Sofradex eye ear drops instructions. Sofradex nasal drops instructions for use. Use during pregnancy and lactation

Excipients: lithium chloride, sodium citrate, citric acid monohydrate, ethanol 99.5%, phenylethanol, polysorbate 80, d/i water.

Release form

Sofradex ear drops are available in bottles with a dropper and made of dark glass, with a volume of 5 ml.

Sofradex eye drops also available in 5 ml bottles with a dark glass dropper.

pharmachologic effect

The medicine has antipruritic, antiallergic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug Sofradex has a broad-spectrum bactericidal and antibacterial effect due to gramicidin And framycetin , exhibits activity against such gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms as:

  • Staphylococcus epidermidis and aureus;
  • Streptococcus pyogenes, pneumoniae and faecalis;
  • Escherichia coli;
  • Proteus spp.;
  • Klebsiella spp.;
  • Pseudomonas spp. and etc.


  • Local application leads to low systemic absorption.
  • Framycetin sulfate absorbed by inflamed skin or through open wounds. Entering the systemic circulation, it is rapidly excreted by the kidneys with an unchanged half-life of 2-3 hours.
  • Dexamethasone quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, half-life - 3.16 (6) hours.

Indications for use

Sofradex eye drops are usually prescribed for superficial bacterial eye infections with an inflammatory or allergic component, as well as blepharitis , infected eyelids , barley , , rosacea , sclerite , episcleritis , irite .

Ear drops are effective for acute or chronic .


  • viral , For example, herpetic infections ;
  • fungal infections ;
  • purulent inflammation eye tissue ;
  • hyperemia of the eye unknown etiology;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • perforated eardrum (for ear drops).

Side effects

  • irritation, burning, itching, pain at the application site;
  • increased ;
  • subcapsular (possible with long-term use);
  • thinning of the cornea - more often with diseases of the cornea and sclera.

Sofradex ear and eye drops, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

In ophthalmology

Eye drops must be used 6 times or more (per day), 1-2 drops. 2-3 drops are instilled into the ear 3-4 times a day. Instructions for use of Sofradex require a 7-day course of treatment.

Attention! For infants or younger age the dosage should be individualized and the drug should be used with extreme caution, since large doses and long-term therapy may cause undesirable systemic effects.

Application in ENT practice

You should instill 2-3 drops into the outer ear canal. 3-4 times a day, or you can lay it with a gauze swab moistened with a solution.

Sofradex ear drops are used for no more than 7 days, with the exception of cases of visible positive dynamics. It should be remembered that GKS mask hidden ongoing infections, long-term use of antimicrobial drugs contributes to the development sustainable flora And superinfections .

Application for adenoids

Treatment regimen: drops should be instilled into the nose for 4-6 days, 6-8 drops each. Then, in order to remove the lingering viral infection Long-term therapy (10-15 days) is required in the form of inhalations through a nebulizer.


With prolonged local use of large doses, systemic effects may occur, in which case symptomatic treatment is necessary.

If 10 ml of solution (contents of 2 bottles) was taken orally, then the occurrence of adverse reactions unlikely.


Should not be combined framycetin sulfate with other antibiotic agents that have ototoxic and nephrotoxic effects (for example:,).

Terms of sale

You must present a prescription at the pharmacy.

Storage conditions

Temperature not exceeding +25 °C. Out of reach of children.

Best before date

24 months After opening the package - less than 1 month.

special instructions

Due to the temporary loss of clarity of vision, you should not immediately get behind the wheel of a car or start working with complex equipment or machines immediately after the instillation procedure.

For children

For children under 7 years of age, the drug is contraindicated, as it may inhibit the function of the adrenal glands.

Sofradex can be instilled into a child’s nose when: adenoids , keeping in mind that therapy with antiviral drugs will be required in the future.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, the drug is contraindicated, since the safety of use has not been established.

Analogues of Sofradex

Level 4 ATX code matches:

There are analogues that differ in the list of active substances:

  • Eye/ear drops Dexon (absent - gramicidin );
  • Eye/ear drops Genodex (only coincides, additional active compounds - polymyxin B , );
  • Eye/ear drops (matches only dexamethasone , additional active substance - ).

One ml contains:

Active ingredients:

framycetin sulfate - 5.00 mg,

gramicidin - 0.05 mg,

dexamethasone (in the form of sodium metasulfobenzoate) - 0.50 mg.

Excipients: lithium chloride, sodium citrate (E331), citric acid monohydrate (E330), phenylethanol (phenylethyl alcohol), ethanol 99.5%, polysorbate 80 (E433), water for injection

Farmacotherapy group

Means for the treatment of diseases in ophthalmology and otology. Combinations of corticosteroids and anti-infectives.

ATC code: S03CA01.

Pharmacological properties


Framycetin sulfate is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides and has a bactericidal effect. Possesses wide range antibacterial action, active against gram-positive (staphylococci, pneumococci, etc.) and gram-negative microorganisms (Escherichia coli, dysentery bacillus, Proteus, etc.). Ineffective against streptococci. Does not affect pathogenic fungi, viruses, anaerobic flora. Resistance of microorganisms to framycetin sulfate develops slowly.

Gramicidin is an antibacterial cyclic polypeptide. It has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, is active against streptococci, staphylococci, causative agents of anaerobic infection and other microorganisms.

Dexamethasone is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid. It has general properties with other corticosteroids.


When applied topically, systemic absorption is low.

Indications for use

Inflammatory diseases anterior segment of the eye of bacterial origin, for which the use of glucocorticosteroids is indicated:

Blepharitis; conjunctivitis; keratitis (without damage to the epithelium); sclerites, episclerites.

Infected eczema of the skin of the eyelids.

Otitis externa.

Directions for use and doses

For eye diseases: in case of mild infection, instill 1-2 drops of the drug into the conjunctival sac of the eye every 4 hours. In the event of a severe infectious process, the drug is instilled every hour. As inflammation decreases, the frequency of drug instillations decreases.

For ear diseases: instill 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day, into the external ear canal You can put a gauze swab soaked in the solution.

The duration of use of the drug should not exceed 7 days.

Side effectse

Allergic reactions:

Irritation, burning, pain, itching, dermatitis.

With long-term use of the drug it is possible:

From the side of the organ of vision:

Increased intraocular pressure with the development of the glaucoma symptom complex (when using drugs containing glucocorticosteroids, intraocular pressure should be regularly measured for more than 7 days); development of posterior capsular cataract; thinning and perforation of the cornea; chorioretinopathy - frequency unknown;

Blurred vision - frequency unknown.

From the side of the placeApplications:

Attachment of a secondary (fungal) infection.

If any of the listed adverse reactions occur or a reaction not mentioned in the leaflet e- insert, you must consult a doctor!


increased individual sensitivity to any of the components of the drug; viral (including herpetic) or fungal infections, tuberculosis, purulent inflammation of the eyes, trachoma; violation of the integrity of the corneal epithelium and thinning of the sclera; glaucoma, perforation of the tympanic membrane (risk of ototoxicity); pregnancy and breastfeeding period.


Long-term local treatment may have a general systemic effect. Treatment is symptomatic.

Precautionary measures

Framycetin sulfate, which is part of the drug, is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides, which are characterized by nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity, especially when used in large doses and in patients with renal or liver failure. Antibiotics from the aminoglycoside class of antibiotics can cause partial or complete irreversible deafness when applied topically to open wounds or broken skin. This effect is exacerbated by renal or liver failure, as well as long duration of therapy. The drug should not be used after symptoms disappear.

Visual impairment may be associated with systemic external use of corticosteroids. If the patient has symptoms such as blurred vision or other visual disturbances, then he needs to contact an ophthalmologist to clarify the possible diagnosis, which could be cataracts, glaucoma or rare disorders, such as central serous chorioretinopathy.

The duration of use should not exceed 7 days, except in cases of obvious positive dynamics of the disease, since long-term use of the glucocorticosteroid included in the composition can mask hidden infections, and long-term use of antimicrobial components can contribute to the emergence of resistant microflora.

Systemic treatment with glucocorticoids can lead to chorioretinopathy, which can lead to visual impairment, including vision loss. Long-term use of systemic glucocorticoids, even at low doses, can cause chorioretinopathy.

Do not use Sofradex (eye and ear drops) for red eye syndrome.

Treatment with corticosteroids should not be prolonged or re-prescribed without regular ophthalmological examination to rule out increased intraocular pressure, the development of cataracts, corneal ulcers or infection.

Caution should be exercised when prescribing the drug to children. Long-term use of the drug may lead to a risk of adrenal suppression in children early age. Although ototoxic effects of aminoglycosides have not been reported following use as eye drops, the possibility should be considered when using high doses drug in infants and young children.

The bottle must be closed after each use. Do not touch the tip of the pipette to your eye.

Use during pregnancy and lactation


The safety of the drug during pregnancy and lactation has not been established. There is insufficient evidence of safety for use during pregnancy. Topical use of corticosteroids in pregnant animals can cause fetal abnormalities, including cleft palate and intrauterine growth retardation. There is therefore very little risk of such effects on the human fetus. There is a risk of fetal ototoxicity when aminoglycoside antibiotics are used during pregnancy.

Therefore, Sofradex® should not be used during pregnancy.


Since there is not enough experience in using the drug by nursing women, Sofradex® should not be used during lactation.

Interaction with other drugs

Framycetin sulfate should not be used together with other antibiotics that have ototoxic and nephrotoxic effects (streptomycin, monomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin).


Inflammatory processes in the hearing organs are usually quite severe and cause a lot of unpleasant moments and extremely painful sensations. Otitis media can affect all three parts of the ear (inner, middle, outer) for a variety of reasons.

To prescribe the correct treatment that will help cope with inflammation as soon as possible, you need to contact an otolaryngologist. The doctor will examine the patient and prescribe a course of physiotherapeutic procedures or treatment with special drops. If the condition of the disease is assessed as advanced and severe, then antibiotics will have to be added.

At the initial stage of the disease, treatment with ear drops will be sufficient.

About the treatment of otitis with ear drops

Any cold that seems to be left behind can suddenly manifest itself in the form of otitis media and cause serious illness in the future, so you should pay close attention to the first signs of inflammation in the ear.

These symptoms include:

  • ear pain for a long period of time;
  • increased body temperature over 37.5 degrees;
  • hearing loss.

If such symptoms are noticed, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice. He will determine the type of disease and prescribe a course of treatment.

For regular treatment of the affected part of the ear, the following are appropriate:

  • antibacterial drugs;
  • heat therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • using a blue light lamp.

The fastest and most effective way to help with ear pain are special ear drops. Now let's talk about Sofrades ear drops, which contain an antibiotic.

This drug is designed to relieve the patient from vibrating pain and the first symptoms purulent otitis. It is important to carefully study the composition and recommendations for use of the product, since its structure may contain substances that are not accepted by the body of any patient.

Choosing ear drops, highlight the following points:

  • cost of the drug;
  • effectiveness for patients of any age, including children;
  • presence of anti-inflammatory effect.

What to look for when choosing drops for otitis media

To speed up the onset of recovery, you should use medicinal product, prescribed by an otolaryngologist, and carefully monitor the body’s reaction.

Before you start using drops, you should study the rules for their use:

  1. first of all, it is very important to warm the drug in your palms;
  2. Next you should lie on one side;
  3. by pulling the earlobe down, you need to make sure that the path through the ear canal is open and accessible;
  4. The product should be instilled into the ears following the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

After completing the manipulations, it is advised to remain in a position lying on your side for a few more minutes so that the medicine has time to reach the middle ear.

Until the disease has time to worsen, it is easier to cope with it. Therefore, you need to start choosing drops as early as possible. The abundance of drugs on today's pharmaceutical market favors a speedy recovery.

Instructions for use for Sofradex drops

Perhaps this is the most famous remedy for otitis media both in the domestic and foreign markets medications. These drops are produced for effective therapy various ear diseases.

The product is available in the form of drops in a 5 ml bottle. In addition, there is an ointment of the same name, produced in tubes of 15 g or 20 g.

The composition of the drug includes:

  • framycetin sulfate;
  • dexamethasone metasulfobenzoate;
  • gramicidin.

Main properties of Sofradex:

  • antibacterial - helps destroy infections of bacterial origin;
  • anti-inflammatory - accelerates the elimination of inflammatory processes that have arisen inside the hearing organ;
  • anti-allergic - helps relieve redness, feeling of congestion and heat.

Indications for the use of Sofradex for the ears:

  • otitis media affecting the outer ear, in acute and chronic form;

Since the drops have a complex effect and are also ophthalmic, the following indications for the use of Sofradex are added:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • scleritis;
  • keratitis.

Dosages and how to use drops

Drops can be used exclusively for the treatment of external otitis when the eardrum is intact. A sign that the membrane is damaged will be strong pain when the medicine penetrates into the ear. In this case, you should stop using the drops to avoid causing serious harm to your health.

  1. For otitis media, Sofradex should be instilled four times a day, 3 drops each time. After instillation, place a small cotton swab in the ear.
  2. If instilling drops into the ear causes discomfort in the patient, you can replace this method with placing a turunda. These tampons should be installed for no longer than a quarter of an hour. Each manipulation involves the use of new clean turundas.
  3. Sofradex is used for a maximum of 1 week, since the antibiotic can cause addiction to the body and longer use will not bring the expected effect.

After each instillation, the bottle must be tightly closed. The shelf life of the opened medicine is 1 month.

The use of Sofradex drops for the treatment of children

If a hearing disease has started in a child, you should consult the ENT department. The doctor will examine the baby and prescribe medications. Sofradex - drops, the use of which is approved for children of middle school age and older, but it is still better to obtain the approval of a specialist in order to insure against possible complications.

Children are instilled with Sofradex for no more than five days in a row; it is important to strictly adhere to the permissible dosage.

Very often, the drug can be prescribed as a prophylaxis after inflammatory processes that have occurred in maxillary sinuses ah, since this condition, as well as a long-term runny nose, can provoke the occurrence of otitis media.

For patients childhood The following dosage is provided: 2-3 drops are instilled into each ear four times a day. Once the condition improves, the number of drops can be reduced to one or two.

Analogues of Sofradex

To date, there are no complete analogues of Sofradex, since it has unique functioning components in its composition. However, it is quite possible to select medications that have similar effects and have similar indications for use.


This drug has antibacterial properties. It contains a disinfectant and antifungal agent, purified water for dissolution active substance, sodium salt.

  • This drug is used in diagnosing acute or chronic form otitis of the external ear.
  • These drops are not prescribed to patients whose age has not reached 7 years.

Contraindications for Dexona are viral and fungal infections of the eyes, neoplasms and erosions on the cornea of ​​the visual organ, as well as smallpox.

Dexon is instilled with 2 drops four times a day.


This is one of the cheap analogues of Sofradex. It contains betamethasone and gentamicin. It is prescribed to patients diagnosed with otitis in the acute and chronic phase, as well as during inflammatory processes and itching, with the formation of vesicular rashes, pustules and scaly formations.

You should drip Garazon 2-3 drops twice a day for diseases affecting the hearing organs. This drug can be prescribed to children, but the child must be over six years old.


Another analogue of the drug Sofradex we are considering is the antimicrobial drug Otinum. It is prescribed to patients suffering from conjunctivitis of bacterial etiology, otitis externa and other diseases. However, before using this medicine, you should consult a qualified specialist.

The dosage for Otinum is 4 drops in the left and right ear three times a day. The product is considered ineffective in cases of eye and ear infections of fungal origin, as well as viral diseases.

Which is better Sofradex or Otipax

If you try to answer the question of which is better of these two drugs, then there cannot be a clear answer, since their composition is very different, although these drugs are prescribed in similar situations.

  • Many patients prefer Sofradex, noting that this remedy has a more pronounced effect. Indeed, on the one hand, this is true, and this effect is achieved due to the presence of a hormone and an antibacterial substance in the drops.
  • At the same time, Sofradex is inferior to Otipax in pain relief, since it simply does not contain the component responsible for relieving pain syndrome. This point allows these drugs to be prescribed simultaneously to enhance and complement each other’s effects.

Ear prevention

To prevent diseases of the organs of hearing and vision, the body should be hardened and strengthened immune system, promptly begin treatment for runny nose and colds.

However, if otitis externa could not be avoided and the disease began to develop, treatment with Sofrades should be started immediately after consultation with your doctor.

Among useful tips the following may be mentioned:

  • maintain water balance, drink enough clean water;
  • support temperature regime indoors at a comfortable level;
  • avoid drafts and hypothermia;
  • Protect your ears from water.

These tips should help protect against ear health problems, because preventing a disease is always better and easier than dealing with its manifestations later.

Despite the fact that colds are quite common, they must be treated. It is worth noting that if you do not take action, even the most harmless runny nose can develop into a more serious one. serious illness, such as , or entail .

A runny nose of any nature and etiology is dangerous, including allergic origin. It is especially difficult to cope with the disease when the process is chronic. Therefore, you should not hope that the snot is random or short-term. At the first manifestations of a cold accompanied by a runny nose, it is recommended to immediately contact an otolaryngologist, who will be able to prescribe correct treatment. Among the effective remedies that help well in these cases, doctors highlight eye and.

Sofradex is combination drug, intended for introduction into the nasal passages, ears and eyes. These drops have gained popularity in the domestic pharmaceutical market for a long time. Sofradex found wide application in otolaryngology and ophthalmology.

The drug has pronounced antibacterial effect and is able to provide rapid anti-inflammatory effect. This drug prescribed when infectious diseases ears, olfactory organ and eyes. Its effect extends to all ENT organs simultaneously. Sofradex relieves inflammation well and successfully copes with allergic manifestations.

Sofradex drops can be used simultaneously for the eyes and nose.

Composition of the drug

The main active ingredients of Sofradex are:

The drug contains a number of auxiliary components:

  • phenylethyl and methylated alcohol;
  • lithium chloride;
  • polysorbate;
  • sodium citrate;
  • lemon acid;
  • purified water.

Spectrum of action

The drug successfully copes with pathogenic microbes, among which:

  • coli;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • dysentery infection.

These microorganisms are the causative agents of serious diseases, which can be quite difficult to cure. With help dexamethasone, which is part of Sofradex, prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and the spread of infection. In addition, this substance helps relieve active inflammation.

Action gramicidin And framycetin is aimed at eliminating pathogenic microbes in order to stop inflammatory processes developing in the body.

After several days of treatment, the disease begins to recede, and its pronounced symptoms, such as itching and burning in the nose, pain in the eyes and swelling, disappear. Using this medicine the patient's condition quickly returns to normal and his health improves.

Release forms

Today in the pharmacy chain you can find Sofradex eye and ear drops, which are widely used in the treatment of eye diseases, runny nose, sinusitis and even.

Sofradex, an Indian-made drug, is packaged with all sterility standards

Drops are available in darkened glass bottles with a capacity of 5-10 ml. Each medicine is accompanied by a special dropper with a dispenser intended for its administration. In addition to drops, Sofradex is available in the form of an ointment of 5, 15 and 20 g in each tube.

The concentration of the active components of each form of the drug is absolutely identical. The drug can be stored for no more than one month after opening.

Can Sofradex be dripped into the nose of children?

It is difficult to answer the question whether Sofradex can be used for children. Drops are absolutely contraindicated for infants, and they are prescribed to small children with great caution. This is due to the development of many side effects. Long-term use of Sofradex leads to disruption of the functional characteristics of the adrenal cortex.

Some pediatricians and pediatric ENT specialists have long taken into account the fact that Sofradex is good for a runny nose. Although the drops are only available for the eyes and ears, in many cases it is recommended to put them in the child's nose.

Sofradex is instilled into a child’s nose for the purpose of treating:

If we are talking about the treatment of a simple runny nose in children, then Sofradex is not advisable to use in such cases. It is best to use more gentle drugs, the use of which minimizes the development of side effects.

Methods of application

To avoid negative consequences, the drug is not recommended to be used in concentrated form: Drops must be diluted in a ratio of 1 to 1. Distilled water or saline solution works well for this. In this way, it is possible to reduce the aggressive effect of the active components of the product on the child’s nasal mucosa.

The effect of treatment largely depends on the correct administration of the medicine. To do this, the child must take a lying position and not toss and turn in different directions. Ask your child to tilt his head back. Enter 2-3 drops solution into each nasal passage. The manipulation should be carried out 3 times a day until the condition improves. The course of treatment should not exceed 5 days.

Treatment regimen for adenoids

For inflamed adenoids in children, it is possible to prescribe Sofradex according to following diagram:

  • first 10 days- 4 drops in each nostril 3 times a day;
  • next 5 days- 2 drops 2 times a day;
  • last 5 days- 2 drops 1 time per day.

During the procedure, the medicine should be instilled into the nostrils so that the liquid flows onto the surface of the inflamed pharyngeal tonsil. Only in this case can we expect a reduction in the size of the adenoids. Usually positive dynamics are visible after a week: swelling subsides, nasal breathing returns to normal.

The above scheme for treating adenoids with Sofradex is not fundamental. In each specific case, the doctor selects the dosage and duration of therapy individually. The specialist takes into account the characteristics of the child’s body, the nature of the course of the disease and the presence of pathological complications.

Side effects and contraindications

As for the side effects when instilling Sofradex into the nose, among them we can note manifestations of allergies in the form of dermatous rashes accompanied by itching and burning. This is due to the presence of glucocorticosteroid drops in the composition. In some cases, treatment ends with joining bacterial infection. This can happen due to a poor immune system.

Like a number of other drugs, Sofradex has its contraindications. Drops cannot be used for pulmonary tuberculosis, glaucoma, in the presence of herpetic manifestations and the development of purulent infections, including viral or fungal etiology.

The medicine is not prescribed to children under 3 years of age. It is also recommended that women during pregnancy and breastfeeding not use Sofradex for a runny nose.

It is best to contact an ENT doctor who will prescribe the nasal drops that are suitable specifically for your child.

Sofradex – combined medical drug, intended for insertion into the passages of the nose, ears and eyes. The pharmaceutical product has a pronounced antibacterial and rapid anti-inflammatory effect. Its influence extends to all otolaryngeal organs simultaneously. Sofradex perfectly removes inflammation and successfully copes with allergy symptoms.

The use of the pharmaceutical drug has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, which allows you to effectively and quickly cope with virulent microflora, especially streptococci and staphylococci.

When used topically, the medication is almost not absorbed and does not penetrate the body in large volumes if there is no tissue damage. Once in the bloodstream, it is half eliminated from the body after about three hours.

Instilling Sofradex drops into a child's nose helps:

  • elimination of virulent microorganisms;
  • normalization of the respiratory process;
  • relieving swelling;
  • stopping snotty;
  • disappearance of cough.

However, it is important to know what causes nasal congestion and runny nose in your baby. If these are consequences of the pathogenic action of viruses, Sofradex will not help. It will relieve swelling for a while, but the disease will return again after a while. Many pediatricians talk about this, including the famous Dr. Komarovsky. In order to protect against colds and viral runny nose, he recommends engaging in the prevention of such ailments, in particular, hardening.

According to the instructions for nasal drops, Sofradex is indicated in the following cases:

  • For rhinitis and nasopharyngitis of a bacterial nature for complete cure;
  • For allergic rhinitis to reduce the consequences of the reaction and prevent bacterial complications;
  • For adenoiditis, to relieve swelling and suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria;
  • For sinusitis in children over seven years of age for inhibition inflammatory process and freeing the nasal passages.

Sofradex can be used in a child's nose only on the recommendation of a doctor. The use of this drug without medical supervision can cause a decrease in immune defense and the occurrence of chronic ailments.

Composition of the pharmaceutical product

The components of the medication are:

  • Antibiotic substances – gramicidin and framycetin;
  • Corticosteroid – dexamethasone;
  • Auxiliary components (citric acid, alcohol, sodium citrate, polysorbate, lithium chloride).

Dexamethasone, which is part of Sofradex, prevents the proliferation of virulent microorganisms and the spread of infection. In addition, it helps relieve the active inflammatory process. The effect of gramicidin and framycetin is aimed at destroying pathogenic bacteria in order to suppress inflammation.

Release forms

This pharmaceutical drug is produced in the form of ointments and drops. Drops are packaged in dark glass bottles with a capacity of 5–10 ml. For convenience, the kit includes a special dropper with a dispenser. The ointment is available in tubes with a capacity of 5 to 20 grams.

The active ingredients in any form of the pharmaceutical are identical, but only drops are used against nasal ailments.

Store the medicine in the dark and dry at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. If the package is opened, you can use the product for no longer than a month.

The cost of the bottle depends on the volume, pharmaceutical company and region. But usually it does not exceed 350 rubles.

Directions for use and dosage

To treat nasal ailments in children, only pharmaceuticals in the form of drops are used. For instillation into the nasal passages, only diluted Sofradex can be used: dripping a concentrated product is not recommended.

The pharmaceutical is diluted in equal parts with saline or distilled water. This is necessary to reduce the impact of aggressive components of the product on the baby’s mucous membranes.

Treatment of rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis

The result of therapy largely depends on the accuracy of drug administration. How to do this correctly according to the instructions for use:

  1. Lay the baby down so that he does not toss and turn from side to side.
  2. Persuade him to throw his head back.
  3. Apply two to three drops of Sofradex into each nasal passage.

The procedure should be carried out three times a day until the condition improves. The therapeutic course should not be longer than five days.

For the treatment of childhood chronic ailments (overgrowth or inflammation of the maxillary sinuses), Sofradex is sometimes used in conjunction with Moreal plus nasal spray. This drug with dexpanthenol gives a restorative and mild anti-inflammatory effect. The break between the administration of pharmaceuticals is at least sixty minutes: their synchronous use increases the risk of allergic reactions.

Treatment regimen for adenoids

For adenoids in children, Sofradex should be dripped into the nose in three stages:

During the procedure, the drug is instilled into the nasal passages so that it flows onto the inflamed pharyngeal tonsil. Only in this case can we count on a decrease in the size of adenoid vegetations. Usually, positive effect appears after seven days: swelling decreases, breathing through the nose normalizes.

Pediatric therapy requires discretion and care. An indispensable condition is compliance with the recommended dosage, which is indicated in the instructions for use.

In each case, the pediatrician selects a personal dosage and duration of treatment. The doctor takes into account the characteristics of the baby’s body, the nature of the illness and the presence of pathological complications.

Side effects and contraindications

Sofradex drops should not be administered into the nose of a child under three years of age. They are also prescribed to preschool children with great caution. It is prohibited for babies under one year of age to put pharmaceuticals in their nose. This comes with a risk of side effects. For similar reasons, the medicine is not recommended for pregnant women and during lactation.

Sofradex also has other contraindications. The medication should not be used for the following ailments:

  • Glaucoma;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Exacerbation of herpes;
  • Purulent infectious diseases.

If speak about side effects with nasal use of pharmaceuticals, allergic manifestations were recorded skin rash with burning and itching. Most often this reaction was caused by the presence steroid hormone as part of a medicine.

Long-term use medication can lead to dysfunction of the adrenal cortex.

Analogs of the drug and reviews about it

If the pharmacy does not have Sofradex, you can purchase a drug with an antibacterial effect:

  • Albucid eye drops (also used to treat nasal diseases in children);
  • Polydex nasal spray with phenylephrine
  • Isofra nasal spray.

According to reviews from otolaryngologists and parents, the nasal use of Sofradex for children is quite effective if the cause of the disease is correctly identified and the instructions are followed strictly. One of the disadvantages is the short shelf life of an open bottle. If you don't use it up in a month, you have to throw it away.

Sofradex can be used in the form of nasal drops only with the permission of a doctor. In this case, you must strictly follow the dosage and doctor’s recommendations so that the product works effectively and without side effects.