Professional and home methods of teeth whitening. How to whiten your teeth: the secrets of a snow-white smile Is it possible to whiten your teeth yourself at home

Many people often ask themselves the question: how to whiten teeth at home quickly from yellowness and have sparkling teeth and a snow-white smile without the help of dental clinics? The solution may be easier than you thought. Many of the tools around you, in your kitchen or bathroom, can help you fight for a whiter reflection in the mirror.

Dentists abroad and Russian experts recommend experimenting with the following methods.

Teeth whitening at home

1. Clean your teeth with baking soda

It is with the help of such an everyday and familiar product that you can achieve the desired snow-white smile. Many housewives use baking soda as a cleaner for teapots, spoons and other kitchen utensils. But few people know that baking soda is a natural bleach and is present in small amounts in most toothpastes. In order to whiten your teeth with baking soda, you need to mix a quarter teaspoon of baking soda with water and dip in this composition. toothbrush.

According to dentist Richard Marquez, baking soda can also be added to the most common tooth powder. Due to its composition, baking soda gently cleans the teeth without harming the gums and oral cavity.

2. Eat strawberries and apples

The answer to the question of how to whiten teeth at home quickly from yellowness will quickly be found in your garden. The fact that apples do an excellent job of removing plaque when a toothbrush is not at hand is no surprise to anyone. But the fact that strawberries also have a beneficial effect on whiter teeth is more interesting. It turns out that the composition of strawberries contains the so-called Apple acid which perfectly whitens teeth in a natural way.

But it is important to remember that fresh strawberries will bring the maximum benefit. Be sure to try to ensure that strawberries do not remain on your teeth after eating, as their acid can seriously damage tooth enamel.

3. Rinse with salt water

An important point: do not confuse salt water with sea water! In order to give your smile whiteness, you need to stir a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm boiled water, and then cool the mixture. After that, boldly rinse your mouth with the resulting solution. Due to its antibacterial properties, salt water gently and gradually whitens tooth enamel.

4. Follow the color of products

White foods are more than positive for the whiteness of your teeth. Supplement your diet with foods like rice, chicken, and fish. Remember that this rule also works in reverse. Bright, colored foods directly affect tooth enamel, staining it. These "dyes" include blueberries, carrots, beets.

Coloring foods also include red wine, coffee, black tea, and balsamic vinegar. Therefore, it is advisable to rinse your teeth with plain water after each appointment.

Useful and harmful products

5. Electric brushes

Based on many studies, the maximum benefit of this phenomenon has been identified. The advantage of electric brushes over conventional ones is undeniable. In pursuit of an answer to the question of how to whiten teeth at home quickly from yellowness, scientists are making electric toothbrushes more and more innovative and functional.

According to dentists, an electric toothbrush removes 70 percent more plaque in less time. Thus, a deeper and better cleaning directly affects the whiteness of the teeth.

6. Cheese to the rescue

Of course, a cheese sandwich won't help you brush your teeth. But hard cheeses do have a structure that can clean plaque. In addition, cheese contains a large number of calcium, which strengthens teeth. For the same reasons, doctors recommend drinking milk.

7. Coconut oil

The color of any products directly affects the color of tooth enamel. If you rinse your mouth with coconut oil after eating, you can effectively protect the enamel from damage and clean the oral cavity from smallest particles and bacteria.

According to Dr. Martinez, for such a procedure, you only need a tablespoon of coconut oil, so this method can be classified as economical.

8. Cleansing with products

There is a type of product that, due to its solid structure, perfectly plays the role of a natural cleaning sponge for teeth. Popcorn is one of those foods. Thanks to its hard edges, it perfectly cleans the oral cavity. However, remember that sweet popcorn is not suitable for such a procedure. Rinse your teeth with water after eating popcorn.

9. Chewing gum

Advertising does not always lie, and in this case, you can safely trust commercials that talk about the benefits of chewing gum. The fact is that due to the mechanical work of the jaws, salivation is activated and thus the acid produced after each meal is neutralized.

The main thing in this business is to choose the right chewing gum without added sugar. In some cases, flossing can also help, effectively fighting food particles stuck between the teeth.

10. Clean language

Many people forget about such a simple thing as brushing their tongue when brushing their teeth. The fact is that a large number of bacteria accumulate on the tongue, and when using coloring products, the tongue spreads the “paint” throughout the jaw. So be sure to brush your tongue along with your teeth.

Bonus for girls

If you are struggling with a quick answer to the question of how to whiten your teeth at home quickly from yellowness, but none of the above methods helps you do it as soon as possible or you simply don’t have time, you can go for a little trick.

Correctly selected cosmetics and competent application of makeup will boldly help to whiten a smile.

For example, bright red lipstick will visually make your teeth whiter.

The standards of beauty are more changeable than the wind. But there are ideals in beauty that retain an enviable constancy. Unless the ways to achieve them change. Here, for example, a snow-white smile - everyone and always dreamed of a dazzling "smile", regardless of gender and age. Previously, beauty really required sacrifice: some brushed their teeth with soda, others experimented with hydrogen peroxide on their own, others indulged in strawberries (these berries, it turns out, also have a whitening effect) or added lemon oil to the paste.

Today, old-fashioned methods and grandmother's recipes are giving way to modern dentistry, which offers a variety of ways to whiten teeth. Where to stop - only a competent professional knows. Our expert, a well-known Belarusian, helped debunk some of the myths associated with teeth whitening.

MYTH 1. Modern whitening methods are so effective, and all preparations are soft and gentle, that this procedure has practically no contraindications.

Expert opinion: Do not confuse whitening with removing plaque from teeth. The latter is a completely painless and safe procedure for tooth enamel, which WHO experts recommend as a preventive measure to everyone. In modern dental centers, plaque is first removed using ultrasound, and then the teeth are polished with special brushes or using sandblasters.

But bleaching is already a chemical process, as a result of which organic compounds are oxidized to water and carbon dioxide. Hydrogen peroxide penetrates into the enamel and superficial layers of dentin, causing the tooth to become whiter.

This procedure has a number of contraindications. For example, caries. Temporary fillings must be placed before whitening. Why temporary? Because fillings and crowns are made of a special material that cannot be bleached. And since the color of your teeth will change after whitening, new fillings will need to be placed taking into account the new tone.

Another contraindication is wedge-shaped defects, or enamel lesions in the neck area on the outside of the tooth.

With bleaching it is better to wait for people who have hypersensitivity teeth. In such cases, it is better to refuse even whitening pastes in favor of products with a special formula for sensitive enamel.

MYTH 2. After whitening, a snow-white smile is 100% guaranteed.

Myth 3. Bleached - and forgot

Expert opinion: no, that's not how it works! Your snow-white smile is unlikely to like black tea, coffee, cigarettes. Tooth enamel - although the most hard tissue body, but quite tender and needs special care. Remember to remove tartar regularly. Do not abuse products containing dyes. These include the already mentioned tea and coffee, as well as chocolate, red wine, mustard, ketchup, blueberries, beets, soda with dyes.

Myth 4. Apart from whitening, there is no chance to get a "Hollywood" smile.

Expert opinion: why, there are also veneers - the thinnest plates that replace the top layer of teeth. And although they do not belong to the methods of whitening, but only they can give a really durable and stable result of changing the color and shape of the teeth.

MYTH 5. Be sure to see a dentist for white teeth

Expert opinion: it all depends on your requests and expectations. After all, there are also whitening pastes, but the effect of such products does not last long, and the enamel becomes lighter only with regular use. But even here you need to know the measure: it is enough to brush your teeth with such a paste 2-3 times a week, and on the other days use therapeutic and prophylactic agents enriched with fluorine, calcium and other components useful for tooth enamel.

The Big Purge: Ideas and Options

Airflow teeth whitening technology

This modern technique was created as a result of the development of the Swiss dentistry Electro Medical System. Airflow hygienically improves the condition of your teeth, well removes traces of tea, coffee, wine, cigarettes, dental plaque and plaque. It is noteworthy that in high-quality powders, the particles that polish the surface and strengthen the enamel are round in shape. Airflow starts where your toothbrush ends.

DIVs reviews:“I clean with Airflow. A special mixture of powder with air and water spray, combined at the end of the nozzle, quickly and painlessly remove bacteria, soft plaque and interdental deposits. Being local, the Airflow method thoroughly and gently cleans the surface of the teeth, thereby eliminating damage to the enamel. forum member Anchovy.

Professional teeth whitening system Opalescence

The procedure consists in applying a highly active gel to the teeth for 40-60 minutes. At the same time, gums and soft tissues must be protected from falling on them. active substance therefore, the procedure should be carried out by a professional dentist. The system is designed for two sessions.

Laser whitening and photo whitening

As with the Opalescence system, it also uses special gels that the dentist applies to the tooth enamel. Then the gel is illuminated with a laser or a special lamp. The procedure will not harm your enamel, these types of whitening do not side effects, but there is an excellent effect. In addition, laser whitening is also painless.

Home whitening

It consists in wearing specially made caps, which are filled with a professional whitening composition. As a rule, mouth guards are worn for 2-3 weeks. The first signs of whitening appear on the 4-5th day.

DIV reviews:"All! Finally I finished! 8 sessions of Opalescence TresWhite Supreme whitening. The sensitivity that appeared on the 4th day disappeared after using the fluorine preparation, the teeth became much lighter. I really regret not taking before and after photos. Yes, I still have 2 mouth guards for each jaw. They can be used when you want to "refresh" whitening - for example, before any important event". forum member Nikita.

Internal whitening of an individual tooth

Sometimes it is required to whiten a tooth not from the outside, but from the inside. The need for such a procedure arises, for example, after mechanical damage. Also, the tooth may darken even after the removal of the nerve and filling. root canal. In such cases, the dentist recommends internal bleaching. Its essence is as follows: a special whitening gel is injected into the tooth, after which the doctor puts a temporary filling. A few days later, the doctor repeats the procedure. For effective whitening, it may take 3-5 visits - all individually. Finally, a permanent filling is placed on the tooth.

Whitening strips

Undeniable advantages: whitening strips are easy to use at home without the help of a dentist, you can talk during the procedure, and the tooth enamel remains intact. The effect, of course, is not always as obvious as after professional whitening, but, nevertheless, the strips are in great demand .. And all because they can whiten teeth by 2-3 tones in a fairly short time.

DIV reviews: “I used Crest Whitestrips two consecutive summers in the States. This was my only experience with whitening, but the result met all expectations: my teeth became a couple of tones whiter (they, however, are quite white by nature, many people ask if I whiten). And yet, when I arrived home, my family immediately noticed that my teeth had become even whiter. I did not feel any harmful effects on my teeth. forum member NUKTERIDA.

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A snow-white smile is undoubtedly one of the standards of youth and beauty. However, it would seem that nature has awarded only representatives of the Negroid race with a dazzling whiteness of teeth. Everyone else got a little yellowish color, and over the years, yellowness only intensifies. One way or another, but today everyone can achieve the level of whiteness that he likes. To do this, you need to whiten your teeth: you can use both home remedies for whitening, and professional methods.

Causes of tooth discoloration

The color of a tooth is determined by two main tissues of which it is composed: dentin and enamel. The color of dentin in each person, like the pattern on the fingers, is individual. It can be gray, yellow and even brown. The enamel is translucent and may have a gray-white to yellowish tint. But the main contribution to appearance of the tooth contributes exactly the tone of the dentin.

In youth, the enamel is quite thick, so the teeth look shiny, with a predominant proportion of whiteness. With age, it becomes thinner, the light shade is lost, and the smile becomes more and more dark.

Why teeth change color:

In addition to age-related changes, the color of the teeth is highly dependent on nutrition, as well as on the absence or, conversely, the presence of bad habits person and his level of hygiene. If you get carried away with strong tea, coffee, red wine and grapes, beets, fruit juices, soda, chocolate, turnips, sauces and any products containing food coloring (and this, for example, confectionery and semi-finished products), then the color of the enamel will quickly darken, despite careful and regular brushing of teeth.

If you neglect oral hygiene, then the process of darkening is even faster.

What is the difference between whitening and cleansing

Toothbrushing is the mechanical removal of plaque (soft and hard) and tartar periodically formed in the oral cavity. As a result of professional cleaning in the dentist's office (which, by the way, qualified dentists recommend doing 1-2 times a year), these formations are removed not only from the surface of the teeth, but also from those places where the teeth are too tightly closed to each other, blocking access toothbrush or floss. Subgingival plaque and calculus are also cleaned.

How professional cleaning differs from teeth whitening:

Whitening is a procedure that changes the color of the enamel itself. The stone, if any, is not affected. Therefore, if the teeth are covered with formations, they must be removed before whitening.

Can you whiten your teeth yourself at home?

People have been engaged in teeth whitening since ancient times, so there are many ways that are quite affordable at home. They are not as effective as modern methods, but still give a good effect. If the darkening is not too strong, then home teeth whitening may well be enough for a while to restore whiteness.

How often can you whiten your teeth

The structure of the teeth in each person and the causes of darkening are very individual. Before any whitening session, you must first consult with your dentist and find out if the enamel is strong enough to withstand the planned impact on the contents of the oral cavity.

It is recommended to whiten your teeth no more than once a year. It is believed that this period of time is sufficient to restore the sensitivity of the teeth. Telyanova Yulia Valerievna, dentist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department “Dentistry”

The frequency of the procedure depends on its type and condition of the enamel. Some folk remedies can be used no more than 1-2 times a month. Powerful modern laser whitening methods can be repeated once a year. But, as a rule, this is not necessary, since if the elementary rules of oral hygiene are followed, the effect of whiteness persists for at least 5 years.

At what age is teeth whitening allowed?

Teeth whitening procedures can be carried out only after the permanent teeth are fully formed and their enamel is sufficiently strong. In most cases, this age is 16 years.

For younger teenagers, this procedure is less necessary, since the tartar has not yet had time to accumulate (or its layers are too thin). Even if a teenager abuses strong coffee, tea and tobacco, then such an “experience” is too small, and, therefore, the teeth continue to retain their natural color.

If a teenager is obsessed with the desire to have a "sparkling Hollywood smile", then he does not need bleaching, but the installation of veneers. But this can be done not earlier than the end of growth permanent teeth, from the age of 16.

Contraindications to the procedure

Teeth whitening is not for everyone. The procedure has quite a few contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • age under 14;
  • Availability carious cavities and broken seals;
  • the presence of fillings and crowns in the smile zone;
  • the procedure for removing braces for a period of less than 6 months ago;
  • exacerbation of periodontal disease;
  • inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
  • some individual anatomical features tooth structure (for example, an enlarged pulp chamber);
  • defects in tooth enamel;
  • individual intolerance to the substances used during the procedure;
  • diseases of the temporomandibular joint;
  • high degree of hypertension;
  • a number of heavy chronic diseases(asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.);
  • infectious diseases.

In a dental clinic, a dental specialist simply will not agree to the procedure if he finds one of the contraindications in you. With regard to home whitening with gels and strips, failure to comply with the prohibitions will lead to new complexities, defects and material costs. Check with your dentist before using home remedies for a whiter smile, and do not use them unless your doctor advises against the procedure.

Consequences of unsuccessful whitening

Whitening is a serious undertaking and should only be carried out by an experienced specialist. Inept actions can lead to burns of the gums and oral mucosa, thinning of the enamel, destruction of dentin.

If the enamel is unprepared, weak, if there is not enough calcium in it, you are killing your teeth with whitening. Karpushkina Kristina, dental hygienist.

A burn happens if the dentist has little professional experience. However, there are other dangers as well. In most cases, they are due to the fact that patients do not listen to the doctor's opinion and insist on stronger whitening than recommended. What troubles await the patient in this case?

For example, the acquisition of hypersensitivity of the teeth. If whitening is too strong, the enamel becomes thinner and the teeth begin to react to the slightest changes in temperature or chemical composition of the environment. They respond with excruciating pain to any food and even to the movement of air during a conversation. The situation can be corrected only after a course of remineralizing therapy.

Is teeth whitening safe:

During the teeth whitening procedure, only enamel acquires a light shade, but not fillings, not dentures, and not tartar. If they are present, then after bleaching they will become clearly visible against a snow-white background. In addition, at the end of the procedure, for some time it is necessary to observe the so-called “white diet” for a rather long time and not to smoke, not to drink coffee, tea, wine, juices. Even small violations of this requirement can permanently “stain” new teeth. A repeat procedure can be carried out no earlier than a year later.

Recipes of folk remedies

Folk whitening methods give less lasting results than professional ones. If the darkening is not too strong, then it is quite possible to get by with them. These funds are cheaper, but they cannot be used uncontrollably. Many of them have a significant abrasive effect on the enamel. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to consult a dentist.

Teeth whitening at home:

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide bleaching can be done in two ways: wiping or rinsing.

In the first case, it is necessary to moisten a small cotton swab with a solution of pharmacy hydrogen peroxide, wipe the teeth and rinse them thoroughly with clean water.

During rinsing, take 70 ml of water (this is approximately 1/3 cup), add 25 drops of 3% peroxide and rinse your teeth with this composition. Then rinse your mouth with clean water.

Regular procedures allow you to whiten your teeth by 8 tones.

Baking soda

Baking soda is used like regular toothpowder: a wet toothbrush is dipped into it, then the teeth are brushed with it. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with plenty of water to wash away all the remnants of the bleaching agent.

This method can severely damage the enamel, up to its complete abrasion.

Soda rinse, unlike the first method, whitens more slowly, but it does not damage the enamel. To prepare the necessary remedy, in a glass warm water(40 C) dissolve a teaspoon of soda. First, rinse your mouth with this solution, and then rinse with clean water.

activated or charcoal

Activated charcoal tablets are crushed into powder (they can be crushed in a spice mortar or mashed with a spoon). The resulting mass can be mixed with toothpaste, tooth powder, or used as an independent tool. The brush is moistened with water, placed in coal dust and brushed for 2-3 minutes with normal movements.

Teeth whitening with activated carbon:

Another way: chew 2-3 charcoal tablets. Rinse your mouth with water.

Charcoal cleaning can be done once a week. Such a tool will help restore the whiteness of the teeth in just one application - in 1 day!

Tea tree oil

Oil is a mild, gentle prophylactic used without harm to the condition of the teeth. It does not erase the enamel, but reduces the presence of putrefactive microflora and is the best way to remove plaque. In fact, this is not so much whitening as in-depth cleaning.

The first results of the presence of white teeth become noticeable not earlier than in a month. It should be remembered that oil is a strong allergen and is not suitable for everyone.

Coconut oil

Rinse your teeth with a tablespoon of coconut oil for 10-15 minutes, then get rid of the contents of your mouth (it is strictly forbidden to swallow!). If the oil is solid, then it is first chewed, and when it dissolves in saliva, they begin to rinse.

This procedure came to us from India, where it is called "gundusha".

Teeth whitening with coconut oil:

The oil dissolves plaque, disinfects the gums, soothes inflammation, whitens teeth over time. In addition to brightening the enamel, it eliminates bad breath.


For strawberry bleaching, slightly unripe berries are used: red, but with a white tip. 2-3 berries are kneaded, the juice is drained, a teaspoon is added baking soda and brush your teeth with this paste. Then the procedure is repeated, but with the help of ordinary toothpaste with fluoride.

Another way to help whiten your teeth is to squeeze the juice from the berry onto a toothbrush and brush your teeth with this mixture. stand for 3-5 minutes open mouth then rinse your teeth thoroughly with clean water.

You can apply strawberry whitening no more than once a month.

banana peel

Banana peel has little effect, but it is tasty and safe.

To whiten your teeth natural product, you need to thoroughly wash the banana, tear off a small piece of peel, remove long strings of pulp from it. Rub the inner fleshy part of the peel on the teeth so that they are covered with a banana film. Wait 10 minutes without closing your mouth. The teeth can be closed, but the lips must be open so that the paste is not rubbed off and washed off with saliva.

Then brush your teeth with a dry soft toothbrush. After that, brush your teeth with regular toothpaste and rinse with water.

Lemon or lemon juice

There are quite a few ways of lemon bleaching. This method is less secure than those mentioned. After each of them, you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly with water, otherwise the acid will corrode the enamel. Here are some ways to use natural remedy to whiten teeth:

  1. Lemon and soda. Take two teaspoons of baking soda, mix it with fresh lemon juice and brush your teeth with this paste.
  2. Rub your teeth with fresh lemon zest. Keep on teeth for 5 minutes. The mouth, however, is not closed.
  3. Chew fresh lemon peel for 5 minutes (previously it must be thoroughly washed).
  4. Make a slurry from the pulp of a lemon, cover your teeth with it and hold for 5 minutes.
  5. Mix 1/3 cup of chamomile infusion and 1/3 cup of fresh lemon juice. Rinse your teeth with this mixture.
  6. Apply lemon essential oil to the teeth with a cotton swab. We hold 20 seconds.
  7. Mixing toothpaste, crushed Activated carbon and a few drops of lemon juice. We brush our teeth with this paste, then immediately with regular paste and rinse our teeth with water.
  8. Mix ½ teaspoon of baking soda, 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide and ½ teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this paste on the teeth and hold for 1-2 minutes. Then carefully rinse your mouth and refrain from eating and drinking for two hours.

All lemon products aggressively corrode enamel, so you should consult a dentist before using them. If the enamel is too thin, lemon whitening is contraindicated.

orange peel and bay leaf

Add crushed orange zest to one toothpaste, and crushed bay leaf to another. Brush your teeth with one or the other paste.

You can also make a paste of crushed zest and water and brush your teeth with it, alternating with bay paste.

Turmeric Paste

You can whiten your teeth by using turmeric as a tooth powder, or you can mix it with water to make a paste. You can also add other natural ingredients to turmeric paste. Learn more about how to use this safe whitening product below.

  1. Melt coconut oil (amount - on the tip of a knife), mix with ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder.
  2. Mix 4 tablespoons of turmeric, 2 tsp. baking soda, 3 tbsp. l. melted coconut oil.
  3. Mix in equal proportions salt, lemon juice, turmeric.
  4. Chew fresh turmeric root for 5 minutes.
  5. Mix 1 tsp. turmeric, 1 tsp vanilla essence, ¼ tsp salt.
  6. Make a paste of turmeric and mustard oil, taken in a 1:2 ratio.

After each procedure with turmeric, you need to rinse your mouth well with water or brush your teeth with regular toothpaste.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is quite pungent. Whitening procedures with it are not recommended to be carried out more than once a week. After each session, the mouth must be rinsed with water.

First option. Make a rinse from 10 tbsp. l. water, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, 1 tsp. salt. Rinse once a week after brushing your teeth by ordinary means. The duration of the rinse is 2 minutes. The result will be noticeable in a month.

Whitening hacks check:

Second option. Add ½ tsp to a glass of water. vinegar. Rinse your teeth every morning before brushing your mouth.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is also used as a safe teeth whitener. A piece of leaf is cut off, the gel is squeezed onto a toothbrush and the teeth are cleaned with this gel. Then rinse.

basil leaves

Basil leaves are dried, crushed, mixed with mustard oil and brushed with this paste.

Or you can puree fresh leaves and apply it on your teeth for 5-10 minutes, and then clean with regular paste.

Sea salt

Sea salt can also be used to whiten teeth: 1 tsp. dissolve in a glass of water and rinse your mouth. This is the softest one.

Sometimes salt is used in the form of tooth powder. To do this, it is carefully crushed, and then a wet toothbrush is dipped into it and cleaned, as with ordinary toothpaste. You can do this bleaching twice a week.

solid foods

If you gnaw hard foods, it mechanically cleans the surface of the teeth from layers of tartar, and they become lighter. For such natural cleaning, only highly coloring root crops are not suitable: beets, carrots, turnips.

Effective special tools

You can whiten your teeth at home with the help of comfortable modern means offered by dentistry. Their range is very wide, they give quick results, are safe and suitable for mass use, therefore they are sold without a prescription. Their prices are public.

Whitening strips

Whitening strips lighten teeth by 1-2 shades after the first application. At the same time, they not only whiten, but also saturate the tissues with vitamins. There is also a slight replenishment of the enamel with the substances it needs.

The strips are fixed in the mouth for 30 minutes. The procedure is carried out twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

When gluing the strip, care must be taken to ensure that it evenly adheres to all treated teeth. Otherwise, you can get spotty teeth, and it will be difficult to deal with this.

About whitening strips, pros and cons, cost:

The duration of saving the result is from 6 months to a year - it depends on the type of strips.


Whitening toothpastes are available in a wide range of specialized stores recommended by medical centers, and pharmacies. They can be used frequently (1 to 4 times a week). They effectively remove all types of plaque, contribute to whitening, prevent the formation of tartar and have therapeutic and prophylactic properties.

Whitening pastes contain abrasive particles, so they should not be used for people with weak teeth (stains, caries, wedge-shaped defects, cracks in the enamel).

The chemical composition of the pastes is very different from each other. In order to choose the most suitable, you need to contact your dentist, and he will recommend the best option based on the examination.

Gel in caps

There are three types of whitening trays:

  • standard;
  • thermoplastic;
  • individual.

Standard mouthguards are the cheapest and most versatile. They are set for an hour. Wearing can cause discomfort, as it does not take into account the individual characteristics of the structure of the jaw.

Thermoplastic trays must first be heated in hot water and then set in the oral cavity. This type of mouthguard is much more convenient. Wear them 3-5 hours during the day and 8 hours at night.

Hollywood whiteness of teeth is a color that does not exist in nature. Julia Putilova, dentist, clinic manager.

Individual mouthguards are made for a specific patient by special order. The formula of the whitening gel for them is also unique. They are the most effective, but also the most expensive.

Whitening pencils

Pencils are based on either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. The second option is considered the safest.

The procedure is as follows. The teeth are cleaned and the tip of a pencil is drawn over their surface. Once on the teeth, the gel immediately begins to foam. Next, you need to wait for the time that is prescribed by the instructions. The mouth must remain open. Then the teeth are rinsed with water.

Any whitening can be harmful if done incorrectly. Oleg Ibragimov - dentist. Candidate of Medical Sciences, chief physician dentistry "Ross-Dent"

Pencils can be used often, but they should not be abused.

Modern professional techniques

The most permanent whitening results can only be achieved in dental clinics. These procedures are quite lengthy, but they are completely painless. Clarification is carried out without the slightest harm, because the doctor constantly monitors the state of the oral cavity. If an unexpected reaction occurs, the patient is immediately needed help. The shade of the teeth does not have time to suffer.

There are various bleaching methods. They are chosen in accordance with the medical indicators and financial capabilities of the patient.

Chemical bleaching

This procedure changes chemical composition dentin. As a result, its strength does not change, and the color becomes much lighter.

Medical centers offer chemical bleaching both with and without special equipment.

In addition to the safety provided by the constant monitoring of the doctor, this procedure has many more advantages:

  • even very strong darkening can be eliminated;
  • you can lighten even the dentin, which has a too dark color by nature;
  • the result is noticeable immediately;
  • if the diet is followed, the result is preserved for many years.

The disadvantages include a large number of contraindications and increased requirements for the qualifications of medical personnel.

Laser whitening

In dentistry, laser whitening is performed using special gels that are applied to the teeth and then irradiated with a laser.

Before starting the procedure, a thorough cleaning of the teeth is necessarily done and all existing diseases of the oral cavity are healed. It is often necessary to appoint a professional cleaning to prevent the appearance of a spotty effect.

How does laser teeth whitening work?

The whitening itself lasts about half an hour. A gel is applied to each tooth, then it is activated with a laser beam. The total duration of the procedure and its cost depend on the number of teeth that are decided to be lightened. Most often, not the entire dentition is processed, but only those teeth that are in the smile zone. But if the patient wants to shine with a wide "Hollywood smile" that exposes all the teeth, then everything has to be whitened without exception.

With multiple whitening, the procedure is divided into several sessions, which are carried out on different days.


Photobleaching is in many ways similar to laser, but only in this case the chemical gel is activated not by a laser beam, but by ultraviolet light. There are many advantages to this method:

  • instant brightening: teeth become white after a single application of the procedure;
  • it is possible to eliminate darkening caused by any reasons, both external and internal (natural too dark color of dentin);
  • the procedure is painless, no anesthesia is required;
  • the result lasts for more than five years, subject to the prescribed precautions;
  • fast recovery - the period of the "white diet" is very short.

The disadvantages of the procedure are as follows:

  • within a few days after bleaching, increased sensitivity of the teeth is noted;
  • slight irritation of the gums in case of contact with reagent particles;
  • when the tooth is irradiated with ultraviolet light, a slight increase in temperature occurs, which can be felt as discomfort.

If the whitening is too strong, the teeth may lose their natural shine and look unnatural. This happens only if the patient does not listen to the doctor's advice and requires clarification to a greater number of tones than recommended.

The procedure begins with a comprehensive oral examination and allergy testing. If detected absolute contraindications, then bleaching should be abandoned. If contraindications are removable, it is necessary to carry out the entire complex of prescribed treatment.

During photobleaching itself, all soft tissues in the oral cavity are covered with a special composition that protects them from the drying effect of ultraviolet radiation. The lips are fixed with a retractor, and photoprotective goggles are put on the eyes.

The edges of the gums are covered with a rubber dam that protects against chemical burns.

Teeth whitening systems at home are divided into two types: professional and pharmacy. In the first case, whitening is prescribed by a doctor who makes individual trays, issues a whitening system and prescribes the exact number and duration of applications. Hydrogen peroxide gel for home whitening - the same remedy that is involved in clinical whitening in the doctor's office. Only it is used at home and without an ultrasonic lamp - which means that the result is more modest and takes longer.

The average home whitening course lasts from four days to two weeks, during which a gel cap should be put on the teeth twice a day for half an hour.

Benefits of home whitening: affordable price and relative painlessness. As with professional whitening, it all depends on the sensitivity of the teeth. It is worth remembering that home systems, like any other whitening, damage the enamel. Inexpensive "tools" for home whitening: stickers, strips, pencils - have a decent concentration of peroxide, so they are much more harmful than professional products that include calcium phosphate to reduce tooth sensitivity (or additional strengthening gels are included in the kit).

Pharmacy teeth whitening systems can only be compared in their effectiveness with chemical whitening pastes containing peroxide compounds (non-abrasive whitening pastes). They will help remove plaque and thereby lighten the shade of the teeth by 1.5 tones. Do not place high hopes on commonly available whitening systems.

ZOOM teeth whitening

The most popular (and perhaps the most effective) professional teeth whitening system today is Philips ZOOM. It belongs to lamp types of whitening and is carried out exclusively in the dentist's chair. The Philips ZOOM lamp works on the patient's teeth whitening gel (includes 25% hydrogen peroxide) to whiten teeth from one shade up to eight shades in 45 minutes. The result depends on the initial shade of the teeth: the lighter the natural shade, the less visible the whitening effect will be. What you need to know about this procedure, says website editor Alina Krasnova, who tested whitening with the latest generation Philips ZOOM lamp.

“I have done professional teeth whitening in the doctor's office twice in my life. The first time was a few months after the braces were removed. Everyone who corrected the bite with the help of a bracket system knows that after removing the brackets, teeth whitening is necessary (and for those who are just going to put on braces, this expense should also be taken into account). My first whitening procedure took place without any preliminary enamel strengthening procedures, and therefore it was very painful. Exposure to the Zoom lamp should take place in four stages of 15 minutes. Because of the sharp shooting pain, my procedure was split into two parts over two visits. By the way, the effect at that time was not stunning. I was glad that I went through the procedure for coupons at a discount. I accepted the offer to test whitening with a new generation lamp with interest - and for good reason. Doctor Elena Vergizaeva from the “Dr. Deryugin Clinic” approached the process more carefully than my former doctor.

During the consultation, we discussed filling in the smile area. In theory, fillings on the front of the teeth are a relative contraindication to whitening, as composite materials do not whiten. Usually, fillings are matched to the color of the teeth, and the filling can become dissonant when the color changes. If the original color is light enough, and the fillings are small, then you won’t have to change them: having got rid of plaque, they will also brighten after the procedure and will slightly contrast with the colors of the teeth (but the fillings will not whiten, but will return to their original shade!). Another thing is when the teeth are very yellow, dark or grayish in color and fillings were made taking into account this color. Then, immediately after the procedure, a visit to the therapist and replacement of seals cannot be avoided. If there is no filling, but there is caries, then it is necessary to heal the teeth before whitening and without fail.

Two weeks before whitening, we performed a teeth cleaning procedure using Air-Flow (read more about the procedure in our review ). Very often, clinics present it as a budget whitening, but this is not so. Air-Flow is a professional teeth cleaning that fights tartar and plaque (this is a procedure for the mechanical removal of tarnish from the surface of the enamel). In this case, the color of the teeth does not change. Whitening is a change in the color of the tooth itself. After brushing, the teeth become lighter, as Air-Flow removes plaque, but it will only be a natural shade without plaque. Dentists recommend an Air-Flow cleaning every six months. And the frequency of whitening depends on how the patient tolerates the procedure, but doctors recommend no more than once a year.

For two weeks before whitening, I had to use a special firming preparation: Relief gel with amorphous calcium phosphate (it restores and strengthens tooth enamel). It could be applied to a tray and used once a day, but I found it more convenient to rub the gel into my teeth twice a day for two minutes with a dry brush after regular brushing. Plus, I abandoned the whitening paste in favor of a strengthening one, which also contains fluorine (the whitening paste contains abrasives that scratch the enamel of the teeth. Small scratches on the surface lead to active demineralization. Such pastes cannot be used either before or after the whitening procedure). I followed all the recommendations of the dentist to strengthen the teeth - and as a result, a painless whitening procedure for all 45 minutes!

How is the whitening procedure carried out? I will tell without illustrations: I would not want anyone to see me in the dentist's chair at this moment. The teeth are maximally opened for exposure to the lamp with the help of a special cap-spacer. A protective gel is applied to the gums, and a whitening agent is applied to the teeth. You can communicate with the doctor only with gestures or, if someone's acting talent allows, with the expression of the eyes. Despite the not quite comfortable position, I sat calmly and without pain for 45 minutes. All the most interesting was waiting for me ahead ...

My teeth brightened by one and a half shades: this result was predicted by the doctor based on my initial shade - quite light. The darker the teeth, the brighter the result, which is logical. No need to wait for ZOOM to whiten your teeth to the color of sanitary ware! In addition, within a few days after bleaching, the color of the teeth will even out to a lighter or darker shade. This should also be taken into account when evaluating the primary result of the procedure.

Immediately after the procedure, the teeth began to “shoot”. Rarely at first, then more and more often, and It's a dull pain after the next "shot" lasted longer and longer. And - yes, this is a common reaction of teeth to whitening, you also need to prepare for pain. The whole next day after the procedure, I tried not to open my mouth once again, interrupting with painkillers. A glass of wine helped me fall asleep. White wine! For at least three days after bleaching, you must strictly follow a “transparent” diet, giving up coffee, tea, red wine, chocolate, berries, sauces, coloring vegetables and fruits, cigarettes ... Although it is better to give up cigarettes forever!”

Whitening prices in Moscow start at 15,000 rubles. Philips ZOOM whitening is not a product, but a procedure, therefore each clinic independently determines the cost of the service, which consists of the price of the whitening kit, lamp depreciation and, above all, the prices of the cost of the services of the doctor of this clinic. Sometimes clinics can even operate at a loss, arranging promotions to attract customers.

Hollywood smile

How to achieve that same Hollywood smile with perfectly white and even teeth? Many already know that among celebrities, the procedure for installing veneers is popular - thin ceramic crowns on their own teeth. No, the story about pulling out all the teeth is just urban legend. But natural teeth need to be filed to install a veneer, this is a fact. It is not possible to refuse veneers in the future.

latest generation veneers- these are thinner lumineers that are fixed on the front surface of the tooth without preliminary grinding. Due to the lack of turning, the teeth slightly increase in volume, but the procedure for installing lumineers can be done in two visits to the dentist (consultation and installation) without painful turning.

Price for veneers and lumineers exceeds the cost of bleaching by 2-3 times, but the service life of the plates will be about 20 years.

The site would like to thank the specialists of Doctor Deryugin's Clinic and Philips for their help in preparing the material and for their advice.


Modern beauty standards dictate their own conditions, which are often difficult to fulfill. Impeccable slender figure, well-groomed skin, luxurious hair, white teeth- all these are the components of success, a sign that a person occupies not the last place in society. Exercising and maintaining a healthy diet are healthy and beneficial habits that help you achieve the desired look. Cosmetic procedures contribute to the acquisition well-groomed appearance. The hardest part is the teeth. They do not want to become snow-white, like the heroes of advertising and show stars. But this little detail - not perfectly white teeth - can spoil the whole image created with such difficulty. Therefore, teeth whitening is one of the most popular procedures that many try to implement, using far from the most harmless methods for this.

Something about the natural whiteness of teeth

Everyone knows this - natural whiteness of teeth does not exist. This could be put an end to, if not for the amazing ability of the representatives of humanity to wishful thinking. The desire for a snow-white smile, of course, is a tribute to fashion. But almost everyone strives for it, although it does not exist by nature in anyone, except for small children during the eruption of milk teeth. "Sugar" - white teeth of show business stars, models and actors - is the result of a huge work of dentists. Teeth whitening is a whole industry that can be separated into a separate industry.

The color of a person's tooth enamel, depending on the race to which he belongs, his geographical place of residence, can be white with a yellowish, bluish, brownish or gray tint. The brightest teeth in the representatives of the Negroid race. But, if you look closely, they seem snow-white in contrast to the dark skin.

Russians are traditionally fair-skinned, and their original tooth color is rather yellowish, with a hint of baked milk. But the inhabitants of America have gray teeth, although the fashion for a Hollywood smile came to us from there.

By the way. The more natural the color of the enamel, the healthier and stronger the teeth - they know this professional dentists, but patients do not want to recognize.

16 shades of white

The color of tooth enamel, already not distinguished by whiteness, during human life constantly getting dark. The fight for a Hollywood smile is not a one-time event. Unnatural whiteness of the teeth, provided that it can be achieved at all, will have to be maintained in various ways.

By the way. Some people will not be able to whiten their teeth to the state of "sugar". Enamel color is a genetic trait that is inherited. If the parents and their parents have dark teeth, the child, as an adult, will also acquire a dark shade of enamel, along with permanent teeth.

Tooth enamel is constantly affected by factors that deprive it of whiteness and radiance, making teeth dull and dark.

  1. Smoking.
  2. The use of foods and drinks that stain the enamel.
  3. Insufficient hygiene.
  4. Damage to the dental tissue, causing it to darken.

Professional dentistry distinguishes today 16 shades of white teeth, which are the norm.

Table. Tooth whiteness gradation according to the Vita scale

Each tone has its own degree of intensity, which increases from one to four. So, the normal shade of the teeth of the average European is A3. That is yellowish brown. In this case, the teeth are considered healthy. Shades A1 and A2 indicate that the dental tissue is fragile, the enamel is thinned, and the teeth cannot be called strong and healthy.

That's why for someone to lighten their teeth to the "Hollywood" standard, whitening pastes are enough. And someone, having tried all the most radical means, comes to the conclusion that only artificial overlays can solve the problem.

But not everyone goes to a dental clinic for whitening. Basically, these are those who need a snow-white smile in their profession. Famous people, in which even the color of the teeth becomes public. Most citizens try to lighten the enamel on their own, at home, causing irreparable damage to the teeth and getting serious dental problems.

People are willing to do anything to make their teeth whiter. And modern dentistry, and ethnoscience provide many opportunities for this. But if you really want to have not only snow-white, but also healthy teeth, it is worth choosing sparing from the numerous ways of whitening.

The higher the safety, the less the whitening effect. Many reason in this way, and resort to destructive, but, in their opinion, effective methods, combining soda with citric acid, adding hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, and rubbing this "explosive mixture" into tooth enamel.

Important! The short-term effect that is achieved after the use of aggressive abrasives or acids disappears again as soon as the teeth are covered with another portion of the inevitable plaque. Repeated applications lead to the destruction of the enamel layer and damage to the dental tissue.

How is it really safe for health and without negative consequences to gently whiten your teeth?

Top 10 Safe Teeth Whitening Products

This whitening method can be quite effective if you strictly follow the instructions for use and do not violate the permissible frequency of use. In this case, it will not harm the enamel, remove plaque and, due to cleaning, return the natural color to the teeth. If an abrasive is added to the paste, cleaning will be mechanical. If it contains acid, you can achieve lightening by one or two tones.

To achieve the whitening effect within a month, you can regularly (but not more often than the instructions prescribe) use whitening strips. They are coated with a brightener. The strips are applied to the dentition for a maximum of half an hour. You can lighten the enamel in this way up to three tones. The result will last for several months if you do not abuse products containing coloring pigment and do not smoke. The strips have a drawback - they do not whiten the interdental space, adhering only to the frontal plane of the tooth.

By the way. There are cheap whitening strips, and there are expensive ones that are not just applied to the dentition, but are securely fixed on it. With these strips, you can talk and do the usual household chores. The effect of their use can last up to six months.

3. Whitening gels

Use at home, after prior consultation with a dentist, whitening gels can be used. The simplest variety is a composition that has the consistency of a gel, which is applied with a brush to the surface that needs to be bleached. The gel remains on the enamel until it is washed away by saliva. This is not long, but during this time, the brightening components act on the enamel, simultaneously disinfecting the oral cavity and protecting the tooth surface from plaque. The gel can be lightened by 3-4 tones without harm to enamel and dentin, of course, following the instructions.

They differ from the gel, which is applied with a brush, its composition and method of application. The principle is the same - the clarifier is in contact with the tooth surface. But for caps, the mixture is much more potent. It is filled with a special plastic or latex construction, which is put on the dentition from above and below. This ensures close contact of the bleach with the enamel, and for a course of application, which is several weeks, you can lighten it by 5-6 tones.

5. Whitening pencil

This tool helps to cope with fragmentary darkening of the enamel, for example, coffee stains, partial yellowing of the teeth in smokers. Pencils with a whitening composition are available in two varieties - requiring rinsing and not requiring. The concentration of the clarifier in them is weaker than in the cap gel. They are designed not for total whitening, but for spot application.

6. Ultrasonic whitening

Rather, cleansing and, due to this, clarification. This procedure not only safe, but also absolutely necessary if you are looking after your dental health. Professional whitening with ultrasound in the clinic is the most common and popular mechanical method. In the process of cleaning the enamel, plaque and tartar are removed. In this case, the enamel is not only not damaged, but is also treated with special antimicrobial substances and polished. No matter how dark the natural pigmentation of your dentin is, it still needs to be cleaned of deposits, at least once a year. And if the teeth themselves are naturally light, after ultrasonic exposure they will become almost snow-white and shiny.

In world dentistry, this method is considered the most effective, safe and fast. The procedure is painless, maximum clarification, no harm to the enamel. In just an hour, including preparation and final processing, you will get the Hollywood smile of your dreams. The laser beam acts on the enamel coating with a special gel composition applied. At the same time, oxygen is released from the gel, the molecules of which penetrate shallowly into the enamel layer, removing age spots. Even heavy smokers and coffee drinkers, with regular laser whitening every few years, can permanently have bright teeth.

8. Chemical bleaching

The procedure can be called sparing conditionally. In chemical bleaching, acids are used, which, penetrating into the enamel layer deeper than oxygen molecules, can achieve a greater effect and make even naturally dark teeth truly “sugar” (lightening is possible up to 10-12 tones). If this procedure is shown to you, it will not harm the enamel. But if there are even minor damages or defects in the enamel layer, microcracks, chips, open carious lesions, the doctor simply will not do chemical bleaching, offering an alternative, more gentle method.

9. Photobleaching

This method allows you to lighten even sensitive teeth that have chips and even bare roots. Before the procedure, a special gel is applied to the gum tissue, which protects it from exposure to a photo lamp. Then, caps with gel are put on the dentition. A photo lamp is installed, which, with a light beam of a certain spectrum, acts on the light-active catalyst contained in the gel. After the procedure, remineralization is performed. For the greatest effect, at least three procedures are required. Teeth can be lightened by 5-8 tones.

10. Gentle folk ways

Of the whitening methods offered by traditional medicine, there are few safe ones. Most of them, such as soda, peroxide, charcoal, lemon acid, aggressively affect tooth enamel, leading to its deterioration and weakening, and can also cause gum burns.

The most gentle, but not very effective ways:

Who should not whiten their teeth

Give up the teeth whitening procedure and part with the dream of Hollywood smile costs the following categories of patients.

Video - Teeth Whitening

After bleaching

It is important to follow the rules for caring for your teeth after the whitening procedure. If you have achieved the desired result and become the owner of snow-white teeth, do not think that this is forever. After a few months, if the result is not maintained, they will again become covered with a dirty coating.