How can you treat psoriasis at home? The best folk remedies for psoriasis. Treatment with fish oil

Psoriasis is a chronic disease, so you should not delay visiting a dermatologist. On a par with traditional methods You can carry out treatment at home using folk remedies.

What kind of disease is this

Psoriasis is a disease that is often called simply “ itchy skin" It is characterized by reddish raised spots on the skin, accompanied by itching and further peeling. “Sores” are localized on the surface of the head, temples, neck, feet, hands, and nail plates.

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Psoriasis comes in several types:

plaque (vulgar);


pustular (arising as a result of suppuration, wounds);

occurring on the palms and soles of the feet;

According to statistics, up to 2% of the world's population suffers from unpleasant symptoms. Psoriasis is not considered a contagious disease; treatment can be carried out at home, but nevertheless, you should not delay seeing a doctor.

Causes and symptoms

The nature of the disease has not been fully studied even today; all that is known is that psoriasis often occurs in disorders of the nervous and immune system. Medicine cites genetic predisposition as the main factor.

In addition, there is a whole list possible reasons diseases:

thin skin prone to dryness;

frequent washing of body and hair;

constant stress;

bad habits (alcohol, smoking);

sudden change in climatic conditions;

genetics (heredity);

reception medicines(for seizures, malaria, antidepressants);

consequences of influenza, ARVI, colds;


disturbances in liver function;

renal failure;

diaper rash and skin damage.

The symptoms, regardless of the cause, are always the same. The entire process of disease development is divided into 4 stages:

First, reddish or pink spots appear, covered with flaky silvery scales. They itch, swell and spread very quickly over the rest of the skin.

The second stage is called the “stationary stage”. Scuffs, injuries, and scratches appear on the skin. With the appearance of neoplasms, the plaques merge.

At this stage, the scaly spots stop growing, acquire clear boundaries, the skin becomes bluish, and the “sores” begin to peel off.

The last stage is regression. First of all, the skin stops itching and flaking, then its natural color returns and only at the end of the disease the lumps disappear.

Treatment of psoriasis is also possible at home, using folk remedies. It is only important to be careful when interacting with them. Before starting treatment, consultation with a specialist is required.

Traditional recipes for psoriasis

A miraculous folk remedy for treating psoriasis at home is kerosene. There are many recipes using it. Consider the list of the simplest and most popular:

A mixture of walnuts and kerosene, diluted with vegetable juice. First you need to prepare ½ cup of beetroot, potato or carrot juice. Mix nuts and kerosene until smooth. Place 10 drops of the mixture onto a piece of refined sugar, suck on it like a lollipop, then wash it down with nutritious juice from vegetables. Use at least 2 times a day, for 30 days, comprehensively, taking into account the recommendations of a dermatologist.

Kerosene and fish oil. 5 ml of purified kerosene is mixed with 15 ml of fish oil, a clean piece of cloth or gauze is moistened in the finished mixture, then the scaly spots are soaked with the mixture.

It is strictly forbidden to use undiluted kerosene, as this can cause burns. The product itself gives a good result, it can be used both in conjunction with herbal tinctures and without them, the only negative is the strong smell.

Folk remedies for psoriasis on the head

Psoriasis that develops in places where there is hair (head, neck, armpits, eyebrows) is called “seborrheic dermatitis” or simply seborrhea. In this case, the head often itches, large “flakes” of dandruff are located on it.

There are a number of good ways to treat it:

Golden mustache juice. It is rubbed into dry scalp, and then the infusion from the plant is used to wash the hair instead of shampoo, at the rate of 1 leaf per 1 liter of water.

Rosehip ash. Ash is obtained from dry branches of the bush, mixed with petroleum jelly in a 1:1 ratio, and psoriasis plaques are rubbed with ointment.

Fir water. Fir needles are brewed in boiling water at the rate of 15 g per half glass of water, then the decoction is cooled and taken orally 3 times a day. The procedure is carried out over 1.5 months, a break is taken for 14 days, then the course is repeated.

Onion. Cut a medium onion in half and lightly rub the surface of the scales. Onion juice will kill all pathogenic bacteria.

Very important point is to keep the body clean, you should wash using baby soap or shampoo. You should not scratch the plaques so as not to increase irritation of the skin and not give the disease a chance to spread to an even larger surface of the head.

Folk remedies for psoriasis on the hands

It is not recommended to scratch the scales on the surface of the hands; sometimes it is very difficult to restrain yourself, but you must remember that because of this, the disease begins to progress, damaging an even larger area of ​​the skin. To reduce discomfort from itching, when choosing clothes, you should focus on “freedom” and avoid chafing sleeves and folds.

Treatment involves a number of methods:

Herbal tinctures. Skin diseases can be treated with the composition of herbs such as: valerian, celandine stems, calamus rhizomes, chamomile flowers, thyme, viburnum leaves and sage. To prepare, you will need to brew a spoonful of ground dry herbs in 200 ml of boiled water, bring to a boil in a water bath, cool and take 2-3 tablespoons three times a day, after meals.

Rubbing or taking water procedures. Baths using leaves of celandine, sage, St. John's wort. To treat the surface of nails affected by psoriasis, make bay leaf baths at home. Another folk remedy with a bactericidal effect is an ointment made from grease and tar. Tar is diluted with sunflower oil, and grease is used in its pure form. Mix 2 products in equal proportions and smear on elbows, skin folds and areas behind the ears. The ointment is applied for 10 minutes, then with each following procedure The duration of exposure is adjusted to half an hour.

It is almost impossible to completely get rid of skin diseases, but with the help of known remedies you can reduce the unpleasant itching, redness and progression of psoriasis.


Using baking soda against psoriasis

A simple, but no less effective folk remedy for the treatment of psoriasis is baking soda. Its use is possible in several options:

Bath. It is recommended to carry out the procedures before going to bed. For the full volume of the bath you will need 1 kilogram of soda. The water temperature should not be more than 40°C. The procedure time should be 20-40 minutes. After leaving the bath, the body is rubbed with a rich cream, this will prevent drying of the skin and eliminate the feeling of tightness.

Wiping wounds. A cotton pad is moistened in a weak soda solution and the wounds are wiped with it.

Every housewife can find soda; there’s nothing simpler to find, and the effect won’t take long; itchy scales heal much faster.

Application of activated carbon

It is considered a good folk remedy for treating psoriasis at home. Activated carbon. Lovers alternative medicine They call it the most effective remedy. Treatment can be done in several ways:

Taking tablets orally. Activated carbon is consumed at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of a person’s weight - an indicator of the required number of tablets to be consumed per day. At the same time, you should drink as much liquid as possible. The procedure is carried out daily for 30 to 45 days.

Lotions. Half a pack of tablets should be crushed and stirred in 2 tablespoons of boiled water until a paste forms. Then it is applied to itchy spots and left for a quarter of an hour. Afterwards the paste is washed off warm water, and the damaged areas are lubricated with baby cream or any other that contains glycerin.

The product is cheap, but it actually helps get rid of unpleasant itching and flaky spots.

Healing mud

From time immemorial, healing mud has been extremely popular in the fight against a number of the most various diseases. It is also useful in treating psoriasis at home. The result of this folk remedy becomes noticeable after a couple of procedures. One of the most popular and accessible variations is considered to be mud dead sea. Treatment takes from 10 days to 2 weeks.

Treatment with beaver jet

Beaver stream is a substance of animal origin. These are two sacs (glands) located near the beaver's anus, with their help they mark the territory. It is used to relieve pain and relieve the main symptoms of psoriasis. The product should be used diluted with plenty of water.

Treatment with folk remedies for psoriasis occupies no less important place than therapy with medications. Of course, there is no miracle cure that will help get rid of psoriatic rashes in one day and forget about the disease forever. However, there are many recipes based on natural herbs and products that help to significantly alleviate the patient’s condition with pathology and minimize the manifestation of its symptoms. It is also worth noting that folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis are welcome in our time. official medicine. Doctors themselves often prescribe decoctions of medicinal herbs and other treatment methods. Treatment of psoriasis at home with folk remedies should be discussed with your doctor, as it often has side effects. A competent approach and compliance with all recommendations will ensure a positive result and minimal risk to human health.

Why does psoriasis occur and what kind of disease is it?

The disease has been known for centuries and is characterized by chronic course. Dermatosis cannot be cured; the patient, once faced with the disease, becomes its hostage for life. The pathology progresses differently for everyone; its forms can be mild, or they can be accompanied by a severe course with a significant risk to the patient’s life. The disease manifests itself in the form of red, scaly rashes on the body, accompanied by inflammation and severe itching. Psoriasis can also affect joints and ligaments, this type is called psoriatic arthritis.

There are quite a few causes of pathology; scientists attribute the following provoking factors to them:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • weakened immunity;
  • severe nervous shock, stress;
  • disruption of the body's metabolic processes;
  • hormonal imbalances due to diseases of the endocrine system.

In most cases, the disease develops in adult patients, however, its manifestations in children are not excluded. Most often, the disease occurs under the influence of a genetic factor. The likelihood of a child developing the disease increases significantly if one or both parents suffer from psoriasis. Also, the causes of the disease in children can be:

  • transmission of infectious diseases;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • diaper rash and skin damage.

Many patients are interested in how to treat psoriasis at home and is it possible to get rid of the disease using folk remedies? Further in the article we will try to answer this question.

Principles of therapy using traditional methods

Treatment for psoriasis with folk remedies should begin after consultation with a specialist. It is very important to adhere to precautions during therapy. This is the only way to avoid side effects and achieve the desired result. The principles of treatment include:

  1. Follow the medication recipe and recommendations for use, do not change the dose yourself without first consulting your doctor.
  2. Psoriasis can be treated with folk remedies only if it is mild to moderate in severity. If the pathology has an acute, complicated form, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without synthetic hormonal drugs.
  3. It is necessary to constantly maintain skin moisture with the help of creams, since many products have the properties of drying the dermis.
  4. The crusts must be removed carefully, only after they have been softened. Elimination of dead particles promotes better absorption of medicinal components.
  5. It is not recommended to use several products at the same time. When advancing positive result, or vice versa, allergic reaction, in such cases it is impossible to find out which particular medicine had an effect.
  6. Effective folk remedies for psoriasis for one patient may be completely unsuitable for another. The disease is individual for each patient.
  7. It is imperative to take breaks between courses of treatment. Typically this period should be from one month to six months.
  8. Folk remedies for psoriasis should be used under the supervision of a doctor; any changes in health should be discussed with a specialist in this field.

Methods for treating psoriasis using natural remedies

As with drug treatment traditional therapy works better with an integrated approach. Folk remedies for the treatment of pathology can be in the following types:

  • use of herbal infusions;
  • products for external use from natural products in the form of creams and ointments;
  • preparation of alcohol infusions;
  • baths based on various products;
  • masks and compresses.

The treatment effect will be best if you combine several remedies at once. For example, taking the tincture internally and using an anti-inflammatory ointment externally. So, next we will try to find out how you can cure psoriasis at home.

Using soda

A fairly effective folk remedy for psoriasis can be obtained using the usual baking soda. There are several recipes for using this product. The most popular recipes include the following:


For better healing of plaques, patients are advised to add baking soda to their baths. The procedure is best performed in the evening before bedtime. To do this, dilute 1 kg of soda in the bathroom (30-40 liters of water). The water temperature should be no higher than 38-40 degrees. You need to immerse your entire body in water for 15-20 minutes. You can repeat the procedure every other day. If your skin becomes very dry, you should definitely moisturize it with special products.

External use

You can also treat plaques with a soda solution. Dissolve 2 tbsp in a glass of water. l. soda Soak a cotton pad in the resulting product and wipe the wounds with it.


Treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies using soda can also be in the form of compresses. To do this, combine a tablespoon of soda with 2 tbsp. l. boiled water. The resulting mixture is distributed over the lesions and covered with a gauze bandage. Application time is from 20 to 40 minutes. The course of treatment is 8-10 days.

Hot compresses

It is carried out in the same way as usual, but for this it is used hot water. After application, the skin is covered with a bandage, film and a warm towel on top.

The role of salt in the treatment of illness

Folk remedies for psoriasis can be in the form of using regular or sea salt. For treatment, baths with the addition of the product are most often used. It is recommended to add 1 kg of salt to a standard bath and mix it well. The patient is immersed in water for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, you need to rinse your skin in the shower and apply moisturizer.

You can also use salt for a compress. Dilute 2 tbsp in a glass of water. l. salt and stir until it is completely dissolved. Moisten gauze in the resulting solution and apply it to the affected areas for 15-20 minutes.

Application of activated carbon

Proponents of this method claim that this is the most effective folk remedy for psoriasis. There are several ways to use this drug. Treatment of psoriasis with activated carbon can be carried out according to the following schemes:

Ingestion of coal

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to determine the required amount of the product individually for you. To do this, divide your body weight by 10. The resulting figure is the number of coal tablets required for daily use. The course lasts from one to one and a half months. For example, if after division you get the number 8, you need to take 8 tablets of the drug throughout the day. You can take 3 tablets in the morning and at lunch, leaving 2 tablets for the evening. Do not forget to drink the product with plenty of water.

External application

For a compress, 5-6 tablets are crushed and mixed with two tablespoons of boiled water. The resulting porridge is applied to the plaques for 15-20 minutes. After this, I rinse with warm water and moisturize with glycerin-based cream.

Bee products

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms of the disease, bee waste products are often used. Treatment of psoriasis with propolis at home gives quite good results. Propolis is added to ointments for natural basis. Next, consider several effective recipes:

Propolis and tar ointment

To prepare the medicine you will need 150 g of propolis and the same amount of birch tar. The products are placed in an enamel bowl and placed in a water bath. After the ointment acquires a uniform consistency, it is removed from the heat and allowed to cool. Then add a tablespoon of glycerin and a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil. The ointment is applied to the lesions 3-4 times a day for two weeks.

Compress based on propolis

Propolis and butter are used to soften the skin. This folk remedy for psoriasis moisturizes well, relieves inflammation, and improves blood flow. Preparing the ointment is quite easy.

  1. 100 g of butter is heated in a water bath.
  2. Then combine it with 100 g of grated propolis.
  3. The product is mixed and applied in a thin layer to the skin in areas of rash.
  4. Compress time is 15-20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water and soap.

There is no need to moisturize the skin, since the ointment already has a softening effect.

In addition to propolis, honey is also used to treat psoriasis. The product is used in the same capacity as propolis.

The use of therapeutic mud

Treatment of psoriasis with mud has been successfully used for decades. To do this, use mud that has beneficial properties with this pathology. The most popular products are the following:

  • Anapa sulfide;
  • Saki silt;
  • Tambukanskaya;
  • dead sea mud.

Usually the course of treatment lasts from 10 to 14 days. Mud is applied to the body, including healthy areas of the skin. The products have a good rejuvenating and preventive effect.

Removes dirt stains well in combination with healthy eating and use mineral water. Most positive effect can be achieved in the conditions of sanatorium treatment.

Treatment with beaver jet

Treatment of psoriasis with beaver stream has also proven itself in the fight against pathology. So, we will consider further how to get rid of psoriasis using folk remedies using this method. Beaver stream for psoriasis can be used to alleviate the patient’s condition, as well as relieve the main symptoms of the disease. Use the product heavily diluted with water, both internally and externally.

Medicine for internal use

Crush the beaver glands into powder and mix with 50 ml of boiled water. Mix the product thoroughly and take a teaspoon three times a day. You can drink the product with water or herbal tea.

Badger fat

Badger fat for psoriasis has many beneficial properties and has healing effects on the patient’s skin. The properties of this product are the following:

  • restorative;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antiseptic;
  • regenerating;
  • healing;
  • anti-inflammatory.

In addition, fat contains many useful microelements and vitamins. Apply the product to the affected areas in a slightly warmed form for 30-40 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. The product is also taken orally by dissolving a teaspoon of fat in a glass of milk.

Treatment with garlic

Garlic for psoriasis is affordable and effective means. The fact is that this plant has many useful vitamins and microelements. Garlic has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Below we will look at how to cure psoriasis using folk remedies using garlic.

Preparing the tincture

  1. One large head of garlic is finely chopped and poured into 200 ml apple cider vinegar and the same amount of vodka.
  2. Infuse the medicine in a cool room for 10-12 days.
  3. Afterwards, the product is taken 50 g in the morning and as a fan.

You can also use the tincture to wipe off plaques.

Boiled garlic compress

To prepare, you need to boil 10-15 large cloves of the plant until soft, then crush them and mix with half a glass of honey. The product is applied to the skin overnight, wrapped in film.

Using Herbs

Folk remedies for psoriasis can also be in the form of various medicinal herbs. Plants have an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and calming effect. The following herbs are most often used in the fight against illness:

  • chamomile;
  • series;
  • celandine;
  • St. John's wort;
  • yarrow;
  • elecampane;
  • nettle.

All of them help relieve the unpleasant manifestations of the disease and fast healing psoriatic rashes. In most cases, patients are recommended to use plants in the form of tinctures and decoctions.


  1. The crushed product is poured with medical alcohol or regular vodka at the rate of 200 g of herb per 1 liter of liquid.
  2. The preparation time for this product is 10-14 days in a cool place, protected from the sun.
  3. It is best to use glass containers.

The resulting medicine can be used to wipe the plaques, and also take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day for 8-12 days.

Preparing the decoction

Next, we’ll figure out how to treat psoriasis with folk remedies using herbal decoction. To prepare, you will need to pour 2 tbsp. l. herbs cold water(500 ml) and place the product on fire. You need to bring the medicine to a boil slowly; you should not let it boil too much. After this, the broth is removed from the heat and left to infuse for 3-4 hours at room temperature. Take the medicine half a glass twice a day.

Oat decoction

Oats for psoriasis are often used in the form of a decoction. The preparation is very simple. To do this, pour a glass of unrefined grains into one liter of water and bring to a boil. Cook the broth over low heat for 3 hours. During this time, the medicine decreases significantly in volume. After cooling, the oats are filtered, using the internally obtained liquid. Do this one tablespoon three times a day 40 minutes before meals.

The decoction is also used externally. To do this, it is applied to the affected areas of the skin for 30-40 minutes.

Folk remedies for psoriasis are very diverse. All of them work quite well when used correctly and competently. Taking into account the rules of treatment and following the doctor’s recommendations, you can achieve a good result and a fairly long remission.

Folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis must have a calming, restorative, tonic effect (drugs for oral administration). And to get rid of external manifestations, you need anti-inflammatory and exfoliating agents. We have selected 53 folk recipes for the treatment of psoriasis, based on reviews from forums and scientific work.

The main ones are red spots on the body, on the head hands.

With psoriasis, the cells of the upper layer of skin divide chaotically and excessively. As a result, psoriatic papules and plaques form, and the protective functions of the skin are disrupted. On photo- psoriasis spots.

Psoriasis on hands

If you have psoriasis, causes can be different - heredity, poor ecology, organ dysfunction.

Before treatment, go through full examination from a dermatologist and other specialists:

  • otolaryngologist;
  • therapist;
  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • dentist

Some plants help restore normal cell division and function of other body systems. Let's look at 2 large blocks folk recipes: for the treatment of psoriasis inside and out.

1. Recipes for treating psoriasis from the inside

They are distinguished with an adaptogenic, sedative, dermotonic effect on the body, normalizing the functioning of the adrenal glands, restoring lipid metabolism and increasing the tone of the body. As well as vitamin folk recipes for the treatment of psoriasis.

Recipes with an adaptogenic effect on the body

Adaptogenic - an action that increases the body's resistance to a harmful external environment.

Methods with a sedative effect on the body

Sedative effect - calming, relieving stress (without hypnotic effect).

Traditional methods for normalizing the functioning of the adrenal glands

The adrenal glands are involved in metabolism and help the body adapt to unfavorable environmental factors. With psoriasis, their function is impaired and the necessary hormones are no longer produced.

Infusions for restoring lipid metabolism

The following recipes will help restore lipid metabolism.

Medicinal products to improve body tone

IN complex treatment It is important to reduce body fatigue and increase overall tone. Help to do this folk remedies for psoriasis.

Traditional methods with dermotonic effect

Such products increase skin tone and enhance its protective function. Depending on the stage of psoriasis and the severity of the disease, take one or more remedies.

Vitamin teas for patients with psoriasis

For psoriasis, take vitamin teas, they replenish the lack of substances and help fight the disease.

Rose hips and flowers

  1. Vitamin tea No. 1.
    Pour 2 cups of boiling water over rose hips and black currants (1 tsp each) and leave for an hour. Drink half a glass 3-4 times a day.
  2. Vitamin tea No. 2.
    Pour 2 cups of boiling water over rose hips and rowan berries (1 tsp each) and leave for an hour. Drink half a glass 3-4 times a day.

2. Recipes for treating psoriasis externally

External agents for the treatment of psoriasis should have an exfoliating, anti-inflammatory and softening effect. Medicinal plants help remove psoriatic plaques and papules.


Psoriasis is a disease that affects several body systems. Many people ask: contagious or not psoriasis. We answer: no, the disease is not contagious. Its causes are mainly genetic.

Traditional medicine suggests treating psoriasis internally and externally. Sanatoriums where psoriasis is treated, also use traditional methods. Mud, mineral baths, water procedures help cure the disease.

Despite its safety, this method of treating psoriasis is too complex and long. Just think that out of 53 recipes you will have to choose a few. Then find these medicinal plants, prepare, prepare your own decoctions, tinctures, ointments. And don’t forget to take several of these homemade medicines a day. This will take 1-2 hours a day (minimum).

In addition, the minimum course of treatment is a month. But this is with a mild course of the disease and in the initial stage. And no doctor can guarantee that you will be cured in this month. Simply because psoriasis is different for everyone and the disease is poorly understood.

In short, modern medicine offers more convenient and effective methods treatment of psoriasis.

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Psoriasis is one of the most severe forms of skin diseases. Scientists still have not figured out the main reason for its appearance, since a large number of factors contribute to its appearance. All measures taken are aimed only at easing the course of the disease and its symptoms. Despite all the abundance of medications existing in the world today, psoriasis cannot be completely cured.

The best specialists from all over the world are creating effective ways to solve this problem with itching, the appearance of plaques, and the consequences of the disease. But you don’t have to spend a huge amount of money just to get remission. People have long had recipes for ointments, tinctures and much more, tested by thousands and, according to doctors, are safe methods of treatment.

Psoriasis in the photo folk recipes in the photo 21 pieces with description

Causes of psoriasis

The disease develops on any part of the skin: on the head, body, groin. In women, psoriasis in the groin is twice as common as in men. But at the same time, due to a careless attitude towards their health, they suffer the most. The causes of psoriasis in the groin are:

  • Genetic predisposition. The development of this disease, both in other places and in the groin, is due to the fact that the sick have relatives who already suffer from it. According to research, about 30% of people with psoriasis have parents or distant relatives with the same disease.
  • Poor metabolism and immunity. During lipid metabolism disorders, cholesterol and sugar levels increase, which leads to the appearance of psoriasis. And with a weakened immune system, the body cannot cope with infectious diseases that cause illness.
  • High exposure to stress, frequent worries and worries also lead to a general deterioration of the condition, immunity, metabolism, and therefore to the occurrence of psoriasis.
  • HIV and other infections.
  • Bad habits.

Symptoms of psoriasis

Most often, this disease occurs in young people aged 20-30 years.

  • Most main feature psoriasis is redness and itching. At first, the rashes are accompanied by slight peeling and itching; at the next stage they are already covered with white scales (plaques). Psoriasis in the groin is a very personal and delicate matter, as it is also accompanied by social problems. Redness appears in the groin area, initial stage almost invisible. They are covered with a light white coating and constantly itch. Such scales bleed if they are torn off, and the exposed area shines.
  • Papules are in the head area and are not covered with plaques.
  • High body temperature, frequent headaches, stress, aching joints.
  • Often psoriasis in the groin is accompanied by the manifestation of its symptoms in the armpits and the skin around them.

How to treat psoriasis at home?

Until now, no way has been found to cure psoriasis at home forever. It is impossible to completely recover from this disease, even if you spend fortunes on medications. It is only possible to reduce the manifestation of symptoms, such as itching, flaking, the appearance of plaques and redness, and others.

The most important thing that must be observed during treatment is not to carry out any procedures on your own without the supervision of a doctor, to follow comprehensive measures on time and not to advance the disease in order to avoid serious consequences. We will talk about what are the causes of psoriasis and how to cure it with folk remedies.

Home treatment for psoriasis is based on the use of various drugs and folk remedies. But for it to be effective, a number of rules must be followed:

  • Together with the use of ointments, herbs, tinctures, etc. It is recommended to undergo physiotherapy courses.
  • Complete the course of treatment, even if it takes several years.
  • Don't forget to take vitamins and follow a diet.
  • Try to avoid stress and anxiety.
  • Conduct self-medication only under the supervision of your attending physician.

Psoriasis is treated at home with a whole list of folk remedies: various ointments, creams, herbal teas, tinctures, compresses and special baths.

Most plants and other products in folk recipes have almost no contraindications. But you should follow safety precautions and be aware of the side effects of all components. Keep in mind that not all recipes may be suitable for all patients, since the disease progresses individually.

Many patients do not know what folk remedies are used to treat psoriasis. Here's what grandmothers advise:

  • Make ointments with calendula, propolis, tar and sea buckthorn.
  • Drink teas with calming effects (mint, chamomile).
  • Take daily sea ​​buckthorn oil inside.
  • Take baths with salt and oils.

Treatment of psoriasis with activated carbon

One of the most popular methods of treating psoriasis at home is the use of activated carbon, since it is both a sorbent and an antidote. In the stomach, it absorbs all toxins, which will improve metabolism.

There are two ways to treat with activated carbon:

  • Ingestion. The course lasts from half to one and a half months. The daily dosage is 1 tablet weighing 250 mg per ten kilograms of weight. Divide the resulting number of tablets into three parts: each for one meal.

There is another way to dose coal. If you take one tablet per six kilograms of weight, then you need to take them at intervals: take ten during the day, twenty off, then take the tablets again for ten days.

  • External application. Mix five tablets with half and half water and apply to the affected areas. The course lasts one to two weeks.

Soda against psoriasis

Baking soda is an excellent folk remedy in the fight against psoriasis. As both patients and doctors say, this method is effective.

  • Most often, soda is used in baths. 800 grams of soda are diluted in water at a temperature of 38 degrees per thirty liters. The course lasts two weeks.
  • Two teaspoons of soda are diluted in 200 ml of water and the reddened areas are covered with this solution.
  • As in the previous recipe, two teaspoons of soda are diluted with a small amount of water (about half) and the resulting compress is used to wipe the plaques for fourteen days.

Treatment of psoriasis with salt

It is best to be treated for psoriasis in a maritime climate, on the coasts of the seas, but not everyone has the opportunity to live near, for example, the Dead Sea or the Mediterranean.

The patient should first of all be concerned about how much time he spends in the sun and breathes fresh air. But if it is not possible to arrange a holiday on the seashore, then baths with sea salt will help out.

This affordable method has already been approved by specialists, since it does not have side effects at the right approach. The patient himself can be confident in the purity of all ingredients used. Before using prescriptions, a person suffering from psoriasis should consult with their doctor.

  • One bath can take 1-1.5 kilograms of sea or even regular table salt. It is dissolved in such an amount of water that is necessary to completely cover the body with water. You need to take it for fifteen minutes twice a week. Be sure to rinse with clean water after the bath and dry your body with a soft towel. After the bath, apply baby or other rich cream to the affected areas. The effect will be noticeable after the first procedure.
  • Hot baths with salt have the ability to restore muscle tone, so it is best to take them in the morning to recharge your energy.

For people with heart problems, salt baths are contraindicated.

Treatment of psoriasis with celandine

Celandine is known for its excellent effects in the treatment of many skin diseases, as it restores the skin, has a disinfecting, antibacterial, antispasmodic effect on it, and helps in solving the problem of plaques and peeling.

It is used in herbal baths, in the form of infusions, ointments, and even internally. For medicinal use, the upper parts of the plant are used, which are collected throughout the summer.

For quick treatment psoriasis at home, use celandine in the following ways:

  • The safest use of this plant is as an ointment. Mix 250 grams of grease, two tablespoons of honey and the same amount of sulfur ointment, a tablespoon of celandine. The white of one egg is added to the mixture, the mixture is smeared on the affected areas twice a day, washed off after two hours. To prevent the ointment from spoiling, it should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • There is another version of the recipe with grease and celandine. Take both ingredients (2 teaspoons of celandine and one hundred grams of grease) and mix with Flucinar ointment, infuse the mixture, and apply to the affected areas twice a day for five days.
  • Another ointment recipe: mix baby crepe and dry celandine in a two to one ratio.
  • The softest and safest way is to use an ointment made from celandine, walnuts, honey, and tar. And for internal use, mint and blackberry leaves are used instead of the last two ingredients. For the tincture, take all the ingredients in half a tablespoon (a whole celandine) and pour a liter of boiling water. Leave for an hour and take a teaspoon orally twice a day for seven days.
  • The celandine is boiled, left for an hour, and the resulting decoction is poured into warm water in the bath (40 degrees). You need to take a bath for ten minutes.

Typically, herbs in the treatment of psoriasis are used in the form of decoctions and tinctures. They are used comprehensively, in combination with each other, independently. Used in baths, internally, to treat plaques. Below is a list of herbs, folk remedies and grandmother's recipes that will help in the treatment of psoriasis:

  • Take equal amounts of chamomile, calendula, yarrow, wormwood and nettle and add water in the proportions of two liters of water per five tablespoons of ingredients. The mixture is boiled for half an hour and added to baths.
  • Birch is used for treatment: for this, take its leaves and buds (about two hundred grams), pour in 3 liters of water, and leave on low heat for 30 minutes. Then the broth is added to the baths.
  • For oral administration, plants are used: Rhodiola rosea root extract, chicory decoction, tincture with black currant, plantain, sea buckthorn oil.

Currants have a beneficial effect on the secretion of the adrenal glands; about 0.5 liters of infusion are needed per day.

Sea buckthorn improves the overall condition of the skin. As an oil, take it one tablespoon per day with meals.

  • The string is known for its antibacterial, soothing and regenerative properties. Take it orally to improve metabolism. Before using it, consult your doctor as it has a number of side effects.
  • Licorice is used to cleanse the body of harmful substances, improves metabolism, and when used externally, reduces itching and cleanses the skin.

Ointments and creams for treating psoriasis at home

Ointments are used as an application. There are a large number of recipes that have proven themselves in treating psoriasis at home.

  • Egg ointment is used to reduce plaque size. To do this, take the oily liquid that is released when hard-boiled egg yolks are fried. This method is perfect for treating psoriasis on the elbows at home.
  • Also an excellent ointment is a mixture of propolis and sea buckthorn. One hundred grams of propolis is heated in a water bath and mixed with two tbsp. l. sea ​​buckthorn oil. The resulting ointment is applied to the affected areas in the morning and evening.
  • This recipe uses 250 ml olive oil, two tubes of baby cream and one streptocyte ointment. The mixture is smeared onto plaques and perfectly relieves dry skin.

Drugs for the treatment of psoriasis

If you want to spend time searching for the right ingredients and preparing folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis, you can buy ready-made medications at the pharmacy.

  • In addition to using homemade mixtures, you can use Colloidin, Ftoderm, Kartalin, Akriderm, Belosalik. Some ointments are available by prescription only, so consult your doctor. When purchasing, pay attention to the composition: products with zinc and salicylic acid are excellent at fighting plaques.
  • To treat nail psoriasis at home, retinol acetate is rubbed into them for three months.
  • Pay attention to the choice of shampoo. For this disease, it is necessary to buy products that contain tar, sulfur and salicylic acid, with the addition of zinc and others. Between courses of therapy, experts advise washing your hair with regular baby shampoo, since it contains no allergens. The following remedies will help treat psoriasis on the scalp at home:
  • "Scin-cap." It actively fights bacteria that cause active sebum secretion. It contains zinc and many other natural ingredients that do not cause allergies. It should be applied 2-3 times a day to damp hair for two weeks. Skin-up will do a great job with crusts, but it is quite expensive.
  • "Psoril." There are two versions of this shampoo: with the addition of tar (the shampoo will solve the problem with crusts, plaques and redness) or salicylic acid(excellently dries the skin and normalizes lipid metabolism)
  • Nizoral, Zinc Pyrithione, Etrivex and many other shampoos will also cope well with the consequences of the disease.

Prevention of psoriasis in the groin

Before and after the first symptoms appear, you must follow the recommendations of doctors:

  • First of all, start taking vitamins A, B, D and E.
  • Go to the sea more often or take salt baths.
  • Increase your sun exposure to help your body produce vitamin D.
  • Try not to be exposed to stress and unnecessary worries.
  • Avoid using shampoos that increase the pH of your scalp.
  • Monitor closely for symptoms.
  • Contact your doctor promptly and get medical diagnostics in a timely manner.

As a rule, psoriasis is characterized by the formation of red, excessively dry and raised spots above the skin. But in some cases, with this disease there is an absence of any visible skin lesions.

Although psoriasis does not pose any threat to life and general health, people are often burdened by the unaesthetic appearance of their skin. They are forced to wear long sleeves even in hot weather and are embarrassed to visit the beaches.

Psoriasis is not only a medical, but also an aesthetic problem

Causes of psoriasis

The nature of the occurrence of psoriasis has not yet been precisely established by doctors, despite the development modern medicine. But factors that can trigger the disease have been identified, and the specific causes of psoriasis are unknown.

As a rule, the appearance of psoriasis is associated with the following factors:

  • hyperactive division of skin cells, which leads to peeling of the skin and the appearance of plaques;
  • heredity - a genetic factor is often the cause of the development of psoriasis in children under 10 years of age;
  • stress;
  • general decrease in immunity.

Doctors also suggest that the development of psoriasis in adulthood may be of a viral or bacterial nature.

Main symptoms of psoriasis

Skin lesions are the main manifestation of psoriasis. To typical symptoms of this disease include psoriatic plaque - a hyperemic skin area that is covered with scales and rises above the unchanged skin.

Contact your dermatologist immediately if you experience symptoms such as:

  • The appearance of red raised spots on the skin (plaques), covered with whitish or silvery scales. Often such spots can be found on the knees and elbows, but individual rashes can appear on any part of the body (nails, facial skin, head, hands). Plaques may be itchy in some cases.
  • Peeling and deformed nails.
  • Blisters on the feet and palms, painful cracks.
  • Strong exfoliation of dead skin cells.

The onset of the disease is characterized by a limited number of rashes; they are single in nature and localized in the area of ​​the knee and elbow joints, in the sacrum area, in the scalp, etc.

Rashes begin to appear on the head

Dermatologists distinguish three stages of this chronic disease:

  1. Progressive. The first symptoms of psoriasis at this stage intensify, the disease progresses, and the general condition of the patient worsens significantly.
  2. Stationary. The disease reaches its peak at this time.
  3. Regressive stage. Clinical manifestations of psoriasis are declining, the general condition of the patient is significantly improving.

Every person with psoriasis has to go through all stages of this disease. But with timely diagnosis and treatment, the duration of the stationary phase can be significantly reduced.

Types of psoriasis

Depending on the type of rash and its location, there are the following types of this disease:

  1. Plaque psoriasis, also called simple, ordinary or vulgar. This form of psoriasis is the most common (observed in 80–90% of the total number of patients). The manifestations of plaque psoriasis are typical raised areas of inflamed, hot, reddened skin covered with gray or silvery-white scales that peel off easily.

The red skin, underneath an easily removable silver or gray layer, bleeds and is easily injured. Such affected areas are called psoriatic plaques. They are able to enlarge and merge with neighboring skin lesions, forming so-called paraffin lakes.

  1. Inverse psoriasis or psoriasis of the flexor surfaces. This form of the disease is characterized by inflamed red spots that do not peel or have minimal peeling and practically do not protrude above healthy skin. These spots are located only in the folds of the skin, and on other parts of the body such rashes are minimal or absent.

Most often, this form affects skin folds in the groin, inner thighs, external genital area, armpits, and folds under the female breast. Deterioration of the condition of the affected areas of the skin is observed with skin trauma, friction and sweat. Often, inverse psoriasis may be accompanied by streptococcal pyoderma or a secondary fungal infection.

This type of psoriasis usually occurs in children and people with diabetes.

  1. Guttate psoriasis. It is characterized by the presence of a large number of small lesions raised above healthy areas of the skin. Such skin formations are red or purple in color, and their shape can resemble drops, small dots, teardrops or circles.

These psoriatic rashes usually cover large areas of the body. They can often be seen on the thighs, legs, back, forearms, neck, and scalp.

Guttate psoriasis appears as small lesions

This type of psoriasis often begins to develop or worsens after a streptococcal infection (for example, streptococcal pharyngitis or tonsillitis).

    Exudative psoriasis or rupio form of psoriasis . Unlike the usual form of plaque psoriasis, this type is characterized, in addition to plaque rashes, and a pronounced inflammatory reaction of the skin. When the flaky scales are exposed, a weeping, bright pink surface of the skin is revealed.

    Pustular psoriasis. This form of the disease is the most severe and is characterized by blisters or vesicles raised above healthy areas of the skin, filled with transparent, uninfected inflammatory exudate. These blisters are called pustules. The skin around the pustules is hot, red, inflamed, swollen and thickened, and peels off easily.

Most often, this form of psoriasis affects the soles and palms, legs and forearms. Pustular psoriasis can be localized (limited) or generalized, in which pustules spread throughout the body and merge into larger formations.

In addition, the following forms of psoriasis can be distinguished separately:

  • Psoriatic onychodystrophy ( nail psoriasis), which leads to various changes in nails, both on the fingers and toes. This form can cause discoloration of the nail bed and the nail itself (greying, whitening or yellowing). Also, dots, spots, transverse lines, thickening of the skin around and under the nail, separation, and increased fragility may appear on the nails. In some cases, complete loss of the nail is observed.

Psoriasis can appear on the nails

  • Arthropathic psoriasis(psoriatic arthropathy or psoriatic arthritis) accompanied by inflammation connective tissue and joints. Any joint can be affected by this type of psoriasis, but the small joints of the toes or hands are most often affected. Psoriatic arthritis can also affect the knees, hip joints or vertebral joints.

In some cases, arthropathic psoriasis of the hip or knee joints leads to disability and inability to move. About 10-15% of all psoriasis patients also suffer from psoriatic arthritis.

  • Psoriatic erythroderma(erythrodermic psoriasis). This type of psoriasis is distinguished by its severe form and gradual development; it occurs as a result of the progression of ordinary plaque psoriasis. Erythrodermic psoriasis is characterized by swollen, reddened skin with pronounced signs of severe inflammatory process. It is manifested by widespread inflammation and peeling, skin detachment on most of the skin surfaces of the body. Also, this form of psoriasis may be accompanied by swelling subcutaneous tissue and skin, intense itching, pain.

Psoriatic erythroderma can be fatal because severe peeling and inflammation or detachment of the skin impairs the body's ability to regulate body temperature. Although the localized form may be the first symptom of the disease and subsequently transform into simple plaque psoriasis.

Diagnosis of psoriasis

Often the diagnosis of this disease is not difficult; the diagnosis is based on the characteristic clinical picture and symptoms of psoriasis. To confirm the diagnosis use histological examination particles of rash elements.

Quality of life of patients with psoriasis

As with other severe chronic diseases, psoriasis causes a deterioration in the quality of life of patients. Depending on the location of skin lesions and the severity of the disease, people with psoriasis may experience difficulties with professional and social adaptation, and they may experience severe psychological and physical discomfort.

Pain or severe itching may interfere with basic life activities (walking, grooming, sleeping). In addition, the presence of psoriatic plaques on open areas bodies can become an obstacle:

  • to perform certain professional duties,
  • for practicing some sports;
  • for caring for pets, family members or home.

Often, patients with psoriasis show excessive concern about their appearance and suffer from low self-esteem associated with fear of rejection by the public. Psychological distress, which is complemented by itching and pain, can lead to the onset of severe depression, social phobia, the development of anxiety and social isolation.

Psoriasis causes stress and discomfort

Features of lifestyle with psoriasis

Every person suffering from psoriasis is forced to regularly limit themselves in their Everyday life. Such restrictions apply to both choice food products, and household chemicals.

Such restrictions should not be ignored, as this can lead to significant deterioration in health. Of course, at first it will be difficult to get used to the new way of life, but over time all these prohibitions are taken for granted.

The following recommendations have been developed for patients with psoriasis:

Careful monitoring of general health.

Any even slight weakening of the immune system (for example, due to the flu or a cold) can cause relapses of psoriasis. Therefore, all patients are recommended to strengthen their immunity by taking multivitamin complexes.

It is extremely important for a patient with psoriasis to get all vaccinations on time, including against the flu. Don't forget about walks in the fresh air.

You should reconsider your usual lifestyle and, if necessary, change it.

A patient with psoriasis should avoid bad habits, since drinking alcohol and smoking significantly complicate the process of treating this disease and can worsen the course of the disease. In addition, try to avoid smoky, stuffy rooms, because tobacco particles settling on the skin lead to an exacerbation of psoriasis.

A person with psoriasis should be careful about their sleep patterns. After all, a simple lack of sleep increases the severity of the disease by at least 2-3 times, which is explained by a weakened immune system due to lack of sleep.

Don’t get carried away with “cleansing fasting.”

For people suffering from psoriasis, any procedures to cleanse the body through fasting can greatly worsen the patient's condition. Regardless of the duration of the course, therapeutic fasting can last 1–7 days, but people with psoriasis are advised to avoid “cleansing fasting.”

Do not overuse ultraviolet rays.

Although it has been scientifically proven that ultraviolet radiation can aggravate any form of psoriasis and provoke the emergence of new skin rashes, many people believe that the sun can cure psoriasis.

A huge number of psoriasis patients go south to get rid of this disease. For a short period, the illusion of remission is created, but very soon psoriasis manifests itself in a more severe form.

Therefore, do not repeat a fairly common mistake - do not delay psoriasis treatment until the summer. To spend your holiday carefree, intensive treatment of psoriasis is best done in the winter-spring period. But even with a timely course of therapy, try to limit contact with sun rays: Spend most of your time in the shade and use the sun protective equipment on the beach.

Visiting solariums is also strictly contraindicated, since even one short-term procedure cancels out long months of treatment and significantly worsens the patient’s condition.

Patients with psoriasis should carefully follow the recommendations

Limit any contact with household chemicals as much as possible.

If possible, delegate to your family all household chores that require the use of household chemicals. Be sure to use protective equipment (household respirators, gloves) if contact with cleaning agents cannot be avoided.

Often the course of psoriasis is aggravated by the use of skin care products and decorative cosmetics. When choosing, give preference to products with minimal fragrance content, chemical substances and dyes. At the same time, the alkaline level of cosmetics should be as close as possible to the natural level.

Do not overload your skin with cosmetic products. People with psoriasis are advised to minimize the amount of cosmetic products they use.

Nutrition for psoriasis

One of the main conditions for successful treatment of this disease is diet. Few people know that an allergic factor is present in any form of psoriasis, so proper diet The diet should exclude the consumption of allergenic foods.

It is advisable to adhere to a diet individually developed by a doctor depending on the characteristics of metabolism, the stage of the disease and the presence of complications and concomitant diseases.

The diet should be balanced and complete, it should contain the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates necessary for the body. But at the same time, it is necessary to completely exclude substances that can cause allergies.

Limit the consumption of spicy, fatty, fried and smoked foods. Eliminate ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard from your diet. It is better to eat any food boiled, baked or stewed in small portions 5-6 times a day.

In case of exacerbation of psoriasis, it is useful to carry out fasting days on which they eat only one type of product (for example, apples or kefir, or boiled fish). Arrange no more than one fasting day in Week.

To overcome psoriasis, give up pork, lard, smoked meats, spices, chocolate, alcohol and sweets. Your diet needs to be enriched fermented milk products, baked apples, fresh herbs and fish. You need to consume large amounts of vegetable oils and products containing lecithin.

Healthy foods to help cope with psoriasis

Drug treatment of psoriasis

IN traditional medicine no means have yet been developed that can completely relieve a patient of psoriasis. This disease has a relatively unfavorable prognosis, since psoriasis is chronic disease with a progressive and relapsing course.

Note! Treatment of psoriasis must be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist. Any medication for psoriasis must be prescribed by a doctor and taken in accordance with the prescribed treatment regimen.

May help some patients local therapy(creams, ointments), while other patients with psoriasis are forced to buy more expensive medications, which, in addition to their therapeutic effect, can have many side effects.

In modern drug treatment of psoriasis, a principle called the “ladder of therapeutic measures” is used. That is, topical drugs that have a minimum of side effects are used first. These products include ointments, sprays and creams that must be applied exclusively to areas affected by psoriasis.

Drug treatment of psoriasis involves rotation of drugs, that is, drugs from different pharmacological groups must be alternated. The use of the same drugs reduces their therapeutic effect, which is why the principle of drug rotation is used.

Mild forms of psoriasis can be cured by applying ointments

At severe forms For psoriasis, it is not enough to use ointments alone. With the progressive course of the disease, the same principle is used and the next stage of treatment according to the ladder of therapeutic measures is the use of ultraviolet radiation (phototherapy).

If this method does not have the desired therapeutic effect, then use systemic drugs. Currently, the most relevant products are those based on recombinant monoclonal antibodies. But, since similar pharmacological agents have many side effects, the decision to take them can only be made by a competent doctor.

Folk remedies for psoriasis

Except medications There are many folk recipes that can ease the course of psoriasis and significantly improve the patient’s well-being.

Note! Regardless of the folk remedy you choose, be sure to consult a dermatologist before using it.

Most often, the use of folk remedies helps to get rid of all manifestations of psoriasis and forget about the disease for many years. But don't be upset if the first folk remedy you use doesn't help right away. After all, even in traditional medicine for psoriasis, an individual treatment regimen is selected in each specific case. Since the same remedy can be effective for one patient, and not help another patient at all.

When treating psoriasis at home, you may also have to try several remedies. Most often, the patient finds a recipe that can help specifically in his case. You should not count on instant relief from psoriasis - you are unlikely to see the result immediately after the first procedure.

But do not give up treatment after several uses of the folk remedy; complete at least one course completely. As a rule, visible results can be seen after 7–14 days of treatment.

Comprehensive measures can also significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment. Therefore, it is better to combine the use of external agents with the use of internal infusions. Also, when treating with traditional methods, it is necessary to healthy image life, take stimulants and follow a diet. An integrated approach allows you to get the most effective results.

Recipe 1 Flax seed infusion

Using flax seed infusion clinical manifestations psoriasis disappear after 5–7 days. To prepare the infusion, pour 1 tbsp into an enamel bowl. spoon of flaxseed, pour a glass of boiling water and wrap in a towel. Let it brew for a day. Then bring to a boil and remove from heat, do not let the liquid boil.

After cooling, strain the infusion and take it in the morning on an empty stomach, drinking activated charcoal before taking it (one tablet of charcoal per 10 kg of weight).

Note! During treatment, you should not drink coffee or products containing caffeine.

The course of treatment is at least 20 days. This method allows you to quickly get rid of psoriasis plaques. Do not stop treatment even if external manifestations psoriasis completely disappeared.

Recipe 2 Birch tar ointment

An effective remedy for psoriasis is to apply birch tar ointment to fresh rashes. Buy the following ingredients for the ointment at the pharmacy: Birch tar, sea buckthorn oil and salicylic alcohol.

These components are thoroughly mixed together and applied to the psoriasis plaques in a thick layer, and then covered with plastic film to prevent the ointment from drying out.

The course of treatment is 21 days, then take a week break. Three courses of such treatment are usually enough to avoid remembering psoriasis for many years.

Celery root decoction

Place 100 grams in 1 liter of boiling water. crushed root, boil for 10 minutes, then cool and strain the broth through gauze. Take on an empty stomach 1 time per day.

Recipe 4 Butter and propolis ointment

Place pre-crushed propolis (10 grams) and butter (200 grams) in an enamel bowl. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes, stirring continuously. Strain the resulting ointment through several layers of gauze and apply to the affected skin until it is completely cleansed. This ointment must be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe 5 Ointment made from Vaseline and celandine powder

Mix equal parts of Vaseline and celandine powder until smooth. Apply the prepared ointment to psoriatic plaques for 2 hours, after 2-3 days of treatment, take a 4-day break, continue treatment until psoriasis completely disappears.

Other folk remedies for psoriasis:

  • Pour milk into a saucepan, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 2-3 minutes. Then pour the milk into another pan, and white coating, remaining on the walls of the first pan, it is necessary to collect and lubricate the areas affected by psoriasis overnight. Repeat the procedure for 7 days and the skin will clear.
  • Grind and mix equal parts of grape leaves, fresh burdock roots, milk and flax seeds. Boil for 5 minutes and apply lotions to psoriatic plaques.
  • Mix 300 grams of nettle and burdock and 200 grams of crushed dandelion roots. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of this mixture with water (0.5 l) and boil for 5 minutes. Leave for 1 hour and drink 100 grams per piece before meals 3 times a day.
  • Apply a paste of Kalanchoe leaves to the affected areas of the skin.
  • You can get rid of psoriatic plaques using baths with a decoction of calendula, celandine and horsetail.

Infusion to improve metabolism

The main treatment of psoriasis can be supplemented with an infusion that improves metabolism. Grind and mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of burdock root and 1.5 tbsp. spoons of soapwort root, pour 600 ml of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. After 30-40 minutes, strain the broth and drink throughout the day.

Although there are quite effective folk remedies that can relieve psoriasis, it is still necessary to first consult a dermatologist. After all, only a competent specialist is able to adequately assess the patient’s condition and prescribe drug treatment. You can supplement the doctor’s prescription with proven folk remedies.

A patient and competent approach will help make your skin beautiful

Don’t despair and give up if you didn’t manage to completely get rid of psoriasis the first time. In the treatment of this disease, your main assistants should be time and patience.