Green apricots: benefits and harms. Why apricot is good for health: nutritional value of the fruit, its medicinal properties and contraindications. Can you eat green apricots?

Most travel, be it a vacation abroad, a planned business trip or an outing, is like a multi-level quest. First, packing, travel, settling in place, entertainment or business, and then everything is repeated in reverse order, until the inevitable return...

Experienced travelers say that solving current problems becomes much easier, and your vacation more enjoyable, if you know exactly what you are taking with you and what you are leaving at home.

Universal packing list for a trip

Drawing up a universal list of necessary things (once done once, you can use it constantly) will save not only time, which is sorely lacking before the trip, but also nerves. Based on the main one, it is easy to create other packing instructions, tailored to certain parameters: a specific route, climatic conditions, purpose of the trip, etc. After all, the “equipment” for skiing will be somewhat different from what you need to take with you on a romantic trip, for example.

So, what to take with you on a trip, a list of the most necessary things:

  • documents (passport, international passport, insurance, driver’s license, vaccination certificate, student ID, etc.);
  • tickets;
  • cash, payment cards;
  • guide;
  • a notepad and pen, where important phone numbers and addresses will also be written down;
  • telephone, camera or video camera;
  • tablet or laptop;
  • portable charging devices;
  • hair dryer with comb;
  • things for going out, for home and for sleeping;
  • street, beach, shower shoes;
  • seasonal headdress;
  • underwear matching the selected clothing sets, socks;
  • care and decorative cosmetics;
  • personal hygiene products (toothpaste/brush, cotton swabs, shower gel, shampoo, wet wipes, handkerchief, scissors and manicure files, deodorant, toothpicks, razor, chewing gum, toilet paper, etc.);
  • . You should take what you take with you on vacation, if you have one. chronic diseases. And also, just in case: lip balm, antispasmodics, antipyretics, antiallergics, anti-motion sickness, Activated carbon(the body may not immediately adapt to changes in water type), iodine, patch, antibiotic wide range, ointment for burns and other skin problems;
  • little things such as thread and needles, a mirror, a travel iron, earplugs, clothespins, tape, an extension cord, a book, a penknife with a corkscrew, a small board game - can also be useful on vacation;
  • food that is allowed to be carried if you plan to have a snack on the way.
On the top line of this list you can add a “reminder” of some things that you should take care of before your trip. This includes copying documents, buying currency, washing clothes, purchasing medicines, issuing bank cards and choosing a convenient international communication tariff. Also, think about that as well as watering your flowers.

What to take with you on vacation

If purchasing point No. 1 before going on vacation is a pharmacy, then point No. 2 is clothing stores, especially when traveling with children. You need to take both panama hats and thick sweaters with you, even if warm days are forecast. So that your vacation at the seaside or in a sanatorium is not overshadowed by constant ironing, and when you get off the bus, your outfit does not look “chewed” - it is better to take with you on vacation only what does not wrinkle (or practically does not wrinkle).

Give preference to complementary clothing (for example, safari shorts, matching a tank top, T-shirt, etc.), comfortable and already worn at least once. The latter is especially true for shoes. After all, if you find out on the spot that the fashionable sandals you bought the day before are rubbing your feet, you will have to buy new ones. And either part with these immediately or drag them back. And who needs “ballast”?

Keep in mind that, in addition to the above items, you will need to take something additional. For example, if you plan to sunbathe on the beach, you need to take a swimsuit, Sunglasses, pareo, sunscreen and burn cream, flip-flops and hat. And for skiing you will need a snowboard jacket and gloves, boots lubricated with a special cream, a fleece jacket, thermal underwear, a hat and protective equipment.

Are you traveling by plane? The rules for packing luggage, the size of hand luggage and the list of prohibited items and food products can be found in the article or on the airline’s website.

It is clear that traveling light is more convenient. However, things like a spoonful of spices will affect the taste and aroma of your food, but not the weight of your luggage, which means it would be foolish to give up the usual comfort. When packing your suitcase, don't forget to leave room for souvenirs.

If you still missed something, don’t worry. The hotel room should have bath towels, soap, a bathrobe, shower gel and other important items. And in order not to forget anything on the way back, it is better to take with you on the trip the list you used to gather.

Apricot belongs to the genus of plum trees. There is no exact information about where this tree spread. Armenia and Tien Shan are candidates to be called homeland. Now these deciduous trees have spread throughout all countries with a warm temperate climate. Not very large in size. If the conditions for the tree are favorable, it can live even 100 years. Due to its deeply penetrating roots, it can successfully survive drought. Withstands frosts down to minus 30 degrees.

The fruit itself looks like a drupe. Colored orange or yellow, often pink on the sides. These fruits are eaten raw or dried. The seeds are used to make butter or milk.

It can bring benefits and harm to health due to the large number of different substances in its composition. Bright apricot fruits orange color due to the fact that they contain carotene. This provitamin is present in even greater quantities than, for example, carrots. The fruit contains a lot of pectin and sugar. The pulp of the fruit consists of inulin, malic, tartaric and citric acid, starch, and tanning components. Also present in the composition are iron, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium.

Apricot is in first place in terms of potassium content.. Dry grapes contain two times less, and dry apples three times less potassium. Varieties from Armenia are saturated with iodine, for this reason they can be used as a preventive measure for diseases associated with the thyroid gland. Apricots also have a beneficial effect on the body if it is necessary to improve the cardiovascular system or kidney function.

The main vitamins contained in apricots:

  • Vitamin A reduces the risk of developing oncological diseases, and provitamin A improves vision;
  • vitamin B1 increases the rate of healing of wounds on the skin by improving metabolism at the cellular level;
  • vitamin B2 is involved in the body’s production of antibodies and has a beneficial effect on the reproductive organs;
  • vitamin B5 regulates work nervous system and normalizes the condition of the internal glands;
  • vitamin B6 activates the synthesis of amino acids and slows down aging;
  • vitamin B9 removes cholesterol from the body and improves immunity;
  • vitamin C reduces the risk of cancer and strengthens blood vessels;
  • Vitamin E makes the skin firmer and more elastic and improves the condition of the hair;
  • vitamin PP normalizes arterial pressure and is necessary for the thyroid gland to function properly.

acts as an antipyretic. It has a positive effect on the body during coughing, as it is an expectorant and removes phlegm from the body.

If the digestive process is disrupted, apricots are used as a light and safe laxative. Thanks to apricots, the acidity of gastric juice is normalized and rotting processes inside the intestines are suppressed. In the apricot fruit strong bactericidal properties.

Generally gallbladder and the liver begins to work better. But it is advisable to familiarize yourself in advance with the contraindications for consuming apricots, since if you have certain gastrointestinal and liver diseases, you should limit the consumption of these fruits.

When using diuretics, apricot will compensate for the lack of potassium. Also the fruit will act as diuretic on the body and promote urine output. For this reason, if you eat apricots, you will get rid of swelling.

Very quenches thirst well apricots. This quality of the fruit was known many years ago. When preparing to travel, apricots were always taken on the road. A few eaten fruits are equivalent to a glass of water.

Eating apricots regularly is beneficial because memory strengthens and mental activity improves. And this, of course, benefits both children and the elderly. This includes preventing work-related illnesses thyroid gland in the human body.

The substances that are in this fruit have an effect on the body lipotropic and anticholesterol effects and provide assistance in removing all toxic substances. Thanks to this, the overall health of the body occurs, hemoglobin increases, hematopoietic functions improve, and anemia is cured.

Due to regular use immunity becomes stronger, and also increases the body's resistance to colds and other diseases. The skin also becomes better due to those present in the fruit essential oils. It is a good wound healing agent and can cure deep cuts and suppuration.

In any case, the body receives good benefit, regardless of whether this fruit was fresh, dried or in winter preparation.

This fruit helps very well with the following diseases:

  • Heart diseases;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • obesity;
  • anemia;
  • avitaminosis;
  • weak immunity;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation;
  • poor memory;
  • absentmindedness;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension.

It is enough to start eating this fruit regularly every day and the disease will subside over time.

Green apricots, even before they ripen, contain almost all useful substances. But at the same time healthy people They are not recommended for use, as they may cause diarrhea. IN to a greater extent this applies to those who have a weak stomach. For this reason, these unripe foods are recommended for consumption by those who suffer from constipation.

Contraindications and harm of apricot

Beneficial features and contraindications are important for those who are careful about their health. It is important to try not to eat them on an empty stomach, since some of the substances contained inside the fruit or in the skin can have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the palate or stomach. But if you really want it, you need to remove the skin.

If you have gastritis or ulcers, limit the amount of these fruits in your diet or remove the skin before eating them. Hepatitis is also a disease in which you should not eat apricots or you may cause even more harm to your health.

Due to the large amount of sugar contained in the fruit, those who are overweight, diabetic or obese should not eat it in large quantities. If you have diseases of the thyroid gland, you should completely abandon these fruits. Carotene, which is present in apricots, is not absorbed by impaired thyroid function. This fruit can cause an allergic reaction in many people. Therefore, if you decide to try eating this fruit for the first time, then don’t get too carried away.

The benefits and harms of apricot kernels

Apricot kernels contain amygdalin, which is a poisonous component. After entering the body, it is converted into hydrocyanic acid. For this reason, if eaten immediately a large number of seeds, poisoning may occur. Remember this property of seeds. At the same time, amygdalin is very useful in small quantities. This component is also called vitamin B17.

IN last years Scientists are actively studying the effect of this substance on the body. It turned out that at a certain amount, this component can act as anticancer agent. This action is similar to chemotherapy, but natural and harmless. In healthy cells of the body there is a special component that breaks down the base toxic substance. Cancer cells do not contain such a component, for this reason the poison destroys them.

For treatment, you need to start with 2 bones per day and gradually increase them to ten. Naturally, you don’t need to eat everything at once. daily norm, but must be divided into portions throughout the day. IN Central Asia There are dishes that are prepared from the seeds, and the taste is no worse than pistachios.

Apricot juice

Apricot juice, according to doctors, brings more benefits than the fruits themselves. Juice, unlike fruit, is easily, quickly and more completely absorbed.

Pregnant women need to drink only 150 ml of juice and this will be enough to replenish the daily requirement for calcium and iron. And these are the most important microelements when carrying a child. Don't forget about contraindications. For flatulence, dysbacteriosis, and colitis, help yourself by drinking juice daily. For swelling, use as a diuretic, drinking half a glass after meals. The juice is also useful for anemia, colds, viral infection. It is enough to include apricot juice in your diet and you will be able to recover much faster.

This jam is a favorite delicacy for many. It is eaten plain, added to tea, homemade pie filling or other baked goods. You can also add jam to ice cream.

How much of this jam you can eat depends on the individual characteristics of your body. When cooked, after heat treatment, it retains all useful microelements. One of the useful qualities is that apricot jam does not spread when spread on a piece of bread or cake layer. The benefit of jam lies in its composition, since it contains the entire set of essential vitamins, as well as various beneficial substances and microelements.

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • iron;

Jam can help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as cleanse the body of toxins.

One of the benefits is that the cardiovascular system stabilizes its functioning. Other beneficial properties include strengthening the immune system, getting rid of arrhythmia and fighting asthma. Apricot jam with tea is used to treat colds, reduce fever, and relieve coughs.

Apricot jam is also not free from disadvantages. Do not consume large quantities of jam at a time every day, as diabetes may develop. Apricot jam can be a problem excess weight. Due to the large amount of sugar, it can negatively affect the condition of teeth. If you are obese or have diabetes, it is better to avoid apricot jam. But in general, jam has many more positive qualities.

Apricot, “Armenian apple”, “armeniaca” is a beige fruit, usually with orange or reddish “sides”, growing on a tree. Its taste is sometimes sweet, sometimes sour, but the fruit always has its lover. Many different varieties of apricot have been bred to this day; it is impossible to list them all. Each of them has approximately the same apricot properties, calorie content, and composition. The benefits of fresh apricots are undeniable, especially for women and children.

Eating fresh and dried apricots has great benefits for the body, what are they? We will tell you about this today, and you will also learn how fruits, seeds, and leaves are processed, and what is the significance of the resulting beneficial substances in cosmetology and the food industry.

Beneficial properties of apricot for humans and contraindications

Homeland of the tree. Benefits of apricot

Common apricot and other varieties are grown throughout the European part of the continent and Asia. In large quantities precisely in Iran, Uzbekistan and Turkey (the main producers). The homeland of origin of the useful fruit is still a mystery. It is believed that they were brought from China, according to another version - from Armenia.

As it were, medicinal properties apricots are valued, and the fruit itself is loved and respected for content of valuable minerals, pectin, fiber, carotene and try to stock up on vitamins for future use. The fetus also has contraindications, what are they? We'll talk about this at the end of the material.

It is known that apricots contain vitamins, have beneficial properties, and, unlike peaches, begin to bear fruit early. Therefore, apricot fruits used to be called early fruits, and this is what distinguished them from peaches. People can enjoy the delicious taste of fruits throughout almost the entire summer. Especially if you dry it in reserve (dried apricots, apricots). The concentration of vitamins in dried fruits increases, this is a great opportunity to boost immunity in winter and autumn.

It is not for nothing that the sun-warmed fruit loves warm regions and hates any draft, wind and cold. Under the influence of the luminary, it accumulates all the most valuable things that a person needs. The Armenian apple is useful for both children and adults. The benefits of apricots during pregnancy are also great: it improves digestion, fights stress, relieves toxicosis, replenishes iodine reserves,... Everyone should eat it in order to prevent diseases, unless there are contraindications.

Composition, benefits and calorie content of apricots

In addition to dietary fiber (2 g), the orange fruit contains many other microelements, the presence of which makes it a real home healer. The smallest amount of fat (only 0.1 g) per 100 grams of product and low calorie content (44 Kcal) allow the fruit to be considered one of the healthiest. There are only 9 g of carbohydrates per serving, which is very nutritious for such a low calorie content. Therefore, apricots are beneficial for women, children, men and the elderly who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Composition of vitamins and other elements per 100 grams:

  • Beta carotene – 16 mg
  • Potassium – 305 mg
  • Iron – 2.1 mg
  • Vitamin C – about 10-12 mg
  • Calcium – 13 mg
  • Sodium – 1 mg
  • Magnesium – 10 mg
  • Phosphorus – 23 mg
  • Sugar – from 5 mg to 27 mg

In dried fruits healing properties apricots increase 5 times, so you should take this into account and stock up on drying for the winter. We have not yet named vitamins B, P and PP, which are present in small quantities in fresh and dried fruit. And also in some quantities there is apple, wine and citric acid, starch, inulin, pectin and iodine. By the way, iodine is found most of all, as the Wikipedia source assures, in Armenian fruits.

The beneficial properties of apricots are that their consumption normalizes intestinal function, improves mood, and hemoglobin in the blood. But that’s not all, pectin and fiber, together with processed products, remove toxins from the body, oils rejuvenate. And we’ll talk about apricot juice below; it contains a special “ingredient”, the benefits of which are difficult to underestimate.

Properties of apricot kernels

The seeds contain a special substance - amygdilin, which can have a harmful effect on the body if consumed in large quantities, just like hydrocyanic acid. But in cosmetology and medicine, apricot kernel oil is the No. 1 remedy for the prevention of dry skin, eczema, and for the youth of the body. The apricot kernel also exhibits antihelminthic properties.

Apricot oil. Properties and application

An oil is extracted from apricot kernels, similar in composition to almond and peach oils (oleic and linoleic acids), which in its properties is not inferior to other cosmetics, and also has an antibacterial and antiseptic effect. The benefits of oils contained in fruits and seeds are truly unique. Apricot oil exhibits anti-aging properties, so the benefits of apricot for women are completely justified and are successfully used in cosmetology.

Apricot for hair and face, the benefits of its oil content are often used in cosmetology to treat dry skin. Creams, lotions and masks, shampoos and hair rinses, and nail care products are made from the oil.

Apricot kernels - beneficial properties and contraindications

“Almonds” from seeds are also not always healthy and have a beneficial effect on the body. The fact is that hydrocyanic acid, produced after human consumption of amygdiline, can cause poisoning. Therefore, even a small dose can send young children to a hospital bed, and adults can eat no more than 20 grams of such almonds.

It’s better not to risk your health, because apricot kernels also have beneficial properties due to the strong poison hydrocyanic acid, which is similar in composition to potassium cyanide. So it is best to roast apricot seeds in a frying pan, the beneficial properties of which are valued, before use, or make jam with the addition of processed “almonds”. Both tasty and healthy!

Beneficial properties of apricots and contraindications

Apricot is the best fruit for vision

Apricot is an ideal option to strengthen your eyesight, because no other fruit contains as much beta carotene as it contains. The beneficial properties of apricot for humans are that in our body about n is converted into vital vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the eyes, hair, nails, skin and the whole body. Scientists have found that age-related changes that have a detrimental effect on clarity of vision (age-related macular degeneration) can be prevented by eating apricots.

But the opinion that beta carotene contained in fruits will help cope with diseases of the thyroid gland and liver has been refuted by doctors. Which claim: often thyroid diseases are associated with low absorption of vitamin from healthy products, it is better for such people to consume pure vitamin A, prescribed in dosage form.

“Matters of the heart” and treatment of anemia

Pectin and the fibrous structure of the fruit pulp are not only useful for the intestines, but also an active component for the removal of toxins and cholesterol. And, as you know, cholesterol, clogging internal organs and systems, is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, the heart. By eating 2 apricots a day, you are already protecting your heart from the harmful effects of cholesterol.

The advantage of eating orange fruits is that their composition has a balanced content of iron and magnesium; the medicinal properties of apricot are that it helps strengthen the heart muscle and cleanses the blood. A person recovers much faster if he suffers from anemia and takes such vitamins.

Treatment and prevention of constipation

Apricots – the best remedy to cleanse the body of toxins. With constipation, toxins are absorbed into the body, which does not have the best effect on your well-being and appearance. Here your best assistant is apricot juice with pulp, which has an antibiotic effect on putrefactive bacteria. And also common apricot and compote made from it, which has a laxative effect.

Fruit eliminates fatigue

All orange fruits and vegetables have the extraordinary ability to lift your spirits, and the same applies to apricots. If you want to relieve muscle or nervous tension, it’s enough to eat just 100 grams of fruit and your fatigue will go away.

All this due to the presence of calcium, which brings muscles into a relaxed state, and magnesium, which helps relieve psychological stress and calm the heart rate. Magnesium is a unique mineral; it also lowers blood pressure if a person is hypertensive, so its effect doubles.

Asthma and cough

Doctors say that fresh apricots are best for this matter, because dried ones are filled with sulfites. This substance is for people with allergic reactions It is contraindicated and can, on the contrary, cause an asthma attack in an asthmatic.

But apricot kernels, whose beneficial properties are unique, are successfully used mainly in the East to treat coughs, tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, and catarrh.

Oncological diseases

And again here we remember beta carotene, as well as lycopene - magic components for immune system, beauty, brain performance,... In addition, they prevent various cancers, such as stomach, throat, and lung cancer. It is enough to consume 150 grams of apricot per day and thus protect yourself from malignant tumors. This is not a panacea, but prevention, and so delicious too!

The bark of the apricot tree (decoction) and the leaves and droplets on the surface of the tree are also useful, which some people cannot refuse to try. A decoction of the bark, for example, is used for cerebral circulatory disorders, after injuries, to restore strength. And the beneficial properties of apricot leaves are found in the antibacterial qualities of the foliage; the pulp from the leaves is applied to wounds.

Healing apricot. Benefits and harms for women

The benefits of apricots for women

The most beneficial for weight loss are the fibrous varieties of apricots, but everyone’s favorite “Kolerovka” is actually not so healthy. Fiber retains moisture in the body, absorbing it, and saturates the body. You feel full and don’t want to eat anymore. This is why apricot should be included in the menu; many people use “apricot” fasting days, and this the best choice not only to lose weight, but also to improve health.

Apricot has diuretic properties, so it is actively used by women in the fight against edema, as well as for kidney diseases.

Apricots - benefits for pregnant women

It is known that pregnant women often experience a lack of vitamins and minerals. You can recharge yourself with energy if you drink 100-150 grams of apricot juice once before meals. The benefits of apricots for pregnant women are manifested in the fact that they relieve morning toxicosis and give strength. . In addition, the juice is very useful for maintaining the beauty of hair and nails, skin elasticity, and preventing stretch marks.

Is it possible to eat apricots during pregnancy, their benefits and harms, what are they? This question is most often asked by mothers who carry a child in the summer, of course it is possible and necessary, only in moderation, for example, a glass of concentrated juice can be taken once a day, or 100-150 grams of fruit instead. If you eat fruit in excess, you can provoke a frequent urge to go to the toilet and the intestines will not only be cleansed, but also have a negative impact on the uterine cavity and the unborn child.

Apricot - benefits and harms for the health of a pregnant woman

As we have already said, apricots in excess are good for pregnant women, but also harmful, here are some more warnings for expectant mothers:

  • You should not drink apricots with water, this will cause an upset stomach;
  • If your mother is gaining weight quickly, rid yourself of excessive amounts of sweets; there is nothing to say about buns. But dried apricots are also considered a high-calorie food, so you can’t eat handfuls of them;
  • If you have low blood pressure, allergies or asthma, eating apricots is contraindicated for women.

Apricot. Useful properties and contraindications

Each product has its own contraindications, and even if it seems that they are an ideal remedy for any disease. As we have already noted, apricots during pregnancy are beneficial for women and children, but pregnant women should eat them with caution. Although this interesting condition is not a disease at all, it is associated with the birth of a new life, which means that the diet should be healthy.

For children, eating apricot is good to increase appetite, improve digestion, and increase hemoglobin, but in large quantities it can irritate the intestines.

Here are a number of other contraindications for people with certain diseases:

  • Diabetes
  • Gastritis and stomach ulcers
  • Pancreatitis, hepatitis
  • Irritable bowel syndrome

It is worth remembering, no matter how many benefits are present in the products that nature gives us, eating them more than normal is harmful to health. Apricots in quantities of over 500 grams per day are already an excess.

Apricots have long become an integral attribute of summer, because it is during this period that they ripen in the south of Russia and end up on the shelves of local markets and shops. And they immediately become an integral attribute of every table.

This is not surprising, because the composition of apricots is very healthy. Some people like them so much that they make it possible to enjoy them in winter as well. True, apricots also have their own contraindications, but first things first.

Apricot contains sugar, starch, tannins, insulin and pectin, as well as citric, malic and tartaric acids. In addition, the fruit contains many vitamins, micro- and macroelements. All this forms the basis for the benefits and harms of apricots. Apricots also include:

  • Phosphorus and magnesium activate metabolism, normalize the alkaline level in the intestines, which improves the absorption of beneficial elements.
  • Salts and minerals are involved in the restoration of the nervous system and metabolism.
  • Iron promotes the formation of blood cells and their saturation with oxygen.
  • Potassium removes sodium chloride, which has the habit of retaining excess water in the organs.
  • Calcium improves blood clotting.
  • Iodine has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, providing a preventive effect against the development of diseases directly related to it.

The vitamin-rich composition of apricots eradicates bad cholesterol, thereby making blood vessels cleaner. Eating fruit has a positive effect on eye health, quality skin, work of cardio-vascular system And gastrointestinal tract, which increases overall durability human body. For the same reason, it is recommended to eat apricots during treatment of venous insufficiency and.

Apricot health benefits

The benefits of apricot are beyond doubt, due to unique properties, which are present only in this fruit:

  • The fruit is good for dry coughs, as it promotes the formation of sputum, as well as its removal;
  • It is recommended to eat apricots for anemia and diseases of the cardiovascular system, as they contain a lot of iron;
  • Eating this “terry fruit” can help relieve indigestion, hard stools, or even constipation;
  • When taking diuretics (diuretic), eating apricots will only be beneficial, because the fruit helps normalize the water-lipid balance. By the way, this sunny fruit also perfectly quenches thirst;
  • Apricot can help normalize acidity and mobilize the liver and gallbladder. Therefore, it should be eaten in moderation if there are problems with these organs;
  • This sunny fruit also stimulates brain activity, improving memory, attention and focus;
  • In addition, apricot has a strong preventive effect against the development of cancer, as well as diseases genitourinary system, esophagus and larynx. The presence of this effect is due to the presence of large volumes of carotene, which is less even in carrots. Carotene is best absorbed in the form of freshly squeezed apricot juice.

By the way, (dried apricot) also has all sorts of benefits, but we won’t repeat that here.

What is an apricot, what microelements does it contain, the health benefits and harms of apricots - all these questions concern every person who monitors their diet.

Of course, leading healthy image life implies, first of all, awareness of the benefits and harms certain products. Knowing the qualitative characteristics of apricots will help you decide on the main question: is it worth consuming this berry, widely known in domestic latitudes, or not? We will examine this question further in our article.

Each of us has seen a tree on which an apricot grows. A grayish-brown trunk with many cracks and roughness, many branches with oval leaves, blooming snow-white or slightly pinkish flowers in the warm season - beauty!

Let's talk a little about the history of this berry. Of course, in our country, apricot has been very popular for many years and is used in cooking and especially in the preservation of compotes, jams, and so on. However, the birthplace of the berry is China - in those parts, yellow berries were important components of medicines even two to three thousand years BC.

In the oldest documents of the Ming Dynasty, this fruit is described as a laxative, which additionally suppresses the urge to cough. Skilled doctors of ancient Egypt crushed the seeds of the fruit, and the resulting mixture was given to patients with laryngitis (a disease characterized by loss of voice).

IN Ancient Egypt this fruit was in great demand not only in medicine, but also in cooking and creating cosmetics. Even in those days, the health benefits and harms of apricots were determined by modern doctors, chefs and cosmetics makers.

Egyptian cooking masters created recipes for more than six hundred dishes that included apricot. Sweet desserts were often created using this ripe berry.

Egyptian women, who paid great attention to their appearance, probably wanting to get at least a little closer to the immortal beauty of Cleopatra, used apricot milk, which is still in demand among the fair sex.

Armenia became a country that contributed to the spread of this fruit in the Roman and Greek empires. That is why the apricot tree began to be called the “Armenian apple tree”. Further, after the berry spread throughout the Roman and Greek empires, it gained popularity in European latitudes.

The benefits and harms of apricots for the human body

In addition to its pleasant taste, the fruit contains many important compounds and vitamins that are beneficial to the human body. The soft part of the berry contains from five to twenty-seven percent sugar. The fruit is very rich in group B compounds, namely B1, B2, B15, B17, PP and P, as well as keratin (provitamin A).

In addition to vitamins, the berry includes many microelements, such as potassium, phosphorus, nickel, magnesium and many other substances.

Microelements help the body function properly.

Apricots have an unusual sweetish taste, which is formed due to compounds such as malic, tartaric, citric acids and types of sugar. These acids, together with tannins and pectin have the most important quality: removing from the body toxic substances and compounds containing harmful cholesterol, the excess of which leads to poor health.

Despite the fact that the composition and main aspects of the health benefits and harms of apricots have been well studied by modern scientists, this berry never ceases to amaze.

Thus, the mystery of the influence of some varieties of dried apricots (for example,), which have the property of stopping seizures in children, remains unsolved.

Many experiments were conducted in Canada to determine this. As a result of research, scientists have determined the following: special substances included in the juice of this fruit affect convulsive states in children due to the regulation of complex brain structures.

The composition of apricots continues to delight lovers healthy eating and people on health-improving diets. Along with the high amount of fiber, one orange berry does not contain many calories.

In addition, the berry serves as a haven for provitamin A. By the way, this substance is known for its ability to prevent the occurrence of cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

For iron deficiency anemia, apricot is especially valuable due to the inclusion of iron. The presence of potassium helps improve the functioning of the heart and intestines. The berries are used to improve stool, for wet coughs, to reduce fever and normalize the function of the genitourinary system when taken medicines, increasing the volume of urine.

It is especially important for children to include these berries in their diet, as they accelerate body growth and strengthen overall immunity.

People suffering from improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are often recommended to eat apricots, as they regulate the secretion of the gastric glands, thereby improving the function of the intestines, stomach, pancreas and gall bladder.

Pyelonephritis is also an indication for consuming berries; in addition, they are able to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful compounds. The high content of provitamin A protects a person from the occurrence of cancer of the throat, stomach and other organs.

Who shouldn't eat apricots?

Despite the abundance of healing effects and vitamins that apricot contains, it also has its contraindications. First of all, people suffering from chronic gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcers should limit themselves from eating apricots.

Hypothyroidism and hepatitis are also conditions for which this product should not be consumed. If they are present, keratin is not absorbed by the body, so doctors recommend giving preference to pure compounds, for example, in the form of tablets.

The abundance of sugars poses a barrier for people with diabetes.

The bone of a berry often takes part in cooking in exactly the same way as the fruit itself, but eating bitter bones can have serious consequences.

The glycoside amygdalin, which gives the bone an unpleasant taste, breaks down in the intestines and later forms hydrocyanic acid, which has a toxic effect on the body and thereby causes severe poisoning.

Bones with a pleasant taste can be eaten, but not more than 20 g per day.

Recipes with canned apricots for the winter

Delicious apricot compote

First you need to thoroughly wash the berries and remove the seeds. After this, you need to carefully cut the fruits and place them in clean, cool water before placing them in a jar.

Place the apricot halves firmly in a container using a wooden spoon and pour the sweet syrup at a temperature of up to ninety degrees over them. Create a mixture specifically for pouring with the following calculation: per liter of water, one and a half thousand grams of sugar. There should be enough syrup for about seven jars.

Apricot jam: recipe


  • 1 kg of fresh fruits;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar;
  • 250 ml of clean water;
  • 5 g pectin;
  • 1 tsp tartaric acid.

Wash the berries, peel them, cut them and place them in a solution with the specified acid so that the berries do not lose their attractiveness. appearance(no more than 30 minutes).

Boil the jam for about fifteen minutes and add the rest of the granulated sugar. Boil until a jelly-like mass is obtained, then add a little more acid and, once cooled, pour the jam into containers.

Apricot jelly: recipe


  • 2.5 kg of fruits;
  • granulated sugar;
  • pectin - 6 grams;
  • tartaric acid - 1 tsp.

It is necessary to wash, peel and cut the apricots. Then place the berries in an aluminum bowl and completely fill them with water.

Boil the apricots until soft, but avoid overcooking, otherwise the resulting juice will be unappealing. Now you need to strain the juice and leave it for a day. Next, cook it until the liquid is reduced by about half. Add half a kilogram of sugar per liter of juice.

Next, dissolve the pectin and add to the juice. After this, add acid a few minutes before turning off. Pour the resulting mixture onto a plate. If it has acquired the desired consistency, the jelly is ready. Spill hot liquid in a container; when cooled, you can cover them with lids.

Benefits of apricots for older people

It is especially useful for older people to eat berries with seeds, such as plums, apricots, etc. Eating dried berries, for example, apricots (dried fruit with a seed), is very important, since the berry is characterized by an abundance of potassium.

This trace element is important for the prevention of heart disease, kidney disease, swelling of the limbs and cough. Angina pectoris, arrhythmia and post-infarction state are indications for the use of this product, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Berries, especially dried representatives, are storehouses of alpha and beta keratin, which have antioxidant effects. As a result of the functioning of alpha and beta kerotene, cell security increases. Apricots have phosphorus, iron and vitamins such as B1, B2, PP, C.

However, older people with diabetes need to limit their consumption of apricots due to their high sucrose content - we will tell you more about contraindications later in our article.

Apricot kernels - benefits and harms

Orange berries have seeds inside, which do not differ in particular taste. However, the oil content allows the fruit to be used as a medicine.

The roasted internal components of the seeds are distinguished by their taste and satiety. Some types of apricots contain large kernels, so they are often used as a substitute for almonds. Other types have a sweetish taste.

The oil obtained from the inside of the seed includes vitamins C, A and many acids and phospholipids. Bones are able to fight the occurrence malignant neoplasms. In cooking, yoghurts, ice cream, icing and other desserts are prepared from the seeds.

The kernels of the seeds can fight helminthiasis, and brewed tea helps prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system. A person should consume no more than 20 kernels per day. Eating more than forty parts is fraught with consequences such as food poisoning.

Research by scientists who examined the issue of the benefits and harms of apricot kernels led to the following most important conclusions: the sweetish-tasting kernels can be eaten without any doubt in moderation, but the bitter components are dangerous to health.

Bitter kernels contain special poisons that cause severe poisoning during decay in the intestines. Thus, the acid that is formed as a result of decay has a toxic property.

Diseases that can be treated with apricots

Even one hundred grams of orange fruits can significantly improve the process of creating blood on a par with 250 grams of pig liver, in this regard Iron-deficiency anemia is a reason to eat berries.

Dried apricots are also used to prevent heart disease; in addition, it is useful for pregnant women. Dried apricots, unlike fresh apricots, have a high calorie content, many vitamins and organic acids.

The dried fruit has proven itself to be an excellent remedy in the fight against stool disorders, which is why the use of dried apricots in pure form or the creation of various porridges, decoctions and other mixtures is actively used for problems with stool.

It is thanks to this property that dried apricots are often an important element in the diet of older people, whose specific age often leads to disruption of the normal excretory function of the intestines.

Consequently, pregnancy, anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal diseases - all this is a reason to add this wonderful fruit to your diet.

Useful recipes to improve your health

Here are some types of recipes for preparing dried apricots and fresh fruits:

  • Dried apricots for vascular atherosclerosis. Porridge recipe.

Grind one hundred and fifty grams of dried apricot in a meat grinder and mix with honey. Eat the mixture twice a day for a month. (20 years)

  • Dried apricot porridge to cleanse the body

Using a meat grinder, grind the dried apricot and plum; you can sprinkle walnuts on top and add a little honey. Place the mixture in the refrigerator and use it twice a day for thirty days.

  • Decoction to improve bowel function
  • Tincture recipe for bruises

Cut 2 kg of fruits and mix the pieces with prepared cloves, cinnamon and pour the mixture with vodka. Let it brew for a month, strain, and apply the resulting liquid to painful areas.

  • Hypertension and irregular bowel movements: there is a solution!

You need to place two hundred grams of dried apricots on a baking sheet and pour a liter of boiling water on top. Leave the wrapped mixture for ten hours, and then start filtering. Drink the mixture three times a day.

  • Infusion for heart disease

Let us again touch upon the issue of the benefits and harms of apricot kernels. Pour 15 grams of bones with water brought to a boil and leave the mixture for two hours. Take one hundred milliliters three times a day.

  • Apricot juice to reduce stomach acidity

Fifty milliliters of fruit juice should be taken in the morning and at lunch to increase gastric secretion.

Characteristics of the apricot diet

Apricot allows you to lose weight without difficulties and unnecessary restrictions. Since this berry is not only pleasant to taste, healthy for the body and at the same time low in calories, it allows you to lose up to 4 kg of excess weight in just 4 days.

That is why this berry is a godsend not only for those “losing weight,” but also for people suffering from various dysfunctions of the stomach and intestines, for example, frequent constipation. By the way, a mixture of dried plums and apricots has an excellent effect on the excretory function of the intestines.

The apricot diet can last up to five days. Its essence is very simple: per day there should be more apricots in the food list than other products.

Apricot smoothies, juice, purees, salads - all this can be included in the list of permitted dishes. Meals should be frequent, but not too heavy.

It is better to drink water some time before meals or 1.5 hours after. Juice, compotes, mineral water. Compote made from this berry should not contain sugar - otherwise the effectiveness of the diet will be significantly reduced.

There is a simpler diet that involves eating mainly dried apricots, which have a lot of useful substances.

The presence of iron and potassium makes dried apricots especially valuable not only for people suffering from diseases of the heart muscle, but also for people who are losing weight, seeking to normalize not only their diet, but also their health. But we must not forget about preventing the occurrence of diseases.

Description of the apricot diet

Prepare one and a half kilograms of apricots. This amount must be divided into specific portions and consumed throughout the day. You should not increase the total portion, as the intestines may react negatively to excessive amounts of berries.

In addition, consuming too many berries is also unlikely to reduce calories, so your weight will remain the same. You should not think that you need to eat apricots unchanged: preparing any dishes is quite acceptable, and it will also add variety to your diet.

This diet except effective weight loss guarantees cleansing of the human body from toxins, normalization of work internal organs. In this regard, cleaning can be carried out no more than once every 30 days.

However, you should not increase your diet - then the body will get tired, and if there are contraindications typical for eating apricots (which are indicated above in the article) this diet may not positive effect for health, but on the contrary - to cause harm to him.

Thus, contraindications include gastritis, including with increased secretion of gastric acid, and gastrointestinal ulcers. Intestinal obstruction is also a contraindication for eating berries.

Presence diabetes mellitus history is a limitation, since the fetus is characterized by a high content of sucrose, which is contraindicated in these patients.

Therefore, the issue of inclusion in the specified diet regime should be discussed in consultation with a doctor to avoid negative consequences for your body.