How to apply wax to braces. Orthodontic wax is an indispensable product for caring for braces and the oral cavity. How to use protective wax for braces

Everyone who is prescribed to wear braces to correct their bite is also provided with additional oral care products.

One of the necessary things that will be needed from the first days after installation of the structure is protective orthodontic wax. How to choose it correctly and how to use it, where to buy it and what its price will be discussed in this article.

What is wax for braces?

The material has good ductility, is easy to model, and retains its given shape.

Wax for braces is colorless plates weighing 3-7 grams (depending on the brand).

The material has good plasticity, is easy to model, and retains its given shape.

The medical product is developed on the basis of natural ingredients, in particular beeswax, and therefore does not cause side effects if ingested.

Silicone is also used as a raw material.

The structure itself is soft, easily soluble in liquid, for example, in saliva, which is why it is necessary to renew the protective layer several times a day.

The wax is placed in sealed packaging for sale. One set consists of 5 strips fastened together.

Important! The product is not remedy. In terms of composition, it is absolutely harmless. If it enters the stomach, it does not cause any negative consequences.

What is it for?

Wax strips relieve unpleasant symptoms and help quickly get used to a foreign object in the mouth.

Wax plates are designed to create a protective layer between the metal structure and the oral mucosa.

After installing braces, not only discomfort is felt, but also pain resulting from the contact of protruding elements with the gums, the inside of the cheeks, and lips.

During the grinding of the system to the teeth, the main load falls on the gums with which the arches come into contact.

Constant friction provokes the development of inflammation and pain, which often calls into question the wearing of a correction device.

Wax strips relieve unpleasant symptoms and help quickly get used to a foreign object in the mouth. Thanks to the softening effect, pain and discomfort are reduced, and the risk of injury to the mucous membrane and other surfaces of the mouth is eliminated.


The assortment of orthodontic wax is represented by products with different flavoring additives (fruit, floral and others that replicate food aromas of natural origin), which determines the varieties.

For discerning consumers, a product is available that is odorless and tasteless (neutral).

Some manufacturers supplement the composition with substances that have the following effects:

  • antibacterial;
  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Most often, wax is produced in the form of portioned strips, but there are also solid plates, from which, if necessary, you need to pinch off a piece and roll it into a ball, and then apply it to the braces. Products divided into portions are considered more convenient to use.

Indications for use

Wax is indicated for people who have braces installed to adapt the oral cavity to the structure. Experts recommend applying wax in small portions to the metal elements of the orthodontic onlay to prevent mechanical damage to soft tissues and mucous membranes.

Reference! At first, dentists recommend covering the entire structure with wax. During the process of habituation, you can install a protective layer only in those places where the metal comes into contact with delicate tissue or mucous membrane.

How to use orthodontic wax for braces?

The effect of using wax plates will only be observed if the product is used correctly. To do this, before gluing the wax, you should study the instructions.

Rules for using wax plates for the bracket system:

Before eating, remove the product from the mouth. If this is not done, its pieces will end up with food in the stomach. There is no danger in this, because the product is made from natural ingredients. However, this approach is contrary to sanitary standards.

Reference! The wax coating will stay on the system and teeth better and longer if you first clean them with toothpaste and a brush.

Top best brands of wax for braces


The product is produced by Sunstar (America) in the form of plates. The composition is enriched with the strongest antioxidant tocopherol (vitamin E) and aloe extract, which promotes wound healing and shortens the adaptation period.

The sealed container prevents bacteria from entering. Price – 200 rubles.

DynaFlex (Netherlands, America)

The product does not contain fragrances and is produced in the form of strips fastened together. One package contains 5 plates. The product has a dense structure, which makes the protective layer solid.

Thanks to this quality, the wax is ideal for simple systems with impressive element parameters. The price of the set is 150 rubles.


The wax is produced by the manufacturer Dentaid (Spain) in the form of plates packed in an airtight container. The protective properties of the product are maintained until completely dissolved. The composition includes components that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Price – 170 rubles.

3M Unitek

Plates for braces are made from safe materials and are recommended for use by patients different ages, in particular for children. The composition is enriched with silicone, which facilitates fixation due to increased plasticity and extends the wearing period.

The product is produced without odor, the weight of the strip does not exceed 3 grams. The compact packaging contains a kit that can be used on all parts of the structure for a week. Cost – 350 rubles.


The product was developed by Italian scientists with the participation of experienced dentists. The composition includes substances with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Products are produced without flavorings or with the addition of menthol.

The compact package contains 5 cylindrical strips of the following parameters: length – 46 mm, diameter – 4 mm. The price of the President set is 160 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of use

The use of wax is considered effective due to the fact that the product performs several relevant functions:

Strips are also an indispensable remedy if the braces are damaged and the arch falls off.

The remaining sharp structural elements pose a serious danger to soft tissues. If you cover the prickly fragments with wax, you can avoid injury to the cheek or gums.

Important! Wounds in the mouth heal very slowly, so experts advise using protective strips while wearing a corrective device.

Wax for braces has no disadvantages, because in addition to convenient use and obvious benefits, affordable price and the possibility of purchasing goods in pharmacies or an online store.

Where can I buy?

Orthodontic products are sold in large pharmacy chains and specialty stores

After installing the brace system, the orthodontist recommends purchasing wax strips or provides packaging for use in the first days of wearing the dental structure.

Discomfort and irritation of the mucous membrane are typical for the initial stage of bite treatment, so one set will quickly end.

The question arises: where can I purchase a protective agent?

Orthodontic products are sold in large pharmacy chains and specialty stores. You can also order wax using the online resource.

The cost is absolutely affordable, so you should make sure that products that make the process of wearing braces easier are always at hand.

How and what can you replace dental wax for braces with?

If it happens that you have run out of wax strips, and there is no way to quickly purchase them, then it is recommended to create a protective layer between the mucous membrane and the bracket structure using ordinary beeswax.

Paraffin or dental silicone is also used as a replacement. A piece of the selected material must be carefully passed over metal structure repeatedly. This will be enough to prevent wounds from forming as a result of friction.

Important! It is possible to replace orthodontic wax with a regular bee product, but its effectiveness is significantly inferior to the duration of retention on the metal surface. Therefore, it is recommended to use an analogue only in case of emergency.

When using ineffective wax substitutes, microtraumas still form on soft tissues. To prevent inflammatory process and the formation of suppuration, it is recommended to rinse your mouth several times a day with decoctions of medicinal plants: calendula, chamomile, etc.

Silicone for braces

Silicone is characterized by better fixation to the surface of the teeth and structure

To protect soft tissues and oral mucosa from protruding fragments of the brace system, wax and silicone plates are produced.

Their purpose and method of application do not differ significantly.

However, silicone is characterized by better fixation to the surface of the teeth and structures.

Also noteworthy is the longer wearing of the protective silicone layer, while the wax quickly dissolves under the influence of saliva.

Reference! If a large area of ​​braces rubs your cheeks, it is recommended to glue a whole strip of silicone.

There is no consensus on the superiority of one of the products, since those who are used to using wax like the choice of different flavors, which helps freshen their breath and make it easier to get used to the system in the mouth.

It is highly not recommended to use chewing gum as protection for the following reasons:

  • the sticky substance penetrates into small crevices, which creates problems when cleaning the surface from chewing gum;
  • when the temperature drops, the elastic hardens, removing it can damage the structure of the braces;
  • Wax residues on teeth contribute to the growth of bacteria and contamination of the oral cavity.

Experts also warn about the inappropriateness of fixing a fallen fragment of the structure with chewing gum.

When using wax, you should follow the rules for applying it to your teeth, especially when it comes to cleaning your hands and mouth. High-quality preparation contributes to long-term wearing of protection.

Braces are effective technique correction of the dentition, which always gives a guaranteed positive result.

But often wearing this system is associated with injury or irritation of the mucous membrane, which is caused by metal structural elements.

To reduce the likelihood of injury, special orthodontic wax is used during treatment.

What it is?

Orthodontic wax is a special mass with a simple composition, intended for application to elements of complex orthodontic structures.

As a rule, no treatment with braces is complete without the use of this product.

How is it used?

The main function of orthodontic wax is to protect the oral mucosa from damage by clasps or arches. During the first time after installation, the mucous membrane is unprepared, and the foreign device may cause chafing.

To facilitate the habituation process and reduce the likelihood of damage to the soft tissues of the oral cavity, wax is applied to the system.

You can apply it to all elements of the device for several days, and then use it only on those parts that injure the mucous membrane.

In addition, the mass Conceals metal parts well, making them less noticeable on the teeth.


This product contains a small number of components. As the main substances are ordinary wax and medical silicone.

The wax tightly covers the structure, preventing the metal surface from coming into contact with the mucous membrane. Silicone ensures the plasticity of the mass during application, which allows it to be evenly distributed over all parts.

In addition to the listed components, the composition may contain flavorings and various fragrances.

Some manufacturers add to the composition substances with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects.


The main effect of this product is to coat the elements of the orthodontic apparatus to prevent their direct impact on the mucous membrane of the tongue, cheeks and lips.

These products are used both at the initial stages of treatment and throughout its entire duration.

In addition, the mass can prevent injury in the event of deformation or breakage of parts of the device: arc, lock. To do this, you just need to apply a certain amount of the product to the site of the breakdown.

When treated with braces The use of this product is not necessary, but it will help significantly reduce discomfort.

Release form

Most manufacturers sell wax in the form of separate rods, which are very convenient to use. To apply the mass you only need to cut off a small piece.

You can also find products in the form of solid plates, from which the required amount is simply pinched off, and then a ball is formed.

The most convenient for use is the packaging in which the mass is already divided into dosed pieces, arranged into separate cells.

Regardless of the manufacturer, the mass is always packed in a plastic container. Some are equipped with small mirrors that make application easier in difficult conditions.


The main advantage of this product is high-quality protection of the oral cavity. In addition, the product has some other advantages:

  • no contraindications;
  • in its classic composition the product does not cause allergies;
  • shortens the period of adaptation;
  • does not harm the gastrointestinal tract;
  • does not disturb the acid-base balance.

How to use?

The protective effect of this product will be maximum only if it is used correctly..

Instructions for use

The product will adhere securely only to a clean surface. Therefore, before application, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the crowns and elements of the device using toothpaste and a brush.

For high-quality application of mass you should follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • After cleaning the surface of the teeth, the locks and arches of the structure must be completely dried. To do this, use cotton swabs or disks.
  • Measure out a certain amount of product, approximately equal in size to the problem area. The piece must be separated using scissors or by hand in such a way as not to deform the integrity of the rest of the mass.
  • Before applying, knead the mixture with your hands until slightly warm and form a ball.
  • Place the ball on the structure in the problem area and press down slightly.
  • Distribute the mass evenly so that it completely covers the traumatic element.
  • Secure the product with strong pressure.

How to apply wax, watch the video:

Despite the fact that orthodontic wax is a completely safe product for the body, it is advisable to remove the mass before eating. Once in the stomach, it increases the load and can cause an eating disorder.

If it is not possible to use wax, can be replaced with similar means:

  • beeswax;
  • paraffin;
  • dental silicone.

Under no circumstances should you replace the product with chewing gum., as it can provoke the development of dental diseases and cause damage to braces.

What can you buy?

Not long ago, wax for orthodontic devices came with one classic option. Nowadays you can purchase products of various compositions from different manufacturers.

All products differ not only in how much they cost, but also in additional properties. Drugs from several companies have performed well in this market.


Products from the Spanish manufacturer are distinguished by reasonable prices and a wide range of products. Every patient can choose a wax that suits its smell.

The Dentaid company produces products with more than 10 scents, including apple, mint, anise, etc.

The manufacturer has been working on creating dental products for orthodontic treatment for more than 50 years. This made it possible to develop and put on sale a wax that dissolves independently under the influence of saliva, without having a negative effect on the gastric mucosa.

In addition, the mass includes components that actively fight microbes. The products of this company are sold in the form of individual rods, each of which is packaged in a vacuum shell.

Average cost of this product is 150 rubles.

3M Unitek

3M Unitek. This company has created a wax that is distinguished by its increased plasticity due to its high silicone content. Due to this feature of the composition, the mass is easily applied to the bracket system and evenly distributed over its surface.

This property allows the product to be used by both adults and children. Due to the absence of fragrances, fragrances and simple composition, the product can be used by allergy sufferers.

The only drawback of wax is that it comes in the form of solid sheets from which a piece is plucked off. Compared to wax from Dentaid, 3M Unitek products are more expensive.

The average market price of this product is within 350 rubles.


DynaFlex is a corporation created by the merger of companies from the United States and the Netherlands. Thanks to a combination of technology and knowledge, the manufacturer was able to create a very dense wax that is guaranteed to cover the elements of the orthodontic structure.

By increasing the amount of the main component, a density was achieved that allows maintaining the integrity of the mucosa even in the event of an arch fracture. Despite the high density, the mass is easily torn off from the common plate and can be easily molded.

That is why the products of this company are recommended for use when wearing classic metal braces. The wax is sold in sticks that are lightly attached to each other.

The price of one package of wax from DynaFlex is – about 150 rubles.

L'industria Zingardi

Wax from this company can be considered the most budget-friendly. In most cases, its cost does not exceed 120 rubles. The product has a classic composition and does not contain fragrances or additional components.

In terms of its plasticity, the mass does not differ from standard options. It is easily applied to the device and stays firmly on it. The white color of the product perfectly masks arches and ligatures.

The main feature of products from this company is that, in addition to protection, it has tissue restoration functions. Anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties are due to the components that the manufacturer added to the main composition.

The wax contains aloe vera extract and vitamin E. Unlike products from other companies, the wax is supplied in the form of dosed pieces, each of which is placed in a separate cell.

The price of one package of wax from the Sunstar company is about 200 rubles.

Where is it sold?

Just a decade ago, wax for orthodontic systems could only be purchased at a dentist’s office at a high price. But as the dental industry developed, new manufacturers appeared on the market.

Now this product can be purchased not only at the dental clinic, but also in pharmacies. In large cities you can find stores specializing in orthodontic products, including wax.

An alternative option is online stores that sell products designed for the installation and care of orthodontic devices.

An incorrect bite is not just a cosmetic defect. It is harmful to health because it interferes with chewing food, which disrupts the work internal organs. Braces are used to correct the bite. Treatment lasts more than one year. When wearing braces, the mucous membranes are often injured and wounds appear, causing pain. Wax for braces will help facilitate treatment and reduce the risk of injury.

No matter what material the orthopedic dental structure is made of, no matter how well it is fitted, during the adaptation period it rubs soft fabrics gums In some patients, the sensitivity of the mucous membranes is so high that they are injured during the entire treatment period.

To prevent the appearance of wounds on the inner surface of the cheeks and lips, without interfering with the therapeutic effect, a protective agent was created - dental wax. It can be used at any time, regardless of when the structures were installed.

It’s not just the locking of braces that can cause suffering to a patient. Sometimes this can be done by an arc, the edge of which falls out of the groove and injures soft tissues. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor to correct the device. If this is not possible, then you can use wax for braces, which will help protect the sharp edge.

Composition of the product

Wax is a dense mass reminiscent of plasticine. It is produced in the form of tubes, fastened into plates weighing 3-7 grams. Some manufacturers produce wax in tubes, from which it is convenient to get it in the right quantity. Dental wax for braces consists of the following components:

  1. Silicone base. This is a plastic and elastic substance that performs a good protective function and is easily glued and removed from braces. It is completely safe, non-toxic and made from natural substances.
  2. Flavorings that add freshness to your breath. They have a pleasant taste and smell of strawberry, mint, orange, vanilla and many other products.

To quickly heal existing wounds, wax with antibacterial properties is applied to teeth with braces. It disinfects the surface of soft tissues, prevents infection and accelerates the healing of damage. If you start using this remedy after you start wearing braces, then you will be able to avoid injury to the mucous membrane. Its use when wounds occur causes them to heal quickly, and new damage does not appear.

Due to its harmless composition, dental wax is registered as food supplement. Nothing will happen if you accidentally swallow a piece of it. The use of the composition is not mandatory, but it makes wearing braces comfortable, as it creates a barrier between the mucous membrane and the orthopedic structure. If a patient's gums continue to chafe a week after starting to use the product, they should consult a doctor. The braces may have been installed incorrectly.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many benefits to using dental wax. Its advantages include the following facts:

  • protects lips and cheeks from the inside from damage from clasps and other parts of braces;
  • prevents the appearance of ulcers, wounds and inflammations on the mucous membrane;
  • reduces the period of adaptation to braces and eliminates discomfort;
  • gives the structure a more aesthetic appearance, as it masks its metal locks;
  • makes breath fresh and creates a pleasant feeling in the mouth;
  • convenient to carry, as it comes in small boxes that easily fit in women's handbags;
  • it is easy to use: you can quickly stick it to the desired area and remove it if necessary;
  • a reliable vacuum shell protects the product from dust and overheating;
  • it is inexpensive and accessible to everyone.

Wax also has disadvantages. Sometimes you can find low-quality compounds on sale that are easily softened by saliva and washed off from braces. The product should be removed before eating. It can cause allergies, in which case you need to choose formulations without fragrances.

Product Use

Orthodontic wax is often included with braces. If you buy it in an online store, then instructions for use should be attached to it. The product is used as follows:

  1. Hands are washed and teeth and braces are thoroughly cleaned.
  2. Determine which locks and parts rub the mucous membrane.
  3. Wipe the desired part of the structure with a cotton swab to completely dry it.
  4. A small piece of the product is torn off or cut off.
  5. The package is closed to avoid contamination or overheating.
  6. A piece of wax is held in your fingers for a while to soften it, and then rolled into a ball.
  7. Apply it to the rubbing part of the braces and press lightly.
  8. Do not press the composition completely into the lock. For the product to have a protective effect, it must rise slightly above the metal structure.
  9. The wax must be removed before eating. This can be done by hand, with a brush or using a braces brush. The parts need to be washed.

Wax that was glued before eating cannot be reused, as it will no longer adhere well and protect the mucous membrane.

Substitutes and cost

Protective wax for braces is not sold in all pharmacies. In small towns it can be difficult to purchase. Until the product arrives in the mail, you can try replacing it with the following substances:

  • paraffin or wax having an identical composition;
  • beeswax, which can be purchased in pharmacies and regular stores;
  • cotton wool, which can be used to cover the rubbing part for a short time.

To reduce pain and speed up the healing of the mucous membrane, you can use decoctions and tinctures of herbs such as mint, chamomile, calendula, etc.

You don't need a lot of wax. Usually, the entire adaptation time takes no more than 1-2 packages. To be sure of quality, you need to buy the product in specialized stores and pharmacies. It is better to choose products from well-known manufacturers, which include:

  1. Vitis produced by the Spanish company Dentaid. This wax does not even need to be removed from the braces before eating; it is used until it is absorbed.
  2. 3M Unitek. This is an environmentally friendly product in convenient plastic containers. One package is enough for a week.
  3. DynaFlex. American-Dutch wax. Its composition is completely safe and contains only natural ingredients. The product comes in the form of a large plate joined together from five small ones.
  4. GUM. This product is manufactured by the American company Sunstar. It contains vitamin E and aloe vera extract. The product quickly heals wounds and destroys germs on teeth.

Chewing gum should not be used for this purpose. It will stick to the structure and will be difficult to peel off. Because of chewing gum, the entire system can become unusable.

How much wax for braces costs depends on the weight of the package, the pharmacy where it is purchased, and also on the manufacturing company. Usually the price ranges from 100 to 300 rubles. The product can be purchased at different places. It is bought in pharmacies, Medtekhnika stores, and also on the Internet. It is often sold in dental clinics, dentists’ offices, and also as a set with braces.

Dental wax protects soft tissues from chafing during the first time after braces are installed. It is harmless as it consists of natural ingredients. Good protective and medicinal properties We have only high-quality products, which should be purchased in pharmacies and specialty stores.

There is one wonderful remedy that helps to cope with the problem of chafing of the mucous membranes. Regardless of the type of braces you have installed, there is always a risk of irritation to the delicate skin of your cheeks and lips. This happens during the period of getting used to a foreign object in the oral cavity. This is why orthodontic wax for braces should always be in your hygiene kit. In this article we will take a closer look at the main characteristics of this product.

How to use wax?

Dental wax for braces consists of organic components that do not cause allergic reactions. The drug is prepared on the basis of silicone, which is absolutely harmless to the body. In addition to its safe composition, this orthodontic product for braces has important qualities that can make the bite correction course as comfortable as possible. Let's find out how to use wax correctly.

  1. Before using wax, you should wash your hands thoroughly. Experts also recommend brushing your teeth.
  2. The area that caused soft tissue irritation must be thoroughly dried. In this case, cotton swabs will help you.
  3. Carefully tear off or cut off a small piece of braces wax with scissors. Twist it a little so as not to deform the remains.
  4. Warm the orthodontic material slightly by kneading it with your fingers. Roll the wax into a ball shape.
  5. Place the ball on the element of the braces system that caused chafing of the mucous membrane. Press the wax firmly.
  6. The protective material will gradually spread over the painful area. If necessary, remove any remaining residue using your hand or a toothbrush.
  7. It should be noted that doctors advise clearing wax from the mouth before eating so as not to provoke digestive problems. Use this product with caution.

Special wax is sold freely in pharmacies and specialized stores that sell medical equipment. You can also ask your orthodontist for wax. In some clinics, the product is already included in the cost of the bite correction course.

Modern manufacturers produce wax with various flavors to make wearing orthodontic systems as pleasant as possible. Extracts of grapes, pineapple, cherries and mint will not only protect the mucous membranes from irritation, but will also perfectly freshen your breath. However, wax should not be regarded as an analogue of hygiene products; it is not used for fresh breath, but for its intended purpose.

  1. To prevent and strengthen the immune system, you can use folk remedies, which are available in pharmacies. During the period of bite correction, the soft tissues of the oral cavity are most vulnerable. It is for this reason that it is necessary to pay Special attention hygiene. Rinse your mouth with herbal infusions. Infusions containing chamomile and calendula are effective. Medicinal plants are good means, capable of protecting mucous membranes.
  2. Never replace wax with chewing gum! First, it will stick to the structure, creating a new source for bacteria to accumulate. Secondly, the components of a viscous product can cause dental disease and additional irritation of the mucous membrane. What can replace wax? Unfortunately, there is no good alternative, so be sure to have the product on hand.
  3. After installing braces or replacing the arch, try to talk as little as possible. This advice may seem humorous, but do not underestimate it. Healing of soft tissues will proceed faster when the oral cavity is in a calm state. Extra movements will cause additional painful sensations. In this case, you should just listen to your general condition and don’t forget that you can use wax for braces if necessary.
  4. Do not eat food that is too cold or hot. Sudden changes temperatures negatively affect not only braces, but also tooth enamel. In addition, if you have damage to the mucous membranes, such products will only worsen the situation.

Protective wax has a number of undoubted advantages. This material is safe for the body and easy to use. A small portion of organic material can solve such a serious problem as chafing of the soft tissues of the oral cavity. The product has a compact shape and comes in convenient packaging, so you can always carry it with you. In conclusion, we invite you to watch an informative video that shows detailed instructions on the use of orthodontic wax.

In situations where the task is to correct uneven teeth, braces are almost the most ideal solution to the problem. However, for all its positive aspects Such systems in almost all cases cause a certain irritation of the mucous membrane. This causes a lot of problems and troubles, but their solution can be wax for braces, which is used in dentistry to reliably cover all the necessary elements of the braces system.


We should immediately clarify this point - wax for braces is not medicinal drug, it is used only to protect the mucous membrane from possible injury. This is its main, but only function. In addition to the protective effect, wax can perform an aesthetic function, additionally hiding the arc and clasps of the system from prying eyes. The production of wax is based on silicone, that is, there is no danger to human health, even if he swallows this material. The wax does not contain toxins or allergy-causing materials.

Externally, the product looks like a narrow long plate, which can then be cut and successfully used; some manufacturers initially supply the consumer with wax already cut for their convenience.

What is wax used for?

Even if the installation of a brace system is performed by a professional of the highest qualifications, this does not guarantee the absence of minor problems for the patient, in particular, rubbing of the oral mucosa and gums will occur with almost one hundred percent probability. That is why any dental office should have wax for braces, especially since the procedure for using it is incredibly simple - you just need to take a small piece of the substance and place it in the problem area. Such a simple manipulation will allow you to quickly and painlessly get rid of the inconvenient problem.

What is wax made of?

It is made of silicone and comes in a small plastic box, which can easily fit even in a wallet, not to mention a bag. The material itself is soft, but holds its given shape well; it can even be used to fasten the arc if such a nuisance occurs with it as it jumping out of the system. Of course, this is a temporary measure; you cannot use wax like this on an ongoing basis, but if you have to postpone a visit to the dentist a little, then such a solution will be most welcome.

Benefits of use

The main benefits received by those patients who use this orthodontic material will be:

  • reliable protection of the mucous membrane from chafing;
  • prevention of wounds and ulcers on the mucous membrane;
  • comfort of wearing the structure throughout the entire period of its operation;
  • pleasant taste sensations;
  • increasing the aesthetics of the structure;
  • no contraindications for the material;
  • adequate price;
  • convenience of packaging.

After listing these advantages, it will not be surprising that many patients continue to use wax for braces even after getting used to the system, right up to its removal.


There are no clinically proven contraindications, but problems are possible if you are allergic to certain components. Isolated cases of this phenomenon have been recorded and they manifest themselves in the appearance of itching, redness of the gums and its swelling. However, it should be said that this was due precisely to allergic reaction on individual elements of the system, and not directly with wax.

Review of products from different manufacturers

The market for manufacturers of these products is very wide, you can find a suitable option for yourself, including based on financial considerations. In an effort to win the hearts and wallets of consumers, manufacturers add aromatic additives to their products that are absolutely harmless to human health. The best confirmation of this is the fact that orthodontic wax can be safely and fearlessly used even by children.

More specifically, you can consider several options for offers from different manufacturers, paying attention, among other things, to the financial aspect:

  1. Products of the famous Spanish company Dentaid in the orthodontic field. The wax is supplied in the form of plates packaged in vacuum containers; the cost of one of them is about 170 rubles.
  2. 3M Unitek. Another world-famous manufacturer that supplies goods in sealed containers. One plate of the substance weighs three grams, although it costs around 350 rubles. At the same time, it must be said that one container will last about a week, and this is quite enough to get used to the braces system.
  3. DynaFlex. The cost of records from this manufacturer is around 150 rubles; one set of five sticks attached to each other is supplied. Very easy to use and does not contain any dyes.
  4. GUM. The price of the plate is 200 rubles, it contains useful substances that promote fast healing morning, as well as accelerating the adaptation period.

How to use wax?

It is not difficult to answer the question of how to use wax and how to apply it; the scheme for its use is very simple:

  1. First you need to perform hand hygiene.
  2. From existing total mass the required amount of material should be separated. It is important here to prevent the wax from stretching, otherwise there will be more of it than needed and this will simply be an example of its irrational use.
  3. The most important point is the next action, namely preparing the place where the material will be attached. This place must be properly dried, this applies not only to the braces themselves, but also to the surface of the teeth.
  4. Then you need to heat the wax in your hands and roll it into a ball.
  5. This ball is attached to the problem area and pressed with some force. If you do not apply any effort, it will not hold on and will fall off.

It must be remembered that if the wax does not protrude above the structure of the system itself, then its use is meaningless; care and caution should be exercised in this matter. After applying the material and before eating, you should brush your teeth to remove any residue.

Where can I buy?

If the installation is carried out by a large and well-known clinic, then wax for braces is usually included in the cost of the services provided; in a pinch, it can be purchased there. In all other situations, you can buy this product in specialized stores or pharmacies; you can do it even easier by turning to the services of various and now very numerous online stores.

What to replace it with?

If at the moment it is not possible to use a specialized product, then beeswax, dental silicone or paraffin can be used as a temporary measure. Some patients even managed with cotton wool, but in no case should you use chewing gum, since it is very difficult to clean the system after it.

After completing the installation of the bracket system, it is imperative to purchase orthodontic protective wax to protect yourself from problems with rubbing the structure and irritation of the mucous membrane. This is exactly what dentists advise their visitors; in addition, their recommendations also concern the following points:

  • paraffin is suitable as a temporary and forced replacement for wax;
  • chewing gum should absolutely not be used, it will then be incredibly difficult to remove even with the help of special brushes;
  • wax is safe for digestive system, but it can be choking, so it should be removed before eating;
  • Material that has already been used once cannot be reused.

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