Timing of teeth appearance in infants. Milk teeth: growth order, pattern and sequence. When teeth start cutting

Every parent worries about their child when they are teething. But it is worth remembering that such a painful period will not last long. At this time, parents need to pay more attention to their baby, and also try to facilitate the dental process itself.

We will discuss below exactly how a child’s teeth grow and how you can help a little person during such a difficult period of development for him.

When should a baby start teething?

But it also happens that teeth appear on their own schedule and not in the order that is usually indicated in all medical reference books. And there’s nothing wrong with that, because the teeth begin to grow from the gums in the sequence that was established when Small child was in my mother's stomach.

Don’t worry too much if something doesn’t go according to the plan written in specialized literature. Because in any case, the baby will have a full set of his first teeth.


There are several types of symptoms that will be harbingers that the little citizen will soon receive his first teeth.

The most important thing is to notice a change in the child’s condition in time in order to promptly provide him with help and try to ease this difficult period.

Such signs can be classified as follows:


These include:

  1. Deterioration of sleep.
  2. Change in the baby's mood.
  3. The gums swell and begin to bother the child.
  4. Saliva production increases.
  5. The baby begins to put everything in his mouth. In this way he tries to relieve pain in the gums.
  6. Various redness appears on the chin and near the mouth.


These symptoms may not always be associated with teething:

  1. Loose stools. If the child still has a fever and is vomiting, this means that little patient It is necessary to urgently show the attending physician.
  2. . For teething, the normal temperature is 37.5 degrees Celsius. If it rises above 38 degrees Celsius, then there is a high probability that the baby has diseases such as: intestinal infection; ARVI; . In this case, it is imperative to seek medical help.
  3. Rashes on the child’s face and body may indicate that the baby has contracted herpetic stomatitis. This disease is characterized following types rashes: various erosions; inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gums and oral cavity.
  4. A runny nose is most often due to a cold.
  5. A cough can occur in two cases: the baby has diseases associated with the throat or lungs; due to the fact that the child has a lot of saliva, so it can enter the respiratory organs and not the esophagus.


The normal timing of the appearance of baby teeth includes the following temporary indicators:

  1. The lower incisors in the middle should appear at .
  2. Upper ones can be expected from 6 months to 1 year.
  3. Upper central incisors - from 8 to 12 months.
  4. Upper lateral incisors – at 9-13 months.
  5. Lower incisors from the side - at 10 -18 months.
  6. The upper molars will erupt between 13 and 19 months.
  7. Lower molars – at 1 – 1.5 years of age.
  8. Lower canines – at 18-24 months.
  9. Second molars from below - at 24-30 months.
  10. Second molars from above - at 24-36 months.


Teething depends on two components:

  1. , which must be finally formed in the gum;
  2. Growth of jaw bones.

Teething occurs as follows:

  1. The baby begins to drool heavily.
  2. The gums become swollen in the area where the tooth will come out.
  3. On the mucous membrane of the gum you can see a lump with liquid.
  4. Then a white spot appears in place of this bump. Such a spot is a milk tooth, which is still in the mucous tissue.
  5. After some time, a tooth root appears in place of this spot. This means that the baby has a new tooth. If parents run a clean finger over the top of the tooth, they will feel the sharp edges of their child's baby tooth.


The appearance of teeth consists of several stages:

  1. Formation of tooth germs, which will be formed in the embryo at approximately 6-8 months of intrauterine development. And the formation of such rudiments begins from the 5th month of the mother’s pregnancy;
  2. Differentiation of tooth buds will occur from 12 to 14 weeks of the baby’s development in the womb. During this period, the following is formed: special cells, thanks to which it will be created tooth enamel; cells that are responsible for the formation of the dental layer located under the enamel;
  3. Formation of hard dental tissues(histogenesis) occurs in the baby at the 5th month of the mother’s pregnancy. This formation has the following sequence: dentin is formed; enamel is formed.
  4. Dental roots begin to develop already at the moment when the baby is born. The formation of such roots ends with the complete formation of the apex of the tooth. This will happen approximately 2 years after the eruption process begins.

Deviations from the norm

It happens that children's teeth erupt in a different order, but this will be physiological norm, because each child has his own individual characteristics.

Obvious deviations from generally accepted norms include the fact that teeth do not erupt in pairs. One tooth has already erupted, but the second of this pair has not even appeared yet.

In this case, it is best to contact pediatric dentist, who, after examining a small patient, will be able to say whether this situation is congenital anomaly or not.

The reasons why the appearance of teeth deviates from the norm may be the following:

  1. Heredity. If the parents also began to develop teeth late or ahead of schedule.
  2. The child has a history of pathologies such as: rickets; diseases associated with infectious contamination; impaired bowel function; problems with the endocrine system, due to the presence of which the appearance of teeth may begin earlier than expected.
  3. Bad habits or illnesses of the mother during pregnancy.
  4. If a woman, being pregnant, experienced calcium deficiency.
  5. The baby was injured during childbirth.
  6. Early childhood development.
  7. The child had for a long time bad habits, For example: long time a nipple was in use, especially one that is not anatomical; prolonged thumb sucking.
  8. In older age, factors due to which the schedule shifts include: disease respiratory tract, namely: the presence of a constant runny nose; there are adenoids;
  9. The child has speech therapy disorders, which include: various disorders speech rhythm; The sounds “t”, “l”, “s” and “r” are pronounced unclearly by the preschooler. The child sits in the wrong position, which results in incorrect posture.
  10. A preschooler has bad habits.
  11. There was a history of dental problems such as: caries; teeth were removed in early age. On one side, the child experiences pain. Therefore, in order to avoid amplification painful sensations, he chews food only on the healthy side.
  12. There are problems associated with nervous tension. Symptoms of this condition are: lip biting; chewing a pen or pencil; The child constantly puts pressure on the teeth with his tongue.
  13. Preschooler sleeps on a pillow that is too high or has a habit such as throwing your head back during sleep.

How to help a child?

Parents can certainly help their child at such a difficult moment for him.

Through massage

massage the gums with a silicone fingertip

It is done in several ways: the parent gently massages the baby’s swollen gums with a clean finger. This massage can last up to 20 minutes.

This procedure can also be done using pieces of ice wrapped in a clean rag. But this type of massage should not last long. And the place where it will be carried out will be only the painful areas of the gums, but not the baby’s neck;

The child can scratch his gums himself using special toys. But there is important point, if the baby already has several teeth, then parents need to carefully monitor so that their baby does not bite off a piece from such a toy and swallow it.

Under no circumstances should you perform a massage session in the following ways:

  1. Any hard objects, for example, refined sugar.
  2. With a spoon.

Such a massage will only harm the child, since the already swollen gums will be even more injured.

Use of special medications

Dental gels that will help remove the butt and:

  • "Kamistad - gel";
  • "Dentinox";
  • "Kalgel";
  • "Holisal";

Medicines. These include:

  • "Dentokind";
  • "Dantinorm Baby"

Relief of the condition in the child’s oral mucosa can also be achieved by using tea in the form of herbal teas such as:

  • lavender;
  • Melissa;
  • primrose;
  • chamomile;
  • catnip

This medicinal tea is made as follows:

  1. All herbs must be taken in equal parts.
  2. Place them together in one container and mix.
  3. One tablespoon of this mixture should be poured into 250 ml of boiling water.
  4. And brew this tea for 30 minutes.
  5. After the tea is brewed and is not hot, you can give it to your baby to drink.

You can also smear your gums with:

  1. Infusion of burdock root, chickweed and chamomile.
  2. Oil solution, to prepare it you need: take clove and almond oil in equal quantities; mix them together; take a sterile bandage; dip it in the resulting solution; Wipe the gums that are bothering your baby with this bandage.
  3. Valerian extract diluted in water.
  4. To reduce pain and relieve itching, you can let your child chew strawberry or chicory roots. Naturally, these roots must be washed well in advance.

Summarizing what was written above, we can conclude that the appearance of teeth in a child is a physiological process, during which the baby will need the help of his parents.

If adults know in advance the peculiarities of such a period and the methods that will help alleviate the painful condition of the oral cavity, then the process of teething will pass both for the small child and for his parents without any special complications.

All parents eagerly or anxiously await the growth of their child's first teeth. They carefully prepare for this event by studying. But what horror settles in their hearts when their baby begins to fall behind the schedule “approved” by the dentists! Is this normal or is it considered a deviation? What is the growth sequence for children? This will be discussed in more detail in this article.

Factors influencing timing

The development of a child and his teeth cannot be adjusted to a specific schedule, because the timing of teething may vary. This may depend on many factors. Pediatricians allow a slight deviation in any direction, but not more than 6 months.

According to statistics, the first teeth begin to erupt at about 6 months of age, and if the baby is not gifted with such a gift as acceleration, then this phenomenon can occur much earlier (at 3 or 4 months). In development, girls' bodies are slightly ahead of boys, but despite this, at least one tooth should appear in the oral cavity by at least 12 months of age.

Minor deviations from the norm are usually associated with certain factors, including:

  • heredity. If one of the parents had late teething, then, most likely, everything will be the same for the child;
  • the development of rickets as a result of a lack of calcium in the patient’s body;
  • lack of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism);
  • problems with the functioning of the digestive organs, due to which the body is not able to fully absorb and digest nutrients from food;
  • acquired or congenital absence of tooth germs (edentia).

On a note! There is no need to worry too much about deviations in the timing of teething. Statistics show that in every fourth child who does not have a single tooth by 12 months, this phenomenon is considered an individual characteristic of the body, and not some kind of deviation.

Sequence of tooth growth

An extremely important event in a child’s life is the appearance of teeth - first milk teeth, and then permanent teeth. Parents should pay maximum attention and care to the baby. Let's take a closer look at the timing of the appearance of dairy and permanent teeth.


What is the order in which baby teeth erupt? The first to break through the gum are the front incisors on the lower jaw. After 1-1.5 months, the lateral incisors and upper front teeth grow. Following them, the lateral incisors on the lower jaw (2 pieces) are cut. After them, the turn comes to the lateral chewing teeth, and they appear in this order: the rear ones erupt first, and then the penultimate ones.

This scheme is considered average and generally accepted. As a rule, by the age of 2, a child should already have 20 teeth in his mouth. Do not forget that the speed and sequence of teething in children under 12 months is different. There is no ideal scheme that would suit all children. But if the teething process is delayed, you should still visit the doctor’s office.

Happen in dental practice and such cases when a child is born with several teeth already erupted. This is not some kind of deviation or disease, provided that the baby teeth do not cause any discomfort during breastfeeding and are firmly fixed in the baby’s mouth. In the absence of symptoms indicating disruption of the body's vital processes, these teeth are left.


The sequence of eruption of molars, which replace milk teeth, looks something like this:

  • small molars appear on the upper jaw at the age of 12-18 months;
  • almost immediately after them, small molars on the lower jaw erupt from the baby’s gums;
  • the fangs break through the gum tissue a little later, at about 16-22 months - the upper ones, and at 17-22 - the lower fangs;
  • second molars on the lower jaw appear at approximately 20 months of age;
  • The final stage of eruption is the second upper molars, which appear already in adulthood (18-20 years).

Along with the appearance of the first teeth in the baby’s mouth, parents have to deal with many unpleasant symptoms. Sometimes they do not cause serious problems, and sometimes the child suffers very much during the teething period. How to recognize that a child is starting to teethe?

Characteristic symptoms of teething

This period cannot be called easy for parents and baby. If, when changing the bite, painful symptoms are not very pronounced, then when baby teeth appear, serious problems arise. It is worth noting that the first symptoms of teething can be noticed even before the process begins. This is redness of the gums Bad mood in a child, moodiness, increased salivation and other phenomena unusual for a baby. At the same time, the child constantly tries to chew or put something in his mouth. Regardless of the age at which the first teeth appear, symptoms appear 1-2 months before.

These symptoms include:

  • heat. Often the thermometer shows a temperature of 37-39 degrees, but after a few days it usually normalizes on its own. Otherwise, if the temperature does not subside, you should definitely call a doctor;
  • cough. As a rule, it appears due to increased salivation. The child’s cough is wet and infrequent; lying down may intensify slightly. It goes away on its own in 2-3 days. If the cough that appears is of a different nature, then it is not associated with teething;
  • Constipation or diarrhea is a fairly common occurrence during the growth of first teeth. Increased intestinal motility occurs due to increased salivation. This leads to problems with the baby’s intestines. Both constipation and diarrhea can occur independently or in combination;
  • The formation of a characteristic rash on the neck, chin and cheeks is another symptom of teething. As a rule, the cause of the rash is also increased salivation;
  • runny nose in a child;
  • slight bleeding of the gums. It occurs when teeth grow rapidly.

On a note! The above symptoms appear in all children during teething, and this does not depend on the age of the baby.

How to help your child

There are many different medications to help relieve teething symptoms. Most often, an anesthetic gel or ointment is used for this purpose, regular use of which helps to reduce pain syndrome, gum inflammation and discomfort. Below are the most common medications used to relieve teething symptoms.

Table. Medicines to relieve symptoms.

Name of the drug, photoDescription

An anti-inflammatory drug available in gel form. The active component is lidocaine, which is why the gel has an analgesic effect. In rare cases, Kalgel can cause allergies.

It has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect on the body. The drug is applied to the painful areas of the baby’s gums, which eliminates the pain in the shortest possible time. On to the cons this drug may include increased salivation.

Another drug used to relieve symptoms. Regular use relieves inflammation and reduces pain in the gums. The drug contains exclusively natural ingredients, but despite this, Baby Doctor can cause an allergic reaction. If this does happen, the child should be immediately taken to the pediatrician. If the patient's body does not tolerate lidocaine, this remedy is suitable for them.

Available in gel form. The drug has antiseptic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties. As with most similar drugs, as active substance lidocaine is used. Recommended for use for children from 3 months.

A children's homeopathic medicine used in dental practice to relieve teething symptoms. It comes in the form of tablets, so for very young children they need to be dissolved in warm water and give the baby a drink. Older children need to dissolve a Dentokind tablet.

An effective remedy for facilitating teething. Available in gel form. The drug does not cause side effects, therefore it is absolutely safe. Pansoral contains natural ingredients, so doctors recommend using it even for infants.

You can also relieve symptoms using other methods, including various decoctions of medicinal plants and teethers. In any of the city's pharmacies you can buy teethers - special toys for children made of wood, latex, silicone and plastic. Such products can be produced in different forms, colors and sizes. Many of them are distinguished by the presence of special functions.

Dentists recommend purchasing teethers with a special hole through which the medicinal gel can be introduced. This will improve efficiency by spreading medicinal substance on the affected areas of the baby's gums. You can also find toys filled with water. Before giving them to your child, the teethers with water should be cooled a little in the refrigerator. Keep it there for 5-10 minutes - that will be enough. This manipulation will remove painful sensations, itching and irritation in the gums.

Chamomile decoction copes well with unpleasant symptoms. To prepare it you need to pour 1-2 tbsp. l. plants with boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. Moisten a sterile bandage with the prepared product and treat the baby’s gums. You can also give him to drink this decoction 1 teaspoon per day. Instead of chamomile, you can take sage.

Don't forget to massage your gums regularly. This can be done with your fingers, using a special finger brush or a toothbrush with a retainer. All movements must be smooth and accurate. Before the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap.

No alcohol-containing substances should be used to disinfect hands before a massage. find out from the article.

Video - In what order do teeth erupt?

All parents eagerly await the appearance of their baby's first tooth.

But this process is often associated with various troubles, because often the eruption of baby teeth can cause an increase in temperature and worsening general condition.

Let's take a closer look at how to help the baby in such a situation and when to expect teething.

In what order do baby teeth emerge?

The rudiments of teeth are formed in the womb. A newborn has 20 follicles located in the lower and upper jaw, and it is from them that baby teeth develop.

The incisors are the first guests in the small state

They are located in the lower and upper jaws, 2 central and 2 lateral in each. Teeth eruption begins with the central lower incisors at the age of 5-6 months. The upper ones come out 1-2 months later.

The child also has 4 lateral incisors, they are located near the central ones. The upper ones erupt when the child reaches 9-11 months of age, the lower lateral incisors appear a little later, from 11 to 13 months.

The photo shows the eruption of the upper teeth in babies

The indigenous people are following them

Another name for these baby teeth is molars. They are divided into the first and second.

The first molars are located near the fangs in both jaws, there are 4 of them. They appear in a child no earlier than 12-16 months.

The second primary molars are the last to emerge; this process is observed after two years. They are located behind the first (small) molars.

Diagram of baby teeth eruption in children

When will the fangs come out?

Their turn comes when the baby is 16-20 months old. They are located in front of the first molars. During this period, it is necessary to try to prevent the development of colds, since fangs often cause a deterioration in the baby’s health.

This order of eruption of baby teeth in children is considered a classic. It is also possible that they will appear several months earlier or later than the dates indicated above.

This is also the norm. In medicine, there are even cases where newborns already had milk teeth.

Teething Formula

Determining the number of baby teeth a child has is very simple; you need to subtract four from his age, taken in months. The result obtained will indicate their number. For example, if a child is 11 months old, then according to the formula he should have 11-4 = 7 teeth. This formula is valid for up to 2 years.

The order and timing of the eruption of permanent teeth

The eruption of the first permanent teeth should begin before the first baby teeth fall out. In order for the child to develop the correct bite, they erupt in pairs and in a certain order:

Possible problems

The above timing of teething is the norm. But under the influence of certain factors, problems associated with this process may arise.


We can talk about it in the absence of one or more teeth and their rudiments. The diagnosis is made no earlier than 10 months of age. The cause may be heredity, problems with the endocrine system, or concomitant diseases of other organs.

Signs of edentia are:

  • malocclusion;
  • violation of diction;
  • missing one or more teeth;
  • large gaps between teeth;
  • sunken cheeks.

If there are rudiments of teeth, the doctor will prescribe treatment that will stimulate teething. Sometimes the gums are dissected or special braces are installed. In their absence, implants are used.


With this pathology, there is a tooth germ in the gum, but it does not erupt for two reasons:

  • gums are too dense;
  • The exiting tooth abuts the previously erupted tooth.

It manifests itself as pain, swelling, hyperemia, and fever. Treated by cutting the gums or removing an impacted tooth.

Early teething

The appearance of the first teeth before 4 months of age is considered early. This often happens with disorders in the endocrine system, and may also indicate the presence of tumors.

Late teething

This problem can be discussed if teeth are missing at the age of 10 months. This is caused by a lack of calcium, genetic predisposition, impaired enzymatic metabolism, pathology digestive system, rickets and other factors.

If by the age of 1 year the child has no teeth, take the baby to the dentist.

Out of order

Occurs when the teeth appear in the wrong sequence. It can lead to tooth ingrowth into the gum and the formation of an incorrect bite.

Enamel hypoplasia

Develops with enamel deficiency. Externally manifested by the presence of grooves, pits, and roughness on the surface of the teeth. The child complains of pain when eating cold or hot food.

Treatment consists of eliminating harmful factors and installing fillings or prostheses.

How can you tell if your baby has acquired teeth?

A small child cannot say the reason for his anxiety. But during the appearance of teeth, you can notice the following changes in his condition:

  • increased salivation;
  • swelling and redness of the gums;
  • weakness, crying, anxiety;
  • refusal of food;
  • the child chews everything that comes to hand;
  • a slight increase in temperature is possible.

The photo shows what gums look like when teething in babies:

What and how to alleviate the child’s condition?

It is impossible to completely avoid teething symptoms, but you can alleviate your baby’s condition:

  • use chilled teethers, they will relieve swelling and reduce pain;
  • you can also massage your gums with your finger, after washing your hands well;
  • to reduce pain use gels with anesthetic effect;
  • provide sufficient consumption of foods that contain a lot of calcium;
  • during wipe away the saliva to avoid irritation of the baby's delicate skin.

Caring for baby teeth

You need to start practicing oral hygiene when complementary foods are introduced and the first tooth appears. Up to a year, this can be done with a napkin soaked in boiled water or a soft toothbrush.

As you approach the age of one, brush your baby’s teeth before bedtime without toothpaste with a special toothbrush. It needs to be replaced at least once every 3 months.

You can start using fluoride-free toothpastes for children at age 2.

Instill in your child a sense of the need to regularly visit the dentist for preventive examinations semiannually. The first visit should take place after the first tooth appears, at approximately 6 months of age.

Teach your baby to brush his teeth 2 times a day, it is especially important to do this before bed. To prevent the development of caries, and baby teeth are especially susceptible to it, you should not overuse sweets and foods with a high sugar content.

Teething is an important event in the lives of babies and parents. As a rule, this process is accompanied by a lot of negative aspects for the baby. These are pain and fever, disturbance of stool and worsening sleep, refusal to eat, crying and whims. However, the mother can help the child and alleviate the painful condition. Let's look at when babies' first teeth appear and what to do to help the baby.

When they appear

As a rule, a child’s first teeth appear at six months. We offer an approximate table that shows when and in what order babies teeth erupt:

This order of appearance is typical for most babies. However, in some children, the first teeth appear as early as 3-4 months, while in others, only after 7 months. This is not considered a deviation and does not indicate a violation of the baby’s health.

There is a norm for the number of teeth that a child develops by a specific age. To calculate, subtract six from the age in months. Thus, by the age of one year, infants should have 6 teeth, and by the age of two years – already 18.


Be prepared for your baby's first teeth to start appearing at 6 months of age. Closely monitor your baby's well-being. The following symptoms will tell you about the occurrence of an important event:

  • Excessive crying and moodiness;
  • Increased salivation;
  • Excitability;
  • Poor sleep;
  • Refusal to eat;
  • Slight increase in temperature;
  • Diarrhea.

However, be careful, as the symptoms listed individually may indicate other problems. For example, diarrhea in a baby may indicate a rejection of some product or poisoning, an increase in temperature may indicate a cold, etc. As a rule, when teeth erupt, several signs are present.

Causes for concern

During the teething process, the baby may experience health problems. These may be symptoms of developmental pathology or a serious illness. When to see a doctor:

  • The appearance of teeth is too early. Sometimes babies develop teeth at birth. This may indicate problems in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • A long delay in eruption indicates a violation of material metabolism, the development of rickets or infection;
  • An incorrect order of appearance indicates an anomaly in development. In addition, this may be a consequence of illnesses that the woman suffered during pregnancy;
  • The formation of teeth that are non-standard in shape, size and position also indicates possible anomalies in the development of the child;
  • Temperature is 39-40 degrees. Please note that the temperature rises slightly during the appearance of teeth. High rates indicate the presence of a disease and disturbances in the functioning of the child’s body.

The above symptoms do not always indicate developmental disorders and diseases. After all, every baby is individual. But to find out the reasons for such deviations in teething, you must consult a doctor.

How to help your baby

Every parent wants to help their child. Let's look at how to relieve teething pain. First of all, special teethers will come to the rescue. These are toys and rings with gel or liquid. Such devices relieve pain and swelling. Gel teethers should be placed in the refrigerator for a while before use, but not in the freezer! Cold effectively relieves pain, eliminates swelling and prevents inflammation of the gums and mucous membranes.

Some parents give their child a crust of bread to chew on. But be careful and make sure that the baby doesn’t start swallowing the crust and choke. In addition, sharp crumbs can injure delicate gums.

Excessive salivation irritates the skin of the face and neck, causing rashes and other problems. To avoid this, promptly wipe saliva from the skin and put a bib on your baby, and place a napkin under the cheek while sleeping. You can lightly massage your gums with a clean finger.

When a child is in pain strong pain, you can use medications. Special anesthetic gels that relieve inflammation are suitable. Do not lubricate your gums alcohol solutions and apply tablets to the inflamed areas!

Teething gels

Teething gels are characterized by local action. Such medications are safe for children, but they cannot provide long-term pain relief and last for 30-60 minutes. However, some gels can help for more than two hours. What distinguishes such means is their prompt action. They relieve pain and soothe within 2-3 minutes after use. Such drugs are divided into three groups:

  1. Gels with an analgesic effect contain lidocaine and provide a quick but not long-lasting effect;
  2. Homeopathic gels provide an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. However, medications contain plant extracts that may cause allergies and irritation in a nursing infant;
  3. Gels based on anti-inflammatory and antiseptics include a strong composition and act more effectively.

If you decide to use the gel, carefully study the composition of the medicine, contraindications and side effect, as well as rules of use. Please note that gels cannot be used more than six times a day!

Which gel to choose

(10 g) Cholisal Thanks to its special composition, it stays on the mucous membrane of the gums for a long time. Reduces swelling and relieves pain, has an antibacterial effect, the effect lasts 3-8 hours! 280-300 rubles

(10 g) Dentinox Contains chamomile extract, which quickly calms the baby, but increases the risk of an allergic reaction Eliminates pain and prevents inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa 360-400 rubles

(10 g) Kamistad The composition includes lidocaine and chamomile. However, this drug is not recommended for infants. Heals wounds, quickly penetrates tissue, relieves pain and inflammation220-250 rubles

(10 g) Baby Doctor Contains natural ingredients: chamomile, calendula, plantain, marshmallow root, etc. Suitable for babies from 3 months Instantly soothes gums, eliminates inflammation, relieves pain and itching 300 rubles (15 ml) Traumeel S Contains only natural ingredients, used for gums up to 2-3 times a day. Can also be used on the skin of a child’s face with excessive salivation. Relieves pain, has a restorative and wound-healing effect, prevents and eliminates swelling500 rubles (50 g)

The order of teething and the time are strictly defined in medicine for each tooth, both temporary and permanent, so it is important to know the sequence of teething in order to detect pathology in time and, if necessary, treat it.

Teething is one of the important stages in the development of every baby. Therefore, the order of teething and timing are very important for proper care after them.

The order of teething in children has certain limits. Normally, it is believed that a baby’s first tooth should erupt at 6 months.

As a rule, this is the central incisor of the lower jaw. But eruption of the lower incisor can occur earlier - at 4-6 months, or later - at 7-8. This is not considered a pathology.

It must be remembered that the earlier a tooth erupts, the more effort must be put into caring for it.

This is easily explained: children’s milk teeth are not fully developed by the time they erupt, and the content of mineral components is not enough to combat aggressive environmental factors. Therefore, dental care, namely brushing, should be carried out immediately after appearance.

Teething sequence

It cannot be said that there is a strict order for the eruption of baby teeth in children, however, there are some rules, minor deviations from which are not pathology.

Teething in infants begins with the lower central incisors, which appear in the mouth at 5-6 months. Next, the upper central and lateral incisors erupt. The order of the latter is as follows: first the lower ones, after 1-2 months - the upper ones. The last in the dentition are the canines - they erupt at 16-20 months.

The order in which baby teeth appear in children is quite interesting: first the lower first molar - at 12-16 months, the first upper molar - at 13-19 months. Second milk teeth erupt later: the upper one at 25-30 months, and the lower one at 20-25 months.

Thus, several conclusions can be drawn:

  • The order of eruption of baby teeth in children has boundaries that are quite wide. In addition to the indicated deadlines, a deviation of several months is possible both in one direction and in the other. That is, all the indicated patterns and sequence of teething are just conditional guidelines;
  • The lower teeth erupt faster than the upper teeth. This is explained by the fact that the lower jaw is stronger and more developed, so the teeth are pushed out of their sockets faster than the upper jaw;
  • There are only 20 teeth in the primary dentition, 10 on each jaw.

According to statistics, by the age of one year a child should already have about 6-8 teeth. However, their absence by this period is also a variant of the norm. This is true if the child has no general pathology.

General reaction of the child's body to teething

Surely, every parent has heard about such a difficult period in a child’s life - how. Why is this period so stressful for the baby?

This period seriously loads all the baby’s systems and organs. Therefore, despite the fact that the process of teething is natural, it is associated with great difficulties for the child.

The most serious complication during teething can come from immune system. This process puts a lot of stress on the entire body, causing it to become exhausted. As a result, the child's immunity is seriously reduced, making him unable to fight infectious agents.

Therefore, during this period, children are susceptible to colds, which further worsens their general health. Many pediatricians recommend refusing vaccinations in acute period teething, as this also affects the immune system.

Associated symptoms

The symptoms that babies may experience are as varied as the order in which teeth erupt. It depends on the general condition of the body.

The most common symptoms:

  • increased salivation - increased saliva volume. A symptom that reliably indicates the beginning of teething;
  • loss of appetite, as the baby’s gums hurt and it’s painful for him to eat;
  • increased physical activity in the form of a desire to put everything in the mouth - this is explained by the itching that babies experience when teething;
  • swelling and swelling of the gingival margin;
  • nervous excitement, irritability, the child is capricious, sleeps poorly;
  • an increase in temperature is possible - most often the result of the addition of pathogenic microflora or the result of inflammation in the baby’s gums;
  • bowel dysfunction and minor problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

How to help your baby cope with teething

First of all, to help the child, you need to differentiate between teething and teething, which often have similar symptoms. But it is almost impossible to independently distinguish these two processes from each other. In this case, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician to eliminate risks.

Helping your baby with teething is not only possible, but also necessary:

  • providing him with teethers. These are special rubberized devices containing filler inside in the form of liquid or gel. Their main task is to soothe and cool the baby’s inflamed gums; by biting the teether, the baby reduces itching and pain in the gums. The only disadvantage of such teethers is the need for constant cooling.
  • picking up pacifiers and bottles correct form and size. They are also designed to develop chewing function in children. However, if the form is incorrectly selected, the development of bite pathology is possible. Therefore, it is better to purchase special orthodontic pacifiers made of latex or silicone.
  • giving the child a gum massage. For this purpose, soaked in cold water or special medications cotton wool This will help relieve discomfort and itching, as well as improve oral hygiene. Special finger brushes can also be used for massage.


There are a number medicines, the use of which can improve the child’s condition during teething.

Often this different kinds gels and ointments. It is not recommended to use them without a doctor’s prescription, as is their too frequent use. Such means include:

  1. Solcoseryl– gel based on lidocaine.
  2. Dentinox– drug, main active ingredients which contains lidocaine and chamomile. Release form: gel and drops. Relieves inflammation and acts as an anesthetic. Do not use more than 3 times a day.
  3. Kalgel- one of the most common drugs. Has a pronounced analgesic effect. It can be used from 5 months. Use no more than 6 times a day.
  4. Holisal– a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect due to the salicylates included in the composition. Use no more than 3 times a day.

These are just some of the drugs that are most common on the Russian pharmaceutical market. It should be remembered that the use of any medicines may lead to the development allergic reactions, therefore, it should be carried out strictly according to the doctor’s instructions and under his supervision.

Disturbance in the order of teeth eruption

The order of teething in a child is not strictly regulated. Therefore, if the baby’s upper incisors erupt first, this is not a reason to panic.

Of course, a long delay in teething or a completely atypical order (canines erupting before incisors) is a signal that you need to consult a doctor.

It is important not to feed children at night with formulas containing carbohydrates, since prolonged presence of formula residues in the oral cavity will inevitably lead to the development of bottle caries.

Useful video about teething

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