Bilobil. Clean vessels for a full life. Bilobil: instructions for use Medicines Bilobil and its analogues

Bilobil forte belongs to the drugs that are made exclusively on a plant basis. Designed to improve peripheral and cerebral circulation.

Release form and composition of Bilobil

Bilobil is available in gelatin capsules Pink colour. Tablet size in medical practice designated No. 4. The capsules contain a powder, the shade of which can change from light brown to dark brown (with elements of a dark color often observed).

1 capsule of Bilobil forte contains 80 mg of dry standardized extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves. 100 mg of extract contains 19.2 mg of ginkgo flavone glycosides and 4.8 mg of terpene lactones (ginkgolides and bilobalides).

Auxiliary elements include: lactose monohydrate, talc, magnesium stearate, corn starch, colloidal anhydrous silicon oxide.

Bilobil's instructions show that the composition of the capsule shell includes sunset yellow dye (E110), titanium dioxide (E171), blue patent dye (E131), crimson dye (Ponceau 4R), methyl parahydroxybenzoate, black diamond dye (E151), gelatin, propyl parahydroxybenzoate.

A cardboard pack of Bilobil forte may include 2 or 6 blisters of this medicine.

Pharmacological action of Bilobil

Bilobil is an angioprotector plant origin. As a result of the fact that the drug contains ginkgo biloba extract, namely terpene lactones and flavone glycosides, its biologically active components significantly strengthen and increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and also improve the rheological abilities of the blood. The use of Bilobil helps improve microcirculation in the human body, as well as the process of glucose and oxygen entering the brain and all peripheral tissues.

In addition, Bilobil forte normalizes metabolic processes in cells, resists the adhesion of red blood cells, and slows down the platelet activation factor. Also, Bilobil's instructions indicate that the drug effectively regulates the dose-dependent effect on the cardiovascular system, increases the tone of the veins, regulates the process of filling blood vessels with blood, and dilates small arteries.

Due to the fact that ginkgo biloba extract includes a large number of different components, its pharmacokinetic parameters are very difficult to evaluate and qualify.

Indications for use of Bilobil

According to the instructions, Bilobil is indicated in the following cases:

  • encephalopathy varying degrees(can occur after a traumatic brain injury, stroke or in older people), which entails weakening of memory, attention, intellectual abilities, and disruption of sleep patterns;
  • Raynaud's syndrome, impaired microcirculation and peripheral circulation;
  • tinnitus, dizziness, hypoacusia;
  • diabetic retinopathy.

Contraindications for use

Bilobil's instructions note that the use of the drug is contraindicated for erosive gastritis, acute cerebrovascular accidents, decreased blood clotting, exacerbation peptic ulcer duodenum and stomach, myocardial infarction.

Directions for use and dosage of Bilobil

The most common use of Bilobil is that patients are prescribed 1 capsule in the morning and evening. However, the capsules should not be chewed. It is recommended to drink the product with a small amount of water.

The general course of treatment is usually no more than 3 months. After using Bilobil, improvements may occur no earlier than after 4 weeks of starting therapy. If necessary additional treatment You should first consult with a specialist.

Overdose of Bilobil

No information regarding an overdose of Bilobil has been reported to date.

Interaction of Bilobil with other drugs

Bilobil's instructions indicate that this drug should not be taken together with anticoagulants and acetylsalicylic acid as otherwise it may increase the risk of bleeding due to increased clotting time.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Bilobil should not be used during lactation, or by pregnant women.

Today there is a huge number various diseases. The good news is that modern medicine does not stand still, and new drugs are regularly released to combat ailments. "Bilobil", reviews of which are more often positive than negative, is a modern drug used to treat various vascular diseases brain. It is made from herbal ingredients and is effective. Let's look at this drug in more detail and talk about its features.

general information

One of the most effective drugs used to combat vascular diseases is Bilobil. The release form of the medicine is gelatin-coated capsules filled with medicinal powder. The capsules dissolve in the stomach very quickly, so the tablets begin to act almost instantly after administration, and the maximum effect occurs after just two hours. The half-life from the body is about eight hours. The components included in the drug do not completely disintegrate, but are excreted along with urine.

Pharmacological properties

The drug has the following effects on the body:

  • improves cell function;
  • promotes blood thinning;
  • stabilizes tissue perfusion;
  • saturates the brain with oxygen and glucose;
  • blocks erythrocyte aggregation and inhibits platelet activation;
  • normalizes the metabolic process in the body;
  • preventing the formation of free radicals;
  • normalization of neurotransmitter metabolism;
  • improves blood circulation to the brain.

In addition to all of the above, Bilobil, reviews of which in most cases are only positive, provides complex impact and stimulates brain activity.


The active ingredient is ginkgo biloba leaves, which are used in the form of a concentrated dry substance. One tablet contains 40 milligrams of leaves consisting of 6 percent lactones and 24 percent glycosides. Additional components are lactose, magnesium silicate, corn starch, silica and magnesium stearate. The capsule shell consists of gelatin, titanium white and food coloring. Due to the composition of the shell, the tablets quickly dissolve in the stomach and begin to act quickly after administration. "Bilobil", the composition of which is of plant origin, has quick action and effectively copes with various vascular diseases of the brain.

Cost and dispensing from pharmacies

This drug It is produced in tablet form with an instant coating and in foil packaging. Instructions for use come in the box with the medicine. The average cost of "Bilobil" is 420 rubles; it can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions

Bilobil tablets, which have a shelf life of 24 months, should be stored protected from sun rays place at a temperature of no more than 20 degrees. The drug should be kept in a place that is difficult for children to reach so that they do not accidentally drink the medicine.

Compatibility with other drugs

"Bilobil" is not advisable to take together with the following drugs:

  • non-steroidal drugs with anti-inflammatory effects;
  • tablets that inhibit blood clotting.

It is worth noting that before starting to take Bilobil, it is recommended to consult a doctor who can draw up suitable program treatment and select the most appropriate medications based on clinical picture patient.

How to take the drug?

The drug "Bilobil", the indications for use of which are best checked with a doctor, is prescribed when a patient is diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • vasospanic diseases;
  • circulatory disorders of the head;
  • brain lesions resulting from circulatory disorders;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • disorders in the functioning of the brain caused by age-related changes;
  • deterioration of memory and concentration, as well as a decrease in higher brain functions caused by bad habits and external factors;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • sensorineural hearing loss;
  • defeat retina caused by the development of diabetes mellitus;
  • retinal degeneration caused by age-related changes.

Before you start taking Bilobil, you need to read the instructions for use first. In addition, it is recommended to undergo examination by a specialized specialist, since only he will be able to determine the real clinical picture and select the most suitable treatment program.


It is better to avoid taking pills for patients who have the following symptoms:

  • erosive gastritis;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • acute disturbances in the blood circulation of the brain;
  • ulcer;
  • coronary heart disease, occurring in acute form;
  • individual intolerance to any of the components.

Also, taking Bilobil, reviews of doctors about which note its high effectiveness, is not recommended for persons under 18 years of age, since the consequences can be very different.

Instructions for use

So, how to take Bilobil? The instructions for use state that before you start taking it, you must be examined by a specialized specialist. The tablets must be swallowed completely without chewing and with plenty of liquid. To achieve a positive result, so that the patient feels improvement, the minimum course of treatment must be at least 30 days. The maximum course of continuous therapy should not exceed three months, after which a break should be taken. The required dosage is calculated by a specialist individually for each patient based on the clinical picture of the disease. In most cases, when prescribing Bilobil, the dosage is one tablet several times a day.

Side effects

In medical practice, when using Bilobil for the treatment of various vascular diseases, not a single case of overdose has been recorded.

As for side effects, the patient may experience:

  • disorders nervous system, which are accompanied by migraines, insomnia, hearing loss and dizziness;
  • allergic reactions - itching, hyperemia, swelling, swelling;
  • disorder digestive systemloose stool, nausea and vomiting;
  • worsening blood clotting.

If you experience any side effects while taking the drug "Bilobil" (reviews, by the way, claim that this happens extremely rarely), then the course of treatment should be interrupted and go to the hospital to make the necessary changes to the therapy program.

special instructions

In order for therapy to be as effective as possible, when taking the drug you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If the patient will be operated on, it is necessary to notify the doctor about this before starting to take Bilobil.
  2. If the therapy is accompanied by side effects, you should consult a doctor who will decide whether it is advisable. further treatment using this medicine...
  3. It is strictly forbidden to combine Bilobil and alcohol. Throughout the course of treatment, you should avoid any alcoholic beverages.
  4. One of the components of the drug is a dye, so people with high sensitivity may develop allergies and asthma.
  5. The tablets have a sedative effect, so it is not recommended to drive a car during treatment.
  6. Expectant mothers who are pregnant and women who are breastfeeding should avoid taking the drug.
  7. One of the components of the drug is lactose, so it should not be taken by people who are highly sensitive to this substance.

"Bilobil" for stroke

The main problem of stroke is that it occurs against the background of an already existing set of chronic diseases vessels that threaten human health and life, and can also affect his normal functioning. It is important to understand here that it is impossible to completely eliminate the consequences of a stroke, so constant support is required vascular system.

The main problems people face after a stroke are:

  • disruption of normal blood circulation caused by narrowing of blood vessels;
  • increased blood viscosity;
  • reduction in the thickness of blood vessels;
  • increased swelling;
  • disruption of normal functioning immune system and faster aging;
  • a significant increase in cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • disturbance of brain activity;
  • emotional depression, which can develop into depression.

If a person who has suffered a stroke is diagnosed with at least three of the problems listed above, then they need to go to the hospital as soon as possible to undergo an examination and draw up a treatment program. Most often, Bilobil is prescribed, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the brain and improving its blood circulation.

Elderly people are at increased risk, but every year more and more young people suffer from stroke. Medical statistics show that every fifth person who has had a stroke is under 55 years of age. In addition, many patients aged about 30 years have problems with blood circulation and various vascular diseases.

How to properly store tablets?

The drug is valid for no more than 24 months from the date of release. To prevent the medicine from losing its effectiveness, it should be stored at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees in a dark place that children cannot reach.

Analogues of the drug

"Bilobil", analogues of which can be found on sale, is the most common drug used throughout the world to treat most diseases of the blood vessels of the brain. But if you suddenly couldn’t find “Bilobil” or it turned out to be too expensive for you, then it can be replaced with analogues.

The most famous among them are:

  1. "Tanakan" is a drug made from components of plant origin and has similar action, like "Bilobil". Available in tablet form. Helps improve blood circulation. Prescribed for poor coordination, dementia and secondary joint damage lower limbs. You can buy the drug in many pharmacies for 580 rubles.
  2. "Noodzheron" is a drug that helps normalize the functioning of the brain, improve cortical control of subcortical activity, thinking, attention and speech. Active substance is memantine hydrochloride. Prescribed for Alzheimer's disease and acquired dementia. The price of the drug varies from 1200 to 2200 rubles.
  3. "Memorin" is a medicine that is made from components of plant origin, belonging to the group of neurometabolic stimulants. Available in syrup form. This drug should not be combined with antidepressants and alcohol. The cost of the drug in pharmacies starts from 150 rubles.

Bilobil: instructions for use and reviews

Bilobil is a herbal medicine that improves cerebral and peripheral blood circulation.

Release form and composition

The drug is available in capsules: lilac-brown (lid and body), gelatin, containing yellowish-brown powder with visible darker inclusions (in blisters of 10 pcs., in a cardboard pack of 2, 6 or 10 blisters).

In 1 capsule:

  • Active ingredient: dry extract from ginkgo biloba leaves – 40 mg, of which 6% (2.4 mg) are terpene lactones, 24% (9.6 mg) are flavone glycosides;
  • Excipients: corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide (anhydrous), lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, talc.

Gelatin capsule consists of gelatin, titanium dioxide, red iron oxide dye, azorubine dye, indigotine dye, black iron oxide dye.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Bilobil is a herbal medicine that normalizes blood rheological parameters, cellular metabolism and tissue perfusion. Its use leads to improved cerebral circulation and a complete supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain. The drug prevents platelet activation and inhibits red blood cell aggregation.

By varying the dose of Bilobil, you can regulate the functioning of the vascular system. Its active components activate NO synthesis, increase the tone of veins, expand the lumen of arterioles, improving the filling of blood vessels. The drug reduces the permeability of the vascular wall and is characterized by an antithrombotic effect by weakening the influence of platelet-activating factor, affecting the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, strengthening the membranes of platelets and red blood cells.

The drug slows down the peroxidation of fats in cell membranes and prevents the formation of free radicals. Also, its active ingredients normalize the metabolism of neurotransmitters (for example, acetylcholine, norepinephrine and dopamine), participate in the regulation of mediator processes in the brain, increase the rate of glucose and oxygen processing in the body, have an antihypoxic effect, ensure the accumulation of macroergs and activate metabolism.

After oral administration, the bioavailability of ginkgolides and bilobalide, the active components of the drug, reaches 85%. The maximum concentration of these substances is recorded 2 hours after ingestion. The half-life is 4–10 hours. The molecules of the compounds are not subject to destruction in the body and are excreted unchanged mainly in the urine, and to a lesser extent in feces.

Indications for use

Ginkgo biloba improves the blood supply to brain tissue by dilating blood vessels and improving blood flow (blood clotting is reduced), and regulates metabolism.

  • Cerebrovascular accident;
  • Memory impairment;
  • Mental retardation;
  • Anxiety states that are accompanied by isolation;
  • Dizziness, tinnitus and sleep disturbances;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • Other pathologies that are accompanied by impaired peripheral circulation.


  • Reduced blood clotting;
  • Erosive gastritis;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and/or duodenum in the acute phase;
  • Acute cerebrovascular accidents;
  • Acute myocardial infarction;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

This drug can be used for therapy in patients at least 18 years of age.

Instructions for use of Bilobil: method and dosage

The herbal medicine begins to exhibit its therapeutic properties only a month after the start of the course. To maintain a long-lasting effect, capsules should be taken for 3 months (this is especially true for older people).

Side effects

  • Allergic manifestations: itchy skin, skin hyperemia, swelling;
  • Digestive system: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
  • Nervous system: insomnia, headache, dizziness, hearing loss;
  • Other: decreased hemocoagulation.

If undesirable symptoms occur, you should stop taking the drug.


Currently, there is no information about overdose.

special instructions

There is no information about whether taking Bilobil affects high speed human reactions. Therefore, it is better for drivers and people whose work requires quick reactions to refrain from taking it.

If you often experience dizziness, tinnitus, or partial hearing loss, you should definitely consult a doctor.

The presence of azo dyes (E110, E124 and E151) in the composition can in extremely rare cases cause the development of bronchospasm.

Pregnancy and lactation

Drug interactions

According to the instructions, Bilobil should not be prescribed to patients regularly taking medications that reduce blood clotting (for example, acetylsalicylic acid and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, direct and indirect action). This combination may increase the risk of bleeding due to prolongation of clotting time.


Analogues of Bilobil (preparations in which dry extract from the leaves of Ginkgo biloba is the main active ingredient): Vitrum Memory, Gingium, Ginos, Memoplant, Tanakan, Bilobil intense.

Medicines with similar effects: Akatinol Memantine, Alzeim, Intellan, Memaneurin, Memantine, Memorel, Noodzheron, Memikar, Memantal, Maruxa, Memantinol, etc.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight and away from children.

Storage temperature: room temperature (up to 25 °C).

Shelf life – 2 years.

Photo of the drug

The description is valid on 30.01.2015

  • Latin name: Bilobil
  • ATX code: N06DX02
  • Active substance: Ginkgo bilobae leaf extract (Ginkgo Bilobae foliorum extract)
  • Manufacturer: KRKA (Slovenia)


  • One capsule of the product includes 40 mg of tree leaf extract ginkgo biloba.
  • One capsule of the product Bilobil Forte includes 80 mg of tree leaf extract ginkgo biloba.
  • One capsule of the product Bilobil Intense 120 includes 120 mg of tree leaf extract ginkgo biloba.

100 mg extract contains 19.2 mg ginkgo glycosides flavone type and 4.8 mg terpene lactones type ( bilobalids And ginkgolides ).

Additional substances: colloidal silicon oxide, corn starch, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, talc.

Shell composition: red iron oxide dye, titanium dioxide, azorubine, black iron oxide dye, gelatin.

Release form

Pink gelatin capsules containing brown powder with visible dark particles inside. 10 capsules in a blister, two or six blisters in a cardboard pack.

pharmachologic effect

Neurometabolic, antihypoxic , improves microcirculation, enhances peripheral and cerebral circulation, angioprotective, antioxidant action.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Herbal medicine, normalizes in cells rheological indicators and tissue perfusion.

Improves cerebral circulation and nourishes the brain glucose And oxygen , inhibits aggregation, suppresses activation. Has a dose-dependent regulatory effect on the vascular system, activates the production NO , expands the lumen of arterioles, increases the tone of veins, thereby changing the filling of blood vessels. Weakens the permeability of the vascular wall. Possesses antithrombotic action (strengthens the membranes of red blood cells and platelets, affects biosynthesis, weakens the effects platelet activating factor ). Inhibits fat peroxidation of cell membranes and the formation of free radicals. Normalizes metabolism neurotransmitters (such as , norepinephrine And acetylcholine ). Also provides antihypoxic action, stimulates metabolism, promotes accumulation macroergs , accelerates recycling glucose And oxygen , regulates mediator processes in the brain.


Bioavailability after administration bilobalida And ginkgolides is 85%. The highest concentration is recorded two hours after taking the drug. Half-life is 4-10 hours. The molecules of these substances do not disintegrate in the body and are completely evacuated with urine, and to a lesser extent with feces.

Indications for use

  • Violation of microcirculation and peripheral circulation, Raynaud's syndrome .
  • Discirculatory due to injury, age and other reasons, accompanied by weakening of memory, attention, decreased cognitive abilities, and changes in sleep patterns.
  • Neurosensory disorders (tinnitus, hypoacusis and others).
  • Age macular degeneration .


  • Erosive.
  • Reduced clotting.
  • Acute cerebral circulation disorders .
  • in the acute phase.
  • Sensitization to the components of the drug.
  • Age up to 18 years.

Side effects

  • Reactions from nervous activity: hearing loss, dizziness.
  • Allergic reactions: hyperemia , swelling , .
  • Digestive reactions: vomiting, nausea,.
  • Other reactions: worsening blood clotting.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The drug capsules should be swallowed completely with water. It is recommended to consult a doctor before starting use. Noticeable signs of improvement may appear after just 1 month of treatment. The duration of treatment should not be less than three months.

Capsules (tablets) Bilobil, instructions for use

At dyscirculatory encephalopathy use 1-2 capsules three times a day.

During treatment violations microcirculation And peripheral circulation , Raynaud's syndrome take 1 capsule three times a day.

At diabetic retinopathy, neurosensory disorders , age dmacular regeneration Recommend 1 capsule three times a day.

Instructions for use Bilobil Forte and Bilobil Intens 120

Bilobil Forte is usually taken 1 capsule twice or thrice a day, and Bilobil Intens 120 is taken 1 capsule 1 time (in the morning) or 2 times (morning and evening) per day.


There are no reports of recorded cases of overdose.


The use of the drug is not recommended for patients who regularly use anticoagulants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other medications that reduce blood clotting, since such combinations increase the risk of bleeding due to an increase in the duration of clotting.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

  • Keep away from children.
  • Store at temperatures up to 25 degrees.

Best before date

Three years.

special instructions

Before surgery, you must inform your doctor about taking the drug.

If tinnitus and dizziness develop again, or sudden hearing loss occurs, you should urgently consult a doctor.

The drug contains lactose And dextrose , therefore it should not be prescribed to persons with lactase deficiency, glucose malabsorption syndrome or galactose.

The drug contains a dye E122 or Azorubine , which can cause bronchospasm and other allergic reactions.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

Bilobil's analogues: (tablets), Ginos (tablets), (capsules), (pills), Gingium (pills), (capsules), (tablets, oral solution).

For children

Not appointed under 18 years of age.

During pregnancy and lactation

Reviews about Bilobil

Reviews of Bilobil Forte, Bilobil and Bilobil Intense are fundamentally similar and correct use indicate the effectiveness of the drug in improving cerebral circulation. Reviews from doctors are based on an irrefutable evidence base, which indicates that Ginkgo tree extract is perhaps the only known remedy that improves cognitive function in elderly patients. However, studies have also shown that after discontinuation of the drug, age-related symptoms tend to return.

Price, where to buy

In Russia, the price of Bilobil No. 20 is 156-211 rubles, the price of Bilobil Forte No. 20 is 273-290 rubles, and the price of Bilobil Intens No. 20 starts at 418 rubles.

In Ukraine, the average prices for these drugs are 99, 152 and 203 hryvnia, respectively.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine
  • Online pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


    Bilobil capsules 40 mg 60 pcs.

    Bilobil forte capsules 80 mg 20 pcs.JSC KRKA, d.d., Novo mesto

    Bilobil Intense 120 capsules 120 mg 60 pcs.JSC KRKA, d.d., Novo mesto

    Bilobil Intense 120 capsules 120 mg 20 pcs.JSC KRKA, d.d., Novo mesto

    Bilobil forte capsules 80 mg 60 pcs.KRKA/Krka-Rus/AO KRKA, d.d., Novo mesto

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    Bilobil forte 80 mg 20 caps KRKA

    Bilobil 40 mg 60 pcs capsKRKA, d.d., Novo Mesto, JSC

    Bilobil intense 120 mg 20 capsKRKA, d.d., Novo Mesto, JSC

    Bilobil forte 80 mg 60 capsKRKA, d.d., Novo Mesto, JSC

    Bilobil intense 120 mg 60 capsKRKA, d.d., Novo Mesto, JSC

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    Bilobil 120 mg No. 60 capsules KRKA, Slovenia

    Bilobil intense 120 mg No. 20 capsules KRKA, Slovenia

    Bilobil 40 mg No. 20 capsules KRKA, Slovenia

    Bilobil 40 mg No. 60 capsules KRKA, Slovenia

    Bilobil forte 80 mg No. 20 capsules KRKA, Slovenia


    Bilobil intensive capsule Bilobil Intens caps. 120mg No. 60

    Bilobil forte capsule Bilobil forte capsule. 80 mg No. 60Slovenia, KRKA d.d. Novo Mesto

    Bilobil capsule Bilobil capsules 40 mg No. 20Slovenia, KRKA d.d. Novo Mesto

    Bilobil capsule Bilobil capsules 40 mg No. 60Slovenia, KRKA d.d. Novo Mesto

    Bilobil forte capsule Bilobil forte capsule. 80 mg No. 20Slovenia, KRKA d.d. Novo Mesto

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Education: Graduated from Vitebsk State medical University specialty "Surgery". At the university he headed the Council of the Student Scientific Society. Advanced training in 2010 - in the specialty "Oncology" and in 2011 - in the specialty "Mammology, visual forms of oncology".

Experience: Work in a general medical network for 3 years as a surgeon (Vitebsk Emergency Hospital medical care, Liozny Central District Hospital) and part-time as a district oncologist and traumatologist. Worked as a pharmaceutical representative for a year at the Rubicon company.

Presented 3 rationalization proposals on the topic “Optimization of antibiotic therapy depending on the species composition of microflora”, 2 works took prizes in the republican competition-review of student scientific works(categories 1 and 3).


Information about medications on the site is for reference and general information, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before use medicinal product Bilobil, be sure to consult your doctor.


I drank ginkgo biloba - like a poultice for the dead. But the composition is the same, the leaves of the ginkgo biloba tree are all there.

Over the past six months, I have burned out at work... calculations have become very difficult, I constantly forget everything, my head is often dizzy. You can’t blame it on vitamin deficiency, I understand that the matter is different. They advised me to take a course of Bilobil Forte, and indeed after it it became easier to work, my concentration improved, everything came easier than before, even my colleagues noticed this.

Bilobil Forte is 100 times better than Ginkgo. I became convinced when I was looking for a medicine to relieve numbness and a constant feeling of cold in the extremities. At first they persuaded me to buy dietary supplements, but I threw away the money. Then the pharmacist advised Bilobil. I am grateful to her, he helped me very well. Now there are absolutely no such symptoms. I took it for 3 months. It’s not expensive now – about 600 rubles. for 60 pieces.

When I started having dizziness and tinnitus, my mother advised me to take Bilobil, she has been taking it in courses for a long time, and is happy with the result. Bilobil Forte is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. I bought it. After a week, the dizziness began to subside and improvement was noticeable. After the course, everything got better, the noise disappeared, otherwise I was already scared. Excellent product, I recommend it.

My mother has poor circulation in her extremities; they are constantly cold and numb. This symptom appeared against the background rheumatoid arthritis. The doctor included Bilobil Intens in the treatment complex. Mom took 2 capsules a day, they helped a lot. The symptoms became much weaker, and my mother’s sleep also improved and she was in a good mood. The drug is excellent.

I waited a long time for a promotion, but along with the increase in salary I received constant stress. I couldn’t sleep well at night, I only thought about work. My wife bought Bilobil forte, she said it would help with heavy loads and improve memory. I noticed the first improvements by the end of the second week, I became calmer and my sleep improved. I drank the entire course, probably only because of it, and managed to cope in the new position. Good remedy and is inexpensive, no more than 600 rubles.

My mother has had problems with blood pressure for a long time. She takes pills, but the blood vessels still gradually wear out and the blood supply to the brain is disrupted. Hence the ringing in the ears, dizziness, and insomnia. I had to go to the doctor again. He said to start taking Bilobil intense 2 times a day, 1 capsule. This is a highly concentrated drug active substance– 120 mg. Although I couldn’t believe it, relief came already in the first month of taking it! By the end of the course, everything seemed to go away.

I have had hypertension for 5 years now. Everything would have been fine if it weren’t for the ringing in my ears and the onset of memory problems. The doctor added Bilobil Forte to the treatment regimen. It protects tissues from oxygen starvation and improves blood circulation. I have been taking the drug for 2 months and the tinnitus has already disappeared, my memory has stopped failing, and in general I have begun to think faster.

I have used ginkgo products many times to improve memory and stabilize attention. In terms of effect, only Bilobil forte was satisfactory. My productivity at work has increased and my overall thinking has become clearer. And after the Ginkoum course, I didn’t feel anything. Maybe it’s the Russian manufacturer or the drug just didn’t suit me. That’s why I now only buy proven products - Bilobil forte.

My absent-mindedness has made life difficult over the past month. I spent half the day pouring coffee to concentrate on work. But when the quarterly report is on, time is precious. I started looking for a product that would enhance learning and memory. Bilobil Intens quickly helped me get ready and increased my performance.

Due to problems with memory, I took Tanakan for some time. Unfortunately, I didn’t feel much improvement. A colleague recommended Bilobil forte, took the course, and read the instructions first. I didn’t find any contraindications, and the fact that the basis of the drug is Ginkgo biloba extract pleased me. I am against "chemistry". I took 1 course and will definitely repeat it again.

I recently noticed that I often have headaches and tinnitus. I couldn’t wake up in the morning, I felt terrible. The neurologist determined that I had problems with blood supply to the brain and prescribed Bilobil Intens. I like the good content of ginkgo in it - 120 ml per capsule. The effect is felt quickly - after about a week I began to sleep better, the headaches went away and my brain worked better.

When the weather changes, I get headaches and stuffy ears. I couldn't even sleep at night. From lack of sleep he became irritable and angry. I started taking Bilobil Forte, and after a few days my head became clearer, and then the tinnitus went away. Stabilized emotional condition, sleep and mood improved. For me he is a salvation. I will continue to drink in courses.

Bilobil helps me when problems with blood vessels begin. I was worried about nausea and headaches. What I didn’t do - exercises in the morning, contrast showers and rubbing. After a course of Bilobil intensive, my head stopped spinning, my legs and arms did not freeze. Profitable and effective remedy, and not expensive.

I gave Bilobil forte to my mother to normalize cerebral circulation. After a course of taking the drug, my memory improved, the attacks of dizziness stopped and the ringing in my ears stopped bothering me. Previously treated with Tanakan. The drug is more expensive, but I would not say that it is better. The effects of the medications are similar, but my mother liked Bilobil more.

The instructions for the drug say that side effects often indistinguishable from the underlying disease. This is true. The difference is that the side effects are stronger. After a month of taking Bilobil, my dizziness increased. To the point that she couldn’t work normally. I used to have a headache when the pressure changed, but now I woke up every morning with a headache. I thought that the drug simply did not help, and the disease was progressing. But the doctor stopped the drug and it became easier! I wouldn't wish this experience on anyone.

I recommend trying Bilobil intense to everyone who has high workloads. After buying an apartment, I had to get a second job. I noticed that in the evening I started to have a headache and had tinnitus. I had difficulty falling asleep and woke up exhausted. The doctor advised Bilobil intensive. I was reassured by the fact that it is natural, it is ginkgo biloba extract 120 mg. Now I’m finishing the course for 3 months. The tinnitus went away and work became much easier.

After a stroke, my mother began to have memory problems. She forgot everything, could not concentrate on any lesson, constantly lost her glasses and was nervous. Now she is finishing taking a course of Bilobil forte. I tried tanakan, but it gave me insomnia. With Bilobil, she has become noticeably calmer, her memory has improved, she goes for walks alone and reads books.

The standards of European manufacturers are still very high. I'm talking about medications now. For example, Bilobil forte, I took it for three months. The result is simply stunning. Attentiveness, memory, everything became like in my youth. And things are all in order in my head. I feel great. Before that, I tried to solve the problem with tanakan, but it didn’t help, it was such a short-term effect. So Bilobil forte is better. much.

For a person with an intellectual job, it is very important to always have a clear head. And when rest doesn’t help, then it’s worth drinking an effective and natural herbal preparation Bilobil forte and after a few weeks improvements are already noticeable. And every day the result only gets better. All brain functions are at their best, my head is clear. Bilobil forte is better and no ginkum can compare with it.

When the efficiency of the entire marketing department depends on you, you need to make decisions quickly and remember a lot of numbers and other information. It was exhausting. Taking Memoplant did not turn out to be very effective, I spent a fair amount of money, but the drug did not suit me, this happens. On the doctor’s advice, I started taking Bilobil intense, and it quickly restored all the functions of the brain, an excellent working drug!

I spent almost a month on ginkum, which hardly helped me. I thought maybe I needed more time, but no. I bought Bilobil forte on the advice of a pharmacist and a week later I was already positive results and every week my health only improved. I stopped forgetting everything and getting confused about data at work. I feel rested, as if my brain has been rebooted. Great result!

I used to experience dizziness and a heavy head after intense work, especially after submitting quarterly reports. It is simply impossible to concentrate and work further at such moments. So, Bilobil intensity just saves me. Although I didn’t quit my job, I was on the verge, I thought I couldn’t stand it. With Bilobil, clarity of thought and concentration quickly returns.

My work requires perseverance and the ability to concentrate. long time, and in the last week I was completely exhausted. I got my second wind after a course of Bilobil forte. It improves concentration. memory and attention. These are capsules that are convenient and easy to take: 1 in the morning, 1 in the evening. It can be taken regardless of meals, which is also a big plus for me. And my head feels better within a week.

I struggled with forgetfulness with the help of the drug Bilobil forte. This is a natural nootropic and very high quality. Natural composition, allergic reactions are minimal. I didn’t have any during the entire time I took it. But the brain began to think better and forgetfulness disappeared. Even my memory is not only the same as when I was 20, but even better. It's easier to work with such memory.

Bilobil forte helped a lot when a lot of things and responsibilities fell on my head and memory problems and dizziness began. The drug improved my blood circulation and my head stopped spinning. But the main thing is nutrients and glucose, the oxygen that the blood carries. Bilobil forte allowed me to be cheerful, attentive and not forget anything. I'm delighted with the medicine. Mental functions have improved much. It is more pleasant and easier to live without dizziness.

Bilobil Intens 120 mg is a really working drug for improving blood supply to the brain! The doctor prescribed it to me for dizziness and tinnitus. Before this, I took tanakan for a month - there was zero effect, a completely useless medicine, which is not clear why it is prescribed. Bilobil intense helped me get rid of unpleasant symptoms in the first month, it really helps

With age, dad began to remember information worse and became forgetful. But if youth cannot be restored, then with the help of medications you can improve brain function. Bilobil forte helped my dad a lot. The doctor explained the safety of the drug: the active ingredient is an extract of ginkgo biloba leaves, and not a synthetic substance. I took the medicine for 3 months and the medicine was beneficial. Memory is better and that's a fact.

I have been taking Bilobil forte for a month and a half and have already noticed an improvement in my condition. My headaches have become less frequent, the tinnitus has almost gone away, I fall asleep and wake up easily full of strength. Before this, I took tanakan, there was no such effect, it didn’t suit me, and after a break I decided to buy Bilobil forte in capsules. The Bilobil course is only three months old, there are still five weeks left until the end, but I am already glad that I discovered Bilobil for myself.

Bilobil intense helps with poor blood circulation in the brain. The medicine dilates blood vessels and increases the tone of the veins. Over time, headaches and dizziness go away. But the main thing is that the memory is restored and does not fail. The medicine is herbal, which gives another advantage over synthetic drugs, which more often cause problems and side effects. I was not allergic to Bilobil intense.

I took both Ginkum from Evalar and Tanakan, but only Bilobil Intense gave really noticeable results from taking it and did not cause any side effects. It is easy to take - it comes in small capsules. Bilobil, unlike many drugs with ginkgo biloba extract, contains 120 mg of this active substance, which is why it helps cope well with forgetfulness, fatigue and dizziness caused by poor blood supply to the brain.

I had to rack my brains when choosing a drug to eliminate the heaviness of my legs and their fatigue. But the pharmacist helped me decide, and I hurried home with Flebaven tablets. The treatment was easy. I did not feel or notice any discomfort from the drug. But it got better every week. Previously, I couldn’t sleep and thought about where to put my legs so that they wouldn’t hurt. And with Phlebaven the torment went away.

Bilobil forte is a wonderful drug. The composition is good, the dosage of ginkgo biloba extract is ideal, the price is not overpriced. And the medicine helps, I think quickly. After 2-3 weeks it’s like a different person. More intelligent, attentive and with excellent memory. I do my work with enthusiasm and do not forget about everyday affairs. With Bilobil Comfort your memory is healthy. Good medicine, reliable.

Bilobil intense really helps to cope with problems caused by poor blood circulation - when memory deteriorates, it is difficult to concentrate, etc. And dietary supplements with ginkgo, such as ginkum from Evalar, have a very weak concentration. That's why they don't help. Bilobil intense contains 120 mg of ginkgo extract, it quickly helped me cope with daytime sleepiness, absent-mindedness and difficulties in remembering information.

My husband was a little forgetful and drank ginkgo biloba evalar, but due to its low effectiveness, he stopped drinking it and bought Bilobil forte 80 mg. The pharmacist praised the medicine very much. High quality, reliable. Memory will be strengthened and blood circulation in the brain will improve. My husband took it for a couple of weeks and realized that the medicine suited him - the effects were excellent and there were no side effects. So I took a 3-month course. We are satisfied with the end result.

Don’t be afraid to ask the pharmacist what he recommends - sometimes doctors prescribe the most expensive drugs, which may be inferior in quality to analogues that are more affordable! The pharmacist advised me to take Bilobil Intense instead of Memoplant - that was the right decision! And I saved money. And the effect did not disappoint. Bilobil intense did not cause any side effects and helped me a lot, my memory improved with it.

At work, I process a large amount of information and understand that I can barely keep up with this pace. But there is a wonderful medicine - Bilobil forte 80 mg based on the ginkgo biloba plant. Why wonderful? Because it helps to put thoughts in order, attention, memory, and 60 capsules cost 680 rubles, so it is more profitable than Memoplant 30 tablets - they start from 900 rubles. worth it! I don’t see the point in overpaying and I don’t recommend it to anyone, Bilobil forte is better in everything.

Nin, and Bilobil helped me under the same circumstances. My attention and memory have improved. I didn’t notice any side effects, absolutely

After taking the drug, Inkoum didn’t even want to try anything with ginkgo biloba extract, because it didn’t help at all, and she regretted spending the money. But the neurologist insisted on Bilobil intense, a drug that was both high-quality and effective. I tried it and in the very first weeks of taking it I felt that my head was clearer - there was no dizziness, my memory was excellent, what more could I wish for. I recommend Bilobil intense to everyone.

good drug

I went to a good doctor and he prescribed me Bilobil intensive. It made me feel better by the 2nd week of taking it. Memory, attention and mental abilities have clearly improved. And when It's a dull pain the temples went away and the tinnitus did not appear in the evening, then in general everything became fine. Bilobil intensity better than analogues both in effect, and in quality, and in price. Bilobil intense 120 mg costs 960 rubles for 60 capsules, and Memoplant 120 mg costs 1250, and that’s 30 tablets!

Session is evil. I began to sleep poorly, I couldn’t remember anything. There is also a constant fear that you will fail everything. The pharmacy recommended Bilobil Forte. A week of admission - and I’m a cucumber. I remember a lot of information and pass tests and exams easily. Now I understand that during periods of stress the body must be supported with a high-quality natural product.

I’m only 27, and then I’ll either forget about the meeting or make a mistake in my work correspondence. I helped my brain by taking bilobil intense for 3 months. After a month, I no longer felt forgetful and distracted. And no rashes appeared on the skin, like from tanakan, whose price is unreasonably high. Therefore, Bilobil Intense is ideal for me for improving brain functions: it helps, there are no allergies and the price is reasonable.

I switched to Bilobil intense because ginkum gave me a severe headache and constipation. And with Bilobil intense there are no side effects. Previously, I sometimes felt dizzy and ached from heavy workloads at work, but then I started taking 2 capsules a day and after a while the dizziness decreased and the pain began to recede. The drug improved cerebral circulation, and now I feel great.

It's good that there is gingko biloba. I took Bilobil forte, produced by KRKA, Slovenia. Previously, I only found dietary supplements in pharmacies, they said that they were not a medicine, Gingkoum from Evalar, for example, I drank it, but it was of no use. When I tried Bilobil, I was surprised by the quick results, after a month it already worked, improved my memory, but I took it for three months to consolidate the result.

Thanks to the drug Bilobil Intens, I returned to work. Before this, inattention was catastrophic. I’m sitting at the planning meeting, my head in the clouds. Didn't make the right reports. I got the meeting times mixed up. After a course of taking Bilobil, I can concentrate easily. I work much more efficiently. And I’m more useful at home. After stopping taking the drug, I did not notice a decrease in the effect.

I had heard before that there were drugs to improve memory and attention, but I was skeptical. We were taught that we need to develop our memory, for example, learn poetry. But with age, I began to observe that memory, especially short-term memory, began to weaken. I forget about many things, I don’t pay attention at all. I didn't have any problems with this before. I decided to try it anyway, bought Bilobil Forte, and was not disappointed. Bilobil really works, and works great. I was completely satisfied with the result. And I became less tired.

Last year I had to work a lot, I spent 12 hours at work, sometimes without days off. This happens to us often, but this time it was just terrible. My girls and my colleagues from Bilobil Forte were saved. Such overexertion has a negative effect on concentration, I used to take tanakan to stimulate brain function, the composition is the same, gingko biloba extract, but the effect is completely different, it did not help. And with the bilobil, everyone coped with the task more easily and received a well-deserved bonus. So now only Bilobil.

I often felt dizzy. I was tired of this condition, I’m not into self-medication, so I went to the doctor. On his recommendation, I bought bilobil forte with ginkgo biloba (this plant is well known for its antioxidant and other beneficial properties for the brain), with its help I eliminated the unpleasant symptoms, and no longer suffer from dizziness. And Bilobil helped me deal with stress better, otherwise I used to panic and often because of nonsense, and against this background I became terribly absent-minded. Now I treat everything more calmly and don’t forget anything... And it’s even easier to control emotional impulses.

I started drinking Bilobil forte after consulting a doctor. To improve blood circulation in the brain and tone circulatory system. But I didn’t know how different the quality of supplements and medications with ginkgo biloba extract was, and at first I took Evalar, but there was no benefit from it, and there were a lot of side effects. I didn’t know that ginkgo is a dietary supplement, and that bilobil forte is a real medicine, 80 mg of ginkgo extract. With it, my head stopped hurting and the tinnitus stopped. Blood better delivers nutrients to the brain, which improves your well-being. I don't feel sleepy and tired like before.

Bilobil intense improves microcirculation and dilates blood vessels, so you feel better, blood circulates better, which means it supplies organs and tissues with oxygen and glucose faster. Speeds up metabolism. After the course of Bilobil Intens, my dad’s head became clearer. I stopped confusing times and dates and didn’t forget about promises. I am immensely grateful to the KRKA company for an effective and safe drug without side effects. Ginkum was not suitable for my father due to low effectiveness and a severe allergic reaction (rash). I think there’s something wrong with their raw materials... If my brain needs help again, I’ll buy better bilobil.

I work as an electrician. Yes, it’s not women’s work. So what to do? In a small town they hold on to their jobs. All the time I concentrate my attention on small details. As a result, my vision began to deteriorate and it became more difficult to concentrate. Among the drugs, I liked bilobil forte due to its natural composition and good recommendations. After taking it, she noted improved vision and sleep, improved concentration. Now it's easier for me to work and I feel very good.

I trust the KRKA company and therefore Bilobil Intens for getting rid of mental stress and insomnia is simply an irreplaceable medicine for me. I don’t get an allergic rash from it, like I do from the ginkgo biloba dietary supplement from Evalar. And it works much more efficiently and quickly. List side effects is very small and their occurrence is unlikely, the quality is checked many times, since bilobil is included in the list of medicines. Everything was fine with me, so I only took Bilobil. I took the capsules for 3 months and now I simply don’t recognize myself - the memory is like in my student years! I became active, less tired, always positive! And by the way, the nights stopped being sleepless.

I have VSD. My feet and hands are cold and constantly freezing. When I take Bilobil Intense, blood begins to circulate normally through the extremities and they are no longer cold or numb. This is not the first time I have taken Bilobil and throughout the entire treatment there has not been a hint of feeling unwell. But Tanakan made me feel bad and had side effects, so I don’t recommend taking it. And in addition to improving blood circulation, bilobil also helps the brain withstand stress, cope with stress and strengthen memory.

When cases of dizziness became more frequent, I ran to the doctor, before that I was hoping that it would go away on its own, but I just lost time. They didn’t find anything terrible, but the blood supply to the brain is not very good, the blood vessels... The head is tired, or rather the brain. I received help from bilobil intensive. The drug turned out to be very effective: convenient capsules that are easy to swallow and do not irritate the stomach; composition based on ginkgo biloba extract, that is, natural; the price is not outrageous for a medicine of European quality. Bilobil fed my brain with oxygen and the dizziness went away.

Bilobil intense has several indications for use. But I bought it in order to improve memory and attention, the result is noticeable already on the sixth day of taking it, and it’s great. Before that, I drank ginko biloba from Evalar.... but after drinking it even for two months in a row, there was no such effect as from Bilobil. And the headaches have completely gone away, I often had headaches before, but now I haven’t had this for two months.

I recently learned about positive effect I took Bilobil Forte as a keepsake and on the advice of a friend and started taking it. I would like to note noticeable improvements, although only a week has passed since the start of the course. The drug is very mild and does not give any side effects. With its help, it is easier to prepare for exams and remain confident and calm. The head works better, attention and concentration have increased.

With Bilobil for the second year I have been saving myself from overwork when submitting a quarterly report, because of which I begin to think slowly and can make mistakes in my work. With it, I keep my mind alert longer, I can work overtime when necessary, and the need to drink a liter of coffee a day to stay alert has disappeared. In addition to physical improvement, I also feel a mental surge of strength. Other nootropics gave me headaches, digestive problems, or rashes. And then I took a course of Bilobil: I treated the blood vessels, supplied the brain with glucose and oxygen, and my memory no longer fails me and my mood is good!

I was tested for a very good position. The competition is great. Excitement at its limit. I really wanted to get a job. But since I was worried and prepared a lot, I stopped remembering anything at all. Bilobil Intens helped me during a difficult period, when it seemed that I could no longer stand it. It turned out that problems with memory and concentration are caused by poor blood circulation. After taking the drug I feel energetic and active. And yes, I got the job of my dreams!

My husband remained in the hospital for a long time after the accident, almost a month. Everyone treated him, it became easier, but for a while, he was still tormented by dizziness, and he was afraid of driving. This year new drug Bilobil Forte was prescribed, he took a capsule twice a day, after two months, he noticed that he became dizzy less often and his coordination became much better. So everything is getting better, I think with bilobil we can get him back on his feet.

After reading reviews about Bilobil Forte, I decided to replace the ginkgoum that I had previously taken. The prices are more favorable, and the composition is qualitatively different. Bilobil natural. Plant components, raw materials from Europe. No India or China. The result was not long in coming. Activity, concentration, attention, excellent health.

I love myself, if you can’t take care of yourself, no one will, so I try to be treated only with high-quality drugs. And Bilobil is very good medicine for the brain, excellent manufacturer (KRKA) and European level quality. With it I am sure that I will not have memory problems, headaches or restless sleep, there are no side effects like there were from ginkum. Bilobil heals, not cripples. Attention, reaction, memory, good mood - all this has become much better. With Bilobil, I am no longer an ottoman at work, but a valuable employee.

I started taking Bilobil after returning to work from maternity leave. I don’t know if pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, or something else affected me, but I couldn’t work fully, I couldn’t remember the necessary materials. I consulted with a doctor and was advised to take a course of Bilobil Forte. After taking a course of the drug, the memory really returned, let's call it that, and in general general state improved.

I take Bilobil Intense for tinnitus, which started bothering me a couple of months ago. The doctor prescribed the drug to me, I took the course for 3 months, I’m going to take it completely, I’m already very pleased with the result. The tinnitus disappeared completely after a couple of weeks, I also began to feel better and noticed that my memory had improved.)

I started drinking Bilobil Forte when I stopped driving a car, my attention completely disappeared, I might not notice the sign, drive through a turn, it’s not fun at all, I’ll suddenly end up in an accident. After a month of taking it, everything began to improve, my head even became lighter, my thoughts no longer run after each other. I drank for another month and finally got behind the wheel, now there are no distractions and my attention doesn’t disappear. I recommend to all

As soon as I heard from my mother that her legs were numb and cold, she immediately took her to the doctors. Blood circulation is impaired. The muscles of the arms and especially the legs do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, which is why they hurt. To dilate blood vessels and improve blood microcirculation, the doctor prescribed Bilobil Forte for 3 months. After a week, the tingling in my legs went away, and later the pain and numbness became a thing of the past. If this problem appears again, then we know how to treat it.

At work I began to think slowly. I could be in a stupor for several minutes and not understand the information if I was overtired. I started taking Bilobil forte and everything changed. Not only did I feel a surge of mental strength, but my thoughts also flowed in a positive direction. The medicine is effective due to its high-quality composition. And it’s easy to buy, available in every pharmacy. I advise those who have similar problems to drink Bilobil.

I don’t take dietary supplements seriously, so I bought a drug to improve memory and concentration. At the same time, I don’t like chemical drugs either, they have a lot of side effects. That's why I bought Bilobil Forte. Bilobil also reduces anxiety, and this is exactly what I have problems with. After 1 month of treatment, it became easier to cope with work responsibilities. The memory has become tenacious, like that of an inquisitive child, and the brain works like a computer. I recommend the beater to those who have hard mental work.

Cerebral circulation is impaired, the whole body is sick, dizziness, apathy, fatigue, and pressure on the eyes, not much good. Now there is a remedy for restoring cerebral circulation, and all of cardio-vascular system, this is bilobil intense with extract of the ginkgo biloba plant. European quality, helps faster than other drugs for these diseases. The doctor prescribed me such drugs, of course, it is better to take them under the supervision of a doctor. I finally feel like a full-fledged healthy woman in the prime of life, and not an old woman with no memory

Grandfather took Bilobil Forte when he was diagnosed with dementia and cerebrovascular accident. Since he is old, the family was worried about how he would tolerate the drug. Will there be any side effects? Our fears, thank God, were not justified. Bilobil is of European quality, the medicine is produced under strict control at all stages of production. Bilobil helped slow down changes in intelligence. Grandfather's mind is less confused and he is still aware of his judgments. I see improvements and so do my relatives. Without the bilobil it would have been much worse - now grandfather is an interesting conversationalist, completely at ease, and his health and mood have improved.

My husband is a workaholic. I respect him for trying to make sure his family doesn’t need anything, but you also need to take care of yourself. So, after advice from a doctor friend, I bought him a good drug to maintain brain activity - Bilobil Intens. It's natural herbal remedy, minimum side effects and maximum benefits! I took not even 2, but only 1 capsule in the morning after breakfast, after a month it was almost impossible to recognize him - cheerful, fit, as if he had more energy and his memory had improved, he didn’t forget anything.

With age, of course, memory deteriorates, I bought Bilobil Forte to help my mother, and now she remembers everything perfectly, and her headaches have gone away; now they are very rare. Now I’ve decided to take it for myself, this is the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, and when else should I start, I’m forty-five now, I don’t seem to be complaining, but sometimes, of course, it happens, and headaches, and tinnitus, all these processings. And most importantly, after taking it, your thoughts become clearer.

April 26, 2017, 12:31

The situation at my work now is such that I was already thinking about buying antidepressants for myself. They are reorganizing the company, threatening layoffs, but there is no less work, it’s just the stress that causes my head to refuse to work normally. So I’m saving myself with Bilobil Forte, I started drinking it a month ago, it helps to cope with increased intellectual stress. I take 1 capsule a day, instructions 2 say – I feel more energetic, my mood even improves

For a long time I could not choose a remedy to improve brain function, trying drugs from various manufacturers. Finally I was able to decide on Bilobil Forte, as this drug really helps me remember more information than ever, and also helps me think better. But that's not all - it also saves you from insomnia. That's true effective drug.

11 April 2017, 16:12

I took bilobil forte after I was diagnosed with Raynaud's syndrome. I already thought that an operation was in the cards for me, but the doctor said to try to solve the problem with medication, prescribing me to take Bilobil Forte for three months. She said that 1 capsule three times a day is used for my diagnosis. After only 3 months I felt relief from my condition, and when the diagnosis was carried out, it turned out that the problem was solved. It’s so simple, but it would seem that capsules can get rid of Raynaud’s syndrome. It turned out that yes.

I always felt confident in any situation - and suddenly excessive anxiety and worry came from somewhere. My head started to feel dizzy, I wasn’t myself. Maybe it’s overwork, but out of sin I bought a pack of Bilobil Forte, a drug that improves cerebral circulation and increases attention, and also relieves this very anxiety. Unlike sedatives, it not only does not cause drowsiness, but also increases performance. I’ve been taking the course for 3 months, I still have one month left to finish it, but now the necessary result has been achieved, I have become more confident and calmer, and stress can no longer take me by surprise

With the use of the drug Bilobil Forte from KRKA, my life has changed qualitatively. I got a well-paid job that requires increased attention and serious mental abilities. I’m not stupid myself, but I think that outside support wouldn’t be superfluous. I recommend Bilobil Forte to everyone who wants to maintain clarity of mind for a long time, until old age

Due to vascular problems, I am forced to take medications. But it is very difficult to choose these drugs, because half of these drugs are not very natural, and the other is very expensive. It turns out it's a stalemate. Fortunately, this is not entirely true, because the famous manufacturer KRKA has created a product called Bilobil Forte, which gives the brain its second life, so to speak. It improves memory and is completely safe (unless it is contraindicated for you, here you need to look at the instructions and consult a doctor). And it's inexpensive. After the course I feel much better.

Tinnitus and dizziness are two problems that are unknown where they came from. At least, I didn’t have any problems with this before, my brain never let me down, but here it is... However, I decided not to sit idly by and turned to the doctor. He said it was all about peripheral circulation disorders, and that now I need to take medication for the next 3 months. I was worried that it would be financially expensive, but he prescribed only one remedy - Bilobil Intens. I was also surprised whether one would be enough, and he said yes. So what an amazing thing - I was looking for a remedy for dizziness and noise, and at the same time I improved my ability to concentrate and began to remember better important information. A truly effective product and inexpensive. I drank for three months, that's enough

Over the years, our body does not become younger, and a person begins to experience problems with memory and blood vessels. Alas, my mother was also affected by this problem. Our doctor advised us to take Bilobil forte 1 capsule twice a day. Capsules containing Ginkgo Biloba are very convenient to take with water. They prescribed a course for 3 months, but improvements were noticeable within a month. In addition to the problems listed above, my mother also managed to get rid of insomnia, and now she has memory - God forbid anyone at her age.

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Pharmachologic effect:

Bilobil is a herbal preparation that improves the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain. The composition of the drug Bilobil includes an extract of ginkgo biloba leaves, containing various biologically active components, including ginkgolides, bilobalides and flavone glycosides. The drug helps improve cerebral circulation, reduces the ability of platelets to aggregate, improves the rheological properties of blood, slightly expands blood vessels, increases tissue resistance to hypoxia. The most pronounced effect of the drug is on the vessels of the extremities and cerebral vessels. Bilobil improves memory, increases the ability to learn and concentrate, eliminates numbness and tingling sensations in the limbs. In addition, the active components of the drug have an antioxidant effect, protect cells and tissues from damage by free radicals and peroxide compounds, and have a pronounced neuroprotective effect.

After oral administration the drug is well absorbed into gastrointestinal tract, bioavailability reaches 60%.

The peak concentration of flavone glycosides in blood plasma is observed 2 hours after oral administration. The half-life of glycosides is 2-4 hours.

The half-life of other active components of the drug averages 4.5 hours. The active components of the drug are excreted through the lungs, as well as through the kidneys and intestines.

Indications for use:

The drug Bilobil and Bilobil Forte are used for the treatment of patients suffering from disorders of cerebral circulation and blood circulation in the vessels of the extremities, including:

Impaired mental activity, memory loss, emotional lability, feelings of unreasonable anxiety, dizziness, tinnitus, sleep disturbances and headaches in patients with dementia syndrome, including vascular dementia, primary degenerative dementia or mixed forms dementia syndrome.

Pain when walking, burning and tingling sensation in the legs, coldness and swelling of the extremities in patients with impaired peripheral circulation.

The drug Bilobil Intens is intended for the treatment of patients with the following diseases:

Dementia syndrome, which is caused by cerebrovascular accident and is accompanied by tinnitus, sleep disturbances, headaches, memory loss and mental impairment.

Arteriopathy of the extremities, Raynaud's syndrome.

The drug can also be used to treat patients with neurosensory disorders, including age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, hypacusia and tinnitus.

Method of application:

The drug is intended for oral use; it is recommended to swallow the capsule whole, without chewing or crushing, with a sufficient amount of water. To reduce the risk of side effects, it is recommended to take the drug after meals. The duration of the course of treatment and the dose of the drug are determined by the attending physician individually for each patient.

Adults are usually prescribed 1 capsule of the drug 3 times a day. The therapeutic effect develops within 1 month after the start of therapy. The minimum duration of treatment is usually 3 months.

Bilobil Forte:

The drug is taken orally, it is recommended to swallow the capsule whole, without chewing or crushing, with a sufficient amount of water. The drug can be taken regardless of meals. The duration of the course of treatment and the dose of the drug are determined by the attending physician individually for each patient.

Adults with cerebrovascular accidents, which are accompanied by memory impairment and decreased mental abilities, as well as emotional lability, are usually prescribed 1 capsule of the drug 2-3 times a day.

Adults with cerebrovascular accidents, which are accompanied by tinnitus and dizziness, are usually prescribed 2 capsules of the drug 2 times a day.

Adults suffering from peripheral circulatory disorders are usually prescribed 2 capsules of the drug 2 times a day.

The therapeutic effect develops within 1 month after the start of therapy. The minimum duration of treatment is usually 3 months.

Bilobil Intens:

The drug is taken orally, the capsule should be swallowed whole, without chewing or crushing, with a sufficient amount of water. The drug is taken regardless of food intake. The duration of the course of treatment and the dose of the drug are determined by the attending physician individually for each patient.

Adults are usually prescribed 1 capsule of the drug 2 times a day. The therapeutic effect develops within 1 month after the start of therapy. The minimum duration of treatment is usually 3 months. After 3 months of drug therapy, you should contact your doctor again to determine the advisability of further therapy with Bilobil Intens.

Adverse events:

The drug is usually well tolerated by patients, but in isolated cases the following side effects have been observed:

From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, stool disorders.

From the central nervous system: headache, increased excitability.

Allergic reactions: skin rash, itching, urticaria, Quincke's edema.

If severe allergic reactions develop, discontinuation of the drug is necessary.

The development of side effects was more often observed when taking the drug Bilobil Intens, as well as in elderly patients when using high doses drug.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

The drug is not prescribed to women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as children under 18 years of age.

Due to the fact that the drug contains lactose, it is not prescribed to patients suffering from lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome and galactosemia.

There is no data on the effect of the drug on the speed of psychomotor reactions and the possibility of using the drug for the treatment of patients whose work involves operating potentially dangerous mechanisms and driving a car.

During pregnancy:

The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy.

If it is necessary to use the drug during lactation, you should consult with your doctor and decide whether to interrupt breastfeeding.

Interaction with other drugs:

The drug, when used in combination with acetylsalicylic acid and anticoagulants, increases the risk of bleeding. The simultaneous use of these drugs is not recommended. If necessary, combined use of the drug Bilobil with medicines, which have an anticoagulant effect, it is necessary to control blood clotting.


There have been no reports of drug overdose. When using excessive doses of the drug, the severity of side effects may increase.

Release form of the drug:

Bilobil capsules, 10 pieces in a blister pack, 2 or 6 blister packs in a cardboard box.

Bilobil Forte capsules, 10 pieces in a blister pack, 2 or 6 blister packs in a cardboard box.

Bilobil Intens capsules, 10 pieces in a blister pack, 2 or 6 blister packs in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions:

The shelf life, regardless of the form of release, is 2 years.


Ginkgo biloba.


1 capsule of Bilobil contains:

Ginkgo biloba leaf extract – 40 mg,

1 capsule of Bilobil Forte contains:

Ginkgo biloba leaf extract – 80 mg,

Excipients, including lactose.

1 capsule of Bilobil Intens contains:

Ginkgo biloba leaf extract – 120 mg,

Excipients, including lactose.

Drugs with similar effects:

Eskuvit Venoplant Latren Venohepanolum Venorutinol

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