Causes and treatment of eyelid swelling, paraorbital edema. What is periorbital edema How to relieve edema

Bags under the eyes- This is an unpleasant problem that many people often face. But they not only spoil appearance, and are often a signal of health problems that have arisen. Bags under the eyes can be divided into two types: those caused by edema and the growth of fatty tissue.

Swelling may decrease significantly during the day or disappear altogether. Bags, which are a consequence of the growth of adipose tissue and remain permanent, are a hereditary predisposition.

Causes of bags under the eyes

The reasons for the appearance of bags under the eyes is a decrease in elasticity and overstretching of the membrane with its bulging and the formation of a hernial protrusion, which we see as “bags”. About three years ago, another reason was proven - the growth of the fiber itself, its increase in volume and protrusion beyond the orbit. Even a slight swelling of the fiber would not be so noticeable if not for its ability to accumulate fluid. Edema significantly increases the volume of fatty tissue in the orbit and is caused by many reasons.

  1. Genetics - If the “bags” appeared in early childhood or adolescence and remain, the matter is most likely a hereditary predisposition to the growth of fiber. As a rule, parents also have them.
  2. Abuse of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs.
  3. Salt - excessive consumption of salty foods also leads to swelling of the eyelids - as you know, salt retains water in the body, a large volume of which is “stored” by adipose tissue. Including inside the eye socket.
  4. Diseases: kidney diseases, allergic diseases(rhinitis, conjunctivitis), respiratory infections, inflammation of the sinuses, heart disease, gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Hormones - for many women, bags under the eyes appear in some phases menstrual cycle. In such cases, fluid retention (edema) is associated with hormonal changes.
  6. Excessive ultraviolet radiation - swelling of the eyelids can appear under the eyes in overzealous fans of resorts and solariums - in this case the cause will be excess ultraviolet radiation.
  7. Overwork The most common cause of swelling of the eyelids is general fatigue and eye strain, for example, when sitting for a long time at the computer or in front of the TV.
  8. Lack of sleep is an incorrect position during sleep. Swelling of the eyelids is often caused by chronic lack of sleep, as well as incorrect head position during sleep.
  9. Age - with age, periorbital tissue, for an as yet unclear reason, gradually grows and “sags” under the skin of the lower eyelid.
  10. Cosmetic preparations can cause allergies and irritation of the skin around the eyes, and as a result, the eyelids become swollen.

Periorbital edema may be a symptom of the following diseases:

Treatment for bags under the eyes

Treatment methods can be medical or traditional. Of course, in any case, you need to consult a doctor to determine the cause of the defect. Depending on this, well-known methods of combating it are then used. All diseases are usually treated by eliminating the cause as far as possible. Part of the problem can be eliminated by changing your lifestyle. To do this, you need to follow a number of measures:

  • Avoid salty foods in the afternoon, especially at night. We are talking about canned food, fish products (salted herring, caviar), pickled vegetables.
  • Fatty foods should also be limited as much as possible.
  • Get adequate sleep at least 7-8 hours a day; sleep should begin before 11 p.m.
  • Avoiding stress depressive states, overwork.
  • Exclusion from the diet of coffee, alcohol and smoking.
  • Most often the body tries to eliminate the pathology on its own. Therefore, when edema appears, fluid output increases through bladder. The more often you urinate, the faster the bags will disappear.
  • Often the problem can be solved by replacing the pillow from a volumetric one to a flat one.

Diseases that cause bags under the eyes

  • If, simultaneously with the appearance of bags, you feel pain in the spine, your temperature has risen, and painful urination, then most likely there are problems with the urinary system, and it is necessary to treat pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis.
  • If the appearance of bags under the eyes is associated with pain above the eyebrows or nasal discharge, then most likely you have sinusitis, ethmoiditis or sinusitis.
  • Bags under the eyes can also be a companion to illness. thyroid gland. In this case, weakness, shortness of breath, and depression are observed. An endocrinologist can determine goiter or hypothyroidism.
  • If the bags under the eyes do not increase immediately, but gradually over the course of months, less in the morning and more in the evening, while swelling in the legs and shortness of breath also appear, then most likely you are developing heart disease.

How to remove bags under the eyes

There are several radical and classical methods and ways to combat the formation of puffiness under the eyes. Classic methods include:

  • cosmetic procedures;
  • special exercises for eyes and facial expressions;
  • massage;
  • treatments offered in beauty salons;
  • folk remedies.

Radical methods of disposal include blepharoplasty. This operation is performed exclusively by medical specialists in medical centers and institutions. It consists of cutting off excess overgrown cellular formations in the lower eyelid area. Such an operation is resorted to only if the swelling is caused by a genetic nature or age-related growth of fiber.

Classic methods of getting rid of bags under the eyes can be performed independently at home or with the help of cosmetologists. Thus, any cosmetic procedures involve the correct selection of necessary and effective cosmetics, such as creams, tonics, cosmetic milk, which gently and carefully influence the balance of fluid content in the cells of the epidermis.

Special exercises will help restore elasticity to the skin around the eyes and bring it into proper tone. Massage will also help remove swelling by restoring elasticity to the epidermis and the desired fiber tone. If you look into the nearest beauty salon, then in the fight against bags the client will most likely be offered the following procedures:

  • lymphatic drainage;
  • peeling around the eyes;
  • microcurrents;
  • mesotherapy.

In the case when a trip to a beauty salon is impossible for a number of reasons, and you need to remove bags under the eyes quickly and effectively, it would be advisable to use folk remedies. This:

  • lotions;
  • compresses;
  • masks.

Surgery for bags under the eyes

If bags under the eyes appear constantly, are caused by heredity or are a consequence of age-related changes, then perhaps the only way to get rid of them forever is to undergo an operation called blepharoplasty lower eyelids.

This operation is classified as simple and has been put on stream. This option brings a guaranteed result and practically does not cause complications. If you decide to remove bags under your eyes in a salon, then remember that there is a high probability that this problem will return in the near future. Here's why it's better to choose good clinic at a medical or research institute - you can be confident in the qualifications of a specialist, and the prices are much lower than in advertised private clinics. There are only 2 types of blepharoplasty:

  • Seamless, or transconjunctival, is usually done on young patients with good skin elasticity. Excess deposits are removed through the conjunctiva. The face takes on good view 6-13 days after surgery.
  • Suture, or classic, involves making an incision along the edge of the lower eyelid near the border with the eyelashes. The stitch becomes almost invisible only after a month, but you can “go out into the world” within a couple of weeks after the operation.

The opinion that blepharoplasty changes the face for the worse is wrong. Distortions and visible seams are the result of someone’s rich imagination. In fact, after the operation, the face becomes more refreshed and younger. We are the creators of our destiny and, quite often, our appearance. Proper nutrition, careful facial care, a sensible choice of cosmetics - all this together will not only eliminate the formation of bags under the eyes, but also improve general state and prolong youth.

Home remedies for bags under eyes

Apart from bags under the eyes associated with diseases, the rest are quite easy to prevent or slow down. Sleep and healthy eatingeffective means against bags under the eyes. It is necessary to exclude too salty foods from the diet, and the amount of water drunk per day should not be less than 1.5 - 2 liters (Water is water. And juices, tea, coffee, lactic acid products are liquids). Get enough sleep. Healthy sleep- this is at least 8 hours a day, and less is already a lack of sleep. Wash your face in the morning cold water or wipe the skin around the eyes with a small ice cube - this will relieve swelling.

Folk remedies for bags under the eyes

Another way to eliminate bags under the eyes is folk remedies.

  • The most famous remedy for bags under the eyes is raw potatoes. It is peeled, cut into circles and applied to the area around the eyes. Raw potatoes relieve swelling well. Keep it for 10-15 minutes, after which you need to rinse your skin with cold water. Instead of potatoes, you can use fresh cucumber.
  • When wondering how to reduce bags under your eyes, you should remember about simple tea bags. They should simply be poured with boiling water and cooled, and then applied to the face and held for about 10 minutes. Wash. The swelling will definitely go down.
  • A mask for bags under the eyes based on parsley and sour cream will help to quickly remove bags under the eyes. To do this, you need to finely chop a little greenery - literally a teaspoon, mix it with two teaspoons of sour cream and apply it to your eyelids. Cover with a tampon. Keep for 10-15 minutes. Chilled parsley leaves can be applied to the eyelids without sour cream for the same amount of time. This will also help remove swelling.
  • If bags under the eyes appear for a long time, they can be removed using sage: you need to make a decoction of sage at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 100 ml of boiling water. Let the broth sit for half an hour, then put it in the refrigerator and cool. Soak a sponge in the broth and apply to swollen eyelids. Apply several times during the day.

Exercises for bags under the eyes

  1. Close your eyes tightly, then open them wide 5-6 times in a row with an interval of 30 seconds.
  2. Close your eyes tightly, trying not to wrinkle your faces, on the count of 5, open your eyes wide and look up, count to 5 and relax eye muscles. To prevent the formation of wrinkles on the forehead, you need to place your index fingers on the eyebrow area. Do this at least 3-5 times.
  3. Keeping your head straight, squint your eyes to the left, on the count of 5, look straight ahead and close for a few seconds. Then repeat the same to the right. Repeat 3-4 times.
  4. Blink both eyes as quickly as possible; On the count of 10, close your eyes tightly, trying not to wrinkle your face. After 4-6 seconds, open your eyes and relax and gaze at some point in the distance for 3-5 seconds. Relax. Do this 3-5 times.
  5. Keeping your head straight, look up and down, left and right.
  6. Rotate your eyes in a circle: up - right - down - left and in the opposite direction.

Perform a set of exercises 3-4 times with a break of 1-2 minutes. It is recommended to do gymnastics 2-3 times a day; after the exercises, it is advisable to apply cotton swabs soaked in an infusion of arnica, chamomile or parsley decoction to closed eyes for 5-10 minutes. After this, you should give your eyes a rest. Each time, eye gymnastics becomes easier to do, as the eye muscles gradually become stronger.

Preventing bags under the eyes

To prevent bags under the eyes, you should perform special eye exercises and lymphatic drainage massage. These manipulations will help significantly strengthen the eye muscles and make them more elastic. In the fight against “bags”, proper and regular nutrition, lifestyle, fresh air and good sleep play an important role.

Questions and answers on the topic "Bags under the eyes"

Question:Hello. My 3 month old baby has bags under his eyes after sleeping, is this normal?

Answer: Hello. Swelling of the face after sleep can be either an individual characteristic of the child or a sign of problems with the urinary system. To exclude pathology, I recommend that you take general analysis urine and do an ultrasound of the organs abdominal cavity and kidneys for the baby.

Question:Hello, please tell me, are there any procedures aimed at removing “bags” under the eyes?

Answer: Hello. Depending on the severity of your problem, there are both hardware and injection methods for correcting “bags” under the eyes. But first, you need to consult a cosmetologist, since “bags” under the eyes may be due to the presence of hernias or a disease internal organs.

Question:Good afternoon I am 25 years old. I am worried about bags under my eyes with constant bruising. I have had this since birth, apparently this is the structure of my face. Is it possible to fix this and in what ways? Thank you.

Answer: Hello. It is possible, operationally. This operation is performed without external incisions and is called transconjunctival blepharoplasty.

Question:Hello, for three months now the swelling under the eyes has not gone away, and a month ago swelling appeared on the eyelids, there is no swelling anywhere else except the eyes. The ECG is normal, the thyroid is normal, I took a urine test twice, the result was good, an ultrasound of the kidneys was without pathologies, urine output was normal. Even after taking diuretic tablets, the swelling does not decrease. The urologist said it was not renal edema, although looking at the ultrasound he wrote down the diagnosis chronic pyelonephritis outside of the exacerbation, the endocrinologist also said that he is not an endocrinologist. Swelling, I don’t eat salty foods, I follow a diet, I don’t drink at night. The swelling never goes away. Tell me what it could be from and what else to check, what tests to take. Thank you.

Answer: Hello. Swelling in the eye area is one of the most common complaints among women who come to see me. Most often women apply after 30-35 years. In each case, I conduct a thorough examination to exclude kidney diseases, and almost never these diseases have been identified. So, most likely, your urologist is right. Then why this swelling? The veins of organs located above the heart do not have valves. Therefore, stagnation and accumulation of fluid in the fiber of the areas around the eyes is possible overnight. I would recommend that you check your hormonal levels with a gynecologist. Hormone-dependent diseases (endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts) can also manifest themselves in edema syndrome. In general, this is a complex problem. Try to move more, be in the fresh air, continue to limit salt (but drink at least 2 liters per day). Contact a cosmetologist (you may have hernias in the paraorbital areas), he will help you choose the appropriate care, massage, lymphatic drainage. And I want to warn you against diuretics. Can be taken periodically herbal remedies, such as bearberry. All the best.

Question:Hello. Is there a psychosomatic reason for bags under the eyes?

Answer: Hello. Circles under the eyes can be a consequence not only of improper functioning of the kidneys, but also symptoms of excessive fatigue, stress, and can also be a manifestation of allergies, poor nutrition. From a psychosomatic point of view, in all these cases, it is important to tune in to the proper functioning of the body, let go of grievances, let dirt and slander leave the mind forever, cleanse yourself and open up to kindness, learn to perceive the world and everything that happens as a gift, as an experience, and not as negative.

Question:Hello. Recommend any recipe for bags under the eyes.

Answer: Hello. Here are a few proven recipes: 1) A compress made from an infusion of dried chamomile flowers, linden, birch leaves, and dried tea leaves will help you. 2) 1 tsp. finely chopped parsley mixed with 2 tsp. sour cream. The compress should be applied to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes, and covered with a damp swab on top. 2 tbsp will also help a lot. l. raw grated potatoes. Apply the mixture onto a gauze pad and place it on your eyes for 10-15 minutes. After removing the mask, apply eye cream to the skin, barely touching it, in the direction from the temples along the lower eyelid to the inner edge of the eye.

Periorbital edema is the most common swelling on the human face. It can occur for various reasons, from serious diseases of internal organs to the most banal violation of the daily routine.

How does periorbital edema manifest?

This type of swelling is most often observed in the morning. It can affect the upper and lower eyelids, or only the lower ones (bruises under the eyes), as well as the corners of the eyes. The skin here is the thinnest and most delicate, so if the outflow of fluid is disrupted or adipose tissue grows, swelling is inevitable. Swelling of the periorbital area can be permanent, temporary, or occur periodically.


There are many causes of periorbital edema. To identify the factor influencing swelling around the eyes and begin effective treatment, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the swelling, other accompanying symptoms, as well as the general state of health.

Often, swelling appears due to prolonged eye strain, for example when working in front of a computer monitor, or due to constant lack of sleep. This swelling goes away on its own after rest.

Another common cause is the consumption of excessively salty foods. It's no secret that salt prevents the removal of fluid from cells.

Use large quantity fluid before bedtime, and may also appear in the form of swelling in the morning.

A bruise or blow to the eye socket and nose will also inevitably lead to the formation of temporary swelling. Along with it, a hematoma and bleeding may appear. Moreover, if the swelling disappears quickly enough when first aid is provided, then the hematoma may not go away for a long time (1-3 weeks).

Much more serious causes of the formation of periorbital edema are diseases of the internal organs: diseases of cardio-vascular system, liver and kidneys.

Allergic reactions are often manifested not only by swelling in the eyes, but also by redness of the mucous membrane of the eye, lacrimation, and frequent sneezing. The main allergens can be: plant pollen during flowering, animal hair, dust and mold, food, medicines. Using low-quality or expired eye cosmetics can also cause an allergic reaction.

Prolonged exposure to the sun, without sunglasses, will cause the delicate and thin skin of the eyelids to become red and swollen, causing sunburn.

Ways to relieve swelling

If the periorbital area swells due to serious diseases of the internal organs, then no local treatment will not give the desired result. The swelling will return again and again. Necessary complex treatment underlying disease.

In case of periodic or temporary swelling due to poor lifestyle, you can try to relieve the swelling yourself at home.

  1. Compresses made from brewed black or green tea. Tea contains caffeine and tannins, which help relieve swelling and tighten blood vessels.
  2. Compresses from medicinal herbs(chamomile, sage) relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and redness. Excellent remedy for tired eyes.
  3. Ice massage. Using circular movements, massage the skin along the orbital bone. You can freeze both pure water and tea leaves or a decoction of medicinal herbs.
  4. Cold compress. Wrap the crushed ice in a soft, clean cloth or gauze. Keep it on your eyes for about 15 minutes with breaks every 2-3 minutes.
  5. A cold milk compress constricts blood vessels, reduces swelling, relieves irritation and moisturizes the skin.
  6. Compress of cucumber, apple, potato. Wrap the grated vegetable or fruit in a piece of gauze. Apply for 15-20 minutes.
  7. If a hematoma appears along with the edema, then bodyaga helps a lot. Rub the ointment in with soft circular movements. Leave for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  8. Swelling and hematoma also go away if you use Rescuer ointment.
  9. Heparin ointment and Troxevasin are two more good remedies for bags under the eyes.
  10. If periorbital edema is accompanied by dark circles under the eyes (for example, due to lack of sleep), you can try a parsley compress. To do this, finely chopped greens are placed on a cotton pad or a piece of gauze and applied to the lower eyelid.

In addition, there are some cosmetic procedures that are aimed at reducing swelling of the eyelids, improving blood circulation, and restoring skin tone. These include electrical stimulation, lymphatic drainage, mesotherapy. Such procedures are especially effective if eye swelling occurs due to age-related changes.

In addition, to prevent the appearance of edema in the future, you need to remember some rules:

  • reduce the salt content in consumed foods;
  • drink enough water during the day, but do not drink a lot of fluids before bed;
  • minimize alcohol consumption;
  • get enough sleep (sleep should take at least 8 hours);
  • do not strain your eyes, sit at the computer as little as possible;
  • in the summer, protect your eyes outdoors with sunglasses;
  • take vitamins.

The occurrence of edema is always an alarming signal, indicating that some kind of malfunction or imbalance is occurring in the body. Periorbital swelling of the eye is a fairly common occurrence, because the skin of the eyelids is very thin and delicate. If such swelling is accompanied by other symptoms, or simply does not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor. The cause of swelling may be quite serious illnesses that require prompt treatment.

The reaction of the eyelids to numerous factors of internal and external influence through swelling - one of the most common manifestations. This is due to three reasons.

  1. The loose structure of the fiber of the subcutaneous fat layer of the eyelids determines high risk swelling at the slightest dysfunction.
  2. A huge number of vessels are concentrated in the centuries.
  3. The muscles that support the eyelids are weak.


Most often, swelling in the paraorbital zone appears in the morning. As for their types, swelling is classified according to 4 characteristics.

  • Anatomy of the “swelling” process. Edema can be embranogenic, hydrostatic, hypoproteinemic.
  • Localization. Swelling of the eyelids can be unilateral or bilateral, localized in the area of ​​the upper/lower eyelid, affecting the inner or outer edge.
  • Cause. Depending on the provocateur, inflammatory/non-inflammatory, traumatic, allergic, pathological, and physiological edema are distinguished.
  • Stability of the syndrome. Based on this criterion, swelling is divided into single and constant/chronic/stagnant.

Among the most common reasons that lead to an external defect of the eyelids, we can highlight violation of the rest regime, dangerous diets, bad habits, abuse of alcohol-containing and salty/smoked foods. Very often, all kinds of injuries (including tattooing) and reactions to insect bites and mechanical damage to the skin of the eyelids lead to swelling.

In children, swelling of the paraorbital area in 80%+ of cases is associated with:

  • allergies;
  • infection (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, dacryocystitis, endophthalmitis, pseudotumor, abscesses);
  • inflammatory processes.

The most dangerous form of swelling of the eyelids is the so-called Quincke's edema: it develops quickly, can go away on its own, but is often accompanied by spread to the entire face and mucous membranes. Can provoke anaphylaxis, suffocation, and panic attack.

Accompanying the syndrome

The symptoms of puffiness syndrome in the case of eyelids can be very different. Inflammatory processes are accompanied by pronounced redness skin, pain in the swelling area, itching in the eye, discomfort.

Quincke's edema, like most allergic edemas, occurs with virtually no physical discomfort. It is more pronounced visually, the palpebral fissure can completely close in a matter of minutes, but it also subsides quickly and systemically functional disorders(painful effects, weakness, nausea) is rarely accompanied.

Swelling of the eyelids, associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep and other similar reasons, often appears after 30 years. Typically, such a defect becomes noticeable in the mornings and towards evening. It is not accompanied by pain, but can lead to persistent congestive swelling of the lower eyelids - a fatty hernia.


The practice of treating swelling of the periorbital zones differs little from the approach to eliminating swelling on the face or in the extremities. Key Goal, from which it is repelled

choosing a specific program - detecting a provocateur.

  1. For allergic edema, antihistamine therapy is carried out with a simultaneous study of possible allergens (and the development of everyday life practices on the basis of its exclusion), and hormonal support.
  2. Inflammatory swelling requires the use of NSAIDs, and in some cases an antibiotic (ophthalmic) may be required. Gels and ointments are often used.
  3. Non-inflammatory edema is treated through normalization of behavior (diet, quality rest, relaxation). If a pathological reaction is suspected, the kidneys, heart, autonomic system, blood vessels, thyroid gland, and pituitary gland must be checked.

Cosmetology methods work very well to eliminate the visual defect of the eyelids - pulse therapy, mesotherapy, dermotony, lymphatic drainage. Many beauty salons successfully use special decongestant eyelid masks. In some cases, microcurrent and cryotherapy are effective. Blepharoplasty is a good treatment for fatty hernias.

There can be many reasons why a person develops periorbital edema. This article will tell you what edema is, what it means, and how to treat it.

Edema is a fairly common symptom of most existing diseases. They can manifest themselves in diseases of the cardiovascular, urinary, and digestive systems.

Edema can characterize a complication in a huge number of pathological conditions. Edema is an enlarged tissue that has acquired its size due to the accumulation of excess interstitial fluid. Where does this liquid come from?

It appears as a result of the movement of the liquid part of the plasma through the walls of blood vessels from the vascular bed into the intercellular space. In the case when the swelling becomes visually noticeable, then it can be assumed that the person has more than 3 liters of accumulated transudate.

The cause of this pathological accumulation may be the slow functioning of the kidneys, which results in salt and fluid retention. Based on the presence of more or less transudate in certain places, the reasons and factors that contributed to this should be determined.

Local edema is mainly localized in certain areas of the human body, which has a well-developed vascular system. This is considered the main difference from generalized edema. Limited fluid accumulation most often occurs due to venous or lymphatic insufficiency.

The causes of these conditions may be deep vein thrombosis or disruption of the normal outflow of lymph due to an obstructing tumor. If a limb is immobilized, swelling may develop as a result of slow blood flow or complete stasis.

Myxedematous edema occurs when the function of the thyroid gland is impaired, which produces an insufficient amount of hormones. It is usually located in the lower third of the leg. Angioedema or also called allergic, occurs due to a rapid reaction immune system to exposure to certain allergens.

Bilateral edema in the lower extremities may occur due to local causes, such as obstruction of the inferior vena cava. This condition develops when it is compressed by either ascites or a tumor-like mass in the abdominal cavity.

In addition, ascites itself (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity), as well as hydrothorax (accumulation in the chest) are formed when inflammatory processes or neoplasms.

Generalized edema, or so-called general edema, is characterized by the accumulation of fluid over a large area of ​​the body, involving organs in the process. Pulmonary edema can occur due to cardiac pathology, and bilateral edema lower limbs- due to prolonged stay in a vertical position.

In addition, venous insufficiency contributes to this stagnation, when the walls of blood vessels lose their strength and cannot pump blood from top to bottom. We also must not forget about the valve apparatus, which should help this blood transport.

Periorbital edema is observed immediately after waking up. The most common causes of such conditions are kidney diseases, leading to sodium retention in the body. Often a complex of edema develops that occurs due to this disease.

For example, cirrhosis and chronic heart failure of the liver leads to ascites, swelling in the lower extremities, as well as the scrotum at the same time. In the presence of nephritic syndrome in kidney diseases, there is an increased loss of albumin, which leads to a decrease in oncotic pressure in the bloodstream.

As a result, transudate moves from the vessels into the interstitial space, thereby reducing the volume of circulating blood. This is how sodium retention develops in the body. Leads to the same result renal failure, at which the glomerular filtration rate decreases.

The cause of the development of edema as a consequence of a decrease in oncotic pressure may be insufficient intake of proteins and chronic diseases liver. We should not forget about pregnancy, which can provoke an increase in edema, puberty and long-term use of hormonal or vasodilator drugs.

The main directions in treatment are to establish the cause that led to such consequences. First, you should try to remove periorbital edema by following a certain diet - a diet with a limited amount of sodium ingested from food.

Even these small requirements can make a big difference. Reduced salt intake, elevated position of the lower extremities, and the use of elastic compression using special stockings or bandages can significantly reduce the amount of fluid that accumulates.

In addition, it is necessary to control the amount of liquid you drink during the day. The use of such medications, as diuretics, is justified by the presence of severe peripheral edema, pulmonary edema, and congestive heart failure.

There are several groups of diuretics that act on different parts of the excretory system, thereby regulating the excretion of certain trace elements from the body. There are loop, potassium-wasting and potassium-sparing diuretics.

With their help, you can regulate the amount of fluid that comes in and out. In addition, the content is regulated necessary substances. It is recommended to avoid the use of large doses of diuretics, as this can provoke hypokalemia, which in turn is dangerous for the development of intoxication with cardiac glycosides.

In conclusion, I would like to note that when independently using diuretics or other medications, it is recommended to consult a doctor. You should not treat yourself.

General information

Protrusion of periorbital fatty tissue in the lower eyelid due to its swelling or proliferation. Adverse effects on the skin primarily affect its most delicate and sensitive area - the area around the eyes. Bags under the eyes can be permanent or temporary, giving the face an unhealthy appearance. The formation of bags under the eyes depends on the individual characteristics of the body and can be observed as early as 20 years of age or absent in mature and elderly people.

The appearance of bags under the eyes can be caused by the formation of hernial protrusions of fat or excess fluid accumulated in the eyelids. Puffy bags under the eyes tend to be more pronounced after sleep, decreasing or disappearing completely during the day as fluid drains from the upper half of the body as a result of gravity and increased blood circulation. “Fat” bags under the eyes are constantly expressed, regardless of the time of day.

The eyeball is separated from the orbit by a layer of adipose tissue - periorbital tissue, which performs a shock-absorbing function. The periorbital tissue, in turn, is separated from the skin of the eyelids by the orbital septum - a connective tissue membrane that holds it inside the orbit. An increase in the volume of periorbital tissue, combined with a loss of elasticity of the connective tissue membrane and its stretching, leads to the inability to retain adipose tissue inside the orbit, which sags outward, forming a hernial protrusion.

Periorbital hernias are often localized at the inner corners of the eyes. They can cause a decrease in visual acuity and clarity of perception of objects, and contribute to rapid eye fatigue. Often, fatty hernias put pressure on the tear ducts and glands, leading to tearing and weeping of the skin of the inner corners of the eyes. The resulting skin folds of the lower eyelid make it difficult to carry out full hygiene procedures, leading to the development of eczema of the skin of the lower eyelids.

Causes of bags under the eyes

The appearance of “bags” in childhood or adolescence and their persistence throughout subsequent life is most likely associated with a hereditary tendency to overgrow periorbital tissue. In this case, usually one of the parents also has bags under the eyes.

The constitutional characteristics of a person are also related to the shape of his eyelids. People of heavy build often have puffiness and bags under the eyes, and thin people often have drooping, heavy upper eyelids.

Drinking alcohol, excess liquid and salt at night leads to water retention in adipose tissue, swelling of the periorbital tissue and the appearance of undesirable cosmetic consequences in the form of bags under the eyes.

In addition, various factors can lead to fluid retention and swelling of the periorbital tissue. pathological conditions: kidney diseases, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, inflammation of the sinuses, respiratory infections, etc.

Some women note that the appearance of bags under the eyes depends on a certain phase of the menstrual cycle. In this case, swelling of the periorbital tissue is associated with hormonal changes.

Excess ultraviolet light dries out and thins the skin of the eyelids and can contribute to the appearance of bags under the eyes.

The condition of the skin around the eyes is extremely negatively affected by general fatigue, stress, lack of sleep, and excessive eye strain when watching TV or working at the computer for a long time.

The appearance of hernial bags under the eyes may be associated with the wrong choice of cosmetics or their low quality. Caring for the thin and delicate skin of the eye area requires the use of products specially designed for this purpose.

The inevitable cause of the appearance of bags under the eyes is age, as it increases, the periorbital tissue grows, sagging under the skin of the lower eyelid. With age, bags under the eyes persist permanently and tend to gradually increase.

Methods for eliminating bags under the eyes

If normalizing your lifestyle can help in the fight against puffy bags under the eyes, folk recipes and cosmetics, then hernial sacs can only be removed with the help of surgical correction of the lower eyelids - blepharoplasty.

Lower blepharoplasty is a method of surgical removal of excess periorbital tissue in the lower eyelid area. Over time, when the bags under the eyes become impossible to hide with any cosmetic products, only plastic surgery will help restore youth and a healthy appearance to the eyes.

Taking into account the anatomical nature of the lower eyelids and their important function in eye protection, surgical intervention must be carried out with extreme caution so as not to damage the soft tissue structures.

Lower blepharoplasty is usually performed under local anesthesia and lasts on average 30 minutes to 1 hour on each eyelid.

For mild deformities of the lower eyelid, the defects are eliminated using the method of seamless transconjunctival blepharoplasty, with access through the conjunctiva directly adjacent to the eyeball. The advantage of this technique is the absence of seams on the skin of the eyelids.

For more pronounced bags under the eyes, fatty hernias are removed using traditional suture blepharoplasty. The incision is made along the edge of the lower eyelid using an external percutaneous approach. Also, excess skin is excised sparingly. The stitches are removed after 3 days, the scar is invisible after a month. Suture blepharoplasty is usually used in elderly patients whose skin has lost its elasticity with age.

IN last years everything in lower eyelid surgery greater distribution receives intraoral blepharoplasty, which allows not to remove periorbital fatty tissue, but to redistribute it to the area of ​​the lower edge of the orbit and the tear trough. Thin non-absorbable threads are used to apply sutures, which are removed after a few days.

The course of the postoperative period is accompanied by the presence of edema and hematomas of the lower eyelids, the severity and duration of which may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the patient. Average rehabilitation period takes 10-12 days.

After blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids, a lasting cosmetic effect is observed for 12 years. However, removing bags under the eyes does not eliminate the aging of the skin in the periorbital area, which leads to the formation of wrinkles over time.