Enterosgel paste for oral administration. Enterosgel for the treatment of children of different ages: reviews from parents. Poisoning in children

"Enterosgel" is modern medicine from the group of sorbents. Due to the special structure, the particles of this drug can absorb various harmful substances, which helps cleanse the intestines and the whole body. At the same time, they act selectively (on molecules of a certain size), and therefore do not harm digestive system And internal organs, and are also not included in the biochemical reactions that take place in the human body.

The medicine is often used in childhood, because many parents are faced with childhood diarrhea, allergies, infections and other problems, which Enterosgel copes with with a bang. Diarrhea, ARVI, poisoning and other ailments especially often occur in children who communicate with peers in kindergarten or school. Diseases that are provoked by harmful microbes and allergens usually occur in the spring and autumn, and poisoning occurs in the summer. This makes Enterosgel a drug that is in demand all year round.

Release form

Enterosgel is a patented product of the Russian company TNK Silma and is sold in several types of packaging:

  • in tubes, holding 90 or 225 grams of pasta;
  • in portioned sachets 22.5 grams of the drug (they are sold in 2, 10 or 20 sachets in one box).

The medicine itself is a gel-like substance with a whitish tint. This paste has no odor and a neutral taste. Separately, they produce sweet Enterosgel, which also does not smell of anything, has a gel-like structure and is white in color. It is sold in tubes of 225 grams, as well as in boxes containing 10 bags of 15 grams of paste each.


The main ingredient of the paste is called polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate. Its share in the tasteless medicine is 70%, that is, 100 grams of the medicine contains 70 grams of this substance, and the remainder (30 grams) is purified water. In sweet paste, its amount is slightly less - 69.9 g, as well as in purified water - 29.9 g. This version of Enterosgel additionally includes two sweeteners - sodium saccharinate and sodium cyclamate.

Operating principle

"Enterosgel" belongs to the intestinal adsorbents due to the special structure of its active component. It is represented by an organosilicon matrix with a porous structure resembling a sponge. This matrix has a hydrophobic nature, that is, it repels water molecules, but absorbs medium-molecular toxic compounds well.

Enterosgel has a strong detoxification and sorption effect. Once in the lumen of the digestive tract, the paste binds both exogenous and endogenous harmful substances of various natures - allergens, poisons, toxins, pathogenic microbes, medications and so on. The active ingredient of the gel is also capable of absorbing certain metabolic products, for example, lipid complexes, bilirubin, cholesterol or urea.

Enterosgel does not have a harmful effect on the body, because it is not absorbed in the intestines, but leaves the digestive tract unchanged within 8-12 hours after administration. At the same time, it does not impair the absorption of minerals and vitamin substances, and also does not in any way affect the motor function of the intestines. In addition, the paste not only does not inhibit the microflora in the colon, but even helps restore it if the patient has dysbiosis.

The therapeutic effects of the sweet version of Enterosgel are the same as those of the unflavored paste. This type of medicine is also not absorbed, but “works” only in the intestinal lumen - it adsorbs various toxins, viruses, microbial cells, allergens, toxic substances or drugs onto its matrix. After this, harmful compounds soon leave the gastrointestinal tract and the patient's condition improves.


The instructions for Enterosgel indicate quite a few reasons for using such a sorbent. First of all, it is prescribed for acute poisoning when in the body little patient salts of heavy metals, alkaloids, alcohols, drugs (in case of overdose). The paste is no less in demand for acute intestinal infections, for example, salmonellosis, rotavirus or dysentery. In addition, Enterosgel is used:

  • with diarrhea and abdominal pain of non-infectious origin;
  • with dysbacteriosis;
  • for purulent diseases and acute respiratory viral infections, to help eliminate intoxication (with high temperature, weakness and other signs);
  • for viral hepatitis or jaundice in newborns, to reduce bilirubin levels;
  • in case of renal failure, if it is necessary to reduce the level of azotemia;
  • with medicinal or food allergies, including when atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma;
  • with increased acetone in the blood;
  • when staying in a place where the air is polluted;
  • when living in an area that is considered environmentally unfavorable.

At what age is it allowed?

"Enterosgel" without taste can be prescribed to children from birth. This drug has a simple composition and is harmless for both infants and older children. But the drug with added sweeteners is not recommended for young patients in the first year of life, since early age it can provoke negative reactions.

This paste can only be given to children over 1 year of age.


Both neutral and sweetened Enterosgel are prohibited for children with individual intolerance to its main ingredient. In addition, a drug with a sweet taste should not be given if you are hypersensitive to its sweetening components, as well as if you are intolerant to sulfonamide drugs.

Another contraindication to the use of the paste is intestinal atony, since the medication can further worsen the patient’s condition with this problem. It is unacceptable to use Enterosgel in case of bleeding in digestive tract or intestinal obstruction.

For such serious pathologies, it is not sorbents that are needed, but immediate health care, therefore, if you suspect them, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Side effects

As a result of the use of Enterosgel, some children may experience side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, for example, constipation or nausea. To relieve constipation, it is recommended to give your child more fluids.

If the drug is prescribed for severe liver or kidney dysfunction, the patient may develop an aversion to the paste. In addition, medicines that contain sweeteners may cause allergic reaction, for example, urticaria or skin itching. Allergies to tasteless Enterosgel also occur, but much less frequently. In such a situation, the medication should be stopped immediately.

Instructions for use

It is recommended to give the drug to children one to two hours before meals or several hours after meals. If the medicine is used for poisoning or another acute condition, the diet does not affect the time of its administration. In such situations, the drug is prescribed at the first negative symptoms.

As for the method of application, Enterosgel can be given to children from a spoon, offering to wash it down with water, or stir the paste in a glass of water. There must be water room temperature and taken at least in triple volume.

For the youngest patients, it is permissible to dilute the medication in breast milk or its substitute. For older children, you can combine the gel with juice or other non-hot sweet liquid.

The neutral-tasting medicine is usually given three times a day, and the single dose is determined by the age of the child.

  • If a remedy needs to be prescribed to an infant, then half a teaspoon is enough for one dose, that is, 2.5 g of paste. Such young patients are given medication more often - six times a day before each feeding. Thus, the daily dose of Enterosgel for a child under one year of age is 15 g.
  • If Enterosgel is prescribed for a child aged from 1 year to 5 years (for example, at 2 years), then a single dosage will be half a tablespoon. This corresponds to 7.5 g of paste per dose, and such a patient should receive 22.5 g of medication per day.
  • If the drug is prescribed to a child 6-14 years, then it is given in a full tablespoon. It turns out that at this age the medication is taken in 15 g doses, and the daily dose will be 45 g.
  • If the product needs to be used on a teenager over 14 years old, apply adult dosage– 1-1.5 tablespoons of paste per dose (15-22.5 g). It turns out daily dosage for adolescence the amount is 45-67.5 g, which for a portion-packed medication corresponds to 2-3 sachets.

In cases where the patient’s condition is severe and the intoxication is very severe, the dosage of Enterosgel can be doubled. But, as soon as the symptoms become less pronounced, they return to the doses recommended for age. This usually happens 1-3 days after starting to use the drug.

Sweet paste is taken 3 times a day in the following dosage:

  • Children 1-5 years old are given the medicine one teaspoon (5 g per dose);
  • for a child 6-14 years old, Enterosgel with sweeteners is prescribed a dessert spoon, that is, 10 g at a time;
  • in adolescence, you need to take a tablespoon of sweet medicine (15 g) at one time.

You should check with your doctor for how long to take the drug. If a child has acute poisoning or an intestinal infection, giving the paste for 5-7 days is often sufficient. For the treatment of allergic reactions or chronic pathologies"Enterosgel" is prescribed for a longer course, for example, for 2 weeks. Repeated use of the paste some time after completion of treatment is recommended after consultation with the doctor.


An excess dose of the medicine does not have a harmful effect, because Enterosgel does not interact with the patient’s body and does not reach the internal organs. In case of acute poisoning or severe intoxication, it is possible to increase the dosage to remove toxic and poisonous compounds from the child’s body as quickly as possible, so it is impossible to overdose on the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

Enterosgel can be prescribed together with many other medications (including antibiotics) and does not affect their effectiveness if you follow the rules for dividing doses by time.

The paste and other medications should be given to the child at intervals of 1.5-2 hours, then the sorbent will not affect their absorption in any way.

Terms of sale

Since Enterosgel is classified as an over-the-counter medicine, and the paste is produced by a Russian company, there are no difficulties in purchasing the medicine at the pharmacy. The price of the medicine depends on the region, the volume of the package, and the markup in a particular pharmacy. On average, for one tube containing 225 g of the drug, or for one box with 10 portioned packets of paste, you need to pay 400-450 rubles.

Instructions for use

Enterosgel instructions for use

Dosage form

Homogeneous pasty mass from white to almost white without smell


100 g of the drug contains:

Active substance:

Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate 70 g.


Purified water 30 g.


Enterosgel® has a porous structure of an organosilicon matrix (molecular sponge) of a hydrophobic nature, which is characterized by a sorption effect in relation only to medium-molecular toxic metabolites (mm from 70 to 1000). Enterosgel® has pronounced sorption and detoxification properties. In the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug binds and removes endogenous and exogenous toxic substances from the body of different nature, including bacteria and bacterial toxins, antigens, food allergens, drugs and poisons, heavy metal salts, radionuclides, alcohol. The drug also absorbs some metabolic products of the body, including excess bilirubin, urea, cholesterol and lipid complexes, as well as metabolites responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis. Enterosgel® does not reduce the absorption of vitamins and microelements, helps restore disturbed intestinal microflora and does not affect its motor function.


The drug is not absorbed into gastrointestinal tract, is excreted unchanged within 12 hours.

Side effects

Possible nausea and constipation. In case of severe renal and/or liver failure, a feeling of disgust towards the drug may occur.

Selling Features

Available without a prescription

Special conditions

The drug can be used in complex therapy with others medicines subject to the rule of taking it 1-2 hours before or after taking other medications.


In adults and children as a detoxifying agent:

Acute and chronic intoxications of various origins;

Acute poisoning with potent and toxic substances, including medicines and alcohol, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals;

Acute intestinal infections of any origin as part of complex therapy (toxic infections, salmonellosis, dysentery, diarrheal syndrome of non-infectious origin, dysbacteriosis);

Purulent-septic diseases accompanied by severe intoxication, as part of complex therapy;

Food and drug allergies;

Hyperbilirubinemia (viral hepatitis) and hyperazotemia (chronic renal failure);

In order to prevent chronic intoxication for workers in hazardous industries (occupational intoxication with chemical agents of polytropic action, xenobiotics, incorporated radionuclides, compounds of lead, mercury, arsenic, petroleum products, organic solvents, oxides of nitrogen, carbon, fluorides


Individual intolerance to the drug, intestinal atony.

Use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding Enterosgel® is not contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Drug interactions

When used simultaneously with Enterosgel, the absorption of other drugs may be reduced.

Prices for Enterosgel in other cities

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Mode of application


Enterosgel® paste is taken orally 1-2 hours before or after meals or taking other medications with water.

It is recommended to mix the required amount of the drug in a glass with three times the volume of water at room temperature or take it orally with water.

Dosage for adults - 22.5 g (1.5 tablespoons) or 1 packet 3 times a day. Daily dose 67.5 g (3 packets).

Children aged 5 to 14 years - 15 g (1 tablespoon) 3 times a day. Daily dose 45 g (2 packets).

Children under 5 years of age - 7.5 g (0.5 tablespoon) 3 times a day. Daily dose 22.5 g (1 packet).

For the prevention of chronic intoxication - 22.5 g (1 packet) 2 times a day for 7-10 days monthly.

In case of severe intoxication, the dose of the drug can be doubled during the first three days.

The duration of treatment for acute poisoning is 3-5 days, and for chronic intoxications and allergic conditions 2-3 weeks. Repeated course on doctor's recommendation.


Data on drug overdose are not provided.

Siloxane matrices (Russia), TNK Silma (Russia)

pharmachologic effect

Adsorbent, detoxifying.

In the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, it binds and removes from the body endogenous and exogenous toxic substances of various natures, including bacteria and bacterial toxins, antigens, food allergens, drugs and poisons, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, alcohol.

Adsorbs some metabolic products, incl. excess bilirubin, urea, cholesterol and lipid complexes, metabolites responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis.

Side effects of Enterosgel

Does not cause side effects (including at maximum dosages).

In case of severe renal or liver failure, a feeling of disgust towards the drug may occur.

In some cases, constipation is possible, which can be relieved by taking appropriate medications and increasing water consumption.

Indications for use

Acute and chronic intoxications of various origins in adults and children:

  • acute poisoning with potent and toxic substances, incl. medications, alcohol, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals, etc.; acute intestinal infections of various origins(as part of complex therapy), including foodborne diseases, salmonellosis, dysentery, etc.; diarrheal syndrome of non-infectious origin, dysbacteriosis;
  • purulent-septic diseases accompanied by severe intoxication;
  • food and drug allergies;
  • viral hepatitis and other jaundices (hyperbilirubinemia); chronic renal failure (hyperazotemia); prevention of chronic intoxication among workers in hazardous industries.

Contraindications Enterosgel

Individual intolerance to the drug, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum in the acute phase, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal atony.


No data.


It can be used in complex therapy with other drugs, subject to the interval between doses.

special instructions

No data.

Storage conditions

Store in a cool, dry place. Protect from drying out after opening the package.

Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate.

pharmachologic effect"type="checkbox">

pharmachologic effect

Enterosgel® has pronounced sorption and detoxification properties. In the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug binds and removes from the body endogenous and exogenous toxic substances of various natures, including bacteria and bacterial toxins, antigens, food allergens, drugs and poisons, heavy metal salts, and alcohol. The drug also absorbs some metabolic products of the body, including excess bilirubin, urea, cholesterol and lipid complexes, as well as metabolites responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis. Enterosgel® helps restore disturbed intestinal microflora and does not affect its motor function.


The drug is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted unchanged within 12 hours.

Indications for use

In adults and children as a detoxifying agent:

Acute and chronic intoxications of various origins;

Poisoning with potent and toxic substances, including drugs, alcohol, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals, etc.

Acute intestinal infections of any origin as part of complex therapy (toxic infections, salmonellosis, dysentery, diarrheal syndrome of non-infectious origin, dysbacteriosis);

Purulent-septic diseases accompanied by severe intoxication, as part of complex therapy;

Food and drug allergies;

Hyperbilirubinemia (viral hepatitis and other jaundices) and hyperazotemia (chronic renal failure);

In order to prevent chronic intoxication for workers in hazardous industries.


Individual intolerance to the drug, intestinal atony.

Directions for use and doses

Enterosgel® is taken orally in the form of an aqueous suspension. To obtain a suspension, the required amount of the drug is thoroughly ground in 1/4 glass of water and taken with water 1-2 hours before meals or taking other medications. It is recommended to prepare a fresh suspension before each dose of the drug.

Dosage for adults - 1 tablespoon (15g) 3 times a day 45g).

Children under 5 years old - 1 teaspoon (5 g) 3 times a day (15 g), and from 5 to 14 - 1 dessert spoon (10 g) 3 times a day (30 g).

In case of severe intoxication, the dose of the drug can be doubled during the first three days.

The duration of treatment for acute poisoning is 3 - 5 days, and for chronic intoxication and allergic conditions - 2 - 3 weeks.

Side effect"type="checkbox">

Side effect

Possible nausea and constipation. In case of severe renal or liver failure, a feeling of disgust towards the drug may occur.

Interaction with other drugs

It is possible to reduce the absorption of other drugs when taken simultaneously with Enterosgel®.

Features of application

The drug can be used in complex therapy with other medications, subject to the rule of separate dosing.

Typically, enterosorbents, such as Enterosgel for children, come to the rescue when a child has food poisoning or a new product has caused allergies. It would be nice to have this gel in your home medicine cabinet, especially during travel, tourist trips and picnics, when there is a risk of poisoning or intestinal infection increases. Because Enterosgel or taken at the first symptoms quickly alleviate the condition. Suppose there is no sorbent at hand, and the child ate something stale and complains of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. What to do? Where is the best place to run? To the pharmacy for Enterosgel or to the hospital for a doctor? Let's find out!

If a child over three years old develops pain and rumbling in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting and frequent loose stool, then you and Enterosgel can help him. Up to 5 years, half a tablespoon, from 5 to 14 years, 1 tbsp. Dilute a spoonful in water and take on an empty stomach 3 times a day. There is no need to feed the baby at this time, but more fluids should be given. The choice of liquid is up to the child - he drinks what he wants. If fluid is lost during vomiting, then drink fractionally - 2 sips warm water at intervals of 1 minute. The child will feel better within 1–2 days. If after the specified time it does not get better or the temperature rises, someone else in the family gets sick, or we are talking about a child under 3 years old, you may have encountered an infection, then you need to call a doctor.

If the family ate mushrooms the day before, double vision appeared, difficulty swallowing and confusion of speech, muscle weakness, rash on the body, jaundice of varying severity, blood in the stool, vomit, or lack of urine for more than 6 hours, sound the alarm!!! This could start to be deadly. dangerous disease botulism.

The main effects of Enterosgel are sorption and detoxification. Passing through the intestinal tube, the substance collects exo- and endotoxins, microbes, food allergens, drugs, poisons, heavy metal salts, radionuclides and alcohol. Our habitat is far from an ecological paradise, especially for residents of large cities, quite a lot of exotoxins literally fall on our heads.

Enterosgel cleanses the body of toxic substances, coming from outside, as well as excess of its own metabolites - bilirubin, cholesterol, sugar.

The drug itself is not absorbed in the intestines; after 12 hours it is released unchanged along with the collected debris. Without Enterosgel, this garbage is gradually absorbed in the intestines into the blood, causing acute or chronic intoxication, and with it the child develops sleep disturbances, poor appetite, lethargy or increased irritability, hyperactivity.

Taking Enterosgel will be beneficial if the child has:

  • Any intoxication;
  • Acute poisoning;
  • accompanied by diarrhea;
  • Allergies to medications and food;
  • Intoxications accompanying purulent-septic diseases;
  • Viral with jaundice;
  • Chronic renal failure.

Enterosorbent is also used by adults to prevent intoxication caused by living in environmentally unfavorable areas and working in hazardous industries.

It's no secret that allergies are often caused by helminthic infestations. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to detect worm eggs in feces. They do not always lay them; the eggs may not have made it into the sample of feces for examination. And in the dacha and garden, their own strawberries from the bush and cucumbers from the garden (to be honest!) are eaten with pleasure by both children and adults without washing. And with them are roundworm eggs. Therefore, parents are right who, at the end of the summer season, carry out anthelmintic treatment with drugs against roundworms, and these include roundworms.

Instructions for use

Enterosgel release form: paste in tubes of 225 g (sweet for children), sachets of 22.5 g, suspension. The paste is diluted with triple the amount of water or simply washed down. Parents are wondering at what age can the drug be given to a baby? The answer is in There are no age restrictions for taking the sorbent. You can safely give the drug to both an infant and an adult. Only the dosage differs.

  • For adults and children over 14 years old, we give 1 sachet or 1.5 tbsp per dose. tube pastes;
  • From 5 to 14 years old - 1 tablespoon, children under one year old and up to 5 years old, half a tablespoon, the difference in the frequency of administration - for the smallest 6 times a day, for everyone else 3 times;
  • Dosage for prevention for children over 5 years old: 1 tbsp. twice a day for 7–10 days, children over 14 years of age and adults 1.5 spoons or 1 sachet 2 times a day in the same course;
  • In acute situations, a three- to five-day dose is sufficient. For chronic intoxications, administration is extended to 2–3 weeks.

The pleasant-tasting powder is diluted in water, and the resulting suspension is immediately drunk. On the road or traveling, it is more convenient to use the sachet form, since the contents of the opened tube dry out quickly. Important tip Directions for use: Enterosgel should be taken 1–2 hours before or after meals. Not acceptable joint reception with other medications. It absorbs the medicine onto itself and prevents it from being absorbed from the intestines into the blood.

Contraindications and side effects

There is only one contraindication - poorly functioning intestines with a tendency to constipation. Side effects relate to the same topic - nausea and a tendency to constipation. If you give your child Enterosgel or its analogues, carefully monitor bowel movements. Staying hydrated will help to avoid constipation - just let the child taking the sorbent drink more regular drinking water.

In persons with severe chronic renal and liver failure, taking Enterosgel causes disgust.


Analogues, for example Polysorb, the instructions for use suggest giving to children from 0 years old, can be given to pregnant women with toxicosis and nursing mothers. And if you compare Enterosgel and Polysorb or another analogue, which is better? Instructions for using Polysorb are not much different. The drugs are different in origin (Enterosgel - polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate paste, Polysorb - silicon dioxide), but identical in application.

Enterofuril and Smecta are well known to mothers. It is impossible to say that they are complete analogues of Enterosgel, although both are used for treatment. Rather, they are analogues. Enterofuril is a drug from the nitrofuran group, not a sorbent, intended for the treatment of bacterial diarrhea. The mechanism of action is to inhibit protein synthesis in the microbial cell. Unlike other antibiotics, it does not disrupt the normal intestinal flora. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to nitrofurans, in the absence of a number of enzymes in the body. Prescribed for diarrhea in children from the fourth year of life.

  • From 3 to 7 years old, give 200 mg 3 times a day;
  • Over 7 years old, with the same dose, the number of doses increases to 4 times a day.

Course 7 days. Given the large losses of fluid during diarrhea, water loading or, in severe cases, the introduction of solutions into a vein is indicated. Possible vomiting, allergies, even anaphylactic shock. If hypersensitivity occurs, it causes shortness of breath, rash, and itching.

It is prescribed to children for diarrhea of ​​any origin (allergies, poisoning, infection). Convenient release form for children in bags, pleasant taste promote the use of the drug. Smecta has sorbent properties and helps with heartburn and bloating.

  • For children under one year old, dilute 1 sachet in 50 ml of boiled water and give it through the pacifier in small portions throughout the day;
  • Up to 2 years – dose 1–2 sachets;
  • Up to 3 years 2-3 sachets;
  • Over 3 years: 1 sachet 3 times a day, dissolved in 50 ml of water.

It is better to use in between meals, but the instructions suggest adding smecta to purees or baby food. Contraindications: increased sensitivity, in which there may be symptoms of allergies and. Smecta has its analogues - Lopedium, Loperamide Grindeks, Laremid, Dioctit.


In terms of price range, Enterosgel, Polysorb and Enterofuril are analogues. average price fluctuates between 350–400 rubles. The most economical price for Smecta, 10 sachets will cost 150 rubles. The highest price for Enterosgel in the form of a suspension, ready for use, in a 90 ml bottle, exceeds 500 rubles. Leader in price-quality ratio Smecta.