How to cure diarrhea in a dairy cow. Diarrhea in a cow: treatment at home with folk remedies. Causes of diarrhea in cows

Newbies to animal husbandry want to know what to do at home when a cow has diarrhea. Diarrhea in cattle is not uncommon. Any digestive disorder, inflammation of the stomach, intestines, or infections can be accompanied by liquid stool. This condition is dangerous because the animal loses a lot of fluid and salt. The principles of treating diarrhea in cows at home are described in the article.

Infectious diseases of cows are often accompanied by diarrhea, inflammation gastrointestinal tract and rising temperature

Diarrhea in a cow: causes and treatment no

Diarrhea in a cow occurs for various reasons. Eating poor quality food or overfeeding causes functional disorders digestion, which are accompanied by liquid stool. Injuries to the lining of the stomach and intestines can cause bloody diarrhea. If the upper parts of the digestive tract are damaged, the blood will be dark in color and released in the form of clots. If the lower intestines are affected, it will be scarlet and unchanged.

Infectious diseases are often accompanied by diarrhea, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and fever. Gastroenteritis in a cow requires emergency treatment. Without appropriate help, the animal will quickly weaken, since a lot of water and salts are lost with diarrhea. This leads to disruption of the water-electrolyte balance in the body of cattle. The cow does not get to her feet and dies within a few days.

Dysbacteriosis – common reason diarrhea in cows and bulls. Dysbacteriosis in cattle most often develops in the spring, when the animal is transferred from dry food to fresh grass. Sudden changes in an animal's diet can cause changes in the intestinal microflora. Taking this feature into account, experienced farmers gradually introduce new food into the diet of cows.

According to experienced livestock breeders, with diarrhea, the frequency of liquid bowel movements exceeds 10 times. Depending on the cause of diarrhea, stool may become foul-smelling, change color, and contain impurities of blood, mucus, and undigested food debris. In this case, the sick animal sharply weakens and refuses to eat.

It is a mistake to think that with diarrhea the danger lies in losing a large amount of water. In fact, even more dangerous is the loss of salt. For acute intestinal infections the cow loses much more vital microelements, which leads to a drop in osmotic pressure and disruption of the water-electrolyte balance. As a result, cows go into hypovolemic shock and die.

According to veterinarians, when acute diarrhea The cow develops dryness of all mucous membranes, the eyes become cloudy and sunken. The cow stops urinating, and cardiac dysfunction is observed. If treatment is not timely, the animal dies from dehydration.

Diarrhea in a cow: treatment at home X

When starting to treat a cow, you should first try to understand why the diarrhea developed. For diagnostic purposes, the animal’s body temperature is measured, what food was given to the cow, and where it grazed. Important diagnostic factor– diarrhea has appeared in one or more animals. Contagious diseases are quickly transmitted from one individual to another. In this case, the infectious cow must be isolated from healthy individuals.

In the treatment of diarrhea in a cow, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused it. loose stool. Next, the sick cattle are transferred to a diet consisting of the following feed:

  1. Liquid oatmeal.
  2. A decoction of flax seeds.
  3. High quality hay.
  4. Fresh grass.
  5. Root vegetables in small quantities.
  6. Drink plenty of fluids without restrictions.

Dysbacteriosis in cattle most often develops in the spring, when the animal is transferred from dry food to fresh grass

A sick cow is placed in a separate room and optimal conditions are created. Cattle with signs of an infectious disease are kept separately from the entire herd; mandatory disinfection is carried out in the barn, thoroughly disinfecting the stall, drinking bowl and feeder. For disinfection, bleach and solutions based on it are used.

In case of frequent liquid bowel movements and refusal to eat, it is useful for the cow to give weak water rather than fresh water. saline solution. For this purpose, add 5 tablespoons of salt and 10 tablespoons of sugar to a bucket of water. Stir and give to drink. Can be used pharmaceutical drug"Regidron". 1 pack per 10 liters will be enough. Salt preparations are given several times a day depending on the frequency of bowel movements. The cow is not restricted in fresh water.

Enterosorbents are necessarily included in the list of drugs for the treatment of diarrhea in cows. Activated carbon or the drug “Polyphepan” removes toxins from the body, cleanses the intestines of mucus, and reduces gas formation. Absorbents are given 2-3 times a day, 100-200 tablets. The dosage depends on the animal’s body weight and the severity of the disease. The duration of treatment with enterosorbents is 5-7 days.

At acute poisoning The cow is given gastric lavage using the following aqueous solution:

  1. Activated carbon – 200 tablets.
  2. Tannin – 15-20 g or oak bark decoction – 0.5 packs.
  3. Magnesium sulfate – 10-15 g.

Mix everything thoroughly and use it to wash the stomach and intestines.

Antibiotics are used to treat intestinal infections in cows. wide range actions. The use of the injection drug “Enroxil – 10%” leads to good results. The antibiotic is administered subcutaneously once a day in an amount of 2.5 ml for 3-5 days.

Biovit-80 is a complex drug that has earned the trust of many farmers and veterinarians. Biovit has been used for many decades. The composition includes vitamins, microelements, biologically active substances, proteins, enzymes and antibiotic. Biovit is effective for the treatment of intestinal infections in cows in the composition complex therapy. At the same time, “Biovit – 80” strengthens the animal’s immunity and serves as a source of additional energy for a weakened individual.

If treating diarrhea in a cow at home is ineffective, you should call a veterinarian. After examining the animal, you can receive additional recommendations and prescriptions.

Diarrhea in a cow and treatment at home, video:

The cow has diarrhea and don’t know what to do? At home, breeders use folk remedies in the form of infusions and decoctions. Broad spectrum antibiotics and Activated carbon indicated for intestinal infections. In case of complications, you should immediately consult a specialist. Accurate diagnosis and correct treatment– the key to the recovery of a cow or calf.

Diarrhea is a symptom of the underlying disease, characterized by liquefied stool, flatulence and abdominal pain.

Cattle are often susceptible to diarrhea. They are not able to independently control the food they eat: they are indiscriminate when it comes to food. Intestinal disorder in a cow - dangerous condition, quickly leading to serious consequences in the form of dehydration and loss of strength. Livestock owners should know how to quickly help their animal with diarrhea.

After calving, diarrhea and bloating often occur. This is due to an acute lack of vitamins and microelements in adults. A pregnant cow should receive vitamin supplements and always fresh hay. Otherwise, during pregnancy, she uses up her body’s reserves. When a calf is born, the animal spends its last strength, expends a lot of energy, which provokes an acute shortage of nutrients.

Diarrhea in this case is often streaked with blood. The cow must be shown to a veterinarian, who will quickly relieve the symptom and give recommendations on vitamin feeding of the mother.

Diarrhea with blood

Diarrhea with blood - alarming symptom, indicating ulceration of the intestinal mucous membranes and internal bleeding. If this symptom occurs, you should not delay visiting a veterinarian.

A severe viral or bacterial infection can also cause blood in the stool.


In order for the veterinarian to find out the nature of the disease, he needs to examine the livestock:

  • Measure body temperature.
  • Find out what and how the cow eats.
  • Ask if there were any changes in diet the day before.
  • Find out other symptoms and frequency of diarrhea.
  • Inspect feces: color, consistency.
  • Listen to your breathing.

Based on the examination results, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.


When dealing with diarrhea in cattle, it is important to stay hydrated. It can cause serious consequences such as coma and death. If you have diarrhea, your cow needs to be given water frequently, in divided portions. To do this, you can use drugs that normalize the water-salt balance (for example, Regidron). They are bred in accordance with the instructions and the animal is soldered.

Treatment of intestinal disorders includes a diet: the first 2 days are fasting, then easily digestible grains (oatmeal, flax seeds) are added. Gradually the animal is transferred to fresh grass and hay.

Drug treatment is complemented folk remedies to consolidate the result.

Preparations for the treatment of diarrhea in cows:

Attention! Medications Only a veterinarian can prescribe. Self-medication can worsen the animal's condition.

  • Antibiotics destroy pathogenic bacterial flora.
  • Enterosorbents (for example, polysorb) promote the removal of toxins naturally.
  • Medications that reduce peristalsis help stop diarrhea.
  • Enzymes are recommended for enzyme deficiency.
  • Preparations containing probiotics and prebiotics normalize the bacterial balance in the intestines.
  • When refusing to eat an animal, it is advisable intravenous administration glucose solution

Folk remedies

You can provide first aid to a cow with intestinal upset at home. This will ease the animal’s condition until the veterinarian arrives.

  1. Beet juice Serves as a natural antiseptic. Helps cleanse the body of pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Bread charcoal is used as an adsorbent: the bread crust is placed in the oven, kept until the edges are burnt, and infused in water (proportions 1:10). It is necessary to feed the animal with the infusion in fractional portions until improvement occurs.
  3. A rehydrating agent can be made at home by mixing 1 tbsp. salt, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tbsp. white ash. The resulting mixture is stirred in 1 liter of water and given to the animal 500 ml. 2 times a day.

You can relieve intestinal upset with the help of herbal tinctures and decoctions:

  • Oak bark decoction. Place 50 g of oak bark in a saucepan and pour in 500 ml. water. Boil over low heat for about an hour. Cool, add water (bringing to 1 liter), filter, drink the animal (500 ml 2 times a day).
  • Flaxseed decoction. 100 g of flax seeds are poured into 0.5 liters. water, boil over low heat for 20-30 minutes, leave for an hour, filter and give to the cow.
  • Infusion of bird cherry fruits. 50 g of berries are brewed into 0.5 l. water, infuse for 30 minutes, filter, cool, and give water to the sick cow.

Folk remedies have an auxiliary effect, briefly relieving symptoms. Treatment should be carried out according to the recommendation of a doctor.


To prevent diarrhea in cows, it is important to follow the following recommendations.

Diarrhea in a cow can be caused by bacteria entering the body. This disease can greatly affect the health of livestock and cause damage to the entire farm. The diarrhea virus, once in an animal's body, can lead to the development of escherichiosis. In 70% of cases, diarrhea is fatal. Although pharmaceutical companies are developing new drugs; bovine viral diarrhea is one of the main causes of high mortality in agricultural enterprises.

What is the reason

To understand why the cow started having diarrhea, you need to check the livestock on the farm to see if sanitary and hygienic standards have been violated:

  • Dirty, poorly cleaned boxes;
  • Poor quality feed and drinking water;
  • Unwashed dishes after cows eat;
  • Walking at livestock burial sites;
  • Violation of sanitation during calving of cows.

If a cow feels unwell, it worsens general state, she refuses food, there is a high probability that she caught the virus. Diarrhea is accompanied sudden changes temperature, rapid heartbeat, disruption of the respiratory and absorption systems, and sometimes anorexia and lack of coordination.

Another cause of diarrhea in cows is dysbiosis. Disruption of the body's microflora often occurs due to a lack of fiber. As a rule, a cow, when switching to green feed (in the summer), receives few minerals, proteins and vitamins, which leads to disruption of work digestive system animal.

During illness, the body experiences stress and dehydration begins. That is why it is recommended to seek the help of a veterinarian to determine an accurate diagnosis, how to treat and how to rehabilitate the animal.

First aid for dyspepsia

If a cow has diarrhea, you must immediately provide first aid to it. At home, treatment for diarrhea in a cow begins with diet. On the first day of diarrhea, it is better to completely avoid feeding. Give the animal boiled water. To replenish lost fluid and enrich the body nutrients, give the cow a solution of electrolytes (add 1 tablespoon of table salt per 1 liter of water, 4 grams baking soda, 1 tbsp. white ash).

On the second day, you can give steamed oat or flax flakes. The main thing is that the food is easily digestible.

Beetroot juice can also help cure diarrhea. This remedy can combat severe diarrhea. Beetroot juice has antiseptic properties and helps cleanse the blood.

To saturate the body and maintain immunity during diarrhea, cows are given vitamin C. It is added to solutions or to food. If you are treating a calf, the vitamin can be mixed into the colostrum.

Drug treatment for diarrhea

As a rule, treatment of diarrhea cannot be done without special medications. Today there are many drugs on the market that have a quick effect on diarrhea. Antibiotics are most often used. They kill viruses that have entered the body and have antiseptic properties. One of the commonly used antibiotics is synthomycin. It is given to the cow 3 times a day, 200 grams for 2-4 days. It is permissible to use and sulfa drugs(for example, norsulfazole).

To win severe form diarrhea must be used medical supplies strong effects, such as trisulfone, metronidazole. If you give herbal infusions, keep in mind that the treatment traditional methods Recommended only for mild diarrhea.

Cleansing the colon of cows with an enema is another way effective fight with diarrhea. For these purposes, use a clyster mug with a rubber tube about two meters long. The colon is washed with infusions of herbs (alder, sage, nettle), potassium permanganate or saline solution. The volume of liquid, depending on the degree of diarrhea and the weight of the cow, ranges from 10 to 20 liters.

Cleanliness is the key to health

The health of animals is directly related to the conditions in which they are kept. It is important to know what to do and what rules to follow so that the risk of spreading infections is minimal.

When improving barns, it is necessary to comply with hygiene standards. Boxes must be well cleaned of manure. Regular disinfection is recommended. It is also important to create favorable lighting (it should not be harsh or annoying). In the summer, cattle viral diarrhea is more common; it is necessary to ventilate the premises where livestock are kept as much as possible. Sick animals should be transferred to separate boxes. If a sick cow has recently calved, it is better to remove the calf from her.

When a cow develops diarrhea, the entire herd must be vaccinated. The import and export of livestock during quarantine is strictly prohibited.

Small calves are more vulnerable to diarrhea. The infection is often acquired when the cow calves. At first, when the newborn’s body is not yet strong, he may get sick when poor nutrition or content. It is very important to pay Special attention keeping young animals on cattle farms.

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Many owners of agricultural livestock (pigs, cows) have encountered such a problem as diarrhea in their pets. Animals of different ages suffer from this disease, and the causes of the disease are very diverse, so it is very important to determine the etiology of the disease as early as possible in order to select the correct treatment. According to statistics, diarrhea, or rather the complications it causes, is the cause of death of young cows in half of the cases.

Diarrhea (diarrhea) is a disease that is characterized by an increase in the frequency and quantity of bowel movements, and they become loose or liquid in nature.

What causes diarrhea in a cow?

As in humans, various factors can cause diarrhea in a cow; let’s look at the main ones:

  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • allergies and intolerance to certain types of feed or veterinary medications;
  • cow calving;
  • improper nutrition of young livestock (excess milk, low-quality milk substitutes, transition to new types of feed);
  • infectious agents – a very broad group of causes:
  1. bacteria (toxic E. coli, salmonella);
  2. helminthic infestation of an animal;
  3. viral diseases (coronavirus, adenovirus, rota viral infection);
  4. protozoa (cryptosporidium, coccidia).

Intestinal dysbiosis:

Dysbacteriosis is the main cause of diarrhea in adult cows and is characterized by the displacement of the animal's normal intestinal microflora. This phenomenon often occurs during transitional seasons of the year when the cow changes her diet from forage to grass food and is deficient in fiber content.

Toxic E. coli:

Toxigenic strains of E. coli are the cause of diarrhea in calves in the first week of life. The source of the disease can be other cows or humans. This pathology causes severe, uncontrollable diarrhea, severe dehydration, exhaustion and sepsis. Incorrectly selected treatment leads to death in almost 100% of cases.

Rotovirus infection:

Rotovirus is a highly contagious disease that affects calves within a few weeks of age. The period of outbreaks in animals occurs at the end of winter or beginning of spring. Death is observed in a third of cases of the disease.


  • severe diarrhea;
  • apathy, asthenia of the animal;
  • severe weakness;
  • refusal to eat and drink;
  • hyperthermia is noted in the animal (over 39 o C)
  • stool is usually unformed, liquid, mucous;
  • severe dehydration if not treated in a timely manner.

Coronavirus infection:

Coronavirus is a dangerous viral infection in newborn animals, the peak incidence falls on 7-11 days of a calf’s life. At the moment, the disease has not been sufficiently studied, and its diagnosis is difficult without special research methods.


  • severe diarrhea;
  • the stool is liquid, unformed, impurities of blood and mucus are detected, since it is known that the reproduction of the coronavirus occurs in the lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract, and at the same time it damages the epithelium during reproduction;
  • asthenia, exhaustion of the animal;
  • if there is no treatment, the virus causes ulcerations on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract, and the animal dies within a week.


Cryptosporidiosis – infection caused by protozoa. The disease is dangerous because it can cause diarrhea not only in cows, but also affect humans. Affects two-week-old cattle. Mortality is high and occurs in half of cases of the disease.

Signs of the disease:

  • severe diarrhea, stool is watery, light, without pathological impurities;
  • abdominal pain, severe, spastic in nature;
  • vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss;
  • an increase in the animal's temperature.

Common manifestations of diarrheal syndrome in livestock

  • Decreased appetite and refusal to eat is the first sign of many diseases in animals, and diarrhea is no exception; often this symptom precedes the development of the disease;
  • dry mucous membranes, nose;
  • exicosis (dehydration) is the most terrible complication that must be dealt with first and foremost - the main cause of death of animals;
  • increased temperature, with severe dehydration may decrease;

Treatment of diarrhea in cattle

Qualified veterinary care.

  • The first problem that a veterinarian struggles with is eliminating water deficiency in the animal’s body:
  1. if there is no vomiting, then the task becomes a little easier - drinking special solutions will help eliminate dehydration, since during the period of illness it is necessary to reduce or completely eliminate the use of milk. Milk is discontinued due to the fact that it is poorly absorbed and increases gas formation, thereby aggravating the symptoms of diarrhea. Glucose solutions, electrolyte liquids (sodium chloride solution, bicarbonate), glycine are recommended for drinking;
  2. if the animal has severe vomiting and the weight deficit exceeds 8-10%, then switch to intravenous administration of electrolyte solutions;
  • antibacterial therapy;
  • probiotics;
  • means that increase the animal's immunity;
  • vitamin preparations.

Therapy with folk remedies

It is often not always possible to quickly provide veterinary care animal and therefore it is worth knowing what can be done at home:

  • feeding cattle decoctions of flax, rice, oats, which can be given, as in pure form, and dilute with milk or mixtures;
  • Overcooked black bread will help collect and remove toxins from the intestines, char, then grind into crumbs. The crumbs are diluted in boiled water and given to the animal;
  • activated carbon can be given to bind toxins;
  • A decoction of plantain leaves and rose hips has a good antitoxic effect.

Prevention of diarrhea in animals

Diarrhea, like many diseases, is still easier to prevent than to cure.

Complex preventive measures includes:

  • proper feeding of animals, timely transfer to various feeds;
  • use only high quality feed in feeding;
  • carrying out disinfection in the barn, feeding animals from clean dishes;
  • rapid isolation of animals with suspected diseases;
  • immunoprophylaxis of animals, timely vaccination.

There are many reasons why cows have diarrhea. To provide an animal necessary assistance It is imperative to find out why the pathology developed. According to veterinary statistics, about half of the deaths of cows and calves are associated with complications of diarrhea, which was not treated or the treatment was not carried out correctly. When sick, the frequency of bowel movements increases, which in this case contains a large number of fluids, which causes dehydration. It is possible to save the life and productivity of a cow that has diarrhea only with the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Causes of the problem

They provoke digestive problems in cows, and as a result diarrhea, various reasons. The disease can be infectious or non-infectious in nature.


The main non-infectious cause of diarrhea in an adult cow. A problem appears at the moment of changing food, when the microflora in the intestines must rebuild very quickly, which is impossible. As a result, the animal not only develops diarrhea, but also increases the amount of gas. The cow becomes restless and her appetite is impaired.

Use of antibiotics and antiviral drugs in such a situation will only worsen the condition. For treatment, it is recommended to use products with bacteria beneficial to the intestines. An increase in fiber in the cow's diet will also be required.

E. coli toxic

Diarrhea in a cow due to bacteria occurs in the first 7 days after birth. Infection occurs from adult animals, for which this stick is not dangerous, or from a person who also does not react to it. In calves, when the pathogen enters the body, severe diarrhea occurs, against which dehydration develops in a very short time. Further, exhaustion and sepsis are added to the condition.

Treatment is urgent and specialized. Errors in therapy lead to death. However, even competent and timely treatment does not guarantee recovery, and mortality among calves reaches 50%.


Rotovirus infection poses the greatest danger to young animals, but in severe outbreaks, adults also suffer from it. The main peak of incidence is observed in late winter and early March. Even with urgent treatment, mortality reaches 1/3.

The disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • intense diarrhea;
  • severe apathy;
  • complete refusal of food and water;
  • weakness, due to which the cow lies almost all the time and gets to her feet with great difficulty;
  • elevated temperature;
  • increasing manifestations of dehydration.

If left untreated, the cow falls into a coma due to exhaustion and dehydration and then dies within a few hours.


Calves are affected by the disease from the first to the second week. It is almost impossible to diagnose the disease without special specific methods. Insufficient knowledge of the pathology does not allow the development of reliable treatment regimens.

Against the background of diarrhea, calves quickly lose weight, begin to suffer from dehydration and, if treatment is not started, die in 100% of cases. With therapy, survival rates range from 40% to 60%.

Other reasons

Also, diarrhea in cows can occur for a number of other reasons. The main ones are:

  • severe helminthic lesions;
  • allergies to food or medications;
  • pathological processes in internal organs, such as tumor formation, inflammation and ulceration;
  • poisoning from poisons from rats and mice, as well as insects - bloody diarrhea often occurs;
  • overstrain of the body during calving;
  • giving low-quality feed - poisoning occurs in a cow in the same way as in a person;
  • unsanitary conditions of detention - the animal in this case suffers from a decrease in immunity, which disrupts intestinal function.

Whatever provokes the pathological condition, it is necessary to urgently call a veterinarian to make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Why is it dangerous?

Diarrhea in a cow is primarily dangerous because it leads to rapid dehydration of the body, due to which the thickness of the blood increases and disruptions in the functioning of all organs and systems begin. The second danger is severe intestinal overstrain, which can lead to bleeding. They can be from insignificant to abundant, posing a threat to the life of the animal.


It is important for the owner to know the first symptoms of diarrhea in cattle. For most diseases, diarrhea is the first manifestation pathological condition. The following signs indicate that an animal requires veterinary help:

  • the presence of unnaturally liquid feces in the stall;
  • the presence of traces of feces on the tail, thighs or udder;
  • frequent bowel movements, even with a slight change in their consistency;
  • pungent odor from feces;
  • dry nose;
  • loss of appetite up to its complete loss;
  • strong thirst;
  • anxiety due to abdominal pain does not always happen.

If the listed symptoms or only part of them appear, it is necessary to urgently call a veterinarian, and even before his arrival, provide first aid to the cow.

First aid

If diarrhea occurs, the animal should be treated without delay, especially if the diarrhea is very severe. While waiting for the veterinarian, the owner should do the following:

  • remove food from the stall (you cannot throw it away, as it may be required for analysis);
  • replace the water in the drinking bowl with boiled water, with a small addition of manganese (the solution is slightly pink);
  • Give the cow an electrolyte solution: 1 liter every 30 minutes. It is prepared by dissolving 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 ampoule of glucose in a liter of water (if you don’t have it, you can do without it).

If the cow is dirty with feces, then she is washed with warm water.

When an animal severe vomiting and it is impossible to give him food, the veterinarian will deal with dehydration using intravenous infusions. If a cow has diarrhea, what to do in an emergency veterinarian He can even give you advice over the phone.


Therapy for the problem can sometimes be carried out using folk remedies. Self-medication is allowed only if the diarrhea is not severe and the animal’s condition does not suffer - the cow does not lose its appetite and does not develop dehydration.


At bacterial infections treatment is carried out using antibiotics. They are prescribed by a veterinarian. For viral infections, this type medicines useless.

To accelerate the removal of toxins from the cow's body, sorbents such as Polysorb and Sorbic and activated carbon are used. Calves can be given sorbents intended for humans - Enterosgel and the like - for diarrhea.

To reduce intestinal motility, domperidone or metroproclamide is administered intramuscularly to the cow.

Enzyme preparations are necessary to restore proper digestion. If diarrhea is caused by a lack of certain enzymes in the animal’s body, then they are used as the main means of therapy. The veterinarian can prescribe the drugs Oltec, Feedland or Finzym.

After eliminating diarrhea, it is recommended to give the cow probiotics to restore normal microflora. Biomastim, embrobio and Vetom-4 give good results.

When an animal refuses food for a long time, so that it does not weaken, intravenous infusions of glucose are given.

The veterinarian will tell you exactly how to treat the animal.

Folk remedies

If it is not possible to urgently involve a veterinarian in treating the cow, they use folk remedies that can help cope with the problem at home. The owner should know exactly what to give the cow.

  1. Rice water. It is prepared in the same way as for humans, and the cow is given 3 glasses to drink every hour. After the diarrhea stops, you need to give the remedy for another 2-3 days to consolidate the result.
  2. Burnt black bread. It acts as a strong sorbent that quickly removes toxins. Pieces of bread are charred, ground and, mixed with a small amount of water, given to the animal.
  3. Rose hip decoction. Boil 1 cup of berries in a liter of water for 10 minutes after boiling. The cow should be given the product to drink once every 2 hours, 500 ml.

You should not rely completely on treatment with folk remedies, but you should call a veterinarian.


The following measures help prevent the occurrence of the disease:

  • feeding cows with high-quality feed;
  • maintaining cleanliness in the barn;
  • feeding only from clean dishes;
  • daily change of water in the drinking bowl and washing it;
  • regular treatment for worms;
  • vaccination;
  • Immediate isolation of animals at the slightest suspicion of illness.

When a new cow is purchased, it must be quarantined separately from the rest of the herd for 3 weeks. If she has diseases that are in a latent form, then during this time they will manifest themselves.

Diarrhea in cows is a dangerous condition that cannot be ignored. Delay in treatment can lead to the death of the animal.