Medicinal plants. Properties and uses of the herb licorice


Liquorice translated from Latin means “licorice (sweet) root.” And this plant is popularly known as licorice naked. Its other names are licorice, smooth licorice and yellow root.

Biological characteristics

Liquorice belongs to the group of perennial herbaceous plants and is part of the legume family. It can spread over large areas. The main root reaches a length of up to 5 meters; additional roots extend horizontally from it to the sides. The plant system can extend several meters underground.

The straight stem, covered with small fluff, grows from 50 to 150 cm. The leaves consist of several small oval leaflets. Licorice blooms all summer, and the fruits ripen in early autumn. This medicinal herb unpretentious to soil and moisture. Grows in temperate climates on almost all types of soil.

Chemical composition

Medicinal properties in to a greater extent inherent in licorice root.

  1. Its rich chemical composition includes organic acids, essential oil, tannins and resins.
  2. Due to the content of carbohydrates, sucrose, fructose, maltose and glucose, the plant has a sweetish taste.
  3. Flavonoids, fatty and phenolcarboxylic acids were also found in the rhizome.

The stem and leaves contain carbohydrates, essential oil and lipids. The grass also contains saponins, carotene and ascorbic acid.

Preparation and storage rules

For cooking medicinal drugs The root of the plant is used because it has the strongest healing properties. You need to collect raw materials in early spring, while the licorice is dormant, or in the fall, when the stems and leaves have already begun to die. It is necessary to choose roots at least 1 cm thick and at least 25 cm long.

The raw materials must be washed with water, cut into small pieces and laid out on a horizontal surface to dry. It is not advisable to dry it in the oven so that the beneficial substances do not evaporate and are destroyed. You can store it in a linen bag or glass container under a tight lid for about 10 years.

Why is it useful?

The healing properties of licorice have been known since ancient times. And now the plant is widely used in both official and folk medicine. Licorice gives anti-inflammatory, expectorant, diuretic and antispasmodic effects.

Folk recipes

Licorice decoction is used to treat prostate adenoma. The instructions for preparing it are very simple:

  1. Grind the dried licorice root.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of raw material into two glasses of water.
  3. Cook for 10 minutes over low heat.
  4. Allow the medicine to cool and strain.

The healing properties of this drink are manifested if you drink it three times a day, 2/3 glasses, 30 minutes before meals. After 3 weeks you need to take a break and take a decoction of burdock roots for 21 days. Then alternate both means.

Infusion for asthma

For bronchial asthma it is useful to take an infusion. To prepare it, you need:

  1. Mix 30 grams of root and 500 ml of water.
  2. Cook for 10 minutes after boiling over low heat.
  3. Cool and strain the infusion.

You need to drink the drug one tablespoon 4 times a day.

Cough syrup

The antitussive properties of licorice are best known. It has an enveloping and softening effect on the respiratory tract, promotes accelerated mucus removal. The syrup is taken:

  • for asthma, allergic cough, colds and pneumonia;
  • very often prescribed for children with whooping cough;
  • helps fight coughing attacks.

An excellent cough remedy is ready-made syrup. You can purchase it at the pharmacy chain or prepare it yourself. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 5 grams of licorice root extract;
  • 100 ml sugar syrup;
  • 10 grams of medical alcohol.

The components must be carefully handled and stored in the refrigerator. Drink 5-10 ml of the finished product, diluting it with water. Take three times a day after meals.

Application for weight loss

Licorice-based products are useful for weight loss. The plant accelerates metabolic processes in the body and activates the elimination of toxins. Licorice root is often used as a natural sugar substitute to cut down on carbohydrates.

Liquorice is also useful for weight loss because it reduces the production of gastric juice. In other words, it reduces appetite and curbs cravings for fatty and sweet foods.


For the purpose of losing weight, take an infusion. To prepare, you need to pour a teaspoon of dry root into a glass of boiling water. The drink should be allowed to brew for about an hour, strain and drink one tablespoon before meals.


Despite wide application, licorice preparations have their own contraindications and side effects. The plant is harmful to pregnant and lactating women, and for children under three years of age it can be dangerous and cause severe allergic reactions. The use of licorice products for hypertensive patients is also not recommended, since it increases blood pressure.

There are also contraindications for people suffering from kidney disease. This is explained by the fact that the plant complicates the removal of fluid from the body. It is not advisable to carry out treatment for those who have eye diseases. Liquorice can cause great harm to people with overactive adrenal glands.

Side effects after long-term use of licorice-based medications include swelling, gynecomastia, increased blood pressure and deterioration of hair growth. Therefore, it is necessary not only to strictly adhere to the dosage, but also not to take the plant for more than 6 weeks. For children, medications are prescribed for no longer than a week.

Serious contraindications to taking drugs from this plant - chronic diseases liver, cirrhosis and potassium deficiency in the body. Liquorice in large doses can be harmful men's health and negatively affect potency. You should not take licorice root for weight loss for too long, as this can disrupt your hormonal balance.

Naked licorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra. Other names: Liquorice, Naked licorice, Smooth licorice, Licorice. Legume family (Fabaceae).

Botanical characteristics

Perennial herbaceous plant. Grows on coastal pebbles, outcrops, foothills, old deposits, in small groups or singly.

The root is powerful, woody, and sweet in taste. Stem up to 1.2 m tall, weakly branched, glabrous. The leaves are petiolate, imparipinnate, with early falling lanceolate stipules and with 4-6 pairs of oblong-ovate leaflets with a wedge-shaped base and a short apex. The flowers are moth-like, up to 1 cm long, with a purple corolla and a calyx covered with pinpoint glands and scattered hairs, collected in an oblong inflorescence, up to 4 cm long, in the axils of the leaves. The fruit is a flat, elliptical shape with straight thin spines, a bean twisted into a dense spherical head, self-cracking when ripe. Blooms in July–August, bears fruit in September–October. Several species grow. All species have healing properties, can be used similarly for medicinal purposes.


It grows wild in the southeast of the European part of the country, in the Caucasus and in Central Asia on the banks of rivers, along roads, on sand, like a weed in fields and vegetable gardens. Cultivated as a medicinal plant.

Plant parts used

Medicinal raw materials are rhizomes, aerial parts of the plant, leaves, and seeds. Roots are harvested at any time of the year, better in spring or autumn. They are chopped to a depth of 30-40 cm, crushed and dried at a temperature not exceeding 50°C in dryers. The above-ground part is collected during flowering, the fruits as they ripen.

All parts of the plant contain organic acids (glycyrrhizic acid and its potassium and calcium salts), flavone compounds, glycosides (liquirinite, liquiritigenin, liquiritoside), vitamins, essential oil, bitters, coumarins, etc. The sweet taste of licorice is given by saponin - glycyrrhizin (up to 23 %).

Roots different types Licorice is included in all domestic pharmacopoeias and in many countries around the world.

Application and medicinal properties

Licorice preparations have expectorant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, laxative, diuretic, antihistamine, and antitumor properties.

Herbal preparations of licorice are widely used in medical practice as an expectorant, enveloping, cough softener for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, with advanced inflammatory manifestations, especially in children and the elderly. They are used as adjuvant therapy with Addison's disease, decreased function of the adrenal cortex, with lupus, allergic dermatitis, pemphigus.

Drugs various types licorice "Liquiriton" and "Flacarbin" are recommended as an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic agent for gastritis, gastric ulcers and duodenum. "Glyciram" has a stimulating effect on the function of the adrenal cortex, changes the ratio of sodium and potassium ions in the blood, and has antiallergic properties. It is used for bronchial asthma, hypotensive syndrome of various origins, eczema, dermatitis. In France, Great Britain, and the USA, patented ointments, powders, and injection preparations of all types of licorice are used to treat rheumatism, asthma, dermatitis, diseases of the skin, eyes, ears, nose, and oral cavity.

Licorice preparations have antiviral, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory properties, exhibit hypotensive, capillary-strengthening, antibacterial, expectorant, and antitumor effects; enveloping, mild laxative. It is used for various diseases: flu, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcer, malignant tumors, diseases genitourinary system, as an antiviral; externally – for the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, lupus erythematosus, in cosmetics, for strengthening and growth of hair.


  • Infusion of licorice root: 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed raw materials are poured with 1 cup of boiling water and left at room temperature for 1 hour. Strain and take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day as an expectorant for colds, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia.
  • Decoction of licorice rhizome: 1 tbsp. l. crushed rhizomes, pour 1 glass of water and boil for 10 minutes, settle. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day or used externally to irrigate wounds, applying lotions and pustular wounds.
  • A decoction of the rhizome of licorice and horsetail, goat's rue herb: 2 tbsp. l. a mixture of plants taken in equal quantities is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. Leave for 30 minutes, filter. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for diabetes.

Ready-made medications are used according to the instructions included with the medications.


Licorice is contraindicated during pregnancy. hypertension, heart failure, obesity.

Use in nutrition. Licorice root extract is used in the food industry for making beer, lemonade, and kvass. Licorice is also used when soaking apples and making marshmallows.

Licorice root has a softening effect on coughs, antiviral, antibacterial and antitoxic effects, inhibits the growth of tumors, promotes the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens natural protective forces body. Root medicinal plant has found wide application in treatment recipes traditional medicine, drugs, dietary supplement NSP in capsules and tablets and the drug of the same name Licorice Root.

Synonyms: smooth licorice, licorice, licorice.

Latin name: naked licorice - Glycyrrhiza glabra.

English name: Liquorice.

English name for licorice root: Licorice root.

Family: Legumes - Fabaceae.

Synonyms: licorice root, licorice, smooth licorice, licorice root, licorice.

Pharmacy name: Licorice root - Liquiritiae radix.

Parts used: root.

Botanical description: the rhizome is thick, multi-headed, woody; produces one vertical, penetrating several meters (up to 5 m), simple or slightly branched root and a horizontal complex network of 5-30 stolon roots 1-2 meters long and lying at a depth of 30-40 cm. The rhizomes and roots are brown on the outside, on the fracture - yellowish. There are several stems, they are erect, simple or slightly branched, short-fluffy, from 0.5-0.8 to 2 m high. The leaves are alternate, imparipinnate, 5-20 cm long, consist of 3-10 pairs of oval or oblong-ovate, entire leaves with points at the top. Licorice leaves are covered with sticky dotted glands. The stipules are small, subulate, and fall off by the time of flowering. Flowers are 8-12 mm in diameter, in loose 5-8-flowered axillary racemes, peduncles 3-5 cm long. Calyx with narrow lanceolate teeth equal to or larger than the tube. The corolla is whitish-violet, irregular, moth-like. The fruit is a leathery, straight or curved brown bean with 2-6 seeds, 2-3 cm long, 4-6 mm wide, bare or covered with glandular spines. The seeds are kidney-shaped, shiny, greenish-gray or brownish. Licorice blooms from June to August. The fruits ripen in August - September.

Habitat: licorice is cosmopolitan, it is found in the temperate and subtropical zones of Eurasia and America, North Africa and Australia.

In Ukraine, licorice is found sporadically in saline areas, clayey and sandy coastal slopes, shell rocks, in the steppes of the Azov region, occasionally in the Crimea, in the Donetsk, Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions.

Collection and preparation: In late autumn, licorice roots are dug up, washed, if possible cleaned and dried in the sun. Licorice juice is obtained from the roots by boiling them and then drying them in a vacuum; at the same time it is pressed into sticks, the so-called licorice.

Chemical composition: licorice roots and rhizomes contain carbohydrates and related compounds (glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose), polysaccharides (starch up to 34%, cellulose up to 30%), organic acids (succinic, fumaric, citric, malic, tartaric), essential oil, triterpenoids (glycyrrhizic acid), resins, steroids (β-sitosterol), phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives (ferulic, sinomic, salicylic), coumarins (gerniarin, umbelliferone, etc.), tannins (8.3-14.2%), flavonoids (liquiritin, isoliquiritin, liquiritoside, quercetin, kaempferol, apigenin, etc.), higher aliphatic hydrocarbons and alcohols, higher fatty acids, alkaloids.

In the aerial part of licorice, carbohydrates (up to 2.13%), polysaccharides, organic acids (up to 2.5), essential oil (0.02), triterpenoids (glycyrrhizic acid, in the hydrolyzate - glycyrrhetic and other steroids, β-sitosterol) were found , glycestrone), triterpene saponins, coumarins (1.9-2.4), tannins (5.5), flavonoids (isoquercitrin, quercetin, kaempferol, etc.), lipids (6.26%), nitrogen-containing compounds (choline , betaine), vitamins ( ascorbic acid, carotene).

The composition of essential licorice oil includes aldehydes, ketones, alcohols and their derivatives, terpenoids, aromatic compounds, higher aliphatic hydrocarbons, esters of higher fatty acids.

Licorice root - medicinal properties and uses

Licorice root has been used for medicinal purposes for more than 5,000 years, judging by ancient Chinese treatises. It is widely used not only in folk, but also in official medicine.

Liquorice root included in drugs, dietary supplement NSP Licorice root (licorice root concentrate in capsules) , Bupleroom plus , Stomach comfort , Nature Lax , Osteo Plus , Lozenges with zinc , C-Ex , FC with Dong Qua , HP Fighter in capsules, tablets, produced in the USA according to international standard GMP quality for medicines.

Licorice root in the preparation, dietary supplement NSP in capsules.

Licorice root contains glycyrrhizic acid, its potassium and calcium salts, flavone glycosides, glucose, cirritic bitterness, linveritic acid, asparagine, vitamins, as well as glycyrrhizin, which is 50 times sweeter than regular sugar and acts like cortisone (a steroid hormone).

Licorice root has anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antiallergic effects and regulates water-salt metabolism.

Licorice root is very often used to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers.

The therapeutic effectiveness of licorice root is manifested in its antispasmodic effect, relaxation of smooth muscles, reduction of secretion of the digestive glands, stimulation of the production of gastric juice (secret), and general strengthening effect. It is an expectorant, enveloping, urinary and choleretic agent. Licorice root has a softening effect on coughs, inhibits the growth of tumors, has antiviral, antibacterial and antitoxic effects, promotes the normal functioning of the stomach, and stimulates peristalsis. gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract), strengthens the body's natural defenses.

Licorice root has a beneficial effect on the following symptoms:

  • respiratory tract diseases (bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchial and pulmonary pneumonia, etc.);
  • chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum;
  • chronic spastic colitis with a tendency to constipation;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • acute and chronic pyelonephritis;
  • hypofunction of the adrenal cortex;
  • Addison's disease (bronze disease);
  • diabetes mellitus (especially in children);
  • obesity in childhood;
  • skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, etc.);
  • radiation contamination;
  • poisoning
Licorice root in folk medicine

The effect of licorice root and the syrup obtained from it can be defined as expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antispastic. Therefore, the root and syrup from licorice root are used to treat coughs, and the syrup is used for gastritis and stomach ulcers. In addition, licorice is included in numerous mixtures for teas and decoctions for coughs and expectorants, especially often in stomach teas. But both licorice root and syrup can be used as independent remedies.

  • Recipe for licorice root juice for gastritis and stomach ulcers: about 1 g of juice is diluted with 100 ml hot water. This solution should be drunk in its entirety, moderately warm, in 2-3 doses.

Mannfried Palov offers two mixtures (one against bronchitis, the other for stomach diseases), which have proven themselves very well in practice:

Licorice root treatment

Self-medication is dangerous! Before treating at home, consult your doctor.

  1. Prostate adenoma(prostatitis). Recipe 1. Pour a tablespoon of licorice roots into 500 ml of boiled water. room temperature. In the morning, bring to a boil in a water bath, boil for 3-5 minutes, leave for 15 minutes. Strain, bring the volume to 500 ml with boiling water and pour into a thermos. Drink 100 ml warm after meals.
    Recipe 2. Pour a tablespoon of crushed licorice roots into an enamel bowl with 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid, and heat in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes. Strain through a double layer of gauze and squeeze out the mixture. Bring the resulting quantity to the original volume. Drink 40 ml warm before meals.
    Recipe 3. Pour two tablespoons of licorice roots into 1 liter of water, cook for 10 minutes over low heat, strain. Take 50 ml decoction before meals 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.
  2. Bronchitis acute. Recipe 1. Pour a tablespoon of crushed root into 400 ml of boiled water, close the lid and boil for 30 minutes. Leave for 15 minutes. Strain and top up to original volume. Drink 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day. Inadmissible during pregnancy.
    Recipe 2. Boil 10-12 grams of crushed root in 600 ml of boiled water. Drink 30-40 ml 3-4 times a day.
  3. Acute bronchopneumonia. As an expectorant, use extract from crushed licorice root, syrup in the form of a decoction: 10-12 grams of crushed root per 600 ml of water. Take 50 ml after meals.
  4. Restoring adrenal function. Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed licorice root into a thermos with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 5 hours and take 1 tablespoon of the infusion 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month, then a month off, and the course is repeated again. If you have hypertension, take medications containing licorice with caution!
  5. Haemorrhoids. Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed root into 200 ml of boiled water, close the lid and heat in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes. Leave for 10 minutes. Strain and top up to original volume. Drink 200-300 ml per day as a laxative.
  6. Herpes. Brew 2 teaspoons of licorice root in a thermos with 2.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 45 minutes, strain and take 1 tablespoon every 2-3 hours. The course of treatment is 7 days. The roots of licorice glabra contain glycyrrhizic acid, which irreversibly destroys the herpes virus, blocks its penetration deep into cells, and also promotes the body’s production of its own interferon.
  7. Longevity. Pour 1 tablespoon of licorice rhizomes into 200 ml of boiled water and heat in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Drink daily as a strong tonic with ginseng-like action, which ensures extended longevity.
  8. Constipation. 1 tbsp. crushed root, pour 200 ml of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 1 hour. Strain and top up to original volume. Drink 200-300 ml of tincture per day.
  9. Itchy skin on nervous soil . Take a tablespoon of licorice root and pour a glass of water at room temperature. Place on fire in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then strain and drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
  10. Immunomodulator. Pour 2 tablespoons of licorice roots into 1 liter of water, cook for 10 minutes over low heat, strain. Drink ½ glass in the morning before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  11. Cough. Take 1-2 teaspoons of licorice root syrup 3-4 times a day.
  12. Whooping cough. Pour a teaspoon of crushed root into 200 ml of boiled cow's milk, leave for 30 minutes, drink throughout the day.
  13. Radiation sickness. Recipe 1. Pour a tablespoon of crushed root into 200 ml of hot boiled water in an enamel bowl and heat in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes. Cool and leave for 15 minutes. Strain and squeeze. Drink 50 ml 15 minutes before meals.
    Recipe 2. Pour a tablespoon of crushed roots into 500 ml of boiled water and heat in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Strain and squeeze. Drink 2 tablespoons after meals.
  14. Mushroom poisoning. Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed root into 200 ml of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 1 hour. Strain and top up to original volume. Drink 200-300 ml per day for mushroom poisoning.
  15. Acute pancreatitis. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed licorice root, 2 tbsp. , pour 500 ml of water, leave overnight. In the morning, heat in a boiling water bath for 5 minutes. Strain and drink throughout the day. Drink after meals.
  16. Spastic constipation. Take 1 teaspoon of smooth licorice root powder in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed, with a small amount of boiled water.
  17. Stimulation immune system . Pour 1 tablespoon of licorice roots with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes, strain. Drink 1/2 glass in the morning. The course of treatment is 1.5-2 months.
  18. Skin rash. Pour 1 kg of naked licorice roots into 3 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Pour the infusion into the bath.
  19. Pulmonary tuberculosis. Take a decoction of crushed licorice root powder: 10-12 grams of crushed root per 200 ml of boiled water. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals.
  20. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum(with normal acidity). Pour a tablespoon of crushed licorice root into 200 ml of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 1 hour, strain and top up to the original volume. During treatment, drink 200-300 ml of infusion per day.

Side effects: with moderate consumption are unknown; with longer use of licorice root preparations, water retention in the body may occur with mild swelling, especially in the face and joints of the feet. Sodium excretion decreases and potassium excretion increases. Possible increase in blood pressure. Interaction with other drugs when used in moderation is unknown.

Contraindications. Licorice root should not be used for liver cirrhosis, edema, pregnancy and lactation, hepatic and renal failure, potassium deficiency in the body and individual intolerance to substances in the product.

Comment. Licorice root preparations should not be used for a long time in conjunction with potassium-sparing diuretics, such as spironolactone, triamterene or amiloride. Due to the loss of potassium, the effect of cardiac glycosides may increase. The retention of sodium and water in the body can be regulated with medications that lower blood pressure. Treatment with licorice root high doses should be carried out no longer than 4-6 weeks. During this time, it is necessary to add potassium-rich foods to your food (for example,).

Store licorice root in a dry place protected from light.

This is a perennial plant of the legume family, translated from Latin as “sweet root”. Other names are licorice, licorice root, licorice, licorice root. Licorice medicinal lime has been used since ancient times in Tibet as an antidote; in China it is considered the root of longevity and a means of cleansing and rejuvenating the body. In Russia it is used as an effective remedy for the treatment of all types of cough in both folk and traditional medicine.

Description of licorice

It is known that more than 20 species of plants - rough, Bukhara, bristly, Macedonian, three-leaved - the most common types:

Licorice naked– this species has the greatest medical value.

What naked licorice looks like - photo of the plant

Its stem is bare (hence its name) reaches up to one and a half meters in height, erect, with little branching. Licorice leaves are lanceolate, alternate, up to 20 mm in diameter, covered with sticky glands, and fall off before flowering. The flowers are purple in color, collected in a brush. Blooms from early to late summer. The fruits are in the form of sickle-shaped beans with seeds and ripen in early autumn. The root is branched, powerful and grows up to 4 meters. It is brown on the outside and yellow on the inside.

- grows throughout the Urals. The flowers are larger and the blooms are more abundant.

Ural licorice – plant photo

Transbaikal licorice– a rare plant species, listed in the Red Book. It grows in the Trans-Baikal Territory in a few thickets near lakes, ravines, in steppes and meadows. It blooms with yellow flowers with a purple center. The collection and preparation of this type of plant is prohibited.

Where does it grow

Licorice glabra prefers areas of the steppe, semi-desert and desert zones. Grows in Central Asia, southern Russia (Caucasus, Crimea, Krasnodar region). It can be found in the coastal zone, in river valleys and floodplains, in steppes and semi-deserts, in meadows, along roads, among bushes. It is not demanding on soil; it grows on chernozem, clayey, sandy and saline soil. Artificially grown in China, Spain, Italy, Greece, Iran.

Only the root of the plant is used for medicinal purposes.


Licorice root is collected in spring or autumn. The roots of the plant are dug up, cleaned, washed, crushed and dried, spread out in a small layer in a well-ventilated and protected from direct sun rays place. The shelf life of dried raw materials is 10 years.

Licorice - medicinal properties and contraindications

Chemical composition

Licorice herb contains a lot of useful substances:

  • Saponins;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Asparagine;
  • Carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose, fructose, maltose);
  • Essential oils;
  • Organic acids (succinic, malic, citric, tartaric);
  • Comedy;
  • Resins;
  • Polysaccharides (starch, pectin, cellulose);

What is good about licorice - its medicinal properties

Licorice (licorice) has the following medicinal effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antipyretic;
  • Wound healing;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Antiviral;
  • Expectorants;
  • Emollient;
  • Painkillers;
  • Stimulating;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Antitoxic.

Dry pharmaceutical raw materials have all beneficial properties fresh root

What does licorice root help with?

  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract (sore throat, bronchitis, pharyngitis, asthma, pneumonia);
  • Poisoning and food intoxication;
  • All types of cough;
  • Diseases of cardio-vascular system;
  • Metabolic dysfunctions;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Inflammations of the genitourinary system;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Liver failure;
  • Violations of water-salt balance;
  • Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Infectious diseases - influenza, ARVI, colds;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (helps strengthen blood vessels and capillaries);
  • Weakened immunity;
  • Gynecological problems;
  • Prostatitis and adenoma;
  • Skin ailments (eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis).

A powder is prepared from the roots of the plant, which is also used for medicinal purposes.


  • High pressure;
  • Adrenal hypersensitivity;
  • Heart failure;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Tendency to thrombosis;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Individual intolerance to components.

Licorice - methods of use: benefits and harms

Based on the plant, decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures, and teas are prepared; licorice root syrup is widely used as an effective remedy for any type of cough. These drugs can be purchased ready-made or can be prepared at home.

The crushed root is used to prepare medicines.

Tea – 10 grams of licorice raw material (chopped root) is placed in the brewer, poured with boiling water, covered and infused. Strain and consume warm during the day. The drink has an antioxidant effect and increases the body's endurance. To prepare tea, you can use pharmaceutical licorice root powder.

Licorice root tincture – put the chopped roots (half full) into a glass jar and fill it with vodka (76% alcohol can be used), put it in a dark place for two weeks to infuse (the container must be shaken periodically). Then it is filtered and used for treatment.

Licorice tincture: instructions for use - indicated for adults to take 20-25 drops diluted with water twice a day. The antiviral effect of licorice root activates the production of interferon, which is effective against influenza, ARVI, herpes and even AIDS.

Licorice decoction – chopped root (2 tablespoons) and 300 ml. boiling water is placed in a water bath to infuse for 1/3 hour. Filter, bring the volume of liquid to its original value and use it for medicinal purposes.

The drink has a lot of beneficial properties for the body.

Licorice root: instructions for use– take for ten days, dosage for adults – a tablespoon 4 times a day, for children – a teaspoon 2-3 times a day. Helps fight chronic fatigue, overwork, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, stabilizes sleep, has an antidepressant effect, lowers cholesterol levels, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system. A decoction of the roots in milk is effective for children with whooping cough.

Infusion – crushed licorice root (a tablespoon) is placed in a glass of boiling water, covered and kept in a warm place to infuse for half an hour. Strain and take 20 ml three times a day. before eating.

Juice – Licorice roots can be used to make juice. To do this, they are ground in a meat grinder and squeezed through cheesecloth. The product turns out to be highly concentrated and to reduce the concentration, one gram of juice is diluted with 1/2 cup of boiled water and drunk during the day in three doses. Used to accelerate the healing of stomach ulcers and gastritis.

Benefits and harms

If you follow the instructions and dosage, licorice preparations will bring a lot of benefits and no harm. Overdose is possible side effects as allergic reaction, itching, rash and diarrhea.

Licorice root syrup - instructions for use

Licorice syrup is effective means From cough. Indications for use are diseases respiratory system, lungs and bronchi.

How to make and take licorice syrup

Recipe– take liquid licorice root extract (a teaspoon), 1/3 cups of sugar syrup and a tablespoon of alcohol. Used for dry cough, colds, gastritis, stomach ulcers. It has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects, helps in wound healing, and fights staphylococci.

You can buy ready-made licorice root syrup at the pharmacy.

Instructions for use for adults

Adults take a tablespoon with water three times a day after meals. Treatment is carried out for ten days; longer use can increase blood pressure and reduce the concentration of potassium in the body.

Instructions for use for children

Licorice syrup is given to children as a medicine against all types of cough (dry and wet). Helps soften mucus and remove it, stimulates the body's immunity and defenses.

The mixture tastes sweet and will be pleasant and useful for children

How to give licorice to children– children under one year of age are allowed to take licorice in the form of syrup, 2 drops per day. From 2 to 12 years – half a teaspoon three times a day. A child from 12 years old can drink a teaspoon three times a day. Take within 10 days.

Licorice is an effective cough remedy for both children and adults

How to take licorice for a cough

What cough does it help with?– the plant is an effective anti-inflammatory and expectorant. Used for dry and wet cough. When dry, it softens phlegm and mucus formed in the bronchi. When wet, it facilitates expectoration and accelerates the elimination of germs.

Licorice contains phytoestrogens, which will help improve menstrual cycle and alleviate the condition during menopause.

The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, whitening and anti-aging properties of the plant are widely used in for cosmetic purposes. Licorice is used as an additive in shampoos, tonics, creams, gels, soaps and toothpastes for body care. Due to its ability to produce collagen, the root is included in cosmetics - anti-aging creams for the face and skin.

The plant has a beneficial effect on women's health

Licorice for weight loss

The root normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, activates digestion and metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins and waste, and removes excess fluid. All these actions help you quickly and painlessly get rid of extra pounds.

Licorice during pregnancy

Treatment with licorice during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended. The components of the plant change the water-salt balance and can cause swelling, increased blood pressure and hormonal activity.

Ready-made medicines in a pharmacy

Licorice extract – is a thick brown mass of sweet taste. It is used as antiviral agent for the treatment of dermatitis, eczema, herpes and staphylococcus. As well as an expectorant and antispasmodic. Extract soothes nervous system and cleanses the body. When used externally, it reduces age spots and activates collagen production.

Instructions for use – used as an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and expectorant for coughs and gastrointestinal diseases.

Licorice tablets – pills are a root extract. They have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, expectorant and laxative effects.
Indications: asthma, dermatitis, adrenal dysfunction, asthenic syndrome.

Licorice root syrup – used as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant to facilitate coughing up viscous, thick secretions. Concomitant use“Pertussina” with licorice accelerates the process of cleansing the respiratory system.

Pertussin, like licorice, is available in the form of syrup

Thermopsis syrup with licorice – produced on the basis of plant raw materials in the form of a liquid mixture for adults and children. Effective drug expectorant action for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, tracheitis and cough with difficult-to-discharge viscous mucus. Thermopsis with licorice has a stimulating and irritating effect and speeds up the coughing process. According to its action, the drug can replace other cough medications.

Thermopsis syrup with licorice is an analogue of such drugs as Coldrex and Codelac Broncho.

"Glycyram" - a preparation based on licorice roots, release form - tablets and granules. Indications for use – availability bronchial asthma, dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, dermatitis, eczema, Addison's disease.

Traditional medicine recipes

Lymph cleansing with licorice – dysfunction lymphatic system entails clogging it with metabolic products, as a result bile stagnates, constipation appears, and becomes inflamed bladder, rashes, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, etc. form on the skin.

How to clean– to eliminate these unpleasant processes, you need to cleanse the lymph nodes with licorice root. To do this, dilute a tablespoon of syrup with a glass of hot water and drink three times a day before meals.

Cleansing the lymphatic system with enterosgel with licorice – enterosgel is a sorbent that collects and removes waste products and decay. Licorice increases the efficiency and speed of removal of toxins and waste from the lymph system.

Mode of application– drink a decoction with licorice root on an empty stomach twice a day, 1/4 cup. Enterosgel is taken half an hour after taking licorice. They do not eat for an hour and a half, the cleansing course is 14 days.

Cleansing the lymphatic system with activated charcoal and licorice – this procedure will cleanse not only the lymphatic system, but the entire body as a whole. To do this, taking licorice should alternate with taking activated carbon, its dose is a 10 kg tablet. weight.

The combined use of drugs has a powerful cleansing effect

For respiratory diseases – for treatment it is necessary to use the roots of licorice, elecampane and marshmallow (all in equal quantities) and 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture are brewed into 400 ml. boiling water Insist and take 1/2 cup every three hours.

Licorice for gastritis – It’s good to take licorice juice diluted in a third of a glass of water. Take three times a day. The drink will also help with stomach and duodenal ulcers.

With weakened immunity – an infusion of licorice root helps a lot. It needs to be taken long time with short breaks.

For vascular disease – the root renders positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes them more elastic, and normalizes lipid metabolism.

For impotence – the plant is an aphrodisiac, increases blood flow in the erogenous zone and stimulates sexual desire.

For age spots on the face – wipe the skin well with an alcohol infusion or a decoction of licorice root twice a day until the desired result is obtained.

For adenoma and prostatitis – place the crushed root in the amount of two tablespoons in a container with 400 ml. boiling water and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Leave for a couple of hours to infuse, then strain and drink 1 tbsp every four hours. spoon before eating. Licorice included complex therapy increases the effectiveness of the medicine and alleviates the symptoms of the disease.

For stomach diseases – take a herbal mixture with licorice root, mint, lemon balm and centaury (raw materials are taken in proportions 4:1:1:1) and a tablespoon of the mixture is placed in a teapot, infused and drunk throughout the day. Relieves inflammation, pain, spasms, treats gastritis and ulcers.