Pink discharge due to thrush in women: is this normal? Does thrush happen while taking birth control pills? Can hormonal pills cause thrush?

Vulvovaginal candidiasis is a common genital infection among women, the development of which occurs due to the activation of saprophytes of the vaginal microbiota - yeast-like fungi from the genus Candida. Pink discharge due to thrush should alert the patient and force her to see a gynecologist to find out the cause and choose treatment tactics.

IMPORTANT!!! Discharge Pink colour with thrush in women are not the norm, since the typical manifestations of candidiasis are as follows:

  • Intense.
  • Cutting pain that occurs at the end of urination.
  • Copious and thick discharge of grayish-white or white color.
  • Fungal plaques on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs.

If we consider the discharge in isolation, it is usually thick and resembles a curd mass, has a sharp sour odor and a whitish-gray color. A change in their color to pink most often indicates a concomitant pathology.

What does this indicate: reasons

The appearance of vaginal discharge in urogenital candidiasis, colored pink, in some cases indicates a normal condition and in most cases is a criterion for a disease of the woman’s reproductive system, in which there is increased bleeding of the mucous membrane of various origins.

Common causes of pink discharge:

  • Erosion is characterized by the appearance of a shallow defect in the mucous membrane of the cervical canal, which usually does not clinical picture except for copious mucous discharge, which sometimes has a pink tint.
  • Kraurosis of the vulva or vagina is a degenerative disease that most often occurs in older women and is associated with a deficiency of estrogen hormones. It manifests itself in thinning and atrophy of the mucous membrane, while it becomes unstable to mechanical stress and very vulnerable. Dryness causes the appearance of small cracks and erosions, which can be suspected vaginal discharge Pink colour.
  • Endometriosis is the appearance of ectopic foci of the endometrium, both in the organs of the reproductive system and beyond. Pale or deep pink discharge with an unpleasant strong odor is the most common symptom of the disease. In addition to this, menstrual days become excessively painful.
  • Imbalance in the hormonal system. Produced in the ovaries, pituitary gland and thyroid gland hormones regulate not only menstrual cycle, but also affect the mucous membrane of the vagina and uterus, the nature and amount of vaginal secretion. Therefore, changes in hormonal levels can cause the appearance of pink-colored discharge.
  • Use of certain contraceptives. For example, an incorrectly installed or long-term intrauterine device can injure the endometrium of the uterus, thereby causing the appearance of pink discharge from the genital tract. This symptom is normal in approximately the first three months after insertion of the IUD due to hormonal changes and appears in 40% of women.
  • Infectious diseases of the genital organs that are sexually transmitted. Diseases caused by chlamydia, mycoplasma, trichomonas and other protozoa or bacteria contribute to the appearance of inflammation, swelling and severe dysbiosis in the vaginal cavity, as a result of which the mucous membrane becomes very vulnerable and bleeds easily. As a result, pink discharge along with the discharge typical for these infections.
  • Rude . With thrush, the mucous membrane affected by fungi is easily injured and bleeds. Therefore, rough mechanical impacts cause the appearance of small cracks that bleed slightly, which gives the discharge a pink color.

In pregnant women

Thrush often accompanies pregnancy, causing unpleasant symptoms and exposing the baby to the risk of infection. Manifestations of the disease are classical in nature, namely: the appearance of plaque and thick, mushy discharge. If pink discharge appears due to thrush during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to find out the cause.

Sparse bloody issues from the genital tract within 1-2 days may indicate implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall, when destruction occurs blood vessels. Usually this appears on the 6th-7th knock after fertilization and the woman does not yet know about her situation.

In more late dates pregnancy, pink leucorrhoea against the background of thrush may be the first sign of a threat of spontaneous abortion due to poor attachment of the placenta or insufficiency of progesterone in the mother’s body.

Also, do not forget about endometriosis, inflammatory diseases the female reproductive system and tumor processes, which become aggravated during pregnancy and are characterized by a progressive course, which will be accompanied by pinkish discharge and more.

Before your period

Pink discharge during thrush before menstruation for 1-2 days is normal and does not require special treatment. A similar phenomenon can be observed in the first 3-4 months of taking oral hormonal contraceptives.

The appearance of pale pink mucus at a time when menstruation should be normal often indicates either a serious hormonal imbalance or the presence of ectopic pregnancy. In the second case, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the peripheral blood will help determine.

Exacerbation of adnexitis, bacterial vulvovaginitis, endometriosis, the appearance of polyps in the cervix or uterine body often manifests itself as pale pink, that is, bloody, discharge from the genital tract.

How to get rid of pink discharge during candidiasis?

The important thing is not to get rid of such discharge, but to eliminate the cause that contributed to its appearance.

Drug elimination

It is necessary to promptly begin therapy for thrush with both local and systemic antimycotic drugs. In addition to the fact that a woman must take oral antifungal agents once or in a course, intravaginal suppositories can help with pathological leucorrhoea, one of the tasks of which is to remove pathological discharge from the vaginal cavity. Most often, Hexicon, Pimafucin or suppositories are prescribed for this purpose, which are administered one at a time at night for 10 days.

If there is thrush associated with bacteria, it is advisable to use complex preparations that contain an antibiotic, a hormone and an antifungal substance. These include Polygynax, the course of treatment of which is also 10 days.

To wash out pathological secretions, it is used with great success, which is available in plastic bottles equipped with a special applicator for insertion into the urethra and vagina. The duration of therapy is 7-10 days when used twice a day.

In case of hormonal imbalance, long-term oral contraceptives are prescribed, which normalize hormone levels, the menstrual cycle and the condition of the internal genital organs. Only the doctor selects the drug and dose (Regulon, Jess, Femoston, etc.).

When diagnosing STDs against the background of urogenital candidiasis, in addition to antifungal agents, systemic antibiotics are used that act on intracellular microorganisms. Most often these are macrolides (Rovamycin, Clarithromycin, Sumamed), Metronidazole and, less often, tetracyclines. Also, do not forget about restoring the vaginal microflora with preparations containing lactobacilli ().

Traditional therapy

Taking into account the fact that with thrush there may be a pink discharge, as adjuvant therapy To eliminate them, traditional medicine recipes are successfully used:

  • Pour one tbsp into a regular glass of water. a spoonful of crushed and dry nettle leaves. After which they are slowly cooked for 20 minutes. After preparing the decoction, it should be cooled and strained thoroughly. Drink in small sips throughout the day.
  • Pine baths, which are prepared in this way, will also help: 150 g of pine buds are poured into ten liters hot water, or better yet, boiling water and leave for one hour. Then add the required amount of water and take a short bath once a day.
  • Two liters of clean water are added to three tablespoons of St. John's wort and boiled slowly for 30 minutes, after which the resulting decoction is cooled and filtered. With its help, you can perform several to remove pathological leucorrhoea from the vaginal cavity.

Pink discharge continues after treatment: what to do?

If pink discharge after thrush continues even after taking into account the completed course of therapy, then you should immediately consult a gynecologist. Which, to exclude endometriosis, neoplastic processes, cervical erosion and pregnancy, will prescribe the necessary laboratory and instrumental methods diagnostics

It is important to perform a clinical blood test, take a smear and bacteriological culture of pathological discharge from the genital tract. If necessary, a hormonal profile study and PCR are prescribed to identify intracellular microorganisms. Colposcopy and intravaginal ultrasound are very informative.

The only remedy for thrush and diseases caused by Candida fungi, recommended by our subscribers!

Thrush (candidiasis) – infection caused by the intensive growth of Candida fungi. These microorganisms inhabit the healthy microflora of the vagina and do not cause concern in a static state. Pathology begins to manifest itself only in the case of rapid and uncontrolled proliferation of fungi. Thrush cannot be called a purely female disease; it can occur in both men and children. However, due to physiological characteristics It is women who most often suffer from it.

The proliferation of yeast-like fungi can be caused by many factors. The main cause of candidiasis is a decrease in immunity. But, as practice shows, the disease can be a consequence of taking contraceptives.

The principle of action of contraceptives

Contraceptives are drugs designed to prevent unplanned pregnancy. The principle of action of protective agents is based on the blockade of ovulation. Under the influence of contraceptives, the egg does not have time to mature and remains in the ovary. And since the sperm is deprived of the object of fertilization, pregnancy does not occur. Modern contraceptives have virtually no side effects. However, they also have disadvantages. One of the negative consequences of taking hormonal contraceptives can be thrush.

Causes of candidiasis when taking birth control pills

Combined contraceptives contain the hormones progesterone and estrogen, which affect the amount of hormones in the female body. Increased level progesterone negatively affects the immune system. An increase in estrogen leads to the accumulation of glycogen in the vaginal mucosa - an ideal nutrient medium for yeast-like microorganisms. An imbalance of the biocenosis occurs, which is the cause of bacterial vaginosis. Thus, the more estrogen and progesterone in the body, the more intensively Candida fungi will grow.

It must be said that thrush may appear when taking birth control pills even with the most minimal amount of hormones. For fungi to multiply, a small change in hormonal levels is enough. In addition, some drugs of previous generations have a negative effect on immune system and reduce the body's resistance to external factors. Thus, the opinion that thrush may be a consequence of taking hormonal drugs to prevent pregnancy - this is a real fact proven in practice.

General signs of candidiasis when taking hormonal drugs

The following signs indicate vaginal thrush caused by taking contraceptives:

  • itching of varying intensity (the level of discomfort may depend on the woman’s sensitivity to various irritants);
  • burning in the genital area;
  • redness of the skin on the genitals;
  • clots of white discharge (both with and without an unpleasant odor);
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • discomfort or even pain when urinating.

Typically, an increase in symptoms occurs a week before menstruation. This occurs due to changes in the level of the hormone estrogen, which increases the alkalinity of the vagina. Thus, hormonal changes female body before menstruation or during menopause, caused by taking contraceptives, can cause vaginal thrush in some patients.

Itching and burning with candidiasis are more pronounced in women predisposed to allergic reactions. More often discomfort intensifies in the evening. An exacerbation can be triggered by staying warm (in bed or after taking a bath). In some cases, the discomfort is so severe that it interferes with sleep.

Burning and itching with thrush interferes with a full sexual life. Vaginal candidiasis caused by taking contraceptives is accompanied by a white, thick discharge. They usually have a cheesy or creamy consistency, sometimes with flakes.

Each of these symptoms indicates the appearance of thrush. But in some cases, there may be no signs of the disease. The asymptomatic course of the disease does not negate its possible negative consequences.

Thrush and protective rings or coils

Most women who have given birth seek to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. One type of protective equipment is special vaginal rings and spirals. Such contraceptives are very popular among women who apply. The massive distribution of such means of protection against unwanted pregnancy is explained by several factors:

  1. Rings and spirals occupy leading places in reliability (94-97%).
  2. Contraceptive hormones only affect the reproductive area.
  3. The products are easy to use. A vaginal ring is installed once a month, and a spiral is installed even less often - once every few years.

But these protective equipment have their drawbacks. For example, vaginal rings can cause candidiasis.

Contraceptives contain the hormones estrogen and gestagen. After the ring is inserted into the vagina, hormones begin to act on the egg. Blockade of ovulation entails changes in the endometrium of the uterus and a hormonal imbalance, which results in thrush. Vaginal rings cause an increase in mucus viscosity, which negatively affects the vaginal microflora. This causes the growth of Candida fungi.

At the initial manifestation of symptoms, a woman needs immediate treatment. When candidiasis becomes chronic, the vaginal ring should be replaced with another contraceptive drug.

Methods for preventing candidiasis

It's no secret that any drug intervention in the body carries with it certain consequences. This statement also applies to contraceptives. To exclude or at least minimize the appearance of thrush, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing the drug.

The selection of a contraceptive should be made only by a gynecologist. This requirement is especially relevant if the lady is already suffering from candidiasis, and even more so if the thrush is chronic. Before recommending a specific contraceptive, the doctor will conduct the necessary research and prescribe several tests to assess:

  • hormonal background;
  • blood clotting data;
  • state of biochemical blood parameters.

This is especially true for women with hypersensitivity to gestogens or estrogens. Clear signs of such susceptibility are excess hair growth, frequent vomiting and nausea, swelling before menstruation, acne, and copious mucus discharge during ovulation. The choice of hormonal drug depends on the test results.

Before you start taking them, you must study the attached instructions and strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Exceeding the dosage inevitably entails hormonal imbalance, and hence the appearance of candidiasis.

Contraceptives with minimal hormone content are an ideal option for nulliparous women with regular sex life. Increased dosage medications active substance(50-250 mcg) are recommended for women of late reproductive age who have already given birth.


Treatment of thrush that has developed due to the use of hormonal drugs is carried out with the same drugs that are used in the treatment of other types of disease. There are several groups of drugs for candidiasis:

  • local antifungals (ointments, creams, suppositories);
  • antifungal general type(pills);
  • combined.

For primary infection, topical preparations are used. However, if thrush becomes chronic, then local therapy may be powerless.

Currently, many drugs are produced, and there are various techniques treatment of candidiasis. However, none of the modern drugs guarantees 100% certainty that thrush that appears as a result of taking birth control pills or rings will not recur. However, with a correct and responsible approach to treatment, the chances of excluding a recurrence of the disease increase several times.

If it was not possible to avoid the disease, then you should not independently evaluate the existing symptoms. You must consult a doctor immediately. The first signs of the disease appear at the very beginning of taking hormonal contraceptives. Treatment with traditional drugs will not give the desired effect if the contraceptive is not urgently replaced. To avoid increased negative consequences, it is not recommended to change the contraceptive without consulting your doctor.

The chronic form of the disease can only be avoided if you do not experiment with your health. You should not treat yourself! Only a professional physician will be able to prescribe a full examination and select the correct treatment regimen.

And a little about secrets...

Have you ever tried to get rid of thrush? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • white cheesy discharge
  • severe burning and itching
  • pain during sex
  • bad smell
  • discomfort when urinating

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can thrush be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end it! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive story from our subscriber, in which she revealed the secret of her getting rid of thrush.

Changes in hormonal levels often provoke candidiasis. Therefore, thrush when taking birth control pills is a common companion for women. If the drug was chosen incorrectly or the woman herself bought the pills on the recommendation of friends, this increases the risk of a problem, since it can cause serious changes in hormonal balance.

How do oral contraceptive pills work?

Oral contraceptives affect the hormonal status of a woman, thereby preventing fertilization by influencing the physiological processes of the body. The impact occurs in several directions, thereby providing high degree protection against conception. The principle of operation of birth control pills is described in the table.

Why can thrush develop due to contraceptives?

Hormonal imbalance destroys the beneficial microflora of the vagina.

The use of hormonal contraceptives as protection against unwanted pregnancy leads to changes in the hormonal levels of the female body. This factor becomes common cause thrush from taking birth control pills oral tablets. The disease occurs especially often when OCs contain significant doses of estrogen and progesterone. In addition, the use female hormones increases the content of glycogen in vaginal tissues, which is a good environment for the development of fungal microflora. As a result, immunity decreases, increasing the risk of disease. Against the background of changes in hormone levels, shifts in the vaginal pH balance towards alkalization occur, creating a growth factor for fungal pathogens.


Thrush from birth control pills has the same symptoms as the standard development of vaginal candidiasis:

  • itching and burning in the area of ​​the external genitalia and vagina;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • redness of the external genitalia;
  • burning sensation and pain during urination;
  • white thick cheesy discharge.

What to do about the disease?

The choice of treatment depends on laboratory research.

If the body cannot cope with the pathogen and thrush develops, it is necessary to treat with antifungal drugs. To do this, local ointments, creams or suppositories are prescribed and their use is combined with a general antifungal drug (in tablet form). Combined treatment contributes to high-quality relief from the disease.

It is important that the doctor selects the drug individually, taking into account the results of bacterial culture with indicators of the sensitivity of the pathogen to the active antifungal component. After the main therapy, a drug is prescribed to restore and maintain normal vaginal microflora. It is important that the medicine does not contain hormones, since taking OK is incompatible with medications of a similar group.

How to warn?

To protect yourself from thrush when taking OCs, you need to be responsible when choosing a contraceptive. The selection of the drug should be done exclusively by a qualified specialist. It is necessary to warn the doctor about diseases of Candida fungi in the past or the presence chronic form diseases. Before prescribing pills, the doctor will definitely conduct a health diagnosis to assess:

  • blood clotting indicators;
  • hormonal levels before taking contraceptives;
  • blood biochemistry.

High immunity reduces the risk of fungal infections.

The use of birth control pills low in synthetic hormones - The best way contraception for nulliparous women who have systematic sexual activity with a regular partner. For women with children, medications with a high content of hormonal substances are usually prescribed. In order to prevent the disease it is necessary.

The reasons why some adult women are more at risk of developing vaginal candidiasis are not fully understood. It is only important to understand that “thrush” is always a disease-consequence - a consequence of any external factors, affecting the body, or a consequence of internal changes occurring in it.

In diabetes mellitus, there is an increased content of glucose (sugar) not only in the blood and urine, but also in the cells of the vaginal epithelium and mucosal secretions. Increased sugar content contributes to changes in the pH of vaginal secretions. Normally, the pH of vaginal secretions ranges from 3.8 to 4.2, i.e. is sour. In diabetes mellitus, the pH of vaginal secretions becomes even more acidic, which favors the excessive growth and reproduction of yeast fungi of the genus Candida. That's why women with diabetes mellitus are more predisposed to developing thrush. You should know that the risk of developing candidiasis also increases with a number of other endocrinological diseases (pathologies of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, decreased ovarian function, etc.).

Damage to vaginal tissue

Any damage to the external genitalia, such as from rubbing in a too tight or uncomfortable way underwear, using a hard bath towel or during sexual intercourse increases the risk of developing thrush.

Among other factors contributing to the development of urogenital candidiasis, it should be noted: frequent change of sexual partners, use of hygienic tampons, spermicidal foam, perfume soap, bath foam, intimate sprays and deodorants, excessive use of vaginal douches and douching, especially with the addition of chemical substances. All of them can change the acidity of vaginal secretions, as well as cause damage to the delicate tissues of the vagina.

Taking hormonal

Combined contraceptives contain hormones - estrogen and progesterone, which change the level of a woman's own hormones in the body. High doses progesterone in the blood can negatively affect the immune system, and an increase in estrogen levels leads to the accumulation of glycogen in the cells of the vaginal mucosa, which is a good breeding ground for fungi. Thus, the amount of Candida in the vagina is directly related to the level of these hormones. This is why taking oral contraceptives containing even minimal doses of hormones increases the risk of developing thrush in adult women.

Symptoms of thrush in women may intensify in the week before menstruation, which is also due to changes in estrogen levels. Thus, the hormonal changes that occur in a woman’s body before menstruation can also be possible reason urogenital candidiasis in some of them.

Long-term wearing of tight,
tight-fitting underwear

Fungi of the genus Candida love warmth and moisture. These are the conditions that are created in the crotch when constantly wearing tight-fitting underwear made of synthetic fabrics - nylon panties, shorts, tights, etc. The fabrics from which they are made do not allow air to pass through well and do not allow the skin to “breathe,” creating a kind of “greenhouse effect.” Elevated temperature provokes increased sweating. However, as a result of impaired air exchange, moisture does not evaporate, but remains on the surface of the skin. In addition, we should not forget that tight underwear as a result of friction can cause the formation of microtraumas.

Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of yeast in the vagina. The main culprits of this condition are microorganisms of the genus Candida. In medicine, yeast infections are commonly called candidiasis, although women usually use the term “thrush.”

Representatives of the genus Candida are also present in small numbers in a healthy vaginal environment. When they multiply too much, a woman experiences symptoms of a yeast infection.

Factors that contribute to the development of yeast infections include birth control pills and other medications used to protect against unwanted pregnancy. In the current article we will look at contraceptive methods that increase the risk, and also talk about the treatment and prevention of candidiasis.

The content of the article:

Yeast infections and contraception

It is important to understand that contraception does not cause yeast infections. However, they can change the vaginal environment in such a way that it becomes more favorable for candidiasis.

Hormonal birth control pills

Hormonal birth control pills can disrupt the bacterial balance in the vagina and thus lead to the development of yeast infections

It is believed that estrogen contained in birth control pills, patches and vaginal rings may lead to increased production of sugars in the vagina. These sugars feed the yeast that is already present in the vagina. Excessive proliferation of yeast in a favorable environment leads to thrush.

Barrier methods of contraception

Mechanical and barrier forms of contraception can also cause yeast infections.

Spermicidal jellies and creams can affect the bacterial balance of the vagina, and this sometimes causes active yeast growth. In addition, the use of jellies or creams can create a more humid environment, causing Candida species to multiply more quickly.

Vaginal caps, contraceptive sponges , diaphragm, intrauterine devices(IUDs) and other devices that are placed in the vagina may also increase the risk of infections.

Other risk factors

Pregnancy increases the risk of developing thrush

The following are risk factors that can also lead to yeast overgrowth in the vagina.

  • Some antibiotics. Antibiotics are designed to kill harmful bacteria in the body, but they can also harm the beneficial bacteria that live in the vagina and help maintain normal level yeast.
  • Uncontrolled blood sugar levels. Yeast infections thrive in sugar-rich environments, so women with undiagnosed or poorly controlled diabetes are at increased risk.
  • Weak immune system. Women with poor immunity may have difficulty controlling the growth of bacteria or yeast.
  • Pregnancy. As with birth control pills or HRT medications, pregnancy causes an estrogen-rich environment. This increases the risk of developing yeast infections.
  • Sexual activity. Sexual activity does not cause infections, but it does allow them to be passed from one partner to another.


Many women are very familiar with the symptoms of yeast infections. According to various sources, up to 75% of the fairer sex have encountered this problem at least once.

Symptoms of yeast infections include the following:

  • itching or discomfort in the vagina;
  • white vaginal discharge, which in its structure resembles cottage cheese;
  • dryness or ;
  • redness or swelling of the outer part of the vagina and vulva.

These symptoms may resemble those of other vaginal infections, so if they occur, women should consult a doctor, especially if they have never encountered candidiasis before. A doctor can confirm that the problem is not caused by a more serious medical condition.


Yeast infections are usually fairly easy to treat with over-the-counter medications. medicines. Modern market offers many different tablets and antifungal creams, but it is important to remember that before using such products, you must carefully read the instructions and consult a doctor or pharmacologist.

In general, clotrimazole and miconazole work well for yeast infections.

If a woman has a yeast infection, she should abstain from sexual activity during treatment to avoid transmitting the disease to a sexual partner.

Also, be aware that medications for yeast infections may interfere with the structure of some birth control products, such as condoms and diaphragms.

When should you see a doctor?

If after using over-the-counter antifungal drugs If a yeast infection does not go away, the woman should see a doctor

If over-the-counter medications do not help fight yeast infections, or if infections occur several times a year, then a woman should definitely see a doctor.

A specialist will perform a diagnostic test to ensure that your symptoms are caused by yeast overgrowth.

The doctor may prescribe the oral drug fluconazole to help the woman get rid of the infection. In addition, if necessary, he can offer a more intensive and longer course of treatment with topical agents.

If the yeast infection does not cause symptoms, your doctor may also prescribe an appropriate treatment strategy.

For recurrent thrush, doctors sometimes suggest a long-term treatment program. This program involves the weekly use of certain portions of oral or vaginal antifungal medications.

If a doctor suspects that a yeast infection is related to birth control pills, he or she may recommend other methods of birth control. For example, a specialist may suggest non-hormonal contraception. Another option is to take birth control pills with reduced hormone levels.


In addition to choosing the right method to prevent unwanted pregnancy, women can take other steps to reduce their risk of developing yeast infections. Such steps, in particular, include the following:

  • wearing cotton underwear;
  • wearing loose trousers, shorts and skirts;
  • refusal to wear tight underwear and tights;
  • keeping the genital area clean;
  • quick change of wet workout clothes or swimsuit;
  • refusal;
  • avoiding hot baths;
  • refusal to take unnecessary antibiotics;
  • limited sugar consumption;
  • usage natural soaps and washing powders;
  • wiping from the stomach to the back after using the toilet;
  • Using sanitary pads only when necessary.

Women who frequently get thrush should write down possible risk factors, such as antibiotics or chemical soaps. Identifying such factors will help you avoid them in the future.


Most women experience yeast infections at some point in their lives. Some methods of protecting yourself from unwanted pregnancy may increase the risk of developing candidiasis or recurrence of this condition.

If a doctor suspects that a patient's birth control method is having a negative impact on vaginal health, he or she may prescribe a different type of drug or recommend an alternative birth control option to reduce the risk of future infections.