The benefits of goose fat and methods of application. What is goose fat used for? Properties of goose fat and its application

Once geese saved Rome - this story is known to everyone. But few people know how useful goose fat is. the site decided to fill this gap and today talks about it in detail.

Composition of goose fat

The practice of using goose fat came to us from the distant past, but the new is, as a rule, the well-forgotten old. Therefore, we are currently successfully using the recipes of our great-grandmothers, supplementing them with the therapy recommended by doctors.

Goose fat as medicine

Given the ability of goose fat to strengthen a weakened immune system, it is often recommended. with colds. Here is one of the simple effective recipes: honey, cocoa powder, aloe juice and goose fat are mixed in equal proportions. The mixture is heated, then diluted one teaspoon in a glass of warm milk and taken twice a day.

With broncho-pulmonary diseases accompanied by cough, take 100 g of honey, goose fat and vodka, insist for one week in a dark and cool place, after which they take an infusion of one teaspoon daily.

For burns and frostbite you can rub goose fat on damaged areas of the skin twice a day, this significantly speeds up healing. But in case of a burn, it is recommended to wait a couple of days to reduce the pain reaction.

For the treatment of purulent skin diseases you need to mix 115 g of goose fat and 20 g of powdered oak bark. This mixture is applied to the affected areas of the skin, covered with a layer of cellophane and fixed with a bandage. The compress is left for one hour, then gently washed off with warm water.

For weeping eczema it is very good to use a mixture of 2/3 goose fat and 1/3 fir oil. It should be applied to the sore spot two to three times a day, covered with compress paper and fixed with a bandage or plaster. The course of treatment usually lasts about 2-3 weeks.

During the autumn-winter depression associated with a decrease in daylight hours, the withering of nature and a lack of vitamins, it is also recommended to use goose fat in moderate doses, since it is natural antidepressant and able to get rid of chronic fatigue, normalize sleep and generally improve mood.

Even with thrombophlebitis goose fat can help - you just need to combine goose fat and the juice of the Kalanchoe plant in a ratio of 2: 1, place in a dark glass dish and apply on the skin of the legs overnight, covering with polyethylene.

Goose fat as a cosmetic

Experienced cosmetologists know that it is goose fat that is part of those cosmetics that are intended to combat premature skin aging. In addition, the use of goose fat inside in small quantities (no more than one teaspoon per day) significantly improves the condition of hair and nails.

Goose fat - all about this magical remedy

External use of goose fat, among other things, whitens the skin and saves from cracks in the corners of the mouth. And if you add a drop of this fat to your regular face and hand cream in the cold season, you can protect delicate skin from frost and wind.

We offer several recipes for cosmetic masks that you can prepare at home:

Mask for tender lips: take 19 petals of wild rose or red garden rose, grind into a pulp and combine with a tablespoon of goose fat. Apply the mixture on the lips 3-4 times a week at night.

Nourishing mask for dry skin: mix 25 g of goose fat and 2.5 g of camphor oil, apply the mixture on the face, rinse with warm, then cool water after 20 minutes.

Goose fat has long been on the list of useful products that are used by traditional medicine to treat various diseases. It not only warms in cold weather and improves skin condition, but is also able to get rid of serious ailments. All this is due to the useful substances and nutrients contained in it. Let us consider in more detail the properties and use of goose fat in the areas of human life.

Chemical composition

The composition of goose fat includes such useful components:

  • fatty acid(normalize the water balance of the body; increase the permeability of lipids, which allows cosmetic components to penetrate the skin faster; promote the healing of damaged skin);
  • selenium(regulates metabolism, in particular, the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates; improves the absorption of iodine);
  • cholesterol(acts as the basis of cells, regulates their permeability; takes part in the accumulation of vitamin D);
  • vitamin E(activates the body's immune response; synthesizes collagen; protects cells from damage).

Important! The calorie content of this product is 900 kcal.

The healing properties of goose fat

Goose fat is a natural healing product. It is widely used in folk medicine thanks to these properties:

  • easily absorbed by the body;
  • has a warming effect;
  • renews cells;
  • strengthens defensive forces organism;
  • promotes the rapid penetration of nutrients into the skin.

Indications for use: what treats

Medicinal characteristics goose fat make it indispensable tool in the treatment of both minor ailments and gynecological diseases, respiratory system, skin. According to some reports, it has the ability to destroy cancerous tumors.
The product is used in such cases:

  • with problems with the lungs (inflammation, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis);
  • with skin damage (burns, frostbite, eczema, psoriasis);
  • with gynecological diseases (infertility, erosion);
  • for the treatment of prostatitis;
  • with problems with the legs (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, muscle pain);
  • with hemorrhoids;
  • for the treatment of diabetes;
  • with a cold.

Important! Goose fat has long been used to relieve hangovers. Before a meal, it is enough to drink one spoonful of the remedy to reduce the negative effect of alcohol on the body and reduce its absorption into the blood.

How to use goose fat

goose fat is universal remedy, which is widely used not only in medicine, but also for cosmetic purposes, in culinary delights, in everyday life.

In folk medicine

Goose fat can cure a variety of diseases.

Did you know? Each person, on average, gains 1 gram of excess fat per day.

For cosmetic purposes

Cosmetologists use the healing properties of goose fat for face, body and hair care. It perfectly smoothes small wrinkles, eliminates dry skin, heals small wounds. Cosmetics based on this component have positive influence and restores beauty and freshness female body. Goose lard can be added to regular skin care creams.

AT pure form fat can be used for such cosmetic purposes:

  • For hands. Regularly at night, the brushes are lubricated with lard. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin, heals scratches and cracks, makes hands soft and tender.
  • For face. A daily light facial massage using goose fat helps to get rid of dry skin. Express mask for 15 minutes from this product regenerates cells and has a healing effect on the face. After such procedures, the number of wrinkles is reduced, and the face looks young and healthy.
  • For lips. Masks of fat and rose petals are applied overnight on the lips. 2-3 procedures per week are enough to keep lips always moist and not cracked.
  • For hair. To make the hair thick and strong, it is recommended to tone it with goose lard. The product is heated to a liquid state and rubbed along the entire length of the hair. A towel is put on the head and they walk like this for 10 minutes, after which they are washed off with running water.

In cooking

Goose fat is used not only for the manufacture of medical and cosmetic preparations, but also for the preparation of culinary dishes. This product is most widely used in French cuisine. It is used to create various sauces, chicken and goose pâtés, roast meat products, and sauté vegetables.

A quality product should be white-golden in color, without dark brown spots. Due to the fact that there are no artificial additives in lard, cooking on it is good for health. In addition, it has a delicate aroma and gives the dishes a spicy taste.

Important! The main thing is not to abuse this product. He contains a large number of lipids, which means that it is very high in calories and can cause excess weight.

At home

At home, goose fat is used to protect shoes from water and moisture. To do this, leather shoes are rubbed with lard using a special sponge. To improve the effect, shoes can be pre-heated with a hair dryer, and then rubbed thoroughly. After such a procedure, raindrops will simply flow down the shoes and not be absorbed by the surface.

Harm and side effect

Goose fat is considered a useful product without side effects. However, it should be taken with caution in people suffering from chronic diseases. Cholesterol in its composition in large quantities is harmful to health.
Despite the fact that this is the main material for building the cells of the human body, while cholesterol in large quantities tends to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels and create so-called plaques. The latter, in turn, block the blood flow and contribute to the formation of blood clots, increasing the risk of a heart attack. Therefore, using goose fat in cooking, you should always follow the measure.


This product has no direct contraindications. This is one of its main advantages.

There are just a few caveats to taking it:

  • Lard contains fatty acids that oxidize in the sun and become harmful to health. In this regard, it is not recommended to apply products based on goose fat before going outside in the heat.
  • The calorie content of the product provides for moderate use by people who are prone to fullness.
  • If your blood cholesterol is high, it is better to consult your doctor before use.

The product is not recommended for children under 3 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

Did you know? Fat cells are able to live for another 10 years after the death of a person.

Procurement of raw materials

Proper harvesting of raw materials will ensure the right consistency of the product for use in different purposes.

How to melt

In order to prepare lard, the whole goose is collected subcutaneous fat, cut it into small pieces of 1.5-2 cm in diameter and put in a heat-resistant container. The contents are put on the stove and slowly brought to a boil over low heat for about half an hour.

The resulting mass is filtered through a sieve, drained into a glass jar, covered with parchment paper on top, tied up and placed in a cold place (refrigerator or cellar).

How to use

Fat is taken in liquid form, depending on the purpose. Most often, no more than one tablespoon is consumed at a time. Many recipes include the ability to dilute lard in a glass of warm milk for better absorption.

How to store

The prepared lard for everyday needs is stored in a glass dish in the refrigerator. The prepared but not used product is recommended to be packed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer. It is better to store blanks for a long period in a plastic container in the freezer. Such a product retains its medicinal properties for three years.

Healing recipes

In folk medicine, goose fat recipes are very popular for the treatment of diseases of various etiologies. This product is effective both in the form of ointments and in the form of infusions.

From cough

For coughs, diseases of the bronchi and lungs, a special infusion is prepared.


  • honey - 100 g;
  • lard - 100 g;
  • vodka - 100 g.
All components are mixed in a container and placed in a cool dark place for a week. The finished product is taken every day in a teaspoon until the cough disappears completely. It is recommended to store the medicine in the refrigerator.

Syrup can be combined with rubbing the chest. To do this, you need to make an ointment based on goose fat and wax. The components are taken in a ratio of 4:1. The wax must be melted before mixing. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the chest area, bypassing the heart. The compress is done at night. To enhance the effect, they are wrapped on top with a downy scarf or a warm scarf.

People from time immemorial had to use improvised means for treatment. Among them, products of animal origin stand out as a separate group. They began to forget about their medicinal properties, giving preference to modern medicine. Watching their appearance, an increasing percentage of people are trying to limit themselves to eating fatty and high-calorie foods or completely eliminate them from their diet. However, the disadvantages of such an unbalanced diet are manifested by the opposite effect - in the form of deterioration appearance, violations of the immune system and the functionality of the body as a whole.

What does it represent?

Goose fat is a product of natural origin obtained by melting goose fat. This is one of the most saturated and vitamin-rich fats (a whole complex of B, E, A, D, K, H, PP vitamins). It includes many vitamins and essential saturated fatty acids: myristic, arachidonic, oleic, stearic, palmitoleic, omega-3 and omega-9 acids. It also contains minerals: zinc, copper, selenium, magnesium, sodium. It does not contain cholesterol, so it is indispensable in cooking. In 100 gr. pure fat contains 900 kcal.

Application area

Used in traditional and folk medicine. Due to its low cholesterol content and excellent taste, it is widely used in cooking.

In cooking, cosmetology and therapy, the use of goose lard is most convenient. This is melted fat. It has a melting point equal to the temperature of the human body. It has a butter-like consistency and blends easily with any food.


For many centuries, with its help, diseases were cured and used for such ailments:

  • bronchopulmonary;
  • rheumatic;
  • psoriasis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diseases of the female reproductive and reproductive system;
  • tuberculosis;
  • for colds, for the treatment of coughs;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • skin rashes.

Goose fat is also indicated for metabolic disorders, digestive problems.

Goose fat can have such a wide spectrum of action due to its properties:

  • strengthening and stimulating immunity;
  • has a warming and wound-healing effect;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • dissolves tumors;
  • has an effect on cancers;
  • displays toxic substances from the body;
  • softens the skin.

In the human body, polyunsaturated acids (which are part of goose fat) perform the following functions:

  • Plastic (building new cells and tissues).
  • Source of energy resources to ensure the reactivity of functional processes.
  • accumulates nutrients and water.
  • Regulates temperature.
  • Controls the work of the reproductive, cardiovascular, hormonal systems.

Where can I buy?

You can buy goose fat for your needs in pharmacies, shops alternative medicine, special farms, online stores. But such a product will not be of high quality. The conditions of its manufacture will also be questionable. Therefore, it is better to immediately go to the market and purchase goose lard from sellers selling bird carcasses.

When buying, opt for lard yellow color without foreign unpleasant odors. If you want to remove fat for long-term storage, place it in the freezer in a plastic bag or container. Such storage will extend the shelf life by 1 year. A product prepared for frequent use should be stored in an airtight container. So the product may not deteriorate for 8 months.

Contraindications and restrictions on use

Goose fat has no contraindications and side effects, there are only a few caveats. It is considered quite safe and hypoallergenic.

  1. Do not use it for people with individual intolerance and in acute and chronic pathologies liver; sick diabetes; persons with disorders of the pancreas and obese; women during pregnancy and breastfeeding; children up to 3 years old.
  2. For outdoor use, there are several restrictions. Do not apply products to the surface of the skin when exposed to direct sun rays, as fatty acids are oxidized and toxins are formed. It is recommended to use fat in the evening or lubricate areas of the skin inaccessible to the sun.
  3. Overweight or obese people should consume this high-calorie product in moderation. Especially when combined with aloe, as this mixture will increase appetite.
  4. If cholesterol is elevated, then a doctor's consultation will be useful.


  1. Cough rubs. Heat goose lard and mix with melted wax in a ratio of 4:1. Rub the back with the resulting therapeutic mixture with massage movements. chest. It is not necessary to smear the heart area! For the best effect, the procedure is carried out before bedtime. After rubbing, you need to drink tea, wrap yourself warmly, try to fall asleep.
  2. For a cough compress, it is necessary to prepare 0.5 kg of a product of goose origin and 0.1 kg of garlic. Chop the garlic cloves (can be squeezed out with a garlic press), mix with fat and heat in a steam bath. Apply to chest and back. From above, insulate with a woolen or downy scarf. Carry out the procedure for another 5 days.
  3. For the treatment of frostbite. You can immerse limbs in warm water and gradually add more hot, this will return the previous sensitivity. Then wipe the frostbitten area, dry it and treat it with melted fat (this therapy is carried out 3 times a day), and a compress can be applied at night.
  4. For the treatment of burns. This recipe is used at the healing stage. Coat the affected area with fat and apply a bandage. Once a day, it is necessary to replace the fat with a new one. Leave the bandage until the wound heals.
  5. Ointment will help to cure psoriasis own cooking. For this, 3 tbsp. l. goose lard mixed with 1 tbsp. l. crushed soapwort root. Mix both ingredients and apply to the infected area. From such medicinal product there will be no allergies. The result is even better than from many purchased ointments.
  6. From tuberculosis. A special remedy will alleviate the symptoms. Take all the ingredients in 100 gr.: cocoa powder, natural honey, lard, aloe juice. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. Use 3 times a day according to Art. l. Drink warm milk. If applied for several months, it increases the body's defenses and stops inflammation.
  7. With thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. It is necessary to prepare a mixture of goose lard and Kalanchoe juice in a ratio of 2: 1. Mix and place in a cool place. After a few days, the ointment is ready for use. Apply daily to problem areas. Preferably overnight. Continue treatment until recovery.
  8. Lotions are used to treat hemorrhoidal formations. 100 gr. mix goose fat and crushed dried calendula flowers, heat for 30 minutes in a steam bath and strain through a sieve. Moisten the cloth with the rest. Apply to the affected area before bed. Continue treatment for another 10 days.
  9. For the treatment of chronic wounds (with purulent discharge), a composition of 115 gr. powder oak bark and 20 gr. fat. Mix everything until the consistency of the ointment and apply on the wound. Then wrap in cellophane and secure with a bandage. Remove the bandage after an hour. This secret recipe was borrowed from Korean folk healers, great wound healers.
  10. You can fight a hangover syndrome by drinking 1 tsp. goose fat before taking strong drinks. It envelops the gastric mucosa, slowing down the penetration of alcohol into the bloodstream.
  11. Ointment with pepper for rhinitis (runny nose). In 50 ml of melted lard add 1 tsp. red ground pepper. Stir the mixture until smooth, pour into a clean jar with a tight lid and put in a cool place. At primary signs rhinitis, rub the heels, wear woolen socks on top without fail. The ointment has a warming effect.
  12. Against lymphadenitis (inflammatory process cervical lymph nodes) caused by tonsillitis or tonsillitis. Make an ointment by mixing 110 gr. natural honey and fat. Enter into the 90gr. cocoa and 15 gr. aloe juice. Stir the ointment. Transfer to bank. Take with an inflammatory condition of the lymph nodes no more than 1 tbsp. l with a glass of boiled milk.
  13. For the treatment of ulcers. 150 gr. crushed propolis mixed with 1 kg. lard. This composition is heated to 90 degrees. And wait another 10 minutes. Then filter all this and take 2 tbsp. l. once a day. Store in a cool place.

Application in cosmetology

There will never be cracks and dryness on the hands if they are lubricated with lard. This procedure softens, moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the hands. Such care is applicable to the skin of the face and lips. In this case, the fat should be applied before going to bed. Remove excess after 15 minutes. Carrying out such an event has a positive effect on the regeneration processes and eventually reduces the number of wrinkles. By covering the lips with a protective film, it helps to protect their surface from cracking and dryness. It is used as a balm, especially necessary during walks in the autumn-winter period.

To keep the skin of the face from exposure to cold in the winter, it is enough to lubricate it periodically with goose fat cream-mask. Preparation means: 5 gr. camphor oil mixed with 50 gr. fat. Apply to the skin for 20 minutes, remove any excess and wash your face. During this time, the required amount of fat will be absorbed into the skin and prevent frostbite.

The same cream recipe helps weak, split and damaged hair. They smear the roots, rubbed into the skin. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

To restore a healthy look to your hair, you need to warm up 2 liters. fatty product on a steam bath. And rub into the roots of the hair, evenly distributing between the strands. Wrap your head for half an hour. Wash your head. For best results, rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile.

Goose fat is easily digested, when moving from one state to another, even when frozen and heated, it does not lose its properties. healing properties. It is of natural origin and wide application in various areas of life. It is easy to purchase and use. It has so many useful properties that it can be useful for any age category. An important plus is a long shelf life.

Video: goose fat - a powerful remedy

A modern person, when he hears the word "lard", with horror imagines an unhealthy product that has nothing to do with in a healthy way life. But everything is not as scary as it seems, and goose fat has long been used in folk medicine as a natural medicine.

"Olive oil" among animal fats

It is not surprising that goose fat - best product from goose. It is also sometimes called " olive oil among animal fats. It consists of 2/3 unsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial for health, as opposed to saturated ones.

Benefit natural remedy known for a long time - it is widely used in pharmaceutical industry as part of medicinal ointments. In folk medicine, it is added to honey, to tea to treat coughs and other respiratory diseases.

Main active ingredients

The healing properties (as well as contraindications) of goose fat are due to its chemical composition.

It is characterized by an optimal content of essential fatty acids:

  • oleic acid - helps lower cholesterol, prevents the development of diabetes, ophthalmic diseases;
  • linoleic acid (omega-6) - slows down the growth of adipose tissue, lowers cholesterol, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension;
  • linolenic acid (omega-3) - is necessary for most processes in the human body, the proper functioning of the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system.

How to heat?

Consider 2 ways to melt goose fat at home.

1st method - heating in a saucepan

Before drowning out useful product, lard 1-2 days hold in the refrigerator - it will be easier to cut. Cut it into small pieces (1x1 cm), put it in a saucepan with a thick bottom (not aluminum, it is better to use enameled dishes), add a little water so that the fat does not burn, put it to heat.

When the water boils, start stirring. Don't drown too much high temperature! The heating time depends on the amount of fat in the pan.
As soon as the fat stops making noise, it means that all the water has evaporated. Select liquid fat into a separate bowl.

2nd method - heating in a microwave oven

When heating in the microwave, the process is simpler.

  • Cut the lard into cubes approximately 1x1 cm;
  • put it in a dish designed for use in the microwave;
  • turn on the microwave at maximum performance, heat the lard for about 8-10 minutes;
  • you have slightly golden cracklings (leave them to stand for about 5 minutes);
  • select liquid fat in a separate saucepan.

The color of goose fat after solidification is yellowish. Since the unsaturated fatty acids contained in it are more susceptible to oxidative changes, it is important to comply temperature regime during storage.

There are two ways to store the product:

  1. Stored in the refrigerator for several months.
  2. In the freezer - shelf life up to 1 year.

The finished product can be used in cooking (for potatoes, bread…) and for the treatment of a wide range of diseases.

For women

What is the use of melted goose fat for women? Myoma and erosion are the 2 main diseases in which natural product used in gynecology.

Fats of animal origin are human body benefit if used correctly.

Today, the therapeutic effect of animal fats and, in particular, goose fats has been forgotten, but in the time of our grandparents, with the help of this remedy, they alleviated the patient's condition and even cured him.

In severe winter colds, the skin, lubricated with goose fat, remained soft and smooth, without chapping or cracking. These and others useful properties The product owes its composition.

Composition and benefits

Goose fat stands out among other fats of animal origin in that it contains the most vitamins and beneficial components.

The composition is rich in saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and it is precisely their deficiency that the human body experiences.

Currently, the lack of animal fats is observed in women who, in pursuit of fashionable diets, refuse meat, butter and other high-calorie and nutritious foods, and thereby deprive themselves of useful substances.

If the body lacks omega-3 acid, then sooner or later there are failures in metabolic processes.

Outwardly, this manifests itself:

  • dry and flaky skin,
  • brittle nails,
  • falling hair (read about the healing properties of tar soap on the page),
  • poor digestion,
  • a person is often irritated for no reason;
  • flows into depressive states, his nervous system depleted.

Goose fat is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and with constant use replenishes its deficiency in the body.

In addition to it, the product contains many other acids:

  • linoleic and oleic,
  • stearic and myristic.

Goose fat is just a storehouse chemical elements. It contains:

  • copper and magnesium
  • selenium and sodium
  • zinc and other minerals.

B vitamins, tocopherol, PP - this is not the whole list of vitamins that make up goose fat.

Fat is melted from the subcutaneous layer and connective tissues of geese.

Naturalness is one of the main advantages this product. Our ancestors used it to combat:

Useful composition of fat:

  • strengthens immunity (),
  • heals wounds,
  • has the ability to warm.

Residents Ancient China it is known for certain that goose fat:

  • cleanses the body of harmful substances,
  • stops the growth of tumors and splits them.


Goose fat is mined for use in two directions:

  • medical and cosmetic.

As mentioned above, this product is used to treat various diseases. Among which:

  • cold;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • cervical erosion.

Goose fat treats open wounds and lubricates burns.

AT cosmetic purposes it is used as a skin cream. Thanks to the action of the product, the skin receives nutrients and is moisturized.


  • flabbiness (it is written about the use of almond oil in cosmetology),
  • dryness (read about the benefits and harms of grape seed oil on the page),
  • small cracks (in cosmetology),
  • wrinkles(),
  • strengthens the protection of the skin.

Goose fat is also used as a hair mask. which stimulates their growth. Especially, it is useful for early balding men and women.

Folk recipes

Today, goose fat is sold in pharmacies and markets, but, if desired, you can make it yourself.

If you follow the rules and dosages, then the fat will have a slightly golden hue.

A high-quality and properly stored product does not have a specific smell, and its consistency is homogeneous.

Homemade goose fat can be used for various diseases. Consider the basic recipes.

From cough

To get rid of cough apply rubbing and compresses.

Slightly heated fat is combined with liquid wax, in the calculation:

  • four servings of fat for one serving of wax.

The mixture is rubbed on the chest and back, bypassing the region of the heart.. It is best to do rubbing with massage movements, without pressing hard.

The procedure is carried out at night, after which the patient should immediately drink warm tea and go to bed, hiding as warmly as possible.

For the compress you will need:

The mixture is applied to the chest and back, a woolen scarf is tied on top.

The best time for the procedure is just before bedtime.

Compresses are applied for 5 days in a row.

Frostbite and burns

The frostbitten place is smeared with liquid goose fat until three times a day, and before going to bed they also apply a compress.

It is not difficult to cure a burn if you put fat on it and cover it with a bandage.

In the evening, change the fat to a new one, but do not remove the bandage until the wound is completely healed.

In winter, to protect the skin from the cold, goose fat is smeared on the nose and cheeks. To do this, you must first melt it and make a mask:

Fat is absorbed into skin covering and, further, protects it from frostbite.

The same recipe is suitable for the treatment of weakened, injured and dry hair.

The mask is applied to the hair at the roots, rubbing it into the skin, kept for half an hour and washed off.

For psoriasis

They get rid of it with an ointment, which is prepared as follows:

  • goose fat (3 tablespoons) is combined with soapwort root, finely crushed (1 tablespoon);
  • everything is mixed well and, periodically, applied to the affected areas.

This ointment does not cause any harm, does not cause allergies, and in terms of medicinal properties it is even better than some pharmacy ones.

For eczema

For its treatment, a mixture of goose fat and fir oil is made at a ratio of 2: 1.

The injured areas are smeared with a thick layer several times a day, and before going to bed they are applied and covered with a bandage.

Treatment continues for 10-20 days.

Against tuberculosis

Symptoms can be reduced with the following remedy:

  • aloe juice,
  • goose fat,
  • cocoa powder,
  • honey - everything is combined together (everything is 100 grams each).
    A well-mixed mixture is eaten 2-3 times a day in a tablespoon, washed down with warm milk.
    The course of treatment is several months.
    The medicine improves immunity and stops the process of inflammation in the lungs.

Help for vessels

Actively fights against thrombophlebitis and varicose veins vein mixture, based on goose fat and juice of the Kalanchoe plant.

To prepare it, you need:

After a few days, the ointment will be ready.
It is applied to the affected areas before going to bed every day.
Treatment until recovery.

You won’t look yourself and you won’t show others - hemorrhoids

To eliminate it, make lotions. For their preparation:

  • goose fat (100 grams),
  • crushed dried calendula florets,
  • to mix,
  • heat in a water bath for half an hour,
  • pass through gauze.

The rest is blotted with a clean cotton pad or gauze and left overnight.
The course of treatment is 10 days.
Gynecological problems are solved in the same way, but after one course they take a break for 10 days, and conduct a second course.

Then rest again, and the third course.

From old wounds

If due to diseases on the skin formed festering wounds, a mixture of goose fat and oak bark powder will help.

  1. Fat will need 115 grams, oak bark - 20 grams.
  2. Everything is mixed, then in the form of an ointment is applied to the skin.
  3. From above, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body must be wrapped with cellophane, then with a bandage.
  4. Remove the bandage after an hour.

This recipe appeared in folk medicine, thanks to Korean healers, who have long learned to draw out pus in this way.


You can alleviate the hangover syndrome if you drink a teaspoon of goose fat before drinking strong drinks.

It has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa, enveloping it.

Harmful substances are removed from the body.

Harm and contraindications

There are many animal fats, but only goose fat is practically safe for humans.

Mothers who are breastfeeding, women in position and children who are under three years old, goose fat is relatively contraindicated.

It is undesirable to take the remedy inside for people with liver problems, especially with diseases of chronic and acute forms.

External use is not harmful to human health. Of course, if you follow the necessary sanitary rules and adhere to personal hygiene standards after the procedure.

How powerful medicinal properties has goose fat you will learn while watching the video.