Prescription rules for prescribing various dosage forms in a prescription. Brief rules for writing prescriptions Antiviral drugs prescriptions in Latin

Surgeon's hand sanitizer

Rp.:Sol.Chlorhexidini 0.05-100ml.

D.S. Surgeon's hand treatment product.

Means for treating the surgical field

Rp.:Sol.Iodonati 4.0%-1000ml.

D.S. Dilute in a ratio of 1:4 with sterile

distilled water. Lubricate the surgical field twice before surgery.

A product with antiseptic and hemostatic effects

Rp.:Sol.Hydrogenii peroxydi 3%-40ml

D.S. Apply externally.

A remedy for the treatment of ascariasis

Rp.:Tab.Piperazini adipinatis 0.5 N.8

D.S. 2 tablets 2 times a day after meals with intervals between doses of 2 hours, for 2 days.

A remedy for the treatment of giardiasis

Rp.:Tab. Metronidazoli 0.25 N.20 D.S. 1 tablet 2 times a day with meals

Within 5 days.

A remedy for the treatment of candidiasis of the esophagus

Rp.:Fluconazoli 0.1

D.t.d. N.20 in caps.

S. 1 capsule 1 time per day, for 14 days

Antibiotic for the treatment of mycoplasma pneumonia.

Rp.:Tab.Tetracyclini 0.25 N.20

D.S. 1 tablet 4 times a day

A remedy for the treatment of herpes infection

Rp.:Tab.Acycloviri 0.2 N.30

D.S. 1 tablet 5 times a day with an interval of 4 hours, excluding taking at night.

Within 5 days.

Flu prevention product

Rp.:Tab.Remantadini 0.05 N.20

D.S. 1 tablet 1 time per day for 14 days.

Antibiotic, for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

Rp.:Rifampicini 0.15

D.t.d. N.20 in caps.

  1. S. 3 capsules per dose, in the morning 2 hours before meals, 1 time per day.

A derivative of GINK used in the treatment of tuberculosis

Rp.:Tab. Isoniazidi 0.3 N.100

D.S. 1 capsule 3 times a day, at the beginning of treatment, then 3 capsules in the morning

Half an hour before meals, once a day.

Drug for the treatment of aspergillosis

Rp.:Tab.Nystatini obd, 250000 ED N.40

D.S. 2 tablets 4 times a day.

Antibiotic from the azolide group for the treatment of chlamydia.

Rp.: Doxycyclini hydrochloridi 0.1

D.t.d. N.30 in caps.

S. 1 capsule every 12 hours.

Antibiotic for the treatment of meningitis

Rp.:Ceftriaxoni sodium 2.0

  1. Dilute in 2 ml of lidocaine solution

(attached), administered intramuscularly

2 ml 1 time per day.

118.Antibiotic for the treatment of dysentery.

Rp.:Tab.Ampicillini tryhydras 0.25 N.24

D.S 2 tablets 4 times a day.

119.Antibiotic for the treatment of scarlet fever.

Rp.:Azithromycini 0.25

D.t.d. N.10 in caps.

  1. S. 1 capsule 2 times a day.

120.Antibiotic for the treatment of typhoid fever

Rp.:Tab. Laevomycetini 0.5

S. 1 tablet 4 times a day

121.Fluoroquinolone for the treatment of chlamydial infection.

Rp.:Tab.Lomefloxacini 0.4 N.10

D.S 1 tablet 1 time per day.

Antibiotic for the treatment of diphtheria.

Rp.:Tab. Laevomycetini 0.5

S. 1 tablet 4 times a day

Cephalosporin for the treatment of salmonellosis.

Rp.: Cefazolini natrii 1.0.

  1. Dilute the contents of 1 bottle in 2 ml of water for injection. Administer intramuscularly once a day, 2 ml.

126. Cephalosporin for the treatment of osteomyelitis.

Rp.:Ceftriaxoni sodium 2.0

  1. Dilute in 2 ml of lidocaine solution (supplied), administer 2 ml intramuscularly once a day.

127.Aminoglycoside for the treatment of pneumonia.

Rp.:Sol.Gentamycini sulfatis 4% -1.0

D.t.d. N.10 in amp.

  1. S. 1 ml intramuscularly 3 times a day.

A drug for the treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

Rp.:Tab.Sulfasalasini 0.5 N.50

(Fluoroquinolone) for the treatment of hospital-acquired Pneumocystis pneumonia;

Rp.:Tab.Co-Trimaxozoli N.20

D.S. 2 tablets 2 times a day.

A drug for the treatment of dysentery from the nitrofuran group;

Rp.:Tab. Furazolidoni 0.05 N.20

D.S. 2 tablets 4 times a day.

A drug for the treatment of exacerbations of rheumatoid polyarthritis.

Rp.:Tab.Ibuprofeni 0.2 N.30

D.S. 1 tablet 3 times a day.

A remedy for the treatment of exacerbations of radiculitis

Rp.:Tab.Ortopheni 0.025 N.20

D.S. 1 tablet 3 times a day.

A drug for the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus

Rp.:Tab.Chlorochini 0.25 N.30

D.S. 1 tablet 2 times a day, in the first 10 days,

then 1 tablet 1 time per day.

91. Drug for the treatment of juvenile dermatomyositis.

Rp.:Tab.Triamcinoloni 0.004 N.20

92.A remedy for the treatment of exacerbation of osteoarthritis.

Rp.:Sol.Piroxicami 2.0%-1.0ml.

D.t.d. N.6 in amp.

S. Intramuscular 1 ml of solution once a day.

93.A remedy for burn disease with T-cell immunodeficiency.

Rp.:Thymalini 0.01

  1. S. Dissolve the contents of the bottle in 2 ml

0.9 NaCl, administered intramuscularly once a day.

Immunostimulant for the prevention of recurrent acute respiratory viral infections

Rp.:Sol. Thymogeni 0.01%-1.0ml.

D.t.d. N.6 in amp.

  1. S. Administer 1 ml intramuscularly, 1 time per day, for 6 days.

98. A drug for the correction of B-cell immunodeficiency in severe infections. Rp.:Myelopidi 0.003

S. Dissolve the contents of the bottle in 2 ml

isotonic sodium chloride solution for

injections. Administer intramuscularly from the dose

0.05 mg/kg body weight once a day, daily, for 5 days.

Antiallergic drug for the treatment of bronchial asthma.

Rp.:Aer. Beclometasoni 10.0ml.

A remedy for the treatment of diabetes.

Rp.:Insulini 40 ED-1ml.

D.t.d. N40. in amp.

S. Intramuscularly, 0.5 ml 2 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

Drug for the treatment of osteoporosis

Rp.:Calcitonini 10ED

S. Dilute the contents of the bottle into water injections and administer intramuscularly once a day, 3ED.

A remedy for the treatment of iodine deficiency.

Rp.:Tab.Kalii iodidi 0.04 N.50

D.S. 1 tablet per day.

A drug for the treatment of cachexia of various origins.

Rp.:Tab.Metandrostenoloni 0.005 N.100

A remedy for the treatment of salt deficiency dehydration

146.A drug for the treatment of hypokalemia.

Rp.:Sol.Kalii chloridi 4.0%-50ml.

D.t.d. N.10 in amp.

S. Dilute the contents of the 1st ampoule in 500 ml of 5% glucose solution. Administer intravenously slowly.

147.A remedy for the correction of general overhydration

Rp.:Tab.Furosemidi 0.04 N.20

D.S. 1 tablet 3 times a day.

148.Medication for the correction of hyponatremia.

Rp.:Sol.Natrii chloridi 10.0%-200ml

S. Administer slowly intravenously

149.A remedy for the correction of hypomagnesemia.


D.t.d. N.10 in amp.

S. Dilute the contents of the bottle in 100 ml of 5% glucose solution. Administer intravenously 2 times a day at a rate of 25 drops/minute.

150.A remedy for the correction of metabolic acidosis

Rp.Sol.Natrii hydrocarbonatis 4.0%-20ml.

D.t.d. N.10 in amp.

S. Administer intravenously slowly.

Pharmacology of executive organs

Non-glycoside cardiotonic for the treatment of acute heart failure.

Rp.:Sol. Dopamini AWD 0.5%-5.0 ml.

D.t.d. N.10 in amp.

D.S. Intravenous drip. Content

five ampoules are dissolved in 500 ml 5%

glucose. Enter from the calculation:

initial dose 2 mcg/kg/min with

injection rate 3-6 drops/min

(one drop contains 25 mcg, 1 ml contains

17-20 drops), maintenance dose –

20 mcg/kg/min (40-80 drops/min).

31.A remedy for the treatment of glycoside intoxication.

Rp.:Sol. Panangini -10ml.

D.t.d. N.10 in amp.

  1. S. . Dilute the contents of one ampoule into

100 ml of 5% glucose solution. Enter

intravenously 2 times a day

at a speed of 20 - 25 drops per minute.

Cardiotonic for the treatment of chronic heart failure with sinus rhythm Rp.:Tab.Digoxini 0.00025 N.30

D.S 1 tablet 3 per day. For chronic heart failure.

34. Glycoside cardiotonic for the treatment of acute heart failure. Rp.:Sol.Strophanthini-K 0.025% – 1.0ml.

D.t.d N.10 in amp.

  1. S. 1 ml per vein, pre-dilute in 20 ml of 20% glucose solution; introduce slowly! for 5 minutes. Once a day. For acute heart failure.

35.Diuretic for the treatment of congestive heart failure. Rp.:Tab.Spironolactoni 0.05 N.50

D.S 1 tablet 3 times a day. For the treatment of congestive heart failure.

36.ACE inhibitor for the treatment of chronic heart failure.

Rp.:Tab.Captoprili 0.025 N.40

D.S. Half a tablet 3 times a day.

37.α-+ β- adrenergic blocker for treatment hypertension.

Rp.:Tab.Carvediloli 0.0125 N.30

D.S. 1 tablet 1 time per day for the first 2 days,

then 2 tablets 1 time per day.

A drug for the treatment of hypertension with large volume of blood volume

Rp.:Tab.Furosemidi 0.04 N.20

D.S 1 tablet 1 time per day.

41. Direct angiotensin receptor inhibitor for the treatment of hypertension.

Rp.:Tab. Losartani 0.05 N.30

D.S. Inside, regardless of food intake,

1 tablet 1 time per day.

42.Calcium channel blocker for the treatment of arterial hypertension.

Rp.:Tab.Diltiazemi 0.03 N.30

D.S. 1 tablet 3 times a day

A remedy for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia

Rp.:Fercoveni 5.0

D.t.d N.10 in amp.

  1. S. 5 ml intravenously 1 time per day for

2 weeks (introduce slowly!).

47. Drug for the treatment of venous thrombosis

Rp.:Tab. Warfarini 0.0025 N.30

  1. S. One tablet once a day.

48.Remedy for treating heparin overdose

Rp.:Sol. Protamini sulfatis 1.0% -2.0ml.

D.t.d N.10 in amp.

S. Contents of 1 ampoule

administer intravenously by stream at

heparin overdose, under control

coagulograms. If necessary

administration can be repeated at intervals

15 minutes. ( maximum dose should not

exceed 150 mg in 1 hour.)

49.Indirect anticoagulant for the prevention of arterial thrombosis.

Rp.:Tab. Neodicumarini 0.1 N.50

  1. S. 1 tablet 3 times a day, on the 1st and 2nd days of treatment. On the 3rd day - 1 tablet 2 times a day.

50. Antiplatelet agent for the treatment of cerebrovascular disorders

Rp.:Tab. Pentoxifyllini 0.1 N.100

D.S. 2 tablets 3 times a day after meals, without chewing.

51. Drug for the treatment of megaloblastic anemia

Rp.:Sol.Cyanocobalamini (vitamini B12) 0.01%-1.0ml

D.t.d. N.15 in amp.

S. 1 ml intramuscularly 1 time per day.

Fibrinolytic for the treatment of cardiac thrombosis

Rp.: Streptokinasi 250000 ME

D.t.d. N 6
S. Dissolve 250,000 IU in 5 ml

isotonic sodium chloride solution,

and dilute in 500 ml of 5% glucose solution,

administer intravenously over 30 minutes,

then administer intravenously

100,000 IU/hour for 3 hours.

54.A remedy for the treatment of overdose of indirect anticoagulants

Rp.:Sol.Vikasoli 1% - 1.0 ml.

D.t.d N.10 in amp.

  1. S. Administer 1 ml intramuscularly 2 times a day.

55. Antiplatelet agent for the prevention of coronary artery disease

Rp.:Tab. Acidi Acetylsalicylici 0.25 N.100

D.S. 1 tablet 1 time per day.

M-anticholinergic agent to prevent bronchospasms

Rp.:Aer. Ipratropium bromidi 15.0ml.

D.S. 2 inhalations 4 times a day.

Adrenergic agonist for the treatment of bronchial asthma

Rp.:Aer.Salbutamoli -10.0ml

D.S. 1 inhalation 5 times a day.


Rp.:Dragee Bromgexini 0.008 N.20

D.S 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Methylxanthine to prevent nocturnal asthma attacks.

Rp.:Tab. Retafili 0.2 N.30

D.S 1 tablet 2 times a day.

84. Antitussive

Rp.:Tab. Libexini 0.1 N.30

D.S. 1 tablet 2 times a day.

85. Glucocorticoid for the treatment of bronchial asthma.

Rp.:Aer.Beclometasoni- 10.0ml.

D.S 2 inhalations 4 times a day.

For bronchial asthma.

Antacid for the treatment of gastritis.

Rp.: Susp. Almageli A -170.0ml.

D.S. Inside, 2 teaspoons

30 minutes before meals and at night.

Antisecretory agent for therapy peptic ulcer.

Rp.:Tab.Ranitidini 0.15 N.30

D.S. 1 tablet 2 times a day, morning and evening.

Enzyme preparation for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis.

Rp.:Tab.Pancreatini 0.25 N.60

D.S. 3 tablets 3 times a day, during meals, without biting.

168. Gastroprotector for the treatment of peptic ulcer associated with Helicobacter pilori.

Rp.: Tab. De-Noli 0.12 N.100

D.S. Orally, 1 tablet 4 times a day (3 times 30 minutes before meals and 2 hours after the last meal).

Choleretic agent for the treatment of chronic cholecystitis.

Rp.:Tab. Allocholi N.50

D.S. 2 tablets 3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals.

Agent for the treatment of acute glaucoma

Rp.: Sol. Pilocarpini hydrochloridi 1.0% 10 ml

  1. D.S. Eye drops. 2 drops 3 times a day.

3. Treatment agent residual effects after paralysis

Rp.: Tab. Proserini 0.015 N.20

D.S. 1 tablet 2 times a day (adults).

A remedy for the treatment of acute atony of the bladder

Rp.: Sol. Aceclidini 0.2% 1 ml

D.t.d. N, 6 in amp.

  1. S. 1 ml under the skin.

.A remedy for the treatment of poisoning with anticholinesterase drugs

Rp.:Sol.Izonitrozini 40.0%-3ml

D.t.d. N. 10 in amp.

S. Inject 3 ml intramuscularly, then again every 30 minutes until muscle contractions stop

fibrillations and clarity of consciousness.

M-anticholinergic agent for premedication

Rp.:Sol.Atropini sulfatis 0.1%-1ml.

D.t.d. N.6 in amp.

  1. S. Inject 1 ml of solution intravenously.

12. Fundus examination tool

Rp.:Sol.Homatropini hydrobromidi 0.25%-5ml

D.S.Eye drops

Remedy for pain accompanying cholecystitis

Rp.:Sol.Methacini 0.1%-1ml.

D.t.d. N.6 in amp.

  1. S. 1 ml intramuscularly.

A drug for the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis.

Rp.:Aer.Beclometasoni -15.0ml

D.S. 2 inhalations 2 times a day, in each nasal passage.

19. Remedy for collapse.

Rp.:Sol.Mesatoni 0.1%-1ml.

D.t.d. N.5 in amp.

  1. S. Administer intravenously in a dose

0.5 ml of 0.1% solution in 40 ml

5% glucose solution.

Means for conduction anesthesia.

Rp.:Sol.Novocaini 1.0%-10ml

D.t.d. N.5 in amp.

  1. S. For conduction anesthesia.

Anesthetic for infiltration anesthesia.

Rp.:Sol.Novocaini 0.25%-200ml

D.S. For infiltration anesthesia.

Agent for surface anesthesia.

Rp.:Sol.Lidocaini hydrochloridi 1.0%-10ml.

S.For superficial anesthesia.

Narcotic analgesic for the treatment of severe pain syndrome

Rp.:Sol.Morphini hydrochloridi 1.0%-1ml.

D.t.d. N.6 in amp.

S. Under the skin, 1 ml, per dose.

Opiate receptor agonist with opiate and adrenergic mechanisms of action for the treatment of moderate pain syndrome

Rp.: Tramadoli hydrochloridi 0.05.

D.t.d. N.20 in caps.

  1. S. 2 capsules 3 times a day with a drink

a small amount of water.

Remedy for pain in combination with fever

Rp.:Tab.Paracetamoli 0.2 N.10

D.S 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Analgesic for the treatment of mild pain

Rp.:Tab.Analgini 0.5 N.10

D.S 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Remedy for poisoning with narcotic analgesics

Rp.:Sol.Naloxoni hydrochloridi 0.04%-1ml.

D.t.d. N.2 in amp.

  1. S. 1 ml intravenously, if there is no effect, repeat after 3 minutes.

.Remedy for trigeminal neuralgia

Rp.:Tab.Carbamazepini 0.2 N.30

D.S Half a tablet 2 times a day.

.A remedy for the treatment of pain associated with inflammation

Rp.:Tab.Diclofenaci 0.025 N.100

D.S 1 tablet 3 times a day.

64.Medicine for the treatment of schizophrenia

Rp.: Sulpiridi 0.05

D.t.d N30 in caps.

  1. S. 2 capsules 2 times a day. In the morning and

Drug for relief of acute psychomotor agitation

Rp.: Sol. Haloperidoli 0.5% 1 ml

D.t.d. N. 5 in am.

  1. S. 1 ml intramuscularly.

Benzodiazepine derivative for the treatment of neurotic disorders

Rp.: Tab. Gidazepami 0.05 N.100

D.S. 1 tablet 3 times a day.

A drug for the treatment of neuroses in patients with ischemic heart disease

Rp.:Tab. Extr.Valerianae obd. 0.02 N.50

D.S 2 tablets 3 times a day.

Drug for the treatment of grand mal seizures

Rp.:Tab. Phenobarbitali 0.05 N.20

D.S. 1 tablet 2 times a day.

72.Medicine for the treatment of minor epileptic seizures

Rp.: Ethosuximidi 0.25

D.t.d N.100 in caps.

  1. S. 1 capsule 2 times a day, with meals.

The drug for mental retardation in children.

Rp.:Tab.Pantogami 0.5 N.50

D.S. 1 tablet 3 times a day.

76. Drug for treating the consequences of brain injury

Rp.: Sol. Cerebrolisini 5.0% -1ml.

D.t.d N.30 in amp.

  1. S. 1 ml IM 1 time per day.

77. Remedy for atherosclerotic discirculatory encephalopathy

Rp.: Tab.Sermioni 0.01 N. 100

D.S. 1 tablet 3 times a day, before meals.

Within 2 months.

Drug for the treatment of asthenia

Rp.:Tab.Sydnocarbi 0.005 N.30

D.S 1 tablet 3 times a day.

80. Vasodilator for acute cerebrovascular accidents.

Rp.: Tab.Cavintoni 0.005 N.50

D.S. 1 tablet 3 times a day.

A remedy for insomnia.

Rp.:Tab.Zopicloni 0.0075 N.10

D.S. 1 tablet 30 minutes before bedtime.

General compounding in pharmacology considers the order in which prescriptions are written for different dosage forms. In this article we will talk about the types of prescriptions, describe various dosage forms and give examples of recipes for some medications

General compounding is a section of pharmacology that combines medical and pharmaceutical compounding.

The subject of study of the first is writing out various forms medicines.

The second considers the rules for making lekforms and today represents a separate section of pharmacology.

In this article we will talk about the types of prescriptions, describe various dosage forms and give examples of recipes for some medications.

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The main thing in the article

Rules for writing prescriptions

A prescription in pharmacology is a request from a doctor to a pharmacist about the preparation of a particular drug, drawn up on a special form and containing an indication of the rules for its use.

Download correctly completed sample prescription forms with tips and comments from experts from the New Pharmacy magazine.

When carrying out medical prescriptions, the pharmacist must check the correctness of the prescription (dosage, compatibility rules and other medications). The patient must strictly follow the indicated method of using the medication.

The name of the drug is prescribed in Latin, and the method of its use is in Russian.

According to the rules for writing recipes in pharmacology, the recipe is structured as follows:

  • clinic stamp;
  • prescription date;
  • information about the patient;
  • information about the doctor;
  • prescription of medicine;
  • description of the preparation of a specific lekform;
  • description of the features of dispensing the drug to the patient;
  • description of the drug intake (for the patient);
  • signature and seal of a medical professional;
  • seal of the medical institution.

The main part of the prescription is the prescription of the medicine. It begins with an address to the pharmacist: Recipe (take), after which the substances required for the drug are listed.

Mandatory part of the copybook - basic active substance(basis, basis), it is placed on the first line.

Next are Excipients(adjuvans), used to enhance the action of the base or weaken undesirable effects. This is followed by the substances necessary to correct its unpleasant organoleptic parameters (taste, color, smell, etc.).

In last place are substances that give a certain form to the medicine (constituens) - water in solutions, petroleum jelly in ointments, sugar in powders, etc. It is permissible to use several auxiliary, corrective and formative substances in one recipe.

5 violations when working with prescription forms

Pharmacists violate legal requirements for the sale of prescription drugs out of ignorance, due to carelessness or for the purpose of profit. Look at the five violations for which you are most often punished in an article in the New Pharmacy magazine.

Principles of abbreviation of Latin words

Prescribing in pharmacology is subject to strict rules. So, the amount of substances included in the recipe is written on the form on the right.

The measure of volume in a recipe is milliliter. The length is indicated in centimeters.

If the dose of several active substances is the same, it is indicated only once after the name of the last substance.

To indicate that the specified amount applies to all listed substances, the word “ala” (equally) or abbreviated “aa” is used.

If the dosage of the drug exceeds the highest single dose, then its quantity is indicated in words, and at the end there is a “!”.

If one side of the form is for full description the recipe was not enough, at the bottom it says “verte” (turn it over) and the recipe is added on the reverse side.

How can first-timers avoid fines for violations in working with recipes? In what cases does a primary care provider have the right to a synonymous replacement of a prescription drug? Download a sample cheat sheet for filling out prescription form in the magazine “New Pharmacy”.

Types of prescriptions

Eat the following types prescriptions in pharmacology:

  • official;
  • manual;
  • main lines.

A prescription that is legalized by inclusion in the Pharmacopoeia and does not change is called official (from the Latin oficina - pharmacy). It is always abbreviated - it indicates only the basis, its quantity and dosage form.

Forms such as tablets, extracts, dragees, syrups, aerosols, tinctures, and emulsions are officially prescribed.

An example of a prescription for a patient with chronic hepatitis:

An example of a prescription for a patient with hypertension:

The prescription of complex medications is called manual (from the Latin manus - guide). A manual prescription is always detailed, that is, it indicates all the components of the medicine, and also instructs the pharmacist which dosage form should be prepared from them.

Example of manual copy:

Prescriptions that are drawn up by a doctor at his discretion based on general condition patient are called main lines. They are always detailed.

An example of compiling a main prescription for the treatment of hypertension:

The pharmacology prescription specialist identifies the following types of prescriptions:

  1. Expanded - a sequential listing of the components of the medicine, supplemented by an indication of the dosage form that needs to be prepared.
  2. Abbreviated - indicating only the form and active substance of the product, indicating the total amount and concentration.
  3. Complex – consist of several components.
  4. Simple - only one active ingredient is indicated.
  5. Dosed - prescriptions of drugs dispensed in separate equal doses.
  6. Undosed - the medicine is prescribed in a total volume for all appointments and is dispensed from the pharmacy undivided into separate portions.

Prescription form, sample

Recipe examples

Recipe examples

1. Prescribe 10 ampoules containing 50 ml of 40% glucose solution (Glucosum).
Assign to intravenous administration 50 ml each.

Rp.: Sol. Glucosi 40% - 50 ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in ampull.

S. Inject slowly 50 ml intravenously.

2. Prescribe 6 ampoules containing 1 ml of 2.5% deoxycorticosteroid suspension
ron trimethyl acetate (Desoxycorticosteroni trimethylacetas). Prescribe 1 ml
intramuscularly 1 time every 2 weeks.

Rp.: Susp. Desoxycorticosteroni trimethylacetatis 2.5% - 1 ml

D.t.d.N. 6 in ampull.

S. Administer 1 ml intramuscularly once every 2 weeks.

In addition to the indicated dosage forms, novogalenic preparations, liquid organopreparations (see example 2), solutions of medicinal substances produced by industry and having a specific name are prescribed in ampoules (see example 3).

In all cases, after Rp.: indicate only the name of the drug and its quantity. Next come D.t.d.N. ... in ampullis, S. and signature.

1. Prescribe 10 ampoules containing 1 ml of Digalen-neo drug (Digalen-neo). Prescribe 1 ml for subcutaneous administration once a day.

Rp.: Digalen-neo l ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in ampull.

S. Administer 1 ml subcutaneously once a day.

2. Prescribe 10 ampoules containing 1 ml of Cordiaminum (Cordiaminum - 25% solution of diethylamide nicotinic acid). Prescribe 1 ml under the skin 2 times a day.

Rp.: Cordiamini l ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in ampull.

S. 1 ml under the skin 2 times a day.

Many medicines for injections (powders, solutions, suspensions, etc.) are produced in bottles. The bottles are convenient because they can ex tempore, those. immediately before use, aseptically prepare (dissolve, dilute) medications. In addition, the contents of the vial can be administered in several doses, while maintaining the sterility of the drug.

When prescribing medications in bottles, prescriptions generally follow the same rules as when prescribing them in ampoules. The difference is this. that after D.t.d.N. designations are made (the word “bottle” is not mentioned anywhere).

1. Prescribe 12 bottles containing 500,000 units of benzylpenicillin sodium salt (Benzylpenicillium-natrium). Assign to intramuscular injection 500,000 units 4 times a day. First dilute the contents of the bottle in 2 ml of 0.5% novocaine solution.

Rp.: Benzylpenicillini-natrii 500,000 ED

S. Dilute the contents of the bottle in 2 ml of 0.5% novocaine solution.

Administer 500,000 units intramuscularly 4 times a day.

2. Prescribe 6 bottles containing 5 ml of 2.5% hydrocortisone suspension
acetate (Hydrocortisoni acetas). Prescribe 1.5 ml for injection into the cavity of the affected joint once a week.

Rp.: Susp. Hydrocortisoni acetatis 2.5% - 5 ml

S. Inject 1.5 ml into the cavity of the affected joint once a week.

3. Prescribe 6 bottles containing 5 ml (40 units per 1 ml) of insulin (Insulinum). Prescribe for subcutaneous administration 10 units 2 times a day.

Rp.: Insulini 5 ml (1 ml - 40 ED)

S. 10 units under the skin 2 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

When prescribing dosage forms for injections that are prepared in pharmacies (usually solutions), the prescription must indicate sterilization of the medicine. In the prescription, after the designation of the medicine, it is noted: Sterilisetur! (Let it be sterilized!). If the medicine contains several ingredients, after listing them they write: M. Sterilisetur! Then follow D.S. and signature.


Medicines introduced into the human body may have different appearance(tablets, solutions, suppositories, etc.). It is chosen by the doctor, guided by the characteristics and condition of the patient and the need to ensure the supply of the substance to the necessary organs and cells (bioavailability or bioavailability). The state (appearance) that ensures ease of use and bioavailability of medicinal substances (DS) is called a dosage form. A medicinal substance in a specific dosage form is called a medicinal product (medicine). The doctor must be able to prescribe medications in basic dosage forms in prescriptions. Methods for prescribing various dosage forms are studied by the section of pharmacy - compounding.

Classification of dosage forms

I. At the place of manufacture (this circumstance affects the method of prescription):

1. Ready-made (manufactured in pharmaceutical factories and only sold in pharmacies).

2. Extemporaneous (manufactured in a pharmacy in accordance with the doctor’s prescription).

II. By dosing method:

1. Divided or dosed (the total amount of medication is divided by the manufacturer into separate doses).

2. Undivided (the user independently takes the required amount from total mass as directed by your doctor).

III. By method of administration:

1) Enteral (through the gastrointestinal tract)

a) administered “inside” (through the mouth, per os)

b) through the rectum (per rectum)

2) Parenteral (bypassing the gastrointestinal tract)

a) injection - administered with a violation of integrity skin subcutaneously (1-2 ml), intramuscularly (1-10 ml, more often 3-5 ml), intravenously (10-20 ml with jet and 100-400 ml with drip), as well as intradermally, intra-arterially, epidurally, subarachnoidally, intraosseous, etc. Injectable dosage forms must be sterile (without living microorganisms) and pyrogen-free (without pyrogens, substances that increase body temperature, killed microbes). To ensure sterility, a variety of methods are used, primarily heating. Non-pyrogenicity is achieved by using special solvents and filtration under aseptic conditions through microporous antimicrobial filters. The industry produces four types of dosage forms for injection: powders, solutions, suspensions and novogalenic preparations. They are produced in ampoules (in ampullis, abbreviated in. amp.) and vials (in vitro originale, abbreviated in vitr. orig.), which are glass containers that guarantee the preservation of sterility and pyrogen-freeness (bottles are convenient for the ability to aseptically dissolve or suspend medicinal substances and administer contents in several stages).

b) non-injectable

Through the skin (application to the skin, iontophoresis)

Through the mucous membranes (sublingual, intranasal, intravaginal)

Through the respiratory tract (inhalation).

IV.By consistency:

1. Solid: tablets, dragees, powders, granules.

PILLS(Tabuletta (nom. sing), tabulettas (acc. pl.)) - ready-made, solid, dosed dosage form obtained by pressing powdered or granular substances. Based on their composition, they are divided into simple (containing one medicinal substance, auxiliary and technological substances are not taken into account) and complex (two or more medicinal substances). Tablets can be given conventional (patented, commercial) names. Tablets may have different shapes(flat, round, etc.), a shell containing sugar, dextran, wheat flour, cocoa. They should disintegrate in heated water within 15 minutes.

DROGETS(Drage, does not bow) - solid dosed finished dosage form for internal use obtained by repeatedly layering medicinal substances onto sugar granules. Like tablets, they contain excipients. There are simple and complex (patented). The dragees should disintegrate into gastrointestinal tract within 30 minutes.

POWDER(Pulvis (nom. sing.)) – solid dosage form for internal (usually divided) and external (usually undivided) use, free-flowing. If the powder has an irritating effect, unpleasant taste or odor, it can be prescribed in capsules.

Capsules (Capsula (nom. sing.), capsulis (abl. pl.) - shell-containers for dosed powder, granular or liquid medicinal substances intended for internal use.

GRANULES(Granulum (nom. sing.), granulorum (gen. pl.) - finished solid dosage form in the form of homogeneous grains (grains), 0.2-0.3 mm in size, intended for internal use. This dosage form is most often prescribed as undivided and dispensed in a total quantity (50.0-100.0). It is recommended to dissolve a measured amount of granules in water before use.

2. Soft: liniments, ointments, pastes, suppositories. They form one group, although they have different consistencies created by special forming agents (fats and fat-like substances): Adeps suillus depuratus (purified pork fat), Lanolinum, Vaselinum - in ointments and pastes; Oleum Helianthi (sunflower oil), Oleum Ricini (castor oil) - in liniments, Oleum Cacao, Butyrolum - in suppositories.

OINTMENT(Unguentum (nom. sing.), unguenti (gen. sing.)) - soft, undivided dosage form of viscous consistency, intended for external use. It is obtained by mixing medicinal substances (basis) and formative substances, ointment bases (constituens). Ointment bases can be petroleum products (hydrocarbon mixtures: petroleum jelly, petroleum jelly, paraffin), which are shelf-stable and poorly absorbed through the skin; fats of animal origin (for example, Adeps suillus depuratus), which easily penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and promote the absorption of medicinal substances mixed with them. For the treatment of diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, ointments are usually prescribed in amounts of 20.0-100.0, eye ointments- 5.0 - 10.0. If the ointment is produced by industry with a medicinal substance in only one concentration, then it is not necessary to indicate it in the recipe.

PASTE(Pasta (nom. sing.), pastae (gen. sing.)) - a type of ointment containing at least 25% powdery substances (up to 60-65%). At body temperature the pastes soften. Due to the high content of powdery substances, pastes have more pronounced adsorbing and drying properties than ointments.

LINIMENT(Linimentum (nom. sing.), linimenti (gen. sing.)) or liquid ointment - a soft dosage form of liquid consistency for external use. Liniment emulsions and liniment suspensions must be shaken before use.

SUPPOSITORIES(Suppositorium (nom. sing.), suppositoria (acc. pl.)), suppositories or “soap” - a soft dosage form that melts at body temperature and is intended for administration into the rectum(Suppositorium rectale) or in the vagina(Suppositorium vaginale). For rectal suppositories, the type is not indicated in the recipe (by default); for vaginal suppositories, it must be specified.

3. Liquid: solutions, suspensions, mixtures, etc.

SOLUTION(Solutio (nom. sing.), solutionis (gen. sing.)) - homogeneous transparent liquid dosage form containing a medicinal substance and a solvent. Solutions can be intended for external, internal use or injection. To prepare injection solutions, use solvents that do not have an irritating effect, pyrogen-free, double-distilled water (Aqua pro injectionibus) and do not contain cake. vegetable oils peach and almond (Ol. Persicorum, Ol. Amygdalarum). When prescribing ready-made solutions, indicate the concentration of the solution as a percentage and the amount of solution. If it is necessary to dilute the solution, indicate the volume of solvent.

Some injection solutions are produced under official code names. For example, a 25% solution of nicotinic acid diethylamide is a preparation called Cordiaminum. When prescribing such solutions, only the name of the drug and its quantity are indicated.

SUSPENSION(Suspensio (nom. sing.), suspensionis (gen. sing.)) - liquid dosage form, which is a dispersed system, where the dispersion medium is a liquid (water or oil), and the dispersed phase is a fine-crystalline or amorphous powder. During storage, suspensions may separate, so they should be shaken thoroughly when used.

4. Separately, films, aerosols, preparations, galenic and novogalenic preparations are distinguished.

AEROSOLS(Aerosolum (nom. et acc. sing.), aerosola (acc. pl.)) - aerodisperse systems with gas dispersion medium and dispersed phase, represented by solid or liquid substances with a particle size of the order of several micrometers. Aerosols are produced in plastic or metal packages equipped with a valve device. They are intended for inhalation use in the treatment of diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract and local in the treatment of lesions of the skin or mucous membranes. Since aerosols for inhalation use have an automatic dispenser, and aerosols for external use are dosed according to circumstances (depending on the affected area), the dose is not indicated in the aerosol signature.

FILMS(Membranula (nom. sing), membranulas (acc. pl.)) - drug-impregnated polymer plates, ensuring uniform and long-term absorption of the substance. Designed for both local, for example, in ophthalmic practice, and the resorptive effect of medicinal substances, the content of which in the film is strictly dosed. Eye films (Membranulae ophthalmicae seu Lamellae) are produced sterile.

GALENIC PREPARATIONS(in honor of the ancient Roman physician Galen) - extractive extracts from plant (less often animal) medicinal raw materials, containing in addition to biologically active substances(“active principles”) there are many “ballast” substances (resins, pigments, pectins, etc.). The most important herbal preparations are tinctures and extracts.

TINCTURE (Tinctura (nom. sing.), tincturae (gen. sing.)) – alcohol, alcohol-water or alcohol-ether extract from medicinal raw materials, obtained without heating(by insistence or displacement). Being concentrated extracts, when administered orally they are usually dosed in drops (from 5 to 30 per dose) and dispensed in a small volume (5-50 ml).

EXTRACT(Extractum (nom. sing.), extracti (gen. sing.)) – concentrated extract from plant materials. There are dry extracts (Extracta sicca), thick (Extracta spissa) and liquid (Extracta fluida). The first two types of extracts are used in solid or soft dosage forms. Liquid extracts are prescribed as tinctures.

NEW HALEN PREPARATIONS - extracts (extracts) from plant or animal medicinal raw materials, maximally purified from ballast substances. When prescribed, the dosage form is not indicated in the prescription, since the name of these drugs indicates medicinal product(not the substance). Since the content of the active substance (substances) in a certain volume of these drugs is determined not in weight, but in conventional units (IU), when prescribing them, it is impossible to indicate the percentage of the substance and only the volume (in ml) is indicated. Novogalenic preparations for internal use are dosed, like Galenic, in drops.

A prescription is a written, established form of application from a doctor to a pharmacy with an order to manufacture and (or) dispense a medicine and indicate how to use it.. In the preparation of a prescription, one should distinguish between the formal legal side (determined by orders of the Ministry of Health - currently Order No. 360 of July 19, 2005 is in force) and the professional medical side, determined by the recipe.

The formal structure of a recipe includes 4 parts:

Inscriptio (inscription: date, full name of the patient, age; full name of the doctor);

Designatio materiarum, denoting the material structure of the prescription (dosage form, substance or list of substances, their quantities);

Subscriptio (instructions to the pharmacist on the preparation process and (or) dispensing it in a certain quantity);

Signatura - description of the method of using the medicine.

Finished dosage forms, which are the main ones at present, are prescribed in an abbreviated manner.

Scheme for abbreviated prescribing of finished dosage forms

Tablets are a solid dosage form of medication, primarily for internal use. The composition includes one or more active main substances; in addition to them, the tablets may contain auxiliary substances - glucose, starch, lactose, sorbitol, cellulose.

Among all dosage forms, tablet preparations account for 80%, which is explained by ease of use and, accordingly, greater patient adherence to treatment.

Recipe in Latin: basic rules

A prescription is a written request from the attending physician to a pharmacist or pharmacist. Its design must comply with strict rules, without violating the sequence of sections:

  • institution stamp;
  • date of writing;
  • Name and age of the patient;
  • Full name of the doctor;
  • prescription (Rp.) - section in which the drug and its dosage are prescribed;
  • da tales doses (D.t.d.) - quantitative designation, form of release of the medicine;
  • signa (S.) - recommendations for use for the patient, in Russian;

doctor's signature.

Prescription options

Tablets can be prescribed in different ways:

Medicinal substance in the section "Recipe" indicated in the genitive case, without a dosage form. The form is written in the next section - "D.t.d." No. 20 in tabuletti"(give out 20 pieces in tablets). Chapter Signa without changes.

Sample statement:

D.t.d: No. 10 in tabuletti

S: 1 tablet orally 2 times a day after meals for 5 days.

The dosage form precedes the name of the substance in the section "Recipe" in the accusative case singular ( "tabulettam"), In chapter - "D.t.d" Only a quantitative indicator is indicated.

The recipe looks like this:

D.t.d. N.30

1 tablet orally at night for 30 days.

The recipe begins with the word "tabulettas"- tablets in the accusative case plural, followed by the name medicinal substance and its dosage, followed by quantitative value. So section "D.t.d" missing, it is merged with the section Signa and is denoted as "D.S.", which translates as "issue and designate".

S. 1 tablet orally during dinner.

Film-coated tablets are prescribed as follows: between the single dosage and quantity, the abbreviated designation of the film is added - "obd".

Rp.: Tabulettas Silimarini 0.035 obd. N 30

D.S. 2 tablets orally 3 times a day after meals without chewing.

The second way to check out with a saved section "D.t.d":

D.t.d. N.100 in tab. obd.

2 tablets orally 3 times a day 1 hour before meals.

If the medicine is prescribed in trade name, first the doctor writes "tabulettas", then commercial name in quotes. In the same section ( "Rp.:") the number of tablets is prescribed, below "D.S.":

D.S. 1 tablet orally 1 time per day.

In the case of a multicomponent drug, each active substance is prescribed separately with its single dosage in a tablet, example of an extract:

Riboflavini 0.005

D.t.d. N.10 in tabuletti

1 tablet 3 times a day

Incorrect prescription

In addition to the above rules for extracting, there are requirements for forms. Some drugs (narcotic, psychotropic) are prescribed on special prescription forms and are valid for 5-10 days.

If a prescription is issued inappropriately, it is considered invalid. It is marked with a stamp, information about it is transmitted to the management of the institution where the prescription was issued.