Is homemade milk healthy? Cow's milk: harm and benefit. Meat and fish

Cow's milk has received much greater distribution than the milk of other animals. It is present on the table of every family almost every day. pure form or as food products produced from it (cottage cheese, cheese, butter, yogurt or kefir). The high demand for cow's milk everywhere is facilitated by the ease and availability of its production and significant volumes of industrial production.

The large amount of calcium in milk determines its important role in the formation and strengthening bone tissue. Vitamin D present here improves the absorption of calcium and promotes its deposition in bones and dentin. Thus, drinking cow's milk effectively prevents the development of rickets and osteoporosis.

Regular consumption of cow's milk during childhood is especially important. It is in early and transitional age that the strength of the skeleton is laid and maximum bone mass accumulates, which will determine the predisposition to fractures throughout life. A direct connection between the intake of calcium from milk and its deposition in skeletal system adolescents, the opposite – with the frequency of fractures.

IN early age Cow's milk, as a rule, is well absorbed, promotes growth and development, strengthens the immune system, improves memory and mood. The ability to digest milk decreases with age, but completely eliminating traditional foods from an older person's diet can be detrimental to their health. In this case, it is recommended to consume milk diluted or skimmed.

Milk is a product that is traditionally prescribed for the rehabilitation of people employed in hazardous industries, and is also used in medicinal, dietary and baby food. It helps with anemia, kidney disease, work disorders nervous system, gastrointestinal tract and tuberculosis. Milk with honey is a widely known drink that relieves stress and makes it easier to fall asleep.

The complex beneficial effect of milk on the cardiovascular system is ensured by its high potassium content and the ability to slightly lower blood pressure. Linoleic acid in its composition eliminates excess weight, which also facilitates the work of the heart. The antitumor activity of milk has also been confirmed, as well as its ability to increase life expectancy.

Cow's milk during pregnancy

Lack of calcium intake during gestation inevitably affects the condition of the bones and teeth of the expectant mother. Cow's milk can largely solve the issue of deficiency of this mineral, and it also promotes its full absorption. Lactose, found in abundance in milk, helps the body process calcium and also serves as an excellent source of energy.

Milk gently cleanses the body of a pregnant woman, removing poisons, heavy metal salts, and radioactive compounds. For residents of large industrial cities, this feature of the product is especially important. In addition, some vitamins in its composition have pronounced antioxidant activity and protect cells from harmful environmental influences.

In the absence of contraindications and individual intolerance to cow's milk in mother and baby, it can balance the diet of a pregnant or lactating woman, enrich it with nutrients and vitamins. This product also serves as a safe effective means to relieve heartburn, which often accompanies the second half of pregnancy.

Warning: If a woman previously had difficulty drinking cow's milk, then during pregnancy it is better to completely abandon it and not conduct risky experiments.

When is drinking cow's milk dangerous?

The main protein in cow's milk, casein, is the strongest allergen. When incompletely digested, it is able to enter the blood and act as an antigen, causing a powerful immune response. The result of such a shake-up can be not only the development of intolerance to all dairy products, but also type I diabetes.

People prone to allergies should exercise caution when consuming cow's milk and may benefit from asking your doctor for advice regarding your diet. The presence of a pathological reaction to it means the complete exclusion of all dairy products from the diet.

Video: Who should not drink milk. Discussion in the program “Live Healthy”

The milk sugar, lactose, is rarely fully processed in the adult body. Lactase deficiency can develop in varying degrees: not to cause discomfort or lead to complete intolerance to dairy products. It most often manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea, loose stool;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • flatulence, bloating;
  • cramps and pain in the stomach;
  • heartburn.

Cow's milk also harms the body if galactose metabolism is impaired. This substance is formed during the breakdown of milk sugar along with glucose and can become a serious risk factor for the development of cataracts and arthritis. Galactosemia is a hereditary disease and requires complete exclusion of milk from the diet.

Rules for choosing and drinking cow's milk

Usually, first of all, it is customary to pay attention to the naturalness and safety of food, which, of course, will be true in relation to cow's milk. The ideal option is to purchase it from a private farmstead from neat and clean owners, whose cow is regularly examined by a veterinarian. This is the only way to find whole milk; the industrially produced product is normalized for drinking, the content of proteins and fats in it is artificially regulated.

You should choose milk that has had as little contact with air as possible, because in this case the milk fats are partially oxidized. To obtain information on this matter, it is permissible to ask the farmer a little about how milking occurs on his farm; it will also be useful to find out his method (machine or manual).

The freshness of the product is of great importance: fresh whole milk contains a maximum of beneficial nutrients and lysozyme, which inhibits the development of putrefactive microorganisms. After 2 hours it loses its activity, so raw milk must be boiled or pasteurized. The easiest way to perform instant pasteurization is to heat the drink to almost 90°C and immediately turn off the stove.

Pasteurization almost does not change the taste of milk, but it destroys pathogens of dangerous diseases, including tuberculosis and brucellosis. Heat-resistant lactic acid microorganisms do not die, and beneficial nutrients are also preserved. Pasteurized milk can turn sour, so it remains quite suitable for making yogurt, cottage cheese or cheese.

Processing milk under the influence of high temperatures almost completely destroys pathogenic microflora and bacterial spores, but also causes physical and chemical changes composition. Among these methods, the most popular are boiling, sterilization and ultra-pasteurization. They destroy lactic acid bacteria, which prevent the appearance of toxic compounds, and milk fats, depriving the product of most of its useful properties.

Any heat treatment reduces the acidity of the drink, frees it from gases dissolved in it and increases shelf life. Of the types of milk available for purchase in the store, it is preferable to choose pasteurized milk, as it will bring more benefits to the human body than others. The shelf life of such milk is short, up to 7-14 days, depending on the packaging method.

Warning: Reconstituted milk should be avoided as it has low nutritional value and may contain oxidized cholesterol, which inhibits the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and foreign additives (chalk, sugar, starch or flour).

Video: A story about the features of cow's milk in the program “From Morning to Evening”

Storing cow's milk

The shelf life of milk depends on how it is processed, packaging and temperature. Raw milk is stored at 1-2°C for two days, at 3-4°C for about a day and a half, at 4-6°C for a day, at 6-8°C for 18 hours, and at 8-10°C for only 12 hours. .

Useful tips for storing milk:

  1. At the store, it is better to put milk last in the grocery cart to avoid it being kept warm for a long time. When you return home, you should immediately place it in the refrigerator.
  2. In the refrigerator, it is optimal to store milk at a temperature of 0-4°C, do not use the door for this.
  3. Opened milk can be consumed within 3 days, kept closed and separated from foods with a strong odor.
  4. To store milk, it is better to use the original packaging, glass or ceramic containers.
  5. Avoid exposing the product to light as it destroys riboflavin and vitamin D.
  6. Freezing milk allows you to preserve its nutritional and taste properties for a long time; you need to defrost such milk in the refrigerator.

Advice: Frozen cow's milk tends to separate when thawed. In this case, just beat it with a blender to return it to its normal appearance.

Compatibility of milk with other foods

Cow's milk is an independent food product. In order for it to be absorbed better, you need to drink it on an empty stomach, without mixing with other food, in small sips and with a slight linger in the mouth. Do not take cold milk: low temperature complicates the digestion process. After a glass of milk, it is useful to refrain from eating for some time (1-1.5 hours).

It is acceptable to consume milk with some types of fruits, berries and vegetables. It softens the effects of caffeine, so it is useful to add it a little to tea or coffee. Milk also goes well with cottage cheese.

Composition of the product

The composition of cow's milk is rich and varied, it includes proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins and hormones. A complete set of amino acids completely covers the needs of the human body, and milk fat is one of the most nutritious and healthy. The energy value of raw whole milk is low - only 65 kcal, so dairy diets are widespread and effective.

Nutritional value of cow's milk (per 100 g of product)


% of daily value


% of daily value

B1, thiamine

B2, riboflavin

B5, pantothenic acid

B6, pyridoxine


B9, folate

B12, cobalamin

PP, niacin

Video: E. Malysheva about the dangers of milk

At first glance, choosing milk is very simple. However, in reality this is not the case at all. Because, by and large, the best milk is milk that has never come into contact with air. After all, upon contact with air, partial oxidation of the fats contained in milk occurs. Which is harmful.

However, this does not mean that milk should be excluded from your diet. Although…

If you seriously ask yourself why exactly you are going to choose milk, then it may well turn out that there is no clear understanding. Why then drink milk at all? After all, it carries not only benefits, but also colossal harm. Moreover, the harm from milk is disproportionately greater than the benefits. But let’s not be unfounded, but let’s “put everything into pieces”...

Purpose of milk

Naturally, milk is created solely to be drunk. But not everyone understands who should drink it and for what purpose.

Most likely, you have heard the “common” statement that cow’s milk is for calves, goat’s milk is for kids, and human breast milk is, accordingly, for children (that is, for human babies). So this opinion is common only for people. In the rest of nature there is no doubt about this. No one takes milk from other animals. Except people.

Someone may remember cats who happily lap up cow's milk from a bowl (supplied by us), someone will think of orphan tigers fed by a lioness in the zoo, and someone will definitely remember what he himself saw as a child saved from starvation solely thanks to cow's milk. It's like that. Such situations do happen, but only where a person decides to interfere with the natural process.

Just don’t think that we are calling on anyone to condemn orphaned animals or children left without mother’s milk to starvation. We are simply convinced that in nature there are alternative options for replacing mother’s milk that are safer for everyone, including our children...

However, such reasoning in itself is unlikely to convince anyone to give up or even think about the advisability of drinking milk (at any age).

So let's talk a little about something else for now. So to speak, let's go from the other side...

Production technologies

Whole milk

The starting product for all types of dairy products is whole milk, which is entirely natural milk. No manipulations are allowed with whole milk, except for straining (to get rid of midges and debris that got into the milk during milking). If milk has been diluted, skimmed, evaporated or changed in some other way, thereby changing its natural composition, then such milk can no longer be called whole. IN best case scenario it turns into drinking milk, and in the worst case, into a milk-containing product.

As you understand, whole milk can only be found today on dairy farms and in the countryside. In stores, we expect only normalized drinking milk, in which the protein content and fat content level are artificially adjusted. Moreover, all dairy products that reach store shelves today undergo heat treatment of varying durations at temperatures from 60 to 150 °C and fall into the category of pasteurized or ultra-pasteurized.

Pasteurized milk

Pasteurized milk is milk that has once been subjected to one of three heat treatment methods:

  • long-term processing (heating to 63-65 °C for 30-40 minutes)
  • short processing (heating to 85-90 °C for 30-60 seconds)
  • instant processing (heating to 98 °C in a few seconds)

The term “pasteurization” itself comes from the name of microbiologist Louis Pasteur, who came up with the very concept of partial disinfection of liquid products back in the mid-19th century.

Pasteurization allows you to destroy most of the active microorganisms that inhabit milk, but it cannot do anything with their spores, which, when conditions favorable for them are created, begin to develop and multiply very quickly.

As for the nutritional value of pasteurized milk, it, according to most scientists, remains almost the same. It is extremely difficult to agree with this, because proteins, vitamins and microelements are very capricious and easily change their connections, forms and formulas. This is clearly seen in the example of calcium, which at 65 °C transforms from an ionic form into a molecular form and ceases to be absorbed. The same can be said about proteins, which begin to melt at 70-75 °C.

UHT milk

Ultrapasteurization involves one-time heating of milk to 125-150 °C for 2-3 seconds in order to destroy all microflora living in raw milk. Thanks to complete disinfection and sealed packaging, UHT milk can be stored for more than 6 weeks.

This milk preparation technology reliably leads to the destruction of B vitamins (B6 is especially affected), protein denaturation and a change in the calcium formula. In general, during ultra-pasteurization, cow's milk loses almost everything for which people value it. Well, except for the taste, of course. Otherwise, no one would buy it and, therefore, no one would produce it.

Milk in the human diet

Now let's talk about how useful this or that type of milk is. And isn’t it time to give it up...

Benefits of cow's milk

The beneficial properties of raw whole cow's milk clearly and indisputably include the presence of vitamin B12 in it (0.44 mcg at daily norm from 0.4 to 2.8 mcg for different age groups), which is involved in the process of hematopoiesis and is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. It is generally accepted that this vitamin can only be obtained from animal products, which includes milk.

In addition, raw milk contains:

  • Proteins, which contain all the essential amino acids. True, these proteins still need to be disassembled into amino acids, which will require spending a certain amount of energy and a supply of useful minerals. It is much easier and more useful to “extract” these same amino acids from flaxseed, spinach, parsley and many other plant products.
  • Fats (no matter how oxidized they are, the body is still able to use them in its vital functions).
  • A small amount of vitamins and microelements. Raw milk contains quite a few items active substances, but in tiny quantities.

This is probably where the beneficial properties of milk end. And then there is only harm...

Although if you remember about Ayurveda, you can write a few more paragraphs about the “goodness” that cow’s milk brings to people. But we still won’t touch mysticism and religious beliefs. Let all kinds of priests and Ayurveda experts illuminate this side of the issue.

Harm of cow's milk

There are several particularly dangerous properties of cow's milk that have become known to mankind only recently.

The most obvious of these properties is the allergenicity of cow's milk. Or rather, not the milk itself, but its protein (casein), which, if incompletely digested (and this almost always happens), is able to enter the bloodstream and thereby act as an antigen. An adequate immune response to cow casein is the destruction of the antigen and its rapid removal from the body. Ultimately, such a struggle can turn into a complete rejection of cow protein and result in a serious allergy to all dairy products made from cow's milk.

There is also evidence that such a confrontation between the immune system and cow casein can lead to type I diabetes. Yes, yes, not the second, but the first, when most of the islets of Langerhans located in the pancreas are simply destroyed by their own immunity.

The second danger lurking in cow's milk is that this product contains lactose, which, when entering the body of an adult, is very rarely processed normally (split into glucose and galactose). Most often it causes diarrhea. Doctors call this lactase deficiency and present it as a pathology. However, in fact, lactose should not enter the body of adults. So such a relationship between our body and lactose should be considered not a pathology, but the norm.

If lactose is at least partially broken down into glucose and galactose, then glucose is absorbed, and galactose “lies as a dead weight” under the skin, in joints, on the lens of the eye and in other places, and over time manifests itself in the form of cellulite, cataracts, arthritis, etc. .d. And the more milk a person drinks, the more likely it is that in old age he will have one of these diseases.

Well, the third harmful property of milk is that cow casein greatly shifts the Ph of the internal environment of the body to the acidic side. And to counterbalance the effects of casein, human body is forced to release alkali metals into the blood, the main of which is calcium.

As a result, all the calcium contained in milk goes to balance the action of casein. This means that it is pointless to hope that milk will replenish calcium reserves in your body. Moreover, milk calcium is usually not enough to neutralize all the effects of cow's casein in the human body. Therefore, additional calcium is washed out of the bones for this purpose, which in turn makes our bones more fragile and weak.

That is, instead of calcium from cow's milk, we get osteoporosis from cow's milk.

There are other factors in cow's milk that negatively affect the human body (take the same hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, pathogenic bacteria, etc.), but you are most likely already familiar with them. Therefore, we will not dwell on this.

Dairy products

It is generally accepted that all fermented milk products are much healthier than whole milk, because they contain bifidobacteria, which are in some sense related to the natural microflora of our intestines and are capable of suppressing putrefactive bacteria. From this point of view, fermented milk products are really better.

Otherwise, fermented milk products cause either the same or even greater harm to the body than whole or normalized milk. But let's go point by point:

  • Galactose does not disappear when milk sours and is still deposited in the joints, under the skin and on the lens (but there will be no diarrhea).
  • There is usually more protein in fermented milk products than in normalized and whole milk (the exception is kefir, where the protein is usually the same as in milk), which means that allergenicity and acidification of the body are also relevant for them. And when it comes to cheeses, cottage cheese, sour cream and fermented baked milk, the risk of developing an allergy is much higher, because there is much more protein here than in the original product - milk. And calcium in the bones will become less and less with each intake of lactic acid products.
  • Regarding kefir, we have already said that it contains the same amount of protein as milk, lactose is fermented, but there is one “little thing” that spoils the picture: kefir contains live yeast, which from the moment it enters the milk begins to produce alcohol. As a result, three-day kefir contains 0.88% pure ethanol. Further more. Therefore, if you give a child kefir (as recommended by pediatricians), there is a chance that the child will get used to regular alcohol consumption already in infancy.

For reference: The minimum alcohol content in beer is 3%.


What do we end up with? How to choose milk? Nothing better. You can easily live without dairy products. If life is not sweet without milk, then we recommend drinking exclusively raw whole milk (from trusted suppliers), and adding either sour cream or homemade fermented baked milk to your dishes (so at least you’ll eat less chemicals).

Cheeses, cottage cheese and kefir are contraindicated for everyone. And first of all for children.

That's all. Be healthy!

Milk has many beneficial properties and contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. If you drink 0.5 liters of milk daily, your body will receive a large amount of the nutrients it needs. Milk contains lactose, which improves the functioning of the heart, kidneys, and liver. But it is worth noting that there are people who lack the lactose enzyme and cannot tolerate milk and fermented milk products. Such people usually have a severe allergic reaction to lactose. It contains a sufficient amount of vitamin A, which promotes the growth of children.

Since childhood, each of us has heard about the benefits of cow's milk from our mothers and grandmothers, so everyone knows that the calcium contained in milk is useful for strengthening teeth and bones. Let's figure out what other benefits of milk are there besides this!

For the nerves. Milk has been famous since ancient times good remedy from diseases of the nervous system. Regular consumption of milk in the morning helps eliminate drowsiness and strengthen the psyche. If you drink milk before bed, it has a calming effect and promotes sound sleep.

For heart. Milk has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of developing diseases. Scientists have proven that drinking one glass of milk daily helps strengthen heart function and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by 37%.

To normalize weight. There are many myths about milk and its weight-gaining properties. Many people refuse to use and often wonder “Can you get fat from milk?” So, a study was conducted in Canada that showed that people who were on a diet and regularly drank milk lost 4 kg more weight than those who simply dieted and did not drink milk.

Milk is not recommended for people with allergies. Since it is an allergenic product and can cause bronchial asthma. If you have the following symptoms: skin itching, rash, vomiting, flatulence, nausea, bloating, then drinking milk is strictly prohibited. If a person is allergic to milk, this does not mean that other fermented milk products are prohibited.

Elderly people are also not recommended to drink milk. It contains myristic acid, which promotes the development of atherosclerosis. Mostly, atherosclerosis develops in people over 50; at this age it is recommended to exclude milk from the diet, but if milk is not excluded, then at least drink no more than one glass a day.

Properties of cow's milk

Milk- a good source of calcium for children's growth. Do not forget that the properties of baked milk are also great. Before drinking, milk must be boiled to kill bacteria. The beneficial properties of cow's milk include its effect on the stomach; it is recommended to use it for gastritis and stomach ulcers. If you have problems sleeping, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm milk before bed.

Goat's milk has beneficial properties that can have a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa. Few people know that milk can quench thirst. When a person sweats, he loses a lot of moisture and mineral salts in the body. Milk contains enough of them to reduce thirst and retain moisture in the body.
Many people think that milk contributes to gaining excess weight. But this is a false opinion; milk, on the contrary, protects the body from excess calories. The calcium it contains helps fight excess weight and enhances fat burning.

How many calories are in milk? It turns out that it is not so easy to give a definite answer to this question. The calorie content of milk can vary, as it depends not only on the fat content of the milk, but also on the manufacturer.

You should always pay attention to the product label, since the same fat content may differ from each manufacturer. Of course, the difference is not very big, so the approximate calorie content of milk can be determined.

After milking, milk contains bacteriostatic and bactericidal substances, which decrease within two hours. This is due to the presence large quantity enzymes, immunoglobulins, leukocytes. When milk is heated to 60%, all bactericidal substances are destroyed. Great antibacterial activity is characteristic of colostrum.

How to boil milk

It is advisable to boil milk in a separate container, since when heated, milk has the ability to absorb various odors. To prevent milk from burning, rinse the pan before boiling. cold water. To prevent milk from curdling, sugar is added to it (1 teaspoon of sugar per 1 liter of milk).

Milk can be boiled, but preferably for no more than 3 minutes, then the vitamins will be preserved in it. While heating, the milk must be stirred frequently to prevent foam from forming.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky’s opinion on the benefits and harms of cow’s milk

Listen to the opinion of one of the most respected doctors in the CIS.

The benefits of milk have been known for a long time. Since ancient times it has been included in both children's and adult diets. It is a valuable product for the body and is even used as a preventive and medicine in medicine.

Milk is considered a light product because the weakest concentration of gastric juice is enough to digest it.

The benefits of milk are due to the fact that it contains a fairly large amount of vitamins (water- and fat-soluble). group B: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6), cyanocobalamin (B12). Vitamin A and carotene (provitamin A) are dissolved in milk fat. Vitamin C is contained in milk in an amount of 1000-1500 gamma percent.

There are no less beneficial microelements in milk. These are zinc, copper, cobalt, manganese, sulfur, bromine, aluminum, tin, fluorine, titanium, vanadium, silver and others. It also contains a nicotinic acid(vitamin PP); biotin (vitamin H); folic acid, involved in the process of hematopoiesis; pantothenic, normalizing the functions of the nervous and circulatory systems, and skin.

Lactic enzymes are very important for health. Among them, hydrolyzing ones stand out: galactase and lactase, lipase and phosphatase, as well as a complex of redox enzymes. IN childhood These enzymes accompany the transformation of nutrients in the digestive tract. But enzymes are active only in raw milk; when boiled, they are destroyed.

In order to study the benefits of milk, Finnish scientists observed children for 10 years, taking into account their diet. It turned out that children who are accustomed to milk from childhood are much less likely to suffer from diabetes (the study was conducted among children with a predisposition to this disease). When drinking milk, the body produces more antibodies to this disease.

Milk, the benefits of which are also explained by its balanced composition mineral salts(compounds of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, as well as citric, hydrochloric and other acids), involved in all the most important processes of life, is necessary for everyone. Phosphorus, calcium and magnesium are part of bone tissue. Magnesium is especially important for the heart, and phosphorus is especially important for the brain and nerve tissue. No other products except dairy products can replenish the body with these substances.

The benefits of milk are known in the treatment of anemia, physical exhaustion, it is useful for the recovery of people who have suffered serious illnesses or who have been injured. The product is invaluable in conditions where it is necessary to replace animal proteins (meat, fish, chicken eggs) with lighter ones.

Milk is used for heart disease and edema, as it has diuretic properties. This medicine is used for poisoning, for example, with acids or alkalis, iodine, bromine, and salts of heavy metals. It is useful for gastritis, liver and kidney diseases, tuberculosis, anemia.

There is one original product in Russia that I practically don’t know about anywhere in the world. This benefit is even greater than the usual one, because thanks to the manufacturing technology it becomes a concentrate of all the beneficial substances contained in the raw product.

Warm is best natural remedy against insomnia, perfectly calming the body. It helps to overcome stressful conditions, reduces blood pressure, and calms the nerves.

If you wipe your face with a mixture of sour unpasteurized milk and... ethyl alcohol(3:1), then you can achieve lightening of age spots.

However, the benefits of milk will not be the same for everyone. Children can drink it, which is perfectly absorbed by their bodies. For adults, it is better to limit yourself to low-fat foods (no more than 2%), because with age, animal fats are processed much more slowly. Even more beneficial for adults is the consumption of fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, etc.). Be healthy!

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!


Milk– this is unique natural product, which a person becomes familiar with from the first hours of life, receiving mother’s milk.

At an older age, milk becomes a frequently consumed product for many children and adults. Everyone is familiar with the types of milk: cow, goat, camel, mare, deer, etc. But there is also milk plant origin: coconut, soy, rice...

Let's try to understand and clarify the data on the benefits and harms of milk.

The benefits and harms of cow's milk

Since childhood, we all hear about the health benefits of cow's milk. And a number of arguments are given for this. IN Lately More and more material has appeared with facts about the dangers of cow's milk. Let's try to analyze what prevails: benefit or harm?
1. Milk contains a lot of calcium. But this calcium is not absorbed by the body. Milk protein (casein) significantly increases the acidity of gastric contents. The enzyme for breaking down casein ceases to be produced from about 10 years of age, and the body uses calcium to neutralize the acid. There is not enough calcium in milk, so the body extracts calcium from the bones. Therefore, drinking milk not only does not prevent osteoporosis (loss of bone tissue due to loss of minerals, including calcium), but contributes to its development. This is confirmed by statistics: in countries with low milk consumption, the percentage of patients with osteoporosis is much lower than in countries with high milk consumption.
2. It is believed that the benefits of milk are improved digestion. But milk increases the acidity of gastric juice, and thereby creates the threat of erosions and ulcers.
3. Commercials try to convince people that drinking milk is good for the body. But the body itself convinces us of the opposite: milk is poison for it. After all, the body gets rid of poisons through secretions: saliva, sweat, phlegm, nasal discharge. People who drink milk may notice profuse sweating, accumulation of phlegm and nasal congestion in the morning. If you don't consume dairy products for a week, all this goes away.
4. Many studies confirm that milk is the cause of some types of cancer (breast, prostate, testicular cancer). Some scientists attribute this to the carcinogenic properties of milk sugar or lactose. And others - the influence of the hormone estrogen contained in milk. After all, many cows whose milk is used in the dairy industry are pregnant. In addition, many cows develop leukemia (blood cancer).
5. Even according to official statistics, 5% of cows have mastitis, which means pus gets into the milk. Drinking milk with pus cannot be beneficial.
6. The content of growth hormone in cow's milk is significantly higher than in women's breast milk. In addition, dairy producers often use the introduction of hormonal drugs to cows to increase the size of the udder and increase milk yield. Growth hormone in adults, and especially in older people, can also cause cancer.
7. Some cows are given antibiotics for therapeutic purposes, which also end up in the milk. The consumption of such milk contributes to a decrease in immunity and the development of resistance to antibiotics.
8. The calming effect of milk is explained by the action of opiates, which are formed from the milk protein casein during digestion.
9. In the human body, with age, the production of the enzyme lactase, necessary for the absorption of milk sugar, or lactose, gradually decreases. This is what causes milk intolerance, which is characterized by abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea.
10. The statement that lactose promotes the development of lactobacilli in the intestines, which prevent putrefactive processes, is also not entirely true. Unprocessed lactose serves as a breeding ground for putrefactive bacteria rather than fighting them.
11. Milk proteins can cause an allergic reaction to milk. Milk is a fairly strong allergen. This allergy can manifest itself as skin rashes, itchy skin, difficulty breathing, sore throat, swelling of the eyelids and lips, and nasal congestion.
12. The benefits of drinking milk for colds are questionable, since milk increases the production of mucus from the nose, i.e. further aggravates discomfort sick.

Preservatives added to milk, or “aseptic packaging” (impregnated with disinfectants or antibiotics) for long-term storage of milk also cause significant harm to the body.

From what is written above, it is clear that for an adult, milk is more harmful than a useful product. However, everyone must decide for themselves: to drink milk or give it up.

The benefits and harms of goat milk

Goat milk is a healthy food product for adults and children.

Goat's milk contains more calcium than cow's milk, therefore it helps strengthen hair and nails; protects teeth from destruction. It is goat's milk that should be drunk for bone fractures. Calcium is also necessary for nursing mothers to ensure good lactation. Goat milk contains an abundance of manganese, iodine, phosphorus, molybdenum, copper, fluorine, sodium, magnesium, potassium, and these trace elements are important for the nervous system, of cardio-vascular system, thyroid gland . And although there is less iron than in cow's milk, goat's milk is better absorbed, and the body receives a sufficient amount of iron.

Goat milk increases performance and improves memory. It is recommended to drink it for depression, neuroses, stressful situations, and insomnia.

Lysozyme, which is part of goat milk, reduces the content of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, so it is recommended for use when peptic ulcer stomach and frequent heartburn.

When consuming goat's milk, favorable soil is created for the development of normal microflora in the intestines - it has a positive effect in cases of dysbacteriosis and immunodeficiency.

Goat milk does not contain the protein fraction that is found in cow milk and causes allergies, so goat milk can be consumed without any fear even by allergy sufferers.

It also contains cobalt, which is part of vitamin B 12, and the vitamin is involved in hematopoiesis and metabolism - which means goat milk protects against anemia (anemia).

Those who consume goat's milk are not at risk of vitamin deficiency - after all, it contains a whole arsenal of vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, H, PP. It helps the body recover after surgery and illnesses.

The therapeutic effect of milk is also obtained for colds and bronchitis.

People who constantly eat fast food should include goat's milk in their diet to normalize digestion and prevent gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Goat milk has virtually no harm to the body. Goat's milk should be consumed with caution in case of blood thickening (it increases hemoglobin) and in case of pancreatitis (a disease of the pancreas) - its fat content is 4.4%, and these fats can aggravate the process. The fats contained in milk are completely absorbed in the body, so you should refrain from consuming it if you are overweight.

Some people report intolerance to goat's milk, but this is most often due to the smell or taste of the milk. However, both taste and smell depend on the feed and conditions of keeping and caring for the goat. At good conditions When a goat is kept, its milk does not have any specific smell or taste.

It is most effective to consume fresh milk, but without heat treatment it can only be drunk when you are sure that the goat is healthy and kept in good conditions.

Goat's milk stays fresh room temperature 3 days, and in the refrigerator - up to 7 days.

The benefits of goat's milk, its advantages in comparison with cow's milk, how to choose the right one, whether it needs to be boiled before drinking - video

The benefits of milk for children

Breast milk

Breast milk is the best type of feeding for a newborn baby, because it allows the baby to adapt to life outside the womb.

Modern pediatrics recommends breastfeeding at least until 6 months of age as the only type of food, and from 6 months to one year, breastfeeding is maintained with the introduction of complementary foods in accordance with the child’s age. After a year, you can breastfeed your baby for as long as the baby wants, but breast milk will only supplement good nutrition, appropriate for age. WHO ( World organization Health) recommends breastfeeding your baby for at least 2 years.

Advantages breastfeeding obvious, proven by many years of experience and scientific research:

  • It protects the child from infections, because... breast milk contains antibodies to some pathogens infectious diseases, special protective cells (macrophages, lymphocytes), interferon (protective protein against viruses) and lysozyme (enzyme that destroys bacterial cells). In addition, mother's milk is pure product, free from germs.
  • The acidic reaction of breast milk is favorable for the growth of lactobacilli (beneficial microorganisms) in the baby's intestines.
  • There is less mortality among breastfed infants.
  • Breast milk stimulates the development of all senses in the baby.
  • Breast milk contains fewer trace elements (potassium, sodium, chlorine) compared to milk of animal origin, and this makes it easier to create homeostasis (maintaining a constant environment in the body).
Breastfeeding is prohibited if the mother is HIV-infected, is a carrier of the hepatitis B virus, or is receiving opiates or certain drugs. medications(coordinate with your doctor).

Cow's milk

If we compare cow's milk and mother's milk, the difference in the content of calcium and phosphorus draws attention: calcium in cow's milk is 120 mg, and in women's milk - 25 mg, phosphorus, respectively, 95 mg and 13 mg. This means that with cow’s milk, almost 6 times more calcium and phosphorus than required enter the baby’s intestines. Most calcium is excreted from the body in feces. But much more phosphorus is absorbed from the intestines than the child’s body needs. A child’s kidneys cannot remove “extra” phosphorus without calcium. This means that the baby does not receive calcium from cow's milk, but excretes it. Therefore, no matter how much vitamin D is given to a child fed cow's milk, he will develop rickets.

After a year, the kidneys begin to “ripen”, electrolyte metabolism improves, and cow’s milk ceases to be a dangerous product.

Therefore, if breastfeeding is not possible for any reason, then it is preferable to give the baby formula rather than milk of animal origin.

Cow's milk can be given to a child after 3 years of age, when he still has a sufficient amount of the lactase enzyme in his body to digest it, to break down the milk sugar (lactose) contained in milk. With age, lactase activity decreases, and after 15 years it is practically absent.

In addition, it is to lactose in cow's milk that children often develop allergies.

Goat milk

Goat's milk is closest in composition to mother's milk. The protein and fat molecules in it are smaller than in cow milk, so it is absorbed faster. Proteins are mainly beta-casein (as in breast milk). It contains practically no lactose, so it does not cause allergies in children.

Despite this, if breastfeeding is not possible, it is not recommended to replace it with goat milk due to the high fat content of the milk. Infants do not yet produce lipase (an enzyme that breaks down fats).

Is milk good or bad for men?

Not only children, but also adults love to drink milk. Many men drink it in large quantities, especially those who lead an active lifestyle.

Recently, data have emerged on some aspects of the harmful effects of milk on the body of men.

For example, the higher the fat content of the milk, the more cholesterol it contains, which forms cholesterol plaques in the vessels that impede the blood supply to the organs. Atherosclerosis developed in this way leads to stroke, myocardial infarction and impotence. In this regard, after 40 years of age, it is better for men to consume skim milk.

Many studies confirm the connection between milk consumption and the incidence of prostate and testicular cancer. Some scientists explain this by saying that the milk protein casein and the milk sugar lactose are carcinogenic (the ability to cause cancer). Other scientists link cancer to exposure to hormones in cow's milk. Hormones get into milk, firstly, due to the fact that producers administer hormonal drugs to cows to increase milk yield, and secondly, milk from pregnant cows is used.

These data are confirmed by statistics: in countries where milk consumption has increased, the incidence of cancer increases proportionately.

Adverse effects on male body It’s not just cow’s milk that has this effect. Consumption of large amounts of soy milk causes signs of feminization in men (the appearance of features characteristic of female body). Soy milk helps reduce sperm concentration in men.

Coconut milk has no contraindications for consumption by men, except for intolerance to the coconut itself and intolerance to fructose. Apparently, this is the only thing men should drink. Especially after 40 years.

The benefits and harms of baked milk

Baked (or stewed) milk has been prepared from whole milk for a long time. To do this, milk is first boiled and then long time simmer at a temperature slightly below 100 o C. At the same time, the milk acquires a pleasant aroma, creamy color, and a crispy, tasty crust forms on the surface. After cooling, the milk can be consumed.

You can buy baked milk in the store, or you can make it yourself. You can cook it in the oven, in a slow cooker, and even in a saucepan on the stove.

Baked milk can not only be drunk, but also used in culinary recipes. You can make fermented baked milk based on baked milk. Porridges, soups and jelly cooked with baked milk acquire an unusual pleasant aroma. To get a delicious cocktail, you can mix baked milk with fruit juices.

Baked milk contains all the same substances as whole pasteurized or fresh milk: microelements (calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium and others), proteins, lactose, vitamins (A, B, C, E, D, PP and beta-carotene). Vitamin C, however, is destroyed during heat treatment, and very little of it remains. When simmering in milk, the amount of water decreases significantly, but the content of fat (up to 6%), calcium, iron and vitamin A increases.

Proponents of the beneficial effects of milk on the body recommend consuming baked milk for children, pregnant women, the elderly, people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, intestines, and diabetes. They consider baked milk a source of microelements, proteins and vitamins.

Baked milk is an easily digestible high-calorie product. The calorie content of baked milk is 67-84 kcal per 100 g, it is absorbed better than boiled or steamed milk. It can satisfy hunger. A lower-calorie drink can be obtained if you prepare it from skim milk.

Baked milk is contraindicated only for persons with lactose intolerance and allergy to milk.

Powdered milk - benefits and harms

Powdered milk is obtained by condensing and then drying fresh cow's milk in special apparatus. For use, the powder is diluted in warm water (ratio 1: 3).

Powdered milk is in great demand in winter in those areas where whole fresh milk is supplied in insufficient quantities.

Today, manufacturers prepare whole milk powder, instant milk and skim milk powder.

Whole milk powder contains 26% protein, 25% fat, 37% lactose, 10% minerals, 4% moisture; its calorie content is 549.3 kcal.

Skimmed milk powder contains 36% protein, 1% fat, 52% lactose, 6% minerals, 5% moisture; its calorie content is 373 kcal.

It has been analytically proven that the difference between whole fresh milk and milk prepared from dry powder is insignificant. It contains the same vitamin composition and the same microelements. Powdered milk contains 20 essential amino acids. The amount of cholesterol in dry and fresh milk is approximately the same. 100 g of milk prepared from dry powder covers the daily requirement of vitamin B 12, so it is recommended to use it for anemia (anemia).

Some scientists recommend drinking reconstituted milk (made from powdered milk) in the morning or evening, without eating other foods. You can add honey, sugar, cardamom, fennel to reconstituted milk - this will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It can be used to prepare confectionery and bakery products.

Powdered milk can only cause harm to people with lactase deficiency in the body.

Milk prepared in violation of technological standards for its production will also cause significant harm. Some manufacturers add low-quality vegetable fat rather than milk fat; This disorder can only be detected in the laboratory. Therefore, when purchasing, preference should be given to brands from well-known large manufacturers.

Condensed milk - benefits and harms

This sweet delicacy is probably known to everyone. Condensed milk is prepared from cow's whole fresh milk by heat treatment.

100 g of this high-calorie product contains saturated fatty acids (8.5 g), proteins (7.2 g), carbohydrates (56 g), vitamins important for the body (B 2, B 3, B 6, B 9, PP , B 12, E) and trace elements (phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, etc.).

When preparing condensed milk, a temperature of 60 o C is used, which allows you to preserve the maximum amount of microelements and vitamins contained in whole milk. The beneficial properties of vitamins and microelements are preserved throughout the year. Therefore, condensed milk can replace whole fresh milk and provide the body with the necessary nutrients.

The calorie content of condensed milk is 328 kcal per 100 g of product. Compared to whole milk, condensed milk is not only higher in calories, but also easier to digest.

Therefore, it should be avoided by patients diabetes mellitus and overweight people. By eating 1 can of condensed milk, you can get 1200 calories, but nutritionists advise those who intend to lose weight to gain no more than 1400 calories per day. Therefore, it is recommended to consume only 1-2 tsp. condensed milk per day, using it instead of sugar.

Condensed milk is added to ice cream, cakes, pastries, cookies and candies. It can also be added to coffee and tea.

Proponents of the positive effect of milk on the body recommend consuming 1-2 tablespoons of condensed milk, supposedly to strengthen immune system. In their opinion, the vitamins and minerals contained in milk contribute to a faster recovery of strength after physical and mental stress.

Nowadays, manufacturers often, unfortunately, violate production technology, deviate from GOST, add cheap vegetable oil, dyes, preservatives, sweeteners to condensed milk, or use powdered milk for preparation. Sugar substitutes and a dye (titanium dioxide E 171), which is commonly used in the manufacture of rubber, paper and varnishes, can be used.

Of course, such surrogates can cause significant harm to the body, rather than benefit. The name on the label should only be: “Whole condensed milk with sugar” and contain 34% protein and 8.5% fat. Any deviations in the name and composition indicate that it is a surrogate.

Therefore, when purchasing condensed milk, you need to carefully study the label.

Tea and coffee with milk - healthy or not?

The British have a well-known tradition of drinking tea with milk. Many people in other countries love this tasty and high-calorie drink. There are also people who like to drink coffee only with the addition of milk.

Scientists also have different opinions about the benefits and harms of these delicious drinks for the body.

Some researchers believe that only milk can neutralize the stimulating effect of caffeine contained in tea and coffee on the cardiovascular system. And they emphasize that this is especially important for people who drink tea and coffee in large quantities. This is also important for people with high blood pressure who find it difficult to give up drinking coffee - they can try drinking it with milk. Caffeine helps flush calcium out of the body. This means that less calcium will be washed out when drinking tea (coffee) with milk, which is important for older people.

The advantage of coffee with skim milk (no sugar) can be seen in the fact that it can be consumed when trying to lose weight. After all energy value 50 ml of skim milk will give only 13-16 kcal! The drink will make your diet more enjoyable.

German scientists, on the contrary, argue that tea with milk not only does not benefit the body, but only causes harm. Milk in this drink sharply reduces (by 80%) the amount of antioxidants. And, as you know, antioxidants help remove toxins from the body and prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases. This means that it is milk that turns tea from a healing drink into a harmful one.

Opponents of the German scientists dispute their conclusions, based on the fact that only 16 people participated in the study, i.e. research is not reliable.

However, there are other facts. Animal protein casein, found in milk, high temperature tea decomposes, the drink loses some of its beneficial properties. And if the tea is green, then the milk protein combines with theaflamin and forms a substance that is difficult to digest. The fats contained in milk dissolve faster at the high temperature of tea and are absorbed faster.

The neutralizing effect of milk on caffeine deprives tea (and coffee) of the vasodilating effect on blood vessels. The expected invigorating effect of another cup of tea (coffee) also disappears. In addition, coffee tannin, when combined with milk proteins, forms a substance that has a harmful effect on the liver. Both people with lactase intolerance and people with allergic reaction for milk or coffee.

Scientists continue to study the benefits and harms of these drinks. In the meantime, generally healthy people can afford to use them.

The benefits of milk with honey

Many people, on their own or on the recommendation of a doctor, use honey with milk for colds and coughs (1 tablespoon of honey per glass of warm milk). If a cold is accompanied by a rise in temperature, then they try to use linden honey. Only the milk should be warm, not hot, because... honey loses its healing properties with strong heating and boiling.

It is not recommended to give this drink to children under one and a half years old. And for older children, you can reduce the dose of honey. It is better to drink the prepared drink at night, because it also has a calming and mild hypnotic effect.

The effectiveness of this treatment has been proven by many years of experience. What is the secret of its impact? Honey contains many microelements and helps improve immunity. Proteins are needed to produce antibodies against viruses. And milk proteins are absorbed better than from any other food.

This drink should not be consumed if you are allergic to honey or milk, or for people with lactase deficiency.

The benefits of mare's milk

Mare's milk is widespread in eastern countries as a medicinal dietary product. The popularity of mare's milk is quite high both in Russia and in other countries.

This is a white (with a bluish tint) liquid with a somewhat tart-sweet taste. Mare's milk differs in composition from other types of milk of animal origin: it contains 2 times less lactose and proteins. It contains less fat than cow's milk. But this fat has more low temperature melting and smaller fat molecules, making it easily digestible.

Protein contains 2.2 g, carbohydrates - 5.8 g, fat - 1 g in 100 ml of milk.

But the main and important difference between mare’s milk is that it is rich in linolenic, linoleic, and arachidonic acids. These acids inhibit the development of tuberculosis bacteria.

The composition of this milk is close to women's milk, and it is absorbed even faster than women's milk. Therefore, mare's milk can become a natural substitute for human milk and is used in infant formula.

About forty biologically significant components are contained in the milk of mares. These are vitamins (A, E, C, B 1, B 2), microelements (potassium, zinc, sodium, copper, cobalt, iodine, phosphorus, iron, aluminum, calcium, etc.). The calorie content of this milk is 41 kcal. It improves immunity and tissue respiration.

Mare's milk is a healing drink. It helps slow growth malignant tumors, improves tissue regeneration and blood circulation, increases male potency, prevents colds, increases hemoglobin. It improves immunity and tissue respiration, and even slows down the aging of the body.

The results of the product's effects on respiratory diseases are unique. This miracle drink is indicated for tuberculosis, pleurisy (in remission), chronic pneumonia and bronchitis.

The benefit of mare's milk is that an even more valuable medicinal and dietary product, kumiss, is obtained from it through fermentation.

Contraindications for drinking mare's milk are increased acidity of gastric contents and allergies. Many people cannot drink mares’ milk simply because of the specific smell, but this does not cause harm to the body.

The benefits and harms of soy milk

There are many useful natural substitutes for cow's milk. Among existing species Plant milk is closest to cow's milk in terms of taste, soy milk. It contains 0.8 g of protein, 7 g of carbohydrates and 0.3 g of fat; its calorie content is only 34 kcal.

This milk is obtained from soybeans. It has a sweetish, quite pleasant taste and a slight specific smell. You can use it to make tofu cheese, cottage cheese and kefir.

Soy milk contains valuable proteins and amino acids, minerals and vitamins, and a large amount of plant fiber. The content of vitamin E in soy milk is close to the daily requirement for humans, and this vitamin is associated with the body’s anti-cancer protection. Therefore, people who include soy milk in their diet are less likely to suffer from cancer. The content of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 is slightly lower - they improve the function of the nervous system. Soy milk is completely lactose-free, so it is used in infant formula for babies with an allergic reaction to milk of animal origin. Soy milk contains calcium in small quantities, so manufacturers additionally fortify the milk with calcium.

The low calorie content of soy milk allows us to recommend its use for obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension and coronary disease. The easy digestibility of this product makes it possible to use it as a dietary food for peptic ulcers and chronic cholecystitis.

Soy milk is popular and in demand in East Asia, North and South America, in southern European countries and in some African countries. In Japan and China it is preferred over cow's milk.

And yet, some scientists point to negative qualities this product. Phytic acid contained in soy milk in significant quantities helps magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron interact with each other. And this interferes with the absorption of these minerals.

Soy milk contains phytoestrogens - a plant analogue of female sex hormones. Therefore, drinking soy milk may help menopausal women alleviate menopausal symptoms. However, it is not recommended to consume soy milk for persons with an increased risk of developing hormone-dependent tumors (estrogen dependent). These individuals include people with a family history of prostate cancer and uterine cancer.

Some scientists associate with excessive consumption soy milk suppression (especially in children) of the endocrine system and development of the disease thyroid gland.

Despite the fact that soy milk is a very healthy product, its effect on the human body still requires study. Serious debate among scientists about its effect on the body has been going on for many years.

Soy milk: composition, benefits, advantages - video

Benefits of coconut milk

Coconut milk is a white, sweet liquid. It is artificially made from the flesh of the coconut, as opposed to coconut water and coconut juice, which are formed naturally in the cavity of the fruit.

Depending on the manufacturing technology (first or second pressing), it can be very thick or liquid, like white water.

In Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia and the Philippine Islands, dishes made with coconut milk are popular. Europeans also love it; in France it is called Asian cream due to the large amount of fat in the thick milk.

Thick coconut milk is used in the preparation of sauces for meat and fish dishes, desserts and sweets. Liquid – for fruit and non-alcoholic cocktails, soups, added to salads and main courses.

Coconut milk has a rich, delicate taste. It contains vegetable fats and oils - 14.9 g, carbohydrates - 2.7 g, proteins - 1.8 g. Milk contains vitamins B, A, E, ascorbic acid, manganese, copper and iron.

Despite the fat and calorie content of coconut milk (150-200 kcal per 100 g), its fatty acids and oils are well absorbed and do not contribute to weight gain. That is why nutritionists recommend it to obese patients. The drink causes quick saturation; one glass of milk is enough to provide the body with nutrients. And its pleasant taste makes it easy to include coconut milk in the diet of any patient.

Coconut milk is recommended to be consumed for vitamin deficiency and chronic fatigue, to improve immunity, for nervous disorders and depression. It improves memory and concentration. Lauric acid contained in milk has an antiviral effect.

Coconut milk, when consumed regularly, reduces the development of cardiovascular diseases; it does not contain cholesterol.

Enzymes and plant fiber from coconut milk improve digestion. It is digested better than cow's milk. And its antibacterial effect restores normal intestinal microflora and improves the healing of gastrointestinal ulcers. It is recommended to drink for gastritis and Crohn's disease.

Due to the manganese content in milk, the drink helps normalize blood sugar levels. The presence of antioxidants and magnesium helps reduce inflammatory processes in joints, relieving muscle tension and joint pain.

Coconut milk provides the body with phosphates, so necessary for bones. The calcium content of coconut milk is significantly higher than that of cow, goat or almond milk.

The optimal level of vitamin C in the drink is involved in the prevention of colds, and the high concentration of iron increases hemoglobin.

It is recommended to use the drink for urological problems.

If you are allergic to the animal protein of cow's milk, it can be successfully replaced with coconut milk. It does not cause allergies and can be consumed by children.

Coconut milk is also successfully used in cosmetology: it improves skin tone, moisturizes it, and improves hair condition. Milk also helps with psoriasis, eczema, and stretch marks.

There is currently no known harm from drinking coconut milk. This nutritious drink can undoubtedly have a significant impact positive influence on health status.

Coconut milk can only be harmful to people with fructose or coconut intolerance. Potential Harm lies not even in the milk itself, but in preservatives and stabilizers. For example, guar gum is difficult to digest and toxic to the body, and is often added to milk preservation. Therefore, it is better to purchase natural coconut milk rather than canned milk, although it has a shorter shelf life.


Summarizing all of the above about different types milk of animal and plant origin, we can conclude that milk is a nutritious and important drink for health. However, one cannot ignore its negative impact on the body. Every person has the right to choose, weighing for himself all the pros and cons in relation to this product, beloved by many. Before use, you should consult a specialist.