Rhinotracheitis in lions. Is rhinotracheitis in cats dangerous for humans: the opinion of doctors and veterinarians. Clinical signs of the disease

If during the treatment of a cold in a cat with antibiotics, the symptoms appear again and again and the owner does not understand why the cat often sneezes and coughs, then the pet may have rhinotracheitis. This disease has symptoms similar to colds, but the viral nature of infectious rhinotracheitis suggests a more complex treatment regimen. As you know, viral diseases are difficult to cure - antibiotics have an effect only in the short term and temporarily eliminate the symptoms. Repeated courses of treatment are also not effective - due to the prescription of drugs of the same group, cats develop addiction and resistance to antibiotics.

However, feline rhinotracheitis virus can be successfully treated with a combination of the right therapies. Therefore, pet owners, if there is a suspicion of infection of a cat with a virus of upper respiratory tract it is worth contacting a veterinary clinic for help and starting treatment as soon as possible. You can read about the drug.

Viral rhinotracheitis in cats, the symptoms and treatment of which will be covered in this review- This is a contagious disease that often affects pets with access to open areas and homeless animals. The disease is not fatal and poses a serious threat to young kittens, older cats and pets with chronic diseases- the immune system of such animals is weakened, and the body cannot withstand the attacks of viruses and bacteria.

At the same time, owners of healthy adult cats are also not immune from the fact that their pet can become infected with the disease. In order to diagnose a disease early stages and minimize the risk of complications, it is necessary to know the symptoms.

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • the cat does not eat anything;
  • lethargy and apathy appear;
  • there is inflammation of the sinuses and mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • the presence of uncharacteristic discharge from the nose;
  • for a long period of time the cat coughs and sneezes;
  • the pet's eyes take on an unhealthy appearance, ulcers may appear on the cornea;
  • the cat is breathing with difficulty;
  • the pet may also have increased salivation and sleepiness.

The development of symptoms of the disease in pets infected with the virus appears within two days after infection. However, in some cases, the symptoms of the disease do not appear at all, and the owner may not suspect that the pet needs complex treatment rhinotracheitis in cats, the scheme of which is selected by the veterinarian individually. Symptoms may vary in severity. The age of the cat and the general health of the animal affect the features of their manifestation.

The danger of the virus to humans

When a pet owner notices that a cat has one or two eyes watering, she is breathing heavily and coughing, the first thing he thinks about is the safety of his family members and his own. The owner can take various measures to avoid getting infected from the cat. But you should not panic - after all, the statement that rhinotracheitis in cats is dangerous for humans is not reliable. The disease can be transmitted from pet to pet, so if a cat sneezes and watery eyes, it is better to isolate it from other individuals.

Diagnosis of rhinotracheitis

When contacting the clinic, the veterinarian will prescribe a series of tests, the purpose of which is to determine the presence of bacterial strains. Samples for research are taken through nasal or oral swabs. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the veterinarian will prescribe medication to treat bacterial infections. If a cat sneezes than to treat at home, the veterinarian will also tell you.

Apart from traditional treatment, the veterinarian will tell the owner about the special conditions for keeping sick animals that need extra care for a quick recovery.

Once rhinotracheitis has been diagnosed in cats, home treatment should include the following:

  1. keeping the cat warm (cold and drafts can cause complications);
  2. restriction of access to the animal to the street and other cats;
  3. frequent washing of food and water bowls;
  4. disinfection of the cat's habitat with special disinfecting solutions.

In order to prevent rhinotracheitis, it is worth using vaccination. Your veterinarian can recommend several vaccine options to protect cats from viruses and bacteria. Despite the high effectiveness of vaccination, vaccinated animals still have a chance of getting sick, so owners should still remain vigilant and pay attention to anxiety symptoms and general health of the cat.

Treatment of rhinotracheitis in cats

If a domestic cat sneezes and watery eyes what to do in such cases only professional "cat lovers" know. The remaining categories of pet owners look at the pet in bewilderment and cannot understand why the cat is coughing and what causes her teary eyes and nasal congestion. Therefore, about self-treatment pet medicines are out of the question.

If rhinotracheitis is diagnosed in cats, treatment involves the use of a wide range action to fight infection. The pet may be prescribed antibiotics, intensive supportive care, blood transfusion, infusion therapy. Force-feeding may be required, as a weakened cat will not eat or drink and may die from severe malnutrition or dehydration.

Overview of veterinary drugs

In veterinary practice, for the treatment of rhinotracheitis, various drugsantiviral agents, antibiotics, drops to reduce nasal discharge, drugs to treat eye infections. The purpose of the drug is made taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease in the animal, general condition his health, and the presence clinical symptoms. Dosage and regimen of drug use is also individual.


Baytril antimicrobial for cats is a fast-acting and effective antibiotic. It is produced in Germany, so the drug meets European quality standards and has a rather high cost. Veterinarians may advise replacing Baytril with cheaper analogues, active substance in which enrofloxacin acts. The drug has a strong effect and a number of contraindications, so its use should be taken very responsibly and carefully.


Rhinotracheitis can affect the organs of vision and the only way to keep the eyes healthy in a cat is to prescribe special drops.

This can be Anandin for cats, the price of which is low and available to a wide range of consumers. It is about 150-200 rubles. With nasal discharge, Anandin for cats can also be prescribed nose drops to be instilled in the pet in accordance with the instructions for the drug.


Maksidin eye drops for cats are prescribed to pets as an immunomodulatory agent. The drug can be used at home, because if the instructions are followed, its use will not cause side effects. The drug Maksidin for cats, the price of which is about 350-400 rubles per pack, is prescribed for rhinitis, conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis.


Veterinary drug Roncoleukin for cats is a broad-spectrum immunomodulator. It is not recommended to use it without the recommendation of a veterinarian, because if the dosage is incorrect, the drug will aggravate the condition of the pet. Roncoleukin is prescribed for the diagnosis of other eye diseases, as well as respiratory diseases. Also, the drug can be prescribed after the main treatment of rhinotracheitis - it will help the cat gain strength and restore immunity after taking potent drugs.


The drug Gamapren for cats, the price of which is 400-500 rubles per 5 mg, is used to treat infectious rhinotracheitis in combination with other veterinary drugs. Pharmacological properties veterinary drug are represented by antiviral action. The average course of treatment of rhinotracheitis with the drug is about ten days. Repeated use is prescribed no earlier than two weeks later.


The veterinary drug Tylosin for cats is an antibiotic that is used for injection. During viral diseases, secondary infections are treated with Tylosin. It is also used to treat mastitis, pneumonia, bronchitis and dysentery. The dosage of the drug depends on the body weight of the animal, and its therapeutic effect persists throughout the day. The drug should be carefully used for animals with individual sensitivity to tylosin.

Rhinotracheitis in cats is often confused with the common cold because it outward manifestation little different from characteristic features arising from hypothermia of the animal.

In fact, this viral disease has a completely different nature, and is quite dangerous for felines.

Symptoms of rhinotracheitis

When infected with the FHV-1 virus, the pet does not get sick immediately, several stages can be distinguished in the picture of the development of the pathological process:

  • Infection. Occurs directly upon contact of animals with the carrier or through primary care items.
  • incubation period. Small kittens and unvaccinated individuals can get sick within a day to ten days. Adult healthy animals can get sick in a latent form, sometimes the herpes virus does not manifest itself for months or even years. Under adverse conditions (weakening of the body due to illness or natural causes), pathogenic antibodies grow.
  • Period of first symptoms. Within a few weeks, necrotic areas appear on the body of the animal - the places where the virus enters - most often it is the mouth, nose. There is discharge from the nose and eyes, fever. After fourteen days, the disease usually passes into the next period.
  • Postclinical phase of the disease. Symptoms decrease, but without timely help, chronic rhinotracheitis develops. The animal is a carrier of the virus, exacerbations occur during stress, weakening of the body.
  • Virus carrying. Up to a year and a half, the animal is an active virus carrier and, most likely, passive - for the rest of its life.

The following factors will help determine the disease:

  • the animal becomes lethargic, apathetic, depressed;
  • , in the acute phase, complete refusal of food and food;
  • the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose become red, inflamed, the eyelids are also affected;
  • serous discharge from the eyes and nose appears;
  • the condition of a sick individual is aggravated by sneezing and coughing;
  • lacrimation and;
  • muconasal and oral discharges become purulent;
  • ulcers appear on the nose and mouth, often dry crusts on the nose;
  • rises to 40 degrees, usually lasts for three days;
  • due to abundant nasal and oral discharge, it may appear;
  • intestinal atony is often aggravated;
  • enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes;
  • may develop respiratory depression, wheezing when inhaling, bronchopneumonia progresses.


To combat the feline herpes virus, the first step is to make a diagnosis. You need to contact your veterinarian.

Methods of modern veterinary diagnosis of herpesvirus:

  • description of the medical history;
  • immunofluorescent analysis (MFA) of swabs from the nasal mucosa and conjunctiva of the eyes;
  • PCR diagnostics (polymerase chain reaction) of smears from the mouth, nose and eyes to detect antibodies to the virus;
  • a blood smear for a histochemical variant of enzyme immunoassay (ELISA);
  • laboratory tests of urine, feces, blood to exclude leukemia and other infections;
  • auscultation, examination of the upper respiratory tract and tonsils to determine complications;
  • radiography to detect bronchitis and pneumonia.

Therapy at home

After detection of the herpes virus FHV-1 veterinarian prescribe a specific treatment for the cat. There are no drugs to suppress the virus itself, the therapy is symptomatic.

The complex therapy of this infection includes:

  • antibacterial drugs;
  • antiviral agents;
  • immunostimulating drugs;
  • nasal drops for easier breathing;
  • medicines for the treatment of eyes and mouth;
  • maintenance therapy.

First of all, it is necessary to isolate a sick animal, provide him with a separate toilet tray, bowls for food and water. He should be given proper care. In order not to develop complications, prevent hypothermia of a sick individual.

Nutrition during the period of illness is dietary, preferably from a special line. Food should be given warm to stimulate appetite, as due to nasal congestion, the cat's sense of smell is weakened.

If the cat refuses to eat and drink completely for more than three days, it is necessary to use droppers (in a veterinary clinic) or subcutaneous infusions, which can be carried out independently as directed by a doctor. Use saline, glucose, Ringer-Locke solution in order to prevent dehydration. B vitamins are often added to the infusion mixture and ascorbic acid. In severe cases, hospitalization of the animal in a veterinary clinic is indicated.

To facilitate the breathing of a sick individual, the use of air humidifiers, inhalations and nebulizers helps a lot. The nose and oral cavity must be cleaned of mucus and pus and treated with special animal products. If ulcers have formed, apply Iodinol, Chlorhexidine, gels and ointments Solcoseryl, Actovegin.

To combat nasal congestion, there are special drops Anandin, Maksidin, Interferon, and others.

Antibiotics are used to prevent complications and the addition of additional infections. Usually these are third-generation cephalosporins - Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin. Along with this therapy, probiotics (eg Villot probiotic drink) should be introduced into the animal's diet.

Antipyretics are used only when the temperature rises above 40 degrees Celsius - Ketofen, Loxicom, others.

Immunomodulators and antiviral drugs

In the treatment regimen for rhinotracheitis for felines, agents aimed at increasing the body's immune forces are necessarily used - immunomodulators Immunofan, Fosprenil, Polyoxidonium, Cycloferon. Veterinary drugs- Anandin, Roncoleukin, Gamavit, Gamapren.

Antiviral drugs are used to reduce clinical signs of infection. The following methods are used:

  • Systemic antiviral prescriptions - Famciclovir is an antiherpes drug used to treat humans. The method of application is oral, safe for animals, has an excellent therapeutic effect. The use of antiviral sera for cats (Vitafel-S, Globfel) is shown.
  • Therapy of conjunctivitis with the use of antiviral drops and ointments. Sometimes the damage to the cat's eyes during the course of the disease is significant, up to surgical removal. Therefore, it is necessary to give Special attention their treatment. The use of eye drops for humans Cidofovir, Trifluridine, Idoxuridin will help prevent the development of keratitis.


The feline herpes virus is terrible for its many and varied complications. The most common are:

  • chronic rhinotracheitis;
  • bronchopneumonia;
  • rhinitis and sinusitis;
  • keratitis;
  • chronic conjunctivitis;
  • necrosis of the tissues of the nose;
  • disorders of the central nervous system.

In order to prevent these serious diseases, it is important to contact the veterinary clinic in time, diagnose the pathogen and conduct timely and complex therapy.


There is no 100% guarantee of the absence of infection. But the risk can be significantly reduced by using the following measures:

  • - starting from three to four months, kittens need to be given the complex vaccine Nobivak, Triket, Multifel in two stages. Annual revaccination of the animal. born from an infected female, three vaccinations are allowed - at four, eight and twelve weeks.
  • must be carried out before vaccination, it is recommended once every three months. Helps to avoid helminthic invasion, significantly reducing the immunity of pets.
  • Daily wet cleaning disinfectants. Processing of care items, hands and clothing after contact with sick animals.
  • High culture of keeping animals, especially in nurseries and shelters. The premises must be sufficient in size, high density of pets is not allowed. Good ventilation, optimal temperature and humidity in the room should be maintained year-round.
  • Isolation of sick animals, providing them with a separate toilet tray, bowls for food and water.
  • , twice a year, special vitamin complexes are introduced into the feed.
  • Pets are not allowed to interact with stray animals.
  • Mandatory quarantine for newly admitted cats.

Infectious respiratory diseases of domestic cats are common throughout the globe. They threaten the health of pets and cause a lot of trouble to the owners. Viral rhinotracheitis, or feline herpes, is a disease dangerous complications, although its first symptoms resemble the common cold.

What is viral rhinotracheitis

Respiratory disease in domestic and wild cats is caused by the feline herpes virus (Herpesvirus Type-1). A particle of the causative agent of the disease is called a virion and is a capsule of liquid, inside which is genomic DNA. Outside, it is surrounded and protected by a protein shell. Above it is a double layer of lipids containing glycoproteins. In the cat's body, viral particles begin to double and damage the mucous membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory tract. Inflammation of the sinuses, redness and swelling of the pharynx in sick kittens gave the name of the disease, registered in 1957 - Feline Viral Rhinotraccheitis (FVR). When a pet is infected, the cells of the causative agent of rhinotracheitis spread along the sensory nerves and reach the neurons. Here the virus stores its genomic DNA throughout the life of the animal.

The causative agent of rhinotracheitis infects all cats

Feline rhinotracheitis is dangerous for complications in individuals with a weakened immune system or other chronic diseases. In this case, the high activity of the virus causes necrosis of the tissues of the bronchi, digestive tract, nictitating membrane and cornea of ​​​​the eyes. Secondary infection caused by bacteria joins the inflammation. The animal may become blind. If the nose bone collapses or pulmonary edema develops, your pet will die.

The feline herpes virus strain only affects cats. To the owner of a patient with rhinotracheitis pet should not be afraid of infection. The disease is not transmitted to humans or other pets.

Cold and damp weather contributes to the spread of feline rhinotracheitis, since the virus is active only in a humid environment and dies immediately after drying. At a temperature of +4 ° C, the pathogen is dangerous for more than five months, and when heated to +57 ° C, it is neutralized after 20 minutes. Virus particles, getting on the skin of human hands, are active for half an hour. Getting on toys, beds, dishes for food, feline herpes serves as a source of infection for 8 hours. Home furniture becomes free of the virus in a day.

Outbreaks of rhinotracheitis occur at any time of the year with the appearance of a source of infection. Cats that have become feral and abandoned by their owners, living in cities, migrate in search of food. In shelters for homeless animals, half of the pets fall ill from one carrier. When kept in groups in catteries, all individuals can get sick if the cats freely contact each other. The virus affects cats of all ages, but young animals and kittens are more likely to get sick.

After suffering rhinotracheitis, a recovered pet becomes a latent carrier of the disease. Damaged mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are restored from the third week of illness. This is due to the development of protective antibodies to the virus particles by the animal's immune system.

The recurrence of symptoms of feline herpes is provoked by:

  • weakening of the immune system due to a stressful situation;
  • treatment with glucocorticoids;
  • infection with other diseases;
  • lactation.

At chronic form rhinotracheitis virus activity in the body of a sick animal does not stop. The reason is an insufficient amount of antibodies, inhibition of protective mechanisms. A pet constantly releases pathogenic particles into the environment and poses a risk of infection to healthy animals.

Ways of infection

The source of the feline herpes virus is sick cats, as well as latently infected animals without signs of disease. Already a day after the virus particles enter the respiratory tract of a pet, the pathogen begins to be released into the environment. It lasts up to three weeks. After the end of the acute period of the disease, the animal still poses a risk of infection to other individuals for more than six months.

The following bodily fluids spread the disease:

  • discharge from the eyes and nose;
  • breast milk;
  • saliva;
  • sperm;
  • blood;
  • urine.

Particles of wool and skin of a cat with rhinotracheitis also contain the virus. All pet care items, including nail trimming, hair combing, ear cleaning, become a source of infection. There is a risk of pet infection when visiting a beauty salon and a veterinary clinic. feline herpes virus usually transmitted to animals through close contact. Most often this happens when dealing with stray cats. The transmission of the disease during mating or participation in the show at the exhibition is not excluded. Wearers bring home viral particles on the soles of their shoes and become unwitting spreaders of the disease.

Kittens become infected with rhinotracheitis from a sick mother at the time of birth. Less often - when feeding her milk. The feline herpes virus does not cross the placental barrier and does not infect babies in utero. During delivery, kittens cannot avoid contact with the mother's biological fluids containing viral particles and antibodies to them. Therefore, infection becomes noticeable after 20 days.

Symptoms of feline herpes

The disease begins from the moment the feline herpes virus enters the body of the animal. The asymptomatic development of rhinotracheitis depends on the state of the pet's immune system and lasts from one to five days. In rare cases - more than two weeks.

signs initial stage rhinotracheitis in a cat

At the next stage:

With a weakened immune system, the pet develops severe inflammation of the tissues surrounding the eyes - conjunctivitis and keratitis with small ulcers on the cornea. Breathing becomes heavy, wheezing appears, the animal does not close its mouth. Dehydration and lack of energy lead to viral pneumonia up to necrotizing pulmonary edema. It is difficult to deal with such a complication. On the palate and tongue, sometimes there are areas of a rounded shape of red, resembling a rash. This occurs no earlier than 10 days after the onset of symptoms of the disease. In difficult cases acute period rhinotracheitis lasts 2-3 weeks, then recovery occurs. If this does not happen, the disease becomes chronic.

Diagnosis of the disease

When examining an animal, the doctor draws attention to the characteristic clinical signs of feline rhinotracheitis, asks the owner about the development of the disease. The hallmark of viral herpes is damage to the cornea. To clarify the diagnosis, the veterinarian makes a test with a fluorescent dye to look for ulcers on the transparent area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye, located above the pupil.

In the blood test of a cat with rhinotracheitis, the number of neutrophils and monocytes is increased. Additional diagnostics include taking samples of mucous secretions from the nose and eyes with the determination of virus particles or antibodies to them in them.

Laboratory methods for determining the feline herpes virus:

  • immunofluorescence reaction (RIF);
  • histochemical study;
  • linked immunosorbent assay;
  • polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Immunofluorescent reaction is used to detect fragments of the virus and antibodies to it. After sampling the biological material of a sick animal, the result of the analysis is obtained after 1.5 hours. ELISA and histochemical tests detect viral antigen in damaged cells. They are also available, but take longer. Detection of a DNA fragment of the feline herpes virus by PCR reveals not only an active disease, but also latent carriage, including after vaccination. This makes it difficult to establish an accurate diagnosis, which is a significant disadvantage of this type. laboratory research. In addition, PCR - diagnostics is expensive and is used only in large cities.

Rhinotracheitis is different from others respiratory infections and colds by a rapid increase in the symptoms of a runny nose and inflammation of the eyes. The disease is similar in clinical signs to calicivirus and chlamydia, which affect the respiratory and visual organs. But rhinotracheitis does not cause lameness characteristic of the feline pertussis virus from damage. bone tissue. With chlamydia, there are no ulcers on the cornea of ​​the eyes, although inflammation of the conjunctiva is present.

How to treat rhinotracheitis in cats at home

It is impossible to destroy the virus in the pet's body. There is no cure for complete recovery. The treatment of the disease is to buy time for the animal's immune system to build antibodies to the viral particles. The use of drugs is aimed at preventing complications and relieving pain in the inflammatory process.

Used to treat viral rhinotracheitis in cats eye drops and ointments containing levomycetin or tetracycline. Do not use dexamethasone and hydrocortisone, that slow down the regeneration of damaged tissues. Immunomodulatory drugs are instilled into the eyes and nose, for example, Poludan. Albucid has an antiseptic effect on the mucous membranes.

To prevent secondary complications, the doctor prescribes intramuscular injections of antibiotics:

  • Bicillin-3;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Benzathine;
  • Ampicillin;
  • Cefazolin.

Enter twice a day, divided in half daily dose. The course of treatment is 5-10 days, depending on the severity of the condition of the sick pet. Vitamin preparations support the body's resistance to the toxic effects of the virus. In the early period of the disease, antiviral sera help. They are used as prescribed by a doctor.

When liquid secretions are released from the eyes and nose, the animal loses not only moisture, but also proteins, which prevents the restoration of damaged mucous membranes. The pet is given lysine between feeding periods, which stimulates the growth of epithelial cells. To reduce irritation of the eyes and nose, they are wiped with cotton pads with warm saline every 2-4 hours. The air in the room with a sick animal is periodically moistened.

Video with recommendations from a veterinarian for caring for a cat with rhinotracheitis

The use of Immunofan, Vitafel and other drugs that affect immune system pet, does not inhibit the reproduction of the virus. Most veterinarians do not include them in the treatment of rhinotracheitis.

Many difficulties arise in the treatment of pregnant cats. In this case, save the life of the mother, not paying attention to toxicity medicines for babies. When there were only two weeks left before the birth, the cat of my acquaintances began to sneeze, the temperature rose, and a day later she refused to drink and eat. The owners went to the vet without her, fearing the added stress of the trip. The doctor, having learned the address, immediately suggested infection with feline herpes - a week ago they brought an animal living in the neighborhood to him. Him laboratory analysis confirmed viral rhinotracheitis. In addition to vitamins, Klaforan injections and eye drops with an antiseptic, the veterinarian prescribed the treatment of the cat's oral cavity with Collargol (silver with albumin). The doctor advised to conduct allergy tests for all prescribed medications: smear the solution on the nose and wait 20 minutes to see if there is redness. Another sign hypersensitivity- strong sneezing. Testing showed normal drug tolerance. But it is useless to treat if the animal is weakening before our eyes from hunger and dehydration. The veterinarian recommended liquid and thoroughly crushed food. Mousses and pates were diluted with warm broth and injected with a syringe without a needle into the corner of the mouth, behind the cheek. Some of the food the cat swallowed, some spit out. The first four days of improvement was not observed, but the owners did not give up. The sick cat's diet was changed: they bought baby veal puree, warmed it up and let it lick off a finger. The owner tried to feed her in small portions every hour during the day and at least once at night.
And after 5 days the condition of the sick cat improved. Recovery was now a matter of time. The kittens were born at term, but the cat could not feed them. She was weak and there was no lactation. The kids were outwardly healthy, they ate the milk mixture with appetite. But after three weeks, everyone started tearing and sneezing. Now the kittens had to be treated for rhinotracheitis, which they suffered more easily than their mother.

If a pet with feline herpes develops a fever, or develops shortness of breath and wheezing, seek immediate medical attention. No less life-threatening is the refusal of food and water for three days, which requires intravenous administration medicines and nutritional solutions. In this case, you will need treatment in a hospital.

Features of the treatment of kittens

Infection with feline herpes is very dangerous for young kittens whose immune systems are not yet fully developed. The mortality rate for this disease is up to 30%. The greatest threat to babies is loss eyeball destroyed by the virus due to lack of treatment. To prevent such a complication, when washing, the eyes are gently massaged, antibiotics are often instilled, ointments are applied 10 minutes after the introduction of the drops. The procedure is repeated at least 4-5 times a day. To correctly calculate the dose of drugs, the kitten is weighed daily. Otherwise, the treatment does not differ from the scheme for adult animals.

Preventive measures

To prevent infection of cats with viral rhinotracheitis, it is enough to observe sanitary standards for the care of animals. We entered the house from the street - put shoes in a closet with closed doors, do not forget to wash your hands. Do not come into contact with stray animals. For a new pet, quarantine is required in a separate room for 2-3 weeks, after which it is allowed into a group with healthy cats.

Vaccination - basic preventive measure to prevent the spread of the feline herpes virus. Healthy kittens are vaccinated from the age of three months or after a change of teeth. The use of the vaccine stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies and prepares it to respond quickly to a future infection. Live fragments of the virus contain Leukorifellin and Felocel vaccines. They are not vaccinated in kittens due to the appearance of a runny nose and lacrimation within two weeks after vaccination. It turns out that the animals actually get sick with rhinotracheitis. Safer inactivated vaccines Kvadrikat and Nobivak, in which pathogens are killed. After vaccination, it takes time for the pet's immunity to provide protection against the disease.

Unfortunately, the vaccine only protects against the type of virus it contains and does not prevent infection with another type of feline herpes. Therefore, it is not completely effective. The pet will get sick, but will endure the disease less severely. Animals that have recovered from viral rhinotracheitis are vaccinated annually to avoid recurrence of the disease.

I create illustrated texts about cats. I talk about their care items, food, play furniture. I write about the diseases of mustachioed pets and the rules for providing veterinary care. I explain how to understand the psychology of domestic muroks. I try to make my articles useful to the reader. I work with the understanding of great responsibility for the lives of those whom we take into our home.

Not everyone knows that cats are prone to colds. Among infectious respiratory diseases in cats, rhinotracheitis is considered one of the most insidious. viral disease It starts as a harmless cold, but quickly progresses, affects the body and leads to unpleasant complications.

Despite the fact that the infection has a serious effect on the cat's body, it responds well to treatment at home. Veterinarian prescribes medical preparations and folk remedies, gives general recommendations care.

The concept of rhinotracheitis, its danger to cats

What is rhinotracheitis? In the people, the disease is called feline herpes. The disease that causes symptoms of SARS is provoked by the feline herpes simplex virus of the first type. Both wild and domestic cat of any age, but kittens and young individuals are most susceptible to this.

When a virion (viral cell) enters an animal's body, it begins to multiply rapidly, attacking the immune system. Rhinotracheitis in cats primarily affects the mucous membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory tract.

That is why it is important to apply for veterinary care and heal your pet. If left untreated, the animal may go blind or even die from severe complications.

With the progression of the disease, nasal bones are destroyed, degeneration of bronchial tissues occurs, gastrointestinal tract and organs of vision (cornea and nictitating membrane), pulmonary edema begins, which inevitably leads to the death of the cat. The danger is secondary bacterial infection, which joins as a complication.

Cold and dampness is a favorable environment for the spread of infection. Outbreaks of the disease are observed in the autumn-spring period, when cold and wet weather prevails. At an air temperature of +4°C infectious agent can live up to 5 months.

However, feline herpes dies when heated to + 57-60 ° C. It is enough for the owners to steam the cat's accessories, as well as wash things and bed linen, in order to completely kill the pathogenic cells and avoid re-infection.

Causes of the disease and ways of infection

As mentioned above, any cat can get sick through direct or indirect contact with an infected individual. Mass infection occurs when cats are kept in groups, for example, in catteries, shelters, veterinary clinics at breeding inspection, at exhibitions, etc.

The sources of the virus can be a sick or already ill cat, as well as any household items (bowls, toys, clothes, beds, etc.) that she used. The infection is insidious, it persists in the body of the animal for at least 50 days from the moment of recovery, i.e. all this time it carries potential threat. In some cases, infectious feline rhinotracheitis does not completely disappear, but goes from acute to subacute or chronic form (the carrier is a constant danger to other cats).

The infection enters the body when the immune system is weakened. Weak immunity is the main cause of infection.

Factors contributing to reduced immune defenses in cats:

  • the presence of a pre-existing infection, even in very mild form(viral, bacterial or fungal origin);
  • stresses associated with a change of residence, relationships in the house, the appearance of new pets or family members, etc .;
  • poor and unbalanced nutrition;
  • hypothermia or overheating, etc.

Possible routes of infection:

  • direct contact of animals with saliva or eye exudate (cats often lick each other);
  • airborne droplets (spread of saliva when an animal sneezes);
  • through common items of use if they have not been properly processed;
  • through people or insects that have been in contact with a sick cat in the near future (the virus lives on human hands for about half an hour).

Is the disease dangerous for a person, can he get infected from an animal?

When a beloved pet becomes infected with rhinotracheitis, the owner begins to worry about the safety of his own family. Many are frightened by the prospect of dangerous symptoms passed on to children and other family members. You shouldn't be afraid.

Viral rhinotracheitis occurs only in cats. Only they are susceptible to feline herpes. If several cats live in the house at once, it is important to immediately isolate the sick individual, carry out wet cleaning, treat surfaces and cat objects (dishes, toys, houses).

Symptoms of the disease

In most cases, the disease is acute with pronounced symptoms. In addition to sneezing and difficulty breathing, the pet will experience external signs in the form of profuse purulent discharge from the eyes and nose. It is enough to study the photo of sick individuals to compare them with your cat.

The main signs of the disease:

  • coughing and sneezing;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • runny nose, discharge from the eyes (at first transparent, after a couple of days - purulent);
  • dyspnea;
  • difficulty breathing, wheezing;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • increased secretion of saliva;
  • ulcers on the tongue;
  • severe sore throat, to which the cat reacts with a complete refusal to eat;
  • lethargy, weakness.

There are 3 forms of the disease:

  • Acute. Symptoms are pronounced and rapidly progressing, all signs of infection are present at the same time. Acute course the disease is dangerous with complications in the form of pneumonia, bronchitis, constipation (if the gastrointestinal tract was affected). The virus often hits nervous system leading to muscle tremors, paw twitching, etc.
  • Subacute (usually occurs in individuals with strong immunity). Symptoms may be only partially present and be less severe.
  • Chronic. It develops after acute or subacute forms, if the infection has not been completely cured. Sometimes hosts stop drug treatment when visible signs disappear. Remains of the virus remain in the body forever. The disease recurs under the influence of negative factors and weakened immunity.

The rhinotracheitis virus multiplies rapidly. The incubation period lasts no more than a week (3-7 days). Already during this period, the first symptoms are observed in the animal, outwardly similar to a cold.

Diagnostic methods

Despite the fact that specialists have learned to almost accurately determine the disease, there is no single "magic" method for diagnosing rhinotracheitis. In cats, several strains of infection can affect the upper respiratory tract at once. Veterinarian conducts comprehensive inspection to rule out other options.

Diagnostic measures consist of a visual and physical examination, the study of the history of the cat. It is important for the doctor to compare all the symptoms that are directly characteristic of feline herpes. Often the decisive and defining sign is a corneal infection (eye damage).

The most accurate and sensitive analysis is the PCR test, which allows you to isolate the DNA of an infectious agent. To do this, it is necessary to collect samples of saliva, ocular exudate or a sample with rear wall throat. The test will be indicative only if the disease occurs in an acute form.

Features of treatment at home

Just like in humans, it is impossible to cure the herpes virus in cats. the main task treatment - to support and strengthen the body while the immune system produces antibodies, as well as to eliminate the likelihood of complications.

The treatment regimen for infectious rhinotracheitis in cats includes the mandatory intake of antiviral, antibacterial and antihistamines, the use of ointments and drops. Often the main drug treatment combined with resources traditional medicine for the best effect.

  • constant control over the amount of food and liquid consumed (if the animal refuses to eat, you need to force-feed);
  • maintaining the strength of the body (ensuring a comfortable environment, temperature regime etc.);
  • to prevent dehydration, the animal is injected intravenously with sodium chloride or glucose solution;
  • compliance with all sanitary standards and general rules hygiene to exclude the addition of a secondary bacterial infection;
  • local relief of symptoms to improve overall well-being.

The main and primary task of the owner is to support his pet, replenish his vitality necessary to fight the disease, and also avoid the development of complications. It is necessary to ensure that the cat eats and drinks regularly (at least a little), and that the room in which it is located is clean and warm. It is necessary to treat the symptoms in a timely manner - to bury the eyes and nose, to bring down the high temperature.

Medical therapy

It is possible to cure a pet at home, but first you need to contact a veterinarian and strictly follow all his appointments. The doctor must control the entire treatment process and, if necessary, intervene in time if the condition worsens. The proper effect is only complex therapy, which includes local control of symptoms and system-wide impact.

Treatment regimen for symptomatic relief:

NoseEyesOral cavityTemperature
To combat the abundance of secreted exudate and suppress infection, it is necessary to regularly instill drops of Anandin, Naphthyzin, Vitafel into the nasal passages.To avoid rejection and degeneration of the cornea, it should be placed in the conjunctival sac at least 5 times a day. eye ointment(tetracycline 1%, Acyclovir and other ointments containing an antibiotic)In the presence of herpetic ulcers, the oral cavity should be washed and treated regularly antiseptic solution. For this, Chlorhexidine, Iodinol, Betadine, etc. are used. When the ulcers heal, Solcoseryl or Actovegin gel is used for speedy healing.It is necessary to bring down the temperature when the indicator reaches or exceeds the mark of 39.5 degrees. Ketofen or Loksik are applicable. Do not give your pet paracetamol or its analogues, because the substance is too toxic for animals.
If congestion persists, inhalation should be carried out using an ultrasonic nebulizer. For inhalation, Fluimucil diluted in saline is suitable.
To combat suppuration, the eyes are regularly instilled (up to 8 times a day), using Tobrex, chloramphenicol drops, Anandin, Kerecid, Vitafel

Antiviral veterinary drugs:

  • Gamapren (2 times a day for 5-14 days);
  • Fosprenil (several times a day for 2-5 days);
  • Loseval (for individual purposes);
  • Maksidin (in the form of injections or solution for local application);
  • Anandin (intramuscular injection);
  • Roncoleukin (dosage prescribed by a veterinarian).

Complex therapy practically does not do without the use of antibacterial drugs. For the treatment of cats, Tylosin, Baytril, Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin, Ampicillin, Benzatin are usually used.

Folk remedies

As for traditional medicine, everything is ambiguous here. Experts do not prohibit the use of home remedies as additional method therapy to help speed up recovery. The main thing is to remember that many healing remedies that are successfully used by people are contraindicated for cats. It is forbidden to use aloe, alcohol tinctures, vodka with an egg, etc.

With viral rhinotracheitis in cats, it is allowed to use a decoction of chamomile. It's safe and effective. The eyes are washed with a decoction, clearing them of crusts, as well as the affected oral cavity, or the animal is drunk with a weak decoction.

Feline viral rhinotracheitis (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis) is one of the most common respiratory diseases. Antibodies to the virus causing infection are detected in 70% of animals.

Pathology has a specific clinical picture. The breeder himself can make a preliminary diagnosis based on the symptoms, but the treatment of rhinotracheitis in cats should be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Rhinotracheitis in cats: characteristics of the disease

An infection of the upper respiratory tract or lungs caused by alpha herpesvirus is called rhinotracheitis (FVR). It was first released in 1958. Transmitted through direct contact. It replicates in the tissues of the nose, nasopharynx, and tonsils.

Like most viruses, FHV-1 may not show up in any way. long time. It survives in humid environments, when saliva or nasal discharge dries up and dies quickly. The disease is widespread, both wild and domestic predators are susceptible to the virus. More high risk infection in young and individuals with chronic pathologies.

Causes of rhinotracheitis in cats

Once in the body, the virus may be in a latent state. In this case, the cat feels fine.

The disease is caused by FHV-1 activity, which is provoked by certain factors:

  • Bad nutrition. The pet is fed dry food and raw meat, food from the table. Do not comply with the regimen and dosage, it is especially dangerous for sterilized animals.
  • Systemic (autoimmune) diseases: hemolytic anemia, progressive polyarthritis, myasthenia gravis.
  • genetic immunodeficiency- defeat of the immune system Retroviridae.
  • Long-term use of immunosuppressants: Neoferon, Timogen and others.
  • Prolonged stress. It can be caused by prolonged separation from the owner, frequent visits to the hairdresser, veterinarian.

All these factors destroy the immune system, the body is not able to withstand the effects of the pathogen.

Rhinotracheitis in cats: types

The disease can occur in acute, subacute and chronic forms. In subacute, the clinical picture is not severe. Rhinitis, conjunctivitis is more often observed.

Acute develops rapidly. The first manifestations are observed 2-4 days after the infectious agent enters the animal's body. Main symptoms: sneezing, nasal discharge, conjunctival hyperemia. The temperature rises to 39.5°C. Recovery occurs in 10-14 days.

Chronic (immune-mediated) develops as a result of untimely access to a veterinarian or improper therapy. It is characterized by chronic sneezing, runny nose, corneal vascularization. Subsequently, it can cause eosinophilic keratitis, corneal sequestration, neurological diseases.

Viral rhinotracheitis of cats

It is caused by Feline alphaherpesvirus 1, a double-stranded DNA packaged in an icosahedral capsid. Surrounded by a protein shell containing about ten hypoproteins. FHV-1 is replicated in the epithelial cells of the conjunctiva and upper respiratory tract. May be latent throughout life after being ingested by a pet.

The virus is inactivated within 3 hours at 37°C. When released into the environment, it persists for 5 months, at t 56 ° C, after 4-5 minutes, a complete loss of biological activity occurs.

Easily killed in environment disinfectants. It is enough to treat surfaces with a weak solution of chlorine.

Feline infectious rhinotracheitis

Refers to contagious (easily transmitted) diseases. Causative agents are viruses of the Herpesviridae group, caliciviruses, Reoviridae. Causes disease in all members of the Felidae family. Widespread in Russia, USA, European countries, India.

It is often not possible to distinguish calicivirus from FVR. Infection with Calicivirus occurs by contact and airborne droplets. Infectious agents multiply in the cells of the oral mucosa, tonsils.

Rhinotracheitis in cats: symptoms

Most often, the infection occurs in the respiratory form in combination with damage to the visual organ.

Typical symptoms:

  • frequent sneezing;
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • inflammation of the nasal mucosa;
  • mucous discharge from the eyes and nose with pus;
  • profuse salivation;
  • fever, the temperature rises to 40.5 ° C;
  • paroxysmal cough
  • swollen lymph nodes, when pressing a finger on the larynx, the pet experiences pain.

The sick animal is weakened, gradually loses its appetite, which leads to emaciation.

Rhinotracheitis in cats: home treatment

At the first symptoms, the pet should be taken to the clinic. The method of treatment is determined by the doctor on the basis of clinical picture and survey results. Therapy at home consists in the implementation of all procedures prescribed by the veterinarian and proper care.

Change or disinfect the premises, dishes and bedding of the animal. To restore the electrolyte and acid-base balance, Rigedron's solution is given. For the prevention of dehydration, a 5% glucose solution, Ringer-Locke is used.

It is important that the cat consumes food. Sick animals do not eat due to loss of smell, mouth ulcers. Give appetite stimulants Zispin, Remeron.

Immunomodulators and antiviral drugs

Therapy is assigned complex.

The use of polyprenyl immunostimulants is effective:

  • Fosprenil - antiviral drug with immunostimulating properties. Assign intramuscularly 0.6-0.8 ml / kg for 5-7 days.
  • Maksidin 0.4% intramuscularly 0.5 ml/kg twice a day. The course of therapy is 2-5 days.
  • Feliferon - recombinant interferon. Intramuscularly 200,000 IU twice in combination with antibiotics.
  • Globfel 4 IM 2-4 ml/10 kg every 12-24 hours.

Since the pathology is caused by a virus, antiviral drugs must be prescribed.

Most of them are for local use.

  • Famciclovir is a prodrug that is converted to the active metabolite penciclovir. Give orally at the rate of 90 mg per kilogram of the predator's weight every 8 hours. The duration depends on the severity of the pathology.
  • Lysine limits FHV-1 replication. Assign 500 mg / kg every 12 hours.
  • Cidofovir 0.5% is an ophthalmic solution for topical use. Drop by drop into each eye 2 times a day.
  • Trifluridine 1%. One drop in the eye at least 5 times a day.

The use of Valaciclovir in animals is contraindicated. The drug causes bone marrow suppression and liver necrosis.

Local and symptomatic therapy

To fight respiratory diseases applied symptomatic therapy. Nasal secretions are cleaned several times a day with saline.

Rhinitis and conjunctivitis are treated with topical agents:

  • Anandin 2-3 drops for the lower eyelid and each nasal passage three times a day.
  • Ciprovet is a bactericidal agent. Drop in the eye four times a day for 1-2 weeks.
  • Maksidin 0.15 is instilled into the nose and eyes three times a day.
  • Tetracycline ointment. Apply daily 3-5 times until recovery.

Means for the treatment of ulcers:

  • Ointment Actovegin has regenerating, reparative properties;
  • Vitafel-immunoglobulin.

At severe forms rhinitis, inhalations with Fluimucil are carried out.

Antibacterial therapy

Antibiotics are usually prescribed to prevent secondary infections. In the presence of comorbidities, type antibacterial drug determined by resistance analysis. Fixed assets: Cyfazolin, Sinulox, Tylosin.

Antibacterial therapy is accompanied by a violation of the intestinal microflora. To avoid dysbacteriosis, the probiotic Fortiflora is prescribed.


Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis is widespread, causing life-threatening complications. It is recommended to vaccinate animals. The main standard vaccines include serum Rhinotracheitis: Purevax RCP, Nobivac tricat, Multifel-4, Vitafelvac. There is no reason to prefer any one drug, they all contain the same serotype. Vaccination does not prevent infection, but reduces the severity of the course, the risk of complications.

Kittens are vaccinated at the age of 9 weeks with a repeat in 2-4 weeks. To ensure adequate vaccination immunity, a second course is carried out at the age of 10-16 weeks.

How is the virus transmitted and is rhinotracheitis dangerous for people

Infection occurs through direct contact. The infectious agent is found in saliva, secretions from the eyes, nose of a sick predator. Infection occurs during contact (games, fights), eating, water from the same dish, through clothing, bedding with which the sick predator was in contact.

After FVR enters the body incubation period lasts 2-5 days. pathology does not manifest itself in any way, but the animal is able to infect its own kind.

Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis is not dangerous for humans. But the disease is often complicated by secondary infections that people can get.

Possible complications of feline rhinotracheitis

Defeat in early age can lead to irreversible damage to the nasal and sinus tissue. Causes violations of ciliary clearance of mucus (protective reaction of the mucous membrane of the respiratory system). Such animals are more prone to chronic bacterial infections.

FHV -1 causes keratitis, which turns into a corneal ulcer. In a chronic severe course, scars form on the cornea of ​​​​the eyeball. Develops keratoconjunctivitis Sikka - dry eye syndrome.

Prevention of rhinotracheitis in cats

It is not possible to provide 100% protection against FHV. If possible, the animal must be protected from visiting the street. Visit the veterinarian regularly.

Pathologies cannot be treated independently; inadequate therapy leads to chronic disease. The pet must live in a dry and warm room. The most effective preventive measure is vaccination.


Unfortunately, not a single pet is immune from infection with the FHV-1 virus. Pathology often proceeds with complications that pose a threat to health. Compliance with the rules of hygiene, proper care A balanced diet will help resist infection.

How do you treat a cat?