Vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents

In the modern world, vegetovascular dystonia in adolescents is becoming a common disease. Due to constant changes in the rhythm of life, stress at school and social adaptation, the child experiences many stressful situations that lead to problems with the nervous system. The result is the development of VVD and the deterioration of the child's condition, his productivity. Timely detection of signs and provision of specialized assistance will help to avoid such problems.

Causes of the disease

Vegetative vascular dystonia in adolescents is not a spontaneous phenomenon, but caused by a series of events that adversely affect the young body. An unhealthy lifestyle and addictions are the main causes of imbalance in the body. Causes of VSD in adolescents:

  • the use of harmful substances;
  • hormonal imbalance caused by the transition period;
  • severely transferred diseases, mainly infectious;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • overwork at school;
  • received injuries;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • stress, of various origins;
  • genetics.

In adolescent children, emotional overloads caused by age-related changes in the psyche, which make adolescents sensitive to environmental factors, become frequent companions. Conflict situations in the school or family circle, the harmful effects of addictions and other factors can have a detrimental effect on a growing body and a fragile nervous system.

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In girls, physical development is ahead of the maturation of the nervous system, which leads to disturbances in well-being.

The causes of VVD in girls are directly related to their excessive emotionality. Girls are more likely to experience feelings about criticism from the outside, the experience causes the opinion of others, quarrels with a boyfriend or girlfriends. Stressful situations lead adolescent girls to strong nervous tension, which, against the background of hormonal changes, becomes a lever for the development of VVD.

In guys, the features of VVD are associated with rapid puberty, which leads the body to excessive stress, forcing the heart to work harder. Guys earlier include bad habits in their lives, which also provokes the development of VVD in adolescence. At risk are young athletes, whose muscle mass, thanks to sports, develops faster.

Symptoms of VSD in a teenager

Vegetovascular dystonia remains an unexplored problem. The disease leads to changes in the cardiovascular system, but these signs are considered secondary. The origins of the problem are associated with nervous strain of the body. Thanks to the nervous system, all organs of the body are regulated, so the symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia in children and adolescents are varied.

The most common symptoms are:

  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • bipolar emotional swings;
  • heart pain;
  • increased sweating;
  • change in limb temperature;
  • cyclic headaches;
  • change in skin color;
  • digestive problems;
  • dizziness, possibly fainting;
  • temperature jumps;
  • sudden changes in appetite;
  • fast fatiguability.

Against the backdrop of hormonal changes and rapid body growth, guys are faced with symptoms of VSD.

Painful symptoms predominate in boys, while girls are prone to psycho-emotional disorders. The psyche of adolescents in the pubertal period is unstable, which affects their rapid emotional burnout. Easily vulnerable and emotionally unstable teenagers who are deeply worried for any reason become prone to VVD. The acute form of VVD in adolescence is characterized by a hypertensive crisis, a hypotensive crisis, and a mixed type crisis. The main form of manifestation is a hypotensive crisis.

Why is the disease dangerous?

Vegetovascular dystonia does not cause much harm to the body, but it affects the general condition of a teenager. The educational process causes a lot of emotions in a teenager, which leads to stressful situations that provoke the development of VVD. There is a deterioration in the general condition of the body, which leads to problems at school, and this causes new nervous strains, which puts the teenager in a vicious circle. In especially rare cases, VVD can lead to the development of hypertension (at the age of 30-35, hypertension develops).

Diagnostic measures

To exclude other serious diseases in adolescents, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

The disease does not have clear signs by which it can be diagnosed, therefore, all patient complaints are clearly recorded and an examination is carried out by such doctors as an endocrinologist, cardiologist, neurologist, and, if necessary, a psychotherapist gives an assessment of the condition. The genetic predisposition to the disease is also checked. Previously transferred acute or chronic infectious diseases are detected. For the diagnosis of VSD use:

  • electrocardiogram;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • hormonal blood test;

VVD treatment

Treatment of VVD in adolescence includes an integrated approach to solving the problem. Several highly specialized doctors are involved in the treatment, trying to provide the child with the necessary assistance and cope with the problem. In general, a timely visit to a specialist allows you to make comforting predictions for the treatment of VVD and allows you not to use drug treatment. However, it is customary to treat VVD in two ways: drug and non-drug.