A complex of all vitamins in tablets. B vitamins in tablets: names of drugs, prices. Original and cheap B vitamins. B vitamins - milgamma

B vitamins are necessary for our body, because they ensure the quality and speed of thought processes, take care of the functioning of the brain and all nervous systems s are involved in blood production and metabolic processes.

With a lack of vitamins of this group, they develop various diseases, associated with all of the above processes occurring in our body.

Thanks to the development of modern pharmacology, the deficiency of B vitamins can now be easily compensated pharmaceutical drugs, which are available in tablet form.

On pharmacy shelves you can now see a huge selection of various vitamin complexes for both children and adults in various price categories. Such complexes are produced mainly in the form of tablets, sometimes in the form of Their high price is not always an indicator of decent quality.

Let's consider several popular complexes of B vitamins in tablets: “Mega-B Complex”, “Milgamma Compositum”, “Angiovit”, “Gerimaks”, “Neuromultivit”.

"Mega-B Complex"

Mega-B Complex prevents stress and is indicated for people with neurological disorders

Effective for preventing the body's resistance during stress and major physical activity, with metabolic disorders.

Contains vitamins B1, B2, folic acid and nicotinamide, as well as others. Take 1 tablet per day in the morning.

Contraindicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for those with individual intolerance to the components.

The cost of one package (90 tablets) is from 1200 rubles.

Reviews about “Mega-B Complex”:

Lech: “I took it for a long time. As an athlete, they were simply necessary for me. In my opinion, this is the best B-vitamin complex I have ever tried.”

Sanya: “I am an employee of a production facility located in the northern part of the country, so I simply need to replenish my body with vitamins. This is the number of times I take the B-complex with me on shift and am pleased with its effect: where else do I get the strength to work if not from it?”

Tanechka: “Excellent vitamin complex, under the conditions of my difficult work, he was super helpful. It's just expensive. But for health and well-being, money is not a pity. I will take more."

"Milgamma Compositum" is prescribed for deficiency of B vitamins

A preparation containing vitamin B complex. Prescribed to patients with neuralgic disorders and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The complex improves the process of hematopoiesis, replenishes the deficiencies of vitamins B1 and B6.

1 tablet contains 100 mg of benfotiamine - a derivative of vitamin B1, which is involved in the oxidation of glucose.

The second active substance, pyridoxine hydrochloride, affects the metabolism of amino acids.

"Milgamma Compositum" has several contraindications:

  • heart failure;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • sensitivity to the components of the complex - possible allergic reactions.

The complex is taken 1-3 times a day for a month. The cost of one package containing 60 tablets will cost about 1000 rubles.

Reviews about the Milgamma Compositum complex:

Vika: “Milgamma is a super pill! They really help! But do not exceed the dose prescribed by your doctor.”

Lyuba: “Milgamma rarely has side effects. Nice complex, but very expensive. I stopped taking it because it was expensive.”

Vitamins "Angiovit" are useful for cardiovascular diseases

An excellent vitamin complex for the prevention and treatment of circulatory failure in the brain, angiopathy in diabetes, and atherosclerosis.

The complex includes:

  • vitamin B6;
  • vitamin B12;
  • folic acid;
  • other B vitamins.

The complex should be taken one tablet at any time of the day for 30 days. Contraindications - allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

The cost of a package of 60 tablets is from 300 rubles.

Reviews about "Angiovit":

Marina: “I took “Angiovit” for , the doctor prescribed it. The body needed the vitamins it needed, but it was lacking, and I also had high homocysteine. It’s great that the complex is beneficial for expectant mothers.”

Lelichka: “It’s strange why it is prescribed before planning a pregnancy... But since I trust my doctor, I took this drug. Basically, I didn’t feel any changes in my body.”

Fedorych: “Angiovit improves the condition of the blood. I've been drinking it for a long time. Sometimes heaviness in the stomach began to arise, the doctor said that it was most likely from the vitamins.”

"Neuromultivit" is indicated for nervous disorders of various types

A real “lifesaver” for the prevention and treatment of fatigue during periods of increased mental stress, lack of vitamins, and during the period of rehabilitation of the body after illnesses.

Contains both B vitamins, vitamin A, D3, C, and minerals - calcium, phosphorus.

Available in the form of tablets, which are taken 1 piece 1 to 3 times a day. The price of a package of 20 tablets is about 400 rubles.

There are quite a lot of contraindications:

  • intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • diabetes;
  • hypersensitivity.

When I decided to write this review, I considered the complete one I bought. vitamin B complex not just very good, but the best, taking into account the forms of vitamins in its composition and price. First of all, I liked the fact that B12 is presented in its active form - in the form of methylcobalamin, and not cyanocobalamin, as is usually the case. However, after studying the information in more detail on the Russian and foreign Internet, I realized that there are better B-complexes.

You can find the results of my research at. In this review I will not go deep into this, but will simply tell you which, in my opinion, are the most the best complexes B vitamins can be purchased in the online store.

BioActive Complete B-Complex from Life Extension

Not just a full complex of B vitamins, but also bioactive - somehow some of the vitamins were enzymatically activated, which is why they, you need to understand, acquired additional power. This is the B-Complex that I bought for myself.

I read in reviews of this product that not all vitamins are presented here in active form. But the main thing for me was that B12 is in the form of methylcobalamin, and there seems to be no such hype and controversy about the other B vitamins. In addition, they are all found in abundance in plant foods, so their deficiency in the body of various types of vegetarians and those who actively include plant foods in their diet is a rare case. But B12 is yes...

It contains a complete set and in decent dosages.

The complex contains:

  • Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1.
  • Riboflavin, B2.
  • Niacin is B3.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Folic acid, or B9.
  • B12, of course.
  • Biotin, also known as B7.
  • Pantothenic acid, or B5.
  • Inositol, aka B8.
  • Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), also called B10.

The dosages, I must say, are not entirely lethal, and I like it. In addition, I even take one capsule, and not 2, as the manufacturer recommends - it seems to be enough.

For completeness, this complex seems to be missing rooms 4 and 11.

B4- this is choline, but personally I don’t need it here. It's full of it, which I use daily. However, the same as in soy.

B11- this is l-carnitine, or l-carnitine, levocarnitine in our opinion. But Wikipedia says that it is called B11 by mistake - it is simply similar to the B vitamins, but does not belong to it. In general, levocarnitine is synthesized in abundance by the human body, and it makes sense to take it additionally only if there are some serious problems with the kidneys or if it is deficient in the body due to genetic characteristics. I’ve seen how some lifters actively grab it, but Wikipedia breaks it down here too: it says that, despite years of research on l-carnitine, taking this substance does not lead to an increase in physical performance.

Compared to the Life Extension complex described above, Thorne Research's options lack inositol (B8) and para-aminobenzoic acid (B10), but do have some choline (B4) in the form of citrate. The dosages of other vitamins differ, sometimes more and sometimes less (if you compare the amount in one capsule).

In general, the composition is not the best the best option. But it has one major advantage: this B-Complex is hypoallergenic, unlike the Life Extension I bought.

B-Complex from Country Life

This complex has everything that Life Extension has, plus the addition of choline in the form of phosphatidylcholine, derived from, and alpha lipoic acid - a good additional antioxidant. Here is his page on iHerb.

Life Extension vitamins have half the price per jar, but have twice as many servings. Although the dosages are generally smaller. However, there is also a jar for 240 capsules - it’s more profitable to take it.

By the way, the composition contains another name for adenosylcobalamin - dibencoside. It is the same. But, however, it is not specified (unlike the Thorne Research complex) exactly how much is there and how much is methylcobalamin. But since dibencoside is first on the list, it seems there is more of it. If desired, you can request information from the manufacturer.

The complex does not contain gluten, as, in my opinion, in principle, all supplements from the Country Life brand do. And I note that in terms of the completeness of the vitamin composition, this B-Complex is the best.

Although, unfortunately, there is no ideal solution on iHerb yet. But those that can be bought are all the same better than drugs with a complex of B vitamins, which are available for sale in our pharmacies, and are cheaper than their analogues, which are sold in our sports nutrition stores.

But for myself, I still found, although not ideal, an option that completely suited me.

Garden of Life MyKind Organics B-Complex

Complex MyKind Organics B-Complex manufacturer Garden of Life not just completely natural, but even certified organic. It also contains plant sources of B vitamins themselves: organic vegetables, fruits, herbs. Only B12 is obtained from yeast, since it cannot be obtained from plants, but the yeast in the preparation is not active.

Here is the product page on iHerb.

Not the entire spectrum of B vitamins is presented in a complex; some “buffs” are missing. But all the main ones are in place. My body seems to have enough.

The dosages are also not too large. However, as in the case with, thanks to highest degree Due to the naturalness of this supplement, its absorption, in my opinion, is much better. And, like multivitamins, I usually only take half a tablet a day, not a whole one. And a surge of energy, strength, vigor, and concentration is felt even with half a dose.

I chew it and drink it. The taste is quite pleasant - it tastes like fruits and berries.

The price, of course, for the MyKind Organics series from Garden of Life is quite steep. But what I wrote in my review of multivitamins in this series, I’ll write the same here: in fact, buy them profitable, because they are better absorbed and act more effectively than their less natural counterparts. And the tablet, moreover, can be divided into two days of administration without any significant loss of this very effectiveness. Therefore, I recommend at least trying this B-complex. Maybe you'll get into it too.

Happy shopping!

If you have never shopped at the iHerb online store, take a look at the section. There are a number of features.

The human body receives most of such important micronutrients as B vitamins from the diet, because They are found in the most common products:

  • Meat,
  • Rybnykh,
  • Dairy,
  • Vegetable

In addition, a number of vitamins in this group can be synthesized by the body itself, however, for these purposes it needs certain material, which also comes from our daily diet.

However, the body modern man often experiences a shortage of B-group elements, and there are several reasons for this imbalance:

  • Stress
  • Smoking tobacco
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Taking medications
  • High sports loads

That is why the diet of a modern person is helped by vitamins in tablets, or rather in capsules, and group B is no exception here.

Pharmaceutical companies around the world produce vitamin B in a wide range. By following the link you can find more than 100(!) different names of such drugs. This assortment certainly indicates a high demand for these products.

Below are the names of drugs with B vitamins in tablets, which are always popular and have hundreds of positive feedback from real buyers.

It should be noted that vitamins of this group in tablets and capsules are found both in single preparations and in complexes:

Vitamin B1 - Thiamine Vitamin B6 - pyridoxine Biotin
Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin Vitamin B9 - Folic acid Pantethine
Vitamin B3 - Niacin Vitamin B12 Folinic Acid
Vitamin B5 - Pantothenic acid B vitamins with coenzymes Choline and inositol

Vitamins of this group cannot be called a rare drug; most pharmacies will offer you 2-3 complexes, as well as multivitamin supplements with B vitamins. Before purchasing, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor.

The best prices and a huge assortment of these vitamins can be found on specialized sites, for example, iHerb, where, in addition to a large selection, today there are hundreds of reviews, a discount program and even free delivery subject to conditions (usually the purchase amount).

IN Lately There are a large number of reports in the media about the falsification of pharmaceuticals, in countries of Eastern Europe(for example, in Poland), some time ago an entire factory was discovered that produced counterfeits on an industrial scale, selling these “products” to neighboring countries, including Russia. That is why, when choosing a price, it makes sense to do it from a reliable, world-famous supplier.

Prices for B vitamins in tablets

All current prices for today, as well as customer reviews, can be found. Below are comparative prices for preparations with vitamin B. The following are considered inexpensive:

Manufacturer Name Qty Price
Thompson B-Complex Plus Rice Bran 60 ₽127.89
Sundown Naturals Vitamin B Complex 100 ₽254.04
21st Century Complex B-50 60 ₽261.02
Solaray Bio-zinc 100 ₽299.97
Nature's Bounty B-Complex 59 ml ₽324.38
Enzymatic Therapy Daily Energy B-Complex 30 ₽372.05

More expensive single preparations and vitamin B complexes in tablets have the following prices at the time of preparation of this material:

Manufacturer Name Qty Price
Nature's Plus Mega B-150 90 ₽1895.15
Solgar Megasorb B-complex "50" 250 ₽2184.66
Innate Response Formulas Coenzyme B-complex 60 ₽2206.75
Metabolic Maintenance Phosphorylated B-complex 100 ₽2209.07
New Chapter Coenzyme B Food Complex 90 ₽3050.26
Nutricology NT Factor 150 ₽3188.04

As mentioned earlier, due to the high probability of encountering counterfeit products, inexpensive B vitamins may turn out to be just that; be especially careful when choosing where to buy.

A reliable seller is the iHerb hypermarket, which is one of the world leaders in the sale of vitamins and dietary supplements. Many buyers from Russia have already appreciated this site, as well as fans healthy image life from China, South Korea, Japan, the USA and European countries - pages with descriptions have been translated into more than ten languages.

An interesting fact - in our pharmacies you can often find products from the iHerb range, but the price here is already significantly different, be sure to compare before purchasing. Inexpensive B vitamins include a complex of B vitamins with rice bran; the price of 60 tablets at the time of preparation of the material was just over 130 rubles.

In addition, you can profitably purchase single preparations of B vitamins from the same manufacturer:

  • Folic acid + B12, 30 tablets for 95 rubles
  • Vitamin B12 lozenges, 30 tablets from 120 rubles

Vitamins of this group are quite popular, although it is quite difficult to find this manufacturer in regular pharmacies. Judging by the reviews, many consumers consider the following drugs produced by 21st Century to be good:

  1. Vitamin B1, 100 mg, 110 tablets, 130 rubles
  2. Vitamin B3 (Niacin), 100 mg, 110 tablets, 135 rubles
  3. Vitamin B7 (Biotin), 800 mcg, 110 tablets, 140 rubles
  4. Vitamin Complex B-50, 60 tablets, 270 rubles

In addition, you can also name here slightly more expensive B vitamins in tablets and capsules produced by Now Foods:

  1. Pyridoxal phosphate, 50 mg, 60 tablets, 287 rubles
  2. Biotin, 1000 mcg., 100 capsules, 265.67 rubles
  3. Folic acid with vitamin B12, 800 mcg, 250 tablets, 280 rubles
  4. Niacinamide, 500 mg, 100 capsules, 265.67 rubles
  5. Vitamin B2, 100 mg, 100 capsules, 265.67 rubles

We remind you that reviews are not a sufficient reason for application. Such a recommendation can only be considered a consultation with a doctor or nutritionist.

In this category we have placed respected manufacturers with the highest reputation in the market of vitamins and dietary supplements, whose developments have allowed us to take leading positions in this segment:

  1. Doctor's Best, Active Vitamin B Complex, 30 vegetarian capsules, 435.42 rubles
  2. Life Extension, BioActive Complete B-Complex, 60 vegetarian capsules, RUB 553.20
  3. Solgar, Vitamin B Complex, with Vitamin C, 250 Tablets, RUB 1,246.96
  4. Jarrow Formulas, B-Right, 100 vegetarian capsules, RUB 849.33

The brands mentioned above are not very widely represented in Russia; moreover, due to the fact that the price is significantly higher than average, you can often find expired products in pharmacies and stores. Well, we wrote above about falsification.

Any B vitamins (as well as any other) should be taken in accordance with the instructions on the package, unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor or nutritionist.

Most vitamins are recommended to be taken during or immediately after meals. This is due to the body’s secretion of enzymes, which help more fully absorb beneficial micronutrients from food, as well as vitamins.

B vitamins were studied a century ago, when it became known that this is a set of compounds. Their common feature- nitrogen in the composition. There are twenty of the most important B vitamins. Over time, it became known that some compounds from this series are not vitamins. Therefore, it is customary to distinguish 8 B vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, folic acid, cyanocobalamin. Every person has a certain need for each of them.

Each vitamin compound has its own functions: energy supply to cells, conduction of nerve fibers, digestion, maintenance of blood glucose levels, and so on. All of them are part of the process of formation of coenzymes in cells. Each of the vitamins has its own “narrow specialization” and is indispensable in the human body. For example:

  1. B1 – supports the functioning of the brain and peripheral nervous system. Affects mental activity and memory.
  2. B2 – regulates metabolic processes. The condition of the skin and vision are largely due to the presence of riboflavin. The heart, vascular function and the process of hematopoiesis do not proceed without B2.
  3. B3 – the body works due to the energetic effect of this vitamin. The vitamin helps to extract its energy potential from food. B3 improves hemoglobin synthesis and hormone production.
  4. B5 – important for normalizing fat metabolism in the body. People suffering from allergies especially need B5 - pantothenic acid.
  5. B6 - pyridoxine in the body is converted into two other substances, which together take part in the formation of amino acids.
  6. B7 – the name “biotin” comes from the word “bios” - life. Biotin ensures the growth process in children, prevents diabetes, and helps hair and nails to be healthy.
  7. B9 – protects against defects and anomalies of intrauterine development, as it forms DNA with other compounds. Folic acid is a component of the hematopoietic process.
  8. B12 – directly involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, prevents disorders of the nervous system.

The diet of a modern person does not always saturate the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins in foods. And if you take into account the digestive problems that affect more than half of people, then getting the required amount of B vitamins every day is very far away. Is there a solution? Certainly! You just need to choose the right vitamin complex for yourself! The easiest and most convenient way to use is not injectable forms, but the drug in tablets.

So, who needs drugs with B vitamins?

  • People whose body experiences increased emotional stress and mental stress;
  • Any types of long-term illnesses;
  • Stressful periods;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Diseases associated with dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Gastrointestinal pathologies.

It is not for nothing that B vitamins are found in groups in preparations. Together they work much more effectively. That is why, for the best effect, it is better to take ready-made preparations with a complex of B vitamins.

A selection of the best preparations with B vitamins

If you suspect you are deficient in any of the B vitamins, visit your doctor for a diagnosis. The doctor will prescribe exactly the complex that suits you. In the meantime, let's look at the names of drugs provided by modern pharmacies.


Its action is based on thiamine, thioctic acid, riboflavin, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin. Indications for use:

  • Neuralgia, neuritis;
  • Diabetic complications;
  • Paralysis;
  • Cirrhosis, hepatitis;
  • Nausea during pregnancy;
  • Avitaminosis.

Neurovitan is well absorbed into the blood from small intestine. Connecting with plasma proteins, it is transported to all organs. The absorption period is 90 minutes. Excretion occurs in the urine.

Use 1 to 4 tablets per day for a month. Can be used by children from 1 year. The dosage in this case is reduced.

Prices for the drug fluctuate around 400 rubles.

Mega-V complex

The drug is in tablets, positioned as a source of energy. Includes a number of B vitamins, including folic acid and nicotinamide. Indications for use:

  • Stressful situations;
  • For metabolic disorders.

Take 1 tablet per day, preferably in the morning. Not indicated for pregnant and lactating women. Use with caution if you are allergic to any of the components.

The cost of the drug is from 1200 rubles.


A set of three vitamins: B1, large quantity B6 and B12. The manufacturer suggests using Neormultivit for:

  • Sciatica;
  • “lumbago” in the lower back;
  • Facial nerve paresis;
  • Inflammation large nodes nerve fibers;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Neuralgia.

Contraindicated for allergy sufferers, pregnant women, and children. Can provoke tachycardia. Among side effects: nausea and itchy skin.

The price ranges from 150 to 300 rubles in different regions.

Milgamma Compositum

Prescribed for deficiency of B vitamins; conditions when the consumption of these substances is increased. Brief list of indications:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Pathologies of a neuralgic nature;
  • To improve the process of hematopoiesis.

Do not use in case of obvious heart failure, pregnancy, or hypersensitivity to the constituent components. But reviews say that side effects appear extremely rarely.

Apply 1-2 times a day per tablet.

The cost of Milgamma fluctuates around 1000 rubles for 60 tablets.

Doppelhertz Magnesium plus B vitamins

The dietary supplement Doppelhertz combines a set of B vitamins with magnesium. It is used for all conditions caused by a deficiency of these substances, namely:

  • Constant fatigue;
  • Increased physical activity;
  • Frequent stress;
  • Remission after serious illnesses and operations.

The package contains 30 tablets - exactly for a month of use.


A complex of a number of B-group vitamins. The drug is aimed by the manufacturer at solving vascular problems. Applicable for:

  • Poor circulation;
  • Pathologies of hematopoiesis;
  • Diabetes and its consequences;
  • Angiopathy;
  • Vascular abnormalities;
  • Atherosclerosis.

The package contains 60 tablets, the cost of which is 300 rubles.


Vitamin preparation in tablets made in America, quite popular in European countries. The composition includes B vitamins, as well as plant components: alfalfa, parsley, rice bran, watercress and others. Herbal ingredients are added to enhance the work of B vitamins. It is recommended to use for:

  • Any digestive problems: gastritis, dysbacteriosis, cholecystitis, kidney stones;
  • Nervous diseases: from the lungs depressive states to complex neuroses;
  • Problems with skin, hair and nails;
  • Eye diseases and visual impairment.

B-50 is very popular in cosmetology, as it helps eliminate imperfections in the skin, hair and nails.

There are 100 tablets in a package. The price reaches 700 rubles.


Pentovit is fairly cheap B vitamins in tablets. Indications for use of the drug and composition are similar to more expensive analogues:

  • Asthenia;
  • Neuritis;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Diseases of the nervous system.

These and other indications for use are indicated in the instructions for the drug. Reception is as follows: 2-4 tablets per day, washed down with water. The course should be set for at least a month.

The cost of Petnovit is from 100 rubles.

Why tablets?

Our food is not so varied and rich for various reasons. Preparations with B vitamins in tablets saturate the body with them much more effectively. And stories that vitamins are better absorbed from food are unjustified. A vitamin molecule is a vitamin molecule, whether it’s in an apple or a tablet. In addition, all biological additives are tested.

If the required amount of substance is not released from the tablet, then such a product will not go on sale. The difference is that vitamin supplements only bring vitamins into the body, while food also brings others. nutrients. By taking vitamins in tablets, you don’t have to worry about nitrates, GMOs, bacteria, the process of destruction of vitamins during heat treatment and other dangers natural products. Treat vitamin preparations wisely, always learn how to take the drug and do not exceed the dosage.

In case of disturbances in neuromuscular regulation, cerebral complications due to diseases of the spine, damage to the back muscles, B vitamins in tablets have a positive effect on weakened structures. In combination with other drugs and procedures, a pronounced therapeutic effect is manifested.

In severe conditions and severe pain, injections of cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, and other vitamins are prescribed. After the painful symptoms subside, treatment is continued with the use of tablets. Review effective drugs with a neurotropic, analgesic effect will help to understand the features of the use of vitamin complexes.

The benefits of B vitamins for diseases of the back and spinal column

10 reasons to take vitamin complexes:

  • Biologically stimulate production active substances, strengthen the immune system.
  • Reduce pain during exacerbation.
  • Normalize the course of metabolic processes in the body.
  • Reduce strength painful sensations with muscle spasms.
  • Eliminate the deficiency of nutrients, the lack of which leads to a decrease in density bone tissue, decreased elasticity of muscles and cartilage.
  • Improve memory, sleep, relieve chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Reduce the risk of developing seizures in cerebral complications of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Combined compounds, for example, thioctic acid + thiamine, normalize the state of the nervous system during high loads on the body, including during pregnancy.
  • Activate the processes of regeneration of nerve fibers.
  • Suppresses excess production of homocysteine: with an excess of amino acid, the risk of thrombosis, senile dementia, diabetic angiopathy increases, premature birth, atherosclerosis.

Effect on the spine

Beneficial substances with a neurotropic effect have a complex effect on the body. Preparations with cyanocobalamin, thiamine and pyridoxine help well with pain due to hernia and other diseases in which acute discomfort develops. It is during excruciating pain that the most active effect of neurotropic vitamins on bones and muscle tissue is manifested.

Thiamine or vitamin B1 - beneficial properties:

  • reduces pain in cases of damage to cartilage and joint tissue, intervertebral hernia, radiculitis, lumbodynia;
  • normalizes trophism and functioning nerve tissue.

Cyanocobalamin or vitamin B12 - action:

  • activates the regeneration of muscle cells;
  • improves oxygen exchange in cases of damage to parts of the musculoskeletal system.

Pyridoxine or vitamin B6 - effects on the body:

  • has a positive effect on the activity of the peripheral nervous system and central nervous system;
  • activates the synthesis of neurotransmitters.

On a note! The beneficial effect of B vitamins on the joints and spine has been confirmed by studies, reviews of practicing doctors and patients. For positive influence you need to choose the optimal type of drug and dosage form. Tablets are suitable for long-term use; for acute discomfort, injections are prescribed.

Indications for use

Combined drugs with neurotropic vitamins are prescribed for the following diseases and negative conditions:

  • exacerbation;
  • sciatica;
  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • polyneuritis;
  • radiculopathy;
  • sciatica;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • decreased immunity;
  • development of convulsive syndrome;
  • numbness of the limbs due to damage to the nerve roots;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • memory impairment, excessive nervousness, insomnia;
  • acute pain syndrome due to compression of the spinal column,.


Neurotropic vitamins are suitable for almost all categories of patients, even pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and the elderly. Restrictions on taking tablets and performing injections are most often associated with hypersensitivity to the components. Some vitamin complexes are not suitable for expectant mothers or children under a certain age.

There are a sufficient number of people with increased sensitization of the body who react negatively to B vitamins. After taking tablets or injections, a pronounced immune reaction sometimes develops. For this reason, allergy patients need to be careful when taking cyanocobalamin, riboflavin, biotin, folic acid, and pyridoxine.

Advice! Before taking the combination drug or injection for the first time, you need to prepare a tablet. antihistamine. A fast-acting remedy, for example, Suprastin, is required to eliminate possible allergic manifestations in the event of a negative perception of the vitamin complex by the body.

Review of drugs in tablets

Effective vitamin complexes for back and spine pain:

  • Neurovitan. Excellent results in the treatment of muscle and nervous disorders. The drug contains pyridoxine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, octothiamine. Active absorption, prolonged effect. Neurovitan is safe and effective: the drug is approved for children over 3 years of age and pregnant women. Tablets are often used for arthralgia, myalgia, intercostal neuralgia, and decreased immunity. During the day, take from 1 to 4 tablets. average price- 450 rubles for 30 tablets.
  • Doppelhertz Active complex with magnesium and B vitamins. The dietary supplement is produced by German pharmaceutical company. Positive effects on blood vessels, nerve cells, heart, restoration of vitality, stabilization of muscle function, strengthening of the immune system. For one day, 1 tablet is enough. Approximate price - package No. 30 costs 310 rubles.
  • The high concentration of cyanocobalamin, thiamine hydrochloride and pyridoxine explains the active effect on nerve cells and metabolic processes. The complex is used in the treatment of glenohumeral syndrome, polyneuropathy, muscle and joint pain,. Take tablets - 1 unit three times a day. Estimated cost - 250 rubles (20 tablets).
  • Neurobex Neo. High-quality Bulgarian drug. An effective complex of B vitamins: pyridoxine, calcium pantothenate, riboflavin, thiamine nitrate, folic acid, cyanocobalamin. The action is complemented by ascorbic and nicotinic acid. Indications: polyneuritis, lumbago, arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia, sciatica, chronic fatigue. For a month, the patient takes 1 tablet after/during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Approximate price - 400 rubles.
  • Combilipen Tabs. Composition of the vitamin complex: pyridoxine hydrochloride, benfotiamine, cyanocobalamin. The combination of beneficial substances improves protein and lipid metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the peripheral and central nervous systems. At complex therapy the drug reduces pain due to diseases of the spine, pinched nerves, destruction of the shock-absorbing lining between the discs. The cost of the vitamin preparation (packages No. 30 and 60) is 270 and 410 rubles, respectively.

General rules of application

For achievement positive effect For diseases of the spine, muscles, joint and cartilage tissue, doctors recommend a combination of several types of vitamins. The treatment regimen is developed by a vertebrologist, neurologist or orthopedic traumatologist.

  • during exacerbation, severe pain It is important to receive (injections, tablets), injections of neurotropic vitamins. A course of powerful painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs - from 3 to 7 days;
  • after subsiding inflammatory process appoint combined agents with pyridoxine, thiamine and cyanocobalamin. Some formulations contain an analgesic - lidocaine. The use of vitamin complexes suppresses pain and improves nervous regulation. Average duration treatment - 10-14 days;
  • the next stage is support for cartilage and bone structures, nervous tissue, and blood vessels. Patients with spinal hernia, osteochondrosis, myalgia, neuralgia, sciatica, and other diseases are prescribed vitamin and mineral supplements. Active components: phosphorus, calcium, selenium, magnesium, ascorbic acid, retinol, tocopherol. Calcium supplements can be taken only after passing a biochemical blood test. Duration of therapy - 30-60 days;
  • after reduction pain syndrome The patient has been taking it for six months or more. This type of preparation is useful only if part of the elastic cartilage pad is preserved. In severe cases, intervertebral hernia, destruction of the fibrous ring, taking chondroprotectors does not bring a noticeable result: there is practically no tissue for restoration.

Deficiency of neurotropic B vitamins negatively affects the functioning of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves. Doctors recommend taking combined formulations in the form of tablets for many orthopedic pathologies, cerebral complications, and neuralgic diseases of the back and spine. It is important to take into account the limitations and choose a vitamin complex with the optimal composition.

From the following video you can learn instructions for using a vitamin B complex in tablets called Neurovitan: