What to inject to stop bleeding. What hemostatic drugs (tablets) should women take with heavy uterine bleeding and how can they stop bleeding from the uterus. Causes and treatment of uterine bleeding in girls

Anyone can experience bleeding, regardless of age or gender. Bleeding occurs with nosebleeds, uterine bleeding, hemorrhoids, as well as internal bleeding caused by certain diseases, as well as being of a traumatic nature.

Among the many forms of drugs that eliminate blood loss, in certain cases, specialists prescribe bleeding pills.

Use of hemostatic agents medicines tablet form has its own specifics:

  • each medicine can be used only for certain types of bleeding (uterine, external, internal). Universal remedy not provided;
  • in case of acute venous or arterial bleeding, tablets will not bring the desired effect. Their prescription is justified in cases that do not threaten heavy blood loss within a short period of time;
  • which pills to take can only be determined by a doctor after establishing the causes of bleeding identified using laboratory tests and diagnostic tests.

Bleeding occurs in the following cases:

  • with a lack or functional failure of platelets;
  • insufficient amounts of blood clotting factors;
  • disorders in the anticoagulant system;
  • increased fragility and permeability of blood vessels.

Each medicine has its own contraindications and leads to the risk of unwanted side effects that may occur if the rules for its use specified in the instructions are not followed.

Means for activating and increasing platelet numbers

Platelets are one of the components of blood. They have the ability to aggregate and form blood clots, which clog damage in blood vessels and prevent bleeding.

Lack of or functional malfunctions in the functioning of blood platelets in certain situations provoke prolonged and heavy blood loss.

Today, there are tablets that can normalize the number of platelets and increase their activity.

The drug is produced on the basis of sodium ethamsylate with the addition of excipients. Due to its hemostatic and angioprotective properties, it is prescribed by specialists in various branches of medicine: dentists, ophthalmologists, urologists, surgeons and gynecologists.

Etamsylate is available not only in tablet form, but also in the form of an injection solution

Use of the drug leads to:

  • increased formation of mucopolysaccharides in the vascular walls, which have a large molecular weight;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and reducing their permeability;
  • improvement of microcirculation;
  • activation of the formation of tissue factor of blood coagulation (thromboplastin);
  • normalization of platelet adhesion.

The above properties of Etamsylate make it effective as a prophylactic and fight against bleeding:

  • uterine;
  • nasal;
  • menstrual;
  • after operations;
  • for diabetic angiopathy;
  • in case of hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • bleeding from the gums.

Treatment with Etamzilate does not lead to thrombus formation and increased blood clotting, but is contraindicated in cases of thrombosis, thromboembolism and hemorrhage caused by therapy with anticoagulant agents.

The use of the drug may cause dizziness, heartburn, low blood pressure, headache.

If prescribed by a doctor, Etamzilate can be replaced with other drugs that have a similar effect: Dicinone, Dicinone 250, Dicinone 500, Etamzilate-Ferein, Etamzilate-ESKOM.

To increase the level of platelets in the blood, it is advisable to prescribe Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Revolade.

Drugs affecting prothrombin levels

Prothrombin is a high-molecular compound belonging to a group of substances involved in the blood clotting process.

Prothrombin is continuously produced by the liver with the participation of vitamin K. The inability of the organ to synthesize prothrombin in one day leads to a decrease in its level to low value, which negatively affects blood clotting.

The product is an artificial analogue of vitamin K, involved in the production of prothrombin (factor II).

Subsequently, in the course of successive processes, prothrombin transforms into thrombin (factor II to IIa), which affects the conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin (the basis of blood clots).

To achieve the desired effect, Vikasol should be taken only in case of a lack of vitamin K, leading to bleeding or the risk of bleeding due to:

  • acute hepatitis;
  • obstructive jaundice;
  • cirrhosis;
  • peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum;
  • multiple subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • hemorrhagic disease in infants;
  • treatment with anticoagulants or vitamin K antagonists (Phenilin, Neodicoumarin, etc.).

The medicine is produced in the form of tablets or solution for intramuscular injection

In addition, Vikasol is recommended against nosebleeds, prolonged bleeding from the uterus, in the last stages of pregnancy, as well as bleeding caused by pulmonary TB, septic diseases, and hypoprothrombinemia.

It must be remembered that the use of Vikasol is advisable only in cases of vitamin K deficiency. The drug cannot eliminate bleeding caused by a low platelet count or other factors.

The drug is not used in cases of individual intolerance to its ingredients, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, acute myocardial infarction, increased blood clotting, and others.

It is possible that undesirable effects may occur: allergic manifestations in the form of a rash on skin, their redness, itching, bronchospasms.

Tablets identical to Vikasol include Vikasol Vial, Vikasol Darnitsa, Menadione, Vitamin K, Fitomenadione, Eleven K, Konakion.

Agents affecting the fibrinolytic system

With the help of the powerful fibrinolytic system that exists in the human body, existing blood clots are dissolved.

The gradual resorption of the fibrin clot (fibrinolysis) is influenced by the proteolytic enzyme of the blood plasma - plasmin. Next, water-soluble hydrolysis products are formed - peptides and D-dimers.

The inactive precursor of plasmin, plasminogen, is produced by the liver, kidneys and bone marrow.

Reduced fibrinolytic activity leads to thrombosis, and increased activity leads to bleeding.

The product is made on the basis of tranexamic acid, which has an inhibitory effect on the activity of plasminogen and its conversion to plasmin.

There are two forms of release of the drug: tablets and solution for intravenous injections

In addition to antifibrinolytic and hemostatic effects, the drug is recommended to eliminate allergic reactions and inflammation.

Tranexam is taken for bleeding or the possibility of bleeding caused by increased amount plasmin in the following cases:

The use of Tranexam is excluded in cases of hypersensitivity to its ingredients, thrombosis, heart attack, thrombophlebitis, impaired color vision, kidney pathologies, subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Side effects from drug therapy include:

  • decreased appetite;
  • dyspeptic disorders in the form of nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea;
  • drowsiness;
  • thrombosis, thromboembolism;
  • rashes on the skin, itching.

Complete analogues of Tranexam include:

  • Tranexamic acid;
  • Exacyl;
  • Troxaminate;
  • Transamcha.

Agents that increase the strength of blood vessels

Fragility of blood vessels, as a rule, does not lead to heavy bleeding, but may indicate the presence of a more serious disease. It manifests itself as frequent nosebleeds, bruises and hematomas.

Frequent nosebleeds and constant bruising without a sufficient reason are a reason to visit your doctor

Pathology can occur as a result of:

  • high blood pressure;
  • stressful situations and excess weight;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hereditary factors;
  • the use of certain medications and other factors.

To strengthen blood vessels and reduce bleeding, certain groups of medications are prescribed depending on the concomitant pathology.

Application vitamin complexes suitable for maintaining not only general condition health and vital replenishment necessary substances organism. Medicines strengthen blood vessels, which prevents their damage and, as a result, the risk of bleeding.

Magnesium, when interacting with calcium, helps maintain tone and strengthen blood vessels, normalize the process of blood clotting. In addition, by eliminating vascular spasms, magnesium leads to normalization of blood pressure.

For supporting normal level minerals in the body, it is recommended to use calcium dobesilate, Vitrum, Teravit, Kalcemin, Duovit.

No less important for the body are vitamins C and P. Their main effect on blood vessels is manifested in reducing the permeability of their walls and increasing elasticity.

They are used as a prophylactic agent, as well as for the treatment of pathologies leading to impaired vascular permeability: allergies, hemorrhagic diathesis, septic endocarditis, etc.

The most popular fortified drug is Ascorutin, which, if necessary, can be replaced with Prophylactic C, Immunovit C, ascorbic acid, Rutin, Angiovit.

Treatment with angioprotective drugs leads to the restoration of normalization of the blood clotting process and restoration of the permeability of vascular walls. The products improve microcirculation even in the smallest vessels by increasing their tone.

For frequent but not severe bleeding caused by fragility of blood vessels, it is advisable to prescribe medications containing horse chestnut: Aescusan, Aescin.

It is possible to eliminate cholesterol plaques and thereby restore their full functionality by undergoing a course of treatment with Atorvastatin, Lovastatin.

To strengthen the capillaries and venous walls, as well as give them tone, treatment with phlebotonics is recommended: Troxevasin, Normoven, Phlebodia, Detralex.

Before treating any bleeding, even minor bleeding, it is necessary to undergo tests and undergo the necessary diagnostics to identify the cause of the pathology. Otherwise, therapeutic measures may not bring the desired results or provoke adverse health consequences.

Medical workers are often faced with situations in which it is necessary to stop bleeding. Bleeding can occur due to injuries, blood incoagulability, and mechanical damage to capillaries or blood vessels. Doctors use hemostatic drugs for bleeding of various etiologies. Such means fight blood loss and improve blood clotting.

Hemostatic drugs can act in several directions.


These are anti-bleeding drugs used for people with congenital bleeding problems. They include fibrinogen and prothrombin complex. This category of hemostatic agents is prescribed only by a doctor. Tablets can be used after surgery, for sepsis, and cirrhosis.

In addition, these include medications that reduce capillary permeability.

Local medications

This category of drugs to stop bleeding works directly on the surface of the wound. They often contain enzymes that improve blood clotting. These include vasoconstrictor medications, astringent medications, and hemostatic sponges.

Doctors classify tablets as a separate category of drugs that eliminate hormonal disorders and other medications used for diseases of the female genital area. They are recommended by doctors for uterine bleeding and prolonged menstruation.

In addition, they are used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.


  • Tissue injuries;
  • Internal bleeding, such as from ulcers, dysentery, ulcerative colitis;
  • Bleeding from the nose, mouth, and gums;
  • Poor clotting;
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Hemophilia;
  • Surgical interventions.


  • Kidney failure;
  • Allergies;
  • Poor tolerance of the drug ingredients;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Pre-infarction or pre-stroke condition.

List of drugs

Means to stop bleeding


Ask your question to a clinical laboratory diagnostics doctor

Anna Poniaeva. Graduated from Nizhny Novgorod medical academy(2007-2014) and Residency in Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics (2014-2016).

Vikasol is used in medical practice for bleeding caused by fractures, vitamin K deficiency associated with cirrhosis and hepatitis. Vikasol is recommended for uterine bleeding and menorrhagia.

According to the instructions for use, it is prohibited to use Vikasol if you are allergic to the ingredients of the solution or tablets. It is prohibited for hemophilia. Vikasol is not prescribed when there is a risk of thrombosis.

Vikasol price: from 20 rub.


The manufacturer produces Dicynon in the form of an injection solution and tablets. It is used to stop capillary, traumatic, dental, and pulmonary bleeding. The drug is used for intracranial hemorrhages, hemorrhagic syndrome. Dicinone is recommended for treatment by diabetics with heavy blood loss during menstruation.


The manufacturer produces the medicine in 2 forms. The buyer will be able to purchase a solution for preparing injections or tablets in pharmacies. Etamsylate is necessary to stop bleeding after surgery. Etamsylate is used in gynecology and dentistry. The drug is used to stop bleeding after injuries, and for hemorrhagic diathesis. Etamsylate is prescribed as a prophylactic for anemia.

People with hemophilia, long-term use of anticoagulants, or thrombosis should not be treated with Etamsylate.

The price varies from 86 to 115 rubles.


This is a lyophilisate for intramuscular, intravenous administration. Diferelin is prescribed for female infertility, cancer, bleeding of various etiologies, and endometriosis.

It is forbidden for women carrying a child or nursing mothers to use Diferelin. The drug is not prescribed if you are allergic to the composition of the drug. It is necessary to monitor its intake in case of polycystic disease and osteoporosis.

Etamzilat price: from 2100 rub.


Tranexam is available in the form of a solution for intravenous administration and tablets. It is used to stop bleeding of various etiologies, at risk of their occurrence. They are prescribed to patients with uterine, internal, dental bleeding, oncology, abdominal operations, liver diseases, inflammation.

You cannot give injections if you are allergic to the substances of the drug, with thrombosis, renal failure.

Price: from 260 rub.

To stop uterine bleeding


It is available in the form of an injection solution. A hemostatic agent is used in gynecological practice to stimulate labor for medical reasons, for example, when the fetus dies inside the womb or when the waters break prematurely. It is used as a prophylactic after termination of pregnancy, with intense contractions of the uterine muscles in the first 3 months of pregnancy, with caesarean section.

It is not recommended to use it if you are allergic to the composition of the drug, with hypertension, or heart pathologies. Do not use the drug if the patient has a narrow pelvis, if there is a possibility of premature placental abruption or intrauterine fetal hypoxia occurs.


It comes in tablet form. Ascorutin is recommended for use in cases of vitamin deficiency, problems with vascular permeability, for example, scarlet fever, hemorrhagic diathesis, hemorrhages. It is used as a prophylactic for acute respiratory diseases, flu. Ascorutin is used for capillary lesions that occur after long-term use of anticoagulants and other drugs.

It should not be prescribed to patients with a tendency to thrombophlebitis or kidney disease. It is prohibited to use it in the early months of pregnancy. The drug is not prescribed to children under 4 years of age or to diabetics.

Cost of medicine: from 53 rubles.

Water pepper tincture

Water pepper tincture is a liquid extract in a glass bottle. Water pepper extract is used for uterine bleeding after childbirth, and for internal bleeding. It is recommended for use for hemorrhoids.

The use of the drug is prohibited if platelet function is impaired or during pregnancy. The drug is not prescribed to patients under 18 years of age.

The cost of the drug starts from 47 rubles.

Lagochilus intoxicating tincture

The medicine is available in the form of a tincture. This drug is used for uterine and internal bleeding, and is used in surgery to stop bleeding after surgery.

The cost of the drug starts from 75 rubles.


Fibrinogen is a lyophilisate for the preparation of an injection solution. It is intended to eliminate bleeding in injuries and oncology. It is recommended to use Fibrinogen for uterine bleeding.

The medicine is contraindicated if the patient has thrombosis. It is not recommended to use it during pregnancy or during the acute phase of myocardial infarction.

The cost of the drug starts from 345 rubles.

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Aminocaproic acid products


Release form: napkin made of bio-fabric. The fabric is impregnated with polyanhydroglucuronic and e-aminocaproic acid.

Polycapran can stop bleeding of different origins, including capillary, nasal.

The medicine has no contraindications.

The cost starts from 46 rubles.


Release form: powder for external and local application. It is intended to stop capillary and venous bleeding.

Polyhemostat should not be used if there is a risk of developing an allergy to the active ingredients of the powder.

Aminocaproic acid

Aminocaproic acid is available in liquid and powder form. This drug is recommended during operations on internal organs, with uterine bleeding. It is recommended in complex treatment ARVI and influenza.

It is prohibited to use the product if you are intolerant to the components of the drug, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or with kidney pathologies.

The cost of aminocaproic acid starts from 38 rubles.

Prothrombin complex

Prothrombin complex is available in the form of a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution. It is intended for intravenous administration only. Scope of application: treatment of hereditary diseases associated with poor blood clotting, for example, liver disease, leukemia, hemophilia. Prothrombin complex is recommended for the treatment of uterine bleeding after long-term use of anticoagulants.

Prothrombin complex is not prescribed if there is a risk of thrombosis, stroke or heart attack.

The drug can be purchased at a price of 27,700 rubles. and higher.

Other ways to stop bleeding

First aid products also stop bleeding:

  • Pressure bandage;
  • Finger pressure of the artery;
  • Maximum flexion of the injured limb;
  • Application of a tourniquet;
  • Vessel bypass;
  • Suture.


Bleeding can be caused by many reasons: hereditary pathologies, injuries, operations. Blood loss from arteries, veins, and capillaries often threatens the patient with negative consequences. It could be state of shock, dizziness, drop in blood pressure, loss of consciousness. With prolonged heavy bleeding, anemia develops and the level of hemoglobin in the body decreases. Drugs to stop bleeding have a different mechanism of action: some drugs improve coagulation, others work on an open wound, constrict blood vessels or have an astringent effect. Some drugs used by doctors are used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and equalize hormonal levels, especially if blood loss is associated with gynecological pathologies.

The prescription of such medications and their dose depends on the diagnosis, the patient’s condition, and the reasons that provoked the loss of blood.

The drugs can be used orally, given as injections, or applied to open wound surfaces.

Every person knows what bleeding is, even if it’s small. But a woman has to go through them every month. Unfortunately, lifestyle, ecology and illness often lead to women suffering from heavy menstruation, which does not improve their health at all. Menstruation with an average blood loss of up to 80 g in 5 to 7 days is considered normal. If this figure is higher, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

What to do to save yourself from bleeding?

To choose the right drugs to stop bleeding, you need to know its nature and cause. Most often in our lives we encounter nasal and uterine bleeding, hemorrhoids, internal bleeding at various diseases. There are types of it that you can cope with on your own, without resorting to the help of a doctor every time. But in any case, before taking the medicine for the first time, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

All blood-stopping agents have serious contraindications. These are some malignant blood diseases, thrombophlebitis, increased blood clotting, acute heart attack myocardium. Ascorutin and Tranescam are contraindicated for pyelonephritis and renal failure. Dicynone and Etamsylate may cause side effects:

  • allergies;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • heartburn;
  • dizziness;
  • tachycardia.

Diferelin has by-effect in the form of depression or disturbance of emotional lability.

Drugs to stop uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding is not at all harmless. Therefore, in each case, a woman should consult a doctor. They can arise for different reasons and be different in strength. If it's just heavy periods, the gynecologist will advise the right drug and will describe the scheme for its administration. Excessive blood loss requires clarification of its cause and inpatient treatment. Uterine bleeding may occur due to:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometriosis;
  • intrauterine device;
  • oncology;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • stress.

Table: the most effective hemostatic drugs:

Pharmacological action


Release form

Dicynone, analogue of Etamzilat Activates thromboplastin formation Treatment and prevention of capillary bleeding of various origins Tablets, solutions for intravenous and intramuscular administration
Contrikal Fibrinolysis inhibitor Severe postoperative bleeding, bleeding during and after childbirth Lyophilisate complete with solvent. Administered intravenously
Vikasol Synthetic analogue of vitamin K Wounds, injuries and surgical operations, heavy periods Tablets, ampoules with solution for intramuscular administration
Tranexam Fibrinolysis inhibitor Uterine, postoperative bleeding, bleeding during malignant neoplasms pancreas and prostate gland, postpartum bleeding, during pregnancy Tablets and solution for intravenous administration
Diferelin Antitumor drug Bleeding due to endometriosis and uterine fibroids Pills
Oxytocin and Methylergometrine Drugs that contract the uterus Prevention and treatment of hypotonic bleeding after abortion Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.
Aminocaproic acid Fibrinolysis inhibitor Complicated abortion, premature placental abruption Solution for intravenous drip administration
Fibrinogen Human blood preparation Massive blood loss, obstetrics and gynecology practice In powder for injection
Askorutin Rutin and ascorbic acid Diseases associated with impaired vascular permeability Pills
Water Pepper Extract Hemostatic and urethrotonic effect Heavy periods in the composition complex therapy, light bleeding after coagulation treatment of cervical erosion Alcohol extract

Dition and its analogue Etamzilat do not lead to the formation of blood clots. Dicinone acts quickly and effectively. It is used in various surgeries– gynecological, ophthalmological, plastic. For constant heavy menstruation, the medicine is prescribed in tablets. Tranexam is recommended to be used by a woman as first aid for heavy bleeding before the doctor arrives.

Perhaps the drug Vikasol is best known to women. However, doctors warn that it should not be taken without consulting a specialist. The drug may affect women differently. It is also not suitable as an ambulance, since it begins to act 16–18 hours after administration. More often it is used as a prophylactic for vitamin K deficiency in the body.

Traditional medicine recipes

In folk medicine there are probably hundreds of herbs that stop bleeding. And some of them are in every home.


This is the most famous and easily available herb. It contains the components necessary for normal hematopoiesis - vitamins K and C. Vitamin K is called antihemorrhagic for its ability to stop bleeding. If you are prone to heavy periods, drink nettle infusion 5 times a day, 50 ml.

Recipe No. 1

Nettle works well with other blood-stopping herbs. Birdweed, yarrow, shepherd's purse and nettle in equal parts are mixed and 2 tablespoons of 250 ml of boiling water are brewed. Infuse the broth for half an hour. Take 3-4 times a day, 75 ml.

Another universal herb that is indicated for uterine bleeding of any etiology is boron uterus. Moreover, it not only stops bleeding, but can bring hormonal levels into order and helps with endometriosis, uterine fibroids and infertility. Borovaya uterus has a serious effect on the body, so its use, as well as tablets, must be coordinated with your doctor. It is taken in the form of alcoholic tinctures, decoctions and infusions.

Recipe No. 1

The tincture can be prepared at home from 2 glasses of vodka and 5 tablespoons of dry raw materials. They insist on it for 20 days in the dark. Take courses of 25 drops per day for 21 days. Then you need to take a break for 10 days and, if necessary, repeat the course.

Recipe No. 2

2 tablespoons of the herb are poured into 2 cups of boiling water and simmered over low heat for 15 minutes. Take 25 ml three times a day before meals.

Red brush

Another herb that works well for bleeding is red brush. It works well for bleeding during premenopausal and postmenopausal periods. By stopping bleeding, it helps normalize hormonal levels, relieve inflammation, and alleviate the condition in general.

Recipe No. 1

2 tablespoons of dried and crushed herb root pour into 2 glasses cold water. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Take 100 ml three times a day before meals.

Recipe No. 2

No less effective is the tincture of red brush. It is used for douching, diluting 2 teaspoons of tincture in 2 glasses of water. You can prepare it at home from 50 g of crushed root and 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol. The medicine needs to be infused for a month.

If you don’t have time to prepare decoctions yourself, you can buy special gynecological preparations at pharmacies that contain hemostatic herbs. Help with hypermenstrual syndrome:

  • quince oblong;
  • horsetail;
  • rose hip;
  • burnet;
  • viburnum;
  • cinquefoil, barberry.

Symptoms that should cause concern during heavy periods:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • pale skin;
  • fast fatiguability.

They may be a signal that anemia is developing against the background of constant blood loss. The condition requires immediate treatment. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Uterine hemorrhage can occur in women at any age. Bloody discharge can be smooth, or it can come with clots. There are many reasons for this, but they are all associated with pathologies. Therefore, such a problem requires treatment. Hemorrhages are especially dangerous during menopause and pregnancy. Only experienced doctor may prescribe the type of treatment that will help stop bleeding from the uterus. In this case, surgery may be required. There are also types of uterine bleeding for which it is enough to use medications or even traditional medicine. In any case, only a doctor can prescribe treatment.

Hemostatic drugs for uterine bleeding are usually prescribed in tablets and injections. The fact is that only such a complex helps to cope directly with bleeding and eliminate the problem that led to its occurrence. Below is a list of the most popular and effective hemostatic drugs.

All of the drugs listed above are prescribed by a doctor only for use in a hospital setting.

What hemostatic drugs can be used at home?

If the hemorrhage from the uterus is of a mild nature and occurs due to a hormonal imbalance during menopause, then treatment can be carried out at home, but only as prescribed by a doctor. In this case, the specialist also prescribes medications. A list of popular ones will be given below.

Folk remedies for uterine bleeding

If the question arises of how to stop uterine bleeding at home, then it makes sense to turn to unconventional methods treatment. Herbal medicine has become very popular. Treatment of hemorrhages from the uterus folk remedies as well as medicines, should only be carried out with the permission of a doctor, especially if it occurs during pregnancy. The use of herbs is popular during menopause. There are several effective recipes that it offers ethnoscience from bleeding.

Uterine hemorrhages should be stopped in a hospital or at home as prescribed by a doctor. This is the only way to get rid of this problem without causing harm to the body.