Aphthous ulcers. Aphthous stomatitis - symptoms and treatment in adults. Aphthous ulcers of the intestines

Aphthous stomatitis- this is one of the many types of stomatitis, which differs from others in its characteristic feature– this is the presence of very painful ulcerative defects on the mucous membrane.

This form is the most unpleasant type of stomatitis, and also gives a person a feeling of very strong discomfort.

What it is?

Aphthous stomatitis is inflammatory disease of the oral mucosa, in which erosions – aphthae – form on the mucous membrane. Aphthae are painful ulcerations of a round or oval shape measuring 3-5 mm. But sometimes larger aphthae of irregular shape also occur.

Usually the sores are covered with a white-yellow coating and are framed by a thin red border. They can occur singly in the oral cavity or appear in fairly large numbers. Aphthae can be found on the roof of the mouth, tongue, inner lips and cheeks. These ulcerations cause burning and pain, especially bothersome while eating.

Based on the nature of lesions of mucous tissue in medicine There are four subtypes of this disease:

  • Necrotizing aphthae is an accumulation of dead mucosal cells, which become covered with epithelium during the course of the disease. Most often, this subtype of aphthous stomatitis is found in patients with blood pathologies.
  • Granular stomatitis is caused by trauma to the mucous membrane, as a result of which bubbles first appear, then painful ulcers appear in their place.
  • During cicatricial stomatitis aphthae are covered with connective tissue. With intensive treatment, the connection is broken - the tissue is resorbed.
  • Deforming is the most severe form of the presented ones, since aphthae changes the surface of the gums. After they heal, noticeable scars will remain.

Aphthous stomatitis is diagnosed relatively easily at a dentist's appointment. To clarify the diagnosis and determine the causative agent of the infection, a smear can be taken from the aphthae for analysis.


The reasons for the formation of aphthae in this disease have not been precisely established. Most often, experts point to a connection between the development of aphthous stomatitis and the reaction immune system body. At a certain point, the human immune system is unable to recognize the substance molecules that are present in saliva. As a result, lymphocytes are activated and aphthous ulcers are formed.

Causes of the primary occurrence of the disease can serve as foci chronic infection:

How etiological factors There are also unfavorable factors:

  • frequent change of zones with different climates;
  • professions that negatively affect a person’s mental and physical health;
  • stressful situations that arise regularly.

You can make a long list of typical infectious foci and unfavorable situations, but the principle of the etiology of aphthous stomatitis remains the same - the body’s inability to resist infection due to exhaustion.

Aphthous stomatitis in children

This insidious disease often occurs in children preschool age. In the first years of life, babies actively explore environment, putting things into the mouth that are not always clean and safe. This causes wounds and infection, leading to aphthous stomatitis in children.

The first signs are similar to a common cold, but small red pimples appear in the mouth, which develop into pus-filled blisters. A red rim can be seen with the naked eye around such a formation.

The danger of aphthous stomatitis in children lies not only in the likelihood of the disease progressing to chronic form, but also in the entry of fungi and other infections into open wounds.


Symptoms of acute aphthous stomatitis in adults develop sharply and unexpectedly. The patient experiences:

  1. Small bubbles (vesicles) appear on the mucous membrane of the lips, cheeks, and gums, which burst and form small erosions, aphthae, covered with a gray-white coating.
  2. General malaise and fever up to 38-39°C;
  3. Pain in the mouth when talking or eating.
  4. As the size and number of afts increase, pain occurs when chewing food, and the ability to eat solid food is reduced to a minimum.
  5. The entire mucous membrane becomes loose, swollen, inflamed (signs), appears on the tongue white coating.

In case of aphthous stomatitis, it is advisable to consult a doctor who will prescribe the correct course of treatment for the patient. Effective therapy will prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

Aphthous stomatitis: photo

We offer detailed photos for viewing of what this disease looks like in adults and children.

Click to view


Stages of the disease

Aphthous inflammation of the oral cavity occurs in several stages:

  1. IN initial stage the following symptoms occur: fever, general malaise, loss of appetite;
  2. The second stage - redness occurs, followed by the appearance of ulcerative defects in their place;
  3. Single small ulcers up to 5 mm in diameter gray with a whitish or yellow coating are observed at stage 3 of the disease. From common symptoms– malaise and fever persist;
  4. Final stage accompanied by a gradual disappearance of discomfort, burning and itching in the mouth.

From the moment the first aphthae are detected until they are completely healed, approximately 1.5-2.5 weeks pass. The condition of the oral cavity returns to normal: usually there are no scars or any other marks left after ulcers.

But if a person suffered from a deforming form of aphthous stomatitis, then after recovery soft fabrics the lips and palate will remain with a slightly changed structure.

Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis

This form is characterized by the periodic appearance of aphthous elements over many years, with periods of remission and exacerbation.

The most likely causes of the development of the disease are: mechanical trauma to the mucous membrane, decreased immunological reactivity, chronic diseases. This type of stomatitis differs from acute stomatitis in the absence of an acute reaction of the body, the appearance of single aphthae and a recurrent course.

When examining the oral cavity, aphthae can be detected at various stages of development. The exacerbation lasts 7–10 days, after which remission occurs.

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis

In the case of aphthous stomatitis, treatment in adults aims to either completely eliminate the symptoms of the disease or its stable remission. Both are achieved using both general and local therapy, depending on the clinical situation.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure disinfection of the oral cavity. Disinfectants are a number antiseptic solutions, which should be used to treat the surface affected by ulcers. To do this, use solutions:

  • hydrogen peroxide;

The doctor may also prescribe the following medications:

  1. "" (for antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity);
  2. “ ” (used at the initial stage of the disease);
  3. "Kamistad", "Trasilol", "Clobetasol" (anti-inflammatory ointments with anesthetic);
  4. “Benzocaine”, “Xicaine” (anti-inflammatory ointments with anesthetic);
  5. "Orasept", "", "" (antibacterial agents recommended for secondary infection);
  6. "" (pain-relieving balm to combat canker sores);
  7. "" (epithelializing agent, used after the ulcers disappear).

Along the way, the patient can take, if necessary, other drugs (containing novocaine, lidocaine, heparin, hydrocortisone, etc.) that can improve general state patient. The use of solutions of citral, vitamin C and P, preparations containing propolis, etc. help speed up the healing process of aphthae.

If it is determined that the cause of aphthous stomatitis is viral infection, then the doctor can prescribe.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods of combating aphthous stomatitis are used as an addition to the main therapy regimen. Some natural ingredients have anti-inflammatory effects, which speeds up the healing process.

  • Chamomile tincture. Quickly helps in the treatment of any inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, including chronic stomatitis. Decoction recipe: 1 tsp. dry plant, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave until cool. The liquid is filtered from the cake, 2 tsp is added to it. honey and drink 30 minutes after eating.
  • Raw potatoes. The vegetable is peeled, chopped on a fine grater and placed in cheesecloth. The resulting paste is applied to the erosions 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes. For each procedure, a new mixture is used.
  • Garlic. Several cloves of the plant are squeezed through a press and mixed with 2 tbsp. l. curdled milk. The resulting mixture is kept in the mouth for 2-3 minutes and then spat out. The procedure may cause burning wounds, but this is not a reason to stop the procedure. Treatment of the oral cavity is performed 3 times a day after meals.

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis at home should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist, strictly following all his instructions. When taking strong medications without prescription, a person must be aware that such frivolous behavior can lead not only to a severe form of recurrent chronic aphthous stomatitis, but also to even more dangerous complications.


To prevent aphthous stomatitis, it is necessary to limit the consumption of foods that irritate the mucous membrane. This may include:

  • milk,
  • coffee,
  • tomatoes,
  • sour fruits,
  • chocolate.

Eliminate salty and spicy foods from your daily menu. They have a detrimental effect on the soft tissues in the oral cavity. In order not to injure the mucous membrane, you need to carefully eat hard cookies, chips, crackers and other solid foods.


The main measure to prevent acute aphthous stomatitis is good, regular oral hygiene. You need to brush your teeth and tongue in the morning and evening, and go to the dentist every six months to remove tartar and prevent diseases of the teeth and gums. An equally important role is played by the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and healthy image life.

To avoid the development of the disease in children, you need to carefully monitor the child’s diet - nutrition should be complete and balanced. If your baby is prone to allergies, citrus fruits and chocolate should be excluded from his menu, as these products most often cause stomatitis. allergic origin. Parents should keep personal belongings clean, wash their hands regularly, and ensure that children do not bite their nails, suck their fingers, or put foreign objects in their mouth.

General information

inflammatory process of the oral mucosa, accompanied by disruption of the surface layer of the mucosa and the formation of aphthae (erosions). The formation of aphthae is accompanied by severe pain, a burning sensation in the mouth, especially while eating, enlarged lymph nodes, and sometimes an increase in temperature. Aphthae heal without a trace in 7-10 days. With weakened immunity and the presence of concomitant diseases, aphthous stomatitis can occur with relapses.

Chronic aphthous stomatitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the oral mucosa. Characteristic clinical manifestation Such stomatitis is the appearance of aphthae with a whitish-yellow fibrous plaque against the background of general hyperemia of the mucous membrane. The disease is sluggish in nature with periodic remissions and exacerbations.

Causes and mechanism of development of aphthous stomatitis

The pathogenesis of aphthae formation in chronic aphthous stomatitis is not fully understood, however, in all patients there is a strong connection between the progression of the disease and the reaction of the immune system. Today, the generally accepted theory for the formation of aphthae on the oral mucosa is the theory according to which the human immune system cannot identify the molecules of the substance present in saliva. This causes activation of lymphocytes, since the immune system, not recognizing the chemical agent, attacks it as foreign. As a result, aphthous ulcers are formed; inferiority of the immune system and constant presence chemical substances contributes to the chronicization of the process and aphthous stomatitis takes a long, sluggish course.

In patients who use oral care products containing sodium lauryl sulfate, aphthous stomatitis was diagnosed more often. Probable cause The foaming component is sodium lauryl sulfate, which has a drying effect, which can negatively affect the oral mucosa. And in the future, when the upper layer of the mucosa is damaged, the lower layers become more sensitive to irritants, especially to substances with high acidity.

The relationship between the occurrence of aphthous stomatitis and oral care products containing sodium lauryl sulfate is confirmed by the results of a study when patients suffering from chronic aphthous stomatitis for a long time began using other toothpastes and noted that the symptoms either subsided significantly or a complete clinical recovery occurred. . For long-formed ulcers, no recovery was observed, but in 81% of cases their pain decreased.

Mechanical damage to the oral cavity is also a provoking factor, since patients themselves note a connection between oral trauma and the onset of the disease. Chronic aphthous stomatitis can begin after biting the tissues of the oral cavity, after damage to the mucous membrane by the sharp edge of a tooth or hard food. Approximately 40% of patients with chronic aphthous stomatitis confirm the presence of trauma before the onset of the disease.

Neuropsychic stress in itself rarely causes chronic aphthous stomatitis, but the appearance of aphthous stomatitis during exacerbations often coincides with periods of increased psychological stress. Most patients with chronic aphthous stomatitis experience various disorders in nutrition and deficiency nutrients. Lack of vitamin C, B vitamins, iron, zinc, folic acid and selenium negatively affects the condition of the oral mucosa, which contributes to the occurrence of aphthae.

An allergic reaction to food can cause an outbreak of canker sores, so patients are advised to keep a diary to make it easier to find out the allergen that caused the aphthous stomatitis in the future. Among the products that are the most likely allergens are cereals with a high content of gluten protein: wheat, rye, barley, buckwheat. Citrus fruits, pineapples, apples, tomatoes, figs, strawberries, chocolate, seafood, spices, as well as dairy cheeses and nutritional supplements are the main causes of aphthous rashes in the oral cavity.

In women, the frequency of rashes is associated with menstrual cycle, many of them observe clinical recovery or remission during pregnancy. However, the relationship between pregnancy and remissions of aphthous stomatitis has not yet been studied.

The genetic predisposition to the development of aphthous stomatitis is confirmed by the facts that in a third of patients, one or both parents also suffered from chronic aphthous stomatitis. Identical twins suffer from aphthous stomatitis in 91% of cases, while fraternal twins suffer from aphthous stomatitis only in 57% - this also confirms the genetic cause of chronic aphthous stomatitis. Bacterial and viral agents were identified in the contents of aphthae.

Often when full examination in patients with aphthous stomatitis are detected systemic diseases blood, gastrointestinal tract and immunodeficiencies. The connection between them and the formation of aphthous stomatitis is confirmed by the fact that after correction of the underlying disease, clinical recovery from aphthous stomatitis or stable remission occurs. Long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antiarrhythmic and antihypertensive drugs as side effect causes the development of chronic aphthous stomatitis.

Symptoms of aphthous stomatitis

In the fibrinous form of aphthous stomatitis, primary disorders of blood microcirculation in the epithelial layer come first. As a result of these changes, single aphthous rashes appear, covered with fibrous plaque. After 1-2 weeks, the aphthae epithelializes. The rashes are localized mainly on the mucous membrane of the lips, the lateral surfaces of the tongue and in the area of ​​transitional folds. At the first stage of the disease, relapses occur 1-3 times a year. As stomatitis progresses, it becomes permanent. Moreover, if at the beginning relapses are provoked by exacerbations of systemic pathology or trauma to the mucous membrane, then as they progress, minor stress is enough for the appearance of aphthae.

In the necrotic form of aphthous stomatitis, primary destruction of the epithelium occurs, while ulcerations of the oral mucosa cause dystrophic disorders that occur against the background of necrosis and necrobiosis of epithelial tissue. Necrotizing aphthous stomatitis is diagnosed in individuals with severe somatic diseases and with blood diseases. The emerging aphthae are practically painless, over time they turn into ulcers, the period of epithelization of which is from 2 weeks to a month.

Grandular aphthous stomatitis develops due to primary damage to the small ducts salivary glands. This causes hypofunction of the glands and provokes the appearance of aphthae, which are localized next to the salivary glands. Aphthae are painful and epithelialize after 1-3 weeks; their further appearance can be provoked by hypothermia, respiratory diseases and exacerbation in foci of chronic infection.

With cicatricial aphthous stomatitis, the acini of the minor salivary glands are affected, and the layer is involved in the pathological process connective tissue, over time, elements of the rash are observed both in the location of the salivary glands and on the mucous membrane of the pharynx and anterior palatine arches. Mostly young people suffer. The primary element is aphthae, but they quickly transform into deep painful ulcers, reaching one and a half centimeters in diameter. Cicatricial stomatitis is not associated with somatic diseases, and the pathogenesis is a genetic deficiency of the secretory apparatus. The process of epithelization of ulcers is long, up to 3 months; after healing, clearly visible scars remain.

The deforming form of aphthous stomatitis is considered the most severe, since the destructive changes in the connective tissue are deep, and the ulcers are persistent. Ulcers epithelialize slowly; the healing process leads to deformation of the soft palate, anterior palatine arches and lips. If the ulcers are localized in the corners of the mouth, then during healing a microstoma may form.

Diagnosis of aphthous stomatitis

Chronic aphthous stomatitis is diagnosed by a dentist based on the clinical picture and a survey of the patient, sometimes resorting to laboratory diagnostics. Differentiation must be made with recurrent herpetic stomatitis, with ulcerative necrotizing stomatitis and with ulcerations of the oral mucosa with specific lesions and decubital ulcers.

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis

The goal of treatment is either stable remission or clinical or complete recovery. Complex therapeutic measures includes general and local therapy, the choice of drugs depends on the severity of the manifestation and the dominance of individual symptoms.

Local treatment consists of treating the oral cavity with hydrogen peroxide, nitrofural and chlorhexidine. If there is pain, then the aphthae is treated with a 5-10% glycerin suspension with lidocaine or novocaine. If there is an allergic component in the pathogenesis of stomatitis, then a mixture containing trasylol, heparin, novocaine and hydrocortisone is used.

During exacerbations, enzymes are used topically - trypsin, chymotrypsin and RNase. Solutions of citral, vitamin C and P, preparations with Kalanchoe and propolis juice accelerate the process of epithelization. The use of corticosteroid ointments may interrupt further development aft and speed up the healing process.

Internal use of antihistamines is indicated - clemastine, loratadine, fexofenadine; and desensitizing drugs - quifenadine and histamine with immunoglobulin. If sensitization of the body to a specific microbial agent is detected, then specific desensitization is used. Prescribed according to indications antiviral drugs and antiherpetic vaccine.

All patients are recommended to undergo a course of vitamin therapy with a high content of vitamins B and C. Immunomodulators and immunoprotectors are indicated. If there are neurological disorders, sedatives and tranquilizers are used. It is recommended to include in medical complex phonophoresis, electrophoresis and laser therapy. During treatment and during remissions, it is necessary to follow a hypoallergenic diet with the exception of rough, traumatic foods.

With timely treatment and compliance with the prescribed regimen, stable and long-term remission can be achieved, although complete recovery from chronic aphthous stomatitis is extremely rare.

Aphthous ulcer is also known as stomatitis. We are talking about painful, healing wounds that can appear in any area of ​​the mouth. They appear one at a time or in groups at once. Although they are not considered a serious condition, they can still cause significant discomfort.

A photo of an aphthous ulcer is shown below.

About pathology

Aphthous stomatitis is a lesion of the oral mucosa, which is characterized by the formation of multiple ulcers (aphthae), located one at a time or formed in groups. Most often, aphthae are localized on the inside of the lips, cheeks, and on the front side of the mouth. The lesion occurs under the influence of staphylococci, adenovirus, measles, chronic diseases stomach, intestines.

It becomes painful to drink and eat, and immediate help is required. The acute form disappears in 2 weeks, in rare cases small scars remain. When it becomes chronic, the mucous membrane swells, turns pale, the size of the lesions increases, and the plaque has a dirty gray color.

This disease is one of the fairly common inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, which, according to various sources, affects from ten to forty percent of children and adults of various ages. A characteristic symptom of this type of stomatitis is the presence of aphthae, that is, ulcerative defects, on the mucous membrane. These painful sores, which heal over time, can occur in any area of ​​the mouth. Ulcers can be single or, conversely, multiple.

Acute stomatitis

Acute stomatitis is distinguished. In this case, inflammation of the oral mucosa is observed, against the background of which its surface layer suffers and tissue erosion is formed. The occurrence of aphthae is usually accompanied by a burning sensation and sharp pain that intensifies while eating; an increase in lymph nodes, and in some situations there is an increased temperature. Aphthous ulcers heal completely in people within ten days.

Chronic form

Chronic stomatitis is formed in the presence of weak general and local immunity, as well as in the presence of various systemic pathologies, in which it often becomes chronic and occurs from time to time. A characteristic manifestation of an exacerbation is the formation of ulcers with a white or yellow coating along with swelling of the mucous membrane. The disease progresses sluggishly, and symptoms periodically appear and disappear.

A photo of aphthous ulcers of the oral cavity is presented above.


The causes of stomatitis are still unknown. There is a fairly common misconception that the disease is a form of herpes. Unlike this pathology, aphthous ulcers cannot be transmitted from one person to another. Scientists believe that it develops as a result of reactions of the immune system. Typically, stomatitis occurs more often in women than in men. The disease usually develops between the ages of ten and forty years. Here are the reasons that can contribute to the occurrence of oral ulcers:

  • Stress or trauma, for example, tongue biting.
  • The influence of some food products(especially acidic ones such as pineapples and tomatoes).
  • Presence of a family illness.
  • Changes in hormone levels.

Risk factors

The reasons that provoke the development of aphthous ulcers of the oral cavity are the following:

  • The presence of deficiency of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12.
  • Presence bacterial infections, such as stomach ulcers caused by Helicobacter.
  • Some inflammatory bowel pathologies, such as Crohn's disease along with nonspecific ulcerative colitis.
  • Infection of the body with the AIDS virus.
  • Presence of Behçet's disease.


The following manifestations can be caused not only by stomatitis. Oral ulcers similar to this may be caused by other, more dangerous diseases. Aphthous ulcers come in a variety of sizes. They usually form on the inner surface of the lips and cheeks, as well as on the tongue or in the palate. As a rule, we are talking about open, small, grayish and slightly swollen wounds, surrounded by a yellowish, white or red border.

The most painful stage

Some patients get canker sores up to three times a year. For others, these ulcers occur constantly. Usually the first three or four days are considered the most painful stage, and then they begin to heal on their own. Small formations are the most common form. They are less than one centimeter in diameter and disappear in seven to fourteen days, usually healing without scarring. As for large ulcers, they are one centimeter or more in diameter and may not heal for several weeks or even months. After the formations disappear, scars remain.

How to treat aphthous ulcers is of interest to many. Next we will talk about diagnostics.


The doctor usually asks about symptoms and medical history, performing a physical examination, which is the main way to distinguish canker sores from other, more common ones. serious illnesses oral cavity. In some cases, specialists will take a small sample for microscopic examination of the tissue (that is, do a biopsy) or order a culture and blood test. Diagnostics is especially important for studying formations that do not heal for two weeks or more. They may be a sign of cancer.


Many people wonder whether aphthous ulcers will go away on their own.

Such formations usually disappear on their own within one to two weeks. No treatment required. However, treatment options, especially for painful ulcers, include the following:

  • Taking oral pain-relieving mouth rinses or gels. Drugs such as Lidocaine, along with Amlexanox, Diphenhydramine for rinsing and Maalox, can be used every three hours or immediately before meals. This provides short-term relief pain caused by aphthous stomatitis. In addition, such gels can be applied to the ulcers themselves four times a day in order to numb the mouth and relieve pain. What else is used in the treatment of aphthous ulcers?
  • Rinse your mouth with antibiotics. For multiple formations, the liquid form of Tetracycline can be used. Rinsing is done four times for ten days. The liquid helps heal ulcers, preventing the formation of new ones. Sometimes as side effect This treatment may lead to an infection called candidiasis. Treatment of aphthous ulcers in the mouth should be comprehensive and timely.
  • Taking corticosteroids. For severe lesions of small or large ulcers, steroids may be prescribed, usually in the form of liquids intended to rinse after meals and before bed. Steroids reduce inflammation caused by large ulcers.

Carrying out prevention

The occurrence of this disease cannot always be prevented. To reduce the likelihood of ulcers, you should take the following steps:

  • Chew food thoroughly to avoid biting your tongue or cheek, which can cause irritation in the mouth and lead to this pathology.
  • In the presence of hypersensitivity you need to avoid any acidic foods like tomatoes or pineapples, which can contribute to the formation of formations.
  • If you do not have enough iron, as well as vitamin B 12 and folic acid in your diet, you should ask your doctor about how to get the required amount of these nutrients. This will certainly help to avoid the formation of aphthous ulcers in the mouth. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that taking these nutrients in patients who do not experience their deficiency, stomatitis will not be prevented.

Aphthous ulcers of the intestines

Ulcers can also occur in this organ. They are usually formed in duodenum. The main reasons for the appearance of such include a genetic factor along with the influence of the microorganism Helicobacter pylori, decreased immunity, increased acidity of gastric juice, duodenitis, poor nutrition, stress, burns, injuries and blood loss, as well as taking certain medications.


During an exacerbation, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • Appearance severe pain in the epigastric region or in the area above the navel.
  • The appearance of a discomforting sensation is characteristic mainly on an empty stomach, as well as at night, which occurs due to an increase in the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The pain usually decreases after eating.
  • Unpleasant sensations They are given under the shoulder blades, in the area of ​​the heart and back.
  • Characteristic is the appearance of heartburn along with belching, bloating, nausea, vomiting, constipation, irritability, sleep disturbance, weight loss (even despite the patient’s good appetite).

At non-drug treatment the patient needs to eat rationally. You should eat vegetables and fruits, as well as greens, and completely exclude fried, spicy and canned foods. As a rule, they recommend diet No. 5, steamed and boiled food in semi-liquid form. You need to eat often, in five small portions, excluding alcohol.

In progress drug therapy Prescribe medications that reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Antisecretory medications can also be prescribed, and if Helicobacter pylori is detected, they are used antibacterial medications. In some situations, due to the development of complications, surgical treatment may be necessary.

As part of prevention, you should pay attention to the nature of your diet; it should be balanced and nutritious; it is important to consume foods that are high in fiber, avoiding spicy, fatty and fried foods. Any intestinal diseases should be treated promptly.

Aphthous gastric ulcers

An ulcer in the stomach is said to occur when a deep defect forms on the inner lining of this organ, affecting the mucous and muscle tissues. The pathology can spread to the entire thickness of the wall. Such an ulcer can form in any part of the organ. Factors that lead to the disease:

  • The influence of severe stress.
  • The appearance of depression.
  • Abuse of drugs or their use in large quantities (we are talking about glucocorticosteroids, antacids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, cytostatics, antihypertensive drugs).
  • Immunodeficiency state (AIDS along with taking immunosuppressants).
  • The influence of improper diet or eating habits (consumption of too hot or cold food in combination with irregular meals).
  • Impact of hereditary factors.
  • The presence of severe somatic diseases (in the form of tuberculosis, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis, pancreatitis, Crohn's disease).
  • Stomach injury.
  • The effect of any other organs on the stomach.

The main symptom of a stomach ulcer is pain, which is severe or can also be relatively mild. The occurrence of discomfort is usually associated with the intake of products. The time of onset of symptoms directly depends on the position of the ulcer. If it is located near the esophageal sphincter, then discomfort occurs almost immediately after eating, thirty minutes later.


Until recently, the main method of therapy in this case was surgery. True, numerous progressive drugs have now been developed, and the disease is often treated in a conservative way. Since in most situations the development of pathology occurs under conditions increased acidity, then the basic task for any gastroenterologist seems to be to reduce its level to an acceptable value. This function can be performed by antacids along with histamine receptor blockers and proton pump inhibitors.

More modern medications for the treatment of the disease are histamine H2 receptor blockers in combination with inhibitors. For example, Ranitidine acts on special cells, located in the gastric mucosa, which stimulate acid production.

When painful ulcers appear on the oral mucosa, the patient suspects aphthous stomatitis. This is the most common dental disease, which is inflammatory in nature and prone to rapid spread. Aphthous ulcers significantly reduce appetite and deprive the clinical patient of sleep and rest.

How to treat aphthous stomatitis

If the patient has aphthae on the tongue, it is necessary to urgently consult a dentist, determine the etiology of the pathological process, find out final diagnosis, immediately begin conservative therapy. Drug treatment brings together local and indoor application individual pharmacological groups, according to medical indications. This:

  • antiseptics for mouth rinsing (Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide);
  • local anesthetics for acute pain syndrome (preparations with novocaine and lidocaine);
  • oral antihistamines (Tavegil, Fenistil, Suprastin);
  • desensitizing drugs (Claritin, Diazolin, Claridol);
  • antiviral medications (Kagocel, Arbidol, Ergoferon);
  • Antibiotics and steroids are prescribed extremely rarely, in complicated clinical situations.

Acute stomatitis

The disease progresses spontaneously, requiring immediate medical attention. In the acute form, it is necessary to suppress the inflammatory process, eliminate redness of the mucous membrane, and get rid of the pain attack that increases during the chewing function. If you quickly respond to the problem and select effective remedy for treating ulcers, positive dynamics are ensured without potential health complications.

Treatment in children

IN childhood treatment involves taking medications and a therapeutic diet that eliminates irritation of the oral mucosa. Parents of a sick child will have to temporarily remove sour, spicy, hot, and smoked foods from the daily menu, otherwise the acute pain syndrome will only intensify. Nutrition for aphthous stomatitis should be gentle, warm boiled foods are welcome, natural vitamins. Drug treatment has next view:

  1. When the temperature rises, it is necessary to give the child antipyretic syrups based on paracetamol, as an option - Panadol, Nurofen, Ibuprom.
  2. If white sores occur and are painful, it is best to use teething gels as a local anesthetic, for example, Dentinox, Kalgel, Dentol.
  3. To eliminate signs of inflammation, Miramistin solution or herbal decoctions, for example, chamomile, calendula, lemon balm, are recommended for use.
  4. Treatment includes taking antihistamines, as an option - Fenistil (drops), Zyrtec, Zodak.
  5. Poly vitamin complexes: Pikovit, VitaMishki, AlfaVit.

Treatment for adults at home

Productively eliminating aphthous stomatitis in older people can be done in much the same way as treating oral stomatitis in children. The list of approved medications has been significantly increased, but methods of superficial self-medication are still excluded. Use of medications official medicine can be safely supplemented with folk recipes, which are also highly effective for obvious signs of inflammation. The integrated approach looks like this:

  • painkillers for local application: Lidocaine Asept, Hexoral, Lidochlor, Anestezin (powder form);
  • antiseptic gels: Kamistad, Cholisal, Actovegin;
  • regenerating agents: sea ​​buckthorn oil, Vinilin, Solcoseryl;
  • vitamin complexes: mandatory presence of folic acid;
  • sprays for healing aphthae: Lugol, Kameton, Ingalipt.


Patient delay may worsen clinical picture. In the absence of timely therapeutic measures and adequate treatment There is chronic aphthous stomatitis, prone to systematic relapses. It is problematic to cure this form of the disease, but the main task of the doctor is to reduce the number of attacks. Ulcers need to be smeared with special preparations, but the emphasis should be on eliminating the cause of the disease. Otherwise, there can be no talk of a quick recovery.

How to treat oral stomatitis in adults

The first white sores appear on the lip or inner surface of the cheek, then the disease affects the entire mucous membrane of the oral cavity, palate, and gums. The patient loses his appetite, behaves nervously and irritably. At this time, the body undergoes pathological processes that need to be addressed in a timely manner. The dentist will tell you what to do with aphthous stomatitis. The range of tablets and ointments is huge, and with the right choice of treatment regimen, they help you recover faster and avoid repeated relapses and complications.

Antiseptics for rinsing

  1. Miramistin is an affordable drug that costs 200 rubles in a pharmacy. This is a special solution that has antimicrobial, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Rinse the mouth up to 5 times a day.
  2. Stomatofit is another remedy for topical use, which must be prepared according to the instructions. Rinse your mouth up to 4-5 times a day, and the duration of therapy is up to 2 weeks. The cost of the medicine is 150-200 rubles.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic that is found in every family first aid kit. To prepare the solution, combine a quarter glass of water with 50 ml of peroxide, and then add 1 tbsp. l. table salt and baking soda. Stir and use for frequent rinsing.
  4. Chlorhexidine is an effective agent with a stable antimicrobial effect. Use a concentrated solution for rinsing the mouth 3-4 times a day for no more than 10 days.
  5. To gargle a sore throat, use folk recipes with active ingredients such as chamomile, lemon balm, calendula, thyme, sage, St. John's wort, mint. Pre-check the absence allergic reaction for the specified ingredients.

Ointment for stomatitis in adults

  1. Oxolinic ointment is a time-tested remedy for curing stomatitis in the mouth quickly and without consequences. It is necessary to carefully lubricate the inflamed aphthae 3-4 times a day, and the duration of treatment is up to 12-14 days.
  2. Solcoseryl - gentle medical drug for local use. The medicine is required to lubricate painful ulcers up to 5-6 times a day, and the duration of prescribed therapy is determined individually. Price – 200 rubles.
  3. Metrogyl Denta is a special ointment with bactericidal and antimicrobial effect, which purposefully affects the focus of pathology. Ulcers need to be lubricated up to 5-6 times throughout the day. The cost of the medicine is 200 rubles.
  4. Cholisal – universal remedy, which kills germs, eliminates pain, and relieves signs of inflammation. The drug can be used for treatment an unlimited number of times until the anxiety symptoms are completely eliminated.
  5. Actovegin is applied to the affected mucous membrane, and such procedures can be performed without harm to health up to 5 times in 24 hours. This accelerates the process of tissue regeneration and healing. The cost of the ointment is up to 200 rubles.

Antihistamines for stomatitis

  1. Fenistil - the drug is available in the form of drops and tablets. Daily dose must be used internally in the proportions specified according to the instructions.
  2. Tavegil is an antiallergic tablet that is recommended to be taken for a week. Daily norm– 1 pill three times a day.
  3. Zyrtec is anti-allergy drops and tablets for oral administration. Take according to your age category, course duration is 7-10 days.
  4. Suprastin - tablets suppress signs of allergies, relieve inflammation of the oral mucosa. Take 1 pill 3 times a day, the course of intensive therapy is individual.
  5. Hexoral is an antihistamine that has several forms of release and is highly effective. Must be used according to the attached instructions.

How to treat aphthous stomatitis in a child

Dr. Komarovsky recommends using traditional methods for treatment and avoiding the use of synthetic drugs for milder forms of the disease. If the stage is advanced, then alternative medicine methods are complemented by ointments, gels and solutions with antimicrobial and antiseptic effects. Before starting treatment, you need to contact your local pediatrician, visit pediatric dentist.


Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa, which is accompanied by the formation of small aphthae like ulcers on its surface. The principle of treatment for aphthous stomatitis depends on the cause of its occurrence, the age of the patient, the severity of the disease and requires mandatory medical intervention.

Causes of aphthous stomatitis

Aphthous ulcers on the oral mucosa look like white spots with a red rim. Such formations can be round or oval. Ulcerations occur singly or in large patches. Most often, the inflammatory process affects the front part of the mouth: the inside of the cheeks and lips. This is due to the fact that it is this area of ​​the oral cavity that is most susceptible to damage: bites while eating and scratches. Less commonly, the location of afts is the mucous membrane of the tongue.

The average period of the disease is 8–10 days. Typically, aphthae heal quickly without leaving scars.

Experts call the following causes of aphthous stomatitis:

  • Low immunity. According to doctors, this is the main reason for the development of the disease. Aphthae inside the mouth form in people who often suffer from colds and viral diseases against the background of reduced immunity.
  • The disease often occurs with complicated tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Insufficient oral hygiene.
  • Sometimes the cause of aphthous stomatitis is the penetration into the body of pathogenic microorganisms such as L-form staphylococci, herpes viruses, measles, adenoviruses, and diphtheria bacillus.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane can result from an allergic reaction of the body to certain foods or medications.

Provoking factors for the development of the inflammatory process are also: hypothermia of the body, hereditary predisposition to the disease, vitamin deficiency, diseases of the teeth and gums. One or several unfavorable factors can provoke the formation of aphthous ulcerations.

Types of aphthous stomatitis

In children, aphthous stomatitis is much less common than in adults. This is primarily due to the absence of serious pathologies digestive system, better condition of teeth and body. In adults with persistent malfunctions of the immune system acute form the disease becomes chronic.

The description of these two forms in dentistry looks like this:

  • Acute gingivostomatitis. Acute aphthous stomatitis develops against the background of diseases of viral origin. It usually affects children under three years of age after they have had diphtheria, measles, rubella, and whooping cough.
  • Recurrent chronic aphthous stomatitis. The reasons for the transition of the inflammatory process into a chronic form are staphylococci, viruses, impaired immunity and allergies. Constant relapses are also observed in people with gastrointestinal diseases or those who have a genetic predisposition to oral inflammation.

There is another classification of the disease: according to the nature and severity of damage to the mucous membrane. In addition to acute and chronic aphthous stomatitis, dentistry distinguishes the following types of this pathology:

Each of these types of aphthous stomatitis has its own characteristic symptoms.

Symptoms of aphthous stomatitis

Symptoms of aphthous stomatitis largely depend on the type and form of the disease. If the disease has light form However, it is not always possible to notice symptoms at the initial stage. Sometimes it is so insignificant that patients do not attach any importance to it. During the entire period of illness, only 1 aphtha may form in the mouth. But more often the inflammatory process gives a person a lot of painful and uncomfortable sensations.

Acute aphthous stomatitis begins suddenly and is characterized by pronounced symptoms. First, the patient complains of a general malaise typical of colds and viral diseases, a slight increase in temperature may soon occur.

The acute form of aphthous stomatitis is also manifested by the following symptoms:

  • severe headaches;
  • enlarged lymph nodes that are painful on palpation;
  • temperature rise to 38 °C;
  • foul breath due to ulcers;
  • bowel dysfunction: constipation is replaced by diarrhea.

With the development of herpetic aphthous stomatitis, a slightly different clinical picture is observed:

  • strong fever (this is how the disease manifests itself in small children and infants);
  • pronounced pain, due to which the child is constantly capricious;
  • disturbance of night sleep due to poor health;
  • decreased appetite, the child may refuse to eat for several days.

When chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis develops, the following symptoms occur:

  • insomnia or drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased salivation;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • attacks of vomiting (in children);
  • formation of irritation in the corners of the mouth.
In any form of the disease, a person feels pain while eating. When visually examining the tongue, you may notice a white coating on it, and blisters or ulcers on the inside of the cheeks and lips.

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis depends on the form of its course. If the inflammatory process is viral in origin, therapy is carried out at home. It is based on following a gentle diet with the exception of spicy, salty, sour and solid foods, which irritate the already inflamed mucous membranes.

Mechanical removal of tartar

A mandatory action in the treatment of aphthous stomatitis, regardless of its form, is the removal of plaque and tartar. These deposits may contain a large number of pathogenic agents that caused the development of pathology. The absence of such action on the part of a specialist is the main reason why a patient cannot be cured of stomatitis.

To treat inflammation, dentists recommend lubricating the ulcers with boric acid, hydrogen peroxide, or rinsing the mouth with chamomile decoction. If there are ulcers in the throat, gargling with these products is also recommended.

For cupping pain syndrome apply:

  • Lidochlor.
  • Hexoral.
  • Anestezin.
Patients with a predisposition to allergies are prescribed a Diphenhydramine suspension to rinse the mouth and throat.

To cure chronic recurrent stomatitis, you need to rinse the mouth with Chlorhexidine and treat the ulcers with local glucocorticosteroids. For this purpose, dentistry uses:

  • Clobetasol ointment;
  • Fluocinonide ointment;
  • Dexamethasone solution for rinsing.

Dentists often prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs with an anesthetic effect to patients: Kamistad, Clobetasol, Trasylol, Xicaine and Benzocaine. You cannot do without them if severe pain occurs, but long-term use of these medications is unacceptable, as adverse reactions are possible.

If signs of aphthous stomatitis reoccur, it becomes advisable to use local antibacterial drugs: Tantum Verde, Orasept. In the fight against canker sores, regardless of their origin, Stomatofit-A balm has proven itself well. The medicine consists of medicinal extracts and an anesthetic. It must be applied with a cotton swab to the localization of aphthae.

When the ulcers have healed, it is necessary to continue treatment with epithelializing drugs that will restore the mucous membrane. Among such products, Solcoseryl gel is actively used in dentistry.

Allergic stomatitis must be treated with oral antihistamines. Local ointments, solutions and suspensions with an anti-inflammatory effect are also used. To rinse the mouth and throat, decoctions of oak bark, chamomile, sage, calendula and other soothing herbs are used.

How to treat aphthous stomatitis in children

Treatment of childhood aphthous stomatitis has its own characteristics. Whenever characteristic symptoms You should visit your pediatrician and dentist's office. A mandatory action should be to follow a gentle diet, which will prevent irritation of the already inflamed mucous membrane.

Children are prescribed antihistamines designed to relieve swelling and reduce an allergic reaction:

  • Cetrin.
  • Diazolin.
  • Claritin.
  • Telfast.
  • Zodak.
  • Suprastin.

Immediately after eliminating severe inflammation, when the acute phase subsides, Actovegin-gel is included in the course of treatment of aphthous stomatitis in children. The action of this drug is aimed at accelerating the process of regeneration of damaged cells, wound healing and restoration of the mucous membrane.

Treatment is not complete without immunomodulators. From this group of drugs, children are prescribed the use of toothpaste with lysozyme, glucose oxidase, and lactoferrin. Enzymes have a beneficial effect on the affected mucous membrane, increasing its resistance against viruses and bacteria.

The treatment tactics should be prescribed by a specialist; self-medication of aphthous stomatitis can cause serious complications.

Considering that the patient may experience a worsening of the condition when eating irritating foods, it is important to adhere to a gentle diet. It is built on the following rules:

  1. The diet should consist of finely chopped and pureed food.
  2. All products must be heat-treated; before use, they must be boiled or doused with boiling water.
  3. You cannot eat hot or cold food; food should be at room temperature.
  4. Every time after eating, you need to rinse your mouth with water or a decoction of herbs to remove any remaining food.
  5. If the aphthous ulcers are so inflamed that eating is uncomfortable, you should use a wide straw while eating.

To prevent the occurrence of the disease, it is recommended to regularly visit the dentist’s office, monitor oral hygiene, and promptly treat diseases that can lead to a decrease in immunity.