The importance of vegetables in human nutrition. The nutritional value of vegetable dishes. What will we do with the received material?

Vegetables as food products occupy a special place in the human diet. Their nutritional benefits are due to the content of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, enzymes, hormones, minerals and other substances. According to the methods of consumption, all vegetable crops are divided into three groups: vegetables consumed mainly raw; vegetables consumed both raw and processed; vegetables consumed mainly in processed form (heat treatment, canning, drying, freezing).

Mostly salad vegetables are eaten raw: leaf lettuce, head lettuce, all types of chicory, watercress, watercress, radish, radish, leaves of onion plants, horseradish, katran.

In raw and processed form they eat: tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, watermelons, peppers, carrots, white cabbage, Chinese cabbage, kohlrabi, turnips, rutabaga, onions, garlic, leeks, peas, spices, parsley, petiole and root celery, spinach, sorrel.

In processed form they use: pumpkin, zucchini, squash, beans, asparagus, rhubarb, eggplant, parsnips, root parsley, mushrooms.

Vitamins. This is a group of biologically active organic compounds, contained in very small quantities and necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Of the water-soluble vitamins in vegetables, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an important component of redox processes in the body, increasing its protective reactions; vitamin PP (niacin, a nicotinic acid), regulating digestion, liver function, cholesterol metabolism and the formation of red blood cells. Green peas, carrots, potatoes, and red peppers are especially rich in vitamin PP. Vitamin B c ( folic acid) participates in the work hematopoietic organs, synthesis of nucleic acids and choline, increases resistance to chemicals. Found mainly in green vegetables and beans.

In the regulation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism, specific effects on the digestive organs, oral mucosa, digestive tract Vitamins B (thiamine), B (riboflavin), B 3 (pantothenic acid), H (biotin) are involved. These vitamins are found in green peas, leeks, cauliflower and red cabbage.

Vegetables also contain vitamin-like substances: vitamin B 4 (choline), which is involved in fat metabolism, vitamin B 8 (inositol), which normalizes metabolism in nerve tissue, stimulating intestinal activity, reducing cholesterol in the blood. Vitamin U (methylmethionine sulfonium chloride), contained in cabbage juice, is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers. intestinal tract.

Fat-soluble vitamins in vegetables they are represented by p-carotene, which is converted in the liver into retinol (provitamin A), necessary for growth and development, normal functioning of mucous membranes and tissues. Contained mainly in orange-colored vegetables: carrots, red peppers, pumpkin, as well as spinach, garlic leaves, dill, lettuce, parsley.

Vitamin E (tocopherol, the reproduction vitamin), which is rich in green peas, onion and parsley leaves, spinach and leeks, is an active antioxidant involved in metabolism in the liver and supports the reproduction function.

Minerals. Vegetables are the main suppliers of alkaline elements. Consuming them neutralizes the acid reaction of digestion. Vegetables contain: calcium, which regulates physiological and biochemical processes; magnesium, which normalizes heart activity and nervous system and stimulating bile secretion and removal of waste from the body; potassium, which regulates cardiac activity and water-salt regime; phosphorus. Vegetables are an important supplier of iron, iodine, molybdenum, fluorine, zinc, manganese, copper and other trace elements.

Protein. Vegetable crops are relatively poor in proteins, but many vegetables contain all the essential amino acids. The richest in proteins are beans, green peas, beans, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, kohlrabi, parsley, and spinach. In terms of protein yield per unit area, certain vegetable crops are superior to grain crops.

Carbohydrates. Contained in all vegetable crops. They are represented mainly by mono- and disaccharides, and to a lesser extent by starch (potatoes, sweet potatoes and green peas). The carbohydrate content ranges from 2.2% for lettuce to 19.7% for potatoes. Carbohydrates mainly determine and energy value vegetables An important component of vegetables is polysaccharides: fiber (cellulose) and pectin. Both compounds belong to the group of plant fibers. Fiber contained in vegetable crops (from 0.3% for zucchini to 3.5% for dill) and pectin substances stimulate intestinal motility, bind and remove harmful products from the body, including carcinogenic ones, toxic substances, formed as a result of digestion and the activity of microorganisms.

Organic acids. Vegetables contain mainly lemon, oxalic and malic acid. When vegetables are consumed, they quickly decompose and do not neutralize the alkaline salts contained in the product. Acids impart pleasant taste vegetables and their processed products and, in sufficient quantities, prevent the possibility of the development of botulinum bacteria in processed products.

Oxalic acid, with excessive consumption of vegetables containing it (sorrel, spinach, rhubarb), can be an anti-food factor that counteracts the absorption of calcium, magnesium, manganese. Essential oils, aromatic substances. There are two groups of essential oils in vegetables: those containing and those that do not contain sulfur. Sulfur-free oils are found in vegetable plants of the Celery (parsley, carrot, dill, fennel, parsnip, lovage, etc.), Asteraceae (tarragon) and Lamiaceae (mint, lemon balm, hyssop, darter, marjoram, etc.) families. Essential oils containing sulfur are divided into nitrogen-containing and nitrogen-free. The former are present mainly in vegetables of the Brassica (horseradish, radish, cabbage, turnip, rutabaga) and Allium (garlic, onion) families. Asparagus, leeks and chives contain nitrogen-free substances. Essential oils and other aromatic substances improve the taste of vegetable dishes, give them piquancy, increase appetite, and improve food absorption.

Energy value (calorie content) of vegetables. The energy value of vegetables is low. The highest rates are found in potatoes, green peas, beans, Brussels sprouts and beets. The low calorie content of vegetables makes them a valuable product for the prevention of obesity.

Phytoncides. Many vegetables of the Cabbage, Onion, Lamiaceae, and Asteraceae families contain phytoncides, essential oils and other compounds with a pronounced antimicrobial effect. The most strongly phytoncidal effect is expressed in horseradish, onions and garlic, radishes and radishes, and mint. Vegetables are superior to others food products(meat, bread, milk) by its ability to increase the secretion of gastric juice in a person. The adaptogenic and stimulating effect of vegetables on the human body, especially in stressful situations, is generally recognized. Many vegetable plants were introduced into cultivation as medicinal ones.

Harmful substances. In addition to substances beneficial to the human body due to biological features and violations of agricultural practices, vegetables may contain harmful components (anti-food toxic substances). Anti-food substances also include those that are non-toxic to the body. chemical compounds, impairing the absorption of other nutrients.

Toxic substances include toxic amino acids, nitrates and nitrites included in proteins, which accumulate in vegetables under unbalanced nitrogen nutrition of plants and other conditions unfavorable for protein synthesis (low light, overheating). When soil is contaminated, vegetables are capable of accumulating large amounts of radionuclides (strontium-90, cesium-137), as well as heavy metal salts. Radionuclides accumulate especially in large quantities in plant leaves.

The importance of vegetables in the human diet. There are more than 1,200 species of vegetable plants around the globe, belonging to 78 botanical families. About half of them are cultivated, and the rest grow wild.

About 70 types of vegetable plants are grown in our country. The nutritional value of vegetables is determined by their high content of easily digestible carbohydrates, organic acids, vitamins, aromatic and mineral substances, a varied combination of which determines the taste, color and smell of these healthy products. The main indicator of the quality of vegetables is the biochemical composition. They contain up to 96-97% water and, despite this, are of great importance in human nutrition. This is due to the fact that the small amount of dry matter found in vegetables contains many biologically important compounds that are required for the normal functioning of the body.

The main part of the dry matter is starch and sugar. There is a lot of starch in legumes and root vegetables; Sugars - in carrots, peas, onions. In table beets, sucrose predominates, and in cabbage, cucumbers, and pumpkins, glucose predominates. The dry matter also includes fiber, pectic nitrogenous substances, mainly proteins, and glucose.

In addition, there are organic acids - citric/malic, tartaric, oxalic, etc. They have a beneficial effect on the taste of vegetables and contribute to their better absorption. Vegetable essential oils (onion, parsley, dill) have phytoncidal properties. It is known that phytoncides have long been used in medicine: they protect humans from many infectious diseases. Vegetables are an important source mineral salts. Parsley leaves, green peas, onions, cabbage, and parsnips are rich in phosphorus; leafy vegetables and root vegetables - potassium; lettuce, spinach, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes - iron; cauliflower, lettuce, spinach - calcium.

The high content of vitamins and their diverse composition make vegetables irreplaceable food products, playing a decisive role in regulating amino acid, fat and carbohydrate metabolism in the human body. The daily requirement of an adult for various vitamins is, mg: A - 3-5, B1, B2 - 2-3, B3 - 5-10, PP - 15-25, C - 50-70, etc. To satisfy the need in vitamin C, for example, you need to eat 200 g of fresh white cabbage or 300 g of sauerkraut, 50 g of sweet pepper or parsley, 250 g of tomatoes or radishes, 70 g of dill or horseradish per day.

Carotene (provitamin A) deficiency can be compensated by 40-50 g of carrots, spinach, dill, parsley, 300 g of tomatoes or radishes, 80 g of green onions, 75 g of sorrel. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) protects the body from scurvy and anemia. Most of it is found in sweet peppers, parsley, dill, white cabbage, and cauliflower.

Vitamin A is involved in redox processes, increases the glycogen content in the muscles of the heart and liver, ensures the normal condition of the epithelium, cornea and lacrimal glands of the eyes, skin, respiratory tract, digestive tract. The human body can fill the need for vitamin A both with vitamin A itself and with its predecessor, provitamin A (carotene). The most valuable sources of provitamin A are sweet peppers (red and green), tomatoes, pumpkin, and carrots from root vegetables.

Compounds with A-vitamin activity can accumulate in the human body and persist for up to a year. Therefore, it is very important to consume as many vegetables rich in carotene as possible during the summer season. In winter, they can be replaced with tomato puree, tomato paste and tomato juice. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is part of many enzymes that play an important role in the conversion of carbohydrates. Insufficient intake of vitamin B1 from food leads to the accumulation of toxic products; incomplete oxidation of glucose, increased content of pyruvic acid in tissues, resulting in diseases of the nervous system.

Legumes and spinach have the highest vitamin B content. A lack of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) reduces the rate of conversion of fats and carbohydrates in the human body, impairs the absorption of protein received from food, impairs the ability to form glycogen in the liver, which leads to weakness, eye damage and skin, increased blood sugar.

A large amount of vitamin B2 is found in green peas, beans, Brussels sprouts, spinach, green onions, sweet peppers, parsley root. Pea and bean pods are also rich in vitamin B6, which plays an important role for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin PP is essential for normalizing the functioning of the liver. In everyday nutrition, important sources of nicotinic acid are, first of all, tomatoes, onions, carrots, and spinach.

Vitamins of group K are necessary for normal blood clotting. They are found in spinach, cauliflower and white cabbage, and tomatoes. Vegetables contain a lot of physiologically important salts of iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. During digestion, minerals form compounds with alkaline properties. Vegetable foods help maintain a slightly alkaline blood reaction and neutralize the harmful effects of acidic substances contained in meat, bread and fats.

The inclusion of vegetables in the diet makes it harmonious and prevents the occurrence of gastrointestinal and other diseases. 2.

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Let's consider the importance of vegetables in human nutrition. We will answer next questions: What is the importance of vegetables in human nutrition? How many vegetables should a person eat? What's in vegetables? What is the role of water in plants?

What is the importance of vegetables in human nutrition?

Vegetables are the most valuable food product. The indispensability of vegetables in nutrition is determined by the fact that they are the main suppliers of carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts, phytoncides, essential oils and dietary fiber necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Plant food is a high-energy product. During the process of photosynthesis, plants accumulate solar energy and, through a series of chemical transformations, produce adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP), which is used to synthesize their proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, storing some of them in reserve. In the human body, there is a reverse process of disintegration of the energy bonds of plant foods, due to which carbohydrates, proteins, and fats that are specific to humans are formed.

Vegetables are not only indispensable food products that support human vitality, but also effective remedy, recognized by folk and scientific medicine. The nutritional value And medicinal properties vegetables are due to the presence in them of various composition and structure chemical substances, which have a wide pharmacological spectrum of action on the body and give dishes an original taste and aroma.

Vegetable food has a predominantly alkaline reaction, and its presence in the diet establishes an optimal acid-base balance in the human body.

According to the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation daily requirement human protein is 80-100 g, in carbohydrates - 400-500 g, in organic acids - 2-3 mg, in minerals - from 0.1 mg (iodine) to 6000 mg (potassium), in vitamins - from 0 .2 mg (folic acid - vitamin B 9) to 100 mg (ascorbic acid - vitamin C).

How many vegetables should a person eat?

Every day a person needs about 400 g of vegetables. The scientifically proven annual consumption of vegetables for a person, depending on the region of residence, ranges from 126 to 164 kg, including cabbage different types- 35-55 kg, cucumbers - 10-13 kg, tomatoes - 25-32 kg, onions - 7-10 kg, carrots - 6-10 kg, beets - 5-10 kg, eggplants - 2-5 kg, peppers sweet 3-6 kg, green peas and vegetable beans - 3-8 kg, melons - 20-30 kg, other vegetables - 3-7 kg.

The ratio and composition of vegetables in daily ration population depend on climatic conditions, place of residence, time of year, type of activity and age of the person.

What's in vegetables?

Vegetables, inferior in protein and fat content to animal products, are the main carbohydrate supplier and mineral salts. Vegetables contain biological active substances, natural antioxidants, microelements, vitamins, dietary fiber, enzymes, structured water. Alimentary fiber are good sorbents to remove various toxins.

Vegetables are succulent foods. Fresh vegetables have a high (65-96%) water content and low (4-35%) dry matter content, most of which is soluble in water.

What is the role of water in plants?

Water gives vegetables freshness, juiciness, and is a solvent for many organic substances. Dissolved in it nutrients(sugars, acids, nitrogenous, mineral substances) are better absorbed by the human body. The high water content in vegetables causes their low energy value (calorie content).

Despite their high water content, vegetables are of great importance in the human diet. This is explained by the fact that a small amount of dry matter contains many biologically important compounds.

The importance and role of vegetables in human nutrition is enormous, because they have a beneficial effect on digestion. However, you should not think that you need to eat only plant foods, as vegetarians believed. Modern science the basis healthy eating A person is nourished by a harmonious combination of plant and animal food.

According to scientists, the average daily norm vegetables for an adult is 300-400 g - 110-150 kg per year. The same amount of potatoes is needed.

The most important feature of vegetables is their high content of vitamins. This makes them indispensable in human nutrition.

Vitamins are special substances that regulate the vital functions of the body. More than 20 of them are now known. The most important vitamins for humans are vitamins A, B, Bi, B2, B12, C, D, E, K, and PP.

Vitamin A is found in animal products ( fish oil, cow butter), but its main amount enters the human body in the form of carotene when consuming tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower, and green leafy vegetables. In any case, this is an important action for any gardener.

Vitamin A promotes the growth of a young body, improves vision, and also strengthens the activity of the glands internal secretion. Its deficiency reduces the body's resistance various diseases, colds and causes eye disease (night blindness).

Vitamins Bi and Br are found in cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, leafy vegetables and legumes. The first of them helps improve cardiac activity and the nervous system, and the second - metabolic processes and activity gastrointestinal tract. A lack of vitamin Bi in food can lead to muscle weakness and even paralysis of the legs.

Vitamin C is found in cabbage, tomatoes, peas, peppers, green onions, horseradish, lettuce, spinach, dill, parsley, potatoes and many other vegetables. This vitamin protects the body from many diseases (scurvy), accelerates the healing of wounds, fractures, improves the absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, promotes normal liver function, recovery from pneumonia, diphtheria and whooping cough. The reserves of vitamin C in our body are insignificant. Therefore, we should consume fresh or canned vegetables throughout the year. Fresh greens are especially useful in winter.

Vitamin B is found in onions, spinach, green peas, rhubarb and other vegetables. This vitamin promotes the proper development of bones and teeth in a young body. In its absence, rickets develops and muscles weaken.

Vitamin E is found in all green parts of vegetables and especially in leafy ones. It helps improve the functioning of the nervous system, treat cardiovascular diseases and takes part in fat metabolism.

Vitamin K is found mainly in leafy vegetables, tomatoes and carrots; it promotes blood clotting and accelerates wound healing.

Vitamin PP is found in large quantities in cauliflower, tomatoes and carrots, takes part in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, regulates the activity of the nervous system and prevents gout.

With a lack of vitamins, the normal functioning of the body is disrupted, general weakness caused by lack of appetite; all this leads to serious illnesses. In addition, when eating bread, meat, fish, butter, cheese, eggs, harmful acids are formed in the digestive organs. To neutralize them, you need to eat vegetables, which, in addition to vitamins, also contain mineral salts.

Some vegetables (onions, garlic, horseradish) contain special substances - phytoncides, which have an inhibitory effect on bacteria and thereby disinfect the digestive organs.

2. The importance of vegetables in human nutrition

Vegetables have great importance in human nutrition. Eating right means correctly combining plant and animal foods in accordance with age, nature of work, and state of health. When we eat meat, fats, eggs, bread, cheese, acidic inorganic compounds are formed in the body. To neutralize them, you need basic, or alkaline, salts, which are rich in vegetables and potatoes. Largest quantity Green vegetables contain compounds that neutralize acids.

Consumption of vegetables helps prevent many serious diseases and increases human tone and performance. In many countries of the world during treatment various diseases dietary nutrition fresh vegetables occupy a leading position. They are rich ascorbic acid(vitamin C), which ensures normal carbohydrate metabolism and promotes the removal of toxic substances from the body, resistance to many diseases, and reduction of fatigue. Many vegetables contain B vitamins, which affect human performance. Vitamins A, E, K, PP (nicotinic acid) are present in green peas, cauliflower and green vegetables. Cabbage contains vitamin and, which prevents the development peptic ulcer duodenum.

Organic acids, essential oils and vegetable enzymes improve the absorption of proteins and fats, enhance the secretion of juices, and promote digestion. Onions, garlic, horseradish, and radishes contain phytoncides that have bactericidal properties (they destroy pathogens). Tomatoes, peppers are rich in phytoncides, leaf parsley. Almost all vegetables are suppliers of ballast substances - fiber and pectin, which improve intestinal function, help eliminate excess cholesterol from the body and harmful products digestion. Some vegetables, such as cucumber, have low nutritional value, but due to the content of proteolytic enzymes in them, when consumed, they have a positive effect on metabolism. Green vegetables are of particular value. In their fresh form, they are not only better and more fully absorbed by humans, but also help (with enzymes) in the digestion of meat and fish in the body. At the same time, being cooked, the green ones lose a significant part beneficial properties.

To meet the need for vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, acids, salts, an adult needs to consume more than 700 g (37%) of food of animal origin and more than 1200 g (63%) of plant origin, including 400 g of vegetables, daily. The annual need for vegetables per person varies depending on the region of the country and is 126-146 kg, including cabbage various types 35-55 kg, tomatoes 25-32, cucumbers 10-13, carrots 6-10, beets 5-10, onions 6-10, eggplants 2-5, sweet peppers 1-3, green peas 5-8, melons 20- 30, other vegetables 3-7.

Vegetables increase the digestibility of proteins, fats, and minerals. Added to protein foods and cereals, they enhance the secretory effect of the latter, and when consumed together with fat, they remove its inhibitory effect on gastric secretion. It is important to note that undiluted juices of vegetables and fruits reduce the secretory function of the stomach, and diluted ones increase it.

2.1Commodity characteristics of tubers

Tuber crops include potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, and sweet potatoes.

Potatoes are the most common vegetable crop. Occupying one of the first places in nutrition. It is rightly called the second bread.

Homeland of potatoes - South America. Potatoes came to Russia at the end of the 17th century, Peter I sent a bag of tubers from Holland and ordered them to be planted in different regions. The peasants greeted the stranger with hostility; no one could really tell them about its merits. However, in subsequent centuries, potatoes not only took root in new places, but also found a second home in Russia.

Potato tubers are thickenings formed at the ends of the shoots of underground stems - stolons. The tuber is covered with bark, on the surface of which a plug called peel is formed. Under the bark there is pulp, consisting of a cambial ring, an outer and an inner pith. On the surface of the tuber there are eyes with two or three buds. The cork layer of bark protects the tubers from mechanical damage, the penetration of microorganisms, and regulates water evaporation and gas exchange.

Potatoes contain: water - 70-80%; starch - 14-25%; nitrogenous substances - 0.5-1.8%; fiber - 0.9-1.5%; mineral substances - 0.5-1.8%; sugars - 0.4-1.8%; acids - 0.2-0.3%. It contains vitamins (in mg%): C – 4-35; B1- 0.1; B2- 0.05; PP - 0.9. Green and sprouted potatoes contain poisonous glycosides (corned beef and chaconine). Most of the glycosides are found in potato skins.

Potato nitrogenous substances contain simple proteins- proteins. Potato proteins are complete and, in terms of the combination of amino acids, are equal to chicken egg whites. As a result of enzymatic oxidation of the amino acid tyrosine, peeled potatoes darken in air. According to the ripening period, early potatoes are distinguished (ripening 75-90 days); average (90-120 days); late (up to 150 days).

According to their purpose, potato varieties are divided into table, technical, universal, and fodder.

Table varieties have large or medium-sized tubers, thin skin, a small number of shallow eyes, are well preserved, and produce the least amount of waste during cleaning; Their flesh is white, does not darken when cut and cooked, cooks quickly, but does not become mushy. When cooled, the potatoes do not darken and have a pleasant taste. Table potatoes are used directly for food, for the production of dried potatoes, potato flakes, frozen potato products, crisps (chips), and crackers. The most common early varieties of table potatoes are Nevsky, Svitanok, Lvovyanka, Skorospely, Early Rose, Epicurus; medium varieties: Stolovy 19, Ogonyok, Gatchinsky, Peredovik; Late varieties include Temp, Kievlyanka, Ravaristy, Komsomolets, Lorch.

Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear). Jerusalem artichoke is grown in the southern regions of the country; it is a perennial crop. Jerusalem artichoke tubers are covered with large growths, have an elongated cylindrical shape, and are yellow-white, pink or purple in color; The pulp is white, juicy, sweet taste. Jerusalem artichoke contains up to 20% inulin; it also contains nitrogenous substances (1.5-3%) and sucrose (2-5%). Jerusalem artichoke is used as livestock feed, to obtain alcohol, inulin, and fried directly for consumption.

Yam (sweet potato). Grown in the south. By appearance it is similar to potatoes. Sweet potato is classified as a tuber crop conditionally, since it consists of overgrown lateral roots. The skin is white, yellow or red, the flesh is juicy or dry. Sweet potatoes contain (in%): starch-20, sugars-2-9, nitrogenous substances-2-4. Bata is used boiled, fried, for preparing first and second courses, for producing flour, and also for drying.


Variety "Svitanok"

Jerusalem artichoke

Variety "European"