The child has a fever for no reason. Constant temperature in a child - what are the reasons? Is immunity really developed?

Caring for the health of the child is a great responsibility for parents, because every wrong decision is fraught with complications. The most common pathology in children is acute respiratory infections, accompanied by cough, runny nose, fever and redness of the throat. Every mother is familiar with these symptoms, and she knows very well what to do in this case. But there are situations when the only identified symptom of the disease is heat. This greatly frightens parents due to a lack of understanding of what is happening to their child.


Possible Causes of High Temperature

The main cause of fever in both adults and children is inflammatory process various etiologies. This is a kind of protective mechanism or response of the body, for example, to the invasion of foreign agents, which helps to slow down, and in some cases completely stop the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

The reasons for the rise in temperature in children up to 39 ° C, not accompanied by other symptoms, may be overheating or infectious diseases. In children under 2.5 years of age, hyperthermia is sometimes noted against the background of teething, while the child actively tries to scratch the painful gums with pens or objects that catch his eye.

However, if parents do not see other symptoms in children, except for fever, this does not mean that they do not exist. For example, babies and young children who are not yet able to speak cannot say that they have an earache, head, throat, kidney area, or stomach.

In children under one year old, quite often the cause of high temperature is overheating, which is associated with insufficient maturity of the thermoregulation system. This condition can be provoked by a child’s prolonged exposure to the sun in hot weather, too warm clothes, and excessive physical activity.

Sometimes a sudden increase in temperature to 39 ° C is noted as a manifestation allergic reaction resulting from long-term use medicines, vaccinations, insect bites or other factors.

Asymptomatic fever in diseases

As you know, infectious diseases are most often of a bacterial or viral nature.

Viral infections

A sharp rise in temperature to 39 ° C and above, as a rule, is characterized by viral infections. With some of their types, this condition may be the only one. early symptom diseases, and other signs of the disease (characteristic rash, swollen lymph nodes, etc.) appear only after a couple of days. These include the following childhood illnesses:

Bacterial diseases

Among infectious diseases caused mainly by bacteria, occurring without symptoms visible to parents and accompanied by a rise in body temperature to 39 ° C and above, one can distinguish:

  • pharyngitis or sore throat;
  • stomatitis;
  • infections urinary tract.

In case of problems in the urinary system in a child, it is additionally noted frequent urination However, it is rather difficult for parents of very young children who are still wearing diapers to notice him. Also, parents without special equipment, experience and skills are not able to examine the ear cavity, throat, oral cavity and assess their condition. To make an accurate diagnosis in the situations listed above, it is necessary to examine specialists and pass general clinical tests.

Video: Pediatrician Komarovsky E. O. about the possible causes of a rise in temperature without symptoms

What to do with a high temperature without other symptoms

If a temperature of 39 ° C is detected without symptoms, parents should try to find out the reason for this condition of the child. To do this, you need to analyze what he did the day before, take into account the possibility of overheating. If it is determined that the baby is overheated, then it must be undressed, given a cool drink and wiped with a towel dipped in cool water. It is important to ensure that the child stays in a room or room where the air temperature will be in the range of 18–22 ° C, or in the shade.

As a result of such actions, after an hour the temperature should return to normal without the use of antipyretics. medicines. If the temperature rises to 39°C for other reasons, it is recommended to contact medical care. This must be done without fail if the child:

  • the temperature does not decrease within three days;
  • have serious illnesses nervous system(epilepsy);
  • there are birth defects heart and cardiac arrhythmias;
  • age is less than one year;
  • there are signs of dehydration, he refuses to drink and eat.

If the temperature is due to the development of any infectious disease in the body, it should be borne in mind that viral infections, unlike bacterial ones, in most cases go away on their own and do not require specific treatment. In this case, the child's condition should noticeably improve on the third day, and on the fifth day the normal temperature should be established. It is important to monitor the general well-being of the patient and promptly identify other symptoms if they appear later.

How to bring down the heat

First aid for a child at home at a temperature of 39 degrees is to take antipyretics, provide plenty of fluids, moist cool air, and regularly ventilate the room where he is.

In order to alleviate the condition of the child, you can use antipyretic drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol in dosages appropriate for age and body weight. Their action is noted about an hour after taking the medicine. Antipyretics for children are available in the form of syrups, tablets, suspensions and rectal suppositories. These include the following drugs:

  • Cefekon D;
  • Efferalgan;
  • Nurofen;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Panadol;
  • Ibufen and others.

Drinking plenty of fluids is essential to prevent dehydration. This is especially important for young children, who very quickly lose the fluid necessary for the full functioning of the body, which can have serious consequences for health and even pose a threat to the life of the child. As drinks, you can offer ordinary purified boiled water, compote, juice, tea, herbal infusions of chamomile or linden flowers. With a decrease or lack of appetite, do not force feed.

When the temperature is high, you do not need to wrap the child in a blanket and put on warm clothes. It is better to throw on something light from natural materials. If he sweats intensely, you should change his clothes to dry ones in time. Babies who wear a diaper should take it off. It is better to undress the child altogether, put it on a waterproof diaper and cover it with a sheet.

If the temperature does not decrease or even rises after taking antipyretic drugs, and also if the child is too lethargic, turns pale, has breathing problems, convulsions, loss of consciousness, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

It is rare that parents manage to raise a child and never encounter an incomprehensible sharp increase in body temperature without other symptoms. No runny nose, no cough, no sore throat, and the thermometer stubbornly tends to 39.0 degrees. The worst thing for moms and dads in this situation is complete uncertainty. When it is not clear that the baby is in pain, adults feel the strongest anxiety and confusion. In this article, we will tell you why the temperature rises without signs of a cold and what parents should do in this situation.

What's happening?

If a child suddenly has a high temperature, this means that his immunity is desperately "fighting" with a certain pathogen that claims the right to settle in the child's body. An increase in temperature to high values ​​\u200b\u200b(above 38-39 degrees) without signs of a cold or other complaints from the baby always only indicates that an acute infection has begun.

It can be caused by both bacteria and viruses. But in the vast majority of cases, childhood viral infections occur. It may seem to parents that the disease develops without symptoms, in fact, signs may appear somewhat later. Fever is often the very first sign of a beginning ARVI.

Bacterial infections, as a rule, have a clear symptomatic picture, and without symptoms, the temperature does not rise with them.

With a high temperature, the child’s body tries to “kill” the causative agent of the disease, because for most viruses only the natural environment is ideal human body with normal temperature. In addition, during heat, the immune system more actively produces specific antibodies to the invading pathogen.

Of course, there are special cases when a high temperature is associated with overheating in the sun or a cutting tooth in an infant, as well as the reaction of a child's body to the next vaccination. But the diagnosis of such conditions usually does not raise questions from parents. It is much more difficult to understand what is really happening if there is a fever and no other symptoms. Let's look at a few probable causes happening with the child.

Possible reasons

Most viruses are respiratory. Influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory sentential virus and rhinovirus are most likely to manifest catarrhal symptoms - cough and runny nose, difficulty in nasal breathing, hoarseness, redness of the inflamed oropharynx, headache. If it is the high temperature that “starts” first, parents need to calm down and take an observation post at the child’s bed. With most SARS, symptoms will appear on the first day.

Respiratory viruses (of which there are several hundred) infect the cells of the ciliated epithelium of the upper respiratory tract, the temperature rises in response to the "intrusion". But without symptoms at all will not do. Careful observation will show in a few hours a runny nose, current transparent snot, dry cough, an older child may begin to complain of a headache, pain in the joints and muscles.

So, ARVI is the main and most common cause of a spontaneous increase in temperature. But there are others.

Enteroviral infection

This infection (more precisely, a large group of diseases caused by enteroviruses) is in second place in terms of frequency of occurrence in children. We are talking about different serotypes of the Coxsackie virus, about ECHO. A child can become infected with one of these viruses anywhere and anytime, and the symptomatic picture can be different - from a sudden increase in temperature to the development of diarrhea, vomiting, cough and runny nose.

Even if fever is the only symptom, it makes sense to wait a bit. With a high degree of probability, either catarrhal phenomena or intestinal ones will appear (for which enterovirus infection commonly referred to as the stomach flu).

Urinary tract infections

The absence of signs of a cold against the background of a high temperature may well be a sign of an inflammatory process in the urinary tract. In children, this disease is a very common occurrence. About 20% of all cases of high temperature for no apparent reason are due to pyelonephritis and cystitis. The most difficult thing in this case is with kids who cannot explain where and what hurts them.

Parents need to carefully monitor the nature of urination - with frequent urination, when the baby cries during the act of urination, if the color and smell of urine change, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Since the middle of the last century, the proportion of pneumonia with unclear clinical picture increased by 35%. This phenomenon is called "silent" or "atypical" pneumonia. With it, there is a fever without obvious catarrhal signs, and even a cough is not always present.

SARS can develop as an independent disease caused by bacteria or fungi, or as a complication of a viral infection. characteristic feature can serve as a time of rising fever.

If the child has recently had viral disease(popularly referred to as a cold), and after a week or 10 days, his high temperature “jumped” sharply, but there are no other signs of the disease, you should definitely contact a pediatrician and do tests, a serious complication is not excluded.


By itself, the temperature in tuberculosis is optional, but practice shows that it occurs quite often. It can go up to 38.0-38.5 and keep long time, and may be subfebrile (slightly above 37.0 degrees). With tuberculosis, the child feels a significant decline in strength, he has increased sweating, he is very weak. Immunity begins to decline rapidly, which can cause secondary complications.


High fever can rise from certain types of herpes viral diseases. If viruses of the first and third types (common herpes on the lips and chickenpox) have nothing to do with the topic we are discussing, since they are always accompanied by characteristic rashes in characteristic places), then the Epstein-Barr virus, for example, may well “start” precisely from a high temperature.

A little later, swelling of the tonsils develops, plaque on the tongue and throat, as well as an increase in lymph nodes (not inflammation, but an increase). The lymph nodes painless, while with inflammation it is almost impossible to touch them - the child will cry from pain.

An even more common cause of sudden fever without other accompanying symptoms and signs is the fifth herpes virus - cytomegalovirus infection. Also, in children of 1,2,3 years old, herpesvirus type six or the so-called "children's roseola" or "sixth disease" is very common. With it, the temperature rises suddenly and immediately to 39.0 degrees and above. There are no other symptoms. But exactly three days later the fever subsides and a pink rash appears all over the body.

Herpesviruses of the sixth and seventh type in children are quite rare. They are also expressed by an increase in temperature, as well as a significant decrease in immunity.

parvovirus infection

A high temperature can rise from the penetration of parvoviruses into the child's body. The disease proceeds, like most viral infections- begins with a high temperature, then a rash can join, often the cheeks of children turn red, erythema is persistent, lasts for several days. Then the baby may begin to complain of pain in the joints. Almost always parvovirus infection is accompanied by anemia.

In addition, the cause of a strange sharp fever can be any autoimmune disease, bacteremia, any internal inflammatory process in which the child simply cannot report that he is in pain, and therefore the parents sincerely believe that there are no other symptoms.

There is also psychosomatic fever. It usually affects shy children who are subject to frequent and severe stress. Due to the regular increased synthesis of adrenaline, they develop adrenaline hyperthermia.

As soon as the baby is frightened or upset, he may react with a violent high temperature. For these kids the best treatment- calm down.


As you can see, there can be quite a few reasons for an increase in temperature without the accompanying symptoms of a cold or other diseases. Naturally, it is not the responsibility of parents to diagnose the causes. But a lot depends on the correct reaction and accuracy of the actions of mom and dad in such a situation. So, how to act when a child has a high fever:

    Put the child to bed. Bed rest will help save the strength and energy that the baby now needs for a speedy immune response to the invasion of the pathogen. If the temperature is above 39.0 degrees, the question usually does not arise how to put and keep the child in bed. At this temperature, the child will lie on his own - the body “knows” exactly what it needs now.

  • Examine the child carefully. Undress the baby, in daylight natural light, inspect skin. Note any changes - rashes, pimples, spots. look around hairy part head for rash. Ask to stick out the tongue, evaluate if there is a plaque on it. Using a clean spatula or the base of a spoon, lightly press the tip of your tongue and see if your tonsils and larynx are reddened. Assess nasal breathing - whether the baby breathes freely. Look at the stomach - is there any swelling, is it soft. Examine the color and amount of urine. Report everything found and not found to the doctor, who must also be called immediately.
  • Call the doctor. This seemingly simple point needs special explanation. And here's why: infants are more difficult to tolerate high heat, babies are at higher risk of developing febrile seizures against the backdrop of high body temperature. If the child is from 0 to a year old, immediately call an ambulance.

If the child is older, then you can call the district pediatrician from the clinic, provided that it is not a dead night in the yard and the temperature itself is not higher than 38.5. If it is night and 39.0 - also call the ambulance.

    Remember what happened the day before. Be sure to take into account the factors that could lead to an increase in temperature. If a child returned with his parents a few days ago from a trip to tropical countries, it is possible that he has one of the "exotic" diseases. If the baby ate a new food, reactions are not excluded gastrointestinal tract and food allergies. If the day before you had guests and the child played with them for a long time and emotionally, then the cause of the fever may be psychosomatic, caused by stress and overexcitation of the nervous system. Be sure to report everything that you managed to remember to the doctor, this information will help him make a diagnosis faster.

    Children over 3 years old can be given a single dose of antipyretic, wait until morning and then call a doctor from the clinic. When deciding which doctor to call and where to call, rely on the child's well-being.

  • Before the arrival of the doctor, ensure proper care. Actively give the child water without gas, unsweetened tea or compote. The younger the baby, the more important it is to prevent dehydration. Undress the child. Let it be covered with a light sheet, and not a wadded blanket, while it is recommended to leave only panties on it. If it's about baby, it is better to replace the disposable diaper with a gauze one so that the heat dissipation of the body is more uniform. Do not leave the baby alone in the room, as he may have seizures that will require your participation in first aid.

Do not give your child any medications, even antipyretics. The doctor must assess the condition of the baby without the action of drugs.

You will learn more about the procedure for dealing with a child’s illness by watching the following video.

General rules of treatment

At high temperature without other symptoms, waiting tactics are recommended. As you can see from the description possible causes of such a phenomenon, with most common diseases in children that begin with a high temperature, the symptoms will still appear, just a little later.

The waiting tactic means that the child does not need to be immediately given antibiotics or some other drugs, because the cause of the fever is still unknown. Knowing that nine out of ten babies in this situation have one of the viral infections, build child care on general rules treatment of viral diseases.

The room where the baby lies should be ventilated and washed - wet cleaning and an open window are mandatory actions that must be done immediately after the doctor sees the baby. If the doctor does not take the child to the hospital, suspecting something serious, then the treatment will fall on the shoulders of the parents.

In the room you need to create conditions that will help the baby's immunity to cope with the disease faster. In addition to clean air, you should pay attention to the temperature - the room should not be hotter than 21-22 degrees. If the family has such a device as a humidifier, it should be turned on and ensure that the humidity in the room is at the level of 50-70%.

If there is no such device, hang wet diapers and towels over the batteries and make sure that they do not dry out - moisten them in a timely manner.

Such parameters of the external environment will help to avoid complications of viral diseases associated with drying out of the nasopharynx, mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

The child should drink a lot and eat little. Do not try at any cost to feed the child. If he himself asks to eat, you can give light food that will be quickly absorbed without requiring a large number energy consumption for the process of digestion. Such food includes fruit salad, porridge, vegetable puree, steam cutlet. It is better not to give cakes and fatty meat.

The temperature should be reduced only when it begins to threaten the condition. Heat is a protective mechanism necessary for the child's immunity. Therefore, antipyretic drugs should be given only after the thermometer “steps over” the mark of 38.5 in infants and children under 2 years of age, and 39.0 in children 2 years of age and older. To reduce the temperature, it is better to use drugs based on paracetamol. For kids different ages you can choose either syrup, or tablets, or rectal suppositories.

Do not rub the child with alcohol or vodka, immerse him in a cold bath. Such actions can cause vasospasm. And even more so, it is not necessary to rub the child with badger or other fat. This will disrupt the heat transfer and lead to overheating of the entire body.

Don't try to treat something that isn't there. You can often hear that parents, when a high temperature appears, begin to inhale and put cans in their child. And they do it not because he has a cough. Moms try to prevent this cough and think that they are "playing ahead of the curve." The only thing that is really worth doing, if you really want to treat something with something, is to bury home saline solution into the nasal passages as often as possible (to prevent the latter from drying out), and also gargle with the same saline solution.

If new symptoms appear, be sure to inform your doctor about it. As prescribed by the doctor, it is imperative to do general blood and urine tests, as well as an immunological blood test, which will show the presence of antibodies to certain viruses.

Doctor Komarovsky about the problem

Renowned pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky argues that parents should not try to find the exact name of the virus that hit their child. The name of the virus and its strain in most cases do not play any role at all. Since the approach to the treatment of all viral diseases is approximately the same - water, humidify the air and do not overfeed.

It is not worth demanding from the pediatrician that he accurately and right now name the cause of the high temperature. The doctor, like you, does not know her. That is why he prescribes tests that, perhaps, will be able to answer the question about the reasons. In no case should you refuse to take tests.

When asked by parents about how long to wait if other symptoms do not appear, Komarovsky replies that the work of the immunity of each individual child is individual. But there is a rule that says that the lack of improvement in the condition on the 4th day after the onset of the disease is an unequivocal reason to call a doctor if this has not been done before, or call him again if the parents already invited the baby to a medical specialist on the first day.

In most cases, according to Evgeny Olegovich, the improvement still occurs within the first four days. Parents can influence this if they properly care for the baby.

During the illness, various symptoms can appear - from a sore throat to fever. Often it is by these manifestations that it is possible to diagnose the diseases that children are sick with. It is important to know for what reasons the temperature rises in a child without symptoms, and what should be done in this case, since there are deviations that, apart from a change in body temperature, do not give any other signs. Especially often, according to Dr. Komarovsky, this happens in children.

Why Fever Can Occur Without Other Symptoms

Some of the conditions do not require a visit to specialists, while others need to be treated by resorting to medical help.

In infants

Usually the temperature rises in the following cases in newborns (or in those who are 1 year old):

  1. too strong heating of the body (in newborns, thermoregulation may not be carried out quite correctly, therefore, the normal temperature of the human body of 36 and 6 degrees may appear in the baby only by the first year of life; earlier, the temperature indicator depends on which environment is the child and whether he is observed);
  2. the appearance of the first teeth (local inflammation with redness may appear on the gums, which causes a response of the body in the form of an increase in body temperature; the immune system the child in this period experiences heavy loads, and therefore it is necessary to monitor the health of the baby);
  3. nervous overstrain (if psychologically the child is under heavy stress, his nervous system may respond in the form of an increase in body temperature, as it is weak; during this period, the newborn is scared even by a sharp sound or turning on the light);
  4. transient fever (during adaptation to life outside the womb, a high temperature may also be observed, sometimes accompanied by febrile convulsions).

In young children

Older children (5 or 6 years of age) may also develop fever asymptomatically. This usually happens in the following situations:

  • injury or getting into any foreign bodies into the body (any damage to the skin can cause an immune response);
  • allergic reactions (fever is a typical manifestation of allergies);
  • response to vaccination (adaptation after vaccination (especially if the strain or virus has not been sufficiently purified) may include an increase in temperature up to 38 degrees; this condition usually lasts about 3 days, after which it passes on its own);
  • the appearance of inflammatory processes (fever occurs when it begins to fight in pathogens that have entered the bloodstream).

How to accurately determine the temperature of a child

There are several ways to accurately change the temperature of a child's body, which allow you to answer the question of the presence or absence of fever. Among them are:

  1. axillary (the thermometer is placed for 10 minutes; the temperature is considered normal in the range from 36 to 37 degrees);
  2. rectal (often used in newborns under one year old, or children under 4 years old (especially those who are in their second year); the thermometer must be lubricated with oil and inserted into anus for a minute; temperature can be considered normal at around 37.5, because with this method of measurement normal rate higher than vaccinated);
  3. oral (in order to avoid damage to the device, it is better to use this method for the first time; it is better for children over 4 years old; the thermometer is placed under the tongue, where it is held for about 3 minutes; the normal value is 37 degrees).

A fever in a child without symptoms may indicate kidney problems. At the same time, the baby's body temperature remains elevated for quite a long time, about 37 degrees. Then sharp temperature jumps begin - already to 38-39 degrees

What threatens the heat

If the readings on the thermometer exceed 39 degrees, the child may experience febrile convulsive phenomena, in which twitching of the limbs is also likely. If the baby has ever had a similar reaction, the thermometer readings already at 38 degrees are considered alarming. At 39 or more, various complications can occur that affect cardiac and brain activity, which can be fatal.

Note. If the baby is observed, you should be alarmed already when the temperature rises to 38 degrees, since complications are also not excluded.

Diagnostic methods

To determine the cause and select a method of treatment, the doctor collects an anamnesis, examines the child and, if necessary, prescribes the following types of tests:

  1. x-ray;
  2. urine and feces tests for bacterial strains and general characteristics;
  3. common and .

As additional methods diagnostics are:

  • echocardiography;
  • lymphatic;
  • examination of the fundus;
  • x-ray of the nasopharynx;
  • ionograms of blood and urine;
  • endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Organ ultrasound.

Doctors are often asked about general well-being whether there are additional signs of illness such as weight loss or behavioral changes.

Note. The specialist may be interested in symptoms that are difficult to distinguish as significant (such as small rash or soreness in the head). Often doctors are interested in information about the effectiveness of antipyretic agents on the body.

If a child has a high temperature without other symptoms, the main thing is to carefully monitor and care for the baby.

Ways to reduce fever at home

There are several methods for lowering the temperature. You can do the following at home:

  1. at a temperature not higher than 37.5, no significant measures should be taken, since such an immune response is normal and means that the body is fighting infection;
  2. drinking plenty of warm liquids and ventilating the room can bring down the heat if it is very slight; it is also allowed to take a warm bath or apply cool compresses to the body (with caution, this should be done with a cold);
  3. if the fever is the result of increased mental stress, the child should be kept calm and, if necessary, given a mild sedative; it is desirable that the child forgets the exciting situation, otherwise the thermometer readings may jump;
  4. with a significant increase in temperature above 38 and 5, it can be lowered with paracetamol or ibuprofen. It is undesirable to use for such purposes, as it thins the blood. The preferred form of the drug is syrup. It is desirable to carry out treatment with one remedy from beginning to end.

To find exact descriptions of treatment methods, you can read the corresponding forum.

When a temperature appears, the main thing is not to panic and understand that in most cases it is possible to defeat the temperature at home, saving the child from worries due to visiting a doctor

What better not to do

Undesirable one year old baby and older to reduce fever, use the following methods:

  • use mixtures of antipyretic drugs when the temperature rise is insignificant;
  • give hot, not warm drink;
  • humidify the air in the room where the patient is located (bacteria can then enter orally);
  • wrap the baby in a blanket, creating an obstacle for sweating;
  • use mustard plasters, alcohol compresses or hot showers.

When to See a Therapist

It is important to consult a doctor if a high fever without other symptoms persists for a long time. An alarming symptom it may be that the child, even after normalization of the temperature, refuses to eat or cannot eat. Consultation is also necessary when the fever persists for about five days and there are no other symptoms. To diagnose abnormalities and determine the general condition of the body, it may be necessary to analyze the discharge and blood of the baby. This will help identify hidden infections.

When is urgent help required?

In some situations, the fever becomes a reason to call an ambulance. Emergency medical attention is needed immediately if:

  1. antipyretic drugs did not give the desired result, the baby is lethargic, has breathing problems or turned pale (especially true for those under the age of two);
  2. convulsive movements occurred (this may be a symptom of increased intracranial, but more often it is only a response of the body to a sharp jump in temperature).

Advice. It is important to find out from the doctor in advance what is best to do when the temperature rises on your own in young children in order to avoid mistakes in treatment.

Doctors say that a child without cold symptoms below 38 degrees is not always a cause for concern and may not have any specific cause. A mild fever is considered to be a temperature indicator in the range from 38 to 38.5, a moderate fever is usually a degree higher, and a temperature of 39 and a half Celsius is considered to be high.

During a cold (or when a virus enters the body) and when inflammatory diseases in a child, a high temperature is not considered a deviation from the norm. It is better in this case not to use methods of quickly lowering the heat, as this can harm the baby. Only very high temperatures should be knocked down, which is dangerous in itself.

Some diseases in young children may proceed differently than in adults, which can cause asymptomatic fever. This phenomenon should also not cause concern if a specific deviation is known. Fever often appears in children when they have childhood illnesses (they occur between the ages of 2 and 7 years) that are not characteristic of adults. Often these topics are posted on the forum.

High fever without symptoms is not always a condition that requires treatment. A high fever that persists for a week without showing any other symptoms should be of concern, as this is most often a signal of some serious disturbance. Otherwise, a high temperature can only be a response of the body to any external stimuli, psychological anxiety or stress. For timely diagnosis of deviations, it is better to consult a doctor and pass the necessary tests. This will help determine the causes of high fever in a child without symptoms. You can familiarize yourself with this issue based on the materials of Dr. Komarovsky, who deals with this problem.

Many mothers have a prejudice imposed by pediatricians that heat- this is bad, it's scary, it threatens with convulsions, and it needs to be knocked down as soon as possible with Panadol or other antipyretic drugs. Yes, the temperature in a child is serious, and indeed, in some children it manifests convulsive syndrome, but the percentage of such children is small, and they develop convulsions for a reason related to the state of their brain and central nervous system. As a rule, such children have a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system, and against the background of high temperature, it makes itself felt in the form of convulsions. Diseases of the nervous system need to be treated and this is a separate issue. Here I just want to emphasize that most children do not develop seizures at high temperatures!

Temperature response- this is not a disease as such, it is a reflection of disease processes in the body, response to the inflammatory process, this is a sign that the child's body has encountered germs, viruses and toxins, and is working in a more intensive mode to expel these germs, viruses and toxins from the body. This is an attempt by the body to cope with a threatening situation and win. An increase in body temperature to 40 degrees threatens the growth and survival of some bacteria and viruses, at this moment the bactericidal activity of leukocytes increases, the formation of interferon increases.

If we intervene and begin to suppress, try to reduce the high temperature, it turns out that we do not allow the child's body to fight and develop immunity.

Often ill children treated with medicines are constantly brought to me, these children do not have the ability to fight microorganisms on their own, their immunity does not work, they all get sick as one without a high temperature, usually their temperature reaction does not rise above 37 degrees. That is, they get sick sluggishly and for a long time and cannot do without antibiotics. Such children respond very well to homeopathic treatment, in fact, homeopathic treatment helps restore immunity and recover without prescribing antibiotics.

Children with good immunity quickly develop a high temperature, lie in a fever, burn like a candle, but with the right measures without giving antipyretic drugs, they quickly recover without serious consequences and residual effects.

In homeopathy there is a division into health groups according to Vithoulkas. Children who get sick with a high temperature, violently, but quickly and recover easily, without consequences for the body, belong to the first group of health.

Children who are ill sluggishly, for a long time, with residual symptoms, in which the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees, belong to the second health group. And children who do not have a high temperature at all when they are sick, or it rises only to 37 degrees, these are children who have chronic diseases and several diagnoses, their level of health goes down to the third step.

And the goal of a homeopathic doctor is to raise a frequently ill child from the 2-3 health group to the first, and when the child has a high temperature and colds are more pronounced, this is a reason for joy for the homeopath, which means that the immune system began to work and strengthened, and the child becomes healthier! For immunity, children are prescribed homeopathic medicines, vitamins and the correct regimen. I always give advice to parents on improving the health of children based on an integrated approach.

But then the child fell ill, the temperature rose. What should be done when the child has a temperature? Here are my recommendations:

  1. Leave the child at home, organize bed rest for him. True, not all children obediently lie during the temperature, some restless children continue to play. In this case, you should not force them to lie in bed, but the environment for them should be safe: it should be calm and warm.
  2. Make sure your child is drinking plenty of fluids and make sure he drinks well. It could be water herbal teas, having a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, for example, tea with raspberries and honey, linden tea, ginger tea, a drink with lemon, fruit drink, compote. Drinking plenty of water makes the kidneys work more actively and remove toxins and waste products from the body.
  3. Giving your child natural vitamin C(from 1 to 3-4 grams per day). These are shock doses that enhance immunity. Vitamin C is water-soluble, so excess is easily excreted from the body, so you should not be afraid of an overdose. A sign that the child has taken an extra dose of vitamin C will be liquid stool(appearance of diarrhea), in which case the daily dose of vitamin C can be slightly reduced. But usually the child's body absorbs natural vitamins perfectly and does not give any reactions, except for one ... it recovers faster!
  4. Teach your child to gargle, a simple mechanical flushing of microbes and plaque from the tonsils from the mucous membrane is also important for recovery.
  5. Feed your baby on demand, do not overfeed him, do not force him to eat if he does not want to. You can offer your child fruit or some freshly squeezed juice.
  6. In some cases, it is useful to make compresses on the head or externally cool the body by wiping it with a damp sponge or napkin.

From homeopathy, you can give medicines such as: Aconite, Belladonna, Bryonia, Ferrum phosphoricum, Rus toxicodendron, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Arnica.

Aconite- When the body temperature rises suddenly and remains high, a dry burning heat from the head and face travels down the body. There is worry and anxiety, panic and fear. When the child lies, his face is red, when he rises, his face turns pale. Strong thirst. The fever came on after walking in a dry cold wind, after being chilled, or after a sudden fright.

Belladonna- when there is intense heat with great thirst and desire cold water that seems too cold. Constant dry heat, in which only the head perspires. But there may be cold extremities. splitting headache with strong pulsation carotid arteries, dilated pupils, very pale face, delirium and restlessness. The child cannot stand being opened, is sensitive to light, noise and bed shaking. The tongue is red, dry, red at the edges, furred in the center. The cause of fever is a cold, draft, cooling of the head after washing or cutting hair.

Bryony- Dry, burning internal heat, combined with dryness of the mouth and great thirst. Sudden sharp headaches and pain in chest which increase with inhalation and movement. Bitterness in the mouth, tongue coated with a thick yellow coating. The child seeks peace and wants not to be touched. Fever comes on from getting wet, from cold drinks, from drinking in heat. Children do not want to be picked up and carried around.

Ferrum Phosphoricum- given in the initial period of fever and inflammation, the patient catches a cold easily, feels sore with a feeling of bruising in the chest, shoulders and muscles, great exhaustion, can hardly move, throbbing headache, combined with sensitivity of the scalp, sweating stops. Fever without a specific localization or individualizing symptoms. tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, otitis media. The child is thirsty, wants cold drinks.

Arnica- heat in the upper half of the body, cold in the lower. Dry heat in the body with apathy, strong weakness. When the heat becomes unbearable, the child tries to open up, opening up - it freezes. No matter what the child lies on, everything seems solid to him. The whole body hurts, as if beaten.

Eupatorium perfoliatum- severe dull pain in the body, aching, as if the bones were broken. Thirst or nausea, then violent terrific chill. Vomiting of bitterness during chills or during fever is possible. Burning heat. Sweat relieves all symptoms except headache.

Gelsemium- The chill is accompanied by dull pains, aching and lethargy, appears with or alternates with heat, the chill extends up and down the back. Cold hands and feet. The fever is accompanied by drowsiness. Thirst is absent. Cold sweat.

Hamomilla- Heat with little thirst. Prolonged fever, the patient starts in his sleep. Heat and chill at the same time, one cheek red, the other pale. Strong excitement, anxiety, irritability, the child asks to be held. Fever can be caused by anger. Or related to teething.

From complex preparations in our pharmacy there are Grippax. This complex contains several components for the treatment of fever in low dosages. These are Aconite, Bryonia, Arnica, Belladonna, Phosphorus, Ferrum phosphoricum.

And there is also a homeopathic tripartite Aconite/Chamomilla/Belladonna 30s, also a remedy for the treatment of conditions accompanied by fever.

If your child is sick, he has a fever, use my recommendations, and after the child recovers, take on the strengthening of immunity. If your child is often sick, do not rush to feed him antibiotics or other heavy active drugs, try homeopathy!

Come to me for an appointment, together with you we will help your baby become stronger and healthier, and exclusively with the help of natural remedies!

You can make an appointment with me