What to drink when vomiting. Severe vomiting in an adult, what to do? Gallbladder diseases

It is extremely difficult for everyone to lead now healthy image life. There are many factors that disrupt the natural rhythm and leave the body in a difficult and restless state. Bad ecology, poor nutrition, too fast pace of life - all this negatively affects human health. The body often gives a signal that something is wrong with it. Such signs may include nausea, dizziness, and weakness.

All of them notify that negative changes are occurring in the body, and that some action needs to be taken to treat and prevent various diseases.

Nausea. Causes

Nausea is one of the most common symptoms of abnormalities.

It is not a disease in itself, but only a manifestation of the disease. Nausea can be identified by unpleasant sensations in the area from the throat to the stomach. The reasons for its occurrence can be completely different. For example, systemic malnutrition or one-time poisoning. Also diseases internal organs located in the lower part of the body can also cause discomfort. A common cause of nausea is disorders of the brain or nervous system For example, symptoms of a concussion are nausea, dizziness, and weakness. With sudden weight loss, the body may also react with nausea. And such a sign is absolutely normal during the period of bearing a baby.

If you feel sick every day, especially in the morning, then most likely it is pregnancy. In medicine, this is called toxicosis of the body, or early gestosis. In most cases, nausea, of course, goes away after the first three months. Less commonly, there are cases where unpleasant sensations linger throughout the entire nine months. But what if the girl is not pregnant and constantly feels sick, but does not vomit? This may already indicate some deviations in the functioning of the body.

Activated charcoal for treating nausea

What to do if you feel nauseous but not vomiting? Nausea can be treated with a number of highly effective medications that should be taken on the advice of a specialist. True, there is one effective remedy that can be taken at your own discretion and at any time, regardless of whether poisoning is present or not. Activated carbon is an excellent means of treating and preventing gastrointestinal diseases. This drug has been used since ancient times, and there are even cases of monkeys using coal for food poisoning.

This remedy, given to us by nature itself, can be used by people of any age, from early childhood to old age. Activated carbon, thanks to its active chemical composition, absorbs all bacteria when it enters the body. It surpasses most analogues in terms of price and quality ratio. It must be used in the proportion of one tablet per ten kilograms of body weight. Although if there is a slight error, there will be no negative consequences. Apply Activated carbon it is necessary approximately once a month systemically, regardless of whether signs of poisoning are present in the body or not. It is also necessary to take it if you suffer from nausea and diarrhea.


Often, of course, nausea is followed by vomiting. Because the body, having signaled the presence of unwanted foreign bodies, subsequently expels them from the body. During vomiting, the entire contents of the stomach are expelled through the esophagus and throat, and then through the mouth, and sometimes through the nose, depending on the pressure of the stream. The erupted masses usually consist of stomach contents and gastric juices. But sometimes, during particularly severe cases, blood and purulent discharge may come out along with vomiting. Vomiting is also a frequent accompaniment of seasickness.

Causes of nausea without vomiting

However, nausea without vomiting is a separate issue for specialists. It requires a separate detailed analysis. The causes of nausea without vomiting can be very diverse. But never and under no circumstances should this problem be ignored. When you feel sick, the reasons can be different, such as, say, poisoning, pregnancy, alcohol poisoning, vision problems, in particular, fatigue of the eyeball in the form of strong light load on it. Other common causes are thyroid problems, regular frequent consumption of cigarettes and drinks that contain caffeine. “Seasickness,” or ordinary motion sickness, affects the vestibular system, causing strange sensations. Low blood pressure causes this in some isolated cases. If you feel sick, the reasons may be related to strong nervous disorders and stress. There may also be mental reasons nausea caused, for example, by the sight of unpleasant objects. Also, nausea can be caused by diseases of a number of internal organs, such as the liver, gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid, heart problems and much more.

Symptoms of poisoning, such as vomiting, nausea and diarrhea, are not normal and natural conditions of the body and can indicate both one-time disturbances in the body’s functioning and the occurrence of serious chronic diseases in the organs that are listed above in the article. If, however, this sensation is felt constantly, then you should consult a doctor who will determine the causes and treatment of nausea. The range of diseases is quite wide. These could be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, brain, kidneys, heart, or impaired functioning of any glands, for example, the thyroid. But that is not all. Nausea is often accompanied by the appearance of tumors in the body. You can also talk about disruption of the vestibular apparatus or the presence of foreign infections in the body.

In order to avoid feeling nauseous after eating, but not vomiting, you must adhere to the right image life, do not abuse alcohol and cigarettes, and if possible, it is recommended to give them up altogether. Avoid overworking the body by following a daily routine and getting enough sleep for at least eight hours. After all, from good rest Overall health depends. There are also common cases when one feels nauseous, but does not vomit, and there is no appetite due to emotional overload, no matter how absurd it may sound. From frequent and sharp changes mood, the nervous system suffers, which malfunctions the whole body and can cause a completely variety of symptoms, including nausea.

Poor nutrition

Well, perhaps the most banal, most obvious and most common cause of nausea is poor nutrition. By eating a lot of fatty foods, a person thereby overloads the body and causes a negative reaction in the form of nausea. The same applies to fried, smoked, salted and canned foods. Such food overloads the digestive system due to the fact that it is difficult to digest. Therefore it is better to avoid it. Food from fast food chain restaurants should be of particular concern.

She is very unhelpful. Frequent consumption can lead to simple obesity or to heart attacks and strokes. So, when nausea occurs, you need to look at your lifestyle and try to change it if you find any factors in it that do not correspond to the generally accepted canons of a healthy lifestyle.


Provided that revising your lifestyle does not help, you need to consult a doctor to diagnose the body in order to determine why the nausea occurred.

The doctor must prescribe ultrasound diagnostics, take blood and urine tests. And, based on the diagnostic results obtained, prescribe a full-fledged treatment.

Temperature with nausea

The doctor should also find out whether the patient has a fever? Based on this factor, many conclusions can be drawn. When nausea is present without vomiting, the temperature may or may not rise. If the patient has a fever, then the cause may be poisoning food products or medications. Or it could be banal overeating. The infection also provokes the body to fight, and temperature turns on as one of the protective reactions. If there is no temperature, then there may be other causes of nausea. In any case, you should consult a doctor.

Individual biorhythms

It should also be remembered that the degree and frequency of nausea may depend on a person’s individual biorhythms. That is, exacerbations may occur depending on the time of day or period of the year. For example, the most common case of such a circadian rhythm is situations when a person feels sick at a specific time. Most often in the morning. The reasons for such morning sickness in some people are not yet fully understood, and there are many different versions of what is happening in the body.

The most common version is the opinion that in the morning the body is still weakened and has not fully activated and adjusted to the upcoming active rhythm. There are also cases where nausea is caused by increased air humidity and atmospheric pressure.

What to do?

What to do if you feel sick but don’t vomit in transport? Before you go, you should drink a cup of ginger tea. This product is very helpful in combating nausea. To prepare this tea you will need green tea and two grams of ginger.

You will also need about a liter of boiling water. After the tea has brewed and cooled a little, you can drink it. You can also drink the drink in transport. If you think that two grams per liter of liquid is not enough, then you can take ten grams of ginger.

What to do if you feel nauseous but not vomiting? You can eat something sour. An excellent remedy would be lemon or grapefruit. You can also drink some juice from these fruits. In addition, quince or sour apples can help with nausea.

What to do if you feel nauseous but not vomiting? You can have a drink herbal tea, for example, from lemon balm or mint. Cloves also help with nausea. It is enough to chew one clove. Clove oil will also help. You need to put a few drops on a scarf and inhale.


In order to protect yourself from chronic nausea, you must adhere to proper nutrition, do not abuse bad habits and get proper and complete rest. But if nausea still strikes, then you should not be afraid to contact doctors, who will always come to the rescue.

Can occur for many reasons. Most often this is the consumption of low-quality food or the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the stomach along with food products.

If the patient’s condition returns to normal after one to two days, there is no reason to panic. In case of prolonged and profuse vomiting, when a person is at risk of serious illness, you should definitely visit a doctor to find the cause of this condition.


It is incredibly difficult to identify the main factors influencing the occurrence of vomiting. The fact is that almost every disease has among its symptoms.

In addition, one should take into account the characteristics of the patient’s body, in which vomiting can occur at the slightest excitement and negative situations.

The main causes of vomiting:

In addition to eating low-quality products, an attack of vomiting can be triggered by alcohol abuse, as well as taking certain medications. It is better to understand the exact reasons together with your doctor, especially if vomiting occurs frequently and without reason.

Types and clinic

When diagnosing the causes of vomiting, the frequency and type of attacks play an important role.

There are three large groups:

  1. Toxic vomiting. Manifests itself as a reaction of the body to the ingestion of life-threatening substances, alcohol abuse, inhalation of smoke or chemical substances. In some cases, toxic vomiting can be caused by problems with the pancreas, kidneys, or problems with the cardiovascular system.
  2. Visceral vomiting is manifested by mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus. Occurs as a symptom of other diseases. Vomiting is especially dangerous due to gastrointestinal tumors.
  3. Psychogenic vomiting usually occurs in childhood as a reaction to stress. This type of vomiting can also occur in adults susceptible to neurasthenic disorders or mental disorders.

Associated signs also play an important role, by which the type of disease can be determined.

What to pay attention to:

  • often manifests itself in gastritis and other chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract. In addition, blood clots can appear due to damage to the esophagus and mechanical injuries.
  • appears as a result of infectious infection, for example, E. coli.
  • Vomiting with fecal matter (a dark, strong-smelling mixture) may occur when intestinal obstruction, volvulus and abdominal injuries.
  • Vomiting with severe headaches is a frequent accompaniment of head injuries, as well as a harbinger of migraine attacks.
  • An increase in temperature indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.
  • Green vomiting occurs due to the reflux of bile into the stomach. This indicates serious internal pathologies, toxic poisoning (mushroom poisons, for example), as well as a possible tumor of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids will help alleviate the patient's condition with prolonged debilitating vomiting. At the same time, a single portion of water should be minimal so as not to provoke another attack.

During this period, it is advisable to refuse food, minimize physical and psychological burden, and also be sure to consult a doctor. This is especially important if toxic poisoning is suspected, there is a high temperature or there are foreign impurities in the vomit.


Methods for examining patients complaining of vomiting attacks vary. Depending on the suspected cause of the disease, ultrasonography organs, as well as ECG.

Simple blood and urine tests provide a lot of information, which will show a possible inflammatory process in the body. If psychogenic vomiting is suspected, it is advisable to do a CT scan of the brain to exclude the risk of a tumor. This procedure is also indicated after head injuries or for persistent and incessant vomiting.

If gastrointestinal problems are suspected, the type of examination is determined after examining the patient. At the same time, endoscopic methods are not used so often, because the probe can also cause worsening of the condition.

Most often, ultrasound and fluoroscopy with a contrast agent are performed, which helps to detect possible anomalies in the structure and functioning of organs.

How to treat vomiting in an adult?

If you suspect poisoning or intoxication to the body, under no circumstances should you stop vomiting. It will help cleanse the stomach of harmful substances and prevent the further spread of poisons in the circulatory system.

In cases where vomiting is caused by motion sickness, it is better to use traditional methods(mint, ginger) or pharmaceutical drugs that help solve this problem.

In case of vomiting of unknown origin, it is prohibited to use any medications other than enterosorbents (activated carbon, Enterosgel, ""). Plan further treatment and antiemetic medications are best discussed with your doctor.


After the patient’s condition has normalized a little, familiar foods can be gradually introduced into the diet. It is important to do this gradually, avoiding overload of the stomach and repetition of negative reactions.

What dishes should the diet consist of:

  • Soups and cereals made with water or low-fat broth.
  • Semi-liquid mashed potatoes with water.
  • Crackers, biscuits.
  • Kissel, rosehip decoction, dried fruit compote.

It is very important to eat in small portions at first. All food should be at a comfortable temperature: neither hot nor cold.

It is also important to drink enough water to avoid dehydration. It could be still mineral water, weak tea or plain water.

During the period of vomiting attacks, it is better to drink special electrolyte solutions of the “” type, which not only help eliminate negative conditions, but also alleviate the patient’s condition.

What to exclude:

  • Fatty and spicy dishes.
  • Alcohol and smoking.
  • High fat dairy products.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Strong coffee and tea.
  • Confectionery, sweets.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits.

Vomiting in an adult can occur for many reasons, so it is important to separate a “harmless” illness from a potentially fatal one. The main causes and symptoms of vomiting are discussed in our information.

From the article you will learn what may be causes of nausea and vomiting, possible means of relief. These two sensations are, in fact, closely related and can depend on both pathological and non-pathological reasons.

What is nausea: mechanisms and sources

Nausea is the subjective feeling of impending vomiting. It is felt mainly in the epigastric region, that is, in the abdomen.

It may manifest itself as a slight sensation, that is, it warns you of possible vomiting, but this does not happen, or it may be a symptom followed by vomiting, in which case it is accompanied by muscle spasms in the respiratory area.

When does nausea occur?

You cannot determine the exact time at which nausea and vomiting will occur However, there are conditions and even causes that predispose to the appearance of these disorders.

The main ones:

  • In the morning: morning sickness often occurs during pregnancy, or may occur if you get out of bed quickly and do not give your body time to regulate your blood pressure.
  • Before eating: The feeling of nausea may be associated with hunger. If we fast for too long, we may experience nausea along with stomach cramps caused by hunger.
  • After meal: This is classic nausea that occurs when we eat too much or suffer from gastrointestinal disorders.
  • At night: Night sickness can be caused by pregnancy or body position during sleep, in the second case it can be a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux.

Pathological causes of nausea

Nausea is one of the most common nonspecific symptoms. For many diseases can cause nausea and even vomiting.

In general, the following conditions can be distinguished, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting:

  • Stomach problems: Nausea can be one of the symptoms of stomach diseases such as ulcers, gastritis and herb. In this case, the feeling of vomiting most often appears on an empty stomach or when you are in a lying position.
  • Intestinal disorders: Bowel problems can also cause nausea, including irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis, which, in addition to nausea and vomiting, are manifested by diarrhea or constipation, bad breath and flatulence.
  • Gallbladder problems: Inflammation of the gallbladder and cholelithiasis can cause a feeling of nausea, which is accompanied by pain in the epigastric region, mainly after eating or after eating a high-fat meal.
  • Heart diseases: Cardiac decompensation or myocardial infarction may have subsequent symptoms of nausea, accompanied by tachycardia, palpitations, sweating and dizziness.
  • Labyrinthitis: Inflammation at the level of the labyrinth of the ear alters the subject's perception of balance, which may result in disturbances such as nausea, vomiting and dizziness, which are very severe.
  • Liver diseases: serious illnesses liver diseases such as cirrhosis or tumors can lead to nausea associated with jaundice, persistent fatigue and lack of appetite.
  • Thyroid problems: diseases that affect thyroid gland, such as hyperthyroidism, may also present with nausea and vomiting associated with diarrhea, anxiety and weakness.
  • Violations in cervical spine : Those who suffer from diseases at the level of the cervical vertebrae, arthrosis or pinched vertebrae of the neck may experience a feeling of nausea associated with severe dizziness.

Non-pathological causes of nausea and vomiting

Non-medical causes of nausea are more numerous and may be related to certain conditions or activities that occur during the day.

Among non-pathological causes we have:

  • Pregnancy: Nausea after childbirth is a common condition in women. As a rule, it appears at the beginning of pregnancy and lasts throughout the first trimester, although it often persists throughout the entire pregnancy. Nausea during pregnancy is associated with changes in hormone levels that occur in a woman, and, first of all, the appearance of human chorionic gonadotropin, the pregnancy hormone, which leads to nausea.
  • Menstrual cycle: Nausea can also occur at different times menstrual cycle women. Those who suffer from premenstrual syndrome may experience this feeling a few days before their period. In these cases, nausea is closely related to hormonal changes.
  • Vision: Visual fatigue, such as when working at a computer for a long time or getting used to new glasses, can lead to a painful feeling of nausea.
  • Low pressure: after intense physical activity, such as running, or when it is very hot, perhaps a sharp decline blood pressure. One of the symptoms low pressure is a feeling of nausea, accompanied by dizziness, cold sweat and a feeling of fainting.
  • Anxiety and stress: Severe anxiety can lead to abdominal pain, accompanied by sweating, dizziness and nausea. Nausea in this case is of psychosomatic origin.
  • Movement sickness: better known as " seasickness”, that is, the feeling of nausea and malaise that occurs when you are in motion, such as in a car or on a ship. This disorder is associated with changes in the balance organs located in the inner ear. The classic symptoms are nausea, vomiting, pallor and sweating. This is one of the main causes of nausea in children.
  • Alcohol abuse: You may feel nauseous when excessive consumption alcohol. The effect of alcohol on the gastric mucosa can cause nausea.
  • Smoking: Cigarettes can cause nausea. In this case, the sensation is a reaction to the nicotine contained in tobacco and inhaled smoke.
  • Medicines: Chemotherapy drugs are most often responsible for causing nausea and vomiting. This is due to the composition of chemotherapy drugs: very aggressive, capable of stimulating both the vomiting center and the gastrointestinal tract, causing nausea. Another drug that can cause nausea is birth control pills. Other drugs that can cause nausea include antibiotics.
  • Caffeine: A substance found in coffee may be responsible for causing nausea in two ways. Firstly, excessive coffee consumption can lead to stomach problems, irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and nausea. Secondly, caffeine abstinence may present with symptoms such as headache and nausea.
  • Nutrition: When you exceed your normal food intake, nausea may occur as a defense mechanism for the stomach.

Natural Remedies for Nausea

Natural remedies are suitable for combating nausea of ​​any kind caused by illness, after childbirth, or from taking medications.

The most commonly used natural remedies are:

Lemon juice is one of the most famous and ancient remedies for nausea. Just add lemon juice into hot water and then drink everything.

Anti-nausea products: Especially recommended to combat nausea during pregnancy. These products help prevent nausea and fight it if it already occurs. Among such products, it should be noted crackers, cookies, and bread, preferably made from whole grains, as well as mint and mint-based products. Other foods you can use are potatoes, pasta, white rice and bananas. But, you should avoid fatty foods, fried foods and strong spices, which can increase the feeling of nausea.

Licorice: An excellent anti-nausea remedy is licorice root, which, when eaten, reduces the feeling of nausea. However, it has a side effect - increased blood pressure.

Wheat germ: contain vitamin B6 and are especially useful against nausea. Add a couple of teaspoons to warm milk and drink several times a day, as needed.

Fermented milk: If nausea is caused by antibiotics or intestinal problems associated with diarrhea or abdominal pain, you can take lactic acid enzymes, which restores intestinal flora.

Apple vinegar: to reduce nausea Apple vinegar diluted in natural water, to which a teaspoon of honey is added. Should be taken in the evening.

Rice water: Water after cooking rice contains starch, which helps reduce the feeling of nausea. You can drink several times a day.

  • Melissa: Useful against nausea caused by anxiety or stress. Contains active ingredients such as essential oils, phenolic acids and triterpene acids. Take as an infusion, approximately 40 drops per glass of water.
  • Dill: its active components - anethole and flavonoids - act on the entire gastrointestinal tract. Take the form of tea from a teaspoon of dill seeds brewed in boiling water. Avoid during pregnancy.
  • Ginger: Ginger root contains two acids - ethanol and acetone, which suppress the feeling of nausea. You can take it in capsule form, in which case it is enough to take two capsules per day containing about 250 g of dry extract, or in the form of an infusion, putting a teaspoon of ginger root per 250 ml hot water. During pregnancy, you should consult your gynecologist.

Drug therapy

Anti-nausea medications should be taken under strict medical supervision, especially during pregnancy, and only when there is real need their adoption, that is, when nausea and vomiting interfere with daily activities. The dosage and administration schedule will be determined by your doctor.

The most common anti-nausea medications are:

  • Metoclopramide: suppresses the gag reflex and, as a result, nausea. Can be taken during pregnancy, but not recommended during the first quarter.
  • Prochlorperazine: acts on the vomiting center, suppressing the feeling of nausea. Should be used with caution as it may mask side effects other drugs.
  • Dexamethasone: This is a drug that is a corticosteroid and is used to relieve nausea during chemotherapy or after surgery.

Vomiting is a reflexive protective reaction of the body aimed at emptying the stomach of its contents. This occurs due to contraction of the abdominal muscles, in to a greater extent diaphragm. The process is regulated by the vomiting center in the brain. The causes of vomiting are varied. To determine them, the nature of the vomit is analyzed. They are different color and contain impurities of undigested foods, mucus, blood, and bile.

Causes of vomiting associated with pathology of the digestive system

This is the most common reasons, in which vomiting occurs. It usually develops after eating and is associated with inflammatory processes mucous membrane.


Every person has experienced indigestion. It is caused by eating heavy or poor-quality food, and also occurs when overeating. Vomiting in this condition is one-time. After it there is always noticeable relief. General state satisfactory. A person can easily return to their normal lifestyle and daily routine within 1-2 hours. Vomit contains small amounts of food pieces and mucus.

First aid is to refrain from eating any foods for 2-3 hours to give the stomach a break to recover, and to refrain from physical activity for the rest of the day. If this happened in the workplace and the activity is related to physical activity, if possible, take short breaks (5-7 minutes) every hour.

Acute intestinal infections (AI)

OKI or gastroenteritis – frequent and dangerous reason. One of the main symptoms is frequent vomiting, which occurs as a result of damage to the mucous organs of the gastrointestinal tract by pathogenic microorganisms. The most common pathogens that lead to this condition are E. coli, staphylococcus, dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever, botulism.

With gastroenteritis, vomiting can be repeated, is difficult for a person to tolerate, and worsens general health, severely dehydrates the body. Associated symptoms are diarrhea (sometimes up to 15 times a day), heat, intoxication. Stool and vomit may contain large amounts of mucus, undigested food, and in severe cases, blood and pus.

The main task in providing assistance to the victim is to prevent critical dehydration of the body. To do this, the patient must drink at least 4 liters of water per day. Rapid loss of fluid will lead to a high concentration of toxins in the blood and, as a result, brain poisoning and kidney failure.

The cause may be enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas. Lack of enzymes - proteases, amylase, lipase, steapsin, nucleases. This leads to the fact that the incoming food is not fully digested, is not broken down into proteins, fats, carbohydrates and, as a result, is not absorbed in the intestines.

Vomiting occurs after a person has eaten fatty, fried, smoked food. After 1-2 hours they develop characteristic symptoms– nausea, constant vomiting (every hour), one-time loose stool. At first, food is evacuated from the stomach, then vomiting of gastric juice appears. This condition occurs when acute pancreatitis or exacerbation chronic form diseases.

Another functional disorder– disruption of bile production, difficulty in outflow, its reflux into the stomach. Occurs with inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) or the presence of stones, obstruction bile ducts(dyskinesia), liver inflammation (hepatitis).

Giving help:

  1. Organize the patient to fast for the first 24 hours after the attack.
  2. Appoint within a week fasting diet to relieve inflammation.
  3. In order to unload the pancreas, take enzymes daily during meals - pancreatin, Creon, mezim, festal.
  4. No-spa for vomiting bile in children and adults is indicated when there is severe pain in the right hypochondrium. It will relieve spasm of smooth muscles and alleviate the condition.

Chemical or drug poisoning

The causes of vomiting are the penetration of toxic substances into the body. Contributing factors - neglect of safety precautions when working with toxic substances, accident, poisoning with household chemicals.

Toxic chemical compounds when they enter the gastrointestinal tract, they affect the mucous membrane, change its structure and impair functionality. The degree of damage depends on the concentration and volume of the substance that has penetrated inside. The esophagus and stomach are the first to be affected; they are destroyed more than other organs. A chemical burn can cause:

  • hyperemia (redness), inflammation;
  • erosions, ulcers;
  • thinning of the organ;
  • necrosis (death);
  • perforation (rupture) of the walls.

Defense mechanisms are activated in the victim’s body and vomiting occurs. If toxic substances enter through Airways, the person is feeling sick. If you are vomiting, this is a sign of brain damage.

In case of chemical poisoning, you should not wash your stomach yourself. This will increase the degree and area of ​​the burn.

Constant nausea and vomiting occur from systematic drug overdose. The reason is non-compliance with the treatment regimen, independent increase in the dose taken. This is especially true for patients who take antipsychotics - narcotic drugs for insomnia, migraines, mental disorders. These drugs can cause withdrawal syndrome - dependence, which requires increasing the dosage.

Causes of vomiting associated with damage to the nervous system and other internal organs

The reason why a person experiences constant vomiting may be irritation of the vomiting center, which is located in medulla oblongata.

Once in the body, alcohol is quickly absorbed through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract into the blood and rushes to the brain. When the permissible limits of consumed alcoholic beverages are exceeded, intoxication develops. The resulting vomiting is not due to ethanol entering the stomach, but to poisoning of the brain. Depending on the degree of intoxication, it can be single or multiple.

Vomiting indicates severe poisoning. Alcohol destroys blood and brain cells, leading to oxygen starvation. In this case, vomiting is a harbinger of respiratory and cardiac dysfunction, up to their stop.

Diseases and injuries of the nervous system

Lesions of the central nervous system that cause vomiting:

  1. Infectious diseases – meningococcal infection. When it enters the body, the pathogen multiplies quickly. When it dies, endotoxins are released, which rapidly destroy blood vessels and mucous membranes, often causing the development of infectious-toxic shock. Symptoms: sharp pain in the head, eyeballs, vomiting, high tactile sensitivity, irritation to light, sound.
  2. Concussion occurs due to bruises, blows, collisions. Factors – domestic, sports and industrial injuries, criminal incidents. As a result, the functionality of neurons is impaired. Symptoms – single vomiting, superficial and rapid breathing, slow heartbeat, memory impairment.
  3. Compression of the brain occurs as a result of filling the cranial space with blood and intracerebral fluid. Brain damage is a life-threatening condition. It develops as a result of mechanical trauma. Symptoms: repeated vomiting, severe headache, psychomotor agitation, high blood pressure, epileptic convulsions.

Nausea, vomiting, pain in the occipital region are signs of a sharp increase in blood pressure to critical levels. Instability of circulation in the brain, increased tension blood vessels affects the vomiting center. At systolic blood pressure over 200 mm Hg. Art. The patient may experience severe repeated vomiting. Accompanying symptoms are chills, headache, swelling of the face and limbs, sudden loss of strength, and fainting.

The appearance of a hypertensive crisis is promoted by stress, nervous shock, meteorological conditions, and physical activity.

Causes of vomiting in children

In children, the causes of vomiting depend on age characteristics. Infants experience frequent regurgitation due to overfeeding. Or as an adaptive reaction to new living conditions of the body. In infants, vomiting for no reason is common.

Factors for the development of vomiting in children:

  • Congenital anomalies of the development of internal organs of the digestive system.
  • Immature vestibular apparatus – motion sickness in motor vehicles.
  • Dyspeptic disorders - food inappropriate for age, inappropriate baby food, improper introduction of complementary foods.
  • Vomiting as a reaction to taking pharmacological drugs.
  • Allergic reactions to products.
  • Foreign body in the throat, esophagus or stomach.

Identifying the causes of vomiting allows you to determine what to do in a particular case, what measures to take to eliminate and prevent the symptom.

Vomiting is nothing more than the body’s reaction to the intake of harmful substances or toxins.. So the stomach tries to cleanse itself in order to prevent the absorption of poisons into the bloodstream and further poisoning of the entire body. And although vomiting can be considered a natural process, this condition very quickly leads to dehydration and disruption of the functioning of many organs and systems. To prevent this, you need to know how to stop vomiting at home.

Causes of vomiting in adults

Nausea and vomiting in adults can be the result of food poisoning, alcohol intoxication, drug overdose and inhalation of toxic substances. In addition, gagging may be a combination of symptoms when infectious diseases digestive tract and with weakness of the vestibular apparatus.

In case of poisoning with low-quality food products, the urge to vomit occurs through a short time after meal. Although in some cases the first symptoms of poisoning appear only after a day.

If an overdose of medications occurs, vomiting may occur after half an hour or an hour. It all depends on how quickly the medication is absorbed into the bloodstream.

If you have an individual intolerance to alcohol or excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, vomiting may occur immediately after the product enters the stomach. This is explained by the toxicity of ethanol to the cells of the body.

If a person has inhaled the vapors of toxic substances, then severe dizziness first occurs, which may be accompanied by hallucinations and nausea. Vomiting may appear a little later, when the concentration of the toxic substance in the blood reaches the limit.

The appearance of the gag reflex is a protective mechanism of the body, with the help of which it tries to cleanse itself of toxic substances. If vomiting is not constant and does not exhaust the person too much, then it should not be stopped immediately. Due to this unpleasant process, the body will be cleansed, and recovery will come faster.

First aid for vomiting

Many people are interested in the question - what can be done to stop vomiting? Some people, when observing such symptoms in themselves or their relatives, begin to panic. In fact, everything is not so sad, and this phenomenon can be stopped quickly. It all depends on what caused the vomiting.

Food poisoning

To quickly stop nausea and vomiting due to poisoning with low-quality food, it is necessary to perform a number of measures:

  • Rinse the stomach thoroughly with a large volume of water. This procedure will help cleanse the digestive tract of food debris that caused poisoning. It is better to wash with a weak solution of table salt or a slightly pinkish solution of potassium permanganate. The procedure is repeated until the waste water is absolutely clean.
  • If vomiting does not stop after gastric lavage, then adsorbents must be given. They attract toxic substances and bacteria, and then gently remove them from the body.
  • The patient is provided with a good drinking regime to restore fluid lost during vomiting. You can give strong tea, a decoction of rose hips or chamomile. Tea with mint and lemon balm also helps well; it can calm the stomach after vomiting.

If these methods fail to stop vomiting, you should consult a doctor who can prescribe treatment.

Drug overdose

If a person has taken too much medication and starts vomiting, they should be called immediately. ambulance. Some drugs can lead to irreversible consequences in a short period of time. Before the medical team arrives, the victim’s stomach is washed out and given plenty to drink.

The packaging of the drug that caused the poisoning must be shown to a doctor. This will speed up the diagnosis and help quickly prescribe the correct treatment.

In case of drug overdose in pregnant women and the elderly, it is not recommended to rinse the stomach at home. This can lead to rapid dehydration. Such patients are given drinks in fractional portions until the doctor arrives.

Infectious diseases of the stomach

If vomiting is provoked intestinal infection, then immediately resort to gastric and intestinal lavage
. This allows you to remove the maximum number of pathogenic microorganisms. To prevent dehydration, the patient is given a lot and often to drink; rehydron solution is well suited for this. This medicinal product quickly restores electrolyte balance in the body. In order not to provoke repeated attacks, the medicine should be given in small portions, but very often.

If vomiting does not stop even after gastric lavage, you can take an antiemetic. Cerucal or Motilium are suitable for this; these medications are taken in accordance with the instructions.

It is advisable not to take tablets for nausea and vomiting at the first urge. If you stop the unpleasant process immediately, most of the bacteria will remain in the body and recovery will be delayed.

Poisoning by toxic fumes

If a person has inhaled gas or toxic vapors of chemicals, then first you need to take him out into the fresh air and free him from tight clothes. Usually these actions are enough to prevent vomiting. If an unpleasant urge occurs, you can give the victim a cup of sweet tea or coffee to drink. After gas poisoning, the patient must be supervised at all times, as he may lose consciousness and choke on vomit.

Vomiting due to motion sickness

Many people, especially children, get motion sickness in transport. This occurs due to a weak vestibular system. It is impossible to recover from this peculiarity of the body, but you can slightly alleviate the condition of a person who is prone to motion sickness. The following measures will help relieve nausea and prevent vomiting:

  • mint or eucalyptus caramel, which is held against the cheek during the trip;
  • a validol tablet, which is slowly dissolved under the tongue;
  • Fruit caramel on a stick;
  • a slice of lemon along with the peel behind the cheek.

An adult or child should be provided with a comfortable position in transport. Usually, vomiting stops after a person takes a horizontal position or at least lays his head down.

How to quickly stop vomiting

To quickly stop vomiting at home, you must comply with a number of conditions:

  1. Place the patient in bed, cover with a blanket and ensure complete rest.
  2. Do not offer food to the person, but give drink in large quantities, but in very small doses.
  3. After each bout of vomiting, wash the patient cold water and let them rinse your mouth; ideally, you can brush your teeth with mint paste.
  4. When attacks have become rare, you can begin to solder the victim more actively. Compotes, decoctions and fruit drinks are suitable for this.

If severe vomiting does not stop throughout the day, you should definitely show the patient to a doctor..

It is important to remember that uncontrollable vomiting can be a symptom of such dangerous disease like appendicitis. In this case, in addition to gagging, there is strong pain With right side abdomen and high temperature. This disease can only be treated surgically.

In what cases should you call a doctor quickly?

There are several cases in which a person needs to be urgently taken to the hospital under his own power or a team of doctors must be called. These include:

  • There is a significant admixture of scarlet blood in the vomit.
  • When vomiting, bile comes out copiously.
  • The patient's body temperature rises above 39 degrees in a short period.
  • The person is in an unconscious state.
  • IN stool there is fresh or digested blood.
  • Convulsions began.

A doctor is also needed in case of poisoning medicines . Some drugs depress cardiac activity, so they can cause collapse in a short time.

When not to artificially induce vomiting

When providing first aid, it is often necessary to lavage the stomach and induce artificial vomiting. This procedure removes the bulk of harmful substances from the body and prevents their absorption into the bloodstream. Not all people know that it is impossible to provoke vomiting in a number of conditions; this will lead to even greater intoxication and damage. It is forbidden to induce vomiting in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy in women at all stages;
  • when a person is unconscious;
  • if poisoning occurred with chemical burning substances.

Traditional recipes for vomiting

You can stop even severe vomiting thanks to recipes traditional medicine. At home, tea with lemon and honey will help against indomitable vomiting.. Tea can be used either black or green. The latter drink has a more invigorating and tonic effect.

You can also stop gagging with peppermint tincture. It helps pregnant women especially well. This plant is completely harmless for both the woman and the unborn child. Permission is granted to use this medicinal herb and in the treatment of children.

You can suck a piece of ginger to relieve nausea and vomiting. In addition, the spice can be grated, pour boiled water and add a spoonful of honey. This delicious drink effectively calms the stomach and relieves spasms.

If you have persistent vomiting, you can take a tablespoon of potato juice. This simple remedy stops vomiting almost instantly and makes you feel better.

One more in an effective way To quickly get rid of nausea and vomiting, use ammonia. A cotton wool or napkin is moistened with this product and given to the patient to smell. Moreover, a window should be open in the room so that inhaling ammonia alternates with inhaling fresh air.

If an adult experiences nausea and vomiting, then do not panic. Adults tolerate this unpleasant condition more easily than children, and complications occur less frequently. First you need to determine the cause of nausea, and then provide first aid. To do this, you need to know how to stop vomiting in an adult. If vomiting occurs after treatment emergency care and treatment at home, then this is a reason to see a doctor.