort to surgical operations to eliminate pathology.

If a woman notices pain in her breasts or any changes in its shape and structure, then this is a reason to consult a mammologist rather than self-medicate at home. Examination and proper therapy will help you get rid of pain and avoid more serious consequences.

Pain in the mammary glands is a nonspecific symptom that every person has encountered at least once in their life. Contrary to erroneous belief, this symptom is characteristic not only of females, it is also often found in men.

Often, such a manifestation is associated with the course of a disease that negatively affects the mammary gland; in particular, it may indicate the formation of a malignant tumor. However, in some cases, such pain is quite normal.

Most often, against the background of the main symptom, quite specific symptoms develop, in particular swelling and swelling of the affected gland, redness skin and the appearance of easily palpable lumps.

If such an alarming sign occurs, you should seek help from, who, in addition to a thorough physical examination, will prescribe several laboratory and instrumental examinations.

Pain in the mammary gland when pressed is eliminated using conservative methods, however, to completely get rid of this symptom, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease.


Pain in the breast area can occur in absolutely every person, regardless of gender. As for children, such a manifestation is rare for this age category.

It is noteworthy that in men and women both the same and individual predisposing factors can cause such an alarming signal.

For example, in female representatives, pain develops against the background of:

  • hormonal changes in the body, which may be associated with the development menstrual function or with the period of bearing a child. It is worth noting that pain can occur both in early and late stages of pregnancy;
  • infertility therapy, which is often carried out medications, less often – surgical intervention;
  • uncontrolled use of certain groups of medications, in particular oral contraceptives or antidepressants;
  • – in such cases, the appearance of pain in girls and women, if they are not accompanied by other signs, is quite normal. If the pain disappears with the onset of menstruation, then there is no need to see a doctor;
  • menopause– pain in the mammary gland is also not uncommon and, without the expression of other symptoms, has no pathological basis;
  • cystic or cancerous neoplasms - in such cases, shooting and throbbing pain is expressed in the affected mammary gland. In addition, the clinical picture is complemented by vivid specific symptoms, for example, mucous or cheesy discharge from the nipples;
  • breastfeeding a baby - in such cases there is a feeling as if the breasts are constantly aching;
  • mechanical damage or trauma to the chest;
  • development wide range inflammatory processes;
  • formation benign changes or formations;
  • – this is characterized by stagnation of breast milk. This is often due to wearing an uncomfortable bra during breastfeeding, reluctance to breastfeed the child, or incomplete emptying of the mammary gland;
  • abscesses or fibroadenoma of the mammary glands;
  • body reactions to breast implants or other plastic surgery.

Pain in the mammary glands in men on the right or left develops several times less frequently than in women. However, the development of such a symptom can be triggered by:

  • – while the breasts are enlarged according to the female type. Severe pain is very often one-sided;
  • nipple adenoma is benign tumor, the causes of which remain unknown;
  • fatty necrosis of breast tissue;
  • duct ectasia;
  • Mondor syndrome;
  • malignant tumors;
  • leakage;
  • disruption of the functioning of the organs of the endocrine system, which are responsible for the production of hormones;
  • presence of excess body weight;
  • hyperplasia is a pathological growth of mammary gland tissue.

However, the most common causes of pain in the mammary glands in the stronger half of humanity are injuries, neoplasms, excessive stress, participation in combat sports and hormonal disorders.

In addition, constant influence, addiction to bad habits and hypothermia play an important role in the development of pain in representatives of both sexes. Such factors significantly increase the likelihood of developing each of the above ailments or pathological conditions.


Depending on the frequency of occurrence, severe pain in the mammary glands is divided into:

  • cyclical– most often appears in women before menstruation, and in men – against the background of sports or excessive physical activity;
  • non-cyclical– this type of pain may be associated with any of the above diseases;
  • mastalgia(the second name for pain in this localization) not associated with pathologies of the mammary glands. Such pain often appears in the mammary glands with intercostal neuralgia, neurological and mental disorders. It is worth noting that intercostal neuralgic pain spreads to the chest area, which may make it seem as if it is the mammary gland on the left or right that is hurting.

The resulting pain may be of the following nature:

  • shooting and sharp;
  • aching and burning;
  • dull and stabbing;
  • pulsating and sharp;
  • cutting and pulling.

In addition, during diagnosis pay attention to the following classifications:

  • according to location – unilateral or bilateral;
  • by duration - pain can be constant, intermittent and appears only with pressure;
  • according to prevalence - the symptom is divided into local and diffuse.


Pain in the left mammary gland or in the right breast often acts as the first, but not the only sign of a particular pathology.

Very often additional clinical signs are:

  • hardening and swelling;
  • increase in breast size;
  • redness of the skin;
  • change in the volume of regional lymph nodes upward;
  • hardening of the nipples;
  • discharge of abnormal fluid, in particular mucus or pus, colostrum or blood;
  • increased sensitivity of the affected segment;
  • an increase in local temperature - this means that the right or left breast, when touched, will be hotter in comparison with the general temperature of the skin.

Pain due to mastopathy of the mammary gland may be accompanied by:

  • bilateral lesion;
  • the appearance of heaviness and discomfort;
  • the appearance of nodules or lumps in the chest that are easily palpated;
  • spread of pain to the armpits;
  • a gradual increase in the intensity of the main symptom, which causes difficulties in everyday life.

Pain during and in cases of formation of cystic neoplasms will have the following additional symptoms:

  • burning, heaviness and discomfort in one of the mammary glands;
  • the appearance of dense and mobile seals, when touched, a burning pain appears;
  • structural changes skin on the affected mammary gland, namely its retraction, wrinkling or thickening;
  • breast deformation and change in color of the skin located above the area of ​​formation;
  • swelling of the nipple.

It must be borne in mind that the above symptoms are only the most typical. Clinical picture will be individual in nature and differ depending on the etiological factor.


Establish the reasons why it appears sharp pain in the mammary glands of men and women, it is possible only after laboratory research and instrumental examinations of the patient. However, before this, the mammologist must independently perform several manipulations:

  • study the medical history to determine the possible presence of a predisposing factor that has a pathological basis;
  • collect the patient’s life history – in cases where the source of pain is sports, injury, pregnancy or breast-feeding;
  • Carry out a thorough physical examination aimed at palpating the mammary glands - this may indicate the presence of lumps, neoplasms or nodules and their number. Also, the severity and nature of the pain is assessed, because nagging or aching pain can indicate completely different diseases;
  • conduct a detailed survey to create a complete symptomatic picture.

Laboratory and instrumental diagnostics are based on:

  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • blood tests for hormones;
  • bacterial culture of fluid secreted from the nipples;
  • Ultrasound, CT and MRI of the breast;
  • radiography;
  • mammography and ductography;
  • pneumocystography;
  • puncture biopsy.


Pain in the mammary gland on the left in women or men, as well as in other localizations, can only be relieved by eliminating the underlying ailment.

The causes of chest pain on the right are very diverse. Unpleasant sensations in the right side of the chest may appear due to problems in the cardiovascular or digestive system, diseases of the respiratory system, spine or mammary gland. They can be caused by microtraumas received during training or viral diseases.

In order to correctly diagnose the cause of pain in the right half of the chest, it is necessary to conduct self-diagnosis: analyze the nature discomfort, frequency of their occurrence, association with exacerbation chronic diseases and physical activity. It would be a good idea for the fair sex to palpate the mammary glands on their own, preferably on days 7-9 of the menstrual cycle. In any doubtful case, you should not limit yourself to self-medication and consult a doctor! What reasons can there be for pain with right side breasts?

  • Myocardial infarction. Sharp, acute pain in the chest, especially radiating (radiating) to the left shoulder, left hand, the neck area may be a sign acute heart attack myocardium. Feeling of constriction or pressure, acute lack of air - additional symptom, allowing us to assume this terrible diagnosis. If the pain does not go away after taking nitroglycerin and remaining at rest for ten minutes, you should immediately call " ambulance“, delay is dangerous for the patient’s life.
  • IHD - coronary heart disease. The pain is of the same nature as during a heart attack, which is one of the forms of ischemic heart disease, but the attacks are shorter, can last 3-15 minutes, occur as a result of stress, physical activity or after eating. If your chest “pricks,” “burns,” or “presses behind the sternum,” this is a reason to check with a doctor for ischemia.
  • Angina pectoris. Aching pain often appears in the chest on the right or left, less often in the arm, shoulder or wrist, but it can go away without pain at all, presenting as a burning sensation and heaviness in the area of ​​the chest and esophagus, which is why it is often confused with heartburn. Angina is symptom of ischemic heart disease, timely treatment of angina pectoris can prevent the development of myocardial infarction.
  • Pericarditis is inflammation of the heart lining. A symptom of pericarditis is severe chest pain that occurs when taking a deep breath or coughing, and gets worse when lying down.
  • Aneurysm thoracic aorta. Intense pain in the sternum, sometimes radiating to the lower jaw or neck, continuing long time, not associated with physical activity, may be a sign of a dissecting aneurysm. In this case, the symptoms are similar to myocardial infarction, but most often the pain syndrome is localized in the chest on the upper right. May swell jugular veins, turn your face blue. Reason to immediately consult a doctor.
  • PE - Thromboembolism pulmonary artery. Sudden shortness of breath, sharp pain in the chest on the right or left, blueness of the face or the entire upper half of the body, severe weakness up to loss of consciousness - a sign of an extremely serious disease - pulmonary embolism. A blood clot blocks one of the branches of the artery, and doctors may have just minutes to save the patient.

A common sign of discomfort in the chest associated with cardiovascular diseases is that they most often radiate to the arm, neck, shoulder or lower jaw and are accompanied by a lack of air and heart rhythm disturbances.

Digestive diseases

  • Heartburn. Heartburn itself is not a disease, but is considered a syndrome characteristic of a number of diseases, so it should not be treated, but the underlying disease. But analyzing your own feelings will help diagnose heartburn. Typically, pain occurs 10-30 minutes after eating; the burning sensation can spread from the stomach to the throat throughout the esophagus, and can concentrate in the chest area, along the center line, at the top or on the right. Therefore, if you feel pain in the area of ​​your right chest, there is a burning sensation and pressure there, it could be heartburn or heart problems. A specialist will help you make the correct diagnosis.
  • Esophagitis is inflammation of the esophagus. If the burning sensation behind the sternum, characteristic of heartburn, has become constant and intensifies when swallowing, this is a sign of esophagitis. Pain is often concentrated in the chest area on the right, since normally in the chest area the esophagus is not located strictly in the center, but is shifted to the right.
  • Hiatal hernia is a lesion of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm. Pain in the lower part of the sternum, appearing in the epigastric region, radiating between the shoulder blades, into the chest or back, often of a girdling nature - a symptom of a diaphragmatic hernia. The pain syndrome in this case manifests itself during or after eating, and disappears with a sharp change in body position.
  • Liver diseases. Sharp pain in the chest on the right, spreading down to the right hypochondrium, is a symptom of a number of liver diseases. If upon palpation of the liver and simultaneous coughing the pain increases sharply, this indicates liver problems. Alas, since spasmodic pain is characteristic of almost all liver lesions, an accurate diagnosis will have to be made by other methods.
  • Violations in gallbladder and ducts. It may be spicy or chronic cholecystitis, violation of the properties of bile, cholelithiasis. Typically, attacks occur after drinking alcohol or fatty foods and are characterized by spasm in the right hypochondrium, but the pain can migrate to the right side of the chest.

What pains associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract have in common is that they are concentrated in the lower part of the chest and epigastrium, often have a girdling nature, and are associated with food intake.

Problems in the respiratory system

  • Pneumonia. If there is a stabbing sensation on the right side of the chest, the temperature has risen sharply, the pain is aching, stabbing or pressing, localized in the chest on the right side, worsens with coughing, this is most likely pneumonia or pneumonia. If there is pain above the right breast closer to the center, this may be a sign of hilar pneumonia. It must be remembered that this disease without treatment can lead to death or irreversible damage to the lungs, so you must immediately start taking medications.
  • Pleurisy is inflammation of the lining of the lungs. With pleurisy, chest pain may be observed below or on the side, on the right or left side because the localization of pleurisy is different. The pain intensifies when inhaling large amounts of air or coughing. May rub into the hand due to irritation brachial plexus, in the shoulder or shoulder blade.
  • Spontaneous pneumothorax occurs due to the accumulation of air in pleural cavity, characterized by sudden sharp stabbing pain in the chest on the right. Accompanied by shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sweating. It can be either a consequence of a disease or a short-term disorder in practically healthy people.
  • Oncological diseases of the respiratory system. In most cases, tumor processes in the lungs are accompanied by pain. Its localization and the nature of the pain depend on the location of the tumor and its type. The only common features are the constant, non-paroxysmal nature of the pain and a strong, suffocating cough, often with the discharge of blood and sputum.

In diseases of the respiratory system, pain is usually short-term, associated with deep breathing, coughing, and often accompanies viral and infectious diseases.

Problems in the mammary gland

  • Cyclic soreness of the mammary glands. Pain in the right mammary gland, as well as in the left, regularly occurring during a certain period monthly cycle in women of reproductive age - a completely normal phenomenon. However, if it is accompanied by discharge from the breast, asymmetry of pain, lumps in the mammary gland, you should pay more attention to this symptom.
  • Mastopathy. This is the proliferation of glandular breast tissue, sometimes with the formation of benign tumors. As a rule, mastopathy affects both breasts and may not be accompanied by pain at all or may be accompanied by a slight aching pain and discharge from the nipples. Mastopathy must be treated by a doctor so that it does not lead to more serious illnesses requiring surgical intervention.
  • Mastitis. This infectious inflammation mammary gland, resulting from infection through microcracks in the nipples or damage to the breast. Only one gland is affected near the site of infection, redness is observed, heat and pain in the mammary gland on the right. Increases with feeding. Mastitis - dangerous infection and requires treatment.
  • Fibroadenoma of the right breast. This is a benign tumor that is extremely difficult to treat non-surgically. As a rule, it is noticeable visually and is detected independently by palpation or during examination by a doctor. It has a clearly defined contour. Accompanied by discharge from the breast, pain localized strictly in the right mammary gland. Generally recommended surgical intervention so that the tumor does not degenerate into cancer.
  • Intercostal neuralgia. Although the disease affects the entire nerve, its trunk and branches, the pain can be localized in the mammary glands, both or one. In addition, your lower back may hurt. Severe paroxysmal pain intensifies when pressing on the chest, breathing, or walking.

Pain in the mammary gland can be distinguished by the fact that the patient’s right mammary gland aches “from the outside”, the pain is not associated with eating or breathing, does not radiate to other organs, the source of the pain is clearly localized.

Muscle and spine diseases

  • Muscle pain after physical activity. Every person is familiar with the feeling of pulling in the right breast, especially from above, after training or hard work. This is a normal muscle reaction to a large number of lactic acid. Sometimes this may be accompanied by a slight muscle strain. Such pain goes away in two to three days and does not require treatment.
  • Bruises. If a person is aching right breast, bruises appear on it as a result of the injuries received, you need to assess the intensity of the pain and the nature of the injuries received. Minor bruises are not dangerous, but a strong blow can cause a rupture of the right lung, which can be fatal. Therefore, the danger of chest injuries should not be underestimated.
  • Fractured ribs on the right. A fracture of a rib (or several) can be suspected when the patient has a stabbing sensation in the chest on the right side, and the pain is sharp, intensifies when squeezing the chest, coughing, and goes away when taking a comfortable position.
  • Osteocondritis of the spine. As a rule, with osteochondrosis it is localized in other organs - in the arm, shoulder, spine, but sometimes a symptom of osteochondrosis is pain on the right side above the chest. It is associated with turning the body, bending and general movement; the nature can be very different depending on the degree of damage to the nerve roots.

The pains of this group have little common features, but all of them, as a rule, arise due to a known cause - injury or disease, which makes the diagnosis easier.

Many women (more than 70%) have experienced chest pain at least once in their lives. Typically, this condition worries women of reproductive age, but it is also possible during the postmenopausal period. According to statistics, approximately every tenth representative of the fair sex experiences discomfort in the mammary gland more than five days a month. Of course, such a situation has an impact on a woman’s condition, her mood, work and family life. Why might pain occur in the chest?

Nature of pain

The causes of pain are largely explained by its nature. Unpleasant sensations in the chest can be of two types:

  1. Cyclical. In this case, pain is observed in both glands and spreads over their entire area, most affecting the outer and top part breasts Characteristic features are swelling, irritation of the gland, the appearance of a feeling of fullness and heaviness in it, pain when pressed. Most often, the chest hurts in this way before menstruation, after which the discomfort gradually fades away. Pain of this nature occurs in two thirds of women aged 30-40 years.
  2. Non-cyclical. Sensations of this type are usually localized in only one gland. In most cases, they occur in a specific place; much less often, non-cyclical pain is diffuse in nature, and the entire gland is completely affected. The nature of the pain is burning, irritating. Most often it is observed in women after 40 years.

Causes of cyclical chest pain

Knowing the factors that can provoke such a condition will help answer the question of why a woman is diagnosed with cyclical chest pain. The causes of pain in the mammary gland are as follows:

  1. Hormonal changes caused by the monthly cycle. In the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs, which entails a sharp increase in the production of hormones designed to prepare the body for pregnancy and childbirth. This cyclical pain is called mastalgia. With the onset of menstruation, all signs usually disappear.

    A dull, aching pain is usually localized in the upper outer quadrants of the chest. It manifests itself especially clearly when pressed. The pain can vary in intensity: from mild to severe, radiating to the arm or armpit. A similar condition is diagnosed in approximately 70% of the fair sex of reproductive age. Sometimes cyclic mastalgia is found in postmenopausal women receiving treatment with hormonal drugs.

  2. Mastopathy. This disease is characterized by pathological proliferation of breast tissue. Why does it arise? The cause of mastopathy lies in a woman’s hormonal imbalance. In the first stages of the disease, its symptoms appear before menstruation and then disappear. In advanced cases, they are observed constantly. With mastopathy, the main symptom is pain in the mammary glands, they become swollen and swollen. With palpation, you can feel the seals. A woman's chest hurts when pressed. This condition requires mandatory treatment.
  3. Imbalance of fatty acids in the body. Such a disorder usually leads to increased sensitivity of the mammary gland to hormones. Taking primrose oil helps eliminate the problem, the peculiarity of which is to normalize the balance of fatty acids.
  4. Pregnancy. To maintain pregnancy, progesterone is actively produced in a woman’s body. It causes the growth of alveolar tissue, which increases the volume of the mammary gland and is intended to prepare it for lactation. Almost every woman during pregnancy feels that her breasts are sore and swollen. Later the discomfort disappears. Pain may recur at the end of the third trimester. The glands become engorged and painful.
  5. Abortion. After an artificial termination of pregnancy, chest pain may occur. They usually go away within 1-2 weeks. If the discomfort does not disappear for a long time, you should consult a doctor. Sometimes they are explained by the continued growth of the fertilized egg due to an error in surgical intervention, sometimes caused by a hormonal imbalance.
  6. Taking a number of hormonal drugs used in the treatment of infertility, as well as some contraceptives. In addition, similar problems can be caused by taking certain antidepressants.

Causes of non-cyclical chest pain

The causes of non-cyclical pain are usually associated not with hormonal imbalance, but with anatomical changes that have occurred in the gland. In most cases, unpleasant sensations are explained by the following circumstances:

  • Mechanical damage to the mammary gland. Breast pain can be caused by injury. Squeezing or compression of the gland caused by the wrong choice of underwear can also lead to pain. To avoid the occurrence of such problems, every woman should carefully select a bra when in transport or in crowded places, try to protect her breasts from shocks and impacts.
  • Breast surgery.
  • Fibroadenoma. This is the name of a benign tumor localized in the mammary gland. This is one of the forms nodular mastopathy. When pressing on the patient, a mobile round formation not associated with the skin can be detected. It can be either small (2 mm) or large (up to 7 cm).
  • Mastitis. With mastitis, inflammation begins in the mammary gland. The chest turns red, the skin over the affected area becomes red, and the temperature of both the local and the body as a whole increases. The disease develops very quickly (within a couple of days). The overwhelming majority of patients are nursing mothers. Why does this disease occur? There are two reasons for the appearance of this pathology: milk stagnation (lactostasis) and infection (it enters the body through damage to the nipples). Mastitis needs immediate treatment, since if left untreated it can lead to extremely negative consequences. In rare cases, the disease is diagnosed in non-lactating women.
  • Breast cancer. In rare cases, discomfort in the gland is a sign of breast cancer. Usually at an early stage the disease does not cause discomfort. The reason to consult a doctor is the retraction of the nipple, the appearance of discharge from it, enlargement of the lymph nodes, and a palpable compaction in the tissues.
  • Breast abscess. This is a disease in which suppuration occurs in a certain area of ​​the chest, separated from other tissues. This pathology quite rare and of a secondary nature. An abscess is a consequence of some other inflammatory disease mammary gland, for example, mastitis.
  • Cyst. Such a pathology can cause discomfort in the gland. Filling with liquid, the formation begins to put pressure on the surrounding tissues, which leads to discomfort. The pain can be both sharp and aching, dull. If a cyst is detected, the patient must consult a doctor to find out the causes of the disease and undergo treatment.

Chest pain may also not be related to the mammary gland, but may be dictated by problems with muscles, nerves, joints, or the chest wall. The causes of chest pain lie in diseases such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other disorders skeletal system. Heart disease also often leads to pain (for example, angina).

Every woman should remember that chest pain is a symptom of the most various diseases. Only a specialist can find out exactly why the mammary glands hurt. That is why, if any unpleasant sensations occur, you should consult a doctor. The earlier treatment is started, the more likely a complete cure is.

Why can the mammary glands hurt?

Breast pain can be caused by many reasons. These may be hormonal changes, breastfeeding, muscle pain, infections, breast diseases (tumors), incorrectly selected bra, taking hormonal medications, lack of sexual relations. 70% of women of childbearing age complain of chest pain. Unpleasant sensations during hand movements, pain when touching the mammary gland are signs of mastalgia. Mastalgia can appear during menstruation and go away after it ends; such pain is called cyclical. Systematic cyclical pain covers both breasts, their upper and outer areas become the most sensitive. The woman feels the heaviness and fullness of the mammary glands, the breasts become full and swollen. Resting on your stomach becomes impossible, your favorite bra is pressing. There are changes in the woman's behavior, she becomes irritable and unbalanced. Cyclic pain appears a week before the onset of menstruation and dulls after its onset.

The appearance of cyclical mastalgia can be explained by a hormonal disorder that occurs during menstruation. Pregnant and menopausal women do not experience such discomfort; hormonal disruptions do not occur in their bodies. Cyclic pain can be triggered by the use of certain hormonal drugs used to treat infertility and contraceptives. The cyclic type is the most common type of pain in women under forty years of age. But even after forty, cyclical pain may not subside, the reason is the use of hormonal drugs or antidepressants.

Mastalgia tends to bother a woman on other days; pain not associated with the menstrual cycle is called non-cyclical. Non-cyclical pain affects one breast, usually a separate part of it. Often, mastalgia also affects the armpit area, limiting arm movements. Aching sensations with sudden movements and pressure develop into severe pain. The cause of non-cyclical pain is non-hormonal changes occurring in the chest. These are anatomical changes in tissue. According to statistics, women over forty suffer from non-cyclical mastalgia.

Irregular pain may be due to other reasons not related to the mammary gland. For example, muscle pain may radiate to the chest.

A woman is suspicious; after reading about any disease, she begins to sound the alarm; she observes some of the symptoms in herself. Don’t rush to panic; you can’t deal with the mass of diagnoses on your own. Even if you find a lump, do not despair; be sure to go to an appointment with a gynecologist or mammologist.

To make it easier to make the correct diagnosis, consider answering some questions:

  1. How long have you been in pain?
  2. Does one breast hurt or both?
  3. Does pain depend on the monthly cycle?
  4. When did you notice the lump?
  5. When was the last time you had an ultrasound or mammogram?
  6. Which medical supplies do you use?
  7. Have you noticed any discharge from the nipple?

Having received the necessary information, the doctor will make the necessary appointments. Be attentive to your own health; timely diagnosis and treatment can prevent serious consequences.

Why do breasts hurt in women - causes, symptoms, solution to the problem

Chest pain in women is one of the most common female ailments, always causing concern, anxiety and even panic. It can have a number of causes, not all of which are dangerous and require treatment. Let's look at why your chest hurts, listen to the explanations of a medical specialist in the video and find out how to solve the problems that have arisen.

Even completely healthy mammary glands sometimes hurt. They are especially sensitive during hormonal changes, they can swell, and sometimes ladies feel painful thickenings under their fingers. The causes of such diseases, in most cases, are not dangerous. However, it is necessary to tell your doctor about them and take immediate measures to eliminate them.

Why does your chest hurt, reasons, what to do

Pain in the mammary glands can signal the approach of menstruation. It usually does not cause alarm, because you know when they are approaching " difficult days", you will experience discomfort in your body. Painful sensations in such a situation are caused by hormonal changes, which cause water retention in the body.

What to do. It is recommended to wear a well-fitted bra with a soft cup during this time. Avoid drinking strong coffee and tea before a difficult period, give up chocolate - these products contain ingredients that increase bleeding and soreness. However, when every movement increases pain, you should seek help from a doctor. He will appoint necessary examinations, which will allow you to identify and eliminate the cause.

It is necessary to periodically conduct self-examination of the mammary glands and diagnosis. And a mammologist will teach you how to do this correctly. I specially selected a detailed training video.

Breast pain during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pain is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Just a few days after ovulation, the sensitivity of the mammary glands increases; even a simple touch can cause discomfort.

Take a pregnancy test. If the result is positive, already in the first trimester sensitivity and pain will begin to increase. To solve the problem, avoid lace push-up bras. Massage of the glands will bring relief warm water while showering or using olive oil for babies. When the gland swells and redness appears, inflammation may have begun in it, which requires immediate attention. medical examination and treatment.

Feeding the baby may cause pain. In the first days after childbirth, when the mother begins to feed the baby, the nipples may hurt, which, out of habit, crack and bleed. In a later period, a common cause of pain is stagnation of milk.

To fix these problems:

  • lubricate your nipples with your milk or regenerating ointments for nursing mothers (calendula ointment helped me well, sea ​​buckthorn oil and rose hips, which I applied to the nipple after feeding on a piece of cotton wool);
  • if milk stagnation, feed the baby every hour;
  • Apply a warm compress to your breast before feeding;
  • During feeding, use light hand movements to massage the breasts from the base to the nipple, helping the outflow of milk;
  • then apply a cool compress to the mammary gland.

If milk stagnation occurs too often, seek medical help. It is also worth doing when the breasts swell, become hard, hot, and an increase in body temperature is felt. The clinic will prescribe painkillers and antibiotics that will cope with inflammation.

The picture shows other pathological and non-pathological pathological causes chest pains, look at them and remember them.

Pain in the mammary glands with mastopathy and tumors

Mastopathy is changes in the glandular and fatty tissue of the mammary gland that appear on a hormonal background. It is manifested by compaction in one or both mammary glands. Complaints about such phenomena most often occur in women between 30 and 50 years of age. It is recommended to observe and examine the glands every month. Mastopathy is not a cancerous disease, but changes in the tissues of the glands should be monitored - the doctor prescribes ultrasound and mammography. People use clay compresses for treatment.

The pain may be caused by a reaction to a pinched nerve when a tumor develops in the chest pressing on it. The pain in such a situation can be stabbing or burning, localized in a specific place. Symptoms may be accompanied by loss of sensation or tingling around (dull pain may indicate the presence of a cyst). In the case of such diseases, painkillers are used, but to find out the cause, you just need to visit a doctor and undergo an examination.

The picture clearly shows the symptoms of mastopathy and tumor processes in the mammary gland.

Why do breasts hurt during hormonal contraception?

Sometimes it happens that chest pain is caused by some hormonal contraceptives - this is due to the incorrect selection of the drug. A woman who experiences migraines, spotting between periods, or chest pain should see a doctor and change pills. Also, hormonal contraception requires strict adherence to the rules of administration so that it effectively protects you, does not harm your health, and does not cause discomfort in the mammary glands.

Correct use of hormonal contraception

What should I take the pills with? Be especially careful with fruit juices, they have a bad effect on the absorption of the drug (especially grapefruit juice). It is better not to drink them with coffee or tea. It is safest to use plain water.

You need more calcium. If you have been using contraception for a long time, it is necessary to monitor the level of calcium in the body. Disturbances in estrogen production caused by medications can increase the body's need for calcium. If it is deficient, problems with metabolism, blood clotting disorders, and the development of caries may occur. If there is a deficiency of this element, the body begins to “steal” the missing amount of minerals from the bones. This condition can result in the appearance of diseases. Therefore, look at which natural products contain calcium and be sure to include them in your diet.

Weakening the effect of drugs

1. If you smoke cigarettes and use hormonal pills, you could seriously harm yourself. This happens because nicotine, in combination with female hormone estrogen, increases blood clotting. This situation affects the formation of blood clots that block blood vessels, promotes thrombosis, blockage of the pulmonary artery, coronary disease hearts. This is especially true for young women over 35 years of age. If the doctor prescribed you pills without asking if you smoke cigarettes, it is better not to risk parting with bad habit.

2. If you take contraceptives for a long time, it is important to regularly check how hormones are affecting your liver. There is absolutely no need to wait until she “goes on strike” demanding help. After all, one of possible consequences the use of drugs may interfere with bile secretion.

3. Infection weakens the effect medicines. If, for example, you have the flu, vomiting and diarrhea, and less than an hour has passed since taking the pill, you should be especially careful. There is a possibility that the hormones did not have time to penetrate the blood and were removed from the body. Therefore, you cannot have any confidence that the tablets will remain effective.

4. When using hormonal contraception while losing weight, it may happen that the opposite effect is obtained and you gain 2-3 extra pounds. It is the fault of estrogen, which promotes water retention in the body, which causes swelling and slight weight gain. Once you get used to the drug, your weight should stabilize. If you continue to gain weight, go to the gynecologist.

5. There are medications that interact with contraceptives, reducing their effectiveness. This is how antibiotics, sedatives, sleeping pills, antifungal and diuretic drugs, and the herb St. John's wort work. Even Activated carbon reduces the absorption of hormones into the blood. Stomach problems and components of antidepressants have a bad effect on the liver, so hormones are removed from the body and their insufficient levels do not provide protection against unwanted pregnancy.

In the video, the doctor will tell you in more detail why women have breast pain:

  • what are the pains in the mammary glands;
  • will indicate the most common reasons their appearance;
  • will tell you which specialist to contact;
  • what research needs to be done.

In the article, we looked at a number of reasons why women have breast pain, symptoms of disease, and what to do to solve the problem. But to preserve your priceless women's health If you feel unwell, contact us immediately qualified assistance and examination to avoid dangerous diseases. Good to know: about the three periods of menopause, how to eat properly during menopause.


Breast pain: causes

Today on the website we will talk about a problem that affects women of any age: what are the reasons that the mammary glands hurt? We will tell you not only about the reasons for the appearance of this kind of pain, but also about when it is worth taking some measures immediately.