Proper detox. Detox program to cleanse the body. You need to start preparing about a month before it

The Guardian newspaper published an excellent article about detox. Here is a translation made by our friends from

“Detoxifying” the body is impossible – it’s a myth

There is no such thing as “detoxification”. From a medical point of view, this is complete nonsense. The only way to health is proper nutrition and sports . But what changes can be achieved with newfangled diets? Let's study the facts.

It’s hard not to get caught up in the idea of ​​detox – it’s everywhere, it’s broadcast by slices of cucumber floating in a jar of water and happily smiling models with a glass of vegetable smoothie in their hand; it's a whole industry. The idea that we can somehow “zero out” all of our caloric transgressions seems like the perfect counterbalance to our fast-food routine and alcohol-soaked social lives. But before you dust off your juicer or dial the number of a colon therapy clinic, remember this: the very idea that you can somehow “flush” your body, get rid of “impurities” and start life from scratch, with your insides squeaky clean, is a hoax . This is a pseudo-medical concept whose sole purpose is to stimulate sales.

"Let's be clear," says Edzard Ernst, emeritus professor of complementary medicine at the University of Exeter. “There are two types of detox: real and not.” The real one is the treatment of deadly poisonings with various substances. The second type is a word borrowed by entrepreneurs, charlatans and scammers to sell non-existent “therapy” that supposedly can rid your body of toxins that, again, supposedly have accumulated in it.

If your body really had an accumulation of toxins in such quantities that it could not get rid of on its own, then you, even if you were not dead, would urgently need serious treatment. medical intervention. “A healthy body is equipped with kidneys, liver, skin, even lungs - and they all constantly and continuously remove waste products,” explains the professor. “There is no known way—and certainly not through a detox—to improve the functioning of something that already does an excellent job in a healthy body.”

No toxins - no detox

The entire sales strategy is built around “toxins” - poisonous substances that we inhale or get from food. However, an accurate description of these toxins cannot be found. If they were specified accurately, their concentrations before and after treatment could be measured - and compared to check the effectiveness of the method. In 2009, a group of scientists, as part of the charity program Sense about Science, approached 15 manufacturers of detox products sold in pharmacies and supermarkets - from dietary supplements to juices and shampoos. So, when scientists asked for evidence of the promised “detoxification,” not one of the manufacturers could even clearly formulate what they meant by this “detoxification” (let alone name specific toxins).

And yet, in some inexplicable way, store shelves healthy eating are still bursting with jars with the word “detox” on them. The promise of detoxification is now sold in the form of tablets, potions, tea bags, face masks, bath salts, combs, shampoos, shower gels and even hair straighteners. Yoga classes, massage rooms and luxury spas promise detoxification. You can buy a detox tour with a seven-day diet - and, most likely, you will actually lose weight, but this has nothing to do with toxins, but only with reduced calories.

Killer methods

There is also colon therapy. Adepts will tell you what is in the nooks and crannies of your intestines for months – or even years! - hidden are cunning plaques of feces that absorb toxins and then poison your body with them. For a small fee, they will insert a hose where it is supposed to and wash out these pests. Unfortunately for them - and fortunately for you - not a single doctor has ever seen these mythical plaques, and many do not recommend the procedure at all due to the real danger of perforation of the intestinal walls.

There are more insidious tactics. Some “colon cleanse” pills contain polymerizing agents that turn your excrement into a kind of plastic - after this massive plastic thing leaves your body, you can visually study the result and be confident in the effectiveness of the “medicine”. Toxin-removing foot patches turn brown in the morning - as the manufacturer assures, these are all the toxins that have now been removed from your body. Nothing like that - the patches are impregnated with a substance that darkens upon contact with sweat.

“It’s a shame,” Professor Ernst gets angry. - This is a criminal exploitation of trust ordinary person, and here they take advantage of what we all want to believe in - a simple and cheap deliverance from sins, so to speak. Unfortunately, such an indulgence does not exist.”

Perhaps public vigilance was lulled by the vagueness of the very concept of detoxification. Most of us think of the word “detox” the moment we wake up bleary-eyed the morning after a wild night out. Well, in that sense, “detoxification” is good, right? “Some days in a normal lifestyle should absolutely be alcohol-free,” says Catherine Collins, NHS dietician at St. John's Hospital. George's Hospital. “At the same time, there will be an opportunity to evaluate - to understand whether you are too keen on it. But the very concept that the liver needs to be “cleansed” somehow is complete nonsense.”

In the liver, alcohol is broken down in two stages: first, liver enzymes convert alcohol into acetaldehyde - a substance that is extremely toxic to the liver itself; therefore, acetaldehyde almost instantly turns into acetic acid and decomposes into carbon dioxide and water, which are removed from the body. Enzymes may not be able to cope with excessive amounts of alcohol, and the accumulated acetaldehyde will cause liver damage. However, a protective effect was seen from moderate and occasional alcohol consumption. Research, Collins says, has shown that average duration The lives of those who drink heavily and those who do not drink at all are lower than those who drink moderately and in small quantities.

"We know that it is not a large number of alcohol may even be beneficial, she says. - Maybe because of the slight sedative effect - or maybe because it keeps the liver and its enzymes ready to break down other toxins. That is why the official position of state medicine does not sound like “You can’t drink” - we say “You can drink, but in moderation.” This is something that in small quantities does not kill, but helps.”

By the way, approximately the same thing is possible - unexpectedly! - say about broccoli, the star of “detox salads” and “superfood” lists. Broccoli is also good for the liver, but don't imagine it as a superhero rushing to the rescue with a fluttering cape - nothing like that. Broccoli, like its cabbage family relatives, contains cyanide, which when ingested in the liver acts much like alcohol - stimulating and preparing enzymes to process other toxins.

Superfoods make you laugh

At the mention of “superfoods,” Collins can’t even help but laugh. “Most people think that they should limit themselves to only certain food groups, but this is absolutely not true. A true detox lifestyle is not smoking, exercising, and eating a healthy, balanced diet, like the Mediterranean diet."

Now close your eyes and imagine this very “Mediterranean diet”. A white tablecloth with a red checkered pattern is set with dishes of meat, fish, cheese, herbs, whole grains, fruits, nuts and olive oil. And they contain protein, amino acids, unsaturated fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals that are needed for the proper functioning of the body and its main defender - the immune system.

So why, when even doctors recommend such delicious variety to us, do we try to limit and punish ourselves in search of a path to health? It’s as if we are programmed to seek “detox” - maybe this is what the ancient religious practices of cleansing and fasting are associated with? And in the age of scientific progress, when there is no need to drive away evil spirits, we replaced them with toxins - and now we are trying to drive them out?

Susan Marchant-Haycox, a psychologist from London, disagrees. “Comparing detox to religious fasting rituals is far-fetched,” she says. “Better look at our social life over the past few decades. Since a gym opened on every corner in the seventies, the beauty and health industry has been gaining momentum, including a lot of information about nutrition and food groups. The detox industry is simply a logical extension. There’s a lot of money involved in it, including money spent on marketing.”

Peter Ayton, professor of psychology at City University London, thinks so too. He explains that we fall for such tricks easily because we live in a world with an overabundance of information - and we are always happy to delegate the responsibility to someone else who has a better understanding of the issue. “To understand basic shampoo, you need academic degree in chemistry,” he says, “who has it?” So if we hear something that is compelling enough and based on a familiar concept—like a detox—we tend to believe it.”

Lena Strebkova

Spring is the time to not only lose extra pounds, but also cleanse your body of toxins. A fighter for a healthy lifestyle, Lena Strebkova, at our request, talked with experts about detox and developed the right diet for every day.

nutrition consultant

What is detox?

Detox, or, more simply, a program of detoxification of the body, is a method of cleansing and freeing oneself from toxins, toxins and metabolic breakdown products - everything that the body gives us from the inside, and what we get from the outside.

What is this technique?

Since toxins enter our body through the lungs, intestines and skin, speaking about proper detoxification should mean a comprehensive approach to cleansing the entire body, and not any individual organ:

– restoration of the gastrointestinal tract from toxins that come to us with food (stabilizers, preservatives, taste improvers, alcohol, etc.);

– normalization of the correct volume of fluid consumed, because water is a universal solvent of “good” accumulated in the body;

– release of the lungs, i.e. respiratory system(you should spend more time outdoors);

– cleansing the skin through meditation, sauna and mud wraps.

Best time to detox?

Cleansing the body (on a global scale) is best done in the off-season (early autumn/early spring), because it is during this period of time that our body needs cleansing to the greatest extent. After winter, the body begins to rapidly consume the fats accumulated during the cold weather (well, it has one physiological feature), so if we help our body at this moment, then this process will proceed more efficiently, more correctly and brighter. However, considering that we receive toxins quite regularly, I strongly recommend that everyone gradually switch to a healthy lifestyle and proper diet.

Who is it suitable for? 10 reasons to detox:

excessive feeling of hunger: There are a lot of foods, the frequent use of which is addictive, and if one fine day you notice that, for example, after snacking on a handful of nuts or a cube of dark chocolate, you want to eat more and more, you should temporarily exclude this product from your diet.

chronic inflammation: various kinds inflammatory processes they say that your body is full of toxins. For example, inflamed facial skin is often a consequence poor nutrition and/or problems with one or another internal organ.

flatulence: Frequent gas formation and bloating are a consequence of clogged intestines.

weakened immune system: any bacteria and infections stick to you. This indicates that you have a weakened immune system.

bad dream : from one to three in the morning the liver works in a cleansing mode, removing from the body toxic substances, so if you wake up by this time or cannot fall asleep at all, it means that your liver simply cannot cope with the excess of toxins.

mental distraction: weakened attention, forgetfulness, inability to focus on a particular issue - all these are symptoms of oxygen starvation due to the body being polluted.

premature fatigue: If you have difficulty waking up in the morning, and your body constantly needs caffeine to perk up, then now is the time for a detox.

problem skin: The skin, as one of the main organs for removing toxins from the body, with its unhealthy appearance, literally “screams” about the urgent need to take care of your health and, first of all, reconsider your diet.

sluggish metabolism and indigestibility of food: The body of each of us is naturally equipped with a remarkable self-cleaning function. Ideally, the excretory organs should work like clockwork, ridding the body of waste products several times a day. Otherwise, “digestive waste” begins to accumulate in the intestines, and is then absorbed into the blood in the form of toxic substances.

depression: frequent mood swings, apathy and anxiety with or without cause can be a consequence bad work liver and intestines.

Where to begin?

You must start with water. Normalize proper water consumption (at the rate of 30 g of water per kilogram of your weight). Then the body will be able to independently remove water-soluble toxins that have accumulated in certain areas of the body.

The next stage is the restoration of the gastrointestinal tract. For some, this may be therapeutic fasting (refusing food for a period of 24 to 36 hours). The further program is also drawn up individually, under the guidance of a specialist (nutritionist, attending physician, massage therapist who is participating in your wellness course), because I would not recommend everyone to do the same cleansing right away: each of us has a different body, What may benefit one person may cause serious harm to another. For some, increasing the amount of vegetables consumed will be a good relief, while for others, who already “sit” on vegetables all day long, such a diet will not bring any results. Be careful: Forcing the body to rid itself of toxins without preparing the elimination organs can lead to severe chronic illness and hospitalization.

Anastasia Fedorina,
healthy coach Detox is the removal of toxins from the body: chemical substances, which we get from environment, and what we consume internally, which disrupt the natural functioning of our body. Toxins are a product of progress. Today people do not understand what is really food for their body and what is not, and this entails serious disruptions in the functioning of all vital systems. Toxins are removed at the cellular level, accumulation occurs mainly in the organs of the excretory system - the liver, kidneys, intestines, gall and bladder. This means that the blood and cells are not properly cleansed, and every day it becomes more and more difficult for the body to cope with new portions of destructive substances. This is how everyone develops, by the way. chronic diseases

Toxins accumulate over the years, so detox programs that promise to cleanse the body in 3-5-7-10 days are unfortunately a lie. Only proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and regular physical exercise can help reduce the effect of toxic substances building up in the body, while short-term programs detoxification of the body can only cause harm. Well, judge for yourself, for years we have been accumulating toxic muck in ourselves, and the body seems to get used to it and has even learned to cope with this daily dose of “harm,” when suddenly - boom! - and everything changes dramatically...

This is a shock that leads to even more destruction and stress! Therefore, any detoxification program must be started gradually, smoothly transitioning to a more proper diet.

You should start by increasing the amount of clean water entering the body and avoiding products that contain unnatural substances: sugar, food additives, preservatives, E-ingredients and all the chemicals that people produce in factories, everything that contains incomprehensible words, fast food, chewing gum, milk powder, instant coffee, fried, fatty, salty and so on ad infinitum! Roughly speaking, the first step is to cleanse the receptors and reduce the level of incoming toxins along with food. And water will help remove what has already accumulated!

The next step is to increase the amount of natural products in your diet: vegetables, fruits, freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices with pulp. At this stage, you can begin to add regular physical activity so that the metabolic processes in the body begin to function properly and saturate the blood with oxygen, thereby renewing and purifying it.

The greener and brighter (I mean natural products) what you put in your mouth is better for your body. Chlorophyll, obtained from fresh greens, helps your cells regenerate, juicy natural fruits are sources of simple sugars and vitamins that charge you with energy and nutrients!

Next, you need to train yourself to make healthy choices. Choose not a trip to the cinema in the city center, but a trip out of town and walks in the fresh air, not a vacation in a city with a bad environment, but a vacation in places remote from progress, not buying a new TV/microwave oven/mobile phone, but buying flowers in pots for home or seed germination kit.

Detox is not just a diet, it's a lifestyle! Unfortunately, we live in a time when it is very difficult to isolate ourselves from the influence of the ecology of megacities, car emissions, factories and toxic substances that are used to process everything from agricultural products to air fresheners. Therefore, proper detoxification is a necessary part of life, and not a short-term fashionable hobby!

fitness instructor and personal nutrition consultant The first and main reason why I would not recommend a thorough detoxification for people who regularly go to the gym is the inevitable loss of muscle mass and weakening of the immune system due to a sharp refusal of protein foods. However, I don’t want to say that I encourage disordered eating, because physical activity brings benefits only in tandem with a balanced diet. No matter how environmentally friendly and harmless the products you consume are, if at least vegetable protein is not present in your menu, you will simply become weaker and, along with toxins and excess weight, you risk losing your health. You should approach the issue of detoxification thoughtfully (so as not to abandon what you started halfway), gradually cleansing all organs.

In order to smoothly transition to detox, I would recommend introducing bran into your diet. They have the same functions as fiber - being instantly absorbed, they facilitate the movement of food through the digestive tract. Bran, together with other foods that do not contain fiber, form a so-called “food lump” in the intestines. This “lump” is easily “pushed” forward by the regularly contracting intestinal walls, preventing foods from remaining in the digestive tract for a long time.

An example of a healthy diet for every day:

As soon as we wake up, drink 1 glass of warm acidified water with a spoonful of honey as a bite. Let's do morning exercises(yoga/stretching/pilates).

Breakfast (8–9 a.m.)

This can be oatmeal with nuts steamed in the evening (4 tbsp. Hercules + tbsp. water + 5 pcs. hazelnuts + 1 tsp. honey + 2 tbsp. milk), or bran With boiled egg and a glass of orange or celery juice (and it’s very tasty, believe me). We remember that you cannot drink while eating, you cannot wash down your food, only 20 minutes before and an hour or two after.

Snack (10–11 a.m.)

Afterwards you can eat an apple, preferably green, low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt.

Lunch (12–13 hours)

Drink 2 glasses of water, wait 20 minutes.

For lunch you can allow yourself carbohydrates, but only complex ones. For example:

– durum wheat pasta in tomato sauce;

– buckwheat with soy sauce;

– chicken or turkey with brown rice;

– oven-baked vegetables.

Depending on your taste, the main thing is not to fry anything and under no circumstances add salt, except just a little and already prepared dishes. After lunch, do not drink or eat for 2 hours.

Snack (14–15 hours)

Drink 2 glasses of water, wait 20 minutes.

If you are at home, you can cook, for example, baked apples.

Cut a green apple in half, remove the core, and sprinkle the halves with cinnamon. Pour some water into the bottom of the baking sheet, place the apple halves and place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15 minutes. Then sprinkle the apples with chopped nuts and pour honey. Eat hot.

When you don’t have time to cook, you can refresh yourself with fruit and vegetable juice or smoothies. If you don't like apples, you can replace them with your favorite fruits. The main thing is to enjoy them before dinner (fruits are also carbohydrates, and carbohydrates eaten in the afternoon are deposited on the sides).

Dinner (17–18 hours)

Drink 2 glasses of water, wait 20 minutes.

For dinner, our body needs something protein: if you are not very hungry, let it be cottage cheese or an omelet made from egg whites; if you want something more serious, cook chicken or turkey with vegetables in the oven/steam or in the form of steamed/baked cutlets.

After dinner, around seven in the evening, is a great time for sports. Gym, running, walking, strength exercises, cardio exercise - in a word, what you are used to doing. Drink plenty of water during training, but remember that after 20 hours it is advisable not to drink water - there will be swelling.

After you return from training, you can drink a glass of protein shake to restore your muscles, brush your teeth and go about your day. Your body will not require food, but if you want to chew something, know that it is #emotionalhunger. Don’t give in to temptation, but rather think about the delicious porridge that awaits you for breakfast! At first glance, this seems scary, but in fact, you get used to this diet very quickly and automatically begin to fantasize about new healthy flavor combinations for you. fresh salads and smoothies, thereby making your menu more varied and tastier. The most important thing is not to overeat at night, observe intervals between meals and water, and if possible, do not salt or fry what you eat.

Ecology of life: Our body is a system in which nature has inherent abilities for self-healing, healing and even rejuvenation. And it is in our strengths and interests to take care

Our body is a system in which nature has inherent abilities for self-healing, healing and even rejuvenation. And it is in our strengths and interests to take care of ourselves and maintain these processes, taking into account the modern environmental situation, the rhythm of life, stress and dietary habits.

The Detoxickate course is aimed at increasing the efficiency of the body's detoxification system. In addition to nutritional aspects, it addresses issues physical activity, teaches you to take care of yourself and maintain peace of mind. During the course, you will instill in yourself new healthy eating habits, develop food awareness, and eradicate cravings for unhealthy foods. The principles on which the course is based can be incorporated into the basis of your daily diet and are very comfortable to adhere to. As a bonus, you will learn how to easily and quickly prepare delicious and healthy dishes.

What is detox?

IN Lately the word “detox” has become very fashionable - it can be found everywhere: on food additives, food products, in the menu of cafes and restaurants. People often send me articles entitled “Detox is a Myth” or “Why You Don't Need a Detox” and ask me to comment on them.

Detox came to people from medicine. And here there is an expansion of the meaning of the term and its commercialization.

Detoxification (abbreviated detox) is the process of removing toxins from body tissues (primarily the kidneys and liver), which implies medical procedures, when toxic substances (aka toxins) are removed using chemical (for example, the use of antidotes) and mechanical (for example, dialysis) effects. Such methods are used in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction, as well as severe poisoning.

The term was borrowed from alternative medicine practitioners (naturopathy, manual therapy, homeopathy, etc.), whose specialists claim that toxins accumulate in our body (for example, in the liver, intestines, in fatty tissues) and literally poison our lives. They create inflammation, causing ailments and chronic diseases, and reduce immunity. They must be neutralized, released and removed using electrical and electromagnetic procedures, massage, as well as courses of taking herbal preparations.

Then the word “detox” was adopted by nutritionists, wellness consultants, as well as cardiologists and oncologists, and the concept entered the healthy lifestyle industry. The concept is this: modern eating habits and lifestyles contribute to the pollution of the body and do not provide enough nutrients necessary for its optimal functioning. This limits its ability to heal itself. You can help cleanse the body with the help of special nutrition and a set of procedures (massage, yoga, contrast shower, relaxation, physical exercise). In a broad sense, the task of detox is to eliminate excess and harmful things, provide what is missing, replenish energy, improve well-being and harmonize the functioning of body systems.

Close to the topic of detox is the concept of elimination diet - the elimination from the diet of foods that are poorly digestible, individually intolerable, or cause allergies. Also, hand in hand with detox go the concepts of clean eating - eating the simplest and freshest food possible, products not stuffed with chemicals, synthetics and preservatives (most factory products - be it cookies or sausages), as well as alkaline diet - which designed to act as an antioxidant, neutralizing harmful oxidation of the body, inflammation, and oncology.

When applied to the body as a whole, detoxification is a natural process that keeps it clean and promotes recovery. The detoxification system functions as a result of the harmonious and coordinated work of several systems (digestive, endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular, lymphatic, etc.). Recovery is a constant renewal, replenishment of cells, chemicals, energy, as well as neutralization and removal of cell waste products, harmful or useless substances that have entered the body from the outside. This process occurs continuously, supporting our vital functions.

The concept of periodically cleansing the body with the help of nutrition and additional procedures was not invented yesterday. Medicinal properties many plants, today proven by scientists, were known alternative medicine since ancient times, and the fasts were not so much of an esoteric nature as of a healing nature. They existed in order to give rest to the body's systems, and first of all, such large and energy-consuming ones as the digestive system - with the onset of hunger, the body has a wonderful opportunity to get rid of the toxins accumulated in it, freeing energy from the digestion process and directing it to self-healing. In addition, components of fasting such as solitude, abstinence from harmful thoughts and meditation help create mental balance and relaxation.

Why detox and not a diet

Many of us have allergies, chronic fatigue, headache, depression and drowsiness, grayish complexion, swelling, poor sleep, excess weight as a given. But often this is a consequence of overloading the body, and many of these ailments go away if you give your body proper, quality rest. For example, intestinal irritation caused by junk food can manifest itself with symptoms such as apathy, skin rash or irritability.

Nutrition plays a huge role in our life. With food we get energy and building material for tissues. Food has an impact on our well-being - both physical and mental, and on our appearance. Many of us tend to view food as a combination of calories, protein, fat and carbohydrates, and ignore the nutritional, allergenic, toxic and digestible aspects of food. We often have no idea what we personally tolerate worse or better. Most people have never had the chance to experience first-hand that eating habits can be changed. And there was also no chance to be convinced that the usefulness of the product is not a mythical elusive property, but something that can be measured by your well-being.

A diet that has only one goal - to lose weight, gain muscle mass, putting your skin in order, achieving better performance in sports - this is a careless attitude towards your body, an unreasonable waste of time and effort.

During the course, many reconsider their views on nutrition. The principles on which the course menu is based can be taken as the basis of your daily diet and adhere to them throughout your life. We tend to overestimate the role of discipline, including in matters of food. But the point is not to stubbornly force yourself into a regime. But it’s about developing the habit of doing things differently, with pleasure, understanding and enthusiasm.

A step towards health

A healthy lifestyle is a whole system certain actions aimed at maintaining excellent physical shape and mental balance. This includes eating healthy foods, diet, proper fluid intake, regular exercise, various health procedures, and much more.

No, friends, there is no such secret - so that you can eat everything and anyhow and be healthy, cheerful and complacent!

For many people, my detox course can be the first step to acquiring new habits. It is very convenient to act according to a clear plan and be guided by formulated and well-founded principles. For many, Detoxickate has already become a starting point in matters of nutrition, physical activity and attitude towards oneself.

You will receive tools that will enable you to activate your own detoxification system, which restores the body's ability to regenerate and heal itself.

Please note that the detoxification course is designed for healthy people who are regularly examined by a doctor and are aware of their health status.

How cleansing changes us

The results of the detox course shocked me at the time, and I am sure that you can achieve the same:

  • Getting rid of the habits of overeating sweets, abuse of caffeine, alcohol and flour;
  • Relief from swelling, headaches and stomach problems;
  • Weight loss and reduction in body volume;
  • Changing eating habits;
  • Increased energy and increased performance;
  • Improving the condition of skin and hair;
  • Clarity of consciousness and peace of mind - irritability and mood swings will disappear;
  • The ability to find sources of pleasure not only in food, but also in a huge number of things and activities;
  • Bonus: you will learn how to cook delicious healthy dishes (before it seemed to me that all healthy food- these are unleavened stewed vegetables);
  • Features of the Detoxickate program
  • the program is no less effective, but safer than juice fasting;
  • suitable for independent activities in your usual routine (work, sports, family chores, leisure);
  • adapted to the current situation on the food market in Russia - exotic ingredients are replaced in it with those familiar to us, based on their useful properties and qualities;
  • contains detailed grocery lists for each week, down to the number of carrots;
  • contains simple and delicious recipes, which will suit not only you, but also your loved ones;
  • does not exclude food of animal origin (a weekly Detoxickate Veg course has been developed for vegetarians and vegans);
  • does not exclude cereals and legumes;
  • does not involve concern about product compatibility;
  • does not involve fasting - the menu includes both liquid and solid nourishing dishes;
  • does not involve purchasing additional supplements or ordering meal kits;
  • suitable for people leading an active lifestyle(running, strength training).published

Natalya Marakhovskaya, founder of a detox juice company
2017-05-16 Views: 4 302 Grade: 5.0 Detox - therapeutic fasting and cleansing the body of toxins - will help you lose a couple of kilograms without harming your health. Such a healing procedure will not force you to give up your usual food for a long time, but it will push you to healthy image life, believes Natalya Marakhovskaya, founder of the detox juice production company Food SPA. There are dozens of myths about the detox diet: active supporters of such cleansing willingly share their results, and skeptical opponents are trying to debunk them and prove that it is completely ineffective. The human body actually has unique system cleansing, but over time it becomes more and more difficult for him to fight waste and toxins. At this moment he needs help. The key to success is a carefully selected program, proper preparation to the detox procedure and exit from it, as well as in compliance with all recommendations.

What is detox?

The most popular detox programs are based on freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits, filled with vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Other detox options include a diet of smoothies and vegetable soups - they energize and cleanse the body of toxins. Depending on the components, detox programs have a positive effect on various body systems. Therapeutic fasting can hardly be called exhausting: the duration of detox, as a rule, does not last more than one or two days and is required once a week or a couple of times a month. Thus, this system of cleansing the body does not have time to slow down the metabolism, as happens with a long-term diet based on the refusal of many foods when the body ultimately tries to “save” every calorie, and the lost pounds quickly return. Detox allows you to relieve the digestive system, and the stomach, which is constantly working and digesting food, receives temporary rest. As a result, the detox procedure leads to cell healing and rejuvenation, strengthening the immune system and losing weight. In one day of detox you can lose up to 1 kilogram of weight. And if after such fasting days do not throw yourself on cakes, sandwiches and pasta, then the weight is unlikely to return.

When should you use a detox?

Doctors, of course, will never give you an order: “It’s time to detox your body.” However, it is simply necessary to consult with doctors first; they will tell you how to ensure that the detox brings maximum benefit. Cleansing the body is especially necessary if you constantly feel tired, do not get enough sleep, despite long sleep, you are tormented by headaches, frequent infections and colds, and in the mirror you see a person with gray faces. Skin rashes also indicate problems with the internal environment of the body, especially digestive system. Detox is also recommended after holiday feasts, when we allow ourselves quite a lot junk food and alcohol, but at the same time we move little. However, even if there are no visible health problems, this does not mean that detox will not bring tangible benefits. Cleansing the body fills the whole body with energy, improves mood, improves the functioning of the immune and other systems. The detox procedure is useful even for children who experience serious mental and physical stress at school: they simply need a boost of energy during the day.

Who is detox contraindicated for?

Of course, before starting a detox program, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. Detox is undesirable for people:
  • Diabetic patients
  • With heart and kidney diseases,
  • With high acidity,
  • With disorders of the digestive system, pancreas and exacerbations of ulcers.
If your health problems are minor, doctors recommend diluting detox juices with water. The cleansing system assumes that during the day a person drinks only juices and water, and the day before he eats light food. vegetable soups, and the day after the detox does not eat heavy food. The correct selection of juices allows you to cleanse the liver and intestines, while other organs, including the blood, are cleansed on their own. The main thing is to listen to your body. And under no circumstances should you abuse these programs and put yourself on a strict juice diet more than once a week. Only a sense of proportion, as well as the correct entry into and exit from detox, that is, refusal the day before the program and the day after it from fried, smoked and animal products, will bring proper results.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


It is important not so much to go on a diet as to cleanse the intestines correctly and in a timely manner, ridding it of intoxication products - poisons, toxins, wastes. The dietary effect will not linger. Detox cleansing of the body, which provides radical changes in appearance, excellent health of a losing weight person.

What is detox

To lose weight, it is important to regulate the body's metabolic processes at the cellular level. Detox is effective fight with the results of holiday overeating and a passive lifestyle. The proposed nutrition course is designed for 3-5 days, and is allowed to be carried out at home without harm to health. Fasting is possible, since certain adjustments will have to be made to the daily menu.

Detox programs

If you are overweight, you should not hesitate. The selected Detox program will help you finally get rid of problem areas, become lighter, cleanse your digestive organs, and improve the condition of your skin, hair, and nails. Since harmful elements accumulate in the body, the fat burning system is today the optimal solution at any age in the absence of contraindications. When choosing detox principles, it is recommended to pay attention to the following areas:

  1. Fasting on vegetable broth. Take the indicated liquid 150 ml three times a day, while Herb tea and water is allowed to be consumed in unlimited portions. The duration of this program is 4 days.
  2. Water fasting. The most complex nutrition program, which has certain medical restrictions. There will be an effect, but such a detox diet is not suitable for everyone who wants to lose weight quickly and productively.
  3. Juice detox. In the morning, afternoon and evening, you can only drink fruit juices and cocktails, and prepare smoothies. Nutritionists recommend diluting the diet with vegetable ingredients, since fruits contain large amounts of sugar. You can dilute the menu with vegetable salads.
  4. Vegan detox. The basis of the diet is plant foods and several liters of water. Cleansing is effective if the program is followed for 7 to 21 days. Such experiments should not be carried out during pregnancy.
  5. Detox with steamed vegetables. About fatty, spicy, sweet and fried foods and it’s better to forget their recipes right away. The best way food processing - steamed, while the range of permitted ingredients is negotiated individually.

Hair detox

If the strands are particularly oily, you need to choose a therapeutic cosmetic mask to regulate the production of sebum by the glands of the scalp. In order not to look for time-tested recipes, it is recommended to use Hair Detox - a procedure that has been relevant for many years. Its essence is detoxification, it provides for superficial or deep cleansing to choose from. According to trichologists, the detox is suitable for all hair types and has the following features:

  1. This procedure acts as a scrub and regulates the functioning of the glands. internal secretion, removes dust, silicone, cosmetics and other pests from the hair structure.
  2. Shampoo supports hair follicles in good shape, promotes their intensive growth. Detoxifier does not have side effects, therefore, the therapeutic effect is observed on hair of different structures.
  3. It is necessary to conduct 5-7 sessions to notice real changes from the detox procedure - there will be no more questions about what it is.

Detox for face

Masks for sensitive dermis are very popular and have a minimum side effects. Facial detox is no less popular, as it helps remove toxins and waste from the deep layers of the dermis. Such toxic substances accumulate excess water in their structure, which contributes to the formation of wrinkles on the face and age spots on the body. The procedure is complex, and it is not always possible to carry it out at home. It is better to contact a professional cosmetologist.

Detox at home

If you decide to conduct a session at home, the main rule is to read the instructions for properly preparing the mask, exclude increased sensitivity epidermis. The reviews are positive, the selection of cosmetics for the face and body is huge. A home detox depends on your desired results.

  1. If you need to lose weight, your diet for 3-7 days is limited to low-calorie foods and sufficient fluid intake.
  2. If you want to cleanse your skin, you should carry out 5-7 cosmetic procedures. According to reviews, home activities also effectively cleanse sensitive skin.
  3. If we are talking about problematic scalp, brittle hair, detox is the word that can save a once dull and lifeless hairstyle. Prices for drugs vary.