Tryptophan is a natural antidepressant. Foods rich in tryptophan Tryptophan is formed from

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid needed to create proteins.

Present in animal protein foods and plant origin. The only way to replenish its reserves in the human body is through properly selected food products.

Meaning for humans

This substance has incredible wide range positive effects on the body. Tryptophan is used to combat insomnia and sleep rhythm disturbances, and is used for depression and anxiety.

It was also noted that the presence of the required amount of amino acid relieves the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, facilitates the process of quitting smoking, and helps people who are professionally involved in sports improve their results.

And despite the fact that a person is unable to synthesize tryptophan on his own, this substance is extremely necessary for normal life. For example, production (of niacin) without tryptophan would stop completely. It would also become problematic for the body to produce serotonin, the so-called “happiness hormone”, which has special meaning for brain function and nervous system. In addition, our mood, quality of sleep, pain threshold level, and even proper intestinal motility and immunity to various types of inflammation depend on the concentration of serotonin.

In addition, tryptophan is an excellent helper in the fight against hyperactivity in children, stress, excess weight and excessive appetite. It has been found that most people who suffer from migraines have abnormal low level tryptophan.

Among other functions of the substance:

  • activation of growth hormone;
  • has a beneficial effect on the heart by neutralizing the effects of stress;
  • partial protection of the body from the harmful effects of nicotine;
  • prevention of recurrent bulimia.
  1. Grumpiness

Scientists conducted an interesting experiment with the participation of people who identified themselves as “grumpy.” Participants in the experiment were given 100 mg of tryptophan three times a day, and soon it was possible to record positive results. People became more compliant, their behavior changed to more pleasant for others, and the test subjects’ desire for quarrel decreased. But 500 mg of the substance, taken once, relieves adolescents from increased physical aggressiveness.

  1. Insomnia

Sleep disturbance is the cause of irritability and moodiness in many people. In the 1970s, it was believed that tryptophan taken in a dose of 1-5 grams helped improve sleep quality. But then it was found that 250 mg of the amino acid is enough to enter the deep sleep stage. Further studies have shown that 1 g of the substance helps to effectively combat insomnia, significantly shortens the time to fall asleep, reducing wakefulness in the evening. Tryptophan has also been proven effective in combating obstructive sleep apnea.

  1. Malice

It is already known that Bad mood, depressive state and anger is most often the result of a lack of serotonin, and therefore tryptophan. But there is another interesting fact. It turns out that amino acid deficiency can affect facial expressions, causing a more angry expression on the face.


After absorbing tryptophan from food, the body processes it into the form 5-hydroxytrophan, and then into the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for the exchange of impulses between nerve cells. But complete metabolism of the substance is possible only with adequate doses, and.

Daily requirement

The daily dose of tryptophan is determined based on the age and health status of the person. And on this issue, the opinions of experts are divided. Some argue that the amino acid requirement of a healthy adult body is approximately 1 g. Others recommend daily dose determined by the formula: 4 mg of tryptophan per kilogram of weight. Thus, a 70-kg person should receive approximately 280 mg of the substance daily. But both of them are unanimous in the opinion that reserves of useful substances should be drawn from natural food, and not pharmacological drugs. By the way, there is evidence that consumption also increases the amount of absorbed tryptophan.

People with various types of mental disorders, migraines, sleep disorders, low pain threshold, cardiac diseases, and chronic fatigue, anorexia, bulimia, and alcohol addiction.

Taking the amino acid in higher doses may be dangerous for people with Price, Thad, or Hartnup syndrome, or those with tryptophan storage disorders.

What does amino acid deficiency mean?

Firstly, and this is the most important thing, tryptophan deficiency entails a lack of serotonin and vitamin B3, the production of which directly depends on this amino acid. Hence – nervousness, sleep disturbances, PMS. Secondly, insufficient tryptophan intake due to a lack of magnesium causes spasms coronary artery. Dermatitis, digestive problems, diarrhea, mental disorders. In addition, a lack of the substance can cause cardiac diseases, and also cause an unhealthy addiction to alcohol and fatigue.

Dangers of Overdose

Despite the many positive influences natural tryptophan to human body, there are some cautions about taking the substance in the form of dietary supplements or tablets. Overdose may cause heartburn, stomach pain, belching, flatulence, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and swelling Bladder. Among other possible side effects– headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, muscle weakness and dry mouth.

Maximum permissible safe dose tryptophan, which does not cause side effects, count 4.5 grams. When consumed above the specified limits in combination with antidepressants, it can lead to the so-called “serotonin syndrome” (delirium, convulsions, heat body, sometimes – a state of coma). Also, people with kidney or liver disease should treat tryptophan with caution.

The real amount of tryptophan in the body can be determined laboratory research blood, in particular - on the content of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid.

Food sources

Tryptophan is a traditional component of most protein products.

There are reserves in chocolate, oats, dates, milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese, red meat, eggs, fish, poultry, sesame, chickpeas, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, bananas, peanuts, and corn. You can also replenish the amount of amino acids from asparagus, beet tops, chard, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, mushrooms, watercress, herbs, radishes, ginger, pumpkin, carrots, seaweed.

But probably the most popular product, the name of which is traditionally associated with tryptophan, is turkey. Researchers are divided into 2 groups: some claim that the meat of this bird is extremely rich in tryptophan, others reject this. But recently the debate seems to have come to an end: the parties agreed that turkey meat contains the same amount of tryptophan as most other birds.

And if we analyze each category of these products, then among seeds and nuts the highest concentration of the substance can be found in sesame, sunflower, pistachios, cashews, almonds and hazelnuts. Among soy products, it is better to give preference to tofu, and parmesan, cheddar and mozzarella are important favorites in the cheese category. Although this does not mean that you should neglect varieties such as edam, gouda or Swiss - they also contain tryptophan.

Rabbit is the meat most saturated with amino acids (100 grams of product contains more than 130% of the recommended daily intake). Somewhat less of the substance, but also quite a lot, is found in pork, goat meat and veal. Among poultry meat, the leaders are chickens, turkeys, chickens (wings and legs).

When choosing fish, it is better to opt for halibut, salmon, trout or mackerel. But you can take anything seafood. Lobster, octopus, shrimp, lobster, crayfish, oysters and scallops, even in small portions, will satisfy the daily need for tryptophan.

The most healthy grains: wheat germ, buckwheat, oatmeal and wheat bran. The best legumes: different varieties of beans and lentils.

If you decide to cook something from chicken eggs, wanting to increase your serotonin levels, know that soft-boiled eggs, scrambled eggs and scrambled eggs contain a little more tryptophan than hard-boiled eggs.

Interaction with other drugs

It is important to use caution when taking tryptophan with antidepressants, which also increase serotonin levels. An excess of this hormone can cause health problems, including the development of heart disease.

Taking tryptophan while taking sedatives may cause excessive drowsiness.

For sufficient amino acid formation, the body should not be deficient in vitamin B6, ascorbic and folic acids, and magnesium.

Probably, most of us have had to deal with irritability and bad mood, for which, at first glance, there were no logical explanations. But in fact, everything is much simpler - the diet does not have enough foods rich in tryptophan. Now you know this, as well as where to look for the sources of your happiness. After all, sometimes happiness really lies in healthy food. So why not cook something delicious from the above products right now? And may happiness be with you!

In our article we will take a closer look at what it is essential amino acid tryptophan . Let's tell you how to overcome depression using natural vitamins and eating right. Everyone knows that healthy sleep is extremely important for health, but most people have not even heard about the unique substance that helps us sleep well. Also, with its deficiency, performance decreases and mood deteriorates.

The amino acid in its optimal natural form and dosage is found in beekeeping products - such as pollen, royal jelly and drone brood, which are part of many natural vitamin and mineral complexes of the Parapharm company: Leveton P, Elton P, Leveton Forte", "Apitonus P", "Osteomed", "Osteo-Vit", "Eromax", "Memo-Vit" and "Cardioton". That is why we pay so much attention to each natural substance, talking about its importance and benefits for a healthy body.

What kind of substance is tryptophan?
chemical properties of amino acids

If you want to understand what kind of substance is tryptophan, you need to consider a group of essential amino acids - compounds that cannot be produced in the body and come with food. For normal development and growth, a person must receive these substances within the daily norm. This group includes tryptophan.

In addition, it occupies an important place among 20 proteinogenic amino acids, necessary for protein formation. It has been established that this substance is found in all living organisms. It is part of many proteins, but most of all tryptophan is found in fibrinogen, as well as blood globulins.

In nature, this compound exists in two isomeric forms: L and D, and also as a racemate. Let us note that the first of them is most useful for humans. IN pure form L-tryptophan It is a white or yellowish powder that tastes bitter. Its reigning temperature is 283 degrees Celsius. This amino acid is highly soluble in water, less soluble in ethanol. Important chemical property tryptophan— when interacting with a number of substances, gives color reactions. Note that this is an unstable amino acid that is easily oxidized. Rapidly destroyed during acid hydrolysis of protein.

What was the irreplaceable person guilty of?

Many people do not know that tryptophan was isolated in 1901 by such chemists as F. Hopkins and S. Kohl from casein. But interest in this substance awoke among scientists only in the 60s of the last century. After many experiments it turned out that has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It was called at that time one of the best antidepressants. Biochemists have suggested that the aggressiveness of the Indians South America- Maya and Aztecs occurred due to the predominance of corn in their diet, which is low in tryptophan.

Very soon after such publications, tryptophan and drugs containing it became extremely popular in Western countries. They could be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy. Such advantages essential amino acid how efficiency and low cost steadily increased sales figures tryptophan. But already in the mid-80s, the reputation of this substance received a serious blow. In particular, in 1989, an outbreak broke out in the United States "tryptophan scandal" the echoes of which are still heard today. Then more than a thousand Americans fell ill with a serious disorder - eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome. The patients had severe pain in their muscles and joints, fever, shortness of breath and weakness.

As a result from of this disease 38 patients died. In 1991, the country's government introduced a complete ban on the sale of tryptophan preparations. Later, as a result of the investigation, it turned out that only the products of the Japanese company Showa Denko led to such disastrous results. Moreover, it was not the drug itself that was to blame for the disease, but a violation of its manufacturing technology. In the early 2000s, tryptophan appeared on the market, but the stain on its reputation has not been washed away. Many nutritionists in the United States still believe that taking this substance in large quantities is dangerous to health.

Unique properties.
The importance of amino acids for the body

As we said above, tryptophan is an essential amino acid that cannot be produced by the body. Its regular intake with food is especially important considering the importance of amino acids for the body. This substance plays a huge role in the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems. In particular, it is necessary for such an important physiological process as sleep.

In addition, it is important for relaxation and rest, which means that with its help we will always look good. Tryptophan can be called a natural antidepressant, thanks to it we feel calm and harmonious. Why? It's simple: it is responsible for the production of many substances important for the body in the brain. Firstly, this niacin(vitamin B3). Secondly, serotonin, the most important neurotransmitter, which is called the “happiness hormone”. It is the main fighter against depression in our body and creates a feeling of emotional well-being.

It is important that tryptophan is also necessary for the formation of melatonin. Melatonin helps you fall asleep quickly and stay asleep longer. By the way, serotonin is produced during the daytime, and melatonin is produced at night. This amino acid is also necessary for the production of: kynurenine, quinolinic acid, which are essential for normal growth and development.

Let's highlight others important functions substances in the body:

  • participates in protein synthesis;
  • helps control appetite;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • takes part in the production of growth hormone;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • increases the pain threshold;
  • effective for hyperactivity syndrome in children;
  • helps with chronic fatigue syndrome.

In addition, we can say that taking tryptophan preparations improves the condition of patients with cardiovascular diseases. The substance is also suitable for complex treatment alcoholism, as it reduces the toxic effects of ethanol and relaxes the body during withdrawal symptoms. For women, this substance is especially useful because it relieves PMS. Effective in the treatment of obesity as it helps reduce hunger.

Daily norm

The body must receive this amino acid in the required quantities, otherwise it will act as a limiting substance. This means that its deficiency can become a factor inhibiting the development of the body. Moreover, the body will take the necessary compound from internal reserves - muscle cells. It is especially important to prevent such developments in adolescents whose bodies have not fully formed. According to most scientists, daily norm tryptophan – 0.25 g. Of course, with intense training this figure will increase.

It is believed that it is better not to consume more than 3-4 grams of amino acid at one time. It is also necessary to take into account the genetic component of the issue. Some people need a little more of this substance for normal protein metabolism, others a little less. To determine how much tryptophan you need, you can use the following formula: 3.5 mg multiplied by body weight.

What products contain
essential amino acid tryptophan

As we said earlier, the main source of this substance is protein. Wherein essential amino acid tryptophan found in both plant and animal foods. To the delight of vegetarians, we say that many “humane” products are extremely rich in this compound. Below is a list healthy dishes, the number next to the name indicates the substance content in milligrams per 100 grams of product.

Animal food:

  • chicken –350;
  • turkey – 480;
  • veal – 250;
  • beef – 220;
  • pork –190;
  • eggs – 200;
  • red caviar – 960;
  • salmon – 220;
  • Dutch cheese – 790;
  • cottage cheese – 210;

Plant food:

  • oatmeal – 160;
  • soybean – 600;
  • buckwheat – 180;
  • peas – 260;
  • sunflower seed – 300;
  • pine nuts – 420;
  • almonds – 630;
  • peanuts –750;

Scientists have discovered that the most high amino acid content in a rare animal – the sea lion (2589 mg). All poultry is rich enough in this product.

Lack of tryptophan in the body

Note that tryptophan deficiency in the body is quite easy to detect. Let's name a few main characteristic symptoms:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • constant headaches;
  • reduced performance;
  • unstable and superficial sleep;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • irritability;
  • weak concentration;
  • growth retardation in children;
  • tendency to overeat.
  • spasms of the coronary arteries.

It has been noted that a lack of vitamin B3 is associated with disadvantage in organism tryptophan. Also, some scientists believe that people who are prone to aggression have little of this important substance in their blood and, as a result, develop a deficiency of the “happiness hormone,” serotonin.

Excess tryptophan in the body.
Amino acid overdose

It must be said that excess tryptophan in the body- A rather rare occurrence, but there are several diseases that are accompanied by the accumulation of this amino acid. In this regard, it is necessary to mention familial hypertryptophanemia, which occurs due to metabolic disorders. Its consequences are sad: joint pain, visual impairment, developmental delays. Also worth mentioning is Thad syndrome, which most often leads to dwarfism. This disorder occurs when tryptophan is not converted to kynurenine.

Tryptophan should be taken with caution by people who suffer diabetes mellitus, cataracts, achlorhydria. It is necessary to name the symptoms amino acid overdose: vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, flatulence. In rare cases, serotonic syndrome occurs, accompanied by agitation, anxiety, and lacrimation.

What is tryptophan combined with?

It has been proven that this amino acid is absorbed only with B vitamins, magnesium and zinc. In a series of experiments it was found that tryptophan combines with carbohydrate foods. This way it gets to the brain much faster, where it begins to produce serotonin. Therefore, it is effective to consume this substance with oatmeal or fruit. You can drink it with water or juice; combination with milk and other protein products is not recommended. Note that tryptophan enhances the effect of neuroleptics, anxiolytics, alcohol.

Application of amino acids in
industry and medicine

So that you have a complete understanding of what kind of substance is tryptophan, we need to talk about application of amino acids in industry. It is successfully used in pharmaceuticals for the production of food supplements and medicines. The main goals of these drugs are to combat depression and normalize sleep. It has been proven that this is a unique substance can help even with severe depression and chronic insomnia. In such cases, the dosage of tryptophan preparations is high and reaches 3 g.

In addition, this amino acid is used in the production of animal feed. The additive obtained from it is necessary for agriculture - it helps cattle gain weight and improves food absorption.

Tryptophan in sports

It must be admitted that tryptophan in sports used much less frequently than, say, BCAAs or L-arginine . But this does not mean that athletes do not need this substance. Quite the contrary, it is this amino acid that is necessary for the production of growth hormone, which triggers height muscle mass , accelerating protein synthesis. Perhaps, highest value tryptophan is useful for bodybuilders because it helps control appetite during the “cutting” period.

Reception tryptophan in its pure form is unlikely to make sense for most athletes. Natural vitamin complexes will provide them much more benefit. In this regard, it is worth highlighting food supplement"Leveton Forte", containing components such as drone brood, bee pollen, and Leuzea root. It is the drone brood that includes the amino acids necessary for the athlete, including tryptophan. All components of this vitamin complex successfully complement each other, increasing endurance and improving performance.

And, which, unfortunately, he cannot always produce on his own. This requires additional food intake or medicines, containing the necessary amount of useful substances for the normal process of human life at a given age.

Characteristics and influence

Tryptophan is an aromatic alpha amino acid that is necessary for humans to produce serotonin, the hormone of happiness that can regulate mood, normal sleep, and lack of appetite. It is also an active participant during niacin synthesis, nicotinic acid or vitamin B3, which is necessary for good digestion, has a beneficial effect on the breakdown of food into proteins, carbohydrates and fats, the process of their digestion and the release of energy. The process of protein production is also not complete without tryptophan. However, it is worth noting that the body is not able to produce it on its own, but requires replenishment from the outside.

When eating foods rich in this aromatic alpha amino acid, it is converted into the substance 5-hydroxytrophan, and then into the hormone serotonin, which ensures the exchange of impulses between nerve cells. Its absorption is possible with sufficient amounts of vitamin C, B9 and B6 in the body.

Main functions and benefits

Tryptophan is responsible for processes such as:

  • normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • the ability to relax, rest;
  • good and complete sleep;
  • normalization of appetite;
  • positive mood.

It is also able to have a beneficial effect on diseases and their prevention, such as:

  • insomnia;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • obesity or, conversely, significant loss of body weight;
  • migraine;
  • senile dementia;
  • neuroses, depression;
  • irritability and impulsiveness.

Did you know? A lack of tryptophan in a person’s body can be “painted” on his face. The fact is that the amino acid affects facial expressions, and people with its deficiency look angry and sad. And sufficient consumption, which results in the production of serotonin, the “happiness hormone,” on the contrary, makes a person smile and enjoy life.

Tryptophan Source Foods

List of products containing significant amounts of aromatic amino acids:

  1. Caviar is red and black.
  2. Seeds and nuts, especially peanuts, almonds, cashews, pine nuts and sunflower seeds.
  3. Cheese (Dutch and processed) and dairy products (yogurt, cottage cheese).
  4. Rabbit meat contains twice as much tryptophan as veal and beef, where its content is still at a decent level, followed by lamb and pork.
  5. Turkey and chicken.
  6. Seafood, namely squid, lobster, oysters and fish such as horse mackerel. This is followed by: salmon, cod, pollock, carp, halibut, pike perch, sea bass, mackerel.
  7. Soybeans, cereals and legumes. Peas, beans, buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, pearl barley, etc.
  8. Chicken eggs, cooked in any form.

Daily requirement and norm

The amount of tryptophan, necessary for the body, depends on the age and state of his health. It is believed that the average daily intake of this amino acid is 1 g for an adult. However, there are also scientists who calculate the daily requirement somewhat differently. To calculate, you need to multiply the person’s weight by 4 mg for each kg, which will ultimately amount to 280 mg of the substance per 70 kg.

The main thing that both scientists and doctors agree on is that the most useful and safe way to replenish the body’s reserves with the required amount of this amino acid is to consume natural products.

Important! The use of medications to replenish tryptophan deficiency in the body should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, who will help and make the correct prescription, indicating the required amount of the substance and the regularity of its use.

About excess and deficiency

Tryptophan, being an essential amino acid that the human body is not able to produce on its own, is of great importance for health and normal well-being. Both excess and deficiency of this substance can negatively affect mood and overall health.


In order to find out the amount of tryptophan in the body, a blood test is taken to determine the level of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid. If the test result is many times higher than the specified norm, this may be a signal of the development of a bladder tumor.

It is extremely difficult to achieve an excess of amino acids in a healthy body when eating the right foods. Even a therapeutic dose 5 times higher daily norm, will not have a detrimental effect.

However, this does not mean that you can take medications with tryptophan in uncontrolled quantities, since this is unsafe. In the form of dietary supplements and tablets, it can cause the following complications:
  • heartburn;
  • stomach ache;
  • belching;
  • flatulence;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • muscle pain, etc.

Important! Taking drugs containing tryptophan with a daily amount of more than 4.5 g, simultaneously with antidepressants, can have negative consequences, which are also called “serotonin syndrome”. It implies a state of delirium, possible appearance seizures, fever, and in rare cases even coma.

a lack of

A lack of amino acids in the body can lead to such consequences as:

  • weight loss or gain;
  • skin diseases, dermatitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • depression;
  • irritability;
  • impulsiveness;
  • lack or deficiency of concentration;
  • increased sensitivity to pain;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • V childhood- disruption of the growth process.

Did you know? Tryptophan is able to protect the human body from the effects of harmful habits. For example, it minimizes the effect of nicotine contained in tobacco products, on the health of the smoker and his passive environment. It also neutralizes some symptoms caused by alcohol and prevents alcoholism.

Interaction with other substances

For the metabolism of tryptophan, it is necessary to provide favorable conditions, namely the presence of vitamins such as C, B6 and B9, folic acid and magnesium. An integrated approach to a healthy diet and proper processing of foods during their preparation will ensure maximum absorption of nutrients.

Role in sports and sports nutrition

Tryptophan is able to control a person's appetite, which is extremely important for people who want to exercise, get their body in good physical shape and adhere to healthy eating. It normalizes appetite and promotes a feeling of satiety, satisfaction, and happiness, which usually results in a decrease in body weight and a decrease in the desire to eat something. This encourages you to continue healthy image life and stick to the right diet.

In addition to its advantages, from the point of view of athletes, one should definitely add the ability of this amino acid to reduce painful sensations. Tryptophan is also capable of stimulating growth hormone, which is necessary not only for children as they grow up, but is also required by athletes to build muscle mass and, at the same time, reduce body fat.

About contraindications and precautions

People who have problems with their kidneys and liver should special attention treat uncontrolled use of tryptophan. This precaution primarily applies to those taking this amino acid as medical supplies or dietary supplements, since consumption with food can significantly exceed its volume in the body. Its excess can provoke the development of cardiovascular diseases.

It should be remembered that taking sedatives along with taking tryptophan in significant quantities can cause severe drowsiness.

A healthy and balanced diet with foods rich in tryptophan can affect the condition and functioning of the nervous system, normalize appetite and physical fitness, and provoke surges of the “happiness hormone.”

We have all at least once felt a state of general weakness: bad mood, irritability, sleep disturbance. Plus problems with the cardiovascular system, and sometimes an unhealthy craving for alcohol... All these are signs of a lack of an essential amino acid for our body - tryptophan.

Tryptophan-rich foods:

General characteristics of tryptophan

Tryptophan belongs to the group of essential amino acids, present mainly in foods of plant origin. It helps with hyperactivity syndrome in children. It is used to control body weight, as well as to normalize the synthesis of growth hormone. It is a source of serotonin – the hormone of joy. In addition, it is involved in the production of niacin (vitamin B3).

Daily requirement for tryptophan

Our body's daily need for tryptophan is 1 gram. In this case, it is advisable to use not tablets containing it, but the products described above. The fact is that a chemically produced amino acid may have such disturbances in the structural diagram that will not allow it to be properly absorbed by the body. If, for some reason, you still have to use dietary supplements containing tryptophan, combine their use with foods containing carbohydrates.

The need for tryptophan increases with:

The need for tryptophan decreases when:

  • familial hypertryptophanemia (a hereditary disease that disrupts metabolism and leads to the accumulation of tryptophan in the blood);
  • Hartnup's disease (impaired active transport of tryptophan through the intestinal wall);
  • Tada syndrome (a hereditary disease associated with impaired conversion of tryptophan into kynurenine. The disease causes damage to the central nervous system);
  • Price's syndrome (a genetic disease manifested by increased excretion of kynurenine in the urine, as well as scleroderma);
  • indicanuria (increased levels of indican in the urine).

Tryptophan absorption

For complete metabolism of tryptophan, the presence of vitamins is necessary: ​​C, B6 and folic acid (vitamin B9). In addition, the presence of magnesium is also necessary. Therefore, when taking tryptophan, you should not forget about these nutrients.

Beneficial properties of tryptophan and its effect on the body

The use of tryptophan has a beneficial effect on chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The number of people abusing alcohol is decreasing. The number of strokes decreases. Women experience PMS more easily. The quality of sleep improves and signs of chronic fatigue disappear.

Interaction with other elements

As mentioned above, tryptophan successfully interacts with vitamins B6 and B9, vitamin C, as well as magnesium. In addition, it goes well with foods rich in carbohydrates.

Signs of tryptophan deficiency in the body

Signs of excess tryptophan in the body

To detect excess tryptophan, it is necessary to donate blood for the level of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid. Availability large quantity tryptophan in the blood can lead to bladder tumors!

Tryptophan for beauty and health

Since tryptophan is one of the most important natural amino acids, its use has a beneficial effect not only on internal organs and systems of a person, but also on his appearance. And since appearance plays a significant role in ensuring a good mood, regular consumption of products containing tryptophan can be equated to a trip to a beauty salon or even a trip to the Maldives!

Absolutely all people are subject to mood swings. But few people know that to avoid this you need to control the level of tryptophan in the blood. It is important to adjust your diet, have adequate sleep and a positive attitude.

As you know, tryptophan affects the rhythm of a person’s sleep and improves his mood. When tryptophan enters the body, it stimulates the production of serotonin, thereby promoting relaxation and a feeling of well-being.

Useful Features

As a rule, people rarely turn to consuming healthy protein to lift their mood. Usually, preference is given to alcoholic beverages or even drugs.

Unfortunately, not all people choose hobbies, sports or communication with loved ones to enhance their daily positive tone.

One of the most best methods Increasing a positive attitude is the consumption of protein-rich foods. This automatically means that the products contain tryptophan.

Fans of diets will be pleased with the following information: the substance helps to establish normal weight. The amino acid reduces the desire to eat sweet and starchy foods, which subsequently has a positive effect on weight.

A person on a diet is usually irritable and angry. Tryptophan successfully reduces these manifestations. To do this, you need to eat foods containing this amino acid.

Exist Scientific research, who claim that the amino acid reduces the symptoms and manifestations of PMS in women.

Products containing tryptophan

As you know, amino acids must be obtained from food. At the same time, not only the quantity is important, but also the interaction of the amino acid with minerals, vitamins and other substances. If there is a lack of vitamin B, zinc and magnesium in the body, then it is difficult for the substance to affect the human brain.


If you need to boost your overall mood, freshly squeezed juice is ideal. For example, after drinking tomato juice, your health quickly improves. We must not forget that berry and fruit juices contain a sufficient amount of vitamins, which promotes the production of serotonin.

Animal and vegetable oils

Omega 3 fatty acids are directly involved in organizing brain function. It is these acids that are found both in animals and in vegetable oils. Some of them:

  • flax seed oil,
  • cod liver oil
  • sardine oil

Vegetables and fruits

It is important to know which specific foods contain tryptophan.

The largest amount of the substance is found in raw algae, including kelp or spirulina.

But the easiest way to provide the body with this amino acid is to buy fresh spinach or turnips at the market.

In addition, tryptophan-rich foods include:

  • beans,
  • parsley leaves,
  • cabbage: broccoli, Chinese cabbage, white cabbage, cauliflower and kohlrabi.

Dried fruits and fruits

Fruits have a small content of the substance, but at the same time, they have a more important task - they provide the body with vitamins.

To produce serotonin in the blood, you need to eat: For diabetics, it is important to know how well they combine, and the information on our website will help in this matter.

  1. bananas,
  2. melon,
  3. dates,
  4. oranges.



Hard cheese is a real record holder for serotonin content. In second place in terms of serotonin content:

  • milk,
  • cottage cheese,
  • processed cheese.

Cereals and porridges

For the body to function properly, it is important to eat porridge. Scientists have different opinions about which exactly contains this amino acid. It is generally accepted that in buckwheat and oatmeal. Porridges contain complex carbohydrates, balancing .

Moreover, such carbohydrates normalize insulin levels. It is directly involved in the transport of tryptophan, directly to the brain.

Product Tryptophan % of the daily value in 1 serving weighing 200g.
Red caviar 960 mg 192%
black caviar 910 mg 182%
Dutch cheese 780 mg 156%
peanut 750 mg 150%
almond 630 mg 126%
cashew 600 mg 120%
processed cheese 500 mg 100%
Pine nuts 420 mg 84%
rabbit, turkey meat 330 mg 66%
halva 360 mg 72%
squid 320 mg 64%
horse mackerel 300 mg 60%
sunflower seeds 300 mg 60%
pistachios 300 mg 60%
chicken 290 mg 58%
peas, beans 260 mg 52%
herring 250 mg 50%
veal 250 mg 50%
beef 220 mg 44%
salmon 220 mg 44%
cod 210 mg 42%
mutton 210 mg 42%
fat cottage cheese 210 mg 40%
chicken eggs, 200 mg 40%
pollock 200 mg 40%
chocolate 200 mg 40%
pork 190 mg 38%
low-fat cottage cheese 180 mg 36%
carp 180 mg 36%
halibut, pike perch 180 mg 36%
low-fat cottage cheese 180 mg 36%
buckwheat 180 mg 36%
millet 180 mg 36%
sea ​​bass 170 mg 34%
mackerel 160 mg 32%
oatmeal 160 mg 32%
dried apricots 150 mg 30%
mushrooms 130 mg 26%
barley groats 120 mg 24%
pearl barley 100 mg 20%
wheat bread 100 mg 20%
fried potatoes 84 mg 16.8%
dates 75 mg 15%
boiled rice 72 mg 14.4%
Boiled potatoes 72 mg 14.4%
Rye bread 70 mg 14%
prunes 69 mg 13.8%
greens (dill, parsley) 60 mg 12%
beet 54 mg 10.8%
raisin 54 mg 10.8%
cabbage 54 mg 10.8%
bananas 45 mg 9%
carrot 42mg 8.4%
onion 42 mg 8.4%
milk, kefir 40 mg 8%
tomatoes 33 mg 6.6%
apricots 27 mg 5.4%
oranges 27 mg 5.4%
pomegranate 27 mg 5.4%
grapefruit 27 mg 5.4%
lemon 27 mg 5.4%
peaches 27 mg 5.4%
cherry 24 mg 4.8%
strawberry 24 mg 4.8%
raspberries 24 mg 4.8%
tangerines 24 mg 4.8%
honey 24 mg 4.8%
plums 24 mg 4.8%
cucumbers 21 mg 4.2%
zucchini 21 mg 4.2%
watermelon 21 mg 4.2%
grape 18 mg 3.6%
melon 18 mg 3.6%
persimmon 15 mg 3%
cranberry 15 mg 3%
apples 12 mg 2.4%
pears 12 mg 2.4%
pineapples 12 mg 2.4%

Tryptophan in dietetics

Now you can buy a drug containing this substance at any pharmacy. However, doctors have developed a “tryptophan diet”.

Every day, the human body needs to consume 350 grams of food with tryptophan. Scientist Luca Passamonti is a supporter of this diet, he claims that it reduces aggressiveness and even helps prevent suicide, although it is not known in what quantities.

The average requirement for tryptophan per person per day is only 1 gram. The human body does not produce tryptophan on its own. However, the need for it is very great, since it is involved in the structure of proteins. Protein determines at what levels the human nervous and cardiac systems will work.