Lip care after hyaluronic acid augmentation - how to smear and how to care? Features of increasing the volume of the lips with hyaluronic acid Self-massage of the lips after the increase

The procedure for lip augmentation is not complicated (for an experienced master) and takes a little time (about 15 minutes), but lip care after augmentation needs to be especially thorough. Correction of the shape of the lips in a specialized clinic by a highly qualified specialist allows you to make them more sexy, which gives a woman self-confidence. Proper care will allow to maintain the obtained cosmetic effect for a long time (up to 1 year).

Any woman who has no contraindications to this procedure can increase her lips.

Do not carry out the procedure if:

  • Herpes popped up;
  • During pregnancy, during lactation;
  • With autoimmune diseases;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.

An indication for lip augmentation is their small volume, asymmetry or fuzzy contour.

The safest method is the introduction of hyaluronic acid. How much drug can be injected under the skin, and which of existing drugs best suited in each individual case, the doctor will tell you.

Lipolifting has a longer effect than preparations based on hyaluronic acid - the effect lasts up to 3 years. In this case, the patient's own fat cells are used as a filler to increase the volume.

How to take care of your lips after an injection

Immediately after the correction procedure, swelling will appear in the mouth area and discomfort. To alleviate these symptoms and improve well-being, you should apply the creams prescribed by the doctor who performed the procedure, and follow all the recommendations that he voiced.

During the first 24 hours after the injection of the filler, cooling compresses will help to remove puffiness. Already a day after the injection of the filler, you can apply a mask made of cream and fatty cottage cheese to the skin, which will effectively reduce swelling. Keep this mask for about 20 minutes.

After giving the lips the desired shape and volume, you should regularly moisturize them with the help of products specially designed for this. In the summer, you need to protect them from the active effects of ultraviolet radiation with the help of special sunscreens. Means for moisturizing, protection and decorative cosmetics should be bought only in specialized stores.

In addition to applying special anti-inflammatory drugs and masks to the skin in the mouth area, you can do a special massage (what massage movements should be performed and how many exercises will be enough, the doctor will tell). Self-massage will increase the supply of blood to the tissues, which will contribute to an even distribution in them nutrients.

Massage should be done very carefully, with smooth movements, so as not to injure delicate skin. Massage of the lips after their increase consists in lightly patting the skin with your fingers and making circular movements. You need to do such a massage every evening for several minutes. In order not to injure the lips, massage should be started only after they are lubricated with butter or the simplest hygienic lipstick is applied.

It will help to prolong the effect of the introduction of fillers and special exercises. These exercises can be:

  • Pronounce vowels, stretching lips;
  • Move from side to side with closed lips;
  • Alternately inflate your cheeks and release air through a slightly open mouth.

However, before carrying out these manipulations, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. Self-massage is not recommended.

What is bad for lips after the augmentation procedure

  1. Licking lips (especially outdoors in windy or cold weather) can cause them to peel;
  2. The reason for the increased inflammatory reaction after changing the shape of the lips with the help of fillers may be the use of expired decorative cosmetics. In general, it is not recommended to paint lips in the first days after the introduction of the filler, since even high-quality lipsticks or glosses that have fallen on injured skin can provoke or intensify the inflammatory process;
  3. It is impossible during the first days after this procedure to visit the beach, solarium, bath or sauna;
  4. It is also worth stopping playing sports for a while;
  5. In the first few days after the procedure, you should not drink very hot or alcoholic drinks, eat spicy dishes;
  6. Be sure to try not to touch your face with your hands and limit your facial expressions to the maximum (for 2-3 days);
  7. So that the shape of the lips does not change for the worse, you can not kiss passionately for several days after their increase. Within two weeks, you should not use scrubs or peels, so as not to injure delicate skin.

Short term lip augmentation

When all side effects from the increase will disappear (this will happen in 1-2 weeks), you can gradually return to your usual way of life. Since hyaluronic acid is completely absorbed in the body, after 6-12 months there will be a decrease to the original volume (the duration of this period depends on the individual characteristics of the body, and does not depend on how well you take care of your lips). When this happens, you can again turn to the procedure for the introduction of the filler, or start using cheaper, but not so long-acting methods.

There are such ways to briefly make lips more voluminous:

  • Special lipstick;
  • Cream;
  • Plumper.

The action of these drugs is based on provoking a slight swelling of the tissues of the lips, which causes their short-term increase. The effect of these funds lasts 1-2 hours.

Lips are the most expressive and most delicate part of the face. Bright, lush, plump lips are not only beauty, but also a symbol of youth and health. However, it is on the lips that age-related changes begin to appear among the first. Cross wrinkles on dry skin can appear already after 30 years. But you can slow down this unpleasant process and lip massage from wrinkles is one of the most effective ways.

Lip massage: how and when?

It is best to massage the lips in the evening after removing makeup.

Lip massage, first of all, should increase blood flow and help tissues get saturated with oxygen and useful substances. Thanks to regular procedures, wrinkles are reduced or smoothed out completely. However, it must be remembered that excessive exposure can be very detrimental to health.

The lips are the only area of ​​the skin that lacks a subcutaneous protective layer. That is why any of the smallest injuries are almost immediately reflected on their surface in the form of swelling and edema. Besides, blood vessels pass very close to the surface of the skin, which means that it is easier to damage them than on any other area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

Best time to massage the lips - in the evening before going to bed. The massage itself should fit in a period of time from 3 to 5 minutes. It should not be too hard or too intense. Movements should be made with effort, but not cause discomfort on the skin.

There are a huge number of types of massage. But they all include a basic smoothing movement from the center of the lips to the edges or vice versa. All massages must be combined with moisturizers and creams.

Important! It is unacceptable to massage if there is at least some damage on the lips (in particular: peeling or cracks, etc.).

Basic lip massage movements

All types of lip massage are based on classical movements. The exception is the Japanese chiseled Shiatsu lip massage, the effect of which is considered controversial.

Before massage, apply a balm or cream on the lips.

Classical massage is performed with fingers, and consists of three main movements:

  • smoothing movements from the center of the lips to the corners;
  • vertical vibrating movements (rubbing);
  • horizontal vibrating movements.

These movements are performed with gentle pressure on the lips with an amplitude of about 1-1.5 centimeters. On each part of the lips, 5-6 movements are performed. And before the start of the massage, a moisturizer is applied to the lips. Smoothing movements are performed from the center of the lips also 5-6 times at the beginning and at the end of the massage. It is advisable to massage symmetrically, on both sides of the upper or lower lip.

The massage cycle is as follows: smoothing - vertical rubbing - horizontal rubbing - smoothing. For each lip, this cycle is repeated 2-3 times. Similarly, you should massage the skin around the lips.

Massage is best done in the evening, so that the main effect of its implementation falls on sleep time. In addition, as with any other therapeutic massage, this procedure is best divided into courses. Do not do it for longer than 2 weeks in a row and more than once every three months.

Massage can be performed at home with care and hygiene, it can be included in the procedure.

Lip massage with a toothbrush

To massage the lips, you can use a toothbrush - but only soft and specially purchased.

Having dealt with how massage is done for the lips and the muscles around them, you can move on to the types of massage. Very common today is massage with a toothbrush. According to fans of this method, massage warms up the lips better, increases blood flow and allows you to achieve an instant effect.

The massage is performed with the same movements as the usual one, but here you need to remember about additional restrictions. A hard brush can cause injury, so soft brushes should be preferred. The effect is achieved due to the point impact of each bristle, so the pressure should be soft, much more gentle than when brushing your teeth.

Do not use the same brush you use for brushing your teeth or old brushes. For lips, buy a new one.

There are many mentions on the net that toothbrush massage allows you to instantly increase the volume of the lips and make them bright scarlet. This is only partly true. However, to get such a drastic result, the lips need to be rubbed too hard. An increase in volume is a banal swelling from a traumatic effect on the lips. Whether the beauty of such sacrifices is worth it is an open question, but there is certainly no health benefit from this.

Important! Harsh traumatic massage can lead to hypersensitivity, frequent herpes rashes, increased susceptibility to weather conditions, blue lips, and in some cases to oncological diseases. Therefore, it is very important to perform the massage correctly.

With a soft, non-traumatic effect, you can very quickly understand how useful a lip massage with a toothbrush is. Already through a short time, wrinkles will begin to smooth out, and the lips will become scarlet and filled with life.

Spoon massage

Massage with spoons is less traumatic and just as effective as other types of this procedure.

This method can also be attributed to folk. The impact occurs mainly on the skin around the lips, and the massage is designed to fight mimic wrinkles, which most often visually determine the age of a person.

To improve blood circulation, the spoon can be placed in hot water or decoction of herbs. Thus, the effect of exposure is enhanced. Lip massage with spoons is carried out with movements from the center to the corners of the lips and from the corners of the lips to the temples. In addition, non-classical spiral movements can be performed.

It is useful to combine any massage with therapeutic and moisturizing masks, since after mechanical action the skin absorbs nutrients and vitamins well. If you choose the right massage and cosmetics, positive effect will not keep you waiting.

Every girl wants to have charming lips. So that they were not only beautiful, but also chubby. But many are afraid to lie down under a scalpel or try injections in beauty salons. No need to despair, you can increase your lips at home. It turns out that even in the old days, girls knew how to give volume and plumpness to their lips. And in our time, every woman, girl can do it on her own. For this there are many folk methods, exercises and massages that help to enlarge the lips.

Gymnastics to increase

Every day we expose the muscles of the lips to loads when we speak, smile, bite our lip. All these loads lead to the fact that the lips lose their elasticity and attractiveness. It is clear that when a woman does not like her figure, she runs to the gym to do fitness, shaping or to a beauty salon for various procedures. Also, for the lips, you need to do certain exercises - gymnastics, massage, apply different infusions, masks. Lip exercises are recommended to be done every day for a month. For the best effect, several times a day, for example, in the morning and in the evening.

We whistle. If you like to whistle, then this is the exercise for you. Everyone has their favorite tune. This is where you need to whistle it. This activity will warm up the muscles of the lips for the following exercises.

Smiling fish. It is not always possible to see how a fish smiles, but with imagination everything is possible. So we make the mouth like a fish, pull out a little sponge and slowly smile. Then we return the lips to their original position. Repeat - 15 times.

Lip circles. We squeeze the sponges tightly and begin to move them clockwise, and then in the opposite direction. It looks like we are drawing circles in the air. Repeat - 10 times (5 times in one direction, 5 times in the other direction).

Biting. This is an activity to increase blood circulation in the lips. There are girls who, without noticing, in some situations, can bite their lip. This is what we should be doing. Not much, even slightly, we begin to bite our lips for two minutes. You should not bite hard, so as not to harm the muscles of the lips and not bring to the appearance of blood.

We blow a breeze. We collect a full mouth of air. We present in front of us a freshly picked dandelion. And strongly exhale the wind on the dandelion. But the lips are relaxed at this moment. We repeat five times.

Snort. So, we take a mouthful of air and start snorting (we will not compare ourselves with anyone, we just snort). Repeat 5-6 times.

Upper lip smile. We open our mouth a little, and try to smile with the upper lip so that the upper row of teeth is visible.

Show language. Adults sometimes want to be children. This activity will help you remember your childhood. Open your mouth and stretch your tongue to the maximum length. Repeat - 5 times.

Pull in the lips. We try to pull our lips in for 20 seconds, and then we relax them. Repeat five more times.

Three lips. Imagine that you have applied lipstick and you need to evenly distribute it. To do this, rub with sponges, while moving your jaw to the left, to the right.

"Chmoki". With index fingers, press on the corners of the lips. And we make smacking movements loudly and with sound. You can imagine that we are a star and we are giving out “smacks” to everyone. We smack 10 times.

Vowels. We stand in front of a mirror. Clearly and loudly, expressively repeat the vowels of the alphabet.

Singing. The previous exercise can be done in a different way. We just sing the vowels of the alphabet, only we need to sing very slowly.

Eight. We close our mouth and move our lips to the left and right, and then draw the number "8" with them.

We pull and pull. Pinch the corners of your lips with your index fingers. First, we retract the sponges, and then vice versa - we pull them out, and so on 10 times.

Lip augmentation massage

For greater effect, you can add lip massage to the exercises. For a massage, you need to spend a little money on related materials. Namely, you will need:

  • Brush with soft bristles.
  • Form for ice cubes (if it is not in the household).
  • Essential oil of menthol.
  • Moisturizing lip balm.
  • Scrub with fine abrasive.

There is different ways lip massage. It is worth choosing any one for yourself, but it is important to remember: after each massage, the lips must be moisturized.

Toothbrush for volume. The brush should have soft bristles. Soft bristles will not hurt your lips. Smoothly, gently and in circular motions massage the lips. You can put a little natural oil or cream on the brush. Duration - 2 minutes.

Ice massage. Prepare ice cubes (if desired, you can add herbs of chamomile, lavender, etc.). Wrap the ice cube in gauze, handkerchief or other light cloth. In a circular motion we drive the ice on the lips.

Scuba massage. You can buy a scrub or make your own. For a scrub, you need to mix millet grains mixed with honey. Or another kind of skab is to mix honey with sugar. Spread the scrub on the lips with different movements.

Menthol discs. Harvested essential oil Pour menthol onto a cotton pad. IMPORTANT: in case allergic reaction on menthol, this option should be excluded and not experimented. It is advisable to sit or lie down, put a disk with menthol on a closed mouth. Hold for 5-10 minutes.

Cinnamon to increase. Cinnamon with olive oil will help increase the size of the lips. With these ingredients, it is worth making a scrub of a thick consistency. Top it up with honey. Put the scrub on toothbrush(with soft bristles is a must) and massage the lips with it.

Lemon peel. Apply some lemon zest to your lips. We massage the lips for five minutes, until tingling and until a feeling of numbness. Then lubricate with balm or Vaseline.

Folk methods of increase and splendor

Our great-grandmothers used these recipes to increase their volume for several hours, especially before dates. These recipes are still used today. beautiful half humanity, which always says that beauty requires sacrifice.

And it’s not for nothing that they say so, it’s true. To make lips plump, hot red pepper will help. Which, you need to grind and pour a glass of water. Wet a napkin into the pepper tincture and wipe the lips. The effect of lip augmentation is instant. There is only one thing, this infusion is bitter, be prepared for this.

There is a slightly sparing option, pepper mixed with petroleum jelly. Spread them on your lips and wait at least two minutes, remove the Vaseline with a napkin or cotton pad. Longer red pepper does not need to be kept in order to avoid burns. And to soothe swollen lips, anoint them with a balm.

A gentle option for instant lip augmentation, use ginger. Make a paste out of it and apply it on your lips. Make massage movements with the upper and lower lip. Remove the ginger with a cotton swab, grease with glitter. Peppermint has the same effect. The method of application is similar, only with mint, squeeze the juice and apply to the lips. Remove the mint juice with a cotton swab, pre-lubricated with petroleum jelly.

Exercises, massages and folk (grandmother's) recipes will help give your lips perfect splendor. Lips like famous stars, Angelina Jolie, for example, will not be able to compare with yours if you regularly do exercises and massages. The main thing is not to be lazy, but to attach much more attention to yourself right now!

Lip augmentation without surgery is an affordable and common way to transform your appearance and correct flaws. The cosmetic procedure takes no more than half an hour, but lip care after hyaluronic acid augmentation requires time and care to maintain the effect for a long period.

Contouring with injections of sodium hyaluronate or hyaluronic acid is a safe method of augmentation. Hyaluron-based filler gained popularity due to its naturalness. active ingredient. Hyaluronate is a component of tissues, mucous membranes, skin.

The action of drugs and cosmetics based on this acid is aimed at combating the aging process. In contouring, gel fillers with hyaluron are used. It helps to retain moisture in the epidermis, which affects the slowing down of aging. Fillers are safe and effective. Their action lasts from 6 to 18 months. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body, hormonal background, care for them after injections.

Rules for care after the procedure

The owners of thin or irregularly shaped lips with the presence of asymmetry wish to increase the mouth. Before performing a cosmetic procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications, the consequences of the operation, and the rules for caring for the area affected by the filler.

In the first 1-3 days after the injection of the filler, swelling and redness of the treated area are observed. Puffiness is a reaction of tissues to their trauma and it is removed with the help of cold compresses. You can use ice cubes wrapped in a plastic bag and soft tissue. Apply cold for 10 minutes, take a break of 2-3 hours, cool the inflamed area again.

The use of decongestant ointments will help relieve swelling, eliminate the resulting bruises. One of the most effective is Troxevasin. The analogue of the drug is Troxarutin, Lyoton, Troxevenol, Heparin, and other liniments.

Lip care after injections provides several tips to help reduce swelling, prevent possible complications. The following rules will help speed up healing and reduce the risk of infection:

  • do not smear with gloss, lipstick or other type of decorative cosmetics until the wounds from the needle heal;
  • avoid eating salty, spicy, sour foods and foods so as not to irritate the skin with microtraumas;
  • it is recommended to lie on your back for the first 5-7 days during sleep and rest to reduce pressure in damaged areas;
  • to eliminate dryness, use moisturizers recommended by a specialist;
  • to exclude the formation of lumps and eliminate hematomas, knead the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mouth with a light massage;
  • not allowed to expose injured skin sunbeams especially the first two weeks.

3-5 days after contouring, make moisturizing masks for delicate skin, use creams, gels or folk remedies. The latter are sour cream, cream, vegetable oil, cucumber juice.

There is a line of professional cosmetics designed for lips enlarged with hyaluronic acid. It is recommended to replace decorative lipstick with a hygienic or moisturizing one.

If swelling, hematoma, pain, other unpleasant manifestations do not go away within a week, it is worth visiting a doctor and consulting about the next steps.

The consequence of a violation of the integrity of the skin with needle punctures is a decrease in local immunity, which leads to an exacerbation of herpes. Girls prone to rashes should take an antiviral drug a week before the procedure, the same amount after it. The recommended remedy is Acyclovir tablets. If the effect of the virus manifested itself on the skin in the mouth area, the drug should be used in the form of liniment.

Do I need to knead my lips and how to massage correctly

Recommendations after lip augmentation include gentle massaging of the area affected by the filler without exerting excessive pressure. Self-massage is necessary, as mentioned above, to evenly distribute the filler, improve blood circulation, and prevent the formation of lumps in the tissues. Massage of the lips after the increase will help get rid of bruises at the puncture sites.

The mouth should be kneaded not on the first day of the procedure, but on the 4-5th day, when the swelling subsides. It is necessary to massage gently, making circular movements without lifting your fingers from the problem area. It is recommended to make light pats, to perform special mimic gymnastics. Do exercises daily for 10-15 minutes:

  1. Extend your mouth with a tube, stretch out vowel sounds, alternating o-i.
  2. Inflate your cheeks, leave a narrow slit between your lips, slowly release air from your mouth.
  3. Make several rotating movements with a closed mouth.

Knead the lips after the introduction of hyaluronic acid should be exclusively clean hands. After that, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer, olive oil or cream.

What not to do after the increase

After injections that contribute to the increase, the acquisition of seductive forms, it is not allowed:

  • visit the dental office within 14 days. If there are dental or oral health problems, they must be addressed before the augmentation procedure;
  • play sports and do intense physical exercise- they will contribute to an increase in edema;
  • it is forbidden to perform cosmetic procedures, in particular acid or chemical peels, tattooing until the wounds are completely healed:
  • the restriction is taking hot baths;
  • do not smoke 3-5 days after the procedure;
  • do not drink alcohol before and after the increase;
  • do not touch your mouth with dirty hands;
  • you should refrain from taking hot food, drinks;
  • you can not kiss for several days after injections in order to avoid uneven distribution of hyaluronic acid in tissues, infection;
  • do facial waxing;
  • use scrubs in the mouth area;
  • snacking and licking your mouth, especially on the street;
  • chill and sunbathe.

If you follow the rules and take care of your lips regularly, having previously excluded the presence of contraindications, you will be able to avoid unpleasant consequences and find the desired seductive shape, as in the photo.

Hello again, dear blog readers!

I recently watched a show about plastic surgery, and specifically about increasing the volume of the lips, and was horrified at what people go to change their own appearance.

At the same time, they seem not to suspect that they are not becoming more beautiful, but vice versa.

And I thought, but there are completely safe and even useful beauty methods that can in no way lead to complications and deterioration in appearance.

I'm talking about lip massage, which effectively copes with wrinkles, and with a lift, and even with an increase in volume.

Lip massage at home

Do you want me to share with you a secret technique for increasing the volume of the lips? Just kidding, of course, this is no secret, but the technique is effective.

However, it is impossible to believe that lip massage for enlargement really exists until you see it for yourself.

But what's so amazing about it? Remember the romantic evenings when you enthusiastically kissed your loved one for hours on end. Remember how swollen lips and interestingly complement the image of a girl in love?

I found (and tested on myself) a simple way to massage to increase lips at home.

I note right away that it is better to use this method the day before important event when you want to impress, because the effect, although visually noticeable, does not last long.

So, we need to make a special lip mask:

  • mix ½ tsp. vaseline with the same amount of glycerin;
  • add ½ tsp. honey or lemon juice and ½ tsp. Sahara;
  • mix everything and apply for 15 minutes;
  • We wash off the remnants of the homemade mask with warm water.

You, for sure, at least once bought a lipstick or gloss, in the first minutes after applying which you feel discomfort. This is due to the effects of these oils.

Massage movements should be carried out for about 1 minute with fingertips.

You yourself will feel when you should finish the procedure: there will be a burning sensation or a chill from the selected irritant.

Whether it is necessary to massage the lips after an increase is up to everyone, but I want to remind you that the methods I have listed are completely safe and tested.

However, before using oils, make sure that they do not cause allergies to your body.

Always young and beautiful!

We talked about the beauty of voluminous lips, now we will discuss ways of rejuvenation with the help of lip massage from wrinkles.

Remember that with age, the corners of the lips begin to droop, mimic wrinkles appear, and the color of the lips and skin begins to fade.

All this is due to the lack of oxygen in the body. And to improve skin tone and improve blood circulation, you should massage daily.

As the incomparable Coco Chanel said: “If at the age of 20 a face is given to you by nature, then at 50 its beauty will depend only on you!” Accordingly, it is never too early to take care of your beauty, and you should fight old age even before its first signs appear.

However, I want to immediately warn you that the key to success lies in the daily conduct of massage sessions.

And accordingly, this activity is not for the lazy! But if you pull yourself together, throw off laziness from your shoulder, now and then whispering in your ear that all this will wait and it doesn’t matter at all, the reward for your work will be confident facial features, young skin and sensual lips.

Lip massage with a toothbrush

I want to tell you an unusual technique for massaging the lips with a toothbrush, which is recommended to be carried out regularly in the morning and evening immediately after brushing your teeth.

  • rinse the brush from the remaining paste and gently massage your lips for 1-2 minutes (do not damage the skin);
  • pour hot water (not boiling water!) into a small container and hold sponges in it for about 2 minutes;
  • now take an ice cube and cool the steamed lips with massage movements (ice can be replaced with cold water);
  • Cover your lips with a nourishing cream or balm.

This technique will improve blood flow and saturate with oxygen. It is after such a procedure that a better perception of nutrients is observed, which is very important for health and beauty.

Let's fight wrinkles

It is possible to get rid of mimic wrinkles, which used to disappear on their own, thanks to the effect on the massage lines of the face to lift the nasolabial folds.

It makes no sense to talk about huge sets of exercises, since they are all based on almost the same massage manipulations.

With the pads of your fingers, you should gently smooth out the folds, leading towards the middle from the corners of the lips, as well as from the mouth to the wings of the nose.

Wherein Special attention pressure should be given so as not to overdo it and not stretch the skin.

There are also simple and rather interesting exercises that will strengthen the muscles around the lips and increase blood flow:

  1. buy a balloon, inflate and deflate it 5-10 times a day;
  2. every morning in front of the mirror stretch your lips with a tube and smile broadly;
  3. when no one sees, try to reach your chin with your tongue;
  4. while walking, try to whistle melodies;
  5. before talking on the phone, inhale deeply, close your mouth and move the air inside the cavity in a circle from cheek to cheek, then tilt your head back and exhale slowly, stretching your lips with a tube.

How I felt like a superstar

I woke up from the fact that for the first time in my life, two mosquitoes bit me right on my beautiful lips. I brushed aside annoying insects, scratched myself and fell asleep further.

But when I woke up, an unusual surprise awaited me: my lips were swollen and rather uneven.

I didn’t know how to massage my lips after an increase, so I came to the conclusion that if I lie down a little, the swelling will go away, and if I also sleep, I won’t feel my lips itch.

I did not dare to leave the tent in front of my friends, who certainly would not miss the opportunity, albeit in a friendly way, but to gloat.

But when I dozed for another half an hour and reached for the mirror, I was surprised at the sight that opened up: a tumor from mosquito bite evenly dispersed and slightly slept, so that the lips became very attractive.

That's how I happened to accidentally feel far from unpleasant sensations from voluminous lips.

By the way, my friends appreciated this technique, but did not dare to catch such, it turns out, useful insects. True, I was surprised that talking at the same time at first was somewhat unusual.

Here is such a story! I hope you learned a lot of interesting information today and even had fun. Leave your impressions of the massage in the comments and share the article with your friends!