One leg is thinner than the other, what should I do? Gradually progressive paresis of one leg. Causes of progressive leg paresis. One leg has become thinner than the other. What to do

Different thicknesses of a person's legs are not uncommon. A slight difference in volume between the right and left legs is generally not considered an abnormal finding. Asymmetry noticeable to the naked eye, swelling, and deformation can serve as a signal for concern.

If the difference in the circumference of the lower leg is no more than 2 cm, such a violation of proportions may cause aesthetic discomfort, but it is absolutely natural. The human body is never perfectly symmetrical.

The reasons for the imbalance are varied and unique in each individual case. Let's look at the main, most common ones.

Why is one leg thicker than the other in an adult?

There are several reasons for the different thickness of the lower extremities, including both pathological and those caused by external influences.

External factors

As you age, you may notice that one of your legs becomes thicker than the other. Most often, the so-called “bearing leg” increases in size - that is, the one that bears a significant part of the load. For most people, this role is played by the right.

Sometimes the difference becomes noticeable when the volume of load increases, for example, when playing active sports. In such cases, the “lagging” leg, whose muscles are tensed and worked less, remains visually thinner. A similar effect is observed when sharp decline weight when losing weight, when the weaker limb loses tone first.

In all of these cases, there is a natural asymmetry of the body, uneven distribution of the load and, accordingly, different degrees of development of muscle mass in the two legs. However, thickening of the leg may be due to other factors.

Against the background of a limb injury, changes in volume and shape often occur. As a result of a complex fracture, the movement of lymph may be disrupted, and the leg will begin to swell and swell. Another option is possible - muscle atrophy, due to decreased mobility and decreased loads. This is especially noticeable after removing the plaster, when the limb long time was inactive.

Important! Muscle atrophy in one or both legs can be caused by a number of reasons, including diseases of the endocrine system, hormonal imbalance, chronic diseases, genetic disorders.

This factor may also explain the phenomenon when both . If a clear loss of tone is observed for no apparent reason, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. medical care.

Alarming symptoms preceding visual changes are a feeling of weakness and rapid fatigue of the affected limb. Pain, trembling, sensation of goosebumps crawling under the skin.

A burn can lead to swelling of the leg. Depending on the degree of tissue damage and the cause of the burn, swelling may last a couple of days or longer. Sunburn is quite insidious because it occurs unnoticed.

If you overdo it a little with sunbathing, you can experience quite unpleasant consequences: itching, skin rashes, swelling of soft tissues as a result of accumulation and stagnation of fluid.


Swelling of the legs, or one of the limbs, may indicate a number of internal diseases. The most common problems signaled by this symptom:

  • kidney dysfunction;
  • heart failure;
  • interruptions in work thyroid gland;
  • hypoproteinemia - a condition in which the percentage of protein in the blood plasma is extremely low;
  • lymphedema;
  • varicose veins veins

It is worth dwelling on the last two points in more detail, since they are the ones that often cause pronounced disproportion in the lower extremities.

Lymphedema (lymphostasis)

Otherwise, this phenomenon is called “elephantiasis,” which very eloquently describes appearance legs with this disease. Due to swelling, the muscle relief is smoothed out, the leg swells and becomes similar to the limb of a famous African animal.

The cause of lymphedema is the accumulation of tissue fluid, which is no longer excreted from the body naturally. The swelling does not subside after rest and usual procedures to relieve symptoms; over time it only increases.

There are primary and secondary lymphostasis. A complex, difficult-to-treat disease is considered primary. It is caused by a pathology in the functioning of the lymphatic system, sometimes complete absence some lymph nodes.

Attention! Lymphostasis is a serious pathology. Surgical intervention, which is prescribed to a patient with such a diagnosis, does not always give a 100% result.

Secondary lymphedema is more common. This form of the disease manifests itself when there is a violation of the outflow of lymph associated with autoimmune diseases, infections, traumatic damage to blood vessels and tissues.

Watch a video where the doctor talks about lymphedema.

Sometimes the impetus for the development of elephantiasis can be the appearance of a blocking blood clot in a vessel. People suffering from varicose veins are especially susceptible to this danger.

Timely seeking medical help can save you from many problems, including disability. Don't wait for pain to appear. The disease is much faster and easier to treat at the very beginning, when the area of ​​edema is still soft and pliable.

Varicose veins

This disease has been known since ancient times. According to statistics, every fourth inhabitant of the planet suffers from varicose veins, most of them are women. This is due to the fact that in female body hormonal processes occur quite rapidly, which, together with a lack of connective tissue, lead to the development of varicose veins.

What is this disease? Dilatation of peripheral blood vessels, which leads to weakening of the valves that ensure a stable flow of blood and lymph up the veins back to the heart.

Remember! The slower the blood circulates, the greater the amount of it stagnates in certain areas, stretching the walls of blood vessels.

This leads to a worsening of the condition: spider veins appear under the skin, and the legs swell.

The cause of the development of the disease is most often poor heredity. Factors contributing to the worsening of this condition are:

Varicose veins can develop unevenly, which leads to visual disproportion of the lower extremities.

Reasons for a child

A noticeable difference in the volume of the legs is often observed in children under one year of age. This disproportion disappears over time. Usually, from the moment the baby begins to walk, the difference in girth smooths out and ceases to be noticeable.

In some cases, a violation of proportions can serve as a signal of the presence of serious developmental disorders. If complex symptoms are detected, the baby should be checked for diseases such as hemiparesis, hemihypertrophy, as well as abnormalities spinal cord.

The presence of other obvious deviations from the norm may serve as a basis for a comprehensive examination.

Why is the right leg thicker than the left?

As mentioned above, disproportion in the development of the right and left limbs is caused by natural causes. Such as: uneven distribution of load (especially with increased body weight or active sports), natural predisposition. Mild violation proportions of the right and left halves of the body are inherent in most people and are not a pathology.

What to do if one limb is larger in volume

If a larger volume of one of the lower extremities is not associated with the presence of a disease or other disorders, but is natural feature person, then there is no need to treat him. However, in the case where the imbalance causes significant moral discomfort, there are several useful recommendations to correct this deficiency.

  • Exercise should occur regularly, preferably under the supervision of an experienced instructor.
  • If there is a large deviation from the norm and muscle inflexibility, the load on the “weak” limb should be increased compared to the “leading” one.
  • When swelling, pain, heaviness and other clinical symptoms Consult a doctor to determine the cause of thickening of the leg.

    Useful video

    The doctor explains why unilateral leg swelling develops.


    Visual differences in limb development can be alarming. Sometimes it is justified and becomes a signal of a malfunction in the body. However, you should not panic and worry too much about a physical defect. Ideal proportions are found on our planet only in inanimate nature.

    It all didn’t happen right away, but about 2 months after the bruise went away. First the foot swelled, then everything gradually began to move up the limb. As a result, it turned out that my legs became completely different in thickness. I'm very worried about this. After all, such a nuisance not only takes away the opportunity to wear open clothes, but also makes you think seriously about your health. Sometimes a swollen leg begins to hurt when the weather changes suddenly, causing even more discomfort. Tell me, if one leg is thicker than the other, could the reasons be due to injury or disease? Thank you in advance for your response.

    Hello! If one leg is thicker than the other, there may be various reasons. But popularly, all people call this phenomenon elephantiasis. Medical name- lymphedema. This disease does not occur very often, and it can be difficult to get rid of it if you do not seek help in time. Why does it occur and what to do about it?

    Lymphedema occurs when a large amount of tissue fluid accumulates under the skin and is not removed from the body. As a result, swelling develops, which only becomes larger over time.

    There are two types of lymphedema depending on the causes of the disease: primary and secondary lymphedema. Primary elephantiasis is considered the most dangerous and complex disease, which is extremely difficult to treat. This is due to the fact that some The lymph nodes are completely absent or the lymphatic system does not work properly. Elephantiasis that occurs for this reason is most often treated with surgery, but even then not completely.

    The secondary form of the disease is much more common and develops due to a disturbance in the flow of lymph, which often occurs against the background of certain infectious and oncological diseases, as well as as a result of injuries received. As for oncology, often after cutting out a tumor located in close proximity to the limb, fluid begins to accumulate.

    Lymphedema also often develops after a small blood clot forms in a vessel (usually a vein). The risk of developing this disease is increased in people suffering from varicose veins. But if appropriate measures are taken in time, this form of lymphedema can be completely cured.

    It is better to immediately go to the hospital when you notice the first signs of this disease, especially if the child has swelling. There, depending on the specific cause, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. After all, pressing on a limb does not always cause pain, which in most cases forces you to consult a doctor. Reversible edema - when the tissue is still soft, and when pressed, depressions form - is much faster and easier to treat than irreversible lymphedema, when the tissue has already begun to harden. Then complex, painful treatment is often prescribed, which does not always give the desired result.

    One leg is thicker than the other: causes of the disease

    The human body is asymmetrical and it often happens that one leg is thicker than the other; the reasons why this phenomenon is observed are very diverse. If this is not a disease and the difference in the volume of the legs reaches no more than 2 cm, then you should not worry about this. In addition, in right-handed people, the biceps of the right limbs are traditionally more developed. In other cases, the situation requires careful professional investigation and diagnostic research.

    Reasons why one leg is thicker than the other

    1. Increased load on one of the limbs due to injury or professional activity.

    2. Numerous genetic and other diseases, which include:

    • uneven development of the hemispheres of the head;
    • spinal cord abnormality;
    • kidney and heart diseases;
    • Raasel-Silver syndrome;
    • hemiparesis;
    • Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome, characterized by the presence of vascular changes;
    • hemihypertrophy.

    3. Stagnation in the lymphatic vessels, causing primary lymphedema. Doctors distinguish between a birth defect observed in 25% of cases, in which girls most often suffer from the disease, but their condition may improve over the years. The anomaly, called Milroy's disease, is hereditary and accounts for 2% of the total number of developmental pathologies of the lower extremities. The most common form of the disease is Praecox lymphedema (65%), which primarily affects the left leg and manifests as swelling and shrinkage of the lymphatic vessels. If only the right limb suffers, then the disease soon spreads to the left side. Women get sick 4 times more often than men. Praecox lymphedema occurs before age 35. The third form of anomaly, which appears after 35 years, is Tarde's lymphedema (Meige), characterized by the proliferation of lymphatic vessels and the appearance of edema.

    Elephantiasis is considered a relatively rare disease, which can be caused by repeated erysipelas. The first symptoms appear in the form of swelling of the feet, ankles and different volumes of the limbs. If treatment is delayed, growth of coarse fibrous connective tissue is observed.

    In case of lymph stagnation, stagnation can be eliminated only by getting rid of toxins, giving up tobacco, alcohol, chemicals and movement. Only combinations of an active lifestyle with proper food can relieve blockage of lymphatic vessels.

    Lymphedema of the lower extremities: treatment and photo of the disease

    Surely you have sometimes noticed people whose one upper or lower limb is much thicker (more voluminous) than the other. This disease is called “elephantiasis” or lymphedema. It is the accumulation of tissue fluid as a result of various reasons, which leads to swelling of the affected area. Most often it occurs on the legs and arms. There are the following types:

    • Primary. A rather rare species, associated with heredity (improper development of the lymphatic system or the absence of some lymphatic vessels). It is difficult to treat with medicinal, folk and surgical remedies.
    • Secondary. The most common option. The cause of the secondary form is any pathology that leads to disruption of lymph flow (cancer, varicose vein infections). Quite often it occurs with varicose veins complicated by thrombosis (this is when a clot forms in the lumen of the vein). This form of edema is easier to treat than the primary one.

    Secondary lymphedema of the right leg


    Lymphedema of the lower extremities is classified into the following degrees:

    • Mild (reversible) swelling.
    • The leg increases in volume in the evening, in the morning the swelling decreases somewhat. Many patients at this stage intensively use traditional methods to fight the disease, bandage the leg with elastic fabric. By turning to a doctor for help at this stage, there is a chance, with the help of tight bandaging and medications (venotonics), to stop the progression of the disease and get rid of swelling completely.
    • Spontaneous irreversible swelling is directly lymphedema.
    • As a result of the proliferation of connective tissue, the skin becomes hard. If you press on the area of ​​swelling, a dent remains. Due to the strong tension of the skin, pain may occur. But painful sensations not so significant as to force the patient to see a doctor. At this stage, you cannot do without the help of a vascular surgeon. If a patient with this degree of illness strictly adheres to the treatment regimen, then recovery is possible.
    • Irreversible swelling. Tissue damage occurs to such a degree that the leg loses its shape and increases significantly in size. This condition is called “elephantiasis” - lymphedema has reached an extreme degree. A person cannot fully move, since the lower limb has become significantly heavier, the tissues have become very stretched, and the joints are not able to function fully.

    Stage 3 lymphedema

    Consequences of breast cancer

    Lymphedema of the upper limb develops most often after a mastectomy (surgical removal of the breast). It goes through the same stages of development as when the lower limb is affected. This operation is performed in connection with breast cancer. The fact is that during the operation, regional lymph nodes are removed, the integrity of the lymphatic vessels is violated. If after a mastectomy there is not enough rehabilitation, then the swelling of the arm can reach significant proportions. In addition, the hand may become red and sore. Then you should immediately seek advice from a doctor, as these signs may indicate the presence of a complication after a mastectomy in the form of inflammation. The doctor will select the most optimal treatment option for you.

    So, you should contact your doctor for medical help if you have the following symptoms of lymphedema after a mastectomy:

    • The hand is swollen in any part of it (fingers, hands, shoulder),
    • If a feeling of fullness, heaviness, or “filling” appears in the upper limb,
    • The skin became thick and taut,
    • The arm began to bend worse at the elbow joint and wrist area,
    • It has become more difficult to get dressed, fasten buttons and zippers on clothes,
    • Watches, rings, bracelets began to fit more tightly than before.

    Symptoms of lymphedema in the left leg

    Ways to fight

    To overcome the disease, you need to consult a doctor when the first signs appear, when lymphedema is easier to treat. The patient is recommended:

    • Diet. Food should be unsalted and low in calories. You should also reduce your carbohydrate intake. Preference should be given to vegetables and fruits.
    • Carefully monitor the skin of the affected area. It is necessary to prevent any damage that could become an entry point for infection. Therefore, it is necessary to treat scratches, abrasions, and hangnails in a timely manner.
    • Injections, blood sampling, burns, and excessive sun exposure should be avoided on the affected area.
    • Elevate your arm or leg while sleeping. You need to wear compression stockings.
    • If the patient has lymphedema in the foot area, then you should not walk barefoot. If the facial area is affected, you should shave with safe instruments. And after a mastectomy, the purse should be worn on the healthy side.
    • You should regularly massage your limbs, do therapeutic exercises, and visit the pool once a week.

    Manual lymphatic drainage massage

    During the course of treatment, several methods are used. One of these means is manual lymphatic drainage, that is, massage. With this method, lymph flows out from the upper and lower limbs. Therapeutic exercise is a set of special exercises, which is performed in special compression garments or bandages (for varicose veins of the lower and upper limbs). Pneumomassage is also used - with the help of air, lymph flows through the lymphatic vessels.

    Lymphedema can be treated with medications. They are prescribed at the discretion of the doctor. For example, with varicose veins, antiplatelet agents and venotonic drugs are needed, with infectious inflammation– antibiotics. One of the means of struggle is surgery, which is used after failure of conservative therapy. Diseased vessels and excess tissue are surgically removed. It is used when limb movements become difficult.

    Unfortunately, some patients turn to doctors at a significant stage of the disease after self-use folk remedies treatment, missing the moment when the process is still reversible. Traditional methods suggest using all kinds of compresses, lotions, wraps made from potatoes, kefir, pine resin, lavender oil, beets, St. John's wort, etc. Remember that if you don't consult a doctor in time, but use traditional methods, you miss the time when it is much easier to stop the progression of the disease more difficult.

    Why can one leg be thicker than the other?

    When one leg is thicker than the other, this pathological process is called lymphedema or elephantiasis. But it should be taken into account that human body not symmetrical and if one limb is approximately 2 cm thicker than the other, then this is not considered a deviation from the norm. This feature may be explained by muscle development. For example, right-handers will have a thicker right leg.

    Causes of elephantiasis

    There is an acquired and congenital form of the pathology. In case of violation lymphatic drainage from the tissues the muscles are impregnated with proteins. This causes fibrotic changes in subcutaneous tissue. The congenital form of the pathological process can be inherited and is more often diagnosed in females. But if a child is born with this anomaly, its symptoms may not appear immediately. With congenital form 1, the leg may become thicker than the other after a certain period of time, provided that there are no other predisposing factors to this disease.

    The acquired form of elephantiasis can develop under the influence of many factors. The cause of the disease can be:

    • infection with Bancroft's filaria larvae;
    • removal of lymph nodes;
    • radioactive exposure;
    • limb injury;
    • erysipelas;
    • lymphadenitis;
    • burns;
    • tumors.

    A phlebologist or vascular surgeon can make an accurate diagnosis for the patient, as well as prescribe an ultrasound examination of the extremities.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Elephantiasis is not a fatal disease, but its presence can cause disability. Therefore, if the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is recommended to immediately seek help from a specialist.

    The first sign of the development of the disease is slight swelling of the legs. It is localized in the area of ​​the back of the foot. The pathological process intensifies in the evening, and in the morning, after a night's rest, the swelling subsides and the process repeats again.

    If this symptom is ignored, then soon the limb will not return to its usual size after a long rest. The swelling will not only not disappear, it will become more extensive and spread to the upper part of the lower leg, and then to the thigh. In addition to increasing in volume, the tissues become denser.

    With severe swelling, the leg takes on a cylindrical shape. The thick cylinder on which folds are formed resembles elephant skin in appearance. It is for this reason that the pathological process received its name.

    If no measures are taken, the patient's condition worsens. The epidermis of the limb begins to turn red and an inflammatory process develops. The patient is constantly accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the legs, which leads to rapid fatigue. After some time, pain develops. Chronic dermatitis occurs on the skin of the leg, cracks and trophic ulcers form. Some patients additionally experience the appearance of warts.

    Methods for solving the problem

    The earlier the diagnosis is made, the greater the chance for a speedy recovery. A characteristic sign of lymphedema is compliance when pressure is applied to the soft fabrics affected limb.

    You should not expect that the pathological process will stop. Without proper treatment, the thickness of the leg will only increase. After a row diagnostic procedures which are aimed at assessing the patient’s health status and identifying the main provocateur of the disease, treatment will be prescribed. The therapeutic course is also selected taking into account the degree of elephantiasis of the leg.

    In the early stages, when the patient has only slight swelling, the patient is advised to wear compression stockings and wrap the leg. Additionally, various types of massages and physical therapy are prescribed. In the treatment of this pathology, electrophoresis, vacuum massage and ointments such as Troxevasin and Venoruton have proven themselves well.

    Treatment of elephantiasis in the stable, deforming or fibrous stage is usually carried out surgically.

    In order to improve the outflow of lymph, a partial excision of the pathogenic area is initially carried out, and then drainage measures are carried out. In advanced forms of the disease, a decision may be made to remove connective tissue, skin and fascia. This method Treatment is quite complex and requires a long hospital stay.

    Except drug therapy The patient must follow a certain diet during treatment. If you have elephantiasis, all foods consumed should be low-calorie and not salty. Preference is given to fruits and vegetables.

    To avoid additional complications, it is recommended to carefully monitor the condition of the skin. Carry out regular hygiene procedures and keep your feet clean. Any injury to a limb can lead to serious complications.

    Another important point in the process of treating elephantiasis of the leg - providing good rest limbs. In addition, you should avoid tight clothing and shoes.





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    One leg is thicker than the other

    In principle, there is no excess weight, there are only places that I don’t like and I would make them thinner.

    As a result, I began to notice that when I put on jeans in the places above the knees and above, they became narrower for me, and especially on my right leg, the difference was felt quite strongly (and it was these places that I wanted to remove).

    How is that? And how to fix it now.

    I don’t eat after 6, and in general I don’t eat much.

    Go for a modeling massage, they will help you correct the problem.

    And of course, during classes, monitor the loads, do not mess around on both legs.

    I noticed that there was also a problem in the back of the thigh, just like a strip of fat on top.

    If you look while standing, this unfortunate tubercle is even quite clearly visible on the right thigh.

    In general, I hoped that these jeans would make me looser, but they became narrower

    Which doctor should I check with?

    We need to keep an eye on this. I know what I'm talking about. I suffer from this myself (my legs are also a little different) And with age, scoliosis can get very worse. After pregnancy I was completely irritated - rib changes and all that (but before everything was “normal” too)

    When I worked out with a trainer, he gave me loads (on my legs) taking into account my curvature

    True, there was a break in March, but throughout April I went every day and sometimes had two training sessions.


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    Why is one leg thicker than the other: external factors and diseases

    Different thicknesses of a person's legs are not uncommon. A slight difference in volume between the right and left legs is generally not considered an abnormal finding. Asymmetry noticeable to the naked eye, swelling, and deformation can serve as a signal for concern.

    If the difference in the circumference of the lower leg is no more than 2 cm, such a violation of proportions may cause aesthetic discomfort, but it is absolutely natural. The human body is never perfectly symmetrical.

    The reasons for the imbalance are varied and unique in each individual case. Let's look at the main, most common ones.

    Why is one leg thicker than the other in an adult?

    There are several reasons for the different thickness of the lower extremities, including both pathological and those caused by external influences.

    External factors

    As you age, you may notice that one of your legs becomes thicker than the other. Most often, the so-called “bearing leg” increases in size - that is, the one that bears a significant part of the load. For most people, this role is played by the right.

    Sometimes the difference becomes noticeable when the volume of load increases, for example, when playing active sports. In such cases, the “lagging” leg, whose muscles are tensed and worked less, remains visually thinner. A similar effect is observed with a sharp decrease in weight during weight loss, when the weaker limb loses tone first.

    In all of these cases, there is a natural asymmetry of the body, uneven distribution of the load and, accordingly, different degrees of development of muscle mass in the two legs. However, thickening of the leg may be due to other factors.

    Against the background of a limb injury, changes in volume and shape often occur. As a result of a complex fracture, the movement of lymph may be disrupted, and the leg will begin to swell and swell. Another option is possible - muscle atrophy, due to decreased mobility and decreased loads. This is especially noticeable after the removal of the cast, when the limb has been inactive for a long time.

    Important! Muscle atrophy in one or both legs can be caused by a number of reasons, including diseases of the endocrine system, hormonal imbalance, chronic diseases, and genetic disorders.

    This factor may also explain the phenomenon when both legs have lost a lot of weight. If a clear loss of tone is observed for no apparent reason, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

    Alarming symptoms preceding visual changes are a feeling of weakness and rapid fatigue of the affected limb. Pain, trembling, sensation of goosebumps crawling under the skin.

    Attention! Let me remind you that if you have any problem, you can seek advice from our specialists.

    A burn can lead to swelling of the leg. Depending on the degree of tissue damage and the cause of the burn, swelling may last a couple of days or longer. Sunburn is quite insidious because it occurs unnoticed.

    If you overdo it a little with sunbathing, you can experience quite unpleasant consequences: itching, skin rashes, swelling of soft tissues as a result of accumulation and stagnation of fluid.


    Swelling of the legs, or one of the limbs, may indicate a number of internal diseases. The most common problems signaled by this symptom:

    • kidney dysfunction;
    • heart failure;
    • interruptions in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
    • hypoproteinemia - a condition in which the percentage of protein in the blood plasma is extremely low;
    • lymphedema;
    • phlebeurysm.

    It is worth dwelling on the last two points in more detail, since they are the ones that often cause pronounced disproportion in the lower extremities.

    Lymphedema (lymphostasis)

    Otherwise, this phenomenon is called “elephantiasis,” which very eloquently describes the appearance of the leg with this disease. Due to swelling, the muscle relief is smoothed out, the leg swells and becomes similar to the limb of a famous African animal.

    The cause of lymphedema is the accumulation of tissue fluid, which is no longer excreted from the body naturally. The swelling does not subside after rest and usual procedures to relieve symptoms; over time it only increases.

    There are primary and secondary lymphostasis. A complex, difficult-to-treat disease is considered primary. It is caused by pathology in the functioning of the lymphatic system, sometimes by the complete absence of some lymph nodes.

    Attention! Lymphostasis is a serious pathology. Surgical intervention, which is prescribed for a patient with such a diagnosis, does not always give a 100% result.

    Secondary lymphedema is more common. This form of the disease manifests itself when there is a violation of the outflow of lymph associated with autoimmune diseases, infections, and traumatic damage to blood vessels and tissues.

    Watch a video where the doctor talks about lymphedema.

    Sometimes the impetus for the development of elephantiasis can be the appearance of a blocking blood clot in a vessel. People suffering from varicose veins are especially susceptible to this danger.

    Timely seeking medical help can save you from many problems, including disability. Don't wait for pain to appear. The disease is much faster and easier to treat at the very beginning, when the area of ​​edema is still soft and pliable.

    Varicose veins

    This disease has been known since ancient times. According to statistics, every fourth inhabitant of the planet suffers from varicose veins, most of them are women. This is due to the fact that hormonal processes occur quite rapidly in the female body, which, together with a lack of connective tissue, lead to the development of varicose veins.

    What is this disease? Dilatation of peripheral blood vessels, which leads to weakening of the valves that ensure a stable flow of blood and lymph up the veins back to the heart.

    Remember! The slower the blood circulates, the greater the amount of it stagnates in certain areas, stretching the walls of blood vessels.

    This leads to a worsening of the condition: spider veins appear under the skin, and the legs swell.

    The cause of the development of the disease is most often poor heredity. Factors contributing to the worsening of this condition are:

    • sedentary lifestyle,
    • disproportionately high physical activity,
    • wearing uncomfortable shoes.

    Varicose veins can develop unevenly, which leads to visual disproportion of the lower extremities.

    Reasons for a child

    A noticeable difference in the volume of the legs is often observed in children under one year of age. This disproportion disappears over time. Usually, from the moment the baby begins to walk, the difference in girth smooths out and ceases to be noticeable.

    In some cases, a violation of proportions can serve as a signal of the presence of serious developmental disorders. If complex symptoms are detected, the baby should be checked for diseases such as hemiparesis, hemihypertrophy, and spinal cord abnormalities.

    The presence of other obvious deviations from the norm may serve as a basis for a comprehensive examination.

    Why is the right leg thicker than the left?

    As mentioned above, disproportion in the development of the right and left limbs is caused by natural causes. Such as: uneven distribution of load (especially with increased body weight or active sports), natural predisposition. A slight imbalance in the proportions of the right and left halves of the body is typical for most people and is not a pathology.

    What to do if one limb is larger in volume

    If the larger volume of one of the lower extremities is not associated with the presence of a disease or other disorders, but is a natural feature of a person, then it is not required to be treated. However, in cases where the disproportion causes significant moral discomfort, there are several useful recommendations for correcting this deficiency.

  • Exercise should occur regularly, preferably under the supervision of an experienced instructor.
  • If there is a large deviation from the norm and muscle inflexibility, the load on the “weak” limb should be increased compared to the “leading” one.
  • If swelling, pain, heaviness and other clinical symptoms appear, consult a doctor to determine the cause of thickening of the leg.

    Useful video

    The doctor explains why unilateral leg swelling develops.


    Visual differences in limb development can be alarming. Sometimes it is justified and becomes a signal of a malfunction in the body. However, you should not panic and worry too much about a physical defect. Ideal proportions are found on our planet only in inanimate nature.

    “Short leg” syndrome is one of the pathologies of child development that is important to diagnose and begin to correct as early as possible. Delayed diagnosis and lack of treatment for this defect can lead to lameness, irreversible changes in the joints or curvature of the spine.

    Causes of leg asymmetry in children and adolescents

    We can talk about pathological asymmetry of the lower extremities if a child has one leg shorter than the other by 0.5 cm or more. The shortening of one leg in relation to the other is usually divided into true and false. True shortening of one leg compared to the other is called when the different lengths of the legs are due to different lengths of the bones. Typically, this pathology develops in the fetus in the womb and is clearly visible during an ultrasound.

    False or dislocation shortening occurs because the relationship between the segments of the lower extremities is disrupted, as a result of which one leg of the child becomes shorter than the other. Most often, false shortening of one of the lower limbs occurs in young children due to hip dysplasia. Dysplasia is a dislocation of the hip joint in a newborn of varying severity. If the femoral head partially protrudes from the acetabulum, doctors call this condition a subluxation. If the head of the femur comes out of the socket completely, and fatty and connective tissues begin to grow in the socket itself, we are talking about a dislocation of the hip joint. Pathology can be recognized and an accurate diagnosis can only be made on the basis of an x-ray.

    Another reason for false asymmetry in a baby, when one leg becomes shorter than the other, may be muscle hypertonicity, that is, excessive tension. Moreover, if a child has one leg shorter than the other due to hypertonicity, then the muscle strain is asymmetrical. This condition may not be associated with the natural tone of the newborn, but with disturbances in nervous regulation or disturbances in the functioning of the brain. Therefore, a child with asymmetrical lower limbs due to hypertonicity definitely needs a consultation with a neurologist.

    In adolescent children, asymmetry of the lower extremities may appear after an improperly healed fracture, as a symptom of the development of bone tumors or the bone form of tuberculosis.

    Diagnosis of leg asymmetry in children

    Doctors can diagnose leg asymmetry during fetal development. In this case, immediately after the birth of the baby, doctors will begin to clarify the diagnosis, after which the baby will be prescribed treatment.

    If in the first months of life, during routine examinations, the orthopedist notices any deviations in the baby’s development, he will observe him and prescribe preventive treatment. If dysplasia is suspected hip joints at the age of three months, the baby will be prescribed an x-ray examination, which, in combination with the results of an ultrasound, will give a definite answer about the presence or absence of this pathology in the baby. If the diagnosis of dysplasia is confirmed, the doctor will select a treatment regimen for the child depending on the severity of the pathology.

    The mother can do simple tests for the presence of asymmetry in the baby’s legs on her own. To do this, you need to lay the baby on the changing table on his tummy and examine the femoral and inguinal folds - they should be symmetrical and of the same depth. Then you need to turn the child onto his back and again evaluate the depth and symmetry of the skin folds, and also make sure that the baby has no restrictions when abducting the hips, and the abduction process is not accompanied by a click or push. Asymmetrical skin folds of different depths and resistance or clicking when hips are abducted may indicate the presence of hip dysplasia.

    Another test for the presence of dysplasia is to bend the child’s legs at the knees while lying on the back. If, when the baby bends, one knee is lower than the other, the presence of dysplasia can be assumed with a high degree of probability.

    The next test is for the presence of muscle hypertonicity. For this test, you need to lay the baby on his back and give him the opportunity to grab onto the adult’s fingers. If the baby, grasping the hands of an adult, begins to actively, symmetrically and fully move his legs and try to pull himself up on his arms, then everything is in order. If, while moving, the baby’s legs constantly cross, we can assume the presence of hypertonicity. The presence of hypertonicity can also be indicated by frequent crying, trembling of the chin, excessive regurgitation, stiffness of movements when awake and constantly tucked arms and legs during sleep. The presence of such symptoms must be reported to the pediatrician, who will send the baby for a consultation with a neurologist.

    Doctors carefully monitor the condition of the lower extremities after fractures in children and adolescents, and during treatment of a fracture, X-ray examinations can be ordered repeatedly to monitor the correct fusion of bones.

    If the reason different lengths lower extremities becomes a tumor, then even before the tumor leads to asymmetry of the legs, you can notice other alarming symptoms: fatigue, pain when walking, thickening of one of the lower extremities. These complaints should be a mandatory reason to consult a doctor.

    Mass vaccination of children against tuberculosis has reduced the incidence of this disease infectious disease among children and adolescents to a minimum, however, infection of children with weakened immune systems with tuberculosis is still possible in case of close contact with a patient. The first signs of the development of bone tuberculosis in children and adolescents are high fatigue, muscle pain, stooping, causeless lameness, and an increase in the volume of the affected limb after physical activity. To accurately diagnose tumors and tuberculosis, it is necessary to take X-rays and MRI.

    Treatment of short leg syndrome in children and adolescents

    Treatment methods for shortening of the lower limb in children and adolescents depend on the cause of the pathology. If a young child has asymmetry of the legs, the cause of which is hip dysplasia, the doctor, first of all, determines the severity of the disease. Subluxations are easier to correct; complete dislocation, especially with the formation of fatty or connective tissue in the acetabulum, will require longer treatment, or even surgical intervention.

    An accurate diagnosis of hip dysplasia can be made only after the child is three months old (when an x-ray can be done), so orthopedists who suspect the presence of this pathology in a baby recommend using only wide swaddling until the age of three months, and while changing clothes, do an exercise to spread the legs to the sides. If the diagnosis is confirmed after an x-ray, the orthopedist will prescribe a treatment regimen.

    Conservative treatment of hip dysplasia consists of long-term use of orthopedic devices that force the child to keep his legs wide apart: Becker pants, orthopedic stirrups or splints. Then massage, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises are added to the treatment regimen. Surgical intervention is indicated for children older than one year with severe dysplasia that is not amenable to conservative treatment.

    In case of true shortening of one of the legs, the treatment tactics are chosen by the orthopedic surgeon depending on the cause and course of the disease. Both surgical intervention and conservative methods may be recommended, such as traction of a shortened limb with the help of special devices, the use of physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises and massage. The patient is also provided with special shoes.

    In adolescents and adults who have gone through major growth spurts, one leg is up to 1.5 cm shorter than the other and usually does not require correction. If the asymmetry of the legs is high, lengthen short leg possible through surgery. Per day bone grows by about 1 mm. Treatment is carried out using the Ilizarov apparatus.

    If the baby has false asymmetry of the legs due to muscle hypertonicity, the neurologist will prescribe a treatment regimen that will include a relaxing massage and baths, therapeutic exercises and therapeutic swimming, physiotherapy. In more serious cases, when hypertension is associated with impaired brain function, drug treatment may be prescribed.

    If a shortened leg is the result of tuberculosis, then treatment takes a lot of time and requires placing the child in a specialized hospital. In the active phase of tuberculosis disease, the patient is prescribed antibacterial therapy. Then, depending on the degree of bone damage, the patient either undergoes surgery or uses restorative therapy methods such as massage, physiotherapy and physical therapy.

    As a result, the motor ability of the affected muscle decreases, and with significant degeneration, complete paralysis occurs, the patient loses the ability to move independently.

    Causes of atrophy of the muscles of the legs, thighs and lower legs

    There may be several reasons for the development of muscle atrophy of the lower extremities:

    Decrease in metabolism and aging of the body with age;

    As a result of diseases of the endocrine system and hormonal imbalance in the body;

    Chronic diseases of the digestive tract, connective tissue;

    Poor heredity – congenital enzymopathy or genetic disorders;

    Malnutrition, insufficient nutrition;

    As post-traumatic complications or with constant physical activity.

    Diseases associated with muscle atrophy, as a rule, are rare congenital genetic diseases that begin to manifest themselves in childhood.

    Symptoms of muscle atrophy in the legs, thighs and lower legs

    At the very beginning of the disease, a characteristic symptom is rapid fatigue in the legs, muscle weakness during prolonged physical activity. The calf muscles are noticeably enlarged. Atrophy usually begins in the proximal (closest to the body) muscle groups of the lower extremities. This manifests itself in limited motor function of the legs - it is difficult for the patient to climb stairs and get up from a horizontal position. Over time, the gait changes.

    Muscle atrophy develops slowly and lasts for years. The disease can spread to either one or both sides; the process can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical. All manifestations depend on the causes and form of the disease, age and condition of the patient’s body. Clinical manifestations consist of increasing weakness in the lower extremities, trembling appears. Patients experience discomfort, a feeling of goosebumps crawling under the skin.

    The most characteristic feature developing muscle atrophy is a decrease in the volume of the affected muscle, which is noticed even by the patient himself early stage diseases. It becomes increasingly difficult to move without assistance, and it is especially difficult to go up and down stairs. The disease is chronic, with periods of relapse (with severe pain in the affected muscle) and remissions with a slight decrease in symptoms.

    The primary form of muscle atrophy is characterized by damage to the muscle itself and its motor neurons, caused by unfavorable heredity or a number of other reasons - injuries, bruises, physical overexertion. The patient gets tired very quickly, the muscles lose tone, and involuntary twitching of the limbs is characteristic.

    Secondary damage to the muscle tissue of the lower extremities is called neural amyotrophy, most often a consequence of injuries or previous infectious diseases, as a consequence of genetic pathology. In this case, the muscles of the legs and feet suffer and become deformed. The foot seems to be hanging, and in order not to cling to the floor with it, the person begins to raise his knees high when walking. As the process progresses and spreads, muscle atrophy from the legs moves to the hands and forearms.

    Sex-linked myotonia, accompanied by atrophy of the leg muscles

    Pseudohypertrophic form of Duchenne is one of the most common forms of sex-linked myopathy. The disease occurs only in boys. Early symptoms pathologies appear in the first five years of a child’s life. TO characteristic symptoms This includes atrophy of the leg muscles and pelvic girdle muscles. Pseudohypertrophy develops early, especially in the calf muscles, and the deltoid muscles are less commonly affected. Terminal muscle atrophy, tendon retractions, mainly Achilles, also appear, reflexes disappear, this is most noticeable when checking the knee reflexes. The child has difficulty climbing up the stairs, leaning his hands on his hips when walking, cannot jump, and has difficulty getting up from the floor. Weakness gradually develops, the muscles of the shoulder girdle atrophy, and after some time the child cannot get out of bed. Among the late manifestations of the disease, one can note the appearance of contracture, the cause of which is the retraction of the tendons, the formation of a “horse” foot.

    As a rule, children with this congenital genetic disease do not live beyond the age of 14.

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    The pathology is also accompanied by changes in the heart muscle, the brain is affected, and the child lags behind in development. Weakness of the respiratory muscles causes poor ventilation of the lungs, which contributes to the development of pneumonia. The course of pneumonia is complicated by weakness of the heart muscle, which is the most common cause of death in patients. The Duchenne form is characterized by the pleiotropic influence of the pathological gene.

    In the mid-twentieth century, Becker described a benign variant of sex-linked myopathy; this form of the disease bears his name. The first symptoms of pathology appear after 20 years. At the initial stage, pseudohypertrophy of the calf muscles is noticeable. Atrophy of the leg muscles develops slowly, gradually covering the muscles of the pelvic girdle and hips. Intelligence is preserved in this form. These types of the disease are characterized by damage to various genes located in two loci of the sex X chromosome, being genocopies. Two forms of the disease do not occur in one family at once.

    Diagnosis of atrophy of the muscles of the legs, thighs and lower legs

    In order to diagnose muscle atrophy, it is necessary to collect a thorough medical history, including learning about hereditary and chronic diseases. A detailed blood test is prescribed with mandatory determination of ESR, glucose, and liver tests. Electromyography and sometimes a biopsy of nerve cells, as well as a nerve conduction study, are required. If there is a history chronic diseases or previous infectious diseases, additional examination is carried out according to indications.

    Treatment of muscle atrophy in the legs, thighs and lower legs

    When choosing treatment, the main attention is paid to the reasons for which the disease developed. The patient’s age, prevalence and severity of the pathological process are taken into account. Drug treatment, conducted by courses, can stop the process and even lead to some improvements. An important role is played by the appointment of physiotherapeutic treatment, therapeutic massage, electrotherapy, and therapeutic exercises. Blood transfusions are also often used to treat muscle atrophy. Compliance with all recommendations allows patients to lead an almost normal lifestyle for a long time.

    One leg has become thinner than the other. What should I do?

    Hello! CT results from 08/30/2012: On a series of tomograms lumbar region of the spine, a pronounced uneven decrease in the height of the discs along the entire length, smoothness, and straightness of the lumbar londosis are determined. Pronounced degenerative-dystrophic changes are determined intervertebral discs and adjacent vertebral bodies. significant marginal bone growths of the vertebral bodies, with the formation of neo-articular surfaces. pitted end plates L4-L5-S1, with areas of local osteosclerosis. Severe subchondral sclerosis, uneven narrowing of the joint spaces, deformation of the articular surfaces with signs of spondylolysis and marginal bone growths in the intervertebral joints. My complaints: no complaints, only one leg has become thinner in the calf. My age is 67 years old

    It is impossible to determine the true size of an intervertebral hernia using CT, since intervertebral disc not visible with x-rays. take a magnetic resonance imaging scan of the lumbar spine using a machine with a magnetic field strength of at least 1 Tesla. Send the results indicating the date of the study and answer the questions: Do you have similar symptoms: pain in the leg, numbness in the leg, numbness in the foot, does the foot roll when walking, is there an increase or decrease in urination. numbness in the groin area? Please indicate the patient's age.

    Sincerely, specialists from the Stayer Healthy Spine Clinic

    One leg is thicker than the other: causes of the disease

    The human body is asymmetrical and it often happens that one leg is thicker than the other; the reasons why this phenomenon is observed are very diverse. If this is not a disease and the difference in the volume of the legs reaches no more than 2 cm, then you should not worry about this. In addition, in right-handed people, the biceps of the right limbs are traditionally more developed. In other cases, the situation requires careful professional investigation and diagnostic research.

    Reasons why one leg is thicker than the other

    1. Increased load on one of the limbs due to injury or professional activity.

    2. Numerous genetic and other diseases, which include:

    • uneven development of the hemispheres of the head;
    • spinal cord abnormality;
    • kidney and heart diseases;
    • Raasel-Silver syndrome;
    • hemiparesis;
    • Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome, characterized by the presence of vascular changes;
    • hemihypertrophy.

    3. Stagnation in the lymphatic vessels, causing primary lymphedema. Doctors distinguish between a birth defect observed in 25% of cases, in which girls most often suffer from the disease, but their condition may improve over the years. The anomaly, called Milroy's disease, is hereditary and accounts for 2% of the total number of developmental pathologies of the lower extremities. The most common form of the disease is Praecox lymphedema (65%), which primarily affects the left leg and manifests as swelling and shrinkage of the lymphatic vessels. If only the right limb suffers, then the disease soon spreads to the left side. Women get sick 4 times more often than men. Praecox lymphedema occurs before age 35. The third form of anomaly, which appears after 35 years, is Tarde's lymphedema (Meige), characterized by the proliferation of lymphatic vessels and the appearance of edema.

    Factors causing secondary lymphedema are:

    A phlebologist or vascular surgeon can make an accurate diagnosis for the patient, as well as prescribe an ultrasound examination of the extremities.

    In case of lymph stagnation, stagnation can be eliminated only by getting rid of toxins, giving up tobacco, alcohol, chemicals and movement. Only a combination of an active lifestyle with the right food can relieve blockage of lymphatic vessels.

    One leg is thicker than the other. Tell me why and how to treat?

    But it can be treated, don’t worry.

    And our gurus are somehow bloodthirsty today))))

    differed fundamentally. I had to walk in a closed one, but everything was absolutely fine, and I love

    beating husband and children. It happens often, as a professional feature, especially among athletes - those

    Nisists are all asymmetrical; jumpers and pushers always have a thicker push leg. etc. It's worse when

    the leg begins to dry out with age, that is, they were the same, and then one becomes narrower. This is already

    speaks of a severe malnutrition of the limb and not very pleasant prospects.

    Sibmama - about family, pregnancy and children

    Is different leg thickness a neurological problem?

    Messages: 1051 On the site since 01.11.09 From: Novosibirsk, Stanisla vsky railway station How to contact:

    thanks in advance for your opinion

    A number of diseases can lead to such symptoms. For example, hemihypertrophy, Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome (especially important when there are still vascular changes, you talked about the vascular network), Proteus syndrome, Raasel-Silver syndrome, etc. So you just need to come to the appointment with your child.

    Messages: 1506 In diaries: 8 On the site since 12/10/09 From: Novosibirsk, Oktyabrsky district, B. Bogatkova How to contact:

    One leg has become thinner than the other reason

    Gradually progressive leg paresis is observed much more often than acute. The etiological diagnosis is established on the basis of objective neurological symptoms.

    Signs of central monoparesis of the leg: increased tone, revitalized reflexes and pyramidal signs, sometimes sensory disturbances, muscle atrophy does not develop. The following etiological factors underlie this disorder:

    Progressive focal lesion of the cerebral cortex near the central region. Especially often we are talking about a tumor, less often - about focal atrophy. Paresis may be accompanied by a sensitivity disorder.

    Damage to the spinal cord, for example, at the thoracic level, with the formation of Brown-Séquard syndrome (and dissociated sensory disorder in the other leg), possibly associated with compression of the spinal cord by a tumor.

    At multiple sclerosis leading clinical syndrome, from the patient's point of view, there may be leg paresis. However, with a careful history taking, episodes of neurological disorders or signs of central paresis and the other leg are revealed during examination.

    Progressive paresis of one leg with signs of peripheral motor neuron damage.

    Reason of this syndrome Serves as progressive damage to the anterior horns of the spinal cord, roots, pelvic plexus or peripheral nerves of the lower limb. In this case, muscle atrophy always develops, reflexes are weakened or absent, and in most cases (depending on the form of the disease) sensory disturbances are detected.

    Further diagnosis in this group of syndromes is based on:

    The presence or absence of sensory impairment;

    On the localization (distribution) of motor disorders and sensory disorders.

    We should not forget that occasionally, damage to the central motor neuron, especially with foci in the cortex or subcortical processes, can cause contralateral paresis of the foot, including in the absence of pyramidal signs.

    Progressive paresis of the lower limb without any sensory impairment may be a consequence of:

    Focal isolated progressive lesion of the anterior horns. This is possible in spinal muscular atrophy or ALS with asymmetric onset. It is necessary to identify fasciculations and subclinical involvement of other muscles.

    Theoretically, a space-occupying process in the spinal cord (syringomyelia cyst, tumor) limited by the anterior horns is possible, in which, however, other signs of spinal cord damage are often observed, including dissociated sensory disturbances, so a thorough neurological examination is always necessary.

    Progressive damage to the motor branch peripheral nerve on the lower limb causes paresis without loss of sensitivity. In the lower extremities, this is observed only when the terminal branches to individual muscles are affected, for example, to calf muscles in the distal direction from the popliteal fossa. We observed a similar syndrome, in particular, with neurofibroma.

    Myopathy, i.e. primary damage to muscle fibers, never causes isolated paresis of one leg. However, in initial stage polymyositis for a short period of time it can be the leading symptom.

    Lumbar plexus anatomy instructional video

    What are the reasons for one leg becoming thicker than the other?

    Good afternoon I don’t know how to react to the current situation, so I’m writing here. The fact is that after I injured my knee, my leg began to increase in size. It all didn’t happen right away, but about 2 months after the bruise went away. First the foot swelled, then everything gradually began to move up the limb. As a result, it turned out that my legs became completely different in thickness. I'm very worried about this. After all, such a nuisance not only takes away the opportunity to wear open clothes, but also makes you think seriously about your health. Sometimes a swollen leg begins to hurt when the weather changes suddenly, causing even more discomfort. Tell me, if one leg is thicker than the other, could the reasons be due to injury or disease? Thank you in advance for your response.

    Hello! If one leg is thicker than the other, there may be various reasons. But popularly, all people call this phenomenon elephantiasis. The medical name is lymphedema. This disease does not occur very often, and it can be difficult to get rid of it if you do not seek help in time. Why does it occur and what to do about it?

    Lymphedema occurs when a large amount of tissue fluid accumulates under the skin and is not removed from the body. As a result, swelling develops, which only becomes larger over time.

    There are two types of lymphedema depending on the causes of the disease: primary and secondary lymphedema. Primary elephantiasis is considered the most dangerous and complex disease, which is extremely difficult to treat. It is due to the fact that some lymph nodes are completely absent or the lymphatic system does not work correctly. Elephantiasis that occurs for this reason is most often treated with surgery, but even then not completely.

    The secondary form of the disease is much more common and develops due to a disruption in the flow of lymph, which often occurs against the background of certain infectious and oncological diseases, as well as as a result of injuries. As for oncology, often after cutting out a tumor located in close proximity to the limb, fluid begins to accumulate.

    Lymphedema also often develops after a small blood clot forms in a vessel (usually a vein). The risk of developing this disease is increased in people suffering from varicose veins. But if appropriate measures are taken in time, this form of lymphedema can be completely cured.

    It is better to immediately go to the hospital when you notice the first signs of this disease, especially if the child has swelling. There, depending on the specific cause, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. After all, pressing on a limb does not always cause pain, which in most cases forces you to consult a doctor. Reversible edema - when the tissue is still soft, and when pressed, depressions form - is much faster and easier to treat than irreversible lymphedema, when the tissue has already begun to harden. Then complex, painful treatment is often prescribed, which does not always give the desired result.

    Why is one leg thicker than the other: external factors and diseases

    Different thicknesses of a person's legs are not uncommon. A slight difference in volume between the right and left legs is generally not considered an abnormal finding. Asymmetry noticeable to the naked eye, swelling, and deformation can serve as a signal for concern.

    If the difference in the circumference of the lower leg is no more than 2 cm, such a violation of proportions may cause aesthetic discomfort, but it is absolutely natural. The human body is never perfectly symmetrical.

    The reasons for the imbalance are varied and unique in each individual case. Let's look at the main, most common ones.

    Why is one leg thicker than the other in an adult?

    There are several reasons for the different thickness of the lower extremities, including both pathological and those caused by external influences.

    External factors

    As you age, you may notice that one of your legs becomes thicker than the other. Most often, the so-called “bearing leg” increases in size - that is, the one that bears a significant part of the load. For most people, this role is played by the right.

    Sometimes the difference becomes noticeable when the volume of load increases, for example, when playing active sports. In such cases, the “lagging” leg, whose muscles are tensed and worked less, remains visually thinner. A similar effect is observed with a sharp decrease in weight during weight loss, when the weaker limb loses tone first.

    In all of these cases, there is a natural asymmetry of the body, uneven distribution of the load and, accordingly, different degrees of development of muscle mass in the two legs. However, thickening of the leg may be due to other factors.

    Against the background of a limb injury, changes in volume and shape often occur. As a result of a complex fracture, the movement of lymph may be disrupted, and the leg will begin to swell and swell. Another option is possible - muscle atrophy, due to decreased mobility and decreased loads. This is especially noticeable after the removal of the cast, when the limb has been inactive for a long time.

    Important! Muscle atrophy in one or both legs can be caused by a number of reasons, including diseases of the endocrine system, hormonal imbalance, chronic diseases, and genetic disorders.

    This factor may also explain the phenomenon when both legs have lost a lot of weight. If a clear loss of tone is observed for no apparent reason, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

    Alarming symptoms preceding visual changes are a feeling of weakness and rapid fatigue of the affected limb. Pain, trembling, sensation of goosebumps crawling under the skin.

    Attention! Let me remind you that if you have any problem, you can seek advice from our specialists.

    A burn can lead to swelling of the leg. Depending on the degree of tissue damage and the cause of the burn, swelling may last a couple of days or longer. Sunburn is quite insidious because it occurs unnoticed.

    If you overdo it a little with sunbathing, you can experience quite unpleasant consequences: itching, skin rashes, swelling of soft tissues as a result of accumulation and stagnation of fluid.


    Swelling of the legs, or one of the limbs, may indicate a number of internal diseases. The most common problems signaled by this symptom:

    • kidney dysfunction;
    • heart failure;
    • interruptions in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
    • hypoproteinemia - a condition in which the percentage of protein in the blood plasma is extremely low;
    • lymphedema;
    • phlebeurysm.

    It is worth dwelling on the last two points in more detail, since they are the ones that often cause pronounced disproportion in the lower extremities.

    Lymphedema (lymphostasis)

    Otherwise, this phenomenon is called “elephantiasis,” which very eloquently describes the appearance of the leg with this disease. Due to swelling, the muscle relief is smoothed out, the leg swells and becomes similar to the limb of a famous African animal.

    The cause of lymphedema is the accumulation of tissue fluid, which is no longer excreted from the body naturally. The swelling does not subside after rest and usual procedures to relieve symptoms; over time it only increases.

    There are primary and secondary lymphostasis. A complex, difficult-to-treat disease is considered primary. It is caused by pathology in the functioning of the lymphatic system, sometimes by the complete absence of some lymph nodes.

    Attention! Lymphostasis is a serious pathology. Surgical intervention, which is prescribed for a patient with such a diagnosis, does not always give a 100% result.

    Secondary lymphedema is more common. This form of the disease manifests itself when there is a violation of the outflow of lymph associated with autoimmune diseases, infections, and traumatic damage to blood vessels and tissues.

    Watch a video where the doctor talks about lymphedema.

    Sometimes the impetus for the development of elephantiasis can be the appearance of a blocking blood clot in a vessel. People suffering from varicose veins are especially susceptible to this danger.

    Timely seeking medical help can save you from many problems, including disability. Don't wait for pain to appear. The disease is much faster and easier to treat at the very beginning, when the area of ​​edema is still soft and pliable.

    Varicose veins

    This disease has been known since ancient times. According to statistics, every fourth inhabitant of the planet suffers from varicose veins, most of them are women. This is due to the fact that hormonal processes occur quite rapidly in the female body, which, together with a lack of connective tissue, lead to the development of varicose veins.

    What is this disease? Dilatation of peripheral blood vessels, which leads to weakening of the valves that ensure a stable flow of blood and lymph up the veins back to the heart.

    Remember! The slower the blood circulates, the greater the amount of it stagnates in certain areas, stretching the walls of blood vessels.

    This leads to a worsening of the condition: spider veins appear under the skin, and the legs swell.

    The cause of the development of the disease is most often poor heredity. Factors contributing to the worsening of this condition are:

    • sedentary lifestyle,
    • disproportionately high physical activity,
    • wearing uncomfortable shoes.

    Varicose veins can develop unevenly, which leads to visual disproportion of the lower extremities.

    Reasons for a child

    A noticeable difference in the volume of the legs is often observed in children under one year of age. This disproportion disappears over time. Usually, from the moment the baby begins to walk, the difference in girth smooths out and ceases to be noticeable.

    In some cases, a violation of proportions can serve as a signal of the presence of serious developmental disorders. If complex symptoms are detected, the baby should be checked for diseases such as hemiparesis, hemihypertrophy, and spinal cord abnormalities.

    The presence of other obvious deviations from the norm may serve as a basis for a comprehensive examination.

    Why is the right leg thicker than the left?

    As mentioned above, disproportion in the development of the right and left limbs is caused by natural causes. Such as: uneven distribution of load (especially with increased body weight or active sports), natural predisposition. A slight imbalance in the proportions of the right and left halves of the body is typical for most people and is not a pathology.

    What to do if one limb is larger in volume

    If the larger volume of one of the lower extremities is not associated with the presence of a disease or other disorders, but is a natural feature of a person, then it is not required to be treated. However, in cases where the disproportion causes significant moral discomfort, there are several useful recommendations for correcting this deficiency.

  • Exercise should occur regularly, preferably under the supervision of an experienced instructor.
  • If there is a large deviation from the norm and muscle inflexibility, the load on the “weak” limb should be increased compared to the “leading” one.
  • If swelling, pain, heaviness and other clinical symptoms appear, consult a doctor to determine the cause of thickening of the leg.

    Useful video

    The doctor explains why unilateral leg swelling develops.


    Visual differences in limb development can be alarming. Sometimes it is justified and becomes a signal of a malfunction in the body. However, you should not panic and worry too much about a physical defect. Ideal proportions are found on our planet only in inanimate nature.

    Causes of foot disease

    The reasons for this shortcoming are varied. High heels are unfairly blamed. Contrary to popular belief, doctors do not consider high heels to be responsible for excess weight; fullness and disease of the legs. Only women with already impaired blood circulation in their legs get tired quickly when walking in high heels.

    Thick and sore legs are most often a consequence of the fragility of the capillary vessels. Even with mild bruises, bruises appear on the skin of the legs, a network of small blood vessels appears through the skin, sometimes black-blue veins swell, sometimes bright red arteries.

    Treatment. Of course, by medical means. Vitamins C and P strengthen the walls of blood vessels, they become elastic. Then a course of electrocoagulation is prescribed. If electrocoagulation is not preceded by a course of treatment with vitamins, the patient’s condition may worsen, since the needle-electrode inserted under the skin destroys fragile blood vessels. After two or three months of treatment with vitamins, the needle encounters strong elastic vessels on its way and penetrates them without causing them any harm.

    In addition, wound healing is three times faster, and the number of electrocoagulation sessions is reduced by three times.

    Arterial circulation disorder. Bright red, swollen capillary vessels are injured at the slightest bruise; droplets of blood appear on the surface of the skin, staining the linen. The reason may be the poor condition of the tissues that compress the capillaries lying in them and prevent the flow of blood, stagnation of blood at the level of the ankles, or a decrease in the internal diameter of the veins through which blood returns to the heart.

    The course of restoring blood circulation in deep-lying tissues is carried out over several months ( physical exercise, massages, electrotherapy). The tone of the capillary circulation increases, the condition of the tissues improves, and blood outflows from the superficial tissues to the deep ones. Then the doctor may prescribe a course of electrocoagulation.

    Three sessions are enough to improve the condition and appearance of the affected skin areas.

    This device is an excellent tool for improving blood circulation in the lower extremities. Plantar arch massage reduces blood flow to the feet and leg muscles, develops the ankles, knees and hips, and makes their joints more mobile.

    Varicose veins (varicose veins). This disease affects not only full, but also thin legs, without the slightest swelling. See our recommendations for caring for legs affected by varicose veins below.

    Dysfunction of the glands internal secretion. Often nothing can be done to help young girls who complain about their “thick, muscular legs.” The legs are firm to the touch, with thick, well-developed muscles.

    The layer of fat is almost completely absent - only hypertrophied muscle mass. The skin is very stretched and cannot be pinched. The skin on the ankles often turns red or purple. These young girls are usually short, stocky, dense, with well-developed mammary glands.

    They reach puberty early. In addition, they complain of some dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system: sweating, blood stagnation, which are almost always accompanied by dysfunction of the endocrine glands.

    First of all, it is necessary to restore the functions of the endocrine glands, and then treat inflammation of the fiber. Irradiation with infrared ray lamps helps to expand the lumen of deep-lying blood vessels, and by introducing special preparations into the muscles, they soften them.

    Then a massage of deep-lying tissues is carried out, the effect of which is significantly enhanced due to the above-described preliminary treatment. In conclusion, a course of restoration of muscle tone is carried out, the muscles acquire a more or less regular spindle-shaped shape. Noticeable improvements occur after about a year. You should never despair: persistent treatment is always crowned with good results. Refer only to qualified personnel for assistance.

    Fiber inflammation. It affects normal and relatively thin legs (one might say that they become thick as a result of this disease). The slightest pressure causes severe pain. The skin almost always takes on an unhealthy color, sometimes certain areas of it become bluish. Areas of compacted tissue are observed not only on the legs, but also on the arms and on the back of the head.

    Women suffering from this disease almost always complain that their hands and feet alternately become cold, deathly pale, or warm, plump, and moist. There may be a rush of blood, sometimes for no reason, sometimes after eating.

    One course of hormone therapy, carried out between two menstrual cycles, allows you to soften compacted areas of tissue. At the same time, circulatory disorders are treated, sedatives and anticonvulsants are prescribed.

    Then diuretic drugs are prescribed, which, in combination with modern “diffusing” agents, have a beneficial effect on the course of treatment. A course of irradiation with infrared ray lamps, prescribed to expand the lumen of deep-lying blood vessels, is very helpful.

    Almost always, drugs and procedures are prescribed to restore the tone and activity of the local circulatory system. This not only improves the condition of blood vessels, but also facilitates the removal of decay products accumulated in them from the tissues. The program we described for the treatment of cellulose inflammation is effective and gives quick results.

    Swollen feet. It is sometimes observed that legs that are thin in childhood begin to swell during puberty. In this case, the disease affects both legs. With phlebitis, one leg is usually more affected than the other. The leg swells evenly, real swelling develops, but sometimes the thighs and buttocks are not affected at all. The leg takes on a columnar shape.

    The skin becomes thin, very stretched, fragile, takes on a “marbled”, unhealthy appearance, and when pressed with a finger, pits do not form on it. Swollen legs make women suffer greatly: almost continuous pain, “goose bumps”, cramps and especially enormous heaviness - they can no longer walk, they drag their disfigured legs.

    Characteristic feature: amazing ability to quickly “pour in” and “dissipate.” During the day, the difference in leg sizes can reach 5 cm. These women can remain slim, their legs are absolutely straight, but sometimes due to the enormous weight pressing on the feet, flat feet develop.

    Treatment program. It must be very thoughtful, taking into account the characteristics of the body, the characteristics of the course of the disease, and also taking into account possible side effects. Before drug treatment Rest and a massage course are recommended, which is carried out using a special technique and with extreme caution.

    As soon as the pain subsides a little, along with massage, a course of physical therapy is prescribed for mechanical “cleaning” of the legs, injections medicines.

    Great importance is attached to diuretics, the correct dosage of which significantly affects the course of treatment. Sometimes treatment with low frequency currents helps. The massage technique requires such precision of movements, virtuosity, flexibility and tenderness of the fingers from the massage therapist that not all even qualified specialists are allowed to perform this procedure.

    As soon as the skin tension decreases, the doctor prescribes procedures and medications to restore the tone and activity of the local circulatory system. The main role here is given to massage. Significant improvements were observed even in older women who had suffered from this disease since their youth. In less than a year of persistent treatment, the size of their legs decreased by 5-13 cm.

    The swelling of the legs no longer recurs, the pain completely stops. Oddly enough, when losing weight in the legs, in the last period of treatment for this disease, the skin shrinks better than during the treatment of obesity. The appearance of the skin changes completely: it returns to its normal state and takes on a healthy color.

    Incorrect body position. Many women with a well-shaped upper body are disfigured by thick thighs and buttocks. Almost always, this abnormal fullness is based on a mechanical reason, for example, excessive curvature of the spine, which leads to the development of atony of the gluteal muscles; the leg muscles are in constant tension.

    The body assumes a position such that its center of gravity moves forward, the legs bend forward, and the toes are constantly curled and pressed into the ground (in a healthy person, at rest, they are slightly behind the ground). In most cases these are women with long top part body and wide low hips.

    Treatment program. First of all, it is necessary to correct the position of the body, and then carry out procedures and courses of treatment aimed at improving local blood circulation in the legs. Such a treatment program will allow you to irreversibly reduce the weight of the affected parts of the body in a short period of time. A course of irradiation with infrared ray lamps, massages, and drug injections are prescribed.

    One leg has become thicker and denser than the other

    A week ago, after a long period of sedentary work, I got up and discovered that it was difficult for me to walk. One leg is somehow tight, as if a muscle in the lower leg is very tense. I came home and saw that one shin was thicker than the other. I measured it, 5 cm difference. I was very scared. The shin was somehow tense, it became hard, a feeling of fullness appeared, and both legs seemed to become heavier. The skin color remained normal, no blood vessels appeared to be bulging. The temperature rose to 37.6. I don't know if temperature has anything to do with this, because... I have it sometimes nervous soil jumps up, and the next day my period started (maybe it’s from PMS).

    In general, for a very long time I have had a small dark vessel visible under my knee, and one similar one on my knee, nothing else.

    Once, about 5-6 years ago, such a situation already happened. I was sitting on a bench, my legs were bent and my knees were apparently too tight. I got up, walked, and one leg stopped obeying me altogether, it felt like it was made of wood. As soon as I got home, one shin became very hard, enlarged, and the temperature rose to 37.8. I called an ambulance, they said it was some kind of allergy, advised me to apply a soda solution and left. An hour later it all went away, and it didn’t bother me at all for several years.

    This time it passed after a few hours, but now I periodically feel heaviness in my legs, sometimes some kind of burning sensation running along one band (on one leg in the lower leg, on the other in the thigh in general!). Moreover, the same burning sensation also began to appear on one hand. I no longer understand whether I have these sensations from fear and nerves (because I constantly think about this leg now and am afraid to move again) or whether something is really wrong.

    I don’t understand whether what happened could be called edema?

    I have no way at all to get to a phlebologist right now (they simply aren’t here.).

    Tell me what it could be and how serious it is?

    Alena, Kostroma region, 25 years old


    Belyanina Elena Olegovna

    Surgeon-phlebologist-lymphologist, first category surgeon

    It is difficult to assume a diagnosis without examination and data ultrasound examination leg vessels. You need to do at least a duplex scan of the veins if it is not possible to visit a phlebologist or vascular surgeon.

    Sincerely, Belyanina Elena Olegovna.

    Next question in the section

    Hands constantly swell

    Hello, Elena Olegovna, my mother’s hands constantly swell, in 2008 she had breast removal surgery, diagnosis →

    With edema, fluid may be found in the space between the cells. Most often this occurs with heart and kidney diseases. What are the causes of leg swelling, and how can you get rid of them?

    For what reason does swelling occur?

    Swelling of the legs is a common complaint of patients when visiting a doctor. With swelling, it is often discovered that one leg is larger than the other. The legs do not always swell due to any disease. This can happen to a healthy person too. One lower limb may swell upon consumption large quantity liquids. Swelling of the foot may be a consequence of prolonged static voltage. This occurs when walking or standing for a long time. Swelling can be mild or pronounced. In the first case, a slight swelling of the leg is detected.

    If your leg swells, this is only a manifestation of the disease. This pathology may occur with the following diseases and pathological conditions:

    • kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis, renal failure);
    • heart failure;
    • varicose veins;
    • violation of lymph outflow;
    • elephantiasis;
    • thrombophlebitis of the legs;
    • rheumatism;
    • allergic reactions;
    • arthritis;
    • osteomyelitis;
    • traumatic leg injury;
    • hypertension;
    • alcoholism;
    • diabetes mellitus

    If one leg or both legs swells, the reason may lie in the use of certain medications ( antihypertensive drugs, hormones, glucocorticoids). There are a number of predisposing factors, the presence of which increases the likelihood of the occurrence of edema syndrome. They include being overweight, having a sedentary lifestyle, staying in an uncomfortable position for long periods of time, and wearing ill-fitting shoes. Physiological causes include pregnancy.

    When carrying a child, the vessels in the pelvic area are often compressed, which leads to swelling of the leg. Often pregnant women crave salty foods. As you know, salt promotes fluid retention in the body.

    Swelling due to lymph stagnation

    Why is there leg swelling? This condition is the main symptom of elephantism (elephantiasis, lymphedema). The disease is caused by a violation of lymph outflow. The latter is a colorless liquid that contains many lymphocytes. Lymph flows through the lymphatic vessels from bottom to top and flows into the superior vena cava. The main purpose of lymph is to return various substances (electrolytes, proteins, tissue metabolic products, toxic substances) from tissues into the blood for subsequent removal from the body. With elephantiasis, lymph stagnation is observed.

    In the congenital form of the disease, swelling initially occurs in the foot area. The process then spreads to the hips. In the acquired form, the swelling spreads from top to bottom. In most cases, the swelling is unilateral. Upon palpation, after pressing on the skin, a hole remains that does not level out for a long time. This is important distinctive feature from cardiac and renal edema.

    Pathology of the heart and kidneys

    Edema syndrome is a sign of heart failure. With this pathology, stagnation occurs in big circle blood circulation Blood accumulates in blood vessels, which leads to their stretching. Against the background of all this, the permeability of the vessel wall increases, and blood rushes into the tissue. Heart failure in the absence of proper treatment is a consequence of cardiosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, pericarditis, amyloidosis, congenital heart defects, and rheumatism. Cardiac edema has the following features:

    • form on the ankles, after which they spread upward;
    • cold on palpation;
    • have a bluish tint;
    • dense;
    • painless;
    • arise gradually.

    Edema may be a manifestation renal pathology. Common cause is glomerulonephritis. Edema is a sign of amyloidosis and renal failure. With these diseases, the filtration process is disrupted. Swelling in the legs due to kidney disease is diagnosed only in severe cases. At the same time, the swelling is mobile and warm. They can appear unexpectedly and also disappear unexpectedly.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    Treatment of swelling in the leg is carried out after the underlying disease has been established. Diagnostics includes interviewing the patient, external examination, palpation of the lower extremities, blood and urine tests, sound Dopplerography, electrocardiography, ultrasound of the heart and kidneys, angiography of the vessels of the legs. If the leg hurts and swells due to thrombophlebitis, surgical treatment may be required. If thrombophlebitis is associated with infection, antibiotics are prescribed. For cardiac edema, treatment is aimed at the underlying disease.

    Thus, swelling of the lower limb is a reason to consult a doctor.

    Possible causes of swelling of one leg

    Edema occurs as a result of fluid accumulation in the intercellular space. This can happen for various reasons, for example, eating a lot of salty foods or drinking alcohol. But in this case, the swelling spreads to both legs at once and goes away very quickly. What can swelling of one leg indicate?


    In a healthy person, swelling of the legs can be bilateral. Swelling of one lower limb is already a sign of the development of a disease. And many diseases can be accompanied by such a symptom, for example:

    • amyloidosis;
    • varicose veins;
    • elephantiasis;
    • thrombophlebitis.

    Swelling of one leg can be associated not only with serious pathological processes in the body, but also with injury. If you have previously been kicked or fallen, it is likely that internal hemorrhage and soft tissue damage occurred during this event. But in this case, the swelling is usually accompanied by the presence of a hematoma.

    Sprained ligaments also cause swelling. In this case, the swelling does not spread to the entire limb, but is localized only in the area of ​​the injury. Main symptoms: swelling, pain, limited mobility.

    Swelling of the legs is also observed in pregnant women. The reason for this is the pressure of the uterus on the vessels, which leads to poor circulation, blood stagnation and the appearance of edema. Depending on which side (left or right) the greatest pressure occurs, swelling will be observed on that side.

    But if this symptom is observed constantly and becomes more pronounced over time, then this indicates pathologies that require urgent treatment.

    Stagnation of lymph

    Often, unilateral edema is a symptom of elephantism, that is, elephantiasis or lymphederma. Such conditions arise against the background of stagnation of lymph in the body, which is a colorless liquid circulating through the vessels. It washes the walls of blood vessels from various substances and promotes their rapid removal from the body.

    In these diseases, this process is disrupted and lymph stagnation occurs. And this, in turn, leads to hyperplasia skin and fatty tissue. This condition can be congenital or acquired. It is manifested by the following symptoms:

    • unilateral leg swelling;
    • pain in the limb, feeling of heaviness;
    • stiffness of movement;
    • increased volume of lymph nodes;
    • changes in the skin - it thickens, dark blue spots, ulcers and cracks appear on it.

    If elephantism is congenital, then swelling first occurs in the foot area. After this, it gradually begins to spread to the entire leg. If this disease has been acquired, then swelling occurs first in the thigh area, gradually spreading down the entire limb.

    Other factors

    If only one leg is swollen, this may indicate a ruptured Baker's cyst. This condition is characterized by protrusion of the joint capsule with the knee. If a person has joint diseases, the size of this cyst increases and it ruptures. As a result, the fluid accumulated in it spreads throughout the leg, causing it to become significantly enlarged.

    It should be noted that swelling of one leg may be associated with the already mentioned joint diseases, for example, arthritis or arthrosis. These diseases also include bursitis, gout, osteoporosis, etc.

    They occur for various reasons: injuries, hypothermia, autoimmune disorders, alcohol abuse, and so on. If these diseases are left untreated, there is a risk of them spreading to the second leg or upper limbs.

    These joint diseases are often characterized by limited mobility of the limb in which the joint is inflamed, crunching and pain during severe physical exertion.

    Swelling of the leg may be a symptom of an allergic reaction, for example, to insect vinegar. In this case, swelling can be localized in various parts of the limb - calves, feet, ankles, and so on.

    If the integrity of the skin on the leg was damaged and after that they were not treated with anything, there is a risk of infection entering the wound, which can also cause swelling. In this case, the skin takes on a red tint and becomes hot to the touch. If no action is taken, an abscess may develop.

    Swelling in one limb may be associated with a tumor in the buttock or thigh. Its growth leads to compression of nearby tissues and vessels, which leads to impaired blood circulation and lymph outflow, resulting in swelling.

    In any case, the appearance of swelling in only one leg should alert a person. After all, this symptom indicates the development of serious pathologies that require immediate treatment. Therefore, when it occurs, it is necessary to visit a doctor as quickly as possible and determine the cause of its occurrence.

    Why does one leg swell?

    Most common reasons

    Often, when visiting a doctor, a patient complains of swelling of the legs. But this symptom does not always indicate the presence of a serious deviation. The phenomenon also happens in completely healthy people, if they have consumed a lot of liquid or have been in a static forced position for a long time, the leg or both may swell when walking for a long time. Usually, in the normal state of the body, there is slight swelling in the ankle area, which quickly disappears after proper rest.

    If a person constantly swells one leg, then the reasons may lie in the improper functioning of the organs. The following diseases are characterized by swelling:

    • kidney disease with the development of failure - nephritis, amyloidosis;
    • pathology of the heart muscle and heart failure;
    • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
    • impaired lymphatic drainage, including elephantiasis;
    • arthritis of the ankle or knee joint;
    • thrombophlebitis;
    • rheumatism;
    • osteomyelitis;
    • sprain;
    • allergy;
    • hypertension;
    • diabetes.

    There is another reason why the leg swells. Sometimes swelling of one or both lower extremities is observed during treatment with certain drugs - antihypertensive, hormonal. Especially often this symptom develops in people who are overweight.

    The problem appears when there is no motor activity, constant standing, wearing low-quality and uncomfortable shoes.

    Swelling often becomes a companion to pregnancy. This occurs due to physiological changes in the body of women during this period, but it can also be a sign of trouble.


    Sometimes one limb becomes greatly enlarged due to impaired outflow of lymphatic fluid, which is observed in a number of diseases, including elephantiasis. Other reasons for this may be burns or erysipelas. Lymph in the human body performs important function transfer from tissues to the blood of various toxic substances and metabolic products. When lymphedema develops, the skin and fatty tissue in the affected area begins to thicken.

    The patient has:

    • severe swelling;
    • pain;
    • heaviness and distension;
    • roughening of the skin;
    • lymphadenopathy;
    • increase in limb volume and impaired joint mobility;
    • dryness and cracks in the skin, sometimes the appearance of ulcerations;
    • discoloration in the affected area and the appearance of spots.

    There are two types of elephantiasis. In the congenital form of this pathology, swelling of one or two legs from the foot is noted, spreading upward. The acquired version of the disease begins with swelling from above, which continues downward. Swelling caused by lymph stagnation is soft to the touch. When pressing, a hole remains in this place for a long time. This makes it possible to differentiate the same condition in case of disruption of the heart and kidneys.

    Cardiac and renal failure

    The occurrence of swelling in the area of ​​two or one leg may be a sign of heart failure. The organ cannot cope with pumping blood, and stagnation of blood circulation develops. Gradually, the peripheral vessels expand under the pressure of the increasing volume of blood, and its liquid part begins to exit into the tissues. Cardiac failure is formed as a result of rheumatism, congenital and acquired heart defects, cardiomyopathy, severe myocarditis, and cardiosclerotic changes.

    Edema with this pathology has its own characteristics:

    • appear in the ankle area;
    • tend to spread upward;
    • upon palpation they feel dense and cold;
    • painless;
    • arise and increase slowly.

    If there is a deviation in the functioning of the kidneys, edema may also develop. Often, failure of these organs develops against the background of glomerulonephritis or amyloidosis. Filtration disturbances begin, toxic substances circulating in the blood poison the body. Swelling in kidney diseases is warm and loose. They appear quite quickly and disappear just as quickly.

    How to treat

    Before starting treatment, the doctor must determine the cause of the swelling. Diagnostics includes analysis of patient complaints, objective examination and palpation. After this, the results are studied laboratory research And additional diagnostics. Usually they do a urine and blood test (including biochemical), cardiogram, ultrasound of the kidneys and heart, Doppler sonography, angiography of blood vessels in the legs.

    Treatment for a swollen leg usually consists of the following:

    1. For varicose veins, the patient is recommended to wear special jersey, take venotonics and blood thinners in tablets, injections and ointments. NSAIDs help with inflammation and pain. In extreme cases of the disease, surgery is used.
    2. For elephantiasis, physical therapy, special stockings with high degree compression, taking phlebotonics and immunostimulants. For such a patient, hardware pneumocompression is successfully used. If the above methods are ineffective, anastomoses are performed to restore outflow.
    3. If the reason becomes allergic reaction, then the patient is recommended to take antihistamines and the use of compresses with anti-inflammatory effects.
    4. Kidney pathology is treated with glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants. Diuretics are used to remove excess fluid.
    5. Swelling in heart failure is treated with glycosides and diuretics.

    Traditional treatment

    For a person with swollen legs, traditional healers recommend using, in addition to standard treatment, a decoction of herbs. To prepare it, you should put one large spoonful of birch buds, horsetail, knotweed and flax seed in a small container. After mixing, add 500 ml of boiling water to the mixture and bring to a boil over heat. After this, the decoction should be cooled and taken 100 ml before breakfast.

    The healing herbs included in this collection will help not only eliminate swelling in the leg, but also improve microcirculation and increase the tone of the vascular wall.

    Edema that appears should be taken seriously, since it can be a symptom of serious abnormalities in the functioning of many organs and systems. Therefore, if even slight pastiness appears in the shin or knee area, you should immediately consult a specialist.

    Why is my right leg swelling?

    Edema is a concomitant symptom of some diseases, as well as a constant companion of injuries and, very often, pregnancy. Its formation occurs due to excessive accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space of tissues and organs.

    Swelling of the legs causes especially severe discomfort. They can occur for various reasons: from heart failure to limb thrombosis.

    What diseases can cause swelling in one leg?

    Swelling of the right leg may indicate the presence of certain diseases, including:

    Venous insufficiency and varicose veins

    Impaired blood outflow with varicose veins and venous insufficiency provokes an increase in pressure in vessels of different sizes. When the pressure in the vessels becomes too high, fluid leaks out into the surrounding tissues and the person experiences swelling.


    The mechanism of edema in this case is approximately the same as in the previous one. Due to the appearance of a blood clot in a vein, the blood flow is disrupted and the pressure in the vessel increases, as a result of which the volume of fluid in the surrounding tissues increases, that is, the leg swells.

    In this case, swelling can be observed both on the entire limb and on part of it, for example, below the knee and/or in the ankle area.

    Joint diseases: inflammation or injury

    Local swelling in this case occurs in the ankle and knee area due to the accumulation of synovial fluid in the joint cavity, which in normal conditions promotes painless movement of the joint.


    With this disease, the absorption of lymph by the lymphatic capillaries is impaired. As a result of the accumulation of fluid in the tissue, the leg swells severely and completely.

    Heart failure

    With weak myocardial contractility, blood is not pumped well enough, and blood stagnation occurs in the lower extremities. Further, the mechanism for the formation of leg edema is the same as in previous cases - the fluid from the vessel partially exits into the connective tissue.

    Kidney failure

    In this case, the right leg usually swells. Due to the insufficient ability of the kidneys to pass fluid, it accumulates in the connective tissue of the leg.

    According to doctors' observations, the right leg swells more than the left due to kidney dysfunction.


    This syndrome occurs due to a decrease in thyroid hormone levels. Symptoms of the disease include a high content of mucopolysaccharides in the tissues, which provokes fluid retention and the occurrence of edema.

    Causes of unilateral leg swelling not related to diseases

    In addition to diseases, swelling of the right leg can be caused by non-pathological causes:

    Eating salty foods, wearing tight clothes and shoes

    Addiction to salty foods and alcohol leads to disruption of fluid distribution in the body and disruptions in the excretory system, causing the legs, where there are many large vessels, to swell.

    Wearing tight clothes and uncomfortable shoes threatens to compress blood vessels and impair blood flow - and these are common causes of leg swelling.

    Sitting in the wrong position

    The “leg-to-leg” position favored by women, as well as the cross-legged position, is fraught with the appearance of swelling of the lower extremities. In this position, the veins are pinched, the outflow of blood is disrupted, fluid enters the connective tissue, and after a working day in the office, the leg, of course, swells in the evening.

    Carrying a child

    Pregnancy is rarely complete without swelling of the legs. In the last trimester, their appearance is considered normal: the growing uterus puts pressure on the veins of the small pelvis, as a result of which blood circulation is disrupted and the legs swell.

    Important: the causes of varicose veins can also be pathological - a woman develops varicose veins, nephropathy, eclampsia or other diseases. Therefore, during pregnancy you should not neglect visiting doctors.

    Use of medications containing hormones

    Taking hormonal medications, contraceptives and certain medications can also result in swelling of the lower extremities. As a rule, the number side effects Taking such drugs may cause varicose veins.

    Be careful with these medicines should be used if you are prone to thrombosis. Hormonal pills(for both women and men) usually give an “effect” in the form of swelling on the right leg.

    What to do if swelling does not subside or recurs?

    If one leg or both swells, often and severely, unpleasant sensations are observed for a long time - you should not wait until it “goes away on its own”.

    Contact your therapist first. Having found out the circumstances surrounding the edema, the doctor will refer you to a cardiologist, nephrologist, rheumatologist or other specialist.

    A visit to the doctor is mandatory, because swelling is not something to joke about. They can result in serious consequences, including gangrene and limb amputation.

    Why does one leg swell and how to treat it?

    Among the causes of swelling of the left leg (or right limb) are: external factors, not associated with diseases, and internal malfunctions in the body. However, when you see such a pathology, you should not panic: the problem does not pose a mortal danger, and it is easy to identify the features of its occurrence after a short diagnosis.

    Types and main causes of swelling of one leg

    Recognizing swelling of the left leg is easier than determining its type. For an experienced therapist, such a process is not difficult. There are several types of edema, the identification of which will help in further identifying the causes of their formation:

    • mechanical - appear after injuries, as a result of pregnancy, as well as in the case of tumor formation in different parts bodies;
    • hydremic – appear in kidney diseases and are associated with fluid stagnation;
    • stagnant - arise due to problems in the capillaries and blood vessels;
    • cachectic - occur due to dehydration or severe exhaustion of the body, as a result of heart disease;
    • neuropathic – formed as a result diabetes mellitus or alcoholism;
    • allergic – characterized by rapid onset and severe severity.

    Identifying the causes and prescribing treatment for swelling of the left leg begins with determining the type of swelling. After this, it is easier for the doctor to establish the correct diagnosis. However, edema does not always form as a result of a disease. There are specific causes of swelling in one leg that do not require complex therapy:

    • increased load – standing work, heavy physical activity;
    • formed flat feet;
    • improper drinking regime and excess fluid intake before bedtime;
    • problems with metabolic processes in the body;
    • the habit of always sitting with your legs crossed;
    • sitting too low on a chair while working, or using soft seats;
    • wrong shoes - too high a heel or flat sole;
    • excess weight;
    • ankle or toe injury;
    • pregnancy (but swelling of one limb rarely spreads without pathological processes).

    All causes not related to organ diseases can be easily corrected through lifestyle changes. However, some symptoms may hide serious illnesses, such as diabetes.

    Diseases that cause swelling of one limb

    Among the causes of swelling of the right or left leg, there are also more serious components - diseases. The most common of them:

    • varicose veins, swelling is at first barely noticeable, then intensifies with prolonged standing on the legs;
    • pathologies of the cardiovascular system - any problems with the heart and blood vessels, including hypertension, can lead to sudden swelling of one limb;
    • kidney disease - swelling can be very severe, often affecting both limbs. However, in some cases, swelling of one leg may occur, accompanied by darkening of the skin around the eyes and a change in urine character;
    • intestinal diseases - swelling is accompanied by diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms;
    • “elephantitis” disease – lymphatic drainage in the epidermis worsens, metabolism is disrupted;
    • diseases of the thyroid gland - swelling can be elastic, affecting the lower parts of the legs. Additional swelling of the body, lethargy and drowsiness are possible;
    • thrombophlebitis - unlike varicose veins, it is always accompanied by a feeling of heat in the veins, redness and pain along its location;
    • blood clots in the veins - clogged ducts prevent the heart from receiving the required amount of blood, its circulation is disrupted;
    • osteomyelitis is a disease of bones and joints in which an acute inflammatory process occurs.

    If, for example, your right leg is swollen, its color has changed greatly and sensitivity is impaired, you need to consult a doctor. Some diseases involve the presence of several complications at once, which leads to severe edema and even gangrene of the lower extremities.

    Associated symptoms and diagnosis of pathology

    If one leg is swollen, but appears additional symptoms, then this almost always requires contacting a doctor:

    • pain and shortness of breath – possible heart failure;
    • temperature above 39 degrees is a sign of the onset of inflammation;
    • high blood pressure in a pregnant woman;
    • severe joint pain;
    • convulsions.

    Severe morning swelling of the face and eyes can indicate kidney problems.

    Diagnostic stages

    Diagnosis of diseases begins in the therapist's office. Then, based on the results of the examination, he will give a referral to one of the highly specialized specialists. To identify the problem, you need to undergo an ultrasound, x-ray, lymphoscintigraphy (examination of vessels and nodes), in some cases you need to undergo an MRI. Additionally, blood and urine tests are prescribed. If heart disease is suspected, a cardiogram is performed.

    What is the danger of swelling in one leg?

    The reasons why swelling of one leg can be so dangerous are hidden in possible diseases heart, kidneys, endocrine system. If one leg swells constantly, you should consult a doctor. Otherwise, the person will experience progression of the disease that caused the pathology.

    Signs of deterioration include: weight gain, swelling under the eyes, frequent attacks of hypertension, severe pain and inability to move normally.

    Even the simplest swelling caused by injury, if left untreated, can become chronic form. Sometimes swelling develops into elephantiasis, lymphatic drainage is impaired and varicose veins develop.

    First aid for detecting edema

    Before using remedies to relieve swelling, you must provide first aid to the patient (or yourself). However, they are effective only in the absence of serious illnesses - due to heat, in the morning, due to stress.

    First you need to free your feet from clothes and shoes, wash them with cool water and try to relax. You can then use a relaxing cream to relieve swelling in your right or left leg. Apply it with massage movements. After this, you need to rest for about 20 minutes, placing your feet slightly above head level.

    After the first procedures, more serious treatment begins - the use of compresses and baths, as well as other traditional medicine recipes. If there are diseases, the doctor prescribes medications to relieve pathological swelling.

    Which doctor should I contact?

    If swelling appears on one leg, you can first consult a therapist. Then they will give a referral to a cardiologist, nephrologist or phlebologist, depending on the type of edema and accompanying symptoms. If thyroid disease is suspected, they are referred to an endocrinologist.

    Treatment methods

    There is no single option when it comes to treating edema. Therapy should be approached comprehensively, including all the remedies recommended by the doctor:

    1. Massotherapy. The therapist will show you how to do it correctly to relieve swelling.
    2. Gymnastics. A specialist will select a set of exercises.
    3. Baths and rubbing. Mainly folk recipes, herbal decoctions, and sea salt are used.
    4. Complete rest. Without these components, quick and quality treatment impossible.

    After determining the cause of swelling of the left or right leg, the doctor will prescribe treatment. In complex therapy, medications are necessarily used. To help cope with swelling:

    • phlebotonics are prescribed - drugs that strengthen veins and blood vessels (Eskuzan, Venarus, Detralex, Troxevasin);
    • use anticoagulants - blood thinners (Aspirin, Lyoton);
    • in some cases, medications are prescribed to improve heart function by stimulating pumping function;
    • diuretics are prescribed as part of complex treatment edema and varicose veins;
    • antiplatelet agents - used to cleanse the blood of cholesterol and plaques - are prescribed as needed.

    Additionally, compression garments are used to retain fluid. For swelling caused by joint diseases, orthopedic shoes or insoles are selected.

    Alternative remedies for relieving swelling in the left leg

    The use of traditional medicine in the treatment of swelling of one limb is effective and appropriate. The methods can be used both in combination with the main therapy and as maintenance treatment:

    1. Birch leaf wraps. You need to take cotton rags - old sheets or towels, pieces of fabric - they are used to form bags. You can use old pillowcases. Birch leaves are poured into them and placed on the feet. They wrap themselves well and wait for their limbs to start sweating. After about 2-3 hours, the pillowcases are removed.
    2. Compress and light massage. You can use a decoction of any suitable herb for a compress. Soak cotton paper in it and wrap it around the problematic leg. Then they put on the bag and wrap it up. You need to leave it on all night.
    3. Turpentine. Pure turpentine mixed with 2 parts warm will help with swelling on one leg. castor oil. Wipe the skin, put on high socks and leave overnight. Any swelling should go down overnight.
    4. Sea salt. Pour warm water into a basin and add about sea salt. The foot is placed for 30 minutes, the procedure is completed with rinsing and a light massage.
    5. Peppermint. Add 3-4 drops of mint ether into cool water and place your foot in the bath.

    A separate group includes medicinal herbs for eliminating edema. They can be taken both internally and externally in the form of compresses.

    Herbs to treat swelling

    Among the popular herbs for relieving swelling caused by poor lifestyle, injuries and other factors not associated with serious illnesses internal organs, highlight:

    1. Cornflower. Use 1 tsp. blue cornflower and 1 cup boiling water. You need to infuse the product all night, strain in the morning and 2 tbsp. l. taken before every meal. Not suitable for pregnant women!
    2. Linen. Seeds and inflorescences are used - a mixture of 3 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of boiling water and cool. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. You can add a little honey, as the product is bitter.
    3. Cherry. Use stalks that you harvest yourself. Take 2 tbsp of boiling water for 250 ml. l. dry feet and leave for a minute. When the mixture has cooled, take 1-2 spoons. You should not drink if you have liver disease!
    4. Pharmaceutical chamomile. A sedative that, in the form of a strong decoction, relieves swelling well. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over 12 inflorescences and cool. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. before eating.
    5. Calendula. Famous medicinal herb, which relieves swelling well. Take 2 tsp. for 500 ml of boiling water, you can add 1 tsp. cornflower flowers. Taken during sedentary work, wearing high heels. You can drink before every meal.

    Treatment medicinal herbs should not last longer than 1 month, as addiction may occur. If folk remedies are used as part of complex therapy, alternate them with each other.

    Elimination of edema due to varicose veins

    If swelling on the right or left leg appears as a result of varicose veins, then you can get rid of it using additional methods and medications. The key recommendation is to use moderate physical activity without much involvement of the legs. Yoga asanas are ideal for combating varicose veins.

    You cannot engage in power sports with sudden jumps and jerks.

    Swimming and water sports are great for reducing swelling caused by varicose veins. However, you can’t do without drugs to relieve pathology. In general, they are similar to what is used to treat edema from other diseases.

    All medications are taken strictly according to the course, and the results of treatment are assessed by the doctor after repeated examinations and tests.

    Regardless of the reasons for the accumulation of fluid, doctors recommend treating swelling of one leg using light physical activity. All exercises can be done directly on the bed or on the floor at home:

    • “scissors” - perfectly stimulate blood flow - straight leg swings;
    • “bicycle” - lying on a hard sofa, legs make movements as if riding a bicycle;
    • “birch” - the legs rise up, you can start with the support against the wall, the back is supported by the hands in the lumbar region;
    • skiing, running and cycling are the maximum permissible sports with high activity.

    Prevention of swelling

    To prevent your right or left leg from becoming swollen and swollen from time to time, you need to adhere to simple rules prevention. They will not help get rid of kidney disease, heart disease and varicose veins, but they will facilitate the process of possible treatment.

    You should wear comfortable low-heeled shoes and avoid putting excessive strain on your feet.

    Doctors advise normalizing your diet, eliminating large amounts of sweets, fats and salty foods. It is also useful for prevention to engage in moderate physical activity, perform therapeutic exercises and foot massage.

    If swelling occurs in the morning, then in the evening you need to prevent excessive fluid intake. A cup of coffee, one of the best diuretic products, will help remove excess water.

    Do you want to get rid of varicose veins in the first year with the help of materials from our experts?

    Causes and methods of treating swelling in one leg

    There can be many reasons for swelling in one leg. Some of them are natural and do not pose a danger to humans, while others are the consequence of serious diseases. Treatment of pathology should be carried out taking into account the factors that led to this condition. In many cases, doctors recommend using traditional medicine recipes.

    Why does edema occur in healthy people?

    Even a completely healthy person may experience swelling in one leg. This happens due to the following reasons:

    • Drinking large amounts of liquid. The lower limbs will swell if you drink a lot of water in combination with salty foods.
    • Hot weather. When the air temperature rises significantly, the human body turns on protective mechanisms to prevent overheating. Therefore, in the summer, many people experience minor swelling, which gradually disappears on their own.
    • Obesity. Large body weight creates extra stress on cardiovascular system and kidneys. Therefore, the human body cannot fully cope with the elimination of fluid.
    • Staying in a sitting or standing position for a long time, as a result of which blood circulation deteriorates. In this case, it is the stagnation of blood in the lower extremities that causes swelling.
    • Pregnancy. The causes of swelling of the lower leg of one leg can be compression of the veins by the fetus, changes in hormonal levels, which lead to fluid retention in the body. If the swelling occurs suddenly and develops rapidly, preeclampsia may be suspected. This dangerous condition, which requires prompt medical intervention.
    • Taking certain medications. The most common cause of edema is antihypertensive drugs, glucocorticoids. If swelling is detected in the lower limb, you should consult a doctor to prescribe more suitable medications.
    • Injuries. A sprain, fracture, or dislocation causes severe swelling in the ankle area, which is accompanied by pain.

    Pathological causes of swelling of one leg

    If one leg swells greatly and becomes larger than the other, some pathologies can be suspected. Most often, after a qualified examination, the following diseases are discovered:

    • Heart failure. Swelling usually occurs in the afternoon, accompanied by shortness of breath, increased fatigue, squeezing sensations in the chest.
    • Varicose veins The presence of edema on the lower leg of one leg can be caused by a violation of the venous circulation. This disease is accompanied by the appearance of deflated veins, pain, and changes in skin color.
    • Thrombophlebitis. Ankle swelling is most often caused by the formation of a blood clot in a vein, which leads to the development inflammatory process. Thrombophlebitis is considered serious illness, which is treated conservatively and surgically.
    • Lymphedema. It is characterized by the accumulation of lymph in the tissues and provokes a significant increase in the size of the limbs.
    • Myxedema. Develops against the background of endocrine disorders. In addition to swelling of the calf, a change in the patient’s face and an increase in the size of the tongue are observed.
    • Erysipelas. It is provoked by streptococcus. As the pathology develops, the ankles swell, red spots appear on the surface of the skin, and pain develops.
    • Osteomyelitis. A disease of infectious-inflammatory origin, which is also complicated by fever, severe pain, and impaired coordination of movements.
    • Rheumatism. Accompanied by damage to the bone and connective tissue of the foot and blood vessels. Rheumatism is characterized by rapid disappearance of edema.
    • Infectious arthritis. Characterized by redness of the skin, development pain syndrome, stiffness of movement, fever, swelling of tissues.

    If swelling is detected in the lower limb, you must consult a doctor to determine the causes of the pathology. Based on the diagnosis, the treatment method is determined. In most cases, patients should adhere to the following recommendations:

    • It is necessary to reduce salt intake. This is especially true in the summer or if there are related health problems.
    • It is advisable to limit fluid intake (especially in the evening).
    • Drinking alcohol in any form or quantity is strictly prohibited.
    • After a hard day, it is recommended to lie down and put your feet on a hill. This will improve blood flow and prevent the development of edema.
    • It is necessary to choose the right shoes with a comfortable last. Women should preferably wear flat or low-heeled shoes.
    • To prevent edema, it is recommended to do special exercises - walking on toes, rotating your feet. Massage and regular physical activity are no less beneficial.

    If swelling occurs frequently and is not associated with serious pathologies, you can use special ointments - Venitan, Essavan gel. They improve blood circulation and eliminate painful sensations along with swelling.

    Treatment with folk remedies for external action

    To get rid of swelling, you can use special compresses or baths, which will relieve swelling in the shortest possible time. If there is a problem ethnoscience recommends paying attention to the following recipes:

    1. Application of oils. Warm compresses will help remove swelling. To carry out the treatment procedure, olive and camphor oil are mixed in equal proportions. Rub the surface of the ankle with this mixture, then wrap it with cotton cloth and a woolen scarf. It is recommended to apply the compress in the evening and keep it overnight.
    2. Herbal baths. In a small container you need to mix 30 g of mint, chamomile and birch leaves. The herbs are poured with a liter of boiling water and left for an hour. For a foot bath, add the required amount to the liquid. warm water. The temperature of the resulting mixture should not exceed 38 ºС. The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes.
    3. Baths to relieve fatigue. If the cause of swelling is excessive stress on lower limbs, this procedure is ideal. For a bath in 2 liters of warm water you need to dissolve 2 tablespoons of dry mustard powder. Keep your feet in this mixture for no more than 15 minutes. After the procedure, the limbs are doused with cool water and a massage is performed to consolidate the positive effect.
    4. Contrast baths. You need to take two containers of water - cold and warm. The legs are lowered into them one by one and held for 1 minute. Such contrast baths strengthen blood vessels, relieve fatigue and swelling. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add a little sea salt to each container.
    5. Potato and beetroot compress. To carry out the procedure, fresh and peeled vegetables are grated on a fine grater. The potato-beet mixture is applied to the problem area, wrapped in cellophane and a terry towel. Keep the compress for 20 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure daily.

    Treatment with oral medications

    Very often, external treatment in the presence of edema is not enough. To eliminate the problem, traditional healers recommend taking specially prepared remedies:

    1. Flaxseed decoction. You need to take two spoons of plant material and fill it with 520 ml of water. The resulting mixture is put on fire and boiled for 13 minutes. Cover the container with the decoction with a lid and leave for another 50 minutes. The medicine is taken four times a day, 130 ml. The duration of treatment is from a week to a month.
    2. Juices. You need to mix 120 ml cucumber and carrot juice. Squeeze one lemon into this mixture. You can drink this cocktail three times a day, after diluting it with a small amount of water.
    3. Infusion of birch leaves. To prepare the medicine, use 50 g of plant material, which is poured with 530 ml of boiling water. The leaves are infused for 5 hours, after which they are filtered. The resulting liquid is taken 150 ml three times a day until the swelling disappears completely.
    4. Bean infusion. To prepare the medicine, use dry crushed leaves in the amount of 1 tablespoon. Add 400 ml of boiling water to them. After 1 hour, the liquid can be filtered and taken 120 ml 3-4 times a day.

    The presented recipes are excellent in combating edema in healthy people. If you have the diseases described above, the use of any folk remedies should be agreed with your doctor.