Physiotherapy after pneumonia. Physiotherapeutic procedures for pneumonia in children: techniques, indications and contraindications. UHF electromagnetic field

Currently, the entire complex medical procedures divided into several types: surgery, drug treatment, physiotherapy, ethnoscience. Many of us have attended some physiotherapy procedures for one reason or another, however, few people really understand what physiotherapy is, what it relates to, and what effect it has.

Physiotherapy is treatment using natural processes or reformed in the direction of enhancing the therapeutic effect. This set of procedures includes well-known magnetic methods, as well as all kinds of inhalations, massage, physical therapy, etc. The essence of the treatment is to increase the natural strength of the body, stimulating it to recover.

Physiotherapy for pneumonia is the second most important healing method. In the first place is medicinal direct destruction of the pathogen. And physiotherapeutic procedures for pneumonia are required to correct its negative effects, cleanse the lungs, reduce to the maximum the possible negative consequences of the disease, namely: reduce swelling, prevent tissue scarring, soften existing scars, improve blood circulation, relieving inflammation, increase the influx of immune cells and nutrients necessary for complete tissue restoration, provide local treatment, cleanse the respiratory system and much more.

Physiotherapy for pneumonia contains the following procedures:

  1. Inhalations.
  2. Ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Inductothermy.
  4. UHF electromagnetic field.
  5. Decimeter wave therapy.
  6. Magnetotherapy.
  7. Thermal procedures.
  8. Aromatherapy.
  9. Therapeutic breathing.
  10. Therapeutic exercise.


The healing properties of inhalations for diseases respiratory system no one will doubt it. Inhalations are a suspension of very small drops of water, which carry a certain set of medicinal substances that enter directly into the inflamed tissues themselves, providing local treatment.

Inhalation preparations may contain: Excipients, which soften and soothe the lungs, stimulate regeneration, as well as substances that can kill the pathogen. Getting directly to the affected organs, saturated blood vessels, medications are instantly absorbed, immediately beginning to act where needed, having much less side effects on the rest of the body.

Steam inhalations directly warm the diseased organ, improving blood circulation, and small drops of a solution that does not even contain any medicines, liquefy phlegm and clots, cleanse the lungs.

During the recovery period, inhalations clear the airways, helping the ciliated epithelium that has been damaged by this time, preventing the formation of adhesions, as well as the increase in scarring.

However, it is necessary to use inhalations after the stage of turning the disease towards the recovery process, when the patient no longer has edematous or purulent processes in the lungs, so as not to aggravate them with excess fluid.

Ultraviolet radiation

Ultraviolet radiation is the heating of the chest and back under light waves of the ultraviolet spectrum. This procedure It activates blood circulation very well, the strengthening of which has many useful functions.

Firstly, immunity increases, since more immune cells produced by the bone marrow circulate through diseased lungs.

Secondly, drugs quickly reach the area of ​​inflammation and toxins are eliminated faster with excess fluid, preventing poisoning by the products of the process of fighting the disease and the vital activity of the pathogen, as well as pulmonary edema.

Thirdly, gas exchange improves, which reduces the hypoxic effect of the disease.

Fourthly, infiltrates resolve (compactions from blood-purulent masses, immune cells, pathogens with body tissues, which are very difficult to remove and can also lead to abscesses, adhesions, scarring).

Ultraviolet irradiation is usually carried out for chronic pneumonia and mild to moderate pneumonia.

Electrophoresis is a method of exposing a diseased area of ​​the body to a direct current of low voltage and strength, which is invisible to the patient, but is sufficient to decompose drugs into ions with attraction to the area of ​​influence.

Electrophoresis for pneumonia creates an increased concentration of drugs in the lungs, and a decreased concentration in other areas of the body. This enhances the therapeutic effect in the area of ​​inflammation, reducing them toxic effect to other fabrics. In addition, the procedure has a good analgesic and anti-edematous effect. The current strength is selected individually depending on the sensitivity of the patient; the higher it is, the stronger the effect. For pneumonia, it is often prescribed in combination with UHF.

This procedure is indicated for a huge variety of diseases, and is not recommended for acute febrile conditions, tumors, severe negative changes in the skin in the area of ​​​​exposure and an individual ban on the patient from exposure to electric shock.

UHF electromagnetic field

Method of influence using electromagnetic field UHF on the affected area is used for severe inflammation in conjunction with antibacterial drugs. This effect of electro magnetic field improves blood circulation, but at the same time carries out a kind of limitation of the affected area, preventing its growth with the transfer of infection to neighboring tissues. The great advantage of the procedure is its ability to penetrate deep tissues. internal organs, where other methods of physiotherapy do not reach, warm them up, increasing the flow of fluids.

Operating principle: a weak magnetic field freely penetrates inside the body, creating weak electric currents, which cannot overcome the resistance of internal fluids and begin to heat them. Directed at a specific organ, UHF causes a rush of blood to it, and with it immune cells, medications and nutrients. The outflow of blood removes metabolic products from it, facilitating the healing process.

UHF in pneumonia prevents the development the most dangerous consequences– pleurisy, helps speed up the fight against bacterial pathogens. Contraindications for use, as with other physiotherapeutic methods, are acute conditions and the severity of the patient’s condition.

Decimeter wave therapy

Decimeter wave therapy is similar to UHF; it is the same electromagnetic field with a different wavelength and frequency, warming up internal tissues, improving blood circulation, and having an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, this type of radiation enhances the secretion of glands, many of which help in the fight against illnesses. This type of physiotherapy is more effective, but has more contraindications: pacemakers, oncology, poor blood clotting, heart problems, bleeding, especially internal bleeding, tuberculosis, ulcers and problems with the gastric valve.


Magnetotherapy is the effect on the area of ​​inflammation with a constant magnetic field, which should cause small electric currents in some tissues of the body, and with their help influence drug ions, free radicals, increase the conductivity of cell membranes, which is very good in combination with drug therapy against a bacterial pathogen , and also enhance overall metabolism.

This procedure for pneumonia should relieve swelling, improve capillary circulation, and fight intoxication. However, in many Western countries this procedure is not used because it is considered to have a placebo effect rather than a real benefit. At the moment, this type of medical procedure in Russia is officially used as a physiotherapeutic method, but has a controversial status in the world.

Aromatherapy for pneumonia is indicated for almost everyone and at all stages. It involves the constant inhalation of certain vapors. essential oils, which, once in the lungs, are quickly absorbed, kill the pathogen (including in the air in the room), calm the patient, and also have various medicinal effect, depending on the specific type of essential oil. This method has virtually no limitations other than allergic reactions and has a fairly pronounced healing effect.

Thermal treatments

Thermal procedures are prescribed during the recovery period, when the disease has already passed, to prevent relapse and eliminate remnants of the disease, if any remain unnoticed. This method consists of warming a person with his own heat through local paraffin applications, mud wraps or applying ozokerite to the chest. Increases blood circulation in this area, eliminating any remaining inflammation.

Therapeutic breathing

Therapeutic breathing is a special type of physiotherapy for pneumonia, which was developed specifically for diseases of the respiratory system. It is a set of very simple breathing exercises that saturate the blood with oxygen, which is very important for pneumonia, when oxygen exchange is extremely difficult due to inflammation. In addition, it hinders the development pulmonary failure, weakening of the respiratory system, formation of scars and adhesions. It also contains exercises for clearing mucus and preventing the hardening of already formed scars, giving them elasticity, which allows them to minimize their negative impact on the patient’s quality of life. Even bedridden patients can conduct therapeutic breathing sessions, but the contraindications are that the patient’s condition is too severe, acute stages, or very high temperatures.

For pneumonia, special types of massage are indicated that increase blood circulation in the torso area and cleanse the lungs. Special movements stimulate blood flow and mucus movement, help relieve swelling, and also separate clots from the walls. respiratory tract, which is especially important for young children who do not really know how to cough. Massage movements stimulate the lungs, preventing adhesions from forming and scars losing elasticity.


Therapeutic exercise – classes physical exercise, to maintain physical fitness or restore it after a serious illness, boost immunity, stimulate blood circulation.

During illness, the listed methods are used both individually and in combination.

Their dignity cannot be overestimated, since they allow healing using natural processes inside the human body. They are a wonderful tool that enhances drug therapy and also prevents the development of complications.

Many do not believe in the point of carrying out these procedures, believing that it is enough to kill the causative agent of inflammation with chemicals. However, drugs act not only on microbes, but also on the body itself, and have certain restrictions on permissible dosage, which is sometimes not enough to defeat the disease. If doctors cannot increase the dose, then they figure out how to increase the efficiency of the drug using physiotherapeutic procedures. In addition, the drugs themselves are unable to concentrate in the right areas, but simply float dissolved in the bloodstream; they will not help soften adhesions and scars or directly affect the inflamed tissue.

Physiotherapy after pneumonia not only removes the residual effects of the disease, but also combats various consequences that can significantly complicate the patient’s life, have good prevention, reducing the risk of relapse and transition of pneumonia to chronic form. It is very pleasant for the financial condition of the patient that physiotherapy uses internal sources of the body and does not require such special expenses as for the purchase of medicines.


Physiotherapy is a method of therapeutic effects on the human body using natural or artificially created environmental factors.

The right treatment for pneumonia can be incredibly effective, but the wrong choice can be harmful. It is necessary to know the indications and contraindications for each method. Please read this article - we have collected everything you need here with clarifying links!

Physiotherapy of pneumonia in adults

This type of treatment has been used since the time of Hippocrates and is very effective in treating many diseases. The technique is suitable for both adults and children, however, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body and the disease.

Physiotherapy is a method adjuvant therapy , but not the main one. It is prescribed only after the acute manifestations of the disease (fever, intoxication) have subsided; an earlier start can do more harm than good. Many years of medical practice have proven the effectiveness and high therapeutic effect of this type of therapy, which has made it so popular.

The positive effects of treatment depend on the method and are very diverse. Each technique has several of them, but if we talk about physiotherapy in general, then it has the following effects:

As a rule, physiotherapy is carried out in combination with other treatment methods, so its effectiveness increases many times.

In order to choose the right procedure for the patient, it is necessary to consider:

  • the patient’s condition (mental and somatic);
  • nature and stage of the disease;
  • mechanism of action of the treatment method;
  • person's age;
  • presence of concomitant diseases;
  • the presence of implants and foreign objects in the body;
  • individual characteristics of the structure and functioning of the body.

It must be remembered that all physiotherapeutic procedures are contraindicated, except for some types of warming up. At older ages (1-12 years), electrophoresis, quartz treatment and physical therapy are allowed. You also need to consider age characteristics elderly patients, so as not to injure them.

Important! IN acute period Physiotherapeutic procedures are prohibited, as they can aggravate the course of pneumonia and cause complications.


For pneumonia, physiotherapy can be prescribed as early as 4-5 days of illness, taking into account the subsidence of the acute period of the disease. The sooner therapy is started, the more noticeable the benefits will be. positive effect. Not all methods of physiological influence are used in the treatment of pneumonia. The most commonly used are the following:

Physiotherapy can also include massage, physical therapy And breathing exercises.

Resorption therapy

This type of therapy is aimed at resorption formed during the inflammatory process. Adhesions form at the site of fibrin application, after its replacement with connective tissue. Adhesions limit the mobility of the lungs, which leads to a decrease in the depth of breathing and insufficient ventilation of the terminal parts of the lungs.

The following are used as resorption therapy:

  • Ultrahigh frequency electric field– improves blood supply to affected areas, activates phagocytosis, reduces tissue swelling.
  • Electrophoresis of drugs– promotes targeted penetration active substance directly to the application point. To speed up the resorption of the source of inflammation and relieve inflammation, potassium iodide, calcium chloride, heparin, and lidase are used. For bronchospasm, electrophoresis is performed with magnesium sulfate, platiphylline, aminophylline. A procedure with novocaine will help relieve chest pain.
  • Therapeutic exercise, massage and breathing exercises– promotes the removal of sputum and restoration of mobility and lung function.

The effects produced prevent further development adhesive process and promote resorption connective tissue and replacing it with your own lung tissue, due to the activation of regeneration.


The method involves inhaling an aerosol of the drug. Its advantages are:

  • direct delivery of medicine to the site of inflammation;
  • has a bacteriostatic effect;
  • improves mucociliary clearance;
  • allows you to spray medicinal substance over the entire surface of the lungs.
  • accessibility and ease of use.

Inhalation using a nebulizer

To carry out the procedure, you need an inhaler (steam or ultrasonic) and a drug solution. The solution is poured into the device, after which the inhaler is turned on and the resulting vapor is inhaled using a face mask. The procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves the drainage and ventilation functions of the bronchi.


In the phase of resolution of the disease, ozokerite, mud, and paraffin applications are carried out. They are applied to the area of ​​localization of the inflammatory focus and in the area of ​​projection of the lung root. They have mucolytic, anti-inflammatory, reparative, analgesic effects.

Exercise therapy and breathing exercises

Therapeutic exercise and breathing exercises occupy a special place in the rehabilitation of many diseases, especially the respiratory system. They help improve blood supply to the affected area, restore tissue elasticity, remove sputum, stimulate the immune system and improve mood. These techniques allow you to restore lost lung function.


Massage has effects similar to physical therapy and gymnastics. Moreover, he helps relieve spasm of the respiratory muscles and increase chest excursion. Can be carried out at all stages of pneumonia, taking into account the severity of intoxication, body temperature, condition of cardio-vascular system.


Like any other treatment method, physiotherapy has contraindications:

Important! The decision on the method of physiotherapy is made only after consultation with a doctor, taking into account all indications and contraindications.

Useful video

How to do physical therapy at home in the video below:


Many people do not believe in the effectiveness of physiotherapy, however, experience shows that sometimes it helps in the most severe cases, where medications and surgeries could not help. The correct selection of procedures, taking into account all individual characteristics, will undoubtedly bring a positive effect. One of the effects of this therapy is improvement emotional state patient, and this is an important component of treatment.

Lower respiratory tract diseases are quite common among adults and children. Special attention are given to such a serious disease as pneumonia, since it requires complex and long-term treatment. Medications and physical therapy for pneumonia form the basis of therapy.

Clinical studies conducted in focal pneumonia with early use of physiotherapy prove a reduction in the acute period and improvement in condition after 5-7 days. In the control group, where physiotherapeutic methods were not used, fever and cough with difficult to clear sputum persisted, and the recovery process increased by 6-8 days. The use of magnetic therapy, aerosol procedures with various medicines improves drainage function, reduces shortness of breath and symptoms of the disease after 5 days. In the experimental group where no treatment was applied by physical means, improvement occurred after 8-10 days.

Features of the use of physiotherapeutic methods of treatment for pneumonia

Pneumonia, or pneumonia, is an acute infectious disease of viral or bacterial etiology, with focal damage to the respiratory tract and the presence of exudate. Pneumonia is classified as follows:

  • Focal - affects a small area of ​​the lung.
  • Segmental – inflammatory process occupies one or more segments of the lung.
  • Lobar or lobar, which affects one or more lobes.
  • Drain - characterized by the connection of several foci.
  • Total - affects the entire lung.

The main syndromes accompanying the inflammatory process in the lungs are: intoxication, general inflammatory, broncho-obstructive, compaction of lung tissue during radiography and manifestations of respiratory failure. Therapy is aimed at eliminating disease syndromes, alleviating the patient’s condition and speedy recovery. Treatment involves treating the pathogen with antibacterial and antiviral drugs, elimination of intoxication, taking expectorants and bronchodilators, vitamins, using physiotherapeutic methods.

The physical methods used reduce the inflammatory process, accelerate the resorption of the infiltrate and restore the impaired ventilation function of the lungs.

Physiotherapeutic methods used for pneumonia can be divided into:

  • Anti-inflammatory: UHF therapy, light therapy, electrophoresis of antibiotics, inhalation therapy of glucocorticosteroids, decimeter wave therapy (UHF), infrared laser therapy, ultrasound with drugs, drug electrophoresis, magnetic therapy.
  • Bronchodilator and mucolytic methods: oxygen therapy, inhalation of bronchodilators and mucolytics.
  • Immunomodulatory methods: inhalation therapy of immunomodulators, high-frequency magnetic therapy of the thymus region in children, drug electrophoresis of immunomodulators.

Physiotherapy for pneumonia is used in the acute period from the 3-4th day of illness in the form of inhalation methods: ultrasonic aerosol inhalations with the use of antibiotics against the background of their intravenous or intramuscular injection, UHF therapy for the lung area, pulsed UHF therapy, antibiotic ultraphonophoresis. For pneumonia with a prolonged course, the following are prescribed for 15-20 days: low-intensity magnetic therapy, heparin electrophoresis on the area of ​​inflammation, ultraviolet irradiation of the lung area, inductothermy, vibration massage chest.

In case of exacerbation of chronic pneumonia, the above methods are used. In the presence of broncho-obstructive syndrome, the use of ultrasonic aerosols of bronchodilators and heparin, UHF therapy in the area of ​​the roots of the lungs, and low- and high-intensity magnetic therapy are recommended.

Mechanism of action and methodology for performing physiotherapeutic methods for pneumonia

The use of high-intensity UHF therapy is based on the transformation of electromagnetic field energy into heat, which accumulates in the lung tissue. The procedure causes expansion of the capillaries of the lungs by 3-10 times, increases gas exchange in the lung tissue, enhances blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. In the focus of inflammation, the number of leukocytes increases and their ability to destroy foreign agents, reduce swelling and resolve the inflammatory focus increases. Patients note an improvement in their general condition and a decrease in the severity of symptoms.

UHF therapy is carried out using the Termatur and Magniter devices. Capacitor plates with a diameter of 11 cm are placed on chest transversely in the area of ​​localization of the source of inflammation. Radiation power up to 50 W, frequency 350 Hz, procedure duration up to 10 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 sessions.

High-intensity decimeter wave therapy is used for various inflammatory diseases, including pneumonia. Its action is to convert electromagnetic energy into thermal energy. The greatest heat release occurs in organs and tissues containing large quantity fluids (lung tissue, lymph, blood). An increase in temperature in the lung tissue leads to the expansion of capillaries and improved microcirculation, increased vascular permeability and a decrease in edema at the site of inflammation. The radiograph shows resorption of infiltrates in the lungs and restoration of function external respiration.

To carry out DMV therapy, the following devices are used: DMV-01-1 “Sun”, DMV-02 “Sun”. The portable device for use at home, “Romashka,” has proven itself to be the best. This physiotherapeutic method is prescribed in complex therapy from the second day after normalization of temperature and in the absence of complications (lung abscess, exudative pleurisy). The emitter is directed to the chest in the projection of the lesion, the technique is often remote, with a gap of 5 cm. The power is 30-40 W, until the patient feels moderate warmth. Session duration is up to 10 minutes daily, in a course of 10 procedures.

Medicinal electrophoresis is used at the stage of resorption of the inflammatory process and in broncho-obstructive syndrome to eliminate spasm and improve sputum discharge.

To carry it out, the following drugs are used: 5% calcium gluconate, magnesium 2-5%, aloe solution 1:3, 64 IU lidase are injected from the positive electrode; from the negative electrode - heparin 5000-10000 units, 2-5% vitamin C solution, 2-5% potassium iodide solution. Medicines have a local effect, and only a small part of them is absorbed into the blood throughout the day. Under the influence of current, metabolism in the lung tissues is activated, repair at the site of the inflammatory focus is enhanced, providing a resolving effect. Pulse currents, influencing the brain, improve blood circulation and oxygen delivery to the lung tissue.

Electrophoresis has antispasmodic properties, relieving bronchospasm and coughing attacks, improving sputum discharge. The anti-inflammatory effect helps reduce swelling of the lung tissue, painful sensations and improve external respiration function. To carry out electrophoresis in medical institutions and at home you can use stationary and portable devices: “Elfor-Prof”, “Potok-1”, “Potok-BR”, “PoTok” (for children and adults) and others. The impact is carried out on the area of ​​infiltration with the placement of electrodes using the transverse technique.

Before the procedure, prepare hydrophilic pads from gauze or flannel; it is recommended to soak them in a physiological solution at 36-37°C. The dimensions should extend beyond the boundaries of the electrode plate by 1-2 cm, and the thickness should reach 1-2 cm. For a more stable fixation, the electrodes are secured with an elastic bandage or bags of sand. Apply to one of the gaskets medicinal solution and put on the electrode of the required charge, place it in the interscapular area. The second is applied to the anterior or lateral surface of the chest (depending on the location of the pathological focus). The procedures are carried out daily for 20 minutes with a current strength of up to 10 mA, the course of treatment is 10 sessions.

The effectiveness of magnetic therapy is manifested due to the formation of a large amount of heat from the energy of the electromagnetic field. The lung tissue is heated by 2-4°C to a depth of 12 cm. The thermal mechanism leads to the expansion of capillaries, arterioles and venules in the bronchi and alveoli. The permeability of the vascular wall increases, metabolism in the lung tissue is activated. Thanks to this, swelling in the pathological focus is reduced, the work of leukocytes is activated to destroy pathogenic agents and regenerate the inflammatory focus.

Magnetic therapy reduces bronchospasm, reducing cough and improving sputum discharge.

Procedures are prescribed in the subacute stage of the disease using the Polimag-01 device. Two large inductors are placed on the front and back surface chest. Pulse frequency 100 Hz, intensity 20-25 mT, procedure duration up to 20 minutes daily. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures.

Ultrasonic aerosol inhalation of antibiotics in parallel with parenteral use is very popular and has a good effect. Antibiotics are used according to sensitivity to them. For one inhalation, 40 mg of the drug is dissolved in 10-20 ml of physiological solution. Conduct 2 sessions daily for 15 days.

Indications and contraindications for the use of physical methods of treating pneumonia

Physiotherapeutic treatment methods have a number of general indications for use:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract: bronchial asthma, pneumonia, obstructive bronchitis.
  • Pathological processes of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, scoliosis, epicondylitis, bone fractures.
  • Pathological processes of the central and peripheral nervous system: radicular syndrome in spinal osteochondrosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, radiculopathy, neuritis.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels: arterial hypertension Stage 1, history of myocardial infarction (not earlier than 1 month), atherosclerosis.
  • Digestive diseases: chronic gastritis and stomach ulcers, liver failure, dyskinesia biliary tract, calculous cholecystitis, fermentopathy, irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Inflammatory processes of the urinary system: renal colic, cystitis, renal failure 1st degree, urolithiasis disease, glomerulonephritis.
  • Connective tissue diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, Raynaud's disease, rheumatism 2 tbsp. activity.
  • Diseases of the genital area: menopausal syndrome, prostatitis, inflammation of the prostate gland, adnexitis.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs: acute and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis, adenoiditis.
  • Pathological processes skin: boil, carbuncle, infiltration after surgery.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial area: periodontitis, osteomyelitis, periostitis.

General contraindications to the use of physiotherapeutic methods of treatment:

  • Individual intolerance to any of the methods or medications: allergic reaction such as urticaria, Quincke's edema, pain.
  • Pain shock.
  • Blood diseases with poor clotting.
  • Conditions accompanied by hyperthermia and intoxication.
  • Status epilepticus.
  • Neoplasms or suspicions of their presence.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system in the stage of decompensation.
  • Severe degree of cachexia (exhaustion).
  • Damage to the skin, dermatitis, eczema.
  • Spastic paralysis or paresis.
  • Presence of a pacemaker, artificial pacemaker and other implants.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Acute thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Hemorrhagic stroke.

The effectiveness of physiotherapy for pneumonia has been proven by research and clinical experience doctors. Positive result appears when complex treatment in compliance with all conditions and recommendations. Application of some physical methods may have side effects in the form of a local allergic reaction such as urticaria, Quincke's edema, tachycardia, decreased or increased blood pressure. Also, when using medications, it is possible that side effects respectively pharmacological action drug.


Pulmonologist, doctor of the highest category

Drug therapy for pneumonia is carried out, as well as various physiotherapy procedures that relieve inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Comprehensive health care will be able to eliminate pneumonia in a child without undesirable consequences.

Benefits of physiotherapy treatments

One of the most important parts of the complex therapy of many diseases is physiotherapy, with pneumonia not being an exception.

Physiotherapy procedures promote desensitizing and anti-inflammatory effects, restore immunity, remove streptococcal bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa, heal affected areas of the lungs and eliminate chest pain.

Physiotherapy helps restore the formation of healthy cells, improves breathing and eliminates painful sensations. You should not self-medicate, but use physiotherapy only after consulting a doctor.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed, as a rule, 3-4 days after. This complements complex therapy and increases the effectiveness of treatment in general.

It is advisable to include procedures during the period of exudative-proliferative inflammation and without pronounced intoxication (at temperatures above 37.5 ° C).

Physiotherapy can be prescribed to children, both in the midst of illness and during the recovery period. It is important to take into account contraindications (at the end of the article) and strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations.


Any area of ​​physiotherapy includes any therapeutic effect through physical processes. Physiotherapy includes:

  • mechanical;
  • light;
  • electrical effects on the body;
  • Hydrotherapy is now popular.

If previously devices for such a procedure were aimed at treating the whole body, they could not be used by people with chronic infectious diseases, then now the devices are convenient and compact, with their help you can treat only one specific organ.

Good to know! Nowadays, physiotherapy occupies a special place in medicine, and in combination with medications, lung diseases go away quickly and painlessly.

Electric waves

Therapy using electrical waves is considered to be the most effective. Alternating current flow affects the healing of damaged areas. In second place are infrared and ultraviolet rays. They raise immune system, absolutely painless even for. This therapy helps the formation of new cells that can fight.

Thermal treatments

Very often, various thermal procedures are performed for adults and children. This can be a wrap with therapeutic mud, warm sand or procedures using warm air. Treatment duration is 20 minutes for 10 days.

Thermal procedures are prescribed to get rid of residual effects at stage .

Warm air is one of the new products in physiotherapy. This method helps relieve pain, help the patient breathe easier, and also removes infection. Important additional influences include massages, vibration and manual therapy.


Inhalation is one of the physiotherapeutic treatment methods that can be done even at home. For children, you can select various pine and menthol inhalations, which facilitate the formation of sputum, promote expectoration and reduce pain in the respiratory tract.

The method can be used during the active phase of the disease as prescribed by a doctor.

Doctors recommend this procedure for children who have reduced immunity, as well as using inhalation, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment. When inhaling, you can use various oils that will strengthen the bronchi and heal the lungs, and children will definitely enjoy the pleasant procedure.


Electrophoresis is a painless procedure that is usually prescribed for, as well as during the rehabilitation stage. Medicine that is transmitted using electric waves has no effect on gastrointestinal tract, unlike potent antibiotics.

Scientists have proven that with the help of alternating current, positive waves have a positive effect on the human condition. Internal organs begin to actively renew cells, and current pulses, interacting with nerve endings, have a calming effect.


A new method of therapy that uses ultraviolet light to affect the body. It has been proven that ultraviolet rays act as antibacterial agent, which restores affected areas of the lungs and cures pneumonia in a few days.

For children, this procedure is recommended for another week after the end of the disease. A child with this treatment does not experience discomfort, and the process of getting rid of bacteria and infections is very fast. This method of treatment is recommended to be used only in medical institutions under the strict supervision of a specialist.


Treatment that medical medicine is sprayed using an aerosol. Often this process requires a special breathing tube, with the help of which the sick child breathes, and fine particles the drug reaches the lungs. Once on the mucous membranes, the medicine immediately begins to act, and within a few days the child feels relief. become easier, chest pain and dryness disappear.

Even in patients with various allergic reactions, this treatment method does not cause irritation.

Children's massage

General child can be used in the treatment of pneumonia from the very early age. You can use a classic type of massage or acupressure, which in case of pneumonia will be aimed at treating the lungs. Massage can be done with essential oil, which will serve as an additional inhalation. If it is menthol or pine needles, then the warming effect of the ointment will remove phlegm, and breathing will become easier.

Interesting to know! If you rub the child's chest and back with eucalyptus ointment during a massage, the lungs and bronchi will quickly cleanse.

Manual therapy

Experts also classify this area of ​​medicine as physiotherapy. It is not recommended to use this method for children under 10 years of age. If a child over 10 has pneumonia, this technique will help boost the immune system and reduce pain in the chest area. Acupressure therapy will help restore healthy lung tissue within a few weeks.

The essence of manual therapy is the influence of a specialist’s hands on the body. Doctors recommend using it visceral manual therapy. This is a technique that improves the functioning of internal organs, in particular the lungs. For maximum results, the patient is examined and an individual treatment course is selected. By pressing, stroking and stimulating various points on the body, the desired effect is achieved.

Therapeutic exercise (physical therapy)

Medical Physical Culture(physical therapy) is a special set of exercises that, in combination with medications and other physiotherapeutic actions can speed up the healing process. Physical education is prescribed even when the child does not have high temperature.

General developmental exercises help increase blood circulation, prevent intoxication of the body, and also restore proper breathing.

  1. Gymnastics for the treatment of pneumonia. The use of light complexes in combination with breathing exercises, which are aimed at removing phlegm.
  2. Gymnastics after recovery, which is based on deep breaths and exhalations. It is needed to saturate the lungs with oxygen.

Basic exercise therapy complexes:

  1. Starting position is standing, shoulders relaxed. Start by walking slowly in place, breathing evenly. Then we walk around the room, raise our arms up and at the same time turn our torso to the side (4 times in one direction and 4 times in the other direction). Then we rise on our toes and spread our arms to the sides (8-10 times), breathe freely. The complex can be performed during illness to alleviate the condition.
  2. Third position: sitting position on a chair. We take turns raising our arms up, stretching up, then lowering and relaxing them. Breathing is easy. Exercise in progress during illness.
  3. Second position: stand straight, arms down. We bend downwards, reaching the right foot with our left hand and then vice versa. Repeat up to 8-10 times. Afterwards, breathe deeply for 30 seconds. The complex is worth repeating during the recovery stage.
  4. Starting position: standing sideways to the wall. We hold onto the wall with one hand. We lean our torso towards the wall and at the same time raise our free hand up. Repeat 5-6 times. The complex is designed for recovery of the body after pneumonia.

You can also diversify the exercises using a stick and a ball, as in the illustration below:

Contraindications for exercise therapy:

  • for children with constant elevated temperature;
  • for babies with shortness of breath;
  • for cardiovascular diseases.

Physical therapy should be performed regularly - morning and evening.

During an acute period of illness, you should not do exercises with heavy weights - this is contraindicated, because the body is weakened and it will not be able to withstand a lot of stress! The patient can only perform exercises aimed at breathing and muscle relaxation. At the end of treatment, you can perform rehabilitation exercises and take on heavy loads.

Breathing exercises

Instead of describing it in words, we suggest you watch a video on how to properly do breathing exercises to relieve cough.


Herbal medicine treatment can bring good results only if the combination of herbal remedies is combined with medications, as well as physical therapy. One type of herbal tea is not recommended to drink for longer than 7 days. These products remove phlegm well, eliminate dry throat and remove mucous accumulations on the bronchi and trachea.

Important! Doctors do not recommend the use of herbal medicine to treat pneumonia in young children. Since children may experience allergic reactions from various components.

Important! Children with chronic diseases cardiovascular system, the use of any herbal medicines is contraindicated. They can affect the circulatory system.


Most methods of physiotherapy have contraindications, in which the pediatrician refuses the procedures:

  • acute course of the disease;
  • feverish condition;
  • with respiratory failure;
  • systemic blood diseases;
  • acute purulent-inflammatory diseases;
  • in case of disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • bullous pulmonary emphysema.

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Pneumonia in children, if not treated correctly, can cause either pulmonary or extrapulmonary diseases. At the first signs, it is recommended to consult a doctor, and treatment should be carried out not only with medication, but also with physical therapy, inhalations, which will eliminate the symptoms, lower the temperature and eliminate the infection.

Therapy with elements of nature has been used for a long time in all nations. Sand treatment and various inhalations can improve the condition after any inflammation, including pneumonia - pneumonia.

Physiotherapy for pneumonia is suitable for both children and adults. Moreover, it is not necessary to go to expensive hospitals for rehabilitation therapy; it can be carried out at home.

The Origins of Physiotherapy

This therapy originated a very long time ago; the exact date is even impossible to establish. It is customary to distinguish 3 periods during which discoveries in the field of physiotherapy occurred.

  • 1st period. From the 3rd millennium BC - 1st millennium AD. During this period of human history, people intuitively used all the factors of physical reality to improve their health. No special techniques were used.
  • Somewhere from the 1st millennium AD until the end of the 17th century, a period of experiments and medical research based on observations of patients lasted. In this era, reasoned techniques and methods of treatment with the help of mineral waters and dirt. There is information that Avicenna prescribed a procedure such as sand treatment to his patients. This procedure is again popular nowadays. People were also treated with electric fish and hirudotherapy.
  • The third period in the development of the science of the healing power of physical phenomena can be considered the middle of the 18th century. Physics was actively developing at this time. Experiments were carried out with direct current. Then, thanks to the development of technology and electricity, electrophoresis, EHF therapy, magnetic therapy and many other methods of treatment appeared.

What methods of physiotherapy for pneumonia are most effective and which of them are allowed for children? We will try to analyze all the nuances of these issues.

Basic physiotherapy techniques

Physiotherapy for pneumonia is used as an additional treatment. This treatment helps reduce the burden on the liver and heart, since not all people tolerate antibiotics easily.

When can physical therapy be used? Immediately after removing the high temperature and eliminating suppuration, if any. Necessary UHF therapy is often carried out and after discharge, radiation should be carried out on the area of ​​inflammation for some time.

Also used depending on the characteristics of the patient’s condition:

  • ozokerite therapy;
  • ionogalvanization - course 10-12 sessions;
  • diathermy;
  • paraffin applications, mustard plasters.

In cases where concomitant diseases are observed, such as tonsillitis, sinusitis or otitis, especially for children, additional methods physiotherapy. These include aromatherapy, oil inhalation, speleotherapy - treatment by exhaling specific cave air, and other methods.

Objectives of physiotherapy for inflammation

Physiotherapy for pneumonia is prescribed by the attending physician. It determines the number of procedures and duration. A patient without these methods will suffer longer from coughing attacks and have a harder time recovering.

What benefits does physiotherapy give to a patient?

  • The body's immune defense is strengthened, this is especially important after a course of strong antibiotics.
  • Blood circulation improves.
  • Sputum comes out faster when you cough, which continues long after the acute period.
  • The procedures provide an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Application various methods Not drug therapy reduces the risk of complications. Indicated primarily for those who are susceptible allergic reactions for drugs.

Physiotherapy for acute pneumonia

In an acute process, when the patient is suffocating, physiotherapeutic procedures are not allowed. However, when the temperature has been brought down to 37 °C in 3-4 days, the person feels a little better, and there are no special contraindications, the doctor may prescribe one of following procedures:

  • Inhalation of bronchodilators. It is carried out either with a nebulizer or with the help of ultrasonic inhaler. With the help of these means, the necessary medications get inside.
  • UHF therapy directly to the site of inflammation. At first, a small power is given - 30-40 W, then it can be gradually increased. The duration of the procedure for the first time is about 5 minutes. Just 3-5 procedures are enough to improve general state, relieve inflammation and pain. Indeed, in difficult cases, it may be painful for the patient to breathe.
  • Interstitial antibiotic electrophoresis. The procedure significantly improves blood supply to the lungs and metabolism.
  • UV projection of the inflammatory focus. The course is only 5 days.

Physiotherapy for pneumonia in adults not only helps to improve well-being and ease breathing, but is also the best way treatments for those who have heart failure or kidney problems. In such cases, taking antibiotics can be dangerous.

When the acute period has passed, you can use other methods of physiotherapy for pneumonia: inductothermy, laser therapy, magnetic therapy.


Like every type of medical therapy, non-drug effects on the body have their own contraindications. Each patient requires a special approach.

Who is prohibited from physiotherapy for pneumonia? Contraindications:

  • emphysema;
  • neoplasms;
  • pneumothorax;
  • heart failure stage 1 or 2;
  • temperature 38 °C and above;
  • violation of hematopoietic function;
  • severe stages nervous disorders;
  • purulent processes.

It is extremely rare, but it happens that a patient exhibits individual intolerance to some physiotherapeutic method. Then it is necessary to either completely stop such therapy until strength and health are restored, or replace the prescribed procedure with a more gentle one.

Galvanization for pneumonia

What is galvanization and how is it used to treat pneumonia? During electrophoresis (or galvanization), the inflammation site is affected D.C. low strength. The therapeutic effect occurs due to the improvement of metabolic processes in the lung tissues due to the redistribution of ions in the lung cells.

If procedures with a dominant cathode are used, the effects will be as follows: improved metabolism, biological stimulation active substances, relaxation. But if the positive charge, the anode, dominates, the effects are different: reduction of inflammation, sedation, removal of excess fluid. It is the anode charge that is used to treat pneumonia.

An electrophoresis course can last up to 30 minutes. The number of procedures ranges from 5 for mild cases to 20. The current strength is small at first, but increases with each procedure. For each patient, the physiotherapist selects the required current strength, since everyone has their own sensitivity. It happens that the patient absolutely cannot tolerate the effects of current. Electrophoresis in such cases is immediately canceled.

What procedures are suitable for children?

Physiotherapy for pneumonia in children is different. Some methods that are suitable for adults are prohibited for children or have a shorter duration.

Children are allowed:

  • quartzing;
  • perform breathing exercises;
  • conventional electrophoresis;
  • chest massage;
  • thermal procedures after the acute stage is over;

Children from the age of 12 are allowed to perform inductophoresis. What is this procedure? This is the application of inductothermy to the area between the shoulder blades, which alternates with electrophoresis with drugs. Inductophoresis is allowed to be used by adolescents for no longer than 6-8 minutes.

Treatment of very young children

What physiotherapy is prescribed for pneumonia in young children? Children under one year old cannot be prescribed any other procedure except therapeutic massage, possibly with honey. Some thermal effects on the chest are also allowed.

For a child of this age, massage is very important. He needs additional stimulation of the bronchi so that phlegm can leave the lungs.

How to carry out procedures at home?

They are treated at home for about a month after discharge from the hospital if there was bacterial, severe pneumonia with a heart complication. But when the inflammation is focal, the temperature is not too high and the person does not have problems with immunity, he is not admitted to the hospital, but is prescribed antibiotics and physiotherapy at home. It’s great if the patient has an inhaler-nebulizer at home or UV lamp. But if not, ordinary mustard plasters and jars will do. However, while there is a fever, and one more day after it subsides, these methods cannot be used.

Young healthy people with strong immunity, after suffering from not too serious pneumonia, sometimes no special procedures are prescribed. However, vitamins and restorative massage are an excellent way to support your immunity after a course of antibiotics.

Physiotherapy after pneumonia in children can last six months. In any case, it is advisable to carry out preventive aromatherapy from time to time for another 3 months. Essential oils, by the way, can kill bacteria in the air. Recovery period very important. The body is weak after severe inflammation, and the child must also be protected from hypothermia and colds.

So, physiotherapy for pneumonia can be carried out outside the hospital walls. This is especially true for epileptics with frequent seizures who need personal care.

Recovery period

After a patient with pneumonia has practically recovered and is already in the recovery period, he can be given massages that improve lung drainage, physical therapy, and more. The doctor must remind you that you still need to carry out breathing exercises for a long period of time, and use aromatherapy at home using eucalyptus or pine essential oils. It is useful to use honey for medicinal purposes, traditional medicines with ginger or aloe.

Treatment will last longer without the use of physical therapy. For pneumonia in children, a remedy such as propolis, an important beekeeping product, is used at home. Propolis is natural antibiotic and does not lead to allergies.