Halotherapy course of treatment. Halotherapy - what is it? Description of the procedure, indications and contraindications. Improves overall well-being

In both winter and summer, modern city dwellers spend most of their lives in poorly ventilated rooms. Even when you go outside, it’s quite difficult to “take a breath” of fresh air in the concrete jungle. The high level of air pollution in our cities leads to the emergence and development of an increasing number of various diseases. Treatment methods existing today are divided into medicinal - healing with the help of pharmacological drugs, and non-medicinal - helping in some other way. We will consider one of these methods, which has come to us from time immemorial. This article will be devoted to answering the question: "Speleotherapy - what is it and who can it help?"

Special treatment method

The word “speleotherapy” is formed from two roots of such Greek words as “ spelaion" - cave And " therapeía" - treatment. That is, in order to cure a person, both natural grottoes and caves are used, as well as potash, salt and metal mines created and developed by people. At first glance, it may seem rather strange that patients are placed in a dungeon, because it is cold and scary there. But a similar impression is formed by those who have not tried this treatment method on themselves and do not have detailed information about speleotherapy - what it is and how it is carried out.

Characteristics of healing caves

The healing effect of dungeons has been known for more than two thousand years, but only in the last 20-40 years has it begun to be actively studied and widely used. The special microclimate of natural and artificial mines used for treatment is characterized by stable temperature values ​​and high level ionization, almost complete absence of pathogenic microorganisms and allergens, dry and clean, saturated with ions mineral salts air. It is important to note that speleotherapy for children is possible, since this method of treatment has not revealed any side effects.

History of origin

Researchers of this therapeutic method treatments agree that it arose more than two thousand years ago. More priests ancient Greece recommended that patients with attacks of suffocation and coughing visit salt caves, and Israeli healers worked and treated in such dungeons. In the chronicles ancient india There are references to the fact that it was in salt grottoes and caves that warriors rested and recuperated after battles. Over time, so simple and effective method healing was forgotten.

On the question of speleotherapy - what is it, and how does the air of salt caves affect human body, scientists turned in the middle of the 20th century. The Germans were the first to show interest in this issue, followed by Polish, Austrian, and Czech doctors. Special speleological clinics and hospitals were created that successfully helped patients with chronic bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Several decades later official medicine admitted that speleotherapy is effective method treatment. For people with respiratory and nervous system, skin diseases rooms began to be created in which the atmosphere of caves was artificially recreated and filled with salt aerosols. This direction is called halotherapy, since speleotherapy is possible only in natural conditions.

Where can you find caves?

After the patients leave different countries received the first concepts about speleotherapy - what it is and how effective its methods are, as well as with the advent of new scientific data, various types clinics, hospitals and hospitals were created in many countries. Thus, in Austria, man-made radon adits have found use in Bad Gastein, and in Poland, the Wieliczka salt mines have found use.

IN modern Russia this method of treatment is used in sanatoriums and hospitals created in Perm, Tyumen and Sverdlovsk regions, Krasnodar region, as well as in the Moscow region.

There are also speleotherapeutic resorts, for example the Soligorsk salt mines in Belarus, the Kyrgyz Chon-Guz, and the Duzdag caves in Azerbaijan.

How it works?

It should be noted that speleotherapy is a rather specific and unusual method of treatment for us, in which the main influencing factor is the special microclimate and air of underground caves. The peculiarity of this method is that to obtain the result you need to be underground for quite a long time.

Research by scientists has shown that caves have a truly special microclimate:

1. The air is saturated with negative ions and mineral salts.

2. Constancy of the gas and ionic composition of the air.

3. Practically complete absence allergens, dust and pathogens, due to which:

  • the amount of cells damaging normal cells and causing inflammatory processes is reduced;
  • the number of T-lymphocytes responsible for recognizing and destroying foreign agents increases;
  • phagocytic activity of cells increases;
  • the content of immunoglobulins is normalized.

4. Low relative humidity of the surrounding air.

5. Stable and unaffected sudden changes temperature and pressure.

6. A slight increase in background radiation, especially near karst formations.

7. Slightly increased carbon dioxide content.

For each of the caves used for healing, these characteristics have different and unique meanings.

Specific and nonspecific effects

Thanks to all of the above factors, cave air helps to improve and normalize protein and carbohydrate metabolic processes in the body, cleanses the respiratory system of harmful substances, resins and dust, and helps to liquefy and remove phlegm. All these are specific effects, but besides them, there are also so-called nonspecific ones.

Such impacts include:

  • gravitational and electromagnetic fields;
  • acoustic vibrations;
  • special psychological mood.

It is the specific and nonspecific effects of the “cave” treatment that lead to the general positive result. Unfortunately, speleotherapy offered today in a clinic or health center cannot compare with the effects of real underground hospitals.

In what cases does it help?

Today, speleotherapy has many methods for treating a wide variety of diseases. Depending on the nature and course of the disease, doctors select climatic factors, the concentration of various salts and the individual time spent in the cave. However, along with many advantages, speleotherapy has contraindications and is not suitable for everyone.

This treatment method is indicated for diseases such as:

  • various types of bronchial asthma;
  • chronic bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • hay fever;
  • Stages I and II-A;
  • (sleep disorders, headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome);
  • chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract:






  • atopic dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis without exacerbation;
  • drug and food allergies.

In addition, to restore immunity after illnesses and surgical interventions on the respiratory system.


Like most therapeutic methods In addition to its advantages, speleotherapy has contraindications. These include:

1. Mental disorders and diseases.

2. Any disease in the acute phase.

3. Tumors and oncological diseases.

4. Severe forms of hypertension and bronchial asthma.

5. Diseases of the circulatory system and hematopoietic organs.

6. Active form of tuberculosis.

7. Pregnancy.

Before planning treatment with speleotherapeutic methods, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Is it possible for children?

Children from the age of two can also be in salt caves and mines. Just remember that up to the age of five, the child must be accompanied by one of the parents. Until the age of 10, children can only receive daytime treatment sessions lasting about 1.5-2 hours. Children over 10 years old can also be prescribed night speleotherapy sessions lasting up to 9 hours.

Is speleotherapy effective for children? Feedback from parents is, in most cases, positive. Not only did the children enjoy going to the caves, but their health also improved noticeably. In some cases, there was a long-term improvement and even complete absence allergic reactions after returning to a familiar environment.

However, among those parents whose children have undergone speleotherapy treatment, there are those who believe that it did not help or had an insignificant positive effect. These are mainly those whose children showed a slight deterioration in their condition at the very beginning of treatment and to whom doctors gave a “break” so that the body could rest and get used to it. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, since the respiratory system reacts to external influences in a similar way.

It is clear that treatment in caves is not a panacea for everything, but it has helped improve and restore the health of many people. Of course, if you have the financial means and a special room, you can make an artificial salt cave in your own home. But it is worth noting that speleotherapy at home is not as effective as in natural conditions, and besides, you need to know exactly how long the exposure should take and whether all this will help with your disease.

Halotherapy - what is it? You will find the answer to this question in the article. We will consider in detail the aspects of this therapy, and also learn about all the nuances. We will definitely tell you about the indications and contraindications. Note that many medical centers and sanatoriums offer this particular one in their range of services, as it has become quite popular.

What is it about?

So, halotherapy - what is it? This is a non-drug method of treatment, which consists in recreating the natural microclimate using an artificial method. It is brought as close as possible to the conditions of salt caves. This is the determining factor in this topic.

Hospitals of this type are quite unique. They are required to support constant temperature and low humidity. At the same time, which is important, there are no fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, as well as bacteria. This kind of climate is called hypoallergenic, since air containing salt aerosol has special properties.

When a patient undergoes the first stage of treatment in a salt cave, he has no of great importance whether it is artificial or real. The fact is that the effect will be in any case. However, all people react differently to this. Some may experience weakness or dizziness, while others will feel a strong surge of strength and energy after the first session. Of course, people's body reactions may be different, but only for the first time. The second and third time, almost everyone experiences an energy boost.


How is halotherapy different? What is this procedure that invigorates so quickly? In fact, everything is very simple. However, many are surprised by how this all looks in practice. Few people know that inside the salt caves there are small gazebos, sun loungers and tables. But, of course, there is a difference between a real cave and an office. The artificial premises are equipped with a treatment room and a camera room.

Much attention is paid to those who are sick bronchial asthma. The fact is that such people in the first minutes of their stay in the cave may begin to experience coughing, which passes after about 10 minutes. The body adapts and adapts.

The number of sessions should be prescribed by a specialist. It all depends on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of its course. Most often this is about 10-15 sessions. If necessary, the course is repeated after 6 months.


Note that these two procedures are very similar to each other. The fact is that their therapeutic methods are almost the same. Initially, the term “speleotherapy” meant the recovery of the body in caves or natural mines. Such places are characterized by the possibility of circulating large air flows. Thanks to this, the same, stable microclimate, temperature, and humidity were maintained. IN modern medicine the benefits of such treatment are already undeniable, but the problem is that getting to such places is quite difficult. Because of this, the idea arose to create something similar in artificial conditions.

The air environment of speleochambers has a number of features. It reproduces the climate of real underground caves. Special salt is used for halotherapy and speleotherapy. This is a material consisting of halite and salvinite slabs, which are usually used for cladding floors, walls and ceilings in medical chambers.

Thus, a speleological chamber is a room in which a unique environment is created with the help of air currents. The necessary flow around the salt material occurs, due to which the products of the natural destruction process are released.

Salt spray consists of magnesium, sodium and potassium chloride. The latter substance has a very good effect on the heart, activating its ability to recover and contract. The key factor in the effectiveness of halotherapy sessions is that people inhale air that is completely free of bacteria. The atmosphere is maintained by the silence in the chamber, the absence of extraneous sounds. The air becomes rich and fresh, which not only creates a pleasant feeling, but also has a positive effect on human health.

Caving chambers use ventilation and air conditioning equipment. The air passes through a huge wall, which is covered along its entire length with natural salt. As a result, many useful substances are released into it, which normalize metabolism and reduce arterial pressure and stimulate biochemical processes. To get the maximum effect, just breathe deeply.

Differences: speleotherapy, halotherapy

But what are the differences? They are that the halotherapy apparatus works with table salt. It is she who is the main and only component of this procedure. It has become popular, by the way, since the last century. Then halochambers, completely covered with salt inside, were new to everyone. Salt is applied with a special spray. An important role is played by the moisture released by the patient himself. It is absorbed, so the humidity level is always stable. At the end, the hood removes everything that has accumulated.

Usually a pleasant atmosphere is created in the cells so that the patient does not feel like he is in medical institution. A sprayer is also installed, which dispenses and grinds salt particles. You can saturate the air only with the help of a halogenerator.

Both methods that we examined relate to climatotherapy. This is one area of ​​treatment that uses salt. However, there are differences in the organization and capabilities of the treatment environment.

The main advantage of a caving chamber is that it provides air charged with a complex of positive substances. Research has shown that halochambers and caving chambers vary in effectiveness. Thus, the latter provide more pronounced medicinal properties.

It should be noted that a halogenerator is not needed for speleotherapy. And it needs to be repaired every 5 years for normal operation. Also, in halotherapy, the surface of the chambers is treated for decorative purposes, whereas in speleochambers the surfaces are actually salt.


Halotherapy at home is a bad idea. But if you visit a professional office, you can really improve your health. Chlorides and sodium ions have a very positive effect on human well-being.

The main advantage of halotherapy is that it cleanses the organs very efficiently. respiratory system. While in the chamber, a person saturates his cells with ions, thanks to which the respiratory tract is cleared of bacteria and dust, and the lungs are restored. The blood is very actively saturated with oxygen, as a result of which the body’s defenses are activated, and resistance to diseases and viruses increases. The effectiveness of the procedure is simply enormous for ENT diseases. These are bronchitis, sinusitis and pharyngitis. Halotherapy for adenoids is also very useful. It has a beneficial effect and heals.

Note that halotherapy is also available for children. It is indicated for those who are often sick. The therapy strengthens the body's defenses and improves immunity.


This is an excellent solution for a number of cosmetic problems. Salt chambers renew the skin better than any scrub or peeling. It exfoliates and is saturated with beneficial substances that are absorbed into the deepest layers. It should be noted that blood flow to the cells increases, which promotes oxygen exchange. Note that even wounds and abrasions heal faster after the procedure. Because of this property, reviews of halotherapy are the most positive. It helps cure dermatitis, seborrhea and psoriasis. Salt treatments also have a good effect on hair. They stimulate blood flow to them.

Bad habits

The possibilities of halotherapy may seem surprising. What is this miracle remedy? Scientists have proven that this treatment method can help quit smoking. This is especially true not for beginner smokers, but for those who have been living with this habit for a long time. Inhaling fresh air, the smoker feels a very strong difference. He remembers tobacco and gradually, on a psychological level, begins to reject it. This is the first step on the path to health. At the same time, the lungs are cleansed and inflammation goes away. The craving for nicotine gradually goes away completely, and forever.

Salt caves are equipped in the best way to relieve psycho-emotional stress. Thus, the treatment session has not only a direct effect, but also a relaxing one.

Halotherapy: indications and contraindications

Let us note right away that there are quite a lot of indications for undergoing this procedure. Its main goal is to improve the health of the human cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems.

So, halotherapy is indicated in the treatment of ENT diseases. First of all, these are sinusitis, adenoids, enlarged tonsils, sinusitis or chronic inflammation. Very often, doctors recommend salt procedures as a preventative measure to prevent diseases. It is best to take the course in early spring and autumn. Copes well with asthmatic symptoms. These are smoker's bronchitis, asthma, tracheobronchitis.

The procedure is recommended even during illness in order to reduce complications. That is, it will help cause a wet cough, improve sputum separation, and alleviate the symptoms themselves. In addition, it increases airway patency and relieves the patient from suffocation.

Allergy is a disease that everyone knows about, and there is no need to explain what it is. Halotherapy can even handle this. It perfectly treats allergic reactions of varying degrees of complexity, even rhinitis and dermatitis. By the way, this kind of therapy fights skin diseases very well. Recommended for people with acne, pustules, excess sebum, psoriasis, etc. As we said above, this method is ideal to use in for cosmetic purposes. It can significantly improve the condition of not only the skin, but also the hair. In this case, the effect will be pronounced and in a fairly short time.

Of course, we can’t help but mention diseases of cardio-vascular system, in which this method of treatment is simply irreplaceable. There is no need to swallow a bunch of pills every day to get even the slightest relief. It is enough just to take care of yourself in advance and in a natural way. For people with ischemia, hyper- or hypotension, angina pectoris, etc. this procedure is simply mandatory! Before doing this, you need to consult with your doctor, as there may be some factors that will not allow you to undergo halotherapy. However, doctors definitely recommend visiting salt rooms after or during recovery from a heart attack or stroke.

If you are worried about your psyche, you should also think about the procedure. It helps relieve nervous tension. Indicated for fears, phobias, insomnia, increased anxiety without reason. Halotherapy has a positive effect on the autonomic system, helping to normalize the psycho-emotional state.

What else can halotherapy do? What is this procedure if it does not help fight the conditions? environment? And here it helps! It is recommended for those who live in heavily polluted areas. Where there are hazardous industries or frequent waste, salt rooms are simply irreplaceable. At the same time, they are specifically recommended for people who often work night shifts, experience stress at their job, etc.

Who can't?

So, who will still have to abandon this treatment method? It must be said right away that there are not many contraindications, but still you should not forget about them, since you can only make things worse for your body. Sometimes even intolerance to salt air occurs! Moreover, during a relapse or exacerbation of a disease, the procedure can only worsen the situation.

We have already reviewed the indications for halotherapy. The contraindications are as follows:

  1. Drug addiction, alcoholism or other chronic addictions.
  2. Diseases of the nervous system of varying severity.
  3. Pregnancy period in women.
  4. Sexually transmitted diseases, especially during exacerbation.
  5. Blood diseases during exacerbation.
  6. Bleeding of any location and origin.
  7. Serious suppuration as a result of any disease.
  8. Active tuberculosis.
  9. Malignant formations in the body.
  10. Infections during a period when there is a chance to infect others.

It would seem that most of the contraindications are quite logical, but some of them are really incomprehensible to ordinary person. That is why it is so important to know them, so as not to accidentally make things worse for yourself. And that's why it's worth going through medical examination before deciding on halotherapy.

At home

As we said above, carrying out this procedure at home is highly not recommended. However we live in modern world, where every second counts. Time has become the main resource. That is why many began to think about the possibility of conducting halotherapy at home. Well, if you approach the matter professionally, it is possible. Yes, you can create without leaving home effective conditions real salt caves!

You can buy a salt lamp, which, by the way, is not so cheap. However, one must understand that in this case it will be possible to influence the body only indirectly. The lamp will, of course, be useful, but it will take much more time. Specialized equipment is made from salt crystals. However, in this case it will not be possible to achieve the maximum effect. But it is quite possible to increase the immunity and protective abilities of the body.

If funds allow, you can equip an entire room as a salt cabinet. However, it is clear that this is not an option for everyone. Yes, it’s expensive, but it will dramatically reduce the cost of going to the doctor for all family members. Note that halotherapy can significantly reduce the amount of alcohol consumed. medicines, or even abandon them altogether. However, this issue must be approached very carefully. The room must be equipped based on the fact that 3 square meters are needed for one person. m. Sessions can be held at any time. Naturally, this can be done at home much more often. Such improvement will immediately affect the general condition of the body and appearance person. Note that in its original form this technique was used in Ancient Greece.

So we talked about halotherapy. What it is is now known to readers, who can improve their health in the near future.

Halotherapy is a method of therapy that allows you to cure many diseases without pills and injections by creating a microclimate similar to the microclimate of salt caves. Since ancient times, people began to visit caves in order to improve their health. In Europe, this direction began to actively develop in the 19th century. Polish therapist Felix Boczkowski wrote in his writings that, according to his observations, miners working in salt caves never suffer from asthma.

In 1959, the first salt clinic was opened on the basis of the Velichko mine. This direction began to be called speleotherapy. At first it aroused distrust among eminent doctors. But more and more people were cured, and the healing power of such treatment was difficult to dispute.

Speleotherapy was extremely popular. There were more and more people wishing to experience the benefits of “salt air”, but there were not so many salt clinics and they could no longer cope with the flow of patients. So the decision was made to start building halochambers and the new direction began to be called halotherapy. The difference between halotherapy and speleotherapy is that in the first case, treatment takes place in artificially constructed caves in which conditions close to natural ones are created. In the second case, therapy is carried out in real salt caves.

In artificial caves, the walls are covered with a special material containing salt. The room maintains optimal temperature and humidity. A prerequisite is good sound insulation. People visiting halochambers should not hear any extraneous sounds. This interferes with the session. In some cells, quiet music is played, which promotes relaxation. The air in caves is 10 times cleaner than outside air. They have salt lamps installed. The principle of their operation is simple. Light bulbs are placed inside large salt crystals. After turning on the device, the lamp heats the stone and the air is saturated with salt ions.

Salt lamps can be purchased in specialized stores, but even if you install them at home, you will not be able to achieve the same effect as after visiting a halo chamber. Equipment of a camera in a house or apartment requires large financial costs, a large premises and the involvement of specialists.

Rock salt crystals contribute to air ionization. This microclimate heals the body and helps cure a number of diseases. A session in a halochamber is not inferior in effectiveness to a session held in a real cave. Halotherapy even has a number of advantages over speleotherapy. These include:

  • saving time (2 hours in the halochamber replaces 6 hours spent in the cave);
  • economic benefit;
  • minimum age restrictions.

Description of the procedure

A visit to the holocamer is not only useful, but also a pleasant procedure. During it, you do not need to take any specific body position. You can walk around, enjoy the beauty of the room, sit in comfortable chairs and even read. For young visitors there are special children's rooms where they can play. Modern halochambers have everything you need for a comfortable pastime.

The duration of each session is determined by the doctor. Most often, people come to an artificial salt cave for 30-60 minutes. The best results can be achieved by visiting the halo chamber 2-3 times a week. To cure various diseases 10-15 procedures are enough.

At the first visit, many people notice a deterioration in their health and dizziness. This occurs due to a sharp change in microclimate and saturation of organs and tissues with oxygen. In 10-15 minutes discomfort pass. In modern artificial salt caves there are doctors who are ready to advise visitors on all issues and provide assistance if necessary.

Why do you need to visit the halochamber?

Staying in a halochamber has a positive effect on the entire body, but it is especially beneficial for the respiratory system. Halotherapy helps saturate cells with beneficial ions, cleanse the upper respiratory tract of dust, and restore natural microflora. During the session, the concentration of oxygen in the blood increases, blood circulation improves, and the body's defenses are activated.

Halotherapy is very useful for people who want to quit smoking. After several sessions, the lungs are cleared. During the course of treatment, the craving for nicotine decreases and the psychological dependence on smoking disappears. Modern halochambers are distinguished by cozy interiors and maximum comfort. During their visit, a person can get good emotional relief and be charged with positive emotions, which also affects well-being.

Halotherapy sessions can be carried out both for the purpose of prevention and treatment of various diseases. You can visit artificial salt caves in the absence of any health problems, but the procedures are especially useful for:

  • chronic acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • sinusitis and other inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs;
  • predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • cystic fibrosis, abnormalities of the respiratory system;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • neurotic states, psycho-emotional stress;
  • skin diseases (acne, neurodermatitis, seborrhea);
  • emergence purulent wounds on the surface of the body.

The list of indications for halotherapy is very extensive. Staying in artificial salt caves can speed up recovery from the development of many diseases. But before starting the course, you need to consult a doctor. In some cases, such therapy is sufficient, but more often, visiting halochambers only complements the main treatment.

Halotherapy cannot be performed at all stages of the disease. If acute pneumonia or bronchitis develops, you must first stop inflammatory process, and after that begin restorative therapy, which includes visiting salt caves.

The sessions have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair. Blood circulation in the upper layers of the dermis improves, as a result of which the skin becomes more toned, elastic, and acquires a healthy color. After a course of procedures, the hair becomes smoother and its growth accelerates. Salt is an excellent natural scrub that exfoliates dead skin particles and renews the epidermis.

Contraindications to halotherapy

Staying in artificial salt caves in some cases can be harmful to health, so before performing halotherapy you should definitely consult a doctor. Procedures are contraindicated for:

  • the presence of any malignant neoplasms;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • bleeding of various locations;
  • pregnancy;
  • venereal diseases;
  • some mental illnesses.

You cannot visit the halochamber if many chronic diseases develop, including alcoholism and drug addiction. Sessions are prohibited if diagnosed acute infections. The procedure in this case can harm the person, and visiting a public place in this state poses a threat to other visitors.

In general, a salt halochamber is a specially created room lined with salt materials and used for medicinal purposes during halotherapy. Halotherapy (from the Greek halos - “salt”) is a type of therapeutic, health-improving, rehabilitation and preventive procedures, the essence of which is to create a specific microclimate in an artificial environment, in its properties as close as possible to the natural conditions of underground salt speleothems. The healing effect is achieved by saturating the room air with a highly dispersed dry aerosol of sodium chloride. According to its properties, salt aerosol is an effective natural hypobacterial, hypoallergenic and ionizing substance. It suppresses the growth of harmful microorganisms, fungi, pathogens of inflammatory and other diseases, and also has a unique positive psychotherapeutic effect on the human body.

Treatment in a halo chamber

A course of procedures in a halochamber has a pronounced healing effect on all organ systems; patients experience an improvement in the body’s overall protective background, adaptive and functional capabilities, and an increase in immunity and stress resistance. Halotherapy is used as a reliable means to avoid the occurrence of chronic diseases, a means of primary prevention. But also a course of procedures in the salt chamber helps prevent complications of various chronic pathologies, prolongs the period of remission, promotes the treatment of diseases internal organs medium and light weight.

Indications for the use of halotherapy

Due to their unique antiseptic properties, highly dispersed salt aerosols are used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases ears, throat, mouth and nasal cavities, lungs and upper respiratory tract. Halotherapy is practiced as a prevention of chronic diseases of the respiratory system, ARVI, influenza, in the treatment of allergic conditions, and skin diseases. A course of preventive treatment is especially recommended for people predisposed to the development of pulmonary diseases and workers in hazardous industries. Here are the main medical indications for using a halochamber:

  • Chronic obstructive bronchitis in the stage of remission not higher than the 2nd degree of pulmonary and 1st degree of heart failure;
  • Pre-asthmatic condition;
  • Bronchial asthma in the stage of fading exacerbation and remission not exceeding the 2nd degree of pulmonary and 1st degree of heart failure;
  • Hay fever;
  • Neurocirculatory dystonia with a tendency to hyperventilation and moderate vascular instability;
  • Allergic vasomotor rhinitis in remission;
  • Neurodermatitis and atopic dermatitis;
  • Eczema in remission;
  • Tracheobronchitis;
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Increased sensitivity to stress;
  • Nervous disorders that do not require serious drug treatment.

Contraindications to the use of halotherapy

In general, halotherapy is not applicable for severe forms diseases, with acute relapses and exacerbations, with individual intolerance to the components of the salt aerosol. The following contraindications can be identified:

  • Mental illnesses;
  • Tuberculosis in the active stage;
  • Any forms of drug and toxicological addiction;
  • Infectious diseases in the acute stage and before the end of the isolation period;
  • Diseases with acute purulent complications;
  • Malignant formations, tumors;
  • Diseases complicated by bleeding of any nature;
  • Blood diseases in the acute stage.

Equipment for halo chamber

Halochambers are rooms lined with salt materials. For the arrangement, blocks or slabs cut from a salt layer, special bricks and plaster made from evaporated salt are used. But also one of the most important conditions for creating a microclimate similar in properties to a natural cave climate requires strict regulation of temperature and humidity. There is a list of additional equipment that is used to increase the efficiency of the halochamber and create optimal health conditions.

  • Relaxation chairs;
  • Salt coating for walls, ceiling and floor;
  • Aerosol generator (halogenator);
  • Heater or electric cable for heating;
  • Air cooling system in summer;
  • Exhaust ventilation.
Construction material
  • Evaporated salt brick;
  • Blocks and slabs cut from a salt bed;
  • Salt plaster.
  • Highly dispersed powder based on sodium chloride for aerosol generators.

Buy a halo camera

The price of a halo chamber depends on the size of the room and the configuration. The equipment of a medical halochamber differs in type, design, and room design. The cost of such therapeutic equipment will also depend on the set of additional and basic devices, the number of people for which the halo chamber will be designed. In addition to the basic equipment, there are often special decorative elements: quantum lamps, salt sculptures and bas-reliefs, media devices for playing relaxing music.

  • Salt coating of walls - 50,000 rubles;
  • Decorated salt ceiling - 5,000 rubles;
  • Floor made of salt blocks - 13,000 rubles;
  • Aerosol generator - 200,000 rubles;
  • Ventilation equipment - 38,000 rubles;
  • Quantum lamps - 7,500 rubles;
  • Air purifier-ionizer - 8,500 rubles;
  • Relaxing chairs - 8,000 rubles.

On average, the price of installing a halo chamber on the domestic market is 300,000-350,000 rubles.

Products: Himalayan salt products for halo chambers

Below are products made from Himalayan salt for halo chamber equipment.

Salt slabs, salt tiles, Himalayan salt discs for halo chambers

Salt panel

To improve health, for preventive purposes, as well as for the treatment of certain diseases experienced doctors often recommend their patients to undergo a procedure called “halotherapy”. Let's try to figure it out in this article.

What is halotherapy?

Halotherapy is a treatment method that does not involve the use of medications, but based on the use of an artificially created microclimate, similar in its basic parameters to the conditions of salt speleological clinics located underground. Today, this method of therapy is successfully used almost all over the world, not only for the treatment of a wide variety of ailments, but also for preventive purposes.

A brief excursion into history

Since ancient times they have been extremely popular. Monks who lived in the Middle Ages visited them to cure respiratory diseases. Thus, a new direction appeared and gradually developed in medicine, known today as “speleotherapy”. In European countries, they learned about it only in the 19th century, when one very famous Polish therapist, whose name is Felix Boczkowski, guided by his own observations, concluded that miners working in salt mines never suffer from asthma. A little later, in 1959, the world's first salt clinic was opened in the Velichko mine. A year later, a whole independent speleotherapeutic department began to function. At first, the doctors' reports only caused smiles and distrust among officials, but more and more people were cured, and it became impossible to dispute the obvious fact. In speleotherapy, very small particles of salt, known as salt aerosols, combat ailments.

Since the number of people wishing to experience the effect of the “miraculous” air was continuously growing, salt clinics simply could no longer cope with the ever-increasing flow of patients. In order to somehow resolve the situation, experts decided to create similar caves, which, however, would differ in the nature of the microclimate. It was planned to create it artificially in the constructed caves. Thus, in 1984, the first halochamber was constructed in the USSR, which marked the beginning of a fundamentally new direction in modern medicine called “halotherapy”. What it was became known everywhere and did not require additional explanation.

Mechanism of action of halotherapy

First of all, it should be noted that salt rooms are constructed in order to recreate the microclimate that prevails in speleological clinics located underground. The walls of the room are covered with special salt materials, which, interacting with the salt aerosol, ensure the maintenance of the required temperature and hypobacterial indicators, as well as the appropriate level of humidity. Thanks to this immune system there is no excessive load, histamine in the blood returns to normal, the system begins to function normally external respiration. Soundproofing the room prevents the penetration of extraneous sounds. During the sessions, calm, soothing music is played, which promotes relaxation of the whole body. The air in salt rooms is 10 times cleaner than outside air. This is thanks to crystal rock salt, which is a natural ionizer. Negatively charged ions in the air help improve general state health and are used in the treatment of a huge number of diseases.

What to choose: halotherapy or speleotherapy?

Today, an increasing number of people familiar with natural treatment methods are interested in what benefits halotherapy, in turn, has. What is it and is this trend in medicine really an excellent alternative to speleotherapy? Judge for yourself:

  1. Age restrictions are significantly reduced.
  2. In order to undergo treatment with halotherapy, you do not need to travel out of the country to the salt mines.
  3. Significant time savings, since a one-hour halotherapy session is equivalent to an average of 6 hours of stay in a salt clinic.
  4. The cost of a course of treatment is much lower.

It should be noted that in terms of efficiency, halochambers are in no way inferior to natural salt caves.

Everyone sane person I am interested in the question of whether halotherapy can harm his health. Indications and contraindications certainly exist, as for any other medical procedure. Let's first consider the main indications for the use of this non-drug method treatment. These include:

  • prevention of various colds: acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia, bronchitis of varying severity;
  • frontal sinusitis and chronic inflammatory processes;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • predisposition to allergic reactions to food and medications;
  • treatment of diseases skin: psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, acne, as well as purulent manifestations in various areas of the skin;
  • treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system and neurotic conditions;
  • relieving psycho-emotional stress, etc.

People who want to improve their health should seriously consider trying a treatment method such as halotherapy. Indications for the use of this method were presented above. However, in fairness, it should be noted that this is a long list, and for additional and more detailed information, you can seek help from a specialist at any time.

In what cases is halotherapy contraindicated?

Unfortunately, many people consider such a procedure as halotherapy to be very harmless. Indications and contraindications for its use are often ignored. Human carelessness, however, is fraught with consequences, and good intentions can ultimately lead to disastrous results. To avoid ending up in an unpleasant situation, you should take into account the fact that not everyone benefits from halotherapy. Contraindications cannot be ignored, and if the doctor does not recommend the use of this treatment method, it is better to listen and not risk your health in vain.

Among the main limitations it should be noted:

  • individual intolerance to the greasy aerosol itself;
  • tuberculosis in the active stage;
  • any malignant neoplasm;
  • complications after certain diseases, manifested in the form of suppuration;
  • all kinds of bleeding, regardless of their location;
  • pregnancy;
  • some sexually transmitted diseases;
  • various mental illnesses.

Contraindications also apply to people who are addicted to alcohol and drugs.

Use of halotherapy in pediatrics

Any pediatrician or pediatric pulmonologist will confirm that children, due to their age, catch colds much more often than adults. Everything would be fine, but it would just seem common cold sometimes turns into chronic form bronchopulmonary pathology, and once healthy child can become disabled overnight. The life of a huge number of children would lose its colorfulness if medicinal methods for treating bronchial diseases were not improved today. However, there is still a long way to go to achieve complete success. This is due to the fact that currently existing medications are not always as effective as we would like.

That is why there is an urgent need to find and improve new non-drug treatment methods. One such method is halotherapy. Every parent should know what this is, because the child’s long-term treatment medicines significantly weakens his immunity.
Due to the high effectiveness of this method of treatment and prevention of various diseases, the absence of any serious side effects, as well as the ability to dose the concentration of sodium chloride and continuously monitor the child’s condition throughout the entire procedure, halotherapy has received the approval of a huge number of highly qualified pediatricians. It is increasingly prescribed to children and adolescents who often suffer from acute respiratory viral infections, hay fever, ENT pathologies, etc. Halotherapy for children is actively used by medical, preventive and sanitary resort institutions located throughout Russia.

Application of halotherapy in dermatology and cosmetology

Despite the fact that the cosmetic services market currently offers a huge range of products designed to maintain youth and beauty, an impressive number of the fair sex continue to trust exclusively nature. For reasons of health safety and the absence of side effects, they are increasingly choosing what we know as halotherapy. Indications for use relate not only to the treatment of one or another type of disease. The procedure can also be actively used in cosmetology and dermatology. Due to the specific formation process, dry highly dispersed aerosol has a certain charge and high surface energy. As a result, it is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, thereby increasing its immune function, as well as providing anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic and rejuvenating effects. Microcrystals restore skin pH, intensify regeneration processes, improve hair condition and activate hair growth.

Halotherapy at home - myth or reality?

Due to their busy schedule, not every person can afford to visit the halo chamber for a long time. One halotherapy session lasts 30-45 minutes, and at least 10 procedures are required to complete the full course. Therefore, some people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to carry out the procedure at home, in their free time from work, and whether this will give the desired result. It is difficult to answer unequivocally, because although the procedure can be carried out within the walls of the house, the effectiveness of its use will be much lower.

So, in order to increase immunity and regularly carry out the prevention of diseases of the respiratory system, without visiting specialized institutions, you just need to purchase one of the many offered on the market today. They are made from salt crystals, and a light bulb is placed inside, which, after turning on the device, heats the stone, as a result of which the air is saturated with salt ions.

Of course, you can even equip a caving chamber at home, but not everyone can afford it. Moreover, in addition to significant costs, you will need an impressive premises and the help of highly qualified specialists.

Is it possible to undergo a course of halotherapy in Moscow?

Residents of the capital increasingly have a desire to try for themselves the amazing effect that halotherapy is famous for. Moscow is a metropolis where you can satisfy almost any whim, and treatment in salt rooms is no exception. Thus, the Galo Plus network of salt caves offers its services, which has earned a very good feedback visitors. Practice has shown that once a person has attended a session, he is no longer able to deny himself the pleasure of regularly visiting salt rooms. And this is not surprising, because you cannot buy health, and it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it later. Halotherapy is ideal for the prevention of many diseases. The price of one session varies from 350 to 500 rubles, and the effect is simply stunning. Plus, the whole family can visit the salt rooms, without age restrictions.

Halotherapy: reviews from doctors and patients

Each person has the right to decide for himself what is best for him. The same applies to the procedure that is known to society as halotherapy. Reviews about it are mostly positive, and only a few express their negative opinion. However, it would be reasonable to note that this negativity is mainly expressed by those patients who decided to go to the session, ignoring existing contraindications. Naturally, under such circumstances, the procedure not only will not provide positive effect on your general health, but can even harm it. Doctors, as well as the overwhelming number of patients, claim that halotherapy is an excellent non-drug method of combating certain diseases and simply good remedy to relieve fatigue, stress and prolonged depression.